Brandy from Russian names. Foreign brandy, like real Russian

“They chime in on odia, see off for the mind” - you know the saying! Find out for yourself: what is the meaning of the brand of speech for you, how do you buy? For more people, including me. I big is ready to pay more pennies for the brand.

We sounded like that foreign goods"better, more prestigious," that we try to buy only them. However, not all "inozemni" brandies are foreign! I know this article on the Internet. Original article.

It so happened that imported brandy (read goods) mi, rosіyani, love more. We are given that the stench is better for the yakistyu, that the stench is better. And looking back at the common originality of our mentality, fighting for our respect and supporting our stereotypes, we see the brandy of the "inozemnoy" adventure in Russia. We present a large collection of these flip-flops on the Internet.


The Japanese AKAI itself is not represented on the Russian market; As a position for yourself today, the Japanese brand AKAI, which you sell to yourself in Russian stores, was registered in Russia in 2002 by the Akai Universal company and cannot be legally referred to a Japanese one-name company. Formerly, the Russian brand AKAI was repurchased and fought for a lot of Russian and foreign companies, the middle ones and M-Video. For tsіkavostі: the Japanese AKAI itself is the first wine, or more precisely, having patented, the remote control remote care and the TV menu screen. Ale, before our AKAI, this wine cannot be changed.


BORK, perhaps, the first one, who, having shaken our knowledge, we recognized that the "German" could be viroblyat in China on the promise of Russian enterprises. To that, about this brand, let’s say it’s not good: just those who are Russian wines, who don’t change our honor to the new. Ale, read on. There is still so richly colored cicada and unsophisticated.

3. ALtheBA

ALtheBA Vigadav Oleksandr Bajer. The name was adopted from the letters of the name AL and the nickname BA. Vzuttya viroblyaetsya in Russia and China. There is no way to reach Italy. There are no such stores in Italy and Europe.

4. Carlo Pazolini

The successful brand Carlo Pazolini was invented by Illey Reznik in Russia in 1991. Yakіsne vzuttya shiєtsya in Portugal and China. The main brand is just right, which is the name of 50 stores under the same brand in the USA and Europe.

5 Camelot

Camelot is a new Russian brand. We make copies of models from expensive brands Grinders, DrMartens and Shellys in China.

6. Carnaby and Chester

Carnaby and Chester were created by Russian undertakings and no longer take their Russian trip.

7. Bagbier

The deputy of the Bagbier brand is Ivan Bagnyuk (whose name in the name of the beer is “Bag…”), the manager of the Omsk brewery “Rossar”, de vono and viroblyayetsya.

8. Elenberg

Elenberg is a brand of "Eldorado" brand.

9. Erich Krause

The Erich Krause brand belongs to the Office of the Premier company, registered by Dmitry Beloglazov in 1994. Products are produced in Moscow at the Polygraphics factory and in Yoshkar-Oli at the Premier Plast factory.

10 Faberlic

The author of the cosmetic brand Faberlic was Oleksiy Nechaev and Oleksandr Davankov. In 1997, the stinks fell asleep the Russian Line company, which later was renamed Faberlic cosmetics. Today this brand is successful in Russia and in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, the Baltic countries, Romania, Ugorshchina and Nimechchina. Bagatom and do not fall into a thought absolutely Russian cob which brand.

11 Finn Flare

Kseniya Ryasova, head of the Finn Flare brand. Design studio near Moscow. Clothes are worn by China, accessories - by Vietnam.

12 Frau Schmidt

Frau Schmidt inventions in Russia in 2007 roci. The author of the idea of ​​a straight line brand of butovo chemistry is Olena Shmidt, a key partner of the Pharmonics company. Verniy head of the author of the brand buve the fact that stench propagated the market not for universal cleaning, but miyuchy zasib, but specialized. Products are distributed in Russia, manufactured in Europe.

13. Gipfel

Like a lot of goods here, the Gipfel brand encourages us to get the best products, the logo says Gipfel Germany or Gipfel Belgium. That's why Gipfel GmbH was registered in 2003 in Germany on ... not a well-known German name Agababayev. Gipfel in Belgium is registered on the not known Belgian name Karpov. Anatoly Evgenovich. Behind deakim dzherelami - that very champion of the world of shakhiv. Website for the brand in registrations on Yuri M. Isaev. Sellers at stores don't get it because all products are shipped from China.

14. Grand di Pasta and Grand di Oliva

"Italian" products under the brands Grand di Pasta and Grand di Oliva are offered at the address: Chelyabinsk, the settlement of Melkombinat No. 2 Open joint stock company "Makfa".

15. Greenfield

Greenfield is owned by the St. Petersburg tea company TOV "Orimi-trade", which produces a sprat of branded tea, including under the brands "Princess Nuri", "Princess Java", "Princess Candi" and "Princess Gita". Crimea English name that English trip, nothing matches Greenfield's England.

16. Curtis

In reference to the Greenfield brand under "Orimi Trade" "May Tea Company" created the Curtis brand (called Curtis & Patridge on the back, but under such collapsible and invisible names "not pishov").

17. Gulliver

The Russian company of children's clothes and toys Gulliver, registered in 1997 at ZAT Trade House Gulliver and Co.

18. Joss

Joss is a powerful brand sportswear and accessories of the "Sportmeister" brand. Viroblyayetsya in China.

19. Kaiser

Kaiser inventions in the 90s by Pavel Loginov. Viroblyayetsya in Poland and China. Performances with the slogan "Nimetska by-butov technique”, but not in Nіmechchinі, and for some reason beyond the borders of the SND, the Kaiser brand is nevіdomy.

20. L'Etoile

The creator of the "L'Etoile" merezhі Maxim Klimov (the deceased). The development of the brand was developed from the Kurs group of companies. The first L'Etoile store opened in Moscow in 1997. In France, that day in the world, a measure is not present.

21. Maitre de The

We, Russians, love Indian and English (I want English wine tezh mayzhe Indian) tea. Tim is no less, garnish appeared on our shelves, French tea, Maitre de The tea, appeared on our counters. But in France, there is nowhere else in the world such tea is not available. Yogo povnіstyu rosіysk. Packing tea from Russia TOV "Suchasn_ tea tekhnologii".

22. Mr. Ricco

Mayonnaise and products Mr. Ricco is viroblyayutsya in the city of Єlabuga (Tatarstan), the brand (as well as many others on the other side) is developed by Russian design studios.

23. OGGI

Europe has a number of OGGI stores. Ale to merezhі, we are talking about yaku, there are only those who filed for oskarzhennya the right to win the name of OGGI. As our OGGI writes on our website in the news: "At the link with the impossibility of registering the OGGI brand in rich countries, we can change the spelling of our name." Newly written - OODJI is already registered in over 100 countries. OGGI - registrations in 1998, (vin OODJI in 2010) - Russian brandy, which belongs to the St. Petersburg company "August-Plus".

24. O'stin

O'stin designed the Sportsmaster merger. Clothes are worn in China, India and other Asian countries.

25. Polaris

The Polaris brand lied at various times either TOV "POLARIS-4", then "NT Computer", then JSC "Microtech International S.A." (Headmaster Sergiy Bestuzhev). The brand declares that it is sold on three continents, but you can only know it in Russia and SND. Technology is vibrating in China.


The Prology brand is also the invention of Russia in the 96th rotation, squinting under the American root. Ale, there is no such brand in America.


PROPLEX positioning itself as a vicon system from Austria, in fact Russian virobnik PVC profile, founded in 1999. The plant is located near Podilsk. To be honest, I should say that the technologies are in the German factory.

28. Ralf Ringer

The Ralf Ringer brand, created in 1995 by Andriy Berezhny, was first named on the Moscow factory Burevisnik. Today, the surroundings of Moscow are vibrating near Volodymyr, Zaraisk that ..., where without anything - near China.

29. Riston

Riston tea is picked in Ceylon, but packed in Russia, through which wine does not become less Ceylon. They came up with the idea of ​​rozrobili brand povnistyu in Russia.

30. Rolsen

Rolsen is officially positioned as a Korean brand. Truly, the guilt of the new Russian and the novelty of 1995 to the fate of Sergiy Bilousov. Products are selected at the wet plant near Fryazino with components from Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Asia.

31. Savage

Savage is a new Russian brand, with 2000 registrations. The products are being manufactured in China and Russia.

32. Scarlett

Scarlett brand registrations in 1996 in the UK. Ale, the firm may be Russian trip. Technique is being developed by China.

33. SELA

The first SELA store was opened on the cob of the 90s by Eduard Ostrobrod and his brother Oleksandr Pekarsky near St. Petersburg. The first batch was delivered from Israel. From China and Bangladesh. SELA from Hebrew "skelya". But I think that the name belongs to the fact that it is short, good on the ear and similar to SALE (sales). That is why there are a lot of shops, placing the word SALE on the windows, not to mention advertising the SELA brand.

34. Supra

In 1974, the company Supra Corporation of Japan was registered in Japan, and in the 90s, another Supra appeared on the Russian market, which legally cannot be applied to Japan. The Japanese brand of Supra technology is no longer available. To that Supra, yak Vi zustrіte in Russia - tse the result of Russian-Chinese economic vodnosin.

35. Tervolina

Tervolina anіtrohi is not an Italian brand, it is blatantly published in China and Togliatti at the “Leader” factory.

36. TJCollection

TJCollection, Chester, Carnaby - belong to one Russian company, registered in 1992. Position yourself as “branded in Italy and/or Spain and/or Great Britain”, despite the fact that there are no brands in these regions of the stores.


New Russian brand Vitek was registered in 2000 by Golder Electronics (spymaster Andriy Derev'yanchenko). Let's consider brand Vitek and the company to lie brandy Maxwell, Rondell, Collfort. The brand's turnover in 2009 was $90 million.


The Vitesse brand belongs to TOV "Culinary club Vіtes". Legal address: Tulskaya region, m. Tula, st. D.Ulyanova, 15. Products are produced in Tula and China.

39. Westland

Westland positions itself as an American brand that has been around since the 1930s. True Russian brand, since 1996 (registration date) has been manufacturing its high quality products in Turkey. Nowhere around Russia under such a brand of jeans do not sell. The company does not have an English website.

40 Gloria Jeans

Gloria Jeans was founded in 1988 in Rostov-on-Don by Volodymyr Melnikov. Let Volodymyr be appointed as an active General Director for the sake of 70 years in 2018. I want a little bit about new rozposti. If Melnikov bov pіdlіtkom - vіn zalishivsya without fathers. I was a hooligan and left school at the 6th grade (through which I didn’t get a diploma about secondary education), at the 15th grade I went to work at the factory. Sixty, and then seventy, two of them have been convicted for fartsovka. Meet the top ten for currency trading, if you try, come over the cordon to have a sewing possession for your cooperative. In 2011, Melnikov was named by Forbes magazine as one of the 9 most important Russian businessmen.

41. Zolla

Zolla positions itself as an Italian brand. In fact, there is no such fashion brand in Italy. The company manufactures its products in Sri Lanka, China and Bangladesh. What is known is not to underestimate the importance of this brand.


The brand VIS-A-VIS (French for “Vich-na-Vich”) was founded in Moscow in 2000.

43 Motor Jeans

Motor Jeans is a Russian travel brand. Proponuє yakіsnі jeans and accessories made in Turkey.

44. Milagro

Kava positions itself as Made in Germany, but the name is Spanish (meaning "wonder"). The company produces kava at the Interkafe factory near Mityshi. On the site of the plant about setting up to Nіmechchini, the right word was not said!

45. "Ile de Beaute"

"Il de Beaute" is an unparalleled perfume and cosmetic brand in Russia. There are no such stores in France. The brand "Іl de Beaute" belongs to the holding "United Europe", the central office is located in Pіdmoskov'ї (the town of the settlement "Moskovskoe selishche" of the Ulyanovsk forest park).


The HENDERSON brand since 1998 was born by the company TOV "TAMI ta KO". Zrozumіlo, scho form of partnership with obmezhenoyu v_dpovidalnіstyu - tse rosіyskaya form of power.

47. Green Mom

Green Mama was created in 1996 by Oleg Nasobinim and his yoga team with the power of virobnitstvom near Moscow.

48. CentrОbuv

The CentrObuv brand was created in 1996 in Moscow. Irrespective of those that the brand is Russian, but may miraculously integrate into the world - today the Centro brand is represented in Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, and Latvia.


Vlassnik of the controlling stake in Bosco di Ciliegi is Mikhailo Kusnirovich. Bosco di Ciliegi from Italian - "cherry forest" - is a Moscow company, the main shareholder of Moscow GUM.

50. TESS

The Jardin brand, such as TESS tea and Greenfield tea, is produced by the Orimi Trade company from St. Petersburg.


Miraculous brand of Hilltop tea in gift packaging Volodya company "Maximum Podarunkiv", which belongs to Safonov Andriy Viktorovich. Hilltop means the top of the hump (hill + top).

52. Jardine

The Jardin brand, such as TESS tea and Greenfield tea, is produced by the Orimi Trade company from St. Petersburg..


ZINGER is a maker and post-manufacturer of manicure and other haberdashery accessories of the highest quality. The brand was registered in 1998 in roci and may be close to 50 stores in Russia (mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg). Behind the cordon, this brand (Crimea of ​​the German ZINGER - sewing machines) does not exist. Before ZINGER sewing machines, our brand cannot stand a hundred feet.

54. Explay

Trademark Explay was registered in 2007 for the Russian supplier of digital equipment ZAT "Expley" from metro Yekaterinburg. The main direction is sales and warranty service of electronic appliances.

55. Flo & Jo

Flo&Jo has been operating since 2001. I have two names women's names- Florinda and Joanna, which mean proteges directly in the minds of women and women. Nowhere in Europe, nor in other countries, there is no brand from Italy.

56. Incanto

Irrespective of those that Incanto is far away from its position as an Italian whiteness and accessories - a European company, because there is no such brand in Europe, as there are no shops. No links will weaken the proposition of the brand.


The INCITY brand, which is worthy of the Fashion Continent, is one of the largest federal measures fashionable clothes in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. Based on Nielsen's findings in 2012, INCITY may be one of the most significant indicators of brand awareness in the water category.


KANZLER is one of the most famous and famous Russian brands man's robe from the greater lower 20th century history. KANZLER promotes its products in close to 60 places in Russia: from St. Petersburg to Ulan-Ude. There are no such shops in Nіmechchyna.

59. Mirex

If we were actively using CD and DVD-carriers, we thought together that Mirex is the Asian monster of optical carriers that are being recorded. As a matter of fact, Mirex is ours TOV "Company Mireks", General Director - Victor Gennadiyovich Ulitin. The popularity of the brand has given rise to the fact that it is the first in the Russian IT market, having promoted the current and current product. Today the company is promoting the flash storage market.


Nibito American brand Redmond has no real registrations for TOV "Technoposhuk", St. Petersburg, vul. Koli Tomchak, 28 St.

The Redmond Industrial Group itself was registered in the USA in 2007 by Alex Glavachek.

The company entered the market with an inexpensive small by-butovy technology itself at that moment, if the market saw a great need for it, it played a positive role in the performance of this brand.

61. Sven

Sven is a Russian manufacturer of acoustic systems and peripherals for computers Oy Sven Scandinavia Ltd. For official information, the office is located in Finland. A number of products under the Sven brand (multimedia and portable acoustic systems, multi-channel acoustic systems for home cinema, keyboards, headphones, headsets, and so on) were produced as part of the conversion at the Bryansk Defense Plant. Today the production has shifted to Taiwan and the People's Republic of China.

62. Vassa&Co

Vassa&Co was created in Russia in 2000 with a claim to compete with lighting fashion trends. The head office is located in Yekaterinburg, and they were responsible for the sale there and in Moscow.

63. Zarina

Z arina (Zarina) is an absolutely Russian brand, founded in 1993. Since 2009, Renat Litvinov has taken the fate of the created collections. Zarina enters before the Melon Fashion Group, where the Love Republic and Befree brands enter.

64. Dr. Korner

Dr.Körner breads do not have a German root, but are produced by the company BAT Khlibprom, whose office is located in Moscow on the street. Rustaveli 14, and the collection of Dr.Körner is located near the Smolensk region, m. Yartsevo.

65. Bernley

Truly English tea only called style. Viroblya tea TOV "Yakovlіvska tea-rozvazhalna factory" at the address: Moscow region, Podіlsky district, village Yakovlєvo, st. Shoseina, 1. Why not talk about those who have tea of ​​filth.

Brandy TOP HOUSE, NORDLAND and Baby Speci belong to the Russian TOV "ALTEROS", location: Moscow, Varshavskoe shose, 125. The company started its work in 1999. Nowhere beyond the cordon (among those in Europe) there is no brandy.


Why do I tell you everything and, I would have thought, I would reveal the secrets of the Russian business, encouraging me to trust the new. In fact, I praise the Russian undertaking and I want it to be intimate, so that you don’t think that ours won’t take anything. Axis yak cool vmіyut! Why not stink our brandy with Russian names? All on the right in our, spozhivchiy, mentality - mi dosi vpevnenі, which import is better. Therefore, the entrepreneurs do not spend resources on those who destroy our stereotypes. The vitrachayut forces that cost on those, to promote the “imported” brand to the target audience, such a brand that is more beautiful than cupuvatime. Everything is simple.

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From Radyansk hours, a Radyansk purchase made a clear statement about those that foreign brandy can be a light standard of quality. To this, the Russian enterprises will promote "European quality at affordable prices" - the products of Chinese, Polish and Russian production with beautiful foreign names.

Andriy Derev'yanchenko, president of the company "Golder Electronics" and master of the Vitek brand, at the start of his career, having traded in equipment with a security robot. Five years ago, I registered the Vitek trademark with Austria. The name resembles the words vita (in Latin - life) and tech (in sensi - technology). There is no such thing as a broader thought of Vitka in the business of a single-name company. The registry office allows Vitek to write on the boxes "Virobnik: Austria". Mr. Derev'yanchenko's technique was later positioned as a similar product at a price 10-15% cheaper, lower analogous, but other brands. However, the company was able to afford to bring in an authoritative design bureau for the development of unique models of equipment. At the same time, Pan Derev'yanchenko writes with a teapot that breaks the rock, to flash around the perimeter with red light bulbs and a bright neon light that shines.

Started at once by Derev'yanchenko and Yevgen Nazarov, the founder of the smaller brand of butovo technics Vigor (made in the English language vigorous - masculine, strong), it is registered in the Ugor region. At the Moscow office of Vigor, there is a room for renting a room at the Vimpel plant, where 20 people can sit, stand all models of button equipment and smell of borscht from the factory far.
Commercial Director of Vigor Oleksandr Nazarov does not come to mind that all the butt production equipment is bought in the lands of Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Asia, but often not just similar, but often not just similar. “We come to the factories, wondering what the stench will smell to us, we choose the models that we are worthy of, and we think about the price, for the sake of the stench I will put the name of our brand on the teapot, - even wine. “I can’t get involved in the development of a good design: it’s expensive, but it’s all the same to steal.”

Trademark Scarlett (to be owned by Arima Holding Corp., a joint child of the Chinese and Russians), a teapot maker most commonly used in Russia, was registered in England in 1996 and named after Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler. That is why the target audience fought the founders of the brand more importantly, women, masters, and not someone else's classics of literature and romance.

If you choose the simplest butt technology, the buyer can be robbed, focusing only on the price, then everything that is more foldable for the price, it’s even more foldable to sell under small brands.

Rolsen is a brand, invented in 1995 by a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Sergiy Bilousov, who wins for televisions, home cinemas, monitors, mobile phones and remote cars. Ale Rolsen didn't say a word about his name. The company started with the storage of LG televisions, and now it is produced by the authorities at the factory near Fryazino (details are purchased from Pivdenno-Skhidniy Asia). During the rest of the hour, Rolsen most successfully sells monitors and televisions, which they produce for 150 thousand. that 240 thousand. pieces per rіk vіdpovіdno. At the same factory in Fryazino near Moscow, all 20-, 21- and 25-inch LG TVs that are sold in Russia are produced.

The brand Kaiser is not engaged in dry food either, which is marketed as a German company from the mid-90s and was invented by the father-founder Pavel Loginov. This brand is successfully operating in the market of oversized kitchen appliances. Її sir Loginov produces at the same plant in Poland, which produces products under the Hansa brand.

The brands Techno, Trony and Elenberg are never a hit. The stench lies with the great loose meshes of Technosila, Mir and Eldorado obviously. The stench is present only at the shops of these stores. It is impossible to know any Elenberg at Technosila.

Natomist Bork, which passes itself like a German technique, is practical in all stores, regardless of those that use the Electroflot brand. In addition, Bork has the advantage - an aggressive, more attractive design and a middle price segment, although the products of three refurbished brands are cheaper.

kava tea

The Milagro company (in Spanish - marvelous) has been working on the market since 1998 and specializes in retail coffee. As the director of the marketing company Mikita Morev, if the stench only started to work, trust me to the west, I’ll give you a drink, what to drink, our purchase was more foreign name. Distribute Milagro in Europe and Russia, the head office of the distribution company in Germany.

Another company - Kaffa Industries, is known in Russia with its own retail kava, working here for only three years. Її naming vigadan, like naming the type of kawi Kaffa Elgresso (Kaffa - tse naming the provinces at the gatherings of Africa, de, behind the legend, the first drink of kawi appeared, and elgresso is just a garne vigadane word that does not mean anything). Kaffa makes kava at two factories near Moscow.

Brandy Greenfield, Tess, Jardin belongs to the St. Petersburg company Orimi Trade, and Curtis & Patridge belongs to the May brandy. “The buyers want to believe that the brand, like the wines, was prepared from the unique water of the only ruined icemaker in the world in the Pacific Ocean for the vipadkovo manifested recipe of the tribe of New Zealand aborigines that died. And what is especially important, if you are ready to pay for the additional pennies,” says Kyrylo Dubinsky, director of strategic planning and business development of the Avrora creative agency.

Greenfield tea is positioned in the premium price segment, as it was founded on 10 April 2003 in the UK by St. Petersburg tea manufacturer Orimi Trade, under the control of Greenfield Tea Ltd. Already for a few days, the products appeared on the Russian market. On the package there are sites with British domains and London addresses. However, information about the history of the company is not shown on them.


In the home, the Faberlic brand began in 1997 and was called "Russian Line". Until 2010, the founders of MDU graduates Oleksiy Nechaev and Oleksandr Davankov traded on the market of valuable papers. Then they tried to try bioadditives and butovu chemistry, but as a result they failed to take up cosmetics. The company wanted to win back from the one who is Russian. And then the results showed paradoxical speeches. From one side, our women value Russian cosmetics for naturalness. On the other hand, I want to have a stylish package with a cosmopolitan name on my dressing table.
A new word for "Ruska Line" was foreseen by the Tsiliy Rik. As a result, they synthesized the words faber (meister) and “face” (lic). And for the foreign, and for the Russian spirit, the word is new, and it is beyond the idea of ​​​​the virobnik maє viklikati from the purchase of the association with the introduction of Faberge's world.

Why did the Faberlic company specially conduct an experiment among its customers, for the help of some kind of explanation, that 30% respect the Russian vineyard, 29% - the foreign one, and 24% respect that it is a better brewery. Really produce cosmetics at two factories - at Balashikha and Pdmoskov, vicorist with this, vtіm, syrovina and distribution of foreign companies.

The company "Green Mama" was founded in 1996 and grew from a small family business. Whirling creams, essential oils, gels, lotions, etc.

Clothes and sweat

Bosco Sport ("Bosco Sport") is a trade mark of sportswear of the company TOV "Sports goods Bosco". The Bosco Sport brand of vinyl became popular in 2001, and without a hitch rose to the World Association of Sportswear Manufacturers. The Bosco Sport leather collection is distributed by the company's designers and then sewn in Italian, Turkish and Chinese factories. In 2009, Bosco Sport became the official outfit of the Olympic selection of Ukraine and released the Olympic collection of national colors of Ukraine - yellow and black.

Depo Jeans - Russian brand youth clothes. The first store opened in 1998 in Novosibirsk. Vіdshivayutsya in China there are a number of shops all over Russia. Performance brand in Ukraine.

Merezha clothing stores Sela, being a Russian brand, basically does not translate its own Russian slogan Feel The Same, which is already 10 years old, may be in the style of well, skilki and of the same garment.

There was no such thing as a similar maestro Carlo Pazolini. The brand of insurance, perhaps, is for people who live from firm perekonannyam, which is best in the world of wisdom - italian. Carlo Pazolini Group is the name of a Russian company, as well as its own factories in Russia and China and a number of branded stores.

TJ Collection, as they say in press releases, “was created in Great Britain in 1992”, is released under three trademarks: TJ Collection, Chester and Carnaby. All the same, judging by the press releases, the stench is vibrating, on the "family vzubtєvih vibrations of Italy and Spain and vikoristannyam manual practice." Everything was thought out to the last detail.

The leather brand has its target audience. TJ Collection is bought by representatives of the middle class who follow fashion; Chester - lovers of goodness classic vzuttya; Carnaby - juveniles. There was only one surprise for the buyers - if the stench, violating on the right at the entrance to England, tried to find the store of the beloved brand, nothing came up.

Rostov businessman Volodymyr Melnikov wears jeans, denim clothes, childish and grown-up jersey in Rostov and more nowhere. Even write with the success of your undertaking, and then stand up for the vodka-maker. Prote two brands are called Gloria Jeans and Gee Jay. Wanting to swear here, that the campaign of the company was not at all wanted, but we call it on the contrary - everything was encouraged.

St. Petersburg firm "August Plus" turns out to sell woman's clothes under the trade mark Oggi - even the streamer is simple, ale, from the other side, fashionable and thinned. To that її to love bathing vikladachi, financiers and other suvori zhіnki, yakі can't even experiment with style. The very word oggi is Italian (“Sogodni”), so that buyers in their mass respect the Italian brand.

Vzuttya Ralf Ringer traditionally vvazhayut chi German, chi Austrian. Ale, it’s true that it vibrates in factories near Moscow, Volodymyr and Zaraysk. The workers of the company, when they want to give interviews to different business meetings, hoardedly tell about our adventures and about those, like the stench, develop the potential and modernize the factories.

Zutteva merezha Tervolina tezh not prikhovu m_stsya vyrobnitstv: zuttya stench shyuyut Tolyatti, at the factory Leader. That name Tervolina was not specifically foreseen, it was lost even more from quiet hours, if the company did not sew its own vzuttya, but imported it from the Czech Republic and Ugorshchyna.

Camelot, a brand of ultra-modern youth flair, is also ours. The history of the company Camelot began in 1996 with the opening of a small store, where the collections of Grinders, Dr. Martens, Shellys and in Ale were presented, not everyone could afford it at a high price. Since 1999, the fate has appeared just the same, but not in Britain and the USA, but in Poland and China under the control of a Russian company. Otzhe, accessible to young people.

Merezha shops "Sportmaster" can line the most popular brand clothes and suit sport- and casual-style. Instead, products under these brands are sold at the stores themselves, but for O’STIN, they always open nearby stores.

Other brands of "Sportmaist": Demix, Outventure, Joss, Exxtasy, Termit, as well as sports equipment Torneo.

Company on the market since 1996. The head office is located near the Chelyabinsk region. Premium-class Grand di Pasta pasta recipes are prepared at the modern Italian company "Makfa", maybe they pretend to be Italian. On the website of the company, it is indicated that the olive oil of TM Grand di Oliva "is grown in Greece and is produced from the finest olives of Laconia, Olympia, Kalamati and Crete".

The company produces a fermented product "Velle". Usі produkty TM on the basis of vivsa.

And also:


Viconn technologies

20 Lipnya 2017

There is no Japanese AKAI on the Russian market; As a position for yourself today, the Japanese brand AKAI, which you sell to yourself in Russian stores, was registered in Russia in 2002 by the Akai Universal company and cannot be legally referred to a Japanese one-name company. Formerly, the Russian brand AKAI was repurchased and fought for a lot of Russian and foreign companies, the middle ones and M-Video. For tsіkavostі: Japanese AKAI itself is the first wine, and more precisely having patented, the remote control and the screen menu of TVs. Ale, before the Russian AKAI, this wine cannot be brought.

BORK is a Russian brand that is growing in Germany.

ALtheBA Vigadav Oleksandr Bajer. The name was adopted from the letters of the name AL and the nickname BA. Vzuttya viroblyaetsya in Russia and China. There is no way to reach Italy. There are no such stores in Italy and Europe.

The successful brand Carlo Pazolini was invented by Illey Reznik in Russia in 1991. Yakіsne vzuttya shiєtsya in Portugal and China. The main brand is just right, which is the name of 50 stores under the same brand in the USA and Europe.

Camelot is a new Russian brand. We make copies of models from expensive brands Grinders, DrMartens and Shellys in China.

Carnaby and Chester were created by Russian undertakings and no longer take their Russian trip.

The deputy of the Bagbier brand is Ivan Bagnyuk (whose name in the name of the beer is “Bag…”), the manager of the Omsk brewery “Rossar”, de vono and viroblyayetsya.

Elenberg is a brand of "Eldorado" brand.

The Erich Krause brand belongs to the Office of the Premier company, registered by Dmitry Beloglazov in 1994. Products are produced in Moscow at the Polygraphics factory and in Yoshkar-Oli at the Premier Plast factory.

The author of the cosmetic brand Faberlic was Oleksiy Nechaev and Oleksandr Davankov. In 1997, the stinks fell asleep the Russian Line company, which later was renamed Faberlic cosmetics. Today this brand is successful in Russia and in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, the Baltic countries, Romania, Ugorshchina and Nimechchina. Bagatom and the thought does not fall on the absolutely Russian cob of this brand.

Kseniya Ryasova, head of the Finn Flare brand. Design studio near Moscow. Clothes are worn by China, accessories - by Vietnam.

Frau Schmidt inventions in Russia in 2007 roci. The author of the idea of ​​a straight line brand of butovo chemistry is Olena Shmidt, a key partner of the Pharmonics company. Verniy head of the author of the brand was the fact that the stench propagated the market not for universal zasib for cleaning, but for miyuchy zasib, but for specializations. Products are distributed in Russia, manufactured in Europe.

Like a lot of comrades here, the Gipfel brand encourages us to deliver the same products on the logo as indicated by Gipfel Germany or Gipfel Belgium. That's why Gipfel GmbH registered in 2003 in Germany on ... not a well-known German name Agababayev. Gipfel in Belgium is registered on the not known Belgian name Karpov. Anatoly Evgenovich. Behind deakim dzherelami - that very champion of the world of shakhiv. Website for the brand in registrations on Yuri M. Isaev. Sellers at stores don't get it because all products are shipped from China.

"Italian" products under the brands Grand di Pasta and Grand di Oliva are offered at the address: Chelyabinsk, the settlement of Melkombinat No. 2 Open joint-stock company "Makfa".

Greenfield is owned by the St. Petersburg tea company TOV "Orimi-trade", which produces a sprat of branded tea, including under the brands "Princess Nuri", "Princess Java", "Princess Candi" and "Princess Gita". Let's look at the English name of that English trip, nothing will appear from England Greenfield.

In response to the Greenfield brand under "Orimi Trade", "May Tea Company" created the Curtis brand (called Curtis & Patridge on the back, but under such collapsible names "not pishov").

The Russian company of children's clothes and toys Gulliver, registered in 1997 at ZAT Trade House Gulliver and Co.

Joss is the ruling brand of sportswear and accessories from Sportmaster. Viroblyayetsya in China.

Kaiser inventions in the 90s by Pavel Loginov. Viroblyayetsya in Poland and China. Representations with the slogan "Nimetska pobutova tekhnіka", but not in Nіmechchinі, nі here beyond the borders of the SND, the Kaiser brand is not known.

The creator of the "L'Etoile" merezhі Maxim Klimov (the deceased). The development of the brand was developed from the Kurs group of companies. The first store "L`Etoile" opened near Moscow 1997 In France, there is no other way in the world.

Tipu French, tea Maitre de The. Ale in France, she has no more such tea in the world. Yogo povnіstyu rosіysk. Packing tea from Russia TOV "Suchasn_ tea tekhnologii".

Mayonnaise and Mr Ricco products are produced near metro station Elabuga (Tatarstan), the brand is distributed by Russian design studios.

Europe has a number of OGGI stores. Ale to merezhі about yak we say there are only those who have filed for oskarzhennya the right to win the name of OGGI. As our OGGI writes on our website in the news: "At the link with the impossibility of registering the OGGI brand in rich countries, we can change the spelling of our name." Newly written - OODJI is already registered in over 100 countries. OGGI - registrations in 1998, (vin OODJI in 2010) - Russian brandy, which belongs to the St. Petersburg company "August-Plus".

O'stin designed the Sportsmaster merger. Clothes are worn in China, India and other Asian countries.

The Polaris brand lied at various times either TOV "POLARIS-4", then "NT Computer", then JSC "Microtech International S.A." (Headmaster Sergiy Bestuzhev). The brand declares that it is sold on three continents, but you can only know it in Russia and SND. Technology is vibrating in China.

The Prology brand is just like the inventions of Russia in the 96th year, squinting under the American root. Ale, there is no such brand in America.

PROPLEX has positioned itself as a vicon system from Austria, actually a Russian manufacturer of PVC profiles, founded in 1999. The plant is located near Podilsk. To be honest, I should say that the technologies are in the German factory.

The Ralf Ringer brand, created in 1995 by Andriy Berezhny, was first named on the Moscow factory Burevisnik. Today, the surroundings of Moscow, near Volodymyr, Zaraisk and that ..., where without a new one - near China, are vibrating.

Riston tea is picked in Ceylon, but packed in Russia, because of which the wines do not become less Ceylon. They came up with the idea of ​​rozrobili brand povnistyu in Russia.

Rolsen is officially positioned as a Korean brand. Truly, the guilt of the new Russian and the novelty of 1995 to the fate of Sergiy Bilousov. Products are selected at the wet plant near Fryazino with components from Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Asia.

Savage is a new Russian brand, with 2000 registrations. The products are being manufactured in China and Russia.

Scarlett brand registrations in 1996 in the UK. Ale, the firm may be Russian trip. Technique is being developed by China.

The first SELA store was opened on the cob of the 90s by Eduard Ostrobrod and his brother Oleksandr Pekarsky near St. Petersburg. The first batch was delivered from Israel. From China and Bangladesh. SELA from Hebrew "skelya". But I think that the name belongs to the fact that it is short, good on the ear and similar to SALE (sales). That is why there are a lot of shops, placing the word SALE on the windows, not to mention advertising the SELA brand.

In 1974, the company Supra Corporation of Japan was registered in Japan, and in the 90s, another Supra appeared on the Russian market, which legally cannot be applied to Japan. The Japanese brand of Supra technology is no longer available. To that Supra, yak Vi zustrіte in Russia - tse the result of Russian-Chinese economic vodnosin.

Tervolina is not a skilful Italian brand, it is blatantly published in China and Togliatti at the “Leader” factory.

TJCollection, Chester, Carnaby - belong to one Russian company, registered in 1992. Position your opinion as “branded in Italy and/or Spain and/or Great Britain”, despite the fact that there are no stores of these brands in these regions.

New Russian brand Vitek was registered in 2000 by Golder Electronics (spymaster Andriy Derev'yanchenko). Let's consider brand Vitek and the company to lie brandy Maxwell, Rondell, Collfort.

The Vitesse brand belongs to TOV "Culinary club Vіtes". Legal address: Tulskaya region, m. Tula, st. D.Ulyanova, 15. Products are produced in Tula and China.

Westland positions itself as an American brand that has been around since the 1930s. True Russian brand, since 1996 (registration date) has been manufacturing its high-quality products in Turkey. Nowhere around Russia under such a brand of jeans do not sell. The company does not have an English website.

Gloria Jeans was founded in 1988 in Rostov-on-Don by Volodymyr Melnikov. From the date of the appointment of Volodymyr є її chinim and active CEO, regardless of those who have 70 years in 2018. I want a little bit about new rozposti. If Melnikov bov pіdlіtkom - vіn zalishivsya without fathers. I was a hooligan and left school at the 6th grade (through which I didn’t get a diploma about secondary education), at the 15th grade I went to work at the factory. Sixty, and then seventy two of them had litigations for fartsovka. Meet the top ten for currency trading, if you try, come over the cordon to have a sewing possession for your cooperative. In 2011, Melnikov was named by Forbes magazine as one of the 9 most important Russian businessmen.

Zolla positions itself as an Italian brand. In fact, there is no such fashion brand in Italy. The company manufactures its products in Sri Lanka, China and Bangladesh.

The brand VIS-A-VIS (French for “Vich-na-Vich”) was founded in Moscow in 2000.

Motor Jeans is a Russian travel brand. Proponuє yakіsnі jeans and accessories made in Turkey.

"Il de Beaute" is an unparalleled perfume and cosmetic brand in Russia. There are no such stores in France. The brand "Іl de Beaute" belongs to the holding "United Europe", the central office is located in Pіdmoskov'ї (the town of the settlement "Moskovskoe selishche" of the Ulyanovsk forest park).

The HANDERSON brand since 1998 is the fate of the company TOV "TAMI ta KO". Zrozumіlo, scho form of partnership with obmezhenoyu v_dpovidalnіstyu - tse rosіyskaya form of power.

Green Mama was created in 1996 by Oleg Nasobinim and his yoga team with the power of virobnitstvom near Moscow.

The CentrObuv brand was created in 1996 in Moscow. Irrespective of those that the brand is now Russian, the new miracle of integration at the destination - today the Centro brand of representations in Poland, and in Ukraine, and in Lithuania, and in Latvia.

Mikhailo Kusnirovich, owner of the controlling stake in Bosco di Ciliegi. Bosco di Ciliegi from Italy - "cherry forest" - a Moscow company, the main shareholder of the Moscow GUM

Genial and gentry Ahmad is also considered to imitate foreign travel. It’s just that I’m really attracted to you. Let's take a look. The company, like the Ahmad brand, is registered in London (which may have the right to work for our citizens), but there is no such brand in Russia and Great Britain. The Great Britain Ahmad sells only in cities (airports), as it can be obtained from Russia. Tea is packed in tea factories near Kharkiv and Podmoskov. The Jardin brand, such as TESS tea and Greenfield tea, are produced by the Orimi Trade company from St. Petersburg.

The Jardin brand, such as TESS tea and Greenfield tea, are produced by the Orimi Trade company from St. Petersburg.

ZINGER maker and post-manufacturer of manicure and other haberdashery accessories of the highest quality. The brand was registered in 1998 in roci and may be close to 50 stores in Russia (mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg). Behind the cordon, this brand (Crimea of ​​the German ZINGER - sewing machines) does not exist. Before ZINGER sewing machines, our brand can't stand a hundred feet.

Trademark Explay was registered in 2007 for the Russian supplier of digital equipment ZAT "Expley" from metro Yekaterinburg. The main direction is sales and warranty service of electronic appliances.

Irrespective of those who incanto are far away from their position as Italian whiteness and accessories - a Russian company, there is no such brand in Europe, as there are no shops. No links will weaken the proposition of the brand.

Merezha brand INCITY, which belongs to the BAT "Modny Continent", one of the largest federal brand of fashionable clothes in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. Based on the achievements of Nielsen NCITY, it may be one of the most important indicators in the recognition of the medium of brands in the water category.

KANZLER is one of the most recent and most famous Russian brands of human clothing in the greater 20th century. KANZLER promotes its products in close to 60 places in Russia: from St. Petersburg to Ulan-Ude. There are no such shops in Nіmechchyna.

No American brand Redmond is actually registered at Technoposhuk LLC, St. Petersburg, Koli Tomchaka str., 28 The Redmond Industrial Group itself was registered in the USA in 2007 by Alex Glavachek. The company entered the market with low-cost small-scale technіkoy itself at that moment, if the market saw a great need for it, which played a positive role in the output of this brand.

Sven is a Russian manufacturer of acoustic systems and peripherals for computers Oy Sven Scandinavia Ltd. For official information, the office is located in Finland. A number of products under the Sven brand (multimedia and portable acoustic systems, multi-channel acoustic systems for home cinema, keyboards, headphones, headsets, and so on) were produced as part of the conversion at the Bryansk Defense Plant. Today the production has shifted to Taiwan and the People's Republic of China.

Vassa&Co creations in Russia 2000 with a claim to compete with light fashion trends. The head office is located in Yekaterinburg, they are responsible for sales there and in Moscow.

Zarina (Zarina) is an absolutely Russian brand, founded in 1993. Since 2009, Renat Litvinov has taken the fate of the created collections. Zarina enters before the Melon Fashion Group, where the Love Republic and Befree brands enter.

Dr.Körner breads do not have a German root, but are produced by the company BAT Khlibprom, whose office is located in Moscow on the street. Rustaveli 14, and the collection of Dr.Körner is located near the Smolensk region, m. Yartsevo.

Truly English tea only called style. Viroblya tea TOV "Yakovlіvska tea-rozvazhalna factory" at the address: Moscow region, Podіlsky district, village Yakovlєvo, st. Shoseina, 1. Why not talk about those who have tea of ​​filth.

Rondell, both Vitek and Maxwell brands, belongs to Golder Electronics (Andriy Derev'yanchenko). The company is located in Moscow, Pestovsky Prov., 10.

Brandy TOP HOUSE, NORDLAND and Baby Speci belong to the Russian TOV "ALTEROS", location: Moscow, Varshavskoe shose, 125. The company started its work in 1999. Nowhere beyond the cordon (among those in Europe) there is no brandy.

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