Spell to him for pennies. A spell to attract pennies. Strong spell for pennies

    If the less rich people are the servants of the greater magicians, then feng shui is even more mystical. Why would i forgive people can't you improve your finances? Dyakuyu for the article, obov'yazkovo scurried in yards, I smashed the call. I believe, vpevneniy, that everything will be done and my finances will grow. Raju and others don’t come from the sea, wait, but diyati

    Well, how far?

    Helped me for the sake of my stats, for the time being I worked more like 10 years ago, after the university, then there were problems with finances, and I remember that I was practically taken on good land. And all of a sudden, not long ago, I went on a decree, my income changed and I tried to try my own. True, they dreamed of doing a ritual, so sing-songly, and everything popped up!

    There were constant problems out of pennies. It didn’t fit on those, then it didn’t. Aja wanted more! I in the evening I drank on the whole site. Virishiv robiti the ritual of white magic for wealth. After a few days, I won a lot of pennies from the lottery! I won't stumble and grovel. After a few days I was promoted to work! I started otrimuvati significantly more. Now Raju this site is usim, who may have the same problems as I have. Thank you!

    Under the hour of study at the university, there were no pennies. It was possible to gradually update, there was not enough scarlet. One of my acquaintances told me about white magic, and I read about it on the Internet. Spent on the whole site. Virishila tried to zmovu for pennies. After a couple of days, I was far away to know the miracle robot from the salary, but I could have shown myself! They said that they had a good spell, they needed a term replacement, but I was spared. Ale, I know that it’s not luck! Diakuёmo tsіy statti, scho helped me so much! I recommend to everyone!

    And why don’t you tell the bastards not to lead the people? I want to try sprat, but I'm afraid it'll be worse than ever. Having vouchsafed the rite of white magic for wealth, maybe I will do yoga and marvel at the result. Tse yak treasury to go out. And who has the financial camp improved, how did you manage to work? Did it immediately reduce chi after a singing hour?

    I’m even more familiar with the current values ​​of fortune, if I’ve already tried similar things, if I’ve been financially collaborative, I remember that it’s cool, it’s possible to earn a garn sum. I believe that at the same time we see, especially the word white in the name of the witch carried a positive motive.

    The statue looked like a brown-haired one and a cicava. Always wondering why some people bathe in pennies, and others can scrape together on a piece of bread, starve, encourage themselves with everything. I have a dream to live with wealth, do not encourage myself to children for anything, but a robot for 50 years a day does not allow me to do this. I'll try to call, I'll help, I'll help.

    I read in the open spaces of boarding schools about a similar zmovu, and found a chula in the form of a known one, as if I had recently stumbled in the shops. In my memory, she was out of her poor homeland, she did not allow her luxury. And then she patted її in fur coats, with an expensive phone, corporate dress.. Navit did not know the heart. In secret, she told me about tsyu zmovu, she won’t be small, I returned to your site. On the vlasnі ochi perekonalas, tezh vykona zmovu.

    After separation from a person, it became richer with finances, shards of the main capital of our family wines. For an hour, one job was simply not left behind, that one had to choose to work for the greed of children. I drank it on the zmovu, I thrashed it. I am writing already to the one who has the result, which made me happy. There is no need for another job, I was moved to my workflow and they made me bigger wages Mayzhe vdvichi!

    Prikhovuy like the squad of that donka, but I’m already a reckless person and the last month I spent a large sum at the casino and on slot machines. It was shameful to know that the girls didn’t know about it, but the stench didn’t think about it. Having drank on your site, wandering for joy to the familiar fortune-telling from the village, de virіs, I will smash the shoes of the tongue. I spodіvayus, if you move in my zakhoplennya you will only be successful in conjugaling.

    You can reach out to the popular ones. I know exactly what our politicians and stars are rooting for them. The stench will strengthen the effect of your work and that diligence. So, so, did you think that it was just luck? Don’t laugh at me) I’m also rooting for them and I won’t be afraid of loans that are penniless. Work on your share, and everything will be good.

    Less than great-grandmother taught me to say “My hamanets has your sin, your treasury is my treasury. Amen." I read in my article that there was a magic spell for pennies. I thought I was just a zakhist. She also told me to wear a lusterko in the gut. I work like that. Here the axis of the zmova caught sight of "Penny to come, pennies to grow, pennies to know the way into my turmoil." I will also vikoristovuvati

    Help me with joy, like the borg will wake up. Two years ago I was chomping on slot machines and since that hour I can’t get out of the borgo pits. I work, but my wages don’t work for anything. Yakі z tsikh zmov the strongest and bring mittevy result? Rites of white magic for wealth have already been carried out.

    I also have pennies like a pipe. I began to chirp with spells and spells. Tsey site already vdovzh i re-read across. I don’t know what has become worse, but my material camp is gradually being improved. For the time being, I keep repeating everything I'm afraid. Skoda, which did not start to help itself with white magic earlier.

    I’ve been trying to find a way to invest, to multiply pennies ... well, deposits in banks at once, I don’t have money, but I don’t get a penny ... and the car їsti want ... Try to speak, only obov'yazkovo bіlі!!! I love pennies, but it's not easy to earn stink

    Regularly blame financial problems. Climbing on your site, now we know everything, having sent us to the link, calling on the link of white magic to wealth. I was lucky enough to get lucky with a lottery ticket! Once you get a call for a lottery ticket, you also need to try it.

    I'll zazdrіstyu zazdrіstyu people, yakі do not know financial problems. Who can calmly want to buy it, who can not pay a check when buying products from a store, so that it got stuck and didn’t happen to pay. We already live economically, it’s just nabridlo, to force people into work, into marriage, pennies. I’ll turn back from the price of a zmovoy to a knowledgeable woman, let me help me, who is in charge of a right person

    Good afternoon. I don’t know if the help can help, but legally I’m powerless in this situation: the second fate is that person, not happy with me, having posited my friends for this penny. At that time, they could afford it, lived in abundance, and friends were financially difficult for themselves. Axis 1.5 passed, the situation changed a little. So, we don’t think, but there are low problems, caused by a penny, you need stink more than once. But everything was normal with the friends, the borg was turned back. Ale, it’s so obvious that at the same time a person handed over our financial dobrobut to them. What does it take to work at whom's mouth? Dyakuyu zazdalegіd for vіdpovіd.

    I respect that this kind of smarts, especially, in terms of finance, it is necessary to be engaged in a reasonable person, as I know all the nuances of that and the same mind. Even more risky on the right, even if I myself am absolutely not a professional, I can screw up. Make it easier to spend, earn less, especially at once, under the hour of an unstoppable crisis.

    Preferably, because I work in our country in the state service (I live in Belarus, Mogilev region), I didn’t realize how I could spend a penny and make a living. Pay a copy, but you want the children to get enough money for themselves, and help them financially ... I have a lot of money, like better coins to take (for color, for denomination, like country)?

    Well, it’s like that you live in prosperity and in the spirit of tomorrow, and then everything collapses literally at one moment, and you understand, you’ve got a little bit of a camp in you at once ... garnoy viruchkoy razumіyu, that in the distance everything was folded and kind of for him. Zmovi dopomagayut really? I want to just save, I want to be a lower class right, not to be worse.

    Kіlka tizhnіv that їhala to the interview in one office, got off the bus and didn’t know where to go, unknown area, I’m navigating badly. Powered by the passerby woman, like a child. We talked, she said that I was going there for a conference. She made me happy to ask God for good luck and finances, to help me. I don’t know how it got worse, but they took me and the salary was higher, the lower one was indicated for the vacancy, from now on another day is there, everything is still in power.

    All think, for that number on a penny, practice the principle of believing in something, here there is a place for self-guided people, which is even cooler. A lot of films for self-development to please think, visualize, play in your mind (about love, about wealth). Vtіm, without the power of thought and vіri all tsі zmovi do not die, believe me.

    When I read on the Internet, what science brought to the surface, that the water was charmed, changing its structure. (Raztashuvannya molecules, atoms there, kakіs kuti їх raztashuvannya, I'm not a chemist and not a physicist, I'm not strong in these formulations). Otzhe, the power of the word є і іє, pennies, like і water, the need to pray, smut positively nalashtovuvatisya on the result.

    I am especially diisno in life to help prayers. As if to wake up, she turned for help with a prayer for a rіch. I added a love spell on an apple, I knew yoga on the Internet,
    it was written that wine is not strong, ale prote pod_yav. I want to try it for pennies at once, I check for a month, for growth.

    Move to work, 100%. Tilki obov'yazkovo treba z really, vіroyu, positive approach to them. Work everything clearly, as knowledgeable people write, and it’s even better to consult with a troubled person, so that you don’t have mercy and don’t screw up, that you can hurt yourself and get to life, be careful, don’t go into instructions

    I immediately added a new job to work. Pratsevlashtuvavsya, moreover, with a generous salary, after the move, everything became about 2 days later. Zvіlnivsya, schopravda, through the sprat of rokiv, already exhausted in the work, a penny far away to earn. So, move to sleep, ale chi pіd food for a long time.

    Girl, I was so chomping at the children’s house, robbed a lot of coins for happiness, pennies, children and a lot of others, it’s just that my grandmother knew that she had a great number of coins (cicavo, children took them, even if there was no Internet). How can you cleanse yourself and grow them anew? A well-known grandmother appeared, as if she could help, but in front of him, like їhati to her, she vilishila pozіkavitis here, sob їhat clean already in the sight of these childish things.

    Kіlka rokіv that zahopilalas all sorts of prikmetami, zmovami. The person started calling the witch and laughing for one hour for me, but it didn’t sound less and didn’t sound like it. After a few years, after the cob of my hoarding, they moved me to the plantation on a robot, and increased my salary. If you want the axis, you want it, you want it, but you do it. Shvidshe for everything, on the right at our pіdsvіdomostі, zvіsno.

    At an important period (at the plan with finances) I take all the coins from the hamants, at the crossroads (while I check the bus or the green light of the light), I squeeze them into my fist in the intestines, mіtsno-mіtsno and thoughts, I ask you to please let me bring my folding, bring life is more than pennies. Let me bless the pennies, and if anyone at the crossing I see, or I donate to the temple in the store. I think that with this rank I cleanse myself and admit my problems, and at the same time I work for someone good.

    Good afternoon. Tried the ritual of three candles: white, green, brown. When they came, the green candle went out. I didn’t start to stutter at half the rite, I finished it.
    How can I get clients on the Internet (voice)?

    I read that for any operation, it costs a penny to promote the right thoughts about yourself, it has become much better for the financial plan. I am especially not separated from the phrase: “My hamanets has your sin, your treasure is my treasure. Amen." Come out, dіє, a penny sweat is attracted.

    And I put the hamanets for the last month on the last month, so that the wines are so self-satisfied with the monthly energy (of the last month) and attracting pennies to myself. And before the speech, having respected, you can write a premium, which is the task of asking for a penny wine city for an additional penny, and also inspire a worker.

    duje garne right to attract pennies, take all your pay from you and drink in the shops and let your show everything you want. For example: I want a new bag of chobots and say so, well, obviously, I can spend a penny. Golovne on all your questions in your thoughts, say positively, don’t say no, and pennies will be attracted

And one old-fashioned zmova for shvidkі pennies, like squirming for a living in mountain workers, it attracts up to a penny penny. For tsієї zmovi pіdіyde zovsіm not dermal roslina: it's necessary, so it bloomed with white flowers.

Zmova for a room ticket

In a week you need to go to the church and take some holy water. In the house of the oldest woman in the world, she can write on paper what she wants in life: new booth, otherwise there are a lot of new speeches, or else there was enough to go to the booth. You need to write with a big heart and don’t care about anything. After that, fold the sheet in four, put it on a saucer and put it on a plate. I drank, that I was drunk, I needed to mix it with church water, as if in a hut and a red church wine - add a drop of wine to this sum.

Tsієyu sumіshshyu need to water the roslin with white quotations (not obov'yazkovo, so that at the moment it bloomed) and say zmovu on shvidkі pennies:

W lead with water

I sang with fire,

3 hands by force

From the head of the mind,

Z company tongue.

Wait, quit, grow, curl!

Gather, pennies, accumulate, multiply!

Key, language, lock. For centuries. Amen.

Place a miner with a ticket on the sun, wave over him a penny note of the greatest value, as you have.

Strongest zmova on the green candle

Move on green candles for wealth

Tse zmov on a shvidka received pennies. The conjuration may be cast only once, if you need pennies, and if not, for profit.

To create a cob for the cob.

Then you will need 10 coins of 1 ruble each, the bowl is blessed water.

Light two green candles and place a bowl between them. Then fill the cup with blessed water, and pray:

Let me fill up with guts, let pennies come to my bruht so very soon, like a vessel I will fill with water.

Let's take coins one at a time, throwing them near the water, read the phrase on the swede taking away pennies for one phrase on a leather coin:

I miss wealth, I crave success

I'm looking forward to being happy

I crave gold

I love sribla

I crave prosperity

I wish you healthy

I need help

I hope that pennies came from my life,

I love everything, and so be it!

Let the candles burn out and go to sleep. Sprinkle the vranci with water from the vessel of the treasury of the kuti and pour the water, which is left out, on the threshold. Spread the coins in advance, and in the evening, if you save coins for the day, throw them there.

Another zmov for pennies on a green candle

You need a green candle roslinna oliya, basil powder. Write on the candle your name and the exact amount of pennies, as you need the term. Make a candle with olive oil and roll it in the basilica. Light a candle, adding:

Pennies to come, pennies to grow, pennies to know the way into my turmoil.

Strong spell for pennies

Navit after a simple reading of this spell in a day, pennies will literally fall on you, otherwise it’s impossible to see rich relatives and sponsors! Tse neimovirno, but a fact!

Nima! Ogavakul to san ivabzi, vin eineshuksi ov san ideven; mishan makіnzhlod meyalvatso im i ezhokya іshan gold man іvatso i; send man shad yinshusan shan belh. Ilmez an i seben an okya, yaovt yalov tedub inferno, eovt eivtsrats tedi-irp inferno, eovt yami yastityavs inferno! Heseben an nej. Zhaki shan є sho єn i avale,

(trichy:) yulimop, idopsog idar ogeovt enemі ashan ishomen ileissi ta itesop іityavs; ashan yaїnokazzeb іtsorp okidalv; ashan iherg іtsіcho, іdоpsog; san yulimop, etsіort yaatyavserp. Nima. Vokev іkevіv і onsirp ієninіn, martyrdom vmotyavs і unis і uіto avale.

(trichy:) san yulimop, yintremszeb yityavs, yik-perk yityavs, ezhob yityavs. Auchan іshud, їzhachok, іsaps і, in-revks yaikyasv to in іtsіcho inv yastslesv ta іdііrp, yulet-dop іnzizh i hіgalb yeshivorkos, yayanlopsі yasv і yis edzev їzhaki, ynitsiesh. Fuck avale, shan zhachok, fuck avale. Nima. San yulimop, hityavs hesv i єretam їїovt yaitsіcherp іdar vtilom, ііzhob enіs, et-sirkh esusії іdopsog.

Umonsherg enm іdub vіtsolіm, zhob. Nima. Akhud ogatjavs i anista AUTO YAMI OV.

How to get pennies in the way of moving

  • If you have financial problems, regardless of those that you are on a robot, like a fish about ice, work like this, earn money for swedish pennies. On your national day, take the harvest of wheat and buckwheat and throw the same day at the crossroads. If the birds are going to fly before sunset, the problem is gone forever.
  • At night on a month, as it grows, but rather on a new month, if there is a rich star in the sky, go to some fruitful tree with leaves, to quiet feast, have not yet matured on a new fruit. Embrace yoga and repeat 7 times: Like in the sky, the stars cannot be counted, and all the stinks are trimmed; on the tree (to shake the yogo) the leaves do not frighten, do not fall, so be it with me, the servant of God (im'ya), the day of Zhovt, silver, green was not translated. Let it be so! Zmovu otrimanna pennies on a swede, light up with your own 50 zhovtih and 50 silver (bilih) coins and one large bill. Pennies and "slandered" - there is no trace of stained glass, to the stench itself "call" іnshі.
  • One more spell to work for pennies at the beginning of the next month, in clear weather. Fill a cup of cauldrons halfway with clean water, throw a silver coin near the water. Put the cup like this (at the booth or the apartment - on the pіdvіkonnі, vіdkrivshi kvatirku or vіkno, or on the balcony), so that the bright moon drank near the water. More shortly, like a month to be seen by the water. It is easy to pass a sprat once with your hands over the surface of the water, you pick up nothing in the valley of the moon. It’s time for three to say: Miraculous Mr. Puni! Bring me wealth, put my hands on top with gold. I can take whatever you give. Go to the street and pour water into the ground (not onto the asphalt...). Take the coin from the hamantzi.

Sweat properly, do not hurry, taste the shmata, and resolutely chew yoga, showing thoughts, how your conceived dream is coming. After that, after rubbing the bottom against the bottom, you need to drink a little water, having spoken on it 12 times:
“You, water, that sweetness is delicious! Bread, the strength of that water does not lead in any way! PAGARIO!”
Finishing the rite, put out the candle, zanuriv її near the water, after which you drink water, which is gone to the end, all the hour whispering a vague prayer. This ritual is carried out only at the gathering of the sun on Saturday or a week. Don't come next day.

Spell to withdraw pennies
You need a green candle, olive oil, basil powder. Write on the candle your name and the exact amount of pennies, as you need the term. Make a candle with olive oil and roll it in the basilica. Light a candle, adding:
"A penny to come, a penny to grow, a penny to know the way into my turmoil."
Protection of business in the street
Take an arch paper, divide yoga into two parts. In one column write not far away or not far away please, and in the other column successful please. Nearby to burn the column, and drank rose with the wind. With whom, make such a sound: “I drank it, I’m tired of bad luck. Good luck flying, I'm lucky." Save half of the month, then you can leave. It matters what month you will be accompanied by success, spring, success. Do not forget to update the list of new entries for 10–15 days.
Golden penny spell
You need a deep bowl, a vase or a miner and a red candle. Put a miner instructed from the door and on the fifth day of the fifth year to put a coin at the new one. Work for a stretch of six days. Putting the first coin, say: "Tick, pennies, vibliskayte, rob me rich." Putting a coin to a friend, say these words. And putting other coins, say: "Penny pennies, you are my strength, don't leave it, don't leave it at an important hour." If everything is ruined, in the evening put a miner out of pennies on the table, make a magic ring out of them. Let's light a candle and put it in the center of the stake in a flask from sill. Marvel, not worrying, in the half-light of the candle, you can see that in the half-light the energy is still alive in the form of coins. Check out all your thoughts. Don't think about the Borg, gifts and other financial inaccuracies. Vykoristovyte all your boundless fantasy, show yourself rich and happy. After 15–20 minutes, you can go to sleep, the candle may burn out without you. Take the leftover candles and win, and put the coins back with the miner for a few more days to work on this operation. If a penny is due before you come, and you will get rid of financial problems again. Just remember that you can work only once.
Vignannia chaklunsky charms
This way is a good one, that it doesn’t just burn out chaklunsky charms, but gives an orientation to those that stabilized on the right. Buy a fiery-red line, tie it on a vuzol through a threshold, put it at damn the jar, pour up to half a jar of holy water and whisper a sprat of water over the water: “Get out, the water is holy, in front of the filthy unclean my company (name). Yak tsey vuzol zavyazan, so bi in me, a servant of God (im'ya), on the right would have zіyshla". Then, at the evening dawn, it is necessary to bury the jar in the ground. After a deaky hour of yours, you can do it and get better.
If competitors advance on five. Sob for a while to get rid of competitors, get lost in the paths-darlings for help. Read yoga slid at the dawn of the night, standing there was a vikna that marveled at the dawn of the sky. For efficiency, you can go to the street late at night, stay on the road and move: “I’m on a wide path, I marvel at all roads and paths, I’m looking at the earth up to the clear sky. You, intertwined roadies, zamyaet my competitors (if you know them, then name them). You, the dawns are clear, to darken your sky-bright light, so that without your light, my competitors could not go, not aisle, so that the stench was deaf and silent.
How to recognize bad luck for yourself that misfortune
Take a new wreath (neatly knotted and shaky), place an apartment for him in a room, adding: “From this wreath, all my misfortune and misfortune.” Then throw the wand at the crossroads.
Prayers for wealth
№ 1. Namovlyayut on pennies, at the buttocky month, on the guy a number. Put at the kut of the room for 7 days, then stained. And so they repeat three times: “Like richly wandering in the swamp, ribby near the water, so rich is my wealth. Month, grow up, and me, the servant of God (im'ya), give me wealth. Amen. Amen. Amen."

№ 2. Vytyagyuyut from wax candles gnat, podplyuyut from two sides of the reel and say swiftly: “Eternal fire, and the spirit of my designation is gold, silver and all sorts of good. Amen." Gnіt quench and wear zavzhd with you.

At the muzzle
If you see a lot of good, if you look, or if you have a lot of pennies, raise a blow on your hands and say: “All the good will pass to us. You don’t blow, but I have more boxes, and I have more zasіki and komori, good houses, gamants with pennies, gold with srіblami. I am a prince and a merchant, I am happy to be crowned. Amen."
Oberig for business
Namovlyayut on an object that is definitely not to be taken from someone else's hand, more like a hairpin, pіdіbgavshi її so that it was not visible. Even more wildly, as you win your business card and carry it with you like a talisman, you won’t show it to anyone. Words like this:

"Lord my God! I'm in front of you!
I ask you to save me, Protect me with a talisman!
I ask the whole holy army to protect with the Amulet:
Ivan the Theologian, Ivan Bagatosuffering, Ivan the Headless,
Ivan the Baptist, Ivan the Postile, Michael the Archangel,
Archangel Gabriel, Mykoli the Wonderworker, Paraskovia the Great Martyr,
I believe, Nadiya, Lyubov and mother Sophia!
I get up under your shield, what can I defend!
In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!”
Charm on partners
In addition, you have become your partners, so you can earn your prosperity. It should be noted that your partners are unprimed to see the business, they are guided by distant contacts. Not otherwise like unclean stray. So from, partners also demand a zakhist. If you have your photographs, then, in addition, before the photograph, pray the prayer-amulet:
“In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Tsya is not for a year, not for a day, not for a month, not for a river, but for all life. Don't let Satan fear the body or the soul of the servant of God (im'ya), no thoughts of yoga, no faith! Vryatuy and save, Lord, the servant of God (im'ya)! Amen!”
Secure the future of your company
For whom you need to take communion and confess. Let's take home all the uncommon and old speeches and remembrances at home. In addition, you should donate a sum of pennies for the life of God's Temple, or donate pennies to welfare fund. For a long time, good Christian traditions were encouraged to donate by different people: merchants, princes, giving pennies for the life of doctors, temples, viryachi, that pennies, stained for good, obligingly turn to the master, and do it with the greatest strength. If you believe in a person, a Christian, then, having revived the good old traditions, you will undoubtedly achieve success in the right, and your pracial will be blessed by God.
Vіd zlidnіv
For a constant lack of pennies, dig a hole under the aspen, put a coin, sizzle with earth. To slacken on the last month and obov'yazkovo, for the day falling on the guy's number. When tsimu vimovyat:

“The Lord is with you, my soot!
Grow as a parosta and live as a child!
Like you don’t bite the bear, the worm doesn’t drink,
Shchob and my pennies, no one is cheating!
In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!”
To promote dobrobut
1. A candle is one of the most widely enchanted objects in magic. If you think about wealth, or just do good and all the satisfaction, the light of such stench will appear in front of you, just try a simple spell. On vikonannya tsy rite tizhden is required. In a prominent place, walk along a rich path every day, put a small miner. Every day, put one ten-kopeck coin with him. Take a green candle and a candlestick, but only not wooden. Now you can proceed to chaklunstva. First for everything, you are guilty to play the role - show yourself a wealthy person, for a penny it’s not a problem, for a penny they’re zavzhy, if they are needed. Put the miner out of dimes and a candle on the table. Take a candle from your hand and see the power of pennies, the prospects of that path that opens before you, as soon as you become rich. Insert the candle into the candlestick. Now visipte coins in the lion's valley (or right, as if you were shulga). They are guilty of viklasti kolo in the basis of the candlestick. Putting a coin, say:
“Penny, flow pennies, grow, pennies, vibrate, please help me richly.”
Repeat these words six times more, putting a coin in charge of the first friend. And so after a new skin dime, the docks will not close. The time has come to light the candle. At the same time, do not greet yourself with a flare, only with sirniki. If the candle is lit, you will see that it is not a small half-moon tongue, but the energy of pennies is alive. Show that your strength rises from the seven coins of the magic stake, rises with fire and rises far, uphill. Vividly show the value of pennies in your life, as if it could be for their help. Think about all the thoughts about the Borg, gifts, sum up what you can reach the bazhany, try to exert all the strength of your fantasies and in the light of your eyes dazzle the picture of the future. Khvilin ten or so close stand up and look at the table. Let the candle burn out without you. If it goes out, take this hryvnia and put it back with the miner. "Happy" yoga kіlkom with coins every day for a stretch of an hour (you can turn the term yourself). Check - pennies will come to you.
2. If there were pennies, it was necessary to put them in gamantz with the front side called, and the reverse side in the middle, otherwise it would flow.
3. When entering a sleepy man, do not raise pennies, do not send roses. Evenings from home cannot be spent pennies, better than a ransom, but take it off, on the other hand, better in the evening.
4. For a young month, it is necessary to take a harvest of coins, to coward and sue:
“The month is young, the axis of you is golden, and give me good health and a bunch of pennies.”
5. From the table, krichti cannot be taken to the bottom, it is required on a plate, otherwise there will be no pennies.
6. If for the first time they mark the young month, they don’t grab for the gut, or they’ll get the stars of pennies and show them the month, so that the wealth of the good will significantly increase.
7. At clean quarters, money is worth money, so that the whole river is not recounted. And also to shave a sprat of hairs in oneself and in children, so that the stinks grow faster and feel healthier.
8. As if an old man appeared in the spiked life with a white robe in his hands and with a bag on his nose and beckon a person with a sack to rub himself on it, it’s necessary to go through the vikonati: from the bag you’ll get pennies, and Belun won’t. It’s not for nothing that they seem to talk about raptovo rozgatіlih: “A man with Belun buddies.”
9. To become wealthy, they rush in at the Great Fourth of zі srіbla that gold.
10. Black targani - signs of wealth and prosperity, to transfer them to new houses for the new house; I'll wait.
11. Wealth can bring a flower of ferns, so that you can manage to save in the night for Ivan Kupala.
12. Vagіtna zhіnka, yak bazhaє probable child of wealth, is not guilty of taking nothing in borg.
13. In one hut, don’t scatter with different vines - wealth will grow in huts. Do not sweep the house with a rapt scrape - wealth will be swept away. Do not throw a smіttya nadvir - you throw away wealth. You can’t whistle at the booth - you don’t love the house elf. Do not whistle in the hut - whistle pennies.
Zrostannia dobrobutu
For a week, plant a vervain by the field or bіla your booth of vervain, as much as possible focusing on the bazhanni to improve your material camp.
Pomіchnik on the right
The business is supported by the spirit, yoga named Dilovy. To start being with him at the same time, to help you gradually support you, help you, protect you, take it to your hands, well, for example, your penny checkbook, save a book or a friend, a stamp and remove the three words of a magic spell: GOA - HOA - TOA! » Place a glass of cognac and a small piece of chocolate on your working table in the form of a new chocolate bar. Tse will be frequented by Dilovy. Potim obov'yazkovo necessitate vyvchit on the riddle zmovu:
“I (your name) call Dilovoy and yogo turbo! Help me, Dilovy, lead me! You pennies - and me pennies! Tobі warm hut, and me a screen of good! Dilovy! Dilovy! Dilovy! We love you, you can’t imagine, and don’t impersonate us, do your best to help us, don’t encourage us to light the way! I bow low to you and wide to you! Dyakuyu!"
Read the spell to remember three times and repeat three times: “Let it be so!”
Rules for trading
At Novyi Rik, the first buyer will find the goods of the yakomog cheaper, the smut is not a gain, but an initiative! Do not let the first purchase in no time! There will be no further trade. Like a lie, the first buyer is a man, trade will be away all day. If you rob someone, you will spend more money! If the goods are "stale", they should write on honey: "How to swarm for honey, so people would come together before me to buy the goods." Tsim honey seller can vmitisya. As if the goods had fallen from the police, we will sell them to you in front of us. With pennies, take away the first sale, spend on the goods - it’s better to sell out. A cow is sold with a diynik, and a horse with a halter.
How to get pleasurable partners
In order for your dream to work, you need to drink in the forest, know the ants' kupa there. With a shovel, dig troch murakh. Put them in a box or a ganchirkovy little bag and bring them home. At home, take a paper paper, glue a box out of it, or take it ready, write your name in the middle of the box. Opivnochi put the box on the table and let go of it, covering the animal with a paper arkush. Sit down and pronounce properly: “Like the ants that call each other, come to me, the servant of God (im'ya), zvіdusіl people know. As I said, then let it be. Amen. Amen. Amen."
Ritual for pennies
Take a sieve from the povnyu, sip from a new dribnitsa, go to the city and save pennies, it seems: “In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit, Mother-Earth-Sister-Earth, accept us, give me and my homeland good watch! Garni go!”
Sob the evil trade did not care
If you are engaged in trade, you remember that your colleagues are stealing goods from you, you are speeding up with such joy. On an ode with a twist in the secret place below the sixth energy center (lower for the riven of the state organs), sew a gudzik of the same color, like the eyes of a villain. Sew on a gudzik next to the period from the beginning of the sun to noon, obov'yazkovo with white threads, adding: “Daddy sіrku, dati black vіdshiva! So punished!" The ritual of this next is carried out on the black month (before the young month).
Romanian penny rite
Put a small miner or a cup in a place where you can see today. Take 3 coins in your hand and say: “Five three, five three, ancient spirit come to me! Trichі p'yat, trichі p'yat, a lot of pennies again! Put coins at the prepared container. Give three coins to your capacity for 9 days, repeating the spell every day. Then repeat this ritual once a day, the docks do not take away the amount you need.
How to remove the damage from the right
Tsej sposіb znіmaє psuvannya s your help. Pick up a few ross at Tikhvinskaya until the sun comes up. Sprinkle with dew everything that your work needs: work space, clothes, documents, equipment. Today, before him, as if to lie down to sleep, read, standing in front of the icon: “In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit, amen. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Holy Mother of God, all the power of heaven: King David, Illa the Prophet, John the Baptist, Mikita the Great Martyr, Cyprian, Histopher, my spirit is strong. Bis of curses, the spirit of uncleanness, see get out, now, now, with evil spells, with spells, do mine and go in your own place, de bov and where the Lord God has sent you, go to hell, but don’t go astray and leave me forever, vіdteper i to vіku. Amen."
So that wealth has gone to the hands
For a young month, bake bread, reminiscent of the pasture before it, like pekti: “As you will, pasture, grow, rise and grow, so I will grow, rise at the camp, over people in my glory, grow and in pennies. Amen."
Sob were pennies
If you bury a sky, throw pennies and say: “Like a ghost, a servant of God (im'ya), do not enter into the grave, so into the servant of God (im'ya) pennies in the bag, you can’t see the house. Amen."
Go to the forest, find a murashina kupa, throw a dribnitsa there, like an ants to sleep for pennies rich, read once: “As for my purchase, there is a lot of murah, so I had pennies, they were not translated. Amen."
One more good joy, for righteousness, as you will change. Allocate pennies to the church, be it a bag (I want 30 rubles). Tse rush to pіd Rіzdvo. You will be born pennies for nothing. Those who sent pennies, say the Lord's words: "To whom the church does not mother, I am not a father."
If you grow up like that, you will be venerable for our joy, the oskolki pennies will not be recounted by you.
They gave pennies (poziku, poziku)
For three days, wear a nasal coat under oaks, and if you come to ask for pennies, streak it with a harsh disguise and say to yourself: “Lord, my God, Christ. My angel of prohannya brought. Lord my. You said: "Ask and it will be given." Amen."
Zhіntsi ask on the "women's" day, people on the "man".
Sob pennies went to pennies
So you say those who read below, if you are given pennies, for example, a loan in a store, you will always have pennies:
“Our hamanets has your pennies, your treasury is my treasury. Amen."
Schob gamanets not empty
Speak, marveling at the birds that fly:
"Skіlki rich pіr'ya on them to be born, stacks of rich pennies from gamantsі not be translated."
Say less at Friday.
Sob pennies were spent
Show the young moon all your pennies and say three times: “Like a young man, go, so that less pennies went and did not retell.”
So that the pennies were not recounted
In order for the pennies to be spent steadily, grow and multiply, you need to go to the wasp in the leaf fall, grab it with your hands and start shaking the tree intensively, three times repeating the incantation in a voice:

“It’s true that Yuda hung on an aspen,
and skilki leaves fall to my feet,
so don’t give me pennies, I’ll be so very rich and naskіlki right! ”
If someone wants to go home and put a broom at the front, throwing a part uphill, adding:
“My word is mitzne!”
Shchob bazhannya vipovnilos
Write your idea on paper paper, put the date of possible implementation. Potim sipte dry forged leaves room growth"happiness tree" Then, in the presence of a lit candle, drip wax on a sizzling leaf. Burn the papyrus carefully, tie up the triplets with reddish threads, and carry them with you until your bazhannya comes up. You are not afraid of the steps of your competitors in any way.
Whispers for gamanets
“Like a star in the sky is rich, like a water in the sea, so it is to my gamantsy, so that the pennies were rich and forever wistachal. Amen."
Whispers on the stele
Like your judges are happy and rich, having reached them, marvel at the stele and whispers:

“Like you have a way and belongings, those who are with you,
be us. Amen."
For successful trading
Before the arrival of the buyers, I will come to read the call. Walk around the house and read yoga at the skin room once. Kitchen in to this particular type also vvazhaetsya kіmnatoyu. Read zmovu treba remind me. The sun can brightly shine.
“My windows are bright, my thresholds are gilded, steps, twisted mats. Have mercy, but bargain. Amen."
One more option:
About the 3rd year of the night, speak on the vіnik and on the rankovіy zіrtsі place budinok. So work for three days of sleep, starting from the second.
“As I sweep away, sweep away, so I nail buyers to myself. The first one will come, the other one will come, the third one will come, take it with you. Amen."
At the Swedish sales booth
Before the arrival of the buyers, read “Our Father” and such a spell:
“Thresholds of gold, vikna sribni, mothers of yakhontov, walls of diamonds, malachites. Hati have mercy, that bargain wisely, you won’t know better, where you want to go!
Read at the gathering 12 times.
For a successful sales booth
In order to quickly and successfully sell the booths, follow the axis: on Wednesday, on the growing month, at the gathering of the sun, take 3 small flowers and drive all 3 into the first threshold (of the entrance doors) of the booth, which is sold with these words: “I drive in! I'm driving in! I'm driving in! I’m calling for a purchase!” Then light a wax candle, bought in the church, and then drip on the skin drops of flowers, 3 drops of melted wax, with which it seems: “I will seal this house for swedish sales! Whoever crosses this threshold, buy that one! And now write about sales on windows, on doors, on fences! Buyer come!
sell car
Read yoga in front of him, like going to sell a car: “Through Christ, with Christ and with Christ. To you, Omnipotent Father, and glory to the Holy Spirit. Pay for all merits, let me pay for those that I am, a slave (im'ya), I sell, I'm good to pay. In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
“Lord, my God, I am in front of you. Orach ore, forger kuє, merchant sells goods. Father, pip, pray for all of us, for me, for my sinful soul. The reaper is going to the field, the buyer is carrying a penny. Reaper at the field, buyer (name those who sell) take away. Amen."
Shchob budinok, sell the apartment with a zisk
Reminiscent of the vіnik about the third year of the night, and vranci with the erysipelas glow is silent at the hut. So sleep for three days. “As I sweep away, sweep away, so I nail buyers to myself. The first one will come, the other one will come, the third one will come, take it with you. Amen."
Schob terminovo sell an apartment
Keep the water near all the rooms and in the corridor, and spill the water on the road. Before cym, they wash water, sitting on their backs in front of the cebra. If you want to strike with wine, then you will be empty. And the slander is this:
“Chotiri kuti, house my and house-elf, I call you, doors, locks, choti-roh kutiv and brownie. Whoever brings me pennies for you, take it with you. Amen. Amen. Amen."
For goodness sake, sell rich
Knowing this slander, you can easily sell whether you are rich, thin, etc., like a smaller one, who doesn’t know how to move, don’t hesitate to wake up. Read on those that need to be sold, cracking with your finger: “I am a merchant, well done, I will sell our goods to you. Pennies to pennies. We are your pennies, our goods. Amen."
For successful trading
Read on honey, with which we will anoint ourselves, as you will go to the market.

“Yak bjoli rages to swarm,
so bi before me, merchant, all merchants converged,
the goods were praised, they were hoarding from the hands
rich boxes, top bars. Amen."
Chi you can buy houses from osiki
Zvichainno, nebazhano, but if you need to be embarrassed, then where should you go? Lazny roam z osiki, and it’s important to live in such a booth. Bagato can be bought. I carry the ashes from such a booth to the bazaar and hoarse there, saying:
“Skіlki people here, stilki and angels. Guardian angels, pray for the aspen house. Amen."
In addition, it is necessary to read a prayer to Josip the Righteous, as it helps when entering a new booth.
For a successful purchase
When you choose to make a great purchase, if you want to beat the price, at that moment, if the seller (cars abo dacha, budinki, inn.) names the “residual” price of the goods, you need to pay, pay for it. Zatamuvav podikh, spit on your shoulders and trichi smooth your hair from the brow to the ceiling, adding thoughts:

"I am a merchant, well done,
I am a merchant to all merchants,
Well done to all young people,
I do not trade in scrap, My bargaining with rozum,
Your word is sewn
Mine is pivnyache!
As I say, so be it!
Feel free to name your price! Take goods at a price.
Help with shopping
If you care about the hour of purchase, you don’t know how to get it, start to look at the first one (the one they looked at, reconciled, to which they valued the first). I have served you better for some time, and to appear as a talisman. If you bring riches to your home, then as if you were wearing clothes, dress yourself like a booth, an apartment, overshadowing yourself with this goddamn sign and saying: “Wear it, don’t wear it! Amen!”
In other situations, you can also cross the purchase at a similar yard, repeating: “Here you will be here and here you will live! Amen!”
Buy goods away
So far away to buy goods, so necessary for you, take from right hand pennies, recognized for purchase, she says the following words on them:

"Buy - don't drink!
I will call on the help of the City!
Ty, City, everywhere you fly,
Help kind people to buy
Help me once and for all!
Like a promissory product, say 6 times, like a food product - 7 times. For the purchase of a product that you need with pennies, which you lost in the purchase, you can take a few coins and on whether or not to cross “spend” them with these words:

“For the service of the City, for the sake of being a sieve!”
Turn over your left shoulder and walk on your right.
Schob donated in price
When trading with a seller, promote yourself:
“Vidlamay, merchant, in the sight of your piece of clothing, you should stitch your halves. Amen."

This ritual helps to earn pennies, if the stench of the term is needed. For yoga, you need a green candle (you can take buzkovo or golden), basil powder and be it olive. Write on the candle the exact amount of pennies, as you need that of your own. It's better to write like this:

I, my name, I take away at once (sum) from the Divine order for the help of Divine love".

Make a candle with olive oil, roll it at the basilica and light the candle, adding:

Pennies to come, pennies to grow, pennies to know the way into my turmoil"

Bazhano work for a month, scho growth. Golovne - verity, what is the help. Todi our pіdsvіdomіst znayde sposіb nadat us tsі pennies.



Take a plate and fill it with rice about two-thirds. Put a plate at the front door on the front door. Today, if you come home, put some coins at the plate, like you have lost from the hamants. Mix coins with rice and promote phrases:

Pennies are attracted to me, like a magnet, Pennies to love me, My income grows with skin day"

Sweep for 27 days. On the 28th day, remove the coins from the plate, donate 10 hundred rubles to the zhebrakam, and with the money you have left, buy a beautiful one or a rich cut for yourself.



1. Buy a new hamanets - green chi with a golden color. You can win if there is any other color of gamance, which you especially care for pennies, or to bring you success in financial nutrition. For example, in Feng Shui, a red color is used as a symbol of pennies. Possibly, and you know it yourself.

2. Prepare a thin coat of wood, a chandelier, a round bow, three coins of a yellow color, an old bagan (you can buy them from numismatists). And if it remains problematic for you, then vikoristovyte with a penny of yellow color, more for more goodness. It is possible, before the speech, to take a ten-ruble coin of a silver color, and an ale clad with metal for another color - a golden wife.

3. Spend the prepared coins for three years in a crystal bowl or a vase (it’s remembered that you have such obov’yazkovo in a booth, even for an hour of the Radyansky Union it was fashionable to trim a rich crystal in a booth). And don’t just put pennies into a crystal flowerpot, but before that, sew an axis on the coin like this:

As the leaves on the tree multiply, so the coin multiplies at the return, as I diligently bless you! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

4. And now put back the charmed coins in particular for the sake of gamantsia, de vie you won’t cheat them for free and de іnshі people won’t cheer for them.

You know, having made all the chotiri under the old-fashioned described spirit, you have created a special talisman for your financial success, otherwise it seems like magnets for pennies.



You know that, putting your thoughts and faith in the written word, you give it more strength. For the help of angels, we can win a special ritual in order to receive financial prosperity. This ritual is a ritual of catching a love partner. Take a papier - green, purple, or such, which has a trio of golden color, a pen or a thin brush, ink of a golden color, and also an envelope. (If you don’t know the ink of the golden color, wick greens or a purple felt-tip pen.) Verish, how many pennies you bazhaet mother, and write:

Dear Archangel Gabriel (Parasil), I, (your name), am aware of the fact that I will accept (a specific amount) or more in my life right now. I will wait for acceptance (a specific amount) or my life has more right now I confirm that I have now є (a specific amount) or my life has more right now. To you, Archangel Gabriel (Parasiele), for those who helped me to earn (a specific amount) or more in my life right now. I'm letting go and I'm leaving yoga in the hands of angels"

Subscribe let me know and put the date. Put the sheet by the envelope in order from the images of the angel, or with a statue that let the angels work more for you. Do not get involved - only accept it from vdyachnistyu.



Hour: thursday, thursday or month, scho growth.

Candles: five green candles, one yellow candle, one astrological candle, which corresponds to the zodiac sign of the one who wants to be rich.

Pachos: lavender or patchouli.

Crystals: citrine, malachite.

Oliya: peppermint.


Oh, All-light, send me, a small part of the light, a share of that wealth, like you can. I will report all my wealth in order to increase my wealth. Fortune will accompany me, and I will be able to achieve success in my right. I gladly accept all the blessings.

Carrying out the ritual: Light a vіvtarnu candle and pakhoschi. Put the crystals in front of the candle. Make an astrological candle straight down to the beast and put it in front of the crystals.

Make green candles and put them in one row in front of the astrological candle. Make a yellow candle and put it in front of the green candles. Light the candles in reverse order, starting from the rest (from a yellow candle to an astrological one).

When the yellow candle is ignited, cast the spell once again. Let us candles burn to the end.



Take a glass jar, the jar can be bright blue, brandy, so that it has a lid. Now I need to sip peas in it, stilki and tea and cavi. All you need is to mix and add to the sum a coin of 5 or 10 rubles. Thoughts chi say out loud: I

for the joy of that vdyachnistyu I accept the blessing of the All-World prosperity and well-being. I attract pennies and wealth, like a magnet!

Now we close our jar with a lid and put it in the sector, which is recognized for wealth and financial well-being, that is for Feng Shui. on the front of your apartment (abo kіmnati).

This ritual for earning pennies should work for the Month, as it grows. Nezabar you see the change: either we call you a penny, or there are some propositions that will help them earn money.



Take 5 ml of olії-base (Olіya licorice almond)

Add to new:

7 drops of oleic patchouli

5 drops of olії Cedar

1 dash of olive oil Muscat or Rosemary

You can add 1 drop of olive oil.

Sumish vitrimati until vzhivannya 4 tizhnі

Whisk in aroma lamps;



Choose 9 significant sirniks. From 8 to store a shallow "well", as if they were robbed in childhood, into 2 "crowns". Pidpalіt tsey "zrub" from the sides of the 9 sirkoy and throw її in the middle. While the fire is burning, wave a penny bill over it (good for a larger-less stable currency, for example, a dollar), so that the half-light from the sides of the sun illuminates, and the dimok - having smoked її.

It is necessary to carry this banknote with you as a kind of talisman that attracts pennies.



Vecheri on the fourth day after the young man, if the thin crescent of the young moon appears in the sky, go until the end, call and rustle a penny and say: "

You, moon, be young, but in my gamantsi pennies are not transferred! Repeat three times.



For this ritual, special pennies are needed, such as the titles of non-delivery of income, winning, knowing, taking away from a seemingly gift, turned hopeless borg, seeing as a prize, etc. put the banknote in the new one. Now check if the moon is in the sky again. At the beginning of the new month, remove the preparations for a penny and sim times ours:

Like a beauty that has been ruined, rush to its mother, like a dog wandering away to its master, like a whale turning into a new wind, like a lure in a booth, so all the ruined, strayed, lost pennies and pennies would hurry up to me tomorrow, tomorrow, today! Hai will follow my bazhanny!

Wiymіt banknote z gamantsya, take it to hand, fold navpіl by dozhinі and read the spell again. Once again, fold the bill, only now in width and shove it into hamanets. More tsієї bills do not stick around with your hands! Vaughn can lie quietly in the gamantz and click to yourself another penny.

The rite is repeated for three months at a time. Shchoraz put a new banknote from the vipadkovy pennies into the gamanets. Carry out the same operation with a leather bill: laying down, reading a spell, crying out, sang and sang again. In three months you can visit. Nezabar you remember that your surplus began to increase.



This ritual should be carried out on your own, so that you don’t care about anyone.

Sit down at the table, light the candles. Sip semolina, cinnamon and vanilla in a saucer.

Manka means that you attract pennies. Cinnamon and vanilla - so that the pennies smelled delicious and attracted even more pennies to themselves.

Take paper pennies from gamants and put them at the saucer.

Sip on their sum and tell the pennies, like you love them, stroke them.

Let's put them back at the hamanets and sip there a little sumish semolina, cinnamon and vanilla.

If you don’t get hung up on the results and check, the pennies will come sooner or later.



Do you want to get rich for this day? How do you believe, what is possible, it is necessary to work like this:

On Saturday evening, light a candle and spread all the coins from your gamantsy on it.

Let the candle burn out.

At Mondays, carry out that very ritual, and then add those coins to the amount of coins, as you will have in your hamants at that moment.

Today, by stretching the day, fix it yourself - light a candle, add coins, do it for those pennies, as you already have it.

Relatively conducting the rite by stretching the day, you will see change in your financial state, you will see how much the pennies are accruing.

Nakri coin scarf and wimovi:

I am such an omnipotence for pennies, like in me already є.



You need to buy 9 oranges and zaishovshi to the booth, start entrance doors kittens and oranges according to the price. Vglib apartments.

Shards of oranges symbolize gold and prosperity, then you, in such a rank, will ask everything to your booth!

Why 9? To that, the cry of the last one, 9 means forever, and the shards in our mood we ask for wealth, then 9 symbolizes the coming of the future, forever.

Nine - to that which means the fullness of life, wisdom, longevity, kohannya. To love just the Chinese is already a number, it seems that it is more like a key value. And yet 9 means the most possible direct plus the direct sky. So, as a person sounds straight out of remorse, the nine is respected by a friendly figure. And the shards in China are all symbolic, then roaming into the 9 oranges' buds, you symbolically roam all the way to your budinok - full of life, wisdom, longevity, love and wealth.

Krіm vsogo 9 means forever, shards in our mood we ask for wealth, then 9 symbolizes yogo come forever, forever.

What will we do with them? It’s safe to see that we are tempted ... We don’t defend them ... Aleraptom, who doesn’t love, doesn’t need to crush. Let's lie down, the docks won't start to dry up. Todi for the first sign - podyakuvati and vikinuti.



last month, take a sieve, sip into a new dribnitsa, look at the city and sow pennies, apparently:

in my father that son and the holy spirit, mother - earth - sister - earth, accept the present, give me that my homeland good times! Garni go!



For the rite, you need to prepare a paprika and a pen, a square jar with a lid that will close (you can’t take a square jar, it’s bigger, 7 coins, a bay leaf. Write the sum, as you need, on a piece of paper and put yoga in a jar. Take 7 coins in your dominant hand and drop them one by one from the bank.

Dropping coin after coin into the jar, show how the stench multiplies, transforming into a great sum. When you sue:

Vibliskuet coins, jingle coins! I have more Daedals than them! I don’t check the stars, I take my income, I change pennies on my rahunka! "

Write your name on the back of a bay leaf and put it in the same jar. Screw the jar tightly with a lid and put it in such a way that only Vi could bachit, and nothing else!

Today, obov'yazkovo, add one or two coins to the bank, indicating at the same time that you will receive pennies from unspent dzherel.

After that, like a bag, like you were asked to, it will be taken away, take papriets from a jar and bury yoga in the garden or in a mountain worker with a room ticket.



For help pear, you can perform a magical operation and by yourself create penny problems.

On Saturday, I stole a pear with my own hands, since you don’t have such ability, you can buy it at the bazaar, overpaying a trio of pennies. Write your name on two penny bills, turn the tube. Divide the pear into two halves, cut the last one and put the banknotes there. Let's put two halves together, piercing them with a sirnik. Put the pear in the oven, so that it boiled, then light up the laurel leaves and put the pillow on the floor for five days.

Tsej sposіb dієviy, axis pobachite - literally in a day after vikonannya magical procedure pennies will arrive to you.



Even a good ritual, which helps to earn pennies. Vіn polagaє in probachennі and pozbavlennі way. Helps to generate energy for the withdrawal of material goods

Ritual of vibachennya to finish forgiveness.

Ask again for the one who created you. I'll ask again that I formed myself. I'll ask again, having created someone myself. Vibach, what happened to you.

On the rest of the month, they light a candle in the evening, turning to the energy of pennies, asking for forgiveness from her for all the images, for the images, for the images, for the images, for the images, for the images, for the images, for the images, the children Asking the energy of pennies not to leave you. And mother and straight family on both lines, maternal and batkivsky, ask to be a troublemaker in front of the financial egregor about your financial dobrobut.



Take a new large bill and bend the right-hander into the niy kut. Let's just bend the kut from the other side of the bill. Viide is a rіvnofemoral tricoutnik. Then bend the banknote vertically along the axis of the short side of the banknote.

With your left hand, take it by any kut, bring it close to your lips and say the following text on the bill:

[i] How strong the river attracts strings, And the sea is strong rivers,

Like a woman attracts a man,

And a man is a woman,

Like nothing attracts the day,

And the day is nothing

So bi and ti attracted their own sub6ni.

So 6de so START!

Qiu "zamovlenu" banknote put in gamanets and n in some times її more in hand, do not get away with gamanets for three months. As if into your hands the banknotes of such goodness are smuggled into your hands, put them in charge of the spelled out, already without bending. And here is the most powerful principle: pennies attract pennies. In case of this, the keeper of the "non-changeable" banknote is not guilty of swindling pennies in gamantsi, or remembering how much they accumulated there.



Tse simple spell to help you gain wealth.

Accessories: a clean jar with a plastic lid, a package of dry kvass, green felt-tip pen, a small bowl.

Cleanse, sanctify and bless the accessories for the spell in your sacred space for well-being. Choose one hundred kvasolin from the package. Paint on the skin a green pentagram with the words:

I activate you, a symbol of wealth.

Put the kvasolina at the empty jar. Stretch your hands over the jar and say:

Today my wealth grows. kvasolina on kvasolin, pennies on pennies, surcharge on surplus.

Close the lid and say:

Let it be so!

Today I put one new kvasoline at the jar - but only one. Repeat call. If you put the rest of the kvasolina, transfer it to a bowl, activate it and start the cob.



Lay out on both sides of your apartment red envelopes with some banknotes in leather. However, remember: the bigger the bills, the better. With this, you can win like rubles, so dolars and euros. Put these envelopes in such a way that the stench at any time did not lie on the bottom and it was not visible at first glance. Lay out and forget about it, and the powers of the All-World know for themselves what to work with them. In the future, you will only be deprived of accepting gifts from the sight of the obligatory tidy sum of pennies and other material goods.




To come to some kind of a visit, de love to get successful people - sporting stars of famous teams, a lot of movie premieres, a fashion show, vtim, be like a show, the whole beau monde is going to sound like a call. Do not waste pennies on a ticket - your efforts will pay off handsomely.

At the entrance to the hvilinka, close your eyes, you will see that you are suddenly expanding on the golden haze of wealth and success. To roar at їhnіy bіk dolonі and thoughts go to hell with prohannyam:

Let me tell you that a more prosorious whirlwind is wrapping around you, which will tighten parts of the golden serpentine of these riches.

Just as a small buffet is being delivered at the entrance, you should drink and drink at the success of these successful people - the energy of success is easily transmitted through the motherland of that house.

To show that once the application is filled with energy, prosperity and wealth, suffocate him.

In such a manner, having seen such a start, you will be able to formulate well for yourself.



Write for 7 days a month 54 times and in the evening 54 times the following formula:

Cosmic prosperity is manifested by the flow of pennies in my life.

It is necessary to write, but not to copy.



1. Put a robe on the skin, wear it at once (for example, in the case of the intestines of a demi-season coat), a sprat of coins. Ale is better for three chi p'yat.

2. Coin treasurers, wash:

Water to the coast, and pennies to pennies!

3. Stick around with your fingers (with your hands up to yourself, and not in front of yourself) of the conspiracy of coins so that when you see the metal, pronounce it to yourself, or in a voice:

Pennies to pennies!

Take pennies with money, and then we will put it in again. Be singing, and you will be in abundance.



you need expensive stone red and treasury. It is necessary to start the ritual at a young age. Before going to bed, paint a paper of six folds on the arch, put your fireplace near the center, carefully fold a piece of paper with the fireplace, and put a pillow under it. You can throw away the papyrus, and put a small stone for treasures. Put a coin or a penny banknote at the treasure house, and voice your money. The more times you repeat yoga, the better. Repeat all the listings more than fifteen days later. If your bajannya zdіysnitsya, then remove all the coins from the treasury, and put them all together with a stone at the yakus box. The box of the last thing should be hidden and not shown to anyone. If you need a new penny, you can repeat this ritual. Let's save the pennies from the treasuries again, we will need to put them in that very box. After the end of the fate, the next sufficient amount was accumulated in a charming box of pennies, and they were done for good.



Follow this ritual and you will soon see positive results. The stench appears at the hands of the robots, at the appearance of brown people.

Take a garniy arkush to a paper and a harn pen and write down:

I thank Vishcha for those that I take a few pennies, how much I need and get more. For the joy of that spirit, I give for the sake of my happiness that hour. I accept the new life and new rіven income. I send light and love and I believe at the victor of my bajan".

Burn a piece of paper and put it in a red envelope, or burn it in a red cloth.



Sit in front of a mirror. Turn your hands with your palms uphill and say clearly and in a voice: "


Repeat 3,7,9 times. Golovne - work with faith and confidence that they will give you everything.



Phase of the month: month of growth

Ritual: On a small piece of green paper, combine the letters B, O, P, A, T, C, T, B and O so that the stench is familiar.

Like a visible sign, lie down completely according to your imagination. You can win both great letters and small ones, or a combination of these and others. Letters can be stitched vertically, horizontally, uphill with their feet, backwards.

Having created your sovereign symbol of wealth, place it here in a prominent place so that the vines are most likely to fall on your eyes.

In essence, this ritual of victorious singing is a psychological effect: if you marvel at this symbol, you will think about your own name to become more successful and richer.

Behind your bajan, you can transform your symbol of wealth into a magic amulet.



For vikonannya tsy rite will need tizhden. In a prominent place, as you walk along a rich path today, put a small miner. With a stretch of tizhnya, put one more coin at a time.

Buy a green candle and a candle, but only not wooden ones. Now you can proceed to the ritual. Put the miner with coins and a candle on the table. Take a candle in your hands and see the power of pennies, the prospects of those paths, as they appear before you, as soon as you become rich. Let's put the candle in the candlestick. Now hang the coins in the lion's valley (or right, as if you were shulga). They are guilty of viklasti kolo in the basis of the candlestick.

Putting a coin, say:

Flow pennies, vibrate pennies, grow pennies, help me richly".

Repeat these words six times more, putting a coin in charge of the first friend. And so, until the colo closes. The time has come to light the candle. Do not, in any case, scorch with a flare, only with sirniki. If the candle is lit, you will see that it is not a small half-moon tongue, but the energy of pennies is alive. Show that your strength rises from the seven coins of the magic stake, rises with fire and rises far, uphill. Virazno show the value of pennies in your life - what would it be like for your assistance. Check out all your thoughts about the Borg, gifts, sumniv in what you can reach the bagan. Try to exert all the strength of your fantasies and in the light of your eyes, draw pictures of your future. Khvilin ten or so close stand up and look at the table. Let the candle burn out without you. If it won't go out, take these coins back from the miner. "Happy" yogo kіlkom with coins every day for a stretch of an hour (the term you can choose for yourself). Check that pennies will come to you.


RITUAL "KULYA, what shines"

1. Take a large sum of pennies to your hands. The bigger the bill, the stronger the effect is right.

2. Sit by the armchair, close your eyes, take three deep breaths and lower your hands from a penny on your knee.

3. Show yourself cool with a size of a basketball that hangs a quarter of a meter above your head.

4. Lower your thoughts in a sack that shines down, over your head. Reveal how the wines pass through the tulub and keep going down the level of the navel.

5. Reveal, like from the wings, which shines, go out to the light. You will have to go through sleepy gossip and cost pennies to lie on your knees.

6. Follow him, as the pennies are charged with the energy of this world.

7. Thoughts to extinguish the light.

8. Thoughts are right pennies in front of yourself, in the open.

9. Reveal that millions of such banknotes are turning from your side to you. Your sweat is similar to khurtovin.

10. It is easy to move the sack, which shines back, to the cob position above the head. Reveal, as if step by step, you know.

11. Expand your eyes and turn to action.

With a stretch, get rid of pennies, like trimals on knees: spend or just change them.



Prepare a warm bath, add aromatic strength to it, or your beloved essential oil throw a sprat of trojandia.

Light the candles, turn off the light, increase the quietness of the music.

Lie down with a sprat of quills by the baths, enjoy the warmth, aroma, and welcome melody. Relax, close your eyes.

Create a golden penny sweat at your face and reveal that the wine, penetrating through the skin, reminds you of your body. See happiness, happy.

Store the expressive one great finger together and together sung:

I accept with vdyachnistyu the Creator’s ideal financial position, which allows me to be prosperous and prosperous all my life!

Take pleasure, we will be safe to trust you to the All-World, the Creator, your Heavenly helpers for this turbot about your material goodness and goodness.

Start a vіdlіk vіd a hundred at the gate straight ahead.

Diyshovshi to one, flatten your eyes and guard clearly from one to five and gladly promote:

Get out, get out, get out!

For help, you have the right to materialize your mother's pennies. You show the All-World that you trust you, that you allow you to direct the flow of prosperity and prosperity to you.

The skin is right to promote your stability and strength, increasing your energy.

Tsya has the right to bring you closer to the bagan’s mark for earning pennies - gain goodwill and financial independence.



This rite will help you change your anxiety, tie you to a financial twist, and give a penny to your life.

What is needed to grow:

1. Put a small vase and light a candle on the table, or in some other place, you can see the stars every day.

2. Every day for a stretch of seven days, lower one coin at a vase, the docks will not appear there with these coins.

3. Like a term, holding a candle in your hand, show that you reach happiness, wealth and prosperity through a candle. Think about how well you can do it for us to spend pennies.

4. Put a candle in and take these coins from your left hand.

5. Put coins in the ring of light, as if it had settled in the half-light of the candle.

6. Bring the first coin to the candle and wash:

The pennies will soon appear with me. Pennies will come soon and lay me down.



Some people are full of power and not richly satisfied, like in their life, so like they are over their heads. Ale, as a rule, human nature is powerful for the greater, lower. If you firmly cross over, that in your life the main role is to achieve great blessings, this rite will help you to cross over, so that you can forever take them away.

What should you tell me:

1. Put two tablespoons of rice, zucru and salt in a bowl.

2. Place a cut-out safety hairpin in the middle of the bowl.

3. Throw the bowl on the street and put it on the open ground.

4. If you see that the hour has come, replace the ingredients in the bowl with fresh ones.

As if following the rite of passage, you do not see improvement in the financial right, it means that you have to stand in front of you, as if you still need to virishiti (what do you need to do).



Meta rite - attract success from the sphere of your business. Wrap it up like this: write in small letters in one of the folds of the card the magic word in Latin letters -

vehuiah. Put a stack of business cards with a word written on the table, sit down at the table in a dark room, you can light a candle. 40 hvilin marvel at them, not looking at them and showing thoughts, like stinks are put into the hands of people who need you, like a lot of pennies to help you earn stinks, like you spend money on pennies, it’s great and happy to laugh at you. Reveal that you earn a lot of pennies for your business cards. transfer your energy to the cards, take them by hand, think about them, like about your friends and helpers. Potim 3 times blow on the stack. Add cards killed. So it takes 28 days to die.

So, the rite is three times long! Ale vin that warty! Then business cards can be put in a purse and, if necessary, handed out. The best rozpochinati rite in the middle. Good luck to you!



A simple technique for relieving zayvih and unnecessary thoughts.

When molding us, take paper and a pen. Relax and write down your bug, for example:

"I'll take five thousand dollars for a month."

Then, quickly and quickly, you begin to write down those that fall on your mind:

"It's impossible. How can I know such a penny. And what will my mother say. You can earn only pennies by doing dishonest work. I will happen to be all the same for the Borg, it's all necessary. They will rob me."

Everything is wiped out, what to climb, and є call and do not need thoughts. In order to successfully fight with them, it is necessary to lay down hardness on the melancholy of your bajan.

For example: Tse is impossible - Tse is my own thought, not supported by anything I can have mercy. How do I know such pennies - I don’t know, but I know. Life can be a surprise. And what will my mother say (buvaє and such insanity) - But it’s all the same for me. Mom hasn’t decreed for me for a long time.

You can earn more pennies by doing nothing but dirty work - first, well, in a different way, it’s not a fact. I'll have to pay everything for the Borg - Nareshti, I'll cover my dirka, and then I'll start depositing for a trip to the Caribbean.

Rewind your negativity until you are completely overwhelmed by the simplicity and lightness of the victory. Vykoristovyte different formulas doti, doki do not know that any of them is absolutely correct for you. Everything described above is repeated, the docks don’t see that it’s broken at the ability to beat the bazhannya.

For example, I will write again my message and turn it over, leaving the negative. As if having lost, the coming day, repeat everything from the beginning. The phrase, which is expressed by the bajan, can be written 20-30 times per "session".



At the young man write your own receipt for the withdrawal of pennies.

1. Save the date.

2. Write your name.

3. Zamіst sumi put probіl (you can insert a penny sum, and then you need to know the size of your inner gamantz). Tobto you can take away only that sum of pennies, if you allow yourself to take it. Keep up your inner awareness, starting with a small sum and step by step raising the bar.

That sum, on which you see the fragility, the impossibility of otrimanna - is your boundary. Pochnіt stupovo pіdnіmati yogo. How to be afraid: write a sum that will move your boundaries by the troch, and hang it in a prominent place. So, if you pass by, and your eyes fall on the whole sheet, think: "I will take ... dollars for a month (day, day)" - you will take those that suit you.

4. At the bottom, put the receipt number, date and signature.

5. Shove the receipt there, de її no one knows.



In ancient China, they respected that the mighty Jade Emperor Yu-di held the shares of people. We live at the beautiful heavenly abode of that Volodya by the greater forces of nature, by the elements and by all the riches of the world, which our ancestors poured on us. Vin sends people health, dovgolittya that prosvitannya, vykonu bazhannya, protects that blesses for happiness.

Use the ancient sound to send symbolic pennies of great wealth to the Heavenly Bank of the Jade Emperor in order to get to your life and see good luck, which is necessary for a happy life. Charming banknotes avenge the portrait of Emperor Yu-di and traditional good-natured symbols of Feng Shui.

If you burn a banknote at a friendly hour, then a sum of pennies is charged on your rahunka at the heavenly bank. In this rank, you will begin to take "dividendi" from looking prosperous, wealth, ancestral luck and perfection.

Heavenly banknotes are the universal Feng Shui method that generates you the energy of prosperity and good intercession of the greater forces. Vikonuyuchi ritual, You get from your life miraculous opportunities to reach the bagan eve of good fortune and happiness.


Choose a pleasant hour for sending pennies to the Bank of the Jade Emperor. Might be a period, which is accompanied by a naturally progressive growth of the energies of Nature; sleepy svitanok, the first days of young Mіsyatsya, New river. This action can be timed to be a personal urochist, especially before the National Day, name day, rokovyny, housewarming and wedding.

Conducted by the ritual, krim zaluchennya raznyh vydіv good luck and happiness, You activate and improve your tribal luck, as they are formed by members of your family, who live and live. In order to greet yourself with an agonizing strength, You are guilty of remembering your family roots and honoring your ancestors.

Burning banknotes in the mood of honor to the great-grandfathers and tribute to Heaven, You will know the blessing and mercy of the greater forces on be-your kind namir. Zavdyaki sanktsiy ancestors through ancestral links Heavenly king grants us universal protection, great luck, all blessings and happiness.

In a viable mindset, carefully light the banknotes one by one, stating, like a dim, going to the sky, turn to you with a majestic dobroboot in the equivalent of the worth of banknotes that are being burned.

I drank what I had left, it was necessary to put it down to the roslin at your booth, or else it was new.

Now your worthy pennies have been placed on the rahunok at the head Bank of Heaven, which saves all the miserable and incomprehensible belongings and the wealth of the light. Do not forget to periodically refill your account.

To confirm that memory of you, you can get your own special bank card and save it as a pledge of your participation in the universal life of life. World of prosperity, prosperity and all-season happiness for you and your loved ones!



Bring a new gamanets green (pіd gold) color.

Prepare the following speeches: a round-shaped mirror, three coins of a yellow color (an old-fashioned fawn, you can ask numismatists for it), a thin tree hue.

Before that, as soon as you put these items in a special gamantsa, try them for 3 years in a crystal bowl, whispering on them:

Like leafing on a tree, so the coin multiplies at the bitcoin, how diligently I bless you! Amen. Amen. Amen!



Put a penny on a white saucer without a baby, put wheat grain on the bottom, close it with a hard one, water the skin with warm water (troch) for the third day to give the wheat a rise, and pray:

Mother-wheat, ty years and young and old, and zhebrakiv and bar. Types of grain give ten, fifteen, twenty. Give me, God's servant, pennies to be born, like my wheat. Like it grows day and night, it doesn’t let you die of hunger, so don’t let my pennies grow and grow less. God bless. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen, Amen. Amen.

dali be

Spell for Swedish pennies

Need a green candle, basil powder and roslinna oliya. Write on your candles the same amount as you need. Spread the candle with olive oil and roll it in the basilica. Light a candle and move the sound: "Penny to come, penny to grow, penny to know the way into my gut." Let the candles burn out.

From the book 150 rituals for earning pennies author Romanova Olga Mykolaivna

Rite on swedish pennies This rite can help you if you need a penny for singing purposes. Yoga is carried out for a week on a month, according to growth, or on a new month.

From the book 150 rituals for earning pennies author Romanova Olga Mykolaivna

Spell for pennies The ritual is to be performed on the fifth hour of the eleventh day for a young month. Take all your pennies (you can put it in a hamman) and show the month, saying 3 times:

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Spell. The conjuration of the strength of the ancestors

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Strong and fast at the gate on the trail of the sky If you pass the funeral procession, stand on the place where the string stood at parting, cross and say: Walking on your feet, she was carried in her arms. And like this little sky is cold now

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Spell for pennies for the help of Tarot cards Use: green candles (a sprig of pieces), a deck of Tarot cards, an olive that adds pennies (ginger and cinnamon). At the beginning of the new month, make a green candle with olive oil. Take the Ace of Pentacles from the deck and place it with a picture up the hill


Spell for pennies Robity is required for M_syatsi, scho growth. Light the green candle and concentrate on the half moon. Repeat the style of the style, the need for the sky, so that you can see the strength: “I hope that the healing energy of the candle has become mine. Let the magic of pennies

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Ritual for Swiss money Rob the ritual for a week, for a month, for growth, or for a new month. You need: an astrological candle, two green (large and small), brown,

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Spell for swedish pennies You need a green candle, olive oil, basil powder. Write on the candles your own name the amount you need. Make a candle with olive oil and roll it in the basilica. Light a candle, adding: “Penny to come, pennies to grow,

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