Prayer to the Mother of God, what an illness for a child. Strong prayers for the health of the sick (Orthodox) Panteleimon the Cilitel, Matronushtsi, the Mother of God. Matrona Moskovska zcilyuє

On the outside, that description was described: the prayer of a child was strong enough to clothe clothes for the spiritual life of a believing person.

Prayer for healthy people, like sickness, I have great strength. Vimovlyat її is allowed both at the temple, and in the minds of the home. You can pray not only for yourself, but also for another person (father, children, person, squad, other relatives and relatives), a brand, so that this person was baptized in the church.

The most frequent prayer words about the healthy death to the Most Holy Theotokos, Mykoli the Wonderworker and Matrona.

Zmova chi rite vіd povnoti - simple v.

For what magical rite.

Prayer words about the health of the sick

Prayer for healthy people, like sickness, I have great strength. Vimovlyat її is allowed both at the temple, and in the minds of the home. You can pray not only for yourself, but also for another person (father, children, person, team, other relatives and relatives), a brand, so that this person was baptized in the church. Tsya mind stosuetsya all lower prayers.

“O Lord, our Creator, help Your help, I ask you, grant outside the clothes of God's servant (im'ya), wash the blood of її in exchange for yours. Only with your help come healing to her. By the power of miraculous work, reach her and bless the roads of all її until the final order, healing, dressing. Grant її body of health, її soul - blessed lightness, її heart - Thy divine balm. For now, come back and strength to turn around before her, hurt everyone to start fussing and come to help Your holy one. Your change from the blaky Heavens will reach her, give her a mitzny zahist, bless her for permission in case of illness, mark the faith of її. Let me hear my words, Lord. Glory to Tobi. Amen."

Prayer words about the health of the child

It’s important for all the fathers, like a child of illness. Help the camp of the little one and themselves help yoga ailments to the aid of a prayer for dressing and healthy children.

“Lord, the Almighty, let Your mercy be on my child (im'ya) (as there are 2 children and more, then you need to say “on my children”), save it, save yoga under your cover, cover my child from all evil, have seen Yogo of all the enemies, have seen his eyes and his breath, grant humility and a roaring heart to a little one. Lord God, do all of Yours, have pity on my child (im'ya) and go straight to the kayattya. Save, O God of All-Vishishny, and have mercy on my child (im'ya) and shine through my mind with the light of the mind of Your Gospel, and direct it to the path of Your commandments, and teach it, Lord, to do Your holy will. Amen."

Prayer words about health to the Mother of God

Prayer for the Mitzne of the Health of the Blessed Mother of God is also prayed at home or in the temple. To read the prayer words in the minds of the home, the icon of the Mother of God is needed, but if there is no possibility to buy, you can read it before the image of the Mother of God.

“Oh, Pani Blessed Lady. Take us away, God's servants (names), from the sinful depths and the blessings of the rapt death and all dark evil. Grant us, our lady, health and peace, let us enlighten our eyes and hearts, for the salvation of the light. Help us, God's servants (names), the Great Kingdom of Your Sin, Jesus our God: Thou art blessed with the Most Holy Spirit and Father Yogo. Amen."

Prayer words about the health of Mykola the Wonderworker

Even in the old hours, for various problems, among those who were healthy, the ancestors used to turn for help to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Even for life, the great saint became famous for his miraculous healers. Yogo faith helped him to do good deeds, the fame of yak shvidko spread throughout the earth. Prayer for health, fortified before the new and in our hour helps the suffering. The words are guilty of being moved by people, if they want to get sick and get healthy.

“Oh, Mykolo the All-Holy, the saint of the Lord, our eternal intercessor, and everywhere in all the lives of our helper. Help me, God's servant (im'ya), summary and sinful, in good life ask the Lord to grant me the redemption of my sins, for I have sinned in deed, in a word, in prayers and with all my feelings. Help me, the accursed one, Holy Wonderworker, ask our Lord for a healthy mіtsne, let me go through torment and misery. Amen."

Prayer words about clothes

Prayer for the bazhana of the dress of the Holy Matrona is most effective and strong. For life, the wealthy Matrona rejoiced at the Germans and the sick, the power of prayerful words helped people to instill the worst ailments.

“Our mother, Blessed Matrono, you check with your soul in Heaven before the Throne of God, you rest with your body on the earth, and with the grace of this you work all kinds of miracles. I beg you, marvel at me, God's servant (im'ya), sinner, near the mountain, sickness and sinful peace. Wish me, heal all my ailments. The sight of the Lord God is filthy to us according to our sins, we were victorious in the mouth of us and the enemies. Ask the Lord to forgive us for our sins, those sins that are lawless. Amen."

You can pray this prayer at home in the church, ale obov'yazkovo in front of the icon of the Holy Matrona.

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what a wonderful music! thank you.

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Zmova for a cold sleep, plus a tablespoon of honey and a little bit of cold water.

Hello Svetlana. My man has sleeplessness, falls asleep in the evening, and at night about 2.30 he rolls over and lies up to the wound, rarely if he sleeps. If you go to the kokhanka, it seems that you have slept there in the evenings and until the alarm clock with a sound sleep. Show how a prayer can be read. I'm unlikely to read it myself. Thank you Marina.

Read the words over the water, part of what we sweat a person let’s not win, but let’s not get too smart. It’s not necessary to wipe it off - the water can dry up by itself.

Vechernya of the dawn of Marimyan,

I ask you to see a girl,

In the afternoon, in the night,

Vіd chasnitsa, vіd pіvgodini,

Vіd khvilinnytsі, vіd pіvhvilinki,

Type of seconds of sleeplessness-nevhamovnik.

Vechernya of the dawn of Marimyan,

I ask you, roll a dream on the servant of God (im'ya)

I vgamuy yoga for wiki wiki.

I will be blessed

From the door at the door, from the gate at the gate.

Ty - Dawn Mary, ty - Dawn Marina,

That ti is the dawn of Marim'yana.

For tsimi dawns do not khadzhuvati,

My servant of God (im'ya) will not be.

Do not lie down with you, do not wake up with you.

If you want to come - the axis of you bow and arrow,

Have fun with them

And do not miss my servant of God (im'ya). Amen.

Hello Svitlano! My man has sleeplessness, but he doesn’t sleep in guilt only with me. Have some other places to sleep in the evening before the wound, we’ll skip the badorim and renew our strength. And as I’m in order, navit drowsiness does not come. It's been over a month already. Problems began to zі zdorov'yam, psuyutsya stosunki. Tell me, be kind, how can you beat the sound of sleeplessness, without leading a person to fate? To carry out yoga on a third individual?

You can. But all the same, the reason seems to be possible? Do you have rich? Have a life? It is necessary to speak.

I think that tse psuvannya, aimed at our stosunki, shards of zazdrіsnikiv appeared richly.

Cleansing for the decline of the month that amulet.

Month be-like, be-like day crim saturday that week.

Put the photo on the table. Take the first egg and cross the photo and say sprat once

“what went wrong with black,

then in a move, with a creak we saw, with a toad's skin it went

body (im'ya) began to destroy,

grizzly brushes, blood rotted

lived rіzala, eyes zіpila.

taco buti buvalo, that black chicken was egg-laying

that egg then itself

with a wise word

with an egg, with a devil's cross, I know everything (im'ya)

what is slaughtered for two, then it is slaughtered with an egg.

with a strong whisper on the darling (im'ya) evil fell

that rozum was relieved, from the road it was thrown into the urvishche

dashing path filthy

that vіdriv nakochuyu

I am moving the fox egg.

the egg takes everything in itself forever

the death of the nobility (im'ya) does not give.

teeth of the witches sent glory

beat the fox egg, beat it

I know all of my darlings (im'ya)

Take the third egg, drive it against the year's arrow in circular motions and read:

“I went to the body of darkness, (im'ya) knew

circled, lamala scarabea is not peaceful

the marsh quagmire tormented with torment (im'ya),

the body of the suffering wind of the bula is similar

an egg with a light cauldron, on a body (im'ya) an egg was nakoil.

everything is rolled with an egg,

to the one who was silently psuvav vіddano. amen.

Let's take all three eggs and put them on the street. Leave one of the white of the tree, the other at the crossroads, and the third to bury it near the ground. You need to clean yourself.

Take the photo up to your hands, turn the image up. Drink in a hidden part of the place, de change and marvel at the photo 7 times, say: “Whoever attacked you, he himself will die, whoever stares unkindly, he himself will be ill. Let it be so."

Good afternoon! Give me some kindness. Donka had colic, didn’t sleep at night, everything went back to normal, and I can’t sleep, day or night. Anxiety and drativlivist rolled me up. I can't sleep, overwhelmed nervous system that revival.

Rosemary. Ale, please, let's go around the ritual, I can't eat for nine eggs. Tse for independent work. Washing with water, over some kind of prayer to read.

Good night in me sleepless for a month. Inspired to the right of the hands of my bride and mother, who hasn’t tried anything, she doesn’t help one hope for you!

After that, clean yourself up, read your breath over the water, drink a part of it later, and sweat too much. It’s not necessary to wipe it off - the water can dry up by itself.

1. Vechirnya of the dawn of Marim'yana, I ask you for a girl, for a noonday, for a pivnoch, for a chapel, for a pivgodini,

In the form of seconds, sleeplessness-nevgamovnits. Vechernya dawn Marim'yana, I ask you to roll a dream on me, the servant of God (im'ya) and make me go away forever and ever.

2. I will stand, blessed, go, crossing, from the door at the door, from the gate at the gate. (im'ya) don't babble. It’s not for you, it’s not for you to wake up. Amen.

3. Before going to bed, read the next call:

I lie down to sleep, I'm not afraid of anything: At the door Jesus Christ, the feet of the Mother of God, Three sides of the archangels, Above the head of the angels.

I can't sleep so many times! Tried folk methodsі tablets - the effect is less for two or three days. I'm tormented. I don't know who the hell was. Є pіdozra, scho maybe a splinter of children, and yet I'm a public person often in public. The audience is even larger and the people are different. I’m sure it’s necessary to look at the “vіdmіnno”. Yakshcho є options for relieving this misfortune for me - I will be vdyachna.

Svetlana Tsa, unfortunately, for independent work I can’t pronounce anything. You can be cleaned by the master.

smell the lavender oliya quill or 2 in the fall due to the severity of the lack of sleep and drop a sprat of white pillows fall asleep instantly learn plus prayers

Chi є yakіs smovi chi rituals, yakі help to vispatis and renew yourself - with the mind, the soul, and the body - for less than an hour? Sleep takes me 8-9-10 years. I would like to spend the hour signifi- cantly, but not for nothing.

Denise, what's up? Well, how can you call here? These practices are necessary, vpritulya will be engaged in tsim, and the axis is so, having read the zmovu - no.

Svitlana tell me to be kind

Lariso, do you know runes? You can’t change diabetes on your own, you can try to try the translation. Well, tse before the master is already required. And the axis of the runes can be improved, only the robot is foldable.

Prayer about dressing up a child: to help mom

Hello dear readers!

Why do you greet your family with such a strained spiritual instrument, like a prayer for dressing a child? What are the best prayers to come at such a time? And how can I help the little ones, who is sick? Let's try to know the answers to all questions.

If the child is ill, everything else is given to others and is unsustainable. Nothing to be quiet, and only one thing - help the little ones see. Luckily, as it is necessary, I will help doctors, doctors, injections of those people. Abo spread the back of the massage and put the compress on the bed, sleep a song before going to bed and drink warm tea with raspberries.

And we can help children to dress up not only with physical activities, but with animals to greater strength. Shira, a sincere motherly prayer for a little girl dressed in a swede - even stronger are those hardened faces. And for yoga zastosuvannya, we do not need everyday wisdom, additional resources and resources. Only a purer heart, that faith in a miracle, like obov'yazkovo become.

What does prayer give to the sick?

Prayer is the beginning of rozmov with God. If in your own words, if behind special texts, but the essence is the same - we ask the Lord to help that water, healing that distant mental health for our children.

It is an impersonal evidence that a mother's prayer can work wonders. To that nikoli not varto nehtuvat such a strong gift. Especially if the experience is even stronger, and the hard work does not help to the fullest strength.

And besides that, the prayers of the building vryatuvat the little one, the stink of helping the mother pick up, calm down, believe in the little girl's clothes. Aje, our praise - remain, which is necessary for a child. And if the mother trusts the world, calms down and becomes stronger to help the greater forces, the child also relaxes and begins to dress.

Who to pray for health?

For the health of Orthodox children, pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, St. Panteleimon the Healer, St. Matrona and other saints. We will direct for clarity a sprig of ready-made prayers. Hello, it's great, you can pray in your own words. Golovna, that the stench went through the soul, and the heart was filled with faith.

Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ:

Lord Jesus Christ, be Thy mercy on my children (children's names), save them with Thy blessings, protect them from every evil lust, protect them from every adversary's adversary, open them to the eyes of the heart, grant the separation of those humble hearts.

Lord, all your creations, send my children (names), and beasts to repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy on my children (names), and enlighten them with the light rose of Your gospel, and set them on the path of Your commandments, and teach them, Savior, do Your will, for You are our God.

Prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos:

O Blessed Lady of the Mother of God, save and save with Your blessings my children (names), the young ones, the young ones and not, those who are christened and the innocent and carried in the womb of their mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, cherish them in the fear of God and in obedience to the fathers, bless the Lord, that Sin of Yours, give them a crown for their salvation. I entrust them to Your Maternal look, for You are the Divine Cover of Your servants. Mother of God, introduce me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Rejoice sincerely and corpulently wound my children (names), with my sins. I entrust my child to my Lord Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure, heavenly intercession. Amen.

Prayer of the Holy Orthodox Blessed Matrona of Moscow:

Oh, blessed mother Matrono, the soul in heaven before the Throne of God is future, but the body on the earth is resting, and given to you, miracles are performed by the grace of life. Look at your merciful eye on none, sinners, in sorrows, ailments and sinful times of your days, what to endure, in silence, vіdchaydushni, zcili our ill ills, God see us empty of our sins, let us Jesus Christ probate us our sins , lawless and sinful, like mi in our youth to inspire until today and the year of sin, that with your prayers, having taken away grace and great mercy, glorified in the Trinity of the One God, the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit and all the time and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon:

O great saint of Christ and glorious healer, great martyr Panteleimon, with my soul in heaven before the throne of God and trinity, glory to Yogo, be blessed with the body and face of the saints on earth in the Divine temples and by the grace of the gift of miracles! Look with your merciful eye at the future people, honest for your icon, to pray and ask for help and intercession for you: shed your prayers to the Lord our God and ask our souls for forgiveness of sins. I, too, for our lawlessness, do not dare to call our eyes up to the heights of heaven, lower the voice of prayers to Yogo in the Godhead of impregnable glory, broken heart and humble spirit to you, merciful trouble to the Lord and the prayer book for us, sinners, we cry, like you grace in the new ailments in the vіdganyati and addictions heal. You are asked: do not anger us, unworthy, to pray to you and your help will be required. Be a comforter to us in sorrow, a healer in sickness, a swedish patron, an ill-healthy vision giver, a representative and a healer for those who are in pain. Let us all come forward that is for salvation, for so, with your prayers before the Lord God, having taken away grace and mercy, we glorify all the good ones and the gift of God, the One in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, Nine and all the time, and. Amen.

Prayer to Blessed Xenia of Petersburg:

O holy and all-blessed mother Xenia! Under the cover of the All-Vishish vein, led and smitten by the Mother of God, hunger and spragu, cold and sinter, shame and persecution, she recognized the gift of clairvoyance and miracle-working of the sight of God, and rested under the cover of the Almighty. Holy Church, like a winter color, glorify you. May be at the place of your consecration before the image of your saint, as if you are alive, that we pray with you: take our prohanna and bring them to the throne of the Merciful Heavenly Father, for mercy to the New May, ask those who come to you for eternal salvation for the blessings of the blessed ones, see us and sorrows of salvation. Presenting your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners. Help, Holy Blessed Mother Xenia, unfamiliar with the light of Holy Baptism, illuminate and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit to photograph, youths and maidens in the honesty of God-fearingness, wilt and success in the teachings of the gift of the Holy Spirit of the fence, our shepherd of the Holy Spirit, our pastor save in the world and without turbos, pray for forgiveness in the dying year of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. You are our hope and hope, the swede is felt and saved, we pray for you and glorify the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit with you. І ninі i povyakchas і on vіki vіkіv. Amen.

Matinko Xenia, pray to our Lord for the healing of the servant (s) of God ... (I am a child in R. p.).

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Paraskevi for the healing of a child:

Oh, holy and blessed is the martyr of Christ Paraskevo, the beauty of the girl, praise of the martyrs, the purity of the image, the magnanimous mirror, the wise woman, the Christian guardians, the dolsky forests of the vikrivalnitsa, the Gospel of the Divine Defender, your Christ God, lightly rejoicing, especially the martyr's martyr! We pray to you, holy martyr, be a scuffle about us until Christ God, Yogo, with the most blessed dawn, always have fun. Pray to the All-Merciful, Yogo with the word of our eyes, we blind ourselves, do not allow us to suffer from the ailments of our eyes, corporeal at once and sincere; kindle with your holy prayers the dark haze, which, having risen in the face of our sins, ask the Father for Light for the light of the grace of our soul and bodily eyes; Enlighten us, overshadowed by sins, with the light of God's grace, and for the sake of your holy prayers, licorice will be given to the innocent. Oh, great pleaser of God! Oh, dear lady! Oh, Holy Martyr Paraskevo! With your holy prayers, be a sinful helper for us, fuss and pray for the damned and very unfortunate sinners, hurry to help us, for you are very German. Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, undefiled Christ's name, let your prayers take over, the darkness of sinful health, at the light of the true faith and the act of the Divine, we will come at the holy eternal, inexhaustible, glorifying and ospіvuєsh with heavenly powers of the Trisagionary One Deity, the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, nі and povyakchas і for ever and ever. Amen.

For the blessings of rich believers, prayer helps more well - if a lot of people are chosen, and all at once offer a prayer. But still, there’s no way to ask directly at once for help and encouragement - turn to God. So, yak є, in your own words. Vіdkinuvshi vanity and zaboboni. You will be immediately felt.

I, of course, diet. Take care of the children's riches of joy both on the physical and on the spiritual plane.

Behind the firmness of psychologists, and people believing, the most common cause of illness in children is their spiritual atmosphere. Tse does not mean that you need to strachuvat yourself and sip your head with ashes. Ale all the same, varto zaslititsya, and, it is possible, schos change in the middle of the shim's.

It is important to assess the situation - and why are all of them happy, self-sufficient? Like stosunki between fathers, brothers and sisters, grandfathers and grandmothers, other relatives? How much is enough for a child to take away respect, affection, warmth? Such simple words mean much richer. More, lower, it would be better.

And yet, even with the little one, unacceptability was trapping, and if you fell ill, try not to panic. Build everything that you can at once, and pray. І God will surely help you.

Let your children be healthy forever! To the world of yours this is God's blessing!

P.S. you can learn about prayers about children before the Most Holy Theotokos at our article “The Most Holy Theotokos: Mystery of the Mother”, and about those prayers that children themselves can offer to God, you can read in the upcoming article “Prayers for children: why start? how to learn ".

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thank you very much for the substitute material. Buvay, scho so the soul of the mother squeezes, if the child is sick. that prayer does not help much. Navit just calm down and with faith rozpochat likuvannya.

Saying goodbye

Maternal Orthodox prayer for a healthy child, like an ailment, to work miracles. We propagate stronger and stronger prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos for the health of children. Many prayers mothers pray for the healing of whether their children have ailments.

Miraculous prayer for a healthy child of the Most Holy Theotokos

“About the Blessed Lady the Mother of God, save and save under Your blessings my children (names), all young people, young people and not, baptized and without men and carried in the womb of their mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, cherish them in the fear of God and in obedience to the fathers, bless the Lord, that Sin of Yours, give them a crown for their salvation. I entrust them to Your Motherly look, for you are the Divine cover of Your servants.

Strong is the church prayer for the health of children, for the sickness of the Most Holy Theotokos

“Mother God, introduce me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Rejoice sincerely and corpulently wound my children (names), with my sins. I entrust my child to my Lord Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure, heavenly intercession. Amen."

What helps Christian prayer for the sick before the operation?

So, do help, but only in that situation, as if you believe in the Lord God and repent of your sins. Before the operation, you need to drink to the temple to confide, take communion and take the blessing for the operation. Zamoviti forty-mouthed about health, a prayer service. Read "The Canon of Repentance before our Lord Jesus Christ", Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos, to the Guardian Angel. Probachit all, vibachitisya, reconcile with us, pray in the temple for a prayer for health, akathisti.

A miraculous prayer that is read for the sick before the operation

“Vladiko the Almighty, holy tsar, punish and do not drive in the stubborn beggar, and call out the undemolished, corporeal people and sorrows, we pray to you, our God, your servant (im'ya), the unmoving, see your mercy. Probach to you be a sin, vіlny i not vіlny.

O Lord, your healing power from heaven fell hedgehogs to right the mind and the hand of your servant doctor (im'ya) that I will need surgery to create safely, like a bodily ailment of your servant (im'ya) absolutely heals, and every hostile enemy is far away. Wake up the sickly yogi and grant him a healthy soul and bodies pleasingly and do your will. Yours is more merciful and save neither our God, and to you we give glory to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit. Ninі i povsyakchas i on vіki vіkom. Amen."

Recognition of religion is the order of the human soul, Prote Neil Smelser affirms that it is no less important in the meta: on the people's sense of life.

Chi means that the life of an atheist is stupid, that religion gives a sense of reason to those who cannot know it independently? I believe rich lands, like a great number of people eat yalovichi steaks and steaks, how strongly the stench reflects the religious feelings of the Hindus, how to shake a cow like a sacred creature, and how to sprіvvіdnosya z religious tolerance, how nіnі provoshuetsya skin zі svіtovih church? Tsіkavo at tsomu, like a ruh for a united church, we can name usuvati similar wipes: fence to live a yalovichina in a hedgehog, or to spare a cow the status of a sacred creature.

Abi's children were healthy, and everything else is profitable. Chantly, this beating is viraz known and close to the skin of us. A healthy child is holy - an axiom, which does not require daily evidence and is a confirmation for normal, sensible fathers. Chantly, there is no more boar, lower the flour of a child, like an ailment, regardless of that small wine, or he himself is already nursing children.

Well, we are going to go to the doctors, we try to know the way to the luminaries of medicine, drink up to best clinic know how to be known for thousands of kilometers from the booth. To turn the child around, we are literally ready for everything. Before we speak, our readiness for everything is like a thin place between two worlds: the light of sensible vchinkiv and the brightest light. Rozpach is a vile guardian. Vono, obviously, can mobilize unbearable and unknown strength, and the ability to be the most ill, and the mother of the one who has spent the ailment at the paw.

But most of all, unfortunately, tse buvay after the terrible formulas of vision in the soul, the little child was alive and well. And for the sake of indulging in ailments, we begin to conduct approximately such a bargaining, calling out to greater strength: “Lord, as my child is dressing, I will be inspired for the rest of my life, because I grow up like this, because I don’t work like this anymore.”... Vіryachi, scho we give a non-perfect life, more, unfortunately, it’s practical, once the child is dressed up, I forget it. Heaven is more comfortable to the extent of the Lord's power. The most powerful prayer is the mother's prayer for the health of the child.

Holy commemorators

The first for everything, having taken all the will into a fist, so that the child would fight against your disguise, it would be less to blame for the fact that everything will be good, turn to the Almighty with these words:

O Merciful God, Father, Sin and Holy and Soul, in the inseparable Trinity worship and glorious, look kindly at Your servant (im'yarok), obsessed with sickness; let yoma all the sins of yogo; give him healing ailments; turn youma healthy and that strength of the body; give you a long and prosperous life, your peaceful and peaceful blessings, so that together with us bringing all blessings to You, the All-Generous God and my Creator. Blessed Mother of God, with Your all-powerful intercession, help me with the blessings of Your Sin, my God, for the healing of the servant of God (im'yarok). All holy angels of the Lord, pray to God for the sick servant Yogo (im'yarok). Amen.

Do not forget the hour of reading prayers to vrahuvat such a nuance: if your child is no more than seven years old, then you should say not “God's servant”, but “God's lack of prayer”. All children up to seven years of age, inclusive, are angels of God, they are not.

God for the mother of the sick child is the head healer, the luminary of medicine. The new one has helpers, to whose words and joys of wines he listens - saints, like a gift to heal the body and soul. Prayer for the dressing of children, savage to them, gaining additional strength. Holy prayer of God for health, I am with you at once.

Whom to turn to? The strongest healer, who heals the most difficult ailments according to the laws of the Lord, has long been respected Cilitel Panteleimon. So that it would be easier for the great martyrs to help you and your child, hold before you the image of the sick and repeat before the icon of the saint:

“Intercessor and Healer, Panteleimon - Great Martyr. At the prayer of repentance, I turn to you, I’m not only helping me. Let my child heal from evil, and grace will rush to her. I bless you, see the mustache of kaidans, scabs, ailments and hidden anger. Let the mercy of Christ become more swedish, and my child does not need to. If I have a child of wine on me, let me get out as soon as possible. Let it be so. Amin"

Robiti is possible at the temple, the liquor chamber, at home ... The point is not in the field of reading prayers, but in the faith of what you say. And remember again: at home prayers, you can inspire the name of an unbaptized sick person. God is merciful to the blessing of the mother, for which there is nothing of value for the child. Even more unbaptized children can often be helped by a generous almsgiving, as they are served for them without guessing their names.

In order of prayer to the Healer Panteleimon, a prayer for a healthy child is called, sent to Matrona of Moscow. Vaughn innocently helped the suffering for life, helping even after her physical death. It’s like being able to, go to the temple, take care of the day, magpie about the health of the sick (you can’t look at the baby’s bed, ask the relatives, relatives, or just good friends). Buy candles (you need to put three candles each before the icons of Jesus Christ, Panteleimon and Matronushka), collect holy water, then pour it into a drunken sick child, remember your disguise, hands ... The words of the prayer for the healthy child of the Blessed Old Lady are like this:

“Blessed is the Old Lady Matrona, in the mournful hour I turn to you. Probatch me all the sinful weaknesses and see the mustache of the bіsіvskі gidoti. Help my child to heal better and drink in God with faith. Do not punish the child with pain, sickness and bodily ailments. Do not torment the soul of the suffering. I hope to help you and I know about your health. Let your will be done. Amin"

As if a child has entered youth, or youth, you can read before the image of the Holy Matrona stepping on:

Blessed is Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. I thank you for healing and I ask for generous forgiveness. Intercede before the Lord God for the sick servant (name him the sufferer). Vidkin mustache sickness and turmoil of the soul. Zіyshli otuzhannya shvidka and vіdrіn vyprobuvannya suvor. Let the ailments (illnesses) see more clearly, and the soul of yoga (її) sorrow will wake up. Let your will be done. Amen.

I bless the mother of the icon with the holy Matronushka, the order of the sickly. Vaughn can naypotuzhnіshu energy.

And there is one more untransverse axiom: that mother’s thoughts were best understood by the one who endured pain, bitterness, mother’s suffering. In other words - the prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos - mother of the Sin of God, becomes a miraculous healing prayer. Before her, they turn like this:

“About the Blessed Lady of the Virgin Mary, save and save my children (names) under Your blessings, young people, young people and not, christened and impersonal and carried in the womb of their mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, cherish them in the fear of God and in obedience to the fathers, bless the Lord, that Sin of Yours, give them a crown for their salvation. I entrust them to Your Maternal look, for you are the Divine cover of Your servants. Amin"

The Most Holy Theotokos will be honored and such a prayer for a healthy child:

“Mother God, introduce me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Rejoice sincerely and corpulently wound my children (names), with my sins. I entrust my child to my Lord Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure, heavenly intercession. Amin"

Vtіm, be-yakі words, beasts to God, will be respected. Golovna, that the stinks were moving in the soul, in faith. Shira maternal prayer is the strongest. So it was and will be.

Fathers and children are roused by an invisible spiritual sound, created by God. Those, how to live fathers, strive for piety in life and sing love to the Creator, stand up to their neighbors and uniquite sin, not only live on their life conditions and successes, but also on healthy children. Prayer for a healthy child may be one of the most important for an Orthodox Christian, to protect a child in the event of a miraculous ailment.

Remember that your standing up to God is the basis, on which a wake-up call was made; So that nothing obscures your butt, it is necessary to sacredly cherish that simple thing that is based on the ten commandments - Good. It can heal ailments, protect from misfortunes and give quietly in sorrow, for Good is our Great Creator.

  • Pray Yogo for the health of all relatives and children. Sіm'ya - tse odne tsіle, de dumki that pobazhannya form a savage atmosphere. Feel the turboti, the blessing of goodness and God's blessing є most important for the safety of all її members. To get ahead of the disease, just be with the Lord, give shana yoma, correct the rites, and you will give you your blessing and in the face of harm.
  • Zha live the body, and prayer - the soul. To effectively know the solution to problems - pray, open your heart for the Almighty. Feeling your call, you will be given the Holy Spirit with a hint. In such a role, you can take on a vicious transitional, which will ease the share and help your daughter’s daughter, who is sick.
  • Reluctantly study the commandments of God. The first of them goiter is to honor the Heavenly Father, as the Canons command. Give Yoma the bindings, so that I will become like you. Even a healthy child is not a threat to the same problem - the Lord will bless everything and get ahead of it.
  • Do not break the commandments, as if punishing good things to your neighbors, so that the person you scrivenge does not become the grace of the Lord for intercession and revenge. The child, being one with the father and mother, will stand for the sins of the father. Depicting other people to filthy standards, people present the blow of God to the wrath of their children.
  • Remember that parts of a child's ailments can be a legacy of your baiduzhny staging to their Christian obsessions and aggression to other people. In an hour, if the child has dressed, it is necessary to speak and take communion - your spirit will be cleansed, and God will give mercy to us sums.
  • Having stumbled out of life, if the little one has health problems, do not fall into the water. “Knock and you will know, knock and you will hear,” - the words of the Lord, like a wine commanding not to lower your hands, but not to mention the blessings for the salvation of your soul and body. In order to take away the Bajans, it is necessary not to spend faith in the Creator, but diligently bless Yogo and Ugodnikov for help.

Important! Don’t waste your hope, lest it happen, and as if satan didn’t step in. Having spent її, having become a victim of the Bisіvsky training about the marnіst of all efforts, you spend faith in God - tse and є the meta of the devil. By faith it will be given - whose law is immutable from the hour of creation of the world.

Healthy child - God bless

Sob the Lord was merciful and helped the growth of children, protecting them from severe ailments, or having eased the dressing of a sick child, do not forget to bring blessings to you and graft them to the child. Christian families try to reach prayers and canons from the very childhood. Tilki vyhovavshih your own change, you can be calm for your future.

  • Baptism may be one of the first rites for infidelity, so that the Creator and the Queen of Heaven could hone yoga with their blessings, and the Guardian Angel would be a constant guardian for the child.
  • After the rite of christening of the children, communion was received. Moreover, it is necessary to spend communion more often, so that the Holy Spirit will protect and deprive the children.
  • The Lord is a merciless force against any bіsіvskogo cob. Aje children often become victims of magic steps and bisivska mani - accusations, curses, zazdroshchiv. Most often, the sacrament of Communion becomes a virish stage of dressing up a sick child.

  • The first prayer for the little ones is recommended for the one who has been sent to the guardian angel, so that he becomes a mentor and the constant patron of the child. It is important to conduct lessons in Evangelical enlightenment.
  • The mother of a child needs to be blessed with blessings to the Mother of God, so that she does not flood the child with her turbots. The Queen of Heaven is merciful to maternal anxieties and fire with love, be it as if I ask a woman.
  • If a child has known ailments and adversities, then pray for the clothes of the holy saints, who are supposed to piss about the flock. The prayers of the Matrona of Moscow, the Great Martyr Barbara, Xenia of St. Petersburg, for those saints, whose name is to wear a child, can help alleviate any unacceptability of health. Even though the house is strong, the building is capable of performing miracles.

Important! You can't forget about the doctor's house of icons. Holy images bestow exaltation in the face of any physical misfortune and ailment. The prayer is strong, but it is strengthened by the presence of the holy face.

Like icons cherish the child

The Orthodox Church blesses the consecrated faces as a symbol of the presence of the Holy Spirit with us. For relief from sickness, for the sake of a child’s lizhechka, those icons are trimmed to help the fathers look after their children, to protect them with peace and security.

  • The first icon, like a prayer for a child, is the image of the Guardian Angel. Yomu was entrusted to lead people behind earthly butts, to protect them from vices and help them reach the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Bazhanoy, looking at the very baptism of the people, stands the icon of that saint, in whose honor the newly baptized was named. She is opikuetsya by a human being who stretches out her life, like a saint himself, a defender of her science.
  • Mother of God, Matrona of Moscow and Great Martyr Varvara trust the turbot about the health of the child. Let them look like obov'yazkovo in the presence of a child, if they were treated for inaccuracies in their health. Turning before them, you will sooner call on the intercessor power of the saints.

It is necessary to understand that prayer alone can help you go from the depths of your heart. Only faith and inseparable love to the Creator of the One is the guarantee of a successful struggle for the life of your child. Even though the prayer was famous for its power, but empty in the heart of the reader, the building is to call for new miracles of power. Ask God for children, only those who have fully believed in Yogo's omnipotence.

Matrona Moskovska - patron of the sick child

Before the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow, they go into every worldly turmoil, asking for help and intercession before the Lord. Being our co-worker, in the strength of a prayer like this, people have crossed paths without acknowledgment and retelling, so pilgrims go straight to the grave, asking for intercession. For life before Matronushtsa of Moscow, people flocked for help, if they were allowed, and they didn’t know where they were, more head force bv the Lord, which invisibly bv entrusted from her.

She became famous for her, that the great gift of healing was small, even if she was weak, she could bring out the mental turmoil of the sufferer, and, of course, she was famous for her kindness to children. To this, the mother’s prayer for a healthy child, as if calling out to the intercessor Blessed Matrona, gained miraculous glory. Giving praise to the Matrona and blessing about the dressing of the children, rich mothers have gained peace of mind, more merciful bula shanovana is holy.

  • If you read the prayer of the Matrona of Moscow to another holy intercessor, ignite the lamp in front of your icon with a bow, so that you can see your faith and shilyannya to the one to whom you shout.
  • If the child is ill, the mother's thoughts can be chaotic. However, remember - calling out to the worldly doctor, do not forget about the Heavenly doctor. Obov'yazkovo is necessary to pay taxes to the temple to go to the health of the sick, if there is a public service.
  • The prayers of the Matrona of Moscow are different, for the jubilation of children, in case of illness, they invigorate two - in case of physical illness and in case of malt of Chaklunsky or pristra.
  • If the healing is reached, and the smile of happiness settles on the appearance of the child of that yoga father, then do not forget to say the holy assistant. Put in the temple, de vie parathians, a candle as a tribute to the Lord and Matrona, for your beloved child has healed with your efforts.

Prayer of the Matrona of Moscow for a healthy child

“Blessed is the old woman Matrona! I beg you, I conjure with a mother’s heart, go to the Lord’s throne, ask the Lord to grant a healthy servant of God (im’ya). Probach to you, holy mother Matrono, do not be angry with me, but be my haste. Ask the Lord to grant my child a healthy mitzna. Zvіlnennya in the form of ailments of the body and the spiritual. Oblish be-like ailments and ailments from the body of yoga. Forgive me for the sins of my lives and mimicry. Pray for the health of my child (im'ya) in the halls of the Lord. Tilki ty, blessed old woman Matrona, my intercessor is that helper. I am rooting for you. Amen."

Prayer of the Matrona of Moscow for the birth of a child in the house

“Oh, blessed is the Old Lady Matrona. I turn to you with a heartbreak. Give me strength and health to my child (im'ya), which dies out in the wake of the chaklunsky psuvanya. If you have enchanted yoga htos chi, purify the child from anger and zadroshchiv. I ask not for myself, but for a small, sinless child. Vіdkin vіd nego turmoil of the soul, vіdvedi sorrow and suffering, vizvol vіd nemіkі tіla. Pray for the new one before the Lord God and ask me to forgive me for my mother's sins. Let it be so. Amin"

Set up for fathers sick children

If a child is in torment, sickness, the father's heart is full of anxiety and that experience. Try not to fall at the vіdchay, but to clearly vikonuvaty your bonds and turbot, so that the beloved child will soon sing in the presence of sick kaydanіv.

  • Let's sip holy water for Shoranka in vain. Tse to give the body to the child of Divine power.
  • Pray instructed from him, so that the child would run your turbota about the new one.
  • Obov'yazkovo let the ailing child squash the prosphora, so that they give out after the liturgy.
  • Do not deprive your efforts at prayer and diligently see the temple, de ask for the health of your child.

Get respect! For a child who loves the turbot of all the motherland. To that prayer, if all the fathers at once ask the Lord for healing in ailments, mother great strength and speed up healing.

Turbo about chi shin's daughter - it's natural for whatever loving mami, especially the sick little one, or the newly born one, who only came to this world. Roll up to the Mother of God, Matrona of the other saints, and above all, pray with a wide heart and with a big heart.

Prayers for health are always requested. The stench vikoristovuyutsya in different life situations. People offer prayers to the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos and other saints in order to heal from various serious ailments, to rejoice after the operation and to help dress loved ones.

The strongest Orthodox prayers for health

Follow the memory of those who, with the strongest prayer, are the one who was inspired by this wide faith in the soul. In this type of prayer, the prayer can be practiced on the mind and often such a prayer works the right miracles and appears strong for the dearest faces.

With the strongest prayer for the health of the ailing, the beast to the Lord and the Virgin Mary.

Won sound like this:

“About Mercy, Lord, Father, Sin and the Holy Spirit, inseparable from the Holy Trinity. Tobі I worship and glorify. Turn your gaze on the Servant (s) of God (s) (im'ya people, like sickness) sickness and suffering. I beg you, forgive him all his sins, grant him healing in case of illness; turn your body strength and heal your soul. Grant the Servant (-i) of God (th) (im'ya people, scho ailments) a new year in health, reminiscent of prosperity. Grant him all the worldly blessings, as if to remind him of his life with joy. And we pray to you, and we offer up prayers, like the Creator of the whole world. Before you, I turn to you, Most Holy Theotokos, for your intercession. Help me to pray in Thy Sin, my Lord, healing for the Servant (s) of God (-ї) (I am a people who are sick). I ask you, Holy angels of the Lord, the blessings of God for the ailing one. Amen."

Prayer service at the church for the health of the ailing soul. Vіn can be taken by the church for forty days, starting from the skin day. The very name of this friend's name is "sorokoust". The number "forty" is a sign in Christianity, it is often used in the Holy Letter.

  • The Jews wandered in the deserts of the inhabited land forty rocks;
  • Having observed the fast for forty days, the prophet Moses;
  • Jesus Christ after Baptism for 40 days, having spent 40 days at the desert, to discover for himself the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.

Sorokoust can be seduced at any hour. Vinyatok to become less than the period of Great Lent. At this hour the great liturgy is celebrated only at the weekend. It is recommended at this time to leave notes about the health of the people, who are sick, when they see the temple.

Zamoviti Sorokoust is even simpler. For whom it is necessary to come to the temple and write on the arkush a paper named after the people, for which you want to pray. Tsyu note should be taken from the trusted mist.

Offer prayers for health, and that healing is possible not only for the believers, but also for the unbelievers. Bazhano podkresliti in the prayer text, that the person is unbaptized.

Krim tsyogo, it is important to add the following phrase:

“Vouchee, Lord, to accept the lawful baptism (I am a people).

Praying for health is possible both at the walls of the temple, and at home. Ale robiti is necessary at a specially organized church in front of the icons of saints. You can offer prayers for health and wellness, not only for yourself, but also for your relatives and loved ones. Prayer will be effective, like a person, like a sick person, was baptized in the church. Insanely, you can pray for non-christened people, but the devastation of the prayerful animal in this moment will be significantly lower.

Even a strong prayer may be, prayers at the church. At this time, prayers for health are performed by a clergyman as part of the divine service. You can pray for a prayer for a day, and you can also read it for a month or 40 days. If you have a temper, you will significantly increase the chances of a person, like an ailment for dressing.

Pray to the Holy One for the health of yourself, those close to you

From the prayer prayers for the gift of health and healing, they are sent to different Saints.

It is important that prayers are the most powerful:

  • Until the Savior;
  • to the Holy Mother of God;
  • To the Blessed Old Lady Matrona of Moscow;
  • To St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

With whom the power of prayers to the Lord, that Most Holy Theotokos understood without any need for explanation, even if they occupy the top positions in the hierarchical gatherings of the Great Forces. The Lord is the Creator and sees everything that happens on earth. The Most Holy Theotokos, as she gave the light of the Savior, always respected the intercessor of people. You will always feel the beasts of the believers and see them on their way.

Matrona Moskovska is one of the chanted saints of Orthodoxy. She has healed people in terrible ailments for life, and she will continue to give help from heaven. Mykola the Wonderworker is also the first time of his earthly life for the sake of helping people. With the help of the powers of the Saints and the impersonal ancient church manuscripts, miraculous healing is described.

The Three-Handed Icon is a special image. At the bottom of the image of the Mother of God there is a third penzel, which looks like a stone element, and from the other side it is taken like a third penzel. Holy Mother of God. This icon is seen by its wholesome features throughout the Orthodox world.

The history of the creation of the icon is tied to names Reverend John Damascus. This person lived in Syria and was a famous poet and philosopher. A long time of wine embraced the settlement of the caliph's guardian. And after that, as the emperor-iconoclast Leo Isaur came to the throne, a great persecution of Christians began. To stock up on the half-drowsy defender of the icons Volodar vikoristovuvav cunning. Vіn having washed the Monk John of Damascus before the caliph. To punish the anger, the caliph punished the right hand of the philosopher.

Ioann of Damascus, spitting blood, having come home, having written sheets to the caliph, who believed the rivetings, so that he turned his hand to the cut. The emperor, glancing over Ioann, vikonav yoga prohannya. After John, he shut himself up in his cell and began to pray fervently in front of the icon of the Mother of God. It became a miracle - and the hand was cut, the scar was healed on the mission of the day. So that the podia was lost in memory, Ivan dropped the brush and attached it to the icon of the Mother of God. Pіznіshe on the lists of the Holy Mother of God image began to write the third hand. After an hour passed, and on the lists, the icon painters began to pick up the broken hand.

The Monk John of Damascus presented the miraculous image of the monastery of St. Savi the Sanctified, which he had entrusted from Jerusalem. Tsya ikona embellished the temple until the 13th century. Potim "Three Hands" bula was presented to the Serbian Archbishop Sava. Unexpectedly, the Turkish conquered that icon of the Christian Christians was taken from the country, in order to protect the naruz over it. The order was spared, that they simply tied the Shrine to the ass and wine himself, not having crossed over to their own way, they brought it to the Khilandar Athos monastery. From that hour onwards, the icon became one of the greatest shamans in the Orthodox monastery.

In Russia, the first list appeared on the prohannya of Patriarch Nikon. Yogo was spread at the New Rusalim Monastery. In order to learn about the iconography of believers, a tablet with blazes was creaked up to the image. The second copy was assigned to the squad of Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich.

In Orthodoxy, the icon "Three Hands" is crowned with great honor. The tsar's family prayed before the tsim rite before the shooting.

Bіlya lists from the icon "Troєruchitsya" bagatorazovo vіdbuvalis zlіlennya. This icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and today is adorned with great love and Russian chanting Orthodox Church. Before the icon, different prayers are read, created for healing.

One of them sounds like this:

“Oh, Blessed Pani Heavenly Volodarka Mother of God! You miraculously created, healed the Monk John of Damascus. She bestowed her miracle-working blessing on the people. Feel us, sinners, that they committed sins for their incomprehensibility. Forgive us and your beastly look at us, in front of your icon is quiet, who is praying. Feel our prohannya for help, not help us with our blessings. You are known by your generosity to the merciful ones, so they have taken us out of ailments, indulgences and sorrows. Help us all, as if to shake your icon, they broke the knee in front of it. And we are all happy to sleep and glorify your name with love, you are chosen in the midst of us, blessed for ever and ever. Amen."

The text of your strong prayer should sound like this:

Oh, Blessed and Great Lady of Heaven, Blessed Virgin Mary! We fall before your image and worship you, gazing before your holy icon, all your miracle-working healing. You will feel us, sinful beasts on us with your look of saints. You saw before the Lord, our sins are known and unknown. Ty, Mother of the Holy, we pray to you for the permission of us in the presence of ailments, to subdue that sadness. God bless us, forgive us our sins, zdiisneni through that incomprehensible foolishness. Beaten your icon, we glorify all your deeds and your mercy. Grant us your blessing for a prosperous life in health. We pray to You and ask You, the All-good and the All-Generous Intercessor of the human race. Heal our wounds and in sorrow grant us peace. Do not allow us to turn away from the path of the true and protect us from the bіsіvskih spokus. Give us a helping hand against evil and unkind people, so that the stench could not harm our health. We pray to you for help in the mind of faith in our souls. Grant us hope that we will be worthy of honoring us for our actions before the Lord All-Vishish, if our year comes. Allow us to pray for the forgiveness of our sins and for the Kingdom of God. Do not judge us for our lawlessness and do not help us with your help. And we pray for your image and glorify all your good deeds. Amen."

Blessed is the old woman Matrona Moskovska, seen at home by all Orthodox believers. Today, pilgrims from the most distant places come to її grave, as it is located on the territory of the Pokrovsky monastery. People go to Matronya Moskovskaya with tales about their health and the clothes of their relatives.

So that prayer to the Holy Bula is effective, a person can turn up to the Blessed Matrona with spiritual humility, broadness and faith in those who are obligatory to help her. Until the beginning of the prayer, they should distribute alms to the married ones and make a donation at the address of the liturgical mortgage.

Naivedomisha prayer of the Matrona of Moscow sound like this:

“Oh, Blessed Staritsa, Mati Matrono! Your soul is in Heaven before the throne of our Lord Almighty and Just. Your body is resting on the earth. You grace your diva viprominuesh. Turn your merciful gaze on us, with prayer before you turn. Forgive us our sins and comfort us in ailments; Help us to heal in sickness, pray for forgiveness for us before God for our sins, that lawless sin. Drink at the new well-being for us and the freedom to see the bad and the bastards. We took away the grace of God, glorifying the Trinity, the One God, the Father, Sin and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer, chanted by the mother for the illness of the child (children) to the Mother of God

Everyone is aware of the fact that the mother’s prayer for prohannyam about dressing up an ailing child, maє majestic power and building to work miracles. But only a few words of obov'yazkovo remembrance, that prayer does not mean that it is necessary to help doctors. Prayer is no longer possible for victorious methods of rejoicing. Prayer will help to restore the spent strength of the child and the weakening of the spirit by ailments.

The Most Holy Theotokos is the first mother of the Christian world. You'll always feel the mother's mother's mother's scum and hope to help the devil. To that, as if a child is seriously ill, it is recommended to turn around for help about dressing herself up to the Most Holy Theotokos. Prayer will give strength to ailing children and to stir up the body to fight against unsafe ailments.

Prayer prayer before the Most Holy Theotokos sound like this:

“Blessed Lady of Heaven, Divine Mother of God, feel the blessing of the mother. Vryatuy and save my child (im'ya) under your blessing. And so the protection of all young women does not succumb to other mothers. The land of our children who are loved by their robes of their own, help us mothers to writhe them at the fear of God and at the obedience of the fathers. Show them the right path of life and save them for peace, pray to the Lord to work through unreasonable sins, so that we can hope for the Kingdom of Heaven. I entrust my child to Your Mother's Divine and I believe that you will protect and vryatuєsh її in the presence of all life's negativity. Fork Mother God of the soul and bodily wounds of my child, my sins were inflicted by thoughtless. I entrust my child to my Lord Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure, heavenly intercession. Amen."

Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God, for the child to dress and not be ill

For the sake of the devil, this is a prayer, straightened out on the dress of a child, read before the Icon of Kazan. Mother of God. Її zdobuttya was already miraculous. The image of the knowledge of the girl after the wedding on the fires of Kazan in 1579. From that hour, the icon will work the right miracles, helping people to overcome the worst ailments.

It sounds like this:

“Oh, Blessed Pani Volodarka Heavenly Blessed Mother of God! With fear, faith and wide love, whoever falls before Your icon, we pray to You. Feel us and the beastly look of light on us. We ask you the grace of Thy Sin and our Lord, Jesus Christ, save our country in the light, save your Holy Church, to protect the world from the nevira, heresy and split it. You are the Intercessor and Helper of all Christians. Desire us, broadly believing in Your strength, in the fall of sinners, in the spite of human anger, in the sight of all bisic calmness, indulgence, in the face of martyr death without repentance. Grant us humility of heart, purity of thoughts, allow us to correct our sinful life, forgive us our sins. On vdyachnіst me ospіvuvatime your name and glorify the Lord our God. Amen."

Prayer for the living sick fathers and their health

The fathers are the closest people, like a goiter to me by their appearance in the world. To that, if the stink mend ailments, it is necessary to help them to put on clothes for the help of prayer.

As if the bida found you a sign, and if it was not possible for you from the fathers to be ill, then you should immediately see the temple and pray to the icon of the Holy Mother of Moscow.

Having put three candles for health, it is necessary to whisper the following prayer words:

“I beg you, Blessed Staritsa, Matrona Moskovska. Help my father (my father, who fell ill), give him the strength to heal. Let's not torment Yogo's body, the sickness is fierce. Let it be so. Amen."

After whom it is necessary to cross and drink from the temple, beforehand it is necessary to bring 12 church candles and collect holy water. At home minds, it is necessary to continue a prayer rite, which will help the fathers to dress up, and they will soon wake up after ailments.

It is necessary to pray in the minds of your home in front of the icons, because your booth does not have a little piece of red, organize yoga in a binding manner. At the evening hour, we should wake up, light the candles and read the coming prayers.

Lord God:

“Lord All-Merciful, Jesus Christ, Sin of God. I ask you for a healthy father. Have mercy, having spared them from the sickness and help to mend important hours. Give them strength to pray and show them the righteous path. Continued their fates of life. Let your will be done. Amen."

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Holy Miracle Worker Mykolo, with blessings, I turn to you. I ask you to protect my fathers from illness, from weakness and weakness. Help them to follow the path of the righteous and grant them hope for the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not allow yourself to fall into sinful spokus. Intercede for them before our Lord. Let your will be done. Amen."

Holy Matrona of Moscow:

“Holy Blessed Staritsa, Matrona Moskovska. You always know how to pray to you about your health. You always help the weak and help the weak, who ask for important ailments. Help and my fathers. Sparing them of bodily ailments and filthy self-feeling. Let them not be able to mischief evil people. Let it be so. Amen."

Prayer to Mykola the Wonderworker for dressing up (person, mother, father, daughter)

Saint Nicholas healed rich people from terrible ailments for additional prayer for life. Vіn vvazhav, scho with God in the heart can be repaired, whether it be zhittєvі negarazda and vilіkuvatimeet in the most terrible ailments. A person who prays creates for himself a special divine zahist, and he cannot be harmed by the same evil forces.

It’s a pity, a lot of people, only having fallen ill, understand that the waste of health is the worst thing that can happen to life. Ale, the right faith and religion will help to correct the situation and accept the glee like a soul, and a body.

Prayer to Mikoli the Wonderworker for dressing close people next to start with a pretty certainty to the Holy. Yogo is required to be acclaimed for those who give wine hope for healing.

Krіm tsgogo, it is necessary to vitrimati іnshi rules, before prayer it is necessary:

  • Cleanse yourself from sinful and debauched thoughts;
  • Ask for forgiveness for your sins, for your sins.

If so, you can turn around to Mikoli the Wonderworker with a prayer for dressing. Pray without exception before the icon of the Saint. A skin-bearing person in the house can have a scarlet patch, and who can have three binding icons: the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The text of the prayer of advance:

“Oh, the All-Holy Wonderworker Mikolay, the saint of the Lord! You are the Intercessor of our mourners and help Your needy. Please help my close relatives. Pray, St. Nicholas, God Almighty and All-Merciful probachit all sins known and unknown. Deal with their torments of the body and grant them healing. Do not allow them to stray from the true path and give hope to the Kingdom of Heaven. And I pray and glorify all Your deeds on earth and in heaven. Amen."

Dali varto turn back to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker forgive prayer words. For which obov'yazkovo it is necessary to vikonati ritual diy. Slide to sit in the okremіy kіmnati, put your own icon of St. Nicholas, light a church candle and vomit with holy water. For a good hour, sit in silence, thinking only about the people, about the healing that you pray. Then, marveling at the icon, it is necessary to read the prayer “Our Father” to the one who sees it.

And then we turn back to Mykoli Ugodnik with these words:

“Oh St. Nicholas, the Miracle Worker, that Pleaser of God! I ask you to save my close person (required to name, Kim won you be brought). Help him to put on his clothes and look forward. Be merciful to me and do not be angry for such a special swindle. Amen."

Such a prayer prayer should be repeated once, but put your whole soul into a new trace. Prayers for jubilation were celebrated in the old hours. The impersonal stories about their miraculous power were saved. Ale, it’s important not to doubt that Mykola the Wonderworker obov’yazkovo senses your blessing.

Prayer to Panteleimon the Healer, who helps before and during the operation

Prayers to Panteleimon the Healer create great power. Tsei Saint is alive at the 3rd century. Tsіkavo, that yoga fathers were hoarders of different religions. Batko was dorimuvavsya paganism, and mother was preaching Christianity. The mother herself wagged the lad at the right side. But it so happened that the woman passed away too early, and the father conned the young man to believe in paganism.

At young vice in the midst of jubilation, and in the new, marvelous vistas appeared, as if they allowed him to successfully likuvat people. After the completion of yoga training, he was appointed a doctor at the court of Emperor Maximilian.

Once youmu was far away but with a miraculous healing prayer. Presviter Ermolai resurrected the lad, who did not give a sign of life after the destruction. From the first moment Panteleimon surviving through Christ's faith and without a hitch passed the rite of Baptism.

If so, the healer began to give medical assistance free of charge. Vіn having helped the dermal one, who had turned for help without taking for a penny. Such behavior of Panteleimon called out the wrath of the emperor and his neighbors, and the stench called out to the court. Ale healer, demonstrating the power of the faith of Christ, healing people from ailments with nothing more than prayer. After that, the emperor, having tried with torturas to stir up the spirit of Panteleimon, but nothing came of it. The healer was thrown into a cage until wild animals on the potala, but you didn’t dare to bump into people, but peacefully roared white yogo nig. Under the hour of one day, the soul of Panteleimon prays, calling the Lord to Heaven. Tilki the next cat zmig broke the Healer's head.

A strong prayer before Panteleimon the Healer needs to be read before the operation and then after it.

It sounds like this:

“Oh, Holy Healer Panteleimon, great saint of God, merciful doctor! I ask for Your mercy, smell me a sinner, your beastly look at me, so I stop and scream. Grant me physical health. Ask the Almighty Lord to fill my soul with strength and help me to resist a terrible illness. Ask the Lord to test my sins of knowledge and invisibility. Don’t turn into my sins, which are created through ignorance and incomprehensibility. Pray at the Almighty for me, so that your prayer becomes less olive for the wounds of my soul. Heal my soul and body, let me live the extra days of my life with goodness, by the will of God. Holy, saint of God! Pray to the Lord, grant me hope for my healthy body and the salvation of my soul. Amen."

Prayer to the Lord "Lord, help me, save me, be kind"

Prayers, straightened to the Lord God, with prohanny about health, that healing should be read before the icon of the Savior with candles that burn. You can pray both in church and at home. Moreover, in the temple it is necessary to light a candle for the health of the sick people.

The axis is one of the strongest prayers:

“Lord Almighty, just and all-merciful. You are my creator and creator of the musty world. I entrust my share to you and thank you for help. Feel my blessing and your beastly look at me, do not leave without respect the stifling of my soul. Bachish ty all my sins, yakі me vodomі і do not vomit me. Ale, all the stinks are caused by me through incomprehension, and not for evil. I ask you to forgive me for my sins, so that the stench does not appear on my health. I pray for those that your Divine blessings will wash my krishka and drive a terrible disease from my body. Let your promise cleanse my soul. I believe and support that only with your help will I get out of the ailment. Bless all the ways, with which I will go to the final healing of that dress. I support and believe that your Divine balm will give my body strength, and lightness to my soul. It was unbearable to let me in and early on everything would drag on, as if only Your help came. Do not let the light of heaven from the heavens create a little more than a nasty zahist, so that no one can harm me. Let my faith shine. Amen."

After that, as soon as healing has come, follow obov'yazkovo to the Lord for help.

You can do it with such a prayer:

“Glory to You, Lord, the All-Vishish Jesus Christ, Son of the only begotten of his unearthed Old Man. Only with your help, you can heal, be it ailments, be it be ailments. Only you can forgive and punish us sinners, for they committed sins through their incomprehensibility. For those who have mercy on me, having pierced my sins and cured me of ailments, not allowing me to harm me and kill me earlier in the singing hour. Now, and forever, grant me firm strength, and I will do Your will and glorify You. Amen."

As planned glee, then in order for it to be successful, ailments are guilty before them, as to lie down to the liquor, see the temple for savior. Obov'yazkovo at the same time, the communion is consecrated, and the priest blesses the ailing success of the rejoicing.

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