A person to make a fuss about the drive to work. How can you tolerate a scandalous person? Like a man shouting at the squad

February 28 - the rest of the day short month in rotation. For a whole day, the healers swear "short" for long-term mov, "shorten" for people, like they b'yut their squads.

The one who succeeded in growing up, that person can’t be touched with a finger. I'm going to read it like this:

"Bless, Lord, my words.
I, God's servant (im'ya).
Give, Lord, "finish" on hands, feet and mouth
Servant of God (im'ya).
Shchob vin hands on me not waving,
They didn't kick me.
The company is on me, the servant of God (im'ya), without breaking.
Correct my zamika, I twist my words.
Key, lock, language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

A short cut for a sloppy person

And you can help with this slander:

"Holy healer Panteleimon,
Holy Martyr Tryphon
Holy Great Martyr Barbara,
Holy martyrs and companions:
Guriy, Samon, Aviv,
Pray God for us
About forgiveness and healing
Servant of God (im'ya man).
Looks like a bad movie,
With a sloppy character,
With violent will,
Kind of impatient,
Look at the picture
Vіd thread and nonsense,
In the wake of pihi and nights, in the face of a blasphemous bis.
Holy, pray to God for us at the skin quill
І shgodini.

Another one rite of passage on the tidying of a nimble person who opens his hands.

Take a bottle of milk from a goat, boil for the night (after the 12th). Put a bottle of milk so that the edge of yoga is less on the level of your lips. Blow on a couple of milk and whisper three times:

"The horns of the devil, the horns of the goat,
Cow horns, bik horns,
A couple of milk go to the slave (im'ya).
Like you, milk, until the dawn of the morning you are chilling,
You don’t bring the park
So you, slave (im'ya), comprehend evil,
Don't put your hands on me.
Do not drink for a week, do not beat for Mondays,
When the second time, do not scream,
At the middle of the prayer,
Four have their mouths shut,
Friday, give me peace
Do not sing on Saturday
Accept my soul.
Devil's horns, goat's horns,
Cow horns, bik horns.
Go, steam, milk
On the servant of God (im'ya). Amen"

Zmova, so that a man is not scandalous at home

Buy a new hammer and don't work on it, read the sound over it. Let this hammer be at your house. Zmova taka:

"Like an important hammer is not lifted, so
servant of God (im'ya) mova bula vashka,
not pіdnіmavsya b i not welded b.
Be my words mіtsnі ta lіlennya vіdteper i vіku.

Kind of scandals at Sim'ї

You can ride until the wind, to see your house, for help, if you have scandals and weldings from your man (team):

"Wild wind, swishy wind, in the secret place of the wind, disturb the sweet (sweet) heart. Way of reason, as I suffer.

Such a way to permanently improve the stosunki in sim's and turn off the uncommon aggression from the side of a person. The wind is blowing, form that warmth, refresh your senses and bring confusion and tightness.

Zmov is more likely to move in the open space for the arc of windy weather. Read yoga trichі, vіdrivayuchi vіd kvіtki and letting the wind pelyust white trojandi.

As your man, having spent sexual interest on you to the fullest, he should read one more call to the wind:

"See, heavenly sky, see me, God's servant (im'yarok), love. Come, love, not on earth, not on frozen seas, but on violent winds. Oh, ty, wind-brother, be my matchmaker Fly and bring tightness, dryness, love to my man, God's servant (im'bright). eat, do not sleep, do not marvel at anyone, krim servants of God (im'yarok), wake up and pidhopi, wind, my words, beat, inject them with God's servant (im'yarok), yogo's heart, yogo's liver chest... Go, fly, wind, and don't forget my command. In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit. Nina, forever and ever. Amen."

How does a person represent

Zmov to read on the water to an evil person:

"Mother Mother of God lit a candle,
Wiped her face with a harsh one,
Pratsyuvala fasting,
The saint prayed with a hand.
I crooked a harsh slave (im'ya),
Slave, man її, barked.
Fish do not seem, do not shout,
Bіloribitsya movchit.
So be ti, slave (im'ya), without shouting,
Like that bіloribitsya, for the squads movcha.
Hai bi won you became sweet,
Yak is the icon that Mati God's people gave.

Shchob cholovik for no reason not chіplyavsya

Drink Yogo with spoken water on the last Friday of the month. Read like this:

"Guess, Lord, King David
І the whole lagіdnіst yogo.
Mouth mouth, do not raise your hands,
Don't grumble, don't scream
On me, on the chain-link (im'ya).
In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Ask to be beaten into the wall of flowers as your own bully. If you waving a hammer more often, say to yourself:

"Bey is cold, not me.
Yak ti sim with a hammer
Don't hit yourself on the head
So for me, God's slave (im'ya),
On vіki stolіt without hitting. Amen"

Like a man shouting at the squad

Salt people їzhu and seem:

"Sil knows and your anger is gone.
Do not shout at me
І ty (im'ya) on me, slave (im'ya), do not shout.
In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.

For the sake of it, that's the way with this

Reminds me of the Syrian poppy and sips yogo in the booth in the cod:

"I sip poppy, I sow,
I’m calling my hut every time.
Be in my house people
Humble and friendly with each other.
Give us, God, treasures and harmony.
In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.

Zmova sob cholovik not screaming

Before that, as if you were going to sleep, read a special prayer over milk or water, with which you will serve yoga. Sophisticated words are like this:

"Fish near the water can't,
Do not bite with teeth
Do not creak with a slit
At night, the days are not croup.
Yak fish
So the servant of God (im'ya) speak.
In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen"

How to speak a smart person

For the recognition of the evil, vicious character, it is necessary to have enough zhovch from living ribi. Qiu Zhovch slander and smear it on the bottom of a person’s mouth. Read in jovch like this:

"Bless, Father, bless, God.
Bless, Holy Spirit.
At the temple-river there is water, at the water there is a living slave,
Call that slave - riba.
Maє riba zyabra, maє liver.
Boil at the stove.
Holy Mother of God like:
I fence the slave (im'ya man) to scream,
I command the slave (im'ya) like a riba movchati.
Relatively I say, I exhort,
I'm calling for a good yogo character.
I punish (im'ya) movchati,
Do not grumble at your squad,
Don't shout, don't wave your hands,
Welding, superchki do not fix.
How to wash riba in riches,
At the string, at the skin water.
In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.
Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amen"

duje strong zmova on the way with sim'ї

Find 12 Poleska from Osika. Dovzhina tsikh poleshok can be the same. From tsikh poleshok to build a pit with a cross. If there is fire in the fire, it is necessary to try to fill the fire in one fell swoop, saying to the water like this:

"The fire fired firewood,
And my hands flooded the fire.
How the fire went out,
So schob welding that superchki
My house went out.
Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amen"

Zmova on the world, that calm at home

Go to the forests, find a dry tree there, tie your belt on yoga gіltsі and say:

"How tsia gilka dries, hangs,
So let me go and my man, servant of God (im'ya),
Dry on me, suffering.
Zhodnoi hvilini do not know peace.
Sumuє after me, and rush to me,
Do not cook with me, and do not fight.
My words are fast, strong, unbreakable,
Everyday prayer is not inspired.
Who is all the water in the ocean-sea perelle,
Who is the sea pisok on one pishchintsі perebera,
Who's dew in my belt to my stock,
Only that my strong zmova pereb'є.
In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.
Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amen."

For the release, the couple stopped for a flight. The friend did not speak all the way, but then we left the man diligently making amends for his fault. Tse buv another honeymoon and a dream that came to life, about an ideal release. From that hour, a friend was sung, what a little blame - shortest way support the world with sіm'ї. Why is it so necessary for us to call one another and how to learn how to be a hundred girls without a mutual image?

Vimagaemo respect

How do the squads take maximum respect, turbo and other receiving bonuses? Rule the scandal! Vibuduvati zvinuvachennya on real and vagomih arguments - so, so that the drive would not be lost in vіdpovіdі. And then, if the wine is pokіrno to shave off the head, vimagati respect, scho marriage. As he wrote to Grishkovets: “Scandal reigns, tragedy and grief. And then we’ll pout, take away an expensive gift - and I’ll renew the agreement.”

Perhaps, for one of the reasons, through the deacons of the pan with philosophical calm, endure the suits of your person. Vіn start a chergovu іntrizhka, holone and with a vdyachnistyu soul and body turn to the squad with tickets, as well as universal financial support. Kokhanka on the cob of a novel can be angry for a long time, but if the squad is allowed to be deprived of both family and repentance.

What is the filth of this kid? It’s better, after all, if respect and turbota are bestowed on you for kohanny, and not out of the blue. Otherwise, the reflex may vibrate: guilty - having added respect, not guilty - you can ignore.

No image. If you don’t get your respect, show your partner a good butt. Work alone to receive one speech, not checking for scandal, then harmony in this is guaranteed to you for a long time.


My colleague, as if he had told me that I was born up to 25 years old, I feel like I’m guilty of my mother’s bula - the woman is active, inquisitive, good at galloping more than one herd of horses. The day before, she was suddenly unwell, and she saw the son off with a painfully ringing look: the axis, leaving the ailment of the hopeless woman on its own, for the sake of a flirtatious tail. It is not surprising that the lunar twink rang out, and the mother was blessed for help, that wicket "Shvidkoy". Colleague tikav home, and vranci "attack" of maternal love passing without any traces. Then, it’s a bit of a fault yoga now tormented at two straight lines - a hundred percent of the mother and the girl. Yaka, vtіm, without a doubt knew you a less summed change.

A bit of a fault allows you to properly manipulate the behavior of your partner. І axis of the syn movable in the evening, the person - in the Friday evening with friends at billiards, the squad - in the evening of the girls' evenings and old days phone lines. With just one more accusatory viraz, we can easily rebuke a partner: “You don’t love me, otherwise you wouldn’t blame me like that.” І partner, as you are rightly dear, try to make sure your score is correct.

And since everything was clear with the “kerating”, then why would “ceroving” be good for the group? Vin just wants to be honored - it’s good for everyone. Save the status of an ideal son, person, friend. It’s true, go out for the rahunok of a vіdmovi vіd vlasnoї dumki, the right to vote and freedom of action.

What is the filth of this kid? One miraculous wound my colleague still gryuknuv door. I told the mother in advance that I have my own special life and that I can’t stand it if I am manipulated. Imovirno, having entered the ring of an ideal son, and the girls with their mother became bitterly cold. Then, through the pіvroku vіn, happily making friends.

Without image. Give your own advice on the question: should you try to order your partner, to follow your behavior? If you don’t get turboti, without mutual proofs, express your dissatisfaction, propagate your ways to solve the problem. You don’t accept anything singing songs person, tell you why. Believe for yourself, how much stench is critical for a girl, can you make peace with them as a whole (for example, with Friday girls' evenings and lads)?

We translate

The headache symptom of a crisis in the viscera is that we are often suffocated by one single sound. In the light of the most quiet little kutochkіv memory hover all the big-small pretensions and images. I immediately vinen - your partner. It is the fault of the child itself that the child has been opened, contacts with friends have been spent, the apartment is running.

A special row in the list of our image is unrealization. As if we had made a vibir, which seemed to be dolnosnym, and in the course of time we started about a new shkoduva. "I saw you best rock!" - Viguk z tsієї zh opera. “For your sake, I sacrificed my career / dreams / talents / figure,” - such an ear of mine is always on the verge of promotion about inadequacy and underestimation. I know with a lot of jazz singing, I’ve been on tour and cared for the self-righteousness of this, and now I don’t have the courage to take responsibility for those who are coming. Mustaches of such a family suffer: there, a woman, what she has spent for herself, and a man with children, as if they are guilty of ruining their talent.

Chim filth tsey pіdhіd? In a first step, the building’s wines are already swept up, be it like a stosunki. In another way, I don’t believe anything. In principle, it is impossible to solve the problem, engaging in wine tricks, instead of knowing and understanding the reason for the situation that has developed.

Without image. As your weldings are accompanied by a similar accusatory refrain, try to get rid of the badge. Zreshtoy, ka'eroy, we sacrifice all the same for the sake of this, and the best fates are given to the most beloved people. Free and inclusive vlasniy bazhannyam. As if the situation has ceased to please you, to put together a clear plan for change. Kar'єra can be recognized (on the basis of that equal, you can grow forever), improve, improve your talent, please vikonate. And most importantly, you bear less responsibility for the whole process.

Close our eyes to the truth

“You don’t appreciate my work, - the squad-home-helper says. - I've been cleaning all day, and you just turned around for the keys. I cooked for three, you can't wash the dishes. I do not realize that there is a man at the booth. You are blind." There’s a man calling in impromptu and barking for throwing scarves around the bedroom, wanting to really want to say: “I’m on my own. You live like your rich life. I'm sitting at home and checking on you. My life begins to recede, if you come home, and the autopilot kicks in, just as you go. He has no podіy that hostility. I'm humbled. I don't know what to do."

Ale is similar to rozmova - it’s supposed to be foldable and an important coat for the evening, isn’t it? To that discontent, accumulated dissatisfaction - such a person should know such a simple way. As a rule, as a squad, which is called “drinking”, there are more important and deep internal reasons for that.

What is the filth of this kid? To make a man become a smart master, to fold the scarves along the lines and to swivel the brudni of the plate from the hands on the pіvdorozі to the mitt, you don’t want to solve the problem. Adzhe squad under usima tsimi sounds of dissatisfaction with their own lives. I, maybe, perhaps, that a person, having read її thoughts, and guessed about the right reasons for grumbling.

To our time, a lot and a lot of memoirs of architecture have not been saved for one simple reason. If enough was enough, it was important to save the golden gleam, and the axis of the chergovo temple was hoarsely puffed up with domes, and wooden partitions rose in the middle of the new one. Zreshtoy budіlya collapsed: majstry chіplialis to zvnіshnіh nedolіkіv, just like the right problems were in the middle. Your sounds are similar to the very method of deceptive restoration.

Without image. Sim'yu pіdtremuє do not feel sorry, virishuvati problems help zovsі not calling. Shukaite right reasons, concentrate not so much on problems, but on their virishhenni. And then the bazhannya zvonuvachuvati simply vіdpade through nepribnіst.

Speak on the rankovu water, with the water get in and push the people:

« From the wound the water of Ulyana, the land of Tetyana. Give me, God's servant of my name), lead me through the family trouble. The water is clean, life is dearer to the Servant of God (im'ya man) be with me, God's work (im'ya squad). Amen, Amen, Amen».

If everything is done correctly and repeat the spell of the sprat once, the person will become fluffy.

Shchob cholovik is not super fast

Like a man’s hour, at the hour, give a fish’s head with a yushka, and with such words with it:

« Riba povіk on vіku movchit, not a word. So і ti, slave (im'ya), move, do not speak against the word. Amen».

Vin will not say a contrary word to you.

Buy a new hammer and don't work on it, read the sound over it. Let this hammer be at your house. Zmova taka:

« Like an important hammer is not lifted, so that the servant of God (im'ya) had a mast, not being lifted and not being welded. Be my words mіtsnі ta lіlennya vіdteper i vіku. Amen».

« At the spiked field, do not reap, do not throw stacks, lie dead. At that body, the cheeks do not rise, the teeth do not open, the arms do not rise, the legs do not bend. So be the servant of God (im'ya) on the servant of God (im'ya) the cheeks did not rise, the teeth did not open, the hands did not rise, the legs did not bend. I as a servant of God (im'ya) do not want to be dead, live without a wild life, so I could not live without a servant of God (im'ya) in the day under the sun, at night on the moon, and through the dawns in the light and in parts, other stars, for all 24 years of the day of the Lord. Vik povik, vіdteper dovіku. Amen».

People like jealousy spend your head and do not radiate life. Help youma. Buy a candle, burn half at the church, and let the other half burn out at that booth, where you are jealous. Follow him, as you buy a candle: give pennies right hand, take a candle with your left hand. Treat in church with your left hand, and at home with your right. Before that, put out the excess candles, say:

« Like your candle, slave (im'ya), burned out, so your jealousy went out. Amen».

« The arrows of the fire of a jealous heart stick over the earth, they lama about people, they seize the soul, break life, torment the body. So the two arrows flew up on the high yelina, on the rotten swamp, in the dry forest, so that jealousy knew like a hand. Amen».

Like a man is stupid from the squad, in front of people, to slander and imitate, like among the people “to rob a fool from her”, to say on a towel and hang yoga there, de vin sound to hang, so that vin їm rubs. Abo, please, give me a lazni. Bude, shovkovy yak. Hex on the towel:

« I'm going with a pipe. Pekti-mother, drown. Domovik-father, turn around. I will stand on my own, turn the hoop, so that my man does not know, does not laugh at people, does not yell at me. Fish without water is dead, my man is dry without me. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen».

Girku often, as it was delivered to you through a person who b'є you, you can correct it. It’s necessary to take pancakes or a bun and wear it under the incense, so you sweat it, then you need to say these words:

« Just as the body does not live without sweat, so the servant of God (im'ya) does not live without the servant of God (im'ya). Like a mother not to be moved, but to cherish and take care, so the servant of God (im'ya) all shkobuvav she saved me, her squad, God's servant (im'ya). Amen».

Give that bread I’ll wake up, which was trimmed under the smell of incense, sigh to the foolish person, from that time I’ll stop fighting, like a hand of heaven.

You can read another prayer on spritnily bread. Read on the fall month.

« Just as you can’t live without sweat, a swindler, so God’s servant can’t live without me. Just as the dead cannot be beaten, so the servant of God cannot beat me. Amen».

« At the end of the hour were the kings Demyan, Kostyantyn and Solomon. Bless the stench of the lagid, humble and quiet before Jesus Christ. So it’s just my man (im’ya rіk) buv bi is quiet, lagniy and humble in front of his retinue (otherwise in front of the mother), not rioting over the retinue (im’ya rіk)».

Sob the squad called for a man

Buy the squad a new night shirt. Vinesіt її at night under the dawn of the sky and trichі say a slander. Give me a shirt.

« Like you, stars, parts and on God's throne. Like you, the sky, is impossible by God's will. So my squad, God's servant, may your woman often and know my will over you. Amen. Amen. Amin".

A woman, a man like you let go of your hands, may you take a skein, like you tied the hands of a dead man. Zanurite and shake the troch at the water, after which give the water to the people to drink. Since the beginning of the day, the person on it no longer raises his hand.

At family vіdnosinakh zavzhdi є yakіs problems and folding, even if there are no ideal people, tse varto be known. You want to show your character from among us, to bring the point of view and just to call out to the members of the family. In order to achieve all the different ways, even if it’s rich in why people lie in their nature.

Often people they show their expressionism and the power of right scandals, so that the team has figured out - it’s the main one here. A skin representative of a beautiful state, if you want to disappear, but sometimes it’s even more comfortable to know a person, as it’s not easy to sing stosunkiv in moving tones. Recently, studies in the field of psychology and sociology brought the fact that schilnist to scandals is transmitted genetically. Tse means that, marveling at the father of your face, you can understand how you will be through the sprat of rock. Here plays a role, like genetics, and psychology, even a virus virus in the singing atmosphere. Children practically always adopt the model of behavior from their fathers.

Why is a part of the human population especially smart before family scandals?

Yak z'yasuvali vcheni, approximately 30% of the whole world are representatives of the "scandalous type". The very same people can genetically pass on their schilnist to family scandals. Obviously, here you can’t insure yourself completely, that person has to be joking, listening to the call of the heart, and even if you commemorated the aggressively lashed dad of your kohan, then think about it.

Totally imovirno, sho your kohana people it will not be difficult to show the bajannya z'yasovuvati vіdnosiny. As a show of sociological experience, the squads of such people are often unfortunate with a girl who dares to think about the need to work correct choice. The very same way you lay down those, as if your son would be a daughter in stosunka, even the front butt also plays an important role in molding specialty.

Ale, and psychology plays a far from remaining role here. A man, a kind of rіs in sim'їz with constant scandals and nervousness, will be shy to show aggression and transcendental emotion. Like tato, loving to control the scandal of the mother, then the th son, marveling at the butt of the elders, repair the same. Often tse vіdbuvaєtsya on pіdsvіdomu eve. Children practically always take the butt of their fathers, unless they themselves are wise.

Like a baby weaned postiyni scandals and welding, then the wine is just a sound to the first and does not show the difference. Give respect to those who, in their own mind, are the principle of being between a man and a woman and a swedish form of their own vlasny look. The strength of a person before scandals can be overcome as a genetic strength, and a particularity of yoga psychology. At first glance, such a peculiarity of character is not a problem, but in fact it can lead to the disintegration of this.

How to designate a person who is smart to the point of scandals?

1. For a hundred vіdsotkіv sings to the one who has the only correct idea of ​​the essentials. Trying to show the maximum zusil, so that you can change the mind of the speaker at the correctness of your ideas and thoughts. Such a person can be very soulful, absolutely not knowing himself wrong. If you try to bring to you those who think that your thought is not correct, then you will immediately become more nervous and raise your voice. Such a person can be recognized for the first time, just by trying to impose your thought and say pardon for him.

2. Jealous of your own kohanu, often call to friends that . Such a person regularly makes scandals about the fact that his wife disappeared and spent an hour herself. Such a behavior makes psychiatrists feel wary, even if some people can go as far as the most important vchinkiv in a woman to bring that woman - yogo power. A jealous person, shy to the point of scandals, always has an aggressive character, and not just a bazhannya to turn respect to himself. Zhіntsi varto show softness and tell in details about the hour, because you don’t want to weld.

3. Fence kohanu Vіd dіyalnostі for the boundaries of the booth. Such a representative of a strong state is constantly controllable and dorikatime for those that Kokhana went with her friends in a cafe or saw Kokhana's mother on the weekends. It is impossible to call such a behavior innocent, even if it is early, you can call it to separation. A person who controls everything and everyone, sometimes you can scream and hit. Vіn try hard to bring your prevag.

4. Enough aggressively put before the creatures and children, bring their panuvannya at home and dictate their own rules. In order to understand at an early stage that you are not smart enough to get into scandals, just look at it and ask your relatives, marvel at how you behave in a familiar situation for a new one. Often such a person tries to call another member of the family in a situation where he was trapals, he does not want to take it on himself. Yogo setting up to the young miraculously characterizes the father's rice.

You don't mind pov'yazuvati one’s life with a man, who is practically trying to translate a scandal into a Rozmov, then he will rise to yoga behavior already on the cob of stosunkiv. Genetic flexibility to expressiveness and emotion may be for you one of the main points of the kohaniy. If you can raise your voice to the squad, or start a scandal on an empty field, then think well, first of all, say your life with your son.

Have sіm'yah, de panuє calm that harmony often there are orderly mentally stable people. If you learn how to recognize a person’s silliness before welding and scandals, then protect yourself from the near future loves and save nervous system health. Individuals can show their transcendental emotionality only through a rocky ship, but the character of the father will become for you the best way to recognize yourself better.

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