How to grow a child's birthday 4 roki. Marusin's National Day (4 years): cheerful ideas of a loving mother. Apply the completion of the people's day

Wow! We are already 4 rocks! We are impressed with the company of boys. To bring children to the rivers of the older and the young is not enough to bet, as if to get to know them a little. New vidi igor are appearing: at the mother’s that tata, at the doctor’s, at the store.

The little one already has a significant baggage of knowledge and constant practice of their popovniti. The child clearly expresses her claims to situations that do not suit her. It’s quite possible that the little one has already survived a lot of weldings and reconciliation, which has slipped into his psychological world.

Sticking with plasticine and painting watercolors can be added, and then they can be visualized with colored paper and drawing with felt-tip pens.

The child is more and more aware of his own specialness and spivvіdnosit his "I" with the necessary world: with him, with a childish garden, with a playful maidan. The new one has more and more food, the deacons of them repeat a few times, to that I didn’t understand it. Zagalom, the development of your own heart, and the day of the people is necessary to signify, like a dream, fun and great.

Tell the little one for the sprat of days, that the date of the birth of yoga is coming. Axis sing, the child will immediately guess the minulorichne svyatkuvannya and by yourself active rank connect before preparation for entry

Go together for the refreshed sacks, think over the list of requests. Zagalny decor of the room wait for the birthday man. Perhaps, I have not once been able to vouchsafe a quick garland, like hanging a whole evening without work and working only with the appearance of a cake. Get out at this time.

I am starting to build a gift throne and a little box for games in the middle of nowhere. Ask the child for help to make a sprig of garlands from a colored paper, at once fasten the yoga of the little one on the wall at the front of the room. Create for the help of a child and listen to such a small and such an important thought.

At the wounds of the saint, it is traditional to gather at the table with all of them. Welcome the child and prostegte, so that everything is out there, including a savory Christmas dessert.

Give a present and please at the same time with the little one your play or renovation. After that, at once destroy the room in the room, for example, in love with a designer, cars, “mothers and daughters”.

Approximately in the middle game process at the vіknі dityachої may z'yavitisya zv'yazka garnih povitryanykh sack, filled with helium. Until the sack will be attached a small package with a note. Appearing a bag at the vіknі to secure a reasonable tato. Vіn domovivsya z sudіdy iznizі and immediately check on your reaction, schob for a signal let the thread to pidyom sack to your vіkna. And you zazdalegіd stocked up a club with a hack, sob to tighten the bags at the window.
Sweat like a child, you wrote a note to an unknown "heavenly addressee", painted the little garni and reported to the great savory zukerka. The note can be approximately such a change:

“Good day, little one (im'ya child)! I took off your sheet and I’m healthy. I’m already accepting, like you grow up, I’m glad of life and share my joy with the lonely. My leaf is right up to you across the river - I live so far away. Also, on your chotiririchya, I want to help you to be healthy, I will listen to your strength. Be kind and love your fathers. My love of little ones and I will add a savory zukerka.

Guess it's unimaginable garne im'ya and sign the sheet. So the axis, if in the middle of the grill in the room you raptly sing for a bag, do not forget to smile.

Open the window or the apartment and grab the bags by the thread so that the stench doesn’t fly (at this hour, the thread is slowly let out from below).

To take the bags to the room and sing, as the little ones remember, like the last fate on the walks, they simultaneously corrected the bags from the note with that tsukerka to the sky. The stench flew, flew, until they emerged from the field of dawn.

Like a child does not remember, tell the details of the episode, refreshing it in memory. Let's sing a messenger from a heavenly friend and read it to the birthday man.

Don't forget to give a zukerka. It would not be good for a mother to take a camera under the hand, to take a picture of the look of a little man, who was stuck in the right diva.

Better for everything, the little one wants to write a message to your unfortunate friend. To help you in your life and enjoy the creation of another family tradition. Discuss your choice with the members of the family and put the child on the repair. Let him dream of a haze, so write a letter on the arkush paper, and then I will savory the zukerka to her.

On the cob of another part of the holy see the little one already in a bad mood and in a garny Christmas time.

Everything is like a dream: at once invite guests, the number of them can increase up to 8 guests, including children. At the same time, you accept those gifts, at the same time you control, so that they wrote something to the zoshity.

At the edge of your ear, listen to your little one's words about a podium with a bag. Smile. If the little guests don’t know one by one, then guess about the little boy and spend a group of acquaintances (div. National Day 3rd year).

Just now, the deputy of the rest of the food, ask for a little bit about yourself and your interests. Axis, for example, a new boy Petya, who may be 5 years old, love to pick up cars and play football. Already know the girl Masha, she appears, she will be houses for plush bears and hate plastic cradles. After that, as soon as you get to know each other, sit at the table.

After the Christmas feast, the time has come for fun. The number of prizes for victory in competitions can be a little more, even if the bat’kivska’s praise is left behind.

First, let the children greet the birthday boy again on the birthday. On beautiful cards with quotes from the reverse side, depict the foot: a sheet of paper with schematic rows on the new one (it means that it is necessary to read the line from the gift for the birthday man), a note and a microphone (it is necessary to sleep a song for a guilty celebration), a man, to roll zavdannya - dance beautifully for music), and so on.

Pіslyа tho pronounce to all the children, krіm your little one, wrestle according to the card and vikonati zavdannya, shown on the back. Somebody read verse, some one sleeps, and some one dances. Do not hurry up, children, for the viscons of such fantasies, you may need an hour to prepare.

In this child, the help of grown-ups is simply necessary, you are not only guilty of explaining to the child what it is necessary to grow, but it is necessary to tell the forgetfulness of the virshik, or to sing the melody.

Let's defuse the situation. Propose to the rukomu gr "In the snow". In advance, prepare about thirty “snіzhkіv” of a winter paper rolled up in foil. Put a box or cebro in the far room of the room. From a great age, it is necessary for children to have a “snow” at the cebro.

Even though the task appeared over something easy, yoga can be folded. Ask for someone from the fathers to trim the cat with your hands and catch it in the new “snіzhki”. Whisper to children that it is neobov'yazkovo to be kissed right in the cat. Together with the little ones, please the established guardian.

Go ahead relay race with repeated spools. Let the little one tuck in the sack between the nig and jump from one stone to the other side, trying not to waste the sack. It’s better, if you have a long corridor, you’ll win a miracle for this competition.

Guess about the good old game "At the blind cat". Tie the leader (whom you can choose for the help of the child's doctor) with an eye patch. Vin - kit. Reshta - mice. The whale stands in the middle of the room and, focusing on the sound, catch the bears. The bears squeak, giggle, the cat's gentle pat and whimper in the sight of his delicate paws.

To make things easier for the children, we can uplift the one to whom the whale has touched. Don’t obov’yazkovo grab and hug and bring down on a pidlog, so that the bear didn’t flow. Spyman Misha becomes a guide cat. Have grown-ups to bring the fun of zhvavostі and energy, as if to grow together from the children.

Promote for all company groups "Guess what I'm pissing off". Place small objects at the opaque bears: soft toys, bracelets, rings, notepads, felt-tip pens.

Let the children stick their hand into the teddy bear and smear some kind of object. After that, like a child, she went to the bear, she is guilty of guessing at the dotik. If you correctly name the object, then you take your own. At the time of the pardon - check the completion of the stake and try it again.

After the end of the holy obov'yazkovo sing "Loaf" and at the climax turn off the light. There are no more garlands, you know.

So ask the tata at once for the light to bring in a cake with candles and a couple of fireworks. Such decorations for cakes are sold in the shops of toys and look like short tubes made of plastic nozzles.

The stench burns fast, but let the children blow out the candles at once. Remove the pipe from the fireworks, and then bring a cake with little candles.

After tea, see off the guests at once with the little one, tell the skin and take the word from them to come through the river. After what you blame on the merits of a lieutenant.

The most optimal and radiant for children and її friends is the option of celebrating the people's day at tsimu vіtsi - the child of the game room. Niyaki bari, cafes and kupa kul do not replace children with fun on strebuchi trampolines and chewing machines. The same time with friends! Happiness, not life.

Believe me, as you rule the triumph in the playroom, enthralling the respect of the children, you will become incredibly graceful. To this, you can see it right away: either you independently spend it holy at home, or you destroy the whole company to the gaming room. Viber is yours.

At any other child, it’s better to be self-sufficient, but still die, so that mother and tato zmagalis and played with them, guarded, like the stink of slacking success, pidtrimuvali, as if it were not possible to go out.

You can’t do without repeating the sack, sweet bulbs and prizes. I know that there are a lot of grown up to the heavens to all these warehouse saints.

Play together with your children, show your emotions to them, give in widely, and at times - overdo it. Show the children that in some competitions there is a lot of swedishness and spritnisha, lower vi.

Loved bags.
Inflate and scatter around the room around the corner. You can get away, leave them, who is far away, who is greater. Vlastuvati cheerfully repeat the baton, for example, gallop, squeezing the sack between them.

"One-two-three, name yours."
All the guests are at the gathering. Time to get to know yourself. Even more often the warehouse of the requested people changes and the little friends of the birthday man do not know one by one. Ask the children to name the names of the three “three” in chorus. Whoever is louder, you will feel it. It is your duty to have a friendly choir of children to speak at once.

Decorate and enliven the room fun to see the little people. How can you rob? Ring two bags at once. On one child, having used felt-tip pens, they paint fun disguise, and on the other, hands and feet.

At the same time, cut pieces of corrugated colored paper. With it, you can make barvisti bows and spidnichki, garni curls and a hat, which are easily glued and tied with a stitch. Shattering the guest is ready. Vіn serve as a wonderful embellishment, and also please it to make the boys happy. Azhe cholovichok miraculously stribaє, litaє, sit, stand and dance.

- Oh-oh-oh, nothing came to mind. In my opinion, all the girls are called Mashas, ​​and the lads are Maxims. Correctly? Hi? Dobre. Let's just say, to whom I throw a bag, I call him loudly.

Children are seen, because of which you z'yasovuєte at the dіtlakhіv, why all the shocking and cheerful, at the link with some holy stink they got together. In honor of the cієї podії, propagate the vlastuvati salute - splash loudly, stomp, mow and sist the style of the times, the number of the birthday man of the rokiv or the number of guests.

Now is the hour destroy to the enchanting land why do you need a system locomotive and go through the room.
The children stand at the column one by one, trot over the shoulders and, under the curly of the grown-ups, roar the kilka kil around the room with booming sounds that imitate the sounds of the train’s rush.

Persha zupinka locomotive - on a galyavin of riddles.
Children sit on a pіdloga and splatter their eyes. At this moment, they have grown up throwing cardboard cards everywhere, placing cardboard stars on the lines, riddles are written on the back of them. Children are guilty of picking up the number, not raising their eyes, who is greater. And if you want to reach the star, you will need to improve: high up and rise on your shoulders. After that, as everyone has chosen, the children sit by the colo, trophies are taken care of, some of the fathers read riddles, and the lads guess.

On the way, the lads are lying in a yak, naturally, evidently. Let's see how reliable it is for children, to lie in front of you.

Rush away. Needed cross over the stream.
Stretch a line or a skein, as it lowers, then rises with the skin at once more and more. And children can re-string and step over it. If the height is at such a level that children cannot step over it, urge them to spit under the water, so they chant under the line, not zachіuchi її.

The coming tooth - in the land of Lasuni.
A hank is tied up to two stilts, and tsukerkas are attached to it behind an additional colored tassel. Needed close ochima tear or tear the zukerku. As soon as all the fruits from the zukerka tree will be taken, children can break far away.

Ways to lie at enchanting forest To get to what you can only in bears, strobayuchi from one kіntsa kіmnati to another.
The little ones see two big bears or bags, in which the stench moves around the room. The grown-ups insure the participants, so that they don’t knock anyone off and don’t bump into the gostry kuti.

It’s more fun to pass the game, as if the creatures are grown up, and the children guess and name them.

At the enchanting fox, everything transforms into creatures or into natural phenomena. Ask the children to show themselves a bunny, a toad, an intestine, a tree, a wind, a sun. It is necessary for us to see the actual sounds, to show the character and the sounds of the essence.

Shchab trohi rose, see sports country. Spend with children like a rough game, for example "head, elbows, kolіnochki, cheeks".

The boys at once repeat the words “head, elbows, knees, cheeks” and show those parts of the body, as they call it. Come out your own exercise for hands. The pace is picking up. After an hour of growing up, you begin to mislead the children and show other parts of the body. The lads must be respectful, so as not to eat at the pasta.

There are more sprigs of merry, rotten igors, which will make the children fall to their relish.

"Sticky stumps".
Two grown-ups sit in the middle of the room, children run around, mothers and tata try to get away, not leaving the mission. Whom they stole, that one also becomes a stump, like a catch, sticks to itself gravel.

"Day - nothing - myslivets".
As if leading to say the word "day", then everyone runs around the room. Like "nothing", sit on your hips and close your eyes. Having felt the word “myslyvets”, they quickly climb onto the chair, into the armchair, then into the hut, and whoever did not catch up, becomes the leader and catches the graves that they zazіvalis.

Naprikintsі is holy, if the locomotive rushes passengers to the station Teatralna, you can play a fairy tale, for example, Teremok.
Teremkom can buti stіltsі chi stіl, for any child to climb. Some of the grown-ups will be the author, and the boys will play the leading roles. The stinks are putting on their own masks, and they are telling the skin for their creature: "I am a bear-norushka", "I am a frog-toad" and so on.

Like a child to quarrel, to create two characters each: mother-toad and daughter-toad, tato-bear and blue-target. The lads watched all the trials, more expensively reached the end, the time has come to guess about the most important person of the day and greet її with the day of the people.

Musical bathing.
Mustaches get up at the stake and chant the song “Let’s not live shamelessly…”, some of the grown-ups show the ruhi, reshta dance, repeating them. If you know that there are rattles and tambourines in a box of toys, take spoons in the kitchen, then you will see a right musical orchestra. Continue the dances with round dances and games with repetitions of ruhiv. Strive and have fun in the soul, circle the children, tying them by the hands or putting them on your shoulders. The stench will be at the capture.

Dancey gra "Like it's fun to live, rob it like that".

How fun it is to live, work like that.
We splash.

It's fun to live, we laugh alone.
Smiling at your own right-handed and left-handed judges.

How fun it is to live, work like that.
Amicably splashing in the valley of trichi.

Grass trivaє, bavovni are replaced by dullness, haircuts, turns.

Do not forget about the head ritual - blowing out the candles, the Christmas round dance and raising the stilts on the stilts and the spitting splashes of the stilts raziv, the stilts rose up the rokivs. Your little one has been checking for this moment all day.

Scenario of the National Day of the girl
Specially spellings for children of 3-4 years, the preparation is elementary, so you can easily get involved in the organization on your own.
The leader can buti be-yakim. At to this particular type proponated 2 variants of Chervona Hat or Dasha (from Dasha and Cherevik).
Mustache the names of vigadan, whether it be zbіg - vipadkovo.

You can get in with Red Riding Hood. Viyti pіd pіsenku "In Africa, burn the axis of such a height."
Another option is to get in, like Dasha: an erysipelas T-shirt, orange shorts, white keds, a leather backpack on your back. But here you need a peru))) I will need to know on the Internet the little dog "Dasha-slidopit".

Host: Hello, lads! Like you all are so beautiful. Mabut, is it holy with you? (v_dpovid_) What, National Day? (Vіdpovidі). Whose National Day? (All in chorus call the name of the girl). Why didn't I feel, whose day is the national day, Kati? (nі) Svіtlani? (Hi). Whose? (Vіdpovіdat correctly).
Did you celebrate the birthday girl? Anu, let's get up in a group, and let's get up in the center! (Everyone get up) Happy National Day, let's go! What mi (im'ya) is wrong? (Everything according to one's will begins to vyslovlyuvat pobazhannya). If you just shout in chorus "Happy People!"
Here you can sleep "Loaf".

Host: And now let's take a bouquet of flowers for the birthday girl at once. Marvel, skіlki pelyustok dovkola! (while the children are sleeping “loaf”, spread around the room 4 pellets of one color per number of children). , tobі, Masha - the axis is so blue, etc.). And if you take it, bring it to me. One, two, three, take the pills. (Turn on fun music and let the trochs run around).

On the wall behind the leg, close the middle of the tickets, on the skin from both sides, stick 5 pieces of double-sided tape.

Obov'yazkovo praise the one who chose the first, but check out all.

Leading: You are all well done, and now the pellets are glued to the middle. (together with the helper, take the skin of the child by the heart of the pelyust and stick them on the middle, while saying: Look (birthday girl), how beautiful the red card is given to you by Sasha, how beautiful the erysipelas are bestowed by Masha, etc. How the birthday girl herself took fate, then її a little bit of work to stop.

Leading: The axis of such wonderful little flowers we have seen, they don’t hang out more than blizzards. Boys, let's all transform into snowstorms, well, let's show how the snowstorms wave wings, they flew, they flew. And now bugs have arrived at Galyavin, let's pretend to be bugs.
Change to:
- bird (bіgaєmo and waving handles)
- metelikiv (more smoothly wave hands)
- beetles
- bunnies
- penguins (heels at once, scarves are widely spaced, shkutilgaemo like penguins)
- Wood (handles uphill, waving pins), etc.

Like you all are young. (Birthday girl) did you get the joy of a little animal? And the tree? Well, like a fox had a taste! Oh, lads, do you know how tall a fox is? Anu, say "so" chi "ne". Grow at the fox of Berizka and yalinka?
- Book police?
- Ivushka weeping?
- Pine prickly?
- Were there daisies?
- Plates and cups?
- Chervona viburnum?
- Licorice raspberry?
Do you know that the championship is often held in the forest, that all the participants have the power to win cones (I think that you can find old cones near the parks near the rich places, walk and pine, and cypress). Here you can rule over a kіlka of competitions with cones.
1. Who gave the kin to the ghoul;
2. someone with a bump for an aluminum can;
3. who will throw more cones at the cats (box);
4. who is more likely to lose the bump on the hand;
5. who will take more cones from tying eyes, while they grow up, vvazhayut up to 10 and so on.

And what else is on the trees growing, we will surround the cone? (Let's say it). Do fruits grow? Do you like fruits? And how can you guess different fruits to your liking? Todi at once lord it over Fructorin. (we’ll make children’s eyes, put little pieces of fruit in your mouth (one at a time), let’s guess their names. Rather, not one will tell you everything, but cut different fruits for the number of children, so they guessed according to one’s eyes. Sasha, Masha, Vasya, Lusya, then new Sasha, Masha, Vasya, Lucy, and so on).

And now I will tell you a fairy tale about a little dwarf. Only I will need your help. Repeat after me all the rules. Dobre?

The little gnome is alive. (Applied)
With a bigger kovpak. (Handles were lifted uphill, folded with a budinochka)
Vіn buv mandrіvnik-dwarf. (Krokuєmo on mistsi)

I jumped on a toad. (Stribaemo, like a toad)

І on babtsі litav (We wave our hands, nibi litaemo)

Pliv by the glass at the tea cup. (Imagine, yak mi plivemo, rowed with oars)

Їhav vin on turtles. (They crouched and croqueted "at the drink, sit down")

I trodden all the stitches, (Krokuёmo)
The dwarf is wearing pavoutins. (Stick to the side)

Come early.
The gnome is back at the trip. (crokuemo)

And how do you care, where did the dwarf hurry? Zvichayno, on the day of the people before ours (name day).

Here you can already ask for details to the table, which, I think, is enough for competitions.

After frequenting, as if you don’t disperse at once among the houses, you can see the leaves with rosemaries for everyone. You can download "Dasha and Cherevichki" or else. In the Internet їх povno.

One of the most holy days for all little ones is National Day. Tsiliy rіk dermal child with impatience checks for the whole day. Aje tse gifts, savory cake, loved by friends and stylki is rich in everything. Think over the menu for the children's day of the birth of the little one 4-6 years old and finish it with folding tasks. It is not yet possible to put on the table all products, let us grow up.

Do not forget to bring the Christmas tablecloth - you will be miraculously holy. And if you pick an option from the beloved character of the birthday boy, you will be happy. Kovpaks become miraculous additions, even associating with fun. The stench is costly, but the servants are served with cicada paraphernalia. Zvichayno, varto podbati and about cicavi utensils. Yaskravi plates, which will be eaten with a tablecloth, is a miracle option.

How to fold the Christmas menu?

Children at 4th roki, 5th roki love to love various embellishments and chicks of giving scars. When folding the menu, swear not on the number of products and salads, put them on the Christmas stele, but on the weekends, put the products for cooking herbs. For the child of this century, you will be tsіkavіshim old look stravi, anіzh those, from which it is folded.

When folding the Christmas menu on a child's table, hurry up with a lot of joys:

  • Relatively plan the whole Svyatkovy style. Compile a list of products. Buy products ahead of time.
  • Check out dessert. For children of this century, a whole savory Christmas cake or a collection of tistek. Choose low-fat confectionery mixes with sour cream or yoghurt cream. Since the baby has no allergies to fruits and berries, you can embellish ready cake fruits. Cakes with mastic are also suitable for little ones. Choose for the decor of such cakes for your favorite heroes from a fairy tale and cartoons. As a guest, you called a lot of little guests, next to choose rich tiered cakes. So you won't worry that you'll be deprived without lasoshchiv.
  • Two appetizers, a pair of salads, hot and dessert will be enough. Don’t varto change the child’s style without any ingredients and herbs. Tse can hurt the baby's tummy.
  • Choose simple and simple stravi. Salads and appetizers are better prepared with primary products, but with different combinations. You can cook canapes or sandwiches with boiled chicken or turkey. Good on the skewers look small pieces of fresh vegetables, mini-corn, Bulgarian pepper.
  • For the main stew, choose a cock, turkey and veal. For small children aged 4-6 years, it is better not to include the rib and seafood menu at Svyatkov. At the riba, you can eat dry brushes, with which the little ones can inadvertently choke. Malyuki are often allergic to seafood.
  • Obov'yazkovo supplement the Svyatkovy style with a fruit plate. You can narizati be-like fruits, supplement with berries. Embellish to your liking, vіdmіnno pіdіdіdut zbitі vershoks or tsukrova powder. Bring great satisfaction to the little ones with a variety of colors. Like a dessert, you can also taste fruit in chocolate or glaze. Zanurte half a day or slices of banana in melted chocolate and decorate with trimmed peas or confectionery sip. Babies love to eat the same fruit and berry chocolate skewers.
  • Let's take care of preparing fruit drinks for the budins. It's easy and quick you can practically grow some fruits and vegetables. The stench will become a miraculous substitute for buying packaged juices or gassed water and will speed up your time when buying products before the Christmas table.

The supply of fears is an important mind-warming Christmas mood for the little one. A child's appetite can be inspired by that mood, so you just decorate the grass beautifully.

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Choose light and simple snacks. Kindly send different canapes. Decorate with decorative skewers. Choose different colors: let's give radiance and turn the respect of the child. Skewers can be chosen differently. A typical option would be skewers with decorative figurines on the tips. The girls are worthy of the intestines of a princess, and the lads come to capture the sea from the sea.

Small sandwiches can be made by looking at the right glass pans.

For whom thinly pierce a cup of rim and close it with a toothpick at the sight of the glass. Insert a toothpick into the sandwich. Viide right little boat. For the filling, you can vikoristovuvati whether it is a pate. A typical variant of the filling will be a pate made from rolled chicken boiled meat or turkey. For babies 5-6 years old, you can beat the rolled chicken liver, mixed with butter.

Salads for a child's table are an element of creative creativity. You can cook a lot of salads at the sight of creatures. Choose different options, for your taste: їzhachok, turtle, left, gut. Help to decorate olives, cut vegetables and greens.

Hot Strava

Babies love all the cicava that is unimaginable.

You can serve a spicy chicken even more appetizingly, to prepare chicken rolls or kebabs from it.

To prepare kebabs, fillet chicken fillet and marinate in kefir for one year. Don't forget to salt. After that, string chicken fillet pieces on special wooden skewers, blackening with bell pepper pieces and cherry tomatoes. Bake in the oven until done. Okremo can be prepared tomato ta top sauce. Babies can be vouchsafed such a bright and unimaginable strava.

Not less than tsіkavim that favorite usіma children's option to become chicken nuggets from baked potatoes. To make the holy day stylistic, you can cook nuggets from low-fat turkeys. Try not to brush too much on the deep-fried dish. You can also work out a dietary option and bake in the oven. The stench is miraculously eaten with baked potatoes cut on long staves. Serve with sour cream and crispy chopped crop. Try to cook more of such savory, so that the little ones will always ask for more!


For the decoration of the cake, it is wonderfully glazed with mastic. You can choose practically any color and decor - for your bazhanny. Girls can choose princesses or fairies, as well as fairy tale heroes and creatures. For the boys, there will be minions, pirates, space heroes, characters of comics and cartoons.

Even if the little ones are not heavy to any specific cartoon characters, you can decorate the cake in the classic version and decorate it with whipped tops, confectionery sip, meringue or fruits, berries.

The best decor for decorating jelly and puddings will be beaten tops and berries. Such a dessert looks even lower and more pronounced.

On the table, a vase with marshmallows and ice cubes on sticks will be placed on the table. Choose bright colors. Babies are more likely to be treated like this.

Delicious recipes for boys and girls

orange salad

Take oranges. Try to choose stigli that licorice fruit. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Divide into halves. From the skin half, behind the help of a knife, that teaspoon can be removed from the inside.

Cook chicken fillet and eggs until cooked, cool. Divide into small cubes. Dribno cut the orange pulp. As with which sik is established, wine is not needed for salad.

Zmіshayte in an okremіy mistsi porіzan chicken meat, eggs and oranges. Salt, season with sour cream. Otriman masu put orange halves.

For embellishment, boil an egg into mugs. Cut from the olives small cups for the eyes and nose. With boiled carrots, open your mouth. Put a circle of a boiled egg - it will be a muzzle of a bear. Add eyes and mouth. Three husbands of thinly sliced ​​olives grow whiskers. Vuha will be from mugs of olives.

Propose for a portion to a skinny little guest.

Such a simple act of obov'yazkovo is appropriate for little ones.

Report about the preparation of salad - at the next video.

Licorice kebabs

Take beautiful decorative skewers. Try to do it for a long time, about 10 cm. String on skewers, string, marshmallows, small pieces of a torn midnight, kiwi and a banana.

Melt 2 bars of chocolate in a water bath. Pour white chocolate into one bowl, milk chocolate into the other. Dip the skewers in chocolate so that the fruits and marshmallows are evenly covered with it. Then zanuryuyte kebabs in the back of the hair or almond peas. A dekilka of kebabs can also be sipped with a confectionery sip of different colors.

Such a dessert is always a hit of a child Christmas table and yelling out the muttering noise of the birthday boy and little guests.

Children sound at the capture of banana cocktails. Cooking proportions: for 1 banana take 100 gr. freezer and 200 ml. milk. Add zukra to taste (you can replace yogo with condensed milk). Beat with a blender.

Garnish lasoshchi with fruit, insert cocktail tubes.

Children's Day 4 rocky, how to spend it holy? Be like a child, check on your day for the people of impatience. Vin checks for surprises, checks for gifts. Navit the smallest children to see that National Day is not just holy, in the yak you can take away bagan gifts, richly rich toy and eat richly malted fruit. On a good day, it was better to play with friends at a different game, to laugh at the soul and buti, well, like a birthday boy at the center of the global respect. For this, it is up to you to try to organize the Children's Day of the 4th anniversary, which is remembered, vrakhovuyuchi with this particular character of the birthday man and remember, obviously, about the guests. It is important that all of them, as far as possible, have the same moods, without tears. So often it happens that some of the children start to pull the carpet on themselves, don’t put up with it, it’s not this day.

Children's National Day 4 years: children's father

In Vіtsі chotirioh roіv children can hardly be called active participants in the preparation before sunset. Adzhe stinks only a little, but they began to know this world and begin to start talking in a new way with one-year-olds. Aje, to the stink of the stink, they merged less with mom, that and grandmothers with grandparents. A spіlkuvannya z odnoletkami ts zovsіm іnshiy svіt. It is unlikely that you will be able to help you with your child, as in the preparation, so in the process, if only you can turn on and help you, or else you can easily get out of the scenario of the holy: forget the scenario, vіrshi, the scene, you are to blame, sho dress up at that hour for the next hour. Tse everything is powerful to the children of this age, even if their memory is not yet fully blamed.

Therefore, creating a script for the holy is necessary, first for everything, stubbornly stole on the sight and then all the respect of the children will be straightened into need a channel. What can you see? Oh, the options are the sea. Tse mozhe buti and lyalkovy theater, and vistava in the costumes of fairy tale heroes and many others. More about the report below.

For a successful celebration of the National Day of the children 4 years ago, so that the tormented children would go away, as if they had gone earlier for the other saints, but it’s not rare, I’ll try again through the tricks of the psyche of the choirirical little ones, it’s necessary to do good. It’s also a lot of children to hesitate to speak on the stage, and even if the little ones don’t want to take the fate, don’t hesitate to come closer, speak louder, but from now on, from the children, speak loudly and clearly, take an active part in everything, praise and put a smile yoga for example. Indulge, rich children to honor you, as well as powerful children of this century. It’s not for grandmothers and mothers to go far above the participants in the Children’s National Day 4 years. The children of this century are suddenly tired and for reasons it is not necessary to delay it for a long time. The script itself has an hour for frequent, theatrical scenes and a free play. It is better to divide the tribute into rich pieces and in the intervals to give to children. It’s not good to take away the respect of the children of this one in one job for more than twenty hours of sleep. It is necessary to work to interrupt and switch to other directions. It is the leading responsibility to guard, so that no one is bothered and not bored, and in the other case, a child can easily be brought to tears.

Varto respect that National Day for children on the 4th of May should take no more than a year for the second year.

It is also necessary to tell about the choice of the Holy Mass. Slid barvisto embellish the place. Oskelki children are already sensitive and kindly understand the moods of lonely people, then the whole day can become a urochist for grown-ups. So that absolutely all guests can be cheerful and guilty to take part in the process, and not more than a child. So that it was sacredly successful, it is necessary to secure the fathers in the urochistost the sea of ​​​​positive, laughter and laughter. And you can only do it for the help of an active fun program.

We present to your respect the day of the scenario of the celebration of the Children's Day of the 4th anniversary, and in the future, see the scenes of that city for the purpose of the urochist.

You can create a script for little kids with different schemes. Tsikh schemes and slid dorimuvatsya at the process of the whole holy. I want to know how hard it is to reach them not varto. Better than a trifle to deprive the freedom to change the scenario in the process. Just so you can see that the children are already sleeping, switch your respect to the future, the cicada is more delicious. It is not necessary to give chastuvannya for children on the cob of the holy. Adzhe sound like a child of a sieve, but it’s more overwhelmed, you want to sleep. And tse zovsіm undocumented on the cob is holy, wait a minute.

Children's Day 4 years: scenarios

Statement for help Lyalok

To whom you have a lot of children to remember to know a lot of fairy tales, how to read them grown up: mothers, tata, grandmothers, children, aunts and uncles. Ale, children, for the sake of finding out about something new for yourself. I Lyalkova staging the very ones that are required. Looking at the actors, you can get children's toys, household items and simple fruits. You can repeat in the production of fairy tales themselves, or you can repeat the plots of cartoons, fairy tales, films, descriptions and others. If the children react noisily to the performance, or tell the participants of the performance, it means that the production has gone away.

Ride up at the kazka

It is necessary to show that children are going to the zoo, the kazkovy fox, the circus, or at the guest's, let's say, to the princess. For this next, arrange the tables one by one, or put them all on the “kilim litak”. At the sight of scenery, you can zastosuvat be-like objects, like you can turn into fairy tales. For whom you can embellish them with stitches and bags. The little ones are guilty and the hour is more expensive to play the fairy tale characters and to speak with them.

We know belongings

Children are guilty of following him, like joking belongings, and take part, according to their ability, in this process. It is necessary to give a hint at the walk, how to know the belongings and de, from whom you can ask for the way to the belongings. For the presentation, you can win a rich room, smut for all the children it was possible to move from one point to another in search of belongings. Looking at the belongings, you can collect small toys and malt for children.

Fairy tale concert

Dressed in suits of grown-up guilt, show a lot of groaning scenes, making it easier to see in the action of all the children. The lads can sing songs, sing songs and dance. For tse їm give a prize. Even if a little one is quarreling, you can be allowed to come together with your relatives and other accompanying people in the saints.

Teddy bear with a secret

In this world, the little ones are not yet ready to participate in the right logical games, but the stench already loves to guess riddles. For whom you can prepare a big bear, fill it with fruits, toys, or other items, as children know. Little ones, wrapping things around, are guilty of guessing what to lie with the bear.

Strava on the holy

Until the speech Children's Day of the Nation 4 years, not only a game, but also the possibility of spectating at once the Christmas cake chi cow.

I love those moments.

More often I describe ideas aboutto the right childish saint.

What's the difference? The difference is that at the same time you read the descriptions of the contests that year, as it is absolutely not enough success for children in 4 years!

I pass the word his cousin Nadya. Axis yak їy far away to organize Donka's National Day Marusi (4 rocks) .

Where did the child go holy?

Sacred spent at the children's creative studio. Rent for 2.5 years. It's been a long time to play freely, take part in competitions, look at the little show "Bobik visiting the watchdog", a show of sweet bulbs, treat yourself to a cake and play again freely.

(I think that this hour is enough. Children are small, growing up more than 3 years is more difficult. Renting a child’s creative studio is a miracle solution. A lot of space, no furniture, thresholds and kutiv. IP)

What did they give for the people's day (4 years)?

Collected from classy felt-tip pens, to which a model of a castle with cardboard figures is added, books from zavdannyami and fairy tales for children 5 years, a house with residents for a grill by the bath (we have a different day already floating by the bath), fishing, domino, rosemary, Lyalka, what to say.

How many guests?

Children - 5
Doroslih - 9

There was a more fun solution for a sleeping saint. Mami, tata and babush іz pleased to take part in relay races and competitions!

(I already got the idea. In the shortest time, the fathers simply marvel at those who look sideways, and take pictures. Buva, start one by one discussing the problems of the world, drowning out the leader.

Competition for National Day (4 roki)

I’ll tell you right away on my site do a lot of competitions for this group. Select the stench here:

And now let’s see what happened to Marusya:

"Help mom make compote"

We scurried along, what's at the studio buv swimming pool made of plastic bags and went to the new sky to the market for fruit. The skin child chose 3 fruits and named them. Sweaty, we were visikuvalis and took away the cooks. From the other side, mami chi tata dermal from them also hung out. Zavdannya: you need to put all 3 fruits into the father’s bowl one at a time. Peremagaє, naturally, the best-seen and spritny. Youmu on clothes (or on hand) is the biggest sticker (holographic stickers), fix all children - stickers are smaller, ale obov'yazkovo!

best seen kangaroo

I sewed a long time to the pillowcases according to the game, so that it could be seen. From one side, the fathers hung on, from the other side, children checked on them. The fathers sank into pillowcases (with bellies-guts), kicked up to their children, and handed the tummies to the children, and the children galloped back.

Gra "Wake the Dragon"

Leading in the mask or hats of the dragon (You can replace it with a be-like creature). Children to moon squeakers, whistles . We have boules with things that are spinning. Children (fox good creatures) grow up at their mink ( puzzles for pidlog for a number of children, they are arranged randomly for a statue). As soon as the Dragon (leading) fell asleep, the stench vibrated from nir and irritated yoga, squeaked and whistled. The dragon rolls over and catches the birds, then we fall asleep again. Children from zakholennyam tick, stray nori, spend whistles in the air.

Vistava "Bobik visiting Barbos"

Zigrany mayzhe Nosovim. Everything was brought to light, with the addition of new realities at Barbosa's apartment. For example, Bobik is surprised that there is a refrigerator. The watchdog seems to be that everything is freezing there, that there is a cry. Bobik eats, then there you can ride on kovzan chi scho?

Bobik marvels that this is a pra-suval doshka. The watchdog explains what to iron on it. Bobik, who lives without caresses, if you want to be stroked. Marvel at the car, wondering here it has a kermo and who is water ... and so on.

For children of 4 years, it was already clear. The stinks laugh and tell the mist. Then the song "People's dog's friend" turns on, and the children lull musical instruments. Dogs dance, and children play music. All fun.

Show of sweet bulbs (30 quillins)

Mustaches at the capture. Especially in view of the ability to grow bulbs themselves and the appearance of giant bulbs. Wrap up on the tse varto. More importantly, what is not more expensive in the provinces.

How about you birthday girl with girlfriend at the giant furry ? Do you see how many enemies?

After miles of bulbs tea with cake . For children, there was less cake, licorice, fruit. The table was embellished with a white tablecloth, a bouquet and plates with little creatures.

The fathers treated themselves to more serious appetizers: miniature skewers with salmon and chickens, sirnі profiteroles, rolls. Everything is small, neat, so everything was fine and there was no need to take it home.

All the guests ate a chocolate bar "Marusya". No, no description! Same "Marusya", not "Olenka". Warehouse: khіtrin, kaprizin, manipulator, identical to natural.

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