Sample your own language. Yakі buvayut sob viraznostі rosіyskoy mine: apply. Cordoni vikoristannya tropiv u movi

Movie images

The Russian language, as it means a lot of words, is meant figuratively, because it has a lot of phraseological units, simple words, words, like a figurative meaning, which allowed schoolchildren to see the figurative features of the language in the vocabulary.

On the thought of V.V. .

The stylistics considers the imagery of the movie as a special stylistic rice, as it takes the best viraz from the movie literature.

Words that have a figurative meaning with a method of creation are called stitches (gr. tropos - turn, turn, image). The stench is to serve as a guardian of the culture of the movement, to give a clear image of quiet and other objects, phenomena [Thundercloud was smoked by the white smoke and sank softly to the ground. The penetrating glare of gleams changed in the depths of the gloom of the palannas of the mid half-light.

The stitches were described and classified in the ancient world, the most recent translations by Aristotle and Quintilian. Traditionally, they are brought to poetics and stylistics, and victorious to rhetoric. Standing out like stitches, simple words can gain greater strength. Stitches can be made by hand to create realistic pictures. The stench trapleyayutsya th in the descriptions of unaesthetic manifestations, like calling out a negative assessment of the reader.

Mova, equipped with stitches, is called metalogical (type gr. Meta - through, after, logos - word); it is marked by my autologous (like gr. Autos - I, myself), which stitches are daily.

Shansky N. M. saw such a classification of the main tropes:.

A metaphor is the transfer of a name from one object to another one of its similarities.

In the middle of the smaller stitches, the metaphor occupies a lot of space, it allows you to create an imaginary image, foundations on yaskravih, nespodіvanih, sympathetic associations. For example: To burn with a new dawn. The word burn, protruding like a metaphor, draws a bright farb sky, illuminated by the change of the sun, to descend.

In modern metaphors, the image is the day, which is fundamentally poetic.

Embedding one metaphor often causes new metaphors to be strung together, tied behind a streak from the first, as a result, a metaphor is fired up.

Specializations are called the endowment of inanimate objects with signs and power of a person. For example: Zirka іz zіrkoy to speak. To sleep the earth at the syavi blakitny.

Separation is widely used in artistic language, scientific style, journalistic, and in modern folk poetry.

We specialize in the type of isolation - personification - a complete resemblance of an inanimate object of a person.

Irony is like a figure - the same stitch, the shards are out on the straight meaning of the words, the current turns impose a satirical tension, a subtle mockery, which is expressed verbally and intonation.

Alegory is called to understand the abstract from the concrete artistic images. Tse razgornut podіbnennya, scho shoolyu znachny obsjag to the text. Updating can be seen in the system of tightness, tension. For example, fairy tales and fairy tales have foolishness, sticking into the image of the Donkey, fearfulness in the image of the Hare, cunning - in the image of the Fox.

A parable is a genre that gave birth to a tale and other allegorical creations, you carry a story with your own. .

Metonymy is called the transfer of a name from one object to another on the basis of their summation. For example: Porcelain and bronze on the table. - Name the materials of the vikoristan for the recognition of the details of their subjects. Metonymy grows into allusion.

Alyuzija - tse tension, not everyone's minds, but ring out only to close friends and like-minded people of the one who speaks, it will establish a link between those who communicate.

A special kind of metonymy is antonomasia, a chain of stitches, which is used in the life of a wet name in the meaning of the nominal. For example, the nickname of Gogol's character Khlestakov had a wild meaning - "nonsense, praise", Hercules is sometimes figuratively called a strong man.

Dzherel antonomasia - ancient mythology and literature.

A variety of metonymy is synEcdocha (synekdoche - spіvrozumіnnya, spіvvіdnoshennia). Tsej stitch polygaє at the replacement of the multiplier is one, at the living, call the parts the replacement of the whole, the private replacement of the collective, and navpaki. SynEcdoha wins in different functional styles. For example, in the language of the language, the synEcdohi is wider, yak, they took away the zagalnomovny character (the head of a sensible person is called, the master of talent is called a golden hand, etc.).

An epithet is a figurative designation of an object chi dії. For example, criss-flying fogs make their way for a month, in the sumny galyavini it’s sumptuously light. Epithets are the most common barvisty, pronounced by prikmetniks.

Epithets, expressed in words, like in figurative meanings, are called metaphorical. For example, a tint of gold spent the night on the breasts of a skeletal velvet, the lie rushed off on the road early, merrily roaring along the blacks.

In the basis of an epithet, there can be metonymical names, such epithets are called metonymical. For example, a white smell of daffodils, a happy, white spring smell. .

Behind the words of A.V. .

Warehouse epithets have 3 groups:

1. Significant epithets, as if they indicate a sign that avenges the appointed word (mirror smooth surface, cold baiduzhist, azpіdna temryava); Here are those tautological epithets (girko girke).

2. Clarify the epithets that name the specific signs of the subject (size, shape, color etc.)

3. Contrasting epithets, which are made with the help of the names of the people who are scribbled for the silver - an oxymoron (a living corpse, a radius of confusion, love, something to hate).

Prior to lexical figurative features, there is a similarity.

Porіvnyannâ is called the setting of one object with the other with the method of the artistic description of the first (Under the bright skies with miraculous kilims, gleams in the sun, lie down; Kriga nemіtsnіla on the river of the studenoi nemov like tsukor, sho tane.)

In the works of traditional folk creativity, there is a widening of negative divisions. (Not the wind, blowing from the heights, the leaves bumping at the night of the month).

Establish and unrevealed differences, they give a greater assessment of what is described, which does not take away a specific figurative expression (You won’t tell, you won’t describe what a life is, if you feel your artillery in a battle for someone else’s fire.)

Porіvnyannya, yakі vkazayut on kіlka zagalnyh signs in objects, which are zіstavlyayutsya, are called rozgornutymi.

Viraz figuratively is called hyperbole, which is used in overflowing understandings, strength, beauty, meaning of the described. (My kokhannya, as wide as the sea, the life of the shore cannot accommodate).

Litotoy is called figuratively viraz, applying rosemary, strength, meaning of the described (your spitz, charming spitz, troch is bigger than a thimble). Litota is also called a convulsive hyperbole. .

Hyperbole and litota may have a deep foundation - recollection of an ob'ektivnoi kolkіsnoї otsіnki, an object, a manifestation, something - that can be substantiated by the movie.

Hyperbola and that litota can and not form stitches, but simply act as an overbill or application. For example, do not be born rich, but be curly-haired: for pike velіnyam everything is ready for you.

Hyperbole can be nipped at the іnshі stitches, which give the image grandiosity. Hyperbolic epithets are seen to a certain extent: (One at home is long until the dawn, in others - a long time until the moon; baobabs up to the sky), hyperbolic por_vnyannia: (A man with a heart, similar to that Veletensky samovar, in which a boiled churn metaphors: (The fresh wind of the chosen one p'aniv, from the nig, resurrecting from the dead, more, like not loving, - that means, not alive and not dead!)

Before lexical figurative features, paraphrase is used.

A paraphrase is a descriptive turnover, which gets used to replace any word or phrase. Before the stitch, there is less figurative periphrasis.

Ugly periphrasis is just a renaming of objects, yakostey, diy.

Periphrasies can be cryptic and individually-author's. Buvayut periphrase of the euphemistic character (the stench exchanged affections with the anatomy: the stench barked one to one).

Vzhivannya tropiv can cause various pardons. The imagery of the movie was not far away - to finish it is not enough for the style of the authors, like a rotten pen. Turning up the stitch can be stylistically motivated. A figurative language can be both high, and low, ale, vicarious stitches, it is impossible to break the law of aesthetic appearance to understand what is approaching. .

These are the main figurative examples, which can be used in the lessons of Russian language in pochatkovy school.

All the food that we have looked at has been followed up by us with the method of revealing the theoretical foundations of this food, and allow us to develop a non-tangible vysnovka in the one that the Russian vocabulary allows to sing a thought, eloquently.

Formation of the Fasting of Movie Movie perpeturates of the whole rukhi of the souls of the little people, passing on, nasty, and the post -niber - pre -mogi to the lectures of the Dizi Word, the vihovati of the dashita, the visati is more likely to be the same

Until the last goiter, I am new to the Federal State Educational Standards. How does the practical work of the school form a creative setting to the word?

Evidently, the European lexicon does not match with the juices: such a thought is expressed by a lot of literary scholars, who have developed this diversity. New Spanish expansion, Italian emotion, French lowness. Learn more sho zastosovuyutsya Russian writers, guessing brushstrokes of the artist

If fahіvtsі talk about the variety of the language, then they think on the uvazі not only figuratively, like they wield at school, but also an inexhaustible arsenal literary receptions. The only classification of image- for various benefits nemaє, prote mentally divide the costs into groups.

In contact with

Lexical notes

Viznі zasobi, which is practiced on the lexical movable equal, є nevid'emnoy part of the literary creation: poetic chi written in prose. Tse words, or movnі zvoroti, vikoristovuvanі by the author in a figurative chi allegorical meaning. The largest group of lexical tools for creating Russian figurativeness is literary stitches.

Different stitch

Vykoristovuvanih at creations a stitch for over two dozen. Table with butts shared the greatest covenant:

stitchesExplanation to the termApply
1 AlegoryReplacing an abstract concept with a concrete rank."In the hands of Themis", which means: in the justice
2 Tse stitches, in the basis of which lie figuratively povnyannya, but without vikoristannya spilok (like the beginning). The metaphor of transferring the qualities of one object or appearance to another.A murmuring voice (the voice of the Germans chirping).
3 MetonymyPdmina one word in another, based on the ability to understand.Noise class
4 PorivnyanniaWhat is the difference between literature? The setting of objects for a similar sign. Porivnyannia - tse artistic favors, yakі can promote figurativeness.Por_vnyannya: hot, like a fire (other butts: beat nibi creid).
5 SeparateThe transfer of the powers of a person to inanimate objects of a human being.The leaves of the trees whispered
6 HyperboleTse stitches, the basis of which lie in the literature perebіlshennya, spriyaє posilennuyu sing characteristics chi quality, de author accentuates the respect of the reader.Sea of ​​robots.
7 LitotaArtistic application of the described object or appearance.Man with a Nigtik.
8 SynecdocheReplacing some words with other words and phrases.Ask for zander.
9 OccasionalismArtistic bones made by the author.Sanctify the fruit.
10 ironyThin gluzuvannya is based on the name of a positive assessment or a serious form of expression.What do you say, smart guy?
11 SarcasmA surprisingly subtle mockery, a great form of irony.Create sarcasm by Saltikov-Shchedrin.
12 paraphrasePіdmіna words similar to lexical meanings viraz.king of the beasts
13 Lexical repetitionWith the method of strengthening the meaning of a particular word, the author repeats it several times.Lakes are deep, lakes are deep.

The article is hovered basic stitches, in the literature, like an illustration of a table with butts.

Some people bring archaism, dialectism, professionalism to the stitch, but not so. Tse sobe viraznosti, the area of ​​​​experimentation of such is surrounded by an imaged era or by an area of ​​stagnation. Їх vicorist to create the color of the era, described the month in a working atmosphere.

Specializations for viraznosti

- words, as if they called objects known to us (ochі - ochі). Historisms mean the objects of the apparition (dії), which appeared in the coop (caftan, ball).

I archaism, i historicism take care of the difference, if you want to zastosovuyut scribes and scriptwriters who create on historical topics (with butts - "Peter the First" and "Prince Sribniy" by A. Tolstoy). Quite often archaisms sing to the creation of the style (bosom, hand, finger).

Neologisms are figurative images of the language that have gone up to our lives recently (gadget). It is not uncommon to vicorate in an artistic text to create the atmosphere of a youthful middle ground and in the way of protruding coristuvachiv.

Dialectisms - words abo grammatical forms, who get used to rozmovnіy movі meshkantsіv odnієї mіstsevosti (koche - piven).

Professionalism - the words of the kind that are typical for representatives of the singing profession. For example, zagіn for the printer - tse, first for everything, spare material, so that you don’t get to the number, but then we’ll change the creatures. Obviously, the writer, who tells about the life of the hero-polygraphist, does not use the term by the side.

Jargonisms - the vocabulary of informal slang, which is victorious in people's speech, which lies up to the singing stake of slang. For example, specific features of the text about the life of students, it is allowed to use the word “tails” in the meaning of “congestion from consumption”, and not part of the body of creatures. In creations about students, the word often appears.

Phraseological turns

Phraseological virazi - ce lexical movnі zaobi, vraznіst yak vyznaєєєє:

  1. Pro different values, іnоdі z mythological pіdґruntyam (Akhіlles' p'yata).
  2. The affiliation of the skin to the category of high resistant viruses (sink into oblivion), chi rozmovnyh turnovers (raise the breath). You can only make yourself feel positively emotionally zabarvlennya (golden hands - the ambition of a laudatory value), or a negative expressive assessment (dribna bipod - a sign of an unimportant attitude to a person).

Phraseology, sob:

  • slander on the inaccuracy and figurativeness of the text;
  • vibuduvat the necessary stylistic tonality (colloquiality of speech), first evaluating the current features of the text;
  • vyslovit author's statement to the information that is reported.

The figurative versatility of phraseological phrases is strengthened through their transformation from zahalnovidomihs into individual-author's ones: light on the whole of Ivanovskaya.

A special group - tse aphorisms ( krylatі vislovy). For example, a happy birthday is not guarded.

Before aphorisms, one can add the creations of folk art: sayings, orders.

Tsі hudozhnі zasobi zastosovuyt at the literature often dosit.

Respect! Phraseology as a figurative-virtuous literary cat is impossible to know vikoristani in the official-business style.

Syntax accept

The syntactical figures of the promo are a twist, twisted by the author from a single method to better convey the need for information and a big part of the text, as well as an example of emotional entanglement. Axis yaki buvayut syntactic rules differences:

  1. Antithesis - syntactically zasіb viraznostі, grounds on opposing. "Zlochin i Kara". Allows to substantiate the meaning of one word for the help of another, the opposite for the meanings.
  2. Gradations - make sure that there is a variety of words, which are synonymous with words, which, according to the principle of growth and fading, are signs of chiosity in Russian language. For example, the stars shone, burned, shone. Such a lexical linguist sees the smut of the notion of the skin word - "svitity".
  3. oxymoron - right protagonist words, scho know the order. For example, viraz "half-light ice" figuratively and clearly creates the hero's super-smart character.
  4. Inversion-syntactic features of variability, based on non-binding prompting. For example, zamіst "vin spivav" is written "spіv vіn". On the cob of speech, a word is written, as the author wants to see.
  5. Parcelation - navmisne split one proposition into a sprat of parts. For example, order Ivan. Stop, marvel. At a friend's proposition, sound the blame for it, like a sign, like an author's accent on yourself.

Important! qi imagery representatives of low scientific schools are brought to stylistic ones. The reason for replacing the term is to cry out for help, which hopes to use different methods of the group itself on the style of the text, even for help syntactic constructions.

Phonetic features

Russian sounds are the smallest group of literary promotional articles. Tse special adaptation of words from the repetition of singing sounds of phonetic groups from the method of depiction of artistic images.

Sound like this imagery of the movie vikoristovuyut sing in virshovanih creations, chi scribes in lyrical vіdstupah, in the descriptions of landscapes. Authors stop repeating sounds for the transmission of thunderous murmurs or sharudinnya leaves.

Aliteration - a repetition of a number of voices that create sound effects that enhance the imagery of the described phenomenon. For example: "At the seam rustle of snow noise." The pumping of sounds C, W and W creates the effect of inherited whistling in the wind.

Asonance - a repetition of vocal sounds from the creation of a different artistic image: "March, march - mahaєmo ensign / / Marching to the parade." The voice “a” is repeated until the creation of an emotional plethora of feelings, a unique sensation of wild joy and exclamation.

Sound-sounding - picking up words, which will add a sing-song set of sounds, which will create a phonetic effect: wind in the wind, rustle of grass and other characteristic natural sounds.

Sobi Virality in Russian Language, Stitches

Vikoristannya words of modern virtuosity


The very rose of figurative cats differences in Russian language robbing yoga in a right way is beautiful, we are so unique. That is why foreign literary scholars respect the works of Russian poets and writers in the original for better.

The syntactic system of the Russian language is surprisingly rich in figurative possibilities. The free (schodo) order of words gives the Russian syntax a grammatical flexibility, gives rise to impersonal syntactic synonyms, for the help of which one goes to convey the most subtle meanings of words. For the movement of artistic literature, there are those that, on the parity of syntax, are united and mutually modified by modern imagery, which does not exist in the text in isolation, but functions in the syntactic unit - speech.

Vikoristannya one-word propositionsє one of the most expressive syntactic features. For the help of nominative propositions, which are called objects, phenomena, the artist paints pictures of nature, the situation, describes the hero's camp and gives an assessment of what is being seen. Nominative propositions are widely vindicated when recording in special schodenniks, sheets, in such genres, as the imperious bezperednist vyklad dumok, quick fixation of the main details.

Twenty first. Nich. Monday.

Outline the capitals near the darkness.

Sklav same yakys ledar,

What's the deal on earth. (A. A. Akhmatova).

Autumn. Kazkovy Palace,

All vіdkritiy for a look around.

Prosіki forest roads,

Quiet, hto wondering at the lakes.

Yak at the exhibition of paintings:

Zali, Zali, Zali, Zali

V'yaziv, ash, osik

The gilding is unbeatable.

Lipi golden hoop,

Yak vinets on adverbs.

Appearance of a birch under a veil,

Vіnchalnoy that transparency. (B. Pasternak).

Often a series of one-fold propositions is the result of the creation of a parceled construction. Parceling(parceller - French. "Dіliti on dіbnі parts") - a grammatical and stylistic device, which is parsed syntactically linked to the text on the intonationally cremated vіdrіzki, scho vіdokremlyuyutsya with a dot.

The corridor. Go. I know the corridor. The doors at the wall were turning. - I can't do it any more, - the little man in a faded brown shirt mumbles, but he has no more strength for those who throw one word at a time on the skin of the crotch who stumble. Ni. I can. More. I don't. I can. I…” (G.L. Oldi. “The one who checks at the crossroads”).

Imitation of the calmness of the roman language, the powerful syntactic and rhythmic organization.

Period(periodos - Greek. “kolo, kіlce, obkhіd”) - harmoniously, for its syntactic structure, richly folded word, which is reminiscent of the completeness and perfection. It consists of two parts: an increase and a decrease, divided by the peak of the period, which is accompanied by a pause and a sharp decline in tone (on the sheet it appears with different signs “..., - ...”), for example:

“Moreover, I am condemned to such a terrible share; not only that, before the end of my life, I can sing, how to die in the invisible torments of my father and mother, for the order of these twenty times I was ready to b_ddat my life, - not enough of everything: it’s necessary, so that before the end of my life I had a chance to pamper and feel the words , I didn’t bachila Yaky ”(N.V. Gogol).

Parallism- ce repetition of the same type of syntactic constructions. For example, “Youth - if you dance, you don’t need to dance anything. If you live, you will never die. If you trust, nobody hurt you... And if you love, nobody hurt you more. (A. Parfionova).

In a broader plan, there is a parallelism - a link between okremi images, motives too thin. in artistic TV, which is rebuying in the same roztashuvannі similar members of the speech in two or more summіzhnyh speeches:

Shovkova thread to the linen wall,

Dunechka mother cholom b'є.

The number of verses can be prompted to repeat the intonational-syntactic little thing (melodic repetition), which gives special musicality to the poetic text:

At my majestic city - nothing.

I'm going to the sleepy house - get out

I people think: squad, daughter, -

And I forgot one thing: nothing.

Lipneviy wind mete - way,

And here the music of the vikni is troch.

Oh, ninі wind to dawn - darkness

Crisis of the walls of the thin chest - at the chest.

Black poplar, and vіknі - light,

І dzvіn on the vezhі, і in the hands - color,

І krok axis tsey - no one - next,

І tіn axis tsya, and less - nі.

Fire - like a thread of golden namistiv,

Night leaf at the mouth - relish.

Call in the daytime calls,

Friends, understand that I am dreaming of you. (M. Tsvetaeva. "Sleeplessness").

gradation(Latin gradatio "incremental advancement") - roztashuvannya a number of words (sound synonyms, movnyh or contextual) for the step of increasing (vishіdna) or weaker (lower) of their semantic and emotional meaning. “It was imperceptibly hideous in yoga guise, scarlet gray darkness shone, burned, shone with majestic black eyes” (V. Soloukhin).

Antithesis(Greek antithesis "protilezhnist") - a figure of rosemary, which is opposed to understanding in artistic language. By means of structural opposition, there can be and opposite unions (a, ale), and intonation and only intonation.

I must laugh

And I don't want to cry. (M. Yu. Lermontov). - U to this particular type We have before us a simple antithesis - a variant of the pair of antonyms. They sing like modern, and contextual antonyms, for example, well-known characteristics of Onegin and Lensky:

“The stench zіyshlis. Fuck that stone. / Vershi and prose, lead and half-moon / Not so different among themselves ”(A. S. Pushkin) - contextual antonyms.

The antithesis can be collapsible, flared, for example, M. Gorky’s story “Old Izergil” can be a three-part composition: two legends that tell the story of the old Izergil about his share, the opposite behind the shield and reflect the antithesis of the artistic images of Larry and Danko.

The more collapsible phenomenon of the artistic text is the fixation by the author of the protracted feelings, as they can be mutually pleasing and mutually reciprocal. So, one of the features of the creative manner of I. A. Bunina swears in a practical way to convey at once super-sophisticated feelings that people live in the soul, unreasonable in rational terms - in the description of "Pass" it is read: "Licorice hopelessness"; "rozpach start to zmіtsnyuvati me"; “evil dokor komu for everything that I blame, hush me”; in the words of “Cicada”: “How inexcusably I am unfortunate, boring to my happiness, to whom I can’t get enough,” the same verses: “Is it already happy to bring in and in my money?” (“Growing up, growing grave grass ...”).

With this artistic phenomenon, oxymoron victories are tied up.

Oxymoron(Greek oxymoron "hot-bad") - an inconspicuous combination of words, which is logical to include one of one. An oxymoron reinforces internal conflicts, a super-chalky psychological state: “buried ridal”, “zhakh zakhoplennya”, “sufferingly happy zakhoplennya” (I. A. Bunin). Oxymorons are often used in the texts of I. S. Turgenev, but in the new stench they will be on the final contrast: “crisis of eminence”, “proud modesty”. The current contrast can become a daily technique, but also a good compositional technique, which is inspired by the name of the work (for example, “The Living Corpse” by L. M. Tolstoy).

inversion(lat. inversio “reversal, rearrangement”) - the expansion of words in a different order, lower is established by the rules of grammar:

Listen: far, far, on Lake Chad

Vishukani roam giraffe. (N. Gumilyov)

The inversion is of particular importance in the performance of movement: here it is not just a stylistic figure, but a sign of the poetic organization of the movement (rhythm-creating function). On the other hand, inconsistency, the order of words can be divided into other meanings, accents and propositions.

Paraphrase(s)- Descriptive turnover, for example: It's time to frown! Oh enchantment! - Deputy autumn (A. S. Pushkin). Being one of the traditional ways of vibrancy in the literature of different styles and directly, the paraphrase allows you to create a special emotional tone, for example, the classicism of the victorious sounding of odes: the light of the day, the gift of the gods, the lover of the muses; sentimentalism - to add to the warehouse of subtlety, moreover, in the literature of sentimentalism, the periphrase gains new functions: it becomes one of the most important means of revealing the subjective cob, transferring the author's setting to the object of nomination, moreover, the rule is to designate sentimentality, which are evaluated positively: “Goddesses, lovers of heaven, Friends of the lower muses and all the beauty of the imperishable!” - Graces are described (M. N. Karamzin).

Rhetorical nutrition- a special kind of nutritional proposition, which does not affect the perception, creates an internal tension, enhances the emotion of the artistic movement, allows you to logically see the most important in the sensory response to the text:

Snowy river, white month.

Our side is covered with a shroud.

I birches near white cry like foxes.

Who's dead here? Died? Chi not myself? (S. Yesenin).

Rhetorical animal, rhetorical viguk: Vislovlyuvannya can be addressed to a spiritualized and inanimate object, an abstract concept. The rhetorical meanings and words are seen as important in the system of values ​​of the author to the text of the message and objects, accentuating the respect of the reader on them:

Moscow! Yaky majestic

Wild booty!

Everyone in Russia is homeless.

We will all come to you.

Sleeplessness shtovhnulo me on the road.

Oh, what a beautiful dark Kremlin my! -

Today at night I kiss in the chest -

I fight the whole round the earth! (M. Tsvetaeva).

Elipsis(Greek elleipsis “vipadannya, omission”) – omission of one or more terms of the speech without shkodi for sensu vyslovlyuvannya, which is easy to understand in the context of this situation.

Bagatі mi, only from the colics, ( weishli)

Pardons of the fathers and piznim їkh rozum. (M. Yu. Lermontov).

Eliptichnye vyslovlyuvannya vikorivuyutsya for podomlennya text emotional zabarvlennya, dynamism, vagomosti and spryaє yogo functional-stylistic reorientation shkodo stylistically neutral living. Ellipsis is widely used both in prose and in poetic works, giving the text a calmness, a rose-like impression.

Bezspіlka- navmisnyy pass of successful splits, creating a streak of fire, quick change of pictures.

Axis of faults for the secret of the day

Pishov for the streets of Vigin,

Knowing stone cubes

Cho lie one on one shaving,

Posters, niches, dahi, trumpet,

Hotels, theaters, clubs,

Boulevards, public gardens, buy lindens,

Yards, gates, numbers,

Pіd'їzdi, go, apartments,

De all passions go gra

In the name of the transformation of the world ... (B. Pasternak. "Trip").

Bagatosyuznіst(polysyndeton) - navmisne vikoristannya unions that are repeated.

Virazny repeat of the split "i". The anaphora of yogo was coexisted in Christian church literature - in the Gospel, for the help of this repetition, the urochist and majesty of the exposition was reached: And the wind died down, and the silence became great. I said to them: Why are you so afraid? How do you have a lot of faith? And they were afraid with great fear and said among themselves: Who is it that the wind and the sea swear at by Yomu? (Gospel in Mark).

Multi-union - to achieve the expansion of a stylistic device, such as the Russian literature of different periods. “Before my eyes, I walked the ocean, and swayed, and grimіv, and syaav, and zgasav, and luminous, and yshov curled up at the infinity.” (V. G. Korolenka). Bagatosyuznіst uplifts ruh, podkreslyuє zmіst odnorodnіh іnіv propositions, scho z'ednuyutsya spіlkami.

Inquiry and task

Topic 6. Imagery and figurative language skills.

stitches in stylistics and poetry - tse embedding of the word in the figurative meaning, in which the semantics of the word is destroyed direct meaning to portable. There are three types of tropes on the line of direct and figurative meanings of the word: line of sight for imitation (metaphor), for contrast (oxymoron), for summation (metonymy). In artistic texts, the stitches are different ways of word transformation (from the word to the image) and the spіvvіdnoshenie between them. The stitches are fixed at the word of the peculiarity of the individual spontaneity of reality and that is an important element of artistic thought.

epithet- the whole word, which one sees in the object, whether it is a manifestation of power, as signs of it. The role of the text: 1. Allows you to clearly characterize the subject in one word. 2. Helping to make the subject look like the author did. 3. The strength of the epithet of yoga accuracy, freshness, variety. 4. Give the subject a special touch. Apply: slick leaf; gold storm; eager to catch a glance.

Porivnyannia- This is one of the reasons for the diversity of the language, which helps the author to express his point of view, to create the whole artistic picture, to give a description of the objects. See: 1. For the help of the twin splits - Like dim, the gloomy ones spread. 2. With the words “similar”, “similar” - Tsuzenya looks like a fluffy ball. 3. The steps of the clerk and the prikmetnik - Guchnishe screamed for the raven. 4. Creativity couple - Anxiety snaked into the heart. The role of the text: 1. Sprinkle a figurative description of objects, which are signs, actions. 2. Help to give more accurate information about the authority of the objects described

Metaphor- prihovane porіvnyannya, based on the similarity between different things and objects. At the basis of any metaphor lies the unnamed pairing of some objects with others, may have a significant sign. The role of the text: 1. The image-creation of the text is strengthened. 2. I create an image, cost-effectively make a move. Apply: zahid the sun fell (zahid the sun porivnyuєtsya with fire); the dawn of life (youth is born from the dawn).

Separate- one of the types of metaphor, if the transferred signs are transferred from a living object to an inanimate one. With separate descriptions, the subject of the call is called people. The role of the text: see characteristic sign subject. Apply: a plank with barefoot paths in the garden; the trees, having grown up to me, stretched out their thin arms.

Hyperbole- figuratively viraz, which overwhelmed be-like a diyu, an object, a manifestation. Vykoristovuetsya with the method of strengthening artistic expression. The role of the text: under the armchair high, the boundary step are the signs of the presence. Apply: the edge of the Earth; saying a thousand times.

Litota- Mystetsky unbelievable application. The role of the text: underlining the low boundary step marks the appearance. Put it on: give me a hand, I'll take a second.

Grotesque- Literature has one of the different comical receptions, which in the fantastic form is stingy and funny, indulgent and pudnesene. Like a form of comical grotesque, it is reminiscent of humor and irony, which in a new sense of humor and comedy is indistinct from the terrible and evil; as a rule, image the grotesque to carry a tragic zmist in your own. The grotesque behind the evocative untruthfulness, the fantasticness, has a deeper artistic comprehension of the important phenomena of life. The role of the text: є the creation of the comic and the satirical. Note: take “Notes of the Divine”, what a marvelous, vivacious dream of the artist.

paraphrase(a) - voicing the description of the name of the sovereign name; descriptive viraz, my turn, which replaces the word. The role of the text: 1. Helps the author to express his thoughts more precisely, avoid repetition; 2. Nadaє to the image of a bright emotional-expressive zabarvlennya. Apply: it's time to frown (Autumn); black gold (naphtha); king of the beasts (lion).

Metonymy- Transferring the meaning (changing) for the sum of the appearances. The greatest coexistence of the experiences of transference: a) with people on її be-like old signs: Chi soon obid? - after sleeping the guest, zvertayuchis to styobanoї vest; b) s establish z yogo inhabitants: The whole boarding house foreseeing the perevoga; c) the name of the author on his work (book, painting, music, sculpture): Wonderful Michelangelo! (About yogo sculpture) abo. I am reading Belinskiy… The role of the text: to win for my own, different characteristics.

Synecdoche- reception, for which purpose the yogo part is manifested (it is less to enter more). A variety of metonymy. The role of the text: vindicating for the many, virtuous characteristics. Apply: All ensigns of the guest will be before us; well, sit down, shine.

Oxymoron- Contrasting words for meanings that create new understanding or manifestation. It is only logical for the foolish to understand that it is sharp to supercharge for the light and mutually include one alone. Tsej priyom nalashtovuє chitacha spryyattya super-cool, foldable appearances, often - struggles of lengths. Most often, the oxymoron is conveyed by the author to the subject of the appearance. Apply: licorice sorrow, wild angel, curse friend.

Alegory- an allegory, in which the concrete image is shown as a substitute for an abstract concept. The role of the text: allows you to better reveal the subject of the conversation. Apply: vag of justice.

Vyznachte zasіb viraznostі: Gloomy live fountain globule. Vіdmoviv gay golden. I didn’t get tired every day. Buy Pushkin. I love writing in the nature.

Correct statements. We live in a gloomy fountain of clumps - povnyannya. Vіdmoviv hai zolotiy - isolation. I didn’t get tired a bit – lettuce. I will buy Pushkin - metonymy. I love writing in'yanennya nature - an oxymoron.

Figures Movie- Tse syntactical prompts, like vikoristovuyutsya for strengthening the variety of language. At the posts, either the other elements of the movement, or the other method of their organization, and sometimes the wrong order shines through the correct one.

Anaphora(single chattya) - repetition of okremikh words, or turnovers, or syntactic constructions of the same type on the cob of speech, or perfect rows, to stand in order. The role of the text: 1. Repeating the word takes away the emotional excitement; 2. Parallelism is being strengthened. Apply: So the mother smiles. So laugh daughter.

gradation- it’s especially roztashuvannya slіv vyslovlyuvannі, for whom the skin comes the word to avenge more powerfully. The role of the text: the growth of a fierce attack, viroblen by a group of words. Apply: tse buv dream, mirage, hallucination; rivers, lakes, oceans of tears; I don’t break, I don’t shudder, I don’t get tired, I don’t let a grain of the enemies pass.

Antithesis- tse alignment of two opposite signs of appearances. The role of the text: 1. to create contrast 2. The purpose of assessing the subject. Apply: rich and on weekdays benketue, and vigilant and holy to scold; de stіl buv naїdkіv, there is a string to stand.

inversion- Destruction of the splendid (direct) order of words due to the method of increasing the vibrancy of the language: pіdlyagaє - after the award, vyznachennya - after the words are pronounced. The role of the text: a member of the speech, leaning on an unimaginable place, otrimu dodatkovo smyslov and vizna vantazhennia. Apply: vіdmoviv gay gold.

Elipsis- Re-passing one of the terms of the proposition. The role of the text: the intonation of the phrase becomes more energetic. Apply: Tomorrow at the theater! A bottle of tea!

Umovchannya- navmisny urvische vyslovlyuvannya. The role of the text: 1. Transmits shyness, emotion. 2. The mind admits that the reader will guess that he himself has lost his ignorance. Apply: but listen: I’m guilty of you ... with a dagger I’ll give you money.

Parceling- Breaking down propositions into parts. The role of the text: strengthen the meaning and expressive words of the words Apply: At the Deer, the bida was trapalas here. Great.

Aliteration- tse repetition of the same chi close to the sound of voiced sounds. The role of the text: victorious to enhance the text's versatility. Apply: spіnnya stony kelihіv і half-moon punch blakitne.

Bezspіlka- Native omission of splits with the same members of the proposition. The role of the text: 1. Gives the text dynamism, strimkost 2. Creates special rhythmic little ones. Apply: Grim garmat, tupit, irzhannya, stogіn.

Bagatosyuznіst- Tse navmisne repetition of splits. The role of the text: scoring for a logical intonation reinforcement of the members of the speech. Apply: I will either cry, or I will scream, or I will not be tired.

Vyznachte zasіb viraznostі: Cholovіki - for sokiri. The language is my enemy. Batko... Mazepa... strata - bless you... I sling, and arrow, and crafty dagger... I have overcome yoga, defeated, and stooped.

The correct vouchers for sokiri are elіpsis. My language is my enemy - inversion. Batko ... Mazepa ... stratum - with blessings ... - umovchannya. I sling, i arrow, i crafty dagger... I have overcome yogo, having defeated, having gone down - gradation.

Lexical notes Vocabulary, posture sumnіvom, occupies a central place in the system of figurative means of movement. The word, as it seems, is the main unit of movement, the most important element of її artistic contributions. І promotion of the movie is tied to us in front of the zі word. A lot of words can be built to get used to a lot of meanings. The chain of power is called rich meaning, or polysemy. The scribes know about the richness of the meaning, the bright emotion, the liveliness of the language. For example, the text may have a richly worded word, yake, prote, appearing in different meanings: Sings from afar to start a language, sings to start a language far away.

Phraseology- ce stiyki wording from figurative meanings. The role of the text: pozhvavlyuyuchi movu, allow briefly and accurately to say the thought and feel. apply: give a swing.

Neologisms- all words, like absolutely new lexical units. The reason for the appearance of neologisms is a sustained and scientific and technical progress. The main sign of neologism is the absolute novelty of the word big noses of the language. Apply: hammered passport.

Antonimi- words, like one part of the promotion, ale protilezhnі behind the meanings: kind - evil, mighty - powerless. The contrasting of antonyms in the language of the language is a strong one with the core of the language of expression, which establishes the emotionality of the movement. Contextual antonyms - these are antonyms, the protagonist meanings of which appear only in this text. Apply: Long live the sun, let the drink fall!

Synonyms- the same words, like one part of the promotion, like they express one and the same understanding, but at the same time they are divided by different meanings: Zakohanist - love, friend - friend. Synonyms serve to clarify thoughts, help to give an assessment to the heroes, to voice the author's opinion before the described. Contextual synonyms - words, which are more synonymous with this text: Lomonosov - a genius - a child of nature in love Stylistic synonyms - are inspired by stylistic zabarvlennyam, the sphere of living: chuckling - giggling - laughing.

Omonymy- words that sound the same, but may have different meanings: the key is "dzherelo" (student key) and the key is "metal shearing of a special shape for imposing that lock zamikannya" (steel key). In order of homonymy, look at the sum of the phenomena with it, which lie up to the grammatical, phonetic and graphic equals of the language. Omoformi - words that are less likely to be in one grammatical form (more - in dekilkoh): three - three. About mofoni - tse words, which sound the same, but are written in a different way: onion - onion, young - hammer. About m about graphs - words, yakі are written the same way, ale vimovlyayutsya in a different way: gurtki - gurtki.

Manager. Vіn all day soaring in the dark. Іz cim bark becoming a school. Vіn is a child, vіn is less than a child. Vin is weak in body, but strong in spirit. For such people, like vins, there is a spark of God.

32. Correct vіdpovіdі Vin soaring all day in the dark - phraseology. Іz tsim bark becoming a shlyub - homonyms. Vіn child, vіn less than a child - synonyms Vіn is weak in body, but strong in spirit - antonyms. For such, like vins, є God's spark is a phraseological unit.

Ministry of the Silesian State

Novosibirsk State Agrarian University

Faculty of Sovereign and Municipal Administration

Specialty: "Personnel Management"

Abstract from the discipline

Topic: “Imagine Russian language”

Novosibirsk 2011


Phonetic features

Lexical notes

Phraseological features

Syntactic notes



Rhetoric is the theory of redism, the science of oratorical art. Tse science about the art of encouragement move, the rules of її goloshennya with the method of a bazhan on a listener. Crimea lexical meaning the skin word to revenge other components. Words, in this manner, can be challenged by stylistic zabarvlennyam, stench can be submissive, neutral and lowering (eyes, eyes, peepers). The word can mean as a neutral phenomenon (gather), and give it an assessment (gathering).

Movnі zasobi contact - tse special words and words that activate the respect and thought of the listeners. A return call is installed from them. Zavdyaki is visible in his line, as the audience reacts to the words of the speaker (wiguk, laudatory nod, zatsіkavleny, lively look, laudable replica is lamentable).

The imagery of the Russian character plays the most important role in the oratory, in the work I will try to report on the main elements.

Phonetic features

The euphony of the language. Mova is guilty of being sweet-sounding, so handy for hearing, that the head rank can be reached thoroughly by the voice and voice sounds of the text, as well as the re-imagining of musical (“beautiful”) sounds.

Voices, sonornas and the greater number of twinkling voices are brought into play by musical sounds. Non-musical sounds are noisy deaf, especially hissing [w], [h] and whistling [s], [s "], as well as sounds of hissing and whistling [g], [h], [h "].

The introduction of musical sounds, which, according to their development, to non-musical noisy deaf ones, to become 74.5% So, at the Yeseninsky Row of the Snigova Rivnina, the white month, our beak is easily covered with a shroud of sounds, short words are drawn with old ones, the intonation is melodic, smooth. I do everything amiability, but euphonia.

Eloquence can be reached even by a few of them. In Russian, such cases are often composed of two, sometimes three, loudly, for example: brіd, bіyka, grown-up, row. So pojdnannya prigolosnyh do not superechit the laws of euphonia. Ale poednannya chotirioh and more voicing on the stick of two words destroying the melodiousness of the mov, for example: Minister of learning; the heart of the teeth.

Sound one by one from two voices to be on the cob or in the middle of a word, for example: sign, sklo, badory. Such a roaring of sounds does not break the harmony. Ale, the clustering of vociferous sounds, like words, complicates the articulation. Tse zustrіchaєtsya at short prikmetniki that at a form generic advice many names, for example: kind, musty, round, callous; brotherhoods. The euphony resonates, as if between the voices, a swedish voice sounds, for example: bleshnya - bleshen, beautiful - beautiful (porivn.: bleshnі, beautiful).

In Russian language, the voices are more important, motivated by the law of spiritual sonority - halaslivy + sonornium: gr, іn, cl, pl, sm, zn, zl, tl. These are usually spoken on the cob and in the middle of the word, for example: grim, pogrom, friend, girlfriend, belongings, mortgage, plyd, procreate, know, know, anger, goats, mtla. Everything I create is sweetness. Such words are rarely used, for example, a wand, a look, a look.

For Russian movies, like nd, megabytes are uncharacteristic, the shards in them are sonoristic, they sound like, for example: pretzel, ice cream.

The Russian language of mercy is promoted in other ways. So, with the method of euphony

one of the voiced sounds is not heard, for example: honestly, pizno, hello;

Winners are victorious with a sound, for example: before me, at all, above me, about me, under me, behind me;

Warehouse sonornas appear, for example: minister, cry, ailment;

Phonetic changes are victorious in inshomonic words, for example: bіvuak - bіval (parking place in the sky just for the night or for the night), Іoan - Іvan, Theodore - Fedіr.

Also, melodiousness is emphasized by the right vowels and voicings of the text. The dissonance of the movie may appear:

when voicing in between words (the so-called zvonishnіshnє zyannya), for example: І u Nі ta її Іoanna (I. Selvіnsky.);

in case of stingy in the speech of the same (or similar) voices, as well as intrusive repetition of quiet voices themselves, for example: Proliska - fox roslina, which creates an influx background in the grassy layer of the forest; Zina, from childhood knew the local inlets;

When vikoristannі in movіlki short or less long words, for example: Dіd buv old, gray, weak, old; After the completion of the investigation, an accusatory visnovka is formed - in the first case, the proposition copes with the defeat of some blows, and in the other case, the proposition represents my monotone, blah;

When repeating the very same words of the same root, for example: next, designate such shortcomings ... (tautology);

When living the same grammatical forms, for example: Lіkuvannya ailing for influenza with a new drug;

From vikoristannyam dissonant abbreviations, for example: LIPKH Leningradsky Institute for Advanced Qualifications of Gospodarsniks;

when living in near neologisms, for example: marriage, labeling.

Sound recording The artistic movement has a sound recording, so that the phonetic structure of the phrase will show what is being depicted.

Stop so see the sound recording, like sound repeat that sound reproduction.

Among the sound repetitions are seen:

alteration, i.e., repetition of the same chi of similar voices, for example: Opivnіchnoy hour near the swampy wilderness, silently roaming the line (K.Balmont.) - [w] creating a sound attack to the rustle of the line;

assonance - repetition of the same voices, for example: I can live my life. My god, I am deaf: today I firmly triumph, and tomorrow I cry and sleep (A. Blok.) - the repetition of the voice [y] I create hatefully, hatefully hostility; Quiet Ukrainian night. Clear the sky. Stars shine. You don’t want to overcome your drowsiness again (A. Pushkin.) - [a], [o] sound loud and clear;

an anaphora - a repetition of the quiet sounds of the cobs themselves, for example: Thunderstorm of the bridge, blow from the rose-colored tsvintar spit in the streets! (A. Pushkin.);

epіfora - repetition of final sounds in words, for example: Vecheri blue, vecherі monsiyachnym if beautiful and young (S. Yesenin.);

stick - a repetition of the end and cob sounds of the instructions to stand, for example: Cloak, hustle with the wild (M. Tsvetaeva.).

The sound-mongering is called the victorious words of the singing sound for the creation of auditory damage - shurkhit, clatter, strumming, derenchannya, tsvirinkannya, etc., for example: In the interspaces of a thorough silence, there was a little grass of a torso leaf, in the earth it was destroyed. .) - with the sound [w], quiet muffled sounds are transmitted; Parterre and armchair, boil everything. At the paradise, they squelch impatiently, and, ringing, make a noise (A. Pushkin.) - the repetition of sounds [r], [n] conveys more noise at the theater before the cob of vistavi, and the repetition of sounds [z], [w], [s] I create auditory damage to the noise of the dependence that rises.

In the midst of sound-tracking, onomatopoeias are seen, so that words, like their sounding, guess the processes that are signified by them. The stench is called the sounds that are seen by human, creature, inanimate nature, for example: ahati, giggle, ohati; tsvirinkati, nyavkati, hissing, clucking, crowing, creaking, sharuditi, clattering, clattering, rattling, derenchat; trinkati (in balalaytsi), crackle (khmiz).

Sound-like words are also victorious, as they do not inherit sounds, but their expressiveness behind sounding is supported by figurative transmission of phenomena, for example: beating, rudely, screaming, tearing - they are sharply; diva, cling, dear, bliss - they move softly; quieter, chuesh - Vimov's guessing rustle. Pidbіr lexicon, spіvvіdnoї іz provіdіmі word to the text, creating sound images.

So, in S. A. Yesenin’s “Birch”, the artistic image of a birch tree is strengthened by means of sound writing - repetitions of sounds [b] - [p] in words of a close sound.

The sound virtuosity of the language is supported by the verbal voice and intonation. Naked voice, to be seen by greater strength and greater trivality to the voice of one warehouse of a non-uniform word, is an important element of the language. As a special manifestation of the syntactic meaning of that emotional-expressive zabarvlennya are the melody (advancement and lowering of the voice), rhythm (charging of percussion and non-voiced, long and short folds), intensity (strength and weakness of the voice), tempo (swidkіst or povіlnіst), timbre (sound) ) moving, phrasal and logical voice (seeing the current winds or the words of the phrase), for example: Do not bluff, do not muffle in the bushes of the crimson lobodi and do not follow the trail, with a sheaf of hair of yours in the spring, you remember me (S. E. ).

Phonetic varieties poetic movie in Rome, the repetition of a few sounds or sound complexes, which will show the completion of two or more rows, for example: I began to dream of youth, and you, like you are alive, and you ... A. Block.).


Stitch - the whole word, the phrase or phrase, get used to it in a figurative meaning for the creation of the image.

So, the word eagle is called a bird, but it’s also called a bird, and to characterize a person who is like an eagle - smilivist, pilnist, etc.

Stitches are victorious in various functional styles. But the main sphere of their zastosuvannya is art literature and journalism. Vzhivannya stitch in everyday rozmovnoy mov to lie in the individuality of spіvrozmovnіv, those rozmovi that situation splkuvannya. A stitch in a scientific style sounds terminated, for example: the crown of the sun, including the metal, the valve of the heart, the crochet of the pendulum. The use of figurative features is allowed in some genres of business style (in diplomatic documents, in communiques), for example: White smoke - in the meaning of “US order”.

Up to the stitches one can see: line, epithet (simple stitches), metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, litote, irony, allegory, isolation, paraphrase (folding stitches).

The type of stitch is named for a straight stitch, for which one object is explained by a way of setting it with another object. For example: Yak majestic pus beetle, black tank on the alert, dzizhchannya (A. Surkov.). All three components of the division are named here: those that are divided (tank); those with whom you are being treated (purulent beetle); that sign, for which they follow (repeatedly).

Epithet - the same kind of stitch, which figuratively designates the subject or item.

The basis of the epithet is sounding to lie povnyannia, a metaphor for metonymy. Thus, the epithets tsukrovy (snіg), swan (snіg) give a figurative description of the object in the sight of a crocheted coat. In the speech. I sing, they didn’t guess, didn’t understand the child’s sadness at your forged verses (V. Bryusov). Tse metaphorical epithet.

A kind of stitch is called a metaphor, in which the word or the current turn is used in a figurative meaning on the basis of analogy, similarity in the meaning of two objects or phenomena.

Metonymy is the same kind of stitch, which is used to transfer the name of one manifestation of activity to another on the basis of their summation. At the basis of metonymy lies not similar (like metaphors), but actually related phenomena.

Hyperbole - a stitch, figuratively viraz, that overwhelmed be-like a deed, an object, a manifestation - its expansion, strength, beauty, meaning, for example: One hundred and forty suns have a sun of palavs (V. Mayakovsky.).

Litota, or a reversible hyperbole, is a stitch, figurative viraz, which applies the expansion, strength, meaning of the described.

Allegory - a single stitch, allegorically expressing abstract understanding in specific artistic images. So it was in folk art that creatures, objects, phenomena, for example, act as the bearers of people's power, for example: Lion - in the power of power; Fox - cunning; Zaєts - fearfulness; Witch - brute force; Snake - accessibility; Donkey - fools, stubbornness; Vovk - greed.

A special kind of stitch is called, in which inanimate objects that abstract understanding is endowed with the power of a person - human feelings, actions, thoughts, thoughts. For example: Without people, that tree is boring; Before her lay down in the bedchamber її the watcher - silence (A. Blok.).

Periphrase (or periphrase) - one of the tropes, which is used to replace the name of the manifestation of activity as a description of yoga suttvih sign or a statement on the new characteristic rice. For example: Frowning couple! Eye charm (A. Pushkin.).

Wikiwand in Movies rich words, homonyms and antonyms

The richness of meaning is the value of the word having a large number of meanings, related to each other.

So, the word tіkati may have the same meaning:

  1. to be seen in large numbers: With my first hand, it was flowing (I. Turgenev);
  2. swiftly moving, far away: Whirlwinds from the steamboat silently ticked into the distance, hitting pine measles (K. Paustovsky.);
  3. ryatuvatisya in the flow, hovatisya in the presence of anyone: All the stinks [the French] left one alone, flooded all their burdens, artillery, half the people and ticked (L. Tolstoy.);
  4. suddenly znikati, perish: The day, having breathed in the cold, tіkayut nіchnі іnі (A. Kuprin.);
  5. to have fun, to shrug off, to grow up: Ale yak bi radium vin buv zvіlnitis і vkti vіd іnshih turbot (F. Dostoyevsky);
  6. attach sleeping life s kimos, leave someone: - My squad has flown in, - Vidpoviv Mikhailo Yegorovich (A. Pisemsky.);
  7. boiled, fermented, overflowed, run over the edge: - Ah, tse already me milk! the cook snarled. - You won’t be surprised, - it’s out and in the flow (D. Mamin-Sibiryak.).

Words are called homonyms, however, they are written for the sounds, but they are different for the meanings.

On the vіdmіnu vіd rich-meaning words, homonyms do not mіzh themselves zv'azku for meanings. For example, the propositions of Raptom have noise. Come, call. stink! There is no hope! Sound keys, locks, locks (A. Pushkin.); the words of the key “zbroya for zamikannya that vіdmikannya zamkіv” and the key - “dzherelo, dzherelo” are homonyms.

Omoformi - ce different forms of words of one or the other parts of the mov, which sound the same, for example: new technique - requested technique; three budinki - three back.

Homophones are words with similar sounds, but with different meanings and spellings, for example: a hammer is young, ossified is a brush.

Homography - words with the same spelling, different meanings and sounds, for example: deputy ó to - from á wet, white ok - b é lok.

Antonimi - all words with opposite meanings. Such words may be especially expressive.

Antithesis is a stylistic turn, which has a sharply contrasting understanding, for example: You are wretched, you are bright, you are powerful, you are powerless, Mother Russia! (N. Nekrasov.).

An oxymoron is a stylistic device that allows two antonymous people to understand what it is logical to include one else, for example: To marvel at the eyes with impudent modesty (A.A. Blok).


Krasnomovstvo oratory figurative Russian

Semantic types of phraseological units. Beyond the level of semantic solidarity, phraseological units are subdivided into idiomatic virazi, or idioms, phraseological subdivisions and phraseological virazi.

Idiomatic virase, or idiom, - the purpose of power is less than given mov semantically inappropriate turn, the meaning of which is not motivated by the meanings of words that enter before the new. Words that become idiomatic virazi, either lost their independent meaning and turned into components of a collapsible lexical unit, or took on a figurative meaning.

Phraseological homonyms. Phraseologisms, however, out of stock, can act in different meanings. Tse phraseological homonyms. The stench appears as a result, in other words: a figurative reinterpretation of that very concept, for example: take the word (for the performance) and take the word (from whom); in a different way, in the aftermath of the vipadical zbіgu of components, for example: let the pivnya (pіdpality) and let (give) the pіvnya (zirvatisya on the high note); thirdly, as a result, I will explore the meaning of rich-meaning phraseology, for example: walk on your backs - “on the tips of your fingers” and walk on your backs - “to stumble”.

Phraseological antonyms. Antonymy in phraseology is a manifestation of rіdkіnіshe, nizh synonymіy. The opposite meaning of phraseological units is expressed by only one component, which goes to the antonym word, for example: with an important heart - with a light heart; not from a good ten - not from a fearful ten; turn around - turn your back; shares move up - shares fall; prasuvati on wool - prasuvati against wool; cross the road - cross the road. Ale, it is possible to put phraseological units in a flash, for example: lift up to heaven - trample at the fords; rozumu chamber - a bad yak cork; seven p'yadya at forehead - gunpowder does not see; blood from milk - there is no blood in the individual.

Stylishly zabarvlennya phraseological units. Differentiate between styles, or neutral, phraseology and phraseology, attached to the okremi styles of the movie - to the rozmovny chi book styles.

To neutral ones one can see, for example, such phraseological units, like a white mushroom, a polar colo, dopomoga shvidka, taєmne voting, composting tickets, mother meanings, streaming the word, remembering, rіk y rіk, razі, іnodi, gra slіv.

Syntactic notes

To strengthen the versatility of the language, the ranks of stylistic posts are distinguished, i.e., special syntactic prompts: inversion, ellipsis, abbreviation, rhetorical posts, repeat, antithesis, gradation, retardation, adjunctive constructions, permutation, non-conjunction, non-direction.

Inversion is called a stylistic figure, as if changing the neutral order of words with the method of giving phrases of a peculiar, different kind.

Elipsis is a stylistic figure, based on the nautical rewrite of one of the terms of the speech for stylistic purposes.

Elipsis promotes dynamism, strengthens virility, for example: Do not open the door, I - through the window (M. Sholokhov.).

Umovchannya is a stylistic figure, which looks like an unfinished language. It's wonky in artistic literature to convey an emotional movement, for example: Nestrimal, unrepeatable, everything flew by ... far ... climbed ... (S. Yesenin.).

Before rhetorical figures one can see rhetorical food, rhetorical animal and rhetorical wiguki.

Rhetorical food - tse such a motivational move, with any firmness chi zaperechennya hangs in the form of food. Nutrition doesn’t matter if it’s emotionally-expressive, for example: Who doesn’t have novelty? (A. Chekhov.).

Repeat - ce stylistic positions, as if they are repeated in the repetition of the quiet elements themselves (sounds, words, phrases, words). There are such types of repetitions, like anaphora, epiphora, epistrophe (or end of stanza, end of repetition), composition stick, parallelism.

Anaphora, like one-liners, is called the repetition of the same sounds, the words of syntactic constructions on the cob of summary verses, stanzas of prose verses.

Epiphora, or a kіntsіvka, is the repetition of a word and a word-collection on the basis of a row of words. For example: Axis of wines, the share of the bazhan of all, who are tired in the long run. Winter wind blown with dry bushes, winter wind (S. Yesenin.)

An epistropha, or a ring of a stanza, a repetition of a word or a viraz on the cob and in the end of a phrase, a stanza or a whole verse.

Composite stick - the same repetition of a word on the cob of a summative row of phrases. For example: ... bula speka, speka plivla (V. Mayakovsky.);

Parallelism is the same urge to sum up or close speeches.

For example: I am wandering the streets of the Galaslivih, I am entering the temple of rich people, I am sitting among the young people of God, I see my dreams (A. Pushkin.)

Antithesis to serve to strengthen the versatility of mov and to understand, for example: Our strength is truth, yours are laurel bells. Yours is smoked smoke, ours is factory smoked smoke. Your mіts is chervonets, ours is a red banner (V. Mayakovsky.).

Gradation is called the strength of the weakened by the different works of the artistic movement (privnyan, epithetiv, metaphor and in.). For example: It's raining, brudna, dark autumn A. Chekhov.);

Retardation - tse upovіlnennya rozpovidіdі way zaprovadzhennya opisіv prirodіv, zvіlnennia іn the past hero, lyrіchnykh іdstupіv, energize і tp.

Polyunion, chi polysyndeton, - navmisne repetition of coordinating unions for logical and intonational reinforcement of words chi speech, for strengthening the versatility of the language.

Bezspіlka, or asyndeton, є by the omission of successful unions between words or speeches for expressing dynamism.

The period is a richly folded speech or a broader simple speech, which is characterized by a rhythmic ending of intonation: a regular rise and a lowered voice.

Nevlas-straight language is a special way of receiving the transfer of someone else's language, which is why you can use indirect language with direct and volody with your own specific rice. Inconsistently direct movement takes (more often) lexical and syntactical features of the movement roaming individual, її emotionally zabarvlennya.

At that very hour, like an indirect language, there is no way in the name of the promotion, like in the name of the author and, later, they have the rules for replacing special forms of letters and borrowers.


At my work, I can create visnovkas that figuratively play an important role in the language itself, and in the victoria in rhetoric.

Imagery and visualization of the work on different levels of the modern system. On the equal level of phonetics, such figurative-viral features are vibrated, like the sounds of a movie, a verbal voice, the rhythm of that rome. The phonics is responsible for the stylistic functions of these works. Phonika is also called the sound organization of a movie.

Stitches are based on two names: direct (traditional) and figurative (situational). These two semantic plans appear in a single whole, creating an image, in its function of figurative characteristics, it surpasses the function of a name.

In order to be able to speak competently, it is necessary to complete the volody with all the complementary means of Russian language. It is especially important for the correct one to win the Russian imagery.


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