Dick medlar. Invisible medlar in household minds from a brush. Medlar is a garna of a guest at Russian gardens

Medlar is even more beautiful, a deciduous tree (abo chagarnik) with licorice, natural, scarlet fruit. For a long time, dark green leaves of medlars, on open needles, you can embellish any garden. The fruit of the medlar is to avenge a great number of necessary people of speeches, and, moreover, the stench is superbly savory.

German loquat (Mespilus germanica). © dumabyt

In the systematization of roslin, the medlar is brought to the family of erysipelas ( Rosaceae), de seen in the region of Mushmul ( Mespilus). Rіd includes 3 types of medlar, of which the most popular Medlar is German (Mespilus germanica) or zvichayna.

Medlar is German there are a lot of synonyms. So, the German medlar in the Caucasus is called caucasian, spravzhny, chishkov (cup) tree, chishka. In other regions, the name cones, ezgil ta in, took root.


Description of the German medlar

Wanting a medlar and being called German, right fatherland culture є hirsk shili in Pivnichniy Iran, areas of pivdennoy and pivdenno-skhidnoy of Asia Minor.

Medlar nіmetska - deciduous tree up to 4-8 m of the crown, the trivality of life is about 50 years old. Vaughn has an unusual green crown and for its beauty it has been brought to a group of decorative leafy dews, like a vicorist at the decor of parks, kutochkіv vіdpochinku on summer cottages.

The root system of the medlar of the German gillyasta, ale superficial, roztashovuetsya at the top 60-70 cm of the ball of the ground, well laid out. The stovbur is straight, the needles are bent, forming a wide crown. Bark of stovbur and skeletal chicks of siro-borax. Hilka and stovbur in wild forms are studded with fine spines.

At the German medlar on the ends of the pagons front rock are formed one by one the letters, as if they were beginning roses in the herb-chervnia. The tickets are correct with white or erysipelas up to 3 cm in diameter. Even more similar to ivy tickets.

The fruits of the German loquat have a round apple-like shape, 2-5 cm in diameter. old-fashioned look often guess the fruits of the great shipshiny. The skin of the fruits is brown or brownish-ruduvy in color.

M'yakush ripe fruit licorice, troch sour, tart with apple-quince relish. Harvest for the harvest after the first frost, or earlier, laying the harvest on the harvest. Frozen fruit fills with licorice relish and exudes astringency. The fruits on the needles are saved until severe frosts, and the soft ones in winter and until spring.

Deyakі gardeners povnyuyut relish of soft ripe fruits apple puree and call yogo zapashnim marmalade on gіltsi.

The growing of the German loquat does not impede any special receptions when planting gardeners and watching the trees.

Wider medlar German

In natural minds, the German loquat grows well and develops in the countries with a spicy summer and a warm, frost-free (or rather, frost-free) charge. At the same time, chagars and trees of culture can finish the harn of frost. In the wild-looking medlar, the German is broadened in the Balkans, in Transcaucasia, in Virmenia, Georgia, Pivdenny Ossetia, Azerbaijan. Ornamental wild plants grow near Pivdenny and Western Ukraine, in amateur gardens of warm regions of Moldova and navit near the Baltic states.

In the Russian Federation, it grows in natural minds in the light forests of the Pivden Crimea, the Caucasus region, and in the Caspian regions. vrakhovuyuchi crooks of authority German medlars, daedals more than gardeners began to grow in dachas and pribudinkovy plots of cultivated varieties of German medlars.

The fruit of the German loquat. © Takkk

Why love medlar?

The melancholy of the medlar for the body has been brought to thousands of years of stagnation in hedgehogs and jubilation in the case of rich ailments. In medlar, take a high amount of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP and others), microelements, including iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese, and they are considered for human immunity the work of the thyroid gland, subshlunkovy ridge, supra-nural ridges.

The fruit of the German medlar is victorious in the production of marmalade, jams, marshmallows, jams, marmalade, juices, compotes, wines. The fruits of the medlar are low-calorie and vicorous in diets for weight loss.

Vodnocha enter before the diet of eating, especially for children, medlar must be carefully. It teases the mucus membrane of the slough and is contraindicated in case of congestion of SHK, which is accompanied by high acidity, in the case of flaming processes of the slough.

The medlar cannot be vykoristovuvat in їzhu with allergic reactions to the introduction of a number of vitamins and other speeches, which are found in the fruits of the German medlar.

A flower of the German medlar. © Rasbak

What is the right way to grow the German medlar in the sharp soil?

The yak is a decorative roslina medlar of German growth in pivdennih regions everywhere. At Rest of the Rocks breeders otrimani garden forms, izdatnі shaping vrozha plodіv in cold minds growing.

Set to dowkil

The medlar is native to growth and bear fruit in wet soils in all pivdennyh and adjacent areas, the climate of which is favorable for culture. It forms real fruits, which exude with high savory qualities. Trees can be highly frost-resistant, frosty up to -30ºС. Deyakі grades grow in the middle smoothie.

The German medlar is great light-loving, in the muddy places it feels downtrodden and weakly develops.

Vrakhovuchi superficial root system, trees require watering. Don't blame the close rotting of the ground waters, so you can water it down but calm down.

The planting of German medlar is planted in late autumn near yellow-leaf fall.

German medlar tree. © High Contrast

Preparing the ground and planting at the top of the ground

The optimal type of soil for medlar is slightly acidic (рН=5-6), rodyuchi, fluffy, water-permeable soils (black soil suppositories, turf, humus and others).

For planting seedlings of medlar, a planting pit of 40-50x40-50 cm is prepared in advance. The depth is up to 70-80 cm. The upper ball of the soil is used for the preparation of the soil sum. At the bottom of the planting pits, lay drainage with a height of 20-25 cm with expanded clay, crushed stone, crushed stone, crushed stones, so that with truncated strong boards, water does not stagnate in the zone of the root system.

To the water-reinforced upper ball of the soil (which is important for physical indications), add 1: 1 humus or mature compost and sand. Kindly mix, add nitrophoska (70-80 g / pit) or else more minerally kindly with phosphorus and potassium, 40 and 30 g / pit.

The technology of planting saplings does not apply in any way to other fruit crops. At the hour of planting, it is necessary to protege for rotting the root neck of the German medlar. Її burying in the ground is negatively signified on the growth and development of the tree. It is necessary that the root neck was less on equal ground.

At the landing pit, it is necessary to drive in a kilo and up to the new one through the top with a soft line, or with a wide twine, tie the sadzhanets of the medlar, so that the stovbur does not twist. After watering, the soil is then mulched with humus, upper peat, compost.

The medlar of the German is brought to self-cultivating crops, and it is better to hang a sprat of sadzhantsiv (2-3) with a curtained curtain. When planting near a mixed garden, the gardeners should be planted in a new place. Culture does not tolerate transplants.

The shape of the crown (won't finish the rozlog) between the trees is covered with an interval of 3-4 m. It is tolerated to other crops, especially apple trees, pears, quince.

Look after the medlar at the bright soil

Medlar feeding

To bring the long growing season of the German medlar to the ground, the culture will require a year, as it is literally from another fate of the life of growing up in the post-life place. Juveniles grow a year after 3-4 years, mature (with an ear of fruiting) 2-3 times during the growing season.

To feed the medlar with organic fertilizers in the spring of autumn. Fresh cow'yak should be bred with water at sp_v_dnoshennі 1:8. Even though the fertility of the soil is low, then dodatkovo pіd hіtіnnya pіdtіnnya pіdgoduyut phosphorus fertilizers, and the period of active growth and development of fruits іv potash fertilizers.

The medlar is positively observed for nourishment with ashes and microelements, which can be introduced into the soil or in a more rooted way through the application. So, like a leaf blade of a German medlar is smooth, in a lively rozchin obov'yazkovo add cute or special sticky. Firmly good to make pid watering. After watering the soil, it is necessary to mulch the soil.

German medlar fruits on the tree. © permaforet

Medlar circumcision

In the middle of the crowns, the needles are cut, which are thickened, and the sanitary cuts (dry, ailments, which grow in the middle, crooked) are overlooked. In the first 2 roki after planting 2-3 river seedlings of the medlar, skeletal heels of the first order are cut by 1/2 of the next 2 roki by 1/4. Bichni pagons of the 2nd order in the whole period are short up to 20-25 cm. sanitary trim that trimming of the heels that vibrate beyond the boundaries of the main volume of the crown.

Methods for reproduction of German medlar

The German medlar is propagated now and vegetatively - live bait, introductions, root shoots and chips.

Reproduction of medlars in our days

With the continued reproduction of medlar varieties, the signs of mother growth in the culture are saved.

Umova: brushes can be fresh, wrinkled from the fruit before sowing in the soil. Withered brushes reduce the similarity of sprats. Tassels of medlar in the German autumn, like a zhovtnya, hang on the cob of leaf fall near the soil. During the winter, the stench will go through natural stratification and advancing rock to descend.

You can grow medlars in domestic minds (for a miner or other capacity), having checked the stratification of brushes at the refrigerator and hanging in vіdkritiy ґrunt 20-30 cm roslin. A closer look at the seedlings and mature trees that bear fruit, the German loquat is the same as for other crops.

Selected for harvesting the fruit of the German loquat. © cooketteria

Reproduction of medlars by introductions

The German medlar is well multiplied by introductions. In autumn, a single needle is pinned to the ground with a V-like hack at the digging of the trench. From the side of the soil, slacken at a few places on the bark, which sprya more swedish rooting. Vіdvedennya watered with rosemary root, pripayut earth, mulch.

The soil, for digging the holes of the medlar, is to be blamed for the post-yno-vologous, proteo-varto yogo flood. Rooted trivaє up to 2 years. The introduction of medlar forms a well-established root system and sprats of pagons. After the roots of yoga are water-creamed in the mother's growth, they hang on a post-yne place, which does not require transplants. Transplantation of water-reinforced growth is carried out in the autumn period after the fall of the leaves.

Reproduction of medlar to chips

A vibranium variety or a hybrid of the German medlar can be attached to a pear, quince, apple tree, glacier. Chopping method: for bark, splitting.

You can try to pinch a German medlar on a plum, the fruits of an unseen, even more accepting lure. At its frosty medlar, the German medlar stagnates like a food for a pear.

Zahist medlars from shkіdnikіv and ailment

The German loquat in the region is rarely attacked by shkidniks and ailments. The gardeners say that the medlar is growing out of the shkidniks with a popelyce, a shield. From ailments - fungal infections, including sooty fungus, brown irzhey. Ushkodzhennya with other shkіdniks and ailments are seen in a few fluctuations and it is practical not to hurt shkodi roslins.

For the prevention of wood and chagars of the German medlar, they are treated with 3% Bordeaux native land after the fall of the leaves of autumn and spring before the opening of the nirok. It is better not to vicorate the other chemical preparations, but to zastosovuvat, as a result of the need, biological preparations:

  • bioinsecticides - actofit, boverin, lepidocid, bitoxibacillin and others.
  • biofungicides - mycosan, trichodermin, phytolavin, phytosporin, gliocladin and others.

German loquat (Mespilus germanica). © Rwimmer

Varieties of German loquat for cultivation in the country

In different climatic minds on the territory of the Russian Federation, the krai SND and other powers, the most widely accepted and wide varieties of medlars are German: Solodka Drachova, Karadazka, Goytkhovska, Senteshі Rozha, Sochinska, Khvamlі. All fruits of varietal forms of German medlar are large, 3 to 5 cm in diameter.

From other varieties of medlars, gardeners recommend bushy with great fruits 'Dutch', trees with dribny fruits 'Nottingham' and 'Royal'. All cultivars exude fragrant, fruits with an over-the-top taste.

Reading the agronomic literature of the different regions of Russia, the gardener does not know the same row about the German medlar. Authors often write about garden roslins have known for a long time. Well, I want to tell you about the German medlar.

It's amazing, but a fact: fruits for living in it ripen not after the current cold, but after the frost, Winter, frost, snow, swirl - the fruits of medlars do not grow.
Among the people її they call it a big cone, but our rozmov is about a garden cone, a cultural one. Between them is a distance of majestic expansion. With the rest of the rocks, the German medlar actively roams between the Caucasus, expanding its range. Tse duzhe nevibaglyve, korisne that beautiful roslina bear fruit pіzno vzimku. Vaughn is vignatkovo decorative in any period of rock, - with flowers, fruits, and especially in autumn, if the leaves are flocking with chervonim and the tree looks like a big flower.
The German medlar is easy to endure as a baker, so the frost is minus 30-35 degrees and more, so cold regions are not required. But all the same, in such zones it is not possible to suffocate with nitrogen fertilizers and watering like summer, so that the chicks and the whole tree are well seen. In this weather, the frost is not terrible for me.
Agrotechnics of growing is simple and accessible to all amateur gardeners. The German medlar is tolerant to different soils, but like a skin culture to love sight. Good growth and bear fruit regularly on plots, to give a harvest of pear, quince, glans, ale on vіdmіnu vіd them with medlar is less troublesome.
If you want the tree to be vibrating, good-natured, fruitful, winter-hardy, then grow it from brushes. Nasіnєve reproduction is the most acceptable option for growing in different climatic minds. Sijantsi in the form of cultural medlar repeat shorter capacity mother's roslins. Tassels from wild species are not suitable for breeding, because they have a germ of underdevelopment. The fruit has five brushes (name them and their names).
Roslin is well multiplied by sowing tassels, and splitting on food, quince. On one tree, behind the gardener's garden, you can eat medlar, quince and glid. The stench grows even better, even if it lies down to one family of erysipelas.
It is especially significant that medlar is an ideal food for cultivating low-growing pears. They have a miracle. I have all sorts of pears split for medlar, and over 30 stunted trees grow and bear fruit. Before the speech, on rich pear trees, two grades are split, the stench is mutually slaughtered. The axis is the same for me, for example, “bet”: Clapp's Lover - Williams; Bere Bosk - Bere Ardanpon; Williams - Starkrimson et al.
When growing medlars, there is no need for obraskuvanni (shkidniks and ailments do not bother), the wood is not lame. Using the trimming method, you can give a bazhan shape, you can grow white windows, balconies, white walls of budinkiv.

The earth is just a groggy novel, but a novel that one does not bother to read and never read to the end. For I see you out of style of the new and the unknown, that after the first connection with it, you can no longer live without it. The earth is one book, I want to read it and re-read it endlessly.
I am rooted to the ground. We are friends forever. For my love before her, she won’t give me a little more life, if you see the unity of people and nature, you will know from my heart the turmoil of that turmoil, granting joy, to rob the wise and tolerant. You need to love more.

It hit the tse and kind of Medlar (Mespilus L.), The only representative of such a Mishmul Nimetska took away her name, following a long tradition of cultivation in Europe.

The real fatherland of the growth is Pivnіchniy Іran (Elbrus), pіvdenna and pivnіchniy-skhіdna Malaya Asia, Gyuєk gorge, where you can go to the river Chandra (Kopet-Dag), Colchis, Hyrcanus, the fox of the Pіvnіchny Caucasus.

From Iran and Asia Minor, a tree together with others fruit crops penetrated halfway to Greece, staring at the Apeninsky Pivostrіv, then - to France and Nіmechchini, later - to England.

In such a rite, for the irony of the share, the Germans, in whose honor the tree was named, began to grow the growth of the chi not the rest of the Europeans.

Characteristics of rice

Medlar - tіnyovitrivala, arc drought, winter roslin. At young vice(up to 7 years) it is characterized by active growth, then it decreases, but it is similar to the tree after 13 years.

In nature, medlar is now possible to grow in the mountains of the Caucasus in the Peredhir belt up to 1800 m-code of absolute height, and on Elbrus - up to 2050 m-code.

Growth won on the scales of various expositions and grounds. May have a wide ecological range, which gives the opportunity to grow in the dead latitudes.

The leaves of the German medlar (svishchaynіy, or Caucasian) begin to bloom in the end of the day, and until the end of the grass it will be dressed in a dark green dress. Leather leaf is densely pubescent on both sides, matt to the animal, light green below, flabby on the sides, up to 10 cm long, elliptic, ovate or dovgasto-lanceolate form. On the needles from the gray smooth bark, the stench was tipped over the black. Short leafy pagons end in thorns.

For example, grass on the tops of pagons appear singly, 3-4 cm in diameter. Five white pubescences along the edges of the peluses with an hour of erysipelas, swelling the color of the flamingo. In the middle of the flower, there are numerical (up to 30) chicks, which will end with bright-erysipelas speckles of pylons. The skin ticket is bagged for 3-5 days. The maximum bloom duration is up to 19 days.

The growing season in medlar is stretched, vines continue until the first autumn frosts. Through tse in young roslins in suvori winters, young pagons can freeze.

When can you take a vrozh?

Before late autumn the crown has fruits of apple-, spherical-, cube-, pear-or ellipso-like shape, which even predict the fruits of thorns, ale richly larger (2-3 cm in diameter). The brudno-green color of the inlet, the ripening stench of the world is stormy, bubbling chocolate.

Our joy:

The fruits are left on the needles all winter long. With the first frost, the brown m'yakush becomes soft. Yakshcho pick fruit at this hour, the skin is cracking and the name protrudes to the right blue jam, licorice, trochs are viscous, even more tasty.

Korisnі authority and zastosuvannya mіshmuli nіmetskoi

Harvesting fruit is zhorstky. Vikoristovuyut after lying down and promoting and natural wandering.

Zrіlі fruits of medlar mіstjat 10% tsukrіv, 1.1% malic acid, as well as carotene (3 g for shkirtsі, 1.2 g for pulp), vitamin C (6.8-19.3 mg% for shkirtsі, 1.6-15.8 mg% for pulp).

In the areas of breeding, medlars from the fruits are prepared with various drinks, marmalade, and eat them fresh and pickled. For a long time, medlars have been making popular cider with us.

Young fruits, bark, leafing out the tannins of the speech, which are vicarious with the vibrated skins.

Among the people, a tincture of vicorist leaves is used to treat colds and sore throats.

To love lasuvati with the fruits of medlar creatures and birds.

Varieties and hybrids of German mistletoe

Roslini, which bear fruit in the future, give a small amount of non-cystic fruits. It is called parthenocarp, so that the fruit is set without filling. Tse became the basis for the creation of different varieties.

The varieties of Caucasian folk selection are of particular value. The stench gives great (up to 7 cm in diameter) fruits of miraculous relish.

V_domy row of hybrids between medlar and other species of glory. Of these, the most decorative interspecies hybrid is from a great hunger, so the medlar is called great barvna. Way of hybridization of the gorobini with medlar I. V. Michurinim otrimano high-yielding variety of gorobini - Michurinskaya dessert.

Methods for reproduction of German mistletoe

Nasіnєviy sposіb

Her present is harder than that, like the greater number of roses, it grows through the river after the sowing.

The best term for sowing is the end of the yellow-leaf fall. Since the last time the stratification has passed, then it can be hung from the hinge.

Reproduction of introductions

For reproduction, the autumn period is also pleasant. The success of rooting is to lay down in the form of a degree of embedding of the soil, to dig into it.

Vіdvedennya take roots in the stretch of two rokіv, after leaf fall they can be replanted.

For the whole hour, they form a well-established root system and a kіlka pagonіv.

Reproduction of splits and occlusion

Hybrids and varieties reproduce by splitting and budding. You can serve as a pinch or a pear. In this vipadka, you can grow a miracle standard form.

Decorative zastosuvannya of German mistletoe

The German loquat miraculously endures a haircut, so you can create a miraculous green fence with it.

However, it happens to be improved, systematically shaved, shards of roslin are blown up by the active growth of the pagons.

After the cuttings out, the number of shoots is established and it is quickly renewed.

In a large solitary plantation, with warm, dormouse lightened medlar growth, a tall tall bush, long vegetative, brightly colored and fruitful, not suffering from any dry weather, or high summer temperatures.

Autumn golden infestation of leaves appears 3-10 days before leaf fall. For the first season, roslina is superbly decorative and accommodating. Dark sacks of fruits in the distance will merge with bright leaves.

What are the shkidniks at the German mistletoe?

Leaves sometimes are attacked by a spider mite, and old specimens - by a shield.

At the time of the damage to the tree, tsimi shkіdniki happen to be corystuvatis with vіdpovіdnymi zasobami zahistu roslin.

Olena Avotina, dendrologist
© Magazine "Ogorodnik"
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

She didn’t bring savory fruit - she herself, it seems, was afraid that they were zipping at the door. So I was far away from the blissful tassels-nasinnya, lightly splashing from the barrels.

If the stench of the fruit is spoiled, only more. In the fall, the sickle ends; I think - chi take root pіvdenna roslin, visagena vzimku? Virishila to experiment.

The result of the experiment

Accurately cremated grains from husk, vitrimal of their pivdnya in retail (1 g per 1 liter of water) and planted miners near small clay, victorious grount sum for flowers. She put three grains into the leather (can’t they all go in with a rap?), killed them literally by 1 cm, watered them, covered the beast with polyethylene and put them in a warm place. At the world, the air of the upper ball of the soil was sprinkled with warm, drenched water from a spray bottle.

What do you care? My medlar sprouted literally after the second month, let out two leaves and stretched to the sun. Before the speech, maybe half of the grains sprouted, and I happened to carefully plant a part of the bushes in the neighborhood of the mountaineers. I soon realized that the tassels do not germinate like that, so that the growths grow weakly (like they grow in flames)), do not bloom and do not bear fruit. But then I didn’t know anything, I wanted to have a quick pat, what kind of medlar is that? Before the speech, it won’t bloom for me every year, prote, if it grew up, it began to look even more decorative))

I read on the Internet that the "malyuki" medlars need to be shaded, for a couple of tizhnivs I put the mountaineers with a rose garden on a pivtina. And if my dewdrops let out 2 more leaves, I settled them on a pіdvіkonnya. Through the experiment, the fruit of my experiment grew up to 30 cm. But no ... me, it appears, the Japanese medlar has disappeared, yak - it's a pity! - do not see the central smog of Russia near the open soil.

What work? I gave some of the roslin to my girlfriends - my girl was satisfied. Sobі took 5 bushes, transplanted them from beautiful flowerpots for pidlogi and now I put them on the loggia, and in winter the stench “turns from the entrance” to my apartment, where there is a light place for them.

Medlar ... there is such a difference

It appears that there are two different medlars, in which nerds often stray. One - Japanese (loqua), yaka is an evergreen tree (prіdshe - chagarnik).

She is brought to the family of the Rozhevs, the ancestor of the Yablonevs, and її the fruits of the shape of the ranetki. And for relish - there is a middle one between a pear and a cherry, with a small frequent sourness. The Japanese capriciousness lives less on pivdni, blooms in autumn, and gives fruit in the spring, so it’s not suitable for growing in the rich soil in the great part of the Russian regions. And Skoda...

Ale w hіd є! Tse - loquat german I (її still called Caucasian), as I am more loyal to the Russian climate and take root well in the gardens of Russian smuga.

The German loquat is deciduous (or chagar), also from the Rozhev family, but up to the Yablonev family, it’s no longer worth a hundred years. The axis is such a confusion rodovid. Therefore, I will tell you about the viroshchivanya on country house German (Caucasian) medlars, shards are the most suitable for our minds.

Medlar - garna of a guest at Russian gardens

The German medlar is more like a blackbuck. Її rozlogі gіlki sippanі dovgim dark green leaves, like in autumn graє crimson engraving, superbly embellishing the garden. Blooms are hanging, letting out white (redder - rosy) flowers with bright red centers, even similar to flowers of thorns.

The fruits of a mature tree are large, like an average apple.

The stink of a great glittering tassel in the middle, even though it is superbly savory. Show yourself grated apple, zmіshane with m'yakot, oversipan with zukrovy powder. The axis is approximately the relish of the German loquat. Moreover, її fruits are also widely used in medicine, as well as in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals for the preparation of various dietary supplements.

Ale licorice and soft fruits of medlar become less after freezing - defrosting, or after 2-3 months at the shovishchi.

Then the stinks grow up, pick up a whole bouquet of vitamins and fit like a zhu, so for others (varennia, jams, jelly and others), and the smell is just crazy!

Where is it better to hang a German medlar?

Have shy natural minds German medlar can grow up to 8 m. Ale, with piece hangings, it does not grow more than 3 m. The place to choose is well-lit, to that in a pivtіn it is not so natural, like in the light.

Medlar nіmetska vіddaє perevag neutral or slightly acidic and zovsіm not tolerate stagnation in the area of ​​the root system. That is why on quiet plots, villages of ground waters, there are only 1 m lower than the ground water, visajuvati yogo is not varto. Have some kind of mood, pick up another place for her.

Viroshchuvannya medlar German

A rose garden of German medlar can be grown from the largest tassels. For this one, it is necessary to take a long time (wait in the cold for 3-4 months). In natural minds, the brushes germinate less on the 2nd or 3rd river, after being squandered on the soil, that husk is eroded by a natural path. Ale, don’t we want to have checks? - we'll speed up the procedure. First, put the brushes on stratification, place them for 5 years on 3% of sulfuric acid, and then - wash it well.

With a similar treatment, the growth of the medlar is not a warehouse of special problems, but now it is planted in autumn near the open ground, hung over the seedling. Just don’t forget to soak them in warm water before the vineyard itself (it is possible in a variety of roots or), and after the vineyard, cover the ground with peat, thyrso, or simply cover it with polyethylene slick. It is also possible to plant a plant on a rose garden in a closed place, to grow, while it grows up to 25-30 cm, and only a little more after placing it in a distant place, a place was chosen at the dacha.

Planting medlar

Although the medlar is German and not so picky, like Japanese, but still love well-drained fluffy soil.
  1. For planting seedlings, medlars are taken from the 1st part of leafy land, turf, humus and sand.
  2. Digging holes, expanding by 1/3 to transfer the size of the coma of the earth to the root system of the plantation.
  3. Accurately spread the seedlings into the holes and pricipe їх zadalegіd prepared by the soil sum.

Looking after the medlar

Keeping an eye on the medlar is nothing like looking after the great fruit and berry crops:
insecticides. For these purposes, you can vikoristati:
  • "Fitoverm" (1.5 - 2 ml per 1 liter of water),
  • "Lepidocid" (20 - 30 gr per 10 liters of water),
  • Insegar (5 g per 10 liters of water) or another drug in the form of shkidnikiv.
The axis of me is with you and got to know the marvelous exotic growth, as it is more and more often seen on the Russians' country houses. And yet the medlar has a great healing power. In її leaves, there is a crine of antioxidants, which in vivo infusions and tinctures remove harmful toxins and toxins from our body. And її vitamіnіzovanі fruit mayut miraculous energy power.

Did you eat medlar? Aje tse harvest a rare fruit, which is not often sold for sale.

Synonyms. Caucasian medlar, zvichayna medlar, spravzhnya medlar, folk names - cones, cups, chishkov tree. In the Pivnіchny Kavkazі, the medlar is called Russian mine, as a rule, "bumps". The Russian Transcaucasus (Sochi, Tuapse) and Abkhazia call medlar.

Dana roslin often stray with Japanese medlar, or eriobotrya (Eriobotrya japonica) - similar, ale evergreen a tree native to China (Himalaya) and Japan, which gives a richly savory, fresh-looking, slightly pubescent fruit.

Call the walker. The Russian name for the medlar is similar to the Turkish mov (musmula), yak, at its place, it came from the Greek momovovlo, which is how the plaid is called, and the roslina itself is Momomovliya. The specific name of the medlar was due to the fact that the cultural development of the medlar grew from Nimechchini, where the medlar bula was brought by the Romans from the region of the її natural growth - Pivdenno-Skhіdnoї Evropi.

Roslin description. deciduous tree or Chagarnik(on vіdmіnu vіd evergreen Japanese loquat, which can be attributed to the genus Eriobotrya) as for ideal (frost-free) minds grows up to 8 m, and more often it is richly lower (2-4 m). Gilki prickly, leafing through simple (tsilisnі), elіptičnі, tsіlokraї аbо along the edge of dіbnozubchaї, 8-15 cm zavdovki і 3-4 cm wide, dark green inlet, scarlet of autumn, before fall, change to chervony. Quotes singly, 3-5 cm in diameter, p'yatipelyustkovі, bіlі with chervonim tichens. Flowering like spring, stretching grass (on the face of Japanese medlar, spring from spring to birch).

Description of fruits. Fruits 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter, up to 7 cm long, rounded or apple-shaped, yellowish-storm, storm, red-storm, mayzhe goli(on the face of lightly pubescent fruits of the Japanese medlar), with open, fast-growing sepals, which give the fruit an empty soundness. M'yakush is brown, refreshing, licorice-sour, 4-5 tassels (nasinnya) flattened-bumped form.

The fruits of the Caucasian medlar are attached to the introduction into the hedgehog only after the frostbite or the thriving harvest (on the vіdmіnu vіd їstіvnoї in the fresh looking medlar japanese), as a result of their fermentation. At the same time, the stench melts licorice and soft, but swells up with a shriveled structure, pasty-like consistency and changes in obsyazy. In certain months, the fruits are not taken until the first frosts, and after the frost and when the fruits melt, they become soft and licorice, take them for relish. At the m'yakoti, like and at the greater part of the sight of pears, avenge stony klitini.

Rozpovsyuzhennya (range). The medlar is naturally grown in Northern Europe (Balkan lands) and Western Asia (Turechchina, Iran, Transcaucasia), and in the wider region. On the territory of the borderlands of the Soviet Socialist Republic, there is a wild-looking growth in the sunsets of Ukraine, near Moldova, on the avian birch of the Crimea, near Georgia, Virmenia, Azerbaijan, Pivdenny Ossetia and in the Pivnichny Caucasus. One by one, the growths grow in the orchard plantations of the central regions of Ukraine (for example, near the city of Uman, where the growths were brought for radian hours as a weak-growing food for a pear).

Place of residence. Medlar prevails in sleepy dry places and slightly acidic soil. At Pivnichniy Africa even more often they grow up in the gardens of the houses during the colonial hour and before the great places.

Chemical warehouse. The fruits of the German medlar can be up to 17% of tsukrіv, organic acids(apple, citric, wine) - 0.2-0.9%, even rich in vitamin C. Vitamins A, PP, ascorbic acid and practically the entire set of vitamins of group B are synthesized in її fruits. 28 g per 100 g), far from low go: manganese (0.148 g), zinc (0.05 g) and copper (0.04 g), as well as selenium (0.6 mcg). In addition to potassium (266 mg) more than 250 times exceeded the concentration of sodium (total 1 mg).

The calorie content of medlar is approximately 2 times lower, lower in persimmon fruits is about 54 kcal per 100 g of the product. Proteins serve as sources of energy value, instead of them they are 2%, fats - 0.8% and carbohydrates - about 14%. It doesn't matter if the calorie content of the product is stored in terms of the amount of carbohydrates (fructose, glucose), as it gives approximately 40 kcal per 100 g of fruits.

Kharchov's authorities. The fruits of the Caucasian medlar become natural only if, as a result of the addition of special enzymes, the pulp will have a pasty-like consistency. For which fruit, like rotten pears, they are placed in a warm place for ripening. In England, earlier, from the fruits of the German medlar, a sauce was prepared, which was served before game.

The medical authorities. The fruits of the German medlar can be antidiarrheal, antidysenteric, which will reduce the exchange of proteins in the body. The stench is positively injected into the ridges of internal secretion, especially for their hypofunction. The organic acids of the German medlar give a pleasant infusion on the liver, blood-bearing vessels, and the nervous system.

Fresh fruits of the Caucasian medlar, peeled in the form of skins and tassels, and also stasis in dysentery. Vіdvar plodіv zastosovuyt for rinsing with a sore throat.

Contraindication, anticipation. Unripe fruits should be planted with stubbornness to constipation. Do not varto zlovzhivat fruits of medlar in times of ailment of the schluno-intestinal tract on aphids of increased acidity, shards of organic acid, which enter up to their warehouse, can cause an undesirable reaction. Particular care should be taken for the manifestations of gastritis, the disease of the duodenum or the 12-fingered intestine on aphids of elevated acidity. For all rehabilitated cases, the most correct solution is to take a consultation with your doctor.

Zastosuvannya in folk medicine. On the cob of ripening in the fruits of the medlar, a large amount of tannins is accumulated, so the fruits can be in the "jazhuchu" diyu, for which you sing, you can zastosovuvat with diarrhea. After the maturation of the medlars of the tanneries of the speech collapses, the fruits of the tannery of the speech have been stricken, to that they have suffered the fruits of a delicate carry-over, to that korisn with constipation.

Organic acids with vitamins, such as rich fruits of medlar, are beneficially injected into liver tissues, nerve fibers and blood-bearing vessels.

Potassium - vіdmіnne pіdzhivlennya for heart oil. Vitamin PP, similar in structure to flavonoids, increases the elasticity of the blood vessels and improves the capillaries, which has its own strength in the prevention of strokes and infarctions.

One of the unique features of the fruits of medlar is the effect on the vines of internal secretion, moreover, its effect is most noticeable in case of hypofunction, so if it is secretory activity, for some reason, it will noticeably decrease.

Often produce medlar vikoristovuyut from the storage of a diet for an hour of the course of merry fasting.

Viroshchuvannya. The German loquat has been cultivated for 3000 years near the Caspian regions of Azerbaijan. Vaughn became viroshchuvatisya ancient Greeks around 700 r. to the sound e. that ancient Romans are close to 200 r. BC e. In the ancient Roman era, that middle era, the growth was the most important fruit crop. However, in 17-18 Art. Interest before her step by step vanished and was replaced by other cultures, and in this hour it is rarely cultivated.

Cooking methods (recipes). fruits medlars are little vicorous in a fresh look, but after reworking and conservation, they are vicorous for a trivial harvest. The medlar ripens after the first frost, and unripe fruits ripen in the host for about 1-2 months. leafing through medlars are harvested at the hour of flowering of roslin.

Varennya with Caucasian medlar. Ingredients: medlar fruit -1 kg, zukor-pisok - 0.5 kg, ode - 300 ml. Sort out the fruits, pick them up, cut them open, clean them from the skins and that’s it. If you want more, more bulo is similar to jam, the pulp of the medlar can be cut into pieces. З|із| make syrup, dip it into a freshly prepared loquat and put it on a strong fire for 20 minutes | minutes | Ready to lay out the jars, cover with lids. When cooking with Caucasian medlar in the cooking process, you can add peeled harbuzov nasinnya, lemon (you can see the chastity, juice or shmatochkiv zest), as well as cloves, cinnamon or vanilla (you need to see the cloves in the boil). To increase the taste of the brew is more rich and richer.

Birth of fruits. Zastosovuєtsya in case of treatment of illness of SHK (diarrhea, crooked passage of empty skin) - it helps to improve internal bleeding and normalization of congestion. For the preparation of vicory, unripe fruits of medlar are used, as it is necessary to fill in a small amount of rind (approximately 2 fingers more for a rib of syrovin). Boil the fruits on a small fire until rozm'yakshennya. For normalization of etching, the order from the vіvarom is also vicarious in the vіdvarenі fruits.

Fruit syrup. Medlar syrup is recommended by medicine to take it to relieve cough. For the preparation of a liquor syrup, you will need sik, taking from the fruits and tsukrovy pisok (for even spivvіdnoshnі). Sik pіdіgrіti up to 60 ° C and repair tsukor. Every hour I cough for 1 year. stilki razіv, skіlki needed.

Vidvar leaves. For a bottle of native, you need 1 tbsp. dry syrovini (or 2 tbsp fresh leaves). Cook at a slow boil for about 10-15 chills, after which it’s about 1:00. The drug, as a rule, is prescribed, for example, for gargling (sickness for a cold character, including for the presence of a viral infection) and oral stools (stomatitis, gingivitis, bleeding and swelling is clear). Vіdvar can vikoristovuvaty v vyglyadі compresses for zupinki bleeds, scho settled through traumatic pokodzhennya shkir. Tamponi, oozing with water, wicker from the grain of nasal bleeding. An undesirable therapeutic effect is achieved with internal stasis (during the treatment of dysentery).

Vіdvar tassels (nasіnnya). Today's medlars are not a trace of wikidating - you can hang them and beat them for rejoicing. Helps to help with the treatment of slung-intestinal ailments. For a bottle of native, you need 1 tbsp. subdivided (crushed) brushes. Cook for pomіrnogo kipіnnya 15-20 hvilin. Vzhizhivay v_dvar on pіvsklyanki 1 year before їdi, or after 2 years after їdi. This root water is also recommended to be taken in case of cuts and ailments with the method of ruining salt deposits.

Vidvar kori. For 250 ml of water - 1 tbsp. trimmed measles. Boil for a quarter of a year, then insist for 2 years. The drug vikoristovuyut zovnіshno at a glance rinse, compresses, tampons and lotions. It is shown to the ovnіshny zastosuvannya the same way, like at a different vikoristannya v_dvara from the leaves of the medlar.

Leaf extract. According to the names of folk healers, the extract from the leaves of the medlar is responsible for the functions of the subshrunk plant and the spice of regeneration of the "Islands of Langerhans", as it is believed to be responsible for the synthesis of insulin. For the preparation of the extract, alcohol of 70% alcohol is required. I curse the memory to fill the medlar leaves halfway, then fill it with alcohol. Insist on the 3rd day, after which the process and take away from the bottles of the dark warehouse (on the lower police of the refrigerator). Take 20 - 30 drops in 1 tbsp. drive. Ancient healers recommend taking the extract for the first half of the year, and the most correct method is this: 1 time for harvest, in the period from 11th to 13th - at the very same time, the pre-booty biorhythm of the activity of the sucker is set. Before speech, from 11 to 13 years old, at any time, it is not possible to get used to it, especially because of the obvious infestation of the pharyngeal ulcer, including circulatory diabetes.

Alcohol tincture of fruits. The drug is known to be congested in the treatment of diseases of the inhalal paths, including bronchial asthma. When vikoristannі tinctures posterіgaetsya polypshennya become ill, or change the frequency of coughing. Tincture is used to remove mucus from bronchial tubes (excretion of authority). The original recipe from Japanese medicine, as an extractant, vikoristovuetsya sake. In our minds, Japanese gorilka can be replaced with alcohol 20% alcohol or red wine (which is better). Also, for 200 ml of "sake" (alcohol 20% forte, wine of the "Cahors" type) you need 10 medlar fruits. M'yakush vіdokremiti vіd tassochok (didn't spit it out, but also vicorist when preparing the tincture) and rozter with honey (4 tbsp.). Prepared fruit-honey porridge and put the tassels of the medlar in a glass of dishes (with a lid that closes hermetically) and pour alcohol. Apply from 2 to 3 days in a dark place for room temperature. Take tincture of 30 ml daily. For cough attacks, it is recommended to infuse infusion, and drink in small bowls.

The presence of vitamins, microelements and other chemical spores of organic nature, which may have a high biological activity, allows you to harvest the pulp of fruits and leaves of medlar for cosmetic purposes. For the preparation of live masks, vicorist pulp is used, and for juicy creams (when hanging on the skin and in.) - Leaves.

Lotion for shkiri. Roztertі in a porridge fruit zmіshati z 20% alcohol (the burner diluted with water) at a ratio of 2: 1, insist 2 years. Save from the refrigerator. Vykoristovuєtsya for wiping shkіri disguise, shichi chi hands.

Face Mask. For the preparation of a cosmetic mask, you need: sik medlar and porridge, taken from the pulp without instilled chambers - 50 ml each; sik aloe - 2 tsp Sik aloe is better to vicorate after bioactivation (the method is available on the Internet), or to vicorate the drug for injections, preparations according to the method of Academician Filatov (it is allowed in the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription). Cream of processed ingredients, also need olive oil - 1 tsp, tops of home-cooked soyve borosno - 1 tbsp each. Mustache components are significantly reduced to the possession of a homogeneous mass. Trivality of the application - 15 khvilin, after which the warehouse is filled with warm water with a neutral sweet.

Descriptions and illustrations taken from computer savior of yagid and other juice fruits of Russia(Bogolyubov O.S., Kravchenko M.V., Moscow, Ecosystem, 2017). You can get yoga at our non-commercial online store.

On our website you can also get to know information about morphology woody chagarnikovyh and herbaceous roslins, as an additional insight into the life of the given roslins and teach them to correctly name their species.

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