Like vryatuvati tree vіd varvarskoї trimmings. Instructions from zastosuvannya. Trimming of trees Sanitary trimming of knots near the houses

Sanitary trim

The role of sanitary pruning has long been seen in the regulation of fruiting, increased lightening and ventilation of the crown of fruit and berry crops, moreover, sanitary pruning will improve the phytosanitary status, reduce the risk of fungal and bacterial infections.

At the same time, sanitary trimming of fruit trees, populated with scutes and false scales, and sometimes with abundant wintering eggs of popelits, mites, honeysuckles, as well as self-sufficient stem and pagons, can be allowed to decrease or turn off chemicals. However, with the unsatisfactory rules of sanitary pruning, the wounds become a direct path for the vigilantes of measles and villages, and fear “infectious desease”.

In the rest of the hour, the measles ailments of the countryside caused a massive decline in fruit trees, a sharp decrease in yield through a change in the growth of productive crowns, fruitfulness, fruit rot. Ailments of this type of gardeners sound ascribethe legacy of winter ears and do not fight them.

The fight against measles ailments and villages may be carried out at regular preventive visits and competent sanitary pruning.

The best way to remove the fires of infection is the main head of the sanitary trim. Bathing is carried out in dry, warm weather at a temperature not lower than - 30 C, at the appointed term. With a clear manifestation of ailment with signs boroshnistoy dew, “toad shkiri” or cytosporosis, necrotic desiccation followed “on the ring”, not overfilling “stumps”, chicks and frogs from 2-3 to 10 cm thick trees. In the case of a sanitary sample, the eyes should be smooth and do not come close to the ridges and forks of the trees.

In order to hide the winter ears, it is recommended to grow wide bushes of skeletal heels. Under the hour of sanitary trimming, the eyes need to work with smooth and even edges, as if they burn significantly more than “torn” or “crumpled”. Razani wounds need to be smeared immediately, so like super-chicks of budniks in a milky glare or a great cancer can penetrate into the tissue of growth for a few seconds.

Zahalnopriynyat for putty garden var with sanitary sample is better not to vikoristovuvat, so like wine does not fit enough to the tree, roztrіskuєtsya and crumble, vimagayuchi special rosіgrіvu. For putty, it is recommended to use water-mulsible or paste, balsams, to remove fungicides, oily farby, to protect the waterproof coating without cracks. I’m guessing that it’s not possible to vicorate for wound dressing, farby on a synthetic basis, ocher, asphalt varnish thinly.

Sanitary pruning is carried out at the following sequence: a bunch of young trees, and then weakly damaged fruitful and then strongly damaged. The intensity of sanitary pruning is due to the vіdpіdat vіku and volume of the tree crown. A strong sanitary trim does not only increase the number of wounds, but it can also cause a thickening of the crown in the areas of the removal of poshkozhenikh hiloks.

For the prevention of ailments of the tree and measles, it is impossible to break off the chicks, especially in rainy weather, when picking up, I give birth, when the crown is damaged by the medicines, when there are frosts, sleepy optics and etc. You can change the infestation with these ailments by regular fungicidal treatments against scab, downy mildew,weeping leaves and pagoniv. In case of the bark of pagonіv and boles, it is necessary to clearly soak with a fungicidal preparation.

In case of a strong attack, measles and the trees of the tree are uprooted. When uprooting, there are no traces of stumps of trees above the surface of the soil, and in yagni chagars - stumps from zero pagons, so that surpluses of infection and village shkidniki - bottles, goldfish, trees of that іn are saved on the desolate village.

The whole tree must be hauled away and burnt, not allowing any alteration or further detailing for mulching or composting.

On the basis of leading more data, it is possible to grow whiskers. Carrying out a sanitary trimming from a small age of growth, you can grow a healthy and beautiful tree.

For example, to the park, people with files came to pick up our booth. I said that the stench of the poplars was crowned. Mayzhe 100 pieces. І Navіt showed a logging ticket. Truthfully, no crowning appeared in the logging ticket, but “circumcision that rejuvenates” appeared.

Then the people started those who stinks respected "circumcision, which rejuvenate." As a result, the deputy of one roslogo poplar was covered with a bare stovbur of 10 meters of curtains. More people with nail files did not catch anything, because I came. I poked their nose at the rule to look after the green plantings, hardened by the praise of the order of Moscow.

I said that I won’t let them saw anyway - I’ll just stand under a tree.

A bunch of stench tried to motivate me not to respect him pratsyuvati, relying on those who stink "just robots."

Tom was threatened by the viklikati police. Apparently, it’s clear, they felt that out of satisfaction I would write a statement against them to the police for illegal hacking.

Nadvechir їх vіdvіdalo nathnennya - the stench brought yakіs methodical statements according to the sample of trees (the same, before the speech, confirmed by the decree of Moscow), if it is strong, it can be read in such a way that poplar trees need to be covered with one bare trunks. Had a chance to embarrass them - the rules for watching the green plantings may have great legal force.

After that, people went and didn’t come to our park anymore.

The key to all divine dialogue was the phrase about those who, like lumberjacks, will carry out trimming according to the rules (so they cut not all the heads, but only a small part), they will not pay for the work.

In return for everything, Moscow has put on the line trimming of living trees, not for the crusty trees, but for the sake of a surplus. True, the “crowning” of living trees is like a bottom of gold.

On the back - for budget pennies, zrozumіlo - the crown of a living tree is lowered again. Those who, at the same time, are dreadful of sourness, the barricade between the road and the house, the kosto-free filter of the most safe for legends finely dispersed saw, the place of life of the birds, - the officials are wailing in the last black. In order to restore the lowered crown, the tree needs ten years, and, in any case, the natural crown will not be beautiful, but the stone.

Half of the trees do not survive the “trimmings” - and even officials can, on “legal” substations, remove the land from the trees and vicorist її for otrimannya pributka - for example, forget or organize parking on the fee.

For those who want to vryatuvat tree from barbarian cuttings - instructions for stowing:

The procedure for pruning trees near Moscow was established by addendum 1 before the decision of the order of Moscow No. 743-PP "Pro b confirmation of the rules of creation, utrimannya that protect the green plantings of the city of Moscow ”(addition - ce and є the rules themselves).

Vіdpovіdno up to clause 4.1.4. Rules, there are 3 types of cuts: sanitary, rejuvenating and molding.

Sanitary obrіzka - tse vydalennya old, ailing, sick, or poshkozhenikh hіlok. It will be carried out by hand, a ticket is not needed for it.

Forming trimming is carried out with the method of giving the crown of the given form and saving. Carried out without a logging ticket.

Circumcision that rejuvenates - « tse trimming of the needles to their basal parts, which stimulates the establishment of young pagonists, which creates a new crown».
For trimming the rejuvenation of the cut leaf.

It is like rejuvenation training is carried out guiltily, according to the Rules for the supervision of green plantings: Trimming the heels should be carried out, shortly їх by 1/2-3/4 of the length.

Rejuvenation is recommended to be carried out in two ways: part of the heels are grown in the first river, reshta - in the other .
Rejuvenation trimming of trees and chagarniks is carried out from the period of harvest to the cob of ruhu juice.

The order of trimming the poplar is okremo: The rejuvenating image is necessary to grow old and old growths of poplar balsamic s by the method of zabіgannya fructification (piliannu) of trees. The optimal hour for carrying out this type of work is breast - birch. .

Otzhe, scho robiti, as people with files zbirayutsya carry out trimming of trees:

  1. Get them a cut ticket. Without a cutting ticket, stench can only carry out sanitary or molding trimming.

The scheme (dendroplane) is added to the logging ticket in the obov'yazkovy order, and the vіdomіst is redeemable. On the scheme, a SKIN tree is indicated, as a virubati chi cut. At the crossroads of information about SKIN, the tree of the indicated species is indicated, the life of the trunk and what is carried with it.

  1. It is also very respectful to reverse all the parameters of the logging ticket, the relic information and scheme: if you have seen the logging ticket; the term yoga dії; the address of the robit; like the same tree is given to cut.

  1. Perevirte, chi on the job carried out robit є іnformatsiyny shield. Yogo nayavnіst - obov'yazkovy umova carried out whether robіt z logging ticket.

  1. Remember that circumcision, that rejuvenation, can be carried out during the period of "from the cob to the cob of juice." In the last hour її fenced.

  1. Under the hour of the work, follow up with the lumberjack:

a) only those robots were victorious, on yak stink they may have allowed
b) the work was carried out less at the level of compliance with the rules (that is, they cut the tails only by ½ - ¾, and only a part of the tails).
c) Poplars have a special history. Even more respectfully, follow after him, that when circumcised, the large skeletal hilts (mostly), and part of the hilts of a different order (but still - more) were redundant. In order for all the other tulks to be truncated by ½ - ¾. Obviously, even such a cut is not necessary, but if it is less traumatic for a tree, it is less transforming yoga into bare stovbur, and it is less beneficial.

Especially vulgar lіsorubi can wave As a methodical helper of appointing the crowns of trees and chagarniks to be cut, we were able to see the crown of the trees, confirmed by the decree of the Moscow Council on 17.01.2006 N 32-PP, in which it is written “ The sound of poplars is cut, like all breeds, after leaf fall to the cob of ruhu juice, forming stovbur and skeletal hilts on a stand no less than 15-20 cm from the fork.

In your opinion, you calmly tell them (and the police, as if they were such a viklikana) approximately like this:

In the first place, it’s not a statement “slid work like that.” It's like a statement of the fact "it's worth it to work like that."
In another way, status 32-PP is a help. And the status of 743-PP is the rule;
Thirdly, in 743-PP there is a DIRECT NORM about those who need to carry out a rejuvenating pruning of CAME POLISH - clause “ When circumcised, the following are stripped of large skeletal spines, as well as part of the spines of a different order.
In such a manner, to this particular type work duties are carried out on a regular basis until 743-PP .

Large fines were imposed by the administrative code of Moscow for the lack of rules for the establishment of green plantings. Incorrect trimming of trees under article 3 of the Code: 4.17 (violation of the rules for the creation and removal of green plantings), 4.18 (early cutting of green plantings), 4.19 (illegally cutting green plantings). Penalty for SKIN of these articles - 350,000 rubles. Have a sum to get out over a million.

  1. Tell me about the goal of the lumberjack. Tse greatly change their bazhannya sawing all the sleep.

  1. If you wanted to destroy one tree while trimming trees, just take a picture of yoga.

  1. If you want to call the hotline of the Department of Natural Resources (495-777-77-77*5), then fill out the application. Whenever your applications are supposed to be accepted (as well as being accepted) - rely on acceptance, and for the purchase, use the name of the operator. Obov'yazkovo write down the number of the application.

  1. Having reached the computer, send the scarga to the electronic reception of the Department of Nature Protection - . Obov'yazkovo describe all the damage and attach photographs.

If you take into account the remote control of the trimming rules, explaining to the lumberjacks that in times of destruction the rules on them check a great fine, then, better for everything, the lumberjacks simply do not want to call you and go home. So you vryatuєte tree, scho is necessary.

» Sanitary trim

Sanitary trimming of trees includes:

  • trimming dry knots and woods,
  • slept sick, scho shrink, poshkozhenikh, drooping down galok,
  • zrіz water pagonіv i hіlok, scho to grow under the host kutom or vertically uphill,
  • vydalennya hilok, scho to cross, for clarification and discharge of the crown.

Sanitary trimming of trees near Moscow can be carried out tsiliy rik s obov'yazkovym vrahuvannyam features of the season, mind that vіku roslyn.

We carry material support for your work at the process of work!

Prices for sanitary pruning of trees

Tree diameter at a height of 1.3 m, cm
Up to 46 Ponad 46
Breed conifers, rub. 1 000-3 000 ID 8 000
Leaves breed, rub. 1 000-8 000 ID 8 000

The price is to lie down depending on the number of bones and the comrades of sawed knots and woods on a tree, the possibility of throwing woods on the ground.

As a matter of fact, we discussed the quality by phone with our trustee - we guarantee that the quality of the sanitary trimming of trees will be molded exclusively within the price corridor!

Most often we have to deal with cutting dry twigs on pine trees, more often - yalinkas and deciduous trees. Seeing dry females is necessary for the kiltsyu influx of measles of the base: yogo fabrics heal the wound for an hour. Ailments and shabby tree groves are reaching out to a healthy and unkempt village. It is not possible to allow great wounds on stovbur and skeletal spines.

First, fresh sight and mist penetrate the tree of fungal infections. That is why it is especially careful to sanitary trimming of knots and trees to spend the autumn. At this hour, the number of fungal spores in the field is maximum.

In another way, if there are less sprouts, then more in the overgrowth, and at the same time the lower risk of frost cracks will appear. At the old vіtsі tree endure suvori winters with smaller ushkodzhennyami.

Under the hour of the spring rush, juice through the gaps of leafy pores, especially birches, wilhas and gostroleaf maples, comes out richly juice. In young roslins, juice is seen more, lower in old ones. Early pruning of young leafy trees after the end of the rush, the juice flows more into the strength of their growth. The old leaves of the bushes are more beautifully trimmed by the spring chinese.

Coniferous growths, which are cut with the stretch of summer or autumn, spend less tar from wounds, lower when the curtains are trimmed.

Seeing knots on coniferous trees does not require oiling: resin, as you can see, may have antiseptic power. In leafy roslins, so that the wood has not rotted, all streaks with a diameter of more than 2 cm are covered with farboa on natural linseed oil (as it is, like when).

The most laborious is the cutting of dry woods of another order of magnitude near the crowns of trees, especially oaks. The foldability of the trimming is due to the fact that the alpinist has to move not only the wind of the stovbur, trimming the dry woods of the first order, but also using the skeletal woods of the tree, the vicorist winding technique, the special tool and the winding. The sanitary felling of trees, the trimming of knots and the trees, sound like crown cuttings.

When circumcised, it is necessary to give respect to the dressing of the heads. Near the crowns of trees, especially young ones, sometimes trappings are trapping, which grow under the warm hood from the stovbur or vertically uphill. Growing up, the stench transforms on the needles of the same comrade with a trunk. A strong wind can blow them out of the trunk. Crimea is able to collapse on the mist of the fall of such heads, on the stovburi a torn wound is healed, through the yak in the middle, super mushrooms of mushrooms are easily consumed, which cause rot. Irrespective of those who in such situations we recommend: “Rise, do not check for peritonitis!”, - sometimes save a part of the crown and save yourself in the event of possible ruins to help the vikonan hourly



About the approval of the Rules for trimming trees and chagarniks on the territory of the Leninsky municipal district

З метою поліпшення екологічної обстановки в Ленінському муніципальному районі, підвищення якості робіт озеленювання, відповідно до угод про співробітництво в галузі містобудівної діяльності та регулювання земельних відносин, укладених між адміністрацією Ленінського муніципального району та адміністраціями міських і сільських поселень Ленінського муніципального 10.01.2002 N 7-ФЗ "About the protection of the navkolishny middle ground" and dated October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ "About principles organization of mass self-regulation in Russian Federation", the Statute of the Leninsky municipal district,


1. Approve the Rules for trimming trees and chagars on the territory of the Leninsky municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) (addition).

2. Burial dovkilla the administration of the agricultural state and the protection of the navkolishny middle of the administration of the Leninsky municipal district (Startsev O.I.) to provide a single form of information about the work of cutting trees and chagarniks on the territory of the Leninsky municipal district.

3. Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Management company ZhKG" (Kuzina G.A.), MP "Vidnivske industrial and technical association of the Moscow state" (Korotkov V.V.), Municipal unitary enterprise "Vidnovsk DRSU" (Golikov O.V.):

3.1. Know the Rules of workers and fahivtsiv, how to create a work of virubuvannya and trimming of green plantings.

3.2. Ensure the training of working methods and methods of trimming trees and chagarniks.

6. Decree to impose control over vikonannyam on the intercessor of the head of the administration Gritsenko O.M.

Head of Leninsky

municipal district V.Yu. Golubev

Addendum. RULES for trimming trees and chagarniks on the territory of the Leninsky municipal district

before the decision of the head
Leninsky municipal district
dated 11.03.2009 N 43

Green plantings are of sanitary-hygienic, recreational, landscape-architectural, cultural and scientific significance.

Protected by green plantings, plantings of the Leninsky municipal district, independently of the forms of moisture on the land plots, plantings of plantings.

Hulks, landowners and legal entities goitre zdіysnyuvati come in to save the green plantations, not to allow illegal activities of idleness, which can lead to damage or the depletion of green plantings.

Vlasniki, vlasniki, koristuvachs, orendars of land plots, on such planted green plantings, goiter plants, control their camp, ensure the normal development of green plantations.

Gospodarska and other activities are being carried out in accordance with the deadlines for the protection of green plantings, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Moscow region, and the normative legal acts of the Leninsky municipal district.

According to paragraph 4 of these rules, it does not expand on green plantings, plantings on the lands of the transshipment, road transport, forestry and water resources, as well as on land plots that are located near the moisture physical features that nadanih for the upcoming victories: city dwelling, gardening, maintenance of a special social state, dacha and individual living life.

1. Terms and definition

Green plantings - woody-chagarnikova and herbaceous growth of natural and piece-made planting (including foxes, parks, squares, gardens, lawns, parks, as well as trees and chagarniks, which can stand) on the territory of the Leninsky municipal district, which is not to enter the warehouse of the state forest fund of the SLF).

The tree is a roslina with a clearly defined woody trunk with a diameter of at least 5 cm at a height of 1.3 m, with a hint of saplings.

A tree with a diameter of more than 12 cm is mature, or a tree that does not take transplants for the fahivtsiv's vines.

Chagarnik - bagatorichna roslina, which glimmers on the surface of the soil (on the vіdmіnu vіd trees) and can not be in the mature camp of the head stovbur.

The protection of green plantations is a system of legal, organizational, economic entries, investments in the settlement, conservation and implementation of green plantations, green territories and green massifs.

Ushkodzhennya green plantations - zapodіyannya shkodi kronі, stovbur, gіlkam derevno-chagarnikovyh dews, their root system, degraded ground part of that root system of grassy dewdrops, which does not pull growth behind itself. Poshkodzhennyam є mekhanіchne ushkodzhennya hilok, root system, damage to the integrity of measles, damage to the integrity of the living above-soil slope, fermentation of green plantings on the ground of the root zone with shkidlivyh rechovina, podpal and otherwise under the soil of shkodi.

The downfall of green plantations is the destruction of green plantations, which caused the growing growth.

2. Trimming the crowns of trees

2.1. One of the main approaches to choosing the right place for green planting is crown trimming. The following types of cuts are cut: sanitary, rejuvenating, molding.

2.1.1. Sanitary trimming of the crown is directed at the old, ill, shrinking and weak heads, as well as heads, straightening the middle of the crown, or approaching one by one. Obov'yazkovomu vydallennyu pіdlyagayut also pagons, scho to go up the central stovbur uphill under the host kutom or vertically (including pyramidal forms), so that to undo those broken off wounds on the stovburi.

Sanitary baptism should be carried out carefully by stretching the end of the calendar year.

Trimming of ailments and dry knots is carried out before a healthy month, at which time the chicks are seen on the ring of the white foundation, and the stalks are above the "early" nirkoy, not zachipayuchi її.

The eyes are due to be smooth, the great eyes are recommended to press the trochs into the shape. Vertically growing pagons are slanting, so that the water does not stagnate.

The view of the great chicks is carried out obov'yazkovo for the help of three cuts: the first cut is cut from the lower side of the chick on a height of 25-30 cm in the trunk and on the deep, which is the bottom of the neck. Another drank to roar the beast 5 cm far from the lower stovbur. After that, as the gilt falls, with the third cut, the stump is neatly cut, which is overgrown. Having cut the measles, you can stick a stump with a hand or a moth.

For safety, the big chicks are moved forward on the moths (or two) to the thickened bush of the chick, or to the stovbur of the tree, and then carefully lowered to the ground.

Immediately after trimming, all wounds with a diameter of more than 2 cm should be smeared with garden var or zafarbuvat olієyu on natural linseed oil. In coniferous trees, which clearly see the resin, the wounds are not smeared.

2.1.2. Circumcision, which rejuvenates, is the trimming of the trees to their basal parts, which stimulates the establishment of young pagonists, which creates a new crown. Її next to spend on such trees that chagarniki, like a century, regardless of the guardian's eyes, spend decorative qualities, stop giving a wide growth, dry tops, as well as when transplanting great trees.

In case of drying or cutting the decorativeness of the upper part of the crown in leafy trees, it is allowed to cut it deep to the cob of the living crown, or to the part of the stovbur with brighter water pagons, and in chagarniks - the last crown to stimulate the establishment and growth of young parosts.

The rejuvenation of trees should be carried out step by step for 2-3 years, starting from the top of the great skeletal trees, and only at the sights, which will lead to a garnoy pagon-producing building (linden, poplar, willow and other, from coniferous trees - prickly prickly trees).

Trimming the heels should be carried out, shortly їх by 1/2-3/4 of the length. Have time to illumine great number it is necessary to carry out a rearing of young pagonists from sleeping brunios, having cleaned up a part of them.

Before trimming, which rejuvenates, it is seen and accepted by the method of "landing on a stump", if a tree or a bush is cut down and the stump is left behind. The overgrowth, which has settled down, has spawned and formed one or the other rich-stemmed growth.

At the same time, with the rejuvenation of the crown, with the method of increasing the vitality of weakened trees and chagarniks, the root system is rejuvenated. For this growth, dig a trench with a width of 30-40 and a depth of 40-60 cm on a stand that is equal to 10 times the diameter of the stovbur. After cleansing the roots at the trench, I next fertilize the earth and water the roslin.

The rejuvenating image is necessary to grow old and old growths of poplar balsamic s by the method of zabіgannya fructification (piliannu) of trees. The optimal hour for carrying out this type of work is breast - birch. When circumcised, the next ones were stripped of large skeletal spines, as well as part of the spines of a different order. After 1-3 years after the circumcision, which rejuvenates, it is necessary to carry out the trimming of the crown, and after 3-4 years, repeat the circumcision.

2.1.3. Shaping trimming is carried out with the method of shaping the crown of a given form and saving її, vibrating the height of the growths, reaching the equal growth of the skeletal needles.

When cutting, it is necessary to protect the species and biological features of the growths: the shape of the crown, the nature of the change with the century, the building to endure the cutting, the possibility of awakening the nirok, to sleep.

When molding trimmings of trees in an alley or row planting, a constant control over the height, size and shape of the crown is necessary.

In trees with a weeping, pyramidal or kulyastay crown, it is necessary to see the pagons at the same time, which develop on the bottom of the wood chips, and also regulate the growth, directly and the thick of the bushes.

In trees with a pyramidal shape of the crown, you can see the mustache of the needles, which go beyond the natural form. Shortening the fagons, roaring the eyes over the nirka, the beastly middle of the crown. Pagons, which grow in the middle of the crown and are densely intertwined, look over the nirka, the beastly name.

Periodicity of the formative trimming in the villages of the porіd rіzna. The crowns of dry-growing pores, if it is necessary to preserve the singing height and shape, are trimmed in a wide way, gradually molding the cut from the distances that are visible in growth (weak), dry out and sickly pagoniv, tobto. with sanitary education.

In mature trees, crown molding is most often carried out through 2-4 rocks.

Forming trimming should be carried out in early spring before the opening of the field or in the fall after leaf fall.

2.2. The steps of the trim lie in the sight of a tree, and I will become a crown. They cut the weak, I will die (middle) and the strong cuts.

In young trees, more often than not, only weak pruning is carried out (trochs are more than 25-30% of the size of the river growth), weak nirs are laid.

In middle-aged trees, pruning is carried out at a slower pace (up to 50% of the average increase in river growth), while cutting off a dense crown.

Strongly pruning (60-75% of the average river growth) should be carried out only in dry-growing pores, in which there is a daily pruning, or a weak pruning should be carried out until the crown is thinned.

2.3. Porosevі and fat frogs are seen systematically by stretching the end of the calendar rock. Fatty pagons are more beautiful than virizati, choking on a piece of measles.

3. Circumcision of chagarniks

3.1. The rejuvenation trimming of decorative chagars (single, in a group, in a "live" fence) is carried out periodically in the world, the appearance of pagons, which are old and outgrown, which have consumed decorativeness. Gіlki zrіzayut bіlya young vtechі, and yakshcho vіdsutnya, vіlku prіzayut povnіstі - plant on the stump: unsplitted chagars are cut at a height of 10-15 cm from the root neck, splitting - at the same height from the mіstsya splintering.

3.2. "Alive" fences and borders from chagarnik are given molding patterns for strengthening the growth of bichny pagons, increasing the density of the crown, trimming the given shape of the fence. Їx start cutting the first rock after planting. The shearing is carried out on the animal at one (single) height from the surface of the earth and from the sides, zirzuyuchi 1/3 of the increase in the front rock. Fences of light-loving chagars should be formed next to the looking truncated pyramid with frail side sides 20-25 and a wide base at the bottom.

In the first river, chagars in the "live" fence are sheared once during the growing season - right up to the cob with the juice. Last - 3-6 times during the growing season in the world wind station. Replacement of rich haircuts effective methodє selection of chemical regulators in the growth of roslin. One-time spring trimming of living fences with chemical growth regulators controls the growth of chagars during the long growing season, replacing 3-4-fold mechanical shearing. Processing is carried out immediately after the first spring haircut at the stage of new leaf opening.

When processing, it is necessary to carefully trim the tasks of concentration and norms of vitreousness, follow for equal mixing of the difference and equal yogo distribution along the processed surface.

Freely growing "alive" fences are not systematically sheared. In such fences, old ones are visible, which wither, and thicken the crowns of the bushes in a leafy camp. Once in two - three times, the fences will prorіdzhuyut at a period of calm.

3.3. Alone, chagarniki chi groups do not plant. They do not trim the chagars, in some flower brunki they are spread evenly or in the middle near the upper part of the pagons of the past fate. In tsikh chagarniks, they develop less buds, or, as necessary, fruit sets.

In chaffarniks with flowered brunkas on the pagons of flowing rock and fluffy ones, sound in the middle or in the other half of the summer, hanging (up to the ear of growth) or in the autumn, shortening the pagons by 1/2-1/3 of their time in fallow in kind and variety.

4. The procedure for issuing permission for education

4.1. Trimming of trees and chagarniks is allowed only for obviousness. Dozvіl on brining is issued at the sight of a letter of pleas for the protection of the important middle of the administration of the agricultural state and the protection of the important administration of the Leninsky municipal district (hereinafter - Vіddіl).

4.2. Trimming trees and chagarniks without permission specified in paragraph 4.1, or with permission, but not in this area, not in such a large number of times, as ordered by permission, is recognized as unauthorized.

4.3. In order to withdraw permission to be christened, the applicant submits an application for the name of the head of the Leninsky municipal district in a letter form from the nominations:

Name, how many plantings, I will become that forever,

Cut lengths,

The planned type is that step of trimming.

До заяви додаються засвідчені копії правовстановлюючих та правопідтверджуючих документів на земельну ділянку (для МУП "Керуюча компанія ЖКГ", МП "Віднівське виробничо-технічне об'єднання міського господарства", МУП "Віднівське ДРСУ", адміністрацій міських та сільських поселень Ленінського муніципального району. обрізання trees and chagarniks in the territories that are served, these documents are not required).

For the entrustment of the head of the Leninsky municipal district, for a period of 30 calendar days from the moment of filing, the application must be carried out re-verification of the data and documents, natural planting of greenery and ready to be cut or to inform the applicant about the reasons for the permit in the issued permit.

4.4. Vіdmova in the form of permission for brining can be seen in such situations:

Vіdsutnіst vіdutnіst vіdomosti, znachenih іn the first paragraph of clause 4.3 of the Rules;

inconsistency of reports about green plantings to the results of full-scale furnishing;

Vіdsutnіst zasvіdchenih copies vostanovlyuyuyuchih and vodopіdverdzhuyuchih documents on the land lot;

Invisibility of the planned type of cutting of the declared mark;

Uncertainty of the planned stage of trimming into the woods;

The presence of the applicant's workers, yakі volodіyut by priyoms and methods of pruning trees and chagarniks.

5. Vidpovidalnist for damage could help protect green plantings

Individuals who are guilty of illegal poshkodzhenni or poor green plantings, including those who have an unsanctioned circumcision, carry a disciplinary, administrative, civil and legal criminal liability vіdpovіdno up to dignified legislation.

Розмір збитків, спричинених протиправним пошкодженням або знищенням зелених насаджень, у тому числі внаслідок несанкціонованого обрізання, розраховується відповідно до "Методики розрахунку платежів за вирубування зелених насаджень та обчислення розміру збитків та збитків, спричинених їх ушкодженням", затвердженої Радою депутатів Ленінського.

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