How can a mother curse her daughter. For the sake of how to protect that son of a mother's curse. Boys die in the family

Hello, father. Tell me what to do. My mother cursed me, her daughter. Telephoning, barking obscenities, guessing all my life, pouring mud and sin not to be ashamed: I’ll telephone, and I’ll feel the mother’s words and even stronger words.

At the current moment I am friends, two rocks already. Yes, it’s obviously a problem: I can’t register with a child. Call mother and it seems that she was separated, took a mortgage, so that in old age she would not be deprived without a kut. You don’t want to kill my man, it’s like: “you won’t live with him,” it’s like if you die, then you won’t pass the fate, like you’ll take me. I curse. Tell her not to go out. I rarely call to that, that everything will turn out to be good.

I think that for my sins I am worth such humiliation. Ale mother's curse - it's even scary. Yak here buti? (Lilia)

Hegumen Oleksiy (Yermolaev), monk of the Holy Trinity Selenginsky human monastery:

- It is important to know, in what kind of mother would you say such words - to a hard-nosed drunk. Like in drunkenness - do not traipse їy pіd hand in a kotre. Like a hard-hearted one, it’s a spiritual discord, or sins, like crying out such a camp of the soul. Zvichayno, damned father and mother - tse serious speech. So that the curse has lost its power, the Fathers of the Church will gladden:

- first: repent of all sins to the one on whom the curse has been imposed, and, especially, of those sins that called yoga;

- friend: wrestle in the Sacrament of Holy Consecration;

- Third: partake of the holy sacraments of Christ.

Podіbne (povіd, soboruvannya, Communion) and especially repentance on svіdі in that they cursed the native child, it is necessary to raise the father or mother. Todі diya cursed, like the saints sing, znikne.

As if the father does not want to act in the face of his curse, it is necessary to do everything that I said: to speak up, fight and take communion. And before winter, as far as possible, we wilted at the fathers, so that the stench blew us for everything. If they don’t forgive the stench and don’t want to repent of these curses, ask the merciful Lord that Vin have mercy on you and that you remember the cursed father and mother, if possible, didn’t give you shkodi. I know this way, the fathers were against the children's shelter, but the stink to live - there is no damnation there.

As if you were signed with a man, with a lawful slave, for you the will and the words of a man are for the will of a father and mother: body” (Mt. 19:5-6).

Phone your mother, talk to her, but if the child and mother did not hear, you can go with the phone. It is necessary to explain to the child, that the soul of the grandmother is sick, that won't say so; and we can't do that.

About those that mothers will take with them after their death ... Do not fight these threats. God takes away from life - not mom. Everything is the will of God.

The need for registration and mortgages requires more detailed knowledge of the situation and special development. You can telephone. Naomisnik of the monastery hegumen Oleksiy – tel. ‎8-924-398-82-33 (Megafon), ‎8-908-597-40-49 (Tele 2).

We will not know our lives, as if we were cursed independently, even unkind, evil people become more. And under the curses, you can learn to instill an unkind look, pobazhannya.

Zrobiti ritual - live without a curse

As if your life or the life of your loved ones had a dark smog, you should conduct rituals in your home minds, as if they could help you clean your aura, remove the negative. The skin of a human being is dainty to the point of damnation. So that nothing nasty happened, next to believe in God, to build the church, to forgive the enemies. But most of all, you can help your relatives and yourself in the fight against the dark forces.

In order to take the curse from yourself, establish the coming rituals:

Znyatya damn church candle

Ancestral curse is not possible to drink like undead or flu. Just if your family has become negative, like a sprat of generations, growing like a snow sack, ruined your life.

Tse to bring to the point that now a curse hangs over the skin member of the cієї sіm'ї (including children and onukіv). Somebody dies at the birth, some part of the curse at the recessions rises among the living. Therefore, often after death close people you can see the severity that has piled on. Don't forget the traces of experienced grief. Possibly, a part of tsikh vіdchuttіv is connected with part of the family curse, which was transmitted from the fall and earlier lay as a vantage on the soul of the dead.

Often the very ancestral curse is the reason, as it allows you to grow a successful career and / or conduct a business; do not allow you to come abroad (to make friends); do not allow the conception of a mother child; zmushuє drink heavily; voicing difficult-to-understand health problems; postiyno vіdvertaє priyatlivі surround life.

And as the curse of the family is on your kind, then your life may have the most intelligible speeches.

Aje patrimonial damnation is straightened out for degradation, it is passed on by rich generations, the docks do not reach their head aim - the total destruction of all members of your family!

The knowledge of the ancestral curse will win you over to accept the best that can only be in your life, sing the blessings of all spheres of life. Knowing the ancestral curse (that’s how it is), you take away the ability to take in life everything that is recognized as your share and take away the building.

Zyattya ancestral curse

If you have been cursed by the family, or the fathers have cursed you, you need to get back. Soboruvannya - a church rite, which sounds at the church to be held at the hour of Great Lent, or else it can be held and at the best. Vіn directing for the cleansing of people in the presence of sins, among them and in the form of unknown ones (you can’t speak with them, just to the one you don’t know), as well as for the cleansing of the sins of the family.

Maria Semenivna directs all the damned to unction, and it seems that even if the curse is not stronger, then a skin person can take it on their own.

The rite is celebrated on the night of Tuesday on Wednesday about the 12th year of the night. Hour of the month - not earlier than the 17th day of the month until 29-30 monthly day. At Mondays (before the rite) you read an akathist to the guardian angel. Before night, prepare three candles and church water for the ritual.

Father, in front of you is a mirror with candles. You place one more mirror behind you. You stand between two mirrors in tunics and swimming trunks or at the combination. Speech qi (without traces of blood and blood) can be worn for at least two days (cream swimming trunks, understood). Light the candles and read (by memory!), marveling at your own eyes, not sighing and not blinking (if you want to keep your mind, it’s impossible for everyone to see - it’s okay, just blink less, because you don’t need the power of your mind):

I am amazed in my clear eyes, I am not afraid of anyone. No demon, no enemy, no evil people. With me the Lord, with me the Holy Spirit, with me Matinka the Most Holy Theotokos. That was not a mirror in front of me, then the shield of God was in front of me. That is not a mirror behind my back, then God's shield is behind me. I will defend myself with a shield, I will protect myself with a shield, I am not afraid of anyone. God the Lord is with me, an angel behind my back, the Mother of God in front. Amen.

You immediately rush in front of the mirror with holy water prepared at a distance (a small basin should be prepared for a long time), rubbed with a T-shirt or a combination, not knowing the words of your speech.

To marvel at the mirror, there are more stiles, stilki will be bazhannya. Candles may burn out. Until the stench burns out, stand by them not obov'yazkovo.

In the first week after the rite, it is necessary to go to the church and put 12 candles: 3 - the Mother of God, 3 - Jesus Christ, 3 - the Holy Spirit, 3 - Panteleimon the Healer. Say goodbye to them for the cursed knowledge.

Boys die in the family

Maria Semenivna explained how they take the oath. On Great Day, sound like this: let the skin-hunter in the church phone until the bell rings. Three relatives may rise to the link, take hold of the skein all at once and strike the link twelve times. If so, the skin is guilty of giving bells for three farbovani eggs and for the sake of praying for them. If you go down from the doors, it is necessary to chime in at the gatherings and read such a call:

Dzvіn _ from heaven, Christ is risen! Death prevailed, hell roared. So is our Christian family, baptism of forgiveness, resurrection, we will overcome death, cursing the curse. Like the Church of Christ is a mitzna, so our human being will be a mitzna. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Curse the womb of the vagina

Tse cursed sound to force the supergirl, or the mother-in-law, if she doesn’t recognize the bride, or else you can work and be like a person in anger. As a result, the woman consumes a child and becomes childless. If the curse is straightened out on a poor family, that is, if the cursed sister has it, then the same share can be paid on them. About every vipadok vagіtnim better than a mother with her guarded against an evil word. Fight like this.

Buy a shovkov white hustka. Nevdovzі opіvnіchі lay a khustka in the middle of the kіmnati, stretch yourself naked and stand on the tsyu khustka. Read the call. Then soak the hustka in the thawed water and wipe all the pores into the booth. Potim Khustka is guilty of viprati and viprasuvati one of your relatives. Put a hustka under your bed: it’s guilty that there are dots lying there, the docks will not give birth to a child. Pіslya pologіv vіddayte tsyu khustka іy, scho read zmovu. Guardian words:

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will see, the servant of God (im'yarek), be blessed, I will go, cross, I will open the door, I will open the door. I will throw all the clean cloths, the vines will spread in front of me on a wide road, without vibrains, without bushes, without pits, without stones. I am going along the payment road, three angels are in front of me. The first angel clears the path, guards the next one, and guards the third one. The Lord is above me, the cloth is under me, the child is in me, the Mother of God is with me. The Theotokos wore a blanket, she was saved by God, and I, the servant of God, will be saved for the whole hour, as long as I wear a burden. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Well, they cursed you, but if you don’t have amulets, you can use a spell to help you.

You take a skein, tie five knots on it, fold it on the ground. Then you put 12 silver objects on it, maybe not new ones, step over them with a cross. On the body it is not guilty of buti metal. The hair is loose. It is not possible to allow a pardon for a spell, an unacceptable permutation of words. When reading, do not churn and do not churn at the syllables. Tse duzhe seriously! If you are not convinced of yourself, then let it be for you to kill the one you trust, so that you don’t naughty.

Dead by the earth, living by the earth. The dead did not get good, the living did not get a penny. I’m throwing a slab, I’m going to buy it. From a dashing person, from a wild animal, from a sword, from a cool, from a crooked road. In the face of srіbla I repent, in the face of evil I rebuke. Go, evil bought, turn around, good bought. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Oath before death

As if a young man had come to Mary Semenivna and told such a story, “If the squad was dying, they asked me to take an oath that after death I would not make friends with anyone. She said: "Walk with Kim if you want, if you want skilki, but don't take your squad with you." Well, I swore that I wouldn’t make a fool of myself in my death. She died, I mourned, mourned, she made friends again. I'm still a young man, young, walking is not a habit, the sound of this life. And I’m dreaming of a dream: to stand for my lie squad and it’s like: “You haven’t finished your oath, but you won’t live with another squad. I will take її in you”. The month has not passed - the squad was beaten to death by a car. Through the river I made friends again, and I reawakened that same dream. After protecting the squad, like a moment. And all the same she died: her heart was beating. I want to make friends for the fourth time, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to get along again.

Maria Semenivna pleased you to go to the monastery for repentance and live there as a monk, and then think again about friendship. Tim, who took the oath with a similar rank, and then broke the oath, he recommends coming. It is necessary to make a funeral for the river for those people who swore an oath. By stretching this rock, it is a great sacred need to go to the church, to be saved and take communion. Today, drink holy water over the gourds with such a prayer:

Lord, my God, let Thy holy gift and holy Thy water be for the relief of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily forces, for the health of my soul and body, for the root of my addictions and ailments for Your immeasurable mercy through the prayers of Your Mother and all Your saints. Amen.

Krіm tsgogo, it is necessary to take water from the well (about 1 liter) and speak on it and then drink all the giblets:

God's water, Holy water. The bula squad of the Samaritan woman, went to the river early early, scolded the Savior. The Savior seems to: “Give me, retinue, Samaritan woman, lead me to drink!” The Samaritan woman guards: “Lord, the water is alive with You, give me to drink її, give me їy vmitis, me, and Thy servant (im'yarok), so that you may live, do not grieve and do not grieve. Heaven and peace for the dead, but the joy of God for the living.” Amen. Amen. Amen.

Batkiv's curse

As a rule, the father's curse is passed by. Varto zі zіstyu say іtinі: "What the devil took you!" - and the child is tormented by the bіsi. Buvay, what do children of obscurity know after such words. Here, church prayer helps a little. To the one who has cursed, he needs to repent in the church, and for a child, pray forty and give alms. Some curses stick to a child without a riddle of the unclean. Like a child repeating for the whole hour, scho vin - “pokarannya batkivska”, “spinogryz”, “deaf kut” thinly, then cursed by itself to a new pier. In truth, I will punish you for your family. It is the father's fault to keep the company locked up and in no way slander the children. Tse does not mean that children cannot bark and karati. Layati is required, but without malice.

Vіd nasty batkіvskogo word

Relatives often curse one by one - when the lane is broken, when there are other super girls. The axis came not long ago to Mary Semyonivna, and the girl spoke famously about her family: “If my brother became friends, my mother could not reconcile with this choice. And so and so I cursed, I inspired everything. If they made friends, she simply said to you in the veil: "God forbid you, son, children, look like...". Here she called the bride with an obscene word. And for sure: the stench lives already five years, but there are no deaths with them. They went to the doctors, took care of themselves, but it seems that everything is in order, but you can’t, so you couldn’t get it out. Laugh: talking, you are trying badly. And the brothers and the squad are not laughing. My grandmother said - mother cursed the house, and there are no children for that.

Maria Semenivna taught me how to fix it in the wrong place. Read the amulet at dawn:

There went a simple-haired girl, holy old man Simeon. "Where are you going, you little hairy one?" - "I'm going to dry swamps, pick up rotten moss." - "Navischo you rotten moss?" - "Viti Viti". - "Nav_scho you motuzki?" - "Catch wild jocks." - "Nav_scho you pitching?" - "Milk to reach." Just as you don’t call a skewer out of rotten moss, just as you don’t spit wild jocks with skewers, just as you don’t get tired of a pumping of milk, so don’t sip, do not curse the servant of God (im’yarok), baptized, narodzhennoy, in the light of death from God’s will, from the Lord mercy. Lord to create, Lord to people, Lord to harrow. Come, curse the word, in the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For vigilance

One woman told me her story, as if she came to help me to Mary Semenivna. “My daughter zamіzh married a foreigner and went off the rails. The worlds did not succumb for five years, only the leaves wrote, and the other hand-givings were done for me for me and my young. And in the parcels there were fashionable drabs - not new already, apparently, but all are of good quality, in a good state. I thought: since I send second-hand, it means that there are no pennies on the new speech, well, thanks for that. Everyone wanted to visit, see її - as if she were alive there, in a foreign land? І axis z'їzdila ... That yak marveled at their life - and gasped. Live, like a sire in oil, ride. A great house, two cars, a man on a good robot. I became covered for me: naibagatsha, and sent castoffs to my sisters. I'll tell you: why, daughter, did you mess up pennies in new speech? And she waved - even more than a garni buli, do not let go. I show up more. Tse means: on you, God, what is wrong with us? I began to steal pennies in them, and my young daughter renew the cup. The axis is a man, a foreigner, and remembering that pennies know ... Maybe, having said older for mine. Vaughn walk, change, but I don’t say anything. Nareshti called. It started from afar, it was fed - why didn’t anyone go to the hut at their place? Hi, I’ll tell you, without going in, but what is it? - That axis, it seems, pennies have gone here. And I blurt out: then I took your pennies. I may be right: mother. You yourself live like a millionaire - and you have a house, you have two cars, and your sisters give you scarves! I buy a penny speech for her. My daughter was embarrassed and it seemed: і budinok, і cars - everything was bought on credit, we live in borg ... I would give it. What will people say now? And I got even more angry at her and I say: you live with the Borg, then you won’t pay those Borg, since you’re so plausible in front of your Fritz! Choke on your pennies! - I threw їy pennies, which I lost in purchases.

I waved. In a month, call the elder and say: “Mom, write down my new number. We have moved. "It seems that they have taken away their house, because they have put in a job and now they don’t have a lot of credit to pay. They are in trouble and ruin ... It’s rare for them to call by phone: it has become expensive to call. To live on help without a job, rent an apartment here from netryah. She didn’t call for a long time, I came to Mary Semenivna to find out - what happened, but she said: It happened, and for a long time. they ruined it.

I say:

-Hіba mother can donka nashkoditi?

-You can do it. Guess what happened, if you were visiting your daughter with a cordon.

Well, I guessed ... Now the axis of the Hodja is my conscience to torment me for the pennies stolen, and for the curse.

Maria Semyonivna explained how it is possible to correct it.

You need to buy three church candles, cut them with small pieces and throw them into boiling water. If you break it, throw three coins there, proclaiming such a call:

I don’t throw pennies into the temple, I give pennies for a candle, I donate to the church. The candle is broken, the church is standing, the Lord is rich. As long as the pennies are with the candles, the wealth is up to me. Wax grish, they settled in the intestines, their sisters for living cry. Your sister is rich, and in May you will have a lot of money. Amen to my word, three times amen and again amen.

After whom, everything is fire. If it is cool, coins are required to be available and given to the one who was cursed. Then we need to drink to the church, that she will speak up. As you grow, so the curse will rise, and wealth will turn.

Type of curse in sim'ї

As if in this place there is no peace of mind, those villains, like enemies, then you need to buy 12 candles and light them after 12 nights. Obov'yazkovo prostizhite, so that the sky was not gloomy, but dawns. Read the elder at the sіm'ї:

Let God resurrect and scatter against Yogo! May the satanic powers of fortune-teller, bad words, zazdrіst that anger! Go, live, it's hot to go! I put a cross on forty months, on the mother, on the police, on the kut, on the stele, on the end, on the wall, on the forehead, on the dacha, on the thresholds, on the door, on the jambs, on the door. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Holy Mother of God, John the Baptist, the apostles of the saints, all the saints, all the martyrs and the martyrs, all the unoccupied reverends, all the blessed holy fools, all the angels and archangels with the seer St. Michael, all the Lord's saints and the righteous! Pray, defend, stand before God, remember me, defend me. You don’t, Satan, live in your house, you don’t have time, you don’t have power over this house, not over me, not over my children, not over my ancestors, not over my thinness, not over my yard. Here is the power of the Lord, the Holy See. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Іsnuyut sings magic splurges, like shouting the curse of all sіm'ї - it is important to get in with them to a well-known fakhіvtsyu, not seeming already about a simple inhabitant. The legacy of similar incantations is stingy - the stench can cause welding, the impossibility of living in the world, as well as self-confidence and induce the creation of even important ailments that are transmitted from the downfalls.

If you want to know, like a curse, get ready to get ready for the fact that there are no simple ways to get rid of black magic - to have a chance to do it for a rich hour that zusil. It is possible to victorize various rituals, as well as prayers - in case of which it is impossible to say, what kind of people are better than this technique. If you know a strong curse, you can take months, the docks will not be chosen in an individual effective way.

Damn, on the vіdmіnu psuvannya chi prytu, nіkoli do not impose on a specific person - navi being said to the її address, it is passed on from the fall of yogo children and more distant naschadkam.

Previously, it was important that it was similar to the three generations of this generation, it was not possible for modern fakhivts to talk about those who independently faced similar problems not to go away - by the end of the year, they were only weaker, although they could be reborn in the future. Znyatya cursed with a wine-coloured folding - the best way to turn to a professional, which will help you to work safely and comfortably.

I know so understand, like kinda curse- out means that the diy bula was straightened by the ancestors on their own patches, like they made an objectionable vchinok. This knowledge is the most foldable - for which you need prayers, that faith in the power of power is not good. Most of the time, curses are struck, brought along the woman's line - in such a mother, the sound of a dissolute daughter sounds, as if to bring ruin on the whole family.

If a generic spell is entered by one of the most complicated ones, then in a new way it’s possible to say something about such a phenomenon, like mother's curse- this is the last moment of self-sufficiency and the crown of bezshlyubnosti.

Descho is easier than a son the curse passed on by the father of the sinovі- it will ring out for the sake of it, for the sake of the family, and for the sake of the squad. Often illnesses are transmitted along the human line, divinely and impotence, as it can also be a legacy of a strong magical infusion. Like a family curse, the child is less unsafe, lower than a mother’s - it’s rare if you make your mother’s children impossibly, and so I’ll go on with my life, so don’t take yoga.

The widest heritage

Even if you don’t get stuck in the description of the folded depressions of the family curse, you can see still the impersonal variants of the legacy of such black magic.

Start varto with bezshlyubnosti, as you can blame and after the words of the mother - such a zahid is respected by the most, to that after the new riid he attaches his own reason. It is often more often transmitted along the woman's line, but don't call out the hoarding people, who lie down to the tsiєї sim'ї - the stink of the doomed to dovіchnu egoism, as if such problems would not come up.

It’s necessary to know, like knowing a family curse, guess about magic, what calls physical and mental illness - it’s better to go down the human line, wanting to clear the blame. Like a mother’s spell for less pain, prote zhorstokishe, then like a ritual, people suffer from fate, not in a state of health. Doctors throw up their hands, but do not go out on their own to rejoice. With whom it’s impossible, like the curse itself, the physical world is cloudy.

Wide extensions and generic infusions on the blue in the middle of the sim'ї - signify yoga easier. As if two people cannot get along with each other, you can definitely talk about the presence of a hand in hand. Like a curse, however, it is easily transmitted like a woman, and a human line, moreover, as a result, it can also evoke self-esteem with a lot of heredity.

To finish serious magic, to know the yak is necessary as quickly as possible - without a penny. From the unreasonable cause of the swarms, they start from the majestic shvidkistyu to reduce the pennies - with every prayer, those zahisn rituals do not help. If you don’t know the ancestral curse of this type, it’s not hard for you to become zhenkami and you will be afraid to ask for mercy. When it comes to bumping skin people in the family stretching for a few generations.

How can the church help?

It is necessary for you to know, as if you were to take the curse of the family, to build the best hour of the church. On the back of the wart, you should name someone from your own relatives, having become the cause of a similar problem manifesting itself on you.

To take it out on your own, go to church a week before church and read prayers for the repose of the dead, whom you knew especially. They gave an order for the birth curse of the vimagatima to put on candles for all the dead, which you can guess, as well as for the health of all close people who live and live. Remember, for a yak a person they put a singing candle, and then start reading the prayer “Our Father”.

It will be difficult to see the birth curse - a candle will need to sizzle more strongly, and half-witted I will be nervous and bruises can tread in the sky. As if it were similar to the mother’s chi, which is transmitted along the woman’s line, it is necessary to cleanse oneself in the presence of any kind of psuvanya, vicorist, special prayers and rituals.

After that, as the preparation will be completed, it is necessary to light one more candle for a person, in view of which the family cursed, and also go to the icon of Mikoli the Wonderworker. Light a candle and say this prayer:

“Bov our kind of punishment
And having squandered on us like an eye of a filth, so the word is dashing
But they didn’t piss me off, they didn’t get tired
They carried a heavy cross, they did not regret
And now the hour has come for us to repent
In that you, Lord God, that Saint Nicholas, help
Let the sins of our motherland, like half-light candles burn
That hai stink like a bird, free to fly from our land!

After reading these words, it is necessary to say a prayer service for all dead relatives, and also donate at least a tenth of your six-thousandth of your income to the temple.

A mother's curse, or else a conjuration that descends to naschadkiv along the woman's line, vimagatima is also called by a protracted month, to turn off the induction of an additional sin on oneself.

In addition, leaving the church after prayers, you would like to pay tribute for one skin coin, who would sit for her wife. So take the black magic of the viide, so that all day you don’t talk to your relatives and try not to think about them.

Against evil maternal slіv

It’s like an unfortunate thing has come to you, like a mother’s unkind word, and it has been passed down for life to both generations, it’s better to call it more, it’s better to continue the family. To learn yoga, you can zastosovuvatisya prayer in the form of prokloniv in different options. The most effective method, as if carrying out a ritual at home, is the single mindfulness of the mother’s house, as it created a similar problem for you.

For the ceremony, you need the following items:

  • saucer without oblyamivka;
  • strength;
  • new Khustka;
  • church candle;
  • Icon of the Mother of God "Semistrelna".

Opivdnі lay a khustka on the table and put an icon on it, and instructed to put a saucer, on the yak sip a large girku of salt and put a candle. You can take the mother's curse, so light a candle, flatten your eyes and read the words of the prayer "Radiya, Mother of God." You can’t open your eyes until the candle burns out - you can strike a similar hour ahead, so you don’t have mercy.

If you independently turn your mind around - as you have negative emotions, an icon to represent your mother’s spell, and she will take away eternal self-worth, as if to exasperate suffering.

To take the family curse, it is necessary to read the coming prayer:

“Our Mother of God, our mother, richly suffering!
Forgive your unknown servant (my mother)
I didn’t want to do evil to me, and I didn’t want to start a dark divination!
Probach i me, sin, your servant (your name)
I don't want to live on my own!
Help me to know my betrothed,
So child youmu happy people
Help me, and I won't forget you in any way
Forever I will be, and all who will follow me!

So that the curse, as it is transmitted along the woman's line, completely deprives you, it is necessary to turn the icon into a hustka, which is lying on the table, and hide it under the pillow. She is guilty of lying there for three days, after which it is necessary to put her on a bed and I can often read prayers in front of her.

It is necessary to remember that the seriously ancestral curse of the sons is far from being known - in rich vipads, only zupinity yogo is farther widened in sim'ї.

Therefore, Khustka will become your talisman, without any selfishness I will know you again and you will need to re-invent the descriptions of the rituals on your own.

Navit if you know a kohana person, and give birth to a child, damn it, you can turn around quickly - you can rarely go out until the end. To that varto, if you want to wear a coat with you every day, it’s necessary to put it on your head, because you don’t like this style. To put on yoga clothes on your hand, on the neck of a stylish accessory, so that you can remove the inheritance of a family curse that is passed down through the generations.

As you can see, the problems are again bothering you, and in a special life everything becomes not so bezkhmarny, as you would like to, go to church and read prayers. Putting a khustka on your head, go to the icon of the Mother of God, and then put a candle for the health of your mother and say these words:

"Mother God, good, fair
Help me, do not deprive me in the bidi!
I don't want to be myself, I don't want to live the life of my self
It’s dark to come to me again, divination is dark,
Znov nakochuyut forces bіsіvskі
Help me, shed your light on my head!
Vryatuy to the servant of God (your name),
That send їy nashchadki healthy and happy!

Words, like mothers say to their children, have a special power. To finish guessing about the tradition of blessing a child, giving him an effort to give birth. Ale often help to help people go negative. So damn the mother - a terrible program, as always reach your own goal. What is the essence of such a splash? Chi can yogo pozbutisya?

Motherly curse - what is it?

Zvichayne damnation to induce Svidomo. Yogo meta - naughty people, punish the guilty, take revenge. Chaklun to conduct a special ceremony, creating an energy channel between himself and the victim. Tilki vіdkrivshi way, black magician can convey the negative. Ale mother's curse - tse vpliv, which does not vimagaє daily rituals. Age bond from children in a woman is formed even at conception. From this moment thoughts and words addressed to a child are poured into her. In fact, women are left with less to formulate the need for strength, and with this transfer of everyday problems, they will not be blamed. Mothers get angry, get angry, fight, get out of yourself - and a skin word, directed at a child, hit it hard, launching a curse.

Most of the time, women thoughtlessly throw such phrases: “Shit your breath!”, “Get out!”, “Go to hell!”, “Damn you!”, “Go, curse!”, “You won’t be happy!”.

It is not obligatory for a mother to hate her child. In rich temperaments, they express aggression through non-strimanity, attraction of emotion, therefore. Possibly, the woman cares about the inadvertent virvana of the word and tries to make amends. But nothing else can help: damn mothers and daughters to induce themselves at such a moment to lose control. The more often similar similarities are repeated, the stronger the negative program will be.

How to protect yourself from the mother's curse

The child is absolutely defenseless in front of the mother. Vіn on pіdsvіdomu rіvnі spriymaє її words like the truth and do not consider the need to repair the opera. Mother's damnation is to be born in depressions, if:

  • the person has already grown up and is alive and well (the sound is all the same taken care of);
  • the woman repented generously and wanted to take her words back (you can’t reverse what was said);
  • do not believe in magic, including the damned one (speak independently of people's thoughts).

That cursed mother is taken in by such a terrible one: it’s easy to be proud of something new, even if it’s not impossible. Golovne - learn that women with their father have a ruinous character and that they need to repair the opera, forgetting about the family a little.

To put a new zahist in the face of a curse is really less of a vipadka, as if the child has not yet gained decency (for example, mothers often speak inappropriately that figuratively, but before the right threats have not yet come). It is also permissible to speed up the ritual in order to save the situation from getting worse (new curses do not nazdoganyatimut people).


  • mirror;
  • photo of mother;
  • church candle.

It is necessary to close the image with the front side up to the mirror. Then we need to light a candle and read the sound:

She gave birth to me, she carried me in her womb, she protected them from others, she didn’t save them for herself. Let me see your evil with you, but I don’t stop, I look like a mirror.

It is necessary to check until the candle burns out to the end. A mirror is recommended to be worn with you, especially for the hour of moving with your mother. Tse talisman, which will become a zahist in the face of a curse. The photo, which was victorious, was bazhan for the father; do not varto take yoga at home.

Mother's Curse: Signs of Splash

It is even more important to recognize the negative points earlier. Sound the people themselves, that a heavy mother's curse is over them: the symptoms of such an injection are obvious.

Basic signs mother's curse:

  1. Vіdchuttya zalezhnosti in the will of the father. Navіt grown up people, yakі mayut vlasnі sіm'ї and vіdrіznyayutsya strong character, vіdchuvayut, scho mothers їх іхічює. You may not understand why it is so apparent and what it is expressed in: it seems very intuitive.
  2. The words spoken by the mother at the anger of the irritated, are being lifted. Understanding to come not at once, but at some moment a person will see: out live these lives, as if you were prophesied by a parent.
  3. Zahalne filth self-feeling, constant problems, depression.

Shards of a mother's curse do so by itself, like a psuvannya, then this way, in another world, it zaps all spheres of life. The main emphasis is to fight for the sphere, like the father “ordained”, but a part of the force of the destructive program is directed to the main ruin of the entire foundation of the people.

Applying the mother's curse. The following situations often occur:

  • the maiden goes like a woman, she turns to the father's house, de її it is not necessary to love. Mother kept repeating for the whole hour: “There was no such thing as you, or your offspring!” The result is a wicked day, a sick child, and a curse in the worst of depression and birth;
  • son enters the university for a specialty, as he does not fit his mother. Vaughn constantly repeats: “If you sit without a bread picker and sit with your diploma, you won’t earn a penny.” The result is that the lad is already a married man and cannot be in control of a normal job;
  • the daughter went against the will of her mother and wants to get married for an “incompetent” person. Batko screams in his hearts: "That one is better than you in the girls, she's gone forever!" The result - the lad is gone, and the girl is left with her own self until the end of her life (the program of the era of bezshlyubnost is turned on).

Cursed by the mother, and richer people stick with him, even more people can be seen. At any other time, it is impossible to let the situation go on self-fueling: it is necessary to clear yourself of the negative.

How to take a mother's curse independently

Forget the damned mother is important. A lot of sorceresses and magicians are guided by the performance of the ritual, the shards of knowledge of such a spit give even more strong evidence. It is recommended to look for an experienced black chaklun, who specializes in robots from controversial magical infusions and is not afraid to drink on a risk.

As if there is no possibility to turn around for help, you are left with no more help to clean up the cursed mother on your own. The procedure to finish the trial is easy, but it is necessary to remember everything.


  • hostry lower;
  • church candle;
  • єmnіst іz water.

The rite of passage of step-by-step purification from the curse. Enchant for a falling month (the phase of the month can be marveled at monthly calendar). Next, light a candle and move the sound:

“Mother gave birth to a child, deprived it in a clean field, threw it in a dark fox, angered the animals at the torment, blessed it with an unkind word, called black trash, didn’t christen it in God’s name, deprived the dark forces for fun. Clean fire unkind mother's words are burned, a child in the twilight can be cleansed, in the face of kaidan, the curse is casted, the evil spirits are born, the forces of darkness come in, the light of life shines, in the misfortune of the mother's guardian. Melting whisk, sticking, knowing, so my father’s curse is gone, my life is not chіpaє, bіdi your own way, navіki less, so that the word of the filthy dominion over me is not less, so that evil was said no more to me no more burden. My life is occupied by the light of heaven, my mother deserves to turn around, and I won’t bump anymore, the black words won’t stick to me, like a candle to burn out to the end, so the curse will be born.

It was necessary to make a deep cut on the left hand and to see blood in the vessel with water. Likewise, with a knife, cut a curl, burn yoga, and throw it into the water. The ritual will end when the candle burns out. Water needs to be poured out under a dry tree.

Repeat the rite of the day until the end of the phase of the fall month. Let's keep the break until the coming period. You need to be cleansed, the docks will appear, seeing that the mother's curse has ceased to be. Bazhano started this ritual with a zahisny rite on the mirror, to prevent new magical attacks.

How to take the curse of a dead mother

Death does not set up a negative program. Curse the mother on the child to continue pracsyuvati, to remember that the woman died a long time ago. An old magical sip is taken for the help of a special rite.


  • visc;
  • єmnіst іz cold water;
  • I harvest coins.

Speak that ryatuyut in the form of a generic curse.

In these articles:

A family curse is a curse, for having recognized one of your loved ones. Repair it out, if you don’t take it earlier, until the next generation.

What is called ancestral curse? Do you know what the myth is? How do you fight with him? Yaka zmov pіdіyde, schob to take the family curse? The axis of the main food, like a great number of people turbulent stretching rich rokiv.

Who cares about food self-sufficiently, who dares to become professionals, and who doesn’t care about the need to know the truth, knowing that it’s easier to live without it, only life doesn’t change better with it.

Like a family curse, it will be practiced until the next feast, until you know it. How tse robiti? About the price. Ale, we know the report about the birth curse. Only wisely and knowing why you stumbled, you can choose the right way to fight.

Family curse

Whether it’s a curse, it’s possible that it’s been thought out inadvertently, it’s a serious concern for the bioenergetics of a person, її physical and mental health, and also a share in general. An ancestral curse is similar to a mine of enhanced divinity with majestic ruinous power.

The wind of the shell, which burst, zachіpaє not one person, but a whole family, often ignoring all relatives - from small to great. It is not easy to recognize a family curse, there are many masks of shards. It is even more important to reveal the ancestral curse, as it was not imposed long ago and you cannot forgive the consequences of the bead that fell on your head that head of blood relatives.

Reveal the ancestral curse in the very beginning of the building, less people, like psychic and magical vibes. However, it is important to start yakoma earlier, we collect the shards of the curse and draw new victims from our karmic whirlpool.


  • Your family has a lot of self-destructive, mentally ill, tragically dead and quiet, who died early from important illnesses.
  • Mustache women of the family cannot be mothers of children after suffering from ailments of their reproductive organs, and if children are people, then they stink or they are dead and sick.
  • Sims have a lot of drug addicts and alcoholics.
  • The skin of the next generation, I will copy the share of my fathers, before the speech - the sum.
  • Lovers fall apart.
  • Sims don't have a good time for the world, constantly panuє chaos and scandals.
  • Other members of the family are revisited by other great misfortunes.
  • Children are calling their fathers.
  • Women of this age become widows early.

All cevede up to the resurrection of the family as such a new appearance of the face of the earth.

Why start

If you want one-third of the listed other symptoms, you need to say: put up with the obvious curses, or try to lie to yourself and your own heart.

On your own, you can not only help to soften the power of the ancestral curse, but I will again neutralize it. Ale, it’s possible to think about it, that the curse has been put on the navmis, ​​a person can be completely enchanted, in the hearts. For such a mood, there are impersonal zmov and rites, like building will spare you from the negative. But for whom I am new, I still need one more mind - you are guilty of mother, I will try positive energy.

Like a family curse even older and tragic podії in your homeland develop with blissful strength, you can’t get into it on your own, you can only grow stronger. It is necessary to start fighting such curses by going to a psychic, to reveal the cause, turn, hour of the curse, and also assess the possibility of yogo liquidation, or want to be relieved.

Znyatya damn

Having learned the fact that you have been cursed, do not check for this curse, better know it! Not calling on the cause of the curse, read the prayers for the lifting of the family curse. Regularly reading prayers can call forth a curse, so just loosen yoga. If you have a vipadka - you will achieve a positive result. That y vіdsutnіst rozvitku damn the same result.

The axis is only to read a prayer and not enough to calm down. With such a rank, you will not reach meti. Do not give in to the mercy of hardships and inaccuracies, continue your activities!

Curse the area of ​​negative energy, which is supported by the forces of the cursing. Manage the result of your efforts. Even though it’s not enough, and you can’t help to overcome the energy flow through a low spiritual level, or an unstable psychological state, turn to fahivtsiv.

What do you need to grow

To get rid of the generic curse powerful forces read below the vikladenu zmovu, and also obov'yazkovo vykonyte a number of significant deeds, otherwise you will not reach the result, but still save yourself to your relatives:

Old man chi mother, woman chi did, there have been no orders for such a long time. Kolis, who, having taken the oath, Z їhnoi blame, I endure the ancestral curse.

It was born according to the family language, Like an evil virazka settled in me. I believe that I crouched down, I turned to the top of the earth.

As soon as you wake up, I'll light the candles, Having said the words, I'll burn the papyrus. I will pour out evil in the earth, And tomorrow I will put candles at the church early.

Sim pieces, so that the ancestors rested in the light, More this candle for health - to the divine forces.

Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Go to the church and buy 7 expensive candles. Collect holy water prepared from the back of the leg. Since you don’t have many upcoming icons, buy them the same day from the church shop, these icons: the Theotokos, Jesus Christ, the Matrony of Moscow and the Great Martyr Panteleimon. Dress on the neck of consecrations native cross and don’t know yoga for the daily furnishing.

At 24.00, shut yourself in the room and light the candles, setting them on a vessel with holy water and, moreover, transcribed icons. Read "Our Father" 7 times. Drink holy water. 7 times from the sheet, read the zmova for the removal of the family curse. Get ready to burn the candles again, burn some of the undergrowth at the arcade with the text, put it on a saucer and burn it.

Drink holy water again. Pulling on disposable mittens, take food from the mountain and at once from a saucer put a plastic bag near the deserted place. Go home and don't look back, and don't talk to anyone either.

Drink holy water again. Put icons on the mission, remove mittens and remove them. Lies to go to the church and tell about the repose of your dead relatives, adding 14 candles. Submit a note for the health of not only yourself, but also your relatives, from children to fathers, as if they were alive.

Put 7 candles ahead of the day and 7 candles before the icon of Jesus Christ, Mother of God, Matrona of Moscow and the Great Martyr Panteleimon. I can go to church more often, try fasting and spiritual traditions, only in this way you can support those who, no matter how evil we are, will not hurt you and your children.

Let the Lord bless you and spare the cursed family, as if you live in the middle of your soul!

No related posts.

Suggestions and comments


Have a good time! I have a story from the “row of get out” what to go out ....
I am not afraid of the word drug addict. And the situation is like this, through a variety of reasons (with your permission I won’t overreact), being a human being in the distance in the society in the recent 2012 rotation (Rik if I’m tied up), I’ve made the words yaki nі yak not give peace to me myself and I think the stench of the people close and dear to me could not be smelled (I want to not give the stink a look). I, if my squad, with which we are transferred to the official dress of 2011 rock, and live at once already close to 10 years, I knew so to move the “damn dose” by saying the words --- Curse me and all my river and my family my children……….. well, and so far, I can’t convey exactly, but the essence of the bula is like that. Nutrition: why couldn’t I myself take care of my own family and friends.


So, Stepan, you could harm your loved ones, and do it hard.
To show to an informed magician that it is possible to take a spell or a curse.

Chi bachite, at the station of an emotional vibe, all our words are dozens of times stronger, that includes such a possibility not varto.


Let me explain that I am a drug addict on the 2nd year of 2011 and 2012, although up to that moment I was a winner of these facts and everything was connected with them. In our family life, there was discord, and bula ... consolation ... I could not forgive. they called for a dose, then ... I didn’t get inspired and went.

At the present time, I have moved to live in a different region for my willful decisions (I mean the year 2012)! starting everything from scratch! transfer your family! and we gave birth to Donechka with my kokhan squad. I vybachiv everything, she vybachila me the same life that she experienced with me. Ale axis of those words I will guess, and I will worry. I'm ready to suffer be-yakі punishment……. but only I didn’t show up on my child and close people. I'll ask for a rich letter, I'll ask for help 😉


Good afternoon! Tell me, be kind, that I should grow up, even if I can’t get abroad for 12 years, I’ve been pinned 12 years from a man, 12 years were officially separated. I got along with people, got separated. After a deaky hour, she again chatted with these very people, she was separated again. Tobto zustrіch bula yak on a stake at a different hour. At the moment, I'm chatting with a friendly person for the past 4 years. I know that everything is wrong, I respect that you can’t blame me especially. What could my dear mother do to me in my situation? The situation with her separation is the same. Sprat once at the drunken child she cursed me, told me to light a candle for the dead. Welding passed through those that I hindered vipivati, took alcohol. Nina sang it sack after me. Lived for an hour, drank fast, cooked. Vikhala to live before my dad. There she continued her activities with alcohol. She did not live with him. now blokaє relatives. I'm on it in the image. I understand that I need to work through this situation, I can’t influence anything with myself. Show me what to work for me, how to fix it. I think my mother is to blame for my selfishness, or maybe someone else. Or maybe, damn it?


Hello! I want to tell you my story. I don't know when everything started. On the right, in what used to be lucky for me, I was stronger, everyone loved me, respected me. Forever everything turned out as I wanted. not this way. I'm healthy, we went ahead. Your friend Serik.M.A.


Hello Seriku!
Totally imovirno, scho energy itself "moisten". Wee took away more precisely the appointment.
Unfortunately, we can't help you on our own. Try to know the Garnier magician, hurry through the Russian forums, the ranks of the known ones.


Have a good time! Be kind, tell me what to work. At the childhood, a gypsy woman looked out at me on the street, I snarled and she blew out a zukerka for me.
Then I don’t remember anything, I fainted at the fact that other children called me loudly. I stopped for some hour bachiti and a little bit more light.
At once I have 45 years, I have had three blues. The young one drowned at the highest rock. The eldest died in 2014, youmu was 24 years old. Having lost the middle syn.
Specialists of life are not far away, they are constantly re-examining some problems ... In addition, they have finances, wanting everything to be practicable, but not constantly recovering. At night I often have nightmares, the deacons of them are drawn into life. Decals I'm afraid to navit zasinati.
Suggest, be kind, what can I do? What is the way to fix everything? Before you vdyachnaya.


Hello, Svitlano!
I am a Muslim by nationality. My mother had two girls in her life. Chotiri's daughters were born to the first mother. I am fourth. Dad died in a catastrophe. Then my mother went abroad. the witch had a family, the first one had a love. Meni zdaєtsya, yoga first team cursed my mother. A few hours later, the third sister died, a car hit her. It was a long time ago. Dosi we have no happiness. vіtchim died. I broke up with a man. My sister is also not happy. The stench also separated from the people. Can I read Yaku Zamov? Don't let us go to the church, I'm a Muslim. Help! Please be kind! Zazdalegid you dyakuyu!


Hello Zulu!
You will not be allowed to the Orthodox Church, but you can turn back to the mosque.
I can’t tell you how to call, because I don't know what I feel about your homeland. Tse mozhe buti cursed or psuvannya. For such a time, you need to get a little bit, and then we can already get it.


2010, tato died in me, and literally a month before the last wine, my mother (at the team) knew such records in her zoshit, talking about my life wine .... and all relatives on the father's line were rehabilitated. For five years, the stench also may have all died. I look like tata i mіy sin y 2014 I had an operation on a woman, they put cancer. I'm scared what will be given.


Hello, in our family, everyone dies young and suffers from cancer, cirrhosis of the liver and women. Not long ago we found out that everything is cursed by the family. Ale for your tse for the Orthodox. I am a Muslim woman, I do not wear a cross, what should I do? Bula in one of the Muslim reading women, so she said that damn it, you can take a thousand dollars.


Hello. I have a serious situation. From childhood, I feel negative, negatively put before me. My life is rather rotten, I don’t know anything, I don’t try to do anything, I don’t get it for a stake .. I have two children, another slub, but everything doesn’t stick. hope for the future in the world. help me.


Kokhannya, for the cob I recommend you to sprout an egg. Let's put up a shield: a charm-spell against any kind of chaklunstvo (mirror shield). Read, trimming figs on both hands, set forward. The shield does not only protect, but it’s practical to be like a chaklunstvo. “Up to my words-mirror, up to my references-Holy Image, with me Three hundred strength, on my hands figs, from the center of mit, whoever conjures God's servant (im'ya), suffers from his own evil. With a fiery arrow of fatality, turn every right chaklunska home, the stars have come, do your evil there, don’t suffer the one who God’s servant (im’ya) has done evil. Be patient. The Lord is with me in the Holy Trinity as one, all Yogo Holy Host, will be God's servant (im'ya) to protect and defend. To my words-mirror, to my references-Holy Images, for me Troist Strength, and to you adversaries and troubles-all your words-fig. In the name of the Father, Sin and the Holy Spirit and in the Trinity of the One God and all the Holy Mother of God Mother.Amin.Amin.Amin. Put a guardian of the skin for three months. Another axis is possible: the amulet in the photo. Take the photo up to your hands, turn the image up. Pete in a hidden part of the place, where you know and marvel at the photo 7 times say: Whoever attacked you, he himself will die, whoever looks unkindly, he himself will be ill. Let it be so.


Good day!
It’s the same for me, as for Lyudmila, as she wrote more often a sprig of times cursed the p’yana matir ...
You confirm:
If your mother had strength, then, so, її damning you at the back could begin to work. If not, then I’ll empty the first word.
About yaki forces go? Magical? І how to recognize chi є stinks in it chi nі?
To that it is too rich to say, that whether words can make their own strength ... And the father's curse is the strongest!?


Hello Svitlano! I have a LOT of history. My mother has a daily life and a birth program. Damn it. soon.Sili її pokmdayut.Z 46 rose from the world in a short term to 38. She has only one brush. She made a great sacrifice for such a service, so that my mother would live in the world.
I need a pleasure, only obedient. I have good health. I link with the family is strong. The axis of only practice is not on the right.


And how exactly can you name it, curses are rare. I’m getting our children along my mother’s line of curses, it’s like that. Because mothers have 5 brothers, three of them are not friends, and they are no longer friends with those who are already in fate and get angry, and one is quite dying of diabetes, two are friends with them, children, and children also can’t get along in life, mostly alone, all the same, one bula, separated, gave birth to the same two girls. One uncle gave birth to a son, immediately died, another had a son, but they don’t make friends, they become drunk. Our mothers have two girls who are still unmarried, already over thirty, without any connivance, but life does not stick together, a cousin gave birth to a child without a man and she also perished in it. So it’s obvious that there are a lot of curses on the world. My grandfather had a family until his grandmother's family, while the wine was on the war, the squad went to the other, and then the new one lost his daughter there, she was more scrivenden on my grandfather, who didn’t take the wine with him, that was bad for his life . s vіtchim, so from tsієї daughter tezh then born children son і daughter, syn vility my dd, so from tsey syng die from cancer in 30 years, my dd tezh died from cancer, and її daughter tezh yak і all so і not I was already 45 years old. The men die and drink themselves, and the women do not go abroad and do not make children, only two children in one sister - girls, I don’t know what will be, I don’t know. My Muslims, we don’t go to church, we don’t wear crosses, we don’t buy icons, we don’t accept.


Good afternoon. My name is Shushan, I am Armenian. .I got married to my relatives...they stole documents from me..I can't control my job..can I say I'm really with the donkey..why should I tell you if I'm kind to you? ????


For forty days, wash yourself with the charmed water and wipe yourself with the same towel. After the fortieth day, burn the towel. Sophisticated words are like this:
In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.
Like the first law of the Mother of God
She covered the sin of Jesus Christ with her robe,
In the eyes of Yogo's enemies, she protected adversaries,
So for me, God's servant (im'ya),
Ukroy, Pani Most Holy Theotokos:
Vіd psuvannya, the curse of that blood curse,
From the strength of the bison's nevirnyh forces.
Raise, O Lord, Thy hand over me.
Lie to me, save and protect.
I believe in one God,
Father and Sin that Holy Spirit.


Unfortunately, I can’t tell you about a master in St. Petersburg.
You need to pick up. Soboruvannya - a church rite, which sounds at the church to be held at the hour of Great Lent, or else it can be held and at the best. Vіn directing for the cleansing of people in the presence of sins, among them and in the form of unknown ones (you can’t speak with them, just to the one you don’t know), as well as for the cleansing of the sins of the family.

The rite is celebrated on the night of Tuesday on Wednesday about the 12th year of the night. Hour of the month - not earlier than the 17th day of the month until the 29th-30th day of the month. At Mondays (before the rite) you read an akathist to the guardian angel. Before night, prepare three candles and church water for the ritual.
Father, in front of you is a mirror with candles. You place one more mirror behind you. You stand between two mirrors at the bedside white. Speech qi (without traces of blood and blood) can be worn for at least two days (cream swimming trunks, understood). Light the candles and read (by memory!), marveling at your own eyes, not sighing and not blinking (if you want to keep your mind, it’s impossible for everyone to see - it’s okay, just blink less, because you don’t need the power of your mind):
I am amazed in my clear eyes, I am not afraid of anyone. No demon, no enemy, no evil people. With me the Lord, with me the Holy Spirit, with me Matinka the Most Holy Theotokos. That was not a mirror in front of me, then the shield of God was in front of me. That is not a mirror behind my back, then God's shield is behind me. I will defend myself with a shield, I will protect myself with a shield, I am not afraid of anyone. God the Lord is with me, an angel behind my back, the Mother of God in front. Amen.
You immediately rush in front of the mirror with holy water prepared at a distance (a small basin should be prepared for a long time), rubbed with a T-shirt or a combination, not knowing the words of your speech.
To marvel at the mirror, there are more stiles, stilki will be bazhannya. Candles may burn out. Until the stench burns out, stand by them not obov'yazkovo.
In the first week after the rite, it is necessary to go to the church and put 12 candles: 3 - the Mother of God, 3 - Jesus Christ, 3 - the Holy Spirit, 3 - Panteleimon the Healer. Say goodbye to them.


Hello, in our homeland there is a curse. On the right, in the fact that my late grandmother cast a love spell on a fortune teller to make mom and dad friends, mom was born 19 years ago, she didn’t know what to think. The stinks got along, but none of them was happy, dad died at 50 years old, he didn’t try to speak for life, my mother’s life is unhappy, for three children I’m one girl and 2 brothers are all right, good to know, I’d already said. Nothing is going well with the brothers, so they wouldn’t take it on the skin, and the older brother has a mysterious ailment, all the doctors have already gone all the pennies only in the likarni and go, but know nothing maybe with women You can’t be happy for him, the eldest is already 33, but there are no plans to make friends with children. wholeheartedly. Maybe this last love spell is indicated by a person's line. Tell me to be kind, as if we were praying for this sin of a long-dead grandmother


Not true.
Read 3 times and 3 days - a candle to the Heavenly Father
I’m the only father everywhere river: “I’m tidying up. I use it. I see all sorts of reptiles for one century with the servant of God (im'ya)
Amen Amen Amen. Holy Lord! Amine. Amine. Amine

Praying for Dana, Old Man Vliky in the sight of the Lonely Capital.
Father Ty z Yese Z us! I beg you not to hard fill (im'ya) in bіdі її, I beg you to take it hard from her - a lonely age. I beg you, give the one who will go through the її century of life. Vіdvedi vіd (ім'я) vsіх, hto crap її; teho koto one vіk v'yazhe її (youmu). I ask you to clean up the last thing. Zahisti (im'ya) vіd їх v'yazіv i prishchepіv, prishivіv, prilepovo, kidіv, bet on їzhi, drink, clothes, Bzheyu's creature, gift, obov'yazok, praise, vineyard, kostenіnnya, pіdshiv pіdlіv, pіdmaz, i represent otherwise, I’m tied up alone for a century, and who will try again (im’ya) right to get on the other’s hell, or you yourself will burn in the Fire of God, and sіm'yu її, і Рід її. Bo in prayer is the Will of YOGO. Amen.
After the cleansing with prayers - zmova.

Read in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Semistrelna". It is not possible to interrupt the reading, so turn on the phone, close the doors and do not tell anyone until you have read this note 40 times. Put 7 church candles in front of the icon, light them and read the following words:
“O richly suffering Mother of God, who outweighed all the daughters of the earth for her purity and for the impersonal suffering, carried by you on the earth, accept our richly painful zithana and save us under the blessing of your mercy. You don’t know more than a corner and warmth of the warmth of the hіba, but, more courage, what can I do to the Nation of You, help me and save us with Your prayers, let the Kingdom of Heaven reach the Kingdom of Heaven without interruption, for we will sleep with the saints in Troy. wiki wiki. Amen."
Take a break and proceed without a hitch until you understand self-sufficiency:
“The word worse, triklyat, evil, more than an arrow of the enemy, struck my self-confidence. Ale, with God's help, with the Most Holy Theotokos, the unstoppable hope, I will cover myself, with a pure prayer I know, I will help you know, now and again and forever and ever. Amen."



Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos: "The Tsaritsa", "Kazanskaya", "Troєruchytsya"; Great Martyr Katerina, Great Martyr Barbara, Great Martyr Paraskeva Friday.

Candles at candlesticks, ceremonial candles, black linen, linden, aspen, willow.


On the table there is a black tablecloth, icons with a pivkol, in front of a skin candle, in the center of the neck, on the back of the prayer canvas, light the candles, stand in the center of the canvas, read the animal.


Mother of God, Holy Mother of God in the image of the All-Tsaritsa, come to me, servant of God (im'ya), to help me. Help the son-in-law to curse you.

Matinka Intercessor, Holy Mother of God in the image of Kazan, come to me, the servant of God (im'ya), to help me. Help the son-in-law to curse you.

Great Martyr Katerino, come to me, servant of God (im'ya) to help. Help the son-in-law to curse you.

Great Martyr Barbara, come to me, servant of God (im'ya) to help. Help the son-in-law to curse you.

Great Martyr Paraskeva Friday, come to me, servant of God (im'ya), to help me. Help the son-in-law to curse you.


Blessed Virgin Mary "ALL TSARITSI" - 1 R,


In the blue sky, three stars do not shine,
a thick fox cannot grow three trees from one root,
three holy gods with clear skies to help me go,
with them Mother of God the Mother of God, Queen of queens, holy virgins.
Three divi: Katerina, Varvara and Paraskeva - three groves lamali from three trees,
three trees whispered holy prayers, cursing me, God's servant (im'ya), swept away, knew, and shook. Mother of God Mother of God cursed viymala
and she picked with her white hand from the ridge, from the creeks, from the back, from the ridge,
from brushes, from lived, from blood, from a liver.
How to dry three trees from three trees, so less grief - confusion,
curse and swear not to know, from vіku to vіku in joy perebuvati. Amen.

Dock until the chicks dry up in the sun, and then we'll burn the third kuta of your booth.


Explain, if you please, what it means to go to church early and pass on the repose to your dead relatives (it’s not for me to tell where to send) bring 14 candles and work with them. And if it is necessary to put 7 candles on the canon, I have understood, and decide the icons of 7 candles each? Explain, be kind, so that I see everything correctly.

Terminovo ask for help!!! 08.10.2016

In my homeland, the axis has already been 5 generations old (for those that I know), women on my mother's line repeat the share and with the skin at once everything is strengthened and I am afraid for myself and my daughter! We are self-sufficient, people bring only life and do not live with us for a long time, we are permanently ill and more important (internal organs, skin diseases, serious operations in between life, that death especially suffered), vigilance and borg. And everything with skin rock is all louder and louder. Eternal anxiety, no strength to live, suicidal thoughts, but still thoughts about mother and daughter, you can’t stink without me. Creditors to strangle, vibratisya z virvi not to go out. I'm afraid for my daughter, I'm 17 years old and all the childishness is sick and I'm sick on my skin, my heart is weak and thin. ADD!


Hello! My name is Viktoria, I would like to be appointed by the cursed chi ni and chi, I myself can get in touch with him. So, my father-in-law was entrusted with instructing the park at the place of the old tsvintar in the very center of the city, I think that more than one person at that hour sent the father-in-law a bunch of “kind” pobazhans, my man and his father didn’t just get together, Buryak buv not a simple character, the person is also not soft and fluffy, I can’t say that life is rotten, but the problems and the problems do not deprive us, at the same time the son of the person also has folded stosunki, that and everything seems to go wrong - hands drop sometimes you don’t want anything, but it’s not all, on the right, in the fact that my dad and grandmother didn’t even add up, but at the same time, I can’t get in touch with my dad, swearing at this big trouble, like not straying I know, I’m in love, I’ve lost my childishness in my memory, my father’s rose is not good, my mother’s mother is not good, well, maybe I screwed myself up, but I’m wondering if it’s not a good thing, I’ve been bad for my father, I can’t swear understand and it’s right and children are right, and now all of them are hated by one and the same, I don’t speak with my sister anymore, I don’t want to blame me, but I feel guilty about myself, then all of them live on their own and don’t worry. cursing and chi can I myself zgogo vsogo vibratisya. Goodbye to you.


Great-grandmother (2 twin brothers perished in war) gave birth to 3 daughters. Two blues without squads have children. One of God hit and sang the whole thing, another trouble (for the direct meaning of the word). The third daughter (my grandmother) had the death of twin boys (if they were children, if they were born dead). She gave birth to two daughters, offended unhappily, one (in a separated) gave birth to a dead boy and a girl with congenital uterine diabetes, my mother lived all her life and was 4 times friends. My 2 brothers died at 3 May and May 15 years.
My grandmother didn’t talk to her mother, my mother didn’t talk to her, now I don’t talk to my own for a long time, she’s got it right (the shards there lead intrigues, tiles, anger and damnation).
Meni 30 was a friend of more than a few months, a man who was a tyrant, flowed in every hour.
All life is trampled by people, they don’t want to do it, why won’t they.
I don’t know anything about the masters, I live in Moscow, fool around on the skin)))
please, be kind, how to get out of it yourself.


Olya is kindred, better for everything, wanting a diagnosis in your mood is simply necessary, I respect that you should practice it sing-songly. Ale, do it yourself. Conduct the ritual in courses, for the decline of the month, do not get married at once. When yoga is carried out in the room, it is not to blame, but there is nothing suspicious. Windows may be closed and heavily curtained. It’s not your fault to have your everyday rings, lancets, bracelets. You can’t work a ritual, like you have monthly. The dress is to be worn in one color, the ritual dances are performed barefoot. It is not possible to celebrate the rite at the week of that great church holy day and be held only on the monthly month. After the completion of the ritual of bazhano, I would like for two years not to speak and not to marvel at the TV.
On the table, covered with a white tablecloth, put 3 icons: "Holy Trinity", "The Constriction of the Dead", "Mikola the Wonderworker". Light a candle in front of the skin icon. Stand on your knees in front of the icons, bow down to the earth three times and prostrate the prayer prayers:
In the name of my father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit and Nin, and every day, and for ever and ever.
Holy Trinity, God the Father, God Sin, God the Holy Spirit! Stand up to me, servant of God (im'ya), to help me.
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker! Get tired of me, servant of God (im'ya), to help.
Blessed Mother of God "The Constriction of the Dead", stand up for me, the servant of God (im'ya), to help.
Get up and read the prayer “Good mercy”:
Mercifully, open the door to us, Blessed the Mother of God, let us hope in Thee, let it not die, but let us be saved by Thee. You are the salvation of the Christian family.
Put round white bread on the table, put 3 hellish banners on the new one and say 3 times I will come to the sound:
In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit. I will get up, the servant of God (im'ya), pray, go, cross, in the form of a red hut at my hut to the far side. I go along the roads of the river and we go, I go through the foxes of the sea, through the rivers and the lakes, through the furnaces of the swamp. I will go under the red sun, blue sky, under partial stars.
I will go to the far side. At that temple on a golden throne sit the Most Holy Trinity, the life of the Affirmer. I will stand as a servant of God (im'ya), before the Trinity in prayer, and I am good, and I ask: correct and correct, Most Holy Trinity, life is dear to the servant of God (im'ya) to the father's family
(im'ya) and mothers (im'ya), cut with your fiery list all the rodovі uzi and the tie, the knots and the strings, the old damage and the cramps, the old curse and the oath, that hatred, your own and others' blood, that bloodless , the word is evil dashing, sent, sent, mayat, hardening, vanity,
heart tightness, rozpach, znevira, deceit, dope, non-balance that night. The Lord will cross with a cross, in the presence of the servant of God (im'ya), sin - the bіda will turn back. The Holy Trinity, the Mother of God road, Mykola - the Wonderworker came to the rescue, the light of God and a prayer in the ranks of the servants of God (im'ya) were brought. We made great blessings, we made great blessings of the road of life, we made good the roots of the family, and life in the family of the servant of God (im'ya), the kind of father (im'ya) that mother (im'ya) lived on.
The birds of heaven pecked at the daily bread, all the damage and writhing from the life path of the servant of God (im'ya) emerged. My word is mitzne.
Do not cut with a knife, do not chop with a juice. As it is said, so be it. Amen.
After that, carefully break the bread with your hands into small pieces and take it to the place, let the birds fly. Do not look back, go and 3 days do not give anything to anyone at home.01.05.2017

Father zirksya sina before his death. Sin died of cancer 53 years 9 days ago (we were separated for over 7 years). I’m afraid for my daughter (I had a torik with a lad in a serious accident, problems from conception). Can you get fakhivtsiv from St. Petersburg?


Good day! Suggest, be kind, what to work for me. I don't really know why. On the right, in what I am from childhood, after the death of my mother (I was 7), the constant misfortune is followed. At this time, mothers died in death, their hearts just throbbed, at 32, in an absolutely healthy woman, she did not complain about her health. Meni 18 (I am pregnant) sisters 24 the death of a sister. Nobody knew. and then you start to tell me, if it was already 28-29 years ago (it’s already choking on readings, psychology and richly something) we can’t live like a family, that’s why, nibito nothing from my mother’s iodine, as if we didn’t live more than 35-40 without living and drinking alcohol. I know everything is categorically unique to alcohol, ale y. On the day of the death of my mother, I didn’t fight everything for a mess. sins. Tell me how to be me…..

Orthodox Prayer

Cursing - tse trash, evil indulgence in the voice of thought, it is applied without victorious singing rituals. As a superimposition of the psuvannia of the necessary mind and additional elements, then it is possible to endure the surge of the most negative emotions, one hundred and fifty specific people. Buvay, that people curse hatefully, they themselves do not see. Often, chakluni and magicians specially force the curse at once from the psuvans, so that the people are more naughty.

In order to take the filthy energy from the people, the victorious prayer is performed in the wake of the prokloniv.

In order to take the filthy energy from the people, the victorious prayer is performed in the wake of the prokloniv. Vimovlyayuchi її, people vlasnoruch ruynuyut their filthy aura. With prayer, the person heals and is quiet, whom she cursed in her life.

Yakі buvayut see proklonіv

The world has a large number of different kinds of proklions, below there will be only the widest ones, that people are hovering around:

  • Rodovі - negative energy of those who go from ancestors to naschadkіv. Buvay, that the generic curse is imposed on the whole family, and not on a specific person. The family curse is one of the strongest. I children can be stretched for a few generations.
  • Zlidenni - to be applied to them, who ask for quiet, who give them mercy, but the squad is quiet, who guides them from the bazhan.
  • Religious - to be guided by ministers of various religions.
  • Pobutov - tse negative energy, scho posilayetsya on people under the hour of scandal, welding chi superechki.

Widen the same damn thing, stink because of what the person thinks about herself, or thinks it's filthy.

How to recognize chi є curse on you

If you get dirty with a person, you begin to succumb to mischief, but you don’t have a curse on him. How do you suspect, next turn to fakhіvtsya zі znyattya damage. For the beauty of the skin of a person, you yourself can signify that the aura is pure:

  • For the help of the flask and sirnikiv. Ignite three sirniki and throw a bottle of water at it. As if all three sirniki were left on the surface, then there is no attachment, no curse, no curse. Well, if three sirniki drowned, then this is a bad sign. This method is the culprit, it is impossible to help to capture negative energy.
  • Light a church candle and light it for yourself. With the great squandering of negative energy, it’s more likely to crack and smoke. As such, it’s better to read the prayer “Our Father”, like the strongest zahist against be-like filthy energy.
  • It is possible to signify the curse that psuvannya for the help of a fresh chicken egg. For whom it is necessary to take a container from clean cold water and beat an egg into it in such a manner so as not to damage the zhovtok. After that, it’s necessary to put yourself on that, and sit so close to the hvilin. If an egg is lost by the water without a change, then there is no psuvannya, no curse. As if the zhovtok has fallen, and in the light of the squirrel, light smugs come in - to tell about the presence of a weak curse, as if you yourself passed through the stretch of seven rokiv, so as not to wear yoga. Even if the egg is cloudy, but on the new black it is interspersed, which means that negative energy is strained on people, so you can only take fahivets. Buvay, scho egg gortaetsya so, nibi yogo lowered into hot water, then in such a time on people to lie damned kind.

Symptoms of the curse and rozumovі discord that part of causeless depression. So too are ailments of a chronic type, unsafe life of a person, low unnatural deaths of those others. Wikidays, which are often repeated, otherwise without a job can be a little negative energy on people.

Symptoms of the curse and rozumovі discord that part of causeless depression.

Prayer that heals in the wake of prokloniv

It is necessary to pray for seven days, it is best to read before going to bed. For tizhdenya vіdbuvaєtsya clearing auri from the usієї filthy energy, which has accumulated for life. After seven days, the prayer should be recited with a forward-thinking method - once a week. If a lot of curses have accumulated in a person, then it will not be easy to say these words:

“I call on the angels of God and all the Lights of the Divine energies and that power, as they can help me to get rid of all the curses.

If I have cursed anyone in my life, then I am inspired by my cursing! I will grant all my pardons! I am aware and forever living, I will burn with the Divine Fire all my curses of the past, today's future hour! Vіdteper and forever I hedge the dark forces vikoristovuvat my curse at їхніх dark rights.

I will release all my damnation to all my energy and that power! I will burn all my curses with Divine Fire! Like I'm cursed, so I'm evil (repeat this paragraph 3 times).

And even though they have lost the curse on me, inflicted by other people, I also allow them all the energy that strength! I will burn them with Divine Fire! Let the Divine Light remind me of that zvilnyaє vіd u proklonіv!

Let the Divine Light remind us of these people, whom I have cursed for a while! Let the Divine Light burn down your mustache, as if I had once sent a spell on people. I permit all people according to my proclions! And I myself am crying out in the face of u prokloniv!

Let us people, if they ever suffered because of my words and thoughts, be filled with the Divine Light, the energies of health, joy, happiness, love that world! I bless all people whom I have cursed! I bless all people with a zagal!

I send to all people who are interested:

it’s a divine blessing of kindness,

I am truly divinely blessed,

yaskravі divine promenі kokhannya,

I am a divine change of joy,

I am a divine change of health,

yaskravі divine promenі prosvitannya,

I am a divine blessing to the world,

I am a divine blessing!

From the very depths of my soul, I send tsі yaskravі svіtlі ztsіlyuyuchi exchange to all the іstоtаs of the Earth!

With a big heart, I pray for all love, joy, light, happiness, and I put all my energy into this blessing!

Let the light forces of the Earth overcome and all the forces of darkness will rise (repeat this paragraph three).

As a sign of the seriousness of my words and thoughts, I send light exchanges to all the elements of the Earth, the Cosmos and the All-World!

Now and forever I will let go of my thoughts and words, be it negative, ruinous energy! Come on and forget my thoughts, those words cannot be given to anyone shkodi! Come on, I’m vipadkovo and I’ll think if I’ll say negative words, then let the stench burn right there, without hurting anyone!

Dark forces! I hedge against you my negative thoughts and words from your dark right! If you try to spell my words and thoughts on your dark right, then you will be burned by the Divine Light (repeat this paragraph 3 times).

Now, and forever, let my thoughts go, let that word be filled with Divine Light and always carry me, to the resting people, that whole world is joy, happiness, health, love, peace, wisdom, prosperity! (repeat this paragraph three)

Let the Divine Light come and remind me again, all my family, all our country and the whole Earth (repeat this paragraph 3 times).

Prayer, which is said by all prokloniv, is read aloud.

Prayer, which saves all curses, is read aloud. When you read it, a person can experience a crisis of purification. The strength of the crisis has been swayed by the number and intensity of the obvious proclions. If a prayer is easy to move and, having read it, a person does not feel moral gravity, then negative energy don't care about anything. Take it rarely. People are aware of their own crisis of purification:

  • headache, can be accompanied by confusion;
  • temperature rise;
  • noticeable lightness of the body;
  • apathy;
  • nudota, yak can be accompanied by vomiting;
  • drowsiness;
  • disorder of the shlunk.

Depending on the strength of the spirit of a particular person, as well as a number of proclions, it can be manifested as one of the overridden symptoms, and so all of them.

Read this strong prayer for these people, as if they cursed someone in anger. If a person is evil, the mind is calamity, and dark forces can easily oppose the will, zmushuyuchi a person to be cursed. Read a prayer for preventive purposes.

Prayer of God for prokloniv and psuvannya

Know the strongest damnation, that different psuvannya helps prayer, sent to the Lord God. Only one of the found prayers, it always helps people. First of all, give thanks, you need to see the holy temple and put yourself a candle for your health and three to the skin icon: Jesus Christ, Mykoli the Wonderworker, Holy Matron and Seraphim of Sarov. You need to bring 12 church candles and collect holy water from yourself. After that, having crossed, followed the bird from the temple. If there are no more icons at home, it is necessary to bring them.

At home, having cleared all your thoughts, and having relaxed, you need to light 12 candles. Instruct them to put up icons and a bowl with holy water. About yourself, it is necessary to indulge goodness to all your enemies and start blessing:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God. Have mercy and have mercy on me in the light of the curses, sent me to your judgment. Cursed to the family and evil to the people, cursing the sister and brother, cursing the matchmaker, sent the charmer that resin of evil. Oblin qi sorrow, know all the curses that go on the task of a dashing oath. Let your will be done. Amen."

Tse prayers help to help the psuvannya that prokloniv. The skin of the beast before God can be strengthened by an unbreakable faith in Orthodoxy. Mittevo the curse of the curse, a prayer will come to the rescue:

“Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You are the Son of God and the only path to God; and that you died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead.

I lay down every rebellion and every sin, I bow to You, like my Pan. I confess all my sins before You and ask Your forgiveness - especially for any sins that have caused a curse in my life. Forgive me the same way in the wake of the sins of my ancestors. Probach me and my ancestors for ... (recover all the sins, as you wrote down in advance and as you guess the hour of prayer).

To the decisions of my will, I forgive everyone, who, having done me shkodi or badly done it to me, is what I want, so that God has worked me up.

I especially forgive ... (call the names of specific people, for which you wrote down the date and for which you will guess the hour of prayer, and for which you forgive).

I recognize all contacts with us occult and satanic, because in me I have “objects of contacts”, I assign myself to their destruction.

I destroy all satanic claims against me.

Lord Jesus, I believe that on the Cross of You, having taken upon Himself every curse, as if it could come upon me. I ask You at once to forgive me for every curse over my life - in Your name, Lord Jesus Christ!

Now, by faith, I take my zvilnennya and such Toby for a new one.

For the defense against prokloniv, that psuvannya vikoristovuyut a special prayer, like a deed against negative energy in general. Її words can be rewritten on a piece of paper and carried with you:

“Lord Jesus Christ, our savior and intercessor! By your own will, you drive the unclean into hell. Stand up for that vryatuy in the presence of the unclean servants, in the sight of the sinful fall. Intercede in the words of the evil, in the mischief of that deed of the hated people. Let my enemies laugh at my mountains. May the will of the Lord be done, amen."

By prayer, you can take the curse already, bring on the birth. You can read її sіd at a calm and peaceful place, without svіdkіv, you can at the church. It is best to pray before waking up and before going to bed - two for the day.

Prayer, presented below, helps to remove the accumulated negative energy. It is read by the schop'atnitsa before going to bed, having laid a clean bed in front and dressing the pure whiteness:

"Abba Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, who came to Tili, I ask Thy forgiveness for all the sins that I have committed in my life. Vibach and for those sins, I don’t know about yaks. Forgive me for the sins of disobedience to You, my dear Lord. I ask you, Lord, to see me through the miraculous blood of Jesus Christ and see all the curse that came into my life through these sins. In the name of Jesus Christ, who came to the body, I will punish all the curses that came before me in my life, roam and rise forever in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord. To all the demons, we will bind them with proklions, I will punish me forever to leave my homeland. Forever in the name of Jesus Christ, who came to the body! I ask you, Lord, heal all the wounds, as if they were cursed in all spheres of my life. Healed all the wounds, as if they were cursing the curses of all ailments, healed me more. For Thee, my dear Lord! Like you! Like you! I already love you and want to be like that Help me to know and conquer only Your will, so that forever and everywhere Your name is glorified. Forge in my life everything that You have appointed for me. Help me to walk my earthly path: to be cleansed, brightened and prepared for eternal life with You, my dear Lord! Amen. Amen. Amen."

After reading the Friday prayer from the house, nothing is possible, otherwise the curse will not help.

Prayer to Mykola the Wonderworker

Before her go those on whom the curse of the family lies, as well as people who do not help prayers otherwise. As close people suffered, it is strongly recommended to go to the church and pray for them the service “For Health”. On the same day, three candles were placed next to the icon of Mikoli the Wonderworker, and she bowed down to him:

“Wonderworker Mykola, take away your family’s prayers and protect us from the fortune-telling. Amen."

After that, you need to cross over and go home. In the evening at home, you need to sit the icon of St. Nicholas, light 12 church candles and read a prayer against prokloniv:

“The Wonderworker Mikolay, Zahisnik and Savior. Not ringing in my soul no one, I ask only one in you. Help all my members of this family, and if so, then take it from us. All ailments, weldings, weldings, that sinter, you are blessed with holy water. Come on, don’t suffer chaklun, in the presence of it, the sorcerers will not die. Let there be no discord in my homeland, I bless you a hundred times. Let your will be done. Amen."

After reading the prayer, it is necessary to cross oneself, drink holy water, and throw away the candles and go to sleep. As if at one time it was not possible to remove the ancestral curse, the sacred ritual must be repeated.

If a person is strong in his faith, then put a psuvannya on her, or damn it even more smoothly. Ale, a prayer that protects against prejudice, psuvannya and prokloniv must be written down on a clean arkush and carried with you at the sight of a talisman.

  • 12/19/2017 Tetyana Budinki on the job does not accept all health problems.
  • 11.12.2017 Anonymous
  • 12/10/2017 Maria Tsikavo and chi viide I have the best drink.
  • 12/09/2017 but the obscurantist authors are opposed. black magic devil.

Say goodbye

Be it materials, on the site Zakolduj, you can win on your own power fear that risk. Consultation with the doctor about the placement of any drugs and procedures for placing on the site - obov'yazkova

How to take the cursed mother

It seems that the mother's curse is the most intense and strongest. It's true.

Ale is less for that vipadka, if it is put on navmisno. And so, as you know, it’s very rare.

Even though women love their children. It is necessary to try harder to call out the hatred of the one who gave you life.

In this situation, there is no way to recognize, like a cursed mother.

One mother's hatred cannot be cursed. It’s necessary, so that a sprig of serious furnishing was raised.

Її strength can be greater, lower at Angelіv її child. And whom the Lord does not allow practically at all.

And if you allow such a situation, it means that the soul of the damned flooring has finished it, which is a varta of serious testing. Carry yoga and pay the next honor and honor.

Ale mother's damnation buvaє nezvіdomim.

For example, let's say a fluffy tail is light to her child following evil words, and the stench hits him with an important loader. Axis іz such proclions should be practiced. And sooner, then sooner it will be known.

Otherwise, a negative view of the mother can drive the child into a thread before the introduced term.

Such programs are passed on after generation. It’s not enough for children to suffer, but I don’t know how wise Mr. І she herself is tormented and іnshi naschiki.

Let's take a look at the ways of raising the cursed mother. Usi stink itself to the point of unseen induced negativity.

Pratsyuvati slid usim, to the very mother and child (as well as allow).

It is also possible to connect to the rites of the elder relatives of the woman's status, regardless of the degree of sporidness. The stench will give a sign of encouragement to the cursed people.

How to take the cursed mother independently

Start the next line of forgiveness.

Below is a sprig of specialized rituals. Ale cey stage is the same for all.

It is necessary that the mother repented, and the syn її shiro probachiv.

For whom to go:

  • repentance at the church;
  • sincere Rozmov;
  • work from self-confidence.

I mother, who repented, did not call more to herself. Iz cym factor should be improved especially.

Yaka bіda did not trap in the face of її negligence, following the mind: є The one who let it go, who is richly high. And there are no vipadkovosts.

  • It is recommended to write on paper repentance. Mother can think over yoga, formulate it clearly and briefly. You take sins on your soul and repent for them.
  • A child (grown up) can grow the same. With every trace of the mother on the street, all the same truth. Greater forces favored this people, if they gave such a serious test. Say goodbye to them for the price and vibachte fathers.

If the two of you can discuss the problem kindly, sincerely, then damn it, I didn’t know anything.

Insha river, if the mother does not know her sin. Then all the same її it is necessary to work.

Speak tsіy zhіntsі, like you vdyachnі їy for life, її you love.

І conduct one of the lower rituals.

How to take the cursed mother from the child

This ritual should be carried out only once, if the intercourse between the mother and the child is interrupted.

  1. It is necessary to bring the little one to the church.
  2. There ask the priest, schob proviv іz him communion.
  3. Buy candles and a personalized icon.
  4. If the child is not baptized, then perform the ceremony. Todi curse to spend the chivalry in the eye.
  5. Abo himself to conduct the rites with candles.
  1. Prepare a child's bath for the sweater. The water must be at a comfortable temperature.
  2. For the sake of space, place candles for the number of births of a baby.
  3. At the bath, add a bottle of holy water.
  4. Wake up the child.
  5. Give you vipiti three bowls of holy water.
  6. Get bogged down by the water.
  7. While the child is squishing (bathing, grey), next read the call.
“Lord, probach and save! Not in the womb of Your servant (my mother) did the child appear. It didn't grow in your womb! Do not see the blood and flesh of the world gone! Vіdrіzany shmat, don't splurge. At the body її I will not commemorate again. A child (im'ya child) was born from God's waters. The Lord Jesus is now alive! Do not have power over him mother! Don't curse anymore! Amen!"

Qiu formula next repeat trichі.

How to take the cursed mother's daughter

This rite is carried out for the already grown-up girl, as she victorious her father. Vaughn, before the speech, and herself vporaєtsya.

  1. The girls should go to the great river.
  2. I need to take with me a memory of children's fates. Often they take away toys. If you don’t have any money, then buy a treba similar to the one that the girl loved in her youth. Lyalka, Vedmedica chi scho.
  3. Bіlya vodi need to stand against the leak.
  4. Trim the toy in your hands, guessing childishness.
  5. So say:

“Sir vodino, a sister is dear to all people! You came from heaven before us, passed through the earth. There is no power against you. To whom you give life, whom you lead to the grave! I bow to you, lady water! (Lean in). Give me the strength to cleanse myself and do not get angry! Help your mother to love, forget about the terrible sin! I deprive you of the childishness with a bow. Let my mother (її im'ya) warm up with her soul! Amen!"

  • Zmova reads stіlki razіv, skіlki recent years girls.
  • Lean obov'yazkovo to the ground.
  • After the completion of the rite, I’ll bring a toy to the water. Gently put it down, maybe like a child of a child or a child. Tse will help you.

And don't guess mother's sin!

How to take away the cursed mother's son

Cholovіkovі, albeit marvelously, significantly more folding than the mother's curse.

For whom should one also engage in spiritual work.

  1. Vibachte matir.
  2. I myself ask for forgiveness from her for those who called out to her bajannya sin. Mother is divine. For a person especially. You can't call for anything! Tse varto zavzhd remembrance.
  3. Then go to the Temple.
  4. People should put healthy candles to the mother. Three pieces per visit. One - in front of the Icon of the Mother of God, the other - St. Matrona, the third - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. So next repair shonedil by stretching rock.

As a rule, already after the third visit, the curse begins to go. Ale visits to the church do not interrupt.

Mother may herself repent after this rite. Alya needs an hour of patience.

Like a mother's mother's curse died mother

It’s not like thinking that as a mother has died, then it’s impossible to shed a tear. Yakraz out of the blue!

  1. Reply from the granted forgiveness.
  2. If you see that in the soul there is no anger, no anger, no image, go to the old monastery.
  3. There, hold a memorial service for the mother.

So inflict at three churches.

On Mother's Day, go to її grave.

  1. Bring malt, bakery, zukerki.
  2. Leave a reminder.
  3. So say:

To get rid of the Batkiv's curse, mother (father) that son (daughter), how the curse was addressed, take the icon Mother of God, put її in a kut and read such prayers in front of her: “Our Father”, “Our Mother of God, Rejoice” and “Symbol of Faith”. Then, having stood in front of the father, the child can lay down three earthly bows and vibes: “Mom (father), forgive me, be kind, for the sake of Christ, for my (i) child (i) (grown up) unreasonable, naughty, swell, winding, like

(Yakscho є - beatings), for all the evil created against you ". With whom it is necessary to guess, according to the possibility, all the obscene things according to the age to the father.

If so, the father is guilty of laying three earthly bows before the son or daughter and say: “I know all the words of my damnation, anger, booming, beatings, evil and lily words spoken to you, and I see (im'ya) the protection of the Protection of the Mother of God”. They gave the requirement to take the icon of the Mother of God, and, from your chamber, waving in front of the son of a chid. The icon may now lie with your son's daughters as a symbol of the batkiv blessing.

In addition, insults - and father, and child, guilty of virushit to the temple, convoked that communion.

Even though the fathers have already died, then it is still possible to get rid of their cursed children. “Surprised at yourself, stink, better for everything, recognize that they had their time, tortured the fathers and cursed them, - Stverzhuє Paisiy Svyatogorets. - If they acknowledge their fault, repent generously and confess their sins, then everything will be fine. Helping spiritually, stink to help your late fathers".

If the curse is even stronger and even more negatively influencing the life of the one who was cursed, then take it even more spiritual rank - bishop, metropolitan or patriarch.

Today, the magician Sergiy Artgrom speaks to me about the black negativity that comes out of the mother, and about those, like a mother's curse. I will not say that the topic is simple. І navіt yakraz navpaki - foldable and even relevant. In my practice, the magician Sergiy Artgrom sticks with different situations, with different, sometimes, greedy stories. People who are cursed by their mothers are no less quiet, who are known to be naughty, turning to the colossal power of black magic.

Food that sucks in the cursed mother's spit on life, and that, how to get rid of maternal negativity, multiple. How to reveal a mother's curse and how to understand what is wrong with yourself? What kind of energy negative can you see on the cards? What kind of independent ritual can you take? Chi vyyavivsya under tsmu shche th sloping negative? And in short: know a little bit about what came from the mother, why is it all the same, a family curse on the family? Vzagali, better all the same, vodokremiti black psi, aimed at the red, like the mother's curse. Power supply… Power supply is essential.

Chi can a mother send a psuvannya on her child?

Strong is the name of a mother, so called a curse, it’s so easy to reshape and reshape the share of a person, that not every magician who practices can correct the situation (as if having drunk an old one). About the process it was already chimalo, ale food mother's curse clearer, and smut - simpler, without becoming. I still try to shed light on the qiu I do not accept the topic.

Magically cursed - zagalom, psuvannya i є, put on without a chaklun ritual. And by the blood of the curse, go hard, that shvidko. Strongly cursed by the mother, neviddilne in the birth negative, the protece does not call birth, it is one of the ways of vindication. Tse - unsafe infection, infection in the middle of the family. In a healthy birth, a mother has a defense for children. And if everything is navivorit, if the mother is robbed of psuvanya, if it is innocent to swear and curse your children, it is a sign of a family curse.

A curse may be imposed on a person unacknowledged. A rich woman, if you don’t be friends with your own mother, if you don’t understand, like your verbiage, misbehave with your children. Navit unseen maternal curse maє majestic strength, to ruin. This is the right bomb of a spovilnenoy diy, it’s not safe to approach. Like mother herself in the negative, then black psuvanya from mother to children is transmitted Obov'yazkovo. In this way of cursing, as mothers obsipa their children, not because of hatred for them, but because of the fact that it was so long ago to order, and you can’t repair the opir force of the ritual of black magic.

And the diagnosis will be attached to the mother, or I will make a diagnosis, you can independently for the help of Tarot cards or Rune. Stronger support for mothers is required. So you will help the closest people, and your own. Rich view magical splashes Inappropriately piddayutsya purges, but it is necessary to diagnose exactly, and work in a comprehensive manner.

It’s not easy for mami to get black, and during diagnostics you got stuck with the old influx of chaklunstvo, which I threaten with ancestral negativity, do not perish. But by yourselves step by step, step by step, without haste and without mercy, know yourself black chaklunstvo or seek magical help to a real magician. Now I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, will move on to nutrition about those how to take damage from mami. Є see different energizing negativity Like homemade cleaning - fresher than unprofessional, more versatile runic cleaning. Wanting in the hands of a right chaklun and zvichaynі universal purges become serious znaryaddy, which helps to tidy up the important psuvannya.

How to take damage from mami - transfer to a deck of cards

Yes, the negative native people buvaє rіzny. And to that, the rituals of yoga znyattya raznі. As a necessity to hire a mother, you can win:

  • zvichayny snakes,
  • salt cleansing,
  • vikochuvannya egg z zmovoy.

Like the negative in the aura is serious, for example, diagnosed stronger psuvannya with mothers, it is necessary to choose and perform chaklun rites. Magic has impersonal ways:

  • purges,
  • vichitok,
  • vіdkupіv,
  • transl.

Choose rituals that suit your mood, and before the ceremony, do diagnostics, marvel, like a lie down, and take a look at what a home ritual is for you.

Axis, on mіy, the magician Sergius Artgrom glanced, garniy chaklunsky ritual, shob independently take care of mother- Transfer to a card deck. Bisivska rite.

For an independent ritual of znyatya, the mother needs the mother:

  • new deck of cards
  • obgortkovy papir

Put the victim on the table. Shuffle the deck over your head, with whom 7 times read the words of the magic spell from the mother's psuvannya:

“By the strength of the bіsіvskoy, by the strength of the inferno, everything is overtaken, thrown by the zmovoy, stuck to the right by the dead, I know everything through the deck of cards, the bіsіv legion me to help, know yours and bіsіv, take everything from the body (im'ya). Amen."

After that, from the deck, win all the aces. The ace of diamonds is invested in left hand patient. The ace of hearts is on the right. Under the left foot put the ace of spades, under the right the ace of the cross. Knowing Mother's Psuvannya, work everything strictly in the described order. Pardon is dearly costly.

Standing opposite the victim, read the mother's curse 3 times, trim the deck in your hands.

“The legions baked, regiments of the Bisivska, I called you out of the oven, I slammed it, I worked at the skin of the door. Hurry up with your black, inferno army regiments from heaven that see, your kingdom is like an ear of the earth. Mine, by Satan himself, what was decreed, black rati, in all evil, know what is cursed, what is cursed, what is a graveyard, a flower of rust, a grave not to be touched, a crooked ganchirka vorozhka, a chaklun, a witch, everything that has been created, I will perish by force, then you are asked to die take it, take it. Rati your evil from the body (im'ya) popovnіt, then four commanders, hellish relatives. Take the pikova tuza, who is cursed by birth. Bubnova tuzіvka reference book. Khrestova tuzina, do the dead interruptions. The red tuzochka is thrown with blood, you have seen it. Znіmіt z (іm'ya) zadіl zadіl, 99 slіv inferno vіdklyanіt, 33 sorcerers on the right kill. It was hell for you to take everything in, the evil of the filthy is not in the tіlі (im'ya) buti, but live in the hell of the legions. And if you want to turn, then in kaidani skuy, don’t let the descent. Such an oath. With a deck of cards, everything is revitalized. Calmed down. Amen."

Read effectively zmovu trichі, schob clean up stronger psuvannya vіd motherі, spend on її guise, hands and feet with a deck of cards. I say so:

“Everything up to the regiment has been taken, s (im'ya) thrown off. Amen."

  • Take a card from the left hand of the sick man and put it at the deck with the words: "One Taken".
  • Take a card from your right hand and put it near the deck, saying: "Refined".
  • Take a card from the right leg, put it at the deck with the words: "Other Known".
  • Take a card from the left leg, say: "Refined".

Shuffle the deck again. Light up at papira, having robbed the packaging. Vіdnesіt and throw in a crowded place, de trade (market, shopping centerіtd), schob htos obov'yazkovo taking himself. Whoever zazіhne, take away the damage to yourself, and there, on the right, do not take what is not yours.

Chi can you independently take the cursed mother from the son

It is necessary to show that significant maternal negative pointing at children. It’s necessary to take care of the mother’s shoulders, because it’s more difficult to take away the birth negativity. A mother's curse goes through the blood, blocking a person in life, taking away strength. Possibly, other chaclouns work in a different way, knowing everything at once. Ale, I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, I know what better to clean up the negative bit by bit, on the cob knowing mother's care.

Signs of a family curse can be entered:

  • spadkovі psihіchnі zahvoryuvannya
  • in the genus
  • many relatives suffer from various kinds of neuroses
  • inadequate behavior of family members
  • bad luck, scho suyuyutsya special life
  • no pregnancy, poor vaginess
  • alcoholism and drug addiction
  • early death in the family
  • important illnesses and death of children
  • dead people
  • spadkovi physiological ailments
  • vdacha vdacha
  • innocently condemned by the family
  • hatred and judges call me among relatives
  • words of relatives
  • the family does not hesitate to die
  • the whole river lives with the villains

RESPECT IS IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, we recommend wearing a false Talisman for getting the energy of pennies and spring This hard Amulet brings good luck and wealth. PENNY AMULET is made strictly individually, according to the name of a specific person and the birth date. It’s a hell of a lot of yoga to do it right on yourself, according to the instructions that you ask, but it’s good for people, no matter what religion

If you know the signs of maternal psuvannia in the picture, if you can show them in your life, then it is the presence of the presence of a generic negative on the star of your homeland. A mother's curse can be a continuation of the ancestral legacy, which goes by blood, being passed from generation to generation. Pozbutisya tskogo independently, tim more, as if you are not a magician or a magician pochatkіvets, it is unrealistic. A strong chaklun is needed here, a good fahivets, which is possible take the curse on the mother's line and then clean up that negativity that your mother hung on you from early childhood.

Between the mother and the child from the first days, after the conception, a strong energy bond begins to form. With fates she is weaker, but no one knows the same. Mothers take power over the child, life remains. Such a sound can be a shield, and maybe, on the other hand, become the cause of a distant, evil life.

  • "You will never be happy..."
  • "You can't see...",
  • "You are foolish that you were born into the world,"

- be it with these phrases, you can teach a child.
The black negative that looks like mothers to children is an exhausting and terrible infusion of people. Navit like a mother repents, energy negativity is cursed, and we show ourselves the fates of that decade. The words of a hard curse, thrown once, step by step fall into reality. The child grows up and repents for the sake of it, that we are in trouble. It’s vague, but the worst people don’t notice what mother brought psuvannya on sina chi daughter that mother herself is a dzherel of evil.

As a rule, the generic negative, but the mother's curses are taken as fatally, that everyday failure in life and that share. And the reason for this can be a word, spoken by a strong spiritual praise, with singing indulgence, like, like writing, realized in life. Cursed are the children to shy away, try self-destruction, to that behind their backs stand the ruin of that death. Zvisno, to establish methods of protection against the mother's curse.

Put a defense against a mother's curse, as if pouring in the form of unacceptable, figurative words, but it didn’t get serious. It is possible to protect the son from the mother's sake even if the curse has already fallen on his head. In this case, the algorithm will be different: the necessary cleaning, and only after that - zahist.

How to defend yourself against the mother's negativity - a mirror shield

For this self-sufficient rite of zahistu in the form of a strong psuvannya in the name of the mother, you need:

  1. new kishenkov mirror
  2. mother's photo
  3. wax candle (you can take a church one)

Place the photo face down on a mirror. Light a candle and read the words zahisnoy zmovi in view of maternal negativity:

“You (im'ya) gave birth to me, carried me in your womb, looked like yourself, didn’t save yourself. Let your evil be left behind with you, but don’t let me hang around for a long time, look like a mirror. Truly."

Let the candle burn. Spilkuyuchis іz matіr'yu, trim the amulet with you. Photo, like you vikoristali in the rite, fill in at її booth. Obviously, it will be more beautiful, like a mother herself to see her pardon, to understand, how to mischief children with words that are accompanied by anger and negativity. Good, as soon as you come to notice, as soon as the bazhanya appears, that opportunity take the mother's curse on the mother herself. How can you rob? Well, for example, vodkupitsya. Turn back to the Forces, ask them to throw a curse at her, say take on yourself all the trash that she threw on her children.

Chi mozhe mother's curse buti znyate mother'yu?

And the ways that allow women to take a curse on their own, if they are directed at a close person - their child. The axis is an example of such a rite. To take the mother's cursed mother, it is necessary to take an arkush paper and write in new:

“I, (I will repeat the date of my birth), give me the right of free will by the Creator, I order: I revere my own words (such as myself), and I swear by these words and heritage of these words to myself and my children (reverse by name). Let it be so. Amen."

After a puncture on the finger, put it on a piece of paper. Call Seely, 9 times in a voice read the letter written, after which the leaf should be burned. I drank and threw it at the water, or rose in the wind. On the next day, bless your children. Place your hand on your head and say:

“I bless you, my son (im'ya), for a long life, outside, radіsne, plaid, ryasna. Live for the sake of yourself and your fathers.

How such an option is impossible, you happen to free yourself from the mother's curse. And then we’ll put a mitzvah on. Axis, I, the magician Sergius Artgrom, myself want to pronounce the ardent rite of the zakhist to you. Ale, for the time being, there are some words about the mother's curse, as if you could pour it into the share of your son, so into your daughter. The accursed mother has children, tightly blocked roads, people swim in life and can not know the back door. Vzagali, damn it, throw your mother once, slaughter a person for a bagatma, as if not in all life spheres.

More than that, maternal psuvannya, like a birth negative, privabluє to the damned chaklunіv. Lyudina, nacha pilosos zakovtuє:

  • pristritu,
  • psuvannya,
  • thieves,
  • translate.

You can't repair opir chaklunstvo. It is necessary to understand that the mother's curse looks like a generic one. Obviously, mothers are part of the family, prote її psuvannya, in fact, not є genus. With whom it is more powerful than a great word, throw a kimos, it is not necessary to bloodline.

Maternal curses would be hard for health and life forces, just like childbirth lamayut life in your sphere, on the way of overhead. As a mother - not, but just her tongue behind her teeth is not trimmed, then the curse can be successfully removed by magical cleanings. Zvichayno, you need to be a practicing magician, so, even if there are some superficialities, I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, don’t bother here. Ale, I know the same, I will respect you: you are a practicing magician. If not, then you don’t need to take care of the whole thing yourself. If you want to hurt yourself, yet it’s not safe to practice with blood relatives, you can suffer yourself. So what else, the skin can take care of its right.

Defend against the mother's curse and the negative of relatives

Vee, maybe, chuli already for the sake of how to defend yourself against the mother's negativity Well, one more. Dzhe deviy rite, garniy zakhist. However, for a magician who is actively practicing, one such zakhist will be few. I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, recommend the chaklunsky zahist about mothers, put in complexes with other, non-conflicting, for example, neutral zahists (which can be black, fallow in the mind). And you can find out, like a zakhist, by doing diagnostics on the Tarot.

What is worth doing at home zahistu like a mother's curse already efficient. Before that, this rite gives the effect of imperviousness. You will not be fooled by the diagnostic process with such a zahist. Otherwise, the cards will give you confusion, or you will look at each other like a ghost. What is more zruchno, respect.

For the rite of zahistu in the form of maternal goiter, you need:

  • pіvmetra bobbins from natural fibers
  • red thread
  • black thread
  • there was a thread

To protect yourself from the mother's negativity, to perform this ritual at Friday for a month, as you grow. On both ends of the skeins, tie 1 knot, leather knot, read the words move:

“If you tie like a zabrudnish, then my fortune-teller, fence me, filth like snakes, surround me with a circle, then intercede for me. Amen."

Then wind a red thread on this skein from one point to the next and back, and read the letter to protect yourself and get rid of the mother’s negativity:

“The witch’s coat was twisted, the strength of the black fenced m'ya (im'ya) and the fog of zahovaniya, light like a temryava, then save my witch's kutan. Amen."

Having wound the thread back and forth, tie a knot of red thread to the knot knitted on the moth, and say:

“The vuzlischa is not Khrestova (im'ya) and the district is not pasmo. Chi do not know. Amen."

After that, take a black thread, and then wind it around a skein and read the text:

“The mug of the dozhina is dark, as in saving my soul, as in saving my body even for me (im'ya), keep me black. Amen."

Tie a thread to another knot, knitted on a moth, say a spell:

“That is black on my amulet, m'ya (im'ya) guards. Amen."

After these manipulations, you need to fold the insults of the ends of the skeins, tie them together with a white thread, so that they were trimmed. Tie a knot and 9 times to read the zmov, sob did not go through the blood care from mother to children:

“Kruzhin vedovskaya I’m winding up, like a belly maesh, like a wicked pide, a shave, a collar and a black word, a woman’s or a diva’s quagmire, with a blow of a blow, a word on me mother’s honor, so go through qiu) Darling. Amen. That is said."

You can carry the amulet with you, or you can take care of the bazhanny at once with your robe.

How to signify the cursed dead mother?

Be some kind of good to show the Tarot cards to the negative. Independently rolyachi diagnostics on the Tarot, you can recognize that it was already cursed by a dead mother, who is healthy. There is no difference here. Golovna - zoom in correctly to interpret the sound of the cards.

Let's give a signal about the psuvannya before submitting the Tarot Priestess card. I especially need to be respected, as the Tarot Priestess falls at the same time from the lasso Death. For more substantive diagnostics of magical negativity, for example, as it is necessary without intermediary commemorate the curse of the dead mother spread out on 7 chakras. The priestess of that Death will tell you what the negative is for directing.

І axis here, behind the camp of the cards at the chakras, the reason for the psuvanya is revealed:

  • 1 chakra - ancestral negative, or stronger psuvannya in mother
  • 2 chakra - love magic, love spells
  • 3 chakra - the negative is pouring into the sphere of pennies, that well-being, ruining all the social links of the sick; you can gloom and how strong the zazdrіst
  • 4 chakra - querent
  • 5th chakra - negative ide of unkind people, evil languages, tiles; zazdrіsniki schos conceived and weave intrigues
  • 6 chakra - there is a negative connection with mental programming, inducing thoughts
  • 7th chakra - as a result of a strong psuvannya, the querent has a link with the Creator

Crimea cards Death and Priestess, it is not necessary to lose the Devil's lasso without respect. However, perebubayuchi in the lower chakras, Vіn not carrying a nasty nasty sense. Ale, the appearance of the Devil at the upper chakras may alert the client. At 1 chakra, the Devil as a whole can tell on genus psuvannya, but on the mother's curse, but on those who rob the mother of psuvannya. Arkan Justice at the spread of the chakras of injunctions from the treatment of karma and birth problems. In case of singing occasions and positions, they can show the presence of magical negativity, as well as those that are stronger in the eyes of the mother.

Take the mother's curse in the minds of the home - cleaning on millet

Chaklunskaya cleansing is even more nefarious, vtim, like all "bird" rites. Won from the category of neutral purges. help you independently take the cursed mother from the child. Imovirnist, if one cleansing is not enough, then try to add it with another rite, removing all the negativity from the task. Putting together a complex of magical cleansings in the form of psyvania, work on diagnostics, revise, how to lie down, and what will be the result.

Independently celebrate this rite at another quarter of the fall month. It's a good afternoon. Tobto. how to think of us independently take the cursed mother from the son, a rite of passage is required for a human day, for a daughter - for a woman. For which rite it is necessary to take:

  • 5 wax candles
  • 1 flask of millet
  • small gauze teddy bear

Self-care, to take care of the mother, read 9 times. On the back of the head 3 times the zmova is blown in the glass. Let's read it 3 times, simmering grits at the open palm and sipping from one shoulder to the other. І, nareshti, read 3 more times, siphoning the powder into a small bag.

“Through the blue sea, birds and cranes flew from the far side. Carried a crane from a pshonom koshova, I’ll take a pshono in my hands. Dribno pshhono and all sorts of yellow. Psuvannya brought that birth, swearing that people will be attached. I will grow wheat on the roads, I will grow wheat on the stakes, near distant forests. Birds pshono beak, psuvannya and haze peck. Psuvannya and trouble z (im'ya) zіyshov on a feather, on a wing, on a last. Ptaham - beak pshono, (im'ya) do not suffer from psuvannya. Shvidshe go - go to the pen. My word is mitzne. Amen."

After sipping all the millet into a little bag, tie it with a tie, put it to a sleepy gossip and take 5 strands. After that, put a pillow under the pillow for 3 or 7 days. Chaklunska іntuїtsіya podkazhe, which term is needed, schob free yourself from the mother's curse, on which day the damage is done. Yak hour, appointments by you, mine, pshono visipati birds. And throw the half-baked candles and the little bear at the next crossroads.

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