Like a mother cursing a sin. Motherly curse: signs, zakhist, like a son. Chi can you independently take the cursed mother from the son

Orthodox Prayer

Cursing - tse trash, evil indulgence in the voice of thought, it is applied without victorious singing rituals. As a superimposition of the psuvannia of the necessary mind and additional elements, then it is possible to endure the surge of the most negative emotions, one hundred and fifty specific people. Buvay, that people curse hatefully, they themselves do not see. Often, chakluni and magicians specially force the curse at once from the psuvans, so that the people are more naughty.

In order to take the filthy energy from the people, the victorious prayer is performed in the wake of the prokloniv.

In order to take the filthy energy from the people, the victorious prayer is performed in the wake of the prokloniv. Vimovlyayuchi її, people vlasnoruch ruynuyut their filthy aura. With prayer, the person heals and is quiet, whom she cursed in her life.

Yakі buvayut see proklonіv

The world has a large number of different kinds of proklions, below there will be only the widest ones, that people are hovering around:

  • Rodovі - negative energy of those who go from ancestors to naschadkіv. Buvay, that the generic curse is imposed on the whole family, and not on a specific person. The family curse is one of the strongest. I children can be stretched for a few generations.
  • Zlidenni - to be applied to them, who ask for quiet, who give them mercy, but the squad is quiet, who guides them from the bazhan.
  • Religious - to be guided by ministers of various religions.
  • Pobutov - tse negative energy, scho posilayetsya on people under the hour of scandal, welding chi superechki.

Widen the same damn thing, stink because of what the person thinks about herself, or thinks it's filthy.

How to recognize chi є curse on you

If you get dirty with a person, you begin to succumb to mischief, but you don’t have a curse on him. How do you suspect, next turn to fakhіvtsya zі znyattya damage. For the beauty of the skin of a person, you yourself can signify that the aura is pure:

  • For the help of the flask and sirnikiv. Ignite three sirniki and throw a bottle of water at it. As if all three sirniki were left on the surface, then there is no attachment, no curse, no curse. Well, if three sirniki drowned, then this is a bad sign. This method is the culprit, it is impossible to help to capture negative energy.
  • Light a church candle and light it for yourself. With the great squandering of negative energy, it’s more likely to crack and smoke. As such, it’s better to read the prayer “Our Father”, like the strongest zahist against be-like filthy energy.
  • It is possible to signify the curse that psuvannya for the help of a fresh chicken egg. For whom it is necessary to take a container from clean cold water and beat an egg into it in such a manner so as not to damage the zhovtok. After that, it’s necessary to put yourself on that, and sit so close to the hvilin. If an egg is lost by the water without a change, then there is no psuvannya, no curse. As if the zhovtok has fallen, and in the light of the squirrel, light smugs come in - to tell about the presence of a weak curse, as if you yourself passed through the stretch of seven rokiv, so as not to wear yoga. Even if the egg is cloudy, but on the new black it is interspersed, which means that negative energy is strained on people, so you can only take fahivets. Buvay, scho egg gortaetsya so, nibi yogo lowered into hot water, then in such a time on people to lie damned kind.

Symptoms of the curse and rozumovі discord that part of causeless depression. So too are ailments of a chronic type, unsafe life of a person, low unnatural deaths of those others. Wikidays, which are often repeated, otherwise without a job can be a little negative energy on people.

Symptoms of the curse and rozumovі discord that part of causeless depression.

Prayer that heals in the wake of prokloniv

It is necessary to pray for seven days, it is best to read before going to bed. For tizhdenya vіdbuvaєtsya clearing auri from the usієї filthy energy, which has accumulated for life. After seven days, the prayer should be recited with a forward-thinking method - once a week. If a lot of curses have accumulated in a person, then it will not be easy to say these words:

“I call on the angels of God and all the Lights of the Divine energies and that power, as they can help me to get rid of all the curses.

If I have cursed anyone in my life, then I am inspired by my cursing! I will grant all my pardons! I am aware and forever living, I will burn with the Divine Fire all my curses of the past, today's future hour! Vіdteper and forever I hedge the dark forces vikoristovuvat my curse at їхніх dark rights.

I will release all my damnation to all my energy and that power! I will burn all my curses with Divine Fire! Like I'm cursed, so I'm evil (repeat this paragraph 3 times).

And even though they have lost the curse on me, inflicted by other people, I also allow them all the energy that strength! I will burn them with Divine Fire! Let the Divine Light remind me of that zvilnyaє vіd u proklonіv!

Let the Divine Light remind us of these people, whom I have cursed for a while! Let the Divine Light burn down your mustache, as if I had once sent a spell on people. I permit all people according to my proclions! And I myself am crying out in the face of u prokloniv!

Let us people, if they ever suffered because of my words and thoughts, be filled with the Divine Light, the energies of health, joy, happiness, love that world! I bless all people whom I have cursed! I bless all people with a zagal!

I send to all people who are interested:

it’s a divine blessing of kindness,

I am truly divinely blessed,

yaskravі divine promenі kokhannya,

I am a divine change of joy,

I am a divine change of health,

yaskravі divine promenі prosvitannya,

I am a divine blessing to the world,

I am a divine blessing!

From the very depths of my soul, I send tsі yaskravі svіtlі ztsіlyuyuchi exchange to all the іstоtаs of the Earth!

With a big heart, I pray for all love, joy, light, happiness, and I put all my energy into this blessing!

Let the light forces of the Earth overcome and all the forces of darkness will rise (repeat this paragraph three).

As a sign of the seriousness of my words and thoughts, I send light exchanges to all the elements of the Earth, the Cosmos and the All-World!

Now and forever I will let go of my thoughts and words, be it negative, ruinous energy! Come on and forget my thoughts, those words cannot be given to anyone shkodi! Come on, I’m vipadkovo and I’ll think if I’ll say negative words, then let the stench burn right there, without hurting anyone!

Dark forces! I hedge against you my negative thoughts and words from your dark right! If you try to spell my words and thoughts on your dark right, then you will be burned by the Divine Light (repeat this paragraph 3 times).

Now, and forever, let my thoughts go, let that word be filled with Divine Light and always carry me, to the resting people, that whole world is joy, happiness, health, love, peace, wisdom, prosperity! (repeat this paragraph three)

Let the Divine Light come and remind me again, all my family, all our country and the whole Earth (repeat this paragraph 3 times).

Prayer, which is said by all prokloniv, is read aloud.

Prayer, which saves all curses, is read aloud. When you read it, a person can experience a crisis of purification. The strength of the crisis has been swayed by the number and intensity of the obvious proclions. If a prayer is easy to move and, having read it, a person does not feel moral gravity, then negative energy don't care about anything. Take it rarely. People are aware of their own crisis of purification:

  • headache, can be accompanied by confusion;
  • temperature rise;
  • noticeable lightness of the body;
  • apathy;
  • nudota, yak can be accompanied by vomiting;
  • drowsiness;
  • disorder of the shlunk.

Depending on the strength of the spirit of a particular person, as well as a number of proclions, it can be manifested as one of the overridden symptoms, and so all of them.

Read this strong prayer for these people, as if they cursed someone in anger. If a person is evil, the mind is calamity, and dark forces can easily oppose the will, zmushuyuchi a person to be cursed. Read a prayer for preventive purposes.

Prayer of God for prokloniv and psuvannya

Know the strongest damnation, that different psuvannya helps prayer, sent to the Lord God. Only one of the found prayers, it always helps people. First of all, give thanks, you need to see the holy temple and put yourself a candle for your health and three to the skin icon: Jesus Christ, Mykoli the Wonderworker, Holy Matron and Seraphim of Sarov. You need to bring 12 church candles and collect holy water from yourself. After that, having crossed, followed the bird from the temple. If there are no more icons at home, it is necessary to bring them.

At home, having cleared all your thoughts, and having relaxed, you need to light 12 candles. Instruct them to put up icons and a bowl with holy water. About yourself, it is necessary to indulge goodness to all your enemies and start blessing:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God. Have mercy and have mercy on me in the light of the curses, sent me to your judgment. Cursed to the family and evil to the people, cursing the sister and brother, cursing the matchmaker, sent the charmer that resin of evil. Oblin qi sorrow, know all the curses that go on the task of a dashing oath. Let your will be done. Amen."

Tse prayers help to help the psuvannya that prokloniv. The skin of the beast before God can be strengthened by an unbreakable faith in Orthodoxy. Mittevo the curse of the curse, a prayer will come to the rescue:

“Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You are the Son of God and the only path to God; and that you died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead.

I lay down every rebellion and every sin, I bow to You, like my Pan. I confess all my sins before You and ask Your forgiveness - especially for any sins that have caused a curse in my life. Forgive me the same way in the wake of the sins of my ancestors. Probach me and my ancestors for ... (recover all the sins, as you wrote down in advance and as you guess the hour of prayer).

To the decisions of my will, I forgive everyone, who, having done me shkodi or badly done it to me, is what I want, so that God has worked me up.

I especially forgive ... (call the names of specific people, for which you wrote down the date and for which you will guess the hour of prayer, and for which you forgive).

I recognize all contacts with us occult and satanic, because in me I have “objects of contacts”, I assign myself to their destruction.

I destroy all satanic claims against me.

Lord Jesus, I believe that on the Cross of You, having taken upon Himself every curse, as if it could come upon me. I ask You at once to forgive me for every curse over my life - in Your name, Lord Jesus Christ!

Now, by faith, I take my zvilnennya and such Toby for a new one.

For the defense against prokloniv, that psuvannya vikoristovuyut a special prayer, like a deed against negative energy in general. Її words can be rewritten on a piece of paper and carried with you:

“Lord Jesus Christ, our savior and intercessor! By your own will, you drive the unclean into hell. Stand up for that vryatuy in the presence of the unclean servants, in the sight of the sinful fall. Intercede in the words of the evil, in the mischief of that deed of the hated people. Let my enemies laugh at my mountains. May the will of the Lord be done, amen."

By prayer, you can take the curse already, bring on the birth. You can read її sіd at a calm and peaceful place, without svіdkіv, you can at the church. It is best to pray before waking up and before going to bed - two for the day.

Prayer, presented below, helps to remove the accumulated negative energy. It is read by the schop'atnitsa before going to bed, having laid a clean bed in front and dressing the pure whiteness:

"Abba Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, who came to Tili, I ask Thy forgiveness for all the sins that I have committed in my life. Vibach and for those sins, I don’t know about yaks. Forgive me for the sins of disobedience to You, my dear Lord. I ask you, Lord, to see me through the miraculous blood of Jesus Christ and see all the curses that came into my life through these sins. In the name of Jesus Christ, who came to the body, I will punish all the curses that came before me in my life, roam and rise forever in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord. To all the demons, we will bind them with proklions, I will punish me forever to leave my homeland. Forever in the name of Jesus Christ, who came to the body! I ask you, Lord, heal all the wounds, as if they were cursed in all spheres of my life. Healed all the wounds, as if they were cursing the curses of all ailments, healed me more. For Thee, my dear Lord! Like you! Like you! I already love you and want to be like that Help me to know and conquer only Your will, so that forever and everywhere Your name is glorified. Forge in my life everything that You have appointed for me. Help me to walk my earthly path: to be cleansed, brightened and prepared for eternal life with You, my dear Lord! Amen. Amen. Amen."

After reading the Friday prayer from the house, nothing is possible, otherwise the curse will not help.

Prayer to Mykola the Wonderworker

Before her go those on whom the curse of the family lies, as well as people who do not help prayers otherwise. As close people suffered, it is strongly recommended to go to the church and pray for them the service “For Health”. On the same day, three candles were placed next to the icon of Mikoli the Wonderworker, and she bowed down to him:

“Wonderworker Mykola, take away your family’s prayers and protect us from the fortune-telling. Amen."

After that, you need to cross over and go home. In the evening at home, you need to sit the icon of St. Nicholas, light 12 church candles and read a prayer against prokloniv:

“The Wonderworker Mikolay, Zahisnik and Savior. Not ringing in my soul no one, I ask only one in you. Help all my members of this family, and if so, then take it from us. All ailments, weldings, weldings, that sinter, you are blessed with holy water. Come on, don’t suffer chaklun, in the presence of it, the sorcerers will not die. Let there be no discord in my homeland, I bless you a hundred times. Let your will be done. Amen."

After reading the prayer, it is necessary to cross oneself, drink holy water, and throw away the candles and go to sleep. As if at one time it was not possible to remove the ancestral curse, the sacred ritual must be repeated.

If a person is strong in his faith, then put a psuvannya on her, or damn it even more smoothly. Ale, a prayer that protects against prejudice, psuvannya and prokloniv must be written down on a clean arkush and carried with you at the sight of a talisman.

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How to take the cursed mother

It seems that the mother's curse is the most intense and strongest. It's true.

Ale is less for that vipadka, if it is put on navmisno. And so, as you know, it’s very rare.

Even though women love their children. It is necessary to try harder to call out the hatred of the one who gave you life.

In this situation, there is no way to recognize, like a cursed mother.

One mother's hatred cannot be cursed. It’s necessary, so that a sprig of serious furnishing was raised.

Її strength can be greater, lower at Angelіv її child. And whom the Lord does not allow practically at all.

And if you allow such a situation, it means that the soul of the damned flooring has finished it, which is a varta of serious testing. Carry yoga and pay the next honor and honor.

Ale mother's damnation buvaє nezvіdomim.

For example, let's say a fluffy tail is light to her child following evil words, and the stench hits him with an important loader. Axis іz such proclions should be practiced. And sooner, then sooner it will be known.

Otherwise, a negative view of the mother can drive the child into a thread before the introduced term.

Such programs are passed on after generation. It’s not enough for children to suffer, but I don’t know how wise Mr. І she herself is tormented and іnshi naschiki.

Let's take a look at the ways of raising the cursed mother. Usi stink itself to the point of unseen induced negativity.

Pratsyuvati slid usim, to the very mother and child (as well as allow).

It is also possible to connect to the rites of the elder relatives of the woman's status, regardless of the degree of sporidness. The stench will give a sign of encouragement to the cursed people.

How to take the cursed mother independently

Start the next line of forgiveness.

Below is a sprig of specialized rituals. Ale cey stage is the same for all.

It is necessary that the mother repented, and the syn її shiro probachiv.

For whom to go:

  • repentance at the church;
  • sincere Rozmov;
  • work from self-confidence.

I mother, who repented, did not call more to herself. Iz cym factor should be improved especially.

Yaka bіda did not trap in the face of її negligence, following the mind: є The one who let it go, who is richly high. And there are no vipadkovosts.

  • It is recommended to write on paper repentance. Mother can think over yoga, formulate it clearly and briefly. You take sins on your soul and repent for them.
  • A child (grown up) can grow the same. With every trace of the mother on the street, all the same truth. Greater forces favored this people, if they gave such a serious test. Say goodbye to them for the price and vibachte fathers.

If the two of you can discuss the problem kindly, sincerely, then damn it, I didn’t know anything.

Insha river, if the mother does not know her sin. Then all the same її it is necessary to work.

Speak tsіy zhіntsі, like you vdyachnі їy for life, її you love.

І conduct one of the lower rituals.

How to take the cursed mother from the child

This ritual should be carried out only once, if the intercourse between the mother and the child is interrupted.

  1. It is necessary to bring the little one to the church.
  2. There ask the priest, schob proviv іz him communion.
  3. Buy candles and a personalized icon.
  4. If the child is not baptized, then perform the ceremony. Todi curse to spend the chivalry in the eye.
  5. Abo himself to conduct the rites with candles.
  1. Prepare a child's bath for the sweater. The water must be at a comfortable temperature.
  2. For the sake of space, place candles for the number of births of a baby.
  3. At the bath, add a bottle of holy water.
  4. Wake up the child.
  5. Give you vipiti three bowls of holy water.
  6. Get bogged down by the water.
  7. While the child is squishing (bathing, grey), next read the call.
“Lord, probach and save! Not in the womb of Your servant (my mother) did the child appear. It didn't grow in your womb! Do not see the blood and flesh of the world gone! Vіdrіzany shmat, don't splurge. At the body її I will not commemorate again. A child (im'ya child) was born from God's waters. The Lord Jesus is now alive! Do not have power over him mother! Don't curse anymore! Amen!"

Qiu formula next repeat trichі.

How to take the cursed mother's daughter

This rite is carried out for the already grown-up girl, as she victorious her father. Vaughn, before the speech, and herself vporaєtsya.

  1. The girls should go to the great river.
  2. I need to take with me a memory of children's fates. Often they take away toys. If you don’t have any money, then buy a treba similar to the one that the girl loved in her youth. Lyalka, Vedmedica chi scho.
  3. Bіlya vodi need to stand against the leak.
  4. Trim the toy in your hands, guessing childishness.
  5. So say:

“Sir vodino, a sister is dear to all people! You came from heaven before us, passed through the earth. There is no power against you. To whom you give life, whom you lead to the grave! I bow to you, lady water! (Lean in). Give me the strength to cleanse myself and do not get angry! Help your mother to love, forget about the terrible sin! I deprive you of the childishness with a bow. Let my mother (її im'ya) warm up with her soul! Amen!"

  • Zmova reads stіlki razіv, skіlki recent years girls.
  • Lean obov'yazkovo to the ground.
  • After the completion of the rite, I’ll bring a toy to the water. Gently put it down, maybe like a child of a child or a child. Tse will help you.

And don't guess mother's sin!

How to take away the cursed mother's son

Cholovіkovі, albeit marvelously, significantly more folding than the mother's curse.

For whom should one also engage in spiritual work.

  1. Vibachte matir.
  2. I myself ask for forgiveness from her for those who called out to her bajannya sin. Mother is divine. For a person especially. You can't call for anything! Tse varto zavzhd remembrance.
  3. Then go to the Temple.
  4. People should put healthy candles to the mother. Three pieces per visit. One - in front of the Icon of the Mother of God, the other - St. Matrona, the third - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. So next repair shonedil by stretching rock.

As a rule, already after the third visit, the curse begins to go. Ale visits to the church do not interrupt.

Mother may herself repent after this rite. Alya needs an hour of patience.

Like a mother's mother's curse died mother

It’s not like thinking that as a mother has died, then it’s impossible to shed a tear. Yakraz out of the blue!

  1. Reply from the granted forgiveness.
  2. If you see that in the soul there is no anger, no anger, no image, go to the old monastery.
  3. There, hold a memorial service for the mother.

So inflict at three churches.

On Mother's Day, go to її grave.

  1. Bring malt, bakery, zukerki.
  2. Leave a reminder.
  3. So say:

Mother damnation- it’s even a strong step of the magical infusion, which can seriously zipsuvat people’s lives. Let's look at the signs of such a curse and let's talk about those, how yoga can be taken.

Who has the power of a mother's curse?

If a woman is guilty of a child, a uniquely strong energy bond is born between them. Through those who, on the subtle plane of the mother, are a strong protector of the fetus, that one, apparently, is dependent on the relationship to her, I will completely trust her.

After the people of the little one, at the hour of the pikluvannya about the new one, the sight of that link will only grow stronger, becoming harder and harder with skin rock. That mother's curse is so terrible - it's the blow of an absolutely defenseless person, the soul that does not check the attack, the one who trusts the mother's soul is indestructible.

All these processes take place on the subtle plane, on the energy level. Yakby stench moved to the physical plane, cursed people just died b tiєї f mitі.

The worst thing is that a mother's curse is practically never seen. Often, in the anger of a mother, it is unconvinced to curse one’s child, who is majestic, wrong-doing, for which child we will cry all life.


Significantly, that a mother's curse has been put on you, you can follow these signs:

  1. You can’t see the fallows in the fathers and in any way in them. A person can be grown up, but with whom you change under a strong influx of your mother, you don’t become independent. This is not a direct sign of a curse, but it can sometimes indicate those who need psychotherapeutic separation from fathers.
  2. Everything about what your mother seems to be telling you about strong emotions, sounds loudly. For example, you can say that mother was torn apart - she didn’t see anything in you in her right. You really reject failure.
  3. You are constantly vilely aware, problems in life are not attached, and depression is your companion of the day. Weak health is that unstable psycho-emotional state.
  4. Tse zagalnі signs, yakі easily confuse z timi, scho show on the name of the psuvannya. Ale є th іnshі, specific signals, yakі exactly say on the mother's curse:
  5. Vagіtna cursed is the maiden, who can raptly run into a man, having overcome all the instincts of self-preservation. After separation, she turns to the Batkiv's house, where criticism of that condemned mother is constantly received. Through the war, we see a week that the little people are ill.
  6. Mothers repeat without a break to their daughters, what a great university, which they took away, zhahlivy. What profession does not bring pennies. As a result, the donka gets inspired and goes to study for that specialty, which made her mother happy. Ale її life as a result - tse napіvzlidenne іsnuvannya penniless and normal work.
  7. Some mothers launch the program of the 'bezshlyubnost', as it does not suit her daughter's naming. At such a time, the handrails rise, on the right one does not reach the weight, and the girl is deprived of her own self for all life.

Tse is far from complete list variants of the mother's curse. Be it any other words, thrown in the hearts, on strong emotions, they can lead to no less than a summed result.

How to take the cursed mother

Yakshcho you have clearly indicated that you need to take a motherly curse on you. Impersonal methods, peacefully acting from them.

The main points of psychotherapeutic treatment:

  1. There is no such thing as a “mother's curse” in psychotherapy. And yet, the cause of child injuries is recognized, after the exaltation of such a life of the patient is improved.
  2. For example, in childhood, mothers strongly depicted you with such words. For example: “You are stupid, and you can’t see anything from you.” Having grown up, you don’t remember anything anymore, but the situation and the negative experience of emotions were completely lost from the experience.
  3. For the help of psychotherapy techniques and emotions, it is necessary to get enough, live and let go. The injury heals, the “curse” is taken. I step by step life to come to the norm.
  4. And even before the exaltation, the patient is truly alive badly: nothing special is attained by the life, victoriously batkivsku nastanov, then after the exaltation of injury, everything can change step by step.

In the video, you can listen to a psychotherapeutic technique that reveals the negative side of the mother:

Folk methods zovsim іnshі. In order to take away the mother's curse with their help, it will be necessary to viconate the singing ritual.

For example:

  1. Prepare the whisk, I will harvest the metal coins, that capacity, filled with cold water.
  2. Dock the recessionary month. During this period of the month, energy is directed towards those who take everything from people’s lives that they wear, that they respect and don’t let fall far away.
  3. Melt the whiskey in a water bath and even more, drop by drop, pour the beast into the water (fork with wax). At this hour, try to see how from your body at once, from the wax, slits come out, black energy clots of that negativity, which the mother has deprived of her curses.
  4. In addition, as soon as I lean against the water, it is necessary to reach out and drink from the new figurine of the newly born child. She has all the power of a mother's curse. Sob it ceased to be childish, in the presence of the figurine it was necessary to wake up.
  5. Virush on tsvintar night. Put a load of coins at the entrance, and bury the wax cradle for the sake of being buried.
  6. Then immediately break the bed before you go to sleep. Lieutenants, stand on the sweatshirt and, without begging for anything, go to church. Light a candle for a healthy mother. See how you forgive me, how it reminds you of that love.

Better for everything, after the relief of the curse, not only your life will change, but the mother’s mother will definitely grow. Stop negativity between you, imagine evil emotions. Your souls are watching on the subtle plane, which will definitely signify the foundation of the physical body.

Zvichayne damnation to induce Svidomo. Yogo meta - naughty people, punish the guilty, take revenge. Chaklun to conduct a special ceremony, creating an energy channel between himself and the victim. Tilki vіdkrivshi way, black magician can convey the negative. Ale mother's curse - tse vpliv, which does not vimagaє daily rituals. Age bond from children in a woman is formed even at conception. From this moment thoughts and words addressed to a child are poured into her. In fact, women are left with less to formulate the need for strength, and with this transfer of everyday problems, they will not be blamed. Mothers get angry, get angry, fight, get out of yourself - and a skin word, directed at a child, hit it hard, launching a curse.

Most of the time, women thoughtlessly throw such phrases: “Shit your breath!”, “Get out!”, “Go to hell!”, “Damn you!”, “Go, curse!”, “You won’t be happy!”.

It is not obligatory for a mother to hate her child. In rich temperaments, they express aggression through non-strimanity, attraction of emotion, therefore. Possibly, the woman cares about the inadvertent virvana of the word and tries to make amends. But nothing else can help: damn mothers and daughters to induce themselves at such a moment to lose control. The more often similar similarities are repeated, the more they appear negative program.

How to protect yourself from the mother's curse

The child is absolutely defenseless in front of the mother. Vіn on pіdsvіdomu rіvnі spriymaє її words like the truth and do not consider the need to repair the opera. Mother's damnation is to be born in depressions, if:

  • the person has already grown up and is alive and well (the sound is all the same taken care of);
  • the woman repented generously and wanted to take her words back (you can’t reverse what was said);
  • do not believe in magic, including the damned one (speak independently of people's thoughts).

That cursed mother and vvazhaetsya so terrible: it is easy to defend yourself in a new way, even though it’s not impossible. Golovne - learn that women with their father have a ruinous character and that they need to repair the opera, forgetting about the family a little.

To put a new zahist in the face of a curse is really less of a vipadka, as if the child has not yet gained decency (for example, mothers often speak inappropriately that figuratively, but before the right threats have not yet come). It is also permissible to speed up the ritual in order to save the situation from getting worse (new curses do not nazdoganyatimut people).


  • mirror;
  • photo of mother;
  • church candle.

It is necessary to close the image with the front side up to the mirror. Then we need to light a candle and read the sound:

She gave birth to me, she carried me in her womb, she protected them from others, she didn’t save them for herself. Let me see your evil with you, but I don’t stop, I look like a mirror.

It is necessary to check until the candle burns out to the end. A mirror is recommended to be worn with you, especially for the hour of moving with your mother. Tse talisman, which will become a zahist in the face of a curse. The photo, which was victorious, was bazhan for the father; do not varto take yoga at home.

Mother's Curse: Signs of Splash

It is even more important to recognize the negative points earlier. Sound the people themselves, that a heavy mother's curse is over them: the symptoms of such an injection are obvious.

The main signs of a mother's curse:

  1. Vіdchuttya zalezhnosti in the will of the father. To grow up people, to build their own sim's and build a strong character, to see what their mothers like. You may not understand why it is so apparent and what it is expressed in: it seems very intuitive.
  2. The words spoken by the mother at the anger of the irritated, are being lifted. Understanding to come not at once, but at some moment a person will see: out live these lives, as if you were prophesied by a parent.
  3. Zahalne filth self-feeling, constant problems, depression.

Shards of a mother's curse do so by itself, like a psuvannya, then this way, in another world, it zaps all spheres of life. The main emphasis is to fight for the sphere, like the father “ordained”, but a part of the force of the destructive program is directed to the main ruin of the entire foundation of the people.

Applying the mother's curse. The following situations often occur:

  • the maiden goes like a woman, she turns to the father's house, de її it is not necessary to love. Mother kept repeating for the whole hour: “There was no such thing as you, or your offspring!” The result is a wicked day, a sick child, and a curse in the worst of depression and birth;
  • son enters the university for a specialty, as he does not fit his mother. Vaughn constantly repeats: “If you sit without a bread picker and sit with your diploma, you won’t earn a penny.” The result is that the lad is already a married man and cannot be in control of a normal job;
  • the daughter went against the will of her mother and wants to get married for an “incompetent” person. Batko screams in his hearts: "That one is better than you in the girls, she's gone forever!" The result - the lad is gone, and the girl is left with her own self until the end of her life (the program of the era of bezshlyubnost is turned on).

Cursed by the mother, and richer people stick with him, even more people can be seen. At any other time, it is impossible to let the situation go on self-fueling: it is necessary to clear yourself of the negative.

How to take a mother's curse independently

Forget the damned mother is important. A lot of sorceresses and magicians are guided by the performance of the ritual, the shards of knowledge of such a spit give even more strong evidence. It is recommended to search for a certified black chaklun, who specializes in working with relatives magical infusions and do not be afraid to drink on the risk.

As if there is no possibility to turn around for help, you are left with no more help to clean up the cursed mother on your own. The procedure to finish the trial is easy, but it is necessary to remember everything.


  • hostry lower;
  • church candle;
  • єmnіst іz water.

The rite of passage of step-by-step purification from the curse. Enchant for the fall month (the phase of the month can be seen in the monthly calendar). Next, light a candle and move the sound:

“Mother gave birth to a child, deprived it in a clean field, threw it in a dark fox, angered the animals at the torment, blessed it with an unkind word, called black trash, didn’t christen it in God’s name, deprived the dark forces for fun. Clean fire unkind mother's words are burned, a child in the twilight can be cleansed, in the face of kaidan, the curse is casted, the evil spirits are born, the forces of darkness come in, the light of life shines, in the misfortune of the mother's guardian. Melting whisk, sticking, knowing, so my father’s curse is gone, my life is not chіpaє, bіdi your own way, navіki less, so that the word of the filthy dominion over me is not less, so that evil was said no more to me no more burden. My life is occupied by the light of heaven, my mother deserves to turn around, and I won’t bump anymore, the black words won’t stick to me, like a candle to burn out to the end, so the curse will be born.

It was necessary to make a deep cut on the left hand and to see blood in the vessel with water. Likewise, with a knife, cut a curl, burn yoga, and throw it into the water. The ritual will end when the candle burns out. Water needs to be poured out under a dry tree.

Repeat the rite of the day until the end of the phase of the fall month. Let's keep the break until the coming period. You need to be cleansed, the docks will appear, seeing that the mother's curse has ceased to be. Bazhano started this ritual with a zahisny rite on the mirror, to prevent new magical attacks.

How to take the curse of a dead mother

Death does not stop the negative programs. Curse the mother on the child to continue pracsyuvati, to remember that the woman died a long time ago. An old magical sip is taken for the help of a special rite.


  • visc;
  • єmnіst іz cold water;
  • I harvest coins.

Today, we will give you the most powerful and found prayers, and rituals for the curse of the cursed mother, the curse of the Family, for family, for loved ones and for ourselves.

Strong is the prayer for the mother's curse (the ritual for the removal of the curse)

The unfortunate mothers who curse their children often do not deserve it. The stinks don't think about them, who check for their children and onukov and far to the eighth knee. So, just like a prayer for children, a mother's curse is even stronger, and it's not easy to take it.

For whom it is necessary to conduct a special prayer ritual.

Having thrown a year before the descent of the sun, next read such prayers to all those who believe, the texts of which it is necessary to change so, like the stench is presented in prayer books:

  • "Our Father" - trichi;
  • "Prayer to Christ" - once;
  • "Live at the dopomozi" - once.

My Holy Guardian Angel, protector of my wretched soul, don’t leave me with a sinful vіch-na-vіch with my bіdami, don’t step in me and support me in hiding and bіdakh. Do not allow the evil one to beat me from the right path, mark my will in the fight against the devil. Show me the way of salvation and ask the Lord for forgiveness for all my free and fleeting sins, and help me not to anger God in the future, so that my mother hopes for the salvation of my soul in the Kingdom of God. Amen.

After the death of the guardian angel, a special prayer is read for the children of the mother's curse. It sounds like this:

I, the Servant of God (I am blessed) go by the blue sea, the spring sea for Jesus Christ and for the Most Holy Theotokos. I will go my way from edge to edge. from the day of your people to baptism, from the beginning of life until the year of eternity. Following the footsteps of the Mother of God, I’m going and I ask you to turn around and pray for me, before your Sin, our God, for sure. Queen of Heaven, Most Holy Theotokos, I bow to you at your feet and ask for help.

My dear mother conceived me and carried me with her heart, let me into the world for happiness, but cursed me for the rest. I beg you, Divine Mary, take my mother's curse from me. You knew motherhood, you loved the Sina of your Jesus Christ with all your heart, and you knew grief more terribly, having consumed it, if you have saved the human race in life.

Help me with a happy stat and know the blood of the curse, so that it doesn’t go bad for me, for my shoes. There is nothing more than the word of the holy Jesus Christ, there is nothing more than the word of the saint Holy Mother of God, there is no damned mother on me. There is a turning point in my lot in the middle of the year and until dawn, everything is evil and unkindly sent to me by a mother’s word.

As mіtsno the Most Holy Theotokos Sina loved her, so the black curse came from my last body and blood. As the sun sets, so my soul will be filled with Divine light and cleansed again. Amen.

How to take the cursed mother

It’s necessary to drink to the church and check in, they brought the deceased to rehabilitate. Call the relatives of the dead man to stand with lit candles near the bed, stand up and see the candle, no one sleeps you, no matter what. If the priest is in vіdspіvuvatime, say thirteen times about yourself:

new instructions,
View of the life of representations,
lie by the trunk,
Don't be surprised at us
Take my curse.


Prayer for God's sake

The curse is respected even by the unsafe purpose of straightening out on the people. It’s not a bad idea to build up an energetic zahisny field and to inspire yoga. Tse threaten with non-transferring traces. To that believing people, it is necessary to know about the language, how to protect yourself for additional prayer in the face of an alien shkidlivo dії.

Orthodox prayer against the curse.

Orthodox prayer in the form of a curse - even a strong zahisny zasib. With the help of yoga, you can greatly increase your biofield, so that a strong chaklunov does not get into trouble. It’s also important to be properly prepared before prayer. If you suspected on a false equal, that an energy attack was put on you and a curse was put on you, then it is necessary to cleanse yourself physically first for everything.

Tse means that you should take a bath after adding holy water to it. Water, being an energy material, will take away some of the negative energy, and you will immediately feel better for yourself.

After a bath, it is necessary to wipe your body with a great great sill, and then take a shower. Let's sweat the next clothe space bright clothes. It is necessary to pray on your own self, having focused on the spoken words.

Prayer, which is said in the wake of prokloniv, is read regularly to the singing schedule, and itself: Once a day, the prayer should be read on the first week. During this period, there will be purification from accumulated proclions. Then the prayer is read once a day for a month. Tse allow you to create the necessary zahisne for yourself. If it is enough to read the prayer of shom_syatsya, so that you can save the background of the past for yourself.

Prayer that ryatue all curses:

I call on the angels of God and all the Lights of Divine energy and that power, as they can help me to call on all the curses. If I have cursed anyone in my life, then I am inspired by my cursing! I will grant all my pardons! I am aware and forever living, I will burn with the Divine Fire all my curses of the past, today's future hour!

Vіdteper and forever I hedge the dark forces vikoristovuvat my curse at їхніх dark rights. I will release all my damnation to all my energy and that power! I will burn all my curses with Divine Fire! As I cursed, so I їх i know! (repeat this paragraph three)

And even though they have lost the curse on me, inflicted by other people, I also allow them all the energy that strength! I will burn them with Divine Fire! Let the Divine Light remind me of that zvilnyaє vіd u proklonіv! Let the Divine Light remind us of these people, whom I have cursed for a while!

Let the Divine Light burn down your mustache, as if I had once sent a spell on people. I permit all people according to my proclions! And I myself am crying out in the face of u prokloniv! Let us people, if they ever suffered because of my words and thoughts, be filled with the Divine Light, the energies of health, joy, happiness, love that world!

I bless all people whom I have cursed!
I bless all people with a zagal!
To all people in awe, I send a truly divine blessing of kindness,
I am truly divinely blessed,
yaskravі divine promenі kokhannya,
I am a divine change of joy,
I am a divine change of health,
yaskravі divine promenі prosvitannya,
I am a divine blessing to the world,
I am a divine blessing!

From the very depths of my soul, I send tsі yaskravі svіtlі ztsіlyuyuchi exchange to all the іstоtаs of the Earth! With a big heart, I pray for all love, joy, light, happiness, and I put all my energy into this blessing! Let the light forces of the Earth overcome and all the powers of darkness rise up! (repeat this paragraph three)

As a sign of the seriousness of my words and thoughts, I send light exchanges to all the elements of the Earth, the Cosmos and the All-World! Let my words reach the deepest depths of the All-World! Let me smell my words and feel the essence and the essence of all the visible and invisible people of the expanses and the worlds! Let my words be felt by the angels and the Creator himself! Let them all be witnesses!

Now and forever I will let go of my thoughts and words, be it negative, ruinous energy!
Come on and forget my thoughts, those words cannot be given to anyone shkodi! Come on, I’m vipadkovo and I’ll think badly, or I’ll speak negative words, then let the stench burn right there, without hurting anyone! Dark forces!
I hedge against you my negative thoughts and words from your dark right!

If you slander my words and thoughts on your dark right, then you will be burned by the Divine Light! (repeat this paragraph three)

Now, and forever, let my thoughts go, let that word be filled with Divine Light and always carry me, to the resting people, that whole world is joy, happiness, health, love, peace, wisdom, prosperity! (repeat this paragraph three)

Let the Divine Light come and remind me again, all my family, all our country and the whole Earth! (repeat this paragraph three).

How to take the curse from the motherland

If in this time there is no peace, and other people pretended to be on the right gates, then buy twelve candles and light them once, as soon as the night comes. The ceremony is carried out only on clear nights. Zmova over the candles, what to burn, read the oldest member of this. Say the words like this:

Vіdіyde, devil, vіd temple
І in the house,
From the doors and from the other side of the door.
There is nothing to you, the devil, no part,
No fate, the moon is calm.
Here is the Cross of Tospoden,
Mother of Christ, Holy Mother of God,
Saint Peter, Saints of the Evangelism:
John, Luke, Mark, Matthew,
Holy Archangels: Mikhailo, Gavrilo,
Raphael, Uriel, Quenched, Yegudiel, Varahail.
The powers of heaven triumph.
Here are the holy cherubs and seraphim,
Saint Michael Nin in all the world,
According to them, the regiments trim St. Peter,
The club is carried out.
Here Rіzdvo Forerunners,
Here you are, devil, there is no honor,
Parts of that fate, that peace.
Do not shy, devil, kaposti tsom mіstsyu,
Home that people, thin
To all the servants of God.
Living stars in impenetrable hell,
There you are a porch, there you know.
My word is mitzne, like a stone. Amen.

Prayer that cleanses from the curse

In order to purify the airy aura of prokloniv, you can speed up with another prayer.

Lord All-Merciful and Almighty. I ask you to have mercy and do not fill me with a servant of God (my goodness) in unbearable torments, to torment my soul. Please me in the black cross, indulge in the infusion of malice of unkind people. Help me to take care of the negativity and do not punish my enemies, for I forgive them, so that I can hurt me, for I don’t know the stink, why shy.

I trust Thee, O Lord Almighty, I ask you to teach them to reason-to-reason and commit them to your judgment. And I, a sinner, a servant of God (I am blessed), I forgive them, there is no anger in my soul and there is no chance to take revenge.
In my soul, my panuє is all-forgiving and all-cleansing love. So, I ask you, Lord, take away the anger and hatred of people from me. Amen.

How did you suspect that you were cursed

... otherwise you get it, then you will be smitten, then the next shoranka at the meeting of the sun will read a special prayer.
Qiu, prayer can be victorious and how I will help for close people, sound like this:

Our Lord, Savior of the race, Sin of God, Jesus Christ! I ask you to protect me, the servant of God (Vlasna im'ya), encircle me with the Holy Angels, the Life-Giving Cross and the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos. Defend less sinful and repentant at his sins by the power of the Holy Archangel Michael, the prayers of Saints Cyprian, John the Theologian, St. Nikon and Sergius. Please me in likhoslіv'ya and chaklunstva, help me to be protected by the light of Yours, so that no one can harm me. By the power of their grace, they gave me all the filth, as if sent under the order of the Devil himself. Amen.

Tsya prayer is repeated again and again. If you want to read without missing a day, then you can take a psuvanya with a stretch of the day.

Type of curse applied

Read forty times before the cob of any post:

Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God, have mercy on us.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
The sea blew. Mother God has gone.
Her water splashed low,
Zhodna bida її didn’t get stuck.
Angels її otchuli,
Creel was fenced off with his own.
The Lord has blessed His Mother
І for bіlі bіlі bravados,
Savings Їy skrіz obіtsyav:
- Ty, Mati Kohana My,
І im'ya My protector of yours,
Evil You do not get stuck, hair does not break.
My angels come to you,
Carry on your wings.
The word of the filth does not land,
Bida be-yaka vіdstane.
Lord, God! Help me, help me,
Save me from all the ways,
The word dashing buti fence.
I will throw the key to the sea by the sea,
Vono forges all the keys,
Forget forever.
And the one who knows about my keys,
Those knowledge should be wasted.
In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.
Ninі, povsyakchas, for ever and ever.

Even stronger are the prayers for the future of prokloniv

There is a special prayer that ryatu yat us prokloniv - it will be necessary for them, on whom the curse was directed, and for them, whoever they were, if they did. For both sides, it’s worth the ruinous action, and behind the great rahunka, strong prayer as a curse, you can become in good fortune, be practical as a person.

The proponation option is even stronger, prayer helps in the face of the curse.

Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God.
Have mercy and have mercy on me in the eyes of the prokloniv,
send me to your judgment.
Cursed to the family and evil to the people,
cursed sister chi brother, cursed matchmaker,
sent an enchantment and resin of evil.
Oblin tsi sorrow, know all the damnation,
dashing swear that the order is to go.
Let your will be done. Amen.

Another variant of a strong prayer, which ryatuє in the form of a curse:

Lord Jesus Christ, I believe
scho Ti є Sin of God and Unity
way to God; and that you died on the cross for my sins
and rose from the dead.
I lay down every rebellion and every sin,
I am rooting for myself Toby, like my Pan.
I confess all my sins before You
and I ask your forgiveness - especially for any sins,
what they brought to damnation in my life.
Forgive me the same way in the wake of the sins of my ancestors.
Vibach me and my ancestors for ...
(recover all the sins, for you have written down the future and you have guessed the hour of prayer).
To the decisions of my will, I forgive everyone,
they gave me shkodi, or nasty shit
with me - for what I want, for God to pass me.
I especially sing…
(name the names of specific people, for which you wrote down the date and if you guess the hour of prayer, and for which you forgive).
I recognize all contacts with us
occult and satanic,
How do I have “objects of contacts”,
I will dedicate to myself a ruination.
I destroy all satanic claims against me.
Lord Jesus, I believe what is on the cross
You took on yourself every curse,
yake could come at me.
Father, I ask You to forgive me now
in the face of every curse over my life
in Your name, Lord Jesus Christ!
Now, by faith, I accept my will
and such a Toby for a new one. Amen.

Prayer for the sake of prokloniv is read richly and next to the memory of those who need to be read with a full heart and soul, and also without a shadow of a doubt, that prayer will help.

Prayer for the birth curse (Ioann Selyankin)

Ioann Selyankin is a clergyman, archimandrite, chief priest and shaman. For 40 years he was rector of the Pskov-Caves monastery. The most significant prayers for an Orthodox Christian have been selected in the book of yoga. Yes, there is a strong prayer ancestral curse.
It sounds like this:

I, the servant of God (I am blessed), I ask you to help me, Lord. Show your mercy and try me and read me. Please curse all who are alive before me and in the past. Probach, Lord, all the representatives of my kind have serious sins from the current hours until today.

Take the curse and send forgiveness to my family. Znimi z usikh representatives of the family punishment punishment, take away the curse of that oath. Lord, my faith is open and my soul is open before Thee. Do not see and honor Your Will, I will humbly accept it, for I do not know what is good for me. Close me in the face of the anger of my enemies, for I am not built to appreciate the full power of their anger.

Take the cursed rock

Read a special sound over the water, which then we will wash in forty days of sleep. For the whole hour, rub yourself with the same towel, like a trace of burning in the wake of the end of the fortieth day. Sophisticated words are like this:

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.
Like the first law of the Mother of God
She covered the sin of Jesus Christ with her robe,
View of Yogo's enemies
I hid adversaries,
So for me, God's servant (im'ya),
Cover, Pani Most Holy Theotokos,
Vіd psuvannya, oath
I blood curse
From the strength of the bison's nevirnyh forces.
Raise, O Lord, Thy hand over me,
Lie to me, save and protect.
I believe in one God,
Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.
Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amen.

Cursing on the rest of the soul (like yoga knows)

“I'm just at the rose. I and my family are constantly revisited by failures, and what was given is more. Possibly, it is connected with him, that if I was small, my grandmother cursed me before her death. At the same time I have three children, I check for the fourth. The younger son is often ill, with a penny may be great problems. A man works like a wil, but youma is constantly underpaid for no good reason. Be kind, please me that you work for me.

It’s a pity, vipadki, if, at death, people curse their loved ones, not often. Sound the next curse of a person who is sick and soon will die. But you can see that you can instill such a terrible curse. For this first Friday after the young man go to the church, buy a candle for this, but don’t take the house for purchases. Walk up to the icon of the Mother of God and put three candles in it, decide to set fire to the icon of the Savior and, having crossed yourself, say:

Lord, sleep with the fire of the Holy Spirit
The words of the curse of Thy servant (im'ya).
In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the hearts, to instill no evil in your child, you will be directed to this address by various negative, and sometimes hard words: “If you fail…” and so on. children without any additional magical rituals.

And why do you need to protect yourself from the mother's curse? How to recognize yoga? Like a mother's curse, what yoga has already been taken away? Numbers and deacions of other nutrition are looked at by our article.


Chaklunov, to establish contact with your victim, it is necessary to fix the energy channel, and the mother is bound by her child from the back, from the moment of birth. Be-yak її the word can be important for all senses and is accepted on all equals: verbal, psychological, familiar and subconscious.

To diagnose mother's curse, you need to respect the following signs:

  • Ignorantly on your own, already dosing a decent age, xing chi niyak can't become independent lie in the form of a mother word.
  • Like a native mother cursed a child, she constantly feels bad. It is possible to have symptoms and be-like an ailment, at that hour, as a disease, it is not diagnosed by physicians.
  • “Vinets bezshlyubnosti” can be taken away for help mother. Even if he is not worthy of the daughter's names, then the fun will come, and the daughter will be deprived of all her life unmarried.
  • As if the girl had already gone abroad, she could drink her new family and turn to fathers without any visible reasons. There, criticism and navіyuvannya are constantly being criticized, let it be said to the uninformed from the side of the mother: “But I said that you are not a couple ...”. The results have the same self-sufficiency.
  • Mother fast, which is called "croaking". For example, it seems: “You don’t see it”, “You don’t run into it”. As a rule, as a result, її words fall off the right.

Obviously, the other sign described above can be a mother's place in the life of the skin. And just like that, you drank, in a very real sense, rich in what was described more, it’s a serious reason to think about the manifestation of your mother’s curse.

How will the psuvannya get in trouble?

How can you take a mother's curse on your own? For whom Іsnuє sprat of different ways.

Ritual with a church candle

Stand behind the back of the people to sit. After that, set fire to the church and conduct it from the top to the p'yat on the stake, behind the year's arrow. Trim yourself there, where the candle can be smoked stronger. Under the hour of cleansing, say these words:

Like a church candle burning, and the body of the servant of God (im'ya) has no misfortunes. How to smoke candles half awake, so cursed when you get out. If the candle burns out, then the servant of God (im'ya) live in peace and begin to be completely healthy. Let it be so.

How do you take your daughter?

Є rites, yakі vіdіznyayutsya stalely in the state of damned people. For example, mature girls, you need to go to the river, taking your child's toy with you. There is no such thing, buy something similar in the store. Standing up to water against leaks and holding a toy in your hands, say this:

The queen of water, you came from the heavenly crypt to us, passed through the earth to the orphan. There is no power against you. I bow to you, queen of water. Give me your matir to work and forget about all your sins. I bow to you and abandon my childishness. Let my mother (її im'ya) warm up with your soul. Amen.

Rite for Sin

For a person to know the curse, it is necessary to ask the mother for forgiveness, and for what її do not sound. The next time you need to go to God's temple and put candles for your mother's health. Three candles for seeing: pershu - white icons Mother of God, to a friend - Mykola the Wonderworker and the third Holy Matrona. Robity is necessary schonedily stretched rock.

A negative program for a dead mother

Trapplyaetsya so that the mother has already died, and the program is negative, yak won, continue to practice. Є rite, which allows you to turn around from this problem.

It is necessary to drink whisk and pour yoga into a container with water. When you repeat the following words:

The m'yakiy temple of the curse is taken away, the black is taken away from me, the curse of the mother is taken, all the things are spared me.

This procedure can be repeated three times. Let us sweat from the wax the figurine of your newly born statue, like a year to be caught.

Let's bury the figurine at mother's grave, saying with tsiom:

My mother hit me in the colossus, she spoke with her milk, she wailed from the twigs, heaped curses, she sent sums on my head. I will leave you, mother, you child of the damned, from the anger in me created, your blackness grown, let your curse come on, but I don’t get stuck.

Go straight to the temple and light a candle for the dead mother. Please try hard to її probachiti. Cursed chi nі, beznederedno lie down in order, more than your bazhanya to forgive your matіr.

What robiti, schob zahistitsitsya?

It’s a pity, the child is unprotected (the sky would not be fateful) in front of her mother, who, on equal footing, will decipher her words like an inextricable truth. It’s impossible to set up a new defense against prokloniv yourself, because the stench has already become decency. However, the mother curses the child and the threat has not yet grown chivalrous, you can speed up the coming rite.

Push the photo card of the mother to the face of the mirror. Light a church candle and say:

She gave birth to me, she vindicated her belly, she protected others, she didn’t take care of herself. Let your evil linger in you, but I won’t get stuck, that one will appear as a mirror.

The candle may burn to the end. Keep a mirror for an hour of talking with your mother with you, as your talisman.

The traces of the sayings of the filthy mother are irreversible in the hour. Suddenly you don’t know the mother’s curse is left behind by the people for all life. There is nothing wrong with such people in life, they stink of walking with their eyes extinguished and their heads bowed. Do not silence anything in life. It’s not enough to get along with them, for those who intuitively, on an energy level, feel damned.

However, one cannot understand with one's mind and explain with words. As a result, people, endowed with maternal curses, mumble in themselves more and get a lot of psychological problems. Pozbutisya tsgogo as a result is practically impossible.

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