Woland and Margarita in blue. Who is Woland. "Maister and Margarita". Patriarchs are a dime a dozen

The legacy of M. A. Bulgakov’s work comes to the visnovka, which is a writer who is less inclined to religious mysticism. True wine mav rіdkіsne, insanely realistic thought. But at the same time in life, and in Bulgakov’s work, there was one more rare quality of talent: he was a mystifier, a dreamer, a human being, who literally flooded the “unstreakable stream of wake up.” , obviously) the role of Raskolnikov and Ivan Karamazov in F. M. Dostoevsky is similar. Woland - perhaps a continuation of the development of a similar image in Russian literature. Just as Dostoevsky's Ivan Karamazov splits into two and one of these "parts" is personified in particular, so Bulgakov's Woland is rich in what personification of the author's position.

Raskolnikov and Ivan Karamazov rebel against the traditional understanding of good and evil. They stand up for the reassessment of all the great moral values, for the reassessment of those roles that belong to the supremacy of the people. A smart and strong person may not call on a greedy morality. So blame the problem of specialty and NATO. At the "Maister and Margarita" you can see characteristic of rice gifted Bulgakov - building up symbolic positions. The image of Woland and his post for M. Bulgakov is only a symbol, more poetically similar. In Woland, the author depicts a part of the skin for himself, in thoughts, it is easy to guess the thoughts of Bulgakov.

Woland often demonstrates the garne of knowledge of human nature, which can be explored and revealed “motives and passions, as spiritual, so everything that is connected with living human lives” potoybichcha And for the rich knowledge of the living, watch over the lives of Bulgakov himself. Everything that is seen on the sides of the novel is only a gra, in the way of a reader.

Woland's evocative glance at the same time calls out compromises. Traditionally, the appearance of commemoration of physical shortcomings (crooked mouth, different eyes, eyebrows), dressing up in clothes and blackness and gray farb: a bear with a reed with a black knob at the looking poodle's head.<...>The mouth is crooked. Warming up smoothly. Brunette. The right eye is black, the left is green. Eyebrows are black, but one is thicker for an inch” (p. 13). “Two eyes stared at Margaret in disguise. Right from a golden spark at the bottom, which drills whether it be to the bottom of the soul, and levi - empty and black, first in a narrow eye of a head, like a bottomless cranium of all darkness and shadows. Woland's guise was slanted on one side, the right fold of the company was pulled down to the bottom, on the high, oblique choli, there were piercings deep parallel to the hospitable eyebrows of the wrinkle. Shkіru in the guise of Woland, first of all, having burned the zasmagu.

In the description of Woland, the author of the vicariist's method of analysis: Woland - "in the spirit of life (with his dominant - he baked)" Vin is characterized differently in different situations, standing in step-by-step dynamics, changing his look. (?) At the beginning of the first hour of the jubilee with Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny. Woland seems to be known in Yershaloim incognito. Tse means that the wine is not simply invisible (as if it were possible to pronounce it), but it is present itself, but not at its own sound, but in a travestrated look. Woland came to Moscow under the guise of a professor of black magic - a consultant and an artist, so that he was incognito, and therefore, he was not in his right mind. There is no need for the ability to speak in Yerasholoimi disguise, without a trace similar to the Moscow Woland: Satan, without a peep, changing one mask to another, with which attribute of Satan's masquerade, you can be no more than robes, but a voice. Woland may voice different voices: in general, speak in a low “opera” voice, but in roaring about the stratum Yeshua, de vin, on the thought of E. M. Gasparova, acting in the role of Afraniy, he has a high voice.

Let's try to nourish the manifestness of Woland's image of prototypes. M. Bulgakov himself said: “I don’t want to give prototypes to lovers of cracking ... Woland doesn’t have any prototypes.” Apparently, Woland is one of the names of the devil in German literature. L. M. Yanovska means that the word "Woland" is close to the older "Foland" and means "sly, sly". At Moscow, Woland looks like a famous foreigner (“professor”), who, having arrived at the Radian capital, is more important than drinking. They are afraid of him, constantly checking for new misunderstandings (for example, Rimsky’s reaction), suspecting a new spy - but at the same hour they are biased to feel the praise of new Moscow and Muscovites єte). All these details are richly predicted by the circumstances of the visits to Moscow of the "famous" foreigners "- from Herbert Wells to Feuchtwanger and Andre Gide B.S. "arriving at the USSR, the formation of kolgospіv and the system of national education"

Woland typifies the whole passage of the Moscow scenes. Win and yogo sharpening played the role of a kind of happy lanka between "old" and modern divisions. It’s clear what Bulgakov gathered here in Yege. - T. A. Hoffman. Hoffmann was the first to win by using the "misunderstanding" of reality and the vision of creativity.

Woland wins in the novel the function of a just supreme judge, as the author of the evils of other characters. A. Barkov vvazhaє tse pіdstavoi for admission about those who, under the image of Woland Bulgakov, maw a specific person. Ponad those at the work of A. Barkov to draw a parallel between Woland and Lenin.

B. V. Sokolov, spying on A. Shotman’s help, mobilizing forces “for the capture of Lenin No. in the autumn of 1917, rock with the atmosphere of Woland’s whispers and companions after the Var’eti scandal and especially in the epilosis of the novel. The image of Woland seems to be drawn on the popular statement about the kind and just Lenin, who has risen and succumbed to a suspenseful disorder, to bring Yogo to the thought of almost everything. Apparently, many doctors of Lenin celebrated yoga with the devil.

Under the hour, move with Berlioz and Bezpritulny Woland open a cigarette case - “magnificent rosemaries, pure gold, and on the krishtsі yogo, when you see it, shining with blue and white fire, a diamond tricutnik” (17), - a symbol of the Freemason's call from Satan. The masonic theme of the znenatska vinikla in radianskіy dіysnostі zovsіm not far from the beginning of M. A. Bulgakov's work on the novel. For example, in 1927, a great Masonic organization was opened in Leningrad. The Tur brothers wrote about it. B. V. Sokolov knows that Bulgakov, zhvavo tsіkavivsya mysticism in everyday life did not come to ne poz vіdomlennya.

The deyaki literary scholars drew a parallel between Woland and Stalin. “However,” writes A.V. Vulіs, “this theory: Stalin is the prototype of Woland, Stalin is the prototype of Pilat—there is no documentary evidence. Olena Sergіїvna all my hypotheses in a number of hypotheses were filled with diplomatic incompatibilities, setting up tensions for additional intonation, as if they didn’t get to the archive and didn’t get it right ”V. Ya. declares: “it is important to show more flat, one-dimensional, far away from the nature of science, lower the same interpretation of Bulgakov’s novel.”

Otze, what is the prototype for Bulgakov? “The author takes the real specialty of the character, making the outline of the image as if for the sake of real specialness: to take a picture with a sharp verbal penzle. Not so already cіkavі yomu zhittєvі perevagi (yak і nedolіki) to the prototype. The prototype of the studies is not a stage maidanchik for the role of the day in the middle. Vіn helps the author to open his soul, to make excuses for some kind of butt, psychological, business negativity... imagine your own. Woland 0 resonant and strachuuchy - the least production inspired the photographer, goiter-knitted saving for the offspring of rice Yogo majesty. The prototype is indispensable to the world, like a wine awakening in the public fixing associations, unambiguous mental reflection. Not Stalin personally, but an unavoidable threat, a fierce (but motivating!) wrath of heaven - the axis of what is Woland.

In the Russian literature of the 19th century, Bulgakov's religion is most connected with Dostoyevsky's work. T. A. Kazarkin is aware that “the view of Dostoevsky ... in Bulgakov’s prose is the motif of the devil’s looming over the World. It is logical to say that the words from "The Brothers of Karamazov" were the first thing I thought about a novel about "consultant with savings" before the molding. “Maister and Margarita” we know similar words, said by the prote already by the Prince of Temryavi himself: “... If there is no God, eat, who cares for the life of people and all the order on earth?” (S. 15-16).

In life, Bulgakov had occasion to stick with Berlioz, Bosimi, Likhodeev, Homeless, Rimsky, Varenukhs. Yogo's soul has accumulated bitterness from these people, their vitality, their growth into socialist activity. Bulgakov - the satirist fought against these misfortunes sequentially and logically. Chantly, zvіdsi i vinikla is such a form of yoga creation, de sword, scho punish, become Woland and yoga pomіchniki. I don’t mind the slandering and slandering of Korovyov and Behemoth over literary Moscow. I burnt out (“one firebrand was lost”) a mansion on the boulevard behind the chavunny groats with a stunted garden - Budinok Griboyedov: there were many reasons for Bulgakov to dislike the nest of Rappovtsіv and napostіvtsіv. This is one of several Moscow fires, tied with Woland’s post, “fire, from which everything started and how everything ends,” - even Azazello, singling Maistra’s “Arbat fire”, de burning the “passed life and suffering” of the main characters in the novel .

Windings of demons and the very visit of Woland to Moscow may, obviously, sing a meta - vikrittya deceitfulness. Who deserves respect for the sight of V.I. Nєmtsev Kantіvskoї teoriї gri, razvinenoї F. Schiller. “Oskіlki people - a child of the material and at the same time of the ideal world, they constantly change in two spheres. Grazmushu opanuvaty dvoplanovist behavior, scho can only show for help. Same tech graє Woland, especially in the first divisions of the novel, if the vins compete with writers and tell them the story about Joshua and Pilate, written by Maistrom. For the help of God Voland's helpers reveal the vadiness in the present sutva plan - the moral one (reinforced by the author - T. L.). The primary veil of the stream of life is not a building cover up all the veils and scars, more for a little pain, it’s not a pereskoda. For conscience, there is no way to change the mind. ” M. Bulgakov in his novel is divided, knowing himself at the sight of the real Maistre, then the fantastic Woland. Woland came to the land to spare and merci, and I know who and for what to stratify, who and for what to merci. Ale, the author is less likely to stress those things that Woland vydkryto vykonuє yogo vlasnі prihovanі bazhannya. To this Woland does not develop a living character, depriving himself of any allegory of the author's conscience and wisdom. And then, you can vvazhat, what in the mustache, it would be given to the mysterious and miraculous, there is nothing mystical.

Through the image of Woland Bulgakov conduct their experiment, trying to find out what the city dwellers have changed internally. "I on which path the satirical grotesque is started to succeed with philosophical irony" The demonic irony lies in the fact that Woland has piled Maistra and his girlfriend with the starry calmness of the nebuttya. Bulgakov includes Woland in an ambivalent connection with creation. On the one hand, Woland stands in his mystical role: wine "the spirit of Evil and the king of shadows," tying from the secret world, which "does not care anything." Vіn vіchny, like a plant of Good and Evil on Earth, and there is nothing for you to fight for your rights and for those who do not know the shadows. In this tradition of wines, with thunders and gleams, and with satanic laughter, with evil knowledge of the coming bedes. "Your head will be shaken!" - voiced and radio deafening to Berlioz. But there is more than one role of Woland. “In the carnivalized novel, the author includes inclusions to the wild concept of creation, organized according to the rules of the Greek, for the creation of a kind of semantic diversion. Bulgakov’s exclamations for the creation of “gree” with symbols, canons and sounds, the meaning of which was more serious in the svіdomosti suspіlstva”, which is due to the svetoglyadnye installations of the writer, and from the genre rules of menipen, the traditions of which have written a novel. Woland becomes the main hero, who, taking on the role of creating vinyatkovі situations for trying out a philosophical idea - the word of truth, instilled in the image of a joker, the truth. Such is the role of the fantastic in this genre.

Woland zatsіkavleny at the freedom of the people, with which Pilat came from the novel Maistra. Meister finishes the novel with Woland's uninterrupted fate. The first sister Wolanda with Berlioz is guilty, according to the author’s idea, to show that a person in suspension is tied with inseparable threads to other people and that “you can’t have new freedom in children, be-like a good people through a thousand vices and inconsistencies, you can be guilty other people. Vipadkovіst can lead to tragic results, similarly to tієї, as it led to the death of Berlioz. Distinctness can mother self-reliance, individuality, sharp and singing drawings, original spiritual vision and at the same time not mother individual freedom of action"1

Bulgakov's orientations towards the development of the osmyslyuval and developing directness of the carnival. V.V. Khimich confirms that "Bulgakov's manner is not alien to the Svyatkov side of the carnival, but in a new way it was not apological, not agitational reckless, but, like to lie on the platform scaffolding, dwarf, perforated with sepsis, irony." .. A penny board, thick with mustache, reach for armchairs, and watchers to catch papers. Hundreds of hands lifted up, looking at the criss-crossed papers, marveled at the unlit scene and sang the most righteous water signs. The smell is also not depriving the everyday sumnіvіv: tse buv nі z chim for belongings is not equal to the smell of richly overcharged pennies.<...>Everywhere the word “chervonets, chervintsі” boomed, wiguks “ah, ah!” and cheerful laughs. Dehto already called at the aisle, groveling under armchairs ”(p. 102).

M. A. Bulgakov’s Tvіr is about the spirit of the farce: with all sorts of blaznіvskie windings, funny tricks, clown's dressing up, besketnymi windings. Balaganna atmosphere, carnivalization is characteristic of the conceptual and form-creating foundations of Bulgakov's artistic world, the stink penetrates all layers of the novel, like an earthly one, so and sweat, permeate its profoundly philosophical core. "At that hour right hand the author easily plays simple buffalo melodies of everyday human comedy, leva takes hard philosophical notes to introduce the theme of the mystery. World of Woland is free, vodkrity, non-transferred, concessions to spaciousness and temporal length. Vin maє nayvischy zmist. The inhabitants of the capital of the 1930s did not believe in the poteybichch. Mustache diva and diva characters in the novel are trying to explain through vіdome, trivial, stereotyped - drunkenness, hallucinations, failed memory.

Woland and this sharpening are infused with the energy of real people, connecting to the layers of their spiritual bridges, especially to their prihovaniya sponukani. But all the stench is absolutely passive in depressions, if they themselves can make a decision. About tse to confirm whether there is any contact (and also non-contact) from the "unclean power" of the characters in the current divisions. Varto, for example, to the year-old Berlioz ... think "Mabut, the time has come to throw everything to the encore and to Kislovodsk," - as soon as "the speculation of the wind descended in front of him, and the prozor of the wondrous sight of the hulk." Poki scho is a visionary. Ale, the “hulks” are becoming more and more powerful and materially sensible, drawing in, drawing out “creatured” energy, as if they are hovering dark sides human svidomosti and pіdsvidomosti. “The unclean power is less fixing those that are, not giving anything to themselves; vyyavlyaye prikhovane, but do not create anything "- V. M. Akimov rightly designates as a whole.

“Dzerkalny duet N.I. Barefooted and Korovyov on the basis of "Cow's things" prove the new identity of "unclean forces" and the brutish, bestial nature of these characters. An episode of seeing Likhodeev’s Steppe from the apartment, what should you have to lie down: “... Allow me, sir, take Yogo all the devil out of Moscow?

Throw in!! - raptom barking whale, zdibivshi wool.

And then the bedroom spun around the Steppe, and the wine struck on the head, unobtrusive, thinking: "I'm dying ...". Alevin didn't die. Having squashed your eyes, you have shaken yourselves as you sit on some stone. There was a lot of noise for a while. If vіn vіdkriv, otzhі, ochі, vіn pobachiv, scho roar the sea ... ".

Deyakі podії, pov'yazanі z Woland, mayutіchnu basis.

At the beginning of the century, Moscow had even more popular sessions of “black magic”. The magic tricks of that hour, those characters as a whole, could tell Bulgakov that the second plot head in the description of the session, and the clown-satirists and the entertainers, perhaps, helped the acts on the stage of such characters as Korovyov, Behemoth, Georges Bengalsky. It’s obvious that Bulgakov didn’t know the robot of the entertainer a bit: on the cob of his Moscow life, he worked as an entertainer at a small theater.

B. S. Myagkov speak about those who performed at the Moscow Music Hall - foreign artists - guest performers. accepted, like Woland, at Var'eti, with great interest. “The names of Kefalo, Okiti (Theodor Bramberg), Dante, To-Rama were even more popular. The Greek Kostako Kasfikis, having shown a “mystical” trick: “a woman who sings”, he was assisted by assistants dressed with devils. (Why don't you call Margarita to the Vid'om Sabbath?)" Bouv Kasfikis and the "penny factory" trick. An American - illusionist Dante (Harry Jansen) acted as Mephistopheles. Gostrokintsev's beard and characteristic demonic make-up allowed him to create the type of a right devil - a philosopher. It is not excluded that Dante's tricks could become for Bulgakov one of the pieces for the beginning of work on the novel in 1928, conceived in the first editions as a story about the devil's adventure in Moscow.

“The acts of the “cow's little things” could form a prototypical literary basis. In the description of A. Remizov “Akazion” (collection “Spring Powder” 1915) is a picture that tells the power of Korovyovim-Fagot and Helloy ... they are all in black, the lady saleswoman, she looks like a fox, why did she care, so everything, so everything was let loose, - Like a good coat, everything is! - and she led me uphill through the darkness of Egypt ... " : "Bravo! - shouting Bassoon, - flying a new blower! Hippopotamus, armchair! Let's do it, madam.

The irony of the “unclean” in the novel is always clear from the position of a hundred and fifty times the same thing. The stench is downright znuschayutsya s quiet, zchiєї guilt ruined justice. And invariably chanoble to Maistra and Margaret, to which one should be cast like a person of “royal blood”. By stretching through the novel, all the demonic mail of Woland play the role of "evil spirits". If the stinks, having left Moscow, turn not on the enchanting horses at the top, no cheating deceit; And the servants of the Prince of Darkness inanimately transform, turning to themselves. "The roles have been cut, deceit has arisen"

A peculiar point of view is reached by V. I. Akimov: “What we are more surprised at is a person with “evil spirits”, then the flock is more different, that it didn’t confuse people, but people її strayed and put themselves in the service, robbed their magistrates with a tool” "At Var'jete, de Behemoth, Korovyov and Woland himself, they become silly and hearing-bearing vikonavtsy zabaganok natovpu. Varto respect that the famous ball of Satan is also “bashed by No. Woland and a company of his evil guests.

Woland is in love with Bulgakov's thought: the skin will be given for yoga faith. Both evil and good, respecting the writer, however, are present in the world, ale de stinks of the mind burn, and are born by people. Father, a person is free to choose. “They started to think a lot of people, and not only in fate, but in the form of extraneous її ... furnishings” And, later, she is vidpovіdalna for her vchinki. Paying respect to the fact that all the karal actions of Woland are not directed against the quiet, who is clearly wrong to do, but rather against the quiet, who wants to do something, does not change or is afraid. Those who, suffering and needing, chime in Woland's almighty ruler, to find out about the riven of moral viability for vchinki, the writer will specify the criteria of morality.

L.F. Kiselova respected the connection with the cim cikava: “All the sins, as if they had hit Woland and the postal mail, seem to be actually turned in the back side, nibi navivorit” Styopa Likhodeev, who suffered for his own weakness - people to women and guilt - "having stopped drinking port wine and drinking only a little vodka... Callous to the people before us, Varenukha - is now suffering in the face of his zayvoi m'yakosti and delicacy. The metamorphosis with Ivan Bezdomny is seen through the yoke of old age (that is, in the form of purely human traits: repenting of conscience for the death of Berlioz). From the clinic of Stravinsky Ivan, we will go out to cleanse the “new”, that having thrown off our “old age”, we will completely strengthen and strengthen the split (chapter “Ivan’s split”).

Ennobled by Woland, Meister and Margarita perish both in direct comprehension (physical death), and spiritually (influenced by human manifestations of understanding). Then the heroes, who in the other world are similar to the "devil", who avenge their own "dirty demons", take away the new necessary support, - so the devil does not particularly sympathize with him, but sympathize with and oppose them with antipodes. So, Aloisy Mogarich, having taken a liking to Maystra’s apartment and having given history with garish criticism of his novel, so that he could be enchanted, he will take away those on whom he succumbed: at Rimsky's office" (315). As before, having lost his fortune, the director of the restaurant Budinka Griboyedov, Archibald Archibaldovich.

At first glance, potoybіchnі forces vikoristovuyut nayzhahlivіshi zasobi to reach their goal. Bezdomny sings under the wheels of the tram to Guinea Berlioz, dragging her to the divine. “But it’s true, Woland, that її otochennya is less likely to transfer (reinforced by me - T. L.) the earthly share of the characters in the novel.” Given the hand of Azazello, the guardian Baron Meigel is still guilty in a month to end his earthly life, and his appearance at the Satan’s ball symbolizes the transition to another world.

At the final divisions of Bulgakov's novel, Woland is weary, weary of the fight against the evil earth, the guilt of the gravity of human misfortunes. The singing world of wine becomes similar to the fallen Lermontov's Demon, vvazha VV Novikov. “...People are like people,” thoughtfully Woland. “Love the pennies, but it’s always been bulo ... People love the pennies, why didn’t you become broken, chi zі shkіri, chi z paper from bronze chi gold. Well, easy... well, well... and mercy sometimes knocks in my heart... zvichayny people... blatantly tell a lot of people.... Apartment catering only zіpsuvav їх ... ".

Later, when Satan appeared in Moscow, that yoga post was marked by Berlioz's stratum; may be clearly associated with the stratum of John the Baptist, and a whole low "banners" (among them - "women who live in the same shirts" after the session at "Var'eti" ...) Maistra's death (to realize on two different equals the idea of ​​spreading as a sign of a critical turning point), after the storm, which swept over Moscow and Yershalaim, Woland and his sharpness rise, like a "fog", carry on horseback, flooding Moscow with a burning one; in the rest of the city, Moscow stands as a place for Maystra with the rising sun.” After the sun that rose, serve as clear signals of the end of the world in the artistic world of Bulgakov. But the death of Moscow in the end of the 20th century (the hour of the main part of the novel) is no more than a reminder of the dawn of a new vchennya. In the epilosis, we are led to Moscow of the 3rd fate, in which new miracles and “signs” are born, similar to the previous ones: the characters in a miraculous order know and lean on other places.

The image of the devil in Russian and worldly literature has a rich tradition. The image of Woland's organic fusion of the material of impersonal literary dzherel is inconsistent with this.

Speaking about the image of Woland, it is impossible not to guess the literary portraits of quiet historical peculiarities, such a voice without a middle peeping from the forces of hell. You can tell the same Count Cagliostro. Bulgakov's Woland is also a building remembrance of the future and the memory of the thousand-year past.

B. V. Sokolov appreciates the significance of Bulgakov's novel by leaving A. Bily's novel "Moscow Divak" (1925-1926). In the image of Woland, the drawings of one of the heroes of Eduard Eduardovich von Mandro were depicted: “English Syrian drops with broken fields”, “a dark blue suit with bare tops”, a pike waistcoat, and in the hands, dressed in a mitten, a reed with a knob is squeezed. The hero of A. Belyi shchey "broke his eyebrows - not down in kuts, uphill ..."

“Until the time of Bulgakov's aesthetic manifestations” A. V. Vulіs includes Spanish literature, as well as modern Velázquez. "Culgavius ​​bis Luns de Guevari's gene can be included in the genealogy of Woland, like and Cervantes - in the biography of Bulgakov."

And yet, Bulgakov's Woland is the greatest of the tales of Mephistopheles from Goethe's Faust. Let's guess again: Bulgakov himself took the name from "Faust", as one of the names of the devil in the German language and resembles the middle "Foland". In "Faust" the name "Woland" appears more than once: this is how Mephistopheles calls himself at the stage "Walpurgis Night", showing himself and Faust the road not Broken among the unclean, to rush there. From "Faust" well, according to Bulgakov's translation, that epigraph to the novel, which formulates the important principle for a writer of the interdependence of good and evil. These are the words of Mephistopheles: "I am a part of that force that always wants evil and always does good." Bulgakov's interpretation of the name "Woland" has become the only name of Satan, as if it were not literary, but correct. Pіd tsim іm'yam yoga knows Meister.

B. M. Gasparov assigns: “Having named the novel, that epigraph called out the strongest reminiscences of this work, and before us there were some of the main characters (named Margaret in the title, the words of Faust in the epigraph). Tse ochіkuvannya appear foolish: the heroes of the novel are not similar to the heroes of the family; more, the operatic variant is boldly introduced into the structure of the novel - say b, 'apocrypha' of "Faust." Operna zabarvlennya looking at Woland's eyes is constantly reinforced by a riddle about his low bass; to try hard to win the bass parts (German from "Eugene Onegin", Schubert's romance). Schubert’s romance “Skeli, my porch”, which Woland calls on the phone, has not only led us to Mephistopheles, but even to the Demon - again “the operatic Demon Rubinshtein. Mi may be on the scenery of the prologue of the opera "Demon" at the famous production with the participation of Shalyapin - heaps of skelly, from the heights of such a Demon - Chalyapin performs his introductory monologue "Cursed World". It is importantly given that the personification of Woland - Mephistopheles is like an operatic image of Shalyapin himself (NB high stature, impressive operatic soundness of Bulgakov's hero). » Gounod and «Mephistopheles» Boito), Demon, Gremin, Boris Godunov.

Slid also designate the aria of Mephistopheles in a link with dark currency; a direct reference to Gounod's opera by Ivan Bezdomniy's rosemary Maistra: "... Don't you think of the opera Faust?"

The philosophical idea of ​​the writer was grounded by satirists and humorous moments of description, and Bulgakov needed Woland "the great and reigns", close to the literary tradition of Goethe. Lermontov and Byron, Vrubel's paintings, as we know them in the residual edition of the novel. In the sight of Woland, as in the sight of Mephistopheles, the mysterious coils of quiet forces appear, as if they signify the eternity, from the glance of Bulgakov, the creators of the manifestations of life.

In the middle-class demonological legends about Dr. Faust, the heroes of these legends gain veneration, popularity, the high supremacy of the church is no more than a start to the union with the devil, who sings them off in the image of a black woolly dog. The stench is more inseparable than in the period of selfishness and moral suffering of Pilate. Banga is not black, but rather Syrian. V.I. Nєmtsev vvazhaє, that in the novel there is a direct statement on the spіlnіstvo of Woland from Bange, “there is no more than a breed of dog named, which would have been known already” suits, in outrageous, color suits, shoes. Syria take the wines, having broken them on the ear. “In other words, Woland, like Banga, - Syria! ... Syrian color of the first choice gray color Banga is nothing else, like an indication of the inconsistency of the appearance of Woland, and the dog ... Mephistopheles and the poodle, who escorted him. Not identical figures” For V.I. Nєmtseva does not swear that Woland, having changed the order from the Pilate, already after the strata, in the image of the beloved dog Bang. Until then, Woland, maybe, was an invisible guardian. Banga z'yavlyaєtsya only, if Pilate "succumbed to the bida" - conscience, sho slipped.

Woland - potik protirich. Yak and Mephistopheles, vіn є part of the tієї strength, yak always want evil and do good. Just as in his philosophy, so in his actions Woland is especially super-smart when it comes to moral nourishment. The last wine is less for his good-natured position before Maistra and Margaret. However, here is one's own rubbish. “Woland, as the bearer of demonic forces, is totalitarian in his non-fenced power. I don’t care about everything, like Byron’s Lucifer ... and I can’t find peace anywhere ”Ale, on the face of Lucifer, Woland is less active, less energetic, more streaming and navit building to an abstract spontaneity.

Mephistopheles Goethe is a romantic creation, lower Woland. Goethe insinuated at Mephistopheles his jokes between good and evil, the day-to-day life of light and the secrets of history - nourishment, where you could not know the difference. On the vіdmіnu vіd gote Bulgakov not becoming shukati between good and evil. In the image of Woland, he declared. that good and evil in life are inseparable and eternal incarnations of life. “Bulgakov obviously overpowered the devilish force of evil. write V. V. Novikov, - and vvazhav an inexhaustible phenomenon. Zvіdsi i all protyrіchchya of Bulgakov himself and the tragedy of yogі vіdchuttіv» Woland in Bulgakov - instillation of eternal and inseparable protirіch of life of their inseparable unity. The axis of why Woland appeared in such a mysterious figure. Bulgakov’s Woland has no strength for all-ruining skepticism, like Mephistopheles.

The author's irony never stops Woland. To look at that refectory, in which you stand at the ball, Satan does not call out a laugh. Woland emphasizes eternity. Vin - eternally essential evil, as necessary for the foundation of good. L. M. Yanovska is aware that “in fact, Bulgakov’s Woland is not similar to anyone of his literary successors”

“Woland recognizes those rіdkіsne, those are not rich, which are in a fair way great, true and imperishable. Vin knows the right price for the creative feat of the master and Pilate's kayattu. Kokhannya, pride and almost a whimsical dignity of Margarita called out in a new cold sympathy and honor. Woland's mind, that it is not necessary for him to be those who are designated by the ugly name "light" - all those who are marked "dark". I vіn respect the feat of Iєshua Ha-Notsri to the under-torn ones. Such a devil in the world literature before Bulgakov Buv.

In the Russian literature, only a few writers have dared to make the heroes of their works the “prince of drink”. So, F. Sologub wrote a prayer, dedicated to the devil, wailing to the sky: “My father, the Devil ...” Zinaida Gippius poeticized Satan in the description “Vin is white”. The spirit of evil in the image is white, kind, the best of angels, becoming a dark force for the glory of God. One of the peculiarities of Woland's figure is tied up with a cloud of light and shadows. According to the author's idea, the fantastic image of the devil in the novel can be accepted (and accepted) as a reality. Woland has a lot of human hustle and bustle: a mine of a clinking guard, excitement of engraving, blaming in the manner of a street pestering: “... And ... de vie live?” - Ask Berlioz Woland at the Patriarchal rates. "At your apartment, - with a rapt rozvyazno vіdpovіv, divine and blinking."

Behind the human concreteness of Woland, it manifests itself in superhumanity: yoga erudition is boundless, theological training is without purpose. You read other people's thoughts right from the moment"

Woland lives by his diabolical logic. It is one of the mystical tasks of a writer to practice itself in order to vibrate this logic. Representing me as the unity of the human and the suprahuman, Woland undertakes to judge in the name of greater justice. I in the soul of the soul, although I don’t see the suvoro sequence. In a word, Woland is a change in magnitude, from episode to episode, and the last.

How to witness B. U. Sokolov, at the editorial office, 1929. the image of Woland had such a picture: Woland giggled, roaring with a Shakhrai smile, living in a spacious way. So, Homeless wine calling "the corpse of a pig." The barmaid Var'єte outposted Woland and honored him after the black mess, and the devil screeched: "Oh, the bastard - the people of Moscow!" and whiningly, on the knees of blessings "Do not stock up the orphan", znuschayuschie over the greedy - the buffet. However, at a distant philosophical idea, the satirical and humorous moments of exposition were profoundly overshadowed, and Bulgakov needed another Woland.

The Yaskravian image of the devil is politic with a glance not of Satan, which P.A. Florensky, who cherishes a sinless sin, shards not of life, but of death. Death, however, is more burdensome for the rahunka of Life, and it is less for the leaves, the shards of Life for oneself to eat. Vіn less blues parody of the liturgy, є empty and evil.

In the novel by M. A. Bulgakov, Woland plays a few roles - a foreign professor, a magician, a devil. Ale until the end does not open up before Kim. Less at the final 32nd division, Margarita respects that I have flown in my right image. Margarita could not say why that horse’s arrival was shattered, and she thought that it was possible, that the month’s lances and the horse itself - less than a shaved haze, and that horse’s mane - gloom, and the spurs of the apex - were blazing stars. Enemy portrait of satire. The axis of the stench is the warehouse of the right Woland. yogo “spravzhnє oblichchya”: “momentary lances”, “shaved haze”, “bіlі plyami zіrok”... Empty that blackness of the All-world, bezmezhny cosmic Chaos. "Satan in this image and image and instillation of the elements of light," svіllya ", which is true until the handing of God in the share of all the world"

Another non-significant moment in the description of Woland's image is that. scho vin є spivavtor Maistra. The whole novel about Pilate, and the first part of the writer's words, and the introduction of the part, and the folds of the final at once - everything is conveyed by Woland as facts of action. Meister guess. Those who are Woland himself, like Yeshua and Levi, Meister guessed. Navit im'ya yogo Meister accurately names Ivan.

Woland endowing the author's omniscience. Vin knows the thoughts of his heroes, their names, their experiences. And here there is nothing supernatural, for in view of the creator of the whole world. “Take away all the tinsel, all the transformations, fantastic pictures, all the robes, accessory only for the masquerade, and Bulgakov himself, thin and ironic, will stand before us”

Figures of omniscience and ignorance in Woland's contrast. From one side, yogo knowledge overturns the potential of us to say to the world and be a human problem for the new one - a taunt: "... think about Newton's bean!" From the other side, in confusion, to populate your information stock behind a primitive scheme, which the leaders of the 1930s used to curry favor with: collect compromising evidence, vipituvati, who and what you think. From one side, win over Berlioz and Ivan through and through, from the other side - the hero of the partners prove. From one side, robbing a wide circle. From the other side - rozmіnyuєtsya on drіbnі nutrition, what to induce. What is Woland? Looks like a prophet. schos in the moon, schos in the alien. Ale is also Woland - an actor. I yoga behavior - gr. And the figure of the director was unreasonable and vague.

Woland is dominated by satanic irony. Vin is not a lover of Yeshua. And the “poohmura of irony” as a result, perhaps, appeared to be the same, if Woland, being a witness to the court, “suffocates” for the sake of his own Pontius Pilate, playing on yoga fears. The person of Woland is going to draw the great "invisible" and shahraystvo "unknowing". Rozvіduyuchi and vyvіduyuchi, vіn at that hour zazdalegіd all know and know. Itself from the position of Woland and to judge his supporters.

What is invisible to the devil is Woland's view of the problem of the foundation of God. Among the writers, "inozemets" in passing say that Kant looked at God like a moral law, which is alive in people, - it's "inconvenient". In a flash, such a hardening of Satan is entirely natural, because at the time of God's reproach, the spirit of evil seems to be unknown to itself: a rebellious angel can only be called out for the manifestness of God. Woland pragmatically change the spy of the one who "Isus іsnuvav". Ponad those, the prince of darkness, direct and punish us in front of the obvious atheists.

Vin, Satan in religious literature is a symbol of the cross. In the world literature, the banishment appears in a comical image; as a literary character, Woland helps Bulgakov, inspiring various satires: from irony to the grotesque - to reveal the spiritual worthlessness of hypocritical people. In such a mind, evil has a function that purifies. prepare the ground for solidification of good. Woland’s position and yoga post, “I’m direct against evil, you start to think like “what is it to do good forever”

Bulgakov's innovation in Woland's image is endless. Bulgakov does not slander this function, call it - that is, better the negative force, better the power of the earth's evil. The bishop himself has the sense of the first part of the novel "Maister and Margarita". This is a metaphor of human super-politeness, a virishennya that can be affirmed in a sustained historical optimum. So respect M. Bulgakov. Navit di "evil forces" that punish, give people a chance to show their order. For a wholesome person, the honor of honor will not let you cross the line, for some kind of vulgarity and gratuitousness. Ready to honor such a person Woland and honor. Ale ti, who does not appreciate the experience of such a trial, take away according to their merits.

Prote next to guess that Woland with great sympathy is put, for example, before Margarita, with great honor before Maistra. We can’t wait for that at this point of dawn.

Everything that Woland looks at, stands at his right light. Woland is not so evil, does not instill yoga, does not breach, does not calm down and does not hurt him. “Vin is less likely to reveal evil, screeching, spitting, wretching those that are deedly miserable”

Woland provoking the truth, leading the way to the unacceptable; with Woland, they speak only “one-sided believers”. The Devil himself calls forth justice and jealousy of good and evil forces. The novel has no confusion about the forces of evil and yogo cleanliness. Ale "good without cordons" also brings evil, violence, suffering. So you can explain Woland's kindness.

“... What would your good do, how would it not cause evil, and how would the earth look, - how would shadows appear from it? Aje tіnі go out into objects and people<...>Ale buvayut tіnі vіd trees and vіd living іstot. Don't you want to tear off the whole earthly stubble, knowing how to grow trees from it and all living through your fantasy to enjoy the bare light? You are bad" (Woland's dialogue with Lev Matthew,.

And not marveling at all his strength, omniscience, Woland floods the earth with languidness and self-sufficiency: “... Black Woland, not picking up the road, rushing into the abyss, and following him, galasuyuschie, yoga honor collapsed. No rock, no Maidan, no moon road, no Yershalaim was gone.”


“... I didn’t walk on the foot of the descriptions, and the height of the buv was not small and not majestic, but simply tall. If there are teeth, then on the left side of the new boule there is a platinum crown, and on the right side - gold. Vіn buv at the expensive gray suit, at the outlandish ones, at the colors of the suit, shoes. Sirius takes the wine, having twisted it in his ear, under the smell of a reed with a black knob at the head of a poodle. At a glance - forty-odd years. The mouth is crooked. Warming up smoothly. Brunette. The right eye is black, the left is green. Eyebrows are black, but one is thicker for another.

“I don’t argue, our ability to do it is great, the stench is richer, the people don’t know how to act like they are drunk ... How much sense does it have for those who need to work for another department?” Mercy - the "household" of Yeshua Ha-Notsri.

Characteristics of the hero

The description is given to Woland in the novel promo. However, don't forget that Woland has a kulgaviness every year. І won є nevid'єmnim attribute yoga zvnіshnostі. The reasons are plentiful. Ale, especially varto support those that Woland and the whole yogo sharpening are volodyas for such a defect in appearance. What's the reason? The reason is simple.

The presence of defects in soundness is no more than the least known from the biblical rules taken from Old Testament, as well as over the rules embedded in christian church. As if, according to the novel, which was experienced in Moscow, so it was like a ball, holding Satan in front of the Great Day, were nothing else, like a large-scale one. black mess, consecrated black Easter - the result of the forces of evil in the world. Later, Woland, and skins from the members of this post celebrated their role in the "priest", the satanic liturgy. Zgidno with the book of Leviticus (ch. 21) does not have the right to be a priest of the one who has the same physical handicap, including the arrivals. Like a Bachimo, Woland, as a dark high priest, can see a sprinkling of imperfections: false teeth, a crooked mouth, different-colored eyes, culture. Moreover, it is necessary to pay close attention to Woland's "delicacy" in the explanation of culture. However, according to the rabbinical literature, the cult of the devil is not even an ache in the bones (the spirit cannot mother the sickness), the reason is simpler: for angels, like for the Divine priesthood, to expand those rules, that for people - the total number of defects, in that the number of sounds. And at the hour of the fall of Satan, that yoga of the handy from the Kingdom, Satan, having broken his leg, and by himself wasting for ever the right to take a part in worship before God. Pravoslavia has one more rule, like bleeding: at the temple it is not guilty to shed more blood, for the blood of Christ, shed on Golgotha, was the remaining crooked sacrifice for the peace of the people. Nevipadkovo like a priest at the bloodshed, if it becomes more difficult, if you cry out bleeding, the priest of the goiter should serve, go out of the temple, and only then, if the blood has stopped, continue the service from the month of the blood. At the ball of Satan, we have a wicked picture: Margarita rubbed her legs to the blood, continuing the “priestly” like the queen of the ball; baron Meigel is beaten in and his blood is victorious like the wine of a diplomat, etc.

Imovirn_ prefigure


No, it’s not without reason that Bulgakov wrote his novel “Maister and Margarita”. The main hero of this novel, as it seems, is the devil, such a deity under the name of Woland. Ale ce the devil is special. The novel reveals the epigrapher from Goethe: “... so who are you, nareshti? “I am part of that force that always wants evil and always does good.” Appearing at Moscow, Woland will bring down all his diabolical power on the powerful owners who do lawlessness. Woland is corrected and followed by the great writer Maistra. Under the scorching summer sun of 1937, in the days of Moscow trials, if the other devil, having lost his devilish party, if Bulgakov’s literary enemies perished one by one, writing Meister his novel... It’s also not important to understand who stood behind the image of Woland.

Stalin's appointment to M.A. Bulgakov and his creative work in Stalin’s statutes on Bulgakov’s defense, published in the Pravda newspaper, as well as his speeches on Stalin’s essays on a group of Ukrainian writers, which were published on February 12, 1929.

Another Coming of Christ

The second version is that the image of Woland is rich in Christian figs. The proof of this version is based on the similar details in the descriptions of Woland and Yeshua. Yeshua standing in front of the procurator with a great tit under a live eye - Woland has a left eye “empty, dead”. At the kutku, the company of Ієshua is sadna - at Woland, "the kutka company is pulled up to the bottom." Ієshua spalyuvav sun on stovpі - "shkіru on the guise of Woland nachebto navіki burned zasmagu". Rosirvaniya blakitny chiton Ієshua transform on brudnі ganchіrki, in іdіkіh vіdmovilis navit kati - Woland before the ball “attire in one night long shirt, brudnu that armor on the left shoulder”. Jesus is called Messiah-Woland mesir.

This version is also based on similar scenes of the novel with these and other biblical quotations.

Jesus saying: “De two and three are chosen in My name, there I am in the middle of them.” Woland appeared at the hour of a talk about Jesus:

May I sit? - invitingly asking the foreigner, and the friends, as if mimingly, rose up; the foreigner nestled quietly between them and planted Rozmov in the air.

Nareshti Woland to speak about Christ: “May you take care of what Jesus has founded.”

Tim is not less, given the interpretation of the image to avenge the low inaccuracies.

  1. Yavna. Left Matviy conveys to Woland an order from Joshua about the further share of Maistra and Margarita.
  2. Woland testified as a witness, and not a participant in the Yershalaim scenes. For the knowledge of the Lord, with the discovery of Joshua and Pilate Woland, it is incognito that you can understand it subconsciously. However, in the evening, Pilat on a mission to bachel taєmnicha to stand in the middle of the shadows.

Tse interpretation can also be known as a reverse, the oscillaries need to be protected by a number of points, which may be important when reading that sensible imagery of visions in the novel. Zgidno from the Christian point of dawn, the Antichrist - it is not a disguise to resist Christ, it is a ray of light to support him. the prefix "anti" is a sub-translation:

  • blockade, enemy
  • substitute substitute.

Before that, don’t forget that Yeshua is a parody character in the novel about Pontius Pilate, the author of which is Woland himself. Therefore, the repetition of certain elements in the image of your character indicates Woland's reconciliation of the image of Christ on himself, let him look at such a caricature. Zvіdsi zvіdsi ozumіlі deyakі aluzії, vіdshe vishche.

Don’t forget those that this version is very different from the overall context of the Bible, it’s good for such a Friend of the Coming of Christ to get drunk after the arrival of the power of the Antichrist and it will be obvious to all people: Sin of Man will come" (Matt. 24: 27).

Likewise, predict that Ivan Bezdomny is protected from Woland by the icon of an invisible saint.

Apostle Petro

The Apostle is a big fisherman; Woland, with a glance, knows the rosemary, that there is no sturgeon of another freshness. The Apostle Peter fell asleep in the Roman Church - at the book of rich Roman motives. Azazello, having declared that “Rome is more beautiful”, the financial director Rimsky went to the great St. Petersburg (“the place of St. Peter”).

The Apostle Peter affirmed: “For we have told you the power of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, not to the intricate tales of succession, but to being eyewitnesses of his greatness.” Woland: "I am especially present with everything."

Dane interpretation is also very important, the shards of the words of Christ before the Apostle Peter were applied to a whole specific situation, and to the very moment, if Peter asked Christ not to go to the court and strata. As if guessing, then in the Garden of Gethsemane Christ pray for those who do not pass Yogo's cup, prepared for you as a Savior - that is arrest, judgment, stratum, death and resurrection. Peter, in fact, ask Christ to move in the sacrificial mission. Look at the words of Christ before Peter - look at me Satan (opponent).

The image of Woland in cinematography

  • Oleg Basilashvili - TV series 2005 rock (Russia)


Div. also


Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 1

    ✪ Meister and Margarita: rozmov on the Patriarchs



Woland Bulgakov's having taken off his name in Goethe's Mephistopheles. We sing "Faust" won't sound more than once, if Mephistopheles ask evil spirit step aside and give way to you: "Nobleman Woland go!" In the old German literature, rice was called by one more name - Faland. Vono blames the Master and Margarita, if the servants of the Var'ete are unable to guess the name of the magician: "... Is it possible, Faland?" At the editorial office of the novel "Maister and Margarita" 1929-1930. Name Woland was written in full Latin on his visiting card: "D-r Theodor Voland". In the rest of the text, Bulgakov spoke in Latin: Ivan Bezdomny on the Patriarchal memory of the letter of the nickname - W ("double-ve").


“... I didn’t walk on the foot of the descriptions, and the height of the buv was not small and not majestic, but simply tall. If there are teeth, then on the left side of the new boule there is a platinum crown, and on the right side - gold. Vіn buv at the expensive gray suit, at the outlandish ones, at the colors of the suit, shoes. Sirius takes the wine, having twisted it in his ear, under the smell of a reed with a black knob at the head of a poodle. At a glance - forty-odd years. The mouth is crooked. Warming up smoothly. Brunette. The right eye is black, the left is green. Eyebrows are black, but one is thicker for another.

Mіsce u svіtі roman

The novel says that Woland is the king of the forces of Temryavi, protivation of Yeshua, the king of the forces of Light. The characters in the novel call Woland the Devil or Satan. However, the cosmography of Bulgakov's world looks like a traditional Christian one - like Jesus, so the Devil in his world, heaven and hell are not guessed at, but about the "gods" go to multiple. Litherateraznivtsi knew the novel by the similarity of the same ash -to -hand Idologiyu, zgіtyu with the yoke of the spheres of the fiber of the fiber of the Temryavoy, the same side is not more than the right - just in the mind - “ with their right." Woland cannot beat Frieda, and Yeshua cannot take Maistra to himself. The forgiveness of the Pilate Woland is also not to be robbed himself, but to hand over to Maistrov.

Woland, in the name of the Christian "Father of nonsense", honest, fair and inspire a noble chomus. Critic V. Ya. Lakshin calls yoga "the vehement (but motivated!) wrath of heaven." S. D. Dovlatov, saying that Woland does not create evil, but justice. "Bulgakivsky Woland of the relief of the traditional zovnishnosti of the Prince of Temryavi, who is evil of evil, and acts as an act of payment for a "specific" evil, so act of payment, creating, in such a rite, the moral law of the earth's butt" .

Woland vykonu his obіtsyanki, moreover vikonu navіt two bazhannya Margarita zamіstі obіtsyanogo one. Vin that yoga courtiers do not harm people, punishing only for immoral vchinki: greed, denunciation, swindle, sloppiness is meager. For example, no one was hurt by the crossed cat with the security officers. The stench is not engaged in "peace of souls." Woland, at the sight of Mephistopheles, ironic, ale s scornful, shy to beshketuvannya, laugh at Berlioz and the Homeless, at the Juice barman (at the eighteenth division). In case of any guilt, you don’t show the zhorstoknosti: you are ordered to turn your head to the poor entertainer Bengalsky; on prohannya Margarita sacks Frida (like she drove her child in) in the early morning. The richness of Woland’s phrases that yoga mail is unimaginable for the Christian Devil: “Hamiti is not required ... lies are not required ...”, “I don’t deserve wine, wine is vipaluvannya and shakhrai ...”, “I kindly knock on my heart.”

In this manner, the role of Woland in the light of the novel can be called a "watcher of evil." The one whose soul has settled evil - yogo pіdopіchny. Woland himself, in view of the Christian Satan, does not multiply evil, but it’s less likely to follow him, and if necessary, he judges and judges fairly (for example, Baron Meigel, Rimsky, Likhodiev, Bengalsky).



A lot of references to Bulgakov's novel "Maister and Margarita" characterize the theatrical, operatic motifs of the image of Woland. Yogo is an image of endowing with real yaskravimi, troch unnatural details of the clothes and behavior. Effective appearance and mismatch, custom costumes, Postiyna vkazіvka on yogo low voice - bass - bring in yogo the image of theatrical clarity, an element of grit and acting.

In this plan, in the image of Woland, the characters of the “Theatrical novel” by Bulgakov are twisted [ ]. Zokrema, director of the Navchalnaya stage of the Independent Theater Ksaver Borisovich Ilchin stands in front of Maksudov, illuminated by the “phosphorescent light”. There are even more close calls from Woland, another character, the editor-viewer Illya Ivanovich Rudolf, whose inconsistency came to Maksudov’s apartment under the sounds of Faust, up to Woland’s appearance at the Master and Margarita:

The doors were opened, and I zadubiliy on pіdlozі vіd zhakhu. Tse buv vin, pose for every doubt. At daylight, at the height above me, a face appeared with a good nose and wide eyebrows. Darkness hailed, and I imagined that under the square pedestals to wash in the black beard. Takes buv breaks hvatsko on vuho. Feather, really, it didn’t.

Shorter seeming, Mephistopheles was standing in front of me. Here I looked at the wines of the coat and those shiny, deep galoshes, and under the incense, trimmed the briefcase. “It’s natural,” I thought, “you can’t walk around Moscow in the twentieth century in a different way.”

Rudolf, - saying the evil spirit in tenor, not bass.


In the description of the approaches that appear in the novel, the words are constantly repeated, which show us in the dark forces. Starting from the greatest division, the heroes in their promos repeat the devil’s name: “throw everything to the encore…”, “Fu ti, the devil!”, “What kind of encore do you need?”, “From the devil take it, ah!.. , "Damn, chuv everything." Tsya "devilishness" is repeated as a stretch of the novel. Residents of Moscow do not call out to Satan, and they cannot respond to requests. Prote ci motives of the dark forces are connected with Woland himself, and with Moscow and Muscovites.


Let's go through Woland's novel for a month. The light always accompanied the representatives of the dark forces, even if all the dark ones were right under the cover of night. Ale, in Bulgakov's novel, the month is filled with a different sense: it carries in itself a victorious function. At її svіtlі manifest the right drawings of people and do justice. Light of the Moon to rob Margarita with a witch. Without it, put on Azazello's enchanting cream without squeezing it in.


The poodle - a direct attack on Mephistopheles - stuns the creation of a sprat of times. At the first one, if the great Woland had encouraged to adorn the handle of his cane-sword with a dog's head, then Mephistopheles himself climbed into the skin of a poodle. Then the poodle appears on the pillow, like putting Margarita's foot at the ball for an hour at the gold medallion of the queen.

Imovirn_ prefigure

Bulgakov himself recounted that the image of Woland is based on some kind of prototype. Following S. A. Yermolinsky’s advice, Bulgakov said: “I don’t want to give prototypes to lovers of rozshukuvati. Woland does not have any prototypes. The proto-hypotheses of the one who, from the post of Woland, having established a real prototype, were repeatedly discussed. The most common way to rob Stalin as a candidate; to the opinion of the critic V.Ya.

Mephistopheles from the tragedy "Faust"

Mozhlivy prototype Woland - Goethe's Mephistopheles, scho ask. In the light of this character, Woland takes away the name, draws the character of that impersonal symbol, like a simple one in Bulgakov’s novel (for example, a sword and takes, a copy of that pidkova, deak phrases and so on). The symbols of Mephistopheles are in the whole novel, but the stink of the stench sounds less like Woland's oval attributes. In Bulgakov, the stench is interpreted in a different way, otherwise the heroes simply do not accept it. Tim Bulgakov himself shows the difference between Woland and Mephistopheles.

In addition, it is noteworthy that those who directly indicate the interpretation of the image are already in the epigraph before the novel. Lines from Goethe's "Faust" - the words of Mephistopheles on the inspiration of Faust, who is his guest.


No, it’s not without reason that Bulgakov wrote his novel “Maister and Margarita”. The main hero of this novel, as it seems, is the devil, such a deity under the name of Woland. Ale ce the devil is special. The novel reveals the epigrapher from Goethe: “... so who are you, nareshti? “I am part of that force that always wants evil and always does good.” Appearing at Moscow, Woland will bring down all his diabolical power on the powerful owners who do lawlessness. Woland is corrected and followed by the great writer Maistra. Under the burning summer sun of 1937, in the days of the Moscow trials, if the other devil, having undermined the devilish party, if Bulgakov’s literary enemies perished one by one, writing Meister his novel ... It’s also not important to understand who stood behind the image of Woland.

The establishment of Stalin up to M. A. Bulgakov himself and yoga of creativity in Stalin’s sheet on Bulgakov’s defense “Vidpovid to Bill-Bilotserkivsky” on the 2nd of February 1929, as well as from yoga speeches on Stalin’s writings on 12 R. fate.

Another Coming of Christ

The second version is that the image of Woland is rich in Christian figs. Zocrema, this version is based on similar details in the descriptions of Woland and Yeshua. Yeshua standing in front of the procurator with a great tit under a lively eye - at Woland right the eye is "empty, dead." At the kutku, the company of Ієshua is sadna - at Woland, "the kutka company is pulled up to the bottom." Ієshua spalyuvav sun on stovpі - "shkіru on the guise of Woland nachebto navіki burned zasmagu". Rosirvaniya blakitny chiton Ієshua transform on brudnі ganchіrki, in іdіkіh vіdmovilis navit kati - Woland before the ball “attire in one night long shirt, brudnu that armor on the left shoulder”. Jesus is called the Messiah, Woland-mesir.

This version is also based on similar scenes of the novel with these and other biblical quotations.

Jesus saying: “De two and three are chosen in My name, there I am in the middle of them.” Woland appeared at the hour of a talk about Jesus:

May I sit? - invitingly asking the foreigner, and the friends, as if mimingly, rose up; the foreigner nestled quietly between them and planted Rozmov in the air.

Nareshti Woland to speak about Christ: “May you take care of what Jesus has founded.”

The allusions between Woland and Christ were instilled in the novel “Overloaded with evil, or forty years later” () by Arcadia, Boris Strugatsky, which was created richly in the light of Bulgakov’s novel.

Tim is not less, given the interpretation of the image to avenge the low inaccuracies.

  1. Yavna. Left Matviy conveys to Woland an order from Joshua about the further share of Maistra and Margarita.
  2. Woland testified as a witness, and not a participant in the Yershalaim scenes. For the knowledge of the Lord, with the discovery of Joshua and Pilate Woland, it is incognito that you can understand it subconsciously. However, in the evening, Pilat on a mission to bachel taєmnicha to stand in the middle of the shadows.

Tse interpretation can also be known as a spy, the oscules need to be protected by a number of points, which may be important when reading that sensible imagery, seeing from the novel. Zgidno from the Christian point of dawn, the Antichrist is a person, so it’s not so much to resist Christ, as if he were supporting him. The prefix "anti-" may be a subtranslation:

  • blockage, adversary.
  • substitute substitute.

Do not forget those that this version differs greatly from the current context of the Bible. The New Testament about the coming of Christ says: “And if we were the Pharisees, if the Kingdom of God comes, I told them: the Kingdom of God will not come with a commemorative order. For the Kingdom of God is in the midst of us” (Luke 17:20, 21). “If I say to you: “The axis of Vin is near the desert”, - do not go out; “Os, Vin at the taєmnih kіmnats”, - not virte; For, like a blissful one, it will come out at once, and it will be visible before sunset, so the Sin of Man will come ”(Mt 24: 26-27).

Likewise, predict that Ivan Bezdomny is protected from Woland by the icon of an invisible saint.

The image of Woland in the art

In the cinema

  • Alain Cuni - Meister i Margarita, 1972
  • Gustav Cholubek - TV series 1989 year  (Poland)
  • Valentin Gaft - film 1994 year (Russia)
  • Mikhailo Kozakov - "Fatal Eggs", feature film, 1995 (Russia-Czech Republic)
  • Oleg Basilashvili - TV series "Maister I Margarita" 2005 (Russia)
  • Sergiy Grekov - short film 2005 year (Ugorshchina)

Woland has appeared. Meister and Margarita

"Maister and Margarita". Patriarchs are a dime a dozen.

Previously, Kozyache swamp was rotting at the stakes (in honor of him, the Great and Maliy Kozikhinsky provulki took away their name). For example, in the 16th century, Patriarch Joachim created a place for his residence. And Patriarch Sloboda appeared. For the raising of the riba to the patriarchal table, three stakes were dug up, aptly called the Patriarchs. However, to this day, having survived only one bet, and about the past, Triohprudny provulok is guessing.

On the Patriarch's stakes, de bula is popular in Moscow kovzanka, bringing his daughters to ride on kovzan Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy. Walking along the alleys of the square and hearing the nightingale's speech, the other Tolstoy - Oleksiy Mikolayovich.

For radian hours, the rates were tried to be changed to Pioneers, but the new name did not take root. So the stench was left behind by the Patriarchs.

In 2003, the Patriarch's rates are insured up to objects of cultural decline. The park, the rates and the pavilion are protected by the power.

Patriarchal rates are rightfully respected by the elite: both for the Radian and for the post-traditional hours, people settled here from home and from the safety. This is one of the ten most prestigious districts in the capital. In fact, the order is Tverska Street and Sadovye Kilce, theaters on Maliy Bronniy, Mosradi, Satire, the Misyatsya Theater, the Concert Hall named after. Tchaikovsky, Budinok Khanzhonkov, there were a few elite clubs.

This is where the novel “Maister and Margarita” begins.

“One time in the spring, in a year there was no specious sunset, in Moscow, at the Patriarch's headquarters, two hulks appeared. The first of them, dressed in summer, a lilac couple, small stature, indignant, foxes, their decent drops with a pie on their hands, and on a well-dressed guise of yoga, supernatural rosemary eyepieces in a black horn-rimmed rim were avenged. The other one is a broad-shouldered, rude, swirling young man at the top of the sweatshirt with kartaty caps - boos at the cowboys, chewing on white trousers and in black caps.

Pershey Buv is not the same, Yak Mikhailo Oleksandrovich Berlioz, the head of the pravli -nybils of the Moscow Litherasty Associasi, the Massolit, the editor of the Tovstoy art magazine, and Yogo, sings, sings the ven of Mikolaiovich pika, and the pissy.

After drinking in the shade of lindens, which are green, the writers rushed first to the line-furnished booth with the inscription "Beer and water."

So, the next signifies the first divin of this terrible herbal vich / fa. Not only there were booths, but at all the alley, parallel to Maliy Bronniy Street, not a single person appeared. Tієї a year, if it’s right, and the forces weren’t going wild, if the sun, having roasted Moscow, fell in a dry cuff over Sadovye Kilce, - nobody came to the linden tree, nobody sat on the lava, the alley was empty.

“Give me the narzan,” Berlioz asked.

“Narzan can’t,” the woman said in the room, and what appeared to be.

- Bring the beer over the evening, - said the woman.

- What about? - sleeping Berlioz.

- Apricot, only heat, - said the woman.

- Well, let's, let's, let's!

Abrikosova gave bagat a zhovt pіnu, and in the oven there was a smell of perforation. Having got drunk, the writers began to groan in a negligent way, paid off and sat on benches to their faces to the rate and with their backs to Bronnaya.

And here the speculation of the wind thickened in front of him, and the prosorium of the wondrous sighted stared at him from a sudden wind. On a small head there is a jockey's cap, a burr of a short-haired jacket ... A huge man, a sazhen tall, narrow in the shoulders, thin and neimovirno, and physionomy, please remember, knowing.

The life of Berlioz developed in such a way that there was no sound to the unimaginable manifestations of wine. More closer, with eyes wide open and benignly thinking: “What can’t you be! ..”

And here the head words sank:

“... the professor, beckoning both to himself, and if the stench got sick of someone new, whispering:

- Mayte in respect, what Jesus has created.

- Bachite, professor, - with a chuckle, Vіdpovіv Berlioz, - we respect your great knowledge, but we ourselves will reach the other point of dawn from this nourishment.

- And you don’t need the same points of dawn! - Vidpovіv marvelous professor, - just wіn іsnuvav, and nothing more.

There was no tram on the Patriarchs. Bulgakov clearly states that this tram line has been “newly laid”, so it has appeared. Bulgakov often responds to the adoption of Timchas's guidelines, the transformation of reality. (Div. "Fatal Eggs".) In one of the first editions of the novel ("Kopito іzhenera"), which lies here until 1929, is written at the heart of 1943. This is the very trick Bulgakov victoriously, for example, in the novel "Fatal Eggs", guiding a guess into reality.

“The tram was bent over by Berlioz, and under the gates of the Patriarchal Alley, a round dark object was thrown onto the brook. Having rolled down from this mowing, having cut the vines on the stones of Bronnaya.

Budinok, kudi zayshov Ivanko Bezdomniy, I have a completely specific “registration permit” - Pozharsky (Savelyevsky) provulok, booths 12. Near the area where the professor lived, only one of Bulgakov's friends lived - the birthplace of Mikoli Mykolayovich Lyamin, the accuracy of the description of the apartment is very high.

“Professor knows.

Ivan Mikolayovich znіyakovіv, albeit unfortunate, but with a quick understanding, that the professor may not hesitate to go to booth No. 13 and obov'yazkovo near apartment 47.

After escaping at the door, Ivan Mikolayovich zletіv on the other over, negajshov knew this apartment and telephoned impatiently. Chekati had a bad time: she opened Ivanov’s doors, like a girl of five years, didn’t inquire about the one who came, went off to the wrong place.

“At the majestic, to the extreme, neglected front, weakly illuminated by a small, ugly light bulb under a high, black stele, a bicycle without tires hung on the wall, there was a majestic screen, upholstered with a zalіz, and on the police above the hanger lay a winter hat, and way down. Behind one of the doors, a deep human voice at the radio set was angrily shouting in verses.

Ivan Mikolayovich didn’t break the antrohi in an unknown situation, and rushed straight to the corridor, roaming like this: “Vin, obviously, hiding at the bathroom.” It was dark outside the corridor. Leaning against the wall, Ivan shook the weak wife of the light below under the door, fumbled for the handle and slightly vomited. Gachok jumped, and Ivan leaned himself at the bathroom and thought that you had mercy.

However, it was not so fortunate, as if it were necessary! Ivan smelled of damp warmth, and, with the light of the coal, which smoldered in the columns, the roses of great corite, which hung on the wall, and the bath, all in black terrible plamas in the form of beaten enamel. So from, at this bath, there was a huge naked woman, all in a mile, with a washcloth in her hands. Vaughn briefly took a liking to Ivan, who lied and, obviously recognizing in the hellish light, said quietly and cheerfully:

- Kiryushka! Throw tripping! What do you see, have you gone to hell? .. Fedir Ivanovich turn around at once. Get out now! - I waved a washcloth at Ivan "

Embankment of the Moskvi-river, continuation of the Pozharsky lane.

It’s impossible to go down to the water at once, but, as the elders set up, the very same on the Pozharsky (Savelyevsky) trail, the descent to the water was earlier than right.

« In a short hour, Ivan Mikolayovich could be danced on the granite slabs of the amphitheater of the Moscow River.

Taking on his own clothes, Ivan entrusted his adopted bearded man to smoke a cigarette with a torn white sweatshirt and lace-up, worn-out laces. Waving his arms to get cold, Ivan rushed to the water like a last. The spirit changed into something new, the water was so cold, and the thought came to me that I couldn’t go, perhaps, jump to the surface.

However, far away, and, blowing and feasting, with round eyes, Ivan Mikolayovich began to swim in the black water, which smelled of naphtha, between the evil zigzags of coastal light.

If wet Ivan had danced with gatherings before that month, de the bearded man lost his cloth under the guard, it was explained that it was stolen not only by a friend, but by pershu, that the bearded man himself. Precisely on the spot, de bula kupa cloth, swarthy underpants, a torn sweatshirt, a candle, an icon and a box of sirniks were left behind. Threatening in powerless anger to someone in the distance with his fist, Ivan leaned on those who were deprived.

Budinok Griboyedov (Budinok Herzen), B.Mikitskaya, d. No. 53 MASSOLIT (since 1934 - CDL)

There are no decipherings of the abbreviations (MASSOLIT) in the text of “Maistra and Margarity”, but they are known to be the Maistra (or Maisternya) of Socialist Literature, by analogy with the association of playwrights MAYSTKOM-DRAM (Maisternya komunisticheskaya dramy), which began at 20.

At the “Budinka Griboyedov” there is a government literary organization, guessing Herzen’s houses, rotting on Herzen’s street (B. Nikitska’s street). And under the mask of MASSOLIT, you can choose the prototype of MASSOLIT - RAPP (Russian Association of Proletarian Writers) which is the famous Spilka of Writers.

A writer and publicist Oleksandr Ivanovich Herzen (1812-1870) was born at his house in 1812, poshlyubny blue great helper I.A. Yakovlev, brother of Senator A.A. Yakovlev. Bulgakov replaced one writer (Herzen) and another (Griboyedov).

“An old double-topped booth of cream color was scattered on the boulevard kіltsі in the clay of a stunted garden, the kilts, water-reinforced on the sidewalk, was embossed with chivuns. A small maidanchik in front of the booth was paved with asphalt, and in the winter hour a kuchugura with a shovel hung on the new one, and in the summer hour it was transformed on the miracle of the summer restaurant under a canvas awning.

“... It is important those who, at the given hour, led the house of that same MASSOLIT, on which the unfortunate Berlioz stood until he appeared at the Patriarch's rates.

From the light hand of the members of MASSOLIT, no one called the houses "Griboyedov's house", but they all just say "Griboyedov".

MASSOLIT spread out in Griboyedov in such a way that it would not be better and quieter. Kozhen, who enters to Griboyedov, is the first to know for everything, passing by the information about the different sports teams and the group, as well as individual photographs of the members of the MASSOLIT (…) shomiti bursting people: "Apartment catering" ...

Eh-ho-ho... So boom, boom!.. Moscow old-timers remember the famous Griboyedov! What are the portions of perch! Cheap stuff, dear Ambrose! And the sterlet, the sterlet at the silver casseroles, the sterlet with small pieces, shifted with shell necks and fresh caviar (...) "

The mansion was inspired in 1889 by Prince Svyatopolk-Chetvertinsky for the project of the Moscow architect N.S. Biytsova. The mansion of vicons in the Art Nouveau style of romantic directness. Two on top, a vein, carved tree, a majestic hall, in which, behind the instructions, there was a Masonic lodge, and then the famous written restaurant.

The CDL itself was founded in 1934 by the roci - by the rivers of the first round of radian writers and the adoption of the Sparta of writers of the SRSR. 100 key party practitioners, URAD members of the USSR, merited mitts were requested for the vote.

Member contributions were transferred from the very cob. Introductory - five karbovantsiv, schorichny - five fifteen. Sumi vneskіv repeatedly changed, zrozumіlo, at the bіk zbіlshennya.

The Central House of Writers, once becoming a writing club, debriefed friends and foes, sounded zastilly, held meetings, panahidis, and gathered - “cleansing” objectionable elements and rewarding them.

About the written Budynok for 70 years, an indefinite number of legends have been created. Acts of them lie right up to the pre-revolutionary (until 1917) hour.

For example, the famous people said that in the oak-paneled restaurant hall, where during the “damned” past, a Masonic lodge was deployed, once a ball was held, for which the real Natasha Rostova danced from “Fire the World”. Deyak inconvenience at the hour for the legend is not perishkoda.

Dostemenno vіdomo, scho not long after the wake of the house on Povarsky bought Countess Oleksandra Andriivna Olsuf'eva. Vaughn lived here until 1917, until the "revolutionary hurricane" took her to Europe.

Budinok Olsuf'evikh was famous all over Moscow for his French cook and wine lioh. About this tradition, which was saved in the MASSOLIT restaurant, Bulgakov’s sleepers were born with pansky fears with a special relish - even the great bulky man could not even dream of such suffering. Radyansk writers - the partnership of those who were engaged by the power of sycophants, who chanted Bulgakov’s river at the river, hating it with all his soul, allowing himself the satisfaction of burning Griboyedov at the distribution “Stand by Korovyov and Behemoth.”

«… From the primus, hitting the stovp fire directly into the mantling. Like a bivying pasture with black edges appeared in the awning and began to spread out on all sides. The fire, having slipped through it, rose right up to the fire of the mushroom booth. Folders with papers, which were lying on top of another's window, were raptly blown off in the editorial office, and behind them the curtain was shoveled. And that fire, buzzers, nibi htos yogo rozdmuhuvav, stovpom pishov in the middle of the aunt’s house.

Bulgakov, having burned Griboyedov, like “I’ll rot the apartment” - wine, like I was in my youth, still believing the formula “Ignis sanat” - the fire is rejoicing.

Budinok Dramlit. Lavrushinsky Prov., 17.

Budinok Dramlit Bulgakov on the example of B. Mykolopeskovskiy provulka on the Arbat. Ale of descriptions in the novels of houses, which are found in Lavrushinsky lane opposite the Tretyakov Gallery.

The official, nomenclature writers and critics lived here, among them Osaf Litovsky, the head of the repertoire committee. Lithuanian fenced "Crimson Island", and "The Cabal of the Holy", and "Zoychin's apartment". In a couple with the critic Orlovsky, who harassed Bulgakov, he entered the novel under the name Latunsky, whose apartment was thug Margarita, who took revenge. “... її respect was turned on by the large bulk of an eight-topped, maybe, well-built booth. Margarita went downstairs and, landing, swayed, that the facade of the booth was made of black marmur, that the doors were wide, that behind the slope of them one could see a chest of gold galloons and the porter's horns, and that over the door in gold was written: "Dim Dramlita."

Margarita became accustomed to writing, understanding what the word "Dramlit" could mean.

On the cob of the 1930s, Stalin opposes the union of writers. And it’s no less organizational, like the Spiltsi writers, and it’s more pobutovo - under a sleeping dahom.

Stalin said: “You need to create a writing place. Gothel, so that writers lived with him, a distant, great library - all mortgages. Mi damo on tse koshti.

The writers were slapped on the back by the famous Budinka Herzen ("Griboyedov") on Tverskoy Boulevard. Proletarian writers-pochatkivtsy lived in a group on Pokrovtsy. Nevdovzі members of the creative community otrimuyut apartments on the street Furmanova. And since 1937, the settlement of the majestic writing booth near Lavrushinsky Provulk began to rock. Budіvlyu Bulo zbudovano tsgogo f fate for the project architect І.І. Nikolaev and was produced in 1948–1950.

Otzhe, who is leaning on a sleepy dash? This is where the problems begin. It is impossible to overthrow all the writers, who appeared to be lodgers in the booth in Lavrushinsky. The list has close to hundreds of names. Here lived A. Barto, Nd. Vishnevsky, I. Ilf, Y. Petrov, E. Kazakevich, Y. Olesha, A. Makarenko, N. Pogodin, M. Prishvin, K. Paustovsky, K. Fedin, V. Kataev, V. Chivilikhin, L. Nikulin, M. Bubennov and rich, rich and others in earlier times and none of the writers.

There was a story that in 1937 a slogan was hung on the doors of the written cooperative: “Don’t clog the sewers with a burning paper.” Illya Erenburg guessing: “If my acquaintances have no hope for tomorrow; the bagatiohs were ready with valіzkas with two changes of warm whiteness. Priyshov like Babel and with humor, having never spent any wine, having told, how people behave, who are assigned to different positions: “Stink sit on the edge of the armchair ...”

A.C. Makarenko lost his famous comune (div. "Pedagogical sing") and moved to Moscow. Yomu hated to be attacked in the attack on a new official from the head of the national education of Ukraine. Yogo was called in the command style of kerivnitstva, in Arakcheivshchyna. M. Gorky helped to move to the capital. On the fee of "Pedagogical sing" Makarenko bought an apartment from Lavrushinsky in the fierce fate of 1937. Ale lived a short time, died in 1939.

In the memory of 1937, after the thorny trouble Prishvin, who said to himself: “Rozanov is the poet of Russian literature, I am a costless supplement,” I take an apartment here. From the great windows of the highway above, there was a great view of Zamoskvorichchya: “The axis of the apartment was found, but there is no life with it ...” Bulgakov was inspired by the door to the apartment in Dramlit’s bungalow.

Dim Margarity

In the descriptions of the place, destined for the novel, Bulgakov is even more specific, and to that the fahivtsy were able to recognize most of them. Vinyatok set up Margarita’s house, and wrote about the new Bulgakov herself: “Margarita Mikolayevna and her man double occupied the whole mountain of a beautiful mansion in the garden in one of the streets of the Arbat. The skin can perekonatisya in some other place, so it’s better to straighten it to the other garden. Don't let me get angry, I'll tell you the address, I'll show you the way - the mansion has the best dossi.

However, Margarity is better off for all the boondocks - the author's guess. Better than everything, Bulgakov compiling the drawings of the Moscow villages, to put Margarita in a good entourage and those places, which would be handy to change for the plot of the novel.

(option 1). Spiridonivka, 17.

Roztashuvannya booth weakly matches the description in the novel. The mansion has more garni, embellishments with gothic elements, for the guidance of other contenders. And here is the light at the door, de bula Margarita's bedroom.

The 1898 revival of the houses at the 1898 project of the academician of architecture Shekhtel (Yogo - the houses of the Ryabushinskys, as well as the reconstruction on the cob of the century of the houses of the Moscow Art Theater) for the millionaire Savi Morozov.

On the other hand, there is one more furnishing for the whole house. Romani Meister won 100 yew from the lottery. ruble If you are guilty, what the nasty thing is with him, you are guilty of all the pennies that you lost 100 thousand, and yourself - 10 thousand, thanks to Margarita. But really Morozov, whose house, having insured his life for 100 thousand. rubles and, having fooled the trust of insurance companies, in 1905 they put their hands on themselves.

(option 2). Maliy Vlasievskiy Prov. (Vulitsya Tanєєvih), 12.

Budinoks are good to go for roztashuvannyam, but more lower in the middle - for description.

(Option 3). Ostozhenka, booth 21.

The small and rather large garden of houses is truly reminiscent of a small Gothic castle, and at the top of the great round window it is so easy to see Margaret. One bida - halasliva Ostozhenka is in no way similar to one of the Arbat avenues. In addition, every year the garden was filled with a house, in which the diplomatic representation of one of the Arab lands was roaring, no.

Budinok, de alive Meister

(Option 1) Mansurovsky Prov., 9.

Behind the covenants of the co-workers, if the houses were lying down, the artist of the Maly Theater S. Topleninov, who often visited Mikhailo Opanasovich as a guest, read his novel to one of the first. “Did you describe our basement?” - zdivuvavsya gentleman. "Shh!" - Bulgakov smiled and lifted a finger to his lips.

It’s important to believe, but all the rocky at radianska vlady this modest hut at the very center of Moscow, having been deprived of private power.

“Having rented two rooms from the forgetful man, at the basement of a small house near the garden. Having left the service in the museum and began to write a novel about Pontius Pilate.

- Ah, the whole golden age, - twinkling eyes, whispers of warnings, - my apartment is bright, and even the front, and in it a sink with water, - I especially proudly voiced my wines, - a small end over the sidewalk itself, which led to the wind. Navpaki, for chotiri kroki, pіd parkan, buzok, linden and maple. Ah, ah, ah! Vzimku I'm more or less bountiful at the end of my black legs and feel the crunch of snow under them. And in the oven in me forever the fire was burning! Ale raptom, spring has come, and having swayed the crystal of the calamute glass, I will kill the naked, and then the bushes of the buzka, which are dressed in greenery.

(option 2)

(Plotnikovsky provulok, house number 9), the apartment of Bulgakov's friends Popovykh, de often picking up groups of "prechistensky intellectuals" and de Bulgakov often reading what was written. Pavlo Sergiyovich Popov and the yoga team of Ganna Illivna Tovst (Lev Mikolayovich’s onuk) made two stones at the basement, roztashuvannya such as described in the novel, the life of the master.

Budinok No. 10 on Veliky Sadovy, the old-timers, who became the famous house 302-bis in the novel “Maister and Margarita”, called it “dim Pigita”. Here chotiri rocky is alive from Bulgakov's first retinue, here there is a "filthy apartment", in a kind of roaring up the head novel.

The prototype of the “nasty apartment” was apartment No. 50 at booth No. 10 on Bolshaya Sadovy Street, de Bulgakov lived in 1921–1924. In addition, the planning of a “nasty apartment” for some reason gives more space to apartment No. 34 near that very booth. Here the writer was slacking off for a few months - from sickle to leaf fall in 1924.

At the top of the corridor system No. 50, at apartment No. 34 there were five rooms, two of them had the rich financier of the apartment Artur Borisovich Manasevich and his retinue alive, in the second - the servant Annushka, at the fourth - Oleksandra Mykolayevna with Kіbel Vovka, served as prototypes for the heroes of the Psalm. And in the fifth deputy of the son A.B. Manasevich (the future writer Volodymyr Arturovich Levshin), Bulgakov settled in Timchas with his first retinue.

The five-overhead mishasto-sira bulk (the one on top of the novel "Maister and Margarita" attributed to Bulgakov) was formed from two buildings. One, on the pіv-above the top, overlooking the façade of the overhead. The second one, with the letter P, was known at the courtyard, where he led the old house. If two flowerbeds and a fountain were embellished with a straight-cut door. At the center of the fountain stood a sculpture of a boy and a girl under a parasol.

A bunch of booths not assigned to a living - rich Pіgіt being a tyutyunov factory. Ale, in the fall of life, came the fence to build a factory in the middle of the Garden Ring. The fire did not break, and the promises of life were obtained like a life. The factory "Dukat" grew near the Tverskoy-Yamsky Provulk (Ninі Vul. Gashek).

Before the reconstruction of the Sadovoe Kilts, which, having pressed the mustaches new booth glancing uneasily: chic piers, stucco balconies. Oshatny, pіvkolom bent front garden, plantings with varietal buzz, vіddіlyav budinok vіd pavement.

Pigit himself occupied the top with old balconies above the door (at this hour the linenage was the most expensive, and at the same time with windows on the street).

“Clean public” populated the booths: director of the Kazanskaya zaliznitsi, in charge of the Moscow office of the imperial theaters. The millionaire Ryabushinsky lived here at his hour - at the majestic art studio, renting nothing for the painters to occupy, but really for the relatives' roses. There were three such racks, one over one studio, at the booth. Ryabushinsky occupied the upper one, and shot there, dead, without serious consequences. The leading rank at the booth was lodged by the intelligentsia - doctors, artists, lawyers, artists. Z budinkom Pigita pov'yazani name names. At the studios, as Konchalovsky knew, the painter and theater artist Yakulov was visiting, Shalyapin, Igumnov, Prokofiev, Kachalov, Moskvin, Oleksiy Tolstoy, Meyerhold, Orlov, Konenkov, visited Surik.

Lower on top of the sq. 21 there lived a great woman with a hairy ore of hair - an opera actress from Lvov. Vaughn is the editor-viewer of the Mezzanine of Poetry and the choreographer of amateur performances that took place at Pigita's booth.

At the studio of G.B. Yakulova, a painter and a theater artist, worked with Isadora Duncan Sergiy Yesenin.

The revolution turned this "hotbed of foreign ideology" into a working commune - persha near Moscow. The death of the famous booth near the fire Bulgakov described in the interview "No. 13. Dim Elpit - Rabkomun".

“So it was. Ah, how long the houses are in. Chic house Elpit.

At the brackets on the walkway maidanchiks, light bulbs were burning ... At the tops of the apartments there were bathrooms, at the important dark front dark glare of telephones ... kilims ... in the offices it was silently urochisto. Massive shkiryan armchairs. Before the upper Maidanchiks lived great, massive people. Director of a bank, intelligent state official in the guise of Saint-Brі z "Guennotiv", manufacturer (Afan nights with magnesia), golden, winning women, all-world phenomenal bass soloist, more general, more ... abortion doctors…

Great boom hour…

And nothing happened...

It is terrible to live when kingdoms fall. And the memory itself began to fade.

Elpit himself pishov u chomus buv.

The axis of the same bіlya vorіt, entrusted from the lіkhtar (fiery No. 13), there was a tablet stuck and a marvelous inscription on it “Working Committee on”. In all 75 apartments, non-working people appeared. The pianos were locked, but the gramophones were alive and often sang in evil voices, hanks were stretched across the ventricle, and whiteness was on them. The primus sizzled in a snake-like way, and at night they spit stinging children. Three of the brackets of the lamps sprung, and a night of darkness was coming ... "

Vzimku famous budinok, settlement piyachnymi proletarians, perished in the fire because of the guilt of the dark all-existing Hannus. The rozpovid was assigned for publication (Bulgakov's head tour in the circle of rolls of bread). And from the same time - the death of an empire that osm_yannya of the new rulers of life was not guilty of anything. However, for all the irony of this intonation, the picture painted is terrible. Not the houses of Elpit (Pigita), but the prosperous past of mighty Russia perished at the fire of the divine coup. Here, just like in a razyuchoy emotional blast, the “Khansky fire” is described, a little cry of a tightness behind the swept away blind elements, that the past great country, її istorії, way of life, її hopes, people.

A stinking horde of literate "proletarians", hated by Bulgakov, sent the land of the rulers of life with their moonshine, targans, non-government and unawakening drinking.

Truly the child of Pigita's true dossi. Aleyogo transformation on the Rabkomuna brought Bulgakov to death.

Bulgakov lived at his bungalow for a long time, here he sang the heroes of "Maistra ta Margariti".

“You need to say that this apartment - No. 50 - has long been reputed to be not nasty, then it has acquired a marvelous reputation. Two more years ago, the widow of the jeweler de Furzhe (...) Hanna Frantsivna gave three rooms for five to the Meshkants (...)

І axis two fates began in the apartment of an unreasonable podії: from the apartment, people began to traceless (…)

As if it hadn’t been there, the apartment stood empty and sealed for less than a day, and then they moved in with her - the late Berlioz from the retinue and his very Styopa, also from the retinue. Quite naturally, like a little stink they drank into a cursed apartment, and the devil began to appear in them.

“Margarita, with her farewell, already bila the door of apartment No. 350. They didn't call. Azazello noiselessly knocked the door with his key.

First, which startled Margarita, dreadfully, she drank it in a yak (...) then they began to rise up with such wide gatherings, and Margarita began to say hello, that there would be no end to them. It struck me that in the front splendid Moscow apartment can be accommodated by unseen invisible ones, but if you look good, you can go down (...), but if you find it, you can see the difference of your place. What rank can you squeeze into a Moscow apartment?

Fantasies Bulgakov far away from apartment No. 50 was no less hot, and the American embassy, ​​with some fault of hostility, was quite useful for Boland's ball.

Torgsin - home 54, kutoviy from Sadovy kіlts.

(Piznishe - "Smolensk" deli No. 2. Deli No. 1 - Єlisєєvskiy).

In 1933-1936, the entire first one on top of the house in 1933-1936, having occupied the largest Moscow Torgsin.

“About a quarter of the year after an ear of the sun on Sadoviya, beating the mirror doors of the trading house on the Smolensk market, a long-time hulk appeared at the kartati suit and with him the black great whale.

Silently ringing among the passers-by, the bulky man opened the oval doors of the store. Ale here is a small, stubby and utterly unkind doorman, blocking your path and saying in an exaggerated tone:

- With whales it is not possible.

- I’m swinging, - zabryazkotіv dovgy i p (stretched his knotted hand to the vuh, like a tight-fitting one, - with cats, you say?

The porter opened his eyes, and there was a reason: no cat was no longer visible, and from behind his shoulder, his deputy was already hanging and rushing into the store tovstun at a torn cap, which he effectively threw off the troch at the cat. Tovstun has a buv primus in his hands.

Tsya a couple of chomus did not suit the porter-misanthrope.

- We only have money for currency, - croaking wines, roaring astonished z-pіd kudlatikh, like a bimillu z'їdenih, gray brows.

- Dear my, - zabryazkotiv dovgy, shining with an eye from a broken pince-nez, - and do you know that I can't? Do you judge by the costume? Don't try anything, you dear Vartovy! You can have mercy, and it's already great. Re-read once again the history of the famous caliph Haroun al-Rashid. ale in to this particular type, reading this story timchasovo vbik, I want to tell you that I will complain about you and tell you such speeches about you that I would not have had a chance to leave your post between the glittering mirror doors.

- I, perhaps, have a new primus of currency, - hotly rubbing into the rose and cat-like tovstun, which is so good at the store. The public was already pushing back and angry. Out of hatred and vaguely wondering at the marvelous couple, the doorman turned aside, and our acquaintances, Korovyov and Behemoth, stumbled into the shop.

Here is the first description of torgsin's wealth: “Hundreds of pieces of cotton in the richest colors were seen in the shelves. Behind them piled up muslins and chiffon and factory cloths. In the future, there were a lot of stacks of boxes out of their mouths, and a sprig of bulky women sat on low stiltchiks, looming their right foot in old, shabby shoes, and the lion - at the new gleaming cloak, like a stench and stupidly slammed into a kilimok. Here, at the earth, they sang the gramophone behind the horn.

And the guards of Torgsin looked like this: A low, square-looking man, shaved to the bluish, in horn eyepieces, at a new capelus, not zim'yatomu and without patiokiv on the lines, at the buzkovy coat and kid's rudih mittens, standing white on the counter and shchos mukav. The salesperson with a clean white robe and a blue hat served a buzkovy client. With the sharpest knife ... knowing the fat erysipelas, crying, I go to the snake with a shriveling skin.

Budinok appeared less than after the Zhovtnevoi revolution. That and then not once - yoga was from 1928 to 1933 r_k. Spivavtori-architects V. Mayat and V. Oltarzhevsky formally supported constructivism, fashionable at that time. However, the fashion has ended, and the new house of viishov is not similar to the famous robot clubs-transformers.

The first over the Arbat budinka they saw the pid the largest Moscow Torgsin.

The word "torgsin" was an official abbreviation in the form of a whole proposition - trade with foreigners. Tі іnozemtsі, yakі priїzhdzhayut to our state at the right or on the tourist and water hour ideologically requested, could come to Torgsinі zvichne for their way of life food and other goods. Prote zustrіchalis here and our spіvvіtchizniki. The scheme of the bula is as follows: a person builds in Torgsinі koshtovnostі, otrimuє bons and tsі bons buy the hunger for food and non-food shortages. And the cost to go to the needs of the industry - for example, I will buy versativ.

“At Lukomor'ya they cut down an oak,

They carried the golden lansyug from Torgsin,

The cat was cut into cutlets ... "

Nezabarom, however, Torgsin viyshov s fashion and curled up. On yoga mіstsі created zagalnodostupny, but not even the best grocery store. A.N.Batashov guessed a tribute to the family of Batashov’s promislovs, A.N. at the dairy vіddіlі they sold kavu's milk - in the form of brown cows, as they explained to me.

And there was another innovation in that gastronomy for Moscow: a slide was designed here just for the white snow - store advertising. Passers-by went simply for images, it was fun, they wanted to look there, in warmth and in appetizing smells, and I could buy such an unusual thing. Vitrati advertising, zrozumіlo, they were true to themselves.

Travelers praised the assortment of the “easy-to-reach” grocery store: “At the refrigerated windows of the gastronomic store “Gastronom No. 2” (which took away the name “Smolensk grocery store” from the people) there were over 50 varieties of cowbass, sausages, sausages, cheese. The bakery and bakery shop has 55 different varieties. Over 400 varieties of tsukerok, bakery, cakes, pastries, chocolate, cupcakes, gingerbread - at the confectionery shop.

The store with leather rock was shy of the popular ones. Yak, zreshtoy, and vlasne budinok. On a new, for example, 1968 fate, a plaque with granite was erected with an inscription: “Here, near the 1917 fate, the battles of the Red Guards and soldiers of the Khamovnitsky district were baked with corrals of junkers.” And the grocery store "Smolensky", or "No. 2", like a radyansk torgovlya vzagali, at the same time lying down to the era of permanent crisis.

The Miss of the First Zustrich Maistra and Margarita.

Tverska, turn at Blagovishchensky provulok.

“Vona carried in her hands an ogid, anxious yellow tickets. The devil knows what it sounds like, but the stench first comes to Moscow. The І tsі kіti were clearly seen on the black and її spring coat. Vaughn carried yellow tickets! Not a good color... Vaughn turned from Tverskoy into a wire and turned around. Well, do you know Tverska? Thousands of people went through Tver, but I guarantee you that I beat one of them and marveled not at the same anxious, but at least painfully. I was struck not so much by her beauty, as if it were unimaginable, no one was able to see self-sufficiency in her eyes!

De Tverskiy said zustrich, it is definitely not indicated in the novel. The turn at the Blagovishchenskiy provulok or at the Great Gnіzdnikіvskiy is entirely suitable for the description of the author.

Theater Var'jete, cage "Aquarium".

The prototype of the Var'єte was the Moscow Music Hall, which was founded in 1926-1936 in the form of a “nasty apartment” near the address: B. Sadova, 18. One of them is the Moscow Satire Theater. And until 1926, the circus of brothers Nikitins was hosted here, and besides, the circus was specially encouraged for this circus in 1911 after the project of the architect Nilus. The Circus of Nikitins is gathering at the "Heart of a Dog". The program of the music hall hosted a series of circus performances, all of which could be seen through the high dome. The possibility of a huge circus apprenticeship is shown by Bulgakov in the episodes of the "seance of black magic", given by Woland.

The instruction to know the garden "Aquarium", de Varenukha, on his bidu, sat with Behemoth and Azazello.

The rose garden "Aquarium", like the house garden "Ermitazh", was formed approximately in the style of the 19th century. Until midnight, on the territory of Volodymyr 16 and 14, along Velykyi Sadovyi Vulitsy, a cluster of towns and headquarters of the Novodevichy Monastery were roamed, then there was a difference between the life and industrial recognition.

The garden itself was built in 1893 under the name "Chicago". At the same time, a theater, a kilka estrad, a pavilion, a great fountain from a waterfall, and an openwork vezha hall for illumination were opened here. At the monastery's headquarters, a "stone grotto" was built.

In 1897 the Volodinnya was sold to I.S. Solovіychik, who continued life and provided electric lighting, and in 1898 the theater and garden rented the entrepreneur Charles Aumont for that hour. For a new garden and otrimav name "Aquarium". It was necessary to build a small piece river with a small window from the decorative pavilion to the musical stage. "In "Akvarium" at Omon it's not bad," wrote A.P. Chekhov in 1898 roci.

A shooting range, a skittle alley, photography, a maidanchik for gymnastics, an ice skating rink, and an aquarium were placed in one of the arbors near the garden.

"Aquarium" is good news for theater-goers. Here Zimina's private opera began its life, giving a performance to the theater "Buff", and Leonid Utyosov performed like a performer of a comical jazz voice orchestra. In 1923, a musical hall was opened in the winter theater "Aquarium" (from 1926 to 1936, having worked at the court house, the Satire Theater was opened at once), and in 1927, the Operet Theater began its work.

In 1959, the role of the old winter theater "Akvarium" on the site of the architect M.S. Zhirov's was zbudovano new budіvlyu theater on 1300 mіsts, from that hour the theater named after Mosradi.

Bulgakov even accurately described the "Aquarium": “The great office on the other side of the theater had two windows overlooking Sadova, and one ... near the summer garden of Var'ete, where the cold buffets were moving, the shooting gallery and the open-air stage.”

The Moscow music hall itself, which rose up in the life of the Aquarium theater, served as a prototype for Bulgakov's Variety, de honored Woland.

In 1975, the territory of the garden "Aquarium" was turned into a green maidanchik for repair. At the same time, a bula fence was put up, which raised a garden in the street.

Psychiatric clinic, de "rejoiced" Homeless and Meister - " the psychiatric clinic is famous, as it was recently opened near Moscow on the birch river,- a fruit of Bulgakov's futuristic irony. Like a doctor, youmu, mabut, bulo tsikavo "vibuduvati" thoroughly the liquor, equipped with miracles of technology and unbelievably responsive staff. There are no similar psychiatric mortgages assigned to Moscow. The biggest discount on utopism is to go to the likarnya im. Gannushkina in Sokilniki, on the Yauzi birch, there - Scientific and recent Institute of Psychiatry. However, the Sokilniki during Bulgakov's hours were far from being “under Moscow”, that whole jubilant entourage looked like a direct slander over the psychiatric hospitals that were in Moscow. A similar picture of this medical mortgage, perhaps, could be used to confirm the order of the "Granivtsy" (Kremlin likarni on the streets of Granovsky), or the Central Clinical Club, yakby, it was such a marvel that a homeless writer of that drunk poet was pardoned for VIP-persons.

Budinok Pashkov, Kud Mokhovo and Znamyanka, one of the most beautiful budіvel of Moscow, in the future, which in the rest of the divisions of the novel, Woland and when he came to the new Leviy Matviy, after a thunderstorm, which thickens.

“At the setting of the sun, high above the place on the stone terrace, one of the most beautiful buds near Moscow, the buds that were close to the second hundred of those, there were two: Boland and Azazello. The stench was not visible from below, from the street, to that which the balustrade with gypsum vases and gypsum quilts covered them with indecent glances. From the bottom of them, nothing was a moment to bachiti, Ale їm the place was visible to the brim.

Budinok was raised in 1784–1786 at the funeral of the lieutenant-captain of the Life Guards Semenivsky Regiment Pyotr Yegorovich Pashkov, the son of Peter I's batman, ymovirno, following the project of the architect Vasil Ivanovich Bazhenov.

In the wake of your spores, Pashkov's budinok became a memory of Moscow and a protractor of rich fates, victorious and respected one of the most beautiful budіvels of the capital. Roztashuvannya budіvl_ important and symbolic: Pashkіv budinok stand on the hillock opposite the Borovitsky hilltop, topped by the Kremlin. Important: Pashkiv budinok was the first svіtsky budinok near Moscow, from which you could marvel at the Kremlin not from the bottom uphill, as well as to guard Ivanivska and Cathedral Square.

The high pagorb creates a day of life. Kolis in front of the mansion buv garden.

The planning of the garden, planted in front of the house, was contrary to its own beauty.

At the expanded Mokhovaya Street, the cottage, which came close to the booth, scurried to one shila. The first vlassnik boudinka buv P.Є. Pashkov, in the name of such a mansion, having taken away his honor. In 1839, the bunkers were sent to Pashkov's treasury for the Moscow University. In 1843, the Noble Institute was relocated here, the transformations from the University Noble Boarding School, and the boarding school was later changed to the 4th city gymnasium.

In 1861, a number of houses were transferred to the collections and libraries of the Rum'yantsev Museum for collection. On the cob of the 19th century, I stopped the houses at the desert.

In 1921, roci, at the link with the entrance to the museum after the revolution, over the chotirist of special libraries, requisitioned by the government, all were brought to the museum from Pashkov's house. The new one lost its library to the museum, it was renamed to the famous Public Library of the SRSR im. V.I. Lenin. Bulo was published pіd vіddіl rіdkіsnih manuscripts. At the given hour of Pashkov's houses, enter the complex of the library's library, but for ten years it has not been victorious, because repairs were carried out there, which started in 1988 and ended in 2007.

The scene at Pashkov's dakha booth is a farewell to Moscow.

"Woland speaking:

- Yake tsikave misto, chi not so?

- Mesir, Rome is more like me.

- So, tse on the right relish ... "

Bulgakov completing his novel of 1939. From the back of Woland’s booth, it’s not a moment not to bachiti, that on the embankment there is a majestic Syrian booth in a row. It’s impossible not to know how at night they brought black “funnels” from the first booth of merited children to the party in that order.

Woland could not help remembering that the place where the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was replaced with “golden sholoms” was surrounded by a fence around the dira. And Bulgakov did not know for a moment what the architect Iofan was building in the Palace of Glad, crowned with a hundred-meter statue of Lenin.

Everything was included in the formula "cicave misto", like everything that happened in Bulgakov's life in that place.

“Don’t you be so kind to think about food: what would your good do, how would it not be evil, and how would the earth look, how would the earth appear from it, even if shadows appear in the form of objects and people ... but the shadows in the trees and in the living istot...»

Bulgakov, knowing that the shadows of evil come and out of the blue, and inspire our thoughts. I believe that death is, but I don’t know. Spiritual intercourse with a person after death doesn’t even bother, on the other hand, it can get hot… And it’s important, if it happened that way. Attacks are not frequent. It’s necessary to swear ... so that after death, the conspiracy of pishov was continued. ”

Maybe, walks with Bulgakov's heroes are one of the forms of such splintering.

“Vtim, even all theories stand alone. Among them, and such, for which skin will be given for yoga faith. But do it right!

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"MAISTER AND MARGARITA" AT THE TERRITORY OF MIRACLES THEATER ON TAGANTIA AT THE TABITSI OF THE DAILY REGIME In 1967, Yu.P. They gave Yoma a vіdmova and lowered a vkazіvka to think about the future

From the book Everything is possible? author Buzinovsky Sergiy Borisovich

Meister chi Woland An aristocrat can't be too much - it's like a sturgeon of a different freshness. "A lot of aristocrat" Bartin_ bov nedbalo in clothes and unscrupulous in hedgehog. Rozmirkovuchi about the share of the All-world, the ex-baron drinking a motor burda with mica tea and cavi with condensed milk - one

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Razdіl 12 Vistava "Maister and Margarita" I can not say - I played, I - lived! It so happened that on the stage of the Theater on Tagantsi from Lyonya they played only one vistava at once - "Maister and Margarita", vin - Maistra, I - Margarita True, they were poetic vistavi - "Comrade,

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Mikhailo Bulgakov "Maister and Margarita". Russian avant-garde December 26, 2005. On the channel "Russia" there is a premiere, voiced as a "light premiere", a series after Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "Maister and Margarita". On this day the film "Heart of a Dog" was shown on the third channel,

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From the book Oleksandr Gradsky. The VOICE, abo "Shit at eternity" author Dodoliv Evgen Yu.

Gradsky 2009. "Maister and Margarita" = the colors of Ludin's epoch. Even in 1997, the roci, in response to the question: “And what is it that is naughty, what is it that torments like flowers at the chereviku?” - Gradsky saying: - "Maister i Margarita" - tse natural flowers! Vіsіmnadtsat rokіv I practice over cym. I already understood

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Number 56. Mikhailo Bulgakov. Meister and Margarita (written in 1928–1940, instructed in 1967) All the great novels tell the same story - the story of the spent bіdolahi-nevdahi. "Don Quixote", "Ulysses", "Over the treasure in life", "Maister and Margarita"... What is logical: don't be a hero

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“Maister and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov, 1977 I tried to stage a version in the magazine “Moscow”, but not according to a typewritten copy. Tse buv my kozir: I myself have formed the legalization option. Nobody at the theater did not see what we saw. I deyakі actors tried to hide away robots.

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The novel “Maister and Margarita” “... so who are you talking about? - I am a part of that force that always wants evil and always does good. Goethe, "Faust" The last book of M. Bulgakov's "Maister and Margarita" was published a few months ago, but a new review of it would need more, and

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About M. Bulgakov's novel "Maister and Margarita" Yeshua Ha-Notsri, Bulgakov is not a simple person. Let's make a scene from the novel, if it's to Pilat: "Your suffering will be over at once, your head will be gone." I, calling on everything, head bіl that Pilate tormented

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"Maister and Margarita". Golgotha ​​Naprikintsі 1967 became an epochal occasion. I say "epochal" not for the sake of writing, but for the sake of truth. Same way. The magazine "Moscow" published the publication of Bulgakov's novel "Maister and Margarita". My issue was brought to the magazine by Tanya from the library of the Academy

3 books by the author

MAISTER AND MARGARITA Call Elem Klimov. - Gia, what do you know? - Nothing. - Tell me what you want to know “Maister and Margarita? - So. - Is the bajan missing? — Ni. - As I thought, it’s impossible to take. There are no such pennies

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"Maister and Margarita": the role of life The mystical literary basis influenced the work of the films of some actors and brought it to others What did it mean? Dream? Bachenny? Advance from another world? The famous director Volodymyr Naumov still doesn't know what explanation

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"Maister and Margarita" Director: Yuriy KaraWriter: Yuriy KaraDOT: Evgen GrebnyovComposers: Alfred Schnittke, Andriy SchnittkeArtists: Yuriy Ustinov, Boris KuzovkinProducers: Volodymyr Skoriy, Irina Minєeva, Oleksandr Mіshin (III), Oleksandr Pash

3 books by the author

"Meister and Margarita" Director: Volodymyr Bortko Scriptwriter: Volodymyr BortkoDOP: Valeriy MyulhautComposer: Igor KornelyukArtist: Volodymyr SvitlozarovProducer: Anton Zlatopolsky, Valery Todorovsky, Ruben Dishdishyan, Volodymyr BortkoVirobnitstvo: "

In the work of Mikhail Opanasovich Bulgakov, the image of the Volodar of the dark forces of representations is represented by the character of Woland. Traditionally, such a character in literary works is characterized by an absolute instillation of evil. But similarly to the other main characters of the work, the image of Woland in Bulgakov's novel "Maister and Margarita" is very ambiguous.

Features of the creation of the image

Bulgakov's novel prompts in two chronological areas and in the world: Radian Moscow and Ancient Jerusalem. Tsіkavyi i kompozitsіyny zadum romanu: tvіr u tvorі. Prote Woland is in all compositional areas.

From the same time, until the spring of 1935, before Radian Moscow, a mysterious stranger arrives. “In the expensive gray suit, in the outlandish ones, in the colors of the suit, shoes ... under the smell of a cane with a black knob at the looking poodle’s head. I looked - forty-odd years ago ... The right eye is black, the left is green. Eyebrows are black, but one is thicker for another. In a word, a foreigner." Such a description of Woland in the novel is given by Bulgakov.

Vіn introducing himself as an outrageous professor, an artist at the gallery of tricks and charms, like heroes and, zokrema, chitachevі vіn revealing his own reference- King of Darkness. However, it is inconvenient to call Woland a specialization of absolute evil, even in the novels of the taman's mercy and fairness.

Muscovites eyes of guests

Will Woland arrive to Moscow? It seems to the writers that they came to work on the manuscripts of the ancient chaklun, the administrators of the var'єte - to perform black magic sessions, Margarita - to hold a spring ball. Vіdpovіdі professor Woland rіznі, yak і yogo іne і name аnd disguise. Is it true that the prince arrived five times before Moscow? Mabut, I’ll give more support to Sokov, the manager of the buffet. Meta yogo I’ll come to those who want to marvel at the bagmen’s place, for whom I build a vista.

Woland wants to marvel at what the people have changed for centuries. “People are like people. To love pennies, but it’s always been bulo ... Well, light ... well, well ... ordinary people ... in a rage, guessing big ... apartment food is only enough for them ... ”, - such a portrait of Muscovites eyes of the character.

The role of Woland's mail

In the estimation of the support, put in order, that payment to the Volodar of shadows will help you to get close. In fact, I myself don’t do anything nasty, but rather praise the fair decision. The yak of the skin king, the new one has honor. Prote Korovyov, Azazello and Behemoth look more like tamed charms, lower faithful servants. Vignatok to become less the image of Gelly.

The author of the master's experiment at the creation of the demonic Volodar's surroundings. Traditionally, dark characters are depicted as scary, angry, and sly, and Woland's sharpness in Bulgakov's novels is full of bitterness, irony, and puns. similar artistic technique the author of vikoristovu, schob blatantly on the absurdity of the situation, in a way they slander Muscovites themselves, and also with the method of seeing the seriousness and wisdom of Woland on the aphids of the Zhartivsky ochennya.

Separation of omnipotence

Mikhailo Bulgakov introduces the character of Woland into the system of characters as an appraisal and virishal force. The necessity of yoga from the first meetings with Moscow becomes clear. Vyznaє tse i Margarita, if you have bestowed venerable happiness, renew the order from cohanim. In this manner, the essence of Woland's characteristics in the novel "Maister and Margarita" is yoga of omnipotence and impossibility of possibilities.

Scrolls of Satan and yoga mail, even scary, prote all things with people, they trapleyutsya only because of their own blame. Whom has the super eloquence of Bulgakiv Satan. Evil does not look like a new one, but looks like people themselves. Vіn less stating the numerical sins of the townspeople and carav їх for their merits. In order to help the image of Woland through the prism of quiet taєmnichih and unintelligent podіy, which Muscovites experienced during the period of the dark forces' rebuking at the city, the author showed a satirical portrait of the current yomu suspіlstva.

Justice vchinkiv

During the period of his stay at Moscow, Woland got to know the richness of the future baggies of his dark sweat. Tse and uyavnі representatives of the art, yakі think less about apartments, dachas and material gain, and pracіvniki hromаdskogo eating, what to steal and sell prostchenі products, і selling administration, і relatives, ready to please the death of a loved one for the possibility of low, people to take a fall they found out about the death of a colleague, they continue to tell, even if it’s okholone, but for the dead, it’s so much better.

Zhadіbnіst, podstupnіst, hypocrisy, slanderousness, zrada were zhorstoko, but justly punished. However, for the characters, who saved their hearts and souls purer, Woland gave them pardons, and heaped up some others. So, together with the retinue of Woland Meister and Margaret, they flood the earthly world with problems, suffering and injustice.

Significance of the image of Woland

The meaning of Woland's character lies in showing people their sins. We cannot be kind to those who do not know the difference between good and evil. Light can only see the shadows, so Woland strengthens at the rose of the Left Matvey. How can Woland's justice be honored with kindness? Nі, vіn just trying to tell people to pardon them. Whoever we zoom in on and honor ourselves with those others, Satan did not hit that platform. However, I am not guilty of hurting the Homeless of Rome. The stench changed itself, to that in their soul the darkness was overcome by light.

Margarita's vchinki and Maistra's weakness did not allow them to be transported to the world, but for now, the readiness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the kohan people, that Woland's right mysticism, grants them eternal peace in his kingdom of darkness. In this rank, it is impossible to say that in the novels of guilt there are instillations of absolute evil, and there is no more varto associating yoga with good. The role of Woland and yoga is explained by justice. Vіn came to Moscow in the role of a kind of looking-glass, and the one who truly has a good heart, zooming in on her pardon and growing visnovki.

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