What a looking devil. A photo taken with a black mess of satanists, which chills the heart, Taylor Swift - Cl Zini LaVey.

There is a lot of action in the Mexican state of Veracruz, for some people are shocked by others, but all the same they add tourists. People from the other countries of the world choose to marvel at the black earth, for various reasons.

Some of them are here, tsіkavіst, іnshі joke hostrih vіdchuttіv, є th ti, hto spodіvaєє, scho fate in the diabolical rituals will help them to change their lives. But if already after a month of journalism to take interviews from the observers, it is more known that there is only one reaction to what is being seen - it’s a shock and an ogida.

It’s completely natural, even if they had a chance to marvel, as in the most powerful way they curl and kiz and like blood from ruptured arteries flow on the heads of satanists, that they dance in front of pentagrams, that they burn.

(Total 20 photos)

1. Ritual of worship: the participants of the black mass dance in front of the burning pentagram;

2. Sacrifice is accompanied by motor screams of suffering creatures, which cut the throats with the most painful rank.

3. The certificates confirm that before the residual deaths, the sacrificial creatures have to go through the right katuvannya.

4. The rite of sacrifice: the blood of the sacrificers is curt and taken from the bronze vessel, and then wedged on the participants in the black mess.

Tourist Randall Sullivan was literally shaking at the sight of what youmu happened to be: “The stench didn’t just sacrifice the creatures, but rolled them on the cob. It seems that there was suffering as a part of these rituals, and in this, without a doubt, it appears like a dark force.

Surprised tourist Michel Gomez described the bug like this: “It was ugly. Those who stink with the helpless creatures, call out the attack of nudity, and I see the right flicker, if I think, they are ready to go as far as the stink of their pragmatic devil.

Michelle came to Veracruz from the Texas town of Austin, hoping that her presence at the ceremony would allow her to improve the power of parapsychological forces, like, for її hardships, already helped her to reveal the souls of more than a hundred victims every other day.

“Through those that I had a chance to fight, now I am afraid for myself. It’s necessary to fence similar rituals, ”she said with tears in her eyes, standing instructed with a pentagram, to burn, like satanist vikoristovuyut, to call Beelzebub.

"If you stink like that to drive creatures for the sake of ritual cleansing, then what other zhahіv in them can be cleaned?"

5. The head shaman Enrique Verdon, whose head was embellished with a murahoid, seems to be: “Our black mass sings to the roots of the traditional culture of the Olmec Indians, and our right experts should call out the devil and the dark forces.”

6. Shocked tourists: Randall Sullyvan (left-handed) and Michelle Gomez (right-handed). The stink of a bad guy.

7. The shaman spread the warmth of the blood of the sacrificial pivnya on the head of the devil-worshipper.

Near the town of Catemaco, on the banks of the Mexican tributary, faceless pilgrims gather, who joke about the invisible hostility.

8. Enrique Verdon will spend a black month at the sanctuary on the mountain of Biloi Mavpi, which is known on the site. For an hour of interview for the MailOnline website, the shaman said: "People come to our black month if they want to change." Rozmova was seen in the official office of a shaman, embellished with sculptures of skeletons, pentagrams and skins of exotic creatures.

9. "Our hat is cracking at the seams, and we are trying to yogo vryatuvati", - saying Alejandro Montes in front of him, as if wiping the sacrificial blood of the denunciation. Together, they came from the retinue to Catemaco from Monterrey, singling out happiness from the bride in exchange for the gift of Satan's soul. Alejandro knew: "Tse is our last chance - we have already tried everything."

Last week, the rituals took the fate of all the osibs. Glyadachiv was much more. These are foreign tourists, who specially came to Mexico for the sake of the black mess.

Randall Sullyvan, a tourist from Portland, Oregon, found out about the ritual at seances and marveled at it. Before the wine ceremony, he said: “I want to know how shamans work their miracles. I feel that only stinks can suffocate black and white magic. It’s all the same, that zmіshuvat God and the Devil.

10. In keeping with tradition, the great satanic priests were called out by the forces of Mexico to rule the ceremony on the new month.

11. Costumes and participants in the ceremony.

12. A tourist from Italy, Semuel Casella, before the beginning of the ritual, said: “I think that today I will work with the right name.”

Servant of the devil Juri Ra, embellishments by a namist from the brushes of human fingers, it seems: “We may have strength. Deyakі with us є healers, and others - ruins. Today we are choosing to open a portal to another world, so that those who want to speak from Satan, feel it.

13. The ceremony was performed by a black-haired girl. The stench went out with a stitch lit by candles and carried a terrible sacred offering until the head day. Vivtar was a cup, filled with vugills, to burn, where the shamans were constantly throwing a bunch of rotting grass.

14. Roselia Veli said: "The mustache of the girls must be unborrowed and be pure spiritually and physically." Roselia Veli is a black witch, who victorious at exorcism seances of mіtsny tyutyun and piercing cries, for which she takes 200 pounds per year from clients.

Quiet, who came with the blessings of Satan, vikonati їhnі bajannya, shouted forward and punished the state in front of the shamans. The shamans tore the heads of the sacrificial pivnya and shed their blood on the heads of the scumbags.

“Blood from the heart, what is there, is the purest energy,” the head shaman Enrique Verdon said to the shocked lookers. “The creatures may die, so that we could continue our right.”

"I will offer blood to the dark forces," - having said vin, standing in the deep clubs of dim, which rises from the fiery vіvtar, over which the headless birds are trimmed, the docks from them did not glass all the roof.

"We call to Satan, the prince of the Earth, stand before us."

The government of the state of Veracruz has forbidden the sacrificing of creatures, but in the rural world no one has given respect to this fence.

Police Chief Arturo Bermudez Zaruta said in an interview for the MailOnline website: “We can't do enough, we can't do enough. If so, people virilized the vlastuvati vistava with zhorty-bitten creatures, the stink all the same to break up - it doesn’t matter, it’s been fenced off. ”

"Tsya sacred blood to give us spiritual strength and energy, necessary for black magic," - having said to Enrique Verdon, they slit the goat's throat, squealing in pain. The blood was taken into a bronze vessel and handed over to far away.

"Our guests are guilty of rubbing the blood off their skin in order to be cleansed."

15. Having made sacrifices, the shamans hung out in front of the burning pentagram and sang hymns to call out the devil.

16. The rite of taking an oath: the great shamans went up to the skin silently, who to pray, and they swore an oath to give their soul to the devil.

17. For one hour, the ritual was sacrificed to the highest creatures.

After the sacrifice, that sleepy shamans, together with the new followers of the black mess, went to the underground oven, adorned with inverted crosses, skeletons of the creature and the great statue of Satan.

Vіsіm shamanіv anew went to the skin z quiet, who prayed, and urged to repeat the oath that my soul should now belong to the devil.

18. Potim mustache shamans shouted: Glory to Lucifer! - once again they swore an oath, prostrated themselves before the statue and sprinkled it with sacrificial blood.

19. “Yakscho you don’t kill those who have declared Satan, I’ll take everything from you,” having promoted Juri Ra, marking the sacred blood of the statue on the cholo of Alejandro Montes. “A stingy dark curse is on you.”

20. “I’m tremtіv vіd zhahu stretching out the ceremony,” said Alejandro, who had laid the soul of the devil in front of the statue and swore an oath no longer to harm the squad. - Ale now, if everything is over, I have gained strength. I believe that everything will be better now.”

Yogo squad Gloria Espina did not want to give an interview.

Devoted to the devil, the black masses began to be held here since the 1970s. Їх the power of the first Friday is birch, and the popularity of this action continues to grow for 45 years.

Most often, imagining and victorious, be-like a symbol, richly someone is not conceived, the stars stink like, like a meaning. Below is the decipherment of some symbols and signs that lie to the sphere of satanism. Radiately get to know, the shards of wearing that image of such speeches can be even more unsafe.

A pictogram is thrown over, which makes the head of a goat. This emblem can be found on the obkladinka of the Satanic Bible. Є in the symbols of such metal bands as Slayer, Venom, etc. This is a more serious sign, which is practical to talk about being lured to satanism.

The word "Pentagram" looks like two Greek words - "p'yat" and "line". And it’s true that it’s the correct pyatikutnik, on the skin side of such a well-known femoral trikutnik, equal in height. The pentagram is one of the oldest religious symbols familiar to people. The first images were known on objects that belonged to the civilization of the Sumerians. Ancient Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Babylonians, Chinese and Celts victorious. In all peoples, the image of pentagrams was filled with magic. Behind the main theories of the pentagram are graphic images or a formula for the correct interaction between the magician and the elements.
The pentagram, like a graphic figure, can have a great set of powers - tse and volodinnya five-promenade symmetry, and pobudova for the rules of the golden recut. I, especially, those that the pentagram is the simplest form of the star, as you can depict once without breaking the pen in the paper and at the same time without breaking the line of the girls. Learn 10 different ways to draw a pentagram. In the practice of magic, the way of writing with pentagrams is more important and infuses into the type of magic spell. As if the lines began to arm themselves behind the year's arrow - that's the magic that I'm doing, that's the opposite - that's ruining.
The order from the direct line is important and directly changes, which symbolizes the "spirit". As if promining straightening up on the mountain - tse transferring the order to the spirit of the elements and life in the world of necessity. Directly change down - tse try to straighten all the verses from the bik "spirit", like a bibrati into a fist, to change the current light.
The pentagram bula is turned upside down as a symbol of evil. The ancient practice of Kabbalah has a pentagram turned upside down - this is the name of the “Small Image” of the Lord. І the Roman Emperor Kostyantyn had a pentagram turned upside down on the press.
But over time, this mighty occult symbol, becoming a negative connotation and more often victorious in the practice of black magic. From the Pythagorean tradition came the image of the head of a heron or a ram inscribed in a pentagram. Tse bulo was sent to the Goat of Mendes, the symbol of the Egyptian god Neter Amun (Set). Seth is described as a force that is prihovannoe, as if pervading all nature, that essence is її manifestations.
Zakripiv occultist Eliphas Levi behind the inverted pentagram the meaning of the symbol of Satan. In his book "Vchennya and the ritual of Vishchoi magic", he wrote: "The pentagram with two verses represents Satan at the sight of a dagger at the Sabbath."
And the rest of the formation of the image of the symbol of satanism was long overdue. 1966 Anton LaVey registered the Church of Satan. The Sigil of Baphomet was chosen as the main symbol of the Bulo. Ninі tsey symbol - tse registrations of a trademark, which means satanism. Vіn vikoristovuєtsya in the rites of black magic with a method of strengthening the ritual and / or otrimannya vigodi in the presence of greater demons.

Vin means gluzuvannya and hatred until the cross of Jesus Christ. With this symbol, walk a lot of Satanism. Presence on the lining of the albums Danzid Ozzy and Osborne. Tse is also a serious symbol, which means faith in Satan.

The Cross of St. Peter (also known as an inverted cross) is a great Latin cross (images are consistent with the Roman Catholic tradition), inverted by 180 degrees. The cross of St. Peter from the 4th century is one of the symbols of St. Peter, which, according to the church order, was rozіp'yaty head down at 67 rocі n.e. under the hour of reign in Rome of Emperor Nero. The similarity of this symbol appears with the church retelling about those that the apostle Peter rose on the cross with his head down on his well prohannya, having splintered himself with the dead, die that very death, as Jesus Christ died. At the link with this, that Petro is considered a founder of the Catholic Church, whose symbol of images is on the throne of the Pope of Rome. For example, at the hour of his visit to Israel, Pope Ivan Pavlo II sat on the throne with a cross at the back
The Christian cross at an inverted look can be christened as an anti-Christian symbol. Due to this inversion, the cross has become wide wide in modern mass culture as a symbol of satanism. In popular culture, including such films as The Six Demons of Emily Rose, The Omen, Overnatural, the inverted cross is often shown as a symbol of Satan. An order of an inverted pentagram, an inverted cross is sometimes victorious by musicians who play black metal.

For some reason, in Roman Catholicism, the cross of St. Peter is not accepted as a satanic symbol. However, turn the rosette upside down with a sense of extreme disrespect until Christian religion and you can victorious for the manifestation of the forces of Satan. The vіdminnosti between the cross of St. Peter and the inverted roses are sometimes obscured, which leads to confusion in the nourishment of the acceptability of the skin symbol. Like a swindler vinikla after the fortune-telling visit of Tat to Israel. The photograph of the pope, sitting on the throne with the cross of St. Peter, surfed on the Internet and was victorious in attempts to "bring" that the Catholic Church was connected with Satanism

The number of the beast is a special number, created in the Bible, under which the name of the apocalyptic beast is attached; numerological insight of Satan's protege. The number of stars is 666. The number 666 is an element of satanic paraphernalia, which is often victorious, the order with an inverted cross and an inverted pentagram.

It was often thought that under the look of the apocalyptic beast in the Bible the Antichrist is depicted. Oskіlki in the Epiphany of St. John it is said: “Whoever has a mind, that one takes into account the number of the animal, more than the number of people”, to that in the name of chiness be a person, in which the Antichrist was drunk, the number 666 was spelled out.

In the case of succession, connected with the “number of the world”, a pardon is often fought: the number is laid out in dozens of categories and appears at the sight of three digits 6, with which it is identified. However, during the hours of writing, the Apocalypse did not have a tenth positional number system, which in India was less than the VI century. e. The original Greek entry is composed of three words "six hundred", "sixty" and "six" and does not allow for the described layout. The second broadest extension of the legacy of the pardon number with the 10th positional record is the association of the numbers "666" with the unrestricted decimal fraction 0.6666 ..., which is good for two thirds. In the Bible, the number "666" is used by the Chotiri Razi. Of these, once in the New Testament, like a number, under which the name of the apocalyptic beast is attached:

Here is wisdom. Whoever has a mind, that vvazhayte the number of the beast, for the number of all human beings; the number of yoga is six hundred sixty and six.
Original text (Old Greek) [Show]

John the Theologian, Rev. 13:18, 15:2

In addition, the numbers: 666 and 13 are spent on 13 divisions of the Confessions of the Bible (John of the Theologian), which is described about the number 666 (= 18) in 18 verses, which already calls the uninitiated, the number of letters may be controversial. Numbers are always vimovlyaemo in sounds, a symbol of which are letters that form the Word.
So in numberology the number of words is: thirteen = 144 and six hundred (156) + sixty (184) + six (101) = 441.
Tse numbers: 18 and 45, so. 9.
Words: GO 108 TRUTH 45. TRUTH 45 LYUDINA 81.

We may especially refer to these numbers, like chuli in rich people who have been fixed on ochіkuvannya filthy type of these numbers.
Can numbers like 1 to 9 be bad or good? Chi can be letters from “A” to “Z” but one better for another. We may be better off like a number of letters, maybe not… But we don’t mean that what was not worthy is bad, but what was worthy is good. A skin symbol simply has its own special meaning.
To whom the number was not worthy, folded from two digits - 13, to whom from three - 666. We can try to sort out in these numbers, so that the mother wants to sing the song that was put before them.

The number 13 \u003d 4, and the number 666 (18) \u003d 9. Two "root" digits are taken away: 4 and 9, so the sum has the same number 13, because the number 9 \u003d 0 and change whether the number is. Nine may be desired by any number. The number 6 (similar to the number 9), take three, so give the sum - 9.
Take away two numbers are seen in the short numbers, so when one digit is increased, up to two numbers in the left 1 to 9, representing Zero (0), there are no more than two digit numbers: 4, yak "Forty" and 9, yak " Ninety".
If we use single-digit numbers, we immovlyayemo: “Ten”, taking the number after using numbers in sound, like “Ten” (10) and “Twenty” - “Two-Twenty” (20), “Three-Twenty” (30) , “…” (40), “Five-Ten” (50), “Six-Ten” (60), “Sim-Ten” (70), “Vist-Ten” (80) and “…” ( 90) ).
“…” - under the overflow, the sounds of numbers are used in the words: “Forty” and “Ninety”. Where did “Twenty” or “Ten” go?

The numerology of the word Dev'yanosto in the name itself has a number - DEV'YANOSTO (DE I ST) - TEN, and the letters that are left out (in ale pro) - "new", indicate on the new one.
It means that Stare is finished, until what time Kіnets, KІNETS came - TERM, FORTY.
Qi numbers mean the end of any term, then, insist on changing. People are afraid of these numbers, because don’t wait for a good change - better let it be like їsti, so calm. And how are these people esoteric...? How to put them up to these numbers, as if the stench behind the laws of the Cosmos is ready to go out of the Cycle of people and death, for which change is needed. The stench will be happy with the numbers, the stench will attract them, and not be afraid and be afraid, like the inhabitants.

Number 666 = 9. Nine mids 666 repeat nine times the number 74, and the whole word HOUR. It means that MAYBUTNE 88 = 16 = 7 already wіdbulosya and may pіti in the MINUTE 112, which is the number 13 = 4. Therefore, SOON (Forty, Termіn) requires a check of that which will be KІNTSEM 73 after the lived LIFE 72, if everything will be already dead – HOUR 74 And if we want to sing in the face of a sickly sick person, then the number 666 will be vigilant for us. It is necessary to give after HOUR 74 until Christ 75 (the next day is 74), so that you can “recover” as if you were coming. Then VIKHID 76 appears, so that you can find VITOK 77, a new one (for example, clothes, as if you were sick).
Otzhe, go out: 70 chi 79 - BASIS chi ROOT.
71 - COB (life).
72 - LIFE.
73 - KINETS (life).
74 - HOUR (everything, the term of the world).
75 - Cross.
76 - VIHID.
77 - JERELO.
78 - SHARE.
= 666.

7 (sіmok) - quantity 9, sum (7 x 9) \u003d 63 \u003d 9.
Numbers from 1 to 8 (9 = 0) at sum = 36 = 9.
Numbers 63 and 36 - - -> 6336 = 666.
Three 3 stitches 6 –––> 666. Words with the number 36: ROZUM 63, RUH 63, GUESS 63, SIGN 63, EVOLUTION 162 (LIFE 72) = 36, HISTORY 123, 123, 123.

3 numbers: 77 and 78 - a ROUND of a new SHARE begins.
You can read about the number 666 on the website at article No. 13 "IM'YA" (catalogue of articles).

One history.

Two people became friends in such a way that their fathers did not know about it (which is one of the parties). The stinkers diligently took their passports, so that they would not be rude, but they lived in narcissism, living in one or the other in an apartment (mabut, the fathers were against the union). Vletka lived weekends at yoga dachas. Vaughn didn’t object to the fact that everything was cleared up, but on whom Vin attacked, whose bazhannya Vaughan didn’t destroy. So the hour passed, and on the third rotation of the esoteric slub, and the septenary splintering, the opening of the mystery was revealed.
Raptom Vin, being with her at the dacha, guesses that he left his passport at home.
Climbing home, stench virushayut on the road. By the way, they spent the whole hour cheating on cars with different numbers, but three times they ate the numbers with three numbers - 666. Stink, they thought about this number, they figured out that it could be, moreover, I forgot my passport. Possibly, the stench wouldn’t shoot the number of chi didn’t turn up respect, the yakbees weren’t afraid of vikritta taєmnitsі?
I, fictitiously, Yogo mother showed a note in her passport with a seal about the hat.
They gave the roses of the undergrowth no longer important, the smut, which they had taken away The sign of the undergrowth, which is already being seen. A new cob is born - a new cob - a dijsnist.
You can finish everything that is good, because different people live with different fights and fears. And now, for now, if you want to rozpochat ...
You can admit that mothers, how to show a passport, just have a sign at the number 13, because. tse sign ZMINI (DEATH - the 13th Major Arcana in TARO cards). Vaughn could not remember Yogo through her lack of caution. Їy vydkrilas Taєmnitsya, becoming Yav'yu.

Tse symbol of the Satanic Church near San Francisco. The same wine is found in the "Satanic Bible" in the "Nine Satanic Commandments". This sign is shown on a number of rock and metal albums, for example, like “Seven and the Ragged Tigen" by the Duran Duran group. Tsya emblem forever talk about zarahuvannya before Satan.

The Church of Satan is a countercultural group, founded in the USA by Anton Lavey and yak "I will vote for myself as the bearer of evil and the antipode of Christianity." The first organization was officially registered, as it declared about satanism as its ideology. The great encyclopedia "Terra" states that the Church of Satan is "chronologically the first of the satanic sects." With whom, the current leader of the organization, Peter Gilmore, seems that "atheism is the first, and satanism is the second"
The official symbol of the Church of Satan is the friend of Baphomet.
The Church of Satan was founded at Walpurgis Night (April 30), 1966 in San Francisco by Anton Szandor LaVey, the author of The Satanic Bible (1969). 1966 to the rock of the name of the first rock of the satanic yeri. Lavey was high priest of the Church of Satan until his death (1966-1997).
Anton Szandor Lavey, founder of the Church of Satan.

From the prehistory: in the 1950s, Anton Lavey organized the Order of Trapezoid, which in turn became the ceremonial organ of the Church of Satan. It is quiet in the middle, who took a fate at LaVey's sunsets, the boule "Baroness" Carin de Plessin, who grew up in the royal palace in Denmark, Dr. Cecil Nixon, an eccentric magician and winemaker, Kenneth Enger, the creator of underground films, Russell Wolden, Moscow legal department , Donal Huerbi, one of the most important private masters in San Francisco, anthropologist Michael Harner, writer Shana Alexander and others. Also LaVey's comrades at that time were writers in the genres of science fiction and science fiction such as Enton Bucher, August Derleth, Robert Barbour Johnson, Reginald Bretnor, Emil Petaya, Stuart Palmer, Clark Ashton Smith, Forrest J. Eckerman and Fritz Leiber.

On February 1, 1967, Anton LaVey held the ceremony of the opening of the satanic party of the radical journalist John Raymond and Judith Case, which brought to the Church of Satan a significant respect for the side of mass information. Photographer at the ceremony at the San Francisco Chronicle was Joe Rosenthal, the author of the iconic photograph of the raising of the ensign by the American soldiers on the Suribati Mountains at the hour of the Other Light War. Photographs of the satanic party were ordered from a number of reputable sources.

At the herbal fate, the ceremony of the "Satanic Baptism" of LaVey's trinity daughter, Zini Galatea, is celebrated. The journalists, like they arrived early before the ceremony, were enchanted by the angelic smile of the girl, like a little girl dedicated to the devil. The “Satanic Cross” was arranged in such a way as to bring satisfaction to the child.

Another important occasion (breast 1967) was the holding of an open satanic funeral for a member of the Church of Satan, naval officer Edward Olson, at the death of his squad, with whom satanism was not barred from being entered into the register of official recognition of religions in the United States.

At the black of 1967, Jane Mansfield died in a car accident, for LaVey's insistence, as a little close to LaVey, she became a priestess of the Church of Satan. Regardless of those who were pardoned [dzherelo not assigned 638 days], the boulevard press voiced the death of the actress with a curse, like Lavey, nibito, referring to Mansfield's partner Sam Brody.

The Church of Satani was mentioned in many books, magazines and newspapers in the 1960s and 1970s. Also in 1970, the full-length documentary film "Satanis" was released. Anton LaVey assisted Kenneth Enger's film "Invocation of my Demon Brother" and was technical consultant for The Devil's Rain, with Ernest Borgnine, William Shatner and (formerly) John Travolta. It was also said that LaVey unofficially engraved the role of the Devil in the film "Rosemary's Baby" ("Rosemary's Baby"). The Church of Satan also featured in Luigi Scatina's film "Angeli Blanca, Angeli Negra" (known as "Witchcraft '70" in American film distribution).

In 1975, LaVey began to modify the system of the "grotto" of the Church of Satan, allowing people who, like, having entered into guilt, jumped to achieve success in the organization, only for the sake of compensating for their failures in the outer world. A year of real success in life, becoming one of the criteria for pushing through the middle of the Church of Satan. In the same period, Anton Lavey became the main choice for the hour of distribution of the interview. Tsey transition to "closed" activity, becoming the cause of a bit about the disintegration of the organization and remind about the death of LaVey.

In the 1980s, a new wind of mass hysteria sprung up, theories of evil spirit and fear of satanism, rozpochata Protestant fundamentalists, deakim physicians and ZMI. During this period, members of the Church of Satan, such as Peter Gilmore, Peggy Nadramia, Boyd Rice, Adam Parfrey, Diabolos Rex, and rock musician King Diamond, actively acted in the name of mass information against the threat of criminal activity and the existence of the Church. Over the years, the FBI has published an official announcement stating that all the theories of the evil spirit of that period have been published. This social phenomenon was called "Satanic panic".

In the 1980s and 1990s, the Church of Satan and its members took an active part in the release of films, music and magazines dedicated to Satanism. As the most significant, we can mention the vision of Adam Parfrey "Feral House", the music of Boyd Rice, the films of Nick Bugas (the documentary film "Speak of the Devil: The Canon of Anton LaVey" is a documentary film). The Church of Satan and Anton LaVey appeared in many magazines and new articles of that hour.

In 1997, after the death of Anton Szandor LaVey, Blanche Barton, a community member, became the head of the Church of Satan. Wanting to this day Barton take a part in the activities of the Church of Satan, in 2001 the revolution gave up his estate to Peter Gilmore and Peggy Nadramia, as of today the high priest and priestess of the organization of the Church of Satan and see The Black Flame - a magazine of officials. The central office of the Church of Satan also moved from San Francisco to New York, where they live.

Autumn 2004 rock British Evil forces officially register the first satanist - sergeant of the technical service Chris Cranmer, serving on the Cumberland frigate Admiral John Sandy Woodward, having said that

In my first words, if I felt about the twit, buli: “God, what the hell, is it here? If I served in the fleet, some of my comrades in service were Anglicans, others were Catholics, and I didn’t feel at all about any Satanists. I think it's amazingly amazing"

If someone is called a satanist, most of them take it like a standard like. Few people know that a satanist is a human being, like to belong to a real confession. The Church of Satani was founded by the frowning eccentric Anton Shandor Lavey. Vaughn maє vlasnu kerіvnu structure, rituals, sacred books that, on vіdminu vіd rich no less than odіoznyh sects, officially recognized by religion for the laws of the United States. And yet not all cicava.

In truth, Satanists do not bow before Satan. It would be correct to call them atheists. Von believe that the All-World is absolutely baiduzhy to the people. They idealize Satan as an example of pride and individualism. However, the foundation of Satan in the flesh does not stink. In addition, the stench vvazhayut morality and ethics with bad vinohodstva people. This idea is his centrism and turbota is less about himself, oskolki, on my thought, the skin person herself is the center of her sovereign All-World, and there is nothing divine and supranatural in the new world. In their postulates, the stench is ambiguous, which cannot be believed in supranatural sources. It's a paradox, but devil-worshippers really don't believe in everyday devils.

Aleister Crowley - a swindler under the mask of a satanist?

Aleister Crowley is one of the most mysterious people at the turn of the 20th century. Vіn not only laying down to the Church of Satan, but also a famous occultist, before that he spoke of himself as a prophet. Decadent and romantic Crowley actively embraced the inspiration of pagan religions. Vіn vvazhav, that the twentieth century will become an epoch of enlightenment for the people, if people learn to control their share. Vіn nіkoli without telling about those who came to the church of satanists, but everyone knew for a long time that they practiced rituals. Zreshtoy, Crowley bov chimes from the one who took the fate of the human sacrifices, most of all we call young youths. Crowley's satanism added an aura of mystery to him, and no one can say with confidence who is guilty - a man with superstitions or a swindler, who victorious satanism for the sake of his glory?

A black booth on California Street near San Francisco was miserable, de bagged by Anton Lavey, and until 1972 he held a gathering for his uninovirtsiv. At the gathering, everyone was allowed to squawk. As the eyewitnesses tell, the one who entered the house up to the very threshold, zustriching the vіvtar, on which lay a very naked woman. Dali rizikuvali passed only those who really did not benefit from the entrance of the arrogantly accepted morality. Dim LaVey was right about the black color, through which he took off his own name. Here Lavey spent evenings, rituals and seminars. If your daughter Zina grew up, a lot of people began to come to the її satanic sermons. Lavey is alive here until the end of his life, he died right there in 1997. Until that moment, Chorniy dym was filled with the center and the symbol of satanism.

Anton Lavey was the high priest of the Church of Satanism, as the high priestess was Diana Hall. They had a daughter, Zina. Vaughn was vihovana in the ideals of satanism. Zinі was less than three fates, if it was dedicated to satanists. Dedicated to the Trinitarian girl in satanism, having called a flurry of publications, more critical. Zina grew under the constant respect of the press, becoming the skin of її krok becoming the public's bathhouses. As Burton Wolfe wrote in front of Anton Lavey's "Satanic Bible", the girl grew up "neebe in the polished colors of the wolf." Zina Lavey was the high priestess of the Church of Satan and the high priest. However, for unknown reasons, in 1990 the rock won't mate with other Satanists.

"Satanic panic" in the 1980s

At the beginning of the 1980s, the creation of the United States did not have a great viniquel of majestic fear and hatred for satanists, like a “satanic panic”. The reason for the vindication, in fact, was a pardon: if in the city of Manhattan Beach, California, a person was called to the fact that having zwaltuvav 2.5-fold sin of the bag, she declared at her speech in front of the court that she was in black cloaks hundreds of children at their little place. Vіdpovіddu on such zhahli declared becoming mass fear and hatred, which were accompanied by researched members of the Church of Satan. It’s true, for a few months of anti-Satanist activity, it has been reported that the woman, as if she made the first scandalous statement, really suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, and really, the living child didn’t stick a finger with them. At the same time, in the 1980s, in the midst of fear of Satanists, there were a few things about those who, if you listen to albums in heavy metal groups backwards, you can feel the sounds of leaves from the Devil.

Marilyn Manson - honorary priest of the Church of Satanists

The shocking roar of satanism was given the title of an honorary priest. Truthfully, the rest of the fates of the wines are better not to talk about it. In his youth, he was merry with Lavey and widely swayed by satanism; I will honor my priestly planting of wines, having taken away the hour itself. In the past, however, Manson came up with satanic beliefs, and no longer called himself a satanist. What, vtіm, did not respect you and at the same time be filled with a baked hater of the Christian church.

Before XXI century The Church of Satan has long since abandoned the front pages of the newspapers, pretending to be just one of the California sofas. However, in 2011, the Satanist groups again turned to themselves the respect of the tabloids. Stanton LaVey, Anton LaVey's friend, that yoga girlfriend Michelle Nicely, who lived in San Joaquin Valley in California, were called at the 19th birthday. The stinks asked її to smoke marijuana before their hati, after which they hindered їy iti. Stanton and Michel tied up the girl, taping her mouth and wrapping her wrists. Then the stench recognized the girl of sexual violence, zmushuyuchi marveling at pornography. Then, about the third wound, the stench drove you out of the house. The next day, the girl turned back to the police, and the couple was arrested.

Joel Austin is a US Baptist preacher whose company is making millions of dollars. Vіn such vіdomy i such privablivyy, scho richly someone considers yoga a satanist, scho respects himself as a god and instills in the audience thoughts about those who can become a god skin people. The reason for the suspicions was the constant presence on the outskirts of Austin of his beautiful friends, his richness — and the preacher said about those who do not believe in the reality of the devil’s background (and tse, as we remember, is one of the main postulates of satanists). It seems that it’s enough to be a rich man of a beautiful team, so that you are suspected of wearing out from the devil. The axis is truly the devil's steps!

Taylor Swift - clol Zeeny LaVey?

Another conspiracy theory that the Church of Satan is standing on, stverzhuє zovsіm neimovіrne: actress and partner Taylor Swift is really a clone of the great high priestess Zina LaVey! This theory is based on 2011 rock - and it’s not without reason: young Taylor Swift is like two drops of water in a photograph of a great high priestess in the 1980s. For a bit, Zina laid down an agreement with the devil, which instilled in her eternal youth other options- tho time, looking like a pop star. For a different version, Vіn added Zіnі to clone yourself, so that once again come to the light. So what else, and Zina LaVey, and Taylor Swift are taking away from the drive. What suspected itself, didn’t it?

Panic is not a safe thing and can ruin the lives of wealthy people. The satanic panic of the 1980s is an example of this. In 1991, already on її Villotі, in Texas, a couple was arrested for ringing at the zhorsty satanic rituals. The cholovіk that squad humiliated the child of the group perebubannya. Once, one of the girls told the psychologist about some zhorstok sexual feelings, which she knew for an hour in a group. The psychologist, gasping, talking about the words of the girl to the police, and she began to investigate, like, prote, ended in nothing. Tim no less, the fathers continued to sing loudly - and the young children, having given in to the wild hysteria, began to tell scary stories about scary rituals with a sexual implication that they had in a group. At the result, friends took away the old terms of recognition. It took more than 10 years, so that the government realized that the children were just folding their horror stories. All the whole hour the unfortunate victims of panic spent at the vault.

Zina Shrek, Anton LaVey's daughter, never told anyone who was Stanton's son. Not knowing what and Stanton himself, what mother gave birth to, zavagіtnіvshi at 13 rokіv. It was a little bit that Stanton was the child of Zini's blood-mushing bond with his father, Anton Lavey. Lisa Carver, a musician and artist-action artist, spoke about this in her book of memoirs “Drugs - it's nice”. At Mrs. Stanton's, that yoga friend of Zandor's was beaten up by Carver for an hour - which, meanwhile, did not add any more evidence to the father's food.

Behind the scenes, sexy actress Jane Mansfield met Anton LaVey at a film festival party near San Francisco. I have known a journalist who has lain down to the Church of Satan. Zatsіkavitsya head Satanist, Jane lied to the new guest, de bula close to LaVey and navit bula assigned to them at the priestess. Truthfully, these are the details LaVey revealed less after Mansfield's death in a car accident in 1967. There was a lot of talk about the girls between Mansfield and LaVey, among them, about those that Mansfield's death was the result of a curse placed on her by LaVey for її a hundred from Sam Broad. Vtіm, pіdtverdzhennya tsim slightly mute, and richly someone cares that tse bov was only LaVey's PR, which he tried to destroy in the public interest to himself and the church.

Until the late 1960s, LaVey and the Church of Satan became popular with Hollywood. More than that, as on the cob of the 1970s, all of America shuddered in the face of zhorstkovy beats, inflicted by satanist Charles Manson, Hollywood znayomi z began to laugh at LaVey. Tim is no less close, the friendship of the rich stars of Hollywood with the founder of the Church of Satan has given rise to a rich bit about those who, with their success, richly famous people kill the devil, and also about those who the Church of Satan is the price of a new instillation of the almighty secret supremacy of the inhabitants, yak, yak koristyuyutsya intercession of Satan himself. Before the speech, LaVey himself did not try to show off his Hollywood acquaintances to appear on the screen. Vin, zokrema, playing the devil at the scene of violence in the famous film "Child Rosemary". series, which is so i without turning on the light. Mensh we know about those who LaVey dabbled in a comedy series, which did not turn on the light. It is possible, really everything, about what the fault of dreams is, is the actor's career?

In fact, the church of satanists is not such a hateful organization, as they try to reveal. Don't make crooked rituals and don't make human sacrifices. Their principle is the last atheism, foundations on the idea of ​​scientific knowledge of the world, and the postulates are based on standard life rules, calling for the safety of self-saving people in this world. Behind the great rahunka, satanism is a greater philosophy, a lower religion, and in their tabs there was little more than what popularizers of science say, such as Carl Sagan, Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins.

Before that, as it were decided, Anton Lavey ruled "sabbaths" with naked witches and, for sensitive, wild sexual orgies. One day, Susan Atkins was a bule, as she killed Sharon Tate's wife. For a bit, taking the fate of them, and Charles Manson, a musician, whose comune "Sim'ya" became the cause of fear of Satanists, squeezing a sprinkling of zhorstok vbivstv. Even though the members of the “Sim'ї” de facto did not belong to the LaVey church, Manson, having voted himself a Satanist, did not push the direction of the American Suspіlstva to the Church of Satan. After that, as in 1969 "Sim" was arrested, LaVey, who was not involved in such zhorstok in any way, had a chance to report chimalo zusil, so that the shadow of the murder did not fall on him.

12.2 Satan in the image-creating mysticism: greedy and accommodating

Mustache images of Satan show new biographies, which interprets the Devil as if he fell into disgrace, a punished angel, - the scenario, which was approved after the IV century. In such a context, it was quite natural to depict the Devil as an innocent angel - to that, as the angels were crying, then the stench of the Devil.

An illustration of which can serve as an example to the first two episodes Old Testament, as if we looked at the cob of our history, - and before the history of Valaam, that yogo donkey, that before the test of Job. The first episode has the “satanic character” of the Angel Yahweh, which, with the old Hebrew text “come, like Satan” before Balaam, “I will transfer the ruins for an hour”: the Latin Vulgate simply reminds: “... standing the Angel of the Lord on the road, to cross over youma [to Balaam]”, seemingly to you: “I am a viyshov, so that I can cross over [you]” (LVB Numbers 22:22, 32). Version of King James: “The Angel of the Lord stood on yoga path, like an adversary (enemy)”, “I wiyshov resist [you]” [ Davnyoevr.: "to be your adversary"] (KJV Numbers 22:22, 32 and notes).

Illustrations before the scene forever show an angel in all heavenly glory (div. 1).

The illustrations before the book of Job, on the other hand, allow Satan to have all of his heavenly regalia, to cast without regard on those who allow the text, that Satan is one of God’s honours: between them come and Satan [ old-Jewish. "adversary"]" (Jov 1:6 and notes KJV). For example, according to William Blake's illustration, Satan is depicted as a m'yazova man with a dark skin (div. mal. 2a); in the other version (div. small 2b) there are three lighter ones, then there are large wings, similar to wings kazhaniv. A similar contrast is best seen in the illustrations by Gustave Dory to the scene with Valaam and the peace of Jesus (div. mal. 3 and 4).

The only specific description of the presence of the Devil in the Bible representations in the “explicit” image of St. John the Theologian in Odkrovennia (12:3): there vin is a giant red serpent (dragon). It may mean that all the wine is made up only from the head and the tail, - we guess that in those hours the dragons entered without legs (Div. 6.2). Ale, staring at the great symbolic towers of Ivan, here the Devil maє with this head and ten as a rank of rozpodіlenih horns between these heads.

The early illustrators of the Epiphany jumped as if to reach the ordered illustration by Albrecht Dürer until the sight of the Epiphany in 1498 with the help of a literal butt of the Bible texts (div. small 5). However, the “Apocalypse from Saint-Siver” (mid-XI century) avenges another image of Satan, based on a different distribution of Odkrovennia, and the 9th itself, in which it goes about the Sarana. Zgidno with the biblical text, the king of Saran є Avadon (div. 6.2), but here we have clear meanings in letters SATAN written on yogo's shoulders. Vіn looking like a temple of a man with dark wings, shaking the barn with a long club (Div. Mal. 6).

The Devil was also associated with Leviathan, the majestic monster of the sea, who, more than anything, only has one head. Inferno was depicted by a similar monster, but it was found in the ground, so that on the surface only a head and a majestic open mouth could be seen.

The idea of ​​Satan, shrunken in hell and cursed by souls, is prostzhuetsya in the Italian frescoes, which, perhaps, inspired Dante to describe yoga. This idea was often based on more early literary hikes» near the underground light. Ale rich motives, ymovirno, boules in position artistic images the remaining sides of the Apocalypse: The Devil, throwing a lake at the fire, like Zvir, the False Prophet; Death, Hades and everything that is not written in the Book of Life (Announcement 20:10-15).

If the Eden Serpent began to associate or be identified with Satan, another variant of this image appeared in the looking reptile, and the serpent itself with its legs, or instead of the building, shifted vertically; earlier, the serpent was depicted at the sight of a splendid serpent, as if it were not enough to walk on the ground, or to wrap itself around the stovburiv and the bushes of trees. The biblical curse of the Snake is well seen in the description of the wonderful artistic evolution that gave all the snakes, including dragons, a couple or two pari nig (does not seem to be about a dog's head, but also birds krill and pir'ya). The tradition, which honors the Eden Serpent itself, transferred the image of yoga with human rice, ringing with a woman's head and often with a woman's torso and breasts (for example, div. 9).

In the “Lives of the Saints”, as if to celebrate the chapters of the “Golden Legend”, this biblical information was taken distant development. The devil and yoga demons can appear in whatever they see, in whatever they want, - like monsters, what they lick (call reptiles) or wonderful people(among those, there are beautiful and calm women). But if the demons appear at their own eyes, the stench is characterized as “Ethiopian”, that is black-haired Africans. The legend about St. Matthew used one especially grotesque description of the demon, who sagged in the idol, and in the legend about Nabutt Khrest - the description of Satan, de vin looking like a majestic Ethiopian (Div. 6.2). There is a clear memory of the tendency to depict demons (especially the lower ones - quiet, who are calm and punishing) in black and hairy human-like bodies, often with azure bird legs, with appendage persons on the breasts, abdomen, genitals, seats, tails, etc.

As an example of the diversity of the image of the devilish forces in the Middle Ages, let's take a look at the "Wonderful Book of Hours", a miracle manuscript, a collection of creations by the Limburg brothers in 1415 rotations and endings in 1485 by Jean Colombe.

There is a miraculous illustration of the fall of angels, as if they still saved their golden wings and clothes in heavenly blue. All the stench, at once from the first falling Lucifer, with crowns on their heads. Good angels diligently pidshtovhuyut pohlut, vіdteper evil angelіv (Div. Mal. 7).

Mi Bachimo Satan, still in the crown, but already without krill, with majestic horns and great ears, naked, with hairy stegna and great testicles, who lies on a roaring grill, who plays with cunning, like other demons. Satan forges cursed souls and then weeps at the fiery streams. It seems that it is good to spend an hour, and the suffering of the past is not memorable. Vіn not attachments to ґrat, and we develop hostility, nіbi vіn can be-such a mitigation to interrupt the break-up and virushiti on other social rights, or do bad things on earth - at any time, if you want (div. small. eight).

The scene in the Garden of Eden shows the serpent blaming the tree; the new woman has a torso and a head (completely similar to the torso and head of Evi) and the body of a snake with a pair of “crocodile legs” (div. small 9). The battle of Michael from Satan the Dragon is depicted as a single combat; the dragon is not of red, but of golden color, more modest rosemaries (spread with Mikhail) with a single head. Bіy v_dbuvaєtsya over the mountain Saint-Michel, roztashovanoї near pіvnіchnіchі France (div. 10). In another part of the book, a small scene of the Last Judgment is depicted, where curses fall at the open pasture of hell (Div. Mal. 11). However, if Jean Colomb depicts the gates of hell, he shows the landscape as fireless (Div. 12). On this illustration (Div. 13) there are no demons, but only souls, like they are punished in purgatory and the stars are ringing. Nareshti, I can guess the miniature of Colombe, which occupies the entire side and depicts the dead, who come to the rescue (Div. 14); її often mistaken for the image of the fourth verifier of the Apocalypse - Death (div. 2.3, 6.2 and 10.3). Hurry up tse illustration in home history about Vdyachny Mertsіv (so, this is the very history, as I gave it to the old rock group). The version of this history was reportedly presented at the "Golden Legend" ( GL 163). Lyudina, prayed for frozen, if she passed the farm, one time he had accumulated one time she had a transplanted with his own Vorogiv - with Raptu, he was dead to his own graves (under the tsoma lean of lazy, they became a strong -willed grunt of praisi).

It is far from the fact that she was baked by demons or by the servants of the Devil, these brush-like figures represent the souls of the dead, as if they endure peaceful purification. Such purification, as it seems to us Yakiv Voroginsky at the special distribution of the "Golden Legend", appears in the singing place, either in purgatory, or specially introduced places on earth.

Punishment in purgatory to know the angels have fallen Ale, respect Yakiv, other suffering souls see good angels and mark them for those who humbly and patiently endure suffering.

The image of the Devil at the look of the tsepa "go into fashion" as a first illustration, as Satan himself worships the chakluni - Maleficiі Maleficae.

The goat's image of the Devil, often in human form and torso, recognizing the strong infusion of the classic image of a satyr - the goat-singer. Thus, having become the Devil himself, he is like an incubus, that is a demon that rapes women. Church Fathers, including St. Augustine, they believed that the demons of the building should enter into the articles of communication with people (div.: Augustine. About the City of God, 15.23; NPNF1, vol. 2), which, obviously, looked like some kind of slander from a more ancient interpretation of the text of the Book of Butte (6:1-4), de angels (“blues of God”) gave birth to titans in the form of earthly women (div. 2.1, 2.2, 5.4, 8.1).

From the singing hour it became sleepy, that the angels fell, like good angels, є "including spiritual ones", and such ties are impossible. Ale, as St. explains. Homa, the demon can slay a woman with a vagit, vicarious “piece of cake”. For this guilt, the mother’s back is guilty of sex with a man, having appeared at the sight of a succubus (who is reachable for the help of a woman’s corpse, or molding a woman’s body for oneself with some elements), and then, having transformed into an incubus, enter into a relationship with a woman I'll take the sperm earlier ( Sum. Theol. 1.51.3; check on the list 6).

Widespread current images of Satan, dressed in a tuxedo (or, more simply, in a tailcoat with a white crib), with small horns and a narrow tail, no doubt, appeared under Mephistopheles’ spitting glance in the operas of Berlioz, Buato and Gounod about Faust.

But now we know each other in the pure world, and the time has come to turn to the world of today.

Tsey text is a cognizable fragment.

Zhakhliva vіdpovіd for every inner ruin Chance Bo in such a soul to descend into sinfulness, ears of love to the light and power of lawlessness: fornication, love of love, vbivstvo, theft, guardianship to the obitnitsa, navit and vіdkidnya їh, hatred before Christ, hatred before Christ, hatred before Christ

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The image of St. Ignatius in artistic literature and image-creating art 956. Lєskov N. S. Engineers-bezsribniki // Rus. thought. - 1887. - No. 11. Dr. ed.: Leskov M. Z. Vibrane: U 2 t. l., 1977.t. 2. S. 390-445; At the edge of the world. L., 1985. S. 323-376; Zibr. TV: U 12 t. M., 1989.T. 2. S. 136-188; To light. 1994.

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