What is the language of splkuvanni. Mova that splkuvannya. Ten secrets of trustworthy communication

Mova nasampered - zasіb splkuvannya. Our meeting, prote, is at different places, at the hour and with different comrades. It is easy to remember that it is fallow in the situation, we are different in the ability to move. One of the most important tasks of linguistics is to understand how people speak English in the process of splintering, or, as it seems, in the process communications . Yazikoznavets Grigoriy Yosipovich Vinokur, having respected, that, the crime of “anatomy” is a language, it is necessary to know “physiology” and it is necessary not only to live, but also to live.
Vikoristannya movi lay us before the vіd situations of conflict, kind of concrete minds. Navit mova about yourself - tezh splkuvannya. Lyudina nibi vikonu at the same time two roles: a partner, which seems to be, that partner, which is acting.
Particularly important meta communications, tobto. those people who want to come in at the meeting: to help you, ask you, just spend an hour. For deyaky goals, splintering in movі zakrіplenі osoblіvі forms vyslovlyuvannya. For example, punish, order, prokhannya, call out to hang for help in the order method: Close the door; Give, be kind, a kilo is borosna. If it’s meta - to be recognized by a spymaster, then most often vicorist food: How to get to the cinema? You don't know de Serioja? Meta communication is determined by the choice of words, and intonation. In order to comfort the little child, we will try to speak more quietly, in a soft voice, victoriously changing the lagadni beast: Quiet, Tanechko, don't cry. / Do not drown at the rich ball.

Use two forms of communication (communication) - letters і sleep . Vcheni commemorated that the dream of a dream is already waking up as a letter. You can omit a lot of words from the roses, replace them with gestures, hang your thoughts that almost for an additional intonation. In a situation of uninterrupted verbal communication, ask the speaker to say: I will be there, that show with a nod of the head, de same (for example, at the yard). Ale in the note happened to write again: I will be on the subway. I, navpaki, mova people, yaka zamіst Tomorrow about somіy on Tagantsi say to the rose: I will tell you that tomorrow about the 7th year of the evening I will check you at the Taganska metro station, to be wondrous. It’s important to learn how to understand the letters of the language and the language of the language and what their systems should be divided.

Mova is rich in why to lie down because of the fact that they are among the brothers and sisters: friendly, controversial, neutral, official. It is unlikely that to an unknown senior person for us, for a century, we are beastly on "ty" or, let's say: Great! Vitannia! Such a behavior is consistent with the minds of the mind, it destroys the adoption of the norms of modern etiquette. There is one more important parameter of the situation - nature of vіdnosin between partners communications.
The meaning is also hour і place communications. The life of a person falls apart on weekdays that is holy, for work that kind of repairs: "Just right - the hour, potis - the year." Leather from tsikh timchasovyh vіdrіzkіv closely povyazanі z singing podіyami and possible types of roses. The hour of ringing the po'yazaniy and the time of intercourse. About what, for example, say a lot of school friends for Christmas table is the birthday of one of them? About the difference, of course. But it’s unlikely that Rozmov’s idea about the lessons for tomorrow, in such a situation, it won’t be good. Lyudina, if you still start a promotion about them, call her a bore. However, the theme itself is entirely natural in the classroom at the school. Guess the vіdomy whislіv: "It's not an hour and not a place to talk about it." Otzhe, the skin is intuitively aware of the staleness of those of the nature of the fusion of minds, in which they seem to be.
Zvichayno, the language is rich in what to lie in those interrogation. A serious rozmov on a topic that is important for spіvrozmovniki is unlikely to be carried out with hot intonations. And, navpaki, under the hour of unimpressed roaming on the "light" by those whole old rozkut movlennєva behavior, hot that gra.
In such a rank, the situation is splintering into those, as we say. As soon as one of the parameters of the situation (partners, meta, the form of communication is a letter number, often the place of communication) will change, the current situation will be scored in a different way.

The famous Gogol hero, Pavlo Ivanovich Chichikov, zavdyakovym miraculously pidlashtovuvatisya under spivrozmovnik literally bewitching all provincial officials and those squads. Navit frown Sobakevich saying about the new one: "A friendly person." This building of Chichikov is already clearly manifested in his modern behavior. From the sentimental Manіlovim that yoga team of wines is superbly eminent and commanding. Sir! here, - Chichikov said, - here, axis de, - here he put his hand on his heart, - so, here I will accept the hour spent with you! Do not stand on ceremony with the "cudgel-headed" box of vines: You don't know the words of you! Right, mov like, not seemingly a filthy word, mongrel, what to lie on the blue: I don’t eat myself, I don’t give to others. Trading with Sobakevich, our hero is courteous and protective: My price! Mi, maybe, they seemed to have mercy, but it’s not clear one by one, they forgot what the object was about. I respect my side, putting my hand on my heart: according to the highest hryvnia per soul, this is the best price! In these moods, a virishal influx on Chichikov's promo maє toy, with kim vin at once rozmovlyaє.

A whole special type of communication - public communication . Public language has its own peculiarities: it’s suvorish, official. At the hour of a public performance, a person is more careful at the vislovlyuvannyah, vimova yogo chitkish. In an impassioned situation, meeting with known people, we can turn to them: Mary Vasilino! San Sanich! Ale, deafeningly the names of the conspicuous gatherings (tobto. in the larger official, hromada situation), it is necessary to remember them otherwise: And now Maria Vasilivna Ivanova will speak before you or The word is given to Oleksandr Oleksandrovich Petrov.

Otzhe, the language of the people is changed indeeply by the minds of the mind. Otzhe, our language is like a heterogeneous mix, wines of functional orientations. Vcheni see three main functional and modern differences in modern Russian language: book and letter language, rozmovna language (otherwise rozmovna mova ) that language of artistic literature .
The book-letter language is a clever name. You can use it in letters, and in oral forms. Itself on the norms of book-written and written movies of orientations, whether it be a usny official public speech. Navіt yakscho rozmovlyayut less than two, but in an official situation, rozmova shvidshe for all vіdbuvatiyetsya book-letter mine.
In non-violent (friendly, homely) situations, you should switch to a roman language. Find out if you are listening to the radio weather forecast. The announcer says: The next step is to clear up a little gloominess. Falls can be short, the temperature is five to ten degrees above zero.. Let's help some of our friends and family by asking you to retell the forecast. The dialogue will be about to come:
- Can't you feel the weather tomorrow?
- Chuv. Well, they said the weather wasn't good. It's lousy. Dosh obіtsyali. Well, it's not a whole day.

The letter language was written more richly, lower rozmovna. Rozmovnu movu linguisti started porivchato recently. The language was alive and rich, lowered, and far away in the form of a letter language. Bagato її rice has become a favorite inappropriate for students, giving birth to new food.
Mova gives us the opportunity to re-express that exact reflection of thoughts in any situation. It’s necessary to be less able to be greedy with these possibilities.


Historical development of mov in different historical epochs

1 The combination of people and the combination of creatures: the main identity

2 Movie functions


Social intelligence development of the movie

1 Social sharing movie



List of victorious literature


Mova is recognized as a human connection. However, it is possible for the purpose of the movement to be the main one, because it characterizes the language not from the point of view of organization, structure, etc., but from the point of view of the purpose for which the wine is assigned.

Іsnuyut іnshі zasobi splkuvannya. An engineer can talk to a colleague, not knowing his native language, but stink one to one, like a vicorist armchair. Armchairs sound like an international language of technology. The musician conveys his feelings for the help of the melody and the listeners understand it. The artist thinks in images and hangs on to help lines and colors. And all the same “movie”, so often it seems “my poster”, “my music”. But there is no other meaning of the word "mova".

Today, no one calls out sumnivu that language is a manifestation of socially educated. The development of linguistics has acquired an irrevocable character, and traditional philosophies, continuing to develop, are most often inspired by new concepts, expanding the range of research in the “mova-suspility” gallery, which will require new independent methods. Mova and Suspіlstvo are closely tied one to one. Just as it is impossible to move a posture with suspension, so suspension cannot be achieved without movement. Їхній vpliv one on one mutual.

The presence of the movie necessary mindіsnuvannya suspіlstva protyag ushogo іstorії lyudstva. Whether it be a social phenomenon in its own environment in a chronological relationship: it is not calm in human life and is not eternal. So, I always knew, at the thought of more fahivtsiv, sіm'ya; do not start a private power, power, pennies; not spokonvіchnі so raznі vіznі forms suspіlnoї svidomosti - science, law, mystetstvo, morality, religion. On the vіdmіnu vіd neznachnye and / or timchasovyh yavleny suspіlnogo zhittya, mova pochatkova, i іsnuvatime doti, docks іsnuіє suspіlstvo.

The manifestation of the movement is the necessary mental material and spiritual buttya in all spheres of social space. Be like a splendid sight in your own wide area surrounded by your space, space. Understandably, in Suspіlstvі everything is mutually related, however, let's say, science or virility does not include (as a component, think, change your mind, soobi, etc.) mysticism, and mysticism does not include science, but virobnizstvo. Insha on the right - mova. Vin is global, all-pervading. The spheres of the victorious movie cover the entire social space. Being the most important and the main reason for communication, the language is indispensable in the light of all the manifestations of the social buttya of the people.

1. Historical development of mov in different historical epochs

The development of mov zavzhdi buv tysno povyazaniya іz shares of їх nosesіїв і, zokrema, z development of stable social forms of people's association.

Oskіlki okremі kolektiv of our distant ancestors were weakly tied to each other, anchored in that mov sing zmіstu for sing exhibitor, but we could wind up at the borders of equally small territories. To that kind of language, which were molded, they wanted to do the same, but all the same, they were different. However, the world has an expansion of those other contracts between the canopies, that buv and state ties between the tribes are initiated in vzaєmodiya between the tongues. At a distant development of the language, processes of two protilazhny types are being developed: the process of divergence, the separation of a single language into two, or the splintering of one another, wanting to have disputed language, and the process of convergence, the convergence of different language and the formation of two.

At real stories mov processes of divergence and convergence gradually converge and intertwine one by one.

In the era of the laying out of the primary communal way, because of the vindication of privately-owned nobles, the appearance of classes replaced the tribes with nationalities. Vidpovidno folded movi nationalities. The natomist tribal organization is formed sutto territorially. Therefore, the dialectic articulation of the language of the nationality sounds more often than not often associated with the old tribal authorities and dialects; to the greater world, it reflects the territorial associations that are formed, and their borders.

Some of the language of the nationality, which is formed or already formed, additionally takes away the functions of the lingua franca, flocking to my intermediary union for a number of disputed and indisputable summіzhnyh tribes, to join and not unite in the nationality. Chinook language among the Indian tribes of the Pacific Coast of America, Hausa in Western Africa, Swahili near Northern Africa on the first day of the equator, Malay language on the islands of Northern-Skhidnoy Asia can serve as butts.

To the viniknennyam and the width of the sheet, the formation of letter mov is begun. In the minds of mass illiteracy, such a language is like a ban on the edge of a narrow ball; In addition, the letter language is conservative, it is dominated by authoritative expressions, which are often looked at like a priest. Rozmovna is the language of the people that develops according to their own laws. Step by step, rozriv mіzh letter that my rozmovnoy more daedals.

Not all nationalities develop their own writing language. For quiet reasons, the function of movable literature and business-like listing is consummated by the song of the hour of mov - mov of the conquerors, authoritative foreign culture, religion, which nabula of international breadth is thin. So, in the majority of the Ukrainian Middle Eastern European science, religion, and the significant world of my business literature and literature, the Bula “Middle Eastern Latina” - mova, yak, in its own way, continued the traditions of the classical

The oral-romantic language is characterized by significant dialectal fragmentation. Therefore, the closeness of the literary movement to the folk one is threatening with the loss of unity of the literary movement. Mіzh need for the unity of the language and pragnennya to bring the literary language closer to the people's guilt. In rich vipadaks, it is allowed in such a way that one of the dialects forms the basis of a single norm - the one that, in the course of historical development, hangs on the first place.

Among some peoples, the formation of national mov was in the minds of the united center, in competition or the last change of many centers and the trivial saving of feudal fragmentation. So it was in Europe, Germans, Italians.

Zreshtoy, a lot of nationalities are developing in the nation, vzagali not looming their own powers, in the minds of more or less strong national gnoblennia. Tse, zrozumіlo, imposes vіdbitok in the development of vіdpovіdnyh mov, complicating the formation of their literary norms. So, in Norway, as a trivaly hour was under the rule of Denmark, there were two competing literary movies - spontaneously Norwegianized Danish and a friend, pieced together, in the XIX century. with the improvement of Norwegian dialects.

characteristic rice a new hour in the order of the development of national and national mov є so unsatisfactory growth of international zv'yazkіv, universal and more and more mass contacts between peoples, including contacts between them. Greatly wide swell at to the current world the duality and richness of the great groups of the population. Great and more and more growing is the role of mov of international splintering and international organizations - English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arab official language UN). In all the language of the world, there is an uninterrupted growth of ardent elements - internationalisms.

2. Mova as a human intercourse

.1 The combination of people and the combination of creatures: the main identity

From the point of view of semiotics (a specific system of facilitating the recall of singing meanings), language is a natural and at the same time neurogenous sign system, similar to other systems of communication that nature and culture have. Before natural (biological) semiotic systems one can see the innate "movie" creatures. Piece semiotics are created by people for economical and accurate transmission of special information (for example, Arabic numerals, geographic maps, armchairs, traffic signs, movie programming). "Not Vigadani" and at one time non-biological semiotics connected with the cultural history of people. Among them are the semiotics of simple, lower language (for example, etiquette, rituals) and the semiotics of folding, lower language - the same semiotics of the art of the word, “mova” of cinema, “mova” of theater.

For the understanding of the nature of people, especially the essence of the mind of the movement and the combination of people in the form of the communicative activity of creatures. The main ones of these powers are:

.The modern interplay of people is biologically insignificant. Characteristically, the evolution did not create a special promotional organ for the function of vicorous organs, the significance of which would have been different. Obviously, the development of communication will require a great physiological security, but the material (articulatory-acoustic) side of the process of communication is not physiologically necessary, on the basis of a variety of phenomena. For example, in the communication of the bjolin swarm, one of the means of communication that regulates the behavior of the bdzhil, to serve as a vision of the bjolin’s uterus of a special mother’s speech and rozpodіlu yoga among other individuals. Being communicatively significant (that is to say), seeing the mother's speech may have biological significance, it is necessary to have a link in the biological cycle of the bjolin swarm. The biological insignificance of the mov, what to sound, allowed people to repeat the coding of moving information - so like a leaf, Morse alphabet, sea ensign alphabet, embossed-marked Braille alphabet, etc.

.Movne splkuvannya of people, on vіdmіnu kommunіkatsії creatures, іsno pov'yazanі z znavalnymi protsessov. An okremium sign-recognition of the creature is blamed as a reaction of a person to a podium, which was already recognized (“recognized”) by the organs of perception, and at once as a stimulus to a similar reaction of other persons (to such an animalistic warning). Such a person has no information about those who called out this signal. Henceforth, the communicative processes of the creatures take the fate of the fermentation of the alien and add to the fidelity of the fermentation.

Another picture is created by the recognition activity of a person. Already sprinyattya, tobto. one of the most sensitive cognitions, in the middle of the person’s mind: “mova is like a kind of prism, like a person’s “sweep” reality .. projecting it from the help of my soulful practice.” It is more important for the improvement of the language to function in memory, awake, respect. Vinyatkovo, the role of movies in the processes of thought is great.

.The modern splintering of people, on the basis of the communicative behavior of creatures, is characterized by a wine-colored wealth of happiness. На відміну від якісної та кількісної необмеженості змісту мовного спілкування, комунікації тварин доступна тільки експресивна інформація (тобто інформація про внутрішній - фізичний, фізіологічний - стан відправника повідомлення) та інформація, що безпосередньо впливає на отримувача повідомлення (заклик, спонукання, загроза тощо) .д .). Have any kind of tse zavzhd mitteva іnformatsija: those who are told about, are informed at the moment of novіdomlennya.

.With the richness of the human language (in pairs with the systems of linking creatures) there are a number of features in Yogo Budovі. The main structural immediacy of people's movies as creatures of the earth in її rіvnevіy budovі: zvnevіy budovі: parts of the word (morphemes) are formed from the sounds, words from the morphemes, words from the words - words. To rob the language of people by articulate, and the language - by the way of me and at the same time by compact semiotics.

At the sight of moving people, in biological semiotics there are no signs of a different equal, that. simple and folding, folding from simple. In terms of linguistics, one can say that the communication of creatures is more familiar - the whole “word” and “proposition”, that is. the proposition is not divided into significant warehouses, it is inseparable.

2.2 Movie functions

The function of movement, as a scientific understanding, is a practical manifestation of the essence of movement, the realization of recognition in the system of future manifestations, it is specific to movement, it is enlightened by its very nature, without which language cannot be conceived, as it cannot be without matter.

Communicative and cognitive functions are the main ones. The stench may be always present in the current activities, so they are sometimes called the functions of the language of the language of others, not such obov'yazykovyh functions of the language.

The Austrian psychologist, philosopher and linguist Karl Buhler, describing in his book “Movie Theory” the difference in the directness of the signs of the movie, delineates 3 main functions of the movie:

) The function of speech, but the function is expressive, if the person who speaks is expressing himself.

) I will call the function, it is up to the ear, or the function is appellative. 3) The function of the phenomenon, which is representative, if one can seem to one alone.

Functions of movies from the Reformed. I’ll look at the functions, vikonuvan my mine, for example, like rozumiv їkh Reformatsky A.A. 1) Nominative, so the words of the language can name speeches and manifestations of action. 2) Communicative; tsіy metі є propositions. 3) Expressive, zavdyaki їy expresses the emotional state of the one who speaks. Within the framework of the expressive function, one can see a deictic (instructive) function that combines the actions of motion elements with gestures.

Communicative functionthe movie is connected with tim, that the language is in front of us in front of a special connection of people. We allow one individual - to speak - to express his thoughts, and to the other - to accept - to understand them, so as to respond, to take it to respect, to change his behavior or his mental attitudes. The act of communication is not possible without moving.

Communication means communication, exchange of information. In other words, the language of the vinyl is used by us in order for people to communicate.

The communicative function of the language is based on the fact that language itself is a system of signs: otherwise it is simply impossible to communicate. And the signs, in their own right, are recognized for transmitting information from person to person.

Higher linguistics following the prominent successor of the Russian academician Viktor Volodymyrovich Vinogradov (1895-1969), sometimes signify the main functions of the language in a different way. The stench sees: - reminders, so that they are like thoughts and information; - Vpliv, so try for the help of a moving change, change the behavior of the person that you take;

splkuvannya, so that the exchange of notifications.

Reminders and infusions go up to a monologue move, and a conversation - to a dialogue move. Strictly ostentatious, purposely function of the movie. Well, if you talk about the functions of a movie, then it’s a reminder, an infusion, and a conversation and the implementation of the communicative function of a movie. The communicative function of the movie is more voluminous in relation to these functions of the movie.

Vcheni-linguistics also see the hour and not without support of the emotional function of the language. Still hanging, the signs, sounds of the mov often serve to convey emotions, feelings, attitudes to people. Vlasne, the very function of the function, better for everything, and the human language began. Moreover, among rich social groups of herd creatures, the transmission of emotions (anxiety, perelyaku, pacification) is the main way of signaling. Emotionally zabarvlennymi sounds, wigukami creatures tell fellow tribesmen about the knowledge of the zhu or the trouble that is approaching. With this, it is not information about the person that is not safe, but the very emotional state of the creature, which confirms the satisfaction of the perelyaku, is transmitted. І tsyu emotsіynu mov creatures rozumієmo navіt mi - mi as a whole we can comprehend the stubbornness of the dog's bark or the grumbling of a satisfied gut.

Obviously, the emotional function of human movement is richly folded, emotions are conveyed not so by sounds, as by a simple word and speech. The protege of the old function of moving, imaginatively, sighing to the symbolic become of human movement, if the sounds did not symbolize, did not replace emotions, but were a direct manifestation of them.

However, whether it was showing sensibility, direct or symbolic, it would also serve for reminding, transferring it to fellow tribesmen. For this sense, the emotional function of the movie is also one of the ways to implement the greater overall communicative function of the movie. Otzhe, different types of implementation of the communicative function of mov є povіdomlennya, vpliv, splkuvannya, and navit viraz chuvtіv, emotsіy, stanіv.

Pіznavalna, but cognitive,the function of the movie (a kind of Latin cognition - knowledge, knowledge) is related to the fact that the signs of the movie have the effect of fixing the identity of a person. Mova is a tool of information that reflects the results of a person's rozum activity.

Vcheni still didn’t give an unambiguous visnovka about those that are the first - the language of thought. Possibly, the nutrition itself is wrong. Even the words do not hang out our thoughts, but the thoughts themselves are found in looking at the words, verbal formulas are brought to the point of their oral speech. Accepting the fixation of the doslivna, house form of the certificate has not yet been given to anyone. Be-yakі images and understanding of our svіdomosti usvіdomlyuyuyutsya by us and otochyuchimi only then, if zodyagnenі in movnu form. Zvіdsi y vyavlennya about nerazryvny zv'yazok myslennya that move.

The call between my mind and my thoughts was set to bring for additional physiometric records. They asked the person to be sampled to faint as if it were more familiar, and while thinking, special sensors took data from the moving apparatus of the speech apparatus (from the larynx, tongue) and showed the nerve activity of the movement apparatus. Tobto Rozum's robot of the last few “behind the ring” encouraged the activity of the moving apparatus.

Tsіkavі svіdchennya to give warning over the rozumovu diyalnіstyu poliglotіv - people who can speak kindly rich language. They know that in a particular skin type they “think” about something else. The ostentatious butt of the breeder Shtirlitz from the famous film - after the old fates of work in the city of Germany my German».

The cognitive function of the language does not only allow fixing the results of rozum activity and winning them, for example, in communication. Vaughn also helps to know the world. The thoughts of a person develop in the categories of mov: they understand new things for themselves, speech, that phenomenon, people call them. I cim ordering your light. This function of the movie is called nominative (naming objects, understanding, phenomena).

Nominativethe function of the movie is directly related to the cognitive one. Knowing the need to name, give a name. The nominative function is related to the construction of symbols and to symbolically designate speech. The building of words to symbolically replace objects helps us to create our own other world - the environment of the first, physical world. The physical world is rotten to our manipulations. Do not burn with your hands. And the axis is different, the symbolic world is our fault. We take yoga with us wherever we want, and we work with it with everything we want.

Between the light of physical realities and our symbolic light, which, having depicted the physical light in the words of a mov, is the most important spirit. Light, symbolically beaten by words, - tse knowledge, development of light. The world of knowledge and development is only once, if it is named.A world without our names is alien, like a planet is far away, there are no people for him, for him the life of people is impossible.

The name allows you to fix it already known. Without a name, be it a knowledge of the fact of validity, be it a river, it would be lost to our witness with a one-time vipadkovistyu. Nazivayuchi words, we create our own - I understand and understand the picture of the world. Mova gives us the canvas that farbi. Varto, however, indicates that not everything can be named in the known world. For example, our body - mi "zіshtovhuєmosya" with him today. The skin part of our body has a name. And how is it called a part of the disguise between the lips and the nose, because there is no air there? Niyak. No such name. What is the name of the upper part of the pear? What is the name of the pin on the yarn of the belt, what fixes the length of the belt? A lot of objects that have been mastered by us, vikoristovuyutsya by us, but do not name names. Why is the nominative function of movies not implemented in these views?

Tse incorrectly supplied nutrition. The nominative function of the movie is still implemented, just in a wiser way - for the help of description, not naming. With words we can describe everything that is worthy, we can say that for whom there are no words. Well, and those speeches are things that do not make up their own names, they just “did not deserve” such names. Tse means that such speeches, otherwise, the phenomena are not meaningful in the presence of the people, so they were given their name (like that collet olive). In order to take away the name of the object, it is necessary to take the wine away from the suspіlny uzhitok, having crossed over the threshold of significance. Until some time it was still possible to get by with a Vipadian or Opis name, but from this hour it is no longer possible - you need more than a name. The act of naming may have meaning in life. Zestrivivsya s chimos, mi persh for everything is called tse. Otherwise, we cannot comprehend it ourselves, nor convey information about it to other people. The same z vigaduvannya called biblical Adam. Robinson Crusoe is the first for everything, calling the vryatovanny dikun Friday. Mandrіvniki, botanists, zoologists during the great vіdkrittіv joked about new things and gave them a new name for the inventory. Approximately cim is responsible for the kind of activity and innovation manager. From the other side, naming the share of the named speech.

accumulativeThe function of the movement is connected with the most important signs of the movement – ​​to collect and collect information, evidence of the cultural activity of the people. Mova live richer for the people, and in an hour to live and live longer for the sake of the people. This is the name of the dead mov, yak people survived, yak rozmovlyali tsimi mov. Don’t speak with them, krim fakhivtsiv, yakі їх vvchayut. Nayvidomisha "dead" language - Latin. Zavdyaks to the fact that in the old hour of my science (and earlier - my great culture), the Latin was well preserved and expanded - to bring people from the middle illumined know a little of the Latin languages. Alive and dead movie save the memory of rich generations of people, the wedding of centuries. Navit if we forget the retelling, archaeologists can reveal ancient writings and on them reminisce about bygone days. For a century that thousand people have accumulated a majestic amount of information, which was written down by people on different language world.

Mustache gigantic obsyag of information, broken by people, is based on modern form. Otherwise, hanging on, be it a fragment of information, you can say it and accept it like a co-worker, or a slip. This is the accumulative function of the movement, for the help of which the people accumulate and transmit information as in the present, so in the historical perspective - for the baton of generations.

Recent successors see few important functions of the movie. For example, the role of the victorious mov is to establish and support contacts for people. Turning around after the robot with the water supply at the elevator, you can say to you: Today it started out of season, eh, Arkady Petrovich? In truth, and you, and Arkady Petrovich, they were well on the streets and miraculously recognized about the camp of the weather. Therefore, your food does not have absolutely no informational content, it is informationally empty. Vіn vykonuє zovsіm іnshу funktіu - fatichnі, iєtаtаvlyuyuyuyu contacts. For rhetorical reasons, you truly confirm to Arkady Petrovich the good status of your friends and save your intention to save your status. If you write down all your remarks for the day, then you will change your mind, that some of them are moving by themselves in this way - do not transmit information, but send your messages to the speaker. And yakі words with whom they seem - a friend on the right. Tse most important function movi - zasvіdchuvat the mutual status of svіvrozmovnіkіv, pіdtremuvati z-pomіzh them svіdnosinі. For a person, the essence of the social, the fatal function of the language is even more important - it doesn’t only stabilize the position of people to the point of speaking, but rather allowing himself, who to speak, to behave himself in the suspension of “his own”. It is even more ostentatious to analyze the implementation of the main functions of the movie on the basis of such a specific type of human activity, like innovation.

Without a doubt, innovative activity is impossible without the implementation of the communicative function of the language. Setting up important tasks, working in a team, reviewing the results of the results, setting up successful tasks and controlling them, simply combining with the method of coordinating the participants in the creative and working process - all these functions are unimaginable without communicative communication. І itself at tsikh dіyakh won and realized.

The cognitive function of a movie may be especially important for innovation. Dumova Robot, Vidіlennya Klyovikh understand, abstract technologists, analiz, analiz, the same Yaviszhniki, fіksatsya that analiz, translated by the Zavdan, by the technology, all the same, unmarried, without a reservoir, without a reservoir, without a reservoir, without

I especially zavdannya virishu mova, if there are about fundamentally new technologies that do not create a precedent, then do not, obviously, operational, conceptual names. In this way, the innovator acts like the Demiurge, the mythical creator of the All-World, who establishes links between objects and makes new names, both objects and links. Which robot has the nominative function of the movie. And in addition, if we are literate and able to be an innovator, we will stay away from the life of innovation. Chi zrozumіyut yogo followers and provodzhentsі chi nі? If the new names of the descriptions of new technologies do not take root, then the greatness is great if the technologies themselves do not take root. No less important is the accumulative function of the movie, as it ensures the robot of the innovator two: in the first place, they give you knowledge of the information accumulated by the predecessors, in a different way, the accumulative power of the results of seeing the knowledge, bringing that information. Well, for the global sensory, the accumulative function of the movement is to ensure the scientific, technical and cultural progress of humankind, the shards of the most new skin knowledge, the skin bit of information, it is possible to be installed on a wide foundation of knowledge, well-to-do champions. And this grandiose process does not stop at whiting.

mova splkuvannya pznavalna dialog

2.3 Influx of an individual into a language

If language is not a natural phenomenon, then, therefore, it is also the place of the midst of spiritual manifestations. There is a special place for the special role of the movement for the suspіlstva.

Mov’s relationship with other suspile manifestations is that language is a necessary mental foundation for the development of human society and that, being an element of spiritual culture, language, as well as all other suspile manifestations, is inconceivable in the spirit of materiality.

The idea that the language is not a biological organism, but a suspended being, was used earlier by the representatives of the “sociological schools” as an ensign of idealism (F. de Saussure, J. Vandriez, A. Meyje), as well as an ensign of materialism (L. M.). Noiret, N. Ya. Marr).

So, as a language is a social, supple phenomenon, it means that the language is “growing” in a person as a product of the inheritance of that development and that it is on the scale of the whole community: you cannot but mov “for one person”. You can say this: language is a supernatural phenomenon, which serves all the members of this partnership, regardless of their status, age, material camp.

What is the role of the individual, the okremoi people in which process? Chi priymaє vіn just ready the rules of the gr, signing the order with the decision of the members of the partnership “moving convention” and nadal correctly її dotrimuyuchis? No, we don’t call it like this: specialty can be by bringing freedom to my name.

On the right, we are in front of the one whose language is more foldable, voluminous, rich in elements. A lot of impersonal words, a lot of rules, various options. Great gloomy dictionaries current mov fix hundreds of thousands of singles. Okrema people simply can not afford such wealth. To that, the wine is put up to the most loneliness of the vibratory: the wine chooses the same words, forms its own lexicon. Also, the freedom of particularity manifests itself in front of individual versions of the movie - idiolects. Ale idiolect - not only vocabulary. This is also the individual peculiarities of the leaf and its diversity.

In order of idiolects, linguistics is also developing “sociolects” - “group movi”. This is the intermediate stage of abstraction between my particularity and my whole suspense. Here you can see professional language (for example, sailors, doctors, zaliznichnikіv just) and jargon (smart language, as a way to be opposed to literary movement). Tsіkavim okremim vipadkom sotsіolektiv є prizvische: tse rіznоvidi movi, priynyatі in concrete sіm'yah.

Obviously, the originality of sociolectives and idiolectives is manifested as the head rank, in the sphere of vocabulary and vocabulary. However, as it is respectful to consider the same language, it is possible to change: and before the grammatical rules, people are put in different ways. Some of them blamelessly recognize, and others allow themselves to be destroyed, but we know that they do not know. Lyudina, what to say, “rank” the rules, divide them into inviolable (obov'yazkovі) and unimportant (optional).

Zreshtoy, prote, the freedom of particularity is manifested in the ability to choose one's own loneliness, to form one's own idiolect. There is more - in the possibility of assessing my loneliness: for me it is appropriate, otherwise it is not appropriate. Zvіdsi viplyaє natural pragnennya correct, put down those that are not appropriate, and, navpaki, fix those that are far away, zagali, as if in a rank, vplinut on mova.

Іsnuyut konkretnye vypadki vplyu sobistnostі on movu, zokrema on vіdomі neologіzmi, vіdіvі vіd chi іnshu movu by a specific person: a scribe chi hromadsky dyach.

Obviously, there are special epochs - the formation of a nation, the formation of a literary mov, the awakening of a suspіlії svіdomosti, if the role of specialness can appear significant. Ale zdebіlshgo tse unique situations, vignatkovі vpadki. Zagalom mov to finish the stіyk to an individual vtruchannya, to try svіdomo “polіpshiti” and adjust yogo. The reason lies in the supra-individual nature of the co-operation.

3. Social intelligence for the development of the movie

.1 Social sharing movie

The one who between the human suspіlstvo and that my own link, had a reconciliation of old ages. "From all the living beings, only a person has been gifted with a promo," Aristotle wrote. I Aristotle, and his followers clearly understood that the language is not just an individual, but a huge people: even the main recognition of the language is to serve as an intermediary between people.

The development of that functioning of the movie is also meaningful to the world with the development of that life of prosperity. Tse manifests itself in various forms. The axis of action is from them.

Be-like human society is heterogeneous behind its warehouse. It will be divided into versts, chi class, split up into larger dribnі groups, among which people are united like a sign, for example, for a century, a profession, equal to illumine thinly.

Tsya differentiation suspіlstva vіdbivaєtsya movі yak quiet chi іnshih socially educated subsystems.

Village dialects are one of such subsystems. It’s true, most of them are called local and territorial, but it’s obvious that their vision of national movement is based on social signs: territorial dialects, how to say villagers, they are identified with my place, my literary workers.

The social differentiation of the language can help you to see the expansion of the society. So, for example, the peculiarities of the language, understanding the specifics of professions, are sometimes called professional language (div. Argo. Jargon). The first thing that falls into the vіchі when you know such "languages" is the terminology.

Sounds of the same words in different professions may have a different meaning.

The skin profession has its own special terminology; In addition, the words and phrases can be twisted and twisted in a way: physicians, for example, use the word candle to mean a sharp change in the curve on the temperature chart of a sick person; at the outposts, at the walk, they broke the schedule, scrambled out of the layout thinly.

Pevnі rozbіzhnosti mоvi can be tied to the status of rozmovlyayuschih. So, among the Indians, like in the Californian California (USA), some objects and things themselves are called in a different way, in a different way, whoever talks about them is a man and a woman. In Japan, the girls have a rich and varied vocabulary (the stink is specially taught), even as a young man, a characteristic lexically bіdnіsh language.

The link between the history of movies and the history of society is an axiom of contemporary linguistics. The shards of the language are only in the suspensory, they cannot but lie in the suspense. For whom it is wrong to understand such a staleness as a zhorstku umovlenіnіst change in my community officials. In fact, the process of development of the state of affairs stimulates the development of the movement: speed up the tempi of the current changes (the mechanism of such delusions by internal, powerful movements of the laws), spryyaє rozbudoví deyakah dolyanok movnoї system, enriched with new elements, then.

Like the power of social factors, which are added to the development of the language, look at it like this: change the stake of the movement, the expansion of education, the development of science, the relocation of the people's masses, the creation of a new sovereignty, the change in the forms of legislation and business administration and others. Injecting these factors into the language in a different form, that one by force.

For example, after the Zhovtnevoy revolution, the warehouse of the nose of the Russian literary movement has significantly expanded: as before, the bourgeois-noble intelligentsia was more important, now the masses of workers and villagers begin to reach the literary movement. The process of democratization of the movie is being observed. Workers and villagers bring to the system of literary language power and їm modern features and habits; new elements begin to compete and compete with the traditional units of literary movement. It is not necessary to bring forward some dialecticisms and argotisms in a literary dictionary (marriage, malfunctions, navchannya, smychka thinly), until rebudding between singles of this dictionary (zokrema, blame new synonymous rows: nedolіki - nedolіki - malfunctions - defects; marriage - deficiency - deficiency; vchennya - navchannya; zv'yazok - contact - union - smichka).

So it's not straight forward, in a foldable way to get the development of movies and other social officials.

3.2 Svіdomy vpiv suspіlstva on mov

Crime of the objective, do not lie in the will of some people in the injection of support for the language of opportunity and freedom, and before that, the goals of directing the injection of power (and the support in general) for the development and functioning of the language. Such an injection can be called a modern policy.

Movna politics can stand on different sides of the movnogo life of that household. For example, in the rich country lands, the choice of movi chi dialect, which may be sovereign, does not arise spontaneously, but svіdomo, for the unmediated participation of that direct influence of power and other social institutions. So the very evidence and purpose of directing the activity of fakhіvtsіv of the development of alphabets and scripts for earlier non-literate peoples. Improving the basic alphabets and writing systems, for example, the reform of Russian orthography, which was carried out more than once, is another kind of bringing people into the life of a movie.

However, the possible “mandate” is different: the first way, which I recommend, and defending the other (with bells and whistles in the words). Such recommendations and fences to become the result of the normalization activity of the learned linguistics: they break the rules, as if to consolidate the praise of the suspense of the formation of the ways of victoriousness of my own loneliness. Є y іnshі ways іn plіv suspіlstva іn mаvu: rozrobіkі spetsіalіnіh termіnologii for raznih galuzy znannya, normirovannya novvedenie v lexitsі, propaganda sіnguіstіchnykh znani і prіsі і rіo rіo schoo.


Mova blames, it develops as a social phenomenon. Its main purpose is to serve the needs of the human community and to ensure the intercourse between members of the great and small social collective, as well as the functioning of the collective memory of the collective. Mova and Suspіlstvo are closely tied one to one. Just as it is impossible to move a posture with suspension, so suspension cannot be achieved without movement. Їхній vpliv one on one mutual.

Mova plays a very important role in a supple life, which is the basis of mutual understanding, the development of the social world. Vіn may organize the function according to the proposal to the suspіlstva.

Mova is a fallow and not a fallow in the form of a suspension. The globality of the movement, its inclusion in all forms of the suspense butt and the suspensory affinity give rise to її supra-group and supra-class character. However, the trans-class character of a language does not mean that it is socially oriented. Suspіlstvo then, we can subdivide it into classes, but it will be overwhelmed with suspіlstvo, tobto. I see the unity, the congregation of people. At that hour, as a development of cultivation to bring to the social differentiation of the suspenst, my post is like the most important integrator.

Mova is a manifestation of the spiritual culture of people, one of the forms of supremacy (the order of everyday knowledge, morality and law, religious knowledge and mysticism, ideology, politics, science). The originality of the language, as a form of suspіlnoї svіdomosti, is based on the fact that, first, mova, the order of the psychophysiological building of vіdbivati ​​svіt, є peredumovoy suspіlnoї svіdomosti; in a different way, language is a semantic foundation and a universal shell of various forms of suppleness. For the help of movement, a specific human form of transferring social awareness (cultural norms and traditions, natural and technological knowledge) is created.

The development of the movie by the greater world, the lower development of law, the ideology of science, is independent of the social history of society, although at the end of the day it is smart and directed by the social history itself. Prote, the connection between the history of the movement and the history of the Suspension is obvious. It is also quite obvious that there are traces of such social shocks like revolutions, hromada wars: between dialectic phenomena are displaced, a lot of normative and stylistic devices of the language are being destroyed, political vocabulary and phraseology are being updated. However, at its core, the language is overwhelmed with a colossal, unified one, which ensures the ethnic and cultural continuity of the Suspіlstva throughout history.

List of victorious literature

1.Maslov Yu.S. Entry to spirituality. M: Vishcha. school, 1987. - 272 p.

.Leontiev A.A. Mova, mova, movna activity. M.: Krasandr., 1969. - 214 p.

.Reformatsky A.A. An introduction to philosophizing. M.: 1967. - P.536

.Mechkovska N.B. Social Linguistics M. Aspect press: 1996. - 207 p.

.Norman B.Yu. Movie theory. Entry course. M.: Flinta, 2004. - P.296

Tags: Language English Abstract

The very understanding of splkuvannya may be a sprat, which is connected with the different views of the experts and specialists on this problem. Leather from fakhіvtsіv in tsіy galuzі proponuє his bachennia and interpretation. We'll just try to call everything up to the sleeping banner.

Using a short psychological vocabulary, understanding the splurge - ce folding bahatoplanovy process, directing to the establishment of that development of contacts and connections, which include the exchange of information, interchange, acceptance of that understanding of the mind.

The meaning of the word "spillkuvannya" can be changed. As it was said more, it was tied with different points of the dawn, characteristic of different values ​​of the tariff hour. Prote, in a flash, the day of communication is becoming immutable - it is the exchange of information from the stagnation of various communications.

Characteristics of power and risi splkuvannya

The concept of interspecial splintering can be three ostentatious - tse zmist, functions and zasobi. The transmission of information, rozuminnya and spriynyattya, mutual support of partners, having poured in one on one, mutual assessment and mutual management of activities are brought to light. Instead, the main functions of communication are distinguished, which are subdivided into communicative, informational, cognitive, emotive, contactive and creative. At the time of the day, or the destruction of wanting to use one of the functions of the conflict, it suffers.

Nature Viniknennya splkuvannya and consume it in the new

The communicable person is boldly familiar with the new - new knowledge, new information, new people. Vіdkrіt і dоpіlіvі sоbіstії, yоu don't mention tо thаt, аrе аbоut аn mаѕu tіkavih zustrіch, pоdіy, acquaintances, new purposes, аlѕо thаt аs splіlkuvannya, аk і і sеmе splіlkuvannya, plаgaє not іlki tіlki. For a skin person, the ability to grow up with similar ones is the guarantee of a steady increase in life baggage, intellectual and psychological development. For whom, the main goals of communication are revealed. Gifted by nature, specialness helped people to live and establish themselves among the smaller, stronger species.

How do you think, you used to drink in your own mind to the exact sciences of music, yakby didn’t go to school and didn’t look at these subjects, even if you were given some tedious stench in the beginning? Nі, even if you play a very important role, but the reader, giving us school fates, be a subject, roaming with us, learners, not only reveal those other vibes, but also help to develop them, at the same time adding the rules.

Becoming special

At the stage of becoming a person, as special, tobto, shche school rock Particularly important is the role played by intercourse with fathers. Ideally, it is necessary to spread the word with them, more often and more often, share with the news that come up. It’s even more important for rozmovs from fathers not to deceive them, but we’ll let them in, we’ll honor them. These are the main rules of this stage.

Those who are unreasonable to schoolchildren, for example, the Father's fence, seem to make the right decisions. Just show up, yakby in youthful rocks we were allowed absolutely everything. Chantly, inaccuracies would follow us on the skin, and we, being children, would not be small manifestations, as if vibrating from them.

The period of early maturation is especially important for the development of a person and її communication skills, in parallel with which the psyche develops. A person knows the day of splintering, while she is grown up, she learns at school, VNZ. Over the course of an hour, life’s baggage will be replenished not only with scientific knowledge, but with the most important habits of life, as if it were someone else’s, so we will get it. At every stage of the good, contact with one-year-olds, but it indescribably helps. It is true, as if to dorimuvatisya the basic rules of human intercourse.

How did everything originate?

Chi zamyslyuvalis kolis over tim, navіscho people skolkuvannya? Try to admit that in the course of the evolution the current apparatus did not begin to develop, and the people themselves did not show the activity even though they could contact one with one. How do you know, how would you think that people didn’t have time to communicate and take away new information, and then, there would be a day-to-day operation of the linkage, there would be a revolution in that, in what we її bachimo infection and bachili for that hour, for that development of all living things? What would be the least of the statements about those who are like this - evolution? The conclusion is unequivocal - nothing would have happened. Splicing has played its role, well, in the new world and it is the basis for the survival of all folding species, as it is found in rich living organisms. I don’t want them to see it in the wrong way, to what they called, prote ...

Splkuvannya is a pledge to the development of civilization, an unbreakable foundation for society. However, it’s better to understand that it’s not only sounds that are tossed about in the air, as if building a building with your own apparatus. And even deaf people also “speak” one by one, it’s true, they vicorate for whom not words, but gestures.

Collaboration in be-yakіy yoga form - tse exchange of information, the only possible option for transferring new knowledge, newbie, informing other people, even if only in this way it is possible to help one alone, to help the human eye to live and develop further, but the function is not.

What role does communication play in life?

For nourishment, for now, people are talking about the history of the primary welfare. Human language is the “first child” of communication, as it was in the first people at the sight of gestures. At the same time, the first rules of splintering were formed, the deep understanding and understanding of objects were born, and writing was already formed over the years. Thus, the society and prosperity were born, the rules of inter-society splintering were established, which are developed and today.

Normally, fully formed mentality, like і її distant development, it is impossible to reveal without communication Otzhe, the role of splkuvannya life of a person is borderline high. Adzhe is the only way to exchange information, spriynyattya razuminnya navkolishny world. Spilkuvannya - those who see the human eye from other biological species, how to live on the Earth.

It is impossible to underestimate the role of intercourse in professional activity. This is a specific type of inter-special relationship, osks in professional activity, rules of aggregation, surrounded by globally accepted rules of conduct and inter-special relations at the boundaries of one organization (company). Tse sche is called corporate ethics.

What kind of communication is necessary for people?

It doesn’t matter how important the comrade’s person is or is closed in himself, sang to self-sufficiency, communication is necessary for everyone. The social need of others is similar - it is a natural need, and without її satisfaction it is impossible to feel like one.

Splkuvannya plays the most important role of the life of the people. Rіznitsya mozhe polagati hіba scho in yogo kіlkostі and frequency. So, for someone it will be enough once or twice a day to vibrate among friends and talk with them, to raise your mood and improve your self-esteem, and all the days that are lost, such a person can be completely on his own. And for those who are talking, I play an important role - such a person and 20 quills cannot be spent alone, initiating suffering in the form of nudity and visceral inseparable burden of kimos contact. Before the speech, such a big deal is aimed at the process, and not at the end result.

What gives birth to the bazhannya kommunikuvati?

People pragmatic splintering can be called banal bajans, but the correct term is necessities.

So, with great omnipotence, one can say that children have intercourse - that is not a need for the people. Formed out under the influx of activity, as the presence of grown-ups shows, and vinikaє, most often, about two months.

And the axis of the shift has been changed, so that it may not be possible to sort out the problem. Reconcile the stench and in the fact that the stench can work the stench, the skils themselves vvazhayut for the needs. Most of the followers are protesting against the samples of grown-up control and I will need to spend an hour with friends, and also, in friendly conversations. At this stage, do not forget about the main functions of communication, as they play their role in formulating communicative skills.

In older people, the need for communication can be strong. A lot of people and women, contacting less, less, less, who they want to themselves, begin to get bogged down in the negative.

Vіdsutnіst mіzhosobіsіsіshnіh kontakіv і yogo naslіdki

Those, which step need people to contact and interact with others like them, signify life in general and change (mіsce) in the household. You can have a family, a work team, friends, a school, a group at a university. Lyudina, she was allowed the opportunity to make contact with other people, and later, she was unable to perform all the functions of cooperation, if she could not become a social specialty, reach society and culturally expand. Lyudin won’t say hello, what’s the name.

"Children-Mowgli", allowed the opportunity to contact and interact with representatives of their own kind without intermediary after the people, or in early childhood, to bring this fact, and therefore, the role of intercourse in the life of a person to a much more important level. Perebuvayuschie in isolation in the form of human language, the stench, obviously, does not guess about those, how to talk to the kimos. The organism of such peculiarities develops in a natural way, and the axis of the development of the psyche is trimmed, otherwise it does not seem to be. The main reason for this influence is the presence of communicative communication between other people, and also the presence of all communication functions. It’s better to have such feelings, like nothing else, to bring those people into contact with other people.

The richness of the combination with the method

Those, for the sake of what and why people, like be-like else the truth is alive, Influencing this kind of activity as communication and needs in niy - tse and є golovnі tsіlі splіkuvannya. So, the creatures splurge to spoof themselves like this before singing diyam otherwise, a warning about mornings be-like dії. This process is dependent exclusively on the creature's instincts, like, well, representatives of the fauna are cherished.

And the axis of the goals of human intercourse is much larger - the crim of satisfaction with natural, characteristic of creatures, to human interaction, the satisfaction of cultural, social, creative, educational, aesthetic, intellectual, moral needs is added. Navіscho people splkuvannya? Sob usі qі consume satisfaction.
Movement in mutual relations between people can be boldly called wealthy, and the goals, on the contrary, are straightened out, to give more low income for food, what people need more and more like?

Styles and classification

From certain features, the connection between life can be divided on a straight line (without a middle) and indirectly (on the middle). At the first moment, the splintering of the spittles is uninterrupted, the stench is spitting one by one, zastosovuchi vydpovidnu facial expressions, gestures, intonation and that tone.

In another way, information between spivrezmovniks is transmitted without intermediary, but indirectly (sheets, documentation, ZMI just. Bud.). Varto means that I can directly increase the effectiveness and spit on the supporter, lower in the middle. However, the first kind of the greater world can be emotional, so that such a connection in the life of a skin person is experienced in a real hour, and the other is a healthy mind, it’s an hour to understand the situation, to analyze it.

There are also formal and informal types of communication, for which you sing, that you can see among people that they are businesslike and special. Also, the rules for the combination of two types of skin types will be revised. In the first mood, sympathy and antipathy are manifested for one alone, for one reason or another, for lack of confidence. And the axis - tse vidnosiny, yakі folded between people, yakі perebuvayut quiet chi other social groups, organizations. Yogos have the right-hand and obov'yazki as a base, like those of this other group (organization). Henceforth, the role of splintering in the professional activity of a person, that the role of such a person in an everyday, pobutovy life, is a matter of concern. If in the first way a person is surrounded by singing frameworks and rules dictated by the organization (company), then in another, she is surrounded by nothing more than her own thoughtful thought, bazhanny and features of character. A joint role here may be played, but not the role of splintering as a whole.

The art of international communication

Splkuvannya - tse natural process. For ideal conditions, all people are guilty of contacting one with one without interruption. The axis is only true, in real life some individuals feel the fear of communication, as they call it social phobia. The need for contact with other people in such a day is practically chi. Most of the time, a similar fear is blamed on a petty person, which is the most complicated stage in a life of a human being.

In times, if the first known entry into the court, the first contact may have a negative character, then such a person should be aware of the problem of inter-social relations. It is necessary to bring to a minimum the need for rozmovs and conversations similar to oneself, it is not uncommon to bring them to isolation, or it will give rise to the uniqueness of such “subsidiaries” to society as a whole.
The meaning of the interpretation of life cannot be overestimated. Tse mystetstvo and novice, yakі get s rock. As a whole, it is natural that the communicative skills of a person lie not only in the form of special characteristics, but also in the form of sharpening, having changed wines (perebuvaє) at different stages of their life.

However, if you follow the rules of interspecial splintering, you can avoid a lot of inaccuracies:

  • speak to another person in such a way that you yourself respect the best and only believe;
  • show respect before you speak;
  • talk about what you know about what you talk about.

Dorimuyuchi simple rules

As a rule, you don’t talk to your relatives, close friends, and friends about our difficulties. We seem to have the strongest pull to the roses with such people, we are more, we miraculously know about their reaction to those other words, replicas, news. W by unknown people bajannya pospilkuvatisya not high up, but sometimes it’s visceral, necessary. Speak with unknowing people less in a positive way, less revealing, being good-natured. Robiti ce more often with a smile on the faces, dorimuyuchis іsnuyuchih rules splkuvannya. It is even more important that the phrases you said were native.

We recommend to your respect a few effective recommendations for competent encouragement of interpersonal cooperation and mutual understanding:

  • be sensitive and respectful to the inner world of the spirit;
  • remember, poshani good skin;
  • show interest to a friend, you know that someone has a positive attitude;
  • do not give respect to rubbish nedolіki, stink on the skin; there are no ideal people;
  • develop feel better humor and self-irony.



process vzaєmozv'yazku and vzaєmodії comrades. subjects (class, group, features), who needs to exchange diyalnostyu, information, dosvidom, zdibnosti, vminnyami and novichki, as well as the results of diyalnosti; one of the necessary and ardent minds is the formation of the development of excellence and specialness.

The real mediators of all forms of O. are not only the results of spiritual activity - ideas, values, ideals and attitudes, but also material speech - the blessing of the human being. practice, objects that inspire social values ​​that people, . In the process of O., the knowledge is acquired, the structure and the essence of mutually dependent subjects are transferred, historically specific types of special features and all the diversity of people are formed. individualities, individuals.

suspension. Vіdnosini ta O. - vzaєmopov'yazanі, but not the sameness. concepts. K. Marx and F. Engels implanted “O.” in early robots as a sign of comrades. vіdnosin (material and ideological), so the characteristics of non-intermediates. inter-society vіdnosin. In their latest robots "O." get used to over important. to characterize the inter-specialties, such as Marx and Engels bacheled in the "models of people by people." suspension. vodnosini є persh for everything concrete-historical. zv'yazku, sposіb z'єdnannya comrades. subject of activity (class, group and іndivіdіv, skіlki stinks enter to tsikh groups) one with one at the process of activity and vіdpovіdno to її character, comrades. functions, minds їх vikonannya. The stench is a system-creating clerk, a kind of security given to society., systems, її functioning and. O. є that concretization of the suspіlstv was lived through without a hitch. vіdnosin, їх, special. Suspіlstvo does not exist like independence. "disguise" the order and posture of storage of yoga features, and suspіlstv. vodnosini not іsnuyut posture real zhittєdіyalnistyu ta O. people. "... The very special, individually individual one to one, they created each other like an individual - and every day they create - really blue" (Marx K. and Engels F., Works, t. 3, With. 440) .

O. turns not only suspіlstv., but also special individuals one for one in the process of suspіlstv. creation of the people themselves with all the wealth and special needs, needs, values ​​that in. Pokaznikov. In O., there is a formation of special, її svіdomostі and samosvіdomosti. K. Marx wrote: “... A person looks back, like a looking glass, into another person ...” (ibid., t. 23, With. 62, approx.) . The second partner in O., water hour and the most important stimulant pref. development, that object of activity. Tom O. є mental molding of a person as a social status, building up to sleepy life from your own podibni. In O. we take away not only rational information that forms ways of thinking. activity, and for the help of succession, that attitude, spivperezhivannya and identification will acquire its own people. , almost, form behaviors.

Accepted directly O. (non-intermediate contact) that indirectly O. (If there is space-hour distance between partners). Special contact can have a greater force of emotional infusion, navіyuvannya, in some bezperednyo diє social-psychological. "" Infection and inheritance. I especially play the role of usna t.z. paralinguistic information (mimics and gestures), in a fixed sign. social significance. At indirect O. zdijsnyuetsya nreim. conquest of comrades. help for help, encouragement of the creations of the arts, support for mass communication t. n. tut o wear over important. one-sided, but it can be great for enriching the whole system of seeing the special features of the world, opening up the framework of bezmeserednosti. honed, to rob an individual to all the world, to different generations, lands, epochs. As special contacts, in particular, the consolidation and consolidation of small, "contact" groups, then indirectly O. joins the organization and consolidation of great social cohesions, among some bezmesrednosti. Skin-to-skin contact is practically impossible.

O. is a rich process that develops philosophy, sociology, general and social psychology, linguistics, and pedagogy. in. sciences.

Parigin B.D., Fundamentals of social psychology. theory, M., 1971: Sokovnin St. M., About the nature of people. O., Frunze, 19742; Methodological problems social psychology, M., 1975; Buyeva L.P., Lyudina: activity and O., M., 1978; The problem of O. in psychology, M., 1981.

L. P. Bueva.

philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M: Radianska Encyclopedia. Goal. editors: L. F. Illichov, P. N. Fedosiev, S. M. Kovalyov, V. G. Panov. 1983 .


SPILKUVANNYA - vzaєmodії for people, goal. about. without intermediary. In the interpretation of social differences, splintering is a form of their implementation, which ensures (in order of subjective mediations) the accumulation of human knowledge, cooperation, and subserves human activity. The concept of “spіlkuvannya” is based on the characteristics of interrelationships between different social and cultural systems (“international spіlkuvannya”, “spіlkuvannya of cultures”), i.e., in the broader plan, lower internationally. In times of conflict, it is impossible to establish contacts, bypassing inter-dividual contacts; the stench of any tlumachennya splkuvannya zalishayutsya "nuclear structures". For philosophy, splintering represents special features, shards in the new are concentrated in the form of thought and activity, primordial and subjective names of individuals. Folding in the descriptions of the interpretation are explained by the designations of this phenomenon as direct and indirect, without middle and indirect. With direct interplay, people interact “vіch-on-vіch”, in this form, cohesiveness, without intermediary collectivism of human activity, are created. And just as communication does not lead to direct sleepiness, so communication does not reduce to non-intermediate contacts.

In the course of the social evolution blamed on various subject and symbolic features, which ensure the interplay between human individuals, links of various human activities. The problematics of a culture of a significant world is assigned to its growing role in the life of people. The shape of the environment around the transition is to understand and understand about the diyalnist and splintering, about the communicativeness and productivity, about the coherence and division of the social buttya of people. The concept of activity focuses on the realization of human forces, the understanding of splkuvannya zaluchaet yoga to direct and indirect links of these forces. Offenses understood from different sides show the form of disruption, cooperation, transmission of human forces and vitality in the social space and social hour. The rise of social science in the 20th century, in a way that worked out the practicalities over the general statements about social processes, led to the simplification of the confusion of fusion and activity: the aggregation led to intersubjective interactions, the activity - to people's speeches. Vіdpovіdno raznomanіtnі forms of splіkuvannya were reduced to stating about non-intermediate contacts for people. Zv'yazkіv splіkuvannya yak bi vytіsnyalisі і pov'yazana z it's problematic, z fiyalnostі - people, social yakostі human objects. I want philosophical and methodological giving all the evidence for the understanding of the complexity of the problem of interrelation, in fact, in general, and in scientific information, they dominated that continue the development of stereotyped interpretation of interrelation as if it was without middle ground! shoї vzaєmodії mіzh people.

V. Є. Kemeriv

New Philosophical Encyclopedia: In 4 vols. Moscow: Dumka. Edited by V. S. Stopina. 2001 .


Marvel at the same "SPILKUVANNYA" in other dictionaries:

    splintering- a foldable rich-planned process of establishing and developing contacts between people (international O.) and groups (intergroup O.), which are generated by the needs of joint activity and include at least three different processes: communication ... Great psychological encyclopedia

    Div... Glossary of synonyms

    Spilkuvannya- with God, with brothers and sisters, for faith, the life of a Christian is the best. The human being was created for life in conjunction with God. Prote їhnі stosunki was destroyed by the disobedience of the people. Jesus came to commemorate them, having redeemed sin with His death, ... ... Report dictionary of biblical names

    Vzaimodiya іndivіdіv chi social groups: scho polyagaє u besperednogo exchange diyalnіstyu, navikami, vminnyami, dosvіdom, іnformatsiєyu; it satisfies the needs of people in contacts with other people. English language: Intercourse Div. also: ... ... Financial glossary

    Mutual interaction between two or more subjects, which are used in exchange between them, that may be objective and emotional aspects. Interaction is based on the implementation of special needs in contact with other subjects, about satisfaction with that ... ... Psychological dictionary

    SPILKUVANNYA, splkuvannya, pl. no, now. (Knizhkovy.). Vzaєmnі znosini, zv'yazyok. Tіsne splkuvannya. Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov. D.M. Ushakiv. 1935 1940 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

    Understanding how to describe the interaction between people (sub'ject subject not in relation) and characterize the basic need of people, but we will include them in society and culture. Other term "O." vikoristovuєtsya and to characterize the relationship between ... New Philosophical Dictionary

    SPILKUVANNYA, I, povn. Reciprocally znosini, business friendly chime. Yes, friend, Fr. O. z people. Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

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A person, by his nature, is a social being.

Youmu powerfully spіvpratsyuvati and viyavlyat novice komunikatsії. Collaboration speaks in the form of mutually similar ones, people receive knowledge, share experiences, you need to feel in society.

The expansion of the society is determined especially by the needs of the individual, for whom you get the kohan of the people, others will require a great team. We splurge on the very people, the first navik, who attaches himself to the mother.

In these stats, we need food, we need people to talk.

Nasoloda spilkuvannyam - the main sign of friendship.

Need to contact us?

Communication speaks to us as a building of contact with other people. People, like a great number of friends and acquaintances, are valued with a grain of salt. Communication, as a way of interaction for people, allows you to share information, gain new knowledge, find your partner and a lot of others. Without words, we are literally without a break.

Spilkuvannya gives the possibility:
  1. Completely mutually with other individuals.
  2. Develop as a specialty.
  3. Accumulate knowledge and dosvid.
  4. Expand your horizons.
  5. Feel the warmth of that support.
  6. Better vitlumachity of your thoughts.
  7. Live in society.
  8. Find a partner.
Live by yourself and never make contact - all the same, it will negatively signify on the psycho-emotional state of a person. Thoughts that are almost guilty know the exit. Navit rozmov from a human opposite point of dawn to give you an emotional release.

Ideally, for a perfect and happy life, people need one-thinkers. Friends and close people can help you to understand the situation, to understand, to help you understand the situation. Spilkuvannya helps to vibudovuvat young people to sing harmonica. Mutually discussing the difficulties of changing the risk, but we are unreasonable and we will not feel it. Tsya verbal therapy lead to a minimum of possible conflicts.

Korist spіlkuvannya

Good communication with positively trained people helps people to become wiser. Collaboration with older, more successful representatives of Homo sapiens, broadening horizons and giving a touch of inspiration.

The craziness of the splintering manifests itself in:

  • Emotional outburst.
  • Appearance of new ideas.
  • Be aware of yourself in society.
  • Sense of urgency.
Collaboration helps not only to share with the scary moments of your life, but also to get ahead in the face of gloomy thoughts, worries and problems. Speaking about failures with another person, we clean up our insides. Divided into two, the problem takes half the burden. Povnistyu having moved, the person feels free.

It’s important to deal with life’s troubles on your own, but by sharing a problem with a friend, you can ease your mental state. At spіvpratsi and pіdtrimtsі polagає emotsіyne razvantazhennya.

Startups, business ideas are often a way of discussion among colleagues. Discussing plans for life, sharing good thoughts, it is possible, for whom the stink, to become a reference and give letters for the implementation of the idea. Reasonable, well-read people, without noticing it themselves, give wonderful gifts, in the light of which the internal fire is ignited, the bazhanya is created.

Interaction with similar people allows yourself to be part of a singing social group (, friends, working team, etc.). Considering what they accept you, value your thought, respect you as a full member of the society.

What helps people to talk?

Naturally, the main tool for splintering is our language, and the building of expressing your thoughts. Ridna mova, jargonism, abbreviated, new fashionable words allow us to convey information in full.

Crim of traditional movement, explore other ways to convey information:

  • emotions;
  • Mimic;
  • Tin;
  • Tilorukhi.
For help, only one ruhu and zdatnі ozumіti, scho want to say spіvrozmovnik. Golovne turn on respect and don’t miss out on this swidkoplenny gesture.

The stench vikoristovuyutsya, if the words can be perceived as third-party, or for impossibility to speak for the help of language. These non-verbal signals are part of our communication.

If you talk about the peculiarity of the character, here you can call it verbatim:

  • Kindness.
  • activity.
  • Social entanglement.
  • Shilnist to new acquaintances.
  • Communication.
All points pidshtovhuyut us before the mortgage of the move. To sorom'zlivim people, it's easy to say "hello", it's so important to develop communication skills in your own, stink to become good. The lad of his own with ease went to the girl, he was not worthy of it, if the young man was able to succumb to a distant fall.

“Not May is a hundred karbovents, but May is a hundred friends”

The command is namingly old, but still relevant today. Groshima you do not drown out internal conflicts, you cannot heal spiritual wounds and do not share hidden thoughts. The presence of friends, one-thinkers, sim's and cohabiting people is the key to life's happiness. The more and more often a person interacts with his adoptive people, the greater the equal of happiness.

Spilkuvannya is the key to successful spivpratsi, it is necessary to be in any sphere of human life. Image, ignoring that vіdmova to vzaєmodії is negatively signified on the inner life of a person.

Every day, it’s not guilty to get into a person so that she was driven out of communication with other people.

How many days do you have if you don't want to get in touch? Tell me about it.

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