How to get ready to EDI from scratch? How to get ready for the EDI from the Ukrainian movie for the day? Shvidko preparing to become Russian

It would have been better if it was springtime. Students without a turbo went up to the 11th grade, only thinking about those who, on the basis of this fate, can make up to sleep. On the right, it went until spring: the closer to the end of the grass, the strongest was emotional excitement. The first axis of won is the finish line. The end of the school is too close, and it’s better to be quiet. Ale yak buti with іspitami? Andzhe on all the tysne tyagars of all kinds, just a different world. Experience these lads, like day by day they were getting ready to ЄDI z Russian movie. Practically in panitsi tі, who spodіvaєtsya - raptom not see? What would not be the situation, the hour, which is over, it is better to dedicate preparations, and not fool the system. Preparing to EDI for the day as a whole is real. Nutrition in the one who needs the result.

Read small creations for argumentation

In order to successfully get involved with the creation, it is necessary not only to know its structure, but also to be able to make arguments, leading to a powerful position. The more you read, the better. But if you are tired of sleep until you sleep, spend the whole hour on reading stupidly. Ale, you can read what suits a great number of problems.

1 KG. Paustovsky "Koshik with yalin cones"

2. K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram"

3. M. Gorky "Stara Izergil" (the legend about Dank)

4. M. Sholokhov "Part of the people"

Repeat the rules

Not to be found about these elementary rules, the introduction of which is still being post school. Ale takі speech, yak, anger i different writing NOT s different parts move, repeat signs in folding words.

Varto attach special respect to the repetition of the scoring of viability for the task of 24 ЄДІ s Russian. For the correct execution of this task, you can take away a lot of first balls, and therefore win well when translating them from the stobal system.

Type in algorithms for grading the test

Tse is not a way to forget. You write algorithms, you systematize knowledge, put your head in order. Navіt u vіdmіnnik can everything get mixed up in the head through this great collection of information. What can you say about quiet lads, like the whole 11th grade went to lessons, just to sit?

Vipisuyuchi algorithms, robіt badges. You see the task, if it is easy for you, if you work without pardons - before them, you will need to spend more time on your sleep. Do not varto obsess over what not to go out. Rather, "probіgtisya" on the entire exam test, rob those who go out, and save the best moments for later.

Verify test tasks

Try 1-2 sleep test options per day. If problems are often blamed on specific types of jobs, try them out massively. Ale, do not forget to repeat the rules before tsim - without them on the right, it’s unlikely to destroy from a dead center.

Repeat the writing algorithm

Naygolovnishe in create EDI from Russian - dotrimati need a structure, do not see those. Here it is not so appreciated the beauty of your contribution, as it is the actual accuracy. That's why it's not enough to prescribe the algorithm of perfection test heads, Ale and the algorithm written to the creation Tse can be zrobiti, scurrying. It does not matter, in any sequence you will oprate the structural parts of the creation in black. Deyakі lads immediately go after the plan, but to whom it is better to fix the problems of the selection of arguments. The plan will help you to improve the situation in the necessary order.

Write a piece of work

The process of writing an examination work in Russian is to complete a long process. Ale, do not mess up at the new hour. For a day that is full, write 1-2 create format ЄDI. So you repeat the structure, copy the plan you wrote, guess the arguments. And is the topic similar to raptom to spend on sleep?

Read ready to create

Add a little year of reading. You can work both on this site and on other resources. This way is even stronger, even if everything is immediately opraciated: literary and life arguments are made, the structure of the work is repeated, differences are looked at. And then go to the choice of resources, from which you take the material, obviously. On rich sites, like a butt, such a butt is pointed, it’s better not to win.

Find like-minded people

House with friends and classmates about splnu training. Discuss the folds of the task, joke the arguments at once, share successes with the perfect tests. Speech preparation is a serious motivator, a kind of spontaneous practice.

Don't forget about vіdpochinok

Although it sounded paradoxical, it sounded more important before sleep - obviously. The day before I sleep, put in books. Take a walk, have a delicious meal, watch a movie or play at table games. Fear and praise won't help you in any way, but you need more moral strength.

Be sure to get ready more systematically, but if it didn’t work out, be proud of the joys that you bring more. Obviously, this method of preparation is not for everyone. Ale skin can take a lesson. Let's be happy on the exams!

Іspit s rosіyskoї obov'yazkovy all graduates of schools. Before knowing the language, high powers are presented, it is not enough only to intuitively place the different signs and write correctly folding words. Examination questions are so divided like phonetics, morphology, syntax, punctuation, style.

Structure of the EDI in Russian

Tasks are divided into 2 parts. The first is made up of 24 short tasks, and they demonstrate theoretical knowledge. The maximum number of points in storage is 58. Another part of the sleep is practical. I will learn to write on my own, so that I can write no more than 180-220 words. Zavdannya allows me to demonstrate my freedom, smart to convey thoughts that feel like, argue my thought, build up to operate differently syntactic constructions. Ideally written, it is estimated at 42 balls. Trivality of sleep is stored for 3.5 years.

If you can start independent training before the ЄДІ z Russian language

For uchnіv, yakі not mаyut difficulty from the subject, a sufficient term for calm training will be rіk. Tim, who is not at his best and often pardons, is recommended to systematically prepare to go to 9th grade. Self-preparation for the sake of self-discipline, planning for the hour. Ale, such a pіdkhіd zdatny give good results for the system approach. The main thing is yoga - the number of financial statements for a tutor. Until then, learn the help books and manuals, which will help you to understand the material.

How to prepare effectively

The main benefit in self-supporting training is regularity. It is necessary to expand the layout to occupy and unskillfully do the yoga. It is recommended to add an hour and theory and practical applications to skin practice, to show how the skin rule works. If you blame the difficulties on the rose of your mind, you can put yoga on for a certain hour, then turn around. And also a teacher, to clarify the situation, classmates, fathers - they can also help you to know the materials and presentations.

Largest pardons

The foldedness of the spelling “n” and “nn” in different parts of the mov, the correct use of paronyms (dynamic and dynamic), the non-violent voice, as well as the suffixes “tysya” and “tysya” in dialects.

Are you looking for preparation to EDI from Russian from scratch? Let's take a look at what it might mean.

Great for everything, you have the basic knowledge that you learned in school. Ale stinks are not tied to specific Head of EDI from Russian language.

What is it about a Russian movie?

ЄDI s Russian is composed of two parts.
The first part - test - includes 25 days, for yaki you can take a maximum of 34 first balls. So-so, it was decided by the rock of 2017, one task No. 20 “Lexical norms” was added.
The first part is tvir, for which we can take a maximum of 24 balls.

58 first balls at once. They are equal to 100 test scores.

So the axis, at the test part, ЄDI є zavdannya, yakі is absolutely not tied to the school program. Є zavdannya razuminnya text - tse zvani "shepherds". For example, tasks No. 1 and No. 21 without knowledge of specific algorithms, it is practically impossible to vikonate. According to the statistics, applicants should give them the maximum number of pardons.

Significantly also task manager No. 7
In the test part of the ЄDI z Russian price is more expensive than the factory, and it is estimated at 5 first balls. It is simply impossible to practice yoga without preparation. Navit schoolchildren do not have to deal with it. It is even more complex complex task, which includes such topics as syntax, morphology and spelling. A good novelty is that knowing the theory of no one's head guarantees that the work is written competently at the head of No. 26 (so you can be calm for the criteria of K7 and K 9, but you have 5 points)

There are more tasks that are based on the analysis of the text. Tse zavdannya Nos. 22-25, and їх vikonannya podruchnikovіv zovsіm insufficient. There is not a single high school tutor who can teach and prepare independently to the ЄDI z Russian language. Є books, for which a teacher can be sorted out, but also for translation studies.
Axis sho means preparation to ЄДІ from Russian from scratch.

How do we prepare to EDI from Russian from scratch in our courses?

We take the skin task fine, starting from task No. 1. We choose everything methodically and take that order from the start to the next task. We are on the verge of speed, to that ЄDI Russian trivaє only 3 years 30 hvilin - and it is necessary to take the test, and write tver. That is why our preparation is transferring the application of singing algorithms of the skin task.

For example, task number 8 - on the spelling of the roots. How to rob a cross-learning, spiraling on school knowledge? Guessing the rules for calling the voices of the root, the words-exclusion, guessing the vocabulary word chi ni. Then we provide all the missing letters and choose the correct one. At the result - a stained glass window at the center of the factory is close to five khvilin. And mi, according to our algorithm, robimo yoga in 30-40 seconds!

And now the topic is secret - "siri cardinals" on the EDI from the Russian movie

Є in ЄDI for Russian zavdannyam No. 26. Tse tver-esse, about 40% of test scores fall on the yak. Tvіr pereveryaetsya for 12 criteria, and the axis here is the same taєmnichі moments and pochinayutsya. And the stench is a mystery for the strongest scholars who have spent bajans 5-6 balls on EDI.

In task number 26, you will have a text in front of you, which can fit up to one of the three book styles - artistic, journalistic, popular science. Skin view of the text next to analyze in your own way!
Behind the scheme, there is a problem with the text and the position of the author of the problem. Only these points to the plan of creation are taken from the final text. Inshi - from the head.

The text is commented, moreover, in two ways - a textual commentary is written, or a conceptual one. Tyu part of the creation to inspire methodologists in the best way. It’s not easy to comment on just the thoughts of the author (for example, a science fiction academic)! Adzhe commentary is evaluated as such, like arguments, in 3 balls!

If we have analyzed the text, we need to formulate our position according to the problem, as it breaks down, and bring this position with two arguments. Strong arguments - apply from classical literature, historical facts or biographies of writers of scientists. We wrote our own tvir - and it is written more energetically, briefly, styslo. Tse analytical TV, here is the minimum maximum of words (150-300). It is principled to look at the breast creation from literature. But not all.

We will then review our text according to 12 criteria. Є 3 criteria for the choice of style. Behind them, lexical, grammatical and current norms, exactness of vocabulary, synonyms and not for nothing, according to criteria K6, K9 and K10 are called “sirimi cardinals”.

Moreover, criterion K10 is even more approachable! If, according to the new way, a decrease by 1 point, then automatically go down K6. For one pardon, 2 first balls are charged.

And there is no knowledge about those, how to stick with these criteria, among the school assistants! This knowledge can be acquired at the university on journalistic and editorial specialties.

Poor novelty - for stylistic criteria, it is practically impossible to double balls on appeal. It will be very easy to explain which word itself is synonymous with a given context, or in a given construction of speech. The axis is so stench, "sir cardinals" - seemingly unremarkable, but cunning and approachable.

If schoolchildren write to create, they stink of respect for spelling and punctuation. And the style is overwhelmed with respect. I lads don’t think that they can’t get used to the outdated vocabulary. For example, for viraz "until this day" you can take a lower score by 2 balls once. Tse vin, "syry cardinal", criterion K10 - "the current norms of the vocabulary, as it does not support this historical epic". І contagiously decreases the score for the criterion K6.

Duzhe suvoro contagiously pereviryaetsya tvir for compliance with criterion K11 ("Ethical norms"). Previously, this criterion was formulated as "a riddle about the author is unimportant." Nini yoga expanded. A new formulation of this criterion: "degrading human dignity as a svіvrozmovnik, and speaking himself." Tse means that I’m a student, leading an example from life, write: “My classmates, as if they were doing all 11 years, so they continue to take care of it,” - then for the word “led” they lowered the score for criterion K11, people." І more according to the criterion K10 (experience of the common vocabulary) and immediately automatically according to the criterion K6! Subsumok - for one careless word from the creator, you can spend 3 balls out of 24.

The Greatest Difficulties Called by the Head of the Office No. 4, consecrated orthoepic norms, then I will voice my words. Unfortunately, at daily life Rozmovna and Literary Standards and Movies are seriously divergent. We often feel on the streets, or at our own honed words, as if they move inappropriately, and involuntarily forget them.

A lot of folding with words. For example, in the infinitive “turn on” - the shock “It”, and your voice will go to the special ending: you turn on the light, turn on the light, and we turn on the light. And now let's guess - why do we say so? Chi not nagoloshuєmo on the first warehouse, scho to the norms of orthoepії not vypovіdaє?

Okrema theme - Vimov's terms. In trade, as you know, there is the word "wholesale", є th "wholesale market". For professional vocabulary, vimova is normal, but not for EDI s Russian language! We are guilty of saying "wholesale".

Ukrainian Derzhavna mova- tse moskovskaya govirka, tse neutral vocabulary. Behind the borders, professional, dialectal, outdated that jargon is left behind. It is my fault to say a compass, when all sailors seem to say "compass". The stinks do not pardon and seem right. Ale tse professional vocabulary.

Є in the same order No. 6, as far as I know, the words of many have ended.

For example, the word "contract". How to properly satisfy the new multiplicity?
We say loudly: "Treaty". So it seems that accountants, managers are just too many people. Ale, right, according to the norms of the Russian, “agree” (we saw a warehouse, such a falling voice).

All insurers seem to say: “polisa”, “ insurance policies”, for professional vocabulary, it’s normal, but we can say: “polisi”. In shops of different types of sellers, we often hear “jumpers” and “sweaters”, but in fact - “jumpers” and “sweaters”.

If the lads know about the norms of wimovie - they often seem to stink: “We didn’t think for a moment that the axis is right.”

Is it possible to get ready for the EDI Russian from scratch? How much time is needed for such training?

Obsyag knowledge, like a mother’s need, to build EDI from Russian language, really great. On our course, it is enough to take a stretch of 9 months, starting every spring every day for 2 years. When tsimu rich, you need to remember to remember. Eat in Russian language - more cramming. Normie doesn't speak loudly. Mustache ending words - tezh. Just remember me.

In groups, the process is better. For example, mimicry chants. Not only do we read it with our eyes, but we promote all the important words. It's more fun and it's more memorable. If we have a word in the book, one kind of memory is switched on. If yoga is promoted in chorus by the whole trichi group - another.
Is it realistic to get ready from scratch? Absolutely real! You need to sign up at the spring to the mini-group, join the fun at the beginning of the process until the appointment of 90+ balls - at hand!

Dovіdnik for preparatory to ЄDI

Dovidkova information for all the leaders: 1 - 26. If you don’t know something, don’t remember, don’t understand, you are here. Just available a lot of applications.

Collection of training test tasks: 1 - 24

Training tests with validation until all dates


interactive training course to ЄDI z Russian language. 26 divisions. Individual statistics available. Variants are molded for skin care personally for new developments. Povnistyu vіdpovіdaє new format ЄDI.

  • EDI-navigator for a subscription


Whom to click training options Eat the Russian movie with comments and comments? Our new series "EGE-Vidpovidach" is for you.

Collection of works from Russian movies (task 26)

It’s easier to learn how to write and create for the outside text, as you know, you can go ahead until the 26th Russian task. The analysis of the work of graduates shows the types of pardons and shortfalls.

Podbag winter tvir

All about graduation TV. Concept. Criteria for rechecking at school. Criteria for evaluation at universities. Zrazki robot.

Workshop on orthoepia

Names from the FIPD list. How to remember them? Help intensive training in an interactive way

Corisna information

The word ЄDI dіє on people is bewitching. Greater back to sleep begins to be set to a new level before the fatal line: the terrible and the inevitable. There is a hostility, that the will and mind of people are paralyzed when they ... They screech the images of the assembly line, the meat grinder, or the flow, which carries the unfortunate inexplicably where ... What is the legacy of such a setting before sampling? Pasivnіst, baiduzhіst аbo, navpaki, frying activіtіnі, bezgluzd mаtushnya, navіrnі nervа napruga. Take away reliable information about sleep.

Marna information

Find the hour of collapsible chi serious work, you can know the cause of fire. Rubric for quiet, who wants to relax a little

Self defense. How necessary is an appeal

On the appeal, it’s better not to get ahead of yourself. Such is life's regularity: often people attract situations to themselves, it's too hard to think about how to win. The situation of filing an appeal is not accepted. I wish you would have gone away. Ale, as an appeal is inevitable, better than the nobility, like a tax.
I respect him for having an important conversation on this topic.

To quickly get into the test and write like a twirl in Russian language, beat the twists and turns.

At the first part:

1.Practice virishuvati nayvagomishі zavdannya.

Through a pardon in tasks No. 8 and 9, you will spend less than one point, and if you have a pardon, you will bring you five points.

    Explore zі collapsible topics, to get closer to the greatest ball. In 2017, less than half of the graduates, less than half of the graduates, who distinguished the types of mov, were dismissed. You will have a good time on ЄDI, so you will figure out the roses, mimic that description.

    Remember the blame- at the skin test, they trap for words-exclusions, do not fill them with words. Develop or write words up to one rule and hang over your table. If you remember the list, replace it with the blame of another rule.

To earn over 80 points on the EDI in Russian, rather get ready for a teacher. Vikladach is not less likely to learn how to remember the memory and explain it with the help of those, and morally lift before the test.

Goofy task at the work of the work - solve the problem.

Reach out to structure and creativity:

  1. Introducing that formulation of the problem.
  2. Comment, which is to revenge two examples-ilustration to the problem on the basis of the read text.
  3. Author's position
  4. Your position.
  5. The first argument to support your position.
  6. Another argument to support your position.
  7. Visnovok.

Introducing that problem. Since the text has a few problems, it is more obvious to choose. Do not guess the bicycle: if you point out an implicit problem, as you looked at in the text, do not take the balls. The examiner may have a list of topics in his order, and you will need to "drink" in one of them.

Formulate the problem for an additional formula, de X is the theme, yaku vi was designated. Problem formulation options:

  • What is X?
  • What is wrong with X?
  • What is the role of X in our life?
  • X (or the presence of X) - it's bad, tragic.

Comment to the problem.Write a comment based on information from the text. Put the query before the text, for example:

  • On what material is the problem solved?
  • Yaki tipi movi - mirkuvannya, description chi opovіdannya - vikoristova author?
  • What style - artistic, scientific, journalistic - writing the text?
  • What are the meanings of parts of the text to help solve the problem?

Change the structure of the text, for example: "At the beginning, the author will lead the reader to the problem, then we will rozmirkovu about ...".

  • What argument does the illustration of the text seem to you to be especially controversial?

Assign the central episode to the text and write why, in your opinion, it is significant.

Author's position. For an hour, the author's position in the literature does not appear unambiguously. In such a situation, write: “The author does not express his position directly, but allows the reader to muffle it himself” or “Although the text does not explicitly say that the author likes head hero, It is possible to make visnovok on a stand ... ".

Arguments on the greed of your position.

  • If you want to take into account this criterion, it is necessary to formulate two arguments.
  • Rely on your literary baggage: rely on the butts of other creations.
  • The ideal argument is a fact from the literary creation, an example from the world's artistic culture (musical, image-creating), to the extreme edge - from the life of a famous child of art, science, politics. For abstract thoughts, Bali does not bother you.

Enter and write the visnovok after that, as you finish the work on the creation. At the start, they reveal the history of nutrition, or indicate the relevance of the problem. Entry can sponkati an expert to read your work, drink yoga. For example, "One of the most haunting mysteries, which always stirred up people's thoughts, it was food, it was tied to ..."

In the grip of Once again, express the main idea of ​​your work. Suggest, tell, for example, like a visnovka, you made it especially for yourself after getting to know the text.

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