How to calm the little one: if the new people don’t have colic, cause them to appear. How to work with colic and gas in a new people, how to help you: symptoms and joy in home minds How to survive colic in new people

The whole thing is practically skin-deep, prote zavzhd come unstoppated. The first two days after the populace, the father calls to his new role, to the point that at night it’s necessary to wander around, the little one’s camp began to calm down: it’s good to sleep that licorice.

Ale here, like a grim in the middle of a clear sky, the stench is coming: the guts of the new people. Do stinks come from? How to recognize them at once? I smut, how to fight with them. This is the topic of our article.


Pointed below signs are typical for the number of newborn children. Father:

  • Malyuk shrewdly, sometimes unselfishly, shouting for a long time without interruption; at the evening hour there is a culminating moment, if the whole family is in a state of tension, and especially nothing to help. At this day, the child has an appetite and nothing shows those who are sick.
  • Slightly bring the legs up to the stomach, soaking in such a rite to change the spasms in the intestines, disguising the redness.
  • The restless behavior of the mayzhe will always begin in a deaky hour after the anniversary.
  • In the stomach, there is a suffocation, sometimes gas comes out.

Kolіki is a manifestation of Timchasov. The stink of obov'azkovo pass

According to the statistics, such a sick camp is close to 70% of the new people. Colic in babies begins approximately on the 3rd - 4th day of life and starts after 3 months. Not everyone is unable to endure the attack of pain.

This is the fact that most of the times the first women suffer, and among the boys suffered more. Chastkovo tse explained to them, that the woman is a woman, as she is superciliously worried about the child, that she is healthy, and that she has gone through a gentle process, she is stressed. Imovirno, on a equal footing of hormones, they pour into the child.

Kolіki do not seem to be practically daily, only in some stinks they appear from 3 to 5 years a day with breaks, and the rest are spent 8 years on the extraction (with trivality in 1.5-2 years and with short bandages), but they vibrate with strength like children, so and її fathers.

Dosi medicine do not know right cause the one who has colic in the new people, as an effective way of their rejoicing. Є pripuschennya shdo їх viniknennya. Іsnuyut and methods to help alleviate painful symptoms, but do not clean up the rest.

Quiet those who are colic - a manifestation of Timchasov, early in the morning the stench will pass. One more positive moment - the cost of the disease is not sickness, but rather a sickly camp, which needs to be experienced. When you don’t want to eat, with an appetite and good, you’re gaining vag. To that, for the treatment of similar life problems, an hour of long-term patience is needed.

Causes of intestinal colic

As it was appointed, the correct reason for blaming the number of dos was not understood. Ale vіdomі faktori, zdatnі provokuvati and polyuvati bіl in small children.

  1. Incorrect occlusion of the nipple. Such a camp is to be brought up to the zakovtuvannya again, so that if you don’t call out colics without a middle, then you will definitely help the situation. The problem is technical. Just like a little kid learns to choke the entire nipple at once with the areola (and you can help me with it), it will become less sore.
  2. Invisible nipple on the dance with a piece of vigodovuvanni. Possibly, the answer is too big and just need to remember the pacifier. Also, they use small pads with an anti-colic valve, which allow them to cross the hit of the wind into the child's tummy.
  3. Dovge perebuvannya at the recumbent position. So the power of the human body, which hedgehog (navit iz bulbashki povіtrya) more protrudes through the intestines and evacuates from it, if the person is resting in a vertical position. And the shards of new people lie for most of the hour of turmoil, blaming pains and spasms. Vihіd - often carry a baby in your arms, after a year, trim yoga with a “stovpchik”, until you see that it has squandered the middle, you can’t see it.
  4. They overreacted. When the supra-world quantity is equal, the enzymes do not over-etch. The process of wandering begins. As a result, the gases themselves are pressed onto the walls of the intestine. Visnovok - do not resent it, there is no point in zayva turbota here.
  5. Crying, scho do not stick. It's a serious problem to finish it, it's guessing the ring is closed. The child, who is very strong, begins to cry, with whom, involuntarily, they wrap black portions of the wind, in order to make the situation worse. Zavdannya - yaknaishvidshe calm the baby in all available ways.
  6. Colic as a symptom of a disease. In some cases, spasms in the intestines do not indicate the presence of an illness in the herbal tract. For example, food allergies and problems due to etching on aphids lactase deficiency are accompanied by rings. Enterocolitis, which are characterized by inflammation of the intestines, is also the cause of childish crying.
  7. Wrong sumish. Child colic can be a last year over a concentrated or unimaginable summish. Looking back at the pediatrician, it is recommended to recommend vibrating the weight of the sums on the basis of fermented milk products, with a small amount of intake.
  8. Do not try to diet mother. How can a baby be known breastfeeding, mother's eating without intermediary vplivaє on self-perceived disbelief. It has been reported that the milk of the building penetrates the singing of speech. It is important for him to know the products, like calling flatulence.

It is best to take the baby in your arms, carrying it vertically

Provocateur products

  • milk (can be replaced with fermented milk products);
  • sira abo sauerkraut;
  • black bread (alternative - bread from whole grain);
  • legumes (like a dzherelo squirrel it is recommended to live in sir, low-fat meat, sir in small quantities);
  • kvass;
  • fresh apples, pears (as an option, apple liver).

The diet of a woman, who is fit, insanely, is guilty of buti raznomanitnym, you can practically eat everything and giblets. Ale, as a child, the child suffers from intestinal colic, the diet for the first three months is guilty of taking care of the plan for overexposure of products.

When the child is in pain, a timchas taboo is introduced on the songs of the product

Chim unsafe tripoli rings

If you torture a child to finish a trival hour, new negative side I will become like this:

  1. The nervous system of the little one is being overwhelmed, overexcited, leading to new intestinal spasms and increasing yoga work. As a result of which the walls of the intestines are stretched, they are strengthened.
  2. Trival spasms that can provoke damage in the robotic intestinal tract, it is important to note that the intestines are blamed for how much and how strong their intensity is, so that you can turn to the doctor for advice.
  3. Partially nadrivny crying, more powerful gas creation to raise the intracranial pressure, m'yazi turns over at the pressure. As a result, the little ones can “scream” umbilical hernia.

How to behave fathers

We know the picture: not crying and dying in pain, but on the hands of yoga weeping mother, crying, like a shkoda and a child, and myself (even if the head breaks in the cry). What is work?

Mami can not exercise self-control

I’ll attack for an hour if you hold it in your hands. Tears in no way help, on the other hand, it’s impossible to be vigilant, to help, to instill morality, there’s no sound for you. Do not stare with anger and shout at the child. Vіn not wine, scho to you nasty. The most wine will require your support and pikluvannya. Try different methods and relieve pain and never give up.

How can you help a child?

Axis of kіlka priyomіv to fight with kolkami:

  1. Work daily massage in the navel area with circular hands behind the arrow of the year, stroke the tummy.
  2. I will attack for an hour to apply heat to the stomach. You might as well be a pelyushka, passed through the prasko, only need to stitch, so that it doesn’t show up too hot. As a variant, mother's mother's heart is warm.
  3. Before the anniversary, lay the baby on the tummy, after that - trim vertically. During the day, it is more common to wear yoga on your hands;
  4. Victory for transferring the slіng - tse prophylaxis of dysplasia. pelvic loins and ruh, which is good for the robotic intestines.
  5. Request a consultant for breastfeeding, to reconsider that you are doing everything right.
  6. Hurry up with a gas tube. Unfortunately, it appears effective only for the introduction of gases that have accumulated in the region of the rectum. Those that are found in the intestines themselves are not submissive.

Yakі zasobi can vikoristati?

There are two widest and most effective faces of today, which do not change gas formation:

  1. Simethicone is an inert speech, which does not interfere with the work of the intestinal tract itself. It’s less than calling the bulbs of the gas among themselves, transforming them to the homeland, changing the air by themselves. Representatives: Espumizan, Infakol, Bobotic.
  2. Preparations for urahuvannyam fennel. Representatives: Plantex.

Let's bring a bag. The colic of the new people is the first test, which I feel sorry for, I feel sorry for my mother’s motherhood, love for my child, and that pikluvannya about her. It’s an hour to cry, moreover, it’s not uncommon for the entire homeland. But the day is approaching, if the absence of news comes and the hour of laughter comes, even if your little axis-axis will give you a laugh.

Millions of fathers all over the world associate with sleepless nights and fear for the power of a child. Few people know how to help them in such moments, less quiet, who is smart, how to protect them. We are choosing at the same time from the pediatrician Mykola Komov.

What are so many and why do children have stinks?

Nemovlyata - a syndrome, which may be a number of signs. As a rule, three times a day, more often than three times a day. Themselves, attack the pain in the stomach for trivality, they take more than three years, they start ringing in the nighttime and are accompanied by causeless strong neugamonic crying, which is caused by spasms of the intestinal wall and increased nervous anxiety of the child.

In fact, the medical treatment of dosi did not zіyshlosya in a single rozumіnnі causes of these ailments, but simply managed to name the totality of the singing symptoms.

How much extension of the syndrome?

Regardless of those who are most fathers in absolute regularity, how much they care that the skin is guilty to go through them, how much is far from the widest child of the disease. It has been reported that about a third of the little ones suffer on them.

Which one's children are most likely to suffer from pain?

Colic is a syndrome of small children. The most common type of child colic blames approximately the first month of a child's life and ends without a trace until the next day.

Tse not a safe sight or a great discomfort?

Nebezpeka in to this particular type rather, it is not the rings themselves that are revealed, but those that can be taken for them. Far from being, like, restless, pov'yazane with the robot ShKT, є colic. Such a diagnosis should be made by a pediatrician even after the fact that the decision of possible unsafe conditions has been turned off.

Also, children, if they are not varto, stray with functional intestinal immaturity. On the right, in the fact that the little one from the people until another month, it will be a lot more obligatory, that it will turn out. Starting with less than five milliliters, the first one will produce up to 120 milliliters. It’s completely normal for that, that with a good appetite in a child, sometimes it’s alive, it’s a rise in the style, or through a little discomfort, it’s not crying.

How do the faces ring out at the fight against the stakes?

In case of child colic, the standard therapy for intestinal immaturity - it includes depressants, sorbents, probiotics, enzymes - is ineffective. Everything is rehabilitated more to the rescue with functional immaturity of the intestine, as often I take colic in that extended understanding. If there is a colic, like a symptom, then here the medicines are not so effective, and you need to take them according to the advice of the doctor and in short courses.

Before the speech, the crime of medication, the restlessness of the intestines are accepted by the “radian methods”: tight sleeping on the night, sleeping on the life before the anniversary and massage.

What help the most extensive "folk" methods at the moment of attack?

Methods for the occasion of vikladannya on the knee or stroking the belly of the child can be used for singing, but in practice the effect on them is insignificant.

If you go to them, then it’s better for those who stink absolutely non-shkidli. At the same time, shards of pain are most often associated with peristalsis, then in short intestines, qi, and indirectly add to the “correctness” of yoga roboti.

Yak and zavzhdi, do not engage in self-deception. If you speak more objectively, then in the first line you want to guard especially zapyatlivyh fathers in the mindless and rude vikoristannya gas-producing tubes and enemas, when they are stuck, there is a great risk of causing child injuries.

Moms don’t varto separate themselves in zhі and sit on a zhorstka diet. It has been proven that the diet of mothers, that it is good, does not contribute to the health of the intestines.

Vtim, you can take it as a rule: everything that you can cook yourself. We replace cowbass with meat, and chocolate with a self-confident licorice pie, for example, charlotte.

And try not to panic, take care of the calm and virte healer.

How to understand that the child has the same ring, and not similar? What pathologies varto turn us off?

Before me, the fathers are regularly stalked with a suspicion of ringworms, but most of all, the functional immaturity of the intestines is the same, as if it were taken for the rings.

In truth, rarely the criteria for diagnosis are clear. There are many options for other pathologies, one of the most widespread applications is an allergy to protein cow's milk. For this reason, in children, the symptoms of overexposure, typical for colic, can be seen or cleared up, it is necessary to turn on the food allergy.

And why is it necessary to go with a pidozroy on a ring to the doctor?

Before the fire, it’s best to show up at any time in the evening, the healers will see you, so that you will be taken from the first black in the face of strong worries. Before the speech, Batkiv's worries are already tightening the camp of the little one himself. Sometimes a mother worries so much that her emotions start to read babies. When the mother starts crying, the child screams even louder. So I go out of the closed circle, as it is necessary to look for help from a pediatrician, relatives, and sometimes a psychotherapist.

How to help a child on a piece-wise basis?

For some reason, there are no reasons for not showing breasts, smut - correctly choose the sum. To fight all at once with a pediatrician. According to statistics, children-stuffers are often more shy to have problems with their intestines, mainly through those who, at the least restless, change “strings” from sum to sum. In fact, this way, the transition does not in any way protect the possible damage and navpak, just do not allow the child's intestines to adapt.

This material of creations for the support of the company "Bellakt". "Bellakt" is the only one in Belarus and one of the largest in the territory of the SND for dry child eating. This is a modern, high-tech enterprise, like a child eating, dairy products, eating for women and women who are eating. Yakіst perevіrena hour. Completion certificate from 1970

There is no good sense to introduce into Oman young fathers like childlike ones: you are guilty of accepting the fact that the newborn’s ringers are sickly, but a normal thing, there are no faces like that on this day. For his life, a child's colic is a strong pain in the stomach. To that very little cry, she screams so piercingly that she worries about him all the way. However, in this difficult situation, let’s get excited: first, colic in a child will pass on its own from time to time. In a different way: є kіlka ways, yakі theoretically help to make it easier bіl pіd hour kolk.

Nature is like a newborn

Little children - new people are not so quick - to scream often, which brings a lot of stress to their loved ones. The widest reason for a child's cry is the colic. Just through those who, due to the nature of their own, have no colic, they can’t do it any other way. More precisely, it is strong, “shouting” and repeating itself near the stomach.

A strange fact: skіlki іsnuє lyudstvo, stilki vono maє right with childish rings. However, pre-medical science cannot accurately describe the nature of the culprits themselves, either in a newborn, or in a child a few months older (in whom the SHKT system has already changed and adapted a little).

The hypothesis about the reason for the vindication of colic is not known to be the most wide-spread, that it is the fault of everything - again, like a little one, no matter how old, or with a flood of crying.

All the time, dragging children into the "nadra", crushing the unmistakable walls of the mucosa and intestines, calling out to them the hellish bill. Let's sweat the little ones and vote for the whole district, what are the sects. As a rule, an attack of intestinal colques in a newborn will end in 3-4 years, in a baby of 2-3 months - in 1.5-2 years.

Only one thing, how could the doctors clarify more or less in a report, set it up, yak (theoretically!) Can provoke a vindication since they don’t have a new people, and if it’s for everything - just help them to be trivaly and painfully aware.

The baby incorrectly swallows the nipple at the hour of the year(and the piece "maє" is not suitable for a new rіzhok for sumishi) - in other words, one should beware of the "non-similar" technique of marriage. In this way, the little ones sing the great number of times, like to wind up like this and not call out colic without any middle, sing-songly overcome their pain.

After the anniversary, you did not give the opportunity to not move the zayve again from the hose To that, again, having straightened at the black passage, through the intestines, crushing the walls and calling out the unbearable pain of the baby.

It’s too early to spend an hour at the recumbent position Through the process of etching (including gasification and passage through the intestines) there is an additional discomfort, indicative of heaviness and pain. Still, it is such a beautiful physical phenomenon, like gravity, without swaying anyone. If we spend half of our day in a vertical position, then the natural passage of the “zh” through the intestines will guess the descent of a row tourist to a winding water park. And now let’s say that we’ll roam the world and the tourist in the horizontal plane - how long and how important will we bring it to the finish line? Obviously, the newborn babies of consolation for the time being the joys of solid and varied eating, the proteo-yogo intestines are by no means empty. And those that are in the new one (including repetition), it is much easier and faster to pass through the vertical intestine, lower through the horizontal one.

The child is crying a lot. The axis is straight pasta. Viprobovyuchi strong bill like kolk, newborn babies, obviously, screaming and crying. Ale, mouth wide open, flooded with tears of heat, wine will inevitably wrap up new portions again. Yaks, at their heart, can cause a devil's attack kolk.

The child is overwhelmed. If a child has a lot of gas, it’s not good to digest it (it’s easier to say - you’ve been overdoing it), then in the intestines there are surpluses of it, as if there were no enzymes, it starts to bleed - blame more gas, to put pressure on the walls of the intestine. In other words - blame the child of the ring.

How to understand what a newborn colic has: symptoms and pain

The symptoms of children's rings, basically, go down to the quiet chi and other features of the behavior of the newborn or not. Head Feature- a loud cry and crying, which starts raptly and so the very sign of the can pripinitsya. Quite often, the colics start to fade “by the years”, starting after 20-30 minutes after the evening anniversary and raptov pripinyayuchisya in the middle after 3 years.

The classic behavior of not moving at the hour of the hour is a flooding cry, crying, clenching fists and burning down.

If you have a temper, you are guilty of understanding that the symptoms of colic are nothing more than symptoms of pain. And the stink of a skin person - to inspire a crying one - its own. Some children can “bite” the hand, others can actively “wave” their hands and brikaty legs, which can be especially tender. Even if you yourself feel unbearably more sore, you should not be led “for a strictly described scheme”, right?

And one more moment for the fathers: when the new people don’t have it, they don’t have a coat, which can only get a doctor. To the one who is a child of her own colic - always be brought to the so-called diagnosis of exclusion. In other words: as if your child raptom curled and n_yak_, they can’t navitt її votishiti, you are guilty to show її to the pediatrician.

When looking around, the doctor is guilty of understanding, that he rehearses not to the one who is unbearably itchy, and not to the one who “vibrates” like “shooting”, and not to that ... And the axis is only turned on all the possible options for illnesses, the doctor can let go, that the baby's siren does not lock through the strings and intestinal rings.

How to help the little ones: the method of "rejoicing" of children's rings.

Methods of treatment of colic in a new born baby and in an older baby are approximately the same. All the stinks are directed specifically to those who want to save a baby from a pain symptom - there was a problem, and the problem itself.

It’s a pity that the situation for many children is developing in such a way that it’s impossible for an hour to create safe and effective ways to “rejoice” in the face of little effective advertising propaganda, or to inspire theories, sbudovanih, like to sing castles, literally out of nothing. Let us induce as an example of a few hypotheses about the departure of the new people, they don’t, as they gave birth to their own people and different methods of treatment - most often simply ineffective, but sometimes unsafe for the health of the baby.

  • HYPOTHESIS: Є thought, when the new people call out to the deacons of eating food, how the mother lives, when it’s time to look over your diet - if you know.
    COUNTER ARGUMENT: The sounds of the same speech are consumed in the body of little ones, like they are rebuying on a piece vigodovuvanni? And finally, the categorical verdict from Dr. Komarovsky: “The eating of the mother-anniversary is no different, in an ordinary rank, does not spill into the pegs of the new people and does not move.”
  • HYPOTHESIS: Don't think colic does not cause dysbacteriosis
    COUNTER ARGUMENT: All for nothing, but science is not in conflict - bugatory research to bring that in the period of "maturity" (while the baby is rebuying in the lower child's head) the system of SHKT did not have more or less stable microflora. The very same disease, like dysbacteriosis, does not appear in the same register of child ailments.
  • HYPOTHESIS: New people are not able to make “immature” intestines for up to 3-4 months, which is caused by pickling when etched.
    COUNTER ARGUMENT: According to the statistics, the children experience colic, about 70% of all newborns do not have to go out until 3 months, 30% of the people decide to have an ideally loaded, "grown up" intestines?
  • HYPOTHESIS: Often, fathers (especially for the influx of the whole peripheral mail) vvazhayut, no matter how many newborns are blamed for lactose intolerance (a carbohydrate group of disaccharides that enters the milk warehouse of all savtsiv, including people).
    COUNTER ARGUMENT: And not one, but two at a time: first, the stars still blame colic in ditlakhiv, like they are eating lactose-free sumish? And in a different way - statistics: close to 70% of all suffer from colic at the age of up to 3 months, while less than 1 neonatal baby per 130,000 of their one-year-olds suffer from lactase deficiency.

Otzhe, go in order in the eyes of children, how to yell out of the ignorance of hypotheses about the reasons for the blame, if they don’t, you can’t be considered adequate and effective. In other words - cardinally changing the diet of mothers, who is young, improving the face of dysbacteriosis, if not supplementary enzymes or preparations that help to overdo lactose - you are engaged in self-diagnosis, but not only do not help with the stomach of a small child the head of a potential bastard will not be healthy.

Isn't it better to be quicker in perverted ways to likuvannya kolіk, how to please the fathers of doctors? It’s not guaranteed, obviously, that it’s invariably “spratsyu” (it’s guessing - until nature appears when it’s not determined, it’s impossible to make it hundred hundred effective and correct), then it’s absolutely safe. You can bravely “overdo it” with them - you won’t be able to live like a healthy child in spite of your efforts.

Safe methods of dealing with new people are not able to

Irrespective of those that the current pharmacological market is literally littered with due to children's pains, a lot of doctors rightly argue that there really is no such thing as a misunderstood for the treatment of these ailments. It’s just that through those that the very nature of vindication, as far as they are not known, has not yet been blamed.

Approximately the same position is developed by us, doctor-pediatrist Dr. Komarovsky:

“With child colic, only two speeches really help - an hour of that father’s patience. Colic in newborns is more sore, but not scary. And what is the most important - it’s timely: it’s independent, in addition, you are fighting with them for nothing - in about 3 months the stench of the child will pass. ”

The first thing to do is to please your pediatrician as a counter-come in the opposite direction, you won’t be like a pharmacy drug for everything. For the cob of wines, I will order you:

  • Today (and maybe even a sprat once a day) work a baby belly massage. Approximately the onset of the rank: close (but without a vice!) podstav doloni in the pubic brush of your little one. And without shaking your hand, robbing your fingers of the winding hand strictly behind the year's arrow, softly stroking the child's belly.
  • Most often (and not only after all!) carry the baby in an upright position, calling for help to the young, unformed intestines, the force of gravity
  • When possible Carry the baby in a sling or a special backpack every hour- In addition, what is not bad prophylaxis, tse sche yakiis ruh for nemovlyat, and mean і for yogo intestines.
  • If you like breasts, you can sense ask for advice from an experienced, competent and current consultant for breastfeeding. And not from the streets, but from the center with good recommendations. The Russians, for example, can become the servants of the Association of Consultants for Natural Vigodovuvannya (AKEV).
  • Yakscho malyuk - piece, buy for a new special dance, as I may have a special tube And, by the same token, we ourselves are minimizing the falling into the child's slack again at the hour of the year.
  • Vykoristuyte gazovidnu tube in quiet moods, as if your little one was actively pushing for an hour, but when you do (sorry for the physiological folklore) no poop, no fart. Tilki mayte on the vazі - tsey pristіy effectively helps to inject gas, but only those that already “distant” to the rectum. It's a pity, the most stingy povitrya - tse tі, scho to pass through the intestines (thick and thin). The stench itself screams painful colic, but, unfortunately, it’s impossible to speed up this rush with any tube.

What to give to the newborn when there are rings, to make it easier

An uninvited for those, Sho Bagato Likariv-Pediastriv (inclusive by the Shanov Dr. Komarovsky), Peretni on the Syogodni reservation of the Barrons, the builders are guaranteed to the vid Kolki, the small list of the lifting of the lifting, with strong kolki, the new people do not move. It is not clear exactly what you need to do to help with colic they don’t have, but those that stink to take a change in gas production - absolutely for sure. For example:

  • 1 Group of preparations, which may be kept at the warehouse simethicone - chemical plant, which changes the gas formation in the intestines Rechovina, simethicone does not enter into interaction with the clitins and human tissues, it pours directly into the gas bulbs themselves, transforming them into the motherland and in this way reducing the pressure on the intestinal walls (and therefore colic in newborns).
  • 2 Koshti, to the warehouse of which to enter fruit fennel. The stench may be so called vatrogon diyu and reduce gas formation in the intestines.

For practical fathers: it is absolutely necessary for you to know and remember to name some specific preparations to avenge simethicone or fruit fennel. If there was a pharmacist in the pharmacy, he would give you a low price and they will have a similar diagnosis. Take the one that has found “privileges” for you - there is no real difference between them, the stink is nevertheless practical and yet safe for not talking.

Kolіki at novozhenih that nemovlyat: summary.

Colic in a child is a normal phenomenon in the life of a person-pochatkivtsya. The appearance, unfortunately, is more painful, and I myself see the pain of the people rehearsing and crying for an hour for the trumpet of Jericho.

For the time being, science has not foreseen the joys of life in the eyes of children, so far science has not foreseen that the maximum that an adequate father can develop is reasonable - you need to be patient, and master a sprinkling of tricks that will help you to the singing world (that and that - it’s less than easy!) take it easy. Patience can last for about 3 months, if you can't go away on your own.

Colic in newborns - tse head bіl those sleepless nights tat and moms. Colic with the physiological state of a small child, with the constant reaction of a newly born child too much middle ground. The stench begins approximately from the 2nd day of the baby's life, reaches the peak of its intensity on the 6th-8th days and passes step by step up to 3-4 months. Zustrichayutsya in 75% of malyuki, moreover, 15-25% of them suffer from severe painful pains.

  • There are colics at one and the same hour, in the evenings or at night, rarely early, the child begins to rapt piercingly scream, at the same time he flattens his eyes or, on the spot, they are widely flattened, his face is red, the child clenches his hands into fists, you can squeeze to the stomach . .
  • Through the gasses that have been stingy, the tummy may be round, swollen.
  • Attack three times for about 3 years and turbulence at least 3 times a day.
  • Under the hour when a child can be disturbed, his sleep will be broken.
  • At the early days of the year, little badoriy, it’s good to eat and sleep.
  • Respect! Often rіdke vyporozhnennia, vomit - tse symptoms of intestinal disease. Obov'yazkovo call the doctor.

The reason for the kolk among newborns

  1. The main reason for crying in the immaturity of the grass tract of the new people. The intestines are not yet good enough to fit in, after which large bulbs of gas accumulate, like bursting the wall of the intestine, and the baby has a strong bіl.
  2. Gas expansion through .
  3. Nedolіk lactase enzyme, necessary splitting of milk zucru.
  4. Ignored the system of herbal enzymes.
  5. Also, in some cases, an allergic reaction to any product, often to zukor, may appear.
  6. It’s too much for the fathers to say, what their children can see if they have a mother with the most severe diet, it was noted by the authorities that sometimes their mothers can have a mental character. Tse means that colic is the reaction of a young child to the shriveling and nervousness of his mother.

Tsіkavo know! In 2012, a research team at the University of California (San Francisco) neurologists in America presented a series of studies, in the course of which they brought such a stench that children and mothers suffer from migraines, since they suffer 2.5 times more often.

Chi varto continue to breastfeed, like a child has rings?

Colic - not caused by breastfeeding. Mother's milk- The most appropriate hedgehog for a child!

Dear mothers, I would like to point out that if it is not driven by the chest, you will win. Може, ви і зумієте підібрати суміш, яка справді позбавить вас від вечірніх криків малюка, але ви повинні розуміти, що коліки не є хворобою, це нормальний фізіологічний стан, і жодна суміш не зможе повною мірою підтримати імунітет, стійкість до хвороб, забезпечити необхідною кількістю living speeches, vitamins and minerals. Until then, children-stuffers also suffer from colic.

How unsafe is it?

Yakshcho at the child's early age if you had colic, it doesn’t mean that in the senior year you will be weaker to the ailment of the intestinal tract. Tse normal camp, like a child, successfully outgrows, and like one does not manage any good health.

What is robiti when there are kolkas in a child?

From the side of mom:

  • Mom's diet. In children who are breastfeeding, as a rule, if they are due to the wrong eating of the mother. In order to understand that you yourself call out how much your child has, it is necessary to take the offensive diet:

Take away all the products from the diet, cream: porridge on water with added olive oil, herbal tea, boiled meat, ribi, kefir (up to 0.6 liters per day) and plain yogurt without adding zucru, yagid, fruit. Hungry like this for 2-3 days, remember that the little ones will become calm in the evenings.

Note! In mothers-year-olds, who sip no less than 1/2 liter of kefir for doba, the little ones are richer and more likely to suffer from colic.

Starting from the 3rd day, we start introducing one new product each day. First, it’s better to try sir abo sir, because the stench is very necessary for the body of the mother-year-old. Don't be surprised, because food products don't go to small ones: it has already been proven that stinks can cause gas formation in the intestines. We try it in small quantities (10–20 g) and only at the early hour, then until 11:00 a.m. sleep the whole night. If a baby has rings on the introduction of the product in the evening, then we take it from our diet for a month.

On the 4th day, as in the evening of the third day, everything was good, you can taste the same product, so that you can sing along. And you can try something new. And so continue doti, doki will not introduce all products to your diet, even if it is flat.

Carefully! Do not introduce a sprat of products in one day, so you will not understand that a child did not come from them. And calm yourself down, that in 4 months you will be able to eat as if you were.

  • Happy cigarettes.
  • Everyday hysterics, experience from the side of mothers, the child is vigilant and indulges in his mother's mood. With milk they are transmitted as a hormone of joy, a hormone of stress, anxieties. To that, kisses at the cheek, forehead and head! Pity yoga at this moment and give more love and affection. Malyuk is to blame for the warmth and turbulence of the most beloved person.

Below is a list of products of warehouses based on the experience of women who work, qi products and building quotations the strongest rings in the smallest quantities:

  1. Apple. Navit a thin chastochka, to that the deacons began to eat an apple in the liver less than the 2nd month of a child's life.
  2. Vegetables and fruits look fresh. Introduce mums to your diet with vegetables followed by boiled, stewed chi baked looking.
  3. Dried apricots. One little thing is enough - and the child is brought up by cries for a long time.
  4. Cow's milk. Deyakі mothers can calmly allow a bottle of milk every day, but there are fluctuations, that milk should be switched off next month for 3.
  5. Grapes, rodzinki, grape sik. Call for a gas seal.
  6. Cabbage, legumes, їх tezh in the first month more often do not have these reasons.
  7. Black and white bread, drіzhdzhovoe tisto. Buy natomist bread, for diversity, you can pick different cereals, like Greek bread, you can eat dry oven-cracker "Maria".
  8. Fat hedgehog, sometimes a child is sensitive to wind up inches of butter, what mom adds to the porridge.
  9. Zukor and all yogo revenge. Do not cook and condensed milk.
  10. Products with mixed, tobto black i green tea, kava. In the first month after the canopy, it is better to drink, linden, thyme, blackcurrant leaves, mint and melisi. The stench is safe for the little one, and it's enough to get enough milk.

From the side of the child:

Massage of the tummy for the year's arrow to ease the camp of the new people, who is suffering from colic.

Persh krok

  • If a child is known for more than a piece of eating, then it is necessary to remember the sums and, perhaps more than one, you can try the sums with additional bacteria, ring out the dear sums if you don’t call out.
  • Apply heat to the abdomen. Tse mozhe buti dry pelyushka or a warm shower. Warmly, as if seen, znimaє spasms. You put the little pelyushka in a sprat of balls and put it on your tummy, as if reaching, warming your friend - and so until the little one becomes lighter. Ring out after a warm soul, the children will calm down and mіtsno zasinayut.
  • Massage of the abdomen behind the arrow of the year. Robity warm hand not less than 10-15 quills. Can you work with natural yoga Oliya. You can get a special oil in a pharmacy for a child's shop.
  • Right for lower. The child is in the position lying on the back, take the legs, bend them at the knees and push them up to the tummy, then offend the legs at once, to the right to help the gases that have accumulated, perhaps, after the new child is relieved.
  • Posture on the stomach. Lay the child with his tummy on the inner part in front of your shoulders, lay the baby with his bare stomach on your bare life.
  • Music. Sometimes you'll be kind to the little one, raise your voice, take the child in your arms and dance to the rhythm of your beloved song.

Another Croc

Move on to the next one, as all the above appointment did not give a result.

  • Vіdvar chamomile, nasіnnya krop (crop water), fennel. They let out such vapers, like "Bebivita", "Hipp" and others, you can come to the pharmacy. Vidvar can be given as in case of colic, which started, so with the method of prophylaxis in the other half of the day after skin rejuvenation in volume, which is more 1/2-1 tsp.

Crop water recipe:

1 tsp the present crop of fennel fruit is poured with one bottle of okrop, 30 hvilin are infused, after which the brew is cured. Today next to prepare a fresh brew. Give for doba about 3 tsp.

  • Samples. Qi preparations are allowed for people. The stench populate the intestines of the baby with normal flora and create a friendly mind for its growth, suppress the growth of bacteria, which calls for wandering. The most popular drugs are Lacidophil-WM, Liveo, you can also try Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin. It is necessary to drink a course of the drug for 3-4 days.
  • Plantex and Babynos. Plantex (Plantex) - an effective invasion, spasmolytic zasib, reducing the frequency of attacks of colic, reducing their pain intensity. The drug is growing, based on fennel, safe for babies, it is allowed to administer to children from the 15th day of life. May receive relish, sound the children drink yoga from satisfaction. There are already a lot of positive comments about the new one from the side of the mother. Bebinos is a complex preparation based on fennel with added chamomile and coriander. duje effective zasib in usunennі ailing flatulence and spasmіv.
  • Espumizan, Babotik, Sub Simplex, Baby Calm. With an arc of strong ringlets, physically right zdatni vgamuvati the cry of a baby for a non-trivial hour, and the fathers should be brought to the aid of their preparations. The stench is created on the basis of simethicone, speech, like breaking large bulbs of gas in the intestines, knowing how much it hurts at the closest person after taking it internally. These preparations are not wetted from the intestines and are absolutely safe for congestion in children. It is allowed from the 20th-30th day of the life of a child. Please read the instructions carefully before using.
  • In case of strong and trivial pains, American doctors vvazhayut admissible to give children paracetamol. However, in order not to take a shoddy slug and a baby's liver, I recommend taking paracetamol suppositories and not more often than 2 times a day.
  • Gas tube. I respect that it is guilty to be guilty in the region rarely and in special falls, shards, be it a third-party body, can be negatively signified by the natural process of molding the baby's grass tract.

In the age of up to 6 months, a child cannot believe in shying away from evil, like screaming out for help! Come to your little one, give him more caress and love, get more joys, get together on the forums of young fathers calm and love.

About the causes of colic and about those, how they get hurt, the rozpo_st of the program "School of Dr. Komarovsky":

If they don’t have colic, the platform is wider, so that all young fathers with fear check for a period of cob cries and discord of newborn children. As a rule, the first symptoms of colic do not begin on the 2-3rd day after the birth and continue until 3-4 months. Crises are practically blamed on all children, irrespective of their health, the minds of the people and instilling nationality, so, among the Chinese, during the period when new people are called one hundred days of crying, which approximately characterizes the average trivality of this inadmissible phenomenon. Why do they blame and how do the rings of the child not show up, to work with the rings, to help the child?

Features of the herbal system are not

The organs of the etching of the child, like the first body, after the people begin to know the new minds of life. circulatory system And m'yazovі tissues adapt to new heaviness, the vestibular apparatus and the perceptual system begin to recognize, in what position the child is, the organs of the breath chime until the very process of the breath, even before the birth of the world in the legend, the fetus did not eat. And the grassy tract is beginning to be known to you.

Irrespective of those that nature has provided the most optimal food for children - breast milk, and to the new duct and the intestines need to sound. Ruhi, sluggishness of internal organs, balance in fermented herbal enzymes, instilling peculiarities of the breath - everything flows into the camp during the process of overdosing and it does not cause colic. How do you feel?
Colic is called a sprat when manifesting discomfort: spasms in the intestines, pain through the movement of gas, difficulty with defecation. Normal, physiological manifestations are found in the organisms of the skin people, children are especially sensitive to them. What causes colic?

Why blame the stakes in the tummy?

Symptoms and signs of colic in the absence of raznomanitny, but all the stench to tell about those that a small tummy feels like, that a child does not fit. Moreover, the middle hour on the cob fluctuates with the period, if in the organisms of children they inject children's maternal hormones, acquired during the period of intrauterine development and fall. The stench can be relaxing, relaxing, and exposing the body, as a rule, runs on the cob "a hundred days of crying." Moreover, it is often accompanied by skin hangings, the so-called "visip-tritition", hormonal surges, similar to minor problems.
Kolіki can appear as an upcoming rank:

  • the baby is turbulent for no reason;
  • the legs are often bent in the knees and pulled up to the stomach;
  • sharply and penetratingly screaming at the hour of the year, or crying in the evenings, wanting to have an hour full of health and peace;
  • possible difficulties with style;
  • increase in gas formation and flatulence.

The nervous system of the little ones is incomplete: there is still a need to recognize, like impulses are important, but in like signals from the internal organs of the year to react. Ruh grub masi in the intestines can take on as discomfort and an outcry of dissatisfaction with the child. Tse - the first reason I cry for the sake of it.

Another reason, yaku is often said to be from a dietary mother, is the increase in gas production. It has been brought to light that the adoption of gases in the intestines of a child is not a trace of a mother who has a special diet. Everything that is consumed in the hose to the mother, go through the process of splitting on the basic elements, and in such a look, it doesn’t seem to matter, mother allowed drying and boiled yalovichina, or she licked cabbage, dry land and buns. In a warehouse of milk with an unbalanced meal, you can have more or less protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, or more or less cabbage. To that very child, as if they were rebuying on a piece-by-piece basis, they may have colic. Wanting the everyday “forested” products, they don’t consume sumish.

Father, maternal eating does not add to the poisoning of a healthy child. And why blame the rings?
The main reason for increased gas production in children is the initiation of the process of breathing. Under hour їzhi, crying, reawakening the child zakovtuє again. As soon as they drink wine into the intestines, the expansion of the walls delivers the same discomfort, which manifests itself in sharp crying at the hour of the wedding and in the evenings, if the child gets tired, and the volume accumulates again.

When mother's eating becomes the cause of how much?

The diet of mothers, when they are old, is also, as if incorrectly chosen sumish, can become the cause of intestinal pain in newborns and do not have that depression, as in children, allergic reactions to the components of hedgehog / sumish, or food intolerance.
In such a situation, as a rule, the symptoms do not overlap. Hanging on the shkіrі is added to the sign, a rare stіlec or part of constipation, often an increase in the volume of the mass, which is seen, right up to vomit, the throat can be swollen and difficult to breathe.
What robiti, how many rings of the new people show themselves like that? Go to the doctor to establish the cause of allergy or food intolerance, that is correct eating. The most common allergens are cow's milk proteins, soy, wheat, chicken eggs and products of processing. Vinyatok allergens from eating the mother of the child (when the child is crazy) helps to improve the self-confidence of the little one.

What to work with colic in inability?

With the help of the little ones, you can divide them into two groups: preventive ones, which help to prevent the causes of flatulence, the other is “extronn”, like it works, as if the rings had already begun.
Before preventive visits, bring:

  • Perevirku choked nipple by a child. Although nature does not care for itself, it is also necessary for the little ones to learn about this process. Properly buried breasts protect children from wrapping around the process of eating. With a piece vigodovuvannі it is necessary to respectfully choose the most appropriate size and shape of the nipple on the pad;
  • wearing a child as a "stovpchik", "soldier" - a good way to help us cook in the process of eating, or I cry for the masses to be called, and not to drink in the intestines. Navіt yakscho nemovlya not maє zvichki zriguvati poslja їzhі, papluzhit kіlka khvilin on the shoulders not zaškodit, but more help to get lost in the evening session of sumptuous crying.

І to the cob kolk, and in the process you can use such awkward methods to help children:

  • we know to all the fathers that the “bicycle” is right, when the little ones of the child, for their own sake, bend in the knees and cuddle up to the stomach. Tse dopomogaє kharchovіy maі prostupovo step by step through the intestines;
  • massage of the tummy is a method that cannot be taken for granted (as well as for mothers in the postnatal period, since their organs of etching will also require respect after changing the volume of the abdomen). With soft onslaughts, it’s enough to collapse behind the year’s arrow near the umbilical fossa;
  • warmly on the living, warm pelyushka, warmly calming bath will help relieve spasms, which are blamed on overexcitation of the nervous system.

In some cases, the doctor-pediatrician can recommend vatrogon preparations (tea with fennel, crop infusions) or simethicone preparations (Sab-Simplex toshcho). The stench reduces the amount of gases in the intestines and helps to make them easier to call, but not to clean up the cause of the increased gas formation - wrapping up again, and therefore, not to take the child’s start to eat and drink properly. І period colic may be delayed.

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