swiss made yearbook - original? Marking “Swiss”, or what does it mean yaksny year

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This wording was formally adopted for example XIX century, and after that, most of the krai began to win the branding “Made in ( The name of the country)” It is obvious that the engraving of “Swiss Made” is most often celebrated at the Swiss year. According to the law of Switzerland, it was necessary to allow for the engraving of "Suisse", "produit suisse", "fabriqué en Suisse", "qualité suisse" or translating them, "Swiss", "Swiss Made", or "Swiss Movement". On the old anniversary of the victor, the writing “Swiss” was written on the position 6:00.

Іnuє two parts of the Swiss law, which is between the two words "Swiss Made". The first law that applies to all types of products that are in circulation in Switzerland is the Law on the Protection of Trademarks and Marks (LPM). Another part of the Swiss legislation LPM paragraph 50 of the law of 1971 regulates the proper specification of the quality of the Swiss Swiss anniversaries. The text of which law is accessible to French, German and Italian language, if the stench of the unknown official language Switzerland.

Swiss law

As it was said above, the Swiss standards require song quality in the form of gravel to allow engraving on the anniversary, which is being prepared. These laws were changed in the Swiss Code, to which the oldest anniversary, which is a kind of engraving “Swiss Made”, does not obligately comply with the exact rules of the law, but in some cases I reverse them. The current law zastosovuetsya before the engraving of "Swiss Made" in 1971.

Naming the law on the main language of Switzerland:

  • French - "Ordonnance réglant l'utilisation du nom "Suisse" pour les montre";
  • German - "Verordnung vom 23 December 1971 über die Benützung des Schweizer Namens für Uhren";
  • English "Ordinance regulating the use of the name "Swiss" on watches",

The law describes the Swiss year as an understanding, as to lie in terms of characteristics and/or other parameters of its mechanism. Also, the law has about those mechanisms that fall under the designation of "Swiss Made". Having established this law, on some year-olds, year-old cases, year-old mechanisms, and spare parts for the year-time, engraving “Swiss Made” can be made. Dali imposed important parts of the law.

Swiss anniversaries

In sum, the year is respected by the Swiss, as if the stink of the Swiss mechanism could be, or the stench was taken in Switzerland and as the remaining stage of folding is in Switzerland.

Minimum standards

If you read the law about the anniversary, name, warto remember, that you can’t designate exactly how "Swiss Made" is worn to the wrist year, and then you set the minimum standard, which is necessary, so that the year can be engraved with "Swiss Made". Often, the “Swiss Made” year is more stale in the name of the brand and the reputation of the virobnik and that year the industry began to stratify the understanding of “Swiss Made”. The Swiss Federal Council changed the legislation on the "Swiss" victoria for the year 1995. In this revision, additional explanations were added about the number of parts that were not destroyed in Switzerland and it was called Des composants étrangers pour les montres("Rіznі parts").

Appointment "Swiss Made" according to the law of Switzerland

The Yearbook is called Swiss law until the legislation is established:

  • stink swiss mechanism,
  • the mechanism is being installed at the same time in Switzerland;
  • picker vykonu є residual reverb in Switzerland

Appointment "Swiss Movement" (Swiss mechanism) under the law of Switzerland

Anniversary marking - "Swiss made"

The writing "Swiss made" is a symbol of the quality of the miraculous step, which means that markings with the sign of the anniversary (including copies of the anniversary) are technically thorough (accurate, superior, water-resistant, impact-resistant) and aesthetically pleasing (elegant and original in design). Following the old-fashioned annual traditions and new technological achievements - the axis of what is “Swiss made”.

Ale, not all years may have the right to such a sign. Vocabulary writing from the Swiss origin is regulated by special legislation, which dictates the minimum amount of money until the year of the year, based on the order "Swiss made" or "Swiss" on the krishtsi. It is essential that the folding mechanism of the yearbook, the installation of all parts of the hull, as well as the final testing were carried out exclusively on the territory of Switzerland. Also, half of all components and the mechanism of the year are due to the swiss mother.

Marking the mechanism - "Swiss movement"

On an anniversary, the "Swiss movement" marking may appear, which means "a mechanism of destruction in Switzerland." Її to put in quiet vipadkah, if the mechanism of Swiss victories takes place on the anniversary of the victorious, but the anniversary of the elections itself is beyond the borders of Switzerland. If the Swiss move can not be a mechanism, but another detail of the year, then instead of "movement" write the name of the component that wins. Apparently, before the legislation that regulates the branding, the word “movement” and in. guilty buti is written in the same style as the word "Swiss" (the same font, color, rozmіrom).

Marking mechanism - "Swiss parts"

Write "Swiss parts" to apply on the yearbook using a mechanism, selected from Swiss components, and beyond the borders of the edge. It can only be applied to the mechanism itself and at the same time on other elements of the year.

Marking on the bracelet - "Swiss wristlet"

Mark not only the back cover of the yearbook, but the bracelet. Written "Swiss made" can be applied to the bracelet in that case, as if made in Switzerland. If the year itself is crushed and picked up in a foreign country, then put markings on the Swiss bracelet, which unambiguously indicates that the Swiss year has more than a bracelet - “Swiss wristlet” (at the crossbar “Swiss bracelet”).

There are nuances in the z'yasuvanni of the bracelet. Vіn vvozhatimetsya Swiss only in that moment, as if it fell on the new one over 50 hundred virobnicheskih vitrates in Switzerland itself, and as a result of that final testing of wines in the country itself.

Marking on the body - "Swiss case"

Marking "Swiss case" is awarded only the case of the anniversary, which is a kind of destruction in Switzerland; in the same place, having taken off the druk, sharpening and polishing (that was made for a special firm (Swiss) dressing); buv mount and proishov testuvannya in the same place; otherwise, more than 50 hundred of usable vitrates fell on the new one, zdiisnenih without intermediary on the territory of Switzerland (for virahuvannya varnosti materials).

The “Swiss case” marking, as the name of the case is known, means that the anniversary of the death itself is not in Switzerland, so it is obligatory to insert the edge of the anniversary of the anniversary, or the mechanism, which is marked on the outer side of the body.

Anniversary marking with quartz movement - "Swiss Quarz"

The inscription “Swiss Quarz” marks the year with a quartz movement, which can be Swiss travel (moreover, the year itself, and not the mechanism, for example, which can be prepared outside the borders of Switzerland).

What about your "Swiss made" anniversary?

From the beginning of the swiss years to the present models, the main headache for Swiss brewers are all the copies of the year and their news, which curse their names have earned the trust of people for their quality and superiority of the born products.

І at zv'yazku z tsim was accepted low legislature and documents calling for the protection of their types of letters. The main law on branding is the decree of 1971 “On the regulation of the branding of the name “SWISS” for the year”. The main change, which can be brought to the point that the current Swiss year is to blame for the vibrations and protests in Switzerland, as well as the mother mechanism, which adds up to at least 50% of the variance of products from Swiss components, and tilvanki after dotrimannya made swiss on them.

The Swiss Association of Good Crafts is more than honored to follow the best standards for the quality of craftsmanship. Failure to comply with all legal aspects is punishable by huge fines, confiscation of products, a prison term (1 river of freedom). The Association put the pleasing "about the quality" of the low country, which allows the confiscation of counterfeit goods (with additional branding) right on the mittens. Such a camp allows swiss made year-olds to become leaders in the world market of luxury year-old products.

Marking swiss and everything that follows it.

The word Swiss (suisse) is translated - Switzerland. From the decryption, it is clear that the element that bears such a name is guilty of vibrations in Switzerland itself, and not elsewhere. Such markings have additional songs, such as made (virbility), quarz (quartz), movement (mechanism), wristlet (bracelet), case (case), parts (parts), military (vіyskovsky). So chi іnakshe, such a markuvannya imposes a song of goiter, like a virobnik (like a wine can not be close to a Swiss one) is guilty of following, if you want to victorize those chi else a markuvannya.

Suisse stands for yak i swiss, Switzerland. Such a badge is also marked on the anniversary, it is officially recognized and can be zastosovuvatisya for marking.

swiss made

The swiss made letter is deciphered as “Made in Switzerland”. Tsey view marking carries in itself information about those that the year is yakіsnim, mіtsnim, nadіynym, exact. Such an inscription could only be worth a year's anniversary in Switzerland. Stink all kinds of mechanism up to the bracelet in Swiss fashion.

swiss military

The translation literally sounds like "Swiss Army". Such is the signification of the guarantor of supremacy, mity and quality. Mechanisms that you carry on your own take marking, can sing the same set of features, options, advantages and the year of the year. Such annexes are either complex, composed of the first parts of the Swiss manufacturing industry or monolithic, so that they are completely manufactured in Switzerland.

Swiss quartz

This marking means that the mechanism of the middle of the year is quartz, also, the year is quartz. Ale doesn't mean that it's swiss, it means only those that have the vibration mechanism in Switzerland, and not all the annuals in the complex. Tsey wrote mainly put on the dial.

swiss movement

Such a designation means that the mechanism is completely Swiss. Such a designation is universal to all types of mechanisms (quartz, mechanics). Dane marking is only on the mechanism itself.

Swiss wristlet

Such an inscription is present on the bracelet, as if it were made in Switzerland.

Swiss case

It means that the corps has been destroyed in Switzerland. Markuetsya case seredinі or zvnі.

swiss parts

Swiss details. It means that at the anniversary of the anniversary, there are some details of Swiss virobnizstva. The details themselves are marked, and not the body, or as another part of the year.

Swiss stability

Spravzhnіy Swiss Yearbook buv, є і will be the standard of quality, supremacy. Any other attachment or mechanism cannot achieve such stability as they have. The world has a great number of copies and copies, which are the responsibility of the right, but it is not possible through those who are counterfeit wines and counterfeit. By sending a copy of the anniversary, you will in no way raise your status more than what I give you a note. Varto remember one most important river, it is less correct than in the original.

The Swiss Year's Day at every hour is considered as a standard of insipid relish and respectability of their masters. If you want, all the stinks look one after the other for the design, be it an anniversary of creations in this country, famous for their fineness.

Swiss wristbands human year- rich yakіsna that is often necessary for people who value their hour and pennies. They reflect the social and material status of a person. Tse is the best accessory of a mature and high-status person who can understand good speeches.

Today, the choice of the anniversary on the vitchiznyany market is great. The largest known companies of this kind are Patek Philippe, Zenith, Van Der Bauwede and .

Elite man's year of death from expensive materials, which means a high price. For their creation, vicorist gold, platinum and silver.

Today, be a jewelry store to prop up your purchases. The axis only has no good guarantees that the stench is prepared in its own historical fatherland.

From the beginning of Swiss years to the most recent models, the main headache for Swiss brewers wrist year All copies of anniversaries and their news that slander their names have earned people's trust with their quality and superiority of viroblen products.

І at the link with the cim, a low law was adopted and documents calling for the protection of their vіd rozgulu pіdrobok year. The main law on branding is the decree of 1971 “On the regulation of the branding of the name “SWISS” for the year”. The main sensation, which leads to the fact that the current Swiss year is to blame for the vibrations and protests in Switzerland, as well as the mother mechanism, which adds up to at least 50% of the variance of products from Swiss components, but only after the completion of all Swiss mades » .

The Swiss Association of Good Crafts is more than honored to follow the best standards for the quality of craftsmanship. Ignoring all legal aspects is punishable by huge fines, confiscation of products, a prison term (1 river of freedom).

The Association put the pleasing "about the quality" of the low country, which allows the confiscation of counterfeit goods (with additional branding) right on the mittens. Such a camp allows the Swiss made year to be the leaders on the world market of luxury goods.

What year is called Swiss?

What is the right to bear the mark and be proudly called “Swiss made” for the whole Swiss year?

So what is behind the writing Swiss made?

"Swiss made" includes the principle of wine-like quality, which has been molded for centuries. Tse and technical perfection (accuracy, superiority, water resistance and shock resistance), and aesthetic finish (elegance and uniqueness of the original design), and remembering old traditions with new technologies of manufacturing.

Apparently, before the legislation that regulates the use of the Swiss name for the year, minimum vimogi have been established, which is the responsibility of satisfying the wrist year, the first lower stink can be called truly Swiss.

Vishchezgadane legislation was inspired on the principle that the Swiss capital should be deposited in the quantity of labor, invested in the manufacture of the year itself in Switzerland, to create a streak of imported components.

Since then, as necessary, the folding mechanism, the installation of the dial, the hands and other parts of the case were carried out in Switzerland itself, just like the final re-verification of the practicality. I can only say that at least half of the components of the annual mechanism were also broken in Switzerland.

Yaki povnovazhennya vzhivannya words "Swiss" on the anniversary. Marking "Swiss made" and "Swiss"

The inscriptions “Swiss made” and “Swiss” can be marked as Swiss anniversaries. On the corpus, other word combinations can be used to avenge the word Swiss or translate these phrases, which is also permitted by law.

The yearbook is respected by the Swiss, for example:

  • the mechanism of the year of the Swiss brewery;
  • the mechanism of the year is inserted into the case without intermediary in Switzerland;
  • the annual mechanism is folded more low by 50% from Swiss components;
  • final re-verification of the year of the proyshov also on the territory of Switzerland;

Marking "Swiss movement", meaning, mechanism, destruction in Switzerland. For example, the mechanism of the anniversary is Swiss, and the calendar of appointments here beyond the borders of Switzerland before the word “Swiss” in the markuvanni add the word “movement”, or a word that matches one of the storage components of the mechanism itself.

In such a way you can write something like "mouvement suisse" or "Swiss movement". Apparently, before the legislation of Switzerland, the word “movement” can be written in the same font, color and size, like the word “Swiss”.

How vicorous is marked on the anniversary bracelet

The inscription "Swiss made" can also be applied to the bracelet. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya at that moment, if the bracelet is broken in Switzerland. Like an anniversary, complete with a Swiss bracelet, broken here in another place, the writing “Swiss” is obliged to be accompanied by a word that clearly indicates those who only have a Swiss bracelet (for example, “Swiss wristlet”, which is translated from English. like "Swiss bracelet").

The bracelet must be made in Switzerland, as the wines went through a special processing in this country and even more than 50% of the samples were made in Switzerland.

Rules of vikoristannya marking on the body of the year

The inscription “Swiss case” on the body of the anniversary means that the remaining letter of destruction is in Switzerland.

In order to take away the right to be called Swiss, the corps is guilty of satisfying the following:

  • wines undergone special processing in Switzerland (marked to a friend, turned, polished);
  • Vіn montanovaniya and proyshov final reverification in Switzerland;
  • 50% of virobnicheskih vitrates (with a little vintage of materials) were also vibrated in Switzerland.

At a glance, as if “Swiss case” was written, the name of the case is known, and the year is not of Swiss manufacture, the country is the year of the year itself, or the mechanism may also be given the name.

Anniversary marking "Swiss quartz"

Written "Swiss Quartz", zgіdno іz legislation, applied to the yearbook with a quartz mechanism, crushed in Switzerland. Ale, to show respect, that the year itself is prepared with such a writing of preparations in Switzerland, and not the mechanism of the year, the destruction is here.

Marking "Swiss parts"

Written "Swiss parts" always accompanying the year, the mechanism of such selection is not in Switzerland, but from Swiss components. All markings must be applied exclusively to the mechanism and cannot be applied to the body or other parts.

The name "Swiss dial" (Swiss dial) can be applied on the back of the Swiss dial, not recognized for the Swiss year.

And the axis wrote “Geneva” or “Geneve” on the anniversary to talk about those that the Swiss anniversary is a showcase of its special quality. Won be put on a Swiss luxury year!

The Swiss Yearbook of Elite Stamps is considered a masterpiece of art, for simple reasons, for reasons of careful and diligent observation.

Having served as an accessory for a long time, the next step is to follow the current rules:

  • Mechanical structures in the year will require a systematic re-verification. Therefore, periodically check them in special services, the addresses of which are added to the passport. Tsya Umov's obov'yazkova, the shards of the smallest screen, which she drank into the mechanism, may be able to confirm the accuracy of the hour.
  • It is only necessary to start a yearbook, having taken yoga from your hands.
  • It is better to wind a year-old with a manual winding at the singing hour, turning the crown to the end. The automatic yearbook can only be started once per sim day.
  • Irrespective of those that were prepared for the dial from other materials, the year of the year should be saved from other valuable speeches. It may be a special screen, or a case, in which the stench was bought.
  • Like a crack on the dial, it was immediately replaced, fragments of rock and water that penetrated through the crack, you can drink it into the mechanism and stick it in for the exact hour, right up to the point where you can take the mechanism out of the working station.

Year's Day for people should be taken up to their kind. For example, athletes are not recommended to wear clothes for training with a shkiryan belt. Tse tim, scho for an hour of active sports to take a pit can zipsuvaty shkiryany remіn. For sports lovers, it is better to buy goods from metal or with a rubber bracelet.

Before a shower, sauna, spa, the year is better to take, oskolki, water and a couple of building damage to the tightness of the body. Sea water, which avenges the force, is made to make it work, so it is necessary to wipe the accessory hermetically after swimming with miles of water and wash it in clean running water.

When choosing an anniversary, there is a difference between waterproof and waterproof accessories. So, for water-resistant mechanisms, the mitt of the hands is absolutely safe, and swimming and drinking in such year-books can lead to fatal consequences for the wrist-year-olds themselves, as well as additional stains for the keeper of such a year-old.

Ale, follow the vrakhovuvati, scho trivale perebuvannya in the shower, or with water, soak the water penetration into them. In the aftermath of which stench can stink. For divers and divers, special water protection mechanisms have been created. Ale їх it is necessary to check for tightness through the skin two or three rocks in special chambers.

Most annual mechanisms are sensitive to magnetic vibrations and waterings, to which they have been given traces of magnets and accessories, which create strong electromagnetic fields in their robots.

At the mechanical year of the year, be it a virobnik, it is unique to go in for extreme sports, practice with a hammer. No matter how thoroughly the construction was, for violating the rules of operation, the goods can be sold.

Wrist yearbook: їм є, scho tell about yourself

Wrist yearbook for the ever-changing of the elite vimiryuvachiv hourAnd for the skin people, as the hour is worth, - the church is special, the singing world is dear. Wrist yearner mandruesh with us, movchki clasping our wrists. Why is it so silent? In addition, the year-old regularly informs us of the current hour, so and whispers of a respected listener in the person of his sack, shards to them are true, that they tell about themselves. I’ll make sure that a wrist year is a worthy and honest speaker, you can talk about your own advantages, and about shortcomings. Zrozumіlo, as if posting to such a “change” gave the anniversary of their harvester. This article is dedicated to the main technical features of the anniversary, which can be read on the body, bracelets and other anniversary elements. There is also a large number of writings, so to speak, “not about anything”, as if they carry a lot of advertising vanity and serve to “catch” a potential purchase of a wrist year. For example, the respect of a person who is smarter for everything should be written on the anniversary, like “over-accuracy”, “greater quality” and so on.
I will not talk here about the different special engravings, made by the anniversary on the case of the anniversary models for the individual request of the client (“To the Beloved Man”, “National Day”, “For Love” then). Let's not forget the cicavia vipadok, which has become the anniversary of the American President Abraham Lincoln, who does not suspect about those who wear the peace for an hour with a crying inscription, unique messages, engraved on a metal plate under the dial. In the 1850s, Lincoln added a gut year, which was a great pity for yogo, and the president was embarrassed to renovate in 1861. The very same Irish year of the year Jonathan Dillon, having been engraved, read: “Jonathan Dillon, April 13, 1861. Fort Sumpter (sic) was attacked by slaughterhouses on the appointed date. Thank God, we can order. Write, which can only be read under a magnifying glass, to talk about the cob Hromadyan war 1861-1865 pp., but the secret message was announced through many recent successors. At the same time, Lincoln's anniversary is located at the National Museum of American History in Washington. So, shanovny chitachu, respectfully admire before your birthday - rapt stench to speak to you!
At any given time, it is impossible to misplace information, as we carry our “manual” tlumachs on our backs for an hour, and for some people, these inscriptions are filled with ciphers, as we decipher today. Let's respectfully listen to what they want to tell us about our wrist year.

"Broken in Switzerland"

As for the anniversary, the inscription “Swiss made” flaunts, which means “destroyed in Switzerland”, then you, wisely, will take great honor until this hour, the Swiss wrist year is rightfully considered to be the best in the world, the dawn of its accuracy. It is logical, but practical, from the beginning of the history of the Swiss year, to celebrate such a year, and then follow the numerical additions. To combat the illegal issuance of copies of the yearbook under the logo of the Swiss identity in Switzerland, a few departments were created, the main one being the Federation of the Swiss Yearly Crafts (The Federation of the Swiss Industry). Also, a list of parameters for the quality of the Swiss quality was assigned. Also, if it’s written “Swiss made” on the birthday, then stink, first of all, the swiss mechanism is to blame (minimum 95% of the details), in another way, be chosen from Switzerland and, thirdly, go through the final verification of quality from Switzerland . I mentally called qi vimogi the rule of three "Sh"! Warto say that on this day from the gigantic list of warship companies, not everyone can boast of the latest victories of the rule of three "Sh", which, razumilo, deshchou zamuchu.
For zatyah chanuvalniks in Swiss quality, however, they are not ready to spend a great sum of pennies for a Swiss wrist year, which is a budget option. So, the writing "Swiss movement" on the anniversary means that the mechanism of destruction in Switzerland (or, for example, the "Japan movement" - in Japan), the wines passed the re-verification of the quality in this country, but the body and the folding of the anniversary passed beyond the borders of Switzerland. The most common place to choose is also indicated on the body of the yearbook. Just blame the power - how can you ideally bring a non-Swiss corps to the Swiss mechanism? The food is overwhelmed. "Movement" in the translation from English means a mechanism, but if you want to finish a long word, then the scribes most often speed it up to "mov("t)" or to "eb" ("ebauches" - a mechanism in French). wisely, they talked about a mechanical year, but you can also write "Swiss quartz", which means that this year is a reference to Swiss creations, the mechanism of the year is quartz and, wisely, also Swiss. one is "Swiss made". It is not uncommon for Swiss anniversaries to vicorate the writing "Swiss quartz", looming on the vase, less those that the mechanism of preparation is in Switzerland, and the anniversary itself is of foreign vicory production. , fragments of the word "Swiss made" ("broken in Switzerland") can also be on the bracelet, seeming to us about those that the bracelet is broken in Switzerland (it is possible to write "Swiss wristlet" - a Swiss bracelet). more "Swiss parts" (parts - parts, elements) can also be found without intermediary on various details and elements of the year, and not only on the dial or the back krishtsi. Anniversary of an exclusive Swiss trip can also be written “Geneva” (Geneva) on the dial, most of it under the logo of the brand. Likewise, Swiss movements marked with the inscription “Poincon de Geneve” or “Geneva Seal” (Geneva brand) are respected by the most accurate and most important movements.

Why, why...?

Human or female wrist year with readiness

I will tell you from what materials the stench was prepared. The only thing left was to correctly understand the clocks, what to “speak”. So, the widest one wrote "Stainless steel", which tells about those that the case or the bracelet (deposit in the form of writing) is made of stainless steel. There is also a trick here: the writing "Stainless steel back" does not even indicate to those that the year is full of crushing of steel - steel and only a back cover (back). Why do we celebrate the other parts of the year, we only get tired of guessing. That's why it's best to try and read the engraving - "All stainless steel" (literally - "everything is made of stainless steel"). Other materials for the yearbook are indicated by such inscriptions: "Ceramic" (ceramic), "Carbon" (carbon), "Bronze" (bronze), "Titanium" (titanium, but "Titanium back" - a back cover from titanium), "Gold" (gold), "Silver" (srіblo), "Base metal case" or "Brass" (brass; before speech, brass can be named after the vaga, as it is much lighter than steel), "Platinum" (platinum). The remembrance of the Elite year is more often than vykonaniya zі shkіri, to which the scribe sometimes marks the inner side of the belt with the words “Genuine leather” (natural shkіra).
If you remember the inscriptions “Sapphire” or “Sapphire crystal” (sapphire glass) on the anniversary, then you remember the time of equipping with the widest slope of an elite wrist year, resistant to sagging. The sapphire cloak protects the dial, or replaces the back cover of the yearbook and shines with a special glare. Just like a wrist year of appointments with the inscriptions "Crystal glass" or "Mineral crystal", then the dial of thefts is with the greatest mineral rock, and not with a crystal ("crystal" in English "crystal"), as the deacians of Russia can let go, they scurried. English-Russian dictionary. From the other side, please feed - it’s a must for the foreman to guess about the absolutely wonderful weather, he wrote “Crystal glass” (Mineral crystal) rarely.
Even more prestigious is the writing on an expensive wrist year “hand-made” (“handcrafted”), which means, like already, sing-songly, having guessed our smart reader-polyglot, “broken by hand”, the key word here is “hand” (“hand” ) ). The improvement of the mechanism, the dial, the skeletonization is too thin - in times, as all the processes are hand-wound, the status is і, zrozumіlo, the price for the wrist year is significantly higher.
Such Swiss and Holy Years, rozroblyayuchi wrist year, ensure the maximum clarity of reading information from the dial by winding it around the dial, bending the objects of the dial with luminescent warehouses. The tags that shine in the dark are mainly vicorated in the ascetic year-old in the military style. So, write "T-Swiss made-T" or "Swiss made T25" - these are signals about those elements that glow in the year - phosphors based on the tritium isotope. Deyakі buyers are afraid to wear a wrist year, covered with radioactive speech. Daremno, even a part of the radiation, as if it looked like tritium, the flooring is small, that it is covered with a fold of the dial. Prote for especially distrustful clients, who do not care about their health and the least risk, the year-olds vibrated the dials of their creations with a special careless speech of Super-Luminova. The plus of this warehouse is safety, the minus is the need to “charge” the farba from the light shifts (there is no need for a three-way charge at the recharger, prote, for the charge of the Luminova, you can darken for an hour). Well, if you still don’t want to rizikuvati, and the year-old “fireflies” attract you, then joke on the year-end you wrote “L-Swiss made-L” (sometimes just “Swiss made”).
It is also necessary to note that the pioneering companies, who are engaged in the remaining works in the clock gallery, have patented their special manufactory materials, and special inscriptions are made to recognize them. Яскравим прикладом може стати італійська годинникова компанія Anonimo, відома своїми інноваційними розробками, серед яких великою популярністю користується унікальний запатентований розчин під назвою Kodiak, що має водостійкі властивості, яким флорентійські фахівці обробляють шкіряні ремінці чоловічого наручного годинника. Anonimo's man's wrist yearbook may bear the inscription "Original Kodiak", which is a sign of high quality.

Such a profession - a "mechanism" to protect!

A lot of modern mechanisms, which are installed in a wrist year, are breathed in by a high foldability of vikonanniya and expensive victorious materials. It is not enough to create a year-old from an extra-folding "heart", it is necessary to protect it superbly from the inflows of the splendid middle. Possibly, if you ever noticed what tenditnі speech, to this particular type year, so and strive to fall, for example, from the table or from the police, you can uncontrollably let them out of your hands. And if you're not afraid to let the year in, the stink of you might fall richer. Year-olds are joking about different ways to protect the wrist-year-old from unfortunate blows, vicorist systems for "protecting" the year's mechanism. The inscriptions "Antishock", "Incablock" on the body of the yearbook remind us that this model is equipped with special shock absorbers, which protect the entire balance (the most sensitive part of the mechanism) from impacts. In this hour of a non-impact year old, it is practically not allowed (it is especially foldable to write elite people's wristwatches without a system of defense), to that, honestly it seems, these writings are a causal "pathos", a riddle about obvious speeches.
Another “protective” system of the yearbook is a special design for the body, the winds of the yearbook are not afraid of the influx of magnetic fields. Such a design, which greets the middle of aviators, airlifters and radioelectronics, is marked with the inscription “Antimagnetic” (“antimagnetic”) and guarantees good health and long life.
The widest way to protect the annual mechanism is to ensure the waterproofness of the body of the wrist year. It is more preferable for me to most often wear a man's wrist year, if you can sharpen and female models with a high indicator of water resistance. Before that, how to choose a model of a wrist year, what to call you, it is necessary to “talk” with it. The water resistance level of the year reminds us for the help of the letters "WR" (abbreviated as "Water Resistant" - water-resistant). Also, the designation “WR 30 m” or “WR 3 Bar” seems that this year can easily endure the hit of the vipadkovy breeze of the water, the mitt of the hands, the small plank. Bathing in such year-olds is not recommended.
Other models of the wrist year tell us that the stench is water-resistant at a depth of 50 meters (“WR 50 m”, “WR 5 Bar”), so that you can take a shower or swim in the pool with the year on your wrist. However, this step does not guarantee the complete safety of the clock mechanism when shaving near the water, the oscillating pressure can, for a short period of time, exceed the allowable 5 ATM, and you will have to bring the year of your love into repair.
The most suitable models for practicing water sports, such as swimming, haircuts near the water or zanurennya for a sprat of meters, є wrist yearner with a water resistance level of 100 meters (WR 100 m, WR 10 Bar). However, deep water must cause a breakdown of the yearbook, in this case it is best to speed up the hour

with water resistance to 200 meters and more (WR 200 m, WR 20 Bar). For greater accuracy of the phenomenon of water impermeability described by me, I will add (with the help of relevant guests) the entire wrist year for water retention, water resistance and a year for underwater swimming. To the first ones one can see the year-olds, which show only an insignificant influence of the water, to the others - the models, which can take the steps up to 100 meters. And the rest is the diver’s man’s wrist year, “the building’s vitrimati zanurennya near the water to a depth of 100 meters and more” (according to GOST). Before such “watery” models, one can see a year, which does not allow the waterman to pass through the middle of the hull when zanurenny near the water, which saves the stability of the functional parts of the vimiryuvacha hour, which can be resistant to temperature changes and excessive pressure of water. A lot of leading annual companies are engaged in the development of such super-stable annuals. Among them is the famous Italian company Anonimo, which presented a human wrist year from the Professionale series, the water resistance of which is from 1200 to 2000 meters. Models of swiss diving watches - the human wristwatch Rolex Oyster Sea-Dweller, Azimuth Deep Diver, Breitling Avenger Seawolf Chrono Blacksteel and many others.
Turning to those numbers, I want to signify that the deacons of the company-virobniks replace the words “meter (m)” and “bar” beat the other stop of the dozhini - foot (“foot”, abbreviated “ft”), I will call it for the English. For the Russians, they showed on the body of the wrist year, for example, “WR 99 FT”, it is necessary to multiply whole number by 0.305. From the clumsy design we know that the water resistance is 99 feet to 30195 meters. І stnє, about what I wanted to tell our reader once more on the topic of “real” water resistance: measure, bari or foot, indicated on the cases of a wrist yearbook, and in some cases do not show depth, you can zanuryuvat on a yearbook. In this rank, I would not tell you to pirnati to a depth of 30 meters with a year, which I wrote “WR 30 m”, then you can put your hands on (prote not presenting the body under a strong jet of water).

Listen to the "heart" of your birthday

Let's listen to what the handbook will tell us about your main "organ" - the mechanism. Let's look at the obvious: even if we watch “Quartz” for an hour, then in the middle of the case there is a quartz movement. The writing “Automatic” means that a mechanical wrist year is equipped with a mechanism with a self-winding plant, which accumulates energy from the hand. Shorthand "Cal." (like "Caliber"), followed by numbers and letters, to talk about the caliber of the mechanism. The words "Power reserve" indicate the power reserve indicator, most often it is displayed on the dial or in some other case. Sometimes the inscriptions “Autoquartz” and “Kinetic” are heard, as they carry information about those that the battery of the quartz yearbook is charged in hand.
Tsіkavі is the name of the hand-wrist year-regulators, marked with the inscription "Regulateur". Such a year-old is distinguished by a high accuracy of the course, the oscillators of the year, the hvilin and seconds are seen on three independent supplementary date-dials (reported from the article of the magazine “Who Regulate the Year-Regulators”). The Elite Wrist Yearbook sometimes embellishes the proud inscription “Chronometer” (chronometer) or “Officially certified chronometer” (officially certified chronometer), which confirms that this year’s anniversary is an exact chronometer hour, which was confirmed by a number of special tests of the mechanism, which took place in last center. A certificate that reaches such years confirms all the above.
The robot of the so-called coaxial escapement, broken by George Daniels and recognized for the accuracy of the move mechanical yearbook, can be estimated in a wrist year, marked with the inscription "Co-axial", which is most often found on the dials of models.
Possibly, one of the most intriguing elements of the annual mechanism is the number of stones, the number of which is indicated on the body of the mechanical year for the additional writing "jewels" (before this word, a number is indicated - the number of stones at the mechanism, for example "25 jewels"). The word "jewel" english movie translates like " expensive stone”- the English did not for nothing call such a rich word a tribute to the element of the mechanism, even if the stone is used for stabilization, rubbing that lower level of wear that contacts the surface of the annual mechanism. on the quartz year you can use the inscriptions “2 jewels”, “1 jewel” or type “No jewels”, but do not talk about the low quality of the hour, because in the quartz mechanisms the stones behind the great rahunka are not needed, but pay the wheels of such anniversaries often slacken from plastic for changing the surface.

"Easier" writing on the anniversary

Zreshtoy, we went to the most convenient - tse write on

a wrist year, which can be of a different kind, or complexity. We are now the most popular modern convenience, which has already moved from the category of the unique to the category of the standard ones, - the ubiquitous tourbillon, which few people can be surprised at once, which is signified by the word "Tourbillon". I think that the Chronograph wrote deciphering not warto. It means that the wrist year has a chronograph function (two and more independent timing systems). Also, the words "Fly-back (Split) Chronograph" tell us about those who have a split-chronograph this year, because they have two second hands, which start and stop independently one in one. A Swiss wrist yearbook with repeaters - “musical” folds, which allow not only to marvel at the hour, but also to listen to yoga, you can recognize Minute Repetition or Chime behind the inscriptions. If you saw such a sign for the anniversary: ​​Grande Sonnerie, Petite Sonnerie, Carillon or Jagemart, then don’t fawn - tse see different the great repeater, the leather of which is good and unique. Vzagali, as I already guessed about the "talking" annual, it is impossible not to notice that a man's wrist year with repeaters is the pinnacle of annual mastery, as it deserves to be awarded the highest score. Before the “rozmovlyayuschie” anniversaries, you can also add an anniversary with an alarm clock, which is indicated by the inscription “Alarm” (in English - “alarm clock”).
Before themselves, a wrist year with astronomical folds is placed, among them “Moon Phase” (French - “Phase de Lune”) - the phase of the month, “Dual Time” (moving hour) or “GMT” - the function of exercising the hour of two vart belts at once . Having speeded up with a dictionary, be it a lover of the year, you can understand what he wrote "Perpetual Calendar" - the whole function of the perpetual calendar, and the words "Equation of Time" mean the obviousness of the function equal to the hour, as if it were in the pocket of the difference between the globally accepted time scale, stretching the time scale fate does not change (24 years), that sleepy hour. For more detailed information on how to make wrist year-repeaters and astronomical repetitive hours, the reader can find out from our articles "Repetitioners or Years, what to say" and "Astronomical wrist year - the way of the crisis of the World", published in the watch magazine.

According to our original liknep, which should be written on a wrist year, it is necessary to indicate that all refurbishment is more significant, the most wide and the most important. Krіm zgadanih, іsnuіє kіlka іnshih pisіv, typical for іnshoy krіbnik of the wrist year (you can use the serial number, engraved on the back krіshtsi of the wrist year) as an example. Such a kind of "rozmova" wrist year truly a good bar of books, shards of a worldly hour can tell you a lot of good for yourself. Varto is less respectful to listen to yoga. And with a happy lankoy "vіdnosin" with your wrist yearbook є "rozmov", in order to lay down your choice on the merit of this chi іnshої model.

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