English-Russian dictionary. English-Russian dictionary of foreign vocabulary Lead

all roads leading to Rome turn over; he leads all orators as a teacher he leads lead lead; as heavy as lead ahead of time, brought to the fire (for a method that collapses); blind lead deaf cut led him to London blind lead graft yoga to London curiosity led me to look again to follow the lead (of smb.) to gain (or to have) the lead lead attr. lead; hail of lead hail cul; to get the lead buti shoot to give (smb.) a (or the) lead to want, pіdbadjoriti (kos) butt lead attr. lead; hail of lead hail cul; to get the lead buti shoot to have a lead of three meters (five seconds) lead three meters (five seconds) turn over; he leads all orators as a teacher he leads win short for all other teachers lead mor. lot; to heave (or to cast) the lead sea. throw a lot; win the depth with a lot of helix lead xd of the screw line lead first hid (in gr); it is your lead to start you lead buti, go first, viperedzhati (at the magician); turn over; he leads all orators as a teacher he leads more quickly for all other teachers lead introduction lead lead, lead; to lead a quiet life lead (led) lead, lead; to lead a child by the hand lived; gold-bearing pisok to lead (smb. to do smth.) what led you to think so? what made you think so? lead zmushuvat lead initiative lead contact lead short intro to newspaper article; entrance part lead sea. lot; to heave (or to cast) the lead sea. throw a lot; vimiryuvati clay lot lead sport. straighten the blow (in the box) lead those. viperejati; lead away zahopit, lead away quiet. vyperedzhennya, poderedzhennya (to the inlet of the bet too soon) lead vyperedzhennya lead of those. accuse, slander with lead lead pershіst lead first place, what is the place of the magician; to gain (or to have) the lead it is your lead lead lead lead, cheat (up to something), Primushuvat lead butt, vkaz_vki, directive; to follow the lead (of smb.) underlay with lead sport veneers. having risen between the leader and the runner, who follows him lead cheruvati, cheruvati, command, ocholyuvati; to lead an army initiative; to take the lead keruvati lead kerivnitstvo, initiative lead kerivnitstvo lead lead; as heavy as lead covered with lead dakh; flat dax lead tech. arrow, jib lead pipeline; channel ahead of time, brought to the fire (for a method that collapses); blind lead hіd lead cards. walk; to lead hearts (spades etc.) flying birds lead quiet. krok (spiral, screw), head (piston) lead pl polygr. veneers lead (led) to lead, guide; lead a child by the hand to lead a quiet life to lead a quiet life stirring life life of movement life on wheels lead keruvati, keruvati, command, ocholuvati; to lead an army to lead an orchestra lead attr. lead; hail of lead hail cul; to get the lead buti shoot the lead quietly. viperejati; lead away zakhopiti, vіdvesti to lead by the nose cheruvati drive; trimati at subordering; to lead (smb.) a (pretty) dance lead for nіs, pomanezhiti (smb.) to lead for the prosecution (defence) jur. ocholyuvati zvinuvachennya (zahist) lead cards. walk; to lead hearts (spades etc.) to lead nowhere lead off start, lay the cob; vіdkrivati ​​(svіvi, ball) lead on priblyuvati, zahoplyuvati lead out of go out, look up (about kіmnati) lead to lead to lead to lead (to some results) lead up preparation, introduction to lead (smb.) up the garden (path) enter into oman; get lead up to point rozmovu (on scho-l.) lead up to step by step prepare the path leads to the house road leading to the booth red lead red lead to return (smb. ) initiative to return (smb."s) lead go to suit lead ker_vnitstvo; initiative; to take the lead l.); what led you to think so?

all roads leading to Rome turn over; he leads all orators as a teacher he leads lead lead; as heavy as lead ahead of time, brought to the fire (for a method that collapses); blind lead deaf cut led him to London blind lead graft yoga to London curiosity led me to look again to follow the lead (of smb.) to gain (or to have) the lead lead attr. lead; hail of lead hail cul; to get the lead buti shoot to give (smb.) a (or the) lead to want, pіdbadjoriti (kos) butt lead attr. lead; hail of lead hail cul; to get the lead buti shoot to have a lead of three meters (five seconds) lead three meters (five seconds) turn over; he leads all orators as a teacher he leads win short for all other teachers lead mor. lot; to heave (or to cast) the lead sea. throw a lot; win the depth with a lot of helix lead xd of the screw line lead first hid (in gr); it is your lead to start you lead buti, go first, viperedzhati (at the magician); turn over; he leads all orators as a teacher he leads more quickly for all other teachers lead introduction lead lead, lead; to lead a quiet life lead (led) lead, lead; to lead a child by the hand lived; gold-bearing pisok to lead (smb. to do smth.) what led you to think so? what made you think so? lead zmushuvat lead initiative lead contact lead short intro to newspaper article; entrance part lead sea. lot; to heave (or to cast) the lead sea. throw a lot; vimiryuvati clay lot lead sport. straighten the blow (in the box) lead those. viperejati; lead away zahopit, lead away quiet. vyperedzhennya, poderedzhennya (to the inlet of the bet too soon) lead vyperedzhennya lead of those. accuse, slander with lead lead pershіst lead first place, what is the place of the magician; to gain (or to have) the lead it is your lead lead lead lead, cheat (up to something), Primushuvat lead butt, vkaz_vki, directive; to follow the lead (of smb.) underlay with lead sport veneers. having risen between the leader and the runner, who follows him lead cheruvati, cheruvati, command, ocholyuvati; to lead an army initiative; to take the lead keruvati lead kerivnitstvo, initiative lead kerivnitstvo lead lead; as heavy as lead covered with lead dakh; flat dax lead tech. arrow, jib lead pipeline; channel ahead of time, brought to the fire (for a method that collapses); blind lead hіd lead cards. walk; to lead hearts (spades etc.) flying birds lead quiet. krok (spiral, screw), head (piston) lead pl polygr. veneers lead (led) to lead, guide; lead a child by the hand to lead a quiet life to lead a quiet life stirring life life of movement life on wheels lead keruvati, keruvati, command, ocholuvati; to lead an army to lead an orchestra lead attr. lead; hail of lead hail cul; to get the lead buti shoot the lead quietly. viperejati; lead away zakhopiti, vіdvesti to lead by the nose cheruvati drive; trimati at subordering; to lead (smb.) a (pretty) dance lead for nіs, pomanezhiti (smb.) to lead for the prosecution (defence) jur. ocholyuvati zvinuvachennya (zahist) lead cards. walk; to lead hearts (spades etc.) to lead nowhere lead off start, lay the cob; vіdkrivati ​​(svіvi, ball) lead on priblyuvati, zahoplyuvati lead out of go out, look up (about kіmnati) lead to lead to lead to lead (to some results) lead up preparation, introduction to lead (smb.) up the garden (path) enter into oman; get lead up to point rozmovu (on scho-l.) lead up to step by step prepare the path leads to the house road leading to the booth red lead red lead to return (smb. ) initiative to return (smb."s) lead go to suit lead ker_vnitstvo; initiative; to take the lead l.); what led you to think so?

English-Russian translation of LEAD

1) chem. lead

2) speed black lead graphite (only as a material for olive shears); lead

Lead in one's pencil

graphite, plumbago

3) sl. cool (also cold lead)

hail of lead - hail cul

to get the lead - buti shoot

4) dial. tank, boiler; a large vessel for brewing beer is great. operations

a) sea. lot

to heave the lead, cast the lead, arm the lead - sea. throw a lot; win clay with a lot

b) sinker, temple

6) rich. lead swag for covering dahu; covered with lead dakh; flat dah

7) rich. ; polygraph veneers

Swing the lead


lead pipes - lead pipes

lead bullets - lead bullets

1) those. blame, slander

2) polygraph. split with veneers

a) leadership; curry; initiative

to assume the lead, take the lead - take the initiative, become the initiator; take on kerіvnitstvo (in)

to build up one's lead, increase one's lead - change the position of the leader

to give up, lose, relinquish the lead - give up leadership

to hold, maintain the lead - trimati leadership

commanding lead - core initiative

precedence , precedence , advance , first place

b) butt, srazok; directive, instruction

More legislators directing to the core of power. - Most legislators inherited the butt of the governor.

to follow the lead of - inherit the butt of someone.

to give a lead - show the butt

guidance , model , example , direction , indication , leadership

c) a key (until solving something); indicator, pusher

to run down, track down a lead - know the solution

“The police don’t have enough pockets.”

clue, hint, guide

d) journal. short withdrawal newspaper article (what to take revenge on the article itself); first (most important) information about the zvedenni, informational information then.

2) first place, first place; sport. rush, rush

All our purchases are fired at turn. - Our skin is worn on the cheeks, having planted a place on a choli (corral).

Black horse took the lead. - Black kіn viyshov ahead.

Your candidate has a slight lead. - Your candidate is a little ahead of you.

to be in the lead - lead

to gain the lead, have the lead - take the first place

3) (those who lead kudi-l.)

a) piece water canal (especially leading to mlina)

b) separation (near the ice), passing (in the middle of the crying field)

c) stitch; alley

d) povіdets, lansyug (on whom to lead dogs)

4) cards. first run (if khabari is taken); card or suit, how to go

to return one's partner's lead

5) first blow (from two or a series of blows in boxing)

b) gold-bearing sand (alluvial deposits of gold along the bed of ancient rivers; also Deep-Lead, Great-Blue-Lead)

7) theater. ; cinema

a) leading role

female lead - female lead role

male lead - head human role

to play the lead - play the leading role

leading role, star part

b) vykonavetsya

8) music. the most important part of the song, which is celebrated by the orchestra, esp. jazz band; saline vikonovets or a tool; the cob part of the passage, which is beaten with a saline tool

9) a concert, which is given to the melancholy needy, sick people and friends; elips. friendly lead

10) ate. providny

a) vyperedzhennya, poderedzhennya (inlet to bet too soon)

b) krok (spirali, gvinta), hіd (piston)

c) arrow, jib

12) military in advance, brought to the fire (for a method that collapses)

front; leading, leading

a lead article - leading article

Ahead, lead horse whinnied. - In front, throw it quietly whinnying.

3. goal ; past temp. that par. past temp. - led

a) lead, accompany, be a guide; to lead (by the hand, on the show toshcho); military ocholiti viysko and direct ruh

The money was directed to the group from the bus to the auditorium. Vaughn led the group from the bus to the auditorium.

The prisoners were led into the courtroom. — The aggravated ones were taken to the courtroom.

to lead a child by the hand - lead a child by the hand

to lead a horse by the bridle - lead the horse under the bridle

to lead (a bride) to the altar, to church - lead (named) until tomorrow, make friends

to lead troops against the enemy

He longed to lead his men on to victory. - Vіn mriyav to lead your wіysk to victory.

Lead by the nose

conduct , guide , show the way , steer , draw , direct , head , pilot

b) civilization (anticipating the object that is collapsing)

I led him by roughly two feet and pressed trigger of the Luger. (D. Hamilton) - I took two feet ahead and pulled the trigger.

2) point, push in, swindle, change

- The honesty and strength of the candidate blew the voters to give him a support.

She knew the colonel was easily led. Vaughn knew that the Colonel could easily get overwhelmed.

There wasn’t a buzz in the Duma, sob to work until the end. — There was nothing near the prospectus that could lead Yogo to such a visnovka.

influence, persuade, incline, induce

a) to lead (about the road toscho); lead, channel

Potik go down to the river. - The stitch leads to the river.

Oh, road led them through a little copse. — The road led them through a small nut.

b) lead, direct (about motives, mind, furnish)

Chance led him to London. - Vipadok instilled yoga to London.

Instinct early led him into the political arena. - Naturally a little early brought yogo to the political arena.

4) lead, conduct (about the way of life)

He leads a full, active life. - We live more than our lives.

Lead a depraved life

lead a dissolute life

Lead a loose life

pass, conduct, pursue, experience, live

5) cholyuvati, keruvati, keruvati, command

to lead a campaign - select a campaign

to lead a band, an orchestra - keruvati with an orchestra, diriguvati with an orchestra

The vice-chairman will lead the meeting. - Zbori will lead the protector of the head.

quarterback leads football team. - Zahisnik enchants his team.

Of causa pneumonia led the list. - Pneumonia is very common with ailments.

lead the dance

direct , moderate , conduct , manage , preside over , control , head , command , domineer

6) buti pershim, viperedjati (in magic); mother perevagu, pereshuvat

As a teacher he leads. - Like a teacher of wines, I change all the others.

7) children like the head lawyer at the right, bewildered (zahist, accusation)

8) cards. go first, mother a hand; start a group abo colo z (singing cards or suits)

Lead originally from your strongest suit. - I’ll go ahead with the suit, which is the best in you.

I led the king of trumps. - I slammed the trump king.

9) those. viperejati

Lead smb. a chase

Lead smb. a dance

Lead with one's chin

English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon. English-Russian vocabulary vulgar vocabulary. 2005

English-Russian dictionaries English-Russian vocabulary from foreign vocabulary

Another meaning of the word is the translation of LEAD from English into Russian language in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English language in Russian-English dictionaries.

More information about the word and English-Russian, Russian-English language about the word «LEAD» in dictionaries.

  • LEAD - I Metal chemical element, chemical symbol Pb, atomic number 82. Lead is a soft, silvery white or grayish, malleable, …
    English dictionary Britanika
  • LEAD
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • LEAD - lead 1 /leed/, v. , led, leading, n. , Adj. v.t. 1. to go before or with to …
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  • LEAD
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • LEAD
    Webster English vocab
  • LEAD
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • LEAD - I. *lead / liːd; NAmE / verb, noun -see also lead (II) ■ verb (led, led ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • LEAD - I. lead 1 S1 W1 /liːd/ BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle led /led/) [Word Family: …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • LEAD - n. &v. --n. 1 Chem. a heavy bluish-grey soft ductile metallic element occurring naturally in galena and used in …
    English basic vocabulary
  • LEAD - n. &v. n. 1 Chem. a heavy bluish-grey soft ductile metallic element occurring naturally in galena and used in …
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    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • LEAD
    Oxford English vocab
  • LEAD - I. BEING AHEAD OR TAKING SOMEONE SOMEWHERE /li:d/ (leads, leading, led) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 …
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • LEAD
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • LEAD - v. 1 conduct, escort, usher, guide, show the way, pilot, steer If you lead, I'll follow 2 cause, influence, prompt, …
    Oxford Thesaurus English vocab
  • LEAD
    Great English-Russian Dictionary
  • LEAD - lead.ogg _I 1. led n 1. chem. lead lead ore - lead ore lead plate - lead plating lead plating.
    English-Russian-English dictionary of common vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • LEAD - I 1) stand out | | viperejati 2) will be. order; lighthouse (near the stone robots) 3) richly. h. direct arrows copra ...
    Great English-Russian polytechnic dictionary
  • LEAD - I 1) stand out | | viperejati 2) will be. order; lighthouse (near the stone robots) 3) richly. h. straight lines copra 4) straight blocks or rope frames ...
    The Great English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
  • LEAD
    English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
  • LEAD - _I 1. led n 1. chem. lead lead ore - lead ore lead plate - lead plating lead plating - …
    Great new English-Russian dictionary
  • LEAD - I 1. [®у¬] lead.wav istot. 1) chem. lead - red lead - white lead 2) speed black lead graphite (only as a material for olive shears); …
    English-Russian Dictionary of Common Vocabulary
  • LEAD - 1) Croc; hіd (gvinta, rіzblennya) 2) ate. drіt; cable 3) pick-up part, front part (cutter) 4) ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Machine Building and Automation 2
  • LEAD - 1) Croc; hіd (gvinta, rіzblennya) 2) ate. drіt; cable 3) pick-up part, front part (mitter) 4) centering belt 5) temple 6) introduction; visnovok || enter; …
    English-Russian dictionary of machine-building and automation of production
  • LEAD - _I 1. _n. 1> lead; as heavy as lead - very important 2> lead 3> _mor. lot; - heave the …
    Muller's English-Russian dictionary - 24th edition
  • LEAD - I 1. n. 1. lead; as heavy as lead - very important 2. stylus 3. sea. lot; - heave the …
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - bed edition
  • LEAD - _I led 1. _n. 1> lead; as heavy as lead lot; to heave (or ...
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary
  • LEAD - Istot. 1) zag. curry; initiative; leadership to possess the lead - zahopit leadership 2) zag. butt; The Liberal Party has now followed the …
    New English-Russian glossary for marketing and trade
  • LEAD - 1. istot. 1) zag. leadership, persist (the runner is thin) to be in the lead, to have the lead - lead ...
    New English-Russian glossary for management and economics
  • LEAD - I 1. Isn. 1) chem. lead 2) a) sea. lot to heave the lead, cast the lead ≈ throw a lot; …
    New great English-Russian dictionary
  • LEAD-agak; mangunahan; tingga
    English-Visayan vocabulary
  • LEAD
    Tlumachny glossary english movie- Merriam Webster
  • LEAD - (v. t.) Shchab cheruvati or z'ednatisya with a cord, but for the help of some kind of physical zadnannya; as, a father…
    English Dictionary Webster
  • LEAD - (v. t.) To place leads between the lines of; as, to lead a page; led matter.
    English Dictionary Webster
  • LEAD - (v. t.) To cover, fill, or affect with lead; as, continuous firing leads grooves of a rifle.
    English Dictionary Webster
  • LEAD - (n.) Malium cylinder of black lead or plumbago, used in pencils.
    English Dictionary Webster
  • LEAD - (n.) Sheets or plates of lead used as covering for roofs; hence, pl., a roof-covered with lead sheets …
    English Dictionary Webster
  • LEAD - (n.) A thin strip of type metal, flashing to separate lines of type in printing.
    English Dictionary Webster
  • LEAD - (n.) A plummet or mass of lead, victorious in sounding at sea.
    English Dictionary Webster
  • LEAD - (n.)
    English Dictionary Webster
  • LEAD - (n.) One of the elements, deep, smooth, inelastic metal, maybe white, bright color, ale easily tarnished. It is…
    English Dictionary Webster
  • LEAD - (v. t.) To tend or reach in a certain direction, or to a certain place; as, the path …
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary

which is heaviest, lead or gold?
What is more important, lead or gold?

Does this path lead to the train station?
Which way leads to the station?

This road will lead you to the station and the place center.
Tsya road will bring you to the station and the center of the city.

Ambiguous phrases in general lead dominion interpretations.
Ambiguous phrases lead to comedy interpretations.

It's possible for a ball of lead to float on water.
A lead sack can float near the water.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
You can lead the horse to the water, but you can’t zmusiti yoga piti.

lead is easily bent.
Lead bends easily.

Not all police investigations required lead to the arrest of a suspect.
Not every police investigation of obov'yazkovo is up to the mark.

Where does this street lead to?
Where is the street?

lead bends easily.
Lead is easy to bend.

Masturbation leads to insanity.
Masturbation leads to insanity.

Because it inflames upper-airway tissues, smoking often leads to obstructive sleep apnoea. Alcohol and sedatives can worsen apnoea as well; foul yak muscle relaxants, stink rob Airway smaller.
So, as it calls out the burning of the upper dyhal channels, the chicken often leads to obstructive sleep apnea. Alcohol and soothing zasobi can also aggravate apnea - intoxicating like m'yazovі relaxants, the stench sounds like wild roads.

He leads an active life.
Vіn vede active life.

This road leads to the river.
Tsya road leads to the river.

He leads a hectic life.
Vіn vede is a raging life.

This road leads to the station.
Tsya road leads to the station.

Tse "simply surprising, yak modest attempt by foreigner to compose a Russian sentence ultimately leads up to two Russian spivrozmovniki are taken into a great rozmov about their natural language.
It is simply marvelous how modest the attempt of a foreigner to put a Russian proposition into a final rahunka can lead to two Russians entering into a discussion about their native language.

This door leads to the garden.
Tsi doors lead to the garden.

his wife leads him by the nose.
Yogo team to lead Yogo by the nose.

The street which leads to the hotel is narrow.
Vulitsya, which leads to the hotel, vuzka.

He led a hard life after that.
The new one had a hard life for the next one.

I led him by the hand.
I'm doing yoga by the hand.

Moreover, sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led a lot of Muslims, sobachit the West as a hostile to the traditions of Islam.
In addition, the strimki zmini, yakі z'appeared in our hour at the link with globalization, led to the fact that a lot of Muslims began to vvazhat fortune tellers to Islamic traditions.

His troubles led him to drink.
Yogo difficulties were called to a drinking party.

What led you to this conclusion?
What brought you to such a visnovka?

The chocolate cake ledїї in temptation, to that she was on a diet.
Chocolate cake instilled in my mind, wanting to go on a diet.

phone popularity led to rich people who wrote qі days.
The popularity of the telephone has led to the fact that in our day there are fewer people writing sheets.

The couple led a happy life.
The couple led a happy life.

Your advice led me to success.
Your joy has turned out to be red for me.

The parade was led by anmy band.
The parade was amazing by the military orchestra.

lead ore - lead ore

lead plate

lead plating

lead spar, lead vitriol - hv. lead vitriol, anglesite

red lead - red lead

white lead

sheet lead

as heavy as lead - very important

2. 1) sinker, temple

2) sea lot

3. sl. cool, cool; nine grams of lead

4. pl (multiple)

1) lead smug for covering dahu

2) lead-coated yesh; flat dah

5. graphite; olive lead

6. polygraph lead, garth ( tzh. hard lead)

7. pl (multiple) polygraph veneers

8. dial. cauldron, cauldron lead )

butt Synonyms: guidance , model , example , direction , indication , leadership

the key (until the solution to the clues l.); indicator, pusher Synonyms: clue, hint, guide

Main role Synonyms: leading role, star part

lead, accompany, be a guide; visti (by the hand, on the show); military ocholiti viysko and direct ruh Synonyms: conduct, guide, show the way, steer , draw , direct , head , pilot

squish, squirm, squish Synonyms: influence, persuade, incline, induce

lead (like l. way of life) Synonyms: pass, conduct, pursue, experience, live

cholyuvati, keruvati, keruvati, command Synonyms: direct , moderate , conduct , manage , control , head , command , domineer , preside over

Synonyms: lead v.
1 conduct, escort, usher, guide, show the way, pilot, steer: If you lead, I'll follow.
2 cause, influence, prompt, bring, incline, induce, persuade, move, dispose, convince: What led you to suspect the butler?
3 head (up), direct, govern, command, supervise, superintend, preside (over), take it easy, take it or leave command (of), manage, captain, Colloq skipper: The orchestra would like you to lead. Who is going to lead the men into battle? Nicole leads a weekly discussion group on alcoholism.
4 go ahead or be first, first, excel, surpass, exceed, precede, be ahead (of), outstrip, distance, outrun, outdo: Stink lead the world in production of sugar.
5 live, experience, spend, pass; while away: He is leading a life of ease on the French Riviera.
6 be conducive to, create, engender, cause, contribute to, result in, bring on or about, produce: Your stubbornness can lead only to frustration.
7 lead astray. lead on, mislead, misguide, misdirect, deceive; fool, decoy, hoodwink, colloq bamboozle:
8 leads off. start (off or in or out of the hill), start, registration, remove or move, remove the hour, take, inaugurate, Colloq kick off: Political procedures will be conducted with a national anthem. Who is going to lead off the singing?
9 leads on. a See
7 above. b lure, entice, seduce, beguile, inveigle, tempt: The led me on with offers of a huge salary.
10 lead up to. prepare or pave or clear (the way), do the groundwork or spadework, precede: b approach, broach, bring up, present, introduce, work up or round or around to, get (up) to: I am guilty lead up to subject delicately, like wi boules.

11 front, vanguard, van, lead or leading position or place, advance or advanced position or place: down the home straight.
12 advantage, edge, advance, supremacy, margin, priority, primacy, pre-eminence: You can lead more for all your competitors. Our team maw two point lead at half-time.
13 direction, guidance, leadership, precedent, example, model, exemplar, pattern, standard: We decided to follow his lead.
14 tip, clue, hint, suggestion, cue, intimation; prospect, possibility, potential; Colloq tip-off: Barry's steps forward for a new job. There have been a few days of new sales at the transfer.
15 leash, tether, restraint, cord, chain: The dog fetches his lead himself when he wants to go out.
16 protagonist, hero or heroine, leading or starring role or part, leading or lead actor or actress, leading lady or man, male or female lead, principal; prima donna, diva, prima ballerina, premiere danseuse, premier danseur: We can lead in the new Giselle production.
17 wire, cable, Brit flex: Connect this lead to the power source.

18 leading, first, first; main, chief, principal, premier, paramount: The lead climber fell when the rope broke. Easy shopping in a streaming paper style about an American so-o-day for a tribal standing British car-manufacturing company.

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