Facts about the dead lad. Twenty cіkavih facts about kokhannya. Kokhannya may be too sleepy with obsessive-compulsive disorder

Skilki of everything has been written about all-mighty and all-season love, that century, more than one hundred years, is trying to unravel the mystery of this mysterious human sense. We give you dekilka cіkavih facts and scientific theories about kohannya, like antrochs do not apply poetic and romanticism.

1. "Blizzards in the stomach" are real

If we zakohuєmosya, we are given, that the snowstorms are fluttering, we become brightened and ready to dance in happiness. It’s really the hormone adrenaline that is to blame for everything, which spills over the body in response to the so-called reaction of “beating the beat”.

2. In order to zakohatisya, enough chotiryoh hvilin

If we want to scorch someone on the garne of damage, then we have a total of 4 quills in stock, so that we can get it. It is important that there is more damage to a potential partner to cope with the language of the body, the sound of the voice and the pace of the movement, the lower meaning of what has been said.

3. If two people suffocate to marvel at one another at the other, the battle of their hearts is synchronized

Dosledzhennya show that the hearts of dying people become sluggish with synchronizing stretching 3 minutes after a saw one look at one in the eyes.

4. Kokhannya dіє on people like cocaine

Kokhannya vplivaє brain like a і, like a dose of cocaine, calling out similarly to a euphoria. Vcheni brought that if a person is zakokhana, then the body vibrates a sprinkling of chemical speeches, yak potentiates the activity of 12 areas of the brain, at once stuns us into euphoria.

5. Embrace the body like a natural disease

So the titles of the hormone okhannya oxytocin, which vibrate the brain, the woman's ovaries and the testicles of the human testicles under the hour of obymiv, radiation before the process of the birth of a strong whim. It has been reported that the dose of oxytocin is relaxed, and sometimes relieves headache. Without a doubt, a good alternative to sickly piguls.

6. Take a look at the photo of the kohana people of vistacha, to make it easier

It has long been seen that the presence of a close sprite improves the self-esteem of the ailing. And sometimes you just look at a photograph of a kohanoi people, to dull the pain. The experiment, conducting the middle of the quiet, who, having observed the physical pain, showing that we are ill, who marveled at the photographs of those close to them, and also taking part in the words, became richer easier, lower, who is simply grave in the group.

7. People with the same level of affordability are more likely to save their money for long-term

So the title phenomenon "equal" means that a man and a woman should choose their partners of the one who is "equal" to them. similar to zovnіshnimi danimi. Find as one of the partners less privileges, compensate for your other socially disadvantaged quality.

8. Bet, if they are similar one to one, there may be less chances for a new year, little blue

How to certify the order of the house: the proportions are attracted. Vcheni brought, scho chastkovo verno. Too similar one to one, or else different partners, as a rule, are separated. Well, what do you think loving people the faults are similar, however, at the same time, they make speeches, as if my faults are read one into one.

9. “Break your heart” is not just a metaphor

It has been taken away to prove that such a stressful undertaking, like a separation, a separation, a waste of a kohana people, a zrada, or to instill a relationship in a kokhanoy in a country, can cause pain to the heart. Tsei Stan took off the name "Broken Heart Syndrome". Glibokі emotsіynі experience lead to diyu pevnі chemistries brain, yakі significantly loosen the robot of the heart, scho to bring up severe pain at the breasts that labored breathing. Women often suffer from these diseases, and doctors often stray from a heart attack.

10. Romantic mess will end badly. Ale, after her, love has come to the end

It is important that the kohannya is weaker with rock. Vcheni pіdrahuvali, scho romantic kohannya, as inconspicuously connected with feelings of euphoria, staleness and panicles in the stomach, trivaє more than rіk. After fate begins, the so-called stage of “perfect kohannya” is called. Such a transition, in the opinion of the scientists, is related to the increase in the level of neurotrophin protein in couples that have recently become established.

11. Symptoms of stupor are similar to those of obsessive-compulsive disorder

The studies show that people at the stage of birth of the child can have a lower level of serotonin, which is the reason for happiness, that greater level of cortisol, the effect of stress. Similar chemical warehouse Hormones posterize in people who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Tse explains the presence of obsessive thoughts about the object of death, which is characteristic of the dying behavior. This theory also works in the same way - people with lower levels of serotonin will suffocate and enter into sexuality more quickly for a different one.

12. Thoughts about kohannya and sex are poured into creativity and specific thoughts

Psychologists have said, whether or not guessing about the object of deification, is more abstract and more creative in thought, tk. it is connected with such abstract aspects of love, like dovgostrokovі vіdnosinі, strong prihilnіst, goiter and closeness. And guessing about sex starts the robot of a specific idea, zmushuyuyuchi people focus on mittevih details, and on pre-stroke plans and tasks.

13. Vіddanіst + predilection + іntimnіst \u003d thoroughly kokhannya

Appropriate to the three-component theory of the code of psychologist Robert Sternberg and the specific formula different types kokhannya. Sternberg calls a few kinds of kohannya, the formulas of which are composed of 3 basic components: romantic kohannya = passion + intimacy, friendly kohannya = intimacy + vіddanіst, invented kohannya = addiction + vіddanіst. Zvichayno, the most powerful of all is thoroughly kohannya, as it is composed of 3 components.

14. For the old strings, the important ones are more important than the appearance, and not the good folded body

It has been brought to light: if a person is joking about nothing of unobtrusive stoks and wants to have a light affair, then there is a lot of respect for the body of a potential partner. І navpaki: for quiet, who jokes serious vіdnosin, an important role is played by the privability of the rice of the individual.

15. Trembling from Kohanimi by the hands, we know the stress

You bet, yakі pov'yazanі mіtsnimi and harpіnіmі vіdnosinami, can s great success calm one another in stressful situations and bring relief to physical suffering, just holding hands.

16. Whispering as we cohanim, we ourselves become happy.

Psychologists have shown that if we say we accept speeches to people, if we really can’t do it, if we are rich enough for us, then we become richly happy ourselves.

17. If it suits us, our zіnits expand, to rob us with new ones.

Back in the 1870s, Darwin was hanging about those who could expand their eyes, if a person was interested in an object or showed respect to someone or something. And it’s really true - if we marvel at the video on the photo with the cohanim, our eyes become wider, and we ourselves become more comfortable.

18. Marveling at the unknown in the eyes, you can squirm

It seems that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. And it’s not surprising that just looking at them, I’m going to sway once and for all, to find someone about whom we don’t know anything. It was brought to light that the human body, as if marveling at the object of sympathy, vibrating the chemical speech under the name of phenylethylamine, vodpovidalno for "shalen kohannya." By the way, it is similar to cocaine, which makes you feel excited, euphoric and sexually addicted.

19. Monogamous stoks are found not only in people, but also in creatures

A person is not alone in the creaturely world, who can save fidelity. Vovkas, swans, hіbons, black vultures, albatrosses, termіts and a lot of other creatures know their couple for all life.

20. Kokhannya - the only thing that can mean

The investigation, carried out by a group of Harvard students for 76 years, has shown that true love is everything that can be significant in life. The life story of the participants in the experiment showed that happiness and a little satisfaction turn into just one thing - a kohannya chi poshukіv tsgogo kokhannya.


1. Pet for perfumes. Historically, it has been an active ingredient in perfumes and love spells.

2. Unexpectedness of love. Deyak people, like stverdzhuyut, that they didn’t love and didn’t feel romantic stagnation, suffer from hypopituitarism, a sickness, like they don’t allow people to suffocate in a kohannya.

3. Manifestation of an apple. 3 hours Ancient Greece apple is considered a symbol of love. The Celts believed that the apple is love, to the one that had already saved its original appearance for a long time after being seen as it was.

4. Leafing through images. In Bali, people believed that the woman's shoes would suffocate in them, as if they were pleading with special leaves, on which the figure of God is depicted, like a great penis.

5. hoop. Hoops are often worn on the ring finger of the left hand, to which the ancient Greeks affirmed that this finger was struck with a “vein of kohanny”, as if it went straight to the heart. The first registration was to wear a hoop in ancient Egypt.

6. Frustration is heavy. If a person throws її shaking, most of the time they start to change at the station of "frustration of gravity", which terrifies some people even more strongly to love the one who left them.

7. Charivna homeland. Nasіnєva rіdina can potentially host a romantic kohanny. Sounds to show that the motherland, which drains sperm, avenges dopamine and norepinephrine, as well as the amino acid tyrosine, as the brain needs to vibrate dopamine.

8. The health of the senses. Deadness can call for calmness, having poured into the body and mind, it also helps to inspire nervous system and improve the memory of the dead man.

9. The term "kokhannya" come to the Sanskrit lubkh'yati, which means "bajannya".

10. The word "lesbian" walk around the Greek island of Lesvos, de poetess Sappho wrote her famous poems to her famous amateur women.

11. Trojan symbols. Trojans, the traditional symbol of kokhannya, fallow in their color, can pronounce different nuances of kokhannya. For example, red trojans indicate passion and right kohannya. Light erysipelas transmitting bazhanya, addiction to that energy; dark erysipelas proponu podyaku. Zhovti trojandi can mean friendship and jealousy. Lavender or troyanda without thorns can mean kohanna at first glance. Two trojans mean honesty and honor.

12. Waist circumference. European people are supposedly joking around women, whose waist is close to 70% of their stegon. Yaskra butt, so like Audrey Hepburn, Venus de Milo and navit Tvіgі small spіvvіdnoshnennia waist exactly by 70%.

13. Symmetrical appearance. Men and women with symmetrical personalities, as a rule, have more partners, for which stench they can choose. In addition, people with symmetrical persons begin to have sex earlier, their life has more sex, and their life of the same age is lower. Also, women, as a rule, often experience orgasm with partners, individuals of which are more symmetrical.

14. Regions of the brain. A brain that loves and just a smart brain - these are the same words. Erotic photos activate the hypothalamus (controlling hunger and sleep) and the amygdala (controlling arousal). Love activates areas of the brain, which avenge the high amount of dopamine, which is an indication of euphoria, tension and narcotic addiction.

15. Human coldness. Signs that a person is choosing: wine stained glass less than an hour with her, wine no longer romantic, passionate kisses transform into swedish shirts and cold ones (there is no stained glass for sex).

Tsіkavі facts about kokhannya.

16. Rozriv іz kimos whom you love activates diyalnist in the same part of the brain, as a result of physical activity.

17. A web of thought. If a person becomes suffocated, neurons of the lancers will take care of his brain, as if it sounds like a sign of acceptance of socially significant decisions in a person. Axis why zakohani do not give respect to the thoughts of friends and relatives how to object to yoga zithannya.

18. Ritual of the stable. To know a stable with chotirma leaves is considered good luck, but it is also part of the Irish ritual of love. In some regions of Ireland, for example, a woman has such a ticket, thinking about a person, who is unbelievable, and for everything she dies in her.

19. Pіdsvіdome solution. Deyakі psychologists stverdzhuyut, scho we zakohuєmosya in people, I go to our father, with which we may not solve problems, in such a rank we do not suspect, we try to virishiti tsyu problem in our own vents.

20. sacredness of herbs. Herbs tied with Venus (marjoram, meadowsweet, mint, thyme), as good as they can, can vibrate love when mixed with the sacred herbs of Mars (basil and other).

21.The effect of an unsafe situation. Doslіdzhennya show that a person is stunned by a woman in an unsafe situation (and navpak), for example, on the third bridge, vin, more for everything, suffocate in her, nizh yakbi vin sustrіv її in a larger worldly world, in an office, in an office

22.The power of mystery. Mystery is often one of the most important elements of a romantic kohannya. Some similar situations are called “the effect of Romeo and Juliet”, fragments of the situation with problems and transitions can hardly be addicted to the kohanoi people.

23.Tasting nights. In the era of the Renaissance, in the rural and dribno-bourgeois middle classes throughout Europe, the sound of “trial nights” was expanded. Yogo sense polagat the one who is a young man, who was worthy of a girl, could instantly open his bedroom at night, moreover, through the window. These stosunki, for the sake of mutual sympathy, developed for growing: from innocent roses at the first night, to the most intimate wild weather. So zustrіch trivali doti, the docks of the offending parties did not change their affiliation to the ship, or until the maiden zavgіtnіl.

24. The divineness of novelty. Arriving in a foreign land, leaning against an unknown hotel, a lot of steam building again for madness. Dopamine is seen in high concentrations in high concentrations, and you can short out the old electric lances, for example, the whole drive is stunted. In the wake of psychologists, to please our family couples, to rule once a day for a party. But you can't go all hour to that same restaurant. Follow the novelty.

25. Women often suffocate. In the whole world, they often suffocate in people with ambitions, enlightenment, good status in society, a good financial position, a little humor, and also in the quiet, who is the highest for their growth. In addition, on the basis of women's equals, they give priority to these men, for those who have a clearly pronounced size, that is a strong crack, which is to say about a high level of testosterone in the body. At the hour of ovulation, a woman is more active in showing interest in people because of the signs of a high level of testosterone.

26. Chocolate "Drug kokhannya". The Mexican head of Montezuma drank chocolate as a "drug of cohanna" and drank 50 cups of chocolate the day before seeing a harem of 600 women.

27. The other half. Plato, having made a hermaphrodite on the back of a man, vin Volodya with hands and feet, with two heads on one neck, with both heads and two with sets of organs. However, after that, as strong forces tried to knock down the gods, Zeus divided them into men and women, having created by him the birth of a man’s bazhannya to see his soul mate, so that he could feel himself again.

28. Kohanna is not a guarantee the one who shlyub trivatime trivaly hour. An important role is played by other officials, including the age of friendship (a person, who is 9 years old and more, the eldest for his retinue, is more separated, so the majority of vipadkiv will have to go, if they make friends up to 24 years). An important role is played by those who are looking for a rahunka at a person, who have children in her in front of the slaves, and also a financial camp. Factors that do not add to the success of the ship are the number of children of that century, the employment of the squad, and also the number of fates spent by the squad on the robot.

29. Death is like a kokhannya. According to estimates, 40-70% of women's deaths are due to their cochants and friends. In one of the largest nutritional experiments, 60% of American women's friends seem to be incomparably equal to 40% of American women.

30. The charm of a secret connection. The following studies show that the risk of the appearance of a “harrowed kohanna” will make it possible for partners to romantically promote the promotion of phenylethylamine (PEA).

31. Mіzki in kokhanni and mіzki in greediness not identical. Erotic photographs activate the hypothalamus (which controls hunger and sleep) and the area of ​​the amygdala (awakening) of the brain. Love activates areas of the brain with a high concentration of dopamine receptors (associated with euphoria, cravings and congestion) and also with norepinephrine.

32. maple leaf- a symbol of a kohanny in China and Japan, and in Pivnіchnіchnіy Ameritsі vіn vіn often vgrіvіyuvannya on the lizhkakh wealthy families, schob to take a peaceful sleep that contentment.

33. Glibina I'll see. Vcheni admit that sawy look for other people - the most important champion of love. In the experiment, people of the opposite status were deprived of 90 quills alone, they stink little talk about the intimate details of their life, and then just marvel at the eyes of one alone and movcha. Richly someone after the first experiment indicated that between them it was even more difficult, and a few couples became friends through pivroka.

34. Zir that memory. In humans, the active part of the brain is stunted, it is in the wake of the dawn, in that hour, in women, that area is active, which is indicative of memory. Vcheni vvazhayut that people are guilty and understand that a woman is guilty of a child, then a woman is guilty of analyzing a person’s behavior and understanding that she can be a birthday.

35. Life at the kiss. People, like kissing their squads in the morning, with greater emo- rnistyu, live for 5 more years, lower those, who can not be robbed.

36. Misiya vuzlev. In rich cultures, the knots are vicorous as a symbol of the eternal kokhannya, like not a cob, not a kintsa. Young Muslim women force love messages to their shanuvalniks for additional folding knots.

37. The power of antidepressants. Antidepressants can pose a threat to the cause of a romantic mood, to the fact that serotonin in the body moves through them. Emotions and intrusive thoughts about kohane, which is the key component of kokhannya, are ignorant of high equal serotonin.

38. Romantic kohannya try a little more than fate, perhaps for that brain that cannot always support the awakening of the camps of romantic bliss. In the world of that, as a romantic kohanna is weaker, blamed for pretentiousness and more stable kokhannya. In order to save the addiction, the experts to propagate couples to work and mutually receive speeches one to one.

39. Highly equal to testosterone can ignite oxytocin and vasopressin (chemical speech, susceptibility), which can explain why people with a higher level of testosterone are more likely to make friends, be more aggressive in their love and often part ways. If a person is treated with ditin, testosterone decreases, possibly due to an increase in oxytocin and vasopressin.

40. Women often feel kohanimi, if you are moving on the same day with your partner; people, from the other side, often feel emotionally close, if they stink, play, or sing-o-plee.


1. In Bali, people believed that the woman's shoes would suffocate in them, as if to slander її special leaves, on which it was beforehand guilty to stand up to God, like a great penis.

2. The Mexican head Montezumi, having drunk chocolate as a love drug, sang in front of his harem, which consists of 600 women, drinking 50 cups of hot chocolate a day.

3. Vcheni admit that most people will suffocate about this time before it, how to do it.

4. Deyak people, as it seems, that they didn’t love and didn’t feel romantic stagnation, suffer from hypopituitarism, common ailments, as they don’t allow people to be slaughtered in the hut.

5. If a person throws її cohanies, most of the time, they start to change at the station of "frustration of gravity", which irritates such people even more than they love the one who left them.

6. The word "love" ("lubhyati") in translation from Sanskrit means "bajan".

7. Hoops, in most vipadkiv, are worn on the ring finger of the left hand, to that which the ancient Greeks held firm, that this finger was struck with a "vein of kohanna", as if it went straight to the heart. The first registration was to wear a hoop in ancient Egypt.

8. Nasіnєva rіdina can potentially host a romantic kohanny. Sounds to show that the motherland, which drains sperm, avenges dopamine and norepinephrine, as well as the amino acid tyrosine, as the brain needs to vibrate dopamine.

9. Everyone sees the symbol of the kokhannya Cupid (abo Eros) comes from Chaos and є the summish of the forces of love and bajan.

10. The word "lesbіyanka" came from the Greek island of Lesbos, where the poet Sappho lived, as she described in her verses the girls with her wives.

11. Troyandy is the traditional symbol of a kokhannya, stale in its color, with different manifestations of its sense. For example, red trojans indicate passion and right kohannya. Light-rozhevі - tse bazhannya that energy, maroon - podyaka. White trojands mean strength and grandeur, a trojand without thorns can mean kohanna at a glance.

12. European men, as a rule, joke about women, when their waists are about 70 hundred square meters in length.

13. When a person suffocates, the ventral region of the brain is filled with dopamine. The more dopamine, the more people experience their feelings. This system itself is activated when cocaine is injected.

14. If a person marvels at the object of their stagnation, neuron lancers, they will sound like a socially significant acceptance of socially significant decisions in a person, strangled.

15. In ancient Greece, the apple is respected as a symbol of kohanna. The Celts believed that the apple is love, to the one that had already saved its original appearance for a long time after being seen as it was.

16. Studies carried out on students who left their kohani showed an overworldly high activity in the parts of the brain, tied from the island bark, which is indicative of the experience of physical pain.

17. Antidepressants can pose a threat to the cause of a romantic mood, to the fact that serotonin in the body moves through them. Emotions and intrusive thoughts about kohane, which is the key component of kokhannya, are ignorant of high equal serotonin.

18. To know a stable with chotirma leaves is considered good luck, but it is also part of the Irish ritual of love. In some regions of Ireland, for example, a woman has such a ticket, thinking about a person, who is unbelievable, and for everything she dies in her.

19. Deyakі psychologists stverdzhuyut, scho we zakohuєmosya in people, I go to our father, with which we may not solve problems, in such a rank we do not suspect, we try to virishiti tsyu problem in our own vents.

20. Dosledzhennya show that if a person stuns a woman in an unsafe situation (and navpaki), then he will die for her, if he gets to know her, for example, in the office.

21. Mystery is often one of the most important elements of a romantic kohannya. Some similar situations are called "the effect of Romeo and Juliet", the shards of the situation with problems and transitions can hardly be addicted to the kohanoi people.

22. Men and women with symmetrical personalities, as a rule, have more partners, for which stench they can choose. In addition, people with symmetrical persons begin to have sex earlier, their life has more sex, and their life of the same age is lower. Also, women, as a rule, often experience orgasm with partners, individuals of which are more symmetrical.

23. The hour of the day is pouring into the kohannya. People often suffocate, like stench, for example, they change their lives, like they want to lose their home, like they feel selfish, like moving to a foreign country, like moving to a new stage of life, and like that do sim'yu.

24. Women in the whole world often suffocate in people with ambitions, enlightenment, good status in society, a good financial position, a little humor, and also in the quiet, who is greater than their growth. In addition, on the basis of women's equals, they give priority to these men, for those who have a clearly pronounced size, that is a strong crack, which is to say about a high level of testosterone in the body. At the hour of ovulation, a woman is more active in showing interest in people because of the signs of a high level of testosterone.

25. In humans, the active part of the brain is stunted, it is in the wake of the dawn, in that hour, in women, that area is active, which is indicative of memory. Vcheni vvazhayut that people are guilty and understand that a woman is guilty of a child, then a woman is guilty of analyzing a person’s behavior and understanding that she can be a birthday.

26. In the light of the world, 40-70 hundred thousand women are huddled together by their men and women.

27. For the data of numerical experiments, 60 vіdsotkіv friendly people change, at the same time foreign women about 40 vіdsotkіv were known from the inaccuracy.

28. The maple leaf is a symbol of kohanny in China, Japan and Pvnіchnіy Ameritsі, because of this it was often engraved on the beds of the first settlers, which meant peaceful sleep and calmness.

29. Plato, having made a hermaphrodite on the back of a man, vin Volodya with hands and feet, with two heads on one neck, with both heads and two with sets of organs. However, after that, as strong forces tried to knock down the gods, Zeus divided them into men and women, having created by him the birth of a man’s bazhannya to see his soul mate, so that he could feel himself again.

30. Vecheni allow, scho pilny look at vіchі іnshої people - tse most important advancing kokhannya. In the experiment, people of the opposite status were deprived of 90 quills alone, they stink little talk about the intimate details of their life, and then just marvel at the eyes of one alone and movcha. Richly someone after the first experiment indicated that between them it was even more difficult, and a few couples became friends through pivroka.

31. The practice of love is just as primitive from a biological point of view as sex and hunger.

32. A brain that loves and just a smart brain - these are the same words. Erotic photos activate the hypothalamus (controlling hunger and sleep) and the amygdala (controlling arousal). Love activates areas of the brain, which avenge the high amount of dopamine, which is an indication of euphoria, tension and narcotic addiction.

33. In rich cultures, the knots are vicorous as a symbol of the eternal kokhannya, like not a cob, not a kintsa. Young Muslim women force love messages to their shanuvalniks for additional folding knots.

34. The more trivaly and relativistic the process of casting is, the more prospects for a faraway ship appear. People, who seem to light up blues and make friends, are most often separated.

35. New findings show that you don’t get addicted to a year from a hundred years. The scan of the brain of some couples showed, through rocky breaths, activity in quiet brains, as if it was evidence for pretentiousness and for sexual pleasure.

36. Kokhannya does not guarantee that I will have a three-hour trip. An important role is played by other officials, including the age of friendship (a person, who is 9 years old and more, the eldest for his retinue, is more separated, so the majority of vipadkiv will have to go, if they make friends up to 24 years). An important role is played by those who are looking for a rahunka at a person, who have children in her in front of the slaves, and also a financial camp. Factors that do not add to the success of the ship are the number of children of that century, the employment of the squad, and also the number of fates spent by the squad on the robot.

37. Romantic kohannya, as a rule, three times more than fate, for that the brain is physically not able to work in such a mode of work, so that in the camp of romantic bliss, you need the strongest energy vitrati. The world has a weak romantic kohannya, love is manifested - a pretentiousness, at the same time, in order to save a little, experts talk about the need for common interests and about the amount of time spent at once.

38. A high level of testosterone can be attributed to oxytocin and vasopressin (hormones that are actively metabolized during the hour of constipation), or you can explain the fact that people with a high level of testosterone, as a rule, are more likely to make friends, to be and so far. However, if a person is treated with a child, then the level of testosterone drops, possibly, in the aftermath of an increase in oxytocin and vasopressin.

39. Women feel in love, if the stench is moving with a partner all the time, men are talking about emotional closeness, if the stench is practicing, or they are crying out loud.

40. To save your kohannya, experts to please couples actively listen to your partner, put nutrition, give advice, evaluate, become more accommodating, grow intellectually, give your partner more space, be honest and merit for trust, respect yoga, add it separation. , do not think about those who will continue to see the blues forever, say "no" to the evils, and also always bring diversity to the blues.

41. More often, men, lower women, show flirtatiousness in romantic breeches, like stench joking short-line partners, like they have serious plans, stench becomes even more whimsical to the values ​​of a future partner.

42. In the whole world, bets are most often separated on the fourth rotation. family life. After 4 years the blue sky will stabilize, until the turning point arrives - 8 rivers sleepy life.

43. As you can see, stupor is due to a high level of dopamine and norepinephrine. Rozpach, pov'yazany іz undivided love, bring dopamine to the fall. In order to do this, take a break, go in for sports. Sleepy light is just one more way to wiggle, moreover, varto signify that a laugh also activates nerve pathways, like helping to make you feel satisfied.

44. One of the biggest providers of kokhannya is proximity. Physical closeness is strong enough for emotions, so there are not uncommon situations, if the secretaries suffocate with their bosses, but they constantly change orders from them. From the other side, vcheni vvazhayut, that in a critical childish age (4-6 years), boys and girls, like living in an uninterrupted closeness one to one, expend the ability to cohabitate one to one.

45. Herbs tied with Venus (marjoram, meadowsweet, mint, thyme), as good as they can, can vibrate love when mixed with the sacred herbs of Mars (basil and other).

46. The heart is a wild symbol of kokhanny. Old-time alchemists vicorated the symbol of the heart for casting love spells. The heart can be upside down trikutnik, for whom love is created. In Buddhism, the tricot kokhannya was tied to divine adventures.

47. The average man in the whole world is friends with wives, who are three years younger for them, those who enter into a repeated club, plunder themselves in the squad of women 5 years younger, but for a man - the third coat, then the squad of yoga will be on 8 years. rock the youngest for the new one.

48. The following shows that the risk of revealing a secret love affair is less likely to be more romantic than a hundred and fifty partners, the increase in the level of phenylethylamine in the body.

"without memory" approximately sim times. Prynaymni so vvazhayut psychologists.

The hoop does not embellish the ringless finger of Levi abo right hand. Even in ancient Greece, it was important that the vein of the cohanna - amoris - pass through it, - which leads straight to the heart.

  • Kokhannya my science ...

The women in the middle-aged paintings seem to us to be thinner and far more perfect. For an hour, the companion of life itself with such spіvvіdshennyam waist and stegon jokes the average European. Such proportions were, for example, in Audrey Hepburn.

P'esh antidepressants - forget about romance. Vcheni brought, that the preparations of the tsієї groups make romantic thoughts about the kohana people. But it’s especially hard to experience this drive, even if it’s more romantic than rock, and then change the prose of life.

At the request of our halves, we choose a person, as if we wanted to tell us dad chi matir.

The most important human qualities for women are intelligence, prosperity, a camp with a sense of humor and a sense of humor. The very same in that sequence, in the yakіy we were overwhelmed.

Roslin and love apply closely to each other. The thin maple leaf is considered a symbol of kohanna in many peoples, including the Japanese and the Americans. And the women of Pvnіchnoіrlandskiy vіryat, scho vіdshukati and z'їsti stable with chotirma dzherelami, їhnya love will not be undivided.

The shortest period I can see, the greater the imovirnist, that the school will be short-lived. To go out, hurry to the village and the zamіzhzhi do not hang around. More important is the number of “not far away” friends splitting up in the fourth row of a sleeping life. The onset of a serious crisis occurs in the period from eight to 10 years.

The county of Helethorpe, Maryland, has a law that hinders the contractions of trivality for more than a second. And the axis in Oleksandriya (not the ancient Greek, but the modern, American, roztashovanoy in Minnesota) a person has no right to go to the squad for affection, as if he were fighting a cibulia, a watchman chi riba.

  • … about a kiss

About the life of the Mexican Vladyka Montezumi, it is not so rich. Ale saved the wedding, that before seeing his majestic harem, the emperor drank 50 cups of hot chocolate. Vіn vvazhav tsey drink such that you give strength.

Physicians classify such a rare illness as hypopituitarism: the unpredictability of a person to know a visceral suffocation.

The one who is blind and deaf in love has his own logic. Lances of neurons are attached to the stunned one, as if they were considered to be a reaction to a thought. In other words, people become nachhat, what people think about her and the object

Unhappy kokhannya is just the head of suffering, including those who are physical. When the brains of those who were left behind were wounded, the fahivtsy were beaten up, that the zone, as if it was recognized for physical pain, was resting at the station of increased activity.

It is written richly, it is said that it was written down about the “magic of the kokhannya”. Vcheni well napolyagayut at that, scho tse ours are almost enchanted by chemical processes of a human organism.

1. In the body of a dead person, there is an increase in the amount of dopamine - the hormone of satisfaction. It's true, it doesn't cost more than kohanna, but drugs, gambling too much.

2. For lowering in women, the hormone oxytocin is increased. Yogo is also called the hormone of the Batkiv kohanny.

3. Under the hour of stagnation and in women, and men sharply increase the level of testosterone.

4. "Blizzards in the stomach" - not a guess. The hormone norepinephrine is more visible in the stomach during the hour of stupor. Vin is the stress hormone.

5. Due to the state of potigation, the complex of histosummity is determined (collection of genes, which is determined by the molecules of the clitin surface).

6. Vcheni dosі can't say for sure what a person's pheromone sounds like.

7. American professor of anthropology, Dr. Helena Fisher, states that dopamine can be actively released for no more than 30 months. Tobto firm, scho "live three years of love" scientifically primed.

8. German reporter Andreas Barthel to prove that the active minds of the brain in the dead are resting at the “sleep” station. The stench is given for negative emotions and rational decisions.

9. Lyubovna depression is a scientific fact. After a sharp haircut, dopamine begins to decline. A sudden change in dopamine in the body causes depression.

10. Serotonin lowers the level of dopamine in the body, which results in a decrease in the "degree" of the stool.

11. Dopamine starts to vibrate in the body, including new infections. That is why such a high vіdsotok "resort" novels.

12. At the hour of death among people, the zone of measles of the great pivkul, which is confirmed for zir, becomes active. Tobto viraz, that "a person to love his eyes" can be scientifically confirmed.

13. In women in the same period, the brain is more active, tied with memory. That is why women better remember the dates of the first months of the century.

14. Oxytocin, which vibrates in the dead, works like a disease. Vіn zdatnyy vyroblyatisya not only the order of the partner, but also when looking at the photo.

15. For an hour of kissing, the dead part of the vtrichi died.

16. Dr. Helen Fisher from Rutgers University, USA, saw a few stages of stagnation: trouble, heaviness, sickness.

17. Neurotransmitters (phenylethylamine, norepinephrine and dopamine) are in the same order as amphetamines. The stench is to improve the mood and bring people to wake up camps.

18. Chocolate zukkerki dodatkovo stimulate the brain zakohanih. Cocoa contains phenylethylamine.

19. The students of the California University in Devise carried out an experiment on the treatment of palpitations in patients with death. The stench z'yasuvali, scho couples, yakі marveled one on one protyazh triokh khvilin, heart beat synchronized.

20. Schob zakohatisya, people enough 4 hvilin. The key factor of applicability is the body signals, followed by the timbre and the tempo of the voice. Spoken words make the weakest infusion.

21. Break your heart - not a figurative virus, but a syndrome. In people who suffer in a particularly important form, there are more chest pains, nervous heartbeat and difficult breathing. Quite often, broken heart syndrome is treated with a heart attack.

22. Hypopituitarism - cestan, in which the hypophysis is unable to vibrate the singing type of hormones. People who suffer for this disease, do not try the whole spectrum of feelings, domineering zakohanim.

23. Building oxytocin to reduce partner's weakness to hell. The highest level of oxytocin in the blood, this is the highest reaction of a person to signals from the opposite state.

24. Symptoms of stupor may be similar to those of obsessive-compulsive disorder. In both moods, there is an increase in cortisol and a decrease in serotonin.

25. Psychologist Artur Aron states that in order to suffocate, you need 36 meals and 4 good things at a glance. After the experiment, most of the unknown people formed close blues, and two bettors became friends.

26. First death in young children occurs from 1.5 to 4 months.

27. Psychologists vvazhayut, scho tell about kokhannya stimulating the mind of the brain, yakі povіdat for creativity that abstract idea.

28. One of the most common reasons for suicide is undivided love. To the guard of the world of skins of twelve puppets at the age of 15-19 years, it is suggested to instigate a test of self-destruction.

29. According to statistics, most of the first in the kohanna are people. This was brought to the attention of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

30. Frustration of gravity is a phenomenon, if a person is left, they start mothers to their partner more strongly, lower earlier.

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