How to cook varennya s | iz | apples for the winter. How to cook apple jam: recipes. Delicious jam with apples, bursts of burshtinov with orange, cinnamon and ginger


Early autumn has the aroma of apples. The wine is licorice, penetrating and fresh, like a first kohanna. Change the sun to gild the pouring apple.Blow the wind up at the whirlwind of a vigilant dance before the leaves fall.At such a time, I always want to make a clear cut of apples with small portions of Amber.

The apple of which rock was born mabut-invisibly. The jacks do not just bend, but break under the unbearable vaga of unforgiving fruits. Mostly, I will just freeze an apple for the winter, cut into slices. Miracles come out of them. Well I cook varennya in small kіlkosti. Їmo mi yogo with a man, like a rіdkіsnі lasoshchi.

For the preparation of burshtin varennya, be it an apple. Early and late, white pouring and brown, green and red. Golovnya, so that the stench was juiced, not crushed, not beaten. Navіt iz podalitsі can be brewed apple jam vіdminnoї yakosti. It is necessary to see less of the fruits of the mustache.

Yak zvariti prozora burshtinov varennya z apples in parts

Product preparation

In order to make a jam of apples for the winter in Burshtin's vision, it is necessary to take the fruits of good quality, kindly to them under the streams of pure water.

Razrazati navpil, winyat the middle. The last nests can be seen behind the help of a special outhouse. If you have your own kitchen gadget, then boldly let yoga on the right. If not, then wield a great little knife.

Narіzati small comradeship in parts. Here you need to guess. You will cut it thinly - the stench will be messed up when you cook. Narіzhte too much - you will not reach the necessary transparency. Three millimeters is a total difference to my humble thought.

In an okremu utensils, we dispense soda in cold water, pour soda into the mix, prepare a bunch of apples for three or three years. The soda variety is acceptable to the fact that the pieces did not open when cooked and became clear. From above, you can put a small-diameter cap on the apple, lower the saucepan. Tse zapobіgatimé "whipping" the chastochok.

Zlivaemo rozchin sodi, resolutely wash the bows under running water. At the same time, it’s safe to be afraid, so that you can kindly save the rozchins from the good shmatochkiv.


Masu is not to be moved! Otherwise, we will break all the chastochki.

Calmly take care of your right or go to sleep. It is necessary for us to check, so that a lot of juice has settled down, in which apples of apples float. At the same time, six-months is needed. Trivality of the process is stale in terms of juice content of apples, saplings, temperature of the host, variety and other factors. For some other equal minds, the warm welcome process has a better time.

Yak brew

The apple that was let out is put on the gas stove. Turn on the strongest fire. We warm up, do not stir. If the mass is boiled, then we carefully drown the specimen, which is to be drained, with a wooden spoon.

We cook constantly on a strong half-moon, without changing. Periodically, carefully kolikhayemo єmnіst now to the left, then to the right. In a different way, the skibs are boiled and we make apple jam, and not Burshtin's jam. After five khvilin, after the cob of boiling, the fire was extinguished. In the photo - the future brewing after the first brewing.

Vitrimka is guilty of trivati ​​six years less. And even shorter - vіsіm - ten years. Under the hour, the “spring” of the chastochki energetically absorbs the blood syrup with your body, step by step, the greater the number of “tone” in the new.

The process of cooking for five quills and frills can be repeated three more times. As soon as you decide that the brew is already clear, and the color of it is Burshtinov, then the brew is finished. With the rest of the boil, the syrup is brought to a drip, which trims the shape.

I boil the masa in sterile jars, boil it with lids, turn it over, cool it down. Then we put the jars on the shelves in the comor and love the fruits of our labor.

Burshtin's marvelous cooking before serving before tea at the old glass rosette.

Varennya with apples in parts of Burshtin's gap with soda


  • Kilo juice sour - licorice apples, no matter how colorful;
  • 700 g zucru;
  • two liters of water;
  • Chotiri teaspoons of soda.

Brief description of the technological process

  1. Vimiti apple, remove the core, cut three millimeters into slices of butterflies.
  2. Break the soda by the water.
  3. Pour soda with rosemary for 3-4 years.
  4. Rinse under running water.
  5. Posharovo zasipati tsukrom.
  6. Vitrimati until the opening of the zucru and the freshness of the great amount of juice (6 - 8 years).
  7. Cook on the great fire 5 hvilin|minutes| after boiling the syrup.
  8. Vitrimati shonaimshe is 6 years old.
  9. Repeat the process 3-4 times.
  10. Pour ready to brew and close hermetically with lids.
  11. Turn over, chill.
  12. Їsti and enjoy the process.

My respect

Apple jam with frequent patches of garnish Burshtin color with clear patches. Ale, it's a little fragrant. Intense reception aroma can only be licorice and lasosh from Antonivka. For flavoring, you can add cinnamon, cardamom, star anise, lemon, orange. A stick of cinnamon, a couple of grains of cardamom, a star of star anise should be put together from the zukr. You can see spices before packing jar products.

Lemon and orange should be taken seriously with a brush of soda. Let's cut it into thin skewers at once from the skin. For one kilogram of prepared apples, take one large orange and one medium lemon.

Varennya of the same Burshtin color is boiled from apples and small, hard pears for whatever spivdnoshennosti.

Those who like to cook shvidko can rejoice. To take away what we need, the result needs a lot of time. Wanting to finish an hour of active cooking shortly.

At the serpni come black licorice preparations for the winter from the fruit garden. Most jami is made from apples. Raise respect for apple and lemon recipes. Such a dessert looks beautiful and brown, if you don’t take vitamins to the body.

Having picked apples, you want to save them for the winter not only fresh. Aje can be cherished with fruits for less than 3 months. To cook varto for apples. Pieces in sucrose syrup will be amber and savory. With this, the fruits save their authority. You can add lemon syrup, which will add sourness to licorice varieties of apples.

Selection and preparation of the main ingredients

The main component of the jam is an apple. It is necessary to choose fruits without delay and more mature ones. Variti followed by frequent. To that, they reluctantly swipe an apple, look at the middle. Resht parts are allowed on skibochki.

Lemon needs to be cleaned up, white streaks.

Boil better products in a special saucepan and gradually cover with a wooden spoon so that it does not burn.

Sterilization of containers

I will glass the container for the brewing varto vibrati with a volume of 0.7-1.0 liters. Can't take cans with cracks and chips. After the rack washing of the container, they sterilize, vicorist:

  • oven;
  • pressure cooker;
  • multicooker;
  • saucepan with dill.

Trimati jars over a pair of 10 khvilin. The lids for the seaming are taken from the lacquered surface, they are also sterilized at the oven at the same time from the banks. Kindly take the brew at the lohu under kapron lids.

Popular recipes for apple-lemon pastries

How to cook an apple with lemon for the winter has a lot of ways. Sob chastochki apples are not boiled and turned into porridge, better to cook sucrose syrup on the cob.

Traditional way of cooking

Shvidko prepare an apple dessert for the winter like this:

  1. From 1 kilogram of zucru and flasks, boil the syrup until clear.
  2. 2 kilograms of apples are peeled from the bottom, cut with equal parts.
  3. Omit the prepared pieces of fruit from the syrup.
  4. Cook until boiling over medium heat, reducing the intensity after the appearance of stumps.
  5. They know the kick and, stirring, boil until ready.
  6. Add shmatochki 2 lemons.
  7. After 5 hvilin they are taken out of the fire.

Having mixed the apple-lemon masa, put it near the jar.

Recipe for adding lemon zest

Tim, who loves the spicy flavor of the brew, is happy to add the syrup with apples and lemon zest at once. Її clean from citrus fruits with a grater. After boiling apple chalk in sucrose syrup, put prepared zest until clear. Then, after mixing, add slices of soft lemon without filling. To cook a sprat of khvilin that znіmayut z fire. After cooling the troch, they shift it to the container.

With hairy peas

Spicy and completely savory brew come out of:

  • kilograms of apples of winter varieties;
  • lemon
  • 150 g of peeled hairy peas.

At the casserole, they add slices of apple, slices of lemon, 2-3 peas of zapashny pepper and bay leaf. Vip 600 g of zucru and add half a bottle of water.

Mix carefully, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Having boiled 10-15 whilins, they take the pan and leave it on the pivgodini. Wimming spices.

Hanging trochs are smeared on a dry frying pan, shmatochki gorіkhiv, boil 20 quills.

With vanilla and cinnamon

Cooked pieces of apples and lemons are boiled with zucr. After wiping 20 quills, put on fire for cooking. You can replace a whole lemon, take half. And also cut half the pulp of an orange.

Boiling small pieces of fruit requires 40-45 quills with constant stirring. Then, 5 minutes before the end of the preparation procedure, boil a teaspoon of cinnamon and vanilla.

Dovaryuyut dessert with the upcoming arrangement of jars.

With ginger

Boil syrup from a kilogram of zucru. As soon as we become clear, put an apple before the new one in proportion to zucru 1: 1. Better shmatochki seep the juice of 1 lemon. Boil 5-10 quills. At this hour, prepare the grated root of ginger. Korіnets is required to take a zavdovka 6 centimeters. Together with grated ginger, put the pieces of pulp of 1 lemon.

Cook the next day after the boil. To please the pink, tidy up fast.

Lower and clearer apple jam in parts

You can take away the lower apple-lemon mass, so that you can sizzle with zukr fruits cut into small pieces. Vranci peremishuyut and put on fire. Cook after boiling 8-10 quills.

At the multicooker

Pobutovy prilad to help cook sweets for the winter quickly, without wasting strength at that hour.

At the bowl, place apples (1 kg), lemon on the cheeks. Tsukru requires 1 kg. Obov'yazkovo pour a quarter of the vial of water. Mix it up, then turn on the "Gushinnya" mode.

On preparation go 30-40 quills.

P'yatikhvilinka recipe

To prepare the syrup, take half the normi zucru. Add a little bit of water to the new one. We are preparing the syrup, which is the reach of insight. Fill them with prepared pieces of apples and lemon. Leave for nothing. The next day, tsukor boils up, which is overflowing, and bring to a boil. After 5 hvilin they take it out of the stove, cool it. The procedure is repeated by two.

To cook a garnished burshtin dessert, you need to take a lemon and an orange from the peel. It is necessary to chop the mustache of fruits into little pieces, having seen out those hard cores. Attach everything with a zukr, leaving it dry for 3-4 years.

Now put on a medium fire and cook until boiling. They know the pin, reducing the intensity of the fire. Now you need to stir the lasochi with a stretch of 40 quills.

You can cook fruit masa in 3-4 hours, 10 chills with a break of 3 years.

Thick apple jam with citrus

For a thick jam, you need an apple with a lot of pectin. The most suitable varieties are Antonivka, Semerenko.

Apples are peeled from the skin. Ale її do not throw it away, but put it near the gauze bag. Half a bottle of water is poured near the pan, a kilogram of fruit is put to the animal, cleaned and cut with great shmatki. The gauze bag is lowered so that the strings look out of the container. Now it is necessary to cook at boiling 20 chills. Soyno apples become soft, take the pot off the stove.

Wiymayut gauze teddy bear, and the little pieces of fruit are waving zayvoї rіdini. Potim through a sieve with a blender to transform the fruit into puree.

For a kilogram of apples, take 600 g of zucru, as a way to sip the apple masa. Then add sik 1 lemon.

Boil for a long time in full fire. You can beat the oven. Apple masa is spread on the deco with a thin ball, put at the rosіrіta up to 200 degrees shaf. Trimati is required in the middle of 1:00, having lowered the temperature by 50 degrees.

Spread on the banks jam to please the hot.

Trivality and mind saving conservation

Varennya with apples and citrus fruits are taken under the great lids in a cold place. Z'їdaya product prodovzh winter.

Under the twist, you can cook the lasso, but if you need to marvel, so that the lids are covered with varnish.

The optimum temperature for picking up workpieces is up to +5 degrees. For room temperature, do not cook in well-sterilized jars.

I know honestly that I'm not a particular fan of apple jam. To that, if the season of active ripening has come and I had a chance to reverse the situation of my prosperity (do not waste good) by improving my advantages, I defeated the experiment.

Since I already knew that the traditional recipe didn’t suit me, I started to joke about something new for myself. Caught on the eyes, which is completely simple and narrow savory recipe apple jam with lemon. The main thing is that the cooking process takes about a year (it doesn’t need to boil for 3 days, like in other weathers), and it’s also suitable for even larger shmatki, which helps to save the need for a long time to cut on neat chastochki. Pokey cooked, zrobila cover photo And now I share my opinion with you.


1 kg of apples, be it a katunka;

0.5-liter jar of zucru (as an apple is already sour, you can add a couple of tablespoons);

1 small lemon

Yak varti varennya with apples and lemon shvidko

Zukor visipati in a saucepan, pour water over those so that the tsukor covered it more. Relatively razmіshat until rozchinennya.

Cut the apple and tidy up the core (before the speech, then we’ll come out of it with miraculous compote). I had big apples, that needed to be cut into quarters. If you have less fruit, then you can cut it into halves.

Narizani apple kindly promiti and viklasti in a saucepan with syrup.

Put the pot on the fire, boil until the apples are ready. In my mood, readiness, the transformation of fruit was practically in puree. Tse pov'yazano z їх variety and a sufficient degree of maturity. If you choose a different variety, a larger variety, then you will be ready to take in their aromas of transparency and softness. In such varieties, apple chastices take their shape.

While the fruits are boiling, it is necessary to cut the lemon with pivkiltsy. I have a great citrus, so I took yoga not exactly, but 2/3. Let's put yogo into a saucepan with apples.

Boil more quills 5-7 until the veins of the lemon begin to “tanuti”.

Roll up at the sterilized jars. I have 2 pivlіtro jars.

Such home-made apple jam comes out quite fragrant. It has no tedious relish.

The lemon gives a hint of savory taste, and the apple and zukor, in their blackness, slacken even with savory chastices of lemon. Such a preparation can be saved in the comoria, or in lyokha. Harvested for the winter, thick apple jam miraculously fits like a filling for pies, filling there with a miraculous jelly-like form, and can also serve as a full-bodied herb on a licorice tea table.

Thirdly, the recipe for yoga preparation is simple, the whole year is ready. I, nasamkinets, in a quarter. Through the peculiarities of preparation (we can tell about those that the zucor during the cooking process sips in small portions after a small interval of an hour), it’s not only savory that it’s more beautiful, but it’s more thick to make jam from apples with lemon, practically jam.

Spread yogo on toast by hand until a cup of kawi, you can whip it up like a filling for pies, or just make your own sandwich with a bunch of a long loaf with butter. I’m crying out to make a bagato of such a jam with apples and lemon for the winter, and, you know, it’s going to break up pretty quickly, until spring there’s nothing left.

I am pleased to tell you, how to cook a jam with apples and lemon, so that you can pamper yourself and those close to you with such licorice in the cold season of rock.


  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg zucru;
  • 1 medium lemon.

*It was ordered to vzhe prepared apples - peeled from the skin, without a core. The number of ingredients indicated is approximately 1.3 liters of jam.

How to cook jam with apples and lemon?

We choose an apple, be it of some sort, you can take it, from a shriveled skin. Golovne - relatively virіzati all zіpsovanі mіstsya. It is impossible to vicorate too late an unripe firm apple - the stench is not tasty, you can’t finish the pronounced aroma, so cooking from them will be unsavory.

The apple is washed with running water, cleaned from the skin. Then, rozrazayuchi on a sprat of parts, we can see the heart of that neakіsnі dіlyanki. Narizaemo small shmatochki dovіlnoї form, tovshchina approximately 0.5 cm. Rozmіri and the shape of the shmatochkіv can not be significant, but better, so that the shmatochki are not too big - so the stench is more swishing.

For cooking, it is best to use a saucepan with a thick bottom made of stainless steel or a basin made of midi (special - for cooking). It is better not to boil the boil in an enameled pot, the shards will burn. The bottom of the pot is wetted with water, we soak an apple in it. The lemon is thoroughly rinsed, the surface is cleaned with an additional brush and rubbed dry. We rub the zest - be it in a way that is convenient for you and you can see it. Sik and zest are added to apples and mixed.

We put the lid on the pan with apples and put it on the fire. To finish the great fire, warm up the pan (30 - 40 seconds), then change the fire and extinguish the apple until the stench starts to boil. Hour of gassing to lay down according to the variety and rosemary of small apples, as well as according to the number of kastruli. Approximately this process takes about 20 to 40 lengths. For an hour, the skin is extinguished 5-7 quills of an apple, mixed.

Rosemary apples are cooled down and rubbed into puree with a help of a blender. You can grind and for the help of a potter for potatoes, but then the cooking will not be so uniform.

Grind the apple again, place it in a saucepan, bring to a boil over medium heat (be careful, the jam will splatter more often!). Vsipayemo 1/4 part of the zucru, then 250 g on a small fire, stirring, bring the mass to a boil and cook for 5 strands. Periodically stir. Let's add 250 g of zucru again, mix it up and bring it to a boil. I start cooking again with a stretch of 5 quills. So we repeat 2 more times, until the whole zukor is hoarse.

There is no talk about the popularity of apples in our country. Іsnuє impersonal ways of harvesting fruit for the winter. Pickle apples, dry them, cook compotes and jams from them, jams and jams, freeze them. And the widest variant of harvesting - tse, without a trace, varennya.

When you drink a jar of fragrant apple jam, you can smell the tartness and smell of the aroma. Yogo is prepared as a filling for buns with pies, so it is a savory independent dessert.

A lot of gifts are often ruined among the great number of different recipes. At this article, you know how to make the most delicious apple jam for a classic recipe. And lovers of non-traditional tastes will fall to the soul different options from the addition of unimportant ingredients.

Power and calories

Finish the brown yaks of a properly brewed apple jam. High concentration of vitamins of various groups and various micronutrients make it an indispensable product.

Nasampered, the apple is rich in pectin - speech, as it helps to remove bad cholesterol from the body, which has accumulated. Cholesterol-fighting cream, pectin accelerates metabolism in the body, improves peripheral blood circulation, and can absorb power.

Vitamins of group B, the presence of vitamins A, E and R, in the complex with saliva and potassium, help in the fight against heart disease, improve the condition of the scalp and hairline, beneficially influencing the tone of the mind nervous system organism.

Apple is a hypoallergenic fruit. This specialty allows the diet of small children to be addicted to such a dessert. And if you replace tsukor with fructose and honey, then diabetics can also eat it.

An apple, which avenges acid, can be negatively recognized in the camp of people, as they suffer from a disease of the intestinal tract. However, due to the special features, you can choose the required prescription for such ailments. For people who think increased acidity sluka vykoristovuyut fruits of licorice varieties, and for those who have acidity, on the other hand, is reduced - sour apple varieties.

A unique factor is that the health of the apple normalizes its deformity both in constipation and in diarrhea. A lot of growing fibers are taken in by a vologger with toxins at the rest; at one time to help the passage of solid masses, as they provoked obstruction.

Dietologists recommend making apple jam for dessert, replacing it with tsukerki and dough. Bagato yoga is not good, so do not overdo the normi in carbohydrates. And rough cellular tissue helps with the proper functioning of the intestines, which is important when dieting.

The calorie content of traditional brew is 265 kcal. Ale won’t change, like zukor, which should be included before the recipe, replace with honey. When you know the nutrition of folding tsukrіv - the main enemy, which is converted into fat.

Selection and preparation of products

Choose a variety of apples to lay down according to the recipe and the fruity result. Nasampered, apples can be homemade, not imported, bought in a store. The stench is not good enough for whom.

Varieties (Antonivka, Semerenko) create a rich texture, do not break apart, and preserve a warm, natural look. thermal processing. The stench is miraculously going to cook the varennya in batches.

If the government has the courage to cook for this recipe with soft varieties (White filling), then the fruits of the brew are unripe.

Sour grades will take more pectin. From them there are wonderful jelly-like variants. For those who love sour taste, it is recommended to drink greens, not too much fruit.

Oversleeping apples expend juiciness, become plump and not tasty. Varennya from them also does not have high savory tastes, so it’s better not to cook such fruits better.

Okremo varto tell stories about wild, paradise and Chinese apples. They stink, they preserve them whole, at once from the lower and the core. Such a brew may be invisible and vishukany zvnishnіy looking, marveling at a wide savory palette.

The process of preparing the product is also based on the chosen recipe. by the rule of thumb Those that the apple needs to be resolutely shriveled can be dried out of the brush, and then resolutely dried.

Znimayuchi shkirku, varto remembrance about those who ruin a significant part of vitamins. A good alternative can be blanching in boiling water by stretching a few quills. So it can be cultivated and especially hard varieties. The water that was left after blanching is used to make the syrup.

Apples are peeled from the core, cut into small pieces of the same size, or rolled through a meat grinder. Here everything is left to fall in the mind of the master's fantasy and the harvesting method chosen by her. In certain vipads, fruit may be buti cilimi, not poshkogenimi hrobak. If you don’t care about the aesthetic look of the finished product, then go ahead, be like fruits, smut - diligently see all the zipped parts.

Pilnu respect is necessary to add that the right choice utensils for cooking lasoshchiv. Important є і razmіri єmnostі, і material, z kakogo won prepared. Let's choose to become wide basins and bowls with small sides. Cooking in them will be evenly warmed up. A deep and narrow judge will often have a chance to respect that it is not necessary to sign up for old-fashioned and brown ink to the product.

In the case of aluminum and middle basins, they are more easily absorbed, shards of acid, which are found in apples, enter with these materials into chemical reaction. Varennya will be unsafe to get used to the hedgehog through the important floors that they ate in the new one. Vіdmіnno pіdіyde of enameling utensils, as well as containers made of stainless steel. Ninі gospodarok often ryatuє the bowl of the multicooker.

Today's technology significantly simplifies the culinary process, delivering to the malt every hour of cooking.

Varto podbati and about the relativistic sterilization of containers for conservation. Banks need to take a loan no more than 500 ml, іnakshe in the finished product, you can get wet.

If all the food dishes are ready, you can proceed to the sacrament of preparing a savory and delicious cory dessert.


The skin of the gentleman can pick up a recipe to the soul from the great number of variations. Over time, the classic recipes will fall to the savor of the traditional chanulers, and the unconventional products of the day will definitely not flood lovers of exotic and non-traditional likes with canoes.


Divine rhythm of life current women often do not spend time on winter harvesting. To help you, I’ll come to help you with a simple recipe for swedish and “live” jams. A short hour of thermal processing allows you to save the maximum amount of vitamins and brown tongues.

An apple for which recipe to go be-yak. Fruits can be trochic zipped or accented. It is necessary to thoroughly clean up the number of dilyanki. Chi zalishat shkіrku - special right gentlemen. There is no great role to play here.

Preparation of fruit must be cleaned from the core and shaken. The method of shaking is also not important. Tse can buti chastochki, cubes; you can grate an apple.

For licorice varieties, weed 600-800 grams of zucru, and for more sour varieties - from 1 to 1.2 kilograms per 1 kilogram of apples.

In the first step, prepare the syrup. For whom in bloody pisok add 1 vial of water. Let's spread the tsukor on a small fire, help the posty mass. In the case of boiling syrup, place the preparation of an apple and boil 2-3 strands of fluff. If the brew is over something boring, then you can add a drop of citric acid.

After that, let’s take a look at the jam and proceed to the sterilization of jars with lids. At the final stage of cooking, it boils again, pours into dishes and clogs with lids.


When preparing these prosorih lasoshchiv, it is possible to show a vitreous and patient, splinter process is laborious and energy-efficient. Ale, taking away the result, overcompensates for an hour spent.

The apples here come only as hard as that, without wormholes. Ready varennya will be clear, frequents of qilimi, to which the fruit of the fruit plays a significant role.

How small and green the apple is, how beautiful and clear the chastices will be.

They are cut with a width of approximately 1 cm. Proportional ratio of zucru with apples in this variant should be 1:1.

It’s better to sip an apple in the middle of the night, so that the stench let in enough juice.

I’m ready to put the mass on fire and bring it to a boil. After boiling, the hour of cooking becomes less than 5 whilins. Let's take away the fire, cover it with a warm towel and infuse until it's completely cold. Repeat the trichi procedure. The ideal scheme is early-evening-early.

Hot varennya immediately pour out the fire in the preparation of sterile jars and cork with lids. After that, turn them upside down, checking until the stench cools down.

It is necessary to ensure that 0.5 kg of apples will produce a can of finished product.

"Apple and orange"

Such a recipe is suitable for those who do not like apple preparations. Varennya with orange wiyde rich yaskravy color, with a receptional song. The citrus on the floor transforms the taste, so that no gourmet can correctly name all warehouses.

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 0.5 kg zucru;
  • 1 orange vaga 250 g;

An orange must be profiled on the back. Relatively clean the skin and remove the white ball of the crust, which gives hot water in the finished dish. To see all the brushes and clean them from the partitions. When ready, cut the orange fillet into small cubes. The process is not foldable, but it takes an hour.

After that, the stage of preparation of apples begins. Peel the fruits from the skins, cores and shake with the same cubes of the same size. Pour 50-100 ml of water at the bottom of the basin, in which the jam is prepared. Whisip an apple, a bunch of oranges, sip with a bloody squeak, mix it and put it on the stove. After boiling the fire, change to a minimum and cook for a stretch of 30-40 strands, stirring the weight of the skin 5 strands.

The jam will be ready if the syrup becomes thick and viscous. Lasoschi, which is boiled, is packaged in a sterile container and hermetically sealed.

"Varinnya with rhubarb with apples"

A licorice winter dessert is practically associated with fruits and berries. Ale іsnuyut і original recipes, for example, zі stalks of rhubarb. A uniquely brown vegetable, eaten with lemon and apples, provide the body with a colossal dose of vitamins.

Vibirayuchi stalks of rhubarb, following the nobility of a sprat of secrets:

  • the smallest petioles of the roslin from the grass to the middle of the cherv. Harvested later, the stems will be too hard;
  • in linden petioles, oxalic acid accumulated overworldly sour;
  • for winter preparations, it is ideal to grow young stalks of a plant stem close to 20 centimeters.

Peel 1 kg of petioles from the coarse upper ball and cut with small pieces. Znіmіt zest from 1 lemon with a thin ball - it's easy to grind for an additional grater. Cut 300 grams of apples. Mix the zest, rhubarb and apple in an enamel container. Add 200 ml of water.

After boiling, boil the masa on a full fire for about 20-30 quills. Let's add 1 kg of zucru and cook 10 more quills, the docks won't get thicker. Pour the hot jam into a sterilized container and seal it.

«Apple-cherry with almonds»

classic recipe with a birthmark. Even simpler for the prepared ones. For whom the most delicious dessert need:

  • 0.5 kg of cherry;
  • 0.5 kg apples,
  • 1 kg zucru;
  • sik 2 lemons;
  • 50 grams of almonds.

Pure cherries are creamed into tassels, soaked with zukr and fill the doba, so that she let the sik out. After 24 years, add peeled apples to cherries, lemon juice and boil the masa on a great fire 5 times after boiling. Lubricate the almonds in a dry frying pan and add at the boil, pour into the prepared container and cover with lids.

"Varinnya apricot with pears and apples without zucru"

A wonderful dessert for diabetics, which can be beaten up as a filling for licorice pies and buns. For yoga preparation take:

  • 2 kg of apricots;
  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 1 bottle of honey

Peel apples and pears from the skins and cores, cut them into small pieces. Apricots in the form of tassels. Spread honey with a small amount of warm water. Change all the components and put a container on a small fire. Bring the mass to a boil, take it out of the fire and let it cool down.

Repeat the sprat procedure once more until the brew thickens. Pour into sterile jars and seal tightly.

"Baring of apple with black pea"

Varennya, prepared with only one blackberry, can make a specific tart taste. When eaten with apples, there is a softness of relish, a rich pleasant aroma. Gorobini hydroxide is miraculously leveled by licorice varieties of the apple tree.

  • 1 kg blackberry;
  • 900 gr apples of licorice varieties;
  • 2 kg zucru;
  • zest of one orange;
  • 250 ml water.

on the preparatory stage I'll get over ta vimit black gorobina podrіbnіt for help blender. Grate the orange zest on the grated grate. Peel the apple from the inside of the box and the skin. Cut the average rosemary in parts.

Eat all the ingredients, add water, stir carefully and put it on a simmer until it thickens. Pour the hot jam over the jar and seal it.

"Apple with cinnamon"

An apple with cinnamon is a classic eaten with rich desserts. It is not important to prepare similar brews for those who are not engaged in preparations in any way.

  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of white zucru;
  • 100 gr brown cane zucru;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of lemon zest;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 1 stick of cinnamon.

Cut peeled apples into small cubes. Grind cinnamon for the help of a blender, grate lemon zest on a grated grate.

In an enameled container, add apple, lemon zest, cinnamon and spicy white squeak. Boil the masu for 30 strands, stirring regularly with a wooden spoon. Add outlines of zukor, thoroughly mix and continue cooking. Ready to brew for a welcome caramel color and thick consistency. Pack the hot jam in a sterilized container.

«Varinnya z dina ta apples»

The fragrant summer aroma of tsikh unique lasoschiv to deliver chimalo reception whilin on a winter evening. It won't deprive anyone of baiduzhim. Having eaten a spoonful of this brew, it’s impossible not to cackle in a new one.

  • 0.5 kg of apples;
  • 1.5 kg dyne;
  • 0.5 kg zucru;
  • 1 tsp lemon zest.

Peel the dinya from the skin, cut it open and remove the fiber from the instillations with a tablespoon. Detail it at the blender or pass it through a meat grinder. Cut peeled apples into small cubes.

I will trim the dinya, add it from the zukr, bring it to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally with a spoon. Boil the masa to the consistency of honey. Add|Add| pieces of apples, lemon zest and mix gently. After re-boiling, boil 5 quills and pour into a sterilized container.


Pro crooks of authority cranberries walk legends. And the symbiosis of apples with lingonberries can become winter faces, which will help in the fight against avitaminosis, colds and colds and weak body. Warehouses:

  • 1 kg of sour apples;
  • 1 kg cranberries;
  • 2.5 kg zucru;
  • 2 bottles of water.

Rinse lingonberry thoroughly under running water. Sort out, spare the dribbling smittya. Pour dill on sprats of khvilin, after which put berries on drushlyak. Zavdyaki such manipulations lingonberry spend zayva girkota. Shake the apple into cubes.

Pour water into the prepared container, add tsukor, put the future syrup to cook on medium heat. Add lingonberries and apples to the boil, and give it the opportunity to boil again. Let's take the fire to the minimum and cook close to the fire. Pour thickened hot sausages into jars and seal tightly with lids.


With such an exotic fruit like a banana, you can easily make a miracle jam. Bananas in a clean look can have a tedious relish, and an apple miraculously balances it with a slight sourness.

  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of bananas;
  • 700 gr zucru;
  • 100 ml water.

Pour the peeled and cut apples with water and put them on the fire to boil until soft. While the apple is being prepared, peel and cut the bananas. As soon as the apple is ready, add the chicken pist with bananas. Boil a short time until the zucru is cooked, and then refine the ingredients with a blender. When the puree is ready, boil about 20 quills and place in jars.

"Paradise apple"

In the midst of abundance of recipes, you can see jams from heavenly apples. Small zukrovanі fruits are not superfluous to add to the winter tea, but to become the color of the cakes and tіstechok.

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg zucru;
  • 1 stick of cinnamon;
  • 250 ml water.

Rinse the apple, sort it out, fill in the ponytails. Pierce the fruits with a toothpick in decals, otherwise the peel will crackle at the hour of preparation.

Prepare zucrovy syrup and put it on the stove. Drop a new apple and save a kill for 4 years. Apple seep with syrup and let the sik go.

Turn the pot back on the stove, bring to a boil and boil 7 quills. I’ll let you know, giving me the opportunity to cool down again. Repeat the trichi procedure. Under the hour of another stage, add a cinnamon stick. Prepared by such a rite of passage, let the apples not boil, and the syrup will be clear.

Another peculiarity of the recipe is that the jars are laid out in jars, which is already cold.

The leather gentleman wants to stock up for the winter with brown ones savory malts to please your family on cold, gloomy evenings. Dosvedcheni culinary experts know how to prepare freshly cooked soups in home minds, how to save a long period of time without wasting their enchanting aroma and savory taste.

  • Relatively trim the proportions of zucru, which is a preservative. Having speeded up yoga kіlkіst, vrizikuєte otrimati varennia, scho fermented, and yoga overb'є apple relish.
  • As the color settles on the surface of the boil, you can carefully remove it, and boil the product itself. For picking up, it’s no longer a pidide, but the axis for the filling is completely suitable.
  • Do not hurry to find the brewed brew. If you heat yoga in a pot with hot water, then the dessert will look its best.
  • Pick apples dry, not in rainy weather. Otherwise, bear fruit, that you have taken in the vologda, to destroy the rare grass.
  • Start cooking with a wooden spoon with a long handle. Wood is a natural material that does not enter into interaction with products and does not change their taste characteristics. Such a boil does not oxidize, which is possible after contact with a metal spoon. For a long time, the handle was not subject to additional manipulations.

  • When it comes to cooking, trim the spoon with the swollen side of the burn. Tse allow dbaylivishe to stick together with small pieces of fruit, without defrauding their good-natured look.
  • Obov'yazkovo regularly pick up a kick that settles on the surface for an hour of cooking. Your warnness will become clear.
  • Fill the banks with masa to the brim. Tse dopomozhe hid in the middle of bacteria, building materials, and the finished product.
  • In order to overcome the temperature difference, pour hot brew into hot sterilized dishes, and cold - into stele.
  • Finished jars turn upside down until burnt out. Save them better in a dark, cold place, in such a rank, the savings grow in the razi.

Іsnuє a number of thin shells and when sterilizing containers. For the cob of the jar, it is necessary to re-latively examine them for the presence of chips and cracks, and then proceed directly to the very process of sterilization.

  • At the micro-furnace. Duzhe shvidky that zruchny way znezarazhennya. Pour clean filtered water into the jars, enough to cover the bottom by 2 cm. At the hour of boiling, a couple is seen, yak and disinfected sklotara.
  • At the spirit The method is also more simple, if you want it will take three more hours. Put the jars wet in the oven. Fry them at a temperature of 160 degrees until completely hanging.
  • For a couple. The oldest and most revered method. Collect water in a saucepan, put a metal sieve on it, and burn the jars on the sieve. Sterilization takes about 15 minutes.

About those, how to prepare an incredible brew "Apple masterpiece" to marvel at the upcoming video.

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