What can be prepared with rhubarb recipe. Revin: Skoda and meanness, savory recipes for cooking. Malt and harvested from rhubarb

Rhubarb is a honorary guest in spring and summer cuisine, one of the most important vitamin vegetables. About melancholy roslini. And in this article, we will tell you about the widest and simplest rhubarb recipe.

In culinary arts, it is traditional to vicorist the petioles of red-erysipelas chamois green color.

Choose a thread to repair from another fate. The shortest hour for this one - from spring to the end of the black, while the thread is still young and lower. Choose petioles correctly. They don’t see them, but twist them, gently turning that water-creaming stem like a root, so as not to harm yoga. Leaves sprats are poured onto the skin growth, so that the roots do not waste the supply of living speeches.

  • From the red stems of rhubarb, prepare jami, compote, varennya, kvass, pies.
  • Greens are good in salads and cabbage soup, because the stench is lower.


Prepare syrup from 2.5 bottles of water and a kilogram of zucru. Peel off the skins and cut a kilo of rhubarb into pieces. Pour in syrup and freeze for 3 years. Let's cook on a quiet fire 20 quills. In an hour, the syrup can become clear and stop drinking. Break up the banks.

Rhubarb pie

3 test simple recipe you can cook one pie for 10-12 cupcakes.

  1. 1 great egg good beat with a flask tsukr.
  2. Add 1 bottle of kefir, 4 tablespoons of odorless olive oil and 300 g of borosna, mixed with 2 tsp. fluffing.
  3. At the sumish, put the harvest of the harvested mountains, strength, vanilin and cut into small pieces two red rhubarb stalks, peeled in front of the scruff. Masa comes out thick, similar to cream.
  4. Viklasti її y form and for 25-30 hvilin put vipіkati in the oven.

You can cook a savory charlotte, and instead of apples put rhubarb.

Charlotte with rhubarb

You can cook a distry and a light dessert - charlotte. Without a doubt, someone who cooks the grass with apples, ale and rhubarb will go out no less tasty. Detailed recipe.

Refreshing cocktail

The perfect drink for a summer party.

At the pan, pour a small cup of water, sip zucru 3 tbsp. l. Bring to a boil, add 2 stalks of red rhubarb, cut into pieces. Through a sprat of whilin, boil the fire and cool the syrup.

Okremo put oranges on shmatochki in a glechik and press half a moon. Take another orange. Vitisnut sik and add yogo to fruit. Pour rhubarb syrup and 1 liter of mineral water. Put the pieces on ice.

Rhubarb compote

Take 1 petiole per liter of water and 2-3 tbsp. spoons of zukru If you make rhubarb preparations and clean the skin before zim, then the compote can be cooked by itself from cleaning, so you don’t have to cut it. Bring to a boil and wilt. Give it time to infuse until you reach it.

At the compote, you can add some other fruits, berries, or plant medicinal plants, black currant leaves, cherries, raspberries and other fruit trees and chagarniks. Come out super healthy vіdvar arc priєmnogo relish and aroma.

A tip from a sympathetic gentleman. I put the peeled rhubarb into bags and freeze it. From them, miraculous knots emerge from the addition of dry apples and other berries.

Licorice Mus

On the back, in half a flask, boil the cleansing of the stalk of rhubarb, until the wine becomes soft. Wipe the masa, add a tablespoon of semolina and two tablespoons of zucru. I will beat Mus to uniformity and I will become more uniform. With the help of licorice grass, dairy products will be good.

If you have been honored with recipes, then the rajah will find out the article about those, so that you can start your mother under the hand of your early vitamin sheep.

Burdock-like rhubarb with its rich crooked authorities. Petioles of the growing plant, yaki and live in the hedgehog, revenge richly brown tongues, middle vitamins of group B, vitamins P, C, E, carotene organic acids- apple, sorrel, lemon and amber. Rhubarb has rutin, pectin, catechins and rich mineral salts.

Kissels, compotes and jams are prepared from rhubarb, and we were surprised at the Kitchen.site, as you can still work with this product.

Rhubarb pie

What is needed?

  • Boroshno - 1 tbsp.
  • Zukor - 1/2 tbsp.
  • Vershkov butter - 110 g
  • For filling:

  • Rhubarb - 2 stems
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Zukor - 1 tbsp.
  • Boroshno - 1/4 st.
  • Strength - 1/4 tsp.

How to cook?

Heat the oven up to 175 degrees. Cover the form with parchment. Zmіshati borosno, olіyu and tsukor. Quite, scho vyyshlo, vyklasti form, rozvnyati and put in the oven for 15 quills. For the filling, beat the eggs, zukor, borosno that sil. Cut the rhubarb into small cubes and add to the solution of the ingredients. Get the form s | iz | dough, fill the filling and turn in the oven for 40-45 minutes | minutes |. Before serving, cool the pie, winnow z | iz | form and sip with tsukrovoy powder.

Soup with rhubarb

What is needed?

  • Rhubarb - 400 g
  • Apple - 5 pcs.
  • Mint - 3-4 spices + extra for serving
  • Brown zukor - 3-6 tbsp. l.
  • Corn starch - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Strength - pinch
  • Thick fat tops for serving

How to cook?

Peel the outer part of the rhubarb stalk from hard fibers (do not peel). Narize the stem across with the middle stalk. Peel the apple (do not peel it) and cut it into medium cubes. Take the leaves of mint from the stalk. Put peeled apples and rhubarb and stalks of mint, cut into small pieces, in a saucepan, pour 1.2 liters of cold drinking water, add strength and 3 tbsp. l. tsukru. Bring to a boil and cook 15 chills. Protsidit vіdvar, put that apple in the new rhubarb, bring it to a boil again. Then boil the rhubarb until soft.

Remove the saucepan from the stove, grind the soup with a blender so that about half of the shmatochki are missing from the new one. Dali turn to the fire. Zmishati starch from 2 tbsp. l. cold water and pour into boiling soup. Relatively remix with a stretch of 1.5-2 min. Soup can be served both hot and cold, garnished with tops and mint.

Pork with rhubarb sauce

What is needed?

  • Girchitsya - for relish
  • Chervone dry wine - 1 tbsp.
  • Rhubarb - 300 g
  • Zukor - 150 g
  • Parsley greens - 2 tsp.
  • Pig virizka - 800 g
  • Tertiy root of ginger - 1.5 tsp.

How to cook?

Pour wine into the stewpan, add sour cream and root ginger. Cook on medium fire 2 hvilin. Take out the fire and take it out. Pork vimiti and cut into portion shmatki. Put in a casserole dish, pour marinade over it. Top with foil. Place the mold with meat in the oven and cook for 1.5 years at a temperature of 170-190 degrees. Vynyat form and leave it at the warm mist. Revin relatively vimiti. Cut half of the pieces into pieces of 0.5 divs, class. Rhubarb, which is overflowing, cut larger, fold it into a mold for micro-furnace add water, zukor. Put in micro-hvilyova pich and prepare 6 chills | minutes |, pokie | docks | the mass will not become uniform and dense. Let the mass cool, then rub it through a sieve. Refill the form again. Add a layer of rhubarb, turn it into micro-hvilyovu pich and prepare three hvilin. Add parsley to the sauce. Wiklasti pork shmatki on a dish, pour over the sauce.

If after a long winter the rest of the snow has gone, the light of a pair of rhubarb enriched with vitamins will leave the earth. Tsya roslina is handy, because it is possible to prepare a weed with it, before that, there is a large number of recipes. Rhubarb, similar to sorrel and spinach, rich in microelements.

About rhubarb

Petioles of the early spring growth are especially demanded by the protracted season of spring and in the first summer of summer, shards of the same in the whole period of the organism in the absence of vitamins in the after-cold weather. Є low minds, with dotrimann yakikh you can take away the maximum corrosity. The petioles of rhubarb contain a rich amount of organic acids, which in singing period(stringing) great zmist citric acid, Trohi of life - malic acid, in the middle of summer the stink is already oversaturated with oxalic acid. Recommended picking time: grass - the middle of the cherv, dozhina pagoniv - 20-30 cm.

"Easier than simple" - salad

More than 100 recipes for preparing rhubarb, the widest and simplest - salad with rhubarb, which is called "Simple". Name, what to say, what's wrong?


  • Revin - 300 grams.
  • Zukor (can be replaced with tsukrovoy powder) - 1 tablespoon tbsp.
  • Cinnamon or vanilla is a pinch.
  1. Take the rhubarb stalks, and take them out and take the hard top ball. Narizat with dry shmatochki.
  2. Season with zucr and vanilla (rhubarb to the savor of an apple, then replace vanilla with cinnamon).
  3. Pochekat troch, sob the salad was infused, and the roslin could see the sik. Khvilin for 10-15 can be put on steel. Savory!

You can turn on the fantasy and the ur_znoman_tniti recipe. Before the rhubarb, you can add different ingredients for a quarter of apples, oranges, ogirkiv, carrots, pineapple, syrup, beetroot and wind chicken and m'yaso. You can season the salad with some sauce, sour cream, or just Oliya.

Pirіg: rhubarb, almond and cinnamon

With rhubarb, you can work not only salads and side dishes, but savory pies. For example, a savory pie with sour cream-almond filling and a delicate aroma of cinnamon in the whole house is a savory and piquant dessert, which is suitable for all households. Povitryana vypіchka with spicy stuffing, which will add sour and licorice notes in it. Until then, the recipe for a rhubarb pie is even simpler.

We need:

  • Revin, stalks - 500 grams.
  • chicken egg- 3 pieces.
  • Oliya Vershkove - 100 grams.
  • Boroshno - 250 grams.
  • Rozpushuvach - 1 teaspoon.
  • Zukor - 300 grams.
  • Vanilla tsukor - 2 teaspoons.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon.
  • Migdal - 50 grams.
  • Sour cream - 250 grams.
  1. We know tovstu shkirku rhubarb, dribly narizaemo yogo.
  2. Sippaemoly dry cubes of growth with tsukr and while it’s being cleaned, letting the tsukr seep out and let the sik.
  3. We are busy with the test: top oil can be at room temperature, mixed with 60 grams of zucru.
  4. At qiu sumish we beat in 1 chicken egg, mix for an additional mixer;
  5. Ask for flour | borosno | and add to it rozpushuvach, peresipaemo to oil sumish - zamishuemo thick.
  6. The form (bazhano with a diameter of 24 centimeters) is smeared with oil (Vershkov), sprinkled with breadcrumbs and added dough.
  7. The time has come for the harvested rhubarb - we give it to the beast and wed it to this place from the plate.
  8. The temperature in the oven is set at 185-190 ° C, check until it is warmed up, and place a pie in it for 35 minutes.
  9. Let's move on to the filling: we beat two chicken eggs with a mixer and gradually add to sour cream, so that the eggs are beaten. After that we add cinnamon and vanilla zucchini.
  10. It’s not too friable to trim the almond and add it to the fill.
  11. We make a pie after 35 quills, we water the beast with a ready filling and put it in the oven again for 15-20 quills.

Take it out of the oven, let it cool down, and for the bazhann, we sip the beast's powder. Really, rhubarb recipes aren't particularly foldable, are they? Savory!


Successful cooking of rhubarb from rhubarb by 50% to fall in the correct preparation of rhubarb. The petioles should be carefully cleaned as thin skins, if you don’t break it, the skibs in the finished brew will be hard. Cut the stems into small pieces. You can cook the brew with the sprouting only in an enamel pot, because it is rich in acids. The recipe for jam with rhubarb is even simpler.

We need:

  • Revin - 1 kg.
  • Zukor - 1 kg.
  1. Narizaemo rove into cubes, place it in a room and clearly sip with zucr and do not chіpaєmo doba, allowing you to let the sіk roslini.
  2. After 24 years, we put fire on the fire and periodically stir it up. If the boil is boiled, cook 15 more chills.

Pour into jars ready to brew.

Roslini Dwarf

Clitkovina, pectin, folic acid, carotene - nі, not a list of taken preparations, ts korisnі speech, yakі mіstjatsya in rhubarb stalks. Tsya roslina significantly wins the middle of other city cultures, for example, ogirkiv, for instead of vitamins. Magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium are contained in chyoma, so to speak, dzherelo macro-and microelements. Revin, recipes for the preparation of straws from any other kind of rіznomanіtnі, occupies a great place in folk medicine: cold, constipation.

Contraindication before rhubarb implantation

Rhubarb brown for rich people. Ale, there is blame for everything, there is a list of contraindications for deyaky ailments: sucrose diabetes, rheumatism, sickness of the shkt, igniting processes in the sieve mіkhurі and nirkah, hemorrhoids and sechokam'yana ailment.

Licorice soup with rhubarb

With rhubarb, you can cook not only a spring, but a snail, that’s one more recipe. Rhubarb (from the photo of the strain can be seen below) is vicorated and for preparing soups.


  • Revin - 600 grams.
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece.
  • Kefir (can be replaced with sour milk) - 1 bottle.
  • Rusks - 150 grams.
  • Zukor - 100 grams.
  • Cloves, cinnamon, vanilla.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.
  1. Peel the rhubarb into a thin ball of shkiri, cut into small cubes.
  2. Boil water, put 2 cloves and cinnamon in there on the tip of a knife, add zukor.
  3. Place crackers and rhubarb. Boil no more than two quills, then put them in the fire. Otrimanu sumish can be beaten with a blender, vide puree soup.
  4. Ready refueling. Zhovtok water-creamy in the form of protein, zbivaemo yogo with kefir (or sour milk) to uniformity, pour everything into the soup at the same time, without churning, mix it up.
  5. We beat the protein with a mixer until the pini appears, add a pinch of vanilla. When the soup is ready, add a teaspoon of pineapple, which came out.

If it’s berries, then like an embellishment, you can add it, for example, a half-faced, a thin cherry.

What kind of bagatorichna їstіvna grass vizrіvaє on our garden plots first? Tse, zvіsno, revіn. Rejoice the Lord with your great leaves and long succulent stems of vines until the end of the summer season. Well, and get used to them at the same time. Young revіn revenge more vitamins, lower currant or kivі. Well, and hanging and on the cob of summer, we will need them as much as possible.

Rozkamo, yakі stravi can be prepared with rhubarb and chim korisna tsya roslin.

Casserole with rice porridge and rhubarb

We need:

  • pivkilo rhubarb
  • 3 eggs
  • a spoonful of butter
  • pіvsklyanki tsukrovy pіsku
  • pinch of salt and cinnamon

First I need to cook rice porridge with milk. Then let's beat the eggs with the zukr and the olive so that the food pina appears. Peel the rhubarb from the upper hard fibers, cut into small pieces and sprinkle with cinnamon. Three qt of ingredients were lost, tobto porridge, rhubarb and beaten eggs, weeding out the masa in the form and zapkati about 25-30 whilin in the oven, rosemary up to 160 degrees.

Clafoutti with rhubarb

Clafoutti - that's French strain, more for dessert, not like an omelet or a pie. For yoga preparation you need:

  • pivkilo rhubarb
  • pіvsklyanki tsukrovy pіsku
  • flask of wheat boroshn
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 bottles of milk
  • pinch of salt and cinnamon
  • a spoonful of sugar powder for dusting

Prepare the original grass with rhubarb following this order:

Dribno cut peeled rhubarb stalks, sipat them with chalked cinnamon and zucr.

  • Beat eggs z|іz| lightly pіdіgіtim milk, gradually adding | add | flour | boroshno |
  • The inside of the mold for baking vershkov oil. Viklasti in it revіn and fill it with dough.
  • Vipіkati clafoutti slid at the oven for 180 degrees approximately 30 hvilin. Ready grass, pissed with zukrovy powder, can be served to the table as hot, so cold.

jam with orange

For yoga preparation, we need more than a kilo of rhubarb, three oranges and chotiri bottles of zucru.

  • Peeled rhubarb stalks are better cut into cubes. Relatively simmer and dry the oranges and cut them into cubes right with the zest.
  • Transfer the ingredients to the dishes with a thick bottom, dry them with zukr and leave them for a couple of years to see the juice.
  • Put the dishes on a small fire and bring it to a boil. We will cook about 20 whilins, do not forget to know the kick.
  • I lost the ability to transfer the rhubarb brew into a sterile jar.

What else can you cook with rhubarb. This, obviously, is a traditional Russian drink, which is a miracle in the summer season.

Kvass from rhubarb

For yoga preparation we need:

  • pivkilo rhubarb
  • two liters of water
  • vial tsukru
  • 1 st. a spoonful of drizhdzhiv
  • orange peel

Kvass from rhubarb is prepared like this:

Pour cleansing rhubarb with water, add orange zest and boil five chills with a stretch. Vidvar, having reached it lightly, protsiditi, add tsukor and drіzhdzhі and put it in a warm place. If bulbils appear at a new one, it means that the process of wandering has begun. Kvass will be ready, fallow the right temperature, in the interim from 6 to 24 years old. Save your yoga slide from the refrigerator.

The axis of such recipes for herbs from rhubarb grown at the dacha can be prepared already, for example, herbs, on the cob of chervil.


Brown rhubarb


Rhubarb - cold bagatorichna roslina families of Greeks with great leaves on the same red petioles and great fleshy roots. The stem is straight, up to 3 meters high, weakly gilliaste. The Latin name "reum" means "cutting".


Tibet and China are venerated by the Fatherland's growth, the trees were victorious like a medicinal growth. Ancient Chinese healers used dried rhubarb root as an antipyretic drug. The greatest riddles about dating back to 2700 BC! In addition, it seems that for the old hours the rhubarb was valued through the buds, as if they were vowed as a delicacy, and in Pivnichny Asia їx and doninі they add to the different strains. In Europe, rhubarb with yogo petioles, which produces a spicy sour relish, like a vegetable culture, having become vicorous from the XVIII century. In Russia, the spring was delivered in 1873 to the birth of mandrivnik M. M. Przhevalsky.


Rhubarb is not viable, growing in the same place for 10-15 years, pleasing with high yields. Growing yoga in two ways: vegetative (root cutting) and planting through the rose garden. The selection of petioles of rhubarb is more often carried out on another river after planting, so as not to loosen the growth and not to reduce the crop pressure.

We have 30 types of rhubarb, the best varieties are Moskovsky 42, Canadian Chervoniy Chervony Chervony, Zaryanka, Chervoniy krimson, McDonald, Rubinovy ​​Valentin, Viktoriya, Veliky, Stubborn.

Rhubarb stalks start at the grass, if the stench reaches a slower stubble - the torso is not less than 1.5 cm and the length is not less than 25-30 cm. For 1.5-2 months before the end of the growing season (for example, sickle), the picking is pinned, so that the growth could sprout. From one bush of rhubarb, two or three rocks up to 1-2 kg of petioles are taken up to 1-2 kg of petioles, and the next rocks are up to 4-6 kg.

The family of Greeks makes us happy not only with buckwheat Greek porridge. A number of other representatives of the family (for example, sorrel) are not less tasty than brown. The rhubarb is seen with special brown power against the scorching background - a marvelous sheep, which name is already similar to burdock. Only the petioles (stems) of the roslin live in the hedgehog, the stench of the lower sour relish, jelly, compote, and jam are prepared from rhubarb. Leafing that root in the hedge is not an accessory. Who knows richly that the root is corny, but why is it itself mischievous? Or maybe, in a new buvaє i Skoda? The greater power of the rhubarb is equipped with a biochemical warehouse.

Rhubarb warehouse

Rhubarb stalks can be used against a large number of brown rechovins: vitamins of group B, vitamins P, C, E, carotene, organic acids (malic, oxalic, citric and burshtinov). The cream of this in rhubarb contains rutin, pectin, catechins, a large amount of mineral salts.

The energy value of rhubarb is 26 kcal per 100 g of the product, it is not rich, prote when preparing rhubarb, as a rule, there is a large amount of zucru, in order to minimize the sour relish of petioles, it can be brought to the point that, with low calorie rhubarb itself, the rhubarb itself will be dosit "vagisti" for calorie.

Injecting rhubarb into the body

Bioactive speeches, which are hidden in rhubarb, pereskodzhayut the morbidity of the heart-cousinal illnesses. Implantation of petioles in rhubarb to improve the heart disease, to increase heart failure, to change the inability to blame a stroke. Polyphenols protect the development of oncology and good-natured puffs.

One of the main brown rhubarb varieties is yogo building to improve the herbal processes. Small doses of sprouting may cause a strong effect, and a strong concentration is carrying. Rhubarb - tsіnne dzherelo vіtaminu C, a kind of re-infection with infectious diseases, protects from colds, keeps the body in good shape, and brings old age.

Rhubarb has a large amount of vitamin A, which is necessary for the development and growth of bones, for healthy eyes, skin and mucous membranes. For instead of the sun and magnesium, the rhubarb wraps around an apple. Tsі rechovini vіdpovіdat for healthy sleep, that mіtsna nervous system. Magnesium spray builds up the m'yazovoi mass, that growth is recommended to live in for lovers of power training. Zavdyaks of succinic acid rhubarb are recommended to be taken for the treatment of heart problems and the hangover syndrome.

Folk medicine recommends zastosovuvat rhubarb as a viscous and anti-inflammatory disease, for the normalization of the robotic herbal system, with catarrh and dyspepsia. Also, rhubarb can be victorious for roslin as a zagalnozmіtsnyuchiy zasib in case of vysnazhennі, tuberculosis and nedokrіv'ї.

Rhubarb rich on pectin, stench lowers cholesterol rіven, binds and removes irritable speech (they are important metals, radionuclides and pesticides). Zavdyaki pectins, rhubarb can be vicorated for relief from obesity (all ailments, tied with damaged speech exchange), for treating the liver and zhovchny mikhura.

In the okremi vipadkah for the jubilation of vicory, there are no more than rhubarb stalks, and even more root growth. Small doses of tincture of rhubarb rhizomes are prescribed for diarrhea, with intestinal swelling, constipation, flatulence and other ailments.

Contraindication before zastosuvanya rhubarb

Large doses of rhubarb are contraindicated and contraindicated in cases of schilicity to bleeding in the mucosal-intestinal tract, acute flaming processes in nirkah and sich mihuri, hemorrhoids with possible bleeding, slash disease. Roslin is not recommended to include in the diet if you are ill, if you suffer from diabetes, cholecystitis, sickness to diarrhea, gout, rheumatism and vaginess.

German pie with jealousy

Another positive power is the reduction of the exchange of speeches, to that it is a miraculous helper for everyone who wants to throw off the pounds. Take yoga inlet, lay it down with it to the category of seasonal. Tsya roslin may have a marvelous quality. Yogo cannot be lived again. You can cook hedgehog only from the stalk, and the axis of the leaves of the new one is vvazhayut otruyny and not accessories for eating. To prepare the varto, choose a mitznu and a spring base.

Most often, rhubarb is used in recipes with five products:

The tovshchina is guilty of about 2.5 cm. Traditionally, recipes for rhubarb can be eaten with desserts and spicy. All on the right in the fact that the grass has a sour-spicy relish, that we can guess when an apple is eaten and half a moon. It is wonderful to supplement the wine with fresh berries and fruits. Add cinnamon, vanilla and other spices for the bajans. In the future, the culinary vitvir will become more original and cikavim.

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