Chicken pie without yeast Apple pie: a recipe for a good gentleman

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Be holy, be it a people's day, new river otherwise, be holy as a child, you can’t do without a Christmas cake. Delicious stuffing s yagid, fruit, sir chi marmalade, which can be savory. Ale, the main thing in a good pie is not yoga, but properly prepared dough. Bagato lord called, scho pirigtse drіzhdzhovoe tisto that stuffing is ribi chi m'yasa. Nothing similar to other impersonal types of dust, like getting ready without stagnation of winds, it doesn’t need to get up early, check, if it’s quiet to wake up and constantly follow him. Such an option is richly zruchnishy, ​​it means to save time and nerves. To that, how to make a dough for a pie, a leather woman can know, how much you want to make your family know.

Іsnuє kіlka vidіv yeast-free dough: biscuit, leafy yeast-free, pisochne, healthy, brewed. All stinks are getting ready just that without zastosuvannya drіzhdzhіv. Let's porous the dough to help the process such as beating, rotting, and also rotting the eggs. From such types of dough, you can cook rich savory. Tse i sharuvannya with filling, fragrant pies, charlottes, cupcakes. All obmezhuєtsya less than fantasy and products, yakі є in the refrigerator. The main ingredient for all types of yeast-free dough is: eggs, borosno and zucor. Start your kitchen, so that you can catch a quick meal savory pie, as soon as the rapt guests come, or you want to pamper the household

Narazi blame it for a reasonable meal, like putting it on a pie, so that it tasted delicious. For example, even garnish recipeД this: 200 g of margarine, grind with the same amount of zucr, add vanilla zukor or vanilin for the aroma, then home 5 eggs and 50 ml of milk. To make it easier to add fluff, and then 250 g of boar. Mix everything up to homogeneous mass, It is thicker to come out, but not cooler. This is how much dough to stitch on a large sheet (20 by 30 cm). Rozkochuetsya out in a thin ball, the beast is stuffed. This is a miracle base for a pie with canned fresh peaches, pears and apples. The cake comes out revisited, the lower one is fragrant. For seepage, it is better to use cream made from sour cream or fat tops beaten from zucr.

Licorice pie It’s wonderfully wonderful, but it’s necessary to know and how to make dough for a pie with a non-licorice filling. To prepare, you need 100 g of butter and 2 eggs, which must be carefully rubbed, strong, fluffed up and 200-250 g of borosna, fallow, as we take it. So it boils very dryly at a temperature of 180 degrees. This kind of tіsta vіdmіnno pіdіyde for syroy pie with chasnik and greens. That lower base is thin, the filling is fragrant, which can be savory. Another filling option is to serve Sir Mozzarelli, ricotti, greens, eggs and broccoli. It’s savoryly delicious to go out, go out for a meal, and also become a color for any table, especially for some present people.

At once, it’s the hour to know, as if you’re ready for a pie with meat and cabbage filling. For the cob, it is necessary to mix it with milk or kefir, sod or fluff up that boar, or rather add a couple of eggs. we can thicken the silence. A pack of margarine needs to be divided into 3 equal parts. Spread 1/3 of a pack of margarine on the whole layer, fold it 3 times, repeat the process of rotting, smear the layer with margarine again, repeat the same procedure again. Come out miracle sheet paper without stagnation of drіzhdzhіv. There is not much time for cooking, and also the base prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator in the cell for a few days. After defrosting yogo, you just need to be rozkotit in one straight away and put the filling.

Another variant of the test without yeast is biscuit. An important ingredient is fresh eggs, and is also characterized by the presence of soda or fluff. For us, it is necessary to divide whites and zhovtki, for a standard biscuit you need 4-5 pieces of eggs. Zhovtki zbivayutsya z | iz | 70 g zucru with a mixer is about 5 quills. The squirrels are churned around with such a large number of zukru until a stable pine is established. Then we will need to add 120-140 g of borosh. So it is necessary to vip it once again after cooking, otherwise the biscuit will not look like this. The form needs to be smeared in front Oliya otherwise, cover it with paper for a drink. Such a delicious wonder at a temperature of 200 degrees is more than 20-25 whilin. Do not cook the oven for the whole hour.

Let’s make more recipes, now the gentleman’s skin knows how to put dough on a pie without jamming the yeast. The simplest and most pervernіnі time ways, when prepared, it is guaranteed that savory and superbly fragrant pie will come out. An important mental test is fresh products, for us, eggs and milk are worth it. At the same time, do not save on eggs, change their quantity, change the recipe. In such a case, the cake will not look like a pie and high, but it will be just a flat layer with a filling, so hard. It is necessary not to be afraid of experiments with different types of fillings and to follow the rules for preparing a good dough.

Wait a minute, the best day of tyzhnya is a weekend, even if you can do everything that your soul cares about: marvel at your favorite films, read books, ask guests for close friends and hold a party. Before speech, tse miraculous brought the spectacle to sweetness. It is recommended to prepare a nameless lower apple pie. The fruit filling gives a hint of freshness and a pleasant summer aroma. The majestic honor of the battle is those who can work, whether it be fate, even if an apple is sold in stores for twelve months.

We can help you pick up the recipe: if you don’t want to mess around with the dough for a long time, we recommend spices without yeast, and for lovers of spices, it’s a good idea to add a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla to the new pair. Options for apple pie are faceless. You can make a variety with a podvynoy filling, for example, add a rodinka or a berry. Shaleno savory dessert go out with honey and peas. You can do yoga for a long time, but it’s better to get in touch and prepare the grass yourself. Light apple pie is a universal dessert for any occasion. Try the spectacles of the country and evaluate її perevagi.

Cake "Linivets"

For the cob, it is proponable to try the simplest, ale, prote, arc in practice savory recipe. Deyakі lords volіyut robiti apple pie with vikoristannym drіzhdzhіv, prote procedure zamіshuvannya and vistoyuvannya tista takes a lot of time that strength. Modern women, occupied by a booth, a robot and a teacher, far from being able to afford similar visits. In such a mood, the best option in the distance is to make a lower dessert, with a quick step-by-step instruction. Feel free to make a savory fruit pie easily, and we will help you.


To embellish:

  • 150 grams of frost
  • cocoa or grated chocolate - for bajannyam

For apple pie:

  • three great apples
  • three homemade eggs
  • 0.5 small spoons of grub soda
  • 200 grams of chicken pisku
  • a bottle (without a weight) is boroshn, what you ask
  • small dab of butter
  • five milliliters lemon juice abo otstu - for extinguishing soda

Cooking method:

A simple apple pie, about some kind of infection, is the best option for a busy gentleman. If you want to make a dessert, you need a little more than an hour, before that, it’s not obligatory to be a professional at preparing confectionery batches. Strava is even simpler and freshly cooked. That's why you have a lot of free time, it's proponed to show the juice grass with fruits. Treat your family with a winter apple pie! And schob vin looking more appetizing, embellished with frost and chocolate.

You need to knead the back of the head thoroughly, for which you put a bowl of eggs at the bottom, sip them with zucr, raise the mixer to a minimum and start beating. Prepare summish slid on the minimum speed, incrementally increasing the maximum. Tіlki so masa vide ideally homogeneous that food. As soon as I open my mind, I will start working on the ingredients for the apple pie. Kindly ask for flour|boroshno|, then add slaked soda into it. Now step-by-step add dry ingredients in the dishes to the eggs, thoroughly mix the otrimane dough.

It was no longer necessary to prepare the filling: peel the apples from the skins, spare the hearts and tassels. Chop the m'yakush into thin strips, the most delicious dessert comes out, like grating the fruit on the middle third. On which of the options you will sing yourself. Sip masu tsukr behind the bazhannyam. Shvidky apple pie is recommended to cook on parchment - lay dishes with it. Papir will become more viroba from the city, until then it will be easier for you to win yoga with the form.

Spread the parchment with olive oil, lay an apple here, beat the beast tightly and carefully level it with a spoon or a spatula. Heat the oven to 180 degrees, then put grass in it and check fifteen quills. If you smell a characteristic aroma and remember that the cake is crooked, open the door and pierce it with syrniki. If you get dry, remove the grass.

To make the cake more appetizing, you can prepare chocolate glaze or serve yogo with melted honey. However, an hour is needed for this, we suggest a more simple, but not less savory option: eat dessert, which you have reached, on portioned slices, sip on chocolate chips or cocoa, put a bag of ice cream next to the skin one. Like a bachite, the stubble of the lasosh appeared not so well and smoothly. Also, experiment with recipes and enjoy apple pies with wet cooking.

Honey-apple pie without yeast

If you want a savory dessert and without any problems try a savory fruit dessert, you can try yoga on the test without yeast. Aja needs about 40 quills in the rest of the day, so the masa got up enough and insisted. We recommend a simple apple pie recipe. Zavdyaki honey will come out more fragrant and lower, if you want, add three-chotiri grams of cinnamon to the filling for piquancy. It is not shameful to give such sweets on the holy stele.


Dough for apple pie:

  • 210-230 grams of wheat boar
  • chicken eggs - three big pieces
  • 1.75 cups tsukru
  • 85 grams of butter
  • small zhmena breadcrumbs

For filling:

  • cinnamon - for baganniam
  • 20 ml of melted honey
  • apple licorice - 300 grams
  • tsukrova powder - for dusting

Cooking method:

Schob pitanya - robiti pie chi nі - if you didn’t get turbulent, for the sake of picking up a couple of cicavices and simple recipes, yakі take a lot of time. Adzhe has been brought to practice, a savory dessert can not be ob'yazkovo but can be folded when cooked. It is proponuєmo to live such an injury yourself. "Rodzinka" stravi є honey, which is added to the filling. Zavdyaki tsyomu virib to go lower and namovіrno fragrant.

Otzhe, it’s time to cook it up: pass it through a fine sieve and put it on a sprat of whilin. Tim an hour in the bowl of licorice sand and egg whites, resolutely grind the ingredients for an additional wine, if the stink is uniform, add cubed cuts. Vershkov oil. Before the speech, more shortly, if it will be rozm'yakshenim, then it's a long way to take yoga out of the refrigerator. Now visipte into the dishes boroughly, then with active hands knead the masu doti, the docks do not blow the breasts and nervousness. You can have a more elastic tightness that does not stick to your hands.

The Swedish apple pie is practically ready, it has lost its yogic choice. For whom, to obtain a form of oliєyu and pricipte with breading. Zavdyaki breadcrumbs on the verge of appetizing zest. Znіmіt apples znіmіt skіrku, vydalіt all zayve - tassels and core - then chop them into thin pieces. If you want to bake an apple pie, pour the dough into the dishes, spread fruit to the beast, and put yogo into the oven. In a different way, put only 1/2 mass into the dishes, then an apple and pour over everything with dough, which is left out. In this rank, you have a swedish apple pie of a closed type.

Now you need to drink vibrib: try yoga in the oven close to winter at a temperature of 180 degrees. You can beat the grass and the filling for it in a different way, we have propagated one of the simplest options from our side. Spodіvaєmosya, vіn fall to your soul. You have lost three proteins, for which it is necessary to prepare a licorice, savory cream. Knead them in deep dishes with zukr and beat them with a whisk with a mixer at the food pin. I’ll put an otriman masa on an apple pie (otherwise it’s closed, marveling at what you think), then put yoga in the oven for five or five minutes. If it is okholone, cut it with a knife into portioned pieces, sipping powdered skin.

Pea-apple pie with moles, cinnamon and lemon

Who among children has not been spoiled with apple pies? Chantly, richly someone from us remembers reception, licorice aroma of grass, yoga lower and juicy relish. It is suggested that if you want to turn into childishness for a sprat of mittevstvo - for which you need more than a performance of dessert. The easiest way is to make yogo with a filling that is made up exclusively of fruits. Wait a minute, it’s even simple and standard, even a savory dessert can be rich and fragrant. It is recommended that you do not lose your strength and prepare an apple pie with peas, cinnamon and rodzinki.


Dough for charlotte:

  • prosіyane borosno - trochs less than a bottle
  • one egg
  • 0.5 200 gram package of butter
  • 50 grams of licorice powder

Apple Pie Recipe:

  • 800-1000 g sour-licorice apples
  • small lemon
  • 90 grams of hairy or other mountains (a savory dessert also comes with peanuts and almonds)
  • melena cinnamon - at your discretion
  • two medium sized raisins

Cooking method:

Recipes for apple pies are somewhat different, so a leather lover can pick up a taste for his own taste. Possibly, the grass itself will take root in your homeland. It is necessary to cook a small bag of dough, the procedure is simple: add oil from the refrigerator | oil |, if it’s there, clean it with small pieces and mix it with powder, then introduce an egg here. Stop following the next leg to beat for the help of a special wine. Now step by step, hanging on a spoonful of spoons, add a wheat product. Fuck it, it’s not hard to work too hard for the apple pie of the future apple pie, it can be elastic and springy. If you need it, light it up in polyethylene and take it to the fridge for a drink.

For the filling, peel the apple and chop it into thin staves, grate the lemon into a grated grate, or grind it the other way: for the help of a knife, take it out of the new skin and pass it through the meat grinder. Soak the rodinki in warm water, if the vines grow soft, anger the homeland, and see the berries themselves. Mix all the ingredients, add cinnamon powder to them, as well as smeared and trimmed peas.

Let's turn to the test: lay yogo on the dust with flour steel and rock it with a rocking chair. Respectfully, the diameter of the shortbread is to blame but a little more for the shape itself, so that the sides can be molded by the year. Refine the walls of the dishes with oil and clean it up. Spread yogo to your hands, evenly spread the stuffing to the beast. Trohi pіdnіmіt virіb from both sides, schob apple-pea mass in the process of vipіchka did not fall. Take the grass into the roasting of the oven, after about 1/2 of a year, take it out and curl it on the table.

Like a bachite, you can give an original one for a wonderful apple pie old look that relish. It is enough to add a sprat of new ingredients to the filling. For example, cinnamon or vanilla is used for the aroma of pidide, and the golden rosemary and chalky hairs of peas or peanuts will help to prepare more sitna and juice grass. Robiti pie is simple, it is necessary to have only one desire.

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