How can you decorate a pie at home minds. How to cook licorice pie at the oven

Russian cuisine has long been famous for baked licorice pies in the oven. And it’s unlikely that there is a person who can’t love them. Different fillings, however, the most unforgettable and savory are pear pie or jams. Yogo fragrant smell calls out "animal" appetite and so beckon to the table.

And vzagali, pies bake different roses and shapes, zmishani and prisypani shavings, closed and vіdkritі. And if it’s too easy for you, then you can try some pie with lingonberries, baked at the oven. If you want in this article you will know the recipes for cooking, like pirozhkiv, so pirozhiv.

Simple licorice pie with jam


  • Margarine - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Boroshno - 3 bottles;
  • Strength - 0.5 tsp;
  • Zukor - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Fresh drіzhdzhі - 16 g or dry - 5 g;
  • Milk - 230 g or water - 100 g;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Varenna - 350 g.

Cooking method:

How to taste a pie with jam from yeast dough? swedish hand, at once we will analyze in detail that in detail. And let’s take into account the fact that the yeast is bred in an insignificant amount of warm water of milk. However better mix it up on milk, oskіlki vono just become poіtryany that m'yakim. Dodamo there strength, eggs, zukor and milk, after which everything is mixed up relatively and the trochs will be bobbed up, forward pros_yane.

Zamіshuєmo mіsto, and in parallel we put margarine to drink, which is added to drіzhdzhovoe tisto before the completion of the assignment. On its own, it can be without breasts, uniform and just stand out from the walls of the dishes and hands. After that, you need a little bit of dry boar, put it for wandering in a warm place for 3 years and cover it with a towel. We wash the dough for the whole hour about 3 times. Vіdokremlyuєmo vіd zagalnogo shmatka a quarter of that formєmo z new vіdkrit pirig z varnyam.

Rozkochuєmo densely in a 1 cm zavtovshka, and then put yoga on a sheet, smeared with fat, and virіvnyuєmo the surface. New we’re waiting for you, heat up to 30 degrees. The edges of the tist are folded over by 2 cm, and the stitching of the yogo is subtly rosy and cut into thin folds. Let’s make the beast look at the stuffing and decorate the pie. We smear it with an egg and let it boil in the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

The axis of our pie is ready and prepared.

Pie from zucchini with cheese and tomatoes.


  • Milk - 150 ml;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Boroshno wheat - 200 g;
  • Fresh tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • Zucchini medium rosemary - 2 pcs.;
  • Sir - 200 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • Spices, pepper, strength and seasonings - for relish;
  • Rozpushuvach for dough - 1 tsp;
  • Chasnik - 2 chastochki;
  • Oliya - for lubrication;
  • Fresh greens - 50 g.

Cooking recipe:

Chicken eggs are broken into a deep bowl; Under running water, we wash the zucchini, after which we see the stalks. From young zucchini, we do not obov'yazkovo znіmati znіmati аbo vіrіzati nasіnnya. Now it is necessary to rub them on the great third and add to the solution of the ingredients. Then mix it up to a homogeneous consistency.

Rozіvaєmo in a frying pan trohi dewy olії and put ladles in the dough, which came out. On the two sides of yoga, we smear it to the point of ruddy brilliance. Cold ready the milk. Under running water, we wash tomatoes, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stalks of the fruit, we rob it at the sight of a cross, then we pour it over with hot water and take off the scruff. Already prepared tomatoes rubbed dryly on the thirds and poured out of them for the return of the homeland.

It is cleared like a lushpinnya chasnik and passed through the embossing. Z'ednuemo chasnik, mayonnaise and tomatoes and mix sumish. Opoliskuєmo fresh greens, and dribno rіzhemo, on the third rubbed sir. Mlynets is put on a leaf, smeared with tomato mass, sippy to the beast with syrup and greenery. Pirіg zbiraemo doti, docks do not run out of ingredients. We put on 10 hvilin at the oven to 150 degrees. Our easy-to-prepare pie is already ready.


  • Vanilin - 0.3 tsp;
  • Strength - 0.5 tsp;
  • Apple ocet - troshki;
  • Kharchov soda - 1 tsp;
  • Roslinna Oliya - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Zukor - 1.3 bottles;
  • Boroshno - 2 bottles;
  • Apple - 1 pc.;
  • Zucchini - 2 pieces.

Cooking method:

It is cleared from the skin and the squash. Gotuemo healthily for a deep dish, we rub an apple and a zucchini on the great third. Whole dishes are filled with zukor and strength, everything is mixed. I’ll take a lot of money for a sprat of whilin. For this hour, the strength of that zukor is guilty, and from zucchini in May we see sik. If you are rich, then do not fawn.

We beat the eggs with a fork, a mixer and a wine glass. It’s necessary to bring the total amount of money to the big mass and mix everything up. We gave small portions of flour | boroshno |, with which we constantly mix and vanilin. Let's stop Roslinna Oliya - let's change it.

We put out the soda with an apple and mix it again. Prepared by placing in the oven for 50 minutes at 200 degrees. Whisk a toothpick chirnik to indicate readiness.

Ready savory squash pie should be left in the form here for a year at room temperature. It’s easier for you to make it easier to make a cake in the form of boards, after which you can put it on a plate.

If you see a fever, then cut the pie and bleed the syrup. At yogo, you can put banana slices in the middle, smear | smear | cream. Imagine everything in your hands.

Liquorice chocolate cake


  • Roslinna Oliya - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Pea walnuts - 30 g;
  • Black chocolate - 40 g;
  • Vanilin - 1 sachet;
  • Tops - 70 ml;
  • Milk chocolate - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Rozpushuvach - 1.5 tsp;
  • Boroshno - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Zukor - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Kefir - 1 bottle.

Cooking recipe:

With a wine glass, beat the eggs from the zucr. You don't need to beat anything special. Dodaemo rozpushuvach, oliyu and kefir. Rubbed to a uniform consistency. We put vanilin, cocoa and millet borosno, also dodaemo chocolate, pomany on shmatochki. The axis of our dough on kefir and chocolate is ready, now it can be rolled into shape, before it, put parchment paper on the bottom of it, which is not necessary to smear.

Again, I would like to tell you that this recipe is prepared “not on a swedish hand”, so be patient and get used to the process of practice.

As you like peas, lay them out in a small amount on the surface of the test in a sufficient form. Heat the oven to 180 degrees, but not less than 170 degrees and boil the cake for about 30 minutes. Willingness to turn with a splinter.

When the pie is ready, let it cool on the back of the head, and then carefully beat it. Take the bottom and run along the edge of the form. embellish you can in this way - rob water bath and melt chocolate with tops. Blend the ingredients until smooth, and then pour over the pie. Good appetite for you.

Why work, how do you love pizza and malt at the same time? Let go! Proponuemo forgive me savory recipe licorice pizza! You can cook a baby. Treat your guests with chocolate pizza. Savory!

If you love Nutella in your homeland, then this release is especially for you. We offer three recipes for swedish desserts with nutelli: baked, frosty and hot chocolate, to add a taste of cava aroma, crunchy peas and a rich chocolate flavor.

For lovers of licorice and original desserts. Boroshno 2 bottles Oliya Vershkove 200 gr. Zukor 0.5 bottles Eggs 1.5 pieces (1 egg and 1 zhovtok) Strength of pinch Tops 100 gr. Cooking: Zukor is roztiraemo z | iz | butter | butter |, eggs are introduced, mixed ...

We suggest a lemon dessert, light and easy to prepare, lower for relish, like a hmara, with lemon sourness. Lemon reminds our body with vitamins, eliminates toxins, normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, prevents influenza and colds. https://yout...

About koshiki from the Oreo oven with the most delicious marshmallow-chocolate filling, you can dream of being a lasukh. What can we taste? We prepare chocolate biscuits with stuffing to make your guests happy!

Salad with sour apples is a real vitamin bomb, so in such apples there are even rich brown minerals, amino acids, vitamins, etc. brown salad with sour apples and hairy peas.

I recommend! Ingredients: Sir - 200 grams Zhovtok - 1 pieces Zukor - 2 tbsp. Boroshno - 3 tbsp. Semolina - 2 tbsp. Vanilin - pinch. Z'ednati sir, semolina, zhovtok, tsukor, vanilin. Good vimіshuєmo and form sirniki, then panuєmo їх at mu.

Chocolate cocktail - tse savory, brown and intoxicating like grown-ups and children. It is suggested not only to cook, but also to decorate the cakes with a cocktail in an original way. Weishla is a real chocolate bomb!

One of my favorite autumn pies. For yoga preparation, you can vicorate fresh or frozen berries, and always come out lower and even more fragrant. The head yoga secret is in the crunchy taste, the lower breath and the aroma of the stubble of cranberries. I recommend to all lovers of malt and just savory.

Hello everyone! Today, we have a simpler cooking and at the same time a savory and fragrant dessert: an apple is baked with stuffing with pulp, mixed with cinnamon and honey, and cover the animal with a sieve from leafy dough. Vіdminny swedish dessert for a cold autumn evening. …

From thinly rolled dough to make figurines, download flagella, etc., smear lightly contact surfaces of the dough with water, and decorate it on the cake. After the vistoyuvannya, decorate the pie with a rozbovtaniy egg and vipkati.
Before serving, the pie can be garnished with apple slices.

Pirіg can be covered with a sieve with jgutіv or a husband with embellishments placed on it.

PORADA: if you want to make the pie rum'yanishim, add in an egg or a troche zucru (about 1/2 full teaspoon per 1 egg or 2 zhovki) and mix until the grains are full.

A pie with potatoes and cheese.

Pie with cabbage.

A pie with mushrooms and potatoes.

Meat pie.

Fish pie.

Pie with apples.

Pirіg with cheese.

Pie with dried apricots.

Pirіg "Danube wind"

Tisto is simply fantastic - fluffy, soft.
This pie can be made with different fillings for your taste and freshness of products (div.
Stuffings for pies, kuleb'yak, cheesecakes ). In addition, you can place different fillings at different patties of the pie.

warehouse :
. 4 eggs
. 100 g olive oil
. 100-120 ml milk
. 1 st. l. + 1 tsp tsukru
. 1 tsp salt
. 25 g dried (fresh)

Let's make a steam. Vsipayemo in a bowl of 100 g of sifted boroshn, add a spoonful of zucru and dry yeast. 120 ml of milk, warmed up to a slight warmth, poured into the boroshnyana sumish, kindly mixed. Go out thickly smooth masa.
Curve the bowl with another bowl, bazhano, glassy (to bobach, like a dough rise) and let it go in a warm place. Opara rises 35-40 strands, increasing by 3 times, becoming porous and puffy.
Roztoplyuemo in mist oliyu. Vsipayemo 3 tablespoons of zukru, sil, vanilla, beat in 3 eggs one at a time. The 4th egg is poured into a cup and forked with a fork. Half of the boiled egg is poured into the dough, and the other half is put on the pie before the brewing. Dodamo brew, scho pіdіyshla.
The giblets are pidsipaєmo borosno (about 500 g) and it's very thick. More close to 50 g of boroshna go for a pidsipka when you mix the dough.
It comes out more elastic, more non-sticky ("consistency of the lobe of the ear, does not stick to anything").
Place it warmly in a large bowl, warmly vkryvaemo it is enough to come. Approximately in 1.5 years it will thicken up to the edge of a large 3.5 liter bowl.
Bake in a round shape with a diameter of 26 cm. The bottom of the form is covered with a circle of parchment, and the walls are smeared vershkov oil.
At to this particular type like fillings vikoristovuemo apple with zucr.
You can see the dough, that pidijshov, a small piece the size of an egg, rozminayemo yogo on parchment parchment in a tovstu shortbread. At the center of the shortbread we see 0.5 tsp. zucru and put trohi of an apple, cut into strips.
When shaping pirіzhkіv borosno not pіdsipаєmo - it's not sticky neither to the hands, nor to the table. We form a round pie, pinch the seam and pull it uphill, like a cibulinka. We put at the center of the form. It is similarly shaped for other pies, and it is placed according to the stake. I fill the form with a crooked towel and fill it up for vistoyuvannya khvilin for 25-30.
Mixed pie with half a boiled egg (remove the trochs for the 2nd butter) and put in the rosemary up to 190 gr. With oven. Khvilin after 20-25 smear the egg again. Vipkaєmo to a ruddy vіdtinku.
Ready-made pie is left in the form of whiplin for 10, having folded it with a towel.
Like a pink form - just a rim and a pie. Unable to break the shape, we turn it over on the pillow covered with a towel, and then we place it on the gate.
Pirіg can be served hot or cold.

Trout pie

. 500 g borosha + close to 50 g per subscription
For test:
. 100 ml milk (front heated to 30 gr. C)
. 10 g fresh (live) yeast
. 1 egg
. 2 tbsp. tsukru
. 1 tsp salt
. 70 g rosemary butter
. 370 g boroshn
For filling:
. 600 g fresh trout fillet
. 120 g sirah mozzarella
. 1 small red pepper
. 1 medium tomato
. parsley, sil, pepper - for relish

Spread yeast in milk, add zukor, strength, olive, egg, and mix it up well.
Place it in the refrigerator for at least 3 years.
Tisto, scho pіdіyshlo (obsjag zbіlshuєtsya 2 times) dіstati tіsto from the refrigerator and let it stand for about a year at room temperature.

A year later, rozkotity tisto in the cola of a zavtovshka 0.6 div. Stepping into the edge of 3.5 divs, according to the stake of the trout mate, cutting the zavtovshka 2.5 divs, cover with dough from the edges and seal the seam well.

To see such a roller.

Narizat the roller with small pieces of 4 cm of the top and turn the leather piece 90 degrees with the fish on top.

Riba, which is left out, cut into small pieces and place in the middle of the pie.
Ribi viklasti is topped with sliced ​​tomato and pepper, salt, pepper and covered with mozzarella chips.
Leave in a warm place for vistoyuvannya khvilin for 30.

Vip_kati for heating up to 180 gr. From the oven 30 hvilin to a golden streak.
After 20 quills, after the cob of zapіkannya, smear | smear | zhovtkom.

"Ship" from dry yeast dough

"Hull" and "window" of the ship vipkati are placed on the animal on the attached form of heat objects, lightly oiled.
After vipikannya all the details are taken from the ready virib.
Remind the chosen "ship" with gingerbread, dryers, crackers, bagels, tsukerki and serve it to the tea table with a samovar.
Okremo give in vases varennya, pechivo, rodzinki, dried apricots, prunes, candied fruits and other.

I simpler:

Nezvichayny, vitoncheny, merzhivny buns... Few people stand before such beauty! To whom the buns are worthy, come in and marvel at how easy it is to grow and grow ... It’s time to get a child)))


350 g boroshn
- 80 g soft butter
- 2 eggs
- 140 gr warm milk
- 3 tablespoons of zucru
- 1 sachet of vanilla zucru
- 10 gr drіzhdzhіv
- Trochs of licorice milk for smearing buns
- Tsukrova powder


Pour milk into a bowl. Add 1 tsp. tsukru. Vsipati drіzhdzhі, mix it up, chop it with a servlet and remove 10 quills.

In an okremu utensils, shake vigorously, zukor that strength.

Add the prepared dough + milk + zukor and eggs. Mix with a spoon.

If it becomes very important to mix it up, add a ruban for dribni shmatochki oliya.

Vimishuvati quietly stretching 10 minutes | minutes |. Transfer the dough into a clean bowl, cover with a servlet and leave it in a warm place for about 1 year 30 hvilin, left | docks | Quietly do not rise (increase 2 times).

Divide the dough into two parts. Rozkachati not too thin. Virizati whirling (here 5 cm in diameter)

Fold three stakes from dough, as shown in the little one.

Burn them all at once, and then cut them apart and see 2 parts of the mesh

Tse zrobiti with usim test.

Use the form for cupcakes with a paper for a whiskey, lay the lace not too tight, as shown in the little one

Grease the buns with licorice milk and let them increase in volume, vip about 15-20 quills in a heated oven at a temperature of 180 degrees. Decorate with tsukrovy powder)



For test:
250 ml warm milk, 1 egg
1/4 bottle zucru, 1/2 tsp. salt
100 g butter | butter |, rosemary
vanilla, 2+1/4 tsp dry yeast
3 flasks of boroshn
zukor, poppy
roslinna oliya
hot melted butter
tsukrova powder

З|із| knead the products softly, cover with grub and let them sit in a warm place until they are healed for about 2 years.
The dough, which has gone down, is divided into sacks. Take a piece of dough, cut an oval shape.
Make up Oliya, sipte tsukr and poppy seeds. Form a bun, as shown in the photo.
Put buns on a sheet and let them go in a warm place for about 30 quills. The buns that came out, boil them in a heated oven at 190C for 15-20 minutes.
Ready hot buns to grease with melted butter. If the buns are cooled, sprinkle with tsukrovoy powder.

For those who love to cook at home savory and fresh language in this article to the Site portal. To the point of sweetness, we can see with you, crazy, malty: cakes and pastries, baked and baked pies.

However, it is important that the grass you prepared was not only savory, but also beautiful and appetizing.

How to decorate a homemade pie?

You can decorate homemade cake with vicarious chocolate icing, cream, dried fruits and peas, special confectionery sippannya with different colors of coconut flakes or natural namistins, fresh fruits, mint leaves, jams, and jam. How to get options without a face.

They dedicate a large part of the article to that, like embellishing a pie with a father-in-law. On the right, it’s not foldable, test your subtleties and tricks.

Kiski z tista for decorating the pie

The most common and simplest way to decorate a homemade pie is to braid a braid with a twist and a twist over the pie.

If you want, so that such an embellishment looked, not traditionally known, then you can win kharchov barvniki or the finest cocoa powder, to give some of the pussy from the test.

Trojandy from dough for decorating the pie

Embellish this option, looking even more effective, but if you add it, it will be a little more important, lower in front.

Rozkotіt іsto і for the help of a flask, viruzhte the same size of the kitchen. Leather gurtok - it will be okrema pellyustka of the possible trojandochka from the test. Fold the mugs of dough between yourself (div. photo) and form a bud. Decorate the pie with ready-made buds of trojans from dough.

In the process of vipikannya, trojans grow at rozmіrі and trochs come out.

Do-it-yourself cake at the form of a ticket

Axis marveling at the end of the option, making a homemade pie in such a form is impossible. However, with a detailed look and delving into the mustache thin, razumієsh, not everything is so coherent, as it seemed at first glance.

Rozkotіt z tіsta small colo, so schob vіn z easily placed near the form for vypіkannya. Then we twist 8 identical bags of the same dough and put them on the stake (divine photo). Now we are going to make 4 incisions in the center of the composition with a knife (divine photo). Bend the pelyustki, which you have seen, over the bag of dough.

The finished pie can be sipped with chili powder and decorated with fresh fruit.

Pirіg, embellishments with figurines from dough

As soon as you use ready-made forms for the dough, you can create the most unique ones on your homemade cake: hearts and little stars, yalinkas and leaves, emoticons and cats ...

Pirіg, embellishments with strings from dough

Such embellishment of the cake is considered traditional. Rozkotіt іsto і naіzhte slender husbands. Let's put it on top of the filling (div. photo).

Pie from envelopes

This version of a homemade pie is not only garnier, but it’s also savory and delicious, so we’ll get rich and rich on the filling.

Rozkotіt іsto аnd for help the flasks are round in shape, like dumplings or dumplings. Burn the filling for the pie at the skin of the mug and store it in the form of an envelope (divine photo). From the envelopes with the filling, form the whole pie.

How to decorate the edge of the pie with your own hands?

You can embellish the edge of the pie in a different way, richly in what to lie down according to your imagination and neatness. Ale kіlka options we will show you.



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