Psuvannya for ailments in domestic minds. How to correctly direct that sign of psuvannya to health. I'm going to pay the way

Why do people pray over him, how to take away the damage that will be done? Buvay, unkind look, the words of a third-party person so pour into the mood of the other, that everything starts to fall from the hands of the new one. The people of the building are passing by, or under the influx of negative emotions, destroy the good mood of the spy. What do you say, if zadrіst chi images zamushuyut їh timid price navmisne? In some cases, hatred is strong to the point of being known, so that the negative expands and sim'yu.

It is not obligatory to read incantations and zdіysnyuvat rites, sob zіpsuvat objectionable people's life. Sufficient for the mind of the soul to indulge in evil, and, unfortunately, shoddy with great omovirnistyu will be given. Pobutov psuvannya chi will attach - a wider manifestation, which is easy to resist. How do you know it, how does it feel, what a heap of nav_v її on your supernik chi yogo budinok? It is necessary to understand the meaning of the very word "psuvannya" on the back of the head, as it were.

A magical ritual is called a protyazh to help people, directing people to health and well-being with a path to strengthen your negative energy.

People turned to chaklunіv and sorcerers, so that they read special prayers and cursed the enemy of that yogi. Among different peoples, the rites were significantly changed, but their zmist was left alone.

In Africa, the shamans prepared the voodoo doll, which instilled in the human meta, she carried out manipulations with it. In Europe, hair was often victorious, the blood of the enemy was covered by yoga special river.

The most terrible is the call to death, as you can rightly bring the damned to the death. Like a ritual to rob a strong magician, the building will seriously zapsuvati the energy field of a person, which will cause depression to sickness.

On the vіdmіnu vіd psuvannya, pristrit not vmagaє spetsіal'nyh chaklunskiy vplivіv. To produce negative thoughts before the new one, in which hatred is invested.

Signs of psuvannya on a person that sіm'yu

At the mundane everyday podias, people began to listen to the intuition and often look at the signs that they help her, and bring on physical ailments. This is a fundamentally wrong pidkhid. If things don't go well, then follow up and analyze those that appear.

I would like to pay special attention to such inhospitable symptoms:

  • for no reason blamed for apathy and a lack of strength;
  • ailments that do not respond to exaltation and cry out for difficulties in making a diagnosis;
  • welding with relatives and friends;
  • problems on the robot right up to the call;
  • aggression of domestic lovers;
  • unreasonable fears and phobias;
  • privablivist shkіdlivih zvichok and/or loss of control over them;
  • no nightmares.

Crazy, all unacceptable incidents can be covered up. The days of the skin are not far away, but it’s still catastrophic not to have a good time for a long time, or life has changed dramatically to a worse day, it’s necessary to know the reasons why you come to live.

It is important that a person’s mind should be patched up with a “black” mind, as if it were common sense, in the same way they put a psuvannya on her. It is possible, as if to sing wondrous speeches at the booth, with a built-in head or a little bear from the earth.

Psuvannya zdatna stumble upon impersonal aspects of life: love, love, family, health and good luck. Even though serious problems are often blamed on an empty space, think about the approaches of unkind people.

For help wax

One of other ways, which allow you to take the wax independently, є vikoristannya wax wax. Vіn also allow you to signify that the bula won't be induced by the unfortunate viklikanі by the wrong vchinki of the person herself.

Until the sun is out, it is necessary to collect cold water from the well from the well, scooping it straight from the entrance to the exit, or from the river against the flow. At this moment it is necessary to make such a call: “Ancestors-grandfathers! Allow me to dial in the spirit of evil spirits, of the evil chaklunstva, of the creatures, of the pains, of good health (Im'I am a people). Goy! Glory!"

It is necessary to carry water home, without looking back. The ceremony is carried out before the descent or after sunset. Having poured water into the basin, it is necessary to lower the silver virus into it, so as not to infect. Sweat, having melted the temple, we will properly roll yoga near the water and look at the figures that we saw.

Yakshcho vin smooth chi caught with light whistles, the energy is clean. Loops to talk about falling down, and bumpy pyramids and figures with gostrimi kutas - about pissing, pointing at a given person.

For some vipadkas, one fork is enough to take it. Pereviriti tse vdas, repeating the procedure. When the wax is caught in a large form, it is necessary to carry out a fork with the voice of the prayer “Our Father” at the hour of melting the wax and the “Cross of Life” at the process of waving near the water.

It is not possible to take care of the znyatty psuvanya in a week, that fasting of the church is holy. For people, the ceremony is carried out on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and for women - on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

For the help of a chicken egg

The egg is considered a mystical product. In the magic of yoga, people are associated with the soul, and ancient vcheni respected that the creation of the world began from the new. Vono to take revenge on a lot of lifely speeches, but a smut smut orphan egg strangely reacting to the destruction of the human energy field.

After reading "Our Father" three times, it is necessary to break yoga in a jar of water and deprive it of a lizhka for nothing. The lie of the uncomplicated substance will demonstrate the viability of the substance. Yakshto white is cloudy, unfortunately, it’s a shameful spitting boulder.

Having taken 5-10 eggs, you can take people from the psuvannya. It is better to work with a helper, so that the negative must be taken away from the skin centimeter of the body. The ritual is carried out until early sun in the period of the fall month in the open space of the room on the open day.

In front of the icon it is necessary to light a church candle and spread yourself in front of it, thinking about the sound of the candle. Start vykochuvannya next to the head, taking the egg in your hand and freely watering it over your head for the year's arrow. Let's repeat those manipulations with the shoulder that shoulder. Pass the egg in the right hand down from the shoulder to the foot. As soon as an egg becomes important, they make a kill, take a new one and continue the ceremony.

Vikoristan's eggs are broken and wriggled in a container filled with water. If someone is to be blamed on the street and buried together from the shell at the water-kremlin city. After the end, the words are repeated: “The earth is Holy, created by God, take away the slander of the brudny, the dog trash, the twig is terrible. Amen!"

After the first cleansing, the person will notice that an important burden has fallen from his shoulders. Prote the rite is required to be repeated every day with a stretch of the day.

For additional salt

Let’s just say that it’s effective to do it, the method of acquiring oneself from the practice in domestic minds with witty salt. So it is, just like during the ceremony with a chicken egg, signify the presence of negativity into letting go, throwing a drop of salt into a flask with jellied water and pouring yoga on a lizhku. If the water becomes cloudy, or change the color, the next step is to clean it up. The shortest hour for the new one - on the fall month.

Put a bowl of clean water on the table. Three presses of salt put on and start roasting її. Protect the strength with a knife against the year's arrow and at the same time 6 times read the zmov: “The strength was and is clean, cleanse me (my people) from damage, attachment, love spell, gate, type of snakes, speaking on the water, on the hedgehog, behind the wind, at the back, in the eyes. Looks old, that old, looks young, that young, looks old, that mother. Let it be so."

Trichi scoop up water with their hands and brizkayut її in disguise, so that the water drained to the force. The process includes: “Voditsa-sister, you’ll spend on the heat, you’ll know at the baker’s. So damage and affliction appear, spell that gate, move, speak on the water, on the zhu, behind the wind, at the back, in the eyes. Looks old, that old, looks young, that young, looks old, that mother. Let it be so."

Potim strength zipayut near the water, and tsey rozchin wag the ground under the tree. In parting, say: “Water, flows from white, that is black, that is rotten to all (Im'ya people). That up to the root. That root drink water, that one take away strength, that one black. Let it be so. Let it be so. Let it be so."

For the help of the pendulum

The appointment of the presence of the pendulum with the pendulum is carried out on a young month. Vіn є thread z tying up to one point with a silver ring without stones. Also, you need an arkush paper, an olive, an oliya, a penzlik and church wax candles.

On the arkush paper, the figure of a person is schematically painted, so they know the name, without a robe. Evil in it, write the word "nі", right-handed - "so". Reading "Our Father", take troch dewy olive and three times to christify the namalovan people.

Dali with a penzlik, soaked in oil, paint crosses on your forehead, belly and shoulders, proclaiming: “ I call you a servant of God (I am a people). Today you will be for her. Mustache її sores - your sores, mustache її negarazdi - your negarazdy, mustache її thoughts - your thoughts. Don’t grab anything, tell the whole truth, don’t twist your soul, don’t say a word.”

Place and light 4 candles on the corners of the table. A thread is wound on the finger of the right hand, tied to it with a ring and read: “Don’t make fun, don’t make noise, but just to know everything for sure, I’m starting. Praise me, the son of God Jesus Christ, Mary Mary, seraphim and cherubim, angels and archangels, all holy miracle workers, apostles and equal apostles, let me in my sins and teach life.

Put the elbow of the right hand on the table and lift the pendulum over the word “so”. In the voice of the next ask in the new, chi vіn today tells the truth to them. The sign "so" is indicated by the swings of the pendulum back and forth. If wine is left in the mist, or if it collapses on a stake, it means - no. The food will happen to repeat the coming day, until you become firm. Then we will ask: “What is it for the people of the psuvannya?” Like a negative sign, the pendulum swings, a leaf is burned with little ones, and the popil is thrown out onto the street.

At the time of a positive change, the pendulum is raised over a part of the body, de-sering the disease, and swing: “I know the streak and psuvannya, all the blackness, all the lightness, all the twigs, all the misfortunes (with the name of the area of ​​the body) of the servant of God (im'ya).” After confirming from the pendulum, that the psuvannya is taken, they sing it, and the leaf is burned and rose and drunk.

Nine sirniks are thrown into a small bowl with running water, which burned one by one. I will step on the skin and look in front of it, it seems: "Not nine, not eight..." and that's enough. If only one of the sirniks would stand vertically by the water, there would be damage to people. Її the strength to lie down in the number of sirniks, yakі they set up such a camp.

Fire, like water, miraculously takes away the traces of negative infusions. From the new box, 12 sirniks are removed, a wax candle is ignited and a charge is placed on the table from a white container without small ones. With a knife made of a wooden handle, we cut the heads from the sirkoy into the sirniks, put them on a plate and light the candles in the half-light.

When tsimu vimovyat: “Burn, child, burn the black eye. I drank for you, but for me (im'ya people) light is bright. So and not otherwise. Headless sirniki spread candles around and, marveling at half-a-days, read: “Even my God! Wave for me abo (Im'ya people), twelve Silences, twelve kamchuzhishchiv, twelve ailments, twelve fat, brushy, lomovyh, housing and napіvzhilnih! Keys and locks - near the water, fire - near the mountain! To the glory of you, Dazhbozh, yourself!

Then, with the left hand, they pick up the sirniki on the cheeks, pick them up and fold them in the ashes, looking at the burnt heads from the sirkoy. After the completion of the ritual, її blame and deprive at the X-like intersection, saying: “It is known that you curse. No return! Truly!”.

For the help of prayers

In Christianity, savagery to chakluniv, that induction of psuvannya is compared to savagery to the devil. Tse zhahlivy sin. People, sent to Yaku її, it is necessary to open the church and for the help of prayers, negative energy will be released.

After a 7-day fasting fast, you can read a prayer to Jesus Christ, standing in charge with running water. Prayer is said only once. Її diya will be the strongest one, the more people will bless you.

I'm going to pay the way

Sometimes the enemies of the enemy are afraid to think about how to take away the damage to themselves and at home, as if on the pores or in the very dwelling they revealed wondrous objects - deposits. They can show a small bag of earth and salt, built-in hairpins and throw humki.

Deyakі chakluni hang on the threshold of the earth from the tsvintarya or drop the corpse of a mouse or other creature. Crushed on qi items strong zmova, and you cannot take them with your hands at any time. It is necessary to carry out a deposit at a deserted place and burn yoga vshchent. The sooner you let go of yoga, and wake up yoga, then less bad luck.

"Vuzlikove psuvannya" is induced by a path of tying into a new bow of the earth, or other objects from the ring. Such a deposit must be thrown into the river with the words: “You, river, teki, pіdklad-vіdklad-translation take it from you. Run through, weep, turn the Lord's Yogo.

Clean the booths in addition to reading “Our Father” and that lit church candle, with which it is necessary to go around all the rooms. At the places, where the candle is shoddy tricotine, or the sun is on it, the wart is fading away.

Other methods

Deyakі people, having suspected that they have a psuvannya, turn to psychics. Far from all the stench are right-handed professionals, who, having earned a similar job, are more likely to educate friends and acquaintances about the magician, as if they were honored as servants.

Know about yourself and take care of the viide for the help of energy cleansing. In Persh Cherga, it is necessary to scatter people widely, who called for a bidu. Help youmu not improve the situation. Give the skin itself to choose for itself the best way of purification: prayers, doing sports and hobbies, getting out of the house at a higher price. Positive emotions spit out the negative.

How to defend yourself against that psuvannya

Christians see churches and wear church crosses on their shoulders. The stench of the intercession of God. Whoever picks up the faces of the saints in a case and writes prayers and wears them in the bag.

The famous widows with their hands make and pray for amulets. If you believe in your strength, the stench will help you in times of unsafe deeds. Popular are also different talismans, made from precious stones.

The old way, we can do it without a blame, is to build a hairpin with the head down on the inside of the dress. Our ancestors respected yoga even more.

To weaken the unkind star by pouring in the kindness of the people and the presence of evil thoughts. Negative energy does not interfere with orders from them, but it will not stick to them.

Not a trace of rozpovidat about your successes and achievements. The stinks of the building give rise to zadrіst, and know the miraculously zіpsuє energy field, having thought in the hearts unkindly about the svіvrozmovnik.

Dopomoga that turbota correct karma. Viyavlyayuchi їh hundredovno іnshih, lyudina as pribaє druzіv, and y pobudetsya negativity.


Sob not to shine over him, as if to take away the damage, to remember that in the world embittered and enchanted people are angry. The stinks can show their feelings, but change the situation. How to change the order from kimos quietly and uncomfortable, to continue the conversation is not varto. You won’t bring anything good, even if you change that thought of a person, it’s practically impossible.

Fortunately, dovkol є faceless "light" specialties, as if they would be happy to make friends and keep up with the twisted situation. World is not without good people, to speak prislіv'ya. It is necessary for the mother to have a positive attitude. Vin attracts less happiness and good luck.

My name is Julia Jennie Norman, I am the author of articles and books. I work with publishers of "OLMA-PRES" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. I help Nina to push through virtual reality projects. I have a European root, but I spent most of my life near Moscow. There are anonymous museums and exhibitions, which charge with positive and give inspiration. At my free time, I play French middle dances. Menі tsіkavі be-like vіdomosti about that era. I preach to you statti, zdatni zakhopiti new hobi or just give a gift of praise. It is necessary to think about the beautiful, then it’s out of your mind!

If you ever got stuck with such a designation as a cure for health: if you yourself were a victim of a negative injection, or you were trying to save your life with a black ritual, or maybe someone from your loved ones needed help to recover from damage, and you can vilicuvati native people? Sodі razberіtsya, as zguba potraplyaє in the body, z'yayte її signs and learn to have fun, and also protect yourself from a third-party energy injection.

At the same time, it’s important to understand that you can alert you when you are diagnosed with a disease, adzhe, crim congenital intuition, and it’s obvious that it’s not so with the body, recognize the negative, help you to recognize the negative symptoms that repeat the trivaly hour, and yourself:

  • clearly deteriorating health;
  • super clear comparisons of analyses;
  • try the doctors to make a diagnosis;
  • the state of health, which is left without change after receiving the prescribed drugs;
  • the adoption of veins and growths on the til;
  • dovge zagoєnnya vipadkovyh podryapina and light ears;
  • falling dawn, slozogіnnіst;
  • decay of teeth, rotten smell from the mouth;
  • vtrata vaga or rіzke її colivannya without the presence of diet;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • state of powerlessness among people;
  • strіmke vipadanny hair on the tilі or nadmіrne yogo growth;
  • sleeplessness or nightmares;
  • scargs of relatives to the grinding of your teeth at night;
  • the appearance of an ailment that cannot be overcome - sclerosis, rheumatism;
  • seeing poisons, a vice on the chest at night;
  • the appearance of suspected puffs;
  • hallucinations and periodic attacks of fear;
  • unique dzerkal, vіdraz until damp vіdobrazhennya;
  • hot flash of the eyes, yellowness of the eyes;
  • postiyne vіdchuttya, scho htos to marvel at you;
  • peresleduvannya svіdomosti sweaty sounds, voices;
  • non-exhaustive bajannya smoke chi drink alcohol.

As if you have more than half of the rehabilitated camps, try to know more clearly the clairvoyant or chakluna, so you can tell exactly what will be applied to your health - believe me, you definitely understand better, lower you.

How to direct a psuvannya on a twig that death

Zguba, how to be guided by the method of the enemy’s enemy, the enemy’s competitor, by no means vipadkovoy. Tsej vpliv svіdomleniya i tsіlespravovaniya, і vykonavets exactly avіznaniy, yakі slіdki can cause. However, not all zamovniks or independent ones, more often, performers of black rituals, are convinced that magical actions, directed at others, can turn into evil against them.

Signs of the restoration of health can be manifested as soon as after the victorious rite, and after the song of the aggressor, fallow in the opposite way, infusion.

In the most popular way of shkidlivy vlivu є psuvannya on a deposit, if by a special rite of conspiracy the objects are thrown to the booth, pіd threshold, on the city chi roboche mіsce potential victims.

The second kind of chaklunskoy shkodi on health are those who carry out the ceremony on the tsvintary and the selection of special attributes of black magic, as well as sacrifice.

The Danish view inflow is taken to make it less stronger the light of the dead magicians, ale and stinks, understand the whole risk of such sacraments and spend them only in extreme situations, for example, to screw up kinda curse otherwise, zupinity pouring in dark forces, which zdіysnyuєtsya for the order of another hard chaklun.

Another method of transferring a negative energy force: for example, succumbing for help to knots on the threads (safeguarding the appearance of warts and growths on the body of the victim), succumbing to the wind (giving rise to weakness in the body and causing infections). Such a Skoda is short-term and zastosovuetsya, if the competitor is next to be sucked in, beat the gris for the next hour. Ale does not mean that yoga’s legacy can be less unsafe, especially if the rite is carried out by an amateur, a novice at magic.

Love spells, gates, drying up and cooling down with the same kind of psuvannya, which makes you feel self-conscious. If you want meta їх zdіysnennya іnsha, the side result will always be on the healthy victim of love magic.

In order to hide such a gift, as if it were a loss of health, try, having revealed a foreign object on the threshold, on the territory of your monastery, do not take yoga with your bare hands. With mittens, or a ganchirka, take a sign and give it to the booth. Burn down the bed, stitches, shob the wind, sho rozdmuhuє drank, no directions from the bіk of you and your life.

How to take a psuvannya to the ailment

If you doubt that you have recognized a shkidlivogo infusion, there is no time - all the symptoms vanish and the fahivets of the occult sciences confirm the presence of psuvannya, try to pick yourself up, calm down your emotions and try to cleanse the aura on your own. Pіdіyde be-yakіy іz svoіdіv, vykladenih bellow.

Moving around the vase

For this clumsy rite, a single photograph of a person is needed, as if suffering from an unknown illness, a crystal (or glass) vase, water is consecrated. A sacrament is held, depending on the strength of the psuvannya, or the schedule is three by three (three days work, three breaks, and so three times), or this is for this (work the day, the day is a break, and so this is the time). A sign to take such a sign, for such a pіd inflow of the vologists is not evil farb. Wipe a vase and pour water, adding:

Cleanse, omiy me, mother-water, the serpent is all evil, black, superficial, point, inflict. Amen!

I’ll lower the sign at the water’s edge (it’s the fault of the other side of the cover). Leave the vessel with the card for nothing. It’s time to take a photograph and place it on a clean arch paper on a window, so that the sun dries up. Angry the Motherland at the entrance to the place, adding:

Mother Earth, human intercessor. Take me all the evil-psuyu, and take away all the ailments! Amen!

Wash the vase under a stream from a tap. In the evening, repeat the procedure.

Zmova vіd psuvannya with wine ta sillu


  1. water (200 ml);
  2. candle (1 piece);
  3. red wine (50 ml);
  4. sіl (zhmenya);
  5. that ash (pinch).

Choose for this day, the titles of women (Friday, Saturday, Wednesday), check the sunset of the sun and become the faces of the sunset.

Raise the kelih with wine, sip in the new trich with a pinch of salt, crush the ash, add a little water. Put insulting capacities with the motherland in front of you, put a candle in charge, light it up and read the whole text:

The strength was white, the ash was hot, the wine was mitzne, the rose was driven in. Tієї sіllu evil hardening pіdsolyu, I will salt that visolu. Popelom bіsіv, larva and demonіv sprepel. I will sing the evil spirits with wine, I will primus and dance my song. I wash myself with clean water, I get rid of all the world of addictions, illness, sickness and nightmares. Let the ailments and ailments, spoiled, slandered, looked at, conspired, directed into the water to go. My words cannot be spoken by anyone, not overpowered, not twisted, not zipped. Amen!

Auri ditini cleanse

Buvay so, that the negative, directing to the grown-up, isted on the less abducted households, children's children. Take a psuvannya, induce for the health of the child, to help the offensive folk method.

Prepare in advance a bucket of water, a pitcher (ladle) to collect spoons (you will know how many in the booth). Scoop up water with a ladle, put it in front of you. Now, with one hand, grab as many spoons as possible and put them down in the ladle.

Take a pitcher from left hand and one spoon is quiet, which you have lost your right to go to the doorknob. Scooping up a spoonful of water, wag її through the handle back. Three scooped up, go to the next door opening. In this rank, you are guilty of spilling water, open three fortifications.

Put the child on the knee, press the yogo wrist to the toe, so as not to bend, and bang on the new water from the ladle, then let us drink a couple of kovtkіv. Water, which is left out, vikoristovyte under the hour of bathing cryhti. For a stretch of three days, trim a lit church candle in front of a photograph of an ailing baby.

Strong zmova on the turn of health

It is read nine days after the fall of the night light:

Water flowed from the deep spring of the city of Jerusalem, passing by chakluniv and charіvnikіv, heretics, people and magician scientists. From evil hardening, from dashing strength, from a child, from a child, from plague and typhoid fever, from empty curtains and vikidniv, from temperature fever and bleeding, from psuvannya, from the disease of that ovnishny vice, from daughters of Gyodea, , Fire, Khripei, Gnobії, Cough, Boa, Hunger, Gorbei, Znobei. (Sign the water with a cross and continue). And in the city of Rusalim, where the throne-throne stands in the palace, Jesus Christ himself sits, beaten the new Ill-prophet, who opposes with the rod of the Bisiv, sparks-half-pits, water, well-made from the Jordan River, accuses. I call you with a hell of a sign, I’ll drive away with fire from the body: see, Satan, the body of the servant of God (name of the sick) is gone: from the wild head, from the hair, from the mouth of that voice, from the white, marmur brush, from the red, warm, from the ridge, from the hands of that nig, from the liver, from the heart, from the nir, from the slug, from the sieve michur, from the ovaries of the uterus (women), from the zhovchnoi duct, from the intestines, from the vein of the jacket, from suglobiv and fingers. Here you don’t be afraid, don’t drink strength from the servant of God (repeat im’ya) and don’t drink that blood from the holy prayer body. Amen!

Crimea of ​​many magic rituals, good to cope with ryatuvannya. patron saints Mykola the Wonderworker, mother Seraphim, Panteleimon the Healer, guardian angels will always come to the aid of the suffering, as if to pray generously for healing. Try to see the temple and pray for the health of yourself to the enemies - so you will see the evil of the krivdniks.

Today we’ll talk about psuvanya, as they can send unkind people to different ailments. Such situations in our life can be seen more often. I myself have stuck with it more than once. For example, if everything was good with a person, and then we start to waste away, it’s just zhah. Health and that soundness change literally in front of your eyes.

In the article, it is reported that we have taken such a note, as it is possible to determine, and that we have worked further, as if a similar attitude has become after you and your loved ones.

“Tanya in the eyes” - so to speak about a person, as if unbelievably you start to languish in the presence of an illness, as if the sounds came unreasonably. Not so long ago, I used to combine strength and energy, calming down my life, but today I hurry up to the doctors, spodivayuchis on the bliss in the face of the sickness. And all because of the fact that Yogo's aura is pierced by a negative program, as it takes life's strength. Like a person, before the induction of the psuvannya, he didn’t care about his health, the magic planted a powerful energy.

The swear on the twigs rozvalyu tіlo zmidin. If її is directed at the organ system, then the stink itself suffers. As if the program is aimed at zapodіyannya shkodi zdorov'yu zagalom, black magic hit a few components important for life.
For a change, such a psuvannya is classified as:

  • Organic, which forces on the object of the virus and infection, and drags on the immunity. I create fertile ground for the development of pathologies in my line of wines.
  • Chi is not organic, which influences the creation of the psycho-emotional state of the object. Nerves discord in reality, but physicians cannot accurately diagnose them.

Behind the working term, the promotion of health is one-time and bagatorazovoe. At the first vipadka, it is superimposed only once. Provadzhuyuchis in the energy sphere, you create a change of mind in the development of ailments. The essence of the bugatoriasis treatment is based on the multiplicity of rituals performed, which trigger that mechanism of the pathological process.


A characteristic manifestation of psuvannia on the ailment is raptov, self-perception and the development of any ailments. With the transition to a doctor, a person does not take proper help, shards of fahivets cannot be recognized give a reason sickness. Although the problem with the skin day grows and becomes obvious, the doctor seems to be absolutely healthy.

Prote zіpsovaniy ob'єkt already basking baiduzhim, mlyavim, falling into depression and losing interest until life. As a result, a diagnosis was made, the drug showed cancer, a state close to a heart attack, organ ailments, or important forms of pathology.

Recognizing the signs of the curse is not easy. Yakshcho you mark the swedish recruitment behind you, or throw off the vaga, you see the sickness, fight the difference between the ribs, or the rest of the ruh, then, on you psuvannya. Family parity of the reproductive age negative program childlessness manifests itself, wanting the results of analyzes of people and that team to be taken into custody until the continuation of the family.

Fall of strength and weakness, as if they were constantly trapping at the hour of the church, so to speak about those who "zipsuvali" the people. For some of the sufferers, the symptoms are nightmares, nervousness, dissatisfaction with oneself, and wonderful feelings in life.

How to recognize who has killed

How do you know who sent this flow of negative energy? It dawned on me that professional witches and chakluni are engaged in such a capital. Ale, who was the deputy's deputy, what caused the deterioration in health? Guess what, if you don’t treat you people, I’ll filthy fame. Or maybe there is a serious conflict? Have some special speeches come up lately? As one of the pods is small in the world, it is possible that it is tied to the faults of your self-confidence. So the next step is to protect the family roots of the psuvannya - in such a time, the negative force spread to the whole homeland.

How to vikriti the author of the curse? For whom it is necessary to make a dream. In advance of the day, be some kind of Orthodox saint, or in the night for a week, read before him, like lying down to sleep.

“I walk in rows, I marvel at my eyes. Standing in the middle of the row is Saint Samson. Name of God, foreshadow the living, I say to you the holy word: "Holy Samson, show me a prophetic dream." Punish - let me Samson on the gate, show me in my dream. Holy Trinity, help me in my rightness, and the great Jesus Christ bless my dream. I call on the help of the Father, Sin and the Holy Spirit. Vidteper and forever. Amen."

Then go to sleep. In the middle of the night, the creator of the dream will appear.

If you want a special zestrichi z vorogom, vykonite ritual іz tsvyakhom. The tool is not to blame, but we'll forgive you - you need to know it at the tsvintar and ask at the agency of funeral services. The flowers are guilty of buti s quiet, which victorious when clogging the tops of the thorns. It is impossible to take yogo with bare hands - you can slay in mittens, or for additional fabrics.

Vicorist flowers like this. Having driven yoga into the threshold of a damp booth, say:

“Whoever naughty me and zipsuvav me, I call with flowers. If you don’t come to me in 3 days, you will die in a fire. Truna, tsvintar, flowers. Come to me, the titles of a guest.

Let's say "Amen" three times. Now check the enemy - you will show up in the next 3 days. To know that this person is well known to you, do not be surprised at this wonderful behavior.

Yak take

With a weak intensity of the inflow, you can take baths in the pool (Khreschenskaya Nich) for health reasons. From washing by the holy water, sin and negativity are spared, which hit your call. Ale, it’s far from the saint, but come in, you need to get used to the term, the magicians recommend performing a ritual with fire and water. It is for the sake of a vicar that a person is guilty of reaching the phase of the month, in order to grow, and drink on the bank of a river or a lake, taking a new white towel and a church candle. Manipulation wins on the sweatshirt. Keeping a candle in the left hand, it is necessary to mark yourself with a cross and walk up to the knee by the water. The words should be moved like this:

“Strength lead that fire, take my pain away from me. I will bring sickness, I will look at the disease, I will bring the sore. How rich is this light with water, and how richly I will light it with fire, so richly and my words mean. And no one can overcome them. Amen."

Now let's figure it out, how to get sick of the sickness for additional salt. For magical diy you need:

  • strength;
  • red wine;
  • church candle;
  • zmenka ash;
  • Trochs of pure water in a bowl.

The day of the ritual may be buti zhіnochim - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. It is necessary to spend a month at the growth phase. The hour to finish the bazhano pіdіbrati is dark. On the one hand, people need to stand in front of them and place before themselves a capacity with wine. At the drink, add a little water, 3 pinches of salt and ash. Order from the dishes to light a candle and read:

“The strength of the salt, the ash of the fire and the wine, the rose of the mind! With grains of salt, I salt evilly, I salt, I salt. I’m spitting unclean forces with ashes. Bіsіv wine rosy let me go. The one who washes with water, sees an ailment, nightmares and fears are relieved. Illnesses are brought, they look and they are given to leave yoga. None of my words can be spoken, I can’t overcome and I can’t look back. Amen."

For a stretch of 3 days, we can come to you and ask for a rebate, not naming for what. Tell him God is your judge and do not give anything. In a different situation, you may need to re-apply, but it will be more foldable.

It has been known for a long time that depression and addiction can negatively affect healthy people. If you don’t suffer from impotence, or you don’t have a fever, the temperature is high for the whole hour, your head hurts, you have different whiskers, fever and other unwellness, then you’ve been punished for everything. I'll help you to improve your health, I'll help you with the methods that have been instructed by the article.

Cleansing the water with fire and water

This magical ritual is rooted in the power of purification by fire and water. To be held for a month, for growth, for a day or night in natural waters (lake, river, sea). You need a candle and a clean towel.

Otzhe, to be stripped naked, so that you can allow mischief (if you ever put on your own robe), take a lit candle from the lion’s hand and go near the water to the knee. Trichi cross with your right hand and read the zmov: “The power of the lead, the power of the fire, take away from the servant of God (im'ya) and take your troubles and bіl, grief and rozcharuvannya, I will bring the disease, I will speak the disease, I will look at the disease, I will heal the disease. Like rich water in this world, like rich warmth in this world, so rich and my words mean. And as no one can take all the water to the last drop of water, vape, as if no one is able to keep everything warm in this world, cover everything on the planet Earth with a cry, so no one can overcome my words. Amen."

Let's go up to the waist by the water and say those words. Repeat the same, zayshovshi water on the chest, with which candle, trim over the surface of the water. After the memory, remove the trichi from your head, and at the same time do not bury the candle near the water.

Go to the shore, put out the candle, wipe yourself with a clean towel and wash your thoughts: “Like a servant of God (im'ya) lead viishov, like a servant of God (im'ya) extinguishing the fire, so the damage from the servant of God (im'ya) came out and died away forever. Let my words be laws to all laws. Amen."

Go home, don't talk about anything. Save the candle in the room, in which you sleep for a stretch of three days, after which you can victorious for any purpose. Psuvannya that all її negative nasledki zniknut protyazh treoh dіb.

Znіmaєmo psuvannya for health for additional clay and drota

As if you have become a victim of black magic, commit such a rite. For the cob, remove a small piece of dart, bagan honey, troch of red clay and a candle.

Later, for a month, as the growth, at the sunset, sit on the sunset, light a candle, take it in your hands and wipe it out: twist, so the hands of the servant of God (im'ya) clench, curl, twist, wince, twist into a skein. I’ll twist, I’ll twist, I’ll burn, I’ll turn, I’ll sing, I’ll twist the damage into a skein, so that life and life don’t respect me, that kind of gaining, so that I don’t get healthy, so that I don’t let mute black on me. Amen."

After twisting the dreat at the skein and revealing it, as if the negative energy comes out of your body and burns at the black breast at once from the dart. If you blame anger, aggression, tears or other emotions, do not stream them. Navit if you want to shout or growl, spit all the names - so "toxins" come out of your energetic body. The more you loosen up your body and give free rein to your feelings, the better you get dressed.

After that, as soon as you are ready to continue, to spread the clay with water, so that it would be cooler for the density. Burn the breast of the dart into the clay so that the metal is not visible. Vibrate the clay, so that it looks like a smooth sack as much as possible, and repeat the words: “Like the clay covered the metal, like the clay lay down with a seal, so my damage was lost under the important kaidans, but not in the body of the living, but in hell with devils and bisami. My words are mіtsnі, like a stone Alatir. If it’s not possible to erase that stone near the sand, so none of my words can overcome that outskirts. Amen."

Pour a lump of clay on a similar vіknі. Exactly through this dib, throw yoga into a water reservoir (lake, river, reservoir, etc.). Psuvannya that all її negative manifest at the same moment, if the clay hits the water.

How to take damage for the help of sirnikiv

This method is simple, but it can be effective. For the cob, you need to designate which day to carry out the ritual of bringing ailments. For whom, wash the words: “Lord, God Almighty, Thy servant (im'ya) turns before You, help the servant of God (im'ya), show the day, if you can help me. Amen" and go to the store. Buy a box of sіrnikіv and movchki go home. Take care of the number of sirniks at the box. As if it were a couple of people, perform a ritual in the evening, as if it were not a couple - to make the same day for another day.

If you sign up for the day of the magical ceremony, I’ll sort out the sirniki again and fill in the stiles in the box, so that their number was a multiple of eleven, but not more than a hundred, buy some candles and fill the bottle with running water. At sunset, put candles on the table on the sides of the light, but do not light them. At the center of the square with a candle, place a bottle of water, instruct to put a prepared box of sirniks and look out of the room.

Rivno opіvnochі rozpochinayte carrying out the magical ritual. Light the candles, starting from the dawn and rushing after the year’s arrow, wash the sound: “Just as the fire near the water is extinguished, so the prayer in the servant of God (im'ya) is extinguished and zitkhaє. There will be no more sickness in the new one, like fire in the water. Amen, light the siren and throw Yogo at the bottle of water. Wrap those yourself with the help of sirniks who are in the box.

In addition, as all the siren will be victorious, extinguish the candles and go to sleep, just don’t clean up the bottle at the same time and wind it, don’t stick to it, otherwise your magical rite will not give results. Vranci pour water with sirenami at the smitta, holding the bottle with your right hand. Psuvannya and all її nasledki not turbuvatimut you already through doba.

We drop the sickness on the suture thread

For a month, as we grow, on Friday or Saturday, take a brown thread (bazhano shovkov) for a sweater and soak it with a lint or sweat. After whom, let me revise: “Everything that was given to the servant of God (im'ya), everything that was said about the servant of God (im'ya), everything that was looked at the servant of God (im'ya), everything that was corrupted by servant of God (im'ya) grandmothers, girls, witches, chaklunka, witches, chakluns, bis, devils, rudy, black, rusyavimi, straight, crooked, single-toothed, crooked-toothed, podlimi, zadrіsnimi, evil, one-legged, bow-legged, then th thread don't forget. first clay thread, then take the thread on yourself. Amen." Tie a thread on the right hand and wear it all day long.

At sunset, stand on the faces, light a candle, pick up a thread from your hand and twist the words: “As a thread burns, so do it in the body and in the soul of the servant of God (im'ya) burn. Let's see the sickness of the servant of God (im'ya) on fire. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. І ninі, i povyakchas, і for ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen." Burn the thread and go to sleep.
Psuvannya from you zіyde already up to the wound.

Poryatunok by the power of the word and the turn of the enemy

This method of relieving the negative influx of black magic is based on the power of the word, to be more precise, on the power of quiet vibrations, as if it were vibrating.

Otzhe, start the magical ritual for a month, for growth, on any day, Monday, Crimson. Lies, as if you’ll just slip, pick up a bottle of drinking water from a bottle, take yoga in your hands and move it: Go dark black from the servant of God (im'ya), ailment from the servant of God (im'ya), evil spirit from the servant of God (im'ya). Amen." Put the flask at the closet.

Before taking a meal, build a small bowl of water and flasks and read the prayer “Our Father” on the hedgehog. After the snidanka, I will rebuild a small kovok of water and vimovte zmovu: “Curses, curses, defamation, hatred of the servant of God (im'ya). The one who p'є, the one to be cleansed, and the one who spoiled the navі, who let the curse, who was surprised for a while, that kind of right to suffer, like a flower without water dries up. Mіtsnі words of mine, not good, like mіtsnі and not good words of the Lord Almighty. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. І ninі, i povyakchas, і for ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Repeat the same for skin irritation. In this rank, the hedgehog is charging positive vibrations and in the middle of your aura. All signs of psuvannya and її nasledki appear already on the offensive wound.

We take a drink for health with water

To carry out this ritual, you need a flask of water, a pinch of salt (strength is one of the most dangerous enemies of evil spirits), a pinch of ash, a candle and a pinch of red wine.

Henceforth, for a month, as we grow, on any day, on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, at sunset, stand on the sunset, put a bottle of wine in front of you, throw three pinches of salt into the new one, then a pinch of ash and add a little water. If you put a candle in order with a flask, light it up and make such a sound: “The strength of the salt, the ash of the girka, the wine of the mind is pleasing. I salt all evil, all demons, all bisiv, all evil spirit I will salt, salt, hang, ash, all evil, all demons, all bisiv, all evil spirits, I will sing with wine, I will relieve my mind, I will fill my filthy head with a filthy head. Whoever bathes in water, will wake up all ailments, all fears, all ailments, all nightmares, because of that, all ailments will be brought, slandered, slandered, looked at. I can’t speak my words, don’t overdo it, don’t look over, I can’t overcome. Amen."

After reading, heal the ailments, you are guilty of remembering the best - pouring yourself with water from the flasks and don’t wind up for a long time. At the time of the correct conduct of the magic ritual, the consolation of health is achieved by stretching the doby.

Magic otochuє people from the day її narodzhennya. Vaughn in yoga unreasonable vchinka, at the choice of a companion of life, to inspire success in the labor field. Magical spirits, even if they smell like boules, help at the reach of singing, collapsible goals. More food, how do you want to order it? Skeptics seem to think that the vipadkovі podії - zbіg, believing people, write off negativity on the test, send it to the soul of the moon in front of heaven, and the magician knows a strong magic surge at first glance.

Be yake magical infusion pull the reaction of the human body

Folding rituals for sickness and death

The death ritual is one of the most powerful rites, which requires a special concentration of inner strength and morale. Going to the aid of the panting of hard magic, you know the warto, what a price you happen to pay for it with the future. So it’s already troubling that people, as if they’re alienating you, are far from zavzhd vіdpovіdaet on your vchinki with mutual kindness, thieves put clubs in the wheel, and flirty tails lead out of these good people. Such is the life of all yoga vile manifestations. Painful dosvіd, for some - bring humility, and for others, send for the brave, diy at vidpovіd. You are not guilty of tolerating the winding of the enemies, the checks are still all-powerful boomerang turning around the bad things. Stop posterіgat for a share, as for chimos we are not vagomim that abstract. You are your own master, your own friend and greatest comrade-in-arms. Don't let the whiny ones turn on you. The rite for the death of a person in domestic minds is the last step, navazhuyuchis on which you are aware of the weather on all the last.

The principle of dії psuvannya on zdorov'ya

Whether it’s a magic splash that causes a reaction of the human body, on which the psuvannya is sent, or it will seriously hurt. Sometimes negative tendencies appear from the hour, and from time to time - ailments catch a sign for the healing days. Factors that add to the strength of the effectiveness of the rite are the qualifications of the magician, the period of the ritual, the selection of special symbols and attributes. The more time you add to the preparations for magical divinity, to bring the enemy to the point of illness, the more pracyuvatime the ritual is. head feature zmov to death, but the strongest ailment is those who are important to determine their cause and recognize it in their own time.

Rites for inducing illness

No doctors, no different analyses, no subsequent obstezhennia can make a correct diagnosis, even though the enemy is “dry” in the eyes. Psuvannya dіyut for everything important functions people - immunity, work of the heart, intestinal tract. So, a person is conspired to die by expending life strength, badiorism and garnii moods. For nature any the truth is alive may energy background, in which the ranks of dirks are so established through the ranks of vtruchannya. Why go into black magic in order to reach the desired result? Assess the situation from the side, abstract from impudent problems, save the calm and call everything for and against.

What is the enemy of your respect, spend your free time that inner energy? Do you take your satisfaction from the thorough rituals? Chi become easier on your soul? Nasampered, pick up about yourself. Your sincere jealousy is important for the renewal of justice, or the punishment of a vile person. As if after a real fainting, and yet, after all, the rite of death was performed, if the ailment is strong, then with trepidation, instill the implacability to learn all the important nuances of the future rite. A correct ritual guarantees a lasting effect, and it is a blessing to those who rob it.

Signs aimed at the decline of health

Recognize the strongest prey ordinary people folded, but all the same, it’s similar to the order. Watch for changes in the behavior and character of the person. Even if someone from your family remembers such symptoms, there is a great susceptibility to a strong addiction to ailments:

  • raptovі ailments, scho winickle nіzvіdki;
  • the new illness is rapidly progressing;
  • traditional ways of jubilation do not help;
  • one ailment suprovodzhuє іnshû (otherwise prihovuє її);
  • pogreshennya zagalny camp embossed on the psyche of a sick person;
  • a sharp decrease in the vag;
  • nothing is primed for bezplidnist;
  • sharp fall of all forces;
  • the presence of regular mitral sleep.

If you failed to bring a cure, then the symptoms of the enemy are similar. For the help of obvious signs of pricking, you should be able to prostezhuvat pouring in a sigh for improved health, and then transfer the swedish result of the secret ritual. Move, what a magical power can do, speak fluently, but such a possibility is still there.

Psuvannya - tse yakys magical infusion

Shvidka zmov on the ailment of the enemy

The rite of death is carried out either with the help of a certified enchanter, or in domestic minds, but with obligatory dotrimanny of all order and recommendations of professionals. Scaffolding, which are cherished by those who rape stronger psuvannya day by day I open your life. Won roz'їdaє zmidi i znischuє all garazd you. To that, it will be possible to see injustice and imagine, more simply for the help of the swedish, but also an effective scourge on the worsening of a healthy enemy. For the correct work of the rite, you need a river, leaked by the energy of a person, or an image for the whole time. In such a rank, through magic, through the snake, you will be straightened and strained.

The first step is to describe the main stages of the ritual, you will be provided with the power of energy. For whom it is recommended to see the church or the temple, ask to put candles for the health of those relatives. At first glance, innocent children will secure the best results for you with the least consequences for you. Let's pick up all the paraphernalia necessary for the ritual:

  • the sign of the enemy;
  • a vessel with holy water;
  • transparency єmnіst.

The magicians confirm that the sign of a person (yogo old photograph) saves energy up to 10 years. Ale for beginners, magic needs recent images.

How to perform a ritual

Pushing ta shvidka zmov to improve your health, I can change, so choose the option that is most suitable for you. Dock M_syats, and then we’ll do the ritual:

  1. Close that door, sit down in a quiet place.
  2. Pour holy water into the container.
  3. Lower the image of the enemy into the homeland, using a spell:

    “The body of the slave (im'ya) is on fire, the blood is boiling, then we come out, you don’t know peace. Follow my word!”.

  4. Dry the photo and the coming night, add a sign to the cvintar.
  5. Find the gravestone of a person, I'm going to run after the names of your enemy.
  6. Bury the image of the grave.
  7. When you turn home, read "Our Father" and let go of the image.

In order to strengthen the robotic movement, they are supported by mechanical inflows in the photo (to help with a simple sewing head). The ritual is started pratsyuvati literally from the first whilins. Stock up on patience, not a big illness of your enemy, overgrowth in a serious illness.

Aspen Zmova on a deadly ailment

An alternative way to take revenge on the enemies deadly ailment with vikoristannya aspen needles. head office decorous force maє magic, zastosovana in the kіlka of the last stages. Strong rites are not completed in one day, even if the objects that take part in the rituals are guilty of leaking out the required energy as much as possible. The image of a person (photo) is the most important linking element, which can be taken quickly and without zaluchennya zavoi respect.

What do you need for the ritual

To know the sign of the enemy, the start of modern technologies and social services is like a task, it takes a few seconds, and then prepare all the necessary "ingredients" for the future ritual. So, you need:

  • photo unkind;
  • Shovkova Khustinka;
  • holy water;
  • aspen needle;
  • church candle.

Preparation for the ritual starts 13 days before the main event. It is necessary for the aspen tree to grow from a healthy tree;

For wasp snakes on a deadly ailment, a shovkova khustka is necessary

How to perform a ritual

The 12-day preparation before the rite includes repetition of one and the other and the same - the virvana gіlka is placed at night near the holy water, and in the early hours it is dried on direct sleepy exchanges. Then, let's proceed to the main ritual:

  1. Take a photo of the enemy, as if taking information about the Vlasnik.
  2. Wrap a seam with a sharp sign and throw it in a row on a pidlog.
  3. Take a dry rod, ahead of preparation, and beat it with a bunch.
  4. Speak to yourself the basis of the spell:

    “Beyond the distant mountains there is a sea in the bay, on the sea stand a pile of stones from the earth up to the sky, on a pile stand a wooden man, as if in a strong light: a bay, a stone, a tree, fall down to a slave (slave) (im'ya ), torment yoga (її), prick yoga (її), sіch yoga (її). As at the castles, the bows of the mitzna, so my words are lingering. Let it be so."

  5. Repeat the words of the trichi spell.

Cross and shove a hustka at once from a photo in a quiet place, so that no one knows.

The power of a ritual like this cannot be extinguished by the dochi, doki will save the charmed photo. The enemy is more likely to become sick, then we will begin to attack the attacks of sharp ailments, and then the body of the unkind person will relax on the floor, which is the cause of a serious illness. Rituals for death according to the photo, on this day, are the most popular among the middle of the old magicians, as well as newcomers to such a rich magical right.

Deadly disease, like a punishment for a thorough pіdlіst, like a payment that is a righteous pomsta. For some people, such a radical come in to be foolish, and others will understand why the viklikana is strong in the house. Modern world power in such a rank that I can overcome it only for the mind of a swedish reaction. Do you want a happy, turbo-free life? Then take it away in a different way. Wake up the enemies, give yourself a moral boost and let the past go. If you still put food, as if you were swearing at the enemy, then do not drag out the hour, create a home ritual for healing days. Ritual rite (call on death, call on a strong ailment, or a simple prick) is only vikonuetsya in suvoriy mystery. Neither your friends nor relatives can know about such manipulations.

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