The meaning of the name marina telets. The meaning of the woman's name Marina. If it's a birthday, Angel's Day at Marini according to the Orthodox calendar

1. Feature: quiet women

2. Basic drawings: will - comradeship - activity - intellect

3. Colour: yellow

4. Roslin Totem: Veres

5. Totem creature: corop

6. Sign: ribi.

7. Type. Do not judge them by their name, make them like a totem є corop. The number of individuals in the building is brought to the end of the naivazhcha and beyond the power of the right. As a rule, women are extra-class, yakkі call sympathy from otochyuchih people.

8. Psyche. Quickly stink people do it. It’s easier for me to spread the word, tell about it. They have a human manner of currying and ruling. Objectives and impressions in oneself.

9. Will. Zmalku is already strong. Around them, there may be people with a balanced psyche, otherwise I’ll stink again to strangle them.

10. Wakefulness. You will know true friends among these women. Be friends with both men and women.

11. Quickness of reaction. Easily zapylyuyutsya, but zavzhd dіyut z rozrahunkom. Love superchiti and say "nі".

12. Field of activity. The prices of the women are always conceived. The most important thing for them is to turn to a profession. Choose a robot, de need to punish, navit as it is connected with a risk. If you already become obsessed with art, then it is obov'yazkovo to become sculptors and artists. At any rate, he dares to circle other fingers for a long time.

13. Intuition. They have a lot of hobbies, unknowns, tell me with a secret, that the roaming wanderers are ruined in the minds of their own particularity,

14. Intellect. Mayut synthetic type of mislennya. However, you need to be careful, so that these girls do not grab on top, but delve into the essence of the problem.

15. Responsiveness. Good, but without overlaps. Їm domineering strimanist, do not like to put your own almost glance around.

16. Morality. The morality of these women does not reach for their actions, like a quartermaster convoy for the army. As far as they can see, they can change their moral principles.

17. Health. We’re happy that they are healthy, they don’t harm themselves, they don’t sleep enough, they irrationally eat, they work too much. Drіbnі ill health can make your life easier. Weak areas: autonomic nervous system, state organs.

18. Sexuality. Women with a similar type of character feel a strong pull and try to live a new life. Sexuality - all at once: sweetness, nasoloda, spiritualization of sex, happiness and misfortune.

19. Activity. Active and motivated to grow a career in professions that are up to the level of a person.

20. Comrade. The stench of the invisible gentlemen, they miraculously prepare to welcome the guests, kindly and intelligently victoriously look after their interests. With great love to be put up to this, but the character is still independent.

21. Visnovok. Have tsikh osіb nadto firm for zhіnki character. In such "quiet" women, the secret strength of that mіts is crying.

For Mendelevim

Well, that radio is named after a wonderful woman. Її perevagi prihovani that baiduzhogo glance unremembered. With soothing feelings, she is equal and friendly, but it’s rare for someone to reach spiritual closeness with her (the sign of “cold”). Successes on the right її do not even praise, more її the country - tse expanse of the soul.

Marina Tsvetaeva gave a wonderful description of her name:

Who are creations from ashes, who are evil from clay,

And I will shrivele and sya.

Me on the right - zrada, me im'ya - Marina,

I am the tlinna pina of Morsk!

Marina has a high intuition and alertness, which helps her to discover new things for herself, unknown to others, the joy of life and interest to her. But it’s so easy for Marina to know and feel like she’s empty. Behind the temperament, there, perhaps, is a melancholy.

Lіd i polum'ya - so you can signify tsyu nature.

Marina either passes through life quietly and unfailingly, or it flows loudly, brightly and gurglingly - ale tsey polit trivaevgo unhappily.

The main color picture of his name is the crimson sun over the blue sea.

Sexual portrait of the name (for Khigir)

Marina zakohuєtsya in garnih, strong, prioblivyh cholovіkіv. Like a man is worthy of, she will be born on the first evening after acquaintance.

Marina looks at sex at once and as a satisfaction of love addiction, as a way of self-expression and self-denial, relief from complexes. You can look up to a person, with whom you are close, feel better and at once make contact,

Rukhoma is less of a physical addiction.

"Zimova" Marina is sexually aroused and active. Vaughan richly vimagaє like a partner, but she herself is a madman to chase after yogo erotic experiences and go nazustrіch yogo bazhannyam.

Sexual blues are not the least part of life. Yakshcho Marina goes outside for a rozrachunka, whose rozrachunok conveys and the sexuality of a future person.

"Autumn" Marina is rarely satisfied with the kohanna. Vaughn is powerful, she knows her own worth and wants to take it with a proper rank. To love the diversity of emotions in the sphere of emotions, not to endure boring, fresh stosunkivs. Often she makes her own life easier.

Marina is straightforward and open-minded, building a partner for the generosity of passion. At one time, she sees her own peculiarity, looks at her own self, instills in the mind of a kohan. Marina often cultivates her own tightness, almost self-sufficiency in her own life: sometimes she gets angry, she just gets drunk with her love sufferings, without them life becomes barbaric. You don’t like to feel like you’re tied up, you don’t love the environment, you don’t have to play your share. In your sexual relationships, you can see the possibility of reaching spiritual comfort, feel yourself bazhana, kokhanoy, and tse її bazhannya at the hour you become so simple that you can’t help but piss

For D. and N. Winter

The meaning of that pohodzhennya name: "Morsk". At the Greek language name, Pelagia

Energetics of the name of the character: It is not for nothing that it is named after the sea; The axis is just not too far to flood over the buoys, the battler may not be caught up to come to the rescue. Tse, obviously, figurative viraz, but in a flash, for my energy, I am defiantly guessing that I will praise the surf, that I am gaining, that a spring, I am ready at any moment to spread out and strike. Well, moreover, it’s more sonorous and beautiful than I’m building, not only to win the respect of the resting people to themselves, but you can also make Marina even more driven by ambition.

Sounds from the childishness of Marina invigorating life and frivolity, and the energy is good in the name of nada їy vpevnennosti in oneself. If you want to, and so, that through the supernaturally suvore of vihovannya, everything appears right on the spot, and instead of splendid innocence, no less remarkable complex of incompetence develops. It's a pity, but the wholesome side of ambition is less, vernishe, yoga is unrealized side. Like people, don’t get to their inner ugliness and to the thought of otochyuyuschimi, constantly instruct on yoga nedolіki, also from the heights of the Batkiv camp, then wine, instead of that, after the Batkiv’s plan, you’ll soon get better, just better then hate yourself. Zreshtoy, since love is not so far from hatred. Vіm, navіt like this and become, from the age of such a camp, better for everything, get better and, having risen to an independent life, Marina still perekonaєtsya in her merits and zdatnostі pour on people.

In a word, even if it’s not childishness, then all the same, early on, it’s too early to show the strength of your own naughty character. With this, in Marini's behavior, she most often outweighs her agility. Vaughn buvaє groovy, prote can raptom znenatska spend іnteres up to іlki rozpochataї do it. In times of conflicts, there is nothing to stand up for yourself, wanting to remember the evil and the image is not in your character. Ale, the most beautiful and the most enchanting quality of Marini - it’s good for the sense of humor, to rob you of that cheerful life-radius people. It is possible that what is true is not true, then it is possible that the situation should concentrate on one specific goal. Without this, you will do your best to grow your own career, as, obviously, your career is borrowing in її plans like a place - even more often, Marini's ambition is completely satisfied with the elementary honor of her loved ones. All of the above is more necessary to protect and її people, who is guilty of giving Marina and її independent vanity to gain a lot of respect and even in no way belittle її neither words nor behavior. Tse i є tі buoys, for yakі, oh yak, it’s not safe to flood.

Secrets of intercourse: Often, in her spiritual conflict, Marina zdatna says a lot of things, but it doesn’t mean that you are now the enemies of science. Shvidshe for everything, already tomorrow she won’t guess about welding, otherwise she herself is seriously shoddy about scoine. Neutralize the conflict, having saved it, best of all for the help of good humor.

Next name in history:

Marina Vlady

Having truly respected Yeldar Ryazanov at his program "Parisian tales", all the life of the French actress Marini Vlady (born 1938) can be divided into three periods: before Visotsky, after Highotsky and after death. However, it is necessary to respect that for all the differences in three periods, however, there are a lot of podias, rushes, like non-transferring turns of the Share. About tse to tell and the facts of the biography of the actress. The daughter of a Russian pilot and a Russian noblewoman, who became friends in a Parisian immigration, won, in such a rank, was born a Frenchwoman - just like three її sisters. Tsіkavo th those, scho s skin z chotirioh sisters yearly became an independent actress, and once stinks navіt mustache together played Chekhov's "Three Sisters", moreover, with great success.

Boredzhena Polyakova-Baydarova, the actress, quickly realized that for a successful career, a stage name is necessary in the distance, and, having shortened her father’s face, took short from Volodymyr and Vlady, which is remembered. Successes came before her already after the first films, but in propositions they didn’t fail: the directors had to work with a talented actress, as small as she was, the cream of other qualities, choreographic training. At the moment, Marina Vlady has starred in more than a hundred films and knows that there is still no difference. Moreover, she plays at the theatre, writes books, sings...

However, regardless of the glittering career, not everything in life turned out the way I wanted it to. For example, Marina Vlady, behind her words, always wanted the mother to have at least six children, and the viscounty only thought of "half of the plan." Vaughn, as if she dreamed about a romantic kohannya for all life, had a chance to change her mind, and, knowing that she had long-term love with a third man, Volodymyr Visotsky, after twelve years of happiness she lost her widow.

About her life with Visotsky, Marina Vlady loves to think like this: stink shards often lived porosity - in Moscow, out of France, - then they called each other regularly and, not in a madness, spoke on the phone for years. However, astronomical sums were not paid for calls: telephone operators, knowing their voices, often sighed without a cost.

For Khigir

The female form of the name Marin, resembles the Latin word "marinus" - sea.

As a rule, Marina thinks highly to herself. And Marina is ugly often to re-evaluate herself. Emotions are out of mind, so that everything that costs a special share, out there, is thought out kindly.

It is too early for her sensitivity to slip through. At the school, Marini always boils passions, handing over little notes, between the lads they make welds, they always want to carry their portfolio. It is marvelous that it seems to be independent in view of the fact that Marina is harmless. Women from childhood and until old age have a mysterious charm, like magnetism, before which people are absolutely defenseless. Marina is sensible, merciful, rosy, with a strong sense of goodness; zіtknuvshis і zrado kokhanї people, do not reconcile, navіl like separation threatening the collapse of the entire її life. With such a foldable pride and arrogance, Marina is still not stingy.

Marina is a happy people of a calm, with a docile nature, who can take care of her necessary life. With whom, a person is guilty of constantly hooting at Marina, she does not know disrespect to herself. Through the high self-esteem, Marini develops uneasy feelings for her mother-in-law. In the kitchen of Marina, create a diva, be-sho-be-be-be-wonder the guests with your culinary skills. It’s impulsive to talk about children in turbot: sometimes it throws itself over the clear gaps in the future, then it’s long overdue to give children to oneself, to create a scene of jealousy in the presence of unknown people.

The first girls at Marini's are important.

Often rob the professions of nurses, doctors, telephone operators, engineers, clerks, actresses.

Marini has the most foldable character for her father-like Matviїvna, Andriyanіvna, Volodimirіvna.

Even higher is the imovirnist attitude of the faraway ship from Sergiev, Anton, Denis, Mikhail, Valentin, Vladislav. And not far away - with Boris, Mikola, Anatoly, Georgiy, Stanislav.

1. Specialty: those who reveal the secrets of life

2. Color: green

3. Basic drawings: alertness - spontaneity - comradeship - intuition

4. Roslin totem: maple

5. Totem creature: trout

6. Sign: ribi

7. Type. Neurosthenic choleric with a nest nervous system. It's easy to get excited, whether it's bad luck to bring them to rozpachu. The fathers are not to blame for messing with them, but to lead them with their emotions.

8. Psyche. The stench is immeasurably privablivі, tse "women-children", those who want to be protected and protected. As if life becomes something important for their friendly nature, they flicker with themselves. From the children of theirs, it is necessary to cherish their word and not stand before the nebezpekoy.

9. Will. Duzhe minliva.

10. Wakefulness. Bigger lower is strong.

11. Quickness of reaction. The females of non-transferring blissful reactions, like a trout totem.

12. Field of activity. The stench is already active. To be treated by medicine (pediatrics, gynecology) and preschool education. Tse miraculous mothers, lower and lower guards.

13. Intuition. To impart transcendental meaning to intuition. To live in the taєmnichimu world of "signs" and perceptions.

14. Intellect. Intellectuals, but they are so fast that they often make great mistakes. They have a weak memory, they stink about everything in the world - starting in a parasol and becoming a man!

15. Responsiveness. More chuyni, but deshcho bezturbotni. In their respectful eyes one can read the majestic kohannya, the tenderness and the pragnennya of a calm, problem-free life.

16. Morality. Such a character is counter-indicated by suvori fencing, stench can only be the head of shkodi, women in front of us require love and tenderness.

17. Health. I won’t be afraid, I’ll lie down in a mental state. Skhilnі to zahvoryuvan intestines and statevykh organіv.

18. Sexuality. The very word lakaє їх! Do not know and do not want to understand your bazhan, that is often to the right with partners who are far from the ideal. But how do you know the stench yourself, what kind of ideal is it and what stink do you want in life?

19. Activity. It is made up of a dream, unrealistic enthusiasm, extravagant aspirations. Build for tomorrow those that you can build today.

20. Comrade. Demand love and not blame selfishness. Even more strongly poddayutsya infusion that attaches its own way of life to the quiet, whom to love. Already tied to family and friends.

21. Visnovok. Tse charіvnі and privablivi zhіnki. It’s even more difficult and it’s important to understand them.

According to Popov

Women should not shine with such rice, they are named after them! However, the people of different months, fates and, naturally, in different fathers, must have such special features.

It’s impossible to take Marina in order with the mother’s back, out of the children’s lives, everything in this world will reach the hands - for the rice of the people it is suitable for the first warehouse of the її imeni. Marina is not lying down, not ledar, but not every kind of hand-me-down is willing. An addition to one's own strengths is to know independently - after that I pour in the character of the letter A, which is in the same warehouse.

Another warehouse is approved by the letters P and I. First of them to rob Marina in a human way given word. If Marina said that she would come to the party, she would beat the obityanka obov'yazkovo. Ale friend, the letter gives the woman a vishukami relish. Marina does not fit in with a lilac person, but only with someone who has a birthmark.

At the third warehouse of this name, there is a voice N and another voice A. Tse means that if Marina “lay an eye” on a young person, then it’s hard to achieve it, and don’t look for strength on this path. Perhaps, to the rest of the sensible capitulate?

Im'ya maє latinsko pojennya that means "marine". For children, Marina is a desert and a fidget. Won to love bigati, play at the ruins, play, make noise. Behind her, it’s easy to finish it off. Ale doesn’t mean that Marina doesn’t have to work as hard as she wants, forgetting about her relatives. Navpaki, you won’t love your fathers and other members of your family, it’s just that it’s not easy to sit in one place and it’s necessary to splash your energy.

It’s not good for Marina at school, but don’t work hard. Readers often complain about її negligence and disrespect. Enemy success Marina can get from sports. You can see the love of yoga command, alone, it’s less rich. The sport itself helps to release one's energy, to show the will to overcome and lead the way.

Marina vmіє shukati spilnu mova with different people making friends with ease. However, I do not know how to sort them out. Marina good people kind of bad. Having found out about those who, having hurt or fooled, you can get bogged down in a lot of others. Ale Marina vmіє forgive, vvazhaє, scho nіhto not є і ideal i kozhen may have the right to another chance.

Marina є leadership qualities, yakі vіlo vіlo vykoristovuє in mature life. Vaughn can become a good kerivnik, build a working process and direct the energy of the people in the right direction. Marina does not hesitate to ask for help from anyone, do not forget about her obіtsyanki, she is always friendly and good-natured. However, she can be cunning and respectful, especially if she can bring benefits to the company. Marina is more likely to process the achievement of the delivered mark, and financial gains. Tim is no less, won't like to miss out on the sights please chi propositions.

Marina loves great, big company, fun. Every once in a while you will start to choke on everything and forget about important speeches - the work of learning. Marinas should be careful and with alcohol, shards of wines can be negatively signified on її zdorov'ї. Sometimes, at evenings with a great number of drinking waters, Marina can drink a lot and often be led to do it aggressively, about which we will sweat very badly.

Marina varto be afraid of false friends. Vaughn called bachiti in people less good, forgive them too much. Don’t start a mind that won’t be manipulated by anyone. Marina needs to start as a clue about a person, and then already call her a friend, so as not to get excited about her.

Marina is more serious to be put up to zamіzhzhya, if you know your soul mate, the person in the yakіy won't be more impressed, that you should ring out to get drunk.

Change-colorful forms named after Marina

Marinochka, Marisha, Marinka, Marinushka, Marenka, Marusya, Marisya, Marichka, Marunya, Mara, Mary, Musya, Ina.


That fuse is impulsive, it’s even more difficult to get along with her. From one side, it’s impossible to cope with the hostility of a serious, arrogant person;


Not to love, if you are trying to give joy, all decisions are praised independently. Nebaiduzha up to the dressing gown, that vzuttya, don’t waste pennies on them, they’ve taken a lot of time to add a splendid look.


That erudovana is reasonable, love buti in the center of respect, receive compliments. be afraid serious vіdnosin, її kohani - all the less hoary and no more than that.


Vidkrita, shira, ale trohi naivna. Do not love to take on yourself the evidence, do not seriously put yourself before these very obitsyanok. You will need constant control from the side of a more reasonable person.

a lion

Privabliva, beautiful that dosit hisistichna. Vmіє vykoristovuvat your charіvnіst for the achievement of cunning purposes. You can be led to the mind of a hundred and completely absent, through which enemies can appear in it.


Endowed with impersonal talents, not to love unreasonable people. Vvazha for the best child is thought out, obmirkovuyuchi possible traces. Other marriages of impulsivity.


Vivacious, practical, serious. Podnannya tsikh yakosovu roztashovu before her people, like vvazhayut її nadіynoy people, yakіy can be trusted.


May have a foldable character, often take rash decisions, based on emotions. Some people specially provoke those who are unaware of conflicts in order to bring their prestige.


M'yaka, sentimental that infuriating, even if you try to catch yourself. It's easy to make new friends, but it's easy to grow up in them, to those who don't give respect to their little ones.


Nadiya, schira, honest maiden, as I have a lot of friends and acquaintances. Do not blame the luck, the child called out, let it go rizikuyuchi building a sharp and straight line.


Delicate, emphatic, tactful. Treasure your friends, as for her - like a friend's homeland. It is easy to know common language with people, at the same time facing any kind of conflict of fire.


A dream about a right friend, vіddany and true, ready for everything for her. Often hovering in the dark, being unseen plans. It’s not necessary to add a lot of time to learn chi kar’eri.

Marina is a lady of the name, who takes her root from the Latin word "marinus", which means "marine". And in Roman mythology, the goddess Venus was called by such a name, Venus Marina. It was important that this goddess was also the patron saint of seafarers. After the praise of Christianity came to Russia (as and other names of the non-Slovak campaign). Before the speech, Marina only works in the many lands of the SRSR, but, as practice shows, for the rest of the years, I cease to demand from young fathers.

Marina is accommodating, charming, taєmnicha, volitional and dexterous singularity, which in her emotions encourages the mind (especially in that mood, if she has a good fortune). Vaughn is marnoslavna, that egoistic, virile and virtuous, which helps her to become a brilliant career, but at the same time she ruins her special life. We can look at it, as it pours into the character of Marini, it’s time for fate, if there is a bula narodzhen.

Characteristics of the name Marina

Significant sign of the Zodiac: Aquarius ♒.

patron planet: Mars ♂.

Dominant element of Feng Shui: Metal 금.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Mother of pearl.

Talisman color: Sea wind

Talisman-tree: Chestnut 🍁.

Roslin Talisman: Lilia.

Talisman-creature: Seahorse.

Biggest far away day: Second ♂.

Happy time to rock: Winter ⛄.

Features of the character: Communication, Friendliness, Richness, Practicality, Intellect.

Vesniana Marina- tse romantic and enigmatic nature, as if alive in the world of vlasnyh іluziy, yakі far away from reality. Such a look at life through the prism of "erysipelas eyepieces" threatens with disappointments, nervous visions and lingering depressions. Tsіy zhintsі will be quiet and comfortable entrusting from a person, as if you could become a guardian angel, with whom it is important for her, so that she was spiritually close to her.

Litnya Marina communicable, sensitive, good-natured that Chuina. Vaughn without special zusil priyaє people, yakі іz vіdvolennym vіdkrivayut their soul. It is not surprising that Marina chooses such a profession of the summer, so that she won't have much contact with people. For people, this woman is not a safe conscience, like a collection of people's hearts. Your ideal is a strong, secure, intelligent and charismatic person.

Osinnya Marina- vrіvnovazhena that spunky nature, as if objectively marveling at the speech and calmly reacting to all the life of unacceptability. Vaughn reach richly in the kar'єrі, but in the kohannі їy most not to be happy. And all these reasons, that she miraculously knows her own worth, and to that she checks for an ideal person, who inspires all the high powers and brings emotions to life.

Zimova Marina- A woman with an active life position. Vaughan vvazha for the best way to solve all the problems independently, and not rely on other Russian "may". Tse spravzhnya kar'ieristka, yak can donate special happiness for the sake of a successful career. Zimova Marina is very powerful to the point of being breathtaking, you won’t be late for that, even if you have a family life with your own wife - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpredilections (moreover, the sea often comes out of the shores).

The nature of the name Marina

Simply, garne im'ya Marina to the tamanne zhittєradisnym dear ladies, comradely and impulsive, building on wide and beautiful gestures, the character and vchinka of them is impossible to transfer. So, a wider girl's spirit can change apathy for a whil, and a chuckle - bitter tears. That is why it is so for girls with natural natures, such as if it’s bad luck, you can beat it out of a lot, but if it’s a victory, lift it to heaven.

The mystery of the name of Marina has a peculiarity, that it has a charming, mysterious charm and marvelous magnetism, to which people seem to be simply without reason. Knowing about it, the woman is allowed to allow herself to be “rich in herself” and, she is overwhelmed by the feelings of her own goodness, she cannot be transferred, if one does not give respect to her, or show disdain for her.

So it’s almost like “oborosity” of the form of Marini’s character, as well as her share: out, dumb, bright arrow, fly through life, breaking people’s hearts on their own, often playing with fortune in “Russian roulette”. It’s a pity, sometimes such a manner of behavior becomes fatal for her, emptying her soul and heart, shtovhaє to unacceptable and instill criminal vchinkіv, about like a girl we sweat even more badly.

Positive pictures named after Marina: Privacity, honesty, hoarding, creative talent, directness, courage. Marina is an object of worship, she knows her own worth, she is a gift to her people. She may not admire beauty, but attract the respect of people to herself.

Negative pictures named after Marina: Ambition, nimbleness, inner tension, idealism The girl with names Marina is not stable in the emotional and mental plan. The girl for the name of Marina is ready to be like a mitt vibrate, angering her anger against close people. Її a stick of kohannya can inadvertently turn into hatred and intransigence. It’s a hell of a place to get drunk, as if I’m on the right, or a new person, and forget about your extra shoes. Іm'ya Marina idealizes her new hoarding and, as a rule, gets enchanted by someone else.

Buried and hobbies

Marina is not a commanding grave, she can’t stand the shards, if not all respect is attached especially to her. To that, intuitively, she picks herself up so hobbies and hobbies, so it would be possible to praise her hobbies especially - culinary, theater, painting. You should hang out and play, play computer games, take care of the garden. In that case, if you want to go in for sports, then choose for yourself an aesthetically beautiful yoga variety - figure skating, acrobatics, gymnastics.

Professiya and business

That energetic Marina is active to know herself in human professions, which is quite natural, and that strong character is strong. So, s ne ї vide a miracle engineer, a doctor, an economist, a lawyer, a translator, a politician and a diplomat. Not someone else's creative profession of a sculptor, artist, designer, actress. Golovna for Marini is to choose the right profession, in which case you will feel the need and demand. The most comfortable lady of the same name is felt at the core settlements, the shards are able to properly organize the work process (and love to be in command). This woman has a manly manner of cursing, while she is always objective, feisty and pragmatic, which helps to win the confidence of both people and women.

Marina is a risky and adventurous nature, so business can quickly expand and bring a little income, or maybe, on the other hand, add a number of recent projects. But most of all, Marini's business is successful, the shards of this person are attached to their robots and to a rich hour and spiritual strength (indifference and practicality help to achieve success). Married to Marina, if she concentrates less than she has become, it would be better for her to get an excellent helper, which will help her in the most important situations. Before pennies, put carefully, save up and save.

Mind is healthy

Marina is a sanguine character to match. The straight-line rіzka in the conversations of Marina can say a lot of zayvogo, prob it is unimportantly unimportant. Vaughn does not remember the evil of the past, so that the coming day can not be guessed about welding and welding. Smooth out the guest's kuti and help the miracle of humor. Although Marina can be called an emotional person, but all the same, she’s creating emotions for a healthy mind. At the same time, spontaneity, intolerance and impulsiveness can become the cause of various inaccuracies both at work and in a special life. Zagalom Marina, the character of which can be equaled at once and with ice, and with half-lights, is able to make strong roses, as if they can overgrow at the attack of self-confidence and rightfulness. Often Marina falters, sticking out of serious difficulties, in front of which she can save, but not at all times.

Marina's children often have ailments. Pohodzhennya more ailment to lie in the її psychological state. In addition, especially respect for my next animal on my diet and regime of the day, the shards of the overworld physical ambitions threaten the physical and psychological exuberances. Її weak muscles, duct-intestinal tract and organ organs, that folding diet and starvation can lead to a drug liquor. The woman is smart before the set zavoi vaga. Again and again, as a result of improper eating, that zvichki "zaїdat" be-like negarazi. Another weak muscle is the teeth. Steps and correctly look at the empty mouth are necessary from early childhood. Otherwise, a grown-up person will face impersonal problems. Іsnuє risik at the period of vagity to spend part of the teeth.

Kohannya ta sex

It’s important to stand before Marini’s charisma and charm, she didn’t have a lot of chanters either. Strong, sensible, accommodating, calm and secure people are suitable for her (Marina is firmly convinced that the Varta is less than the best). In every case, a person is truly worthy of Marina, she won’t let herself be undertorted, the shards sounded children for the commandments of her heart. Tsіkavo is coming: for Marini, it is powerful to cultivate in her self-confidence that tightness, that without love suffering, life, or life without pain. As if it were another woman, Marina will require turboti, love and tenderness, prote її special life is rarely bezkhmarnym, shards of a person to sing at her fun and turbotless woman, with which you spend an hour, but not being with your family.

Characteristics of the name Marina are blessed with marvelous sexual energy, as if attracting people to her, no matter how old. We won’t win over the representatives of a strong position - in the world we’ll add that beautiful. To intimacy is calm, so you can sleep with a lad on the first step, Kerov is addicted and sensitive. She tries to realize all her sexual fantasies, but if she doesn’t forget about her partner, she tries, so that she doesn’t feel guilty and self-confident at the bed with such a pink woman.

Sim'ya ta slub

Ignorantly look at the sex, Marina believes in a great and pure kohannya. The foreigner won't hurry, but checks on her "prince" - calm, safe, respectful. The maiden's needy is not a man, but a dbaylivy father, the building gave him his respect and bestowed a kohannya. Sounding to a man, she begins to trust him and navit lie, to that the zrada of a kohano people becomes a right blow for her, which woman cannot be blamed for. Marina often visits a ship more than once: so, first of її zamіzhzhzha early and non-trival, that one will not go to the next one in a similar way. Її other half - tse calm person s urіvnovazhenim character, what a maximum of respect pridіlyatima sim'ї. In addition, for Marini it is even more important to provide material security. If it means that Marina puts great hopes on her person, that if they are not true, then we can fully understand the fact of looking for special happiness in the arms of another person.

From the wearers of whom garnogo name It’s a beautiful squad to come out, build a car’er for the sake of the good of this, and take on the functions of a “superior body” for your other half. The well-being of Marini's family life lies in front of us in order to be able to sharpen it with respect, both in the spiritual and in the material sphere. Words of love and zakhoplennya - nevid'mna warehouse sleepy life z tsієyu zhіnkoyu, how to love otchuvat yourself with the best speeches. At family vіdnosinakh Marina does not tolerate rudeness, that humiliation, she reacts sharply to it (even to the point of separation). The independent and vperty character of Marini zavazhaє їy razumіtisya zі mother-in-law, to that slub s "mother's son" behind a long list of denunciations of bad luck. Needless to say, if Marina is to be finished with a family routine, then the existence of diversity can ruin family life. Holy - the axis of which woman is pragmatic zavzhd i skrіz. For vihovanni children, whom one should love, they are inconsistent: today you can cook for an innocent winding, and tomorrow do not bestial respect for the serious fault of a child. It is not surprising that children do not need to know how to approach their mother.

Horoscope named after Marina

Marina Aries ♈- the nature is even more sensitive, what a powerful impulsiveness and sharp change of mood. So, in the period of inspiration, Marina-Aries will change the strength of that energy, even if it is sum and tight, it will lead to the fact that she will flicker and become gloomy. For a woman who is extremely important, the thought is otochuyuchih, so for the creation of a positive image, she reports maximum zusil. The man of Marini-Aries can be with us in front of the patient and calm, then she will give him everything for herself without excess.

Marina-Taurus ♉- woman, charivna, chuina, that good-natured Marina-Taurus looks weak and harmless, but it’s more deceitful, if necessary, she transforms to the right left, as she can stand up for herself (before that, the woman knows her own price). Charіvna that comrade Marina-Taurus turns a person's respect. When you won't svіy vіbіr on partners, which її razumіtime and honorable. To such a person, I will give you a boundless lowness.

Marina-Bliznyuki ♊- Emotional, neurotic, cicava, but with whom it is neimovirno talanovita Marina-Bliznyuki reaches everything, be it with some help. Zavdyaki zhіnochnosti, mannirnosti and coquetry out there may be boundless infusion on cholovіkіv, yakі ready to pave the way її palyustki red trojands. Vaughn nicely plays the role of a weak and defenseless woman, who helps her to lure from her own strong, strong man, who is ready not only to love Marina-Bliznyuki, but also to protect her from everyone in the world.

Marina Rak ♋- Tse hostile and fearful nature, like to think and act under a surge of emotions. She can’t know herself and her place in society, so she often takes on one right, then another, and as a result she can’t cope with her life. Be it difficult to shake Marina-Raka in the step. As a result, she falls into depression. This woman needs an independent, reliable partner, who clearly knows what she wants in life. With such an example, Marina-Rak will become a miraculous mother and a miraculous sovereign.

Marina Lev ♌- this woman is endowed with a rich harvest. Vaughn is pedantic, marnoslavna and hisist. Її golovna meta - to win the recognition of alienated people and to make a brilliant career (and best of all - to become famous). But the dreamer Marina-Lev rarely insinuates her dreams into reality, the shards are not able to correctly share their hour of that power. Until then, її cannot be called a practical person. Marina-Lev also called her partner idealistic, which is negatively signified on a special life, bringing to her a rozcharuvannya image.

Marina Deva ♍- Tse cіkava specialty, in which mercantileness and good-naturedness, comradeship and indifference coexist. Marina-Virgo is optimistic to marvel at the future, but people are encouraged not to open their souls, for fear of disappointment. For her, such warehouses are important, like a homely calm that peace of mind, and the axis of passion won’t let her little ideal light in. In a person, Marina-Virgo has a hint of arrogance, and not romance, that predilection. It is important for her to feel stolen and needed.

Marina Teresi ♎- soft, thinned and lower Marina Teresa does not like conflicts: it’s better to give up, it’s better to prove your case. Regardless of the appearance of ambitious ideas, this woman cannot overcome fear. Such a change of mind can negatively signify all aspects of one's life. Marina-Terezi is attracted by intelligent, vikhovan, turbotlivy and kind-hearted people, like someone else's arrogance, rudeness and rudeness.

Marina Scorpion ♏- Tsya chuyna, kind and sympathetic woman may have a rich inner world, far from everyone can understand that. It's no wonder that Marina-Scorpio is a mystery for the rich, it's not easy to solve it, even though the mood changes more often, the weather is lower outside the window. Tsya woman can be fearful and courageous, suffocating and shy, shy and scurrilous. Marina-Scorpio will require love experiences, and it doesn’t matter, what kind of smell you wear. Partner її is obliged to mother vitrimka, patience and diplomacy.

Marina Strilec ♐- predilection, impulsiveness and intolerance - the axis of tі risi, which is typical for the chimeric Marini-Streltsya, which is viciously viable to your mood. He is powerful enough to lay down for tomorrow everything that you can do today. Marina-Strelets has such an impulsive jerk. Vaughn guess myslivtsu, like trophies like human hearts. This woman herself does not know what kind of person she needs.

Marina-Kozerig ♑– it’s very important to be smart, pedantic and practical woman, and all through those that Marina-Kozerig respects for herself an extraordinary specialty, this can be repelled by non-transparent and original people. The number of dancers of Marini-Capricorn seldom correspond to high vimog, to which the novels of the woman are short-lived. She checks for the ideal person in all senses, that is often left alone.

Marina-Vodoliy ♒- the idealist and the dreamer Marina-Vodoliy is amazed by the subtle spiritual organization. In addition, this woman is an idealistic light-gazer, which makes her put up with these realities, with which she is stuck today. The special life of Marini-Vodoliy also does not add up, the shards won’t check for her handsome prince, but the same as the rest of the people are more like baggy and boring snobs. You can remind this woman more firmly, a thoughtful person.

Marina Ribi ♓- Tsya taєmnicha and a mysterious woman can be strongly motivated by intuition, which helps her to make a lot of difficult things. Marina-Ribi is miraculously known in public, you can’t fool that, especially as you have a mind to use your roguish mind with an exasperated inner voice. Marina-Ribi is a guarded and loving team, ready to dedicate all to her motherland. Zagalom tsya zhіnka warehouse miraculous party be-yakoy cholovіkovі.

The summation of the name Marina from human names

Marina and Dmitro- tse people with a strong character, it will be unforgivable for them to have a sleepy life, but with whom we will heal and cikavi. Shlyub Marini and Dmitra can get along, so both will learn to be patient.

Marina and Oleksandr- in tandem to rule the mind, and not passions, to which the couple Marina and Oleksandr have the most stable and long-term values. Offending one for one, persh for everything, friends, and then we will fight.

Marina and Evgen- The lack of turbotness of Marini, as she rarely thinks about the day of the future, does not dominate the practical Eugene, who has everything in life that can go according to the plan. That union is rarely far away.

Marina and Sergiy- turbotliva Marina becomes sovereign Sergius like a master, but his sovereignty becomes an inexhaustible barrier on the way to the motherland, in a kind of panuє equality.

Marina and Andriy- Vlasniks of these names do not tolerate routine at the vіdnosinakh, which helps them not only save a little, but multiply them. Spіlka Andriy ta Marini is promising and far away.

Marina and Oleksiy- regardless of those who offended partners may have strong characters, they still can make compromises for the sake of saving their own family. Marina and Oleksiya are determined to create a beautiful homeland.

Marina and Ivan- it’s almost like Marina and Ivan are narodzhuyutsya step by step, which helps them to know one thing well, and it’s important to nourish the creation of this, as it’s simply doomed to a prosperous future.

Marina and Maxim- Pratsyovity Maxim the sound of life behind the regime, even though Marina does not know what she herself wants in life. The results of their sim's are unreasonable, like over an hour they grow into drativity.

Marina and Yegor- temperamental Marina is the guide of the ambitious Yegor, but even if you are pragmatic to power, you can destroy them and without that a cunning tandem, for whom it is rare to understand and over that, many scandals often trap.

Marina and Roman- for Marini and Romana, the world revolves around her homeland, like the stinks protect her from all evils. Tremtliva and lower setting one to one help them to overcome a lot of difficulties.

Marina and Volodymyr- the union of Volodymyr and Marini will be, first for everything, on friendship, like a roaming two of them, the foundations of long, stable and steady waters, for which there is no scope for welding.

Marina and Denis- this couple may have a lot of opportunities for the creation of spravzhny ї sim'ї. The stench of love and love, and spіlnіst Іnteresіv, і єdіnі tsіlі. In the intimate plan, Marina and Denis also fit alone.

Marina ta Pavlo- In this pair of people for a woman - tse and defender, and friend, and friend, and vtishnik. It is not surprising that Marina tries to create for her Pavel an atmosphere of love, tenderness and warmth.

Marina and Artem- offending partners in this union is emotional and impulsive, which makes them decide on a joint decision, as if it would please Artyom and Marina at once. The separation is panned for that family life for everyone who results in a breakup.

Marina and Anton- this happy ideal couple has no room for welding, the oscars of Marina and Anton make one - create your own little world of love and tenderness, which is wonderful to enter into them.

Marina and Mikhailo- to rule the mind with them, and moreover, it’s rich in why the frivolity and practicality of Mikhail is zavdyaks. And Marina's axis was given the role of the master, who would provide peace and comfort in the booth.

Marina ta Mykola- in this couple, Mykola is initiative and daring, just like Marina, nothing is left to be timid, as if to accept a man's nastiness. Their pair is mіtsna and dovgovіchna, to those who are offended to go to the same goals.

Marina and Igor- tsі dvє dovgo pridivlyayutsya one to one, more afraid to be disappointed at the stosunki. The results of their tandem have a lot of problems and are stable for others. Igor and Marina do not allow negative emotions in the event of possible differences to ruin their family idyll.

Marina ta Illya- Interest in everything new and invisibly brings Marina and Illya closer, and with the improvement of their manifestness of shared values, we become aware of why we do not threaten the separation of our union.

Marina and Vladislav- two volitional individuals are chatting with each other to reach the right union. And if Marina is ready to say goodbye to her independence for the sake of this, then Vladislav is not ready for such a serious job.

Marina and Vitaly- to the conservative Vitaliy, who will do it properly, but it’s instilled, causing Marini’s impulsiveness and agility, as if you want everything and once, that the union is not a mitzny.

Marina and Yuri- neither Marina, nor Yuriy, and you yourself do not know where to bring these stosunki, the shards of your sleepy life are low emotional vibes and lulls. If it’s insulting to learn condescension, then the splinter can be brought up.

Marina ta Mikita– between the temperamental Mikita and the impulsive Marina, non-violent passions simmer, which most often lead to the fact that offending partners get bogged down in the face of eternal engagements and separate.

Marina and Vadim- tse absolutely different people, yakі even seldom can create mіtsnu motherland. Marina is straightened out of the mind of Vadim’s calm bait, which called to weave for the current.

Marina and Oleg- the same rare vipadok, if the different characteristics of that temperament allow you to create a partnership and a contractual union, for whom the partners can mix and match and know a compromise. Marina and Oleg will never separate their ranks from the middle of the boats. All processes seem to be self-evident that both partners in a happy life are absolutely sovereign.

Marina and Kostyantin- the energy of that comrade Marina can put together a miraculous party for the wise and respectful Kostyantin, but with whom it is important to raise your energy flow.

Marina and Viktor- about such an alliance, it seems that the faults of the foundations in heaven, the shards and in the butt, and in the intimate breeches of Marynita and Viktor, the harmony is enviable, as nothing can be destroyed.

Marina and V'yacheslav- to this union of marriage of practicality, and to inspire a reasonable approach until you wake up. And the axis of ambition - if you want to add it, but you won’t forget your homeland in a new mіtsna. From the other side, Marina and V'yacheslav have a miracle sexual sense, and passions in their stature are too much. Through the emotionality of the partners, this yaskravy and hot union rarely manifests itself as a mіtsnim.

Marina and Ruslan- The leader of Marini in this union is Ruslan's nadikhati, only the axis of a person takes such a behavior from the side of the kohanoi, like a panuvati and keruvati. The result splits apart.

Marina and Vasil- the development of the vіdnosin at tsomu union to fall in vіd tsgogo, chi can impatient Marina reconcile with Vasil's povіlnistyu and pragmatism. Power and arrogance can’t reach anything here.

Marina and Anatoly- offended partners in this union mriyut about a quiet house, but Marina needs a lot of time to work, which is not appropriate for Anatoly. If insults can make a happy decision, your hat will be long.

Marina and Stanislav- emotions - the axis of those that are cherished by the uneasy stosunki of Marina and Stanislav, with whom you don’t want to give up on them, what to bring to big scandal that breakup.

Marina and Valeriy- at the same bright union, Valery is joking about the supremacy, and Marina is the novelty of the sights. It's wonderful, but they take away those who are foolish and are filled with satisfaction with the result. At friends, the stench does not irritate him with hisism, but rather concentrate more on his partner. Such a camp is right in the middle, not only bestowing an idyllic idyllic life on Bazhan, but it also allows you to reveal weak moments and quickly change the situation to a better one.

Names: pozhennya that form

Marina- (Type of Latin) sea.

Let's go: Marinka, Marinusha, Marisha, Masha, Marisya, Mara, Marusya, Musya, Ina

Dovіdnik of Russian names

Morska(From Latin).

Often - empty share. The impatient one is impulsive. You can give a great blow to the right. Z vyavuyu, vіlna, do not know how to charge for a mit. Wait at the bazhanіy oblozі shanuvalnikov. At the soul - weeping of the one.

Mystery of the name

Marina- Morska (Latin).
Zhіnocha is a form of the ancient traditional name Marin, which resembles the Latin word "Marinus" - sea.
I'm even more popular in the countryside, in the places it rarely sounds, I want to add my own sonority and beauty.
Name zodiac: Ribi.
Planet: Month.
Name color: marine wind.
Kamin-talisman: mother-of-pearl.
Roslin is friendly: tilnik, lily.
patron of the name: seahorse.
happy day: Thursday
Happy time to rock: winter.
Changing forms: Marisha, Mara, Marisia, Mary, Musya, Ina
Basic rice: impulsiveness, comradeship, independence.


Marina Antiokhiiska, Great Martyr, 30 (17) Linden Holy Great Martyr Marina (IV st.) - the daughter of a pagan priest, was born in Antioch. Having spent mothers, she was vihovanized by an Orthodox anniversary. Batko, recognizing that his daughter had become a Christian, moved into her presence. During the hours of persecution of Christians on the part of the emperor Diocletian, she was seized and thrown to the vault. St. Marina was inspired by the boat proponated by the ruler Olimvi and bula vіddana to the zhorstok katuvannyam: tridents planed її body, singed with fire, drowned. Under the hour of cloudy її, light shone brightly at the water, and there was a dove with wine near the dziob descended from the Sky. The holy woman came out completely healthy, without a trace of katuvan. The people, having become a miracle, glorified the true God. Tse pissed off the emperor. 15,000 Christians perished for this reason, and St. Marina was beheaded. It was more than 15 years old.


30 lime on Marin's day, summer crosses the screeching century, and the birds stop sleeping, start sleeping.


From the childhood of Marishka, life is radiant and frail, she is impressed in herself, in what she loves, she hoots.

Already at the school it is manifested її dosit nimble character. Get out of the good mood, but it’s easy to catch fire and become a leader. Marini's behavior often overrides agility. It’s groovy, it’s up to you to think up something holy, then with a rapt it’s not possible to spend interest until it’s pink. Marina is not narrower than a harn, but in her there is privability, and all the lads in the class are secretly, or obviously they are dying in her.

A wide mind and garni zdіbnostі give Marina the ability to reach great choice zastosuvannya their forces. Vaughn to be a doctor, a preschool student, you can be an engineer, a perkar, an actress, an artist, a writer. Marina will always be conceived, nowhere will she be in the remaining roles, although she won’t be able to lead. But in her human manner of cherubate and rule. She is objective, inspired by her, she has a strong will, she can order herself as a man, and a woman. Marina always works hard, does not harm herself, sleeps little, irrationally slurps. For consumption, you can give a great rosemah.

Marina Pragne live our lives again. Vaughn is merciful, rozkuta, with a stick with a yaw. Marina calls out sympathy for otochyuchih people, she seems to be attached, unknown, as if she is a mystery that attracts to her. Marina herself will require love and tenderness, to snuggle up with tall, beautiful and strong people. Ale, love and girls rarely become shamelessly happy with her, take it first try. Marina shows significant respect. Vaughn maє high intuition and mitteva vіdchuvaє the weakest cooling. In Marini's life there are different "signs", she won't believe her premonitions, the various witches.

The slut Marina needs peace and material security. Vaughn is an invisible lady, miraculously ready, to make guests happy, kindly and intelligently victorious, knowing for the benefit of the household. Marina does not have a special passion for motherhood, she can do everything that is necessary, but give children great independence, especially do not oppose them.

Marina with great love put herself before her own, but her independent character does not know humiliation either by word or behavior. We are happy for Marini's love, we can be with Anton, Valentin, Volodymyr. Denis, Mikhail, Sergiy.

I'm in history and mysticism

Marina Ivanivna Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), the most beautiful and most important Russian singer of the half of the 20th century.

Who are creations from stone, who are creations from clay,
And I'll fall and fall!
Me on the right - zrada, me im'ya - Marina,
I am a sea pine.
Crisis of the skin heart, crisis of the skin
Try my love.
Mene - bachish coachmen without way?
You don’t save earthly sill.
Crushers about your granite columns,
I'm sick of the skin - I'm resurrecting!
Hai live pina - fun pina -
High sea pin!

This is how Marina Tsvetaeva wrote about her name and about herself. Everything in її specialness in poetry, and for it the unity is indistinct, sharply came out of the wild stake of prominent manifestations, panivnyh literary likenesses. He had the strength, and the self-sufficiency of the poetic word, and the urge to live above the main potency of his hour, and the order from. With biased reconciliation, she voted out her life principle: be only yourself, in no way lie down, no hour, no middle ground.

Marina Tsvetaeva was born in Moscow, in a highly cultural homeland, in the interests of science and art. Batko її, Ivan Volodimirovich Tsvєtayev, professor at Moscow University, philologist and mysticist, becoming the director of the Rum'yantsivsky Museum and the founder of the Museum of Imaginative Mystery. At the same time, there was a memorial plaque at the entrance to the museum, honoring him as a treasurer, choosing that rich treasure of museum valuables. Mother Marini was a talented pianist, but she died early in 1906, and the twinning of two daughters - Marini and Anastasia - became a right dad. Vіn gave the children a basic education, knowledge of European languages, and wanted to know the classics of domestic and foreign literature and mysticism. For sixteen years, Marina lived independently near Paris, de listened to the course of old French literature at the Sorbonne.

Marina Tsvetaeva began to write verses at the six-fold vіtsi, and not only in Russian, but also in French, German. And when the eighteenth anniversary came up, she released her first collection "Evening Album" (1910). The book was marked by a lot of critics, one of the first to recognize it was Valery Bryusov, judging the poetic relish, having voiced the beauty of the verse. Nothing to know about the author's June age.

The appearance of the book by Marini Tsvetaeva vitav sings, critic, artist Maximilian Voloshin, who is alive at that hour in Moscow. Seeing the young poet at her home. Nevimushena and zmistovna rozmova about poetry planted their friendship - regardless of great prize at the vice. Marina Tsvetaeva kilka once came to Voloshin to Koktebel. Through a lot of rocks, she wondered about her perebuvannya in the same empty little cloak similar to Krim, as if it were not about the happiest hour of her life. For a year of memory of the poet, she dedicated a penetrating cycle of lyrical verses and words "Live about living".

After the first selection of the heads of Marini Tsvetaeva, they were seen for the marriage of a friend of youth, Sergius Efron, for whom the zamіzh came out of nowhere. Marina was inspired by her creative powers, by her poetic success:

To my verses, we will write so early,
I didn't know that I was singing,
Tі, scho zirvalis, like a breeze from the fountain,
Like sparks from rockets...
Rozkidanim at the saw in stores
(De їх ніхто not taking and not taking!)
To my verses, like expensive wines,
Get your shit up.

Nadal, the share of Maryna Tsvetaeva developed importantly, unfavorably, that tragically, but she lived on her creativity, she was the head of the right life. "Marina Tsvetaeva," Ganna Saakyants wrote, "would sing to herself in the primordial, visionary to the point of mythology razuminn... In everything she wrote... there are a lot of impersonal gleaming aphorisms, winged virazivs, lucid thoughts, paradoxes..." verses, nayriznomanіtnіshі, urochist, svyatkovі, melodic, rospіvnі, lyrical, with the strength of the originality and originality of self-gifting, have become an excellent part of Russian poetry.

Published with kind permission to the project "OCULUS" - astropsychology.

Zhіnoche im'ya Marina may have a long trip. From the Latin "marinus" is translated as "marine". Marina is an epithet for the word Venus, as she was respected by one of the most famous Greek goddesses. Historians sing about the campaign of this name after the old man Marin. This was the name of the deacon-somnitnik, who was born in Rome, and who is considered today the patron saint of the Republic of San Marin.

The women have two holy patrons - the Great Martyr Marina Antiokhіyska, who became a victim of zhorstok katuvans for the Christian promo, and the Reverend Virgin Maryna Beriyska, who lived in the desert for about 40 years and became famous for her prayerful feat.

For hours in the SRSR, it became even wider and entered the first ten in the rating for popularity. Today, on the territory of the post-tradyansk expanse, they still call rich girls. Zustrichaetsya in other countries - Brazil, Georgia, Spain, England, Italy.

Im'ya Marina with other words

Astrology named after Marina

Happy day: Thursday

Through the rocks

Little Marina (Marisha, Marusya, Musya) is amazed by her proud and proud vows. Won to love praise and zahoplennya, trying hard to achieve their kind of overwhelming. The girl is smart and proud. Її perevagi cannot be belittled. Tse mozhe cause the formation of complexes in svіdomu vіtsі.

The character of Marini is clearly manifested in school rocks. Vaughn is the insane leader of the team. Before starting, put in the middle, taking care of the mood.

From the early childhood, you won't be in the epicenter of respect. Vstigaє to acquire a mass of school chanulers and friends. Different situations affect the view of Marina, but it is incomparable to see the best of people.

The little girl needs to be controlled in order to save her from the filthy company. Marini's nature is hoarse, merry, roaring, graceful to adventures. Among her friends, the couples are overwhelmed by her.

The girl is enthralled at her bajans. Vaughan vvazha, scho varta is less than the best. When necessary, young Marina shows willpower and courage. Її inner light is harmonious, to work її cіlіsnim and softness.

The main drawings of Marini's character are pride and arrogance. Vaughn can be strongly shaped, but it’s easy to go out. It is better not to interfere in other people's rights, not to like tiles and intrigues. The presence of the presence of physical beauty, however, allows you to turn on the respect of people.

Marina has grown up, she can achieve a high level of intelligence, but the leadership manners are smeared with trim under suvorim control. Vaughn is greeted with a hospitable mind, skritnist, proud and merciful. On a lonely woman, she copes with the reception of an injury.

The nose of which name is diplomatic. Ale іnodі zdatna vyavity strong emotsії and namovlyat zagarycha kupa unacceptable and imaginative words. Sensibility at Marini's is leaking into early age. The woman has a lot of shanuvalnikov. People respect її laudable and magnetic.

She has a good idea for everything. It is impossible to change yoga. She herself is a master manipulator and a born actress, as if playing the role of a fatal lady, so infused with holy innocence.

Marini's character

To the inexhaustible virtues of the bearer of this name lie such qualities as honesty, directness, goodness, prac- tality , lessening the anxiety of those close to you, and the readiness to give encouragement to the rest. Marina is authoritative and fair.

Being an accommodating, sloppy, creatively gifted, straight woman, she is an object of worship. Tsya woman knows her own price and may be able to support her own people.

Girls and wives are nimble and selfish, mindless and forgetful. The stench is up to idealism, which often leads to rozcharuvannya in people. A rich representative of the beautiful state of cim im'yam may have an inconsistency in the psyche and a passion of emotion.

The ardor zmushuє їх quickly turn love to hatred. Choking on her new right, Marina immediately forgets about the amount of goiter. So it’s good to get stuck with a new person and deprive a front friend.

Marini's share

The share of a woman who hasn’t made a fool of a young lady, is most often happy. It is important for you to know life's purpose. Domagatisya її you will be vpevnіstyu and remember correctly to yourself. Zavdyaki zim akostam Marina is rich enough for what - a successful career, the realization of ambitions, the development of talents. In youth, the maiden is slender to the neonatal vchinkiv. The rest can become fatal, negatively vplivuv on a distant share.

Navkolo Marini from early childhood to viruyut addictions. There may be a lot of friends ready to come to the rescue. Shanuvalniks fawn after her for the presence in her of a bright tone. The woman is advised to come up to a special happiness, relatively planning the skin of the croque, stalking behind the words of those words. Її character is not powerful in the world. In people, there is value and privablivu zvnіshnіshnі, i vnutrіshnu like, pragnuyu know your ideal. Marina does not show any serious namіrіv to the representative of the protileous status in the neo-haya ode, іz zavoi vagoi and other physical waters.

that pennies

that family

and kokhannya


that hobby

Career, business and pennies

Marina can create a vein and a strong intellect. But often the change of priorities does not allow me to focus on one right. Having requited yourself, you can become a miracle artist, actress, model, writer. Miraculous culinary arts in the meantime often switch to a professional field.

It’s hard to finish the career of a woman. The success of the security is less for the obviousness of the patrons. The financial camp is taking care of the average. Before pennies, put carefully, save up and save.

Shlyub that sim'ya

The deputy woman is ready to enter young vice. Ale, save the uzi less with this sample, which building guide is safe and more respectful to them. Illegal truths promptly end in separation. Marina does not tolerate and does not forgive for the sake of, rudeness, humiliation. family life it is viboist and foldable with her, which is the reason for vpertoi vdachі, exuberance, emotion. With reciprocity, you will be a faithful and not particularly conflict squad.

How to care for children Marina is impermanent. One day she’s out of her mind with that turbot, and on the next she forgets about them, chasing away the first task. Vzaєmini zі spadkoєmtsami yak zavzhdi folded friendly. A woman values ​​cleanliness and order. Її budinok zavzhd napovneniya lull, on the stove stand miraculous resentment. Even love to chat guests.

Sex that kokhannya

Marina - nature is already biased. In your life, sex may be of great importance. Intimate intercourse with a person is allowed on the first day of acquaintance. Explained by the majestic popularity of the middle class. Vaughn vіddaє win over strong, tall, athletically built, beautiful partners.

The woman's life is not sensitive to rubbish and stinginess. Vaughn is ready to indulge, be it her voluptuous fantasies, and wait for a kohantsu. Hatred and pragnennya to raznomanitnosti shatter її miraculous in sex, but still slyly nabrida to serious people. For them, it will be filled with nothing more than a kohanka. Marina is smitten.

In stosunkah shukaye spiritual comfort. It doesn’t particularly show the lowness and turbota of the vmіє. For the help of sex, one often seeks to assert oneself, to win favor, to please a person. Ale z'yasuvavshi yogo inconsistency with the ideal, quickly achieves. This tactic zavazhet create a trivial alliance.

The free time is dedicated to handicrafts, gardening, computer games. The sport of the will has aesthetically addictive genres – artistic gymnastics, figure skating and others.

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