Like a man, I don’t want to be with you. Why does the person not want me? Not for sex

Hanging out:

Dmitro Olshansky

Dumka psychoanalyst

I would like to hear from you on the basis of healthy meals:

1. Why is wine guilty of constant desire?

Bazhannya, yak and human show, river kіntseva. After sieve resentment For example, you don't want to. Those same іz potyagom - but yogo can be pleased with chim zavgodno, not ob'yazkovo sex: creativity, sports, career, collections. Sigmund Freud called it sublimation.

Is it still such a thing, like asexuality, if people are led by a mindless scourge, to that which they don’t need it. Like in a human being, the need is closed, there is no sexual craving, otherwise it is directed in a different direction and it itself won’t be squandered - that’s harmonic specialty. Warto cheer, not feed: "Why don't you want sex?"

2. Why do you care what your problem is? What kind of stosunok can you get?

Those who want to have sex or not, may lie in dozens and hundreds of reasons. And it's far from a fact that even one of them can get affiliate programs. Why do you have headaches about your head? Are you worried, why is your lad rapt ceasing to eat blackberry? What if youmu had a nightmare? All the same - show the yogi of the vain unfamiliar, for the yak you do not carry evidence. You definitely can't get in on someone else.

Thriving through the libido of a person can only be that girl, until the number of professional obov'yazkiv, which enters the sexual satisfaction of gentlemen. Wart the client to spend interest in її services, courtesans happen to be shukati new job And to him it is important, if you want to pay and pay. In all other types, it is not necessary to talk about deep complexes and problems with self-esteem in girls. As if you don’t care that goiter is regularly supported by the care of your own person, that how much you worry, if you have stopped your desire, you need to get to a psychologist, to the fact that it is a serious neurosis.

Such panyanki often take sex as a sign of emotional closeness, and this is a signal for them to be chilled, or to find a competitor that has appeared. Blame anxiety, the reason for that is low self-esteem. Zvіdsi y poyuvannya, scho cholovіk more zrajuvati. (Before the speech, nowhere in the Family Code it is said that when making friends with goiters, they save one fidelity to one; this archaic remnant of the slubu was taken from zabobons, but not in the norms of the law.)

3. Why do you care what you can call for a person?

For rich girls, this is not a single sense of reason, so stink for yourself with diets, spend a lot of time in the beauty salon, solarium, spa and other ways to put on a coat of a marketable look. ale far from leather man pragne bachiti is a product of the beauty industry.. It’s easy to guess with a zagal, what to add to the chi vіdshtovhne. One suits a low timbre to the voice, the others - small breasts, the third - a gusset on the shoulders, the fourth - a little humor. Try a lad for make-up and push-ups - all the same, they shoot from clubs into the sky, trying to beat a dad. In order to attract a person, it is necessary to know well the very specialness.

To my knowledge, I can judge: the more the maiden zі shkіri stomp, to create a pattern of glamorous beauty for herself, then she has less chances at special happiness. In the shortest moment, she will get the role of a lyalka, which you can boast to your friends or at fashionable sunsets, and then tidy up to the shafi before the oncoming exit from the world. A rich woman with psychopathologies is ready to get ready for such a decision and take her body as an object for sale. It’s not surprising that in the new stench I’ll be more prepared for all kinds of upgrades: “I know that parts of the body win people” or “You don’t show it, I invest more time and pennies in the body.”

Dumki of people

Dovgostrokovih vіdnosinah slack pull inevitably. Everything starts with sex and hormones, but then we get the hell out of a different character- the education of children, a healthy business, creativity is more and more. Abo pripinyaєєtsya. And whoever wants to get stuck in the first phase forever.

Illya, 33 rocks

The psychoanalyst is absolutely right: a spherical person in a vacuum may not be able to fit for a variety of reasons. But even as your own person for a couple of months, he doesn’t pay attention to you - I think 99% of you have problems. Tovsta, just uncombed chi foolish; negidnik, womanizer chi goat vin, you are offended and you yourself know. They didn’t part until that moment, which means both of them are all vlashtovu.

Mikhailo, 34 rocky

Schos I zbentezheny. For me, sex is more of a spiritual thing. Seeing sleepiness, trust that joy. It’s not a matter of blame – it’s the first signal that people don’t just waste their interest one to one. Vіdnosinyuyutsya vіdnosinі: vіd bazhannya, obozhnyuvannya - to baiduzhostі. Knowing the need to sacrifice, go nazustrich. MI ends. I repent. Cause what? Maybe it’s a waste of form at the kohanka, but we’re in front of a waste of opportunity to be wide and live with burning problems.

Dmitro, 45 years

The two remaining points are more similar to a woman’s thoughts, it’s unlikely that a person puts food in this way and thinks that he has no problems in this mood. And the first one is quite topical, if only it would be worth remembering: you need to remember to change hands. Until then, the harmonic special, in my opinion, can be in the norm of everything; if peroxide is added to one beak, it’s already wrong.

Mikita, 27 years

I would say that a person does not want sex, if he wins well. Three times. Ale, yakscho seriously, there can be a lot of reasons. Sexual bajanna do not start a mechanical process, vіn lie down vіd nabagato greater number factors, nizh just instincts. Sometimes it’s enough to notice that having conquered a lady, and sex itself appears in a different way. Abo the axis came to the girl, I lie with her, and then I guess what, having forgotten the headlights, turn off ... Well, what's up with sex here? Aje tse battery sit down.

Andriy, 35 years

More recently, it was important that men, like dogs, only think about sex. And the women, know yourselves, wilt in the presence of a friendly bandage, foreseeing different causes in the critical days to a headache. Nine accents shifted. And in the intimate proximity of the Daedalus, people are more inspired. According to statistics, 62% of people have sex more often, less often, and 42% have sex more than once every two days. Such data were taken away from the sociological education of Britain. Aje sexual dissatisfaction can become the cause of separation. Why is it on the right?

Reason 1: Workaholics are not sexaholics

Work schedule strains, stress, shifts - these are our enemies without a hitch in any sphere of life. Through them, we don’t get the strength to make friends for an hour, to inspire children to have sex. Why do you think that people are vinyaty? The same stress is on them too. And if your person is not just a hired practitioner, but a master of the hair... In such a time, for a new robot, what does it mean, that one takes strength away. This is the child and on the new one to lie in support of people, to build a small business. To that, be it a working crisis - and thoughts about everything go to another plane. What kind of sex is there, if on the right of yoga life can you be covered with a middle pelvis? Here, the bed scenes will not help to relax, if you want to bathe the beautiful whiteness and dance a striptease. And as working negativity and stress in yoga life trapleyatsya regularly nervous system navіt duzhe mіtsnogo cholovіka do not show and be called under the yoke of problems. Even so, the nervous vision will need to be exuberant at the hospital, and not with a nurse at the wet bed.

Exit: As a decrease in sexual cravings is associated with a lot of adventurousness on a job and an impenetrable stress, then shortest way in order to create a special life, that and renew the strength of that health - do not break the admission! Recipe garnogo vіdpochinku simple - we can do it at home, laptops and other devices get a call from the outside world tezh. A mobile phone and a camera on the road will be enough. Golovne - pulling your man out of the restless nervous everyday life, decide to add satisfaction yourself. The change of the situation is more romantic, kinder, more relaxed and more sexually experimenting. Show off your imagination and be patient.

How to turn sex around with your family for the help of stylists and psychologists, marvel at our video:

2 reason: ailments to sex pereskoda

Possibly, according to sociological studies, Europe has one of the widest causes of decreased sexual desire in people taking antidepressants. To go out like this, that the strongest of the world, watching on oneself all the whole day's oppression of everyday life, rush into the flow of stress for help. And these paths lead to depression and lead them straight to problems in the sexual sphere. One rejoice - іnshe kalіchat. In addition, according to statistics, more hormonal disorders and heart disease are inevitably associated with a reduced sexual activity of a person.

Exit: ailments, zvіsno, exultation required. And as you can see, a lot of people do not like to see doctors, and they pay until the end. You can get sick and not in the heart, but lower by the belt. That is why they suspected it unkindly, and the person does not hurry to swear at his health - write it down to the doctor himself. I pull, pull, pull on the reception!

3rd reason: technique psuє sex

Laptops and computers, televisions, tablets and telephones, game consoles and other divas of modern technology today are just right for free time. If you read the letter for 5 minutes, a year has flown by. If your person cannot be informed about the revisions of the mail, or reading the news from social measures Later, having fallen into the right hand of gadgets, I simply forget about those who need time to add to other spheres of life. And when you looked at the screen at night, you realized that you already want to sleep. "Tomorrow-tomorrow, love," - the whisper of wine is weary. And tomorrow everything will be repeated.

Exit: dwelling on those who have skin z you have less than one year in the evening on the Internet, right. And deyakі days of tyzhnya zrobіt vіlnimi vіd tehnіchnyh nadmіrnosti. Axis, give some time to give you such a “merezheva diet”. And those, like yogo vitratiti wi, maybe, you yourself know. Refresh your bedding, put on a satin stretch, wrap yourself up in a blanket and rejoice in your everyday life with real sexual fantasies.

4 reason: tse vy sami

So, the reason why a person does not want to lie down to sleep, spends evenings on the job and can’t get closer, you thought. Moreover, the reason for this “nebzhannia” may be as transcendental sexual activity on the side of the woman, as well as baiduzhist. The presence of spiritual closeness, trust that mutual understanding for a man, as well as for a woman, the reason for intimacy. And here in front of them, as a way to deal with problems of a sexual nature, it is necessary to sort out from the windows. Do you think that welding and hot z'yasuvannya stosunkiv less inflame passion for sex? And the axis is your man, it’s possible to keep everything else. Slowly “saw” the person - then don’t be surprised, if you say wine to you sharply “no”. And it’s also a fast turbota, which is not surprising, it can also be very strong for the bedding. If you feed all the hour “putting on a hat, my little maid”, then sooner or later you will pretend to be the mother of that maid. And if the guardian is a condemned person, then a friend’s mother, then you don’t need more for a wet lizhk.

Exit: forget about extreme nights - do not take your sexual strength for the weekend, 8th of March or Bastille Day, but zmushuvati kohannoy lie under the carpet of the night, this idea is not the best. If the sex of a person is suddenly nabridne, then until the time you see it, it will sound loudly and cease to take you as an object of your own. Also, we are virushaymo on the tricks of the golden mean, and the most important thing here is not to vibrate the singing schedule of their “bodily trainings”, but to create a maximum of minds in order to make the intimate closeness more addictive and not a routine obsession. Everything is simpler with the syndrome of the wiggler - take care of yourself, stop picking up all sorts of shoddy shoes for your person, respecting that you can take everything. Come on, psuє, 10 times it’s wrong, on the 11th - you’ll become a professional in any kind of food. If until the age of 30-40 years a new person has not wriggled, then the hour has come to let him wriggle on his own, and not cultivate this cottony invincibility.

5 reason - sex є, but not here

The cause of the troch is similar to its front, only the same is in the back of the form. In children, all the lads, having played to their heart's content with their favorite car (litak, self-skid, scooter ...), quickly changed the object of their recent passion for now intriguingly. The lads are growing up, the sounds are fading. Whenever a person wants to have sex with one woman, they change it to another. Possibly, you do not experience simple human sufferings for one simple reason - your man has another wife.

Exit: the very reason is shown to be the best. Garna whiteness, striptease and other attributes of the friendly squad-companion here will not give an effect. The problems here are so big, so it will need to be cardinal. If you don’t want to be in other roles, don’t be afraid to say goodbye to the friends you lived in, in which you already have sex is not alive. If you still accept such rules, you can boldly start your own kohantsa. І navit not for the sake of revenge, but for the sake of yourself kohanoi, your physical and mental health. Todi and self-esteem is lost, and garniy mood of guarantees!

I believe that neither you nor your person had a headache at all. And if you get sick, then rejoice not with puns, but in the old twisted way - with sticky love scenes!

If you don’t help anything, then charm love! Watch the video!

About the woman's "head bіl" and іnshі vіdmovki coined impersonal anecdotes. And if everything is known to you, you just want to, and the wines are trying to wince and see "smudges"?

"Do you love me?!"

About the women's "headache" and other thoughts, anonymous anecdotes were invented and written by the family psychologists. And if everything is known to you, you just want to, and the wines are trying to wince and see "smudges"?

I feel like I'm wrong. Ale, I read women's forums and calmed down a little, got over it, but it's not only so famously in me. It appears, man, who does not want sex, - to milk a wider manifestation. And, obviously, impersonal panic allowances are immediately hanging out, why is there a reason. I tried to find out who is guilty and what to work.

Have new є іnsha

Tsya version sound the first fall to our mind. I myself її invariably push the armies of the "fellows". Well, it’s impossible to turn on such an option, obviously. Ale, I didn’t quarrel with the secret of the well-known people, so to speak, unaffected. Mustache unanimously seems that men, like they cannot sleep with two women at the same time, singsongly, є, but there are not enough of them. Bіlshostі is miraculously going to eat.


Viklikaє, in a first way, physically because, and the person simply does not have the strength to "tse". In a different way, the constant pressure on the robot often "does not let" and at home, does not let you switch to other thoughts and enjoy the simple joys of bringing from your beloved woman. As a person to wake up at night in a crisis, a dream is mumbling about the economic crisis, it’s not surprising that you have no time for sex. To that varto try to protect yoga in the face of stress, I want to be at home. So, take and pump the toothpaste that is not twisted for the last time, cry in a lie and throw other shkarpets. Delicious supper (especially, it seems, for the cієї celebrate the hairs of peas, selera, seafood and ginger), kind words, relaxing massage, erotic whiteness - all clumsy women are cunning, like before, they practice.

Depression tortured

They called it the ailment of the twentieth century. Ninish, twenty first, yet, similarly, all the problems of the past are declining. The first symptom of depression is one of the first to indicate "decreased libido". It seems simpler, depression - if you don’t want anything, bring on sex.

Chula such a thought that we will surround the traditional "likivs" (travels for the cordon, picnics with friends, selling pennies at restaurants) help just take a pass, let it all work out not to try to have fun through force, but for the hour, really, do not work for anything. So, more importantly, no matter how banal it sounded, try to be reasonable and patient, until you pass by. Don't smirk, don't freak out. Well, how about hour go, but the tightness and apathy do not pass, but they become less strong - I guess, I’ll take the story to a psychologist. The stinks don't bite. Only in our latitudes people did not call to them to visit. A gift. If you can’t cope on your own, rather go to the aid of a fahivtsya.

Nabridlo chi nabridlo

Even though we don’t want to be reconciled, but psychologically a man of power is so that one and the same woman herself gains trochs every year, to wind up like a wine її shiro kohaє. Odnomanіtnіstі in lizhku, lyubovnі vtіhi behind the schedule, in the very same place, at once reduce the sexual inclination. The negative effect is growing, because you don’t need to experiment, you don’t listen to this bazhan that prohan. But if you listened and waited, it’s not a fact that you could save something.

See a lot of friends chula about similar family crisis after the people of the child. And about one of these girlfriends it is impossible to say that after a gentle slope she stroked or turned like a fool. To go out, the reason is not in the fact that the woman has become less accommodating, but rather in changing her status: from a friend, a couple transforms into a father. But for us, people, the nuances of their status in the family and in the household are terribly important.

It is necessary to solve the problem according to the principle "not ours". At the same time, there is no trace of panic, power scenes and scandals. I have a flamboyant character, I didn’t believe it more than once, after my skin vibe, sex from our life is known for a long time. Vono and ozumilo, it is unlikely that people will wake up, like in dreams they will sing hysterics.

Indeed, the reason is broadest. The frequency of contagion for prostatitis seems to increase with age. The statistics seem to show that prostatitis is diagnosed in a dermal third person of age 35 years. However, as the doctors say, Rest of the Rocks tsya disease more and more and more "young". I this year's part of the fall of ailment already in the 30th. Why 98% of the folds are attached and the molds leak through. І tse yakraz our vpadok.

Cause early prostatitis

Before provocative factors, urologists bring infections, as well as a sedentary way of life, an irregular state of life, colds and those same stresses, depressions, about which I have already spoken. And most of the time, they pour in all the factors at the same time. To a group of risks, one can name not only distant workers, but also programmers, managers and other office workers. Particularly shkіdlive, before then, viscous irregular sechovipkannya, even if the problem is known to workers of rich professions. Also, prostatitis provokes venereal disease. And doctors also warn about those who cure the development of cirrhosis of the disease and hypochondria. Different fears - including the fear of falling ill with prostatitis - is a kind of adrenaline, which calls out the sound of ships, but in its own line even negatively pours into the work of a person. sechostate system. So, you need to take care of the nerves of a person, and talk about prostatitis more carefully, unpacking empty horror stories, pidshtovhuyuchi a person to specific ones from the prevention of chi likuvannya.

Symptoms of attachment and manifestation

Nasampered, give us medical booklets, for prostatitis, they show disruption of the sechovi- sion (often in small portions) that bіl (at the anus, crotch, at the testicles, in the lower abdomen, at the knees). And yet, a person is not obov'yazkovo ashamed to join his native squad. It is especially small that we are sick "there" of wines to explain our mission to make love. Without a doubt, I'll come up with another reason. Every night a person slips into the toilet every once in a while, then there are no sums of money left. And how is the situation not covered? Remember for us, better than everything, there will be other signs: a decrease in sexual activity and constant drama, strivozhenist, filthy sleep.

Vilikuvati chi ahead?

We all know how important it is to move a person to a doctor. Ale, turn, that’s the varte - it’s better to reconsider yoga right at once, without adding, lower after 5 years of delitation with an impotent. Who, if not you, can know those proofs, which wines you can listen to.

The main group of sobіv that methods of healing: protizapalnі, antibiotics, massage, physiotherapy and the so-called prostoprotectors - prostate protectors.

Today, the preparation of a new test on the basis of an open record of the laboratory results unique speech prostatilen. Qi zasobi can be victorious not only for jubilation, but also for prevention. For me it became clear that the preparation new generation, so like "Lekhim Prostatilen", Increase immunity, improve blood circulation in the vessels of the anterior cavity, and also stink to normalize the quality of sperm, and smut, improve old prostate.

Other rules of prevention can be described by a simple formula: sit less and get nervous, more collapse and enjoy life. I, naturally, regular sex.

In a word, having read the chain of food in detail, I realized that our grandmothers would tell the truth: "Healthy head." The secret of regular and bright sex is the axis of my little "kind" of my man - prostate. And now I do not let the process go on self-fuel, human strength my dog ​​is in my hands.

Addiction, bazhannya, zbudzhennya ... for all that, it turns out, nothing has been lost. Cholovik seems like you don’t want sex with me. At the new, chi bachite "everything went out, everything passed." Even I'm only 35, I'm beautiful and strangers flirt with me. What work? Change? I'm not one of those... Separate? We have sleeping children, and I love yoga... Only a few people are trying to figure out why it’s so bad, that a man doesn’t want a woman. Reason є - i is not one.

Why does a person not want a squad? What is the reason for the decline in interest in sex?
It can be turned around in a moment: so that the deputy “I don’t want to” reappeared “I want it more than once”?
What kind of pardons do women go to bed, through which people stop wanting sex with them?

All young people don't know a bit about nebuvale sexually. Navit you, who is not too young. A man wants a woman, a woman wants a man - everything is wonderful with them. Especially at honeymoon. Ale, every hour passes and everything changes: the towers go out. The best of the worst, as if the stench is "mutually" extinguished. Significantly worse, if in one of them "tomatoes wilted", and in another place everything burns in the middle. In this situation of a woman, it is especially important: asking for sex is unhanded, barking for a day is unimportant to yourself. And movchati, dmukhati and checks are possible until another coming. Aje doesn't change anything. In this article, there is a question about the question: Why work in such a delicate situation, if a person does not want to have sex with a squad?

The man said, what don't you want me to do?

Actually, there are two reasons for the extinction of the sexual passion between a person and a squad. One is entirely and completely by nature itself, a friend lies in the sphere of psychology of a person. Through an elementary unreasonable difference between them, we most often do not know the right solution. Let's try to add them.

Otzhe, first reason- ce physiological features of our body. If a person develops his ideal "other half", his guts wake up. Potsіlunki, dotiki, smell the smell to serve as a sirkoy on sirnik addiction. The reaction may be mitteva and even more so, especially by women: the head is confused, the lower abdomen is warm, and in the middle of the body it was especially warm.

Such reactions to a kohana person are absolutely normal, just like those that the stench goes out step by step. Nature is more rational and gives us only three more fates on shuri-muri. And far away, nature does not need to awaken that nastiness to people: it is required to be children, talk about children, realize for the sake of prosperity. All the beasts, but the very satisfaction with sex, - it’s already a turbo bet that you’ve been fooled. It won’t be so easy, you need to report zusil.

Another reason- Our pіdsvіdomі bazhannya, yakі begin to show itself, as if only the grip of natural cravings begin to be weak. Back under pressure sexual arousal we easily go to the world, we can give up and probachit. Ale step by step, the veil falls off and the names of those who have been in us, have become dull at the same time. I want to enjoy my life not only with sex, but also in other areas: on a job, with a hobby, with friends. And here the partner’s loves become a rebuff, which shouts and rozdratuvannya, and image, and aggressiveness.

Everything is normal and natural. Mustache people, all different. On the right, we will force those who often suffocate us in their own way, and this means that our interests are opposite.

Central pardon I believe in the fact that, having seen the extinguishing of the fire from the side of a person, the squad throws themselves to prove the first cause. I want to turn everything around, like it was in the first month of a sleepy sexual life, and there’s a way, how to grow. Buying perfumes with pheromones, dressing up the garna of whiteness, asking for the expensive hotel, de proish honeymoon. I guess that everything can be turned. However, pardon. Nature is always precise and economical. It won't be repeated.

It is possible to correct the situation only for another reason. Do not look at the person who has stopped wanting sex, but understand the right thing. So, the stink of lying is not near the sphere of sex and wickedness, but all the same, the stink is so tidy to your wife, but it means that with the right supplement, zusil can reach even richer things. The first axis is smut here - the accuracy is that understanding.

Why work, how can a man not want a woman?

For his sutty, a person - tse potik bazhan. We have a lot of skin problems, all the stench of life and most of the time we are not aware of it. Vіd tsikh bazhan to lie down all our life, zokrema and sexual imitation. If a woman knows the love of her person (as it seems, the strings of the soul), then she can be for him the sexual object of greed all life, regardless of how many hours have passed since the cob of vodnosin: 3 years or 20.

Today's life of a person is described by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuriy Burlan, the stench is laid out for 8 vectors. It is possible to point out a sprinkling of ostentatious butts, on which it becomes obvious why in pairs the person’s bazhannya goes down to the squad.

So, for example, a person can have a high vector for a new important factor of novelty. One and the same pose, one and the same bed, it's easy to come up. I want something new and unseen. It is especially manifested, as a shkirnik cannot be able to realize his promise to novelty, for example, to work on a robot. Everything is the same in life, and inspire the same sex. Yogo normal reaction - tedious, not tsіkavo. Before the speech, the very people with the highest vector most often so directly and seem to their wives: "I don't want you, I no longer like you."

Whole protile youmu type-person with anal vector. Vin is a person who does not like fuss. That number has a lie. Youmu important result, vіn dbaylivy. Cleanliness is important to you, the friendliness of the squad, the children catch sight of, the creations at the booth are quiet, and the captives were in their place. You can't move yoga, kvapiti, you beat yoga rhythm. Vіn prihilny to tradition and yom befits everything that has already been tested a hundred times.

Axis uyavimo situation, dosit povyakdennu for any bet. 3 years have passed, so many people's bazhanya until their women died out. І in the anal, і in the skin. Why rob their squads? Pardons are admitted.

The female shkirnik is often a female with an anal vector. Through yourself, you are trying to make people happy: create more calm in the house, so that the children will be clean and the houses will be bright. Vaughn is preparing a savory supper, vagrant to put your captsi on your yogo place. Vaughn to rob everything, okrіm of what you need: diversity. The interest grows even more, the person is not more likely to work on a robot, realizing his social activity: to earn a job and a career. And the squad is disappointed: why doesn’t a person want sex with me, I still work for him?

And the squad of the anal man (mostly shkirnitsya) is now on the verge of doing some rozburhati, giving newness to the feelings that are fading away. Ask Yogo to have sex at the toilet of the cinema, buy either seam-strings, or a water mattress, looking at new positions in the Kamasutra. Everything is to bring stress to people, which sounded like shyness, however. Yogo do not start experiments, navpaki - vіdshtovhuyut. And if it’s in the booth, there’s a mess with cioma, then write it down. At the end of the day, go fishing, after work - drink beer with friends. Why does such a person not want to have sex with a team? Because the wine falls into a stupor in it.

What work, like a man, what do I not want?

Butt іz shkіrnim and anal vector among cholovіkіv - the whole thing is less than the deshchitsa of our incomprehensible one alone. The skin vector has its own problem and ours is not razuminnya їх vіdshtovhuє, adding hostility to and so razbalansirovanyh vіdnosin. Welding starts, image, aggressiveness. Harsh sex can no longer correct the situation, like a stone on the cob. Pіshla yogo force irrevocably.

Mustache women are different. Some people hobble and attract people, like a magnet, and others only get drunk, wanting to be able to mothers with whom I get a call, I’m worthy of a robot and I’ll have an apartment. Why does a man not want a woman?

The men are more categorical and wise in the choice of women. Sexuality and sensibility of a woman stink so very quickly, like a irritating plea. Those who are suitable for one person in a woman, another can simply be removed. But all the same, you can see a few categories of women who are not so good, like they make people, and through like a stink you don’t want such a woman.

Vidsutnіst zhіnki pragnennya buti sexual.
Such women, as a rule, like to look at them like a stench old look react outrageously. They don’t have a lot of sexual buti, they don’t care about such stench. Such women do not follow themselves and do not keep an eye on them. In life, the stench of neohay, neohay, never shy away epilyatsii, they always have an unattractive look of hair, and inspire some of them with an unacceptable smell, scorched, may have an unattractive look from the outside. Zustrivshi vipadkovo such a woman, a man can not instill respect for her not animal, not the ones you want. Obviously, all women have situations, if they don’t look like the best rank. Aleksey cholovіkam nevidomo, vipadkove tse appearance chi postіyne.

Low self-esteem.
Often zaiva vaga, innocence in oneself, passivity to lead to molding into women of impersonal complexes, which is negatively signified on self-esteem. The greater number of people's high self-esteem is the invisible part of the woman's sexuality. That is why the protilezhnіst ruins the sexuality of a woman in the eyes of a man. The men to finish off quickly commemorate the woman's innocence, that insufficiently high thought about themselves, because of which all sexual interest in them knows as quickly as it appears.

Overworld activity and aggression.
A person does not want to have an aggressive woman. Obviously, the initiative that goes out of the woman's door, always stays, but it's not guilty to go beyond the scope of sexual games. Even if a woman begins to command a person in a lieu, if not changing the roles in a lieu, a person may begin to feel like an unacknowledged boy, to whom it is necessary to explain, how and what to work. In addition, people are aware of the edge of their feat of femininity at the woman’s side, and it is not necessary to extinguish their interest in them.

Bad sounds.
I want to sound like a bag, but women, like smoking, living alcohol and drugs, and also making a lot of other “nasty” sounds (for example, biting nails, chewing on a chewing gum) can never become a sexual object of a person. In our hour, if actively promoted healthy image Women, who burn, most of the people in vvazhayut ogidly irritable, so they don’t think about their sexuality. And talk about p'yana, or you won't get a drink of a woman.

Vulgarity is one of the most annoying short-lived women for people. Sometimes they have their own sexy butt, the woman “goes too far” with make-up, choice of clothes and embellishments. And the oscalls of a man love strimanity in everything, then the extremes of an old-looking woman are less likely to love people. Most often, vulgar people respect the presence of women in filthy manners, deep voice, wrong language, rude behavior, loudness, as well as a “cheap” outward look. Before speech, a lot of people's unhealthy teeth in a woman are also affected by a manifestation of vulgarity, even more so, it's easy to get a little bit from a professional dentist.

In the wake of a behavior, as a victorious secret, and only in a fit with one person, you can be a strong sexual streak in the hands of a woman, but if you cross the line of the frame, you can look vulgar. For example, in the doorway of clothes, a kind of victorious woman to bring respect to people. Naturally, it is appropriate for a person only to have a fit, as such a dress of appointments for a new one, otherwise a person is easily interested in such a woman. Obviously, a skin person has his own criteria for designating vulgarity, those that are vulgar for one, sexy for another. Skills of people, styles and thoughts, and even more vulgarity is not farbuy for a woman in the eyes of a man.

Features of the shortcomings.
The special features of women, such as intelligence, almost humor, positivity, always added to people. Tom summaries of shortcomings a woman, like a special person, has a good look of people. Among the shortcomings, one can see: self-destruction, deceit, jealousy, anger, stinginess, stinginess, shyness to the point of zrad, as well as a sense of rozum and a little humor.

Postiyna vtom.
Tsey nedolіk more power for foreign women. Coming from work, a woman, tired and wrapped up, trying to get to bed faster. Sex for such a woman is a continuation of the work, as if you are trapping, then without a drop of satisfaction, the sooner everything will be, the sooner you will fall asleep. Most often, in this category, women go to the greater lower kohankas. Here it is possible to give one more joy to such women. Do not turn sex into a routine of obov'yazok, vіn zavzhdi may be the reception of your life.

For an overly squeezed woman, sex seems to be seen in a singing phobia. While making love, she is constantly resting at the pressure, her thoughts are occupied with fear, fear that one can go to the room. Such a woman in sex can't be wild, can't experiment, quick sex without showing emotions can even come. Only from a human interest to a squeezed woman can easily know.

I have brought only a few examples of the negative qualities of a woman, which become the cause of a woman’s human malaise. As women, as if they knew that they were short of money at home, they won’t try to change it in themselves, they continue to indulge themselves in privacy, and by themselves from the side of people.

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