Yakshcho mountain do not go. If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain. It's time to go ahead

In this topic, we can analyze the meaning of that adventure of the saying “Yakscho the mountain does not go to Mohammed.”

Today, it is impossible to show every connection without winged words and adjectives. My floorings sounded to their vzhivannya, which is rarely thought about the journey of that correct meaning. Adzhe vіd tsogo to lay the correctness of the їkhny vikoristannya. So let's figure out what the broadest phrase means - "If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain."

The meaning of that adventure is the following: “If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain”

Іsnuє kіlka options pohodzhennya tsієї prikazy. Alemy, I want to tell you її zmist. We are sorry for the "mountain that does not go to Mohammed," if the Bajans support our zusils. І axis if we start to work in the right direction, then we feel like a right Mohammed. And who is it, at the same time you know it, having looked at the found home modifications.

  • In fact, from the most popular version, the Muslim hero of hot miniatures, anecdotes, folklore and fairy tales acts as the main legend. Khoja Nasreddin. Even the distant 1961 fate blame yourself for the saint to see virishiv. Ale call on not a mountain, but what was trapilos on the eyes - a palm tree. Aje tree is also unable to walk.
    • And it was confirmed, because the tree did not break a single centimeter. Ale schob not to fall into a bad guise of disguise, Hodge twisted out of the situation. І moviv: “My holy prophets, let pride and arrogance! If the palm tree does not go to me, then I will go to it.
Khoja Nasreddin
  • Rushing to the gate directly for chronology - 1487 rec. famous Marco Polo, sho buv todіshnіm mandrіvnik, zrobiv one more similar record. Hi, viraz not yogo, but out of the way One of the legends about the march in Baghdad.
    • On the right, in the fact that I am a fanatical Christian believer. Why do you know that the dzherel trochs have created information, even if the roztashuvannya may be Muslims. If you want, maybe, then you wouldn’t blame the super girl with the caliph.
    • І axis move, which is significantly lower than the ranks, virish to bring the strength of your faith, calling to yourself the nearest pommel, which rose near the palace of the caliph. Ale, in the current version, the mountain still went up to the neck. Possibly, it was less than squeaking nasyp, that under the force of the wind rightly moved at once.
  • Trochy was marked by more truthful adventures in 1597 at his book "Moral and political sketches" Francis Bacon describing the activities of a prophet. Adzhe vіruyuchi vvazhayut that tse prislіv'ya pov'yazane with the Koran, and more precisely with one of the parables zvіdti.
    • I have prophet Mohammed, soaring bajannya to show their majesty to the restless ones, starting to volatil to burn, so that she came to the new one. Ale, zvichano, this did not happen. Todi Mohammed saying that "as the mountain does not go to the new one, it goes to it."

Important: Believers are aware that this parable tells us - it is required to be humble and to bow to the circumstances, as we cannot change. Yaskravim with a butt can become a tragic fall, tied with death close people. It wasn’t like it was a cover, it’s not in the mind to change it.

Prophet Muhammad
  • Well Mohammed himself vvazhayut fundator religion Islam, which dates back to 570-632. BC Until then, among believers, one can often feel that Mohammed is respected as a prophet of Allah.

Obviously, no one is sure that the behavior of these orders is true, as if I didn’t deny it. Deyakі vіryat have zovsіm іnshі theories about pohodzhennya vyslovlyuvannya, but all the same, the third version itself is accepted as reliable. First of all, Mohammed really succumbs. And in a different way, a popular record about such events is no longer dated later, but the stink was sooner.

Expand your horizons and don’t be afraid to work your ass off your mark or people, as you check your conquest. Aje is no less “the mountain does not go to Mohammed”, but “water does not flow under a lying stone”.

Video: Long-term zastosuvannya prislіv'ya ": If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain"

With the first exchanges of the sun, the tabir, which spread out white of the walls of the city, came to life. The caravaners, merrily chatting, were packing packs with goods for camels. The women were laying down the outlines, calling out in guttural voices to the children who were scurrying between the luggage. Screaming your ass, another one, then a third, then awakened by their cries, creaked, squealing, a bowl of gates. Mohammed ibn Akhmed, blocking with his sleeve a saw, lifted by creatures, staggeringly bowing to the guards, scho pozikhaє, - Tell me, oh, fearless warrior of the great Baghdad, why didn’t I sleep on the spell of magicians and enchanters?
- You come at the hour, shanovny mandrivnik, - the guard with tskavistyu and troch fearfully looking at Mohammed. - Pass boldly, for the participants we do not charge an entrance fee ...
If the denna of the speck was sleeping, on the Maidan in front of the Sultan's palace, the roses began to rise. Best place the wealthy peeps were far away, for which the servants brought armchairs, and to the cotton men, who were licked by the dahas of suddnіkіv. The trumpets went on a spree and the palace gatherings, in sharpened viziers, the ruler descended.
- By the grace of our Sultan, - shouting the gray-bearded old man at the dressing gown embroidered with golden stars, - it is instructive for the skin-bearing man to come and show his magical power. Guide from the day, check the cities!
Natovp zahvilyuvavsya, and first of all vyyshov yunak in red trousers and white turbans. Mohammed, such a zoom, made his way to the first lavas, respectfully following him. The young magician, leaning forward with a bow, crouching down, throwing his head back and letting out a blast of fire from his mouth. Glyadachi zahoplenno filled up and blunted their feet. And the dwarf hurried to change the youth at the guest's kovpak. Waving the sleeves of her robe, calling out a snip of sparks, from which the beautiful maiden fluttered.
- Magribska black magic, Berber's oath of water, the system of mirrors, walnut fire - in a voice commenting on Mohammed the miracles that sorcerers did. Thoughtfully chewing dates, bought from merchants, who scurried around in NATO, out of the check of their hour. Nareshti on the square, stately old wiyshov with a bare bare head, spreading a khustka on the ground, sowing on it and dying, staring. Mitty and Khustka whimpered, raising themselves to burn down like a chaklun at once. He crouched on a height of two litres, and raised his hands with a shaven head to the corner, the heavens were mute, the forces were sent behind them. Here, hurrying, so that the old one did not manage to go down, Mohammed rushed to the new one. Putting his hand under the hustka and pulling on himself with force. Feeling crunchy and, pіd regіt natovpu, chaklun fell down. Muttering curses, having tried to get into a falsehood, but Mohammed troch podstribnuv and climbed uphill, hovering over the znechechennoy enemy. Let's sweat, having spread our arms, moving like a giant grandmother, Mohammed flew around the quiet area and, spiking, landed behind the kilka krokiv in the view of the Sultan.
Glyadachs roared in the sight of the suffocation, and the varta froze, so that the bandages would protect the pan. Only the sultan, it seemed, took the calm. Having splashed the sprat once at the valley, he showed himself to Mohammed in the place. Shanobly having shrunk at the bow, he approached.
- Indeed, you are alive, - the voice of the ruler appeared muffled and low. - Be our guest.
With these words, vin nekvapom moved, podtrimuvany under the hands of the servants, who got tired, rushed, destroying the gatherings to the palace.
Already on the third evening, like a sultan, having sat down at the garden with Mohammed, waving unspeakable conversations from him.
“Here, I’m starting a faith, you’re not a genie, but a person,” the ruler raised his hand, starting to sound like a spy. - Tsya your gra ..., gravi.
“Gravity,” Mohammed sighed.
“Yes,” the Sultan nodded. - Possibly, there you are. I don’t want them to fool us, but I’m ready to let them in, that the Earth is in the shape of a cool. Ale, as if you, not being incorporeal, could see the mitt to opine whitely, burn up, until it was five hundred krokiv.
“Let me explain again,” Mohammed began writing on the stained parchment. - The radius of the earth is approximately 6400 km, the dozhina, for example, the equator is 40000 km. For one year, the point, taken on the equator, is to pass approximately 1700 kilometers per year, usually 1667 kilometers per year. Henceforth, the vicorist wrapping of the Earth and being absolutely indestructible, I, as you get here, move.
- In other words, if you don’t go to the fire, will you go to you?
- So, don't go anywhere! - Mohammed yelled at his hearts and sighed arrogantly. - I want, singing world and so. Just show yourself to the great cool.

Magomed is alive in the gorge of miracle mountains,
Vіn buv vіlny vіd tuga without turbot,
Marveling with hope at the native expanse
І hushed up unskinned lives!

Ale, like it spread throughout the world of the zvistka,
What is the princess, there is no better one in the world!
Understanding that taking the princess for a squad is an honor,
Virushiv to her suvorim, stringy march.

And beat the palace of the people, as if for evil -
What ogirkiv salted at the old barrel!
Thinking Magomed - no mercy ...
But don’t get angry and check to the point!

The grooms amused the princess:
They sang songs in Hebrew!
Poets attached to my verse
In Hindi and say in Sanskrit!

Until її nіg kicked pearls!
Vibliskuvali emerald crowns!
Take care of it with a seam.
Vibliskuvali bіla vorіt іz gold touch!

And then the princess rose from the moon,
She asked: "What kind of young man is there to crumple?"
Yakshcho mozhe scho - please let it be enough,
And nі, then hi hoch with a word vodguknetsya!

There is a small need for entry -
Rіd Magomed bіdniy, not rich.
I'm already unhappy among the people ...
Ryatuvali thoughts, scho narodzhuvalis out of place.

І axis such a thought ripened once!
"I don't have a penny, I'll say so!
Zate mountain to my command
Come there, where I will punish you!

Ale, I won’t just scold її!
If you want to do wonders,
I will easily stand before you as a man,
And you could be my squad!

The princess splashed with joy:
"Yake good luck, love, take it!"
In an embrace she shrugged to a kohan mittevo,
Shchob pobachiti - marvel, marvel, paradise!

Yeah! Narechenі, zvichayno, zdivuvalis!
Ale home sent at once ...
And Magomed dreamed of that princess for a long time
Use the diva, what they did for an hour.

In the morning, it’s less likely to catch up and throw yourself
The princess seems to be: Well, show me!
Well, let me burn your dotorknutis!
Be kind, hurry її cry!

"Aaaa-stretching Magomed, his eyes opened.
What, kohana? What are you talking about? I don't understand!"
The queen's evil glance at the man nodded,
She said: "I'll refresh your memory!"

"Hi! Guessing! Quiet! Guessing, love!
There are no more meals every day! -
Whispering, pressing the princess to the heart:
You alone reveal your secret!

At once mi videmo quietly on the ganok
I shout: Come Shvidshe, MOUNTAIN!
You will feel how you can beat your heart.
Believe what a diva is!

The princess at the front of the mind
All the power of will, almost picked up,
The indecent took her clothes
I leaned on the gank like an arrow!

Ale the devil fox! Skilki no longer screamed -
The mountain didn’t go to them, not to anything!
Stink again and start again,
Alece showed up to nothing.

The princess was not angry at the heat!
Hit the ground with a heel!
Vaughn barked, freaked out, cursed.
Native and navіt someone else's mine!

And Magomed and here I know again,
(For a word, do not help the intestines.)
Without matyuk and without crying,
If such a plan is ripe in the mind:

"Just don't go, come to Magomed,
Then there’s not a lot of things to complain about there!
Until we burn with you, we destroy ourselves -
Navіscho here once the nurses let go?

And don't believe it, she's got it on!
The princess went with Magomed to the mountains...
I didn’t get angry anymore,
Having lived with him in joy and happiness, and in a kohanna!

The moral of the opovіdі is, unfortunately, vibacht:
Mi skhilni viriti is less for a diva!
And sometimes you want - you don’t want,
A mountain with a wondrous rapture.

Ale ne Kazbek, ne Alpi, ne Parnassus!
And the one who knows less about us.


I'll take a look at once, Victor!))) I didn't think what was wrong there. Howdy to you for your respect and for your respect!))) I love you if you look before me. Dyakuyu!!!

The audience of the Poetry.ru portal is close to 200,000, as if at a glance, looking over two million sides for the tribute of the lichnik in vіdvіduvannosti, ruffled right-handed in the text. At the skin graph, two numbers are indicated: the number of glances and the number of views.

If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain
Call out the rhyme of this viraz to one of the rhymes about Hodge Nasreddin - a hero of similar folklore, a famous fortune-teller and gospel.
So, in one of the Arabic collections (approximately 1631) there are about those, like Khoja Nasreddin Jokha-el-Rumi ( outside of im'ya Nasreddin's Arabic language) as if he had seen himself as a saint. If Yogo was hospitalized, how did you bring wine, how did you punish the palm tree to go to the new, and out of reproach. If the diva is gone, then Hodge himself piddishov to the tree with the words: “True prophets and holy blessings of mindfulness. If the palm tree does not go before me, I go to it.
Sometimes there is a different version of the same phrase: "If a palm tree does not go to Johi, then Jokha goes to a palm tree."
The Council of Varyanti Visliv Uvіishov to the єvropysky movi of the udomoi Anglіysko -prone I firof Fransіsa Bekon (1561 - 1626), Yaky Knizhi “Maralni Tu Political Mesye” (1597) Vorisovo Variant Ruzovygs about the remains of the remains In the drawing “About courage”, which is avenged in this book, Mohammed tells the people to destroy the mountain, but, if you don’t go into it, it seems: “Well, the rocks of the mountain don’t want to go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to it.”
Іnsomovno: about the problem of growing the first crucible to the solution of the problem, which vinikla among the partners with a partner, an opponent and іn. (self-iron.).

  • - who, who is in whom, who is constantly present at the witness, is not forgotten in any way. Maєtsya on uvazi, scho yaks l. Podiya, situation, problem, guess about something, about someone. do not know from memory, constantly turbulent appearance.

    Russian Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Call out the adventure of which virazu will tell you about one of the stories about Khoja Nasreddin - a hero of similar folklore, a famous fortune teller and gospel.

    Dictionary of winged words and viraziv

  • - Div. REASON -...
  • - hard word...

    Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

  • - Porivn. Now I’ve been left with all sorts of things for thirty years to go out to play around ... I ...

    Mikhelson's Tlumach phraseological dictionary

  • - If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed is guilty of going to the mountain. Porivn. Now I'm getting rid of everything for thirty years, I'm going to have fun ... I.

    Mikhelson's Tlumach-phraseological dictionary (original orph.)

  • - What. Simple. It is easy to call, sell. After pleading that the goods are going so quickly from the hands, Zazdrіsny Pavuk calmed down on the barish of the merchant ...

    Russian Phraseological Dictionary literary movie

  • - To the fox Ide - to the fox to marvel; from the fox go - marvel at the fox ...

    V.I. Dal. Sending the Russian people

  • - At l_s ide - klіtini klade; from the fox go - translating ...

    V.I. Dal. Sending the Russian people

  • - Go to the fox, marvel at home; go to the fox, marvel at the fox ...

    V.I. Dal. Sending the Russian people

  • - Ide lіsom - do not try; go splash - don't splash ...

    V.I. Dal. Sending the Russian people

  • - Div. calm - -...

    V.I. Dal. Sending the Russian people

  • - Go fish on a blubber, go on a spinner ...

    V.I. Dal. Sending the Russian people

  • - Riz. One bida follows another, pull another after you. DC, 123...
  • - Kar. About yaks l. Intensive activity. SRGK 2, 35...

    Great vocabulary Russian orders

  • - Adverb, a lot of synonyms: 5 don’t fall into your head don’t go think don’t go don’t want to think ...

    Glossary of synonyms

"If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain" in books

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Just as an hour ahead of the Autumn of 1956, Moscow was practically abandoned in the midst of 1913. I wanted to sleep about her: “The axis is out of the yak, it’s great,” in fact, Moscow was no longer a big village and all the trees were more majestic. I in the Aptekarsky provulk all the houses were wooden,

Mohammed go to the mountain

From the book Yangel: Lessons from that recession author Andreev Lev V'yacheslavovich

Mohammed go to the mountain The kings are unreasonable, that one you tsiu robot is not vikonati. Popri those scho, scho M.K. Yangel'ta S.P. The kings were represented by diametrically protracted straight lines in rocket technology and blue sky


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“In the future in our axis and let go…” For example, in 1989 the fate of Bush, speaking to Scowcroft in the Oval Office, saying that I would like to take a look at the question about those zrobiti, schob tsgogo reach. I want


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Like a mountain do not go to Mohammed ...

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Like the mountain does not go to Mohammed ... I remember the bookstore from the still hours. Raztashovaniya near the center of Kiev, called in the same way "Syayvo" ("Syayvo") and laying down the Spiltsi pistorov in Ukraine. Poruch buv store of political books "Propagandist". Axis u qi two shops i,

If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain

From the book Encyclopedic dictionary krilatih sliv and viraziv author Serov Vadim Vasilovich

If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain Sound the campaign of which virazu sings one of the roses about Hodge Nasreddin - a hero of similar folklore, a famous fortuneteller and gospel. So, in one of the Arabic collections (approximately 1631) it is said about those who

Don't go on the right.

From books Family secrets, how to make life worth living by Dave Carder

It’s like you don’t go on the right ... Like the church community that the Christian organization has opened up to change, the leaders themselves can be called out by the search for new effective ways to turbot about people. Unfortunately, the situation is turning out to be worse. Tom, virishivshi organize a group

Like a mountain do not go to Mohammed ...

Z books Literaturna Gazeta 6354 (№ 2 2012) author Literary newspaper

Like a mountain does not go to Mohammed ... Like a mountain does not go to Mohammed ... OUR GOLD FUND little readers


Z books Newspaper Tomorrow 830 (42 2009) author Tomorrow Newspaper

Gennadiy Sazonov THE MOUNTAIN IS NOT GOING TO MYKOL... I guess I'll draw a picture of the front, published in "Tomorrow" N35. From a special initiative, Mikola Titov from the Vologda region undertook to survey a part of one of the schilys of Tsipinoy Gory near the ancient Kirilov for the organization

Yakscho mountain do not go to Mohammed

From the book The great paradox, or Two handwritings in the Koran author Aleskerov Samir

Like the mountain does not go to Mohammed In 48 suri, there is about the fall of the fierce 628 fate. After the battle of white ditch, after some stupidity in the mіstsі, after some shocks in a special life, Mohammed made a pilgrimage to Mecca. At that hour

Like a mountain, do not go to Mohammed.

From the book Healing with a thought author Vasyutin Vasyutin

Like the mountain does not go to Mohammed ....... Academician L.G. Lyudina, yak, obviously growing and gaining knowledge, begins to choke on information, as if to get through the senses. І wine to find deeds

Yakshcho reading do not go

From the book All vіki that secrets of happiness author Efimov Georgy Mikhailovich

Kіlka rokіv that I pomіt tsіkava rіch. When reading books, it is important not only what you are reading, but what you are reading. Under the camp, I can see the whole complex at once: emotions + ideas + svetoglyad + rіven awareness. Tsyu thought confirm

if Magomed does not go to the mountain, then the mountain goes to Magomed, what did the sights mean and who said that? and taking away the best vіdpovіd

Vidpovіd vіd Juliya [master]
Є chimalo explanatory of the trip of this viraz. Vvazhayut, for example, that it is connected with one of the old-fashioned anecdotes about the beloved folklore hero Hodge Nasreddin.
Yakos Khodja, seeing himself as a saint, boasted of his ability to create miracles in his faith. "Warto me, call a stone or a tree," Hodge sang, "and the stench will come before me." Youmu was urged to call the oak tree, which grows nearby. Three oxen up to the stuck Hodge tree, but it did not collapse. Roaring Hodge himself leaned to the oak. "Where are you?" - not without zlovtikha they fed him otochyuchi. Khoja vіdpovіv: "The saints are not proud. Like a tree, I don't go before me, I go to the new one."
Others know that the legends about prophecy are being told, that it didn’t work out that it was avenged in the Koran - the "holy" book of Muslims.
Mohammed (570-632 AD) is considered the founder of the religion of Islam, the messenger of the Almighty on earth. The believers developed a formula: "There is no god, the Crimea of ​​Allah, and Mohammed is a prophet of yoga." So the axis, behind the legend, Mohammed seemed to have decided to bring his power to the right. The prophet having punished the mountains to approach the new one. The mountain became unheard of. Then Mohammed himself pishov before her with the words: "Well, if the mountain does not want to go to Mohammed, Mohammed goes to the mountain."
Sensation of this hot-tempered wailing: to be brought through the furnishing to appease the one whom he subdues himself.
in a moment I understand the operating instructions to write

Vidpovid vіd [email protected] P_W_W[guru]
Navpaki. If the mountain does not go to Magamed, then Magamed go to the mountain.

Vidpovid vіd Remedy[Newbie]
if Magomed does not go to the mountain, then the mountain goes to Magomed - it sounds like that.

Vidpovid vіd 8F NIS FMN[active]
Mohammed can't go up the mountain. Mohammed mount obijde

Vidpovid vіd [email protected]! [active]
there is no such way of speaking at the gathering, the Russian people foresaw it, I do not recommend it to be played in the Muslim spirit, they will react sharply to you! And vzagali sensu in tsemu no virazu!

Vidpovid vіd 78223 [Newbie]
I won’t tell who I said, and I’ll ask you again for spelling. I can wait a little longer and that I see it not without a smile, about the other things we have said, but the stench does not fall on those who mean it. if you want to whistle without having succumbed, you succumb logically and learn for money. but just a joke, as if it were so commonplace, they said like a prikazka chi prikazka. if the stink of their own can do an applied and significant difference in anecdotes. and for myself, that I, behind my modest thought, think about the meaning of more significant words, those that "do not be stubborn, do not check the goodness and the favor of the greater forces, just need to be afraid, do not go out and I will do it so that you see" but simply not important think or go, I can reach it so that I can go to it myself, but I can reach it !! And the order is not about the character and strength of mind, if everything is across and conceived does not grow. if everything is against you, but don’t be surprised at all, and only you go and take it yourself, and not about those who are not subdued and subdued, but like a person of strong will and the character of the order, the axis is about what the order is, and that’s not so I'm alive for nothing 30 years

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