Yaku kіlkіst smіttya mi vygotovlyaєmo. Europe has learned to live without callings. It's the same with Russia. Vіdmovtesya vіd disposable speeches

Whereas in Europe it may be 50 hundred square meters to go for processing, then in Russia it is less than 3, 97 hundred square meters are called names, as they have already been removed from all. We explained to the experts why it is so, as in our days, they rework entrances in European capitals, if Moscow crosses over to technology.

Calls of the dashing 90s

The selection of that processing of the butt-butt smittya, as in official documents was previously called “solid butt-butt outputs”, among radyansky rocks in Moscow, as well as throughout the country, if they were organized effectively, they did not call out. In the city it vibrated a little less, but the warehouse of theirs was different: the bottles were all given in a special collection point for the sklotari, there were no plastic bottles yet, the same amount of plastic and polyethylene until the 1990s was an invisible winter. It was not only the pioneers who collected metal brucht and papyrus, they established a system of points for receiving secondary recycling, which was properly processed, they gave waste paper to exchange scarce books (for example, detectives and novels by Dumas). It seemed that the smittya was sorted in front, which is called a natural order, and the names of yoga were called ten times less, lower infections.

“A lot of modern fakhіvtsіv vvazhayut, scho radyansk system of processing of industrial and butovykh inputs, which was formed in the 1970-1980s, was one of the most advanced in the world. Її the journey was complex, - explains the professor of the department "Architecture and Materials Science" of the Moscow Architectural Institute Petro Zhuk. - Those who went through stages in the 1990s, led to the degradation and destruction of the centralized system, as if contagiously and are trying to revive. The transition from federal control to the regional level, the destruction of the archeological system, was brought to a situation, if the stages of collecting that distant alternative inputs collapsed, as in everyday life, for example, serve as a syrovina for rich materials.

Also, today's Moscow realities, with a mass of inviolable food, how to recycle and dispose of smittya, were formed not by the radiant system, but by the dashing 1990s. Same thing, the repeated scrapping of waste paper and the selection of recycling were stuck. Almost overnight, a new culture of settlement was formed, if the number of smіttya sharply increased. Changing the warehouse of butovyh vіdkhodіv, in which more and more often began to grind modern plastic utensils, plastic balls that packaging.

“At the 1990s, a different cycle of strife crouched down, and majestic names appeared, like bandits and bosses in those bandits’ rock,” the president of the Russian Academy of Ecology, the head of the central for the sake of the All-Russian partnership for the protection of nature, said. - Dosit to say that the same name grew up in Yadrovo (Volokolamsky district) and without a hitch in Moscow, near Kuchino, as if at once they called out richly. Only 25 million tons of rotting smittya were picked up at the Kuchino memorial site. And if such a place of spalahuy, it becomes unsafe, seeing 100 g of dioxins in two days (similar to dibenzobioxin and cumulative otters and can be seen as a group of unsafe xenobiotics). For respite: all chotiri smіtєspaliuvalny backwaters, as in the nearest rocks it is planned to be near Moscow, for the river we see close to 0.1 gram of dioxins.

Modern technologies - the example of Barcelona

For tі 20 years, if smіtєvalishcha in Russia grew in excess of the usual norms, in Europe and Japan, a culture of safety was formed at once, when prompted by the exits. Tse poddnannya sortuvannya "solid communal vіdhodіv", as it is officially called smіttya already in our days, that їkhnє spitting, converted to electricity.

“I saw a smear-sorting plant near Barcelona, ​​smelting at the borders of the city, like Barceloneta beach, and one of the few Catalan smittєsortuvalny plants, so the titles of "Ecopark 4," Volodymyr Grachov said. - The second million inhabitants of the city on the river generate close to 1,300,000 tons of smite, all of which will pass through the Ecoparks, plus 300,000 tons on the river spozhivaє smіttєspalyuvalny plant.

How to sort? Select nine fractions, yakі go to re-processing. One plastic, for example, is sorted into five components: balls, bags, fruit boxes, and the so-called 3D-volume container for a small canister. І okremo vydbirayutsya paper, slo, duralumin banks. Tetra Pak is selected only for paper and aluminum. And in Spain, and in the rich European lands, sorting is sorted out when picking, which allows you to randomly sort out on the profile backwaters instead of street tanks, and in Ecoparks, sort out the titles of the fourth tank - non-sorting.

The modern technology of reprocessing of modern technology includes the automated sorting of 30 hundreds of “brown components”, which subdivided that sorting of all shkidlivih elements, into a stack of batteries.

Spread what to pronounce different ways vykoristannya tsikh "brown components" today's stateless.

In Sweden, for example, fiber is shattered and new acoustic slabs are spun for hanging beds. From slags, Portland slag cement and other budding sums are prepared. From the choice of polymer warehouses, taken away during the processing of plastic plates and polyethylene, it is possible to bend road tiles, which are always found in Moscow.

Approximately one fifth of the maritime waste, which is lost, is buried, perekryvayuchy to the beast with a ball of compost, which before this two months is prepared in the insulated hangars for storage, which is laid out. On top of this fragrant pie, roll it with a ball of earth and plant it with grass.

Most of the smittya, which was left behind after sorting, is burned at modern factories. It is important to believe, but from an ecological point of view, the stench of the floorings is not stubborn, which already in dozens of places around the world is spreading right in the middle of the place.

In Amsterdam, such a plant converts 1,400,000 tons of cement to the river, and to Stockholm to bring additional inputs, which allows you to secure practically all the energy that is taken from them. Before speech, the plant in Amsterdam is the home of the headquarters of the organization Greenpeace.

The record holder is near this gallery and Tokyo, among the living quarters of which there are 22 such backwaters.

Moscow today

“The system of smittya conversion in Russia is at the same time incomprehensible and ineffective,” explains Petro Zhuk. “Thinking only about those, how to use them in reality, we eat them in a pasta, for those who need to think about those, how to grow, so that the stench is less settled, so that it would be easier to pick them up.”

Provodzhennya razdіlnogo zbora that zmenshennya kіlkostі smіttya, scho zberіgaєtsya, allow often virishiti problems. I already know the Moscow backwaters from processing, and I, as I plan to encourage, transfer the distribution of choice.

“The camp of Moscow and the region is critical today, and it is necessary to correct the terms,” says Grachov. - The cob has already been laid: for us, at the same time, those tombs are cultivated, yaki є, so that the stench does not tear people away. Those who fight in Yadrovo and Kuchino, de spit out the haunting gas, are right. It is not plastic that is burned there, but an organic gas, which, in principle, is impossible to negatively affect the health of people.

If so, near the capital, so in other great Russian places, it is necessary to secure a separate selection at the next hour, to encourage the sorting of backwaters. As a result, the damaged components need to be recycled, and then, who is left out, they must, like in Europe and Japan, for the processing of inputs that are left out, encourage smіtєspalyuvalnі backwaters that generate electricity.

But in order for the appearance of smіttєsalyuvalnyh zavodіv problems of processing of inputs in Moscow vyrіshilisya residually, it is necessary, so that the enterprises became part of the great taxation system.

“You need a wild cycle of motivation with inputs and thoughts from the cob to the end, just as long as this activity brings economic benefits,” Petro Zhuk comments on the situation. - Do not immediately go high, but step by step, with great terms of redemption. Without a surplus, it is not possible to process and smіttєsortuvalnі, nі smіttєspalyuvalnі backwaters. And without a well-thought-out zagalnoy system, you can’t get away with it.

It seems that even the nearest fates all posterigatimeme, such a system will be. On the cob of wormwood in the course of the chergovy straight line, the President of the Russian Federation, in support of the supply of volunteers, announced that in the next six years near the country 200 modern plants will be built from the disposal of butovyh inputs.

At the moment, many residents of great cities ask: “What is the rate of accumulation of TPV per 1 person in 2019?”. For the cob varto dіznatisya, chim є in essence TPV and navіscho tse vzagalі is necessary.

What is TPV

TPV (firmly butovі vіdhodi) - tse utilization, which is declared for a single hour, for example, for a bag for a calendar day, one river or another hourly wind. It is measured in kg (kilograms) or m3 (cubic meters, tobto volume).

It is now necessary to establish and know the norms for the accumulation of WPV

This information is necessary in order to fix the TPV growth, which has been established for the timchasovy vіdrіzok. Such information is needed for:

  1. Planuvannya pererobki, vivezennya that collection smіtya.
  2. The appearance and shape of the rozpodіlu spіvrobіtnikіv, shaping the rules of safety for robіtnikіv.
  3. Planning for the selection of oversized transport for transportation, selection (as containers and needs), logistics work (transfer route, shape of the area of ​​the road).
  4. Purchases necessary materials for rework.
  5. The display of wages is subject to complexity and the security of the work carried out with utilization;
  6. Choose a viable hour for a visit.
  7. In order to carry out all the needs of the rozrahunkov's work.

Important! With the method of reducing all inputs from commercial organizations, it is so important to know what the inputs are, what they are transported. For utilization, it is necessary to loosen a number of organic speeches in all TPM and warehouse cih speeches.

Legal and regulatory documents

The main legal document that establishes the norms for the accumulation of solid waste inputs federal law N 89-FZ "On the changes and additions" (with changes and additions) dated 24 chervnya 1998

According to the basic law, for the regulation of the sphere of butovykh inlet, the following normative acts shall be established:

  • Federal Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ: establishes standards;
  • Federal law "On the organization of the nadanny of state and municipal services" dated 27.07.2010 N 210-FZ: establishes the methodology for the rozrahunka and changes in tariffs;
  • Zhitlovy code of the Russian Federation (ZhK RF)

Sanitary Rules and Norms:

  • SanPiN Hygienic help before the accommodation and the snezhkodzhennya vіdkhodіv vіrobnitstva i spozhivannya;
  • SanPіN 42-128-4690-88 "Sanitary rules for the control of the territory of the population of the city"

the rules for the accumulation of TPV were established.

Below are some of them:

  • smіtєvі containers and it is necessary to place a minimum of 20 m from living quarters;
  • smіtєvі containers and mitigation and refurbishment at least 1 time per 10 days;
  • as if the house of the servants of the service organization, then once on a weekly day it is possible to organize a remote exit from the Budinkovo ​​territory.

How is the TPV norm calculated?

The standard size of solid butovyh vіdhodіv, scho accumulated, rozrakhovuєtsya for two parameters:

  • budіvlі, scho exploited like a living: private, richly-surfaced.
  • municipal and commercial enterprises, firms, providing social services;

Before solid butovyh vіdkhodіv, including up to the standard, vіdnosit:

  • the accumulated utilization of what the populations have in their vast spores;
  • surpluses of syrovina for the opalescent system after the opaluvial season;
  • leaves of trees that fall on the adjacent territory;
  • great objects that were victorious in pobuti, that became inapplicable or became inappropriate.

Officials who may have injected into the rozmir standard TPV per person:

  • steps of ordering of enterprises or living life, the presence of utility services at the house, such as: smіtє- ta vodogіn, sewerage and scorching;
  • a lot of surfaces at the budіvl, for which there is a rozrahunok;
  • type of syroviny, which zastosovuєtsya for the opiate system in budіvlі;
  • dobrubut place, what to install in the new;
  • dozhina opalyuvalny season.

Important! In such a rank, what is the greatest rіven of life, Tim more expansion TPV is established. In great places, capitals and places of regional significance, the standard is significantly higher, lower in settlements of a smaller size and villages.

It is connected with this, that in the great settlements there is a significantly greater level of prosperity of the blessings of all the sights and in the living quarters and in the huge houses, which, in their own quarters, may have a direct connection with the high wages and more comfortable living. Krіm tsgogo, tse pov'yazano zі zbіlshennyam nіshnostі and more loyal minds.

Rates of accumulated income

One of the factors that contribute to the rate of accumulation of income is the type of spore. This pokanik is of great importance, the shards of the same type are able to deposit the number of baggers, as they work there, the appearance and quantity of the vibrated smitt.

Vіdpovіdno to the type of dispute, legal documents transfer different norms of molding inputs:

  • in community life with clearness, the standard rate of settlement is approximately 1.1 to 1.5 cubic meters per river per person, close to 210 kg / m3 becomes the average density;
  • for municipal and commercial enterprises 35-55% per month, depending on the norm of lighting from the living quarters per bag.

Important! Razrahunok norms and accumulated TPV from organizations and enterprises in Russia are impassible, shards of furnishing, which should be injected into the world and power over something rich.

For the reasons for the skin area, there is its own norm, as if a resident could show up among other documents at the local administration.

The method of rozrahunka accumulated

To calculate the real accumulation of waste in places and villages, collect penny points:

  • we have. points from the number of inhabitants up to 300 thousand. osib - 2% of the total population;
  • we have. points from the number of inhabitants up to 500 thousand. osib - 1% of the total population;
  • we have. settlements out of the number of inhabitants up to 1 million osib - 0.5% of all inhabitants of the settlement.

To calculate the rate of accumulation of WPV from organizations and enterprises, collect two or three of them, calculate the amount of income for the day and introduce the standard of income for the removal of taxes - this is taken up by the regional authorities, so it’s up to them to choose the tax. For the removal of tribute, the amount of TPV increases by 0.5-1%. To conduct such vimiri once for five years.

Important! Different decrees are created, documents and decrees, on the basis of which they sign the norms of accumulated memory. The main document that regulates this show is called "Recommendations for the establishment of standards for the development of WST for the RRFSR." 1999 Russian Federation the order was established, for which the average standard for the accumulation of income was assigned.

For the documents it is assigned that:

  • the norm of weight, which accumulates per river for 1 resident of Moscow - 260 kg;
  • the amount of the great smitt - 80 kilograms per day;

The rate of accumulation of waste from municipal and commercial organizations becomes less than the increase in the number of private enterprises in the settlement. Vymіryuєє vaga zbrannykh vіdhodіv ta smіtya vіmіryuvannya vаgi vіh vіdhodіv vіdіv, scho vіshchayutsya v smіtєvoz.

Important! The calculation of the actual rate of accumulation of TPV for organizations and people is calculated individually for all seasons.

In this way, in order to find out the norm of TPV per person in your region, it is necessary to turn to the local administration for the relevant documentation and find out about the number. So just as you represent a commercial organization, among the documents of your company, you may find such information, and if not, it will be found in the administration.

How can yoga be recycled and utilized? On qі and іnshі nutrition can be given a program to control the causes of pollutants, it is divided by the regional ministry of ecology and environmental protection. Our area is in the middle of the first near Moscow region, having begun to zastosovuvat cadastre of industrial inputs. This is one of the priorities of the municipal health protection program dovkilla at the nearest three rocks.

Irina Bezrodna, the head of the ecology department of the district administration, suggested that the cadastre of inputs should be collected at the first stage of 30 great enterprises for the district. Ale tsya robot is no longer repaired. In the future, on the face of the transfer, it is necessary to put all the viroblene of change on thousands of enterprises. Moreover, those who, having switched on to the program, divided into the regional order, do not waste their every penny. And the versatility of a serious software security in the form of a turn of events in the enterprise, for the most modest pranksters, is worth tens of thousands of rubles. It is not often that undertakings give such gifts.

Metaprograms, explained the ecologists, - more and more ruh inputs. Some of them were folded, where they were corrected, and some of them were disposed of, what was needed as a secondary syrovina. The authors of the program had a chance to convey some nuances. Deyakі pіdpriєmstva, like, for example, Khotkіvskiy plant "Elektroizolit", a few years ago, they switched to closing the technological cycle and independently utilize the inputs. Only the old-timers remember about the Vorokhobinsk tradesman, where they brought the trash from the factory. Skіlki was ordered by environmentalists, fenced off the sanitary and epidemiological center, critics in the press. Vorokhobino was vilified with sleepy zusils. Now a young fox is rising here.

Dvіchі raionny vіddіl ekologiї zaluch ECO-RTI holding for the clearing of the unique Varavinsky ravine. Autotransit workers try to stick to the natural gorge under the hall of large-sized entrances. Only a few car tires from the Zvіdsi were transported by the KamAZі caravan. The firm made a choice of these inputs at the enterprises of the district, which was known as the secondary syrovina of the city of zastosuvannya. Organized the processing of processed humite and the production of rubber tiles for sidewalks and kilimkiv for cars. Utilization approved in NDIG.

Other enterprises to forward their smіttya to the district waste disposal site near Parfionov. The area of ​​knowledge is one of the leaders in the regional outlook for the promotion of new technologies in this area. On the polygon of this year, having put a pracsyuvati smіtєsortuvalny vuzol to the intensity of 30 thousand tons of inputs on the river. Today, the number of tasks for a third of their capabilities is already lowering the vanity for the landfill by 10-15 yards. The cadastre of variable inputs will help to more accurately predict the situation in the region.

From three decades of undertakings, they propagated a new form of publicity about the work with inputs, as part of the program, ZOMZ and ZLKZ were introduced. Remain explaining your own bankruptcy and attached whether it be virobnichoy activity. And the axis of the position of the optical-mechanical plant, it seems to the ecologists, is suggestive. The great brewery complex, depracyuє mass of enterprises, derebuvayut velmy spečіchіchnі vyrobnytstva with unsafe exits, don't go to work with ecologists within the framework of the regional program for the protection of the natural environment. Aje plant is located in the center of the city, and, nachebto, is guilty of the first inclination to the proposition. Tim is more, that the program, in fact, is a gift to enterprises, as if they are doing good about their good name and good reputation.

Otherwise, they put themselves up to the proposition of ecologists on machine plant, ecologist Natalia Pelevina, an enthusiastic guardian of the most important medium of prosciences, is engaged in feeding them. Without a car, having switched on to the program "Elektroizolit", de cherue by the environmental service of Nadiya Yakimov. Registered their fate at the program Zagorsk GAES, Sergiev Posadsky Meat Processing Plant, the firm "Ekostrom", the State Medical Service "Peremoga". I didn’t have a chance to start a chipboard plant, Irina Petukhova is engaged in environmental protection. For the sake of professionalism and arrogance in respect of environmental priorities, it was awarded with an honorary diploma of the district administration.

The ecological community has no doubts that new participants will soon start joining the program. How now, it seems, in the environmental service, should we stick to the three spivrobitniks? And on the new robot with thousands of businesses in the area, yak negatively pour into the middle ground. The database of the service has 2,000 picking companies, but in fact, the list of them is richly extended. Ecological tribute from enterprises from the cob of rock, becoming over 6 million rubles. Ale, in the crisis river, the environmental program builds on enthusiasm. І navіt for the minds of the financial deficit zrobleno chimalo.

Together with Mosoblvodgospom, ecologists took part in the inventory of the main waters in the district, and in total we have 24 rivers and 42 rates. The past year, for the regional environmental program, they ordered two water basins near the Bereznyakivsky settlement. The environmental service has affected the compensatory plantings of the replacement of cut trees and chagars near Sergiev Posad, Peresvit, near the village of Remmash. Before the speech, there, de themselves, the villagers saw it was allowed to cut, serious problems appeared. At Khotkovo, over 600 sacks put signatures for the animals to the international environmental movement Greenpis z skargoyu for the unprimed felling of green plantings. Having pierced the great vision.

The newly elected government in the Peresvite may namir organize the lіsokoristuvannya and put food about the permission to be cut in the district environmental service. Peresvit effectively partners with ecologists. Not long ago, within the framework of the regional environmental program, an old sewerage collector was repaired in the city, and a bagatory was thrown into the forest of sewage waters.

The newly elected clerk of the Vasilivka settlement is looking for the opportunity to support the environmental protection of the dzherel near the settlements and villages of the district. Dzherela is traditionally supported by the regional environmental service. Near the district there were a lot of natural dzherel, yakі oblashtovanі koshtom of the ecological fund. To the dzherel, pishohidnі paths are laid, sanitary tidying is carried out, and wells are built.

The selection of land on five hectares near the natural complex Ostrovok is being completed. Sergiev Posad, before the speech, is the only place in the whole of Podmoskov, practically in the center there are 80 hectares of natural territory, which is especially protected.

For nature protection innovations, the regional ecologist Irina Bezrodniy was awarded the title of Honored Practitioner in the field of nature protection. Dvichi won became the laureate of the regional competition "Ecologist of the fate of Pdmoskov'ya". At the Day of zahistu vіd environmental concerns near Sergiev Posad, for the tradition, fakhіvtsі industrial ecology, teachers of environmental disciplines, students of Moscow region and capital visіvs will take up the tradition. Projects are popping up here, like foxes are already protecting them, water-bearing places, and wind - our dovkіllya. And the mission to help nature itself becomes a special right for rich environmental volunteers.


Cleanliness of dovkіllya Pіdmoskov'ya - pіd control

At the meetings of the region, two praises were praised: "On the development of the project of the pre-state budgetary program of the Moscow region "Ecology of the Moscow Region for 2010-2012" and "On the approval of the Procedure for maintaining the cadastre of entries in the Moscow region."
The first document will secure the constitutional rights of the citizens in a friendly environment for the stabilization of the environmental situation and the gradual settlement in the territories from the most heavily polluted rivers.
Another document of directives for the organization and maintenance of the cadastre of inputs. Tse allow to systematize the data about the objects of placement, the change and the processing of the inputs and the savings, to maintain a data bank about the inputs and about the technologies and the costs and the costs. In addition, the list is systematized legal issues those individual receipts, yakі zdіysnyuyut dіyalnіst zі zbirannya that transportovanny v_dhodіv.
Yury Kartsev, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, submitted the documents to the official of the region.

Bridgehead for the processing of inputs

A number of regions and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources for the region have developed and implemented the program "Utilization and recycling of inputs for 2004-2010". For the implementation of this program, 3.32 billion rubles were invested. On the territory of the region, 18 smіttєsortuvalnyh and pererobnyh enterprises were initiated.
At the thought of the ministry, it can sort itself out by itself, so that the disposal of inputs will be less shoddy for the needy middle ground. With this method, there will be smіtєsortuvalnі pіdpriєmstva, and it is also planned to implement a separate collection of smіttya.
"We went back to the order of the Russian Federation and the president with the initiative to create a pilot program for the processing of goods in the suburbs itself," said A. Kachan, the minister of ecology to the order of the region.

Minister of Ecology at the link

At the press center of the regional Budinka, there was an online reception of citizens by the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Alla Kachan. Alla Sergіїvna sent out dozens of meals from the Meshkants of the Moscow region for the second time. In the midst of them, nourishment should be guarded by the superfluous middle; utilization of waste products and survival; vvchennya, vіdtvorhennya, vikoristannya and the protection of land, fox, water and others natural resources; development of a system of natural territories, which are especially protected.
The Minister commented on the situation, po'yazan іz zabrudnennym lіsіv Pіdmoskov'ya pobutovym budіvelnym mіttya. Vaughn returned the respect of the Meshkans in the region to those who, until the new Forest Code of the region, had not been transferred the recognition of the Russian Federation in the sphere of forests. Usi povnovazhennya z forest management on the lands of the forest fund on the territory of the region zdiisnyuє Roslіsgosp and yogo teritorial body (Moslіsgosp), and the sovereign forest control that is clear - Upravlіnnya Federal Service from veterinary and phytosanitary inspection in the city of Moscow and Moscow region. Prote in the region created that pratsyuє Mіzhvidomcha komіsіya z rozrobki mehanіzmіv liquidation of unsanctioned smіtєvalishch. Organizatsii, scho zdіysnyuyut vivezennya and tidying up vіdhodіv, stack agreements with gardening partnerships for pripinennya zabrudnennya territorії vzdovzh avtomobilnyh dorіg, lіsіv, uzdovzh priberezhnoi smugi vіdhodіv.

Abo zero vіdkhodіv z'yavivsya pіvnjano recently. This concept of transferring the reduction of the number of incomes to the minimum and the ecological style of life.

We talked with Mikhail Bilyakov about those who think less smart, where you can give a second syrovina in Almaty and why you need to work.

Starting to chime in with the style of life in 2017. Virishili pick up waste paper in the office and all on the back were skeptical, jarred. For now, find out if plastic is also accepted at these points and firstly, what can be done. It was all right.

First, on whom we drank, buli KazWasteRecycling. On robots, they wanted to switch to the distribution of mobile supplements, and we chose to acquire supplements, for help, you can find a place to receive a secondary syrovin. If it didn’t work out, they tried to keep accounts in social media with content that was filled with speeches, as if they could effectively help people.

I will ask the world for information about the situation in the country. Skilki smіttya are recycled here in other lands and in some stingy camp smіtєvі landfills. If you start sorting out your eyes, your eyes will spit.

Earlier, I didn’t mention the skils of smittya on the streets of our place: dances, bags and cans are lying around.

And if you choose a mind in yourself, so that you can put yoga on a reworking, then bachish, like a fire, you grow up like a light, you are smart, like you are rich. And you come before, so that you don’t have to pick up the smittya and give yoga, but you need to do it less.

My family has set itself up to a new way of living with enthusiasm. Children regularly bring candy wrappers, bags of nursery. The stinks come and ask what you can do. At weekends, we all go to give away waste paper and plastic, and I throw the money I earn at the treasury.

Vlasny example of contagious. Children do not need to explain and read them, the stinks take it all the way and expand ideas further.

If you are looking for ways to change the amount of money, think, it’s not easy. Until which you come step by step.

From the retinue, they made their own little bears for trips to the store for the replacement of plastic bags. І tse it turned into a small project, which, before my work, could not be imagined. We have bagatorazovy bears so that people can go shopping. Vicorist synthetic bears for fruits and vegetables.

You can buy some cereals in Magnum supermarkets, and you can buy fresh products at the market.

Our task is to reduce the number of plastic bags to zero. To that we analyze, de most victorious. Whole fruits, vegetables, bulk products, such as tsukor chi cereals, and water products, like meat and cheese. It’s the same with a children’s garden, for someone who has close to 4,000 shoe covers on a river. They want to switch to bagatorazov shoe covers, so you can use them, disposable shards are not recycled.

For the time being, there is no zero waste for me. If you have small children, it's even more problematic. For the time being, we simply reduce to a minimum, but not to zero.

What can you override?

We try not to buy products from plastic packaging, but if you buy it, then it’s less in the one that is recycled.

There are 7 types of plastic and the skin has its own marking. 1 - CE PET, which is vikoristovuetsya for disposable dishes; 2 - low pressure polyethylene, also high pressure plastic, polypropylene, polystyrene. A 7 - see plastic surgery.

KazWasteRecycling accepts one, mostly plastic and two. Zeta accepts 2, 4, 5. 3 and 6 we do not accept anything and do not recycle. A lot of yoghurt is sold in packaging itself made of type 6 plastic.

To find out, what number of plastic packaging, you need to find a small tricutnik, in the middle of which there is a number. Most yoga can be found on the day of packaging.

For example, Kazakhstani chocolate is made up of aluminum foil, which can be accepted and easily processed, and paper. More views of chocolate burnt near the plastic. Yogurti is better not to bathe, you can work them yourself on sourdough. So, it’s better not to take packaged products, but to buy on the bag with your own container and bag.

Tetrapackets to Almaty can also be accepted. Ale is not paper, but cardboard, in the middle of which is aluminum or plastic. Like on the walls, milk and other grub products are left, they need to be washed and dried on a battery.

Tubes of toothpaste are not recycled, but we knew a miraculous outcome and switched to tooth powder in glass jars. That which cannot be accepted, for sure you can find an alternative. for sale pickling powders in cardboard boxes, de navit peaceful flask crushed from the new. At the same time, it is important for us to respect the company's products Mi&Ko.

The primary toothbrushes are also not recyclable. A good alternative is the bamboo shield. Serve out of style well, plastic skids.

A good way to save trees is to use bagatelle-sized notebooks. The stink of shying away from paper and plastic, you can write on them, and then let's write and write again.

How to reduce the amount of smittya that vibrates?

Shlyakhіv dnizhennya smіtya even richer in skin people wines individual. For example, if a person smokes, then they will reduce the amount of smittya, simply by ceasing to be timid.

It is not necessary to start sorting everything out at once. If it's hard for you, you'll be quick. It is necessary to work step by step. For the cob, it is necessary to buy a bagatoraz dance for water, a bagan metal. Vaughn is not shkidlivisha, on the view of plastic bagatora-fish flakes, on which microcracks can appear.

Cavi lovers can go for wine with their own thermos and cui. In Europe and Russia, it’s a lot of trouble to give a discount, as if you come with your own kitchen. Maybe we'll show up the same way.

You can also know metal pipes, as you like cocktails.

If everything entered one at a time at the start, you pass to the next stage. For example, you go to the store without bags with your bags. At the same time great choice bags of bags for products.

Options, how to reduce your ecoslide and stardom to a minimum, even richer. The main problem is that there are no food. Wikidat smіtya without bags at the vіdrі. Earlier, we had a big bucket for smittya, and at the same time only a can of mayonnaise, as it will be refilled in 2-3 days.

What work with grubs?

Let’s put some grubs out, then clean the vegetables and fruits and leave them in the freezer, and then bring them to the dacha, where they will bury them and make compost. Something hanging on the battery. Vimku tse duzhe zruchno, stench quickly dry in containers. There is no bad smell. Potim їх it is possible podrіbniti and visipati des on nature.

It is not possible to find food and go to the place of worship. The stench mends rot, spreads out and sees gases, with which a person can die. Not long ago, Russia was in a bad mood, if a lot of people suffered in any way. Abo can blame self-employment on the names.

It’s impossible to dry the battery on the battery, I’ve started shukati and other leaves and curls of Californian chrobakiv. My friend has an eco-farm that shared with me. I now trim them in plastic containers. There is no discomfort and no unpleasant smell. If everything is correct and work for acidity, then nothing will happen. Chrobaks eat grubs, especially the stink of apples.

Where to hello?

The best collection point in Almaty is KazWasteRecycling, where you can bring paper, bags and plastic, "Karina" accepts waste paper, but not all. Zeta accepts only plastics 2, 4, 5, but does not accept z-pіd water.

Bazhano, so that everything that is given up was cleaner, so that resources were not wasted on yoga purification. And the dances sonyashnikova olії do not accept it, because the fat penetrates into the plastic and psuy second syrovin. Plastic bags from supermarkets can be taken away, but they can be cleaned without excess food intake. Ideally, you can clean up the violins from the magazines and the stickers. From the plyashok you can clean up the paper sticker.

It is our fault to think more about the smittya, as we believe - the stars will come and go where they go, and the smut, what is far away from him.

In Europe, the average number of smіttya, virobleny on a person on a river, yagaє pіvtonni. Sweden has three or three less, close to 461 kilograms - but Sweden recycles 99 thousand of its own. Tse means that less than 1% of the Swedish people end up on their way to the halls.

Nevgamovne growth of peace is brought to the point that we do not think about the growth of the number of smittєvalishch and the amount of smittya that are being thrown out. If the whole world of civilizations fights against the changed number of viable smittya and yogo overwork - we will only increase the pace of yogo virobnitstv.
We can say that for the river it is close to 220 kg of smittya or solid butovyh vіdkhodіv (TPV). І tse vdvіchі less, nizh they have! Ale, few people know that the most important part of this smite is not recycled, but transported to the landfills near our cities. With the expansion of such polygons, it will be possible and їх shkіdlivy pouring into the people that dovkіllya.

In fact, you don’t know anywhere. Whose pressed look might cost ten years. Not long ago, in the United States, one such canned landfill of 50 years ago was unearthed, and it was revealed that no banana picks were found there. And you can read the newspapers, for which they have been thrown out this time. It can mean only one thing, the number of calls to increase and the stench will take more and more space on the Planet. A high pace of prosperity will lead to the majestic monuments beyond the megacities, and we will build them.

Already at the same time, in such a country as Ukraine, 7% of the territory is occupied by tombs, even though only 1% is used in the protected areas.

The practice of zero inputs

Zero output - tse change of the navkolishny core on the butt line. It is sensible, kerovan and realistic behavior on a child basis. Tse spryaє poshchennyu yakosі zhiznі slyakh skorochennya zone of living, vilnennya hour, stained at a glance for this zone, and tse save pennies.

Ten years for those who are still few who care about organic products, fair trade, the cultivation of creatures without fatness, and the consumption of non-toxic products in stores. Ale, at once, the quick-tempered one will drink the arrivals until the end. There are a number of such powerful and able-bodied people who grow up with a skin day and that is not worth mentioning.

Why can't they be smelted for zero-income, vicarious production of a closed cycle, rich, non-plastic packaging. Zero exits, a price etichny cordon for spozhivachіv, and if people want to do it badly, the hunters will be embarrassed at the same time.

There is one big problem in adopting this concept. As a matter of fact, the idea of ​​not buying is laid down to reduce one's income. Vіdmova vіd varіv, yakі not vіdpovіdat standards of zero vіdkhodіv, і many people do not want to accept tse.

What can you do as a bastard of the zero-input practice?

Nearly half of the smittya we have cut is polymer and plastic, a quarter is food, otherwise it is slop, textiles, huma, .

Reply to call your smitta stretching 21 days and podbayte about those, schob smittya, like going to the hall, it was more like a name. Vykostuvannya composting for organic outputs at the yard or at the dacha. Start (put 2 buckets for washing).

Be advised as a disposable. Whisk all bags, glass jars or metal containers for food products, khustki, towels, tables fit for їzhi on the go or in transport, dances with water.

Zavzhd vibirayuchi bagatorazov speech, give respect to the possibility of their processing and repair. Be prepared to buy less and more expensive items that serve longer. Clothes are especially worth wearing.

Guess an alternative. Replace paper towels with ganchirs. Vykoristovyte fabric diapers for your children and onukiv. Whisk for yourself. Buy bacteria and grow your own yoghurt from curse the jar. Buy unpacked shmatki mila. Apply vikoristan to shampoo. Zrobіt. Replace the plastic packaging on bagatorazovy choked with paper.

There are no alternative solutions. As soon as you become obvious, as soon as you start shukati, and you will be wine-gorodzhenі, bachachi, as your death will signifi- cantly speed up.

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