Why can't you read the movie at the hour of the month. Sushuvannya for months on the vіdstanі: the most visible and the most intense effect. Recognition of a love spell for a month

This love spell is even more powerful and often victorious even if all the cats do not help.

You should know how to bewitch a person correctly, so that you don’t provoke an opposite reaction.

It is important to lie:

  • the rite of labor over the first day of menstruation;
  • one drop of blood is sufficient;
  • obov'yazkovo for a month, scho growth.

The most intense rites with the months

Іsnuє kіlka of the main principles of such a rite. Abo to try to dry up the menstrual shelter, or to get into the drink. And in that and in the next moment, the deity manifests itself mittevo, but not so long, like other safe rites.

By itself, the ritual with blood can be especially powerful, reading the songs of the snakes to direct the love spell to a specific deed: inflame passion, piss off, or tie it with invisible moths.

For more food - how can you bewitch a person with a monthly dream forever. Magicians seem to have already ventured into such a crochet, it’s better to beat it once a month. To the same reason, during this period, the cob is strong and decreases, and it manifests itself on the other side of this love spell - aggression and baiduzhist.

Tim is not smaller, menstrual shelter, as if she had consumed a person in the body, forever shed her collar.

Another way, which mimics the reaction of a person, is to add a hot drink (kava, tea) a piece of zucru with a drop of blood in a hot drink. It is necessary to prepare such tsukor far ahead. The blood is due to rise again and dry well.

Zukor needs to be divided into sprats of small pieces and add a glass of water to drink.

Zmova for wine chi zhu

A drop of menstrual blood is added to a bowl of red licorice wine, a spell is read:

"My shelter is for you, your addiction is for me, now only mine, forever!".

The next person is treated to wine. The hour of doby does not matter.

Likewise, at the hour of the preparation of the evening, a drop of blood is added ahead of time. It would be correct to add to the already prepared strave. You can repeat the words yourself, like the first option. You can guess your own. It is important to stop the call.

Drying on the blood

Zazdalegіd to buy a white bavovnyanu Khustka, but to vikoristovuvati happen only a small klaptik. Drop one or two drops of blood on the fabric, leave it on until dry. Let's sweat, at the hour of the new month, burn it on dishes. I drank what I ran out of, take it into a small capacity and hide it hopefully.

Now, if you have the opportunity, just drink in the water, or drink a little sip of a drink.

This method will immediately manifest itself in the behavior of a person who has changed. The new one will have an interest in your person, moreover, it will be strong.

If a person is far away, or you don’t happen to be in the same company, you can make a love spell using a photograph of that menstrual blood.

Buy new wax three candles, white cotton or fabric. Prepare everything you need before nightfall.

When the candles are lit, marvel at the photograph, read the sound, drip a drop of blood on the image of the chosen person:

“As if my shelter is dry, inflame your love, you turn into the house, you will fall to my feet.”

Light up the photograph in white Khustka and shove it together with candles in the heavenly place, so that no one can strike. After that, snuggle up and lie down to sleep. Don't talk to them, but think more about the love spell.

A drop of blood will mean a bed, de sleeper, you will have a bad dream, and in reality we think about you often.

Tse fight like this:

  • A drop of menstrual blood is applied to the inner sutures of the bed, so that it is unremarkable.
  • Like a light curl, tying it with a red seam thread and sewing blood leaks into a pillow, you can be instilled that a person does not marvel at other women. (Zv'yazuvannya maє kindly dry before cym).
  • Also, a small little bag is sewn up near the pillow with grains of wheat and a drop of blood. This ritual is to be carried out at the beginning of the next month. Grains are poured on dishes, mixed with blood, and the words are minted:

    “As wheat is born, as the earth lives, so I will become forever in your heart.”

  • To pick up a floor card, to drip in the middle I put a drop of my blood, to dry it in the sun, to rub it in the powder and to sip the mattress on which a person should sleep.

Ritual for a friend with yoga heels

Іsnuє perevіreny and a strong way, like bewitching a person for the help of menstruation, like wearing friends, she wears a hoop.

Skladnistnost polagaє in that, shchob for some hour to take away yoga kіltse. If you want to go, it is necessary to let your menstrual blood pass through the ring of a well-meaning man.

For this rite, they prepare a bulb with blood, a clean bottle. When the candles are lit, trim the hoop over the flask and drip or wag the roof so that it passes through the middle of the ring. Enough three dots for a love spell by typing chivalry in a vіdrazu.

Then we wash the ring, rub it dry and turn it over to the kokhan. It is not possible to change the number of wines with a squad in one bed, in one booth.

Forgive love spell

The inner lining of a person’s mouth means a drop of blood, with which the words are:

“My blood is with you, come back to you, you don’t stray from the road, you turn around to me.”

Like a man to come at the booths, "seal" the doors. Apply unfamiliar marks with monthly blood on several kutahs. You can say enough words that now you are yours, you will be left here and not vibratisya.

Like a man, I see you, you need to drop a little drop of blood right into your eyes. Tse zmusit yoga turn to you again and again.

It is unfathomable to leave a drop of blood on yoga clothes or objects, like wines often peel and carry with you. For example - a jacket, a bag, a purse, a case with eyepieces.

Take a man's hair and tie it with your own. Smite the trio with drops of blood, hang dry, burn the vshchent, and then rise in the wind - a person will be strongly attached, we will follow you for a while.

Traces of a love spell on menstrual blood

Regardless of the strength of the love spell, and the hot bazhannya of the person who follows you, tsі dії lamayat yogo vnutrіshno. The leather girl is guilty of the nobility, as if they were violating the charms of a person with monthly ones, the traces cannot be taken. Moreover, only deyakі strong chakluni can take such a love spell.

Bagato magicians do not please zdіysnyuvati takі dії і do not take it yourself. As a long-term experience, the effect of a biased kokhannya, to lie down and in the energy of a woman, and in the strength of a spiritual become a person.

The real repeated depressions show that one of the main side effects of such a love spell is the alcoholism of a person. Vin becomes withdrawn, oppressive and aggressive. The relish is spent until life, you feel like a helpless and useless person. Failures are retried, all plans are ruined.

Zhіnka, bachachi such a turn, rozcharovuєtsya. Addiction to go to another plane, the house often has weldings, scandals.

A man can’t really leave this woman after such a love spell. Ale th sleeping life bring no joy. Sometimes everything will end tragically.

Let the girls think, first of all, I will help you to magical powers. Chi is necessary for this whole person, who is ready to sacrifice health and share, for the sake of a short happiness and addictive nights of smoking.

Girls often have stutters of menstruation, which is badly signifying the state of health, tk. she plays an important role in to the woman's organism Vіdpovіdaє for stіykіst hormonal background and zdatnіst before childbirth. Іsnuyut zmovi, zdatnі dopomogti at raznyh problems of the menstrual cycle.

Rites on the urethra

With a delay in menstruation efficient wayє zmov at the ranking section. For this ritual, on the day of the new month, you need to get up until the sun comes up and pick up the urethra.

We put the flask from the cut on the steel and begin to infuse the ritual words. We read whispers 9 times:

“Urine-urethra, clean and healthy, like well water. Yak Zorya is clear to go, so the blood of the month comes. My healthy water is clear, my dream is sleepy, my month is crooked. Yak moon zіyde - my devil will come, the ailment will pass.

Zamovlenu urethra vikoristovuyut, like a sill, like applied to the lower part of the abdomen, drop by drop for decades, until the next month. Illam koristuyutsya 2 times a day, vrantsі in the evening, not zmivayuchi, sob to give shkirі seep.

There is one more effective rite in case of obstruction of the menstrual cycle.

Viklik dovgoochіkuvanoї menstruation next work in the sun, what to go, ahead of preparing the coming attributes:

  • bottle of wound urethra;
  • red line;
  • sirniki.

Early-vranci, picking up the urethra, burying a red line in it and reading the words, sing:

“The red line has leaked out, my krihta is gone. Punsovy svitanok bring me a good message: everything that was in my body was hung up, rolled into the world. Amen."

After reading the ritual verses in the flask, we wilted, and the line was left out on the sleepy exchanges. If the stitch is dry, burn it down and grow it in the wind.

Smovi from Vanga

Shchob vyzvati monthly blood, you can read the sound of Vanga, for which you will need faith in those who are familiar, and assimilation in the room. Before reading the ritual verses, change your mind, no one bothers you. Іsnuє kіlka zmov.

  1. “The blood is virue, the body is boiling. I call a lid on my head, spread across the body, don’t worry for a long time. Already I checked on you, already I called you, gurgled. Come better, all my body is warm.”

  2. “Pain women, pain mіtsnі, come shvidshe. Already I checked you, already everything was vibrating. Come monthly, come dear, so that the ailments did not stick, they did not spit in my body.

  3. “Quietly call me firmly, I want to call for months. So without pain and without ailments, they did not know about me. Amen."

Prayer for the hour of the lull of the month

Go to the temple for a ranking service, put candles for the health of all relatives. Get up and pray

"Holy Mother of God, being Mother of God, I wail about your help, help the disease heal. Healthy woman, turn me around, so that my mother could be, so that I did not know the pain. Holy Father, take your cover and help the difficult one on the right.

There is one more prayer:

“Matusya intercessor, for your help and love, I ask you to intercede for me, help me with your important year. Having spared the pain and women's burdens. Help restore strength in moments of weakness and weakness. Send patience and humility in the sickness of the unwell, help to relieve the body of the woman's furrow. Amen."

Move from strong monthly

It is strong zmova in the light of the month, it is necessary to read 7 times at night. Call words:

“Birizka was, my maiden sister, admire you dearly. Help me strong and bloody heal. Take away the chervoninnya of my insides, see me white color its trunk."

For an offensive move, it is necessary to see the eye, in order to carry out a ritual move on your bare body. We read the words to the ritual and gently stroke the belly:

“Chervona girl went by sea. She walked on the sea, ailing the sickness. Strength took all the pain, that sickness.

One more ritual can be performed at the bath room. For whom it is necessary:

  • take a bath;
  • prepare a mixture of herbs: chamomile, zvіrobіy, mint, lemon balm;
  • oliya lavender;
  • you need a candle.

At the bath with water, add 2-3 liters of water from herbs. I light a candle and add a drop of lavender oil to it. Water procedures are carried out with a stretch of 15-20 minutes, after which you relax and think about the good. When the bath is wiped with a towel, and before going to bed, we read the words of the wash:

“Mother water has healing powers. Spring from herbs to calm my pain, lavender - to give peace.

With strong blood visions and pains, read the following prayer:

“Toil, to hurt and body and soul, to torment the disease, do not let you sleep, do not eat. Get out of your stomach, sickness, and don’t chip more than me. Walk with swedish rivers, watch with wild winds. Give me peace. Amen."

Zilla against menstrual pain

The tincture should be broken at the hour of the month. For the ritual you need:

  • a bunch of hair;
  • nіgotіz vkazіvnogo fingertsa;
  • 0.5 l of ethyl alcohol.

It is necessary to remember all the ingredients and 3 times to read the words of the rite:

“By my blessings, by my prohanny, all was gone, for help, I was going to fall.”

Sumish can sue for a month. Vicorist for rubbing into the lower abdomen, as well as wiping the forehead and temples to relieve pain syndromes.

Zmova on the vіdstanі

The ritual, sob menstruation came on the vіdstanі, can be carried out for a month, scho growth. The rite is needed on the vіdstanі, in order to save the kohan man and to prove the supergirl.

To prepare for the rite, it is necessary to do not eat anything, living only water. At the time of the ceremony, you may have menstruation. Vranci take a couple drops of blood and dilute it with a liter of water. Idemo into the garden and wriggle under the root of the greatest tree, reading the words:

“Your romance is short, but in me there is a kohanna for all life. Like water flowing, sprinkled on the root, so your link will be seen from nowhere.

Another wild ritual to be carried out on the vіdstanі, to slacken, to summon menstruation in a term that suits you by the hour. The ritual is supplementary to the day of the cycle for the day. Next day in your heart, next drink fresh juice of grapefruit and say the words:

“I’m sippin’, I’m running away for months. Amen."

Zmova on a kohannya on a monthly basis

To conduct a ritual for a kokhannya at the hour of the month, you need:

  • motuzka;
  • lyalechka;
  • candle;
  • magnet;
  • Red line.
  • weakness, confusion;
  • the glare of shkiri's appearance;
  • causeless chills;
  • peeling of skin folds;
  • virazki, warts on the hands.

Recognition of a love spell for a month

To recognize that a person was bewitched, you need to bring respect to її old look that behavior. Such a person is afraid.

A love spell for a month wins in a situation, if it is necessary to get into the share of a person on an energy level. Prote vzaєmodіya z energies є duzhe jewelry robot. It is rare for anyone who practices black magicians to get along without side effects called by such a ritual. About all the nuances of love spells on mischievous blood, we will tell you in this article.

Magic from ancient times has helped people with the most common problems. Dryness, epidemics, ailments are only a few reasons, as they could veer from magic rituals. Zhіnki spokonviku zastosovuvali love spells and spells for luchennya cholovіka, who was worthy.

Іsnuyut raznі і for strength and for recognition of magical rites. The deyakі allow you to be worthy of a lad, otherwise you can yogo to a vіdpovіdalny krok or turn a person into a family.

Love spell for a month's blood

Love spell for a monthє one of the strongest and most found rituals. Binding of cotton is warehoused to the physiological equal. And the shards of blood energy can majestic potential, A mіtsnyy zv'yazok mіzh tim, hto rob the rite and a man, which is necessary to bewitch. Deyakі magicians vodnosit tsey rite to a specific kind of psuvannya. The will to inspire the spirit of a strong person is broken and goes outside the order.

Tsey type magical infusion even simpler for the Vikonan, and to that, the popularity is growing. However, before that, as if you were called to victorious rite, it is necessary to honor all possible traces, pluses and minuses. Starting a child's love spell is practical in the wake of the ingestion into the organism of the lad. The effect can be seen already for a few years, later - a few days.

As a rule, plunging into passion, hitting, roaring nayprihovani bajannya people. Hours of viyavlyayutsya bochenі chi sadistic nahili. Navit as a girl earlier was unacceptable to a young person, after the rite of passage, everything will change.

Magic magic manifests itself less on equal instincts. However, it is necessary to remember that the term for a love spell is less than one month, after such a setting before you, it can change dramatically.

The most important moment before the residual choice of the magical rite, to bewitch the boy, is to know possible hints love spell. This rite is brought to the category of even strong rituals. Ale tsya strength is maє і zvorotny bіk, kakiy vyrazheniya naslіkami and side effects.

Let's look at them in order:

  • Problems with the intestinal tract (GIT)
    This is an insignificant problem, as it can happen to a person in the same time, after that, how to spend your shelter in your body. As a rule, sickness, tedium, and even more vomitting immediately trap. As your young man may be chronically ill, tied up with poisoning, it is better to choose another ritual. So, like a lad, he can become more serious.
  • Problems with sechostate system
    Even an unacceptable legacy can be impotence, as if a love spell is shy to fight a sprig of times.
  • Alcoholism
    If your lad is struck by a strong and strong-willed character, then by pouring magic side by side like alcoholism.
  • Increased aggressiveness
    As if to bewitch the boy, his character can change in the wrong direction. You can show aggression, rudeness and assault. The only deeds are similar to the effects of the magical ritual of victorious blood.
  • strangulation of will
    Often go out like a woman is dead in a strong strong-willed man, and after the binding is attached, the lad changes. The deputy of a rich person with you is incompetent and an uninitiative weakling, for whom all the virishuvati and robiti are brought.
  • Zvorotny blow
    If you try to learn about this rite, then the traces can hit you and the lad. In such a case, there are traces in the problems of the sechostate system. For some vipadkah - ce before the ancient times, strong ailments and the current ability to prodovzhennya kind.

Only having become aware of the lessons learned and calling all the pluses and minuses, you can praise the decision about those who work for a love spell. Remember that you can bewitch a person by different methods, and go into the same type of love spells only in the extreme.

Love spell on bread

Even our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers victorious magic rites with menstrual blood. One of the most ancient rituals, to bewitch a person, is a love spell on a bread cake.

Fight like this. Rinse with menstrual blood near the water. І z tsієї vodi nadalі to fight bread shortbread. Kokhaniy is guilty of sweating the whole shortbread again.

This love spell bazhano work less than once and win the blood, taken on the other or third day of menstruation. You can bewitch a person, vikoristovuyuchi a love spell for a month can be even quicker. The result will be commemorated once you know how the cake is.

Love spell on wine

Sob zakohati clapping in yourself, you can cast a love spell with blood and wine. For the color of that consistency, the wine is considered an ideal drink for victorious magic.

For whom it is necessary in cells with wine to add blood with the words:

“I have a shelter like a bula, so now you are with me!

After reading, move your kohany may drink a drink. It is allowed to drink something else to drink, but if you prefer not much alcohol. Beer, champagne, liquor - go.

To bewitch the lads of your thoughts, to be clean, to take revenge on the naughty without a bazhannya. Tune in to the happiness of happiness and everything is obov'yazkovo viide.

Love spell for a month on a hedgehog

Tsey love spell to help turn abo cholovіka chi kokhan. For whom it is necessary to ask for yoga as a guest, and prepare a delicious evening, adding menstrual blood to the love of the lads. Get out from another third day of menstruation and may be vikoristana for the next three days.

Later, blood is added to the finished battle with the words:

“My blood, see the servant of God (im'ya).
Let me love you and I will be addicted to me, the servant of God (im'ya) fell and only think about me.
My word is law!

Please your person with the spoken word and the effect is remembered practically immediately. Enchant the viide already a sprat of a year. To return respect, that the enchanting one is not guilty of hating you. And then after the month after the rite, all the negative feelings can be even more pronounced.

The rite of passage

An offensive love spell to rob a strong injection on the willpower of a person. On the other or third day of menstruation, it is necessary to add blood to the tea-kava of a person for three days after sleeping with the words:

“Just as soon as you vip’esh my shelter, I’ll rebuke your will for me.
Now I’m the only one important to you!”

The effect of this rite is seen in the new order of the woman. In order to bewitch the lad, it is necessary to carefully follow the instructions and work the rite for three days without overshoots.

Love spell on the blood and tsukor

To make this love spell, you need your menstrual blood (sprat drops) and a teaspoon of tsukru. The blood is connected with the zukr and at the same time the zmov is read:

“Blood and tsukor will help me to bewitch my kokhan, a servant of God (im'ya).
Youmu basked without me, did not dream.

Now it is necessary to add tsukor incantations when preparing їzhі or a drink, which then we will z'їst or a vip'є person. The strength of the love spell is in the contrasting mix of power and characteristics of the components. The result can be remembered for a few days. At a person's place, it's almost as if he can reach you and show up hotly, but only after you.

Love spell on fabric

Tsey love spell for a month to fight opivnochi. For this, you need the following components: a sprat of drops of menstrual blood, a small piece of white tissue and a candle. It is necessary to burn the clapsticks of the tissue that are fermented by your blood, burning them like candles.

“As this blood was with me, so now you are only with me.

I drank it will be necessary for a long time to add offal to a man's zhu. To bewitch the kokhan you need patience, and the shards victorious and blood and fire, the result of the rite will be strong. Until then, the trivality of this ritual is not limited by one month.

A love spell for a month is a very strong and unsafe rite. For someone it’s impossible to do yoga simply because of the cuckoo, because you can’t bewitch the lad. You can hurt more seriously and yourself that young people.

If you are aware that you have chosen magical rites and rituals, then read the instructions carefully. Positive emotions and everyday sumniviv - and bewitching the kokhany you obov'yazkovo vdas.

Menstrual blood pressing tool, which are victorious in magical spirits. Naychastishe won zastosovuєtsya for casting a love spell. This is one of the most popular reasons why women turn to magic and magic. Adzhe otrimati kokhany cholovіka from his bed and his budinok mrіє practically skin. And don’t start strumming a person, like a podіlyaє tsі bajannya. The great need to make friends is not to be taken care of, the very same life rarely brings gifts to the sight of mutual respect. To that woman, it is necessary to take control of the situation, let them have a mustache, including a love spell.

For my topics:

Usy, who robs in a similar way, signifies that such a love spell "practices" is less on representatives of the opposite state. Also, homosexual women should not be distinguished by such a rank. And the axis of tying to oneself a kohanoi people of the opposite status in such a way can be even better. Ale, do not be afraid of strong addiction from the side of other people to bring more than satisfaction.

Tse often create a lot of problems, before that, how to work a love spell for a month, you need to think about the legacy. Before that, illiterately carrying out the rite of zavdast shkodi ob'єktu vplivu. You can start getting sick, feel better about yourself, sometimes blame problems in all spheres of life.

Peculiarities of the treatment for menstrual blood

Monthly as the basis of the movement to make cardinal changes to the sexual relationship of people, other aspects of the relationship go to another plane. Financial problems, related difficulties cease to be of great importance, sexual activity, navpak, growth. Tse zagalna thought is quiet, who has already tried similar love spells.

Tsya zmov maє sche one singularity. The power of yogo is mixed with a line for one month. Year after day with a skin day, wine is less weak. That is brought to virishuvati, scho robiti. Either repeat the call, or take yoga relaxed as if it were necessary. Here it is necessary to remember that the skin of a new repetition of the ritual killed the camp of a person. Tse mozhe lead to new impotence, aggressive spalahiv, sickness of the SHT.

In some dzherelakh it is assigned that the power of a love spell is extended to all life. Sometimes numbers are given for up to three years. Such a different reading is tied with different strength to the infusion of that other love spell. A lot of magicians agree on thoughts, so if the power of the love spell is lowered for a month, it will be spent again. Tse s spilled blood, like a snake, follow all the numbers. Also, after the appearance of a baby in the world, there is a chance to lose one from women, who have robbed a love spell and who has not robbed yoga, they will turn away.

Sob zmova diyala dove, it is necessary to finish the singing rules:

  • take shelter, if the months pass another or third day;
  • zmova vimovlyaє at the dark hour dobi;
  • the ritual is carried out for a month, while growing.

Іsnuє kіlka options for a love spell for a month. Below is the deed of them.

Love spell without a spell

Zmov in this rite is not necessary, but all who are robbed of it, respect that the result is not worse for others. Yogo you will be able to see it once again after yogo vikonannya. For the rite, a drop of blood is needed, so that white tissue is applied to the clap.

The blood is needed fresh, so that this ritual is needed in the day, if the month is coming. Take the next few natural fabrics, rather bavovna. The fabric needs to be dried and burned. He drank what he had left, trimmed and put in kava giblets. The effect can be seen immediately.

Zmova on products

The essence of this love spell is to make it necessary to give the kohan man a drop of his menstrual blood. With whom, the words seem like this:

“My blood has come, I don’t need more than me, but I need my dear and beloved servant of God (im'ya).”

With such blood, you can get rich and out of satisfaction, so you have to try and prepare the weed, like a kohan. Otherwise, all susilla will go to dust and you won’t see a strong effect. Until then, the person is not guilty of commemoration, not the mind's success. Only in that mood, as if a person does not remember, that if someone has robbed a love spell, magically practice completely.

As if in sim'ї stony women were kidnapped and it is necessary to turn a person to harmony, so to cast a love spell on a month. Tsey ritual vimagaє zusil and chimalo hour, ale, quiet behind the words, who robs yoga, the result comes out nadіynim. On the back, prepare a burnt (0.5 liter), curl, nail, clipped from the ring finger, blood. At the mouth, put nail, hair, add sprats of blood. Under the hour of appointments, they will foretell the coming of the call:

“(Im'ya), I conjure your heart and soul! I conjure blood and my life! Love me once again and live with me forever. My conjuration is so strong that my death is powerless to take yoga! Amen."

Put the mist with a burnt and added ingredients in a quiet dark place. So you can stand for 40 days. After the end of this term, the sill, as it happened, is added to the zhu by one spoon (far). With regular zastosuvanni stosunki in sim'ї nagodzhuyutsya dosit shvidko. Vidgukiv is quiet, who has been timid and not otrimav good result, even a little. I can explain this failure to the underestimated minds.

If a person wants to get out of this, or if they are going to work, you can turn everything on your stake for an additional love spell on cereals. For this one, there will be grains (three pieces), so one needs red wine and, wisely, monthly visions (3 drops). Everything is placed at the wine, it is appointed more, with whom they are violating:

“I will take three grains, I will seal them with drops of blood, and I will die, and I will turn mine. Now I’m only guilty of me and not for a short time.

Warehouse, scho wiyshov, give a drink to a person or a kohan, and then check a couple of days. Warehouse do not mind and do not depend on the trivalent term, but the return of a person is guaranteed. It is confirmed by the opinions of a quiet woman, who has already robbed such a sound.

To create a magical ritual, zastosovuyut and tsukor. At this point, krіm tsukru that krovі, they prepare a candle from the church. For the ritual, all the silence is needed, so that it would be possible to be able to move in the air and think only about the crazy man. Opivnochi light a candle and start thinking, how good it will be for you at once from cohanim, you should be able to be bright, radiant, the energy will be less positive. To drip blood on the tsukor and it seems that I will step on the zmov:

“As my blood is dear to me, so I (im'ya) will be dear to you (im'ya). Amen."

Let's sweat until the end of the fire of the candles to continue to represent the radio in exchange with the cohanim man, to say goodbye to him. After the ritual has been carried out, it’s a day, then the tsukor is broken into 3 pieces. A piece of leather should be put next to a person's tea, kava chi another drink. Robiti tse need a day. In this order, in three days, the little pieces of tsukru will end. I'll get better on my own.

Zmova on the bench

Robiti love spell can be not only for food, but also for drink. And here they take shelter, if it's monthly, drip at the drink, mix it up. At this moment, they vibrate such a call:

“At the veins of the slave (im'ya), my shelter is dry, the slave (im'ya) is dry, like my shelter. I won’t turn back, I won’t say my words, I won’t take the blood of a slave (im’ya).”

It is necessary to prostezhit, so that a person has drunk absolutely everything.

One more zmova, for example, wine. Such spirits help the addiction, which fades, help to turn the freshness and severity of the wines. Dripping blood from the cells with wine and they seem: "As the blood was in me, so it is before me." The result will let you know about yourself to finish the shvidko, literally for a long time.

Spell without blood vzhivannya inside

Like a woman visiting a kohan man, but if you can’t take it off, you can speed up in such a way. If the months are coming, you need to come to visit, go to the bathroom, put a speck of your menstrual blood on the mirror. Then, marveling at the mirror, they wiggle like this:

“I assign the share of slaves (im'ya) from myself in order. I put a blood mark on the signet, I blur the words with blood. Druk is dry fast, like a slave (im'ya) forever loved by me. I’m naked with chervonim, I seem to be white, I conjure with black.”

Then we need to bring the person to the bath and work like that, glancing at the mirror. Moreover, it is not necessary to spend an hour and deprive everything without control. Raptom at the mirror to marvel at something else, then you will not reach your goal and you will find a lot of problems. Ale before him, as you go to such a mind, it is imperative to call and analyze the heritage.

Love spells that are on the horizon

Don’t let a woman be able to make her own shelter with that petty kohanoi people. Not everyone buvayut at the guests bіlya ob'єkta their predilection. That is why rituals are founded, for which everything is not necessary. One of such rituals is shown in the famous photograph. 7 liters of water, 7 tablespoons of salt are prepared in front.

Attach a photo of the kohan to the mirror by the bathroom above the sink. There are 14 candles in the light (7 of them are burning in the bathrooms, 7 in the kitchen). On the stove, bring the water to a boil, salt, then wriggle at the sink, the evil opening is closed. Wu qiu hot water drip menstrual blood (7 drops). Then let’s raise our hands to the water, turning them down to the bottom, and the words seem like this:

“Forever be only with me, but don’t hang around until then, mind me, remember me day and night, think about me, care less and my body.”

Under the hour of the remembrance of these words, it is necessary to clearly present the Kohan man, promalovuchi її image. If you get lost in the daytime with the cohanim, take the cork and pour water. Those women, who have already tried to describe the manipulations, indicate that the necessary mood will not come at once. Water, which flows, brings magical power to the object of your addiction.

It's the simplest option. At night, if the month goes to heaven, you need to paint crosses on your wrists for the help of your blood taken then, if the month is another day. Put one dot on the left chest. Tsі dії follow along with these words:

“I’ll spin the red crosses with crosses, I lived, I hung, I hung. I call a slave (im'ya) to myself, I melt with my heart, I languish my eyes. As my blood dries on me, so the slave (im'ya) dries without me, dries, God-willed.

We need to sweat, like a dream, go to bed, only need to be completely naked. From the current wound, the crooked marks are rubbed with a claptem. Why the ritual is over. Other options suggest applying more blood to the forehead. Moreover, repeat qi diї recommend three days of sleep.

In this manner, different ways, which allow you to bewitch a person, who knows the order of you, and also with him a woman sing a song. It’s quiet for a thought, but having already succumbed to similar rites, having robbed such rituals, the result will not be remembered for a long time. But it’s a pity, the wines don’t always appear like this, as if it was clear, then you should be borderline protective of your bajans.

Cleansing one's own energy field is a magical ritual, under the hour of which one can think about how to do the same rules.

Even more richly hto tsіkavitsya, chi you can clean the aura at the hour of the month, chi you need to finish as a special diet until, at the hour of that day after the ritual.

Let's take a look at the other nutritious things that work with the biofield, so that it becomes clear what work is possible, and what is not possible.

Chischennya auri hour of ailment

Purification of the biofield is a magic ritual, a kind of great energy gain from the one who conducts yoga. It is not recommended for him to spend the last hour of sickness. If a person feels bad, maybe all the energy is spent on the process of dressing, then for the ritual to be carried out, you can simply not use it.

Well, you are spending the cleansing under the hour of ailment, you can feel yourself even worse after the end of the magical work, otherwise you won’t know how to end yoga until the end through the lack of energy, so clean someone in the filthy self-feeling not varto. Vignatok becomes less cleansing of the damp auri, as if with a strong bazhanni you can spend an hour of ailment, but in front of her it is necessary to be paranoid, that you will definitely vitrimaєte.

Daily magic rituals cannot be performed by women during the menstruation hour, and the cleaning of the biofield is not a fault. It is especially worthwhile to practice the rites of black magic, so that you victorious chaklunstvo that turns to dark forces - to put cleansing on the deaky hour.

Vinyatok, I know, to become less clean of the vlasnoy auri. You can still spend the next hour of the month, as you can see that you have enough for your strength and filth self-feeling don't intimidate. For the rest of the people, during this period of cleansing, it is categorically fenced.

Obmezhennya at the eating place for the hour of the magical ritual

M'yasna їzha is important for people, as if they are engaged in magic, shards on її over-etched are stained richly required energy. Therefore, three days before the ritual of cleansing and half an hour, it is necessary to finish the vegetarian diet: eat meat, birds, seafood, eggs and dairy products.

As if you are three days without meat, you can’t go out, try to finish the diet at least one day before the ritual. Remember that everything that is shattered from someone else's body negatively affects thin body people, otzhe, and like a ritual.

Chi can be implanted alcohol with pure auri

Alcohol is also brought to speeches, which is negatively injected into the energy body, and also, it is necessary to reduce it in the course of life. The rule is the same: three days before the cleansing, do not drink a drop of alcohol, and on the day of the ritual - the same.

Alcohol attracts negative daily life, as it can become a prelude to a victorious ritual, so it is recommended that the rules of imitation of alcohol be taken not only by the one who cleans, but also by the people who go through the ritual. Those same costs and the introduction of drugs.

Don't give or take anything

An important rule for a person who chooses to carry out cleansing: do not give anything from home and do not take home for three days after cleaning. Which rule needs to be followed by you and especially by those people whose biofield you are going to clean. Bread, salt and pennies are especially valued.

Why is it related? On the right, in the fact that the messages are negative for the law of saving energy, after the people turn around to the one who sent them, and the manager has an inexhaustible chance to get into contact with his victim, to find out why people are negative and take it from you what - don't be. To the very same give and take from the hands of a third-party person is naysuvorishe fenced - with a rapt of guilt and that of the one who sent the psuvannya?

The rules should be followed three days after the ritual, in order to secure yourself that person, as you cleaned. Tse zmіtsnyuє ta zberіgaє the result of your work and does not let the negativity turn back. This is especially important, as in the aura of a person, a breakdown has been established through an attachment, a spell, a love spell, or another kind of magical infusion.

What is possible, and what is not possible

It is not possible for us to give pennies to anyone and take the turns of the borg from the borzhnikov. If you just bring your salary home - it’s nothing terrible to get drunk, but from here a person appeared, like a long time ago, taking from you from Borg, and with a quick rapt, turning the sum in position - ask Yogo to come in a sprat of days, or say a penny to your bank account, bypassing the transfer of banknotes from hand to hand.

What a lot of speeches, everything is richly simpler. For example, you took a pan from the suska, bring it to the day of the ritual, or ahead of it, you will turn in three dobi. If you ask during this period to read a book, add a little salt and bread - don’t give anything, just say something, say that you don’t have the right speech at once, or just let it in, you don’t have it at home.

After the ritual has been carried out, do not accept the gifts of the day, but if you yourself are embarrassed, you can give them (you were asked for the day of the birth of your relatives?), ask the person to give you a copy for the gift. Viide, you don’t see, but you sell the river.

Those same stosuєtsya be-any purchases. You can buy groceries at the store and bring them to your home and come and talk as part of commodity-penny vodnosin (“having given pennies - having taken it off), the smut rule is no “pozichok” and gifts.

Remember that it is more important to hang out with people, as you clean the biofield, and you, as you are busy cleaning the hairy auri. The messengers of negativity sound themselves up to the quiet, to whom yoga was sent, and not to the one who knows yoga, but we won’t be sure to take it for ourselves.

Now, if you know that you can cleanse the aura at the hour of the month, and take away food for other meals, you will only have three rules in your head and do not forget about them. Then your magical work will not come.

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