Recipe for yeast-free shortbread at home. Bread shortbread

Instead of bread, you can always taste life shortcakes - a recipe without yeast, on kefir. Quietly get ready for a living borosh, instantly quickly! Bake shortcakes in the oven, about 15 quills. How do you look at life shortbread and grow shvidko? Marvel at my pokrokovy recipe from photo and short video:


  • living borosno - 250 grams (+ for processing);
  • warm kefir - 200 g;
  • sil - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • natural honey (tsukor) - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • oliya - 1 tablespoon.
Pokrokovy video recipe for cooking wheat cakes at the oven see below:

Savory wheat shortcakes on kefir. Pokrokovy recipe
  1. Kefіr z'єdnuєmo z sіllu, honey and a tablespoon dewy olive. Relatively razmіshuєmo.

2. Life is mixed with soda and step by step we pay in a small part.

3. As soon as the thick becomes thick, it hangs on the stele of the grate, and it is easy to mix it up. The results are soft and sticky.

4. Light up yoga in a bag and suffice for 30 quills at room temperature. Over the course of an hour, gluten swells, and soda is more practicable.

5. Divide the dough into 6 parts, the weight of the piece is approximately 80 grams.

6. With a skin shmatochka, we form a round shortcake with our hands, about 1 cm thick.

7. Lay out on a sheet of parchment and pierce the beast with a fork, so that the cakes rise evenly.

8. Bake at the rose oven at 220 degrees - 15-20 quills.

Cookies are ready! Even more fragrant, savory and soft. Serve well with the first fears, or just with tea. Try it even easier and simple, but it's also delicious! Please yourself and your loved ones savory vipіchkoy. Cook together with me on the channel "Zha on be-yaky Relish"! There are a lot of savory, simple and twisted recipes here! Befitting the recipe? Don't forget, share with your friends!

From that hour, as I recognized a simple recipe for these savory shortbreads, I only went to my favorite baker for the hour of picking, I drank the viterti. At the vіdmіnu vіd vіd lshostі vіv vіv khlіba, vіd home vipichtsі there is no drive. Get ready to test the test on kefir. It’s just impossible not to keep people quiet, if they are slurping (or to be slurping) it’s right and rational. Before the speech, I shared my tato with the recipe, which I understand healthy hedgehog. Well, are you ready?

Ingredients for 4 small cakes (bottle - 250 ml):

How to cook shortcakes in a frying pan (pokrokovy recipe with photo):

In the open space, ask for a bowl boroughly. Abo visipte with a hot drink right on small board having made a small hole in the middle for rare ingredients.

Keep kefir up to room temperature. Pour in to the borosh.

Add olive oil. You can vikoristovuvat whether it’s like an extra roslinna, for example, Sonyashnikova. Ale characteristic slyslyasmaku that ice catchy aroma will not be.

Zamіsіt softly. Rest the ingredients with a spoon. And if її it will be easy to check, switch to manual mixing. Masa is obliged to be m'yakoy and in the world cool, not fluffy. Easy to stick to hands. Ale borosna dosipati is not required. It's just not possible to practice with the test. Form a bag and cover with a bowl. Or wrap it with grub. Let me keep hvilin 10-15.

Divide the base for the cakes into 4 equal parts. From the skin, form small cake blanks. Sob it was better to grow, to bury your hands in flour. Boil the leather shortbread in a frying pan from one side for 10-15 strands on the lowest fire intensity. Open the exact hour with a clear path, even if the fire of the skin plate is different. І tovshchina at korzhiv tezh. So, reshta blanks, while the stinks check their cherts, cover them so that they don’t get weathered.

Turn it over from the other side, press the insoles.

Take out the pans that are ready, and put them in a neat pile. Let me cool down with a clean kitchen towel. In my head photo, the shortcakes themselves reach.

Do you know how to prepare syrn cakes with stuffing, how they will be prepared for less than 15 khvilin? Marvel at the recipe. The shortbreads come out well, juicy and crazy crunchy. Try raja.

What can be added to shortcakes, sobbiti їx relish of the troch (otherwise)

Additives to test

  • hard cheese. One hundred grams of the beloved hard or hard sirka is to be stabbed in a bowl, so that the taste of the cakes cooked in the pan is urinated. Rub yoga on the great third and sip into the oil. Boroshna needs a little less, lower is indicated in the main recipe pokrokovimi photo. Approximately 2-3 tablespoons. Add in portions, so that you "sip" the consistency of the dough. Strongly cool, like dumplings on dumplings, it’s not necessary to work. Vipіkayte in a frying pan, as it is appointed more.
  • sire abo brinza. Take one hundred grams. Rinse with a fork before adding. Todi krihti brinzi or sira is clearly seen in cakes, which will be simply remarkable when served with a slight sourness of kefir. Alternately, if you want to make a more uniform texture of the dough, rub the cheese through a metal sieve. So, even as a breeze of salt, do not forget to sip when you add salt.
  • love the greens. Fresh parsley, krip, basil, buryakove badilla or green cibulya, add in a small amount into shortbreads, make a spring-fresh vipichka. Just take a small bunch of beloved grass and cut it dry. Vsipte in silence in the rest of the black. Before speech, the greens can be vicorated and at the same time with the first two additives.
  • spices: paprika, turmeric, hot pepper. Spices will help to grow the taste, not only relish, but also the color of the cakes. For example, turmeric will give you a cheerful yellow color, paprika - red. Ale do not overdo it with seasonings. A small pinch will suffice. And with hot pepper, be more careful. Still vin on the amateur.

And you can also cook shortcakes on kefir with various fillings. Just cut the round layer of dough thinner. Put the stuffing on the edge. Zіgnіt navpіl. I strongly pinch the edges. And then lubricate, as described in the photo recipe for fresh shortbread.

A axis and options for fillings:

  • hard cheese and greens. Cream of ingredients need 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise. And I don’t love the rest, and you won’t be rajah. Syrah take grams 120-150. Herbs (for a good meaning of the word) - a small bunch. Rub the cheese. Wash the greens and chop finely. Put in a bowl. Add|Add| sour cream and stir.
  • cheese + greens. It's delicious. Tilki sir will not melt during vipіkannі. Ale, the situation is especially less than embarrassing. Aja is delicious to go out. Especially with fresh kripom. Create nearly 8 tablespoons. Kіlkіst kіlіst kropu (chi parsley) rozrahuyte yourself to relish. To keep it dry, add 2 tablespoons of sour cream. I salt to taste. Mix the ingredients together.
  • egg + greens. For 4 shortbreads, take 4 great ones chicken eggs. See them cool. Cool down, clean up. Narіzhte dribnym cube or grate. Add parsley to taste, krip chi another spice. Ale, the most delicious will be from the green tsibuleya. "Rozbavte" two tablespoons of sour cream and mix.
  • potatoes + greens. Another classic filling, with which you can ring out Ossetian pies. And qi cakes, prepared according to this recipe, are completely similar to qi vipіchka. For 4 shortbreads, take 4 medium potatoes, a small bunch of greens, trochs of salt and a small piece of olive. Peel the potatoes and cook until ready. And you can bake chi right in your uniform. Rose in puree, salt. Add finely chopped parsley, crispy basil and olive. Mix it up. You can stuff shortbreads and vipkati їх in a frying pan.
  • potatoes + mushrooms. Potatoes need stіlki w, skіlki y in the front variant. Vіdvarit or bake її in uniform until ready. Mushrooms-champignons take 5-6 pieces (medium size). Clean it up with a small cube. Smear on two tablespoons of olive oil. Salt and pepper. I’m ready to mash the potatoes with mashed potatoes, put the ovens before it all at once with oil, on which the stench has been smeared. Mix it up and try it. It is necessary - to add salt.
  • potatoes + baked chasnik. Another savory is that original corzh filling. Crim 4 medium cartoplins and 2-3 cloves in the watchmaker need a spoonful of olive oil, trochs of salt and pepper (for bazhanny). Boil potatoes until ready. The watchmaker, without cleaning, wrap it with foil and boil it with a stretch of 15 quills at the rise to 180 degrees oven. Cool the cookies for the troch. Clear. Put to the potatoes, pour in the oil and add it to the puree. Sipte pepper-strength to taste.
  • trigger. You will need 150 grams. By itself, such a filling will be dry. To that, after that, as you cut the chicken, roast it in a frying pan, add 2 tablespoons of sour cream to it. Abo 2 potato wedges, rosemary with mashed potatoes. Abo 5-6 ovens, dribly narrated and smeared. Mix the selected ingredients, sip on a pinch of salt, pepper and dried teaspoon.
  • minced meat + cibula. So that the meat will be juicy, drink to the new finely chopped cibulin. Take minced meat close to 150 grams. Are you afraid that minced meat will be left behind? Bring yogo to readiness in the pan.

That's it, my muse defiantly saw the biscuits, as if they had already caught the chill. Ale, if you guess, you will come up with something new, share it obov'yazkovo! We love it, no, we just love everything delicious and simple.

Who among us has not tried the right Uzbek shortbreads with a ruddy fragrant streak. Strava є vіdminnym dopovnennyam to shashlik and pilaf. classic recipe transferring the baking of cakes at the clay oven - tandir. There it fills with a unique relish. Obviously, our temperament is not going to be able to drink in this way, but it’s not so important, more importantly - to make shortbread without yeast. Today we will describe a simple cooking option, which gives off special savory flavors.

We prepare shortbread without yeast, for which we take: borosno (500 g), kefir (700 ml), strength, zukor and borosho need to be mixed with sill and zukr. Kefir is poured step by step into the room temperature and zamіshuєmo elastically thick. It’s better to ask borosno, so that it becomes softer and softer. Prepare the dough on the deco flooring and give it a round shape with your hands. You can make shortbreads without yeast in miniatures, sprat pieces.

Plas, which is viishov, is guilty of buti thin in the middle, and thin at the edges. Lightly soak with water before baking. For additional curly cups or special confectionery molds, sprinkle small little ones over the pita bread and sip all the sesame seeds. Vipіkati at 220 ° С until the ruddy golden streak is firm. Ready, without dryness, cover with a towel, so that the vipіchka becomes soft. On top of the bazhannya, you can sipate grated sir or greenery. The stuffing can be put in front of the brew without any middle in the dough - a savory sweet pie will come out.

Meat shortbreads in the oven without yeast on kefir

Components: liter of low-fat kefir, 200 g minced meat(From whatever sort of meat), borosno (2 bottles), sir (200 g), soda, tsukor, sil.

Pokrokove cooking

Grate sir: for this recipe, it’s better to use hard varieties; zmіshati yogo z|іz| flour | boroshnoy |, then pour in kefir, add | add | cukrovy squeak, salt and a teaspoon of soda (do not quench it). Spread the dough on the table, pour a little bit of olive oil on your hands, so that the dough does not stick, and good vimіsity.

We divide yogo into a sprat of a bag, fallow, depending on how much you want to eat the cakes. Kozhen kolobok rose with hands and put on a round shape. On top of the vikladaemo Syria minced meat. In front of you, you can smear it with a qibulei. We looked at our father's guilt. Add a little salt to the meat, cover it with another layer and let it boil for 30 minutes.

To come out is like a closed house. Cookies without yeast can be lubricated in a frying pan, and it’s also tasty to come out. Ale in a baked looking grass is less fat. As a result, golden, ruddy, Uzbek lavash comes out of syatka. The axis is like a shortbread without yeast from simple and affordable products. Shvidko, it's easy and unobtrusive to go out for a living.

As a filling, the syrn from greens, syrn masa with a teapot, various vegetable assorts are suitable. At night, or at night, you can cook a vipichka on water without zucru and salt. Served with whatever sauce and garnish. National culinary recipes are not foldable in cooking, as you can, smut - follow all the recommendations, and you can find everything better, lower from the chef. Adzhe vie prepare for yourself those kind of people.

Calorie content: not shown
Cooking hour: Not specified

Today, if we came home from school with a child, they showed that there is no bread in the house. At the link with tim, that on the streets of this year there is a stale rage, as if one did not want to go out in such weather for bread. Ale, treba, bulos virishuvati, adzhe without bread and zha not zha. The very same, thinking unhappily, I tried to cook bread cakes without yeast and eggs in a frying pan. I remember that my mother used to pamper us with them and her sister. The stench always looked so savory that my sister and I would instill tea, we didn’t resist sipping them.

So it happened, if I was preparing bread cakes, my child was just looking at them with a majestic grip, saying that now the bread is not boiled in fire, the shards of the cake are richly savory. A man, in the evening, came to work and brought a loaf of bread, prote, after that, like a wine, having baked bread shortcakes, he seemed to be inspired and soiled їsti їх. The axis of such shortbreads - that I will replace the bread again!
Prepare chlibni shortcakes, you will have no more than 10 khvilins for the whole cooking process. And all through those who, when preparing the dough, do not add yeast to the new one.
Also, the necessary ingredients:
- 1 tbsp. drive,
- a drop of salt,
- 2.5 tbsp. boroshna (vykoristovyte boroshchy katunka, maybe hard varieties).


At once, prepare, be it as a smallness, in which you plan to mix the dough. Before it, pour in the indicated amount of water.

By the water, add the strongest grub stone to the water.

After that, more part of the boroshna, stir everything, add the reshta boroshna and stir it again.

Even better vimіsiti іsto.
Separate yoga on equal pieces.

Leather from shmatkіv rozkotіt at the layer to finish thin according to the tovshchina.

Coat the bread cakes in a frying pan with a minimum amount of olive oil.

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