Monthly shelter at the aiming of the psuvannya on a person. Shovіnіstskiy pist: history of women's gaskets

Through low reasons, she fell into various historical dzherela. Brought me to the vivchennya zasobiv hygiene.
Zokrema - women's pads.

Like a woman can spill blood, what flow from її body,
then she is guilty of sitting this day for the hour of her purification,
and leather, who touches her, will be unclean until evening.
(Leviticus 15:19)

Stretched the century themselves different options hygiene. One of the most ancient methods is seclusion (that is, isolation) of menstruating women in the form of confinement. Cebulo is wider in Polynesia and in African tribes. The skin settlement had a special hut for menstruating women, while those of the small ones had women at the time of menstruation. What's new? In short, the essence is to get to the point where you can isolate women who are menstruating, with the method of ensuring the greatest safety. However, what was the meta one? Axis is a quote from a historian: “…since. if a woman of that hour had not fully recovered her camp, then such a woman would become the subject of gluzuvany for others, as if they commemorated even the smallest trace of ailment on her, she would waste her man’s chi kohantsya. In such a rank, my Bachimo, that the natural litter and stinginess can, in its turn, witness one’s failure to be afraid to stop being like it. ” Also, the presence of elementary hygienic care for a long time frightened the woman to isolation before the hour of menstruation. The appearance of the benefits of menstrual hygiene increased the seclusion of the neobov'yazkovoy, and the need for the development of hygienic benefits, head managers such a bulo as a security for the selection of visions, and prihovat in the lonely camps of a woman.

At Ancient Egypt vikoristovuvavsya papirus, from what richness the Egyptians robbed tampons. Papirus was more expensive, so the simple Egyptian women victorious canvas, like it was erased after victoria. Byzantium also won tampons made from papyrus and similar material. Such tampons are unlikely to be handy, papyrus shards are too thick.

In Ancient Rome, material for pads was victorious, if not, tampons from a bag outside. Є vіdomostі about vikoristanny tampon Ancient Greece that Jude. But, perhaps, we will expand the hygiene in the old days with bagatatorase pads from the same material, such as linen, fabric, seam, felt, etc.

In middle-class Japan, China, India, women's hygiene was set higher, richer orders of magnitude, lower in Europe. In Asia itself, disposable pads appeared first. Asian women victoriously served disposable paper servlets, folded in an envelope. Such an envelope was thin, fastened at the waist. Later in Japan, menstrual belts began to work (as the author does not pardon, the stench is called “You”), as if they were a belt with smuga passed between legs. A servette was laid down with a swarthy vulva: the belt was bagatora-shaped, the servette was disposable. Zovni such a belt deshcho having turned over the cat. A skin-intelligent Japanese woman is small enough to wear such a belt.

At Polynesia, specially prepared bark of roslin, grass, other creatures, and sea sponges were victorious. Approximately so, maybe, the Indians of Pivnichnoy America repaired.

In Europe, in the middle of the century, the night of hygiene was on the lowest level. Commoners, for example, were simply dressed up with articles of shirts or lower backs, which were tucked between their legs. In Russia XVII-XVIII Art. sometimes victorious t.zv. “Soromni spoil”, that is, on a kshtalt of tight-fitting pantaloons or panties (they didn’t wear the usual panties, they didn’t wear them) from the same material - menstrual visions were worn out without middle ports, as if they were known as sleepers.

It should be noted that in the middle ages menstruation was a common “guest” of European women. Menstruation began at the age of 16-18 years, and started at the age of about 40-45 years. Because get contraceptives on a daily basis, a lot of women may regularly change at the station of vagity and lactation (during the process of menstruation with milk, menstruation sounds daily). Otzhe, rich women protyazh life could mother less than 10-20 menstruation, tobto. insoles modern woman in the middle May for rіk-two. I realized that the nutrition of menstrual hygiene did not stand in front of the European woman so sharply, as it is now. However, until the end of the XIX-XX century. the problem of menstrual hygiene before Americans and Europeans already stood out loudly.

In America and Europe of the XIX-XX centuries. they were wrapped with bagatora self-clothing pads from felt, or canvases, like after victoria, they were folded into a bag, then they were erased and vikoristovuvalis bagatorazov. The deyakі took over the Chinese method, vicorous paper envelopes. In vipadkas, if it was impossible to carry a vikoristan pad with you, or saving the pad was unhealthy, the women spat її in the fireplace. Sounds like spitting gaskets in the fireplace, appearing to be unremarkable. On the right, in the fact that the toilet bowl has expanded widely, rather like the nineteenth century. (want to show up two hundred years earlier). Before the appearance of the toilet bowl in England (the one in the rich European countries), women wrote to the miners, curling their faces at the bedroom of another; after urination and defecation, the mountaineers were taken out by a female servant. Therefore, the change in menstrual hygiene was also carried out at the rooms, tk. there were simply no special toilet facilities. It is respectful that at that hour, maybe the living quarters had a fireplace. It was easier for that to burn the gasket in the fireplace, lower the guilt in the smitnik. It was especially important if the woman's price went up - for whomever, maybe, it was easier to donate a bagatora-seed pad, lower it with you for a long hour. For whom and vicoristovuvsya kamіn. For example, XIX century. in England they used to build special portable crucibles for scorching gaskets - for those fluctuations, if the fireplace was not at hand!

A bright butt of the girl's reaction to menstruation, as if it came like a thunder from the middle of a clear sky, propagating Boris Pasternak's "Childhood Luvers". The first menstruation did not bring Zhenya Luvers any joy. Navpaki, the girl took off her head like a governess, as if she bled like hell.

The Frenchwoman shouted at her first, and then she took the knives and cut those places off the bear's skin, as if it were crooked.

I will not take away the roses of the day when I drive, and I suffer all day from a rotten feeling:

It seemed to me that now start shouting at her, and my head will never go away, and it will constantly hurt, and that side in my beloved book will no longer understand, as if stupidly spitting in front of her, like a hand-me-down sing an obidu.

All the same, the governess's reaction from the governess was more like flowers, and the girls checked for the unfortunate girl of the coming day, if she inadvertently wandered into her nightgown.

Zhenya began to lay down in a lizhko and slacked, that the day before the day of the same, that, and that one, and on the other hand, she thought, there were enough knives and wiping out the pieces in the shirt and on the stretch, and then she took the powder from the Frenchwoman and wiped it off, and shrugged it off a powder box, like a Frenchwoman took it and hit it. All sin was in the middle of the powder. "Von to powder. Only a few have been rejected. Now she has realized that she has come to her senses. Vaughn has long forgotten!"

Zrozumіlo, Zhenya was tormented, not so much because of the injustice of punishment, but because of the fact that she was watching more wickedness behind her, which, perhaps, merited for even more condemnation. Shards to a psychologically unacceptable situation are added and physical pain, the girls are so nasty that you want to drown yourself go (for goodness, її supinyaє the fact that the water in the river in this hour is even colder - a miracle of knowledge of the psychology of Patkovo).

Zhenya burst into tears in the beatings, in the form of a cry; despite the fact that, feeling innocent of what the Frenchwoman suspected, she knew behind herself that it was - she suspected - far worse than її suspected. The requirement was bulo - it looked dull to the point of stupidity, it looked in faces and in hiding - it was necessary for it to be unknown and nav_scho prihovat tse, like it was always and be-scho-be. Drift, leafing, plivli anger hypnotic navіyuvannyam. Tomne and visibly, navіyuvannya ce was on the right organism, a kind of sensibility of all kinds of girls, leading yourself to be a villain, zmushuva її vvazhat tsіy bleeding like tedium, vile evil. "Menteuse!" - It was only possible to repetitively, intently closing in on that which was more beautiful and was here in the middle between the litter of illiteracy and the slander of the street. I had to wince, clenching my teeth, and, choking with tears, squeeze to the wall. At Kamu it was impossible to rush, because it was colder and the rest of the winds went down the river.

Luckily, Zhenya's mother is bringing justice and driving away the french woman. From this trick you can make visnovok, which, first, Zhenya Luvers does not know any visits to get used to the hour of menstruation, in a different way, you consider the appearance to be a sinner, to make you a villain. It's quite impressive that girls in the 19th century thought so themselves. It is especially worthwhile to come to pіdlіtkіv, yakі lived near the great places, children were in the wild in nature and could not watch for the physiological processes on the same cattle barn. It is possible that in the rural world you could manage differently.

So what else, sorry, like Zhenya Luvers did, it was more common to mow down the middle of the women of the Victorian doby. Menstruation was respected by ailments, and menstruation, which was accompanied by severe discomfort, seemed to be quite vile and unnatural ailments: » In other words, the gromadska thought was supplemented by the option “it’s the wine itself.” Vidpovidalnist for ailing menstruation fell on the shoulders of the unfortunate sufferer. Well, she blamed the shards herself - for example, having read a non-self-motivated novel for nothing - it’s not a small right to swear, so as not to inadvertently disturb the restless. In 1885, the American Almira MacDonald wrote in her book:

April 19 - I have a month, strong bill all day - like Skoda, I feel so bad, you can embarrass Angus (її man).
April 20 - About 9:40 Angus Siv on the train to Chicago. I feel better. So it’s important to know if I’m bad, but I need to focus on better.

Documents of the tієї epoch show the veil over the hygiene of the hour of menstruation. The successors gave more tribute from the American courts, and more for everything, you yourself won victorious victories in Europe. Sokrema, in the materials from the investigation of the infusion of Lizzy Borden, a lining from fabric is described, with a size of troch less than for the boot. The pads were rinsed at the bath and then dried. Easy robot around the house vvazhalsya in the best way regulate menstruation and change bіl. From the other side, reading and be-like Rozum's activity, zgіdno with a popular thought, they took away a lot of energy and called out the sight of blood from the genitals, at the same time the head of women shkodi and navit yelling without a fruit. In addition, they were founded on the basis of the people's work, so they were patented, so that blood would flow. Such, for example, is the recipe for Dr. Chase's bloodspinal balm. As soon as the patient didn’t dream about the name of the bunny, then the nervous system is singly small.

Pour two and a half drachmas (1 drachma - 3.69 grams) of sulfuric acid into an apothecary's mortar, add one drachma of turpentine oil, steadily rozmishyuchi mother, and one drachma of alcohol. Razmishuvati until quiet fir, until the sumish does not stop dimming, then let's place the sumish at the clogged jar. Sumish maє buti prozoroy, red color, like a dark shelter. Even if you work from low-grade materials, you will be pale, of a brudno-red color and unsuitable for living. Dose - add 40 drops to a tea cup, rub brown zucru with a teaspoon, pour water into a cup until the cup fills up to the brim, and drink it negligently. Repeat the stretch for 3-4 years, and then pinch it as if bleeding to the best of your ability. Faces do not falter, but in the future a spitting may settle down on a new one.

Dr. Chase's book included many more recipes.

The cream of such motor-recipes, zastosovuvali and more sparing zabobi - for example, ginger tea for spasms and hot water heaters. In the midst of propositions about the relief of menstruation, they were very reasonable. For example, a lot of doctors hung against the corsets, as if they didn’t only make the women worse at the time of menstruation, but they were superficially shrewd, friendly, friendly with the doctors, who didn’t know the world, like the people of children with small heads, so in the uterus. At the rest of the paragraph, the next step is more detailed, so here we again note the obsession of the Victorians with the matts. Protect yourself against the fall of the uterus, the linings are radical and zhahlivimy, as well as the prevention of sick menstruation. Zokrema, for wiping the uterus, pessaries were prepared, prepared from wood, brush, metal, gumi toshcho. Sound, this design was formed from a disk, attached to a shear. The spring at the haircut secured the vise on the uterus, if the pessary was inserted at the fur.
Metallic drіt having added a haircut to the waist. Deyakі raznovidi pesarіїv not nebіbіbnі vіmati pіd іn the hour of the statutory act, but call the doctors for the sake of viimati їkh on nіch. Luckily, pesarias were worn with a jubilant meth, since far from all women wore them. I can't help but be quiet.
For example, in the 19th century, the popularity of the electrodes rose, which sent a strum to the different parts of us body, yakі vimagali glee. Luckily, the strum is rather weak.
Menstruation at the Victorian hour called out impersonal speculation and gossip. Zgіdno z logicoku, pryatunok vіd tsієї ills little zdatisya greater bliss. More pack - no one stuffs you with acid, you don’t take away books, you don’t send a mop around the house if you want to quietly turn into a breast, there’s nothing to marvel at you like that, you started with one foot in Bedlam and already brought your friend’s leg. Paradise on earth! But, reality was richly folded. Doctors checked menopause to say "Aha!" For the menopause was respected by the transition to where the time of life was to be - the hour to squeeze those that you planted earlier. With menopause, the hour has come to pay for the sins of youth, so it’s like a state of inconsistency, love to fashionable vbrannya, and the fate of Russia for the freedom of the people. The healers promised a whole bunch of sickness for sinners, and the women, who had slacked off in the sight of the holy robes of being a Victorian woman - the people of children, could sew their own shroud. For the prospects were not bright for him. Vtіm, the stench could always inherit the beloved breed of Victorian moralists - suffering and movchati.

Let's turn back to the 20th century.

The sound of squeezing the winding of the lining into paper or the newspaper and swiping it out of the wind for the smittya was formed in less than 70 pp. 1990s XX century with wide widths of disposable pads - earlier, like Bachimo, vikoristovalos was either saving pads for a long time, or spitting or wikidating. Prote pantyhose pads were not handy for women, not only because of the lack of care (that servants were working for the rich), but also through the need to select panty liners for the hour of menstruation.

For the dodatkovy zakhistu, aprons were worn, which dressed up on the sign of the lower whiteness, so that the stink dodatkovo protected the upper back from the stray. Dosit dosit in the 1910-30s. (or earlier) in America (maybe in Europe) menstrual shorts were victorious, as they were called briefs or bloomers (similar names are unclear, they are not translated into Russian). Tampons, as well as disposable pads, in America, Europe and Asia at that time were virtually unknown.

Significant changes occurred on the first hour of the 1st light war. Todi French sisters, mercy at Vіsysikovikh gospitalals, was romanted, the rods of the American fіmberli Clark "Matereal Tselyukotton (pusk on the Ksthatt Bavovnya Vati, the zeropye was widely supplied, miraculos. having created in Europe the first self-protective, but even more disposable pads.

This led to a further development of menstrual hygiene, reminding the Kimberly Clark company to release pads from this material. The first disposable pads, called "Cellunap" (Cellunap) were released in 1920, the prote їх zbut in America turned out to be very problematic. In principle, women enthusiastically set themselves up to the idea of ​​disposable pads (it showed that it was more relatable and even more foldable at that time sociological experience), it was obvious that the women would have to worry about menstruation. Advertising that the display of pads for show was sometimes unacceptable, women were scurrying to buy pads, as if they were sold only in pharmacies; Not infrequently, mothers sent for laying of their little foolish daughters. Buying women would have to swear at the name of the product, vikoristovuyuchi only the rest of the warehouse, tobto. "nap". Nap (nap) - in English means “servette”, and this term has become widely rooted - the word nap was used for the recognition of gaskets as a servlet, wanting gaskets with servettes, of course, they didn’t boule. Nezabar, Tselunapi was renamed to Koteksy (Kotex), but as before, they were sold in packages without writing and small ones.

The proto-sociological surveys confirmed that only the benefits of purchasing due to a wide range of new products - the women didn’t even get bagatora-seed felt pads, but the stench scrambled to ask for “hygienic servets” in the pharmacy. Hours were more puritanical, especially in America.

Some firms-virobniks (such as Kotex, Fax and others) launched a wide campaign with a very careful, but rather thoughtful and thoughtful advertising of hygienic products, the most important of all, like books for girls, "there was a thought about the need to use the products of this company and other companies (I found such a book -" The 12th Day of the Nation of Marjorie May ", which called out to the old-fashioned moralists). The Disney company produced an educational cartoon about menstruation for girls. Ads for pads appeared on the pages of women's magazines.

This policy led to a swedish success, until 1940 the proportion of felt bagatorazovyh pads changed to 20%, and after the war, until the end of the 40s. - Up to 1%, after which bagatorazovy pads went in a minute. Prote is the sexual revolution of the 60s. the rest took a lot of taboos, including taboos on television and street advertising for women's hygiene.

What were the first industrial gaskets for the Koteks kshtalt? Menstrual belts (belt) were worn for wearing servettes. European-American belts looked like Japanese ones, which made up the shape of inverted cats - the stench was a thin horizontal belt with elastic, which was worn at the waist, in view of which two straps went down in front and behind the back, which ended up with metal zip-ties (on a buckle). Up to tsikh zatiskachіv creaked laying between the legs. The constructions of the belts were slightly shaken, and the scheme was similar to the same principle. The pads themselves were longer and thicker, as a rule, rectangular in shape, and covered the entire crotch. The clay construction of the gaskets was low, so sometimes two gaskets were fastened to the waist. Changing the gasket was even more difficult, after the woman's urine, better for everything, they installed a new gasket. This led to the fact that the women were willing to endure more, first to go to the toilet, which was bad for health. It’s like lying, that panchoks were worn at the same time, that they were also creased to the waist, then you can show yourself how much time and zusil borrowed the process of urinating a woman while menstruating.

Gaskets were different, and women’s thoughts about them are different, so it’s not easy to make it easier to grow visnovki. For all intents and purposes, the pads were soft and did not rub the vulva. From the other side, it was important to put them in the necessary camp, the stench often churned and leaked, unimportant to those below, there were trochs of sweat. That's why the women wore special panties, sometimes with a waterproof ball at the crotch, which changed the wicking, but called out stronger sweating of the vulva. On some shorts there were special attachments for additional fastening of the pad. If a woman, who is menstruating, would choose to dance or dress up an expensive cloak, then for an additional zakhist they dressed and even more on a sash of a belt. Such pads had to be changed once a day.

Prote for Europe and America is the grandiose crop ahead of time - from bagatora to disposable hygienic products. Similar belts were made wider right up to the end of the 60s.

The first trades of tampons appeared in America like the 1920s. (Fax, Fibs, Wix). The stench is not small applicators, and sometimes winding laces. The first tampon with an applicator (of the Tampax signs) appeared in America in 1936 in rotation and became gradually expanded. Rozpovsyudzhennu tampons already spriyala famous Dickinson's admonition "Tampons yak zasib menstrual zakhist", published in 1945. in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Tsya to add to the singing world helped to subdue the mistrust of women to the very idea of ​​a tampon. Prote in the 20s-50s. tampons for Americans and Europeans were more “exotic”, and wide-width tampons were nabooly, perhaps, only in 70-year-olds.

Disposable pads of the latest concept appeared around the 60s. - more thin ones, which did not have belts for wearing, but which were placed in panties or panchos. It is significant, however, that the first similar disposable pads Johnson & Johnson appeared in 1890 (!) roci, Curads in 1920, but they did not get accustomed, but the success was simply not ready for the idea of ​​disposable hygienic products.

In the 1960s, tampons began to expand more widely with applicators of various types - from pins to telescopic, sound, plastic. At the same time, advertisements for pads and tampons were widely flared up on television and in women's magazines.

Aksleraratsiy (Zavdyaki Yakii Vika Pershrukiye, KilkhokhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhKilnyhhhkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhn 16 to 12-13 Rock), zbilhennya vika menopausi (pinnacle of menstruvi), wide rods of a contraceptive. led to an increase in the number of menstruation in the life of women and increased the problem of hygiene more relevant, lower earlier. Activization of the life of women has set new vimogi - the security of changing the hygienic care, the incompetence for the rest, the availability for sale, the reliability, the goodness of the wearer. All tse could provide only one-time hygienic products of industrial production. Already in the 70s. The life of a civilized woman without factory-made tampons and pads has become unimaginable.

In the 1980s, the gaskets continued to fully fizzle out, the lower stale ball appeared and the “dry” clay ball, krilltsya; began to vikoristovuvat materials-poglinachі, scho turn the roof on the gel; the gaskets began to work with the improvement of the woman's crotch (anatomical form). Gaskets became more bloody and at times thin, the range was expanded - from the most “overnight” to the thinnest “for skin day”. Tampons were also developed - so, tampons with telescopic applicators became popular, they became more often made from cardboard (that is, on the surface of plastic, cardboard near water is easily differentiated and therefore, from an ecological point of view, it is better).

Приблизно в цей же період продукти жіночої гігієни стали швидко інтернаціоналізуватися - такі бренди, як Tampax, Ob, Kotex, Always, Libresse та інші поширені по всьому світу і рідко зустрічаються тільки в бідних країнах (втім, найбагатші жінки навіть у найбідніших країнах все частіше користуються light brands). In some countries, they get their own “national” brandy. National brands can be mentally subdivided into two categories. The first one is cheaper than the other ones with international models. Poland has Bella pads, Russia has Angelina, Veronica and others, Zokrema and Polish pads. Make such products, sound, smaller, as international. The other category is the product that the greater world likes national and transcendent, lower international. In France, for example, there are Nana and Vania pads (collared, in which the pad can be folded after victoria), in Japan - tampons with larger and more durable plastic applicators, which are provided with cellophane bags for laryngeal tampons, etc.

It is significant that there are national advantages in the choice of hygienic workers. The stinks do not always explain themselves, but often they take a good walk. So, Japanese women categorically do not accept thoughts about inserting a finger at the vagina, for this, all Japanese tampons are practically with applicators, and common non-applicator brands are supplied with humic fingertips! Japanese women vzagali impeccably volіyut gaskets. Asian women, Latin Americans and Russian women will also use gaskets. American women without a doubt give priority to tampons, in Western Europe the width of tampons and pads can be equal. The author conveys (ale nemaє pіdverdzhen) that Muslim women are covered with nothing more than gaskets, moreover, self-contained, that is, before. menstrual advertising in Muslim countries has been blocked.

In the Soviet Socialist Republic until the end of the 80s. industrial tampons were not known, and industrial pads were sold in pharmacies under the name of "hygienic care" - in a word, the situation in America of the 30s was confirmed with anecdotal accuracy. Natom_st at the skin book for schoolchildren was reportedly explained, as if they were working pads of cotton wool, lit up with gauze. Cim "know-how" thoroughly volodili us radyansk women.

The first Tampax tampons and pads appeared in the SRSR on the cob of the 90s. she called the middle woman a right sensation. The first advertisement for Tampax appeared in Burda magazine in 1989. On the side, there is a tampon with an applicator on the background of the box. In the same place, there is a short text, the essence of which was brought up to the fact that with Tampax tampons in the vaginas of a dewdrop, you will know freedom and non-flowing comfort.

Articles about to the woman's organism.

Duzhe tsіkava statya.

Lesson about menstrual hygiene. And there is still a lot of something pznavalnogo.

"The vulva is not ideal for menstruation, the proof of which is the fact that in its rich history, mankind has not come up with a hopeless hygienic option for women."

Let's look briefly at the history of menstrual hygiene. For a long time, they explained different options for hygiene. One of the most ancient methods is seclusion (that is, isolation) of menstruating women in the form of suspension. Cebulo was much wider in Polynesia and in African tribes. The skin settlement had a special hut for menstruating women, while those of the small ones had women at the time of menstruation. What's new? In short, the essence is to get to the point where you can isolate women who are menstruating, with the method of ensuring the greatest safety. However, what was the meta one? The axis is a quote from one historian: “... the shards of a woman’s clothes at that time didn’t quite catch her camp, then such a woman would become the subject of a gluzuvan for others, as if they commemorated even the smallest trace of її ailment, she would have spent the rozashuvannya of her man. In such a rank, my Bachimo, that the natural litter and stinginess can, in its turn, witness one’s failure to be afraid to stop being like it. ” Also, the presence of elementary hygienic care for a long time frightened the woman to isolation before the hour of menstruation. The appearance of the benefits of menstrual hygiene increased the seclusion of neobov'yazkovoy, and the need for the development of hygienic benefits, the main tasks of such a bulo, as a way to ensure the inoculation of the vision, so prihovat in the ablution stations of the woman.

Old-time Egypt had papyrus, for which the Egyptians robbed tampons. Papirus was more expensive, so the simple Egyptian women victorious canvas, like it was erased after victoria. Byzantium also won tampons made from papyrus and similar material. Such tampons are unlikely to be handy, papyrus shards are too thick.

At Ancient Rome, the material for pads was victorious, if not, tampons from the bag outside. Information about the discovery of tampons in Ancient Greece and Judea. But, perhaps, we will expand the hygiene in the old days with bagatatorase pads from the same material, such as linen, fabric, seam, felt, etc.

In middle-class Japan, China, India, women's hygiene was set higher, richer orders of magnitude, lower in Europe. In Asia itself, disposable pads appeared first. Asian women victoriously served disposable paper servlets, folded in an envelope. Such an envelope was thin, fastened at the waist. Later in Japan, menstrual belts began to work (as the author does not pardon, the stench is called “You”), as if they were a belt with smuga passed between legs. A servette was laid down with a swarthy vulva: the belt was bagatora-shaped, the servette was disposable. Zovni such a belt deshcho having turned over the cat. A skin-intelligent Japanese woman is small enough to wear such a belt.

At Polynesia, specially prepared bark of roslin, grass, other creatures, and sea sponges were victorious. Approximately so, maybe, the Indians of Pivnichnoy America repaired.

In Europe, in the middle of the century, the night of hygiene was on the lowest level. Commoners, for example, were simply dressed up with articles of shirts or lower backs, which were tucked between their legs. In Russia in the 17th-18th centuries, there were victorious t.zv. "Sorry spoils", that is, on a dress of tight-fitting pantaloons or shorts (they did not wear the usual shorts, they did not wear them) from the same material - menstrual visions were worn out without middle ports, as if they were known as sleepers.

It should be noted that in the middle ages menstruation was a common “guest” of European women. Menstruation began at the age of 16-18 years, and started at the age of about 40-45 years. get contraceptives on a daily basis, a lot of women may constantly change in the state of vagity or lactation (during the process of menstruation with milk, menstruation sounds daily). In this rank, a rich woman for all her life could mothers of a total of 10 - 20 menstruation, that’s how old a woman is in mid-May for a day or two. I realized that the nutrition of menstrual hygiene did not stand in front of the European woman so sharply, as it is now. However, until the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century, the problem of menstrual hygiene in front of Americans and Europeans was already very acute.

In America and Europe of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century, they were corrugated with bagatora self-made pads from felt, or canvases, like after victoria, they were folded into a bag, then they were erased and they were bagatora. The deyakі took over the Chinese method, vicorous paper envelopes. In vipadkas, if it was impossible to carry a vikoristan pad with you, or saving the pad was unhealthy, the women spat її in the fireplace. Sounds like spitting gaskets in the fireplace, appearing to be unremarkable. On the right, in the fact that the toilet bowl has expanded widely, less like the nineteenth century (want to show up two centuries earlier). Before the appearance of the toilet bowl in England (the one in the rich European countries), women wrote to the miners, curling their faces at the bedroom of another; after urination and defecation, the mountaineers were taken out by a female servant. Therefore, the change in menstrual hygiene was also fixed at the rooms, and there were simply no shards of special toilet facilities. It is respectful that at that hour, maybe the living quarters had a fireplace. It was easier for that to burn the gasket in the fireplace, lower the guilt in the smitnik. It was especially important if the woman's price went up - for whomever, maybe, it was easier to donate a bagatora-seed pad, lower it with you for a long hour. For whom and vicoristovuvsya kamіn. For example, in the 19th century in England, they started to build special portable crucibles for spitting gaskets - for those fluctuations, if the fireplace was not at hand!

The sound of squeezing the winding of the lining into paper or the newspaper and swiping it out of the wind for the smittya was formed in less than 70 pp. 1990s XX century with wide widths of disposable pads - earlier, like Bachimo, vikoristovalos either saving pads for a long time, or spitting or wikidating. Prote pantyhose pads were not handy for women, not only because of the lack of care (that servants were working for the rich), but also through the need to select panty liners for the hour of menstruation.

For the dodatkovy zakhistu, aprons were worn, which dressed up on the sign of the lower whiteness, so that the stink dodatkovo protected the upper back from the stray. Dosit dosit in the 10's - 30's. XX century (or earlier) in America (maybe in Europe) menstrual panties were victorious, as they were called briefs or bloomers (similar names are unclear, they are not translated into Russian). Tampons, as well as disposable pads, in America, Europe and Asia at that time were virtually unknown.

Significant changes occurred at the hour of the first light war. Todi French sisters, mercy at Vіsysikovikh gospitalals, was romanted, the rods of the American fіmberli Clark "Matereal Tselyukotton (pusk on the Ksthatt Bavovnya Vati, the zeropye was widely supplied, miraculos. having created in Europe the first self-protective, but even more disposable pads.

This led to a further development of menstrual hygiene, reminding the Kimberly Clark company to release pads from this material. The first disposable pads, called "Cellunap" (Cellunap) were released in 1920, they were released in America and turned out to be very problematic. In principle, women enthusiastically set themselves up to the idea of ​​disposable pads (it showed that it was more relatable and even more foldable at that time sociological experience), it was obvious that the women would have to worry about menstruation. Advertising that the display of pads for show was sometimes unacceptable, women were scurrying to buy pads, as if they were sold only in pharmacies; Not infrequently, mothers sent for laying of their little foolish daughters. When buying, the women were too shy to name the product, vikoristovuyuchi only the rest of the warehouse, that is, for example. Nap (nap) - in English means “servette”, and this term has become widely rooted - the word nap was used for the recognition of gaskets as a servlet, wanting gaskets with servettes, of course, they didn’t boule. Nezabar, Tselunapi was renamed to Koteksy (Kotex), but as before, they were sold in packages without writing and small ones.

The proto-sociological survey confirmed that it was less profitable when buying a wide range of new products - women didn’t like bagatora felt pads, but the stench was scurrying to ask for “hygienic servings” in the pharmacy. Hours were more puritanical, especially in America.

Some firms-vironniks (such as Kotex, Fax and others) launched a wide campaign with a very careful, but also thoughtful and thoughtful advertising of hygienic products, the most important of all, like books for girls, ”there was a thought about the need to use the products of this company and other companies (I found such a book -“ The 12th Day of the Nation of Marjorie May ”, which called out to old-fashioned moralists). The Disney company produced an educational cartoon about menstruation for girls. Ads for pads appeared on the pages of women's magazines.

This policy led to a swedish success, until 1940 the proportion of felt bagatorazovyh pads changed to 20%, and after the war, until the end of the 40s. - Up to 1%, after which bagatorazovy pads went in a minute. Prote is the sexual revolution of the 60s. the rest took a lot of taboos, including taboos on television and street advertising for women's hygiene.

What were the first industrial gaskets for the Koteks kshtalt? Menstrual belts (belt) were worn for wearing servettes. European-American belts looked like Japanese ones, which made up the shape of inverted cats - the stench was a thin horizontal belt with elastic, which was worn at the waist, in view of which two straps went down in front and behind the back, which ended up with metal zip-ties (on a buckle). Up to tsikh zatiskachіv creaked laying between the legs. The constructions of the belts were slightly shaken, and the scheme was similar to the same principle. The pads themselves were longer and thicker, as a rule, rectangular in shape, and covered the entire crotch. The clay construction of the gaskets was low, so sometimes two gaskets were fastened to the waist. Changing the gasket was even more difficult, after the woman's urine, better for everything, they installed a new gasket. This led to the fact that the women were willing to endure more, first to go to the toilet, which was bad for health. It’s like lying, that panchoks were worn at the same time, that they were also creased to the waist, then you can show yourself how much time and zusil borrowed the process of urinating a woman while menstruating.

Gaskets were different, and women’s thoughts about them are different, so it’s not easy to make it easier to grow visnovki. For all intents and purposes, the pads were soft and did not rub the vulva. From the other side, it was important to put them in the necessary camp, the stench often churned and leaked, unimportant to those below, there were trochs of sweat. That's why the women wore special panties, sometimes with a waterproof ball at the crotch, which changed the wicking, but called out stronger sweating of the vulva. On some shorts there were special attachments for additional fastening of the pad. If a woman, who is menstruating, would choose to dance or dress up an expensive cloak, then for an additional zakhist they dressed and even more on a sash of a belt. Such pads had to be changed once a day.

Prote for Europe and America is the grandiose crop ahead of time - from bagatora to disposable hygienic products. Similar belts were made wider right up to the end of the 60s.

The first trades of tampons appeared in America like the 1920s. (Fax, Fibs, Wix). The stench is not small applicators, and sometimes winding laces. The first tampon with an applicator (of the famous Tampax) appeared in America in 1936 and became progressively wider. Dickinson's famous adage, "Tampons as a cure for menstrual infection," was published in 1945 in the journal of the American Medical Association. Tsya to add to the singing world helped to subdue the mistrust of women to the very idea of ​​a tampon. Prote in the 20s - 50s pp. tampons for Americans and Europeans were more “exotic”, and wide-width tampons were nabooly, perhaps, only in 70-year-olds.

Disposable pads of the latest concept appeared around the 60s. - Bigger thin ones, they didn’t have belts for wearing, but they were placed in panties or panchos. It is significant, however, that the first similar disposable pads Johnson & Johnson appeared in 1890 (!) roci, Curads in 1920, but they did not get accustomed, but the success was simply not ready for the idea of ​​disposable hygienic products.

In the 1960s, tampons began to expand more widely with different types of applicators - from rods to telescopic, sound, plastic. At the same time, advertisements for pads and tampons were widely flared up on television and in women's magazines.

Aksleraratsiy (Zavdyaki Yakii Vika Pershrukiye, KilkhokhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhKilnyhhhkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhn 16 to 12-13 Rock), zbilhennya vika menopausi (pinnacle of menstruvi), wide rods of a contraceptive. led to an increase in the number of menstruation in the life of women and increased the problem of hygiene more relevant, lower earlier. Activization of the life of women has set new vimogi - the security of changing the hygienic care, the incompetence for the rest, the availability for sale, the reliability, the goodness of the wearer. All tse could provide only one-time hygienic products of industrial production. Already in the 70s. The life of a civilized woman without factory-made tampons and pads has become unimaginable.

In the 1980s, the gaskets continued to fully fizzle out, the lower stale ball appeared and the “dry” clay ball, krilltsya; began to vikoristovuvat materials-poglinachі, scho turn the roof on the gel; the gaskets began to work with the improvement of the woman's crotch (anatomical shape). Gaskets became more bloody and at times thin, the range expanded - from the most “overnights” to the most subtle “days”. Tampons were also developed - so, tampons with telescopic applicators became popular, they became more often made from cardboard (so, on the surface of plastic, cardboard near the water is easily differentiated and therefore, from an ecological point of view, we improve).

Приблизно в цей же період продукти жіночої гігієни стали швидко інтернаціоналізуватися - такі бренди, як Tampax, Ob, Kotex, Always, Libresse та інші поширені по всьому світу і рідко зустрічаються тільки в бідних країнах (втім, найбагатші жінки навіть у найбідніших країнах все частіше користуються light brands). In some countries, they get their own “national” brandy. National brands can be mentally subdivided into two categories. Persha is cheaper in pairs with international models. Poland has Bella pads, Russia has Angelina, Veronica and others, Zokrema and Polish pads. Make such products, sound, smaller, as international. The other category is the products that the greater world likes national tastes and likenesses, lower international ones. In France, for example, there are Nana and Vania pads (collared, in which the pad can be rolled up after victoria), in Japan - tampons with larger and more durable plastic applicators, which are supplied with cellophane bags for laryngeal swabs, etc.

It is significant that there are national advantages in the choice of hygienic workers. The stinks do not always explain themselves, but often they take a good walk. So, Japanese women categorically do not accept thoughts about inserting a finger at the vagina, for this, all Japanese tampons are practically with applicators, and common non-applicator brands are supplied with humic fingertips! Japanese women vzagali impeccably volіyut gaskets. Asian women, Latin Americans and Russian women will also use gaskets. American women without a doubt give priority to tampons, in Western Europe the width of tampons and pads can be equal. The author conveys (ale nemaє pіdverdzhen) that Muslim women are covered with nothing more than gaskets, moreover, self-contained, that is, before. menstrual advertising in Muslim countries has been blocked.

In the Soviet Socialist Republic until the end of the 80s. industrial tampons were not known, and industrial pads were sold in pharmacies under the name of "hygienic care" - in a word, the situation in America of the 30s was confirmed with anecdotal accuracy. Natom_st at the skin book for schoolchildren was reportedly explained, as if they were working pads of cotton wool, lit up with gauze. Cim "know-how" thoroughly volodili us radyansk women.

The first Tampax tampons and pads appeared in the SRSR on the cob of the 90s. she called the middle woman a right sensation. The first advertisement for Tampax appeared in Burda magazine in 1989. On the side, there is a tampon with an applicator on the background of the box. In the same place, there is a short text, the essence of which was brought up to the fact that with Tampax tampons in the vaginas of a dewdrop, you will know freedom and non-flowing comfort.

The author especially posterigav, like girls-students literally zavmirali, vіdkrivayuchi side z qієyu advertising and bewitched for a long time vvchali vmіst tsієї advertising. The magazine passed from hand to hand until all the students became aware of this advertisement. Tsіkava psychological subtlety: ringing girls looked at the side in groups of two, often whispering to each other. Father, menstruation did not stink among themselves, but from the appearance of the lads they went in, looking at the fashion of the cloth. It should be noted that at the time of the appearance of advertisements and tampons, there were still no pads for sale, and the girls could show off with more self-contained pads. The idea of ​​a tampon called out to the girls.

A bunch of hygiene products were expensive, there were a lot of cheap, low-cost European varieties, so the expansion of new hygiene products had to be done properly. The richest women, friends of bandits, villains and other "new Russians" became the first to menstruate for the products of industrial production. However, the breadth of light brands was not only due to the high price, but also to the high price, but also to the preemption of the Radyansk women against the industrial hygienic goods (“Now buy it at a high price, if I myself can buy a gasket richly cheap”). Foreign companies have been cycling in the most widespread of their products on the Russian market. In the same way, as in the famous wartime America, an advertisement was launched into the bіy advertising, which was used in our fashion to change the sunflowers, to menstruate "in the old way" in self-made pads - now it's just unfashionable. It is necessary to break the stereotype and change the women, especially the young ones, who cannot live without Koteksiv, Tampaksiv, Olveyziv.

We must remember the hours, if the country literally flooded with advertising menstruation. This stream of advertising, very tactless, thick and stubborn, is terribly benign and shocking like women and people. Vinik navit ruh “Against the advertisement of gaskets and for the girl’s honor” (though, respectfully, to the girl’s honor, the gaskets don’t have the right breath, more navpak - the one that "). ). However, insolent and insolent advertising has smashed its right - today's generation On the 15th - 25th, the girls menstruate only in pads and tampons of industrial production and not on self-made ones are simply not suitable (when in the Russian glibints the secret of making self-made ones is not sung). In addition, the litter of the girls' irritability has changed in their nutrition - as before, the girls did not talk about their menstruation in principle, and over the top quarreled whether there were any riddles about it, now the girls are surprised at menstruation as if at a whole natural being - but not in principle, but ganebne. Thank you for this advertisement.

Jumping ahead. About the competent utilization of the most "extraordinary" fractions of TPV, problematic for epidemiological and aesthetic points of view

In humans, everything can be miraculous: i disguise, i clothes, i soul, i thoughts.
A. P. Chekhov

It is possible to call the author in an unhealthy interest to the excavation of "be it abominations", to have overcome problems that are not significant on the aphids of others, more suttivih, in cleanliness and "unpretentiousness in cleanliness and hygiene." Ale, I respect the problem of the "most difficult" buttress inputs, which is even more relevant in today's on their minds. In our poor rich industrial world, in the senses of bodily and spiritual purity, aesthetics and harmony ... Let's marvel at ourselves.

Type 1. Use of hygiene and contraception
Subtype 1.1. toilet paper
Subtype 1.2. Vikoristani zasobi zhіnochoї іgієni (pads and tampons)
Subtype 1.3. Baby diapers
Subtype 1.4. Vikoristan hygienical servettes (vologs from non-woven material)
Subtype 1.5. Vikoristani get contraceptives (condoms)
Type 2
Subtype 2.1. Vykoristani dressing materials (cotton wool, plastic)
Subtype 2.2. Vikoristan syringes (needles) for injections
Subtype 2.3. Other types of medical indications to be treated on an outpatient basis in case of various illnesses and pathologies
Type 3
Subtype 3.1. Objects of lower whiteness
Subtype 3.2. Items of good dental hygiene and care for the fur


Periodically, in the publications of "GreenPisse" and other environmental community organizations, there is a murmur about those, how unbelievably the majority of the city's residents are stained natural resources on your own hygienic procedures and equal to comfort: dovege mittya under the shower or regularly vodmokannya at the bathrooms; brushing teeth and shinning with imperviously large volume of empty water; lowering the cistern of the toilet bowl, if “it is possible to have a b i troch”; non-economical supply of gas and electricity to reach the temperature in the premises in the normative and otherwise. Calls from the neighborhood to stay calm in a pobut, which sometimes wiggle in such extreme ways as agitation for a haircut “nil zero”, to save resources on the head, or else epilation for women with this method, like on me, to do it one-sided. Aje skin people do not only save resources for hygiene and aesthetics, but they also change biologically, about a further share of those who are not accepted to be turbulent, but yaki, for an inappropriate cause with them, they can bear a serious ecological, sanitary and epidemiological negative impact . .
And how is it “aesthetically satisfied” for those who are employed on the conveyor sorting of smittya, how are they still working on certain enterprises? You can often feel that people are working there, that they have fallen, asocial, that they have called out to the whole and are ready to beat the brudna, a lowly qualified work for a penny, like they have to hurry up to spend on a drink. Alechi is admissible tse, some kind of contingent of working people is not buv, so think, for those who work for the processing of the brown second layer is inextricably linked with obvious impurities, what is yoga to wander about? And the depicilcous part of the TPV is possible for the bouti zmіshana to the other components, the Ostilki at the svidomosti people snakes about those about those, coden il infection of trembling (for half an Abo at the zvichny smitter), and the SPALISTIES OF SPALITY (inviolable. combustion products). The presence of a single vicorous toilet paper in a stale warehouse of butt-butt smitt is enough for the smite container to take on like a bad smell and smell badly, and not like a container for 80% of the secondary syrovin, which is recycled.
The reader, perhaps, calls me to be worried about “toilet problems”, it’s undeniable to deny that eating food products can also have a good smell and look and become a sanitary and epidemiological problem. Insanely, the problem of organic fractions of WWW is universally important (the European Parliament directive on 2006/06/12/2006/Dir. And yet those fecal contaminants carry a lot more sanitary and epidemiological problems, lower food intakes, without seeming about the aesthetic moments. For example, these are not richly familiar with the dog's wives, who pick up excrement for their walks on walks, they give away their organic “scars” in a plastic bag in a charred container for cleaning or an urn.
At the framework of the shocked problems, I want to present the classifice of the Neconomnye Elemente Voydovikh Vidkhodiv (the problem of the Yakiki do not virish, Ale to be in the framework , a look at the outlandish practices of causing such problematic exits
The text of the viishovs should be completed for a long time, for that, for an easy sprinyattya, broken on an okremі series.

Type 1. Use of hygiene and contraception

Speech, to be more precise, hygienic stained glass materials, from which I distributed the other world's vicarious leather, regardless of the state and age. And try to get familiar with them, switching to a burdock leaf, lint and sphagnum!

Subtype 1.1. toilet paper

In Russia...

This “unaesthetic” mindset, perhaps, is the widest in its kind. At the entrance, in order to prepare the reader to the point where it’s not about the most beautiful, but even more necessary, I already pointed out the obvious unaesthetic and sanitary and epidemiological disadvantage of that exit.
In the majority of households, possessing sewers, whiskey toilet papers go to the sewer stik and, zreshtoy, spend in a siege on cleansing spores. Maybe, at the same time, there is the best way of civilization to overcome this exit. At St. Petersburg, mules fall of clear sporuds burn on the palms. Although the environmental safety of more technologies for sparing on this day is not known on the most equal level, for exits, which avenge a large number of pathogenic microflora, the thermal spring is most often acceptable.
At the garden and summer cottages, as a rule, it is necessary to carry out the salvage of such a smittya. Obviously, such a practice brings a lot of fermenting speech into the atmosphere (nitrogen dioxide, soot and houses). Ale on the aphids of the traditional systems of scorching, as well as the scalding of dry leaves and trimmings of garden vegetation, the scalding of toilet paper do not seem to be meaningful.
At the rich huge uninhabited booths, at the connection with the great number of toilets (through the fight against the obstruction of the sewer pipeline), the practice of waving the vicarious toilet paper at the water for washing is practiced. I know that I’m not self-conscious with my squeamishness, if, going into the public sump, I wrote “don’t throw the toilet paper in the toilet bowl!” Where to break in the place of this wind, since the "cleaning" staff is transferred to keep order in the office? It does not matter to guess what is in the container for smіttya. The stars will be, better for everything, hung on the landfill at once from the “morphological warehouse of TPV” and rolled to the beast with a bulldozer. And then, perhaps, monitoring tests will show the soil that the soil is in direct proximity to the polygon, which is fermented with intestinal coli and other pathogenic microflora. On the right, it’s not only here, and it’s not so with scurry and gulls, like with people.

And the axis of the Magician Magnat-Vobrika Gigiynichi product “Prozter-End-Gemble” directly declared a prospect of the Skorchennya of a negative drin on the Podkolishnish for the pre-nation of the Vicoristan, the Viklikovnoye of the Obetrinov was re-vicorist. an indicator of the number of living incomings, which are disposed of by the way of burial at the landfills, the exit to the zero indicator of the number of virobnichiy exits, which are disposed of by the way of burial at the landfills and іn. At the same hour, at the current moment left part The products of the firms in the rich countries are seen not only at the landfills, but also at the unsanctioned halls, zmishana with great obligations of unrequited secondary resources.

Subtype 1.3. Baby diapers

In Russia...

Imovirno, the current number of such events in Russia as a whole can be compared with the American situation 25 years ago (div. below). І tsgogo vіdsotkovy vіdstu dzherel uthodіv vіdkhodіv (in containerі or smіttєprovіdі) suffice it to complicate manual sorting of smіttya i robiti part of potenciyno korisnoї syrovini from іnshih fractions inadmissible to reprocessing.
Deyakі especially child-loving people to deny that Danish view the entrance is not so shrill, the shards vibrate with “life quotas”, like “pure and infallible for appointments”. So, it is possible that the risk of spreading unsafe infections in such materials is generally lower, lower at the exits from the front and forward points. Ale does not mean that yoga is dumb. That “smell” is all on the right, not even trojans. At whom, pre-stem and more than once, it was possible to change places on volunteer eco-subbotniks, tidying up the “picnics” of the parking lot for some uncultured young fathers.
I, to the point of speech, children's boots are no less than a child - as if guessing about the bag - for bedridden ailments, the price of hygiene is indispensable.
This type of input is disposed of the same way, like the front one (1.2).

Beyond the cordon...

American harbologists (from the English garbage - smittya), who from the beginning of the 80s of the XX century carried out the research of the great mіsk castles with the method of cultivating the morphological warehouse of the entrances and their influx on the middle of the middle, combination with plastic packaging for fast food and polystyrene packaging, which should not exceed 3% in the total morphological warehouse of the names.
Today's occasion for children's babies is similar to the reason for hygiene for grown-ups. It is safe, that in the first 2.5 years of a child’s life in the distant lands, in the middle, vicarious such a number of pidguzkiv, yak, for the inflow in the middle of the middle, you can walk 2100-3500 km from the bottom in a car with a gasoline engine.
Deyakі sites virobnikiv proponuyut also biorozladnі (from laying on 2/3 - where to go 1/3, what is left, it is not clear) feeding, advertising їx dermatological and environmental benefits.

Subtype 1.4. Vikoristan hygienical servettes (vologs from non-woven material)

In Russia...

Stop the kіlka rokіv tsey goods of representations on the vіtchiznyany market to harvest widely. On the police of the state-owned and hygienic shops, there are impersonal color packages: “vologa, refreshing”, “antibacterial”, “for removing make-up”, “for intimate hygiene” too.
It must be brought to light that in rich vipadkah, if there is no possibility to normally move hands or else, such stained glass materials become even more comfortable (especially the soul grіє the word “antibacterial”; for example, after the same eco-subbotnik, even in mittens, but not much). Ale. On the skin cleansing recreational territory, often-densely appear many cold papyri-ganchirochki, smeared with them forever.
Being well denounced to the dirty container for smіttya, the stench will be added to the wild morphological warehouse of TPV, a single part, as a rule, of a polymeric warehouse, fermented organically and/or bacteriologically.
On the website of the trade unions of such products, there are no more detailed preparations for the replacement and report on the description of the packaging material: bagato-ball rolled materials such as alumino-laminate (papir, aluminum, polyethylene) and combinations of triplex (PET, aluminum). For the preparation of the servettes themselves, two types of material are used: fastening papier or non-woven material, which oozes with lotion, which is cleaned, odorless, or with additional air.
It is obvious that such a composite can be brought to practically non-perishable yields, protecting its polycomponent, organic and possibly bacteriological contamination. Special methods of processing and the cost of this output are not transferred.

Beyond the cordon...

About vologi servets of foreign information in the distance to know is not so rich. It is possible to emphasize only those, that the deacons of vibrators of water servettes attach special respect to the biodegradation and ecological safety of their product.

Subtype 1.5. Vikoristani get contraceptives (condoms)

In Russia...

What kind of "good" is thrown out, maybe not so richly in a hundred years, but then regularly. And I don’t call out to them until they don’t fawn over them, so that a few unacceptable entrances to the consumptive container will pass. Itself, now, itself, through the lack of elementary methods of contraception, our suspіlstvo nabuvaє impersonal dodatkovyh problems. Ale in tsomu doslіdzhennі not pro tse.
Let's talk about the widest and simplest of all bar'ernih methods of contraception - condoms. Most of them viroblyaetsya z latex - a natural material that I have in my warehouse with hevea (near the evergreen trees of the euphorbia family), in other words, natural rubber. Іsnuyut modifications of zі piece polymers, as well as on the basis of gum (guess "humovy virіb No. 2").
Repeatedly showing vikoristan virobi on subotniks near foxes and on the pictorial shores of the lake, in the bushes (obviously, romance in the fresh air is suffocating, but you can also clean up after yourself such a piquant taste of something that is not in the air), I wondered about the food of their biorozladu. In the vastness of the Runet, there was little more information about the environmental friendliness of the sacks made with natural latex: “The studies showed that the sack with latex is biologically laid out in natural minds in the very hour that is required for laying out an oak leaf.” On the confirmation of these words, one blogger hung up for an hour of discussion of the component warehouse of the letter, chosen for the subotnik. Vіn rozpovіv, scho was at the student's time nіs cherguvannya for keeping cleanliness in the yard gartozhitku. Nedbayliv students stumbled there vikoristan condomies right from the vikon. And the one who, having encouraged the uplifting of purity, does not wander around, grabbing everything with the whole rake in a cup and sipping autumn leaves. After winter, an unaesthetic smirk arose, chaffing over the leaves.
Tim is not smaller, this type of entry, zvazhayuchi on the same biological basis, also falls under the designation of "medical entry class B", designated in SanPiN
In addition, when there are no such arrivals near the summer recovery zone, the packing of materials, which are importantly laid out or practically not laid out, clearly signifies the presence of intimacy of uncultured spivgromadyans.

Beyond the cordon...

With the drive of an environmentally literate reason for using condoms, some recommendations were made in the English article “Healthy Eyes: Condoms and a New Medium” . It is categorically not recommended to take contraceptives into the sewer line through the risk of contamination. You won’t be able to wander like this, vikoristas zasib zakhist to appear in the last bag on the grates of the water purification spores, or in the mule siege. To lean in the same WPV warehouse, delivering additional non-receiving emotions to the water treatment plant workers, otherwise, having repaired the water outlet, dim the reservoir with water. Also, respect is given to those who use condoms bio-folding (latex or calfskins, if you want, I’m giving up, stay - it’s already known as archaic exoticism) and non-bio-laying (polyurethane and other polymer warehouses). The author of the article does not recommend self-composting and biological storage of contraceptives in the open spaces, calling for the privatility of this kind of "treasury" for different creatures, so that you can start drinking intimately. Optimum vvazhaetsya zagornuti vykoristaniy contraceptive at the pieces of toilet paper, or a paper towel and wikinuti at the dressing room. Also, the non-environmental nature of the packaging of these products made of plastic and foil is noted, as it is not laid out.
Information about those, naskіlki retelny pіdhіd to such problematic exits in the rozvinenih kraїnah is practical, it can be slanderous. In Nіmechchinі, for example, tіkі vіdhodi sip at t.zv. “Once again”, which is collected in black tanks, instead of which they are taken out every 2-4 days. Obviously, the reasons for such smіttyam lie in yogo thermal housing or pohovanni on specially possessed landfills, fallow in accordance with the adopted scheme of obіgu in a particular area. That is, the secondary syrovina, which is picked up in Germany and a number of other roaring lands, has been given a place of worship by a significant world in the face of such obscene entrances already at the stage of their adoption.
I liche in one Anglomovniy Statti, binding the Kombuanal problems of the Indiyskoy Mist Puna (Misto Rostashovan for 150 km on the CCID VID Mumbai, approximately 5 million residents), came to know the “induced”, the yak about the signant of the demands of the demands of the demand . Thus, nine stations of mule processing of the siege remind about the problem of the need for a large number of victorious condoms at the cleanliness, especially at holidays and Christmas days. The average number of people picking up condoms at all water purification stations for the day is about 20,000 condoms, so they are brought to the mule and sent to the landfill. Representatives of the Ecological and Sanitary Department of the Puni Administration announced about us to form a policy of encouraging women to use condoms and hygienically absorbent methods, as well as biomedical remedies and to reduce the cost of other types of butt smite.

Type 2

In Russia...

The rules for dealing with them are prescribed by the well-known SanPiN These rules can achieve an impassioned, universal character, and navit do not instill the need to promote the best available technologies in this area. And yet, in the SanPiN, the basics for the disposal of unsafe medical outlets in medical installations are often-densely unsatisfactory: for different estimates, less than 1-3% of the LPZ in the Russian Federation may have special installations for uncontaminated entrances, in other ways to install an economy. Often I save a lot of medical supplies of different classes of unsafe conditions, without sufficient front processing, I save them at the polygons of TPV or on the hills under the look of unsafe butovyh entrances.

Subtype 2.1. Vykoristani dressing materials (cotton wool, plastic)

Next to remember that unsafe medical emergencies are settled at the likuval-polyclinic establishments. Obviously, to induce other injuries in absolutely or apparently healthy people call for the appearance of medical aids of class “B” in a mixed wind for washing: cotton wool, bandages, plasters, seepage of blood and lye-disinfecting ointments. Learned rubbish, but it is unacceptable to show them in the obsіzі valuable secondary syrovin. And as a person, as if he got hurt, an ailment, let’s say, for hepatitis B, then it’s not safe.

Subtype 2.2. Vikoristan syringes (needles) for injections

And there is also a significant contingent of people who are constantly brought to work various medical manipulations in their home minds, and sometimes outside the house. Tse zovsіm not obov'yazkovo bedridden ailments of a frail age. Mostly young, energetic people, young people, children, old-fashioned look you can hardly guess that the stench is “burdened” with the baggage of chronic illnesses, live only for a long time after taking medication with medical preparations and various medical manipulations that happen so regularly on a daily basis, as if “you are a healthy person”, you should start cleaning your soul.
So, for example, in case of certain illnesses (insulin-dependent diabetes, sclerosis, various important pain syndromes, etc.), people are constantly irritated by their own use of important drugs. Obviously, the most unsafe outlet for those who need it, if they require such therapy, will be an attachment for injections from fermented blood. It is not necessary to believe in such a deep knowledge of people who have health problems with their health, as soon as possible to conserve materials that fall under the designation of “medical entry class B”, for disposal to the nearest attached LPZ. That and practically in the same LPZ, with all the money, one cannot hope for such a possibility (guess: less than 1-3 (!)% of the LPZ in Russia may be able to safely dispose of highly unsafe and potentially unsafe medical services on their territory).
Yet another, asocial, contingent of people, like an illiterate inhabitant in medical nutrition, we are associated with independent influences. Tse, obviously, injection drug addicts. Слід зазначити, що відходи від ін'єкцій наркотиків надають набагато більшу небезпеку, ніж відходи від ін'єкцій лікарських препаратів, що застосовуються при різних неінфекційних захворюваннях (звичайно, бувають і поєднані форми захворювань), оскільки особи, які вживають внутрішньовенні наркотики, є резервуаром zbudnik in hepatitis B, C, D and VIL-infections.
Who among you has never been full of thin syringes made of green haircuts, scattered near the park, on the childish Maidan, at the front door ...? Sometimes stinks appear at the mail screen. Do not fumble with your hand in a dark box in a slip of the sheet, or a receipt, lying around: you can drink a whole lot of an infected drug addict's syringe on the neck! It is true, the past infectionists have long established the fact that VIL is a little resistant to the minds of the old middle class, and the posture of the human body is short-lived. Tim is not less, for the purposes of prevention of accidental transmission, VIL should be allowed to use a syringe with a syringe, or an empty head (without sterilization) can kill a live virus with a long stretch. Other unsafe viruses, for example, hepatitis B, richly resistant to the middle, lower VIL. In dovkіllі at room temperature, the hepatitis B virus can be saved up to a few tizhnіv: navіt near dried up and unremarkable blood, on the blade of a razor, on the edge of the neck.
It is obvious that with the possible manual sorting of solid butovyh inputs, such inclusions do not only call out to the edge of unacceptable emotions, but can still appear even more unsafe for health.

Subtype 2.3. Other types of medical indications to be treated on an outpatient basis in case of various illnesses and pathologies

In this group of inputs, you can guess impersonal incomprehensible ones and instill shockingly healthy inhabitants of objects. For example, fragments of the system for urticaria, elements of dialysis installations, which are used in household minds, vikoristan test-smoke for the determination of the level of glucose and other speeches in the blood and other biological mothers and іn.
At the same time, to find the simplest and most important attachments, for example, for the treatment of ENT organs (pipettes, spray bottles) can be a dzherel of someone else's pathogenic flora.
And what about the one-time jokes that are thrown around in the smokehouse? There, singly, a host of inhospitable living creatures can appear in the microcosm: from the simplest FGR to highly pathogenic influenza and tuberculosis.
Chi, for example, such a small-scale view, like contact lenses, like the recommendations of the term wear? Nachebto, carelessly small intake of polymeric material (and what are the carelessly small intakes of products that are regularly released?), but at the same time contacting with the mucous membrane and mucous secretion of a person.
Possibly, seeing such inputs on a number of other, global problems with these inputs, aims to “fly” at the current stage of technological development of the sphere of motivation with specific inputs. Ale, from the other side, it is impossible to overthrow the sanitary and epidemiological problems of the masses of solid butovyh vіdhodіv.

Beyond the cordon...

We will briefly discuss the materials from the out-of-the-way conclusion of the problem of entering this kind of approach.
So, for example, at the additional "Tverdі munіtsipalnі vіdhodі vіdhodі Usa" medical vіdhodi, scho utvoryuyuyuyutsya in hospodarstvo, insured to the category "іnshі zmіshani vіdhodі commodіvіv netrivaly koristuvannya". Have 2005 r. the number of such inputs in the United States was close to 4.3 million tons or 1.7% savage number TPV.
Department of Public Health and Community Health, Colorado, 2005 A special bulletin was issued regarding medical advice (including injectable materials) that settle in the minds of the home. It is strongly recommended to the new one not to waste such inputs from the commonplace, but to go to specialized organizations for such disposal (it is true, it is not said, how expensive it is to dispose of such inputs for the population and such services to the population of the city). At the Tsomo document, it is assigned to the same way, in once, they are not able to atrocity to the same specialized organizasi, Medichensi (specially Mistress, scruff of the royture-abed) zherstі. At the same time, it is not recommended to be vicoristovati єmnist to Material, to rewind (yomovirno, yogo, Idolovo vidratratovati at the station), and, the Vikoristanni of such єmnes, and the hibko Markuvati іinformas about the vmostitziyna izіnostyna.

Type 3

Subtype 3.1. Objects of lower whiteness

In Russia...

Such an extension of the element of a woman's wardrobe, like kapron tights and other panchish-scarpets, as a rule, quickly loses its power, just breaks. Sometimes such goods are disposable. If you are a woman, if you want to wear a back pose in the summer season, then sing-songly guess how sometimes you throw new pantyhose by the wind to remove new pantyhose or panchos, according to the fashion, that were hooked behind the furniture on the day of the packing of polythene cardboard. In Radyansk, hours of kapron wool were scarce and were worn more dbaily, and dirks and "arrows" were repeatedly sewn up for an hour. There is also a popular product of the “reuse” reuse gathering - knitted washcloths for dishes and door kilimkas with old pantyhose and pantyhose skewered by women (Fig. 3.1).

Rice. 3.1. Kilimok with kapron tights (

Monthly blood is one of the strongest components, which are victorious during magical rituals. Dії, charged for singing rituals, become a strong magical seal.

The strongest love spells on monthly blood

Features and problems of rituals on menstrual blood

The special features of the rituals of those killed on a person for the help of stasis of menstrual blood are the following:

  • zrobiti psuvannya may not be a skin person;
  • she passes her life along the human line of a person, until she was stagnant;
  • carry with you the power of an ancestral curse.

The accessibility and insecurity of carrying out the ritual on a monthly basis is fraught with singing insinuations; Diya psuvannya, tobto love spell, is already strong and can’t have a curative effect.

A love spell for a month is strong and does not have a curative effect

The essence of dії psuvannya polygaє in the offensive:

  • as if in the body of a person for a month, to spend the blood in a vipadkovo way, the wine becomes a victim of hatred;
  • diya psuvannya mittevo and nabuvaє chivalry practically immediately;
  • for a few years, the sacrifice begins to be attached to the blood of the month;
  • dіya psuvannya nastіlki vtonchena, scho ominaє svіdomіst lyudinі i іє іє through інstinkti. Obscuring the witness of the victim, the psuvannya calls out the attachment of the htivi bazhanya from the conjured one;
  • Zmova dіє less than one month. After what a person starts to walk the path to his “kohanoi” and it is necessary to repeat the love spell. In such a rank, one is so called “by the blood”.

Naturally, like a love spell, psuvannya chi zmov not to go through obscurity, but it’s more fluffy on a closed stake, so it’s induced shom_syatsya.

Love spell will need to be repeated shom_syatsya

Why cause an unsafe spell to a love spell cast on a month?

The victim may show obvious symptoms of an attack of that part of the migraine. Tse traces of menstrual visions, which belong to the category of energy otters. Joden amulet and amulet are not built to protect a person from such a strong spirit that it penetrates like a pearl into the orange chakra. Nadali sutteva Skoda applied yellow and blue. The only zahist to the body of the building, as if it were a rite of taking a love spell - cere blyuvannya. Ale vydbuvaetsya out at lonely vipadki.

More serious damage to the life of the condemned organism is regularly stagnant to the victim of menstrual blood.

Serious disorders of the organs of poisoning of the liver, especially as the body is up to the infusion of menstrual blood, sickly to any ailment. Here everything can be brought to virazkovy ailments of the slug, serious damage to the liver.

Parts of the zastosuvannya love spell carry the traces of looking sores

This blow is applied to the sechostate system of a person and to the potency.

You become addicted to alcohol, then alcohol addiction, as you can’t go anywhere else, inspire a regular love spell.

Aggression in behavior is just one more consequence of such behavior. And you can go to assault.

How to perform a ritual?

Having looked at the negative beak of the bleeding of menstrual blood, nevertheless, we can see the merits of this rite:

  • lightness of the ritual;
  • do not require financial contributions, enough for the mother of her biological material;
  • negative effect;
  • fit for a short term or otrimannya singing vigodi.

To that you have failed to carry out such a ritual, then to fight in such a way, we will use some methods.

One drop of blood is dripped onto a small clap of white tissue. After that, like a flame is dry, they burn the klaptik and add people to the drink.

It is necessary to drop blood on a small cloth clap

It is necessary to add a droplet to your victim's bowl, having said the following words:

“Vip'esh my blood, grant your will. You only listen to me and know, because I want to. Only I am alone - your volodarka.

Such a love spell building will reinforce the will of a woman.

On їzhu or napіy drip a couple of drops, adding offensive words:

"My blood was seen, it is not necessary for me, but for a slave (im'ya)".

Add drops to the wine and sue sim times:

"Like this blood is with me, so you slave (im'ya) go to me."

The bazhany man was doused with hexed wine.

After the rite, a person needs to drink wine

Spell's Gatestrike

It is possible to take a little help for additional monthly blood, but not to work independently, adzhe ordinary people it’s unbearable, but if you’re hurting yourself, trying to get a loan, it’s completely real. Clean up all the negativity, zavdanya through the guidance of the month, maybe less professional magicians.

In order to turn a person and turn his chakra into the inevitable expansion, it is necessary to have a lot of strength and knowledge, it is better to turn to fahivtsiv at your right.

To remove the damage put by the menstrual blood, you can get a heart attack. The bottom line is that if the love spell is shy, there is no way to win, and the axis when trying to take it, the power of such a blow is even greater. Zrobiti tse is possible through a blood tie, guidance by a sackcloth, in two main ways.

The return ritual is not safe

Screeching sickness of the blood. In a few fluctuations, a blow to the blood passes to the children of the woman, as she repaired the rite. Especially, as at that moment she was in position (and even so possible). The procedure allows you to remove the damage to turn on the woman’s life, calling out the weekend, the indulgence and the woman’s futility.

Illness sechostate system, from thrush to infections

It is important to remember that by finding a way to take a psuvannya, as if it was brought to the menstrual shelter, it is possible through the zvintar. Professional magicians know such rites, so that the zvorotniy blow can be even stronger, the shards of victorious will find ways to remove the damage.

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