History of Alfred Nobel. Nobel Alfred: biography, special life, winemaking, facts. Return to Sweden

Swedish chemical engineer, entrepreneur, founder of famous awards Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born on July 21, 1833 near Stockholm. Yogo father Emmanuil Nobel (Immanuel Nobel) was an engineer and a winemaker. In 1837, through financial problems, we moved to Finland, and then to Russia, ending up in St. Petersburg.
Alfred's mother Andriette Nobel (Andriette Nobel) lost her life in Stockholm, to talk about her family, in that hour, Alfred's crime, there were two more children - Robert and Ludwig.

In Russia, Emmanuil Nobel propagated Tsar Nicholas I with a new design of sea mines. After testing the Russian order, I saw the Nobel pennies in the development of money. Nezabarom vіn otrimav allowed to fall asleep livarny plant for ozbroєnnya. The Nobel plant produced typography for the production of vizky, the first in Russia systems for heating booths for additional hot water. In 1853, Emmanuil won the Imperial gold medal for equipping 11 military ships with steam engines and preparing them.

At the fate of 1842, Andrietta and her children came to a man, and through the river, another son appeared in her homeland - Emil.

The four Nobel brothers obtained first-class home lighting for the help of the requested readers. The children were engaged in natural sciences, read the literature of the language. At the 17th century, Alfred could speak and write in Swedish, Russian, French, English and German languages.

In 1850, the father's rotation led Alfred to the road to France, Italy, Germany and the USA. In Paris, by the end of the year, the young man worked at the laboratory of the famous chemist Theophile Jules Peluza, who in 1836 installed a warehouse for glycerin. At the yoga laboratory from 1840 to 1843, Ascanio Sobrero worked, who previously took nitroglycerin.

In 1852, Alfred turned to St. Petersburg and continued his work at the Batkiv undertaking.

After the defeat of Russia at the Crimean War, Nobel, having spent military intrigue, that yogic undertaking was ruined. In 1859, the rozі vin at once from the retinue that Emil turned to Sweden. Robert moved to Finland, Ludwig far away liquing the Batkivsky plant and falling asleep his own plant "Ludwig Nobel", which is how he takes the name "Russian diesel". Alfred Nobel worked with the famous chemist Mikoli Zinin, who had studied nitroglycerin since 1853 (together with his teacher Vasil Petrushevsky). From January 1862, Alfred Nobel began his first independent achievements with speech, and in 1863 he planted a flood of water vibes in the frontiers of St. The attempt to patent the method of zastosuvannya nitroglycerin as a vibukhovo speech in the Head Engineering Department of St. Petersburg ended in failure, and the Nobel virushiv to the fathers of Stockholm. Here he took up further experiments with nitroglycerin and in 1864 took away a patent from Sweden for the production of vibukhovo sumishi and his fuse. At the same time, at the same time, from the father and the brothers of the wines, they rozpochav the life of two factories from the production of nitroglycerin. However, on one of them, ripped in Heleborz, the young brother of Alfred, Emil, became an exhausted vibe, after which he perished.

Unfortunate falls while working with nitroglycerin were more and more frequent, and the order of Sweden laid a fence on yoga. In order to avoid bankruptcy, Nobel created intensive investigations of methods that allow to reduce the vibrational safety of nitroglycerin. In 1866, roci vin showed that the nitrification of nitroglycerin stabilized kieselguhr, a finely porous siege rock that is composed of siliceous skeletons of unicellular marine organisms, algae-diatoms. Vіn zmіshav nitroglycerin with diatomaceous earth and in 1867 took away a patent for his own product - dynamite.

The interest in dynamite is great, and in the lower krai, factories for yogic vibrating began to operate. Deyakі їх being Nobel himself; others bought a license to win yogo patents. During this period, the Swedish engineer and winemaker showed himself as a good friend and good financier. At the same time, they continued their research in the field of chemistry and created new, more effective vibrational speeches. In 1887, after numerous experiments in wines, we removed the smokeless nitroglycerin gunpowder - balistit. The products of Nobel's dynamite factories quickly conquered the international market and brought great profits. Nobel himself will become a pacifist and support the ties between Ukraine and the big children of the late 19th century, who were engaged in preparing the Congress for the defense of the world.

Nobel Prize: history of establishing and nominatingThe Nobel Prizes are the most prestigious international prizes, as they are awarded for outstanding scientific achievements, revolutionary wines, or a great contribution to the culture of the development of success and the name in honor of their founder, the Swedish engineer-khbelmik, the wine-slovakian.

14 березня 1893 року Нобель склав заповіт, у якому розпорядився основну частину спадщини після виплати боргів і податків, а також за вирахуванням заповіданої спадкоємцям частки та дарунку у розмірі 1% Австрійської лізи світу та по 5% Стокгольмському університету, Стокгольмській лікарні та Каролінському передати Королівській академії Sciences. This sum was assigned "for the establishment of the fund, income in a way that the Academy will spread to the city for the most important and self-supporting achievements of intellectual achievement in a wide sphere of knowledge and progress." On November 27, 1895, Nobel wrote another order, which was the first one. The new text of the command said that they would turn it into pennies, as if they could make contributions to the above shares and other values ​​of paper - stink and establish the fund. The second part is given for the highest credit in the physics department, the other - for the highest credit or wine in the chemistry department, the third - for the diploma in the sciences two parts are assigned for honoring osіb, yakі achieved success in the gallery of literature or rush for the world.

On December 7, 1896, Nobel was bled to the brain, and on December 10, 1896, he died in San Remo (Italy). Burial at the Norr tsvintar near Stockholm.
Another order of Nobel was revealed at the beginning of 1897. After completing all the formalities, Nobel's idea became a reality: on March 29, 1900, the statute of the fund was approved by the Swedish parliament. The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901.

During his life, Nobel patented 355 wines in different countries. Nobel's companies were circulated in about 20 countries, and various vibukhov speeches were circulated for 100 patents in 100 factories around the world.

Nobel is alive and working in rich countries, including Sweden, Russia, France, Great Britain, Germany and Italy. Vіn prejudicedly choked on literature, writing verses and verses. In his youth, he was seriously talking, violating to become a wine-lover or a poet, and not long before his death, having written the tragedy "Nemesis".

Material of preparations on the basis of RIA information

Alfred Nobel, talented Swedish winemaker. Photo: Wikipedia

On July 21, 1833, the phenomenon of experimental chemistry was born, academician without official education, doctor of philosophy, founder of the fund for the award of his name Alfred Nobel.

A talented Swedish wine-maker, who spent most of his life in Russia, "hung out at the door" with a dynamite wine drinker. In 1863, roci wines were smelted in Sweden by nitroglycerin in technology - for the first time after eight hundred years, after 800 years of black powder panning, civilization took off a new vibukhov speech! Nezabar - patents for a detonator, dynamite.

Zastosuvannya his scientific researches Alfred Nobel wanted to bachiti in a peaceful life. Paradoxically, but creating wine in his vibukhov speech. They were taken to liberate the army. Ale and creative projects, for the help of yogo vibuhіvok shvidko chіnіl svіt: vіznіshe vіdkі rozrobki gіrskih porіd vіdоbіku ore, vogіllya, neftiі і gas, laying tunnelіv, pіznіshe - pіlоti rockets. From the same time, Nobel’s wines were dynamite of demands from the world, as the creator of the nameless rose of riches of rock. Hocha Alfred Nobel, being an ascetic in the butt, having spent a lot of pennies for the development of science, until the end of his life he had 31 million crowns, like wine and donating to the creation of Nobel Prize.

The great Swede did not bless his sense of humor. For example, in Rest of the Rocks Yogo's life was especially tormented by heart pains, and he remembered about his glee: "Hiba is not ironic, I was prescribed to take nitroglycerin! Doctors call yoga trinitrin, so not to pharmacists and patients."

Alfred Nobel was not a winemaker in his homeland - his father Immanuil, architect, alarm clock, entrepreneur, became famous for winemaking in different galuzyah, and his brothers Robert and Ludwig radically changed and developed the oil industry. Alfred himself, having issued 355 patents, among them the right to design a gas burner, a water heater, a barometer, a refrigeration apparatus, and a complete method of containing sulfuric acid. Alfred Nobel was a member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society of London and the Paris Society of Civil Engineers.

Alfred was born in Stockholm, and from 8 years he lives from his family near St. Petersburg, having respected Russia with another fatherland. Vіn speaking Swedish, Russian, English, German, Italian. A man of high illuminance and phenomenal intelligence, Alfred Nobel is officially unable to educate himself, to inspire the equal of middle school. After home self-illumination, the father sent the young man Alfred to the light more dearly to the Old and New Worlds. There, having become acquainted with great vchenim, she became infected with guilt.

Turning back to the house, vіn pochav actively vyvchati nitroglycerin. At that hour, a lot of people perished in the face of a nevmіlogo occasion z tsієyu infernal "olієyu". The tragedy was trapilas and s Nobels - for an hour of experiment, becoming vibuh and navazhivsya at once from the laboratory of all people. The middle of the dead was a twenty-year-old cotton, the youngest brother of Nobel - Emil-Oscar. Having smashed his father's paralysis, he died in the last years of his life.

The Nobel brothers continued to engage in science and industry. All of them invested in the development of science. Particularly generous - Alfred. Navit for workers on yoga undertakings of wines, having created a comfortable mind of life and work - having been budinki, schools and likarni, de yards embellished fountains and flowerbeds; to work and pracіvnikіv carrying free transport. About the stagnation of yoga wines in military wines, saying: "From my side, I pray that all the harmonies with the usual accessories and servants could be restored to all the devils, that is in the right place for them." Alfred Nobel saw the money for holding congresses for the defense of the world. On December 10, 1896, the fate of one's life was pinched to the brain, it happened in the Italian town of San Remo.

Among the 355 patented wines of Alfred Nobel were more or less significant for the development of humankind. Ale five їх - an undoubted breakthrough in science, an important innovation in practical victorism.

1. In 1864, Alfred Nobel created a series of ten detonator capsules. The stench was a little irritated among themselves, but the detonator capsule No. 8 knows the widest zastosuvannya, so it’s called it, even though there is no other numbering. You need detonators, you need a charge. On the right, in the fact that the charge reacts badly to other infusions, it’s good to spit crying vibes for yourself. And the detonator is created in such a manner that, having reacted to an insignificant detonation - half a day, or strike a spark, rubbing, blow. The detonator is easy to "pіdhoplyuє" mind for vibuhu and bring yogo to the charge.

2. In 1867, Alfred Nobel tidying up the nitroglycerin and removing the dynamite. For this wine, flying nitroglycerin is mixed with kieselguhr, a porous rock, which is called the girsky borosh and diatomaceous earth. There is plenty of water in the daytime, so the material is affordable and cheap, but more calmness vibukhovy nitroglycerin. Pasto-like speech can be molded and transported - it won’t vibrate without a detonator to wind up in shaking and falling. The tightness of the troch is lower than that of nitroglycerin, but it is still 5 times harder than the vibrating-front - black gunpowder. Previously, dynamite was stopped in the USA during the laying of the Pacific zaliznitsi. Nine warehouses of dynamites are different. There are few vicorists in the military service, often in the garnish of the footwear industry and for the laying of tunnels.

3. In 1876, Alfred Nobel introduced nitroglycerin and kolodiya with a path, having taken off the bitter jelly. The sum of two vibukhovy speeches gave rise to an overvibukhovy, which I turn over for the tightness of the dynamite. Tse zhelepodіbna lucidity of the speech, the first one was called the boules - fuming jelly, dynamite gelatin. Modern chemists see speech as gelignite. Kolodiy is a dense homeland, rozchin pіroxylіn (nitroklіtkoviny) in sumіshі ether and alcohol. And following the trials of nitroglycerin with potassium nitrate, we followed the trial of nitroglycerin with potassium nitrate, with wooden masa. At the present-day virobnits, the roaring jelly sounds vicorist like an intermediate syrovina for the preparation of other vials - ammonium nitrate and gelatindinamitiv.

4. Alfred Nobel patented balistite in 1887 turned into a scandal. This is one of the first nitroglycerin smokeless powders, composed of hard vibrations - nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin. The ballistites knew of stasis until this year - they were vicorous at mortars, artillery garmats, and also - like a hard missile fire, to add a trio of aluminum or magnesium powder to them to increase the warmth of the fire. Ale є at balistitu and "naschadok" - to cord. Retail at the warehouse is minimal and the way of preparation may be identical. Nobel sang that in the description of the selection of balistite, the description of the selection of cordite was also laid down. Ale іnshі vchenі, Abel and Dewar, ordered a more suitable variety of speech for the production of cordite with a flying retailer, and the right to wine production of cordite was awarded to them by the court. Podbag products, balistit and cordite, may be richly sleepy in power.

5. In 1878, Alfred Nobel, working on the family business of oil production, vinais naftoprovid - a method of uninterrupted transportation of a rare product. Yogo zbuduvali, like a mustache more progressive, also with a scandal, even naftoprovid, wanting to cheapen the production of 7 times, but not enough to speed up the work of transporting naphtha in barrels. The life of the Nobel oil pipeline was completed in 1908, and it was dismantled not so long ago, after having served for over a hundred years! And if yogo budіvnitstvo zatiali, vidobotki naphtha rebuffed at the natal camp - a self-fueled product came from the Sverdlovin near the earthen pit. From the pits, yoga was scooped with cebras into barrels, yaks were transported on carts to windmills, then by the Caspian Sea and the Volga to Nizhny Novgorod, and stars - all over Russia. Ludwig Nobel replaced the foundation pits by placing steel tanks, a wine tanker and a tanker, to serve the crafts of the dos. Following the ideas of brother Alfred, he created steam pumps, developed new methods for the chemical purification of oil. The product has become a distinguished quality, the best among the world, in fact - "black gold".

Alfred Nobel (outside of im'ya- Alfred Bernhard Nobel) - Swedish chemist, winemaker and engineer. The founder of the Nobel Prize One of the leading winemakers became a dynamite, which allowed Alfred to earn a majestic camp.

Sim'ya Nobeliv

Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born near Stockholm July 21, 1833. Yogo dad - Emmanuel Nobel, matir - Andriette Nobel. Vin was the third son of this family, as she had only 8 children.

However, only four of them survived - Alfred, Robert, Ludwig and Emil Nobel. Emil died later at one of the family factories.

Starting period

At 9 rock Alfred comes to St. Petersburg. At that hour, Emmanuil, Yogo father, engaged in the manufacture of steam units Russian Empire. The boys needed to study, and they were appointed to a private school, in a yakіy vin they went up to 17 years.

The favorite subjects of the young Nobel were physics and chemistry, they assigned him a far share. At the time of the day, having changed at the firm of his father, delving into the essence of yoga.

1949 roku father, for the recommendation of the Russian scientist-chemist N.M. Zinina, who ruled syna vivchati, physics and chemistry were destroyed before Nimechchina. Let's take Alfred Nobel to Paris. After which wine was trained and worked in America at the factory John Erickson- Vіdomoy vinakhіdnik. There you will see the specifics of the preparation of steam units: for machines and steam-powered ships.

Turning to family business

At 1853 roci Alfred Nobel turning to St. Petersburg. I started working with the company of the father, the main activity of which at that time was the production of ammunition. The very fate of the Crimean War broke out, and it was a trial until 1856.

In the period of the war, he will drink on the products of Nobel Sr. buv high, and the company prospered. However, after the war, in the family business, they didn’t do much better: ammunition was not needed by Russia, and parts for steamboats were very rare. Therefore, the Nobel family praised the decision turn to Batkivshchyna - to Stockholm.

Vidkrittya dynamite

In the near lands, Alfred continued to study science at the laboratory, raising his father especially for him. The basis of the doslidiv was domestication of nitroglycerin, according to 1842 roci. Alfred mumbled cursing with unsafe speech, conducting various experiments.

Youmu far away zrobiti capsules, napovnenie mercury - so viyshov detonator. And the most important evidence of yoga life has become vinahid dynamite. Vіn otrimav yogo, poddnavshi nitroglycerin with other speeches. In 1867 dynamite was patented by Alfred Nobel.

On the heels of that, Alfred uttered his wines to the Swedish spouts, which helped them at the punching of the tunnels. Since the landscape of Sweden's skeletons, then the proposition was accepted "To cheer" that significantly hastened the life of the air.

great success

First practice with victoria dynamite crushed qiu popular speech. Further, the wrestling was carried out in different galleys and for different purposes:

  • Under the highest mountain of the Alps - Mont Blanc - a tunnel was laid, with a length of 11,600 meters.
  • Laying the Corinth Canal near Greece.
  • View of the underwater rock formations near the ship-floating rivers of New York.
  • The bed of the Danube was cleared.

In the wake of Europe and America, factories began to grow from the production of dynamite. Tse began to bring great profits to Alfred Nobel, which Volodya in one fifth part of the whole virobnizstva of vibrating.

Other wine

In 1873 Alfred went to the capital of France - Paris. There they continue science and wine activities. As a result of this experiment, another miracle was born - smokeless gunpowder, names "balistite".

For example, in the 80s, Nobel patents all wines and without hesitation sells his patent to the Italian order. This fact, having confused the curiosity of France, that 1891 roku Alfred happened to be vihati from Paris. After moving to Italy, she settled near the city of San Remo.

Special Life of Alfred Nobel

About the special life of Alfred Nobel, those who once again. Vin is alive as a deserter and has attached to himself a whole lot of beloved science, engineering craftsmanship, and winemaking.

Nobel vіlno volodyv kіlkom movami: French, Russian, English and German. Vіn pragniv calm and he did not want to become famous. To this, at the end of his days, Nobel assigned the whole hour of his laboratory in the Italian River, prompted by orange hai.

In the rest of the month, he became very aware of this, he developed angina pectoris, he was tormented by constant pain in his heart.

December 10, 1896 At the age of 63, Alfred Nobel died of bloodshed in the brain. Vіn buv pohovany in the Batkivshchyna - near Stockholm.

Nobel Prize

In 1888 roci one French reporter published a newspaper news about the death of Alfred Nobel paromilkovo. In truth, one of his brothers, Ludwig, died. Having written an article in the newspaper about himself, as journalists wrote about her "millionaire on the blood", "dynamite king", "merchant of death", - Alfred buv arguzhe hostility.

Vіn being a pacifist for his nature and not wanting to be left in the memory of the people by the evils of the light scale. To the very same 27 leaf fall 1895 roku vіn writing his order:

I, the lower signatory, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, having gone numb and violating, having deafened my commandment from the drive of the mine, acquired by me... brought the greatest reproach to mankind.

The number of stars was assigned to the next division into five equal parts, which are assigned: the first part is to the one who has gained the most important knowledge or wines in the physics department, the other - in the chemistry department, the third - in the physiology department of medicine, the fourth most important - having created , which reflects people's ideals, p'yata - to the one who raises the vagomy contribution to the formation of peoples, the reduction of slavery, the reduction in the number of essential armies, and the adoption of peaceful housekeeping.

... My special pride is in the fact that the nationality of the candidate did not contribute to the award of prizes, so that the prize was awarded the most years independently, since the Scandinavians stink chi ni”.

Alfred Nobel(1833-1896) - Swedish chemist-experimenter and businessman, Doctor of Philosophy and Academician, winemaker of dynamite and other vibukhov speeches, founder beneficial fund for the award of his name - the Nobel Prize, which brought him posthumous popularity.

A. Nobel was born on July 21, 1833 near Stockholm with a talented self-taught wine-maker Immanuel Nobel, who came from the villagers of the Nobelef Swedish district, from which he earned a nickname. The head of this family became famous for his riches in the Russian service, especially during the hour of the Crimean war. The miniatures, killed at the factory, stole the raiders of Kronstadt and Reval from the attack of the English squadron. For their services to Russia, they won the great imperial gold medal, but, as a rule, foreigners were not awarded.

Alfred Nobel even though he was talented - but without taking off the middle light. In 1849 p. the father guides the young Alfred at the courtier's dear Europe and America. More money is more expensive Alfred to spend at Paris. There you will have to take a practical course in chemistry and physics in the laboratory of the famous chemist Jules Peluea, who was engaged in the investigations of oil and nitrile. After the old man left for Stockholm, Alfred Nobel took up nitroglycerin to reach the authorities. Imovirno, which was often shared by Nobel with the prominent Russian chemist Mikola Mikolayovich Zinin.

At Paris, the young Nobel was adopted at the court of Napoleon III, de reading romantic verses and dying into a young black-eyed brunette from Provence, like a nevdovz in the dry land. Heartbroken, Nobel went to America, destined to be led by the Swedish engineer John Erikson, who had inspired the extraordinary ship "Monitor" for Lincoln, who had smashed the fleet of the inhabitants of the day. Erikson having spent the last time winning sleepy energy that diduchiv svvvіtchiznik to guilt.

At Stockholm, where Alfred went to school in 1863, he continued his legacy. But on the 3rd of spring 1864 tragedy became fate. Under the hour of vibukha, under the hour of death, a few people perished, Alfred's young brother Emil-Oskar, who was less than 20 years old, died. Unforgettably after the unfortunate old man, having broken the paralysis, and stay in the spring of the year, we will kill him to bed.

On July 14, 1864, Alfred Nobel took out a patent for the right to produce vibukhovo speech, which was to be avenged by nitroglycerin. Then we got patents for a detonator ("Nobel fuse"), dynamite, gelatinizing dynamite, smokeless powder, etc. etc. 350 patents lie behind you, and far from all stinks are related to vibukhovy speeches. Among them are patents for a water meter, a barometer, a refrigerator, a gas burner, improvements in the method of removing sulfuric acid, the design of a combat rocket, and much more.

Nobel's interests were supernaturally diverse. Vіn engaged in electrochemistry and optics, biology and medicine, constructing automatic galma and safe steam boilers, making piece gum and shkir, adding nitrocellulose and piece shovk, working on the removal of light alloys.

Tse buv one of the most famous people of his time. I have read a lot of books on technology and medicine, history and philosophy, artistic literature (and learn to write myself), I know kings and ministers, seniors and entrepreneurs, artists and writers, for example, Victor Hugo.

Alfred Nobel was a member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society of London, the Paris Society of Civil Engineers. Uppsala University has awarded you the title of Doctor of Philosophy. Among the cities of wine-growers are the Swedish Order of the Polar Star, the French Order of the Legion of Honor, the Brazilian Order of Rosie and the Venezuelan Order of Bolivar. Ale all honors flooded Yogo Bayduzhim. The whole person was gloomy, who loved self-sufficiency, was unique in cheerful company and completely zanuren in the work.

The main wealth was brought to Nobel by the creation of the dynamite he found, the patent for which was taken away on May 7, 1867. The newspapers of quiet times wrote that the engineer had done his work in a vipadkovo way. When transported, the sulphate with nitroglycerin was broken, the motherland, which twisted, leaked the ground, and as a result, viyshov dynamite. Nobel zavzhdy zavzhyvav tse. Vіn stverdzhuvav, scho svіdomo shukav speech, yak, being mixed with nitroglycerin, would change yogo vibuhonabezpechnіst. Kieselguhr became such a neutralizer. Tsyu hirsku breed is called more tripoli (from Tripoli in Livії, de won was obtained).

It can be marvelous that a person, as if she dedicated all her life to the creation of possible ruins, commanded a part of the earned pennies for prizes to the world. What is it? Peace of mind? Але у військових цілях "вибухівка Нобеля" стала застосовуватися лише під час франко-прусської війни 1870-1871 років, а спочатку створені ним вибухові речовини використовувалися в мирних цілях: для спорудження за допомогою вибухових робіт тунелів і каналів, прокладання залізниць та автомобільних доріг, видобутку brown copalins. He himself said: "I would like to find a speech, or a machine that could make such a ruinous exhaustion, so that if it were, the war would become impossible." Nobel giving pennies for holding congresses dedicated to the food of the world, she took their fate from them.

For some, the amazingness of the Nobel Prize for the world, then for others - the first prize for work in mathematics. It is voiced to say that Nobel and the Swedish mathematician M. G. Mittag-Leffler loved the same girl, but she gave the younger one a lot of credit, and somehow the "dynamite king" appeared on all mathematicians.

The great winemaker never had friends and never had children. Ale in yoga life was a kohannya. At 43, Alfred Nobel died at the 20th salesman of the ticket shop at Vidnia Sophia Hess (1856-1919) and traveled from him to Paris, de todi bagging. Vіn vinainyav for her an apartment in the order of his house, allowing her to stain the stіlki, sіlki you want. Sophia, as proudly calling herself "Madame Nobel", was beautiful and graceful, but, unfortunately, unreasonable, unlit, she was so lazy - she decided to take care of the vikladachi, such as Nobel hired for her.

Їhnіy zv'yazok three 15 years, until 1891, when Sofі gave birth to a daughter from a Ugric officer. Nobel parted ways with his girlfriend without scandal and acknowledged her decent honor. Ale Sophia rang out to unbelievable vitrates and bothered with swearing about supplementary sums. If, through chotiri rocky, she became friends with the father of her child, with similar prohannya, the man was turned into a beast. After the death of Nobel, Sophia Hess began to demand more money, threatening to publish his intimate leaves anyway. The executors, yakі not bazhali, schob іm'ya їhny davіrіtel splashed newspapers, had a chance to do deeds: to buy leaves that Nobel's telegrams from Sofі and zbіshiti їy їy rent.

From the childhood of Nobel, he was in poor health and often ill. The rest of the fates of yoga tormented more at the heart. "It's not irony, - writing to a friend of mine, - that I was prescribed to take nitroglycerin! Doctors call it trinitrin, so that pharmacists don't care about those patients."

The fellows respected Nobel not according to the image of a prosperous capitalist. More like "Spartan". Vіn tyazhіv to self, not drinking, not smoking, not being a gambler. Vilno speaking 5 foreign languages ​​(div. also about the course of effective development foreign language). Commerce was not on the verge of acquiring to the world's cultural values. In the special library of Nobel one can find the works of the great scientists, philosophers, writers of Herbert Spencer, Voltaire, William Shakespeare, Victor Hugo, Honore de Balzac, Guy de Maupassant, Ivan Turgenev, Heinrich Ibsen, Alphonse Lamartine in the natural world. Having written chimalo p'єs, romanov, vіrshiv, ale znenatska okholov before writing. I don’t know what would be better for civilization: employ a great writer and know a prominent and talented entrepreneur.

A. Nobel is a miraculous warehouse to the mind of a contributor and loves to keep busy at his laboratory. Nobel cheruvav spread throughout the entire world of the empire for the help of a whole "team" of directors of numerically independent one type of one company, in which Nobel maw 20-30% of capital shares. Vin especially looked at the details of the praise of the main decisions by the companies, like victorious in their name. According to the testimony of one of his biographers, "crime of scientific and commercial activity, Nobel spent a lot of time on the great correspondence, moreover, he only copied the skin details from the business listing of the vin copy only himself, starting from the signatures of the accountants of the accountants".

The career of Alfred Nobel is becoming significant, as if turning to the turn of his calling, as if he were a villager. Vіdomosti about her are blamed for example of the 17th century. with additional Nobel Prize. Did Alfred, a bloodletting barber, having shortened his name in 1775. Yogo the elder son, Emmanuel, architect, alarm clock and wine-maker, surviving with his rich earnings, did not try his luck in Russia, at the oil fields of Baku. At 1827 p. having made friends with Caroline Andriette Alsel, they had more children, and only three of them lived to see youthful years- Robert, Ludwig and Alfred.

Women of Alfred Nobel

The Nobel was a good man, but in any case he didn’t have friendships and he didn’t have children. Alfred was not happy with women. Why? Like a lot of other facts of life, and these details of his biography are attached. On the back, Nobel suffocated at the pharmacy worker. Vaughn is dying, and it struck the yoga flooring, that two decades of wine could not see the women.

At Paris, the zavsidnik of theatrical premieres, vin їde in the "Comédie française" and applause of the sparkling Sarah Bernhardt. Enchanted with talent, wine with a bouquet of flowers and a chrysanthemum in buttonholes hurry up for lashtunki and ask the actress to the restaurant. And the inner voice whispers: "I need a woman for creation home fire, calm. Chi zdatna great actress for a feat?

Sarah is on a US tour. And write a letter to the Swedish mother, ask for help. Checking the voice and axis of the wines: "Sinka, I know your passion not a bit. Vaughn impressed me with her thunder in our theater of the past fate. Like you need a bohemian - you take it away. for women, to be put up as spivchutts and sorry, and the hero himself writes tsim. them on the stage, and at the basis of the specialness lies amorphous, which can be put on a form. Vіn not a moment not to obey the mother.

Another Nobel won appeared after his placement in an Austrian newspaper: "Even more rich, illumined, middle age (41 years) sir shoking with words a lady in a mature age, as she could have been a secretary and a sovereign." Alfred Nobel different lands, but with your own booth, having vowed the place, de pratsyuvav. Loving order and demanding help. Rozumiv: if the president of such a gigantic corporation chooses his own secretary, we can save where we are, lower when choosing a companion of life.

Youma was supported by Countess Berta Kinski, daughter of an Austrian field marshal. Lost without benefit for the reason, since her mother had squandered her family's wealth at the grave houses, she was embarrassed to work as a governess at Vidnya in the family of von Zutteriv, until the master showed her at the door, deceiving about Bertie's son's love affair .

At the consultation of fahivtsiv with Alfred Paris, it was predicted about the development of angina pectoris, due to insufficient supply of heart meat sour. It was recommended to Youmu Bulo to repair. Nobel moved again to San Remo. There you can try to finish the job. "So, I'm still Volodar, - it seems in the same voice, - there is a crown on my head. Ale, axle, cursed, it's getting tighter and tighter squeezing my head. What's wrong?.. Old age, sickness, it's all self-sufficiency?". I went to the writing table and wrote down my remaining money. And in my head it flashed: "I've made an incalculable wealth. It's time to give yoga to the people, naschadki".

Nobel's Grace

Alfred Nobel writes his biography on the impertinence of seeing people write his biography with powerful sarcasm and cynicism: “Sir, you don’t need to torment me. The axis of my biography: "The Nobel is a very intoxicating stota. Hydnist: keep your nails clean and don't go to work for anyone. Inadequacies: the whole day, great patience, poor health, ale good appetite. The biggest sin: the day of love to the point of wealth ... What is lacking for a mortal?

The rest of Nobel's rocky pratsyuvav іz special secretary and chemist, a young Swede Ragnar Salman. At the same time, he took away the patent for the remaining wine - smokeless gunpowder ("balistit"). Pomіchnik having won the dovira of the flooring, which Alfred called yoga no other way, like the head vikonovets of my bazhan.

December 10, 1896 Alfred Nobel is dead bloody in the brain in a villa in San Remo, in Italy.

The coils of Nobel's order with the formulations of the provisions on the award of a city for achievement in different circles of human activity are filled with a lot of ambiguities. The document in the residual view is one of the editions of many yoga orders. This posthumous gift for the award of prizes in literature and science and technology is logically in the interests of Nobel himself, who is stuck in the significant parties of human activity: physics, physiology, chemistry, literature. And let’s also admit that the established awards for peacekeeping activity were tied to the bazhanny of the winemaker of the people who, like before, steadfastly resisted violence.

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Alfred Nobel is the richest chemist in the history of mankind. De Alfred, having obtained enlightenment, how did she discover his talent? What will bring the famous wine-grower from Russia? How is a millionaire, who does not have children of that squad, having disposed of wealth? What is the purpose of placing an opinion, stverdzhuyuchi Nobel Prize?

The founder of the Nobel Prize was born in Sweden in 1883. There were seven children in Alfred's family, and only four brothers survived to adulthood. If Alfred was nine years old, his family Nobel moved to Russia, then he grew up, reaching the father's father's right.

The youth of the winemaker

Osvita Albert got home, and at the 16th birthday, the father adjusted yoga in a more expensive way, like three years. In France, the future teachings have completed courses in chemistry and physics. Immanuel Nobel (Alfred's father) rose rich in Russia for the production of mines, demanded from the period of the Crimean War. Ale after the war, the plant ceased to bring surpluses, Nobel senior turned to Sweden. Young Alfred abandoned his business and took up chemical research with his brother Emil. In 1864, at one hour, tragedy struck, and Emil and a few more people perished in the wake of the storm. However, they did not stop, Alfred continued his work at the laboratory.

Great vinahid

In his youth, young vcheniy vіdchuv vіdchuv rozcharuvannya yogo kohana, the daughter of a pharmacist, vvazha for better to win zamіzh for one mathematician. The embarrassment Alfred shook his head at the right. In 1867, he created his famous wine - vinayshov dynamite. Vidkrittya brought fame and wealth to you. The unkind people expanded a little in the newspapers, which was vipadkovym: the flask was broken, mixed with soil, the result was viyshov dynamite. Nobel himself, having recounted this version, having sung that it was purposeful to select the speech, as if it would reduce the vibrational safety of nitroglycerin.

Chemist organized in the middle of the lake, far from people, equipped with all the necessary chemical laboratory. Youmu was far away to change the number of investors to put money into the production of dynamite. Let's grant a patent for winemaking in Sweden itself, having patented the rights for the production of dynamite in international organizations. In the course of further achievements of the Nobel wines, there are still low vibukhov speeches.

Specialty of Nobel

Alfred's interests were not separated by chemistry or vibukhonic harmless speeches. The Nobel was good at researching and successfully working at the gallery of optics, medicine, and biology. Usyi on behalf of Alfred Nobel registered 350 patents, among them a water domir, a refrigerator, a gas burner, a barometer.

On the basis of such a modest pererahuvannya, the yogo robot became aware of Alfred Nobel, a talented person. The cream of science, the teachings of hoarding artistic literature, and the favorite writers of Turgenev, Balzac, Hugo and Maupassant. Nobel wrote it himself, but ale donina wrote only one yogo song "Nemesis".

Nobel Prize

The fellows describe Nobel as modest and inspire a gloomy person, shy to selfishness. I didn’t smoke, I didn’t drink, I didn’t know gambling. The way of life can be called Spartan, the millionaire did not spend his capital, but managed it wisely. Alfred Nobel was against violence and war, navit yogo dynamite on the cob, victorious only for peaceful purposes - everyday life, laying tunnels. Nobel paid for the anonymous congresses dedicated to the light on the planet. The journalists of the teachings did not like stubbornness for theirs and called them “two-legged bacilli”.

At his command, Nobel put all his wealth at the specialization fund, and the income was divided by five parts and awarded to a short-term chemist, physicist, physician, physiologist and writer. Adding special respect to the opinions of the point, in which there are those who are not responsible for the nationality of the candidate. In such a way, Alfred Nobel tried to make a feasible contribution to the support of peace on the entire planet.

Kaluzka region, Borivsky district, Petrove village

The "Dialogue of Cultures - United World" Foundation initiated a project to install a famous humanist on the territory of the Cultural and Lighting Tourist Center "ETNOSVIT". The author of the sculpture, Oleksiy Leonov, depicted Alfred Nobel at a turning point in his life: sitting by the armchair with a newspaper, in a kind of pardon, they scolded his obituary. The very same wine-drinker vyrivishiv straighten the accumulations of his majestic camp to the reach of the great goal - that prosperity to the eternal world.

Today, the monument can be a leather guest to ETHNOMIR: the monument is erected between the 6th pavilion of the Street of the Svity "Caravanserai" and the 7th pavilion "Navkolo Svitu". The future bronze Nobel borrowed an honorable place on the pedestal of the Norwegian ethno-yard. Sweden. Iceland". Come to the main ethnographic park-museum of Russia to find out about the commandments of one of the greatest readers of mankind!

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