Recipe for simple pie with stuffing. Forgive me that swedish recipes for homemade pies

Pirіzhki are popular among the Slavic peoples, yak to gusto and children, and grown up. Now you are not hungry, all the same it is important to stand up in the calmness of the weather, I would like a small piece of soft savory lasoschiv. The name of the strain is similar to the word "benket". It’s worth mentioning about those that earlier yoga was served at the most pure vipadkas, at the saint.

Pirіzhki є virіb z rolled dough with different stuffing. According to the cooking method, they can be lubricated in a frying pan or baked in an oven. Dough for pirіzhkіv in staleness with the technology of preparing that recipe can be leafy, brewed, piskovy, dry (healthy or fresh), with additional salt or zukru. At the pie, as a rule, put the most delicious stuffing: minced meat, telbukhi, mushrooms, sir, vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, cibulya, garbuz), small pieces of fruit, berries, eggs, rice. For a relish and appetizing aroma, add greens and different spices to the dough.

For rosemary, pies can be great and small. Most often they are given oval, tricot and rectangular shapes. cook savory pies in domestic minds, it is not easy to understand, the process of forcing a certain knowledge of the newcomer. From the anonymous recipes presented on the sides of the site, choose the one that suits you best. Most universally respected drіzhdzhovoe tisto for pirіzhkіv - yogo can be smeared, so vipіkati. Pirіzhki from yeast dough look like food and soft. If you want to cook appetizing crunchy sausages - make brewed or sheet paper. Ale vrahuyte, scho leaf pirіzhki smear not possible, їх it is necessary to vipіkat. For the sake of the ruddy zest, smear the beast with a beaten egg from zucr.

Bake, enjoy homemade pies!

How do you try to please your loved ones with an inexpensive, ale sitnaya that savory vipіchkoy, expand drizhzhov's patties with meat and rice at the oven. You can eat such pies with the first grass, take a picnic with you to work.

I don’t have time to bother with yeast dough for a long time, try brewing lower brew with kefir, and then we’ll beat yogo for sipping appetizing pie with cabbage filling.

Why go to a shop or cafe on the road, because everything is more delicious and naturally you can cook at home? For example, try the rice cakes with yeast dough and cinnamon for my recipe.

Marveling at the golden chebureks, reminiscent of potatoes and cheese, you instantly forget about the dominance of the child and the stringiness of the figure. It is impossible to stand in front of relish and aroma, such sweets, however, are addictive and bribe, and influx.

I need recipes to give you the opportunity to cook savory dishes from the simplest and most accessible products. For example, it’s like potatoes, borosno, Sonyashnikov’s oliya and syrovatka, you can make homemade pirozhkiv, like you can go for a meal, and for lunch, and for the evening.

A testicle on sour milk will always walk away. Especially as a filling, take a universal meal minced meat that cabbage. Such appetizing baked pies from the oven are still hot!

The preparation of savory pirіzhkіv from the rice yeast dough with cherry juice filling at first glance seems to be foldable. Really, it’s even simpler, because everything is strictly following the recipe.

Stuffing s chicken liver, tsibuli and potatoes are miraculously suitable for preparing white and savory pies. After drinking in the oven, the stinks look pot-bellied, blushing, and even more appetizing.

Shortbreads in Tatar or kistobiy - it’s tasty to finish and easy to prepare. I want to tell you how to bake them with the stuffing in the oven.

Homemade pies on the basis without yeast dough, especially garnish with stuffing. sauerkraut. Inexpensive and delicious. Cooking ta lipiti їх is simple, vypіchtsі mi nadamo the shape of a cigar.

In our region, chebureks have the same wide drink, like in the Caucasus. The gentleman's skin can make its own variation of the preparation of dough and fillings for these pies. I preach to cook juice chebureks with cabbage.

Look at the savory homemade pies with cheese and mint. The stinks are so attractive with a charming aroma, they add soft, lower-golden ruddy sides.

Listkov's samsa with meat takes up a special place in the kitchen. Traditionally, the filling is prepared from lamb, yalovichini and tsibuli, and we will add our unique savory rodzinka, adding plums to the filling.

What can be appetizing, lower homemade pirіzhki, in tasty stuffing from ovens, tsibuli and potatoes, dressed in the lower and soft dryness? Receiving a taste of savory greens of cilantro.


As you cook pastry, following the recipes below, you can easily prepare impersonal savory pies, rolls, desserts with various licorice and non-licorice fillings.

1. Quite like fluff on dry yeast

Even earlier, with the help of the most famous drіzhdzhіv, it became richer and simpler and richer, if the sale is dry and dry. Quietly zamіshuєtsya vіdrazu, without intermediary stage - steaming, that one "walks" on dry drіzhdzhakh densely swishing.


Kefir - 1 bottle
Roslinna Oliya - 0.5 bottles
Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons
Sil - 1 teaspoon
Zukor - 1 tbsp. a spoon
Boroshno - 3 bottles


Kefir is mixed with oil and trochs are churned (I’m baking in a micro-furnace - just a few seconds), add yeast, strength, zucor. Pour in a batch of kefir and mix it up, chop it up and put it in heat for 30 quills. For the whole hour you can hug each other 1-2 times. While it’s still coming up, we’ll prepare the filling.
Deco is smeared with olive oil, or we will oil it with paper for a wine, we form cakes, we put it on deco.
Turn on the oven and while the oven heats up, give our pies 10-15 chills (bazhan in heat).

We’ll smear the pies with an egg (just call it. You can add a little bit of water or milk, ale neobov’yazkovo)
Vipkaєmo to a golden color for a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

From this dough you can bake pizza, pies, buns and other specialties. For licorice vipіchka you can replace roslinna oliya margarine abo vershkov oil, add a little more tsukra, vanilla tsukor.

If you get lucky, that for 30 minutes it’s gone, don’t be too embarrassed, so it’s your fault, it’s better to drink more when you drink.

2. Sirny pirozhki for 15 khvilin

Shvidki syrnі pirіzhki are suitable for grown-ups and children. Licorice, lower spicy with a pronounced savory sirah is not only savory, ale and korisna. For the filling, you need to add some fruits and berries, jam and jam. As soon as it’s cooked, then it’s better to take some berries from a new one. Tsіkavim vyavivatsya poєdnannya cheesecake and fillings on the basis of syrah (roast cheese with zucr and butter, add rodzinki or other dried fruits, candied fruit).


Sir - 500 g
Zukor - 3 tbsp. spoons
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Boroshno - 10 tbsp. spoons
Soda - 0.5 year. spoons
Strength - pinch


Z'ednati and beat eggs with zukr. Add 500 g of syrup, silt, soda, mix everything carefully, boil it step by step into the dough. Once again, mix everything well until it's settled homogeneous mass. Zamisiti is not too cool. As dry cheese, you can add a little cold water to the dough.

Prepare the stuffing. Divide the dough into pieces, cut, start and form pies. Make sure that the filling does not boil out of the blanks.

Pirіzhki vyklasti on a sheet and vipіkati in the baked oven about 15 quills at a temperature of 200 C until zarum'yanyuvannya. It's time to lie in the oven, follow it respectfully, so that the pies don't burn.

Ready pirіzhki can be embellished with tsukrovy powder. Serve warm or cold.

3. Patties-rolls

Such pies are prepared by my sister. The stench can be crying, literally “one bite”, or more, but always so savory that it’s important to eat them. Similar to dry rolls.


Boroshno -3.5 st (550-600 g)
Milk -1 bottle (250 ml)
Drіzhdzhi dry -11 g
Vershkov butter -200 g
Zukor -1 tbsp.
Strength -1/2 tsp


Instead of melted olive oil and milk. Sumish can be warm.
Dodaemo drіzhdzhi, tsukor, sil. Let's move, let's stand a sprat of khvilin until the expansion of the yeast, tsukru, salt.
Step by step we add flour | boroshno |, we mix with a spoon soft dough.
On the table, pissed boroshnoy, lightly wispy with hands and immediately start to form pirіzhki. Do not need a check, while it is clear.

Divide the dough into 6 pieces. Leather shmatochok rozkotimo straight cut, size about 50x30 cm, torso about 3 mm. We lay out the filling on a long side, roll it into a roll, pinch the edges.

With the edge of the valley, our rolls are “sawed” into pieces (sawed ruhi back and forth). At the same time, our cowbass begins to roll on the table and cup the “waist”. Zavdyakov raspilyuvannya edge pizhkіv themselves stick together. Ponytails can be squeezed. We put it on the sheet. There is no need to smear the pirіzhki.

Vipkaєmo vіdrazu w at roses up to 180 ° C oven 25-30 minut or until zarum'yanyuvannya. Like pirіzhki not much zapіkat - you'll see lower and m'yakі. Even stronger baked, there will be more crunchy, sharuvaty.

4. The best pies on milk and dry yeast

Out of this soft dough, miraculous homemade cakes emerge - licorice, non-licorice with whatever filling. Pіdіyde tse іsto і for making rolls, bіlyashіv, for vіdkritih pirіv and buns with cinnamon and other additives.


Boroshno - 600 gr.
Zukor - 4 tbsp.
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Margarine - 50 gr. (abo vershkov oil)
Milk - 250 ml. (You can replace with water from two tablespoons of powdered milk or kefir);
Strength - 1 tsp;
Drijdzhi - 2 tsp dry (or about 24 grams pressed);
Vanilin - 1 tsp (It is possible without it).


Drіzhdzhi rose in warm milk water with the addition of 1 tbsp. tsukru.
If the spirits are divided and start drinking, get ready.
We’ll mix all the ingredients, in the rest of the black we’ll finish it step by step, and we’ll mix it up. Yakshcho bude rіdkuvato, dodamo more flour.
It is not guilty to stick to hands.
Leave it quiet at the warm place of the year for 2-2.5, for the whole hour it’s quiet two hugs.

We form cakes, put them on a sheet, let them stand for a while and smear with an egg.
Vipkaєmo in the hot oven at a temperature of 200 degrees until zarum'yanyuvannya.

5. Original mlins.

These savory milk pies are prepared in a frying pan just like that. At the same time, the stench is savory and unimpressive.


Kefir or sour milk(or sumish of fresh milk and kefir) - 500 ml
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Sir - 200 g
Soda - 1 teaspoon
Boroshno - 12 tbsp. spoon (about 300 g)
Roslinna oliya - 100 ml
Sil, tsukor - for relish


Sir zbivaemo with eggs, dodaemo half of the milk.

We add strength, tsukor (as the pirіzhki will be with a non-licorice filling, then there is more salt, for licorice, navpak, more tsukru - less salt) and everything is borosno.

At sour milk (kefir), which is gone, we add soda, we mix it well and weed it with sulfuric masa.

Everything is beaten with a mixer and wine. Quite can come, like for pancakes - the consistency of thick sour cream.

The filling can be as-yak - non-licorice: mushrooms, liver, cabbage, chicken, or licorice: berries, fruits, jam, jam, sir. Sire m'yaso and vicory fish is not necessary.

We pour a portion of dough on the frying pan, change the fire and curl it with a lid.

As soon as it will be remembered that the bottom of the mill is blushing - we put the filling (closer to the center) neatly, assisting with a spatula, folding the mill down. Quietly hearing, she easily burns.

Curve the frying pan with a lid for 1 quill, then turn it over a little more and curve it again with a lid. It seems that the pies were not burnt, but greased up.

Pirіzhki samoі on sobі - tse zagalі zagalі zagalі universal boroshnyanі vіrіb, povny eksperimentіv і surprisіv. Why didn’t you hear such a phrase, saying, “in the silence you can burn it for sure”?

It is even simpler in the prepared Russian pies in homemade minds, with absolutely no matter what filling - the fire of robiti is simpler than simple and lighter than easy. And before that, the most savory savors - with their own hands, in the vlasnіy kitchen.

Below are presented fragrant and fresh recipes with photos, one short for the other.

We will delight you not only to yourself, but also to guests, relatives and friends, small children who have come, as if without a mind like that. It’s better to take them with you to work, or else on trips.

And now, a few words about the creation of the home-made pies themselves: how and why to cook, a couple of pleasing and richly іnshoy.

First, savory pirozhki can be baked in the oven, so you can grease a vicorist frying pan, smeared with olive oil. More Swedish recipes- on drіzhdzhakh, but also a variant of cooking pirіzhkіv on the basis of zovsіm yeast-free dough, but let's leaflet - everything is for relish.

If you are a person who does not have such a rich free time, then you can not sweat over the laborious mixing of dough, but simply buy yoga at any grocery store.

As far as the filling, then - as it was appointed more, - there can be a nayriznomanitnishsha: fish, jam, sir, sausages, meat, minced meat, fruits and dried fruits ...

Just think, skils can be prepared, and skils can be made by experimenting!

The axis of a sprinkling of good joys, as they will help you to work for a first-class vipіchka:

  • Take either a fresh egg, or white - so homemade pies do not waste their shape and look (roughly seeming, do not turn sour).
  • As the filling will be varennya, literally add a spoonful of starch to the new one.
  • Are you eating with meat, fish and other unsalted ingredients? Before the very vipіchkoy bring the product, if you want it to be ready - zazdalegіd lubricate / boil, etc.
  • Watch all the warehouses of delicious pastries at room temperature, and if you want dry food, lightly warm up.
  • Sob vipіchka bula povіtryanoyu that easy, obov'yazkovo prosіyut borosіyut wheat. So there, until then, garnenka get sour and when you mix the dough, there will be no breasts to respect.

At this article, I’ll tell you how to cook pies in the kitchen, even if it’s really easy, and the recipes below will only help.

Homemade savory and appetizing pies based on yeast dough

For the preparation of pirozhkiv, I will take:

Zvichayna water - 1 bottle; 50 g of yeast (fresh); pisochny tsukor - 1 tablespoon; sil - 1 teaspoon; roslinna oliya - 3 tablespoons; wheat borosno - 4 bottles; okrip - 1 bottle.

Filling: maybe but for taste and vibir: vіd mashed potatoes s chimos to minced meat.

A simple recipe for making miracle Russian pies:

  1. At the mist, I rozvodzhu strength with zukrom, olive oil and flour, which shines, warm water. I shift, sweat, without pinching, I wag my mow there.
  2. It’s not necessary to leave the dough for pirіzhki for a certain hour, so that it “did it” or “infused” - it’s not a pie and not a cupcake, but pies. That's why you can drink them right away.
  3. The stuffing was prepared, as you vibrated it, it was left only to carefully smear it on the olive on both sides until it was browned and polished on papyrus / baking papyrus / paper towels, so that you took in the fat.

From i all! We got drunk, that the preparation of fragrant and savory pirіzhkіv - on the right “on swedish hand"? Treat your friends and loved ones, and also don’t take these recipes. Savory!

Recipe for pirozhkiv with whatever filling

Vipіchka with your own hands and what is needed for whom:

dobirne milk - 1 bottle; natural pisochny tsukor - 1 tablespoon; fresh dry drizzle - 1 package; Vershkov m'yak butter - 200 grams; wheat borosno - 6th part of a bottle and literally a pinch of salt.

How to make homemade pies with absolutely any filling:

  1. At the saucepan with the same bottom, I lightly warm the milk (not to the point of boiling), and put the oil out of the refrigerator compartment, so that it swelled beyond the room temperature and became soft.
  2. Zukor and dried rozvodzhu in the same milk, and then I pour it in a warm place until a characteristic cap appears.
  3. While everything is filling up, I will prosіyu wheat borosno, where then I will sip my strength.
  4. Rosm'yakshene good rub oil z borosnoy i sіllu to krikhti.
  5. Z'ednuyu sumish with butter with yeast masa and nareshtirely zamіsh tіsto for pirіzhki. Don't be turbulent, as from the very beginning it looks too rare - give him a couple of whilins.
  6. If the base of the pie is already hanging from the sides of the bowl, then the time has come to download the dough into a bag, wrap the yogo in a plastic bag (or a grub plive) and put it in the fridge for a drink.
  7. It was lost on the right for malim, for the arch of malim: you want to pinch the stilka skilka from the breast, you want to cut into shortcakes and cut the “core” in them - you can use all kinds of mashed potatoes from greens and chop the egg, to the yalovich / chicken minced I’ll put out everything in the frying pan with a cibulei and a Sirim egg, and after I reach it, I’ll kill with another Sirim egg).
  8. At the warehouse there are richly olії cakes, it is better to bake them in the oven on a deck, covered with baker's paper, at 190 ° C until cooked.
  9. 5 minutes before the end, I will beat them with a zhovtok of good milk.

Sitna vipіchka for looking first-class pirіzhkіv is ready! Cooking is easy!

How to cook pies on kefir.

For the test with the filling, I will take:

kefir with a rich fat content - 1 bottle; roslinna oliya - half a bottle; dry fresh yeast- 1 package; sil - 1 teaspoon; pisochny tsukor - 1 tablespoon; wheat borosno - 3 bottles of borosna.

How to cook pies on kefir-yeast dough:

  1. In the presence of a handy dish, I’ll save the olive oil (before winter, keep it at room temperature, until you become soft) with kefir - I don’t heat everything up to boiling in a saucepan with a tovstim bottom.
  2. I'm squeezing there strength and zukor.
  3. I will ask for help sieving wheat borosno, as if I will mix it with yeast.
  4. Z'ednuyu insult sumishi, relativly zamyshyu tіsto.
  5. I make everything with a servlet and leave it on the pіvgodini in a warm place, so that it "dries out".
  6. I cover the deco behind with a baking paper, then I put there formed pies and whiplin for 15 I fill them, after which I smear an egg.
  7. Vip_kati in the oven at 190 ° C until ready.

And what about the filling:

  1. For example, I’ll take sir, sir and jams from greens and brown rice with an egg.
  2. Another option: mushroom center. For whom I will cook it, and then I will refine it and mix it with the cibula, adding there in a day or so a syrah chicken egg.

Everything, fragrant vipіchka with your own hands is ready. Savory!

Pokrokove cooking pirіzhkіv іz sausages

Would you like to cook a pork stew? So, scho vodminno pidide like a vipіchka-snack, which you can take with you wherever you go without any problems? Tasty those soft pies or, as it seems, sausages at the dough - the very same ones that you joked about.

The Danish recipe will teach you how to cook soft pies with sausage, ale varto also vrahuvati, which can be stuffed like a cutlet, mushrooms, and m'yaso. Choose - I do not want!

Delicious homemade pies, recipe with photo and ingredients:

8 g of dry yeast; 90 ml of good milk; 15 ml sonyashnikova olії; 165 grams of wheat boroshn; half a teaspoon of sand zucru; literally a pinch of salt; 1 chicken egg; 4 pieces of garni sausages; 1 tablespoon dry maca.

And the axis and the preparation itself:

  1. At the saucepan with the same bottom I heat up (up to about 37 ° C, not to the boil) fresh milk, then, after taking out the fire, I make new zukor.
  2. For the help of a grater on the other side, I add it to the sum of milk squeaky squeak, so I sip ½ of a large spoonful of wheat boroshn - I mix everything and for the rest I curl it up with a spit, pouring it in a warm place, so that it doesn’t blow up to 15 quills. Let it be quiet "pidide".
  3. I beat one egg with a whisk / fork, and vikoristovuemo only half.
  4. If a characteristic cap appears on the drizzles, then, it’s ready, you can work on it further.
  5. There I pour in exactly half of the beaten egg and into the masa I pass through a sieve wheat borosno (so it sours with sourness and learns zayvy brud, breasts) from sill.
  6. Relatively zamіshu tіsto doti, docks won't become soft, viscous and lower.
  7. I form a bag of dough, I wrap it with grub and slurry for 1 year 30 quills in a warm place.
  8. After the end, it is necessary to embrace it.
  9. I share yogo on chotiri equal parts, where I put it on a sausage. I carefully crush the edges of the pie, pinch.
  10. I'm spitting out savory pirzhki, filling up on 15 minutes - the stench may swell at the rosemaries.
  11. Smearing them with another part of a baked egg.
  12. Everything, you can vipkati! I spread it on a baking sheet on a deck and straighten it up to 25 quills at 180 ° C.

Now you know how to cook succulent patties with sausage, which will sink in your mouth. Savory!

Sitny recipe: spicy pie with minced chicken

Otzhe, continue the retelling of “Romanian Recipes”. Once again, with chicken / yalovich minced Russian pies, a recipe with a photo, which is added below to the cooking algorithm.

An important factor: don’t think about hurrying up with the test, it’s guilty that it will take at least two more times, so don’t miss a good wash. It seems like: “Be quieter, you will be farther away.”

The axis of what you want savory pies, what to sink in your mouth, and їх recipe:

1 bottle of fresh kefir; 3 bottles of wheat boroshn; 100 milliliters of dewy olives; 1 tablespoon of dry yeast; 1 tablespoon of savory zucru; 1 teaspoon salt.

Stuffing for pirіzhki and їх recipe: 350 g of chicken or yalovich minced meat; 1 piece of cibuli and a teaspoon of salt.

Let's start making fragrant pies:

  1. I take a bowl (or be it some other handy dish) and put olive oil in it (still the same hour at room temperature) with kefir - all the same, I lightly warm it in a saucepan with a toss bottom.
  2. I hang there strength, great zukor and drіzhdzhi. Relatively I change it, after which I fill the masa up to 10 strands in a warm place.
  3. With a sieve I pass it boroughly, as if with a stepping crock I sip into a sum of more - I’ll sue a fat thickly.
  4. I skip the dough in the form of a kuli, wrap it with a grub plek (you can just cover it) and leave it for one year. Under the hour of flooding, I opened the bag open, so that everything came quickly to its readiness.
  5. At the same time, I’ll bring it to readiness (without olive oil, because it’ll be too fat) in a frying pan chicken or yalovich minced meat with milled tsibuleya, with some other seasonings to savor.
  6. Minced meat with its own erysipelas color? Be singing - be ready in full. It's too much to cool down.
  7. They gave us two options, it’s up to you: you can spread the dough into the layer and look at the new “cakes”, where you put a spoonful of stuffing, or you can just pluck the sacks of shmatochki and work like the first way. Form, rosemary - everything is on the eye, the taste of the cook's color. Don't forget about neatly pinching the edges.
  8. Zadalegіd rozіgіva olіya in the frying pan. 9 I will smear the leather pie good, from two sides to a blush.

Vipichka is ready! Show the recipes, finish the cakes - you will be at the mercy. Savory!

Do-it-yourself sirni pirozhki

I repeat once again, that the filling is your choice and your imagination.

As a recipe for recipes, here the spicy is not particularly folded, and as a “heart” I’ve already cooked a chicken egg with fresh brown cheese (as an option, you can replace it with cowbass, the same sausages, lecho).

Little clue:

  1. You can not buy sir, but vikoristati stitching. Here% fat, which is to be forgiven, is not important.
  2. Buy frozen dough in stores, and in the kitchen, wash clothes at room temperature here from 30 hvilin.
  3. You have about two dozen ready-made boroshny vyrobu.

Pirіzhki are folded from: 1 kg of already rolled dough; up to 500 g of any kind of sir with some amount of fat content; up to 3 pieces chicken eggs(1 їх - Zhovtok); strength and force for relish.

Let's start preparing appetizing pies:

  1. I take it warmly (vitrimane at room temperature t ° C) and cut it into 7 pieces of air and 3 across.
  2. The skin is a small square, what a viishov, I lightly stretch it with my hands so that the future man can easily fold them up without any problems.
  3. At the skin I put a spoonful of sir - ½ before the dough, ale without juice and zavoї vologa, what you want, more pirіzhuyut rozkleїtis and rozpovztisya.
  4. Before that, how to cover the filling with the other part of the test square, I make a couple of incisions on the "face" side - so the pies are better baked, they will not be unacceptably watery and wet.
  5. I sip pirzhki on topping with deco top oil at temperatures up to 220 ° C for about 20 quills.

Sirnі the most simple pirіzhki are ready. Learn the recipes and create the first class vipіchka! Savory!

Licorice cakes based on cheese paste

The test on such an unusual test depends on the following ingredients:

2 pieces of chicken eggs; 500 g of syrah with a rich fat content; 3 tablespoons of pistachio tsukru; 10 tablespoons of millet wheat boar; 2 pinches of salt and soda.

How to say pies:

  1. I beat the eggs in one bowl (Misc) with zucr until the remaining ingredient is fully expanded.
  2. I’m sipping potim there, sir, parts of wheat are boros, that soda is sill - I’m smoky, not cool.
  3. I carefully divide it into 20 pieces of shortbread, then I burn the filling in yakі potim.
  4. Deco smeared with top oil and sip on new pies here up to 15 quills at 200 degrees Celsius.
  5. For preparation, as an embellishment, you can vicorate tsukrovu powder.

Testka is ready! Vіdkrivayte for yourself those close new non-violent recipes and complete the beginners. Savory!

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