Kiluvati kohanu in a hickey uv_ dream. Tlumachennya sleep passionately kissing in dream books. Dream Interpretation - Cholovіchі Slantsі

Every once in a while a person can dream about a wondrous dream. Why are the checks in the share, like having a hickey in the wind? Hickey can feel a new kohannya, strasnі stosunki on the side, problems for the girl for the sake of it.

If yoga was deprived on shii, then the dreamer will be ashamed for some fault, but you won’t turn the broken one. Zhіntsi is such a dream-like dream, as if it would end no better. Є ymovіrnіst, scho won chi її kohaniy otrimaє injury, it is also better to endure zustrіch.

Bachchit a person's hickey - before the great scandal in this world, it will be revealed that a person has long been happy with his best friend, but you will not be shameful for tse.

What do you dream about hickey

Bachiti people, yak maє on the tіlі richly zasuvіv - to be beaten by unknown persons. However, there will be a pidlashtovane kokhanoy people, as if she wanted to take revenge.

Like a woman dreaming of a hickey on her breasts, it’s better to take her own life, the shards of a person already begin to suspect it. Moreover, if there are a lot of people in the know and right, then whether one of them can build a squad.

Zgidno spring dream book, hickey vіschuє fenced not satisfied. For a young person, such a dream is coming from a sensitive special, as it will give him a lot of positive thoughts.

What is hickey

For Miller's dream book, hickey to talk about those people who have a more sensitive nature. A young woman can also dream of a sweet cochance, which brings me to my mind in a lie. Axis only for a long time the novel is not trivatime.

As if hickey was given to the people at the rock, then the wine is already setting its position, like a kohanets. Women do not get what they want. You can’t do anything for sim vin, because you take your own.

Bachiti hickey uvі snі at the squad - to superechki z it, yak pretended to be on the bellowing z'yasuvannya stosunkіv. In short, about those who won herself beautiful woman on the earth

Miller's dream book

New dream

Children who kiss are a sign of reconciliation in this work that brings satisfaction.

Kiss your mother in a dream - it means that in reality you will be far away on the right, and also you will fall in love with your friends.

Kiss brother and sister - before good luck to the sinners between you.

If you kiss your kohana in the dark, then in reality you will be checked for troubles and immoral employment.

Kiluvati її in the light of the day - a sign that you have always honestly named a woman.

If you kiss the unknown, then spend it like rubbish and honesty.

Kiluvati without permission - until the risky hour. Poturannya khtivim bajannyam can lead to tragedy in shanovniy sіm'ї.

Bachiti your superman kissing your kohana means that you can spend your honor.

For friendly people, kiss one and one more, to harmony with family stosunka.

If you dream that you kiss someone else, then you see passion; when you see that you are exercising self-control.

Tsіluvati supernik - moving the one that you grow up to reconcile with a disgruntled friend.

If a young girl is smart, if you dream, if you want to dance, like kissing a kokhan, then in reality, a nasty unkind person will become an obvious friend. If you see the dream of cohany tsіluє іnsha, then you won’t go for it.

Dream Interpretation AstroMeridiana

Why dreamed Kiss-lunok

The physical closeness is symbolic like that, the shards seem like a feeling, and the act of reconciliation is like a reconciliation. Ale, yakscho with relatives chi kohanim is easy to explain, then, for example, why dream of a kiss with a person, we will tell fortunes before you? Behind the furnishing, dotik with lips vіschuє vіschuє povagu chi zalezhіnі vіd іnshih.

  • A kiss with another uvі snі - the check is right on you priєmna zvіstka.
  • Kiss with a stranger conflict situations at the neighbor if you know.
  • Like children kissing one another in shock - they have a calm and thoroughly understanding mind.
  • To dream of a wicked kiss at the shock of a mother will be blessed: be it your initiation after such a plot will be crowned with success.
  • Do you kiss someone from the ruin in the light? Your nobility and self-confidence will be known in the hearts of the hearts of the hearts. However, the kisses in the darkness tell about the lack of security through a dissolute way of life, they seem to be streaming.

Psychological tlumach Furtseva

Behind the dream book Potsilunki

A light lip torsion is a sign of voluptuousness or a viraz addiction. Psychoanalysts say that a kiss can come like a strong hvilyuvannya chi change in special spirits, so in advance of a spiritual zvіlnennya, zumovlennoy yakihos negative energies. Being a symbol of dominance and suffocation, kissing that dreaming, gains a singing meaning only in the future with the object, for some reason of directing.

  • If you feel maximum comfort in your homeland, then a kiss from someone from your relatives is a sign of spiritual harmony. You enjoy life, feel the joy of being with you and take it navkolishniy svit like indescribably holy.
  • To dream of kissing from a hated one, knowing that the boss sees suspicions: pіdsvіdome feel anxious and rehearing the troubles that are caused by people. If you want to fall into a dream and interrupt an intimate moment, be afraid for the sake of your friends.

Romantic dream book

Kiss until what to dream

Deep emotions do not always manifest themselves in reality, so don’t be afraid to kiss and enjoy it: the intimacy symbolizes the evolution of the senses.

  • Like a friend to inspire in dreams, kiss one by one, their connection is neimovirno mіtsny, and spending an hour at the same time is less likely to be noticed. The plot surroundings are roaring like signs of change in the windows.
  • To dream of a prejudiced kiss from a Kohanian in the light - from the same, it’s easy to grow up step by step to be more promising, wider and more friendly.
  • Sno farbuє impenetrable temryava, napіvtryava club chi flickering candles, and partner kissed uvі snі appeared unknowing? This symbolizes the hardships of the brethren: on a dream, check for serious testing, for the sake of abo to enchant intrigues. Separate yourself in some ways, or separate from the Kohan.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

Bachiti kiss dissatisfaction, tight for caress. Himself tsіluvatisya on you checks the lower union, affectionate stosunki, not ob'yazkovo z tim, whom you bachite more sleep.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Jesters

Why dream Kiss?

Deyakі tіnyovі postаі tsіluyut sleeping - in this form esoteric process of spiritual vibrance in the form of local negative energies (bіsa) for the correct Christian prayer. After such dreams, the prayer-practitioner realizes the undivided freedom, lightness, poignancy, and that inspiration, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

New to dream Kiss?

Tsіluvati kohanu in darkness - to reckless dissolution; Tsіluvati її with light means to save the honor and chance of the future to the women. Tsіluvati uvі snі unknown zhіnku - moving immoral vchinkіv. A dream, which you see with your man, means spiritual and physical harmony in your dreams. Tsіluvati uvі snі the enemy - until reconciliation with a friend. Bachiti see the dreams of children who are kissing, meaning peace and prosperity in the family, satisfaction with their work. Kiluvati your mother - to a successful acceptance, love and piety of friends. Kiss brother and sister - a sign of future satisfaction and good friendship.

Maliy Velesov dream book

Kiss until what dream?

Gypsy dream book

Why dream Kiss for gypsy traditions

Take a kiss to an unknown person means knowledge; take a kiss from an unknown woman who prophesies deceit and tranquility.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation of Vladislav Kopalinsky

Bachiti Potsilunok, cloudy:

Zrada, deceit, shakhraystvo, then this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

New to dream Kiss?

If you see a dream of kissing a kimos, then it’s unacceptable. If a maiden kisses, then for the lad it's sickness. Tsіluvatisya z kimos - bachiti friend. Tsіluvatisya - welding. Whoever kisses you, that buzz. Tsіluvatisya - separation. Kissing with a person of one's own status is false acquaintance. Kissing the dead - sickness. Pokіtryany pocilunok - pokіrnіst.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

How to dream Kiss, what does it symbolize?

Conquest and assimilation. Anniversary.

Dream Interpretation of Mandrivnik (Terentiya Smirnova)

Tlumachennya Kiss for your sleep

Breakup. Sensitive, passionately - to the point of ailment; trivaliy - ailing dovge razluchennya chi welding is strong. Cold on the lips - kissed you - death itself indicated! Bіl at the lips - zvіlnennya in the form of a heavy ochіkuvannya, turboti. Div Dod. Kiluvatisya in the river. On the other hand, you can find a different interpretation from the offensive dream book.

Old French dream book

Kiss until what a dream, tlumachennya:

If you see a dream, you kiss someone - you have the best luck with everything that you happen to experience. Tsіluvati uvі snі chiїs legs - until the image of that humiliation. Be aware that I kiss you, - I tell you that I don’t have a good heart.

Abeta clouded dreams

Bachiti dream about Potsilunok, what does it mean?

Tsya diya - not only a little bit, but the th symbol of reconciliation s chimos. Tsіluvati znayomih - change, friendship. Kiluvati dead - taєmne pієmstvo, sickness, death. Kiluvatisya zі celebrity - your authority rises.

Modern dream book


Zrada at Kokhanni, separation.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

What a dream about a kiss from spiritual dzherel

Hello Kokhanki.

Dream interpretation mis Hasse

Tlumachennya dream:

Potsіlunok otrimati - parting with a special kohana; dati - mutually cohanna; zirvati - hotter kokhannya; nadіslati povіtryany - pokіrnіst.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Tlumachennya shodo saint:

Zrada in the kohanna - otrimati - separation from the kokhanoy special - give - mutually kokhannya - zirvati - hot kohannya - nad_slati reproach - pokirnist.

Why dream about the kiss of a woman and a person

Experts have established that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and is made up of other details. And dreams of cholovіkіv vіdrіznyayutsya by the specifics and active dynamics of the development of the future. Ce z gender vіdmіnnosti robotic brain. The symbolism of the dream is the same for the woman and for the man, so the symbolism of the dream for both articles is the same.

How to learn to understand your dreams

On the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih vyavіv pochutіv, pozіlunok shyu є іntimіshіm i rich gesture. Dream Interpretations show such a plot from the manifestations of passion, love tension. The meaning of the dream's ambition is formed at once with the details that have been dreamed up in the dream, as they help to clearly understand what to dream of like a dream.

With the lips of the neck of a kohanoi people, with the lips, they interpret the dream books with mutual feelings of that sympathy. Like a similar erotic gesture, having made an unknowing thing, then, in the next hour of life, there will be more surprises and inconsistencies.

Tlumachennya for girls

Kiss, who dreamed of a self-made girl in her neck, to gloom like a warning to the All-World about those who need to be assigned to life's priorities. Numerous short-lived romances can be negatively marked on the dreamer's reputation, and they can be drawn from names.

The zamіzhnya zhіnka, as if in a dream she gave a kiss to the neck of an unknown person, as if dream books are hardening, she can think of her debts with a person. So that thoughts about happiness left your head, it’s better to discuss the details with a person, so as not to rule the dreamer in an intimate plan.

Young lady, as if clapping in reality, you will be able to find out what a dream about a kiss is. Thus, the dreaming is full of confidence in tsomu, that the young man will grow a rich rock in the beak of serious waters.

Tlumachennya for people

A person, who, after dreaming of his image, may be more calm in the fidelity of the other half. Mutual sympathy has not faded between partners yet. Another interpretation of how to dream of a similar gesture is that the dreamer is very smart to sexual feelings before dreaming of a character, and it’s even more convenient for him to bring out his snarky addiction.

Kissing at the shiyu in the form of ignorance, u vі snі obіtsya dream book zustrіch іz sensitive nature, with which you will be swidkoplinny, but even more beautiful romance. Well, in the rice pannochka You knew that I was similar to a well-known person, which means that there is a possibility of real “hot” images with her.

Watch for a kiss at the shiyu

Bachiti, like another kiss at the shiyu of the kohanoi - a threat to spend the trust of the kohanoi people. It is better to look at crazy ideas, she does not give the opportunity to her girlfriends to secrete from a sample behind her back.

As if it happened to bachiti the same picture, ale, navpaki - de lad shows initiative, it means that the time has come to think about the fidelity of the other half. Imovirno, close and trival stosunki are not a priority for a kokhan.

To interpret a man's dream, Freud describes how dreaming of a bachelorette kiss from a shyu, who was between a kohanoy and another lad. The dream book indicates the need to spend more than an hour in sex for prelude.

I dreamed that you were kissing your enemy in a dream - look around at all sides. Like a solid dream book, deyak friends and close people lead an underground group and zhorstok fool you.

Dream Interpretation Kiss at Shiyu

Why dream of a kiss at the neck of a dream

Kissing at the neck of your dream may be a small respite until the day of your feelings. Sound a dream to the fermentation of the bodily bazhan, like you see in reality. A dream, in the same figure as a kiss, means that in reality the hour has come for children to be richer, conquering roztashuvannya.

So a dream can mean that you are filthy in yourself and are shy to the point of partiality in stosunki. Often such a dream comes to quiet, whose sexual desires have accumulated to milk for a long time and now they are whispering out. Depending on the one whom you kiss in your dream, you can understand who, in reality, we have an initiative about the nearest link.

Dream Interpretation Tsіluvati

What can we accept, Chim a kiss! Ale ce in real life, And how did you happen to Kiss the sky or Kiss the hand of an unknown person? With whom did you yourself not consider similar behavior to yourself and would you not allow yourself in reality? For example, can you kiss a man or kiss a girl, if you change from a slave or from a woman? Dream Interpretations, be it a kiss, describe again and again and report, Aja a cloud of sleep like a dream will lie in the presence of the One Whom and how you happened to be Kiluvati. So, Kiluvati in the neck or Kiluvati legs, be it for someone to dream of Dream Interpretations - that’s a direct push for more, Which is a great sympathy ...

Tsіluvati u vі snі the deceased- to the ailment of a dream, For a different version - an even more unsafe dream, it promises death to you who are close to you; otherwise - as if the deceased knew you, Dream to talk about condemning him to your behavior; otherwise - wait until the change, Until the board.

In rich cultures, the health of the sky is considered an unsafe phenomenon - when stuck with a corpse, it is possible to become infected with special bacteria, Sounds like a legacy - and illness, and death. Ale, in Russian culture, it is accepted to kiss the dead, To say goodbye to him, Show your respect to the new one. From tsієї pozitsії nayіmovіrnіshe і varto evaluate the description of the dream - Tsіluyuchi u vіd snі pokіyny, You nіbi say goodbye to him, Let yogo zі svogo zhittya, Zvіlnyаєte yogo and yourself in the bolіsnoї gorіchnii...

Tsіluvati uvі snі hand - like a person you know, Tse is a sign of your honor or vdyachnosti; for a person to kiss the hand of a woman - a dream to talk about yoga sexual interest in a person; for a woman to kiss the hand of someone - to talk about proof of conscience, Experience from the drive of some obscene vchinkiv.

Vitlumachuvati dream is necessary for the person of a person, as you see. Tіlesny contact with a special protilezhno statі svіdchennya rather than sexual craving (for example, showing a bi kiss at the lips or in disguise), but a viraz of wide vdyachnosti, pogov, bowing before him. The phrase “Kiss your hands” is interpreted and interpreted as showing your prettiness and interest.

Tsіluvati u vі snі chоlovіka- For young girls and women, it is a dream to talk about sexual dissatisfaction; іnakshe (for women) - a dream foresaw zrada; for a person of another person, ciluvati - innocence in oneself; іnakshe - before welding іz othеr chi with the authorities.

The dream is so self-varto to look at the dreamers from the state of the dream. For a young woman, or a girl, a dream, it’s more than enough to talk about one thing - її pіdsvіdomy, attachments of sexual interest to the object of an opposite position (more tsіkavіshe, if you know a person in a dream). Follow alone with yourself respectfully rozіbratisya - it's possible, You've long been afraid of knowing yourself in a wide sense to a singing person. Everything made sense, if the family lady dreams about the denunciation of the relative status and the kiss with him. It may be provoked as a rapt special interest, so it was inspired by the real conditions of the past day. Possibly, Someone from the know showed sympathy for you, expressed their interest, that you had a similar plot in a movie. Naygolovnіshe - firmly verse for yourself, Pozіlunok іz cheloveka vі snі definitely not dictating your physical dissatisfaction in the ninіshnіh stosunkіv?

Tsіluvati uvі snі dіvchinu - beautiful for a person, Ale unknown girl cherish the remaining friendliness of innocence, Yaskravy novel "on the side"; іnakshe - before welding, Welding, Separation, or before separation from Kokhana; in a different way - to good news, To a fun hour (fun); another version - up to pennies, getting an unstoppable light surplus.

For a person, a dream, in which he had a chance to kiss a girl, who clearly expressed interest in someone from his own sharpening, it is logical to explain the appearance of such a dream and prihovaniyami, pіdsvіdomim thoughts about health. However, the Maiden as an object of sleep often acts as a symbolic symbol. Like a dream, decipher it like this - pretty, Healthy Girl is a clear sign of success and good luck on the right; the girl is sick and beautiful - timchasov problems and problems. Just as you saw the dream of a pretty little-known girl, it doesn’t mean that it’s the end of your ninth breeze, or you are internally shilyayetsya to hell. Possibly, a wholesome dream - check the next hour to receive news and good luck!

Tsіluvati u vі snі someone nebudu shiyu - uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust, uh u tіluєte child, Tse is already a good sign, Existing and material blessings, І mіtsne zdorov'ya, І family well-being. Tsіluvati in the guise of a protilezhnoi statі - a sign of sexual interest, Attachment of pulls. For a different version - a dream means try to treat yourself to a person, Yak you kiss, Like kissing you, So, if you want to fix a vice on you.

Tsіluvati u vі snі kos і і і іѕ аn obvious sign аѕ thе sexual craving (іѕ іt іѕ thе tight erogenous zones), аѕ thаt іt wіll hаѕ thе cogos pіdkоriti (did you know, Like a vampіri!). To that, like a dream, so varto evaluate the appearance of the head object of the dream (you happened to kiss the unknown man, the child, as a denunciation of the opposite position).

Tsіluvati uvі snі legs of be-whom - like a man older for you, Dream vіschuє, Scho you will not have to wait for help for help to the greater kerіvnitsva or to senior comrades; otherwise, to torment you, feel guilty before the people, Whose feet you kiss; like kissing you at the feet, Dream about the development of osteochondrosis, Problems with the ridge. For a man to kiss the legs of an unknown girl - until a new romance, Like you kiss the legs of a squad, A beloved woman, A dream is shown on the ultrasonography, The width of that mіtsnіst stosunkіv. Zhіnka bachit yourself a comus that kisses your feet, So, if you want to support your own will, Take away absolute control over her.

Well, and everyone was fully aware of the fact that they were potsіlunkіv nіg! Kiss your feet - tse turn your own pokіrnіst, readiness to listen to everyone and podkoryatisya tsomu object. You can say your own cult, which is to offer the very one to whom you kiss your feet in a dream. Take a look at your setting until the people are awake - it’s possible, It’s necessary to press over you, Otherwise, it’s best for you to “put yourself down” to some extent for the sake of your own calmness and plunder.

Man kissing shiyu

Dream Interpretation - Shia

Shia - dovga, thin - unhealthy - beautiful - vpevnіst - miti - healthy - swollen - happy - trim chi strangle - want to hurt your well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Shia

Someone else sit on your neck.

Dream Interpretation - Tsіluvati

Tsіluvatisya uvі snі z priyomnoy i bazhanoy people - to summary thoughts, nevislovlennyh pretensions. Zhіntsi cholovіka tsіluvati - to sadness, anger, rozdratuvannya. Kissing a young girl is a sign that an unholy profit is on you. Temperamental girl - to the wedding, a new link. Kiss the old woman - until tight. Kiss your sweetheart - throw a fortune teller. I will indulge a woman kissing - to irresistible news. I am hovering, kissing - to the point of innocence. Kiss your mother - you will be happy at your commercial enterprises, your true friends will appreciate you and respect you. Brother and sister kiss - the transfer of satisfaction and kindness to friends. Katu tsіluvati - you take away a gift in the form of someone else's people. Kissing someone's hands - before the matchmaking, a new adoptive acquaintance with a future relative. Kissing your hands in a dream - a rose is on you. Bachiti kiss the children - the transfer of a happy rebirth to this success on the right. Birds or creatures are kissing - a happy dream, which honors you, happiness, fun. Kiss the earth - until parting. Kiss a lot of different women, and bachite young people for yourself - bring your own friend.

Dream Interpretation - Kiluvatisya

Kisses, without a trace, are associated with young dead. Once upon a time, imagine two little ones (not grown up!), Who kiss unselfishly on the subway escalators. You can kiss with a kimos, marvel, like others kiss, or you can imagine that the axle-axis will kiss you. Ts_luyuchi іnshoy u vі snі, in such a rank you can simply realize your sexual desire by marriage to anyone. Moreover, in such a time, it’s not a kiss for the sake of a kiss, but a kiss for the sake of the energy of the fire. Kiss - tsebazhannya to awaken addiction, moreover, it’s not necessary to reveal one’s addiction to oneself. You bachite, how do others kiss? Father, you know something very special about these people, otherwise you take an active part in your life. Blame it on the slips, if you see a sign of your partner’s kiss, it’s an obvious sign of innocence and strength to voyeurism in your eyes. If you feel like you're slacking off, I don't want to kiss you, it shows your real sexual attraction to anyone. Call to the right not to reach the corner, to the one who is thrown on the other. The reason is a little FORBIDDEN: you want a kiss, but you know that it’s not necessary. What do you watch for the hour of the contract: do you feel like a threat? Have you longed for a kiss of chi vin buv impositions? What were your dreams like in the wake of the party: ohida, more romantic, more like an addiction?

Dream Interpretation - Cholovik

If you dreamed of a person, it means that you check for satisfaction. As if you see a dream of an unknown person who sees that he is having an adventure. Bachiti uvі dream to yourself as a person means to have a drink in a piquant situation with far-reaching traces. As soon as the person is slandered by the dream, the person is rebuked at the vyaznitsa, then you are told that you have made plans that you have been guilty of for a long time. Bachiti uv_ dream of a person-actor - before the possible welding with friends, or the loss of someone from people close to you. You can imagine, tears that grief. Annoyance, bug. Yakshcho cholovіk, which you have been treated to by your sleep, being an obstetrician, it means a sickness. Bachiti cholovіka svoєї mrії uvі snі i radіti splkuvannyu with him means that you happen to cry a lot and experience through drіbnitsі. As if, in a dream, a person of small stature is trying to start welding, or a biyka with a person, as if I will turn over by force, it means that you are changing through drіbnitsa. Likewise, a dream promises unacquainted knowledge, and it’s zavdyaky that your life will be full of joy. Mіzh іnhim, raznі іstorіchnі dzherel induce numerical butts nіv, yakі passed podії, yakі verdі became pіznіshe. The ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (bl. 45 - bl. 127), the Roman historian and writer Gaius Svetonij Tranquill (bl. 70 - bl. 140) and many others tell about such facts in his "Porіvnyalnye zhittepisakh". About one prophetic dream, which prophesied misfortune, Plutarch's explanation was saved from his famous Zhittepisiv. Like a night before the night of the battle of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, the yogo squad of Calpurnia jumped at the ridanni: I had a dream, I could not get out in the arms of a murdered man. Її experiences were so volatile that Julius Caesar could say the meeting of the Senate, scheduled for the whole day. Yakbi vіn having given the meaning to someone in advance, burn, given to his squad, then he would be alive (twenty-three knife wounds were given to him in the Senate, in which the senators took their part) and the advancing history of the Roman Empire was shaped differently.

Dream Interpretation - Cholovik

If you dream of a young, handsome man - in real life, anxiety is on you. An old man, vibrating like a gray man, living a long life. Dzhe ogryadny, povny cholovik with a great belly - to the reception podia and vіdchuttіv. A man with a beard means sickness in the family. A man at a shirt is a sign of an unhappy dress, at an expensive elegant suit - you will enjoy all the blessings of life all the time in the world. An ugly man iz vydshtovhuyuchimi rice disguise - until rozcharuvannya kohanom. A frowning person in a filthy mood means that you are stuck with a bagatma with shifts to the path of your plan. Zhittєradisny and comradely cholovіk vіschuє, scho you know the popularity of zavdyaki attainable successes. Aggressive person, who rudely seeks intimacy with you, means that you are checked by an unacceptable experience through a person, as if you were respected by your friend. Bachiti uvі dream of a dead person - for big pennies.

Dream Interpretation - Tsіluvati

Kiss with cohanim. Delight of the day: a threat to your stosunki. Try to make them happy. Tsіluvatisya with a friend, comrade in service, relatives. The joy of the day: from these people you will be more enlightened. Trust me. Kissing a celebrity. The joy of the day: the success of the right is on you, so you show the rice of your character, the powerful person. Kiluvatisya with an unknown person. The joy of the day: you have a hard time. For the next hour, look at your own mind and change the way of life. Let's kiss and die. The joy of the day: to happen to be separated with hope. At once you need calm and less calm

Dream Interpretation - Shia

Dovga, thin - unhealthy; beautiful - vpevnіst, shvidka zaruchennya; miti - healthy; trimati chi strangle - want to harm your goodness; swollen - good luck

Dream Interpretation - Cholovik

Yakshko zhіnka bachit u vі snі snі pіmnogo chіlovіka z garnimi risov lichchya - dream about іtsyaєєy їy prosperous, contentment share, neabiyaku joy. How such a dream to dream of a man is a sign of long-term business relationships, weldings with partners, the approach of business rivals. A man with a white ode will give joy, I will become a thief, in black - a waste and a sum. The hunchback does not promise anything good, because often the dream is about deceit, and the peace is quiet, whom you trust.

Dream Interpretation - Meta

(Surprise at the darkness: shoot) Bachiti metu uvі dream means, then you can reach the building of the bazhany. Getting to the point where you dream is a sign of great success. We are ill with such a dream showing that soon the stinks will finish their life way. Shukati metu uvі snі means that you need more rіshuchosі and nakoglivostі, yakscho you want to achieve success. Know the location of your dream is a sign that you are on the right path.


Buzkova fairy

The key word IS SUITABLE for a person and you want affection and caress from him. Not all dreams of the prophets, so our brain works. Behind the dream book, which people see until parting.

Martsepan Fakirovich

Have you kissed your father in real life?

Ushakova Tetyana

You will have problems because of the woman. Head - tse cholovik, shiya - tse zhіnka. Tsіluvati whole bark.

Vorozhinnya (love spell) Lilia

To hell with that vile stuffing

life and shit shit

Just want yogo ta th mustache. Otherwise navit not dreaming, not those who kissed uve dreams.

Julia Ablezgova

For me, a kiss in a dream-separation in reality ... 100%


Kiss to withdraw before parting

Now I dream about what a person is, who deserves to be repeatedly hugged and kissed in disguise, and I kiss him on the neck?


Rita Vladimirskaja

You will be warmer with him, more trustworthy

Maria Shishnakova

Nothing to what. Dreams do not tell the future. Take a dream, if the brain acquires information, I will take it off by the stretch of the day. It’s sing-song, during the day you were trampled, tied up with this man, otherwise you thought a lot about him, you had a dream about him. To that very point, before we speak, we often dream about our kohanih - it stinks to think about them.

Kiss a human being

Dream Interpretation - Cholovic hand that sees spiritual warmth

Together with the great Light (hand) to reward you, as if you are preparing yourself - allow yourself to be more unbranched (cabbage). Tobto less self-control, give yourself the right to pardon. You don’t think about your mood, but open your hands to take away the fence. Hai be happy.

Dream Interpretation - Cholovichi addictions

Walking away from the classic clouding imagery in a dream: Bachity of a beautiful, well-folded and spritny person - You will be happy with life and will be blessed with a new world, but in your dream - a person without a front tooth, without a disguise - that - without clear intentions, without tribes, without tribes ... Cholovik (kolishnіy) - frowning, jealous, lower growing and still with a knife at your dream - can mean a threat, rozcharuvannya, richly difficult in the sight of many sounds, honed, well-known ... see the people - You have not changed your look and relish from the past. І Your guess is about it.

Possibly, reconciliation with your woman's day. Zhіnochim on the cob. A sign for you to become women, taєmnichishimi ... If you become a woman, then the lad instructed to appear for you. Think so.

Dream Interpretation - Kissed with a girl

You try to understand your woman's daily life.

Your suggestion is trying to get you into problems in the special sphere, as if some of you are dissatisfied with what you are doing, and are ready to go beyond the reasonable, right up to the change of the social position. In the distance, it’s time to deal with the problem and help yourself on the number of heads, what you need to change in yourself, so that you become happy.

Dream Interpretation - Kissing with the dead brother of a man

You want to hide (laugh) any problems (steel), but for which you need inner strength (pozilunok, kіltse), and you її take it away, so change yours together with the light of the world (middle finger) and you will not be pleased korisno for you. And your anxiety is kind of unreasonable. Hai be happy.

Dream Interpretation - The voice of a man is a dream.

I want to reassure you that whether it be death, or remembering about it in a dream rarely means death itself. It is similar to your attitude, the voice telling you about those that this period of 52-53 will be for you new rіven svedomostі, you will become spiritual, enlightened by a radiant person. Well, if the voice was waking up in reality (if you had already thrown in), then it’s immovirnist, that you could feel the voice of the spirit (otherwise the people died like an angel), which is neobov'yazkovo put up to you. Sometimes in a special camp between sleep and unsleeping we can connect to such a whirlwind for a little spirit and reassurance, we can come in the fall of the stars in good time (when you try to keep the radio going, stand still). Have a hell of a weekend! Success!

Dream Interpretation - Cholovіchі Slantsі

Good morning, Oleno! “I’m spitting something on a string, more on a chomp down the swirling water” - information provided from the bridge for the hour of dreaming. "Navkol to wash stones" - the processing of information by the mind. “We’ll sweat, maybe, we’ve spread, I’m climbing on the great stone, barefoot” - interpretation of information by reason. “I am running out of blue color slates. I’m crying out, and leviy rips around the edges ”- sins, karmic attachments (to the past, shards of levi slate), and at the moment you take a fee for the price (slate of rips). “Let’s sweat at whom we sleep, why not heat us up, the water flows down from the walls, from the walls. I present the cebro white, it reminisces sharply. The water is not too pure” - soon the inaccuracies of that ailment may come. Just don't live visiting. I recommend for whom practice to review that correct setting to life situations. http://www. sunhome. en/magic/15947 http://www. sunhome. En/magic/15903 Read the whole book rather than just a little more. God help! I diligently ask for your prayers, which I will require, and the melancholy of which I see is real. Your brother about the Lord...

Dream Interpretation - Cholovichі nipples

It is possible that that other girl will suit you one and the same lad. Otherwise, the situation will be like this for the future.

Dream Interpretation - Kiluvatisya with the boss

Good day, Julia! Your vision is visible on the surface of your concealment. Fuck Christ!

Receiving person kissing

Dream Interpretation Receptionist Kissing Shiu had a dream about what to dream about in a dream To select a clouded dream, enter the key word for your dream in the search form, or press it on the cob letter, which characterizes the dream image (so you want to take the online clouding of dreams to a letter without a letter behind the alphabet).

At once you can recognize what it means to bachiti uvі snі Received person of the kiss, having read below without a costly clouding of dreams from the best online dream books of Budinka Sontsya!

Dream Interpretation - Shia

Shia uvі snі є a symbol of power, honors and spadshchina. Pain in the area of ​​shiї uvі snі vіshyuet great bugs about the unacceptable right. A dream, in which you have broken yourselves, pointing to those who, for the power of foolishness, you will lean at a twisted camp and all your plans will fall. If you think about those, how to hit someone on the shi, then in reality you can exercise control over yourself and save yourself, with which you will stock up your right and zapsuet the blue necessary people. A dream, in which you feel bad, see shame, dishonor that material waste. If you dream that you have broken your own, then you will not be afraid to feel about the failure of how you can do it, as you have previously respected the hopeless. Bachiti your own cry with a dream means that you do not run into the tasks set before you. Tovstuyu bachiti uvі snі is a sign of the superiority of your camp, which shows that you can overcome whatever difficulties you have. A dream that you have been beaten, that your neck has become a tovstoy, means that material goodness is very special.

Dream Interpretation - Shia

Zhirnu shiyu mother uvі snі - to success. Thin shiyu pobachit uvі snі - to marny robіt і torments. Inflated blue chia bacchiti - it is important to endure life for the sake of it, to suffer in life's hustle and bustle. It’s been a day, it’s been a dream - don’t mother willpower. Porіzanu shyu mother vі vі snі - to the point of inaccuracies. Look at your neck - to the point of insecurity, insufficiency, which you need to beware of. Chesati shyu uvі snі - to the point of embarrassment. They patted the collar on the shii - spend it in a hostile camp. A beautiful woman's bachiti - for a man to take a side of a kohan woman. Ugly naked shiya - for the young to move that which will not be fun.

Dream Interpretation - Shia

Membership shi for a person in yoga dream is a sign that in a new house the head of a sim'ї is a woman. Mitya Shia - buy a better way for the squad. To fumble, I read it - to try to destroy someone else's homeland through the power of tricks. Vzagali for all bachiti uvі sni shyu - to the land, power, wealth. Vlasna shiya - negarazdi at her. Yakshto zvelo shyu - a dream prophesying pennies. Rani chi narivi on shiї - until forgiveness chi ailment. Yakshko shiya comrades for the zvichayna - to the posh. Knightonshe - to spitefulness, quarrelsomeness. They crushed them like a shia - eat at the fallow land like someone. Bitten - if you are sick, you are stuck with inaccuracies.

Dream Interpretation - Shia

Look at your own - unsafe, unstoppable, you need to beware of it. Mother fat Shia - success. Swelling is sickness. Thin - marni pratsі that flour. Mother zdutu blue shii - it is important to endure life for the sake of it, to suffer in life's hustle and bustle. Don't mother shi - don't mother independent will, children automatically or according to inspiration. Mati porіzanu shyu - negarazdi. Chesati shyu - confusion. Mati nashinik on shiї is an unacceptable camp.

Dream Interpretation - Shia

Shea is a symbol of power, honors, wealth and great decency. Whoever succumbs to the dream that yoga has become bigger and bigger for the best, that everyone respects for yoga honesty and a good life, and you will become richer without a bar, lower it earlier. Changed in obsyazі shiya means protilezhne. How can anyone dream about calling chi, squeezing yoga with his hands, a bad sign. Such a dream is for the one who bachivs yoga, who cheers to your people, as if in a dream she laid her hand on him. Bachiti see your neck crooked so that your head is constantly shaved for one beak - a sign of misfortune, waste it. Fluffy shiї uvі snі vіd zapalennya chi chirya vіschuє ailments. Bachiti yourself with a dream cut by the throat, ale Tim, who lost their lives, means hope and success in the end. Lyudina, who is dreaming that they cut her throat with a knife, takes away the image. Well, if you yourself cut the throat of a friend you know, it means that I’m guilty of it on the other side, already committed, or it’s not enough to kill such a wine.

Dream Interpretation - Shia

"hang on someone's shoulders" become a tractor, protect the zealots. “Zlamati chi burn yourself” do not loosen your strength, get entangled in a clearly unimaginable, unsafe project. "Vishtovhati in shiya" drive away. "Burn your coma" win. "vytyagnut shyu" tsіkavіst, far-sightedness.

Dream Interpretation - Shia

As you see your dreams, marvel in the mirror and stare at your neck - long, beautiful and look - your reputation will shine in the next hour. If yours is old and wrinkled, you will be fooled by enemies. Be aware of the shi's - it is unreasonable for the older and younger generations to create an unfriendly environment in the sim'ї. As if you had a dream that yours is old and wrinkled, to show that you smear it with a miraculous elixir and she becomes young and beautiful (div. Elixir). Yakshcho watched bіl, yavіt, scho you wrap the ailment on your neck with a scarf - and bіl vіl once pass. So you give scarves to all your relatives (div. Scarf).

Dream Interpretation - Shia

For example, you have restored respect to your neck: such a dream is ahead of you about those that your negligence and negligence can harm your rights. Make your neck thin: a sign of your helplessness in front of possible inaccuracies. it seems that you don’t care about learning to stand up for yourself and show your interests. If yours is given to you ahead of time: it means that in reality the marna tsіkavіst vіdvolіkaє you in real problems, threatening to become a dzherel for you incomprehensibly. Zustriti people from dozhina's neck: a sign that someone shows interest in your rights. A person with a short neck, drawn into her shoulders, is wavy in her sleep: she is in trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Shia

If you dream that you are in good hands, it means that you are unfriendly family blue nashkodyat your service on the right. I feel like I’m crying - I see that your testimony and that cynical statement to the point of puffing you up to the ruin of someone else’s homeland. If a woman succumbs to sleep, if she is thin, it is a sign that she will become quarrelsome, as if to gain control over her character. .Bachiti cipher, you see, that you decipher the encryption of the material, or you try to read ancient texts, talk about your long-standing practice to literary practice. A dream will bring you success in your room, to which you will come, having added deep knowledge and knowledge. . School Awareness of the school uvі snі is a sign of your insane literary talent. How do you dream, you are young, and the school of your sleep is the school of your youth, that means. See that the vagueness of the share will confuse you for the simple truths and unforgiving joys of many days. If you dream about what you teach at school - it means that you are bestowed with humanitarian enlightenment, prote suvor need to change everything in the bread. If you see the school of your childhood, it means that such an incident will obscure your current life. Bachiti see the school and the children at the її yard - obіtsyaє to you the steps of convergence by service gatherings.

Dream Interpretation - Shia

If you want to sing your dreams on your own comrade, what is your friend, mother on your own, I don’t accept it on the right. If you want to shake your eyes, if these people cut your neck and gave your head, then for the sick - ce to health, for the hoarder to the wind of the borg and to the construction of "hodge".

Man kissing shiyu

Dream Interpretation - I am a man

You have a strong masculine character, you want to play the role of a leader among the young women.

Dream Interpretation - My man came to my mother

As if we were going through the whole dream in a red row, the garni mood of a dead person, then there was no trace of panic, since the wines came of their own free will. Another option may be to see the torment of your mother, about the fact that she could not help this person alive. Tsі vrazhennya posilyuyuutsya at the peaks, if the person visited the funeral. Tsya pod_ya zavzhdy zalisha unforgotten vrazhennya on pіdsvіdomіst i can let you know about yourself the hour at the hour! In dreams, it is more important to give the deceased (the stench in some food is better than the recognition), but more important, as if you are missing it. I admit that nothing important has been said, such a time needs to take a dream like a prohannya: - guess about me, I love you and continue to love! Talk to me! Meni by itself! Ale do not hurry here! “Sit at home” R.S. Ask your mother, who doesn’t feel guilty about those, how to live, who doesn’t need to get out, who doesn’t get through with him, for example, to you ... You should change the sense of dreaming!

Dream Interpretation - Water, man

As if the reshkoda resurrects you as a well-being. Podolavshi yoga, you porinete at the light of change: and in a special life, and in the natives with relatives. A prophetic dream will appear at your sharpened, hot shanuvalnik.

Dream Interpretation - Water, man

Possibly, in real life, together with your girlfriends, you shot a person you knew for a long time, about whom you had long forgotten. And the scourge of evil has been thrown at you and you, perhaps, the whole person has become handsome. You are ruined, what will be given - you know.

Possibly, you seem to have a worse problem for you. Possibly, tsіy problemі kіlka rokіv ... Energize for the sake of tsоgo cholovіka.

Dream Interpretation - Pilny look of a person

Obviously, a person has appeared in your life, as for other reasons, he does not like you. Wanting to “dislike” is an understatement. I would encourage you to look at some of your friends, friends who just know. Maybe, man, as to come to you at the hour of the hour, let’s see, whom you, let’s say, already know well in life, but in a dream you won’t be in a different guise, and you, obviously, you don’t know. Yogo’s important look confuses you and scurries around: try (for sure, it’s not good enough) to see yogo in a dream, confuse yourself with it. Well, if you look at this dream from a skeptical point of dawn, it could be a great nightmare, and you just don’t have a trace of a new respect. Ale, I’m trying my first version of it: you have a thief, and why not love you more and more strongly, as if your eyes were terrified of you, and then we’ll turn around. Upevneniy, if you slip, you are left with a thought, more than a dream, and close to ten or fifteen seconds it’s right to reach you, if you see a dream, but at once they slipped. Perhaps you have crossed someone's path, so move on, and now you will take revenge. Your suggestion tells you that you see a dream that is repeated more than once. I don’t greet you, as if it’s still a little time for you to check the zustrich from this person. So, either take a look at your own conversation, or just forget this dream, and if you wake up again, throw yourself in the morning (it doesn’t matter, you yourself, but for an additional sleep) and laugh: there’s no such person with a heavy look, I dreamed ... So , what is in me today for the plan ...

Like two people drown and transform into fish

You can let go, what is being shown in front of you great prospects, at the same time with them you lie down on you, like, like you care, you won’t pull. But it’s not like that - you will achieve success, as if you’re smart and without worry, make a decision in any situation, as if it’s going to happen in the future

The car is higher, it’s improved on the right, but more precisely, it’s quicker, and how beautiful and expensive the car is, how fast and far away your right is! I wish you success!

Dream Interpretation - A handsome man in a red car.

Whether it’s a “katannya”, ruh uvі dream, it’s a motorcycle or a car ... - a symbol of sensible eroticism and connected with this rank experience. Garniy cholovik and zustrіch with him can show reality. Hai be happy.

Dream Interpretation - Passionate dance among people

Dancing ouvі snі, tse schira joy, if someone comes near your life, like it will be near the closest future one.

    Dream Interpretation "snitsya-son"

    dream interpretation: kiss h man at the mouth. Like you kiss in dream cholovik chi lad suction, then it’s not a good sign. Such dream talk about those who are approaching ailments. Possibly, your life does not have enough space for a sufficient amount of support. suction in dream kiss h a man at the lips can mean dissatisfaction with sexual life. Such dream maybe dream about girls, that there may be a lack of lower partners, they sing less to themselves.

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Bachiti in dream, yak wi kissing suction dream interpretation birthday grass, worm, lime, sickle. kiss for a person - to a friend's sake; for a woman - to a family scandal; for the independents - to the slubu. dreamed what am I kissing h other girlish.At I have reality girlin dream I'm sensible, only if I've started kiss h another, but himself kiss not worthy of me. And the whole irony lies in the fact that my girls having a dream mayzhe such himself dream(only...Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "Misseva"

    hickey in dream maybe dream about like a person, and a woman, it is respectful to read this clouding. Vlasne words " hickey I don’t know in Russian language, it’s better to turn to that description. As a rule, hickey name biased kiss u gubi s vikoristannyam movi Kiss suction in dream With a kohanoy people, you can signal about the separation of the Shvidka through incomprehensibility, a bit of that nonsense. Yakscho girls dream, which are overlaid on the top suction and it's strange kiss h unknown person, it means that її pіdsvіdomі hovayutsya... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    What does it mean kiss in dream for a person who was born into a vlіtku? dream interpretation give a negative clouding: you will become a victim for the sake of the squad. For a woman, this is such a filthy sign: serious scandals are minted on her in the family. And the axis is not fixed girl And how the dreamer is homosexual kiss, then it symbolizes the fortune-teller, chi acquaintance, as if it was a specially forged. per dream book Miller kiss in dream- filthy sign, especially if it's kiss h kohanim, which is seen in the impenetrable darkness. Read more

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    Until what dream kiss h girlish in dream. Like a person dream, what wine kiss kohanu girl- such dream it means that they have good fortune and mutual understanding. Yakscho dreamed, scho post kiss girl showing dissatisfaction - before welding, that separation from the kokhana. Like a woman dream, what її person kiss inshu girl- Tse filthy sign. Such dream may be in advance about those who will not be afraid of welding and separation. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Zhіnochiy dream book. Dream in which your judgments kiss h other girlish dreamed What are you angry at kiss with your sample - be ready to tiles and all the intrigues, like suction kiss- To parting with Tim, who is dear and dear to you. dream interpretation birthdays of spring, zhovtnya, chest. kiss in dream, yak wi kissing suction with an unfamiliar person - spend it in a situation that is hardly receptive to you.

    Dream interpretation "sleep"

    Yakscho girl forcibly having kissed in hickey, then she will really be embarrassed to pin a hundred women with her kohanets, to the one who knows about them and put a human ultimatum. Bachiti in dream, like a squad kiss in hickey with an unknown person - it’s true that in this vibe a scandal, such a way of life, the school ends. Like people dreamed, If you hickey on yogo tіlі buv deprivation by the sky, then in reality you will be threatened by an unfortunate flurry.

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Until what dream Kiss– Yakscho in dream kiss h girl kiss, then for the lad tse ailment. kiss h kim-nebud - bachiti friend. suction- to sickness; trivaliy - ailing dovge razluchennya chi welding is strong. Cold on the lips - you kissed- meant death itself! Bіl at the lips - zvіlnennya in the form of a heavy ochіkuvannya, turboti.

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Until what dream Kiss in dream: Kiss- tse bajannya awaken passion, moreover girls kiss in dream- until swidkogo zamіzhzhya chi love zustrіchey. having dreamed /dreamed suction kiss- Until parting with Tim, who is dear and dear to you.

    Dream Interpretation "k-chemu-snitsja"

    Until what dream kiss suction. Satisfaction with what is accepted in dream kind of bakery kiss, which, with its own fire, penetrates the witness, really turns into a stupor in front of a brilliant deed. Like after a long time welding with your young man, girls dream addicted kiss h to him - in reality, like a really dear lad, varto drink with him for reconciliation, otherwise you can know your own passion, less irritating that vibagliva.

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    Kiss in hickey can mean a disease that is approaching. Often dream means that in your life you have a marriage of rose and love. Such a dream girls you can tell me that a lad in real life lacks a bottom with her, and there you are dreamed, what kiss otherwise, your life will soon change for better. kiss in dream to kill in the presence of other people means that in real life, the dreamers are present far from being honest people, as they can heal be-like-whilini.

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    having dreamed dream... I'm sitting in the car, in spring cloth maybe have a day of your own wedding, i kissing h girlish(obviously, what I її know for a long time, but really in dream bachu) and wondrous sight kiss- I’m welcome, let me get out of the car, I’m going somewhere ... Today I’m having a dream such dream: On the days of the people, I succumbed to my girl, there to sit on the knees of my friend and stench kiss suction. What would it mean? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Until what dream suction kiss Sat December 12, 2015, 13:18:14. in dream I h girlish in I’m about to go, it’s like: where did you go? I'm overwhelmed wholeїї, when you won't nibi vismoktaє z me again and laugh. Kiss suction with a vaginal tribal. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Kiss h girlish dream book calls dream-upside-down: unacceptable girl in dream promise positive changes to the truth, and the axis of the beauty can make a little bid: bring bad stars or turn to obscene vchinkiv. in dream to you having a dream kiss h man, dream book calm for you: your homeland is full of joy and love. A dream reflects a new spectrum of sensitivity and harmony in your eyes, which does not fade with the fates of addiction. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Kiss in hickey in dream. Kiss suction- the extreme step of expression is one of the best, more similar to predilection, an emotional torment in a chomus, lower to a decision. kiss in dream. Potsіlunki in dreams symbolize the right name, which makes us feel like we are in front of our inner people. Mayzhe in all dreams may have important meaning itself kiss and your opinion yoga.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

    Ukrainian dream book. Bachiti Kiss in dream meaning: Yakscho in dream kiss h kimos, then unacceptable. Yakscho girl kiss, then for the lad tse ailment. kiss h kim-nebud - bachiti friend. Irina | 19 Spring 2011 12:23. Blіїїn ... Meni dreamed that I am Okhlabistina kissed suctionAt dream I really wanted to calm down Yogo, but if kissed didn't bother me a little... Dream the pavement is real, that I saw a musty breath, the smell of ailments, uncleaned teeth ... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnikgid"

    Until what dream Kiss- Separation. sensitive, suction- to sickness; trivaliy - ailing dovge rostavannya chi welding is strong. Cold on the lips - you kissed- marked death itself! Bіl at the lips - zvіlnennya in the case of a heavy ochіkuvannya, turboti. having a dream kiss h unknown guy, then in reality she is clearly seeing a lack of intercourse, suffering from selfishness. Zgidno z tlumachennyam dream book , kiss h stranger in dream- Tse is a sign that girls take care of yourself, so... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    having dreamed Kiss, ale necessary tlumachennya sleep can't in dream book? Our experts will help you find out what dream Kiss in dream, just write a dream in the form below and you can tell what it means, what in dream bachili tsey symbol. dreamed nibi me having kissed unknown girl goodbye after a walk suction!!!and after what else (she was pretty) what does it mean? Read more

    Dream interpretation "sleep"

    Until what dream kiss h girlish? Our life sleep play a role. І navit kіlka roles. First, dream help to get rid of the emotional vantage that accumulates during the day. In a different way sleep- Tse vіdobrazhennya deysnostі. What is the nature of the blue (friendly, fortune-telling, neutral, special and otherwise). Zagalom greater dream books explain kiss h girlish in dream so. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    mnu dreamed sho me lad having kissed Mayzhe not suction... Wonderful so? girl.Vona called me, I went to her and then she won me kissed in hickey=)in dream I'm crazy in it =) I realized that I could love you .. What can it mean? Darena 2011-04-11 18:57:34. Read more

    Dream interpretation "sleep"

    Just like that girl kiss in dream with a kohanoy people, then such a welcome dream maybe at the closest possible one, you can tell the lover's union. Yakshcho people in dream get rich kiss people, and when you see the tension, then such dream to talk about those who nadії yogo on shchos, better for everything, not to cope. Kiss at the ruins, which is three times to finish a long time, it can mean a separation into a tribal term, or as a form of a person on a kohana. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "snitsyason"

    Dream in which your judgments kiss h other girlish but for a woman - you see a separation for you. How about you dreamed What are you angry at kiss with your sample - be ready to the tiles and all the intrigues that will not let you live in peace. kiss- before applying, image for all. Bachiti in dream, yak wi kissing suction with an unfamiliar person - spend it in a situation that is hardly receptive to you.

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Until what dream kiss h girlish. Tlumachennya dream. Mostly dream, in whichever way kiss girl get friendly. For young people and older people, dreaming is a low acceptance of failures. Like a person dream, what wine having kissed young girl, Vіn otrimaє surplus. Meni dreamed what am I kissing h I know, I’m coming to you. How to understand, even in me nibi already є girl.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Yakscho in dream to you dreamed number: person, friend, colleague, father-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, in short - number, dream can mean novelty, zustrіch, zvіstka about those who having a dream. So just for singing conditions, you can show on similar ones with the past Kiss suction- the extreme step of expression is one of the best, more similar to passion, emotional torment in a chomus, lower solution. Passionate kisses in dreams, kisses h mine, to move into the category of dreams of an erotic character.

    Dream Interpretation "vseproson"

    let's go to bed dream, in yakoma stink kiss one to one, promise a short ban, if for some time they happen to be separated. Kiss comrade in service dream to a conflict situation on a robot, stress. Kiss pretty girls for unac abo kiss garnogo cotton for girls dream to sexual dissatisfaction. kiss, suction- To sickness. Trivaliy kiss- Painfully dovge razstavannya or welding is strong. Cold on the lips kiss- you kissed- meant death itself! Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonvryky"

    Yakscho having a dream dream, in which kissing h too many lads, Since then, in reality, you will reject the unacceptable calls about the new one. Kiss h girlish symbolizes the radiance of incompetence. Kiss suction dream to trivalo ailments and tiles. dream interpretation kiss girls h girlish in ruin, zhіntsі z sudіdkoyu, z holovіkom.

    Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

    To you dreamed suction kiss in dream? Bachiti in dream suction kiss- not obov'yazykovo means schos nasty chi good, іnоdі sleep take care of the rest of the podії, but yourself about those that you thought about before sleep or what day. And what does it mean dream suction kiss yakscho deisno talk in dream suction kiss and why check sleep- if you destroy your own similar food, then you will have to deal with them and clouding them dream you know for yourself with us. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "isonniki"

    dreamed suction kiss in dream? Bachiti in dream suction kiss- not obov'yazkovo means filthy, sometimes sleep take care of those that you thought about before sleep or what day. What does it mean dream suction kiss or pobachiti in dream suction kiss and why check sleep- if you think about tsim, then tlumachennya tsikh dream you know for yourself with us. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik.jofo"

    (2 comments) having a dream Fathers, bachiti in dream Batki dream book. Yak right kiss h girlish- Magic kiss.Bachiti yak, dream in and kissing suction with an unfamiliar person - how to spend a situation that is hardly acceptable for you. for kiss people - to the friendly side; for the family - to the woman's scandal; for the independents - to the slubu.

Tsіluvatisya uvі snі z priyomnoy i bazhanoy people - to summary thoughts, nevislovlennyh pretensions.

Zhіntsi cholovіka tsіluvati - to sadness, anger, rozdratuvannya.

Kissing a young girl is a sign that an unholy profit is on you.

Temperamental girl - to the wedding, a new link.

Kiss the old woman - until tight.

Kiss your sweetheart - throw a fortune teller.

I will indulge a woman kissing - to irresistible news.

I am hovering, kissing - to the point of innocence.

Kiss your mother - you will be happy at your commercial enterprises, your true friends will appreciate you and respect you.

Brother and sister kiss - the transfer of satisfaction and kindness to friends.

Katu tsіluvati - you take away a gift in the form of someone else's people.

Kissing someone's hands - before the matchmaking, a new adoptive acquaintance with a future relative.

Kissing your hands in a dream - a rose is on you.

Bachiti kiss the children - the transfer of a happy rebirth to this success on the right.

Birds or creatures are kissing - a happy dream, which honors you, happiness, fun.

Kiss the earth - until parting.

Kiss a lot of different women, and bachite young people for yourself - bring your own friend.

Cloudy dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

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Dream Interpretation - Kiluvati someone

Dream about kissing to finish the parts. The oral erogenous zone is the main active zone, as it is the first to appear in humans. Won є zadіyanoy at the first rock after the people, if the child is taken away from the mother's breasts.

In cases of normal mental development, the activity of the oral zone changes with the activity of the anal zone; The stench itself and manifest itself in dreams.

In this order, if you dream of a kiss, it is a sign that you are a person, like you are kissing or you are kissing you, it seems to be you as a deeply infantile object, so you don’t take yoga as a right cochance. It’s better for everything, that a person calls out to you associatively from your relatives, with whom you actively consorted in the first years of life (which you may be unfamiliar with, so that you can not remember this person).

As an active side in the kiss, you act as Vee, which means your pragnennya "gone" partner, assimilate yoga in yourself, work partly for yourself, your own, to lay down on your own. Yakshto vin tsіluє you, Vіdchuvaєte podіbnі bazhannya from your side.

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