Like a compliment to an unknown girl at a contact. How to say compliments to girls

The best compliment, which a woman can feel, is worth її vaga. Innocently asked: "Hiba you lost weight"? calling a little bit happy at the woman. More beautifully unikati stating the type: "You look good." Vono perebuvaє the list of the best evidence of knowledge.

How can girls not love but with sloppy compliments? It's a pity not everyone falls in love with them. To that lads may scrupulously and respectfully choose words. Can you use a questionnaire conducted by Dental Care Plus Implant Centers to help you develop your ideas and recommend what is unique to a woman?

The study, held near the Great Britain, took the fate of 2000 people and women. It appeared, girls to love, if their partners seem to look worse, it’s real. To my mind with the famous compliment є: "Hiba you lost weight." Why? As many as 43% of women feel mania at the points of their vag.

Ladies don't give such compliments as they look at. How did one of them stumble on the first Thursday? 40% of women know that they are happy, if a person seems to be, that she can make a laugh. Highly rated also say: you "Maesh well haired” or “You smell of garno”. Singing inconsistency may be the fact that the compliment "You look so beautiful eyes" is only found in the eighth month.

It is also confirmed that women love, if men praise their kind relish and style. Apply compliments: "You are beautiful in this cloth" or "You are beautiful in this color." Then, only one-third of the girls will start hooting with your wild statement “You look wonderful / wonderful.”

It turned out that only 50% of women take compliments kindly. Why? Perhaps, the girls will wonder about the subtext of what they care about, what people want to “buy” and take away with stamped words? For example, people are guilty of unique stereotypical speech: “You look good”, more girls, if they smell such compliments, they wonder what the stink of you is. In addition, 14% of women do not like compliments on their makeup. Women can feel skryvdzhenimi, they can feel: "You look languish" or "You do not look good / You are not humorous." What a cicavo, one-fourth of the girls do not bear parity with their fathers.

Prote 40% of women know that they appreciate the most compliments, made through their partner. To bring those that the girls often look at each other in the eyes of a man and in their kohanih joke about confirming their prudishness.

The speaker of Dental Care Plus Implant Centers explains why it is wonderful to become infrequently “pissed off” with compliments. The results show that the girls, on average, receive less than one compliment every day. Most people are afraid that they can make a woman, and most of all, they change their minds. People are guilty of more zamyslyuvatis over them, so to say, so that they don’t get enough of a nasty mind - such a pidbag.

From the same lads bazhayut movchat, lower to say schos unremarkably. In sum, no one loves empty words, but women value breadth and kindness. Absolutely, navit maly, but a right and noble compliment is more expensive, lower is richly false. Do not start to be original, just say for an hour: “I love you the way you are.” What is not the most beautiful compliment for a good ear of the day?

10 best compliments for a woman:

1. Hiba you lost weight

2. You have a laugh

3. You smell like tea

4. You have hair

5. Tobі garno in tsіy cloth

6. You match this color

7. Ti garno is dressed

8. Your eyes are beautiful

9. You look thin

10. You look wonderful / wonderful

Top 10 compliments for a woman:

1. You look languid

2. You do not look good / You are not humorous

3. You look good

4. You dressed the trochs

5. You look like your mother (or tata)

6. You don't look as bad as I thought

7. You are not bad

8. Today you look no less weary

9. You have great opportunities

10. You have a round shape

Vminnya robiti maiden compliments - tse okreme mystetstvo. To finish it often, it’s not enough to hear a compliment from you until the month, or it’s wonderful, or it’s thrown off at the door of the woods.

Many people underestimate the importance of compliments when talking with a girl. Without a doubt, you can do without them, but at the same time, a compliment can meaningfully stick your plea with a girl, turn it up to you.

Masterfully work compliments on the side of the richly folded, lower when knowing - at the process of knowing the skin, the girl will feel the compliment and take it as it is. Tim more, so you know each other on dating sites (for example, Well, you’ve got a bad job - the last riven of splintering. Here is a good, hateful, and more creative compliment more richly folded. Then, at times, the success of the wines would definitely b'є at the goal.

The first rule of a good compliment is to speak only to these girls and only about those who are right for you. Wider zahoplennya zavzhd it’s easier to hang out, lower pieces, pre-prepared templates.

Another rule garnogo compliment- This yoga is unique. Listen carefully to what she seems to be doing, as if she has a thought on that other side, like a hobby. Under an hour, let me understand what you heard that chuli everything, what seems to be out there. For example, a girl of a kilka once guessed an artist unknown to you as a musical group.

Marvel at the paintings of this artist / listen to the music group, and then tell him what a wonderful artistic taste I have.

The third rule is the dochik rule. Obov'yazkovo torknitsya її wanting to use the format "SDP" (socially acceptable dots). A compliment from dots to rob yoga in a kilka time effective.

The fourth rule is the same ambiguity. The butt of a not-so-distant compliment: You are such a string in your jacket, trousers, coat. Most of the girls will have suspicions and doubts about their own identity. You might think that a person cares about you, that you should string your clothes like that.

Otzhe, why you can robiti compliments:

1. Starry look. Try to come up with something original, lower “you have such great eyes”. If the girl has really beautiful eyes, it means that she often hears her compliment, and from time to time she starts to miss yoga calls, zarakhovuyu yoga like a mind.

- “You have such thin wrists and ankles! You know, earlier it was respected as a sign of aristocracy "

- “If you laugh, I forget what I was talking about”

2. Namagannam. Relatively well-dressed, elegant accessories, foldable zachіska, inconspicuous (!) Manicure - all the cost to the girls of the majestic zusil. Otzhe, gіdno praise from your side!

- “This cloth is simply divine!”

- “For the sake of your hair, you look like a Greek goddess”

3. Sharpen that style of life. Praise її to the work, friends chi vіdpochinok.

- "I'll zazdu you - you have such cool friends!"

- “In my opinion, you already have a profession, tell me, how did you get it?”

4. Behavior. To that, as if it shows itself in life, as if it were robbed.

- “You did it so right in this situation, I couldn’t sleep like that!”

5. Mind you. If you want a compliment from the fact that you are doing good work, you will feel it.

- “Whoa, can you put on scarpets? At to the current world few who can make speeches, what to stand, with their own hands "

- “You are so deliciously prepared that the time has come to write a good cookbook”

6. Reconsider. Praise її perekonannya, you already rob a compliment. Golovin praise only those for whom you are right, otherwise you won't be obov'yazkovo deceitful.

- “Your thought is driving“ ... ”like a cicava, no way before such a feeling!

7. Let's rozumovym that sincere yakosm.

Yaka won? - Erudovana, well-read, magnanimous, respectful, calm, fair? Know those traits that may not be true, and focus on them.

- Do you know anything about literature, have you tried to start your own blog? Adzhe in you stіlki tsіkavih dumok!

- “Well, you are reasonable! I don’t know if I can still talk about American history/philosophy with Kim B”

Far away you compliments that pobachen!

- Yak Vee looks wonderful today!
- Do you think that to all the garrison girls?
— No, I’m talking more to the garrison.

How to say a compliment to a girl? Need to give a compliment to a girl? Why not get along with peace without compliments? Who can help people with similar phrases at the girl’s address:

  • All the same, it’s good that we have such a short break - more than 20 good times of happiness per day for health.
  • Yakshcho rozdrukuvat all compliments, such as you are good, Russia will be left without a fox.
  • The smell of your hair drives me crazy.
  • Before your figure, obov'yazkovo needs an expensive restaurant, a limousine and a guard.
  • I sometimes know that from your eyes to come out like a change of light: the stench tells me beautiful diamonds at the change of the moonlight.
  • Gioconda, the milkmaid of Gadyukinskaya, is with you.
  • Tell me - can you see that I'm on fire in love before you?
  • Tell me it's not a dream!
  • Your eyes shine like stars.
  • Can you not laugh? I realize that I am repairing God's will only in the light of your smile, I am beginning to exercise control over myself, a nervous tic appears, and I can be angry .... Before the speech, you vmієsh robiti piece by piece mouth to mouth?
  • Your hair is so beautiful - I would like to take a break in the cold, smell it, bathe and enjoy it.
  • I am familiar with rich and beautiful girls, but knowing you has made two fates, how to cherish best wine at the collection.
  • I'm losing control of myself when you laugh.

The girl will get away to the one who will compliment to її address. If you remembered that the її zovnіshnostі dries up in the air, that you succumbed for the rest of the days, then the compliments of the maiden will not be so easy to pick up. Vipadok wholeheartedly accepts that, to start acquaintance with a compliment, similar to hoarding. For example: “Divchina, you have such a garna blouse, you like the blue color. I just couldn't help but tell you what. Tim is more blue - my love color. Another complementary compliment to the style of the pastor: “Girl, tell me, what is painted on your shoes? Such a cicada little baby has never been like this before ... "

Ale, a compliment is a compliment. Under the hour of the first meeting of the enemy, it is necessary to say those compliments, as it is the best way to make the memory of the girl sound the most generous. Compliments of a girl can be honored. If you understand, in a calm tone, remember: “Girl, you have a wonderful cloth!”, then you will be a little bit. However, in order to achieve this, we could, with maximum efficiency, “melt ice” at the object’s information, proponing three smut vidi compliments for girls, tested by me, they gave the best results.

  • Poshuk zest. Nafarbuyuchis before leaving the house, the maiden always looks up to see one insignificant detail in her calliness, which may be of great importance to her, shards, on її thought, this detail reinforces self-confidence and uniqueness, that you see. How do you need to give a compliment to a girl? To the manager of the pickup artist, remember this detail and from the sloppy intonation, remind the girl about the warning with a subtle compliment. The lady will be very pleased, as you know for sure її “Rodzinka”, especially, as she doesn’t fall into the vіchі. At the time of getting a compliment in the spot, you will rise in your eyes to a person, with which it is acceptable to talk to someone who has a chic (subjective assessment) relish. The main problem of such a compliment to a girl is in the offensive: smut - do not have mercy. Therefore, vikoristovuy tsey kind of compliments only once, if you have the correctness of your assessment is not less than 90%. It's easy to give some rough recommendations on how to choose this type. I would rather respect that, as a rule, the “rodzinka” is more common in common colors. For example, zbіg koloru nіgtіv z koloru cloth chi podnannya koloru eyes (mascara) with lipstick chi smooth transition kolorіv vіd s_dnitsі to koftinі skinny. Develop your caution and the same compliments of the girl are worthy!
  • Inviting strength. This kind of compliments to the girls convey the inspiration of the ladies, that she has a magical power that attracts people. You can tell this information directly or indirectly, or you can do it this way and that way. Variant of a direct compliment: “You know, you can add strength, because you just didn’t let me go through the challenge and didn’t speak to you.” And the axis is the butt of an indirect compliment: “Girl, you have such a garne of hair, I just can’t help but tell you what. Your hands suit me. The skin is so low, like oxamite. You are so beautiful that I forget to forget, where are you. Obviously, it is necessary to emphasize your words with a clear intonation, facial expressions and instill dots (only more carefully). Your compliments on the girls' shoes are remembered. The central problem is those who are not guilty of falsehood. And can you, really, adore you? Go ahead!
  • It's a shame. You show your maiden's confusion at the drive of the details of the її old look, but you just don’t see such a confusion, or you may have a complex, showing itself to the marked detail. The girl’s flutter and interest to the point of ignorance on the topic propagated (even if you discuss more expensively the person - її), and the ability to learn new things about your own troubles, or you can learn about powerful complexes. For example, you can say to a girl with a long nose that she has a sexy nose in her, like talking about her biased nature, and so on. Ale remember, the most important compliment of a girl is yoga width. Without this component, the compliment at the best times called a laugh, and, more for everything, it forms that rudeness on the side of the object. Speak compliments to the girls carefully.

[Speak smart garni compliments, vminnya say їх before the month, vminnya know in the girls those are more beautiful, what no one else notices - with the knowledge of the force of the nuclear blast, I will give a positive injection to the woman! At current people tse vminnya atrophovane, chim varto speed up for an hour, calm down the woman. At the practical pick-up trainings of the Academy of Dating, you will learn how to say compliments to the girls in a sing-song way, introducing charming ignoramuses into a reception trance.

One of the central commandments to keep an eye on the ladies is to sound like this: There, in order with other commandments, you can understand the girl’s mind, that she is a woman, and a tycholovik, and the polar poles were destined to be attracted. It is worth noting that at the first stage the development of stounks does not show the girl what kind of brilliance is appropriate for them. Tse is not correct! Really, it’s not necessary for a girl to give an understanding, what kindness is the only thing that you need to cackle in it. At this vipadka, it’s not possible to form on you, otherwise you want to sell it dearly. Virnoy tactic є rozmov z dіvchinoy on all those, in which you periodically say compliments, as if once again marveling at її mythical beauty. With this compliment, the girls can be straightforward, but not vulgar. Let's add everything that you know about the girl, it's rich in what the result is її practice, directed at those who are worthy of you. And if you say a compliment, then you will see that you take your own payment for your work, you will see that you paid for it for good reason. Women have a genetic need to please. She wants to be like the lonely її people and be adopted for other women. Aja unacceptable female is practically used to natural selection and cannot choose males, she simply does not need oskelki. Therefore, a normal skin woman is staying at the camp of light narcotic receiving lines at the address of її privablity, їy it is necessary to ascertain what the light, creations of her, calls out the slaughter of the people and the zazdrіst of the women. But it is necessary to understand the difference between the compliment and the woods. Compliments of a girl are more likely to be choked by a human being, and forests are a synonym for the word nonsense. Unfortunately, at the head of the skin woman there is a “nonsense detector” that catches the nonsense of people from the majority of vipadkivs. Your happiness, as if the nonsense was not revealed by the woman, to that in the other case you will be more able to build a good reputation. I want to say that it really suits you as a detail of the girl's state of being, then it's about the language. But if you better pay a compliment for the girl in an empty place, then you will eat under the threat of vikrittya.

It is important that a compliment is impossible to evoke a negative reaction in people, the crime is quiet, that it is worth the internervous vision. To that, a compliment can be given with a superbly effective armor in the hands of a pick-up artist. For those who want to learn how to automatically show off their slur to the ladies, I recommend this right: turn up the TV and watch for the women on the screen; try to know in the current state of affairs what is appropriately appropriate, and voice the words buried at their address. Tsya is right to help develop caution and learn to pick up correct words, say compliments to the girl, words, like allowing you to win the prettiness and sympathy of a woman.

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