A lethal dose of salt for a person is 3 tablespoons. Lethal doses of products are not only. Lethal dose of alcohol

Residual nutrition is provided by dopitlivy people. Whom to call, whom the great Leonardo da Vinci painted under the Giocondi's eye, if you want to understand the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars. And who is the cicava lethal dose salt for people, moreover, to the accuracy of grams. It’s too much to think about it, it’s an academic interest, and not the collection of data for a possible malice, disguised as a food poisoning. Otzhe, yakі vіdomosti accumulated the people for tysyacholіtya vikoristannya tsієyu seasoning, preservative.

Salts vary

Nasampered, varto clarify what to eat about grub and kitchen salt, without which in most cultures, the cuisines of the peoples of the world should be fresh, unsweetened.

On the right, in the fact that salts are full of metal cations with various acidic excesses, there is a great quantity, moreover, in different periods. The stinks of varying power, in the form of a little grub soda, called to all household gifts, to the poisonous, radioactive salts of cesium, strontium, polonium, which are the best exploration of the world to see the health of the Batkivshchyna.

The cook is strong not є otrutoyu, in a direct rozumіnі tsgo word, but її kіlkіst, neshkidliva for people, physicians (physiologists, nutritionists) prescribed 4 - 6 g for doba for a healthy person. It plays a great role in the exchange of speech, saving the water-salt balance, supporting the necessary blood type, shell juice, the work of the heart and the richness of other parameters of the normal basis of the body of a person Povna, the presence of salt in a hedgehog can lead to irreversible damage to death even after 10 deb.

Not less unsafe excess salt in the diet. Experiments with laboratory samples, which may be similar to staleness - bears, scours, pigs - have shown that in the mental breakdown on the body, the lethal dose of salt for a person becomes close to 3 g / kg of body. Also, for a person, how to weigh 80 kg - it will be 240 - 250 g of kitchen salt once. Painful death will come in the face of a severe rupture of all organs, mucous membranes, thrombosis of the circulatory system, nervous and visual systems.

Nutrition and life

A quarter of a kilo pack of salt, eaten in one sitting, is the very figures of badioro used in the Internet to know everything in the world. Nutrition “on a whim” - whoever is in a solid mind and with memory, but you will become timid without them, - why the posture becomes a topic of discussion.

It seems that, on the contrary, such a procedure on the cob її carried out to serve as a complete verification, awareness and natural primus purification from the heavy drinking.

About those who instill a one-time injection of a large amount of such seasoning, a preservative in preparations, specific folk herbs such as salted ogirkiv, sedentary, sauerkraut, bred with a great appetite and in the same numbers, produce unbearable nasledkіv - strong sprag, a sharp rise in the vice, a wild unwellness to the body, know a lot of readers. Ale, a lethal dose of salt for a person, adopted by a similar rank, - ce from the region of permissible tales for beer and fish. About those, which are unbelievably important for the organism, the natural speech is shkidliv, the versatility of skin medicine and motherhood.

Strength is necessary in the diet of a skin person, but if you have a small amount, you can die. Such a result occurs through a swollen bowel and blood vessels.

Strength is the main spice, as it is victorious for preparing more herbs. Tse nadaє їzhi that relish, which we know. Without salt, it’s good to be fresh and unsweetened. In small doses, it has a positive effect on the body, but it can lead to serious illness and cause death.

Salt warehouse - sodium and chlorine. These are two elements that are necessary for the body of a person. In this rank, from a scientific point of view, it is correctly called sodium chloride. Nasichennya їm is necessary for a fully functional work of the human body. In case of failure, the balance of speech is disrupted, which leads to a negative influx on the nervous, vascular system. Qi elements are important and irreplaceable storehouses of blood.

Sodium is a regulator of the acid-puddle balance and improves the water quality of the blood. Regulates water balance. Transmits nerve impulses, normalizes the state of nerve tissue. Regulates vessel tone and arterial pressure. Chlorine is the most important component of hydrochloric acid, as well as shell juice. To be found at the warehouse of living and blood. Vіdpovіdaє for the fast work m'yaziv.

The daily dose of salt for a person is 1.5-4 g to support the proper balance of microelements. Sodium chloride is consumed in the body not only from products, like a person prepares herself, it is also found at the warehouse of fruits, vegetables and mineral water.

Too much sodium chloride

If the natural healthy dose of salt is overwhelmed, it can cause various chronic illnesses. It is not surprising that a lot of fahivtsіv - nutritionists, cardiologists and neurologists - started turbulently driven by the fact that today a person is living on a lot of salt. Fast food, cowbass, pizza, chips, alcoholic beverages - everything should be avenged for sodium chloride more than the permissible norm.

Illness, caused by superworldly living

The transcendental implantation of white spices has led to sickness, as if progressing, it can lead to death. The most common ailments include:

  • Hypertension - systemically moving rіven arterial vice scho vimaga negai lukuvannya. Hypertension is launched to cause death, the cause of which is the most frequent hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Tricks. Sodium takes part in the regulation of water balance. The increase in sodium rіven in the blood can impair the vision of water in the body. The rise of water becomes the cause of a great trouble, and also to an increase in the pressure on the heart system.
  • Excess sodium chloride is accumulated at the nirkah, which leads to the stone's hardening.
  • Osteoporosis is the cause of the disease of the cyst, as it leads to the elimination of calcium from the cyst, after which the minerality of the cysts decreases. Those who suffer from osteoporosis can overcome fractures in such situations, where a healthy person has only been slaughtered.
  • Damage to the activity of the nervous system. Increase the level of salt in the body to cause sleeplessness. People are constantly becoming chronically aware of this through those who do not take a sufficient amount of sleep.
  • The plumpness of the drain is carcinogenic. The investigations showed that between the advancement of salt and cancer of the shell is a direct link.

Necessary for the full functioning of the body, an additional dose of salt is injected from the second to four grams. Systemic implantation of approximately ten grams of fluid important illness, pozbutisya what you can under the care of the doctor, reducing the use of spices to the necessary minimum.

Overdose sill

At this time, all lethal doses for humans are given. The list of lethal dosing of speech was formed after the creation of a toxicity test in 1927, that LD50 examination was carried out, during which the average amount of speech was assessed, as it can lead to death.

The list includes both figures for important drugs - heroin, methadone, amphetamine, as well as lethal doses for people of various easily accessible speeches, for example, struma, death, as it happens at a threshold of one tenth of an Ampere. And if you can add numbers to this list, which show that the actual lethal dose of sleepy changes is, then it’s not surprising that the list includes a great kitchen force.

The average lethal dose of salt is used to improve the human body: three grams of one kilogram. Pointing the butt, like a weight of 70 kilograms, 210 grams of salt to bring to death. Death will not be easy - you will have another sufficient hour to suffer through the great tangle of the herbal, dihalic systems.

Dії overdose

An overdose can be navmisnym, but most of all, the cause is the carelessness of children, like a vipadkovo vopil rozchin to avenge a lethal dose of salt. Golovnya - at the hour to recognize the first signs of destruction and the term to give the first help before the arrival of the doctor:

  • Lyudina is aware of the strong help through the active sodium in the blood. Sodium literally viscous water from the blood and drains it from the intercellular spaces.
  • Rizka vtom, rosemity of the picture in front of the eye.
  • Vomiting, which is a natural reaction of the body to the presence of sodium chloride in the blood. The vomit does not need to be cured, there is a zahisnym mechanism, which can ruin life.
  • Raising the frequency of the heartbeat up to a hundred and more hits for the whilin, which leads to the arrhythmia.
  • Quick breath. Pomіtna zadishka, people become importantly dihat, the shards of the dihal system recognized the widening of the bruise.

If only a suspected overdose of salt appeared, it is necessary to call I'll help the shvidka. The carriage can get stuck - traffic jams, the presence of free brigades sometimes cause the death of a person. A lethal dose of kitchen salt for a human being is 250 g. Just as soon as you don’t get used to the terms, then the situation will be controlled. To that obov'yazkovo give pershu to help until the doctor arrives:

  1. The back of the head needs to be tested against the body of the injured force, which has not penetrated into the circulatory system. For whom it is necessary to pour three-chotiri flasks of water into a person, by force, as if necessary, and then vomit her vomit in the classic way "two fingers in her mouth."
  2. Patients can drink more, help the body to fight. Mineral water is suvoro contraindicated, to the fact that in nіy є pіdvizheny vmіst sodium chloride. It is necessary to give more than drinking water at room temperature, otherwise you can only help the situation.
  3. Dodatkovo varto drink a couple of bottles of milk or two or three tablespoons sonyashnikova olії, to reduce the level of intoxication. In these products, there is an excess of salt, which can harm the body even more.

Strongly corisna, only as vikoristovuvat її in that quantity, as the body needs. It is natural to become chotiri gram today. It’s better to live more steadily, it’s less necessary, to start developing an illness. This common spice can easily become a deadly poison. Not only through її overdone, but through a shortage. As if a person were to be rehabilitated in the presence of salt, he would die in two days.

Reversal through an overdose of sodium chloride has a negative effect on the body. It is necessary to bring down the arterial pressure, the appearance of arrhythmias, the court that damages the information. The exultation of such a torment may be less of a drug, self-discipline may be even more naughty.

Sil can be called the main spice that wins when preparing more herbs. Vaughn nadaє їzhi zvichny relish for us. In small quantities, it is necessary for our organism, but in case of evil, it can lead to important pathologies and cause death. In this article, we have considered a lethal dose of salt for a person who is ill, which can lead to the survival of a large number of people, as well as the additional norm of salt, її measles and mischief.

Chi is needed people's strength

Strength is made up of two microelements necessary for the human body: sodium and chlorine. That is why the "official" scientific name of salt is sodium chloride.

Sodium and chlorine are essential for the human body.. In case of insufficient intake in the body, all the work of the body is damaged, starting from the functioning of the nerve tissue, ending with the contraction of the myocardium.

Functions of sodium:

  • regulates the acid-lubric balance in the body, sodium helps to improve blood pH at the required level;
  • ensure water balance;
  • Vіdpovidaє for the transmission of nerve impulses by neutrons and for the alertness of the nerve tissue;
  • take the fate of the short-lived m'yazovoi tissue;
  • regulates the vascular tone and arterial blood pressure.

Functions of chlorine:

  • є obov'zkovym component shlunkovogo juice, hydrochloric acid;
  • to enter the warehouse of living and blood;
  • regulates m'yazova speed (at once from sodium).

Sodium and chlorine are essential and basic blood components. The stench is needed to support homeostasis in the body.

Additional norm of salt for people

On the day of a person, it is necessary to take 10-15 g of salt. Such a quantity is important for supporting the body in the necessary balance of sodium and chlorine.

The strength to enter the body is not only due to the salting of food products. Won to enter the warehouse of fresh fruits and vegetables, mineral water.

Salt capacity for people

Chi shkіdliva sil for the body? In case of systemic overdose of additional norms, the introduction of salt can become the cause of the development of a large number of chronic illnesses. It is not for nothing that doctors-dietologists, cardiologists and neuropathologists began to beat on a fuss about those that people in the current society began to get used to the great amount of salt. Fast food, meat products, pizza, snacks, chips, canned food - all these products are not safe for sodium chloride.

What kind of illness that unsafe become can be blamed for the introduction of a large amount of salt? We have listed them below:

  • Hypertensive ailment - a camp, in case of which a person experiences a steady increase in blood pressure, which requires medical correction. Arterial hypertension can lead to severe and fatal conditions, moderately severe myocardial infarction, hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Tricks. As we have already shown, sodium takes a part in the regulation of water balance. With yogo concentration in the blood in great quantities of wines, the building traps water in the body and brings it to a swell. Increase water in the body to cause not only to unaesthetic swellings on the whole body, including appearances, but also to the promotion of the heart-vessel system of the body.
  • Supermundane strength can accumulate in nirks and deposit in them at the sight of a stone.
  • Osteoporosis is an ailment of the cystic tissue, in which it is necessary to avoid calcium from it. People with osteoporosis are more stable before fractures, so they can literally grow up in the “equal place”.
  • Sleep disorder and robotic nervous system. When the amount of salt in the body is increased, people fall asleep comfortably, they suffer from sleeplessness, do not sag and become chronically aware of this.
  • Cancer of the slug. Vecheni brought that people, yakі regularly vzhivayut strength at great kіlkostyah, more skhilnі to cancer shlunk (evil new creation).

Navit 10-15 grams of salt can be unsafe for people of a frail age and ailments, as if there are problems with their hearts.. Changes to supplementation with sodium chloride up to 3-5 g are recommended for people who may have such health problems:

  • heart failure;
  • arterial hypertensive disease;
  • various arrhythmias;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • circulatory diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • sechokam'yanu sickness;
  • gostra chi chronic nirkov deficiency;
  • liver problems;
  • varicose veins;
  • glaucoma;
  • gostriy chi chronic gastritis, virazkovu ailment;
  • sickness of supra-nirkial worms.

Extra salt dehydration is necessary in case of acute left heart failure, constriction of legenia, acute circulatory insufficiency.

Doctors recommend living in salt to people who want to normalize their weight and lose weight. With the introduction of sodium chlorine, there is a lukewarmness, an increase in exchange processes, which causes people to separate from foreign kilograms.

At the same hour, when sweating heavily, perebubayuchi in hot climatic minds, adding salt, you can boldly increase it by 5 grams, for that there is a lot of money to go at once from then.

Chi can die in salt

The lethal dose of salt of the skin of a person is individual. Vaughn is covered by yoga vagi: 3 g of salt per 1 kg
. Tobto, like your vaga to become, for example, 60 kg, a lethal dose for you is 180 grams. Wait a minute, such a quantity of salt is normal and adequate for a person who does not live.

For children and people of a frail age, the amount of salt is a lot less. Your heart-vascular system may not be affected by such a large amount of sodium and chlorine.

It is not safe for a person to find an insignificant overdose of additional salt norms, especially if it is systematically used. It is not for nothing that tsukor is called “white death” for the human body.

Clinical manifestation of a severe disorder

Vzhivannya great amount of salt is not safe for people. It can be not only navmisna, but also vipadkovo, for example, in a child. It is even more important to recognize the camp and get used to the necessary visits to help the first person who has worked.

Remember that severe salt poisoning does not develop only with the ingestion of an internal lethal dose of sodium chloride. Revisited additional norms can lead to serious health problems.

Gastroinfection with sodium chlorine is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Strong help. Liudina literally “dry”, you can’t get drunk with water. This symptom develops through sodium dilution, which deposits all the water in the intercellular space, literally “viscosity” from the blood.
  • Decrease in arterial pressure (hypotension). It can go as low as 90/60 mm Hg. Art.
  • Strongly confused, blurred in the eyes. The person is very weak.
  • Nudota is bullshit. At the same time, the slug gets rid of excess salt, as they have not yet taken it into the blood. Such vomit is not necessary to stream, zavdyaki new one can save life.
  • Accelerated heartbeat - tachycardia. The pulse is shifted by 100 beats to the beat. Whom can develop arrhythmia - disruption of the heart rhythm.
  • A backside that accompanies the mischievous sour. Dihannya becomes more on top and quicker.
  • Blіdіst skіrnih pokryvіv that mucous membranes. At severe distress shkira can take on a bluish color.
  • Appearance by court, hallucinations, destruction of witness.

What a job, like a person with a lot of salt

With the least suspicion of the development of a severe salt poisoning, I will help you to help the swede. Tsei became unsafe for people and became a threat to one's life;

Before the arrival of the medical brigade, begin to push the first one to help, which, after breaking away, with your hands. An hour for the arrival of a medical officer to help me lie down due to rich factors, for example, due to the vanity of the road and the visibility at the given moment of the free brigade, so it’s not possible to check them out just by clasping their hands. Timely and correctly given dolikarska dopomoga zdatna vryatuvat life to the ailing. The main components are listed below.

Washing the drain

We should try to bring excess salt into the human body, as they have not yet got wet in the bloodstream. For whom next in one gulp, drink a sprinkling of vials, drive and viklikati vomit reflex. It is possible to grow by pressing your finger on the root of the tongue.

Such vomiting is necessary for a person, even if it’s broken, it’s important not to let the victim become a victim.

Add potassium permanganate to the water for washing the hose, according to current protocols, it is not necessary. Tsya speech does not help the effectiveness of the procedure to be carried out, and incorrectly її breeding can become the reason for the opiku of the stravokhod and the sluice, acute intoxication, which leads to likuvannya.

Ryasne pittya

Do not surround the ailing at the reception. The more vin vip'e, the more beautiful. Use the following normal table water at room temperature. Mineral water in to this particular type contraindicated.

Also, give the people who have broken off, drink a glass of milk or a couple of spoons of rosemary abo inches of butter. Qi products will not allow excess salt to get into the blood and change the level of intoxication.

Medical help and exaltation of a severe ill-treatment

A little further, the jubilation will be given by the brigade of doctors, as if they arrived at Viklik. To add a sick urticaria with calcium gluconate, to introduce preparations with potassium, to begin to administer physiological changes. Hospitalization of such patients is carried out at the department of intensive care.

After stabilization I will become ill, I can be left at the hospital for a few days, for control I will become my cardiovascular system and nirok.

Strength is a necessary speech for the human body. However, it’s more than worth it for the mind to live in її in the death kіlkost. Elderly people can eat no more than 15 g of sodium chloride. In case of systemic perturbation of the number of kilkost, diseases of the heart-vascular system develop, nirok, sleep is disturbed. Strength can be a deadly poison for the body. It is not safe for a person to be severely disturbed by it. It is not necessary to bring to the fall of a bloody vice, arrhythmia, the court that ruined evidence. Jubilation is possible only under medical control. Do not indulge in self-deception and do not slander the silly.

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As the alchemists said, all are faces, and all are rubbish - on the right, there is less than a dose.

For security purposes website vyrivishiv recognition, in a kakіy kіlkostі the most popular nіnі products can turn into a deadly poison. The figures are reimbursed for a one-time injection of the product of an average person with a weight of 80 kg.


Mustache, you need to drink 2 liters of clean water. But if you overdo it a little and drink 3 times more, then your nirks will not be able to enter the homeland from the body. Podsumok: swelling of the internal organs, the brain and the teeth of the breath. So, so, so, you can get rid of the devil's water. What was recently demonstrated by American Jennifer Strange, who drank over 7.5 liters at the contest "Who drinks the most drive."



Chocolate has a large amount of speech under the name of theobromine. Vin is a straining stimulator of the central nervous system. And if you eat close to 10 kg of chocolate at a time, you will see it coming off, which will bring you back to nausea and diarrhea, then to epileptic attacks, internal bleeding, myocardial infarction and coming to your ancestors.


For a healthy human body, a lethal dose will be 1.25 liters of 40% alcohol(tse 2.5 puffs of 0.5 l or 27 shots of 45 ml). Ale! All the same, remember that a healthy human body is able to live this blissful drink less than a year and nothing more.


To be safe, a standard cigarette has about 0.8 mg of nicotine, but in the other world a person can consume 75 cigarettes at a time.


See 18 apples and you won't die. Ale, if you get away from 18 apples, crush them, resolutely chew and prokovtne, then you can die as a whole. And all to the fact that cyanide is hidden in us. Param-param-pam-pam!

Cherry tassels

The same share, that lovers of the great number of apple plants, drink and quiet, who grow crushed cherry tassels, shards in them are also cyanide (apricot, peach, cherry, hot almond kernels are also included in the list of cyanide). For example, like a lad, like, having learned to know in the middle of the tassels of gorіh, detailing її and z'їv. And then two more.


Bananas contain potassium, and you can die if you overdose. But for whom it is necessary to try harder Get 400 bananas at a time.



A lethal dose for a person - the list of speeches, the buildings to bring to death - is inexhaustible. As a rule, if the language comes up about a deadly number of chogos, more people show themselves off, alcohol, pharmaceutical products.

Ale, on the other side of speech, to become unsafe, we don’t swear. For singing conditions at the role, you can wipe it off, you can see the sound of water that flows at the skin booth from the tap. For example, at Serednyovichchi it was wider katuvannya with plain water, which will end, like a lot of others, I will kill the victim. At the same time, the person drank water. It is important for that world and protection to be taken care of while cultivating a product.

What is the best thing to bring to death?

Most often before intoxication, which ends in a lethal end, one can see the poisoning:

  1. Food products.
  2. Nestivnymi but mentally-stіvnimi.
  3. Drinks, including alcohol.
  4. faces.
  5. chemical speeches.

So you can bring people to death:

  • careless use of electricity or jet gases;
  • chicken;
  • take a sleep bath.

Not safe for the body can be practically everything, for example, temperature dovkilla otherwise, the presence of a povіtrі be-yakikh viparіv.

Mushrooms, even though they are a food product, are seen by doctors at the penitentiary point, shards are rich in some of them - dzherela of pure dewdrops. Yakscho mish'yak abo yaky-nebud alkaloid daily life to know and to do it is important, then to get rid of the dirty toadstool does not add up any difficulties.

Food products

It’s hard to even bring a person to the likarnyanoy ward, richly viperadzhayut the decision to see intoxication. It’s a pity, doctors don’t always try to help the injured.

Most of the people are confused in what they can only get away with once they have been grafted on inaccurate products, which were saved or not properly saved. That's right, but sometimes there are fluctuations in intoxication, which, of course, did not stand doba on the table in newbie lettuce, but with wholesome fresh products, which are easily brought to the shops.

For example, the cause of hospitalization, and especially important falls and deaths, can be:

  1. that іnsha.
  2. Canned fruits and richly other.

On the right, in the fact that during the preparation of food, there is a low consumption of food additives, preservatives, barvniks, necessary for food safety:

  • trivial term saving;
  • appetizing presentable look;
  • good savory flavors;
  • transparency of transportation;
  • sproshchennya predgotovki before vzhivannyam at їzhu toshcho.

Podnannya vikoristovuvannyh virobniks z tsim tsіlyami speeches not є fatal as such, but in times of individual intolerance to bring people to resuscitation.

That's why people actually play at the "Russian roulette" with death, buying in the store:

  1. Narizku z cowbass sprouts at the vacuum.
  2. Canned pineapple, cherry or other fruits.
  3. Preserves from the settlers, mackerel and other ribi.

A lethal dose due to the apparent intolerance of vicarious agents to preservatives is completely individual, as is the very fact of the reaction to the body. One person for going to the intensive care unit will have enough money to bet on ribs, and another person will be able to take it easy and not feel any discomfort.

What are the trash products?

Before the products of eating, yakі є otruynym at vzhivannі sevnoї kіlkostі, independent of їх yakostі and terms of appurtenance, lie down:

  • saffron;
  • products from the mix;
  • products that store nicotine at the warehouse;
  • tassels of some fruits and yagid;
  • sіl ta tsukor.

However, it is not paradoxical, but most of the primary spices and products, which are used in the skin kitchen, become disgusting for the body when used in the same quantity.

Well, to the point, then for a lethal result, one-time recovery should be done:

  1. 10-14 g dry saffron.
  2. 2-4 g pulp of cherries, sweet cherries, other berries and fruits to avenge cyanides.
  3. 220-250 grams of kitchen salt in pure form and 260-290 grams in herbs.
  4. 10-12 grams of pure caffeine, so for that 5-6 liters of classic espresso from a cavo machine you need to drink at a time.
  5. 1000-1600 grams of chocolate and zucru z'їdenih for "one sitting", shards of speech, which are in them, lead to a hormonal surge and a one-time attack of a lethal obsession with insulin and other hormones.
  6. 0.5-2 micrograms of pure nicotine per kilogram of human skin, which is rubbed off in potatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, tomatoes, rich vegetables and, arguably, in tyutyun.

However, such speeches, like caffeine, rub richly more often when tasting drinks, and not drinking chi kawi tea.

Unsafe faces

To lethal intoxication with malice, whether it be from the main pharmaceutical preparations, you can get vitamin complexes.

A lethal dose of drugs for a person determines the active component of the drug. The average stench has this:

The name of drugs that are resistant to the body or the active component of the drug Unsafe for life kіlkіst (in grams)
Antipyrine (phenazone) 5,2-30
Aminorex (psychotropic drug, intoxicating speech - amphetamine) 1-2
(Swallowing speech - nitric acid) 8-12
Epinephrine (adrenaline, which is found in neurotransmitters) 0.005-0.010 (pure speech)
Aymalin (Roslinnі alkaloids) 2,2-3
Aconity (neurotoxins, which are stored in warehouses of anesthetics and painkillers) 0.0014-0.0065 (pure speech)
Apomorphine 0,65-0,7
Arekolin 0,05-0,06
Acetanilide (vitamin in antipyretic drugs) 4-4,6
(antiseptic) 2-21 (when hit in the middle)
Bromine, sodium bromide and potassium bromide 1-1,2
Bromisuvav (Bromisoval) and Bromural (speech-bromine, methylbutanamide, aminocarbonyl) 3-9
and other indirect anticoagulants 3-5,2
(changing from carrying drugs to vape cartridges) 55-502
(Vid ovnіshny zasobu to dietary supplements) 2-30
Tavegil 0,65-2
Ephedrine (ephedrine hydrochloride, vicarious in drugs for asthma, fat burners and sports eating) 1,2-2,3

Unsafe and other faces, for example, in tablets, the active component ofepine, which is intoxicating on the body, can be avenged. The amount of speech in a pure person is lethal 3-3.2 grams. In tablets, there is such a quantity (in micrograms):

Not less brittle and primal for everyone. Phenobarbital, which enters the warehouse of drops, drives in 5-9 grams of pure speech in the amount of 5-9 grams.

And she herself should be at the warehouse of the roslin, which is victorious for the preparation of liqueurs, that її root efirna oliya, may be at the warehouse of bornilіzovalerіanat. 28 grams of pure speech is enough for the present death. Nebezpeka for life є skin friendly or soothing care.

- a drug that is victorious for stimulating metabolism and nervous activity dіє for the rahunok of the same-name component. Glycine is a proteinogenic amino oocyte. For a lethal result, more than 100 grams of pure speech is needed, and in order to become disabled, it will take more than 70-80 tablets of glycine in 100 micrograms.

Okrim likiv, unsafe medical procedures. For example, it provokes the vindication of that growth of cancer cells, as well as the change of ailments. For its essence, the procedure spills onto the body in the same way that radiation spills onto healthy people. Therefore, the passage of fluorography is completely surrounded by hourly intervals.

About rubbish chemical speeches

If you find out about poisonous toxins, with which you can get stuck in a pobuty, a lot of people guess about scurry, and other speeches, knowledge about yaks in everyday life is gleaned from detective literature.

You can die in an hour and get stuck with speeches, like in a skin booth and do not require special dressing. For example, the strongest otruta - tse. For death, it is sufficient to consume 1.84 g of metal in the body, and when inhaled vapours, 2.49 g. Mercury can be driven in properly.

For example, as if a thermometer was broken in the house, or a lot of metal swayed behind the plinth, then death in oncological ailments or promenev pathologies is inevitable. The term is to become a sprat of rock.

You can get stuck with toxins on virobnits, when caring for a car, or on robots on a garden plot.

Wipe away what people are talking about all the time:

The name of the trash speech Deadly quantity (in grams)
Anilin (bread additive) 4,6-24,5
Barium carbonate 0.59-41.2 (when hit in the middle and inhaled vapors)
Hydroquinone (present in cosmetics) 2-2,3
vitriol 3.8-50 (when hit in the middle and inhaled vapors)
sodium nitrate 0.9-23 (when hit in the middle and inhaled vapors)
Naphthalene (does help to cope with the mill and it is widely vaccinated in the field, for example, when saving money from the farm) 2,6-28 (when hit in the middle and inhaled vapours)
Hydrochloric acid 11-20
(70-96%) 50-20
(stay in virobnicheskih processes, when engaged in animal husbandry as a disinfectant and in cosmetology during such procedures, as a peeling) 2,3-32 (when hit in the middle and inhaled vapours)

Navit zvichayna, what to stand on the skin kitchen, rubbish. Unsafe dosing of speech - 3 g per kilogram of human voice.

About other rubbish speeches

A lot of medicinal herbs and food additives are not safe for people, like essential oils and mushrooms.

Tear off the name of the dzherel Lethal dose (in grams)
Yalіvets (vicory is brewed like syrovina for homemade liqueurs and homemade gin) 20-50
For the coculus 2,5-4
rhizomes 1-3
Stems and leaves of hellebore 9-11
Sorrel (not safe oxalic acid) 5-6 (oxalic acid)
Eucalyptus Oliya 18-22
Nasinnya chilibukha (vomited mountain) 0,8-2,9
31-49 (after thermal processing)
The last hardship 2,3-5,6
Murashic acid 32-36

Mentally-natural mushrooms are also brittle. For example, for the destruction, building to bring to death 89-100 grams of old salted sirimi openkiv or gruzdov.

About alcohol, drink, cigarettes and drugs

If you talk about death through alcohol, then more people immediately think about the “burning” of alcohol, that is, to take revenge on trash houses and technical alcohol. Tim an hour to kill a person can and absolutely pure yakіsny alcohol, like mіtsniy, so і nі. It is lethal intoxication to have a lot of alcohol in the blood, as it will die in the industry.

A lethal dose in ppm is individual, as is the tolerance of alcohol. On the spriyyatlivosti organism vplyat:

  1. Vik.
  2. Recession.
  3. Racial belonging.
  4. The presence of any ailments from gastritis to epilepsy.
  5. Taking medicinal preparations and biologically active additives.

On the verge of lethal dosing, one pours in and it’s as if one gets used to alcohol.

Fallen for a century, the meaning of the prom, for which there is a threat to life, such (for the prom):

  • children up to state maturity - 26-38;
  • podlitki - 4-5.8;
  • people of a frail age - 4.9-8.

In practice, it looks like this:

Zrozumіlo, slid vrakhovuvati those, like a person sips in such minds. For example, one cell of krizhanskogo champagne in a hot bath for obvious weakness to a stroke or heart pathologies of the building to beat into a well.

Cigarettes, cigarettes themselves, and not in them, that is a mixture of resins, glue, paper, steaming through a foam rubber filter and other speeches, safe when smoking one piece for a year for a grown-up person. A deadly kіlkіstyu, scho to bring to the wrong, є 28-45 pieces of stretching pіvgodini. Number of people - individually.

Video: lethal doses of great speeches.

Speaking about narcotic speeches, it is necessary to separate people, so that they may be aware of the introduction of drugs and quiet, who has no knowledge.

Fatal number for people who do not take drugs (gram per skin kilogram of the body):

  1. and yoga pokhіdni - 0.6-1.2.
  2. Amphetamines and other "synthetics", for example "Dutch brands" - 0.9-1.7.
  3. and yoga pokhіdni - 0.05-0.08.

Nebezpeka zdorov'yu people become rich. For example, the rate of recovery is 2-2.5 liters. Until death, the vіdmovі vіdmіshіхіх organіv can produce a quantity of 7-10 lіtrіv. Ale, I’m still, tse lie in rich special moments.

A lot of people drink for 1-2 years 4-5 half-liter cups of retail caviar or tea, especially those who work with a robot or play games at a computer and feel miraculous. Ale є th tі, who is rotten already after drinking one drink of mineral water with a total of 1.5 liters. Therefore, the data about lethal doses of quiet and other speeches, found in medical literature, are worth noting. Obviously, the cream of doses assigned for otrut.

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