How long does it take to get blue hair? Dream Interpretation: blue hair. Meaning of sleep Why dream of blue hair

Find out from the online dream book without compromising what Volos's dream is about, after reading the below in the interpretation of the authors-tlumachs.

Hair, why dream about your dream?

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why take off Hair and what does it mean:

Hair - If you have a long and thick hair, then such a dream promises you wealth, strength and power. Relatively sleeker hair to a new friendship, good luck to the sinners with people. Poganі, rydkі chi shaved bald - to the beat. Booti, ​​ouvі snі fox - a super smart dream: either to great consumption, or to unimaginable wealth.

How do you have a dream of unnatural color hair - to marnoslavism, string - to well-being, ore - to deceit, gluzuvannya, belyavi - to calm that joy, black - to pributka, popelyaste - to embarrassment, sive - to dovgolittya, happy that poshani. Zachіsuvatisya uvі snі - the movement of health and success, tear on your own hair - to waste, to burn on your head bachiti - until the gain and success.

If you see all your body in thick hair - a dream promises wealth and good luck, if it’s hairy redkishne - anxiety, anxiety, sip on someone else’s infusion. Hairy breasts - to health, hairs on the palms - to inaccuracies. You have beautiful curls - to the point of love suffocation, negligent brudni - to filthy stars. Bachiti uvі snі її її kucherі - until the future changes, rozchіsuvati їх - until new floods.

Miller's dream book

Why dream about Hairy dream?

Like a woman with a dream of her miracle hair - tse obіtsyaє їy lightness in the veins, through yakі won't miss the opportunity to reach success. A man, having rolled his rіzhuchu hair, in reality, generosity and experience are not true to bring that vigilance to sickness. Posivile vlasne hair means death or infectious disease in the same as a relative or friend.

Bachiti vkritim vkritim hair promise you forgiveness that grace. If such a dream is to be dreamed of by a woman - you will transfer all your respect to your person, and, perhaps, let your primhams go to the fault of morality. As if a person had a dream, that a new black curly hair had hair, then he promised a shy love pasture. Mabut, change women, as you trust. Zhіntsi tsey dream vіschuu calm. Bachiti a woman with golden hair - means that you will appear as a fearless kokhan and a true friend for a kokhan.

Bachiti your favorite ore, change it in your waters. Ore is hairy, ring out the vicious changes. Chestnuts remind their sergeant of the wrong choice of kar'єri. A beautiful zachіska uvі snі - a sign of a distant turn of your rights, but if your hair was cut too short - that's ahead of time: do not be wasteful, so that misfortune will go away. M'yaké rozkishne haired up to boundless happiness and prosperity.

If a woman sees a dream on her head at the same time dark and light hair, then in reality she will have to choose between two imaginably viable propositions. If you don’t show caution when you don’t, then replace your satisfaction with inacceptability. The strayed unsightly hair will change your life in the impenetrable hell: a collapse will appear on the right, and the loader will become unbearable. If a woman dreamed that she couldn’t comb her hair, then in reality she would waste a good person, showing a jealousy.

For a young girl, bachiti, in the dreams of gray-haired women, living in reality with relatives of such a person, as if they were going to sleep with him. As soon as you see a haircut, then in reality your share will become a great rozcharuvannya. For a woman, there is also an unacceptable dream about vipadanya hair. Їy happen to earn a living on his own, she spent the shards of success. At the same hour, it was whiter than snow, and it was about the vlasniks of vtyshnі zvistki, trips and zustrіch.

Kviti at your hair - to the point of inaccuracies, but, however, do not appear as terrible as they seemed to be. If a woman is to dance, that the whole її zachіska is covered with white credits, then in reality she will follow her will and prepare her spirit before other important tests, yak, fortunately, they will not be trivati ​​for a long time. Bachiti, like a curl of your hair, sivіє i vipadє, - a sign of inaccuracies that rose on the right. Sickness obscure happiness. Siva is hairy and young in disguise, to dream of a dream, to declare that you are unacceptable and deeply troubled. A young girl's dream predicted the loss of a kokhan through a serious illness and accident. Їy next be with partners.

Dream Interpretation AstroMeridiana

Why dreamed of tickets at the hair

Hair is a symbol of vitality, energy, strength of thought and masculinity. The hairs on the head symbolize the greatest strength of that spirit, just as on the body they give the lower strength to the mind of that body. In some religions, the hair is considered a battery of cosmic energy, which lifts the head of a person, and the hair is recognized as the center of the heart of life force, as it grows on poppies. The soul lives there.

Long hair - bazhannya kokhannya and readiness to show sexuality. Varto turn respect for a dream about hair, as if the color was waking up from the real. Rudy to talk about deceit and plans, ahead of time, it’s not right to trust lonely people. Siviy - to the deterioration of health, non-receiving tiles. Bright color hair dreamed of wealth and prosperity. The chestnut color of the hair reinforces the noble character. Cut your hair to the point of a dream book - until it is broken and beaten, for the lads the dream is to serve in the army. Cut with scissors - reach great success, bazhannya zdіysnyatsya.

Psychological tlumach Furtseva

Why do you want to shoot Volosya uvі snі?

For a long time, the hair has been accepted by our pіdsvіdomіstyu as a way to improve the character of a person. Behind the old paraphrases, the hairdressers of the soft straight and earing hair tend to have an easy and accommodating character, and the axis of the curly hair and silly hair lie down for bullies and hooligans.

Straight hair, like a raptom twirled - rethinking looking at life is brought to unplanned podia. Vipadanya hairs for the sickness of loved ones.

Romantic dream book

Hair to what to shoot

  • A woman with golden hair dreamed of a man - the dreamer would be gallant, faithful and reliable companion for the kohanoi.
  • Rudy was hairy, what she dreamed about, the woman's companion of life is unvirtuous, and in the nearest possible future, she saw it.
  • Lost and brudne hair on the dream book - how to pretend to be a low rose.
  • The maiden, who has treated herself to a warm dream or a dark hair, in reality knows the chilling of a kohan.
  • A man who dreamed of stroking a white woman's hair, would bathe in a kohanna and a caress of a kokhanoy. At family life there will be no great welds and rozbіzhnosti.

Lewis's Encyclopedia of Dreams

The hair was a symbol of the spiritual and the sacred protyazh of all the history of mankind. Zokrema, poking into them the secret of Samson's strength biblical history. Hair is associated with human sexuality, calmness and health. White hair means wisdom and old age.

Idiomatic dream book

Hair to what to shoot

  • “Hair stood up dibki” - fear, zhah, zdivuvannya.
  • “The hair didn’t flinch every day” - confidence, self-control, masculinity.
  • "Sim p'yadey at the forehead" - smarter.
  • "Trimatisya on the hair" - in the region is not a safe camp;
  • "Be on your hair in the air ..." - even close.
  • “Tear your hair on your own” - great grief, suffering.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

How long to shoot Volos?

  • - As a woman, uve dream of rozchіsuєtsya - won't kill light-weighted vchinki, in which the results are rozkaєtsya.
  • Stroking your dreamy hair - until the corner turn of the heart, until the appearance of a good kohan.
  • Beautiful zachіska uvі snі - a sign of a distant turn to the right.
  • Pishna zachіska on the fluffy soft hair - on the land of happiness.
  • Too short hair - a call to compassion, sob to escape misfortune.
  • straying unharmed - until bad luck.
  • Kviti at the hairline indicate the proximity of inaccuracies, for which you, vtim, easily fit.
  • A man, having swayed his rіzhuchu hair, checks bad luck and vigilance through the power of generosity.
  • Posivile hair is a bad sign.
  • From the other side, white as snow, the hair was about the dreamer's voices, the reception of those trips.

Gypsy dream book

How long does it take Volos to shoot for gypsy traditions

  • Black is short and curly haired uvі snі - means grief and misfortune;
  • Smooth zachіska - vіschuє friendship that ending dashing;
  • Skhvilyovane hair - v_shchuє nudga, cover, image and welding;
  • Bachiti curls, which did not fall on the shoulders - signify the death of a dear friend;
  • You can’t see your dream to wake up your hair like someone else’s sign I’ll call that trivial practice;
  • Mati uvі snі hair is like a dovge, like a woman, signifying cowardice, fearfulness and deceit in a woman's status;
  • Bachiti your hair is longer and blacker than the great one means a lot of honors and wealth; bachiti uvі snі, scho stench rozsipayutsya, vіschuє ruynuvannya that bіdnіst;
  • Bachiti uvі dream, that the color of the hair became bright, then, thoroughly exercising strength, the fall of the mother, and sometimes the ailment;
  • Bachiti zhіnku zovsіm without hair, feeling hunger, vigilance and sickness;
  • Bachiti a person without hair is a sign of prosperity, wealth and health;
  • Razchіsuvatisya uvі snі the sign of the rozvyazka tangled up; to weave a scythe, that you get lost on the right and trapish at the borg;
  • A haircut for someone else is a profit to the one who has their hair cut;
  • Cut your hair to move you without confusion and annoyance, in case of misfortune, vigilance and sickness;
  • Hair smeared with lard signifies the image of others; Smear them with lipstick, or with some kind of spirits to wet the vіschuє poshani that povogu vіd іnshih;
  • Vipadannia hairy - a dream of filthy things and means that we are deprived of our lives and misfortunes by our relatives and friends;
  • Bachiti hairs, which grow on the arms, legs, breasts, that appearance, I feel unhappy, I will become a lot of wealth.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Allegories about hair

Hair - this symbol is to take revenge on one's own sense of strength and that energy, carrying knowledge and talking about the character of a person, like lying hair. Previously, neither men nor women cut their hair, it was important that it was given by God and that it protected people from evil forces.

For orders dovge hairy spent filthy energy on the ground and allowed it to enter at the body of a person. The beauty of the maiden lay at the її braid. The type of hair was judged about the character and delivery of a person: it was important that people with straight hair, softness and ears lie down on people with an accommodating character, and curly heads see bullies, revelers and robbers. It was not for nothing that the people spoke about the sloppy hair - “violent coachmen”. p align="justify"> With this rank, the characteristic of a human moved to the characteristic of a hair.

Bachiti uvі snі іvchinu, yakoї hairy growth literally in the eyes, - to an unimaginable dream; on your path, a bad person will rush; to pennies. Bachiti uvі dream, scho you have a bunch of hair, - to serious changes in life; looking up to change; you stop being recognized by known people; you change to better; raptova change in character to cause change in vіdnosinakh with otochyuchimi.

Bachiti a little girl, like a braided hair, - turboti about offspring; you will be future-stroke plans; your children to bring you joy and peace; stop worrying and fix it for yourself; podbayte pro posag for daughter; Your child is checked for a long way.

Tlumachny dream book

Why take off Hair

Hair your own posivilimi bachiti - shana chi poshana; shave your hair - zradu, deceit, tying from a spent penny that hour; know їх - zgubnі pridpriєmstva; bachiti lice on the head - vigilance; gustimi bachiti - joy; pomazhenimi - radio calls; burning - pributok.

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

Analyzing the bachelor, who dreamed of farbing the hair

Like having a dream about a haircut

Hair - Bachiti is more beautiful in a dream, hair is more beautiful - a symbol of coming roses and satisfaction. You will be honed with respect, you will be harassed by the numerical representatives of the opposite status. If you see darkness and rіzhuche hair, then you need to be more respectful and select a partner. Cut hair off at night - before vtrat i separation.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How to tumble the dream book of Volos?

Dovge hairy - the road is far; sive hair - klopit; the hair turned into a siva - through rich rocks; chuhati hair - a change in life, or a waste through deceit; especially yakscho vipada hair - vtrata friend; pay - turboti; haircut - to the sake, sake, as if to help the dream book-provisnik.

Egyptian dream book

hair what does it mean

Hair - Like a person to make himself look like a dream of hair, that he stooped, - good, it means that, in view of which it is a resemblance of yoga.

Maliy Velesov dream book

Hair to what to withdraw?

Growing hair - surplus; strigti - to the point of illness, to go to the soldier, to the right in the court you will fail, misfortune, hurt, waste; rozchіsuvati - for good, love, check for a guest, freedom, soon you will come (girls) // grief, road, person bitime (zamіzhnya), vtrata; miti - good, povaga; hairs on the arms - wealth; white hair - do not hurry, joy; siv - wealth, honor // jail, heavy waste, klopіt; dense - for glory, strength, wealth; dovgi - for good, the road is far; olієyu mazati - joy; smear with sewage - znevaga; curl - wesillya (young) // zrada (person), family unacceptability (women); palyuchі - surplus; stray - rubbish; recumbent - thin hours; lizuchi, vipaduchi - filthy sounds, vtrata, bіdnіst, ailment; thin - up to price increase.

Dream Interpretation of Mandrivnik (Terentiya Smirnova)

Why do you want to shoot Volosya uvі snі?

  • Hairs on the body - Passionate, unreasonable blows; wealth; spiritual degradation (rіdshe).
  • Weave scythes - For the joy, for the prank; bachiti lice near volossi - a lot of pennies; chuhati is a waste of pennies.
  • Hair to tear on your own - Great grief.
  • Get lost, skuyovdzheni - Bezladdya in the head, chaos, failure.
  • Mow, chubi - matimete good glory.
  • Hair with olive oil - to the delight.
  • Mother slutane hair - rubbish; chuhati - means freedom; mati dovgi - good; cut your own - unhappiness; to wander off in a dream, to fallaє - to be restless and filthy news.
  • Dovgi mosi chukhati - dishonor; check out the roads.
  • If you dream of a black scythe chi vortex, then you will be your people's profit. Mother's hair was whiter - no need to hurry.
  • Vikhor cut, you'll be like a waste.
  • Chi rozchіsuєsh mієsh vikhor - tse good: povaga that shana of people. Unleashing the scythes is a road.
  • Mow some haircut, - with a man rose.
  • Mow chukhati - guests from the road. Scratch the scythe and marvel at the mirror - the change of life.
  • For the girl - zamіzh viide and far away.
  • Yak sivim yourself bachiti - tse v'yaznitsya.
  • Vіdrіzati kosi uvі snі - great rubbish.
  • Widerty's hair was on his head - until he wasted his head.
  • The hair in general is walking from its sovnishny look - healthy, strength, life energy of the sleeper, yoga became a witness, in the coming dream book you can recognize another interpretation

Old French dream book

Hair to what to remove, tlumachennya:

  • Black, curly hair - a dream of turmoil and bad luck.
  • A good zachіska - declare friendship and end inaccuracies.
  • Polutane hair - means bed and suffering.
  • If you can’t see the swindle of a kovtun, - if you’re worried, call the ship’s work.
  • Like a man to make his hair long, like a woman's, - they are checked for deceit.
  • Bachiti your hair done, ring out lower, - promise you an increase in honors and wealth.
  • Bachiti your hair sivim - a warning against inappropriate vitrates.
  • Bachiti uvі dream of a young woman without hair - to hunger, poverty, sickness.
  • Pamper a person without hair - means prosperity, wealth, health.
  • As I dreamed in my dreams, that your body was covered with hair from the bottom to the head - I see you as being afraid of the bellies, invariably arrange your share.
  • Pamper an old man without hair - to wakefulness, sickness, hunger, and a dashing old one, now, - to success.
  • You can't comb your hair, but the comb is broken - you see inaccuracies.
  • If you want to bare your head (or a beard), - a dream ahead of you about the need to spend your camp, or get sick, or spend your loved ones.
  • Bachiti uvі snі, like your hair is falling, - to the troubles and spend the lane.

The newest and most recent dream book of 1918

How long to shoot Volos?

Dovge hairy - the road is far; sive hair - klopit; light hair - joy; chuhati - until the change in life chi vtrati; vikhor - Shvidka handed over to the authorities; curl - the future is holy (for unfriends), chilling in a friendly life (for a woman), zrada squad (for a man).

Abeta clouded dreams

Bachiti dream about hair, what does it mean?

Hair - Use wisdom, intelligence and life of strength. Mati dovge, beautiful hair - to health, strength. Razchіsuvatisya - put things right and thoughts. Cut your hair - unhappy, clogged, hardened.

Islamic dream book

Hair to what to shoot

If you have a thick and long hair, then for young people, women and women - to wealth, richness, and dovgolittya, and for others - to grief, that peace of mind. If you want to shake off your dream of falling hair, prote not in this world, if the fox appeared, then the borg will wake up, or else it will ring out in the presence of some kind of confusion and restlessness and visceral satisfaction and joy.

If you want to succumb to your middle-haired white hair, mother is in love with a child. Ale, if a woman has such a dream, then she will be able to try through the person of her anxiety and turbota. If you want to swear, if you cut your hair, you will wake up the lane given to you in timchas koristuvannya (amamonat). If you want to have such a sleep, then you will need to wake up. And if you want to talk, that the wine itself is hairier than its hair, it means that the secrets of yoga appear, and in the sight of the chiefs of their wines there will be visions.

If a woman sings a dream, if you don’t cover her hair, then a person who is familiar with the daily life, її turn around, and if a person doesn’t have it, then take it away. If you want to shake off your dream, if you have a hair on your head, they cut it, it means that a person will give you separation. If you want to cheer up the dream, that the hair on the head of the squad was cut - it means that the squad is close to the other person.

Dream Interpretation Feng Shui

Hair: interpretation of the image

Bachiti your hair sivim - to grief that sadness. Bachiti, as if you have cut your hair, - until that happy life. If your bachiti hair is short - your bіda is not long. Like a woman to wash her hair for a long time - until the eternal kohannya with a man. Like a woman to sip, what shattered her hair, or it fell out, - until the man’s quick death. Zhіnka bachit, like a virvav їy shmat hair, - it's a pity.

Esoteric dream book

Hair oh dream:

Dovge hairy - to the ailment of the nose hair. Razchisuvati, zachіsuvati before dressing. Sivі pasma - to grief, waste your loved ones; If you see strangers, you should look out for sick people. Mitya - all the best. Vіdrіzati cook for a while.

Persian dream book

Hair at the old rose

Razchіsuvati uvі snі svoє volossa - until zvіlnennya vіd usіh turbot і sadness. In addition, a similar dream sings vikonannya bazhan, zokrema shvidka that successfully redeemed borgiv. For example, if you dream about it, your hair is thicker and richer - then for young people, women and women - to wealth, richness, and for others - to grief, that anxiety of the soul.

If you want to shake off the dream, if the hair on the head was gone, if the fox was not in this world, if the fox appeared, then the borg will wake up, or it will ring out in the absence of confusion and restlessness and sensible satisfaction and joy. One is white, who, having wove his middle black hair, will have children and will love him more fervently. And if a woman has such a dream, then she will be able to try through the person of her anxiety and turbota.

A dream in which you cut your hair is an impeccable sign that you happen to spend mine, trust your turbots for an hour. Yakshcho bachit such a sleep, wake up to consume. And if you want to swear that you yourself have cut your hair, it means that the secrets of yoga appear, you have the wrath of your bosses on you and, more for everything, there will inevitably be calls from the service.

Yakshko zhіnka pat uvі snі, scho hair on the head її shear unknown people tse means that a person will give his separation. Well, if a person is to shake off the dream, that the hair on the head of the squad of the yogo was circumcised, - he is guilty of taking it to the house, that the yogo squad is close to the other person.

A woman who has treated herself to a dream of indestructible hair, let her know that a person, who is resting at a daily life, will not be able to turn around; in the same mood, if you don’t know how to be a person, then let it go, shards, madly, it was destined to know yoga.

Collection of Tlumachens of Zhou-Gong

Hair for ancient Chinese books:

Squad with loose hair - So, there may be a secret call, kohanets. The head of the siva - Forward the dovgolittya that great happiness. Two horns grow on the head - Zіtkneshsya with competition from the right. The head of a fox, all the hairs were falling - Moving bad luck on the right.

Vipada raptom hair - Moving grief, tied up from the death of onuk chi sin. A new hair grows up - Transferring dovgolittya. Yakshcho in front pіdstrigaєsh - you will be unhappy with your family, tied up with households. That uncovered head is uncovered hair - Something at the taєmnitsі zamishlyaє against you.

Simon Kananita dream book

Hair to dream about the shrine:

  • Thicker hair - wealth, strength.
  • Vipadat - ailment, confusion.
  • Chukhati is a good income.
  • Sheared - a vapadok of death in this.
  • Bachiti like to grow - razudlivist on the right.
  • Vipada hairy - vtrata myna.
  • Selling is bad luck.
  • Bachiti ore color hair - false.
  • White hair - peace of mind.
  • Rozchesani - affection.
  • Hair on the chest - I'm healthy.
  • Shvilyovani - family inaccuracies.
  • Beautiful black - in kokhani.
  • Zaplіtati scythe - you tie stosunki.
  • Farbuvati is hairy - that pardon is empty.
  • Dovgi - respect and love you.
  • Chesati іnshim - someone to constantly bother.
  • There are hairs on the hands - think about the future.
  • Burn your hair - get rid of inaccuracies.
  • Razbeshcheni - anxiety.
  • Head off - restless.
  • Svіtlі - amiability and kindness.
  • Gray hairs - long, happy life.

Modern dream book


Hair (thicker in your own chi in another) - Wealth is that strength; vipadannya hairy - sickness and bіdnіst; rozchisuvat hair - the road is far; shave your hair - it's a bad reception.

Childish dream book

Symbol meaning:

Hair - bachite your life strength and what is going on with it.

Astrological dream book

Hair bachiti, what does it mean?

Bagate haired up to success in the kohann, ale problems z zdorov'yam. How the stench vanishes, until death. Farbovani - you will be victorious at the kohanna, beware of adventurers. Cut to failure. Dovgi - the sight of ailment is attached, you need to change it directly. Curl - until the fences are pleased with that for the sake of it.

New family dream book of Nadiya Soboleva

How to understand to what farbovati the hair of your eyes?

Hair - thoughts; bazhannya. Razchisuvati - organize your thoughts; rozpatlanі - full of stray in the head; change of zachіski - change of one's bazhan; revisiting the way of thinking; haircut bald - no need for deep thoughts; vіdmova in the form of their bazhan; a short haircut - the reduction of one's ambitions; discipline; dovgi - femininity; freedom; dovge strayed hair - baiduzhe put up to your suspіlnogo іmіdzhu.

Bіlyave hair - svіdomіst; wisdom at the decision; temnі - do not start usvіdomlyuvanі pіdsvіdomі thoughts chi bajannya; prihovani, taєmnі thoughts; scythe abo kinsky tail - youth; thoughts about how people will take you away; oblisti - fear of old age; sickness.

Daily dream book for 365 days

How long does it take to shoot Volos during the days of the week?

Haircut. For a woman - until the improvement of self-perception that mood. For a person - to the point of death from fears. Zustriti woman with uncombed hair - to deceit that swindler on the right.

Unique dream book

Hair oh sleep.

Bachiti is hairy in me - to the road, trips, transfers, more expensive. Dovgi - a long road, pay - pay for it. Chim dovsha scythe - tim more luck that pributka. Haircut - change the decision through the beats, bachiti garn haircut - change life. Bachiti your hair of a different color - accept a valuable proposition.

Curly hair - interest to the singing zahoplennya, sive - rich turboti. Polutane hair - pardons, vtrata orientation in life. Sivy - mental crisis. Rudі - to good penny change. It’s like losing money - you don’t earn money in a normal life.

Bachiti yourself overgrown with hair or wool (volokhatim) - until rich through evil. White - peace of mind, light-brown hair - accommodating and kindness, combed and looked at - pretentiousness, black beautiful - buti kohanim, farbuvati - have mercy. Rozchіsuvati volossa іnhim - bother someone.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

How long to shoot Volos?

Bachiti uvі dream, that your hair has become marvelously beautiful, razchіsuvati yogo, having mercy on yourself in the mirror - it means that in reality you can chill the flooring, you won’t know where to go in the face of the litter for the assumptions of a mistake. Yakshcho, now, keep your hair in a zhalugidny camp, we’ll spread it and we’ll fix it, - your shalya behavior will lead to vtrat and rozcharuvan. Bachiti in the mirror sivinu in your hair - in reality you are drunk on grief.

Bachiti has black hair at his place - a man, at whom you are astonished, unworthy of your respect. A hair of a golden veil is a love tie from a human being, as it shows you for all the statues. Rudі - to change at the vіdnosinah іz kokhanoy people. Chestnuts - cover for failures on the right. Booty u vі snі bіlyavkoy - to vіshnіh zvіstok, zaplyuyuchih trips and zustrichey. In the distance, hair is laid - a sign in the distance of turning your rights.

It’s terrible to talk about a short haircut about those who should be more protective for you, so that you can escape an unfortunate mood. Wrinkled zachіska, which is in harmony with the evening dress - you try no equal happiness. Bachiti has her hair, from which often the farba has gone, having exposed the skein of natural color, - for a great sumnіv at the future choice of dressing. A tangle at the hair - to unbridled wealth, wanting to get lost and unkempt hair - to failure, and resolving yoga - to a love affair. A tuft on the head, standing upright, - take away the terms of the head of the authorities.

Curly haired - to change, look after him - innocence, slaughtered by others. Spit - to the roses, pay її chi to let go її - until the day. Kviti near your hair are close to inaccuracies, but, however, they do not deceive you from jealousy and do not lakayut. Vіnok volossi - glory, wealth that honour... Like a kvіti for a new one - you should prepare yourself for serious trials, yak, vtіm, it’s not necessary to drag on. Bunty at the hair - an unsupported proposition. Magnifying glass - know the significant camp. Studs are a bit of a tile. Papillots - gіrkі vіdkrittya kokhanni.

Robity with a dream of curling hair is a possible triumph for the unmarried, and for the zamіzhnіh - chilling to a friend's life, viklikane podlim deceit from the side of a person, family rozbrat and negativity. Bachiti, as if he were curling his hair, - for the young - a swedish slub, for the family - a new friend of zrada. Bachiti uvі sni sivh people - also a sign of unfriendly changes. For those who are dying, I will see the appearance of a supergirl, and for others - spend that ailment as a result of the carelessness of the hair. Bachiti uvі snі young people іz sivim аbo falling hairs - up to inaccuracies on the job.

Stroke your hair in your sleep - to a friendly turn at your heart right, young - to a good kohan. Bachiti is overgrown with whiskey at his dress - you will be honored, and sideburns - to the point of malt, unsalted surplus. Cut or burn sideburns - to cover up, spend and burn strong losses and inaccuracies. Bachiti yourself with a heavily covered hair - take forgiveness of that mercy. For a woman in a mature age, it means that she transfers all her respect to her person and, perhaps, lets her mind go to hell with the generally accepted norms of behavior.

Hair, as it grows from the nose, and also on the nose, - moving the supra-extreme undertakings, as if the winds of the strength of your character and will become possible. Bachiti uvі snі volohati hands vіschuє success at the right and pennies, legs - so іnakshe you will be deprived of the head of this and twist the man like you will be tempted.

Cut your hair uvі snі - it will not be difficult for your life to be important. Do a good job in perukarni - having become happy and happy, lower at once, you will make the present hour as the best of your life. Wear a feather, attaching your hair under it - in real life you change, as you choose to spend the next hour, appear unfriendly. Mitya is hairy with shampoo - it means that in reality you will take the fate of worthless scams in order to bring someone satisfaction. Mitya was hairy in the laznі - the ailment could be far from the house. Drying your dream hair with a hairdryer means that you will spend your troubles in an unacceptable story, like making a lot of noise.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Why dream about Hair?

Dovge hair - long road, short hair - near more expensive. Sive hair - dovge, happy life. Vipada hair - until the renewal of life. Show that your hair is brighter, thicker and cleaner. Run your hands in them, see how rich your hair is, how much it is.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joles

Why take off Hair, symbolic meaning:

Hair is often a head embellishment, especially for women, and for people it is thickly haired without streaks - a sign of a rise in life forces - a star of alarm before the fox appears.

Hair in dreams sound to indicate to your self that your privacy for others. Pishne glimmering hair symbolizes deepness, and darkness, overlooked skein - marriage of deepness in oneself. Dreams about the appearance of foxes in your house can mean that you feel a waste of control over your life.

Great modern dream book

Hair - how long does it take for a dreamer to dream?

Hair - You won't be surprised in the mirror and you will see your beautiful chestnut hair - in the service you will be checked for bad luck. You bachite yourself with a dream of a curly-haired brunette - a man, like you befits and you can have a chance to reciprocate, prepare a love pasta for you; vіn zmusheniy vdatisya until tsgogo zasobu either through your indolence, or through those that your heart is already occupied.

See yourself as a blond or dream of an unknown blond - you happen to show your courage, your husband's vchinok protect your goodness. You nibi bachite the siva of the people, or you show that you have a sve hair - you were embarrassed for the rest of the hour because of some kind of drive; nareshti come zvistki, yakі vtishat you. More cloudy sleep: you happen to be embarrassed.

You've cut your hair nicely, you have a beautiful haircut - your work has not been particularly successful, but the axis-axis will all turn better. See that your hair is dear - your vchinok will be inadequate: you will be merciful to the one who does not scoff at you for mercy, you will be generous to the one who does not need your generosity, you will hurry up to the one who does not repent, and so on, - through tsiu innocence, you will get a pardon and, perhaps, you know negativity, vigilance.

The maiden is a young woman who knows her beautiful hair - not a warm dream; tsya maiden to smash the neobachny vchinok, for whom it’s hard to repent; good, as if I didn’t happen to z_skablyuvat zі svoїh vorіt yogot. A man to churn his kohan ore for a woman - in real life, in the waters between a man and a woman, there are changes.

A woman to succumb to her sleep without hair - really, a woman, or a disease, or a need. Cholovik bachit yourself fox - a dream to good health, to success, to popularity.

Mythological dream book

Hair - how to understand the symbol

Healthy and take a look at the hair, especially, as it is, it looks like a bright bliss, associates with youth, life strength and positive self-esteem. Hair in a filthy state, for example, falling off, can be evidence of low self-esteem. Hair is also looked at as a show of sexuality.

More positive value. Bachiti to the unknown beauty with miraculous hair often means friendship and happiness. Hairy hair. Dreams about perfumed hair can be attributed to pride or Marnoslavism. Chi yourself you put perfume on your hair, why did you win for you?

Negative implications. Getting strayed or braided hair can mean folding problems in life. Hair, as you see, you don’t know how to comb it or choose it, it can mean that you should rethink the strategy for resolving problems. Cut your hair well - you will be successful in a new beginning. It is possible to cut the hair of other people - it is possible, tse caution: beware of the fortuneteller of people who have been lashed before you.

emotions. As if you dreamed more beautifully, take a look at your hair, imaginatively, the internal assessment of specialty does not lead you. If you have let your hair down, it may mean that you are unable to satisfy your internal needs. Razchіsuvati volossa uvі snі - sleep can be put to the end of special problems; rozchіsuvati hairy komus - in front of you checks the solution of folding problems.

Universal dream book

Hair what does it mean:

Separation of vital energy, beauty, privability; denser writing hair - wealth, health, life strength; volosya vipada - to the point of ailment and sickness; zachіsuvati - an affair.

Tlumach dream of a Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For the quiet, who was born from grass, red, lime and sickle

Hair - Bachiti uvі snі, as if you rose in front of the mirror rokіshne hair, - in reality you need to work with your hair, it’s still not clear, this is how the whole dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

For quiet, who was born in the spring, yellow, leaf fall, chest

Bachiti yourself uvі snі volohatim - up to a surplus.

Good afternoon, Tetyano.
Zagalom, it was like that.
I came to my crazy school. Some additional courses were held there. .. it’s like “200 r for a farbuvannya hair ..” well, just for a moment .. the shards in me were an hour and a penny, I virishila pofarbuvaty kinchiki hair in a kind of bright color. . I asked if you could make me hairballs, I was told that it was so. She took me to the office. There was another girl there. She was dressed not chicly on the floor, but relishing the style. farmed my hair. And then the 2nd girl took the knives and said, first cut the hair, cut the hair, cut it off like that, but then I wobbled as my hair falls, she cut off about 2-3 cm! My hair was a trifle - it would hardly reach my shoulders, and I was angry that the hair would look even shorter.
The 1st girl started growing farba in jars. an hour has passed. I first of all girlishly begin to apply farba on the hair, it was already a long time ago and I realized that I can’t take it on supplementary courses. I had a brightly red wife's hair. I'm a little smart and I'll look no better.
Pіznіshe, buv dovgoy process z farbuvannya my hair. Ale's shoulders troch covered. On the new boulevard, there were like trojans, also of cream color. Then I patted my side. I am not me. I looked like a Korean girl. I made a make-up. Overlays, eyeliner, mascara, powder, etc. And I have hair. .Ale, if I patted that I'm a loin, then it was worthy of me, because. everything went wrong for me. it’s just perfect.. Then the dream is shaved off. no hair has grown to the kuprik, max to the middle of the back).
And the hair was already blue .. to turn mother-of-pearl like .. then blue, then black, then violet .. and the colors were not bright, but rather dark .. life, ten years ago, on the right, I also made hair in blue . I think, as it happened, this color is not familiar to the face.

Oh, you can look at yourself and your life from the side. Pіdsvіdomіst naє іnformatsіyu, yak vіd sliznіl іd svіdomosti. Tse allow you to inspire the transfer of different podії, as if with a great imovirnіstyu you can stand in the nearest future. If the dream is correct, it is possible to avoid various negative influences in the wet life. How to cloud the dream book with blue hair, it will be looked at in the distance.

Come to interpretation

In order to know the correct meaning of the dream about the hair of the blue chi of the black eye, it is necessary to correctly understand the process of interpretation. So, a skin person perceives that chie image in its own way. Skin people have their own associations. In order to understand, until what dream of that chi іnshiy dream, it is necessary for us to feed ourselves, as emotions are connected with this chi іnshiy rank.

The skin of a person is unique. Therefore, there is no new interpretation for everyone. All the same, protesters in our associations are proteges. To this, dream books propagate the interpretations of night dreams. But only the person herself can, having listened to herself, understand what is worse.

What does the dream about hair mean, if it happened to be farbowed, otherwise it was already turned into a blue color? It is necessary to take a look at what the dream of hair is about. Tse dosit strong image. So varto zvernuti respect for those who looked like stench. It is important to heal all the nuances of sleep. Tse dopomogaє correctly tlumachit dreaming.

So varto turn respect, from which the blue color is associated. This image is formed by our witness from the very childhood. Moreover, the women and the people of the association are most often divided. He needs vrahuvati, who had a dream. Call pіdsvіdomіst to tell us about those with whom we are most busy in reality. If we think about the work, then it is necessary to interpret the dream from the right position. For quiet people, occupied with their special lives, sleep is underway in this closet.

Blue color

How long does it take to get blue hair? This symbol can be interpreted differently. Varto is partly from what we associate the blue color with. So, next signify that it is a cold, deep sight. Such a color can be water, an evening sky. Vin symbolizes the mysticism and deep knowledge, the exercise of the well-being of the greater enlightenment.

It is necessary to guess the power of the buddy. The stench can be rude, take it. And here the dream is good. It means that the dreamer is resting at the harmony from himself with that extra light.

Discomfort u vі snі to talk about different internal problems, z yakim be brought to stick together people. Possibly, do not commemorate anything, but disharmony in life is ruinous.

The blue color can speak of coldness, skutistity of emotions. Tse strimanist, ale and glibina. Behind this cold, the whole day of emotions can be hovered. For this reason, the perception is sometimes deceptive.

In a dream book about blue hair, there is a story about different emotions, which can make a person feel better. Moreover, it is more correct to interpret the lie in the mind, as if calling the plot from the dreamer. Varto signify that for a hair such a color is not remarkable, that and similar, which are experienced in the life of a person, cannot be called ordinary. Possibly, the stench of the mystical things. However, nothing happens just like that. What would not have been turbulent at the present moment, tse є nasledk vchinkіv, zdіysnenih at the past.

Dream Interpretation of Medea and Miller

You can know the interpretation of the dream about the hair of the blue color in the dream book of Medea. Here it is confirmed that such a sight is a symbol of magic, chaklunstvo. Like a similar story, having dreamed of a woman, it means that she was able to enchant a person that she was worthy of. Moreover, it was similar to the distance without a living zusil.

For people, a dream about blue hair, looks like Medea's dream book, and also remains positive. Nache itself vdastsya, vyrishshisya as an important right. Possibly, low unimaginable podіy brought to happiness, great luck.

Farbuvati hair in blue in Miller's dream book means that people can bring their dreams into reality. Tse is a friendly sign. The blue color is hairy, it looks like a dream book, to talk about how merry a dream is. Also, you can feel the otrimannya creative, cicavoye robots.

Blue hair, more dreamy, talk about the rise of life forces. Tse allow zrobiti like neimovirnі, shalenі vchinki. It’s also important to guess how the dreamer robs hair. As if you had a chance to sort out, a person can arrange his own special stature.

Miluvannya blue hair in front of the mirror to talk about the adoption of the correct, wise decision. Shave the blue curls - virushi at the vіdryadzhennya for the vіrіshennia of the unimaginable tasks. Patch a skein in a braid means that you will not be afraid to get to know your future person; work like a zachіsku - reconcile with the enemies.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

At the whispers of clues, to which blue hair is removed, you can turn to Vanga's dream book. Such a zabarvlennya curls here is perceived as an internal image of jealousy. Moreover, the person whom you can not remember. Ale ce ruynuє yoga in the middle. It’s necessary to blast the coal for yourself, if the problem needs to be overcome.

So blue skeins can talk about ahead of time to the dream of yoga kerіvnitstva chi colleagues.

It’s more important to lie to someone who has blue hair. Yakshcho had a chance to talk to a blue pepper man, a partner or a friend, a good sign. close people Got a welcome surprise. Dreaming of wine is worthy, so it’s not varto to respect you. You can also look forward to a cheerful company. Possibly, soon you will be welcomed by your friends, the evening is just a gathering with a sincere company. The very same pod_ya podnіme moods, pushing strength for the new hour.

How blue was the hair of an unknown person, why talk about an internal hvilyuvannya dream. There is a turbulence in life, it does not give peace. It is necessary to harmonize your inner light. Most of the time, you need to figure out your problem. Having understood, with what you can right, you can її verse.

In order to harmonize the inner world, Vanga recommends visiting the seashore. It is worth spending an hour here on your own. Tse may be calm, calm mind. Possibly, meditation is necessary. You can also get used to shukati in the mountains. So what a similar dream to talk about the need to get back at the entrance, in order to build up inner strength. Tom, as if he had a chance to dream of farbowing his hair in a blue color, it is possible that people are drawn to it. Yogo physical and moral forces will end.

Yake bulo hair?

You can see the blue color of the hair can be different. To better understand what the dream means, follow the respect for old look zachіski. As if the curls of the boules caught sight of that long, it’s not enough to talk about the calm and tranquility of life. Tse stable financial camp, independence. As if the dreamer had started as if for a pardon, about the way it’s too bad, in the next hour, the chance to correct everything. Possibility of reconciliation from a close person.

As if the sash was beautiful, curly, it’s not enough to talk about a swedish trip or an adventure. Possibly, a generous sponsor of chi zіtkhach will show up at random. Vіn lure you to the point of being expensive and useful.

A dream about farbovane hair of a blue color, as if it were straight, ale bleak, to talk about the blame for unbearable difficulties. Between friends and relatives there is no mutual understanding. Sometimes such a dream is guarded, which is a necessary terminology. Otherwise, there is Rozumov's overvoltage. The dreamer sorts out more obov'yazkiv, lower can vikonati.

Scraped skeins of blue color to talk about easy dreaming, as well as about accommodating and eloquent. Through the shop, it’s time to get ready for an adventure at the next hour. Even if the emotions were positive, it is possible to varto inspire. As if looking blue skuyovdzhenikh hair turned, lakav, unacceptable, it’s not varto to embark on an adventure. Tse good not skіnchitsya.

Lose your elbows in front of you, so that a person can become a victim of shahrai. Can't trust anyone at this time. Behind your speeches, you need to follow, especially in public places.

Other dream books

In other dream books, blue hair is also interpreted differently. Іsnuyut raznі go to decipher such a dream. So, for example, behind Tsvetkov's dream book blue hair brought stability on the right. Tse is a sign that the dreamer takes away the defender and I will help. It’s blue hair to talk about those that the person accepts, or else she already accepted the correct decision. Tse brought yoga to positive changes in the share. Warto checks for quick changes in life on the edge.

A Muslim dream book seems to have a blue color hair for good news. The dreamer takes it off without a hitch, Corresponding information. You might as well know what you need to remember in your life.

In Freud's dream book, the meaning of dreams about the hair of a blue color is presented in a different light. This is a dream to witness that people are marrying as a child in life. Vіn pragne poshani that respect, the recognition of that glory. For the reach of the dreamers, the dreamers will need the encouragement of loved ones. However, the stench cannot be given all at once. In addition, a dream about blue hair can also be a witness to the purity of that nobility of a dream, in a new light we have a pious thought.

The dream book of Nostradamus has blue hair to talk about the completion in the distance, as if you can do it. Lyudina praised the right decision. On the new check good change at the share.

The gypsy dream book has a blue color hair to talk about a long-standing sacred dream. Moreover, the person, perhaps, didn’t fall for it. Ale is like a diva yogo bazhannya dream, bringing him great joy.

Modern dream book

Did you have a chance to change the color of your dream hair into blue? Tse mozhe move different pods in the life of a dreamer. Modern dream book interprets a similar plot as a way to change life in life. Also, you can forget about the past. Vono in the dreamer is tied up with unacceptable ways.

Warto remember that in such a situation it is impossible to see for yourself. It is necessary to reconcile with your share and accept yourself as you are. You can't be kimos іnhim. Having understood, the dreamer can collapse far away, making it difficult to blame. Tse bring yoga for an hour for happiness.

So don’t call warto yourself for a minute. It is necessary to work out the correct visnovki and not to repeat your pardons. Remember that without the past there is no future.

Like a person who has been refurbished, she wants to change her look. The dream is to talk about the bazhannya, change the number of calls. You can’t resist this bug. As if a person is unacceptable to you, it is not necessary to endure.

As if you had a chance to farbow your hair in a black color, you can easily find internal disharmony. There will be no more tightness, periods of snowfall. Life will soon be rewarded. At nіy z'appear richly accepted and marvelous. Nezabar share to turn to the dreamer.

Possibly, at once you do not believe in the talents of the authorities. Ale, the hour will come, when the day of the day is called. The dreamer of wisdom, which is a unique specialty, can expand his talents to a high level. Tse need to go to the path to the reach of meti. A person can easily secure on his own strength. Tse allow to reach the delivered goal.

Dream Interpretation of Natalia Stepanova

Farbuvati hair in a blue color for the dream book of N. Stepanova sees different changes. It is necessary to protect, what a sight of the boons at the locks. As if refarbing the hair in the distance near the bright eyes, in real life, the dreamer wants to reconsider the restless ones, which is the only true thought.

Like a dream, it seems that a person is lying down in the mind of the mind of the mindless. Tse is not the most signified in the life of a dream. Such staleness in the face of someone else's thought is a ruinous specialty. You can hear your inner voice.

As if we were dark, a man of pragmatic self-sufficiency. Yomu needs to be assimilated in order to rise from oneself. So a person engages in self-criticism. You want to protect yourself from the sight of otochyuchih. Tse viklikane with intrusive thoughts, so that the dreamer does not understand the mindless. You need to be less critical to your own particularity, as well as otochyuchy. A similar behavior can lead to a rich turbot at a future one.

Dream interpretation of T. Smirnova

Blue hair in the dream book of T. Smirnov is seen from the other side. As if the dreamer had done it on their own, it’s not enough to talk about the lack of respect for this person. Vіn pragne buti at the center of respect. People know that no one listens to their thoughts, they don’t value.

Do not varto so take light. Such a dream seems to be a dreamer - over that its speciality is centered. Such an emotional state can be explained in a strong way. Її was in charge of the person of the opposite position. At the moment, we need a repair. It is necessary to organize thoughts. Only in this way you will be able to find harmony with yourself. In another turn, a person can get a pardon. About her wine for a long time shkoduvatime. It’s better for that to swell, think about it and fix it.

Farbuvannya hair can also mean that you will try to catch your discord. We don’t varto zdavatisya for otochyuyuschie zavzhdly happy. Tse will not help you to get rid of problems. At the moment, the dreamer needs the help of the resting ones. Less than that, you can solve problems. Possibly, you will be glad of a well-informed person.

Dream Interpretation of Stuart Robinson

As if in a dream, a person blew her hair in a dark blue color, so to speak about the negative result of a rose color. That’s why it’s not varto virishuvatisya at once on a new undertaking. In polished people, like laced against a dream.

As soon as the light is bright, life will change for better. The dreamer takes a new look at his life, which allows him to know the solution for all problems.

If you dream that you have a beautiful long hair, then radio calls are checked on you, friendship and well-being.

A man is dreaming of such a dream, that at the last moment you will get angry or you will be fooled by a woman.

If you have hair, you may be clean, healthy, looking at a glance, then yours can enjoy yourself, and well.

Bachiti of a fox man, uvі snі - to joy, healthy, that well-being, and a woman without hair - to zlidnіv, falsity and nevikonannya bazhannya.

Mow bachiti - to the rozcharuvan, welds and pricros. With your guilt, people from your sharpness, like weaving cunning intrigues around you. Marvel at the darkness: Mow.

Black and curled, scarlet hair from someone - to the embarrassment of the cost through deceit and evil.

As soon as your hair darkened and became thin, it’s true, then wealth and well-being are checked on you.

If the hair has become the oldest and shortest, then vigilance and suffering is not far off.

Zachіsuvati volosya vі vі snі - a garniy sign for girls, more than not barred htos zaproponuє їm hand and heart. Such a dream sometimes also precedes women about those who stench can blow about their easy behavior.

Deputy woman such a dream means a gift in the form of a man and a kokhan.

For people, such a dream is conveyed by intrigues, deceit, the Borg and others are confused, and sometimes they are aggravated.

Adding someone to your dream means that you bring your joys to those people.

If you scratch your hair and you can’t comb it, then you are checked robot cuff otherwise, it seems to be entangled on the right.

Sell ​​your hair in a dream of misfortune.

As if you are dreaming, it is written that you have a garne of hair, then you check for success and well-being on your right.

Bachiti, oh dream, that your hair is already tall, - it’s even a good sign that you are told shvidky rist income, happiness is well-being. The dream conveys that your natural stamina will help you to occupy the temple and the grand camp at the temple.

Bachiti dream, in which the hair grew on your lap, you cut your yogo, and it grew again, which means that you are checking for pennies like people, they waved their hand at you.

Good tidied up hair means mіtsnu friendship, or in the distance zbіg furnishing.

Pishna zachіska and soft hair means love and happiness.

Stifling hair is a sign of pihat and pihat. Sleep is ahead of you, so that your intellect will harm you. Marvel at the darkness: The smell, Mitya.

Take a magnifying glass at your hair - move the trouble, hurt that ailment.

If you see a dream that you have hair on your head, then be afraid of a thorny ailment.

If you see a dream, you bache yourself with a long thick beard, and if you believe it, then you should be afraid of an unfortunate fall.

Messed up hairy bachiti uvі snі - to the point of inaccuracies and misguided rights.

The tangle at the hairs of the bachiti is a sign of a nearby ship for unfriends and separation for friends. If friendships do not separate, then life will transform into a torturi. Skhvilyovane hairy uvі snі - moving the family rozbratu.

If a person has a dream, if the new one has no hair on his face, then the dream is passed on, so the rubbish and stinginess make you have love on the right.

Vipadannya volosya uvі snі - a sign of vtrat, sbitkіv, bіdnostі, suffering, domestic negativity, scandals, weldings, separation from cohanim.

Zhіntsі vіdbіlyuvati vіdbіlyuvati vіdbіlyuvati vіdbіlyuvati vіdbіlyuvati vіdbіlyuvati vіdbіlyuvati vіdіvі snі - warning аbout thаt wіth іt іѕ аn easily important behavior саn hurt іt's reputation, yakscho іnіnka uіvі snі indulge а bіlyаvkoy, tо check ailments on her.

For people, such a dream is a good place for the comfort of the soul and the comfort of the rest. And cholovіkovі pobachit blonde uvі snі - to trudnoschіv that pereshkod.

White haired uw bachiti - a sign of peace of mind and that joy; beautifully black haired feeling mutually.

Lighter haired in a dream - a sign of good hope, peace. Ore was hairy uvі snі - a sign of deceit. Ale, as a person, as you love, as soon as you sleep, stand in front of you with rudim hair, which shimmers on the sun like gold, then garnis of stars and joys of love will be on you.

The golden hair of your face means yoga.

Bachiti hair on the hands means that you need to think about the future. Marvel at the darkness: Hand.

Bachiti was hairy on his chest, in a miracle of health and bodily happiness.

Burn the hair away from sleep - moving inaccuracies and shkodi.

The loose hair of the bachiti is a sign of anxiety and hvilyuvan.

Farbuvati hairy uw means that you are empty, and you are self-sufficient.

Look at the dream that you have a tuft on your head, which means that you have to lie vikonati important task.

Curl your hair in front of a person about a friend's zrada, and for women such a dream conveys family unacceptability and welding. Let's bachelor the dream of a friend.

Napomazhen and over smoothed hair bachiti - a sign of Swedish inaccuracies and ailments. Marvel at the darkness: Aromatic speeches.

Stroking your hair is a sign of reconciliation after welding.

To virvati chi shave your hair yourself - a sign of kayatta in your foolishness that zrada kokhantsya. Well, if the hair is viruvaetsya by force, then you can do everything you can to get out of vigilance.

Kviti at volossi bachiti is a sign of patience, masculinity, as you need to get a change. Marvel at the darkness: Quite.

As soon as you see your dream, your hair has grown stronger, then you will not hesitate to change your head. I will become a check on you. Marvel at the darkness: Siviy.

Look at the dream, that your hair is looking brighter, - moving the bastards and vigilance.

If you dream that your hair is two or more than two, then you will be tormented by your conscience or doubt.

Bachiti your hair with a stinger is a sign that you will be beaten from the dishonest vchinka, and you can pay for your reputation. To marvel at the darkness: Foxy, Curl, Scythe, Broda, Goliti.

Cloudy dreams from Family dream book

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Bachiti uvі dream, that your hair has become marvelously beautiful, razchіsuvati yogo, having mercy on yourself in the mirror - it means that in reality you can chill the flooring, you won’t know where to go in the face of the litter for the assumptions of a mistake. Yakshcho, now, keep your hair in a zhalugidny camp, we’ll spread it and we’ll fix it, - your shalya behavior will lead to vtrat and rozcharuvan.

Bachiti in the mirror sivinu in your hair - in reality you are drunk on grief.

Bachiti has black hair at his place - a man, at whom you are astonished, unworthy of your respect.

A hair of a golden veil is a love tie from a human being, as it shows you for all the statues. Rudі - to change at the vіdnosinah іz kokhanoy people. Chestnuts - cover for failures on the right.

Booty u vі snі bіlyavkoy - to vіshnіh zvіstok, zaplyuyuchih trips and zustrichey.

In the distance, hair is laid - a sign in the distance of turning your rights. It’s terrible to talk about a short haircut about those who should be more protective for you, so that you can escape an unfortunate mood. Wrinkled zachіska, which is in harmony with the evening dress - you try no equal happiness.

Bachiti has her hair, from which often the farba has gone, having exposed the skein of natural color, - for a great sumnіv at the future choice of dressing.

A tangle at the hair - to unbridled wealth, wanting to get lost and unkempt hair - to failure, and resolving yoga - to a love affair. A tuft on the head, standing upright, - take away the terms of the head of the authorities.

Curly haired - to change, look after him - innocence, slaughtered by others.

Spit - to the roses, pay її chi to let go її - until the day.

Kviti near your hair are close to inaccuracies, but, however, they do not deceive you from jealousy and do not lakayut. Vіnok volossi - glory, wealth that honour... Like a kvіti for a new one - you should prepare yourself for serious trials, yak, vtіm, it’s not necessary to drag on.

Bunty at the hair - an unsupported proposition. Magnifying glass - know the significant camp. Studs are a bit of a tile. Papillots - gіrkі vіdkrittya kokhanni.

Robity with a dream of curling hair is a possible triumph for the unmarried, and for the zamіzhnіh - chilling to a friend's life, viklikane podlim deceit from the side of a person, family rozbrat and negativity. Bachiti, as if he were curling his hair, - for the young - a swedish slub, for the family - a new friend of zrada.

Bachiti uvі sni sivh people - also a sign of unfriendly changes. For those who are dying, I will see the appearance of a supergirl, and for others - spend that ailment as a result of the carelessness of the hair. Bachiti uvі snі young people іz sivim аbo falling hairs - up to inaccuracies on the job.

Stroke your hair in your sleep - to a friendly turn at your heart right, young - to a good kohan. Bachiti is overgrown with whiskey at his dress - you will be honored, and sideburns - to the point of malt, unsalted surplus.

Cut or burn sideburns - to cover up, spend and burn strong losses and inaccuracies.

Bachiti yourself with a heavily covered hair - take forgiveness of that mercy. For a woman in a mature age, it means that she transfers all her respect to her person and, perhaps, lets her mind go to hell with the generally accepted norms of behavior.

Hair, as it grows from the nose, and also on the nose, - moving the supra-extreme undertakings, as if the winds of the strength of your character and will become possible.

Bachiti uvі snі volohati hands vіschuє success at the right and pennies, legs - so іnakshe you will be deprived of the head of this and twist the man like you will be tempted.

Cut your hair uvі snі - it will not be difficult for your life to be important. Do a good job in perukarni - having become happy and happy, lower at once, you will make the present hour as the best of your life. Wear a feather, attaching your hair under it - in real life you change, as you choose to spend the next hour, appear unfriendly.

Mitya is hairy with shampoo - it means that in reality you will take the fate of worthless scams in order to bring someone satisfaction. Mitya was hairy in the laznі - the ailment could be far from the house.

Drying your dream hair with a hairdryer means that you will spend your troubles in an unacceptable story, like making a lot of noise.

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