Pay for the land veterans pracі. Yakі є pіlgi іz land tax veterans pratsі? Chi pay land tax pensioners? Payments from the land tax for pensioners

Mustache hulks Russian Federation(further - the Russian Federation) - the rulers of land plots - pay a tribute to the municipal (regional) budget. Legislation of the Russian Federation transfers to pensioners as an intriguing social category of the population of fiscal benefits.

Vіd chogo lie rozmіr tribute to the land

Yakim will be a tribute to the land in Pdmoskov'ї to lay down in the form of 3 indications: the purpose of the deed, the cadastral vartost, the coefficient, which is the salary of the last month of the Volodinnya.

  • settlements;
  • silsk state;
  • special recognition- Lands occupied by:
    1. industrial infrastructure facilities;
    2. communications;
    3. objects of security of the country;
  • natural territories, which are especially protected;
  • fondi:
    1. fox;
    2. watery;
  • state reserves.

The cadastral assessment of the object should be recognized on the site Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography - or to send a letter to the territorial office of the appointed department with the method of z'yasuvannya іnformatsiї, scho tsіkavit.

Subscription rate in the Moscow region

MO is divided into 35 districts - the skin care department has its own tariff. Land tax for pensioners in the Moscow region - table of interest rates:

Municipal district MO

Fiscal tariff

15 of them have a maximum of:
















The fixed tariff is set for all vlasniks of garden plots:


The rate is calculated between 0.07-0.3:






Sergiev Posadsky













Chi pay pensioners a land tax

Land levy is subject to monthly taxes, but it is regulated on two levels - federal and regional. Valid until the Federal Law of the Russian Federation on December 28, 2017. No. 436-FZ to persons, if they need help, to give preference to natural expression: the tax base may be changed to the cadastral property of a plot of land with an area of ​​6 acres (600 sq. m), which is transferred from the taxpayer's tax authority.

The transfer of the privileged citizens, having become pensioners of all categories, people for the age of 60 years and women for the age of 55 years, yakі otrimuyut schomіyachne dovіchne utrimannya. Payments from the land tax in the Moscow region are divided into 3 groups:

  • more money to pay a tax;
  • 50% discount;
  • ventilation at natural curvature - 600 sq. m from 1 land lot.

Federal Pilgoviki

The legislation of the Russian Federation overrides the category of federal taxpayers, as it may have the right to claim for the removal of fiscal preferences regardless of the decision of the government:

  • Heroes of the Russian Federation, the Union of Radyansk Socialist Republics (hereinafter referred to as the SRSR), all cavaliers of the Order of Glory;
  • veterans of the BBB and other wars;
  • disabled;
  • individuals that have suffered through the legacy of man-made disasters.

Regional preferences for pensioners in the Moscow region

Mіstseve legislation of the Moscow Region determines the change in the category of osib, which hopes to reduce or rehabilitate the natural form:

  1. old-age pensioners;
  2. rich sіm'ї;
  3. relatives of military servicemen, who died at the first hour of the obov'yazkiv ceremony;
  4. honor the bulk of the city;
  5. impossible.

The administration of the surrounding districts of the Moscow Region independently expanded the list of privileges and clarified the scope of preferences:

population item

Pilga description


  • disabled 1, 2 groups;
  • non-full-term competitions of concentration camps

50% discount

Heroes of the USSR and/or the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of Glory of all levels

Widows of Veterans VVV

Reduction at rosemary 1 yew. nar. from the full sum of the land tax

Vedmezh-Ozersk, Shchelkivsky district, Moscow region

Vlasniki of the land, the area that does not exceed 0.25 hectares - the maximum allowable size for summer cottages, individual living life (further - ІЖС), private household plots

30% discount

  • VVV veterans;
  • non-full-time contests of concentration camps;
  • rich sіm'ї

Payment of the land tax

  • disabled 1, 2 groups;
  • participants in the fighting near Chechnya, Afghanistan;
  • honor the bags;
  • individuals, like the traces of a man-made disaster at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant (further - ChNPP)

50% discount


  • heroes of the SRSR and/or the Russian Federation;
  • Cavaliers of the Order of Glory of all levels;
  • veterans and disabled VVV;
  • participants in the fighting near Chechnya, Afghanistan;
  • individuals, yakі susuli nasledkі ї accident on Chernobyl

Vilnennya in payment of the fiscal fee

  • people of a frail age, post-inhabitants of Vasilivsky, veterans of the prats, like koristuyutsya land plots, the expansion of which does not exceed the maximum established in the region;
  • self-employed pensioners with double the lower income for the monthly subsistence minimum (further - PM)

50% discount

Dmitrivske, Shatursky district, Moscow region

  • heroes of the SRSR and/or the Russian Federation;
  • more cavalry of the Order of Glory;
  • disabled 1, 2 groups;
  • individuals, yakі susuli nasledkі ї accident on Chernobyl;
  • testing nuclear weapons;
  • participants in the fighting near Chechnya, Afghanistan

Vilnennya in payment of the fiscal fee

  • the hulks, yakі took away the crazy ringing from the hardened order;
  • cavaliers of orders and medals, as well as volunteers of various ranks, taken away from the great Holy Union and the Russian Federation. In addition, osіb, yakі mаyut work experience, sufficient for that, schob otrimuvat pension payments for a lifetime of service;
  • hromadyans, like an incompetent citizen, they began to work at the Great Vitchiznian war (persons, the experience of such people is over 40 years, the same woman, the experience of such people is more than 35 years).

Land tax: benefits for veterans

  • Work experience is not less than 40 years for men and 35 years for women. The labor experience is obov'yazkovo confirmed by the relevant records from the labor books or in the archives (pre-war and war).
  • Presentation of various awards, medals, documented awards and letters of honor in the order, conferred honorary titles of the SRSR and RRFSR, and navit RF.
  • Hulks, yakі started labor activity for the benefit of the country under the hour BBB century less than 18 years.
  • Citizens who live and work in a particular region officially set number rokіv (veteran pratsi less on the equal region).

Yakі pіlgi іz the land tax to lay the veterans of the pracі

Crimean named code, є special law, which regulates the land vodnosini - tse Land Code of the Russian Federation. A newcomer can also know the riddle about the land tax, as a kind of payment for land. Prote, there is no way for anyone else to give details of the one who pays this tribute, but it’s too much, but he’s up to another legislature.

Yakі podtkovі pіlgi can be taken from 2019 roci veterans pracі

Vodnochas sled vrakhovuvati, scho pіlgi schodo tsgogo gratuities are looked at on the regional level. The authorities of the regions can independently designate a change of osib, as if they may have the right to concessions, wash away such taxes, help them to cars, independently regulate the lines of payment. For example, in the Sakhalin region, Moscow, and other regions, there are no transport burdens of the category of bulky people, but in Bashkortostan and the Irkutsk region, the burden is found in the Stovidestkovo region.

The procedure for rozrahunka, pay taxes from the Russian Federation is regulated by the Tax Code. Earlier it was also the Law “On tax on mine physical features»; yoga was said in 2015 roci. All changes, additions, revisions must be made before the federal legislative basis. The tax on land is also paid for according to the provisions of the Land Code.

Pіlgi veterans pratsi on land tax

The transfer of pilgrims' minds to a lot of land for the hromadas has been installed at paragraph 5 of Article 390 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Krіm tsgogo, іsnuyut laws of the Russian Federation, sho dіyut nіy galuzі, stink can stоsuvati possiblity to expand the list of pіlgovyh representatives, as well as zbіlshennya sumi compensation, scho hopes in this region.

Translation of the rules for the removal of tax payments for veterans of the workplace

  • the possibility of a cost-free transfer from the public transport to the local transport;
  • a 50% reduction in the payment of utility bills;
  • as a veteran of the labor force continues to work on labor duty, you may have the right to issue your own permit at any convenient hour for a new one;
  • nadannya free service not only the preparation, but the installation of dental prostheses at state medical clinics;
  • nadannya yakіsnogo medical exaltation at state clinics;
  • selection of cost-free medical preparations for a doctor's prescription.

Chi є pіlgi veterans pratsi on land plots, inviolability and payment of taxes

Veteran pracі - understand it is new for Russian legislation, even if during the hours of the Soviet Socialist Republic the citizens saw the medal "Veteran Pracі", but it did not give special rights, it was the moral concern of a practicing practitioner for yoga practice. The law “On Veterans” (No. 5-FZ) requested the appointment of “veteran workers”, with a change in the law, she was very excited.

Pіlgi for a tribute to the land: who should lie down and how to weep

Pilgi from a tax can be less on the level of the municipality. In such a rank, the privilege of taxable profit is to lie in the field of growing a land plot. It is possible to find out, what has been laid down, and what kind of rozmіr, it is possible to vikonate a legal act, which regulates taxation on a miserable level. Yogo can be booked on the official website of the municipality.

Pіlgi veterans pratsi on land tax from the Cubans

Пільга членам сімей військовослужбовців, які втратили годувальника, надається на підставі пенсійного посвідчення, в якому проставлено штамп «вдова (вдівець), мати (батько) загиблого воїна» або є відповідний запис, засвідчений підписом керівника установи, яка видала пенсійне посвідчення, та печаткою цієї install. If the members of the family are not appointed as pensioners, they rely on them to provide evidence about the death of the military service.

Land tax for pensioners in 2019

Qi rules are transferred by the norms of federal legislation. Cream of that Submissive Code transferred, scho z vstanovlennі land tax authorities mіstsevogo samoryaduvannya can be vlasnі vlasnі podtkovі pіlgi, for example, outside vvlnennya z vіlnennya obov'yazku pay land tax. Why go out

Chi cry tributes veterans praci? Pilgi to the veterans of the Pratsі, who rejoice in the power

Rozmіr podtkovykh vіdrakhuvan to pay avtoshlyakhіv, so the ranks of the transport tax, razahovuєtsya individually in the skin region. In order to find out if you need to pay a transport tax, it is necessary to contact the regional bodies of the socialist organization for a place of residence, or to find out on the website of the tax department of the tax inspection. If a veteran is not able to go to the highest authorities in a special way, he can bestow such honors on his trusted person and register with a notary.

Pilgi to veterans of the Russian Federation: what is behind the law on veterans of the Russian Federation

Sumi, who went to pay for the sanatorium-and-spa treatment from the money.

  • Transference of surpluses of the main tributary windings from the PDFO to the forward tributary periods. A veteran, having confirmed the right of power to give the land a land plot, can take Maine rehab for virobleniy vitrates and for the payment of vіdsotkіv for a large loan, or for the position of rozmіrі 2 million rubles. that 3 million rubles. obviously. Watering can be taken off for 3 tax periods, which can be changed to a period, in which case a portable excess of main watering is necessary.
  • As far as transport and land taxes are concerned, all stinks are established by the subject of the Russian Federation independently. Obviously, those benefits for veterans can be established by the regulatory legal acts of the subject.
  • Payments for land tax for pensioners in 2019

    The citizen is obliged to let them know about himself before the tax inspection, or the administrator of the settlement, who lives there, having written an application for a tax payment. For which pensioner it is necessary to return to the age of NI for the purpose of his living, that well-being of the earth's land.

    Chi pay land tax pensioners? Payments from the land tax for pensioners

    Vіdpovіdno sіd zrobiti visnovok: land tax for pensioners in May. Ale, if you don’t varto, forget about the validity of the category of osib to plgovik. Irrespective of those who get the money for the deeds, you can, in certain situations, redeem not bonuses from the state. Yaki same? Chi є pіlga іz land tax pensioners?

    Tsya stattya torknetsya momentіv schodo subsidіy veterans pratsі. Who are the veterans of the practice, how to learn the rules and how to issue them - about the cedals.

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    Tse shvidko i QUOTE-FREE!

    Pensioners are the most vulnerable ball of the population. The stench survives less for the rent of a pension, like a rich person has a minimal one. People who have a great work experience can apply for the status of a work veteran.

    Citizens with these ranks merit on the pіlgi. Ale, don’t start to stink to know what to think is right. Why start, where to go and how to arrange them - we can look at the article.


    Citizens of the Russian Federation, who may be called “Veteran of Pratsi”, have the right to mothers and helpers. Tse is enshrined in legislative acts. It is necessary to study the rules for the design of a bill, and its types.


    Pilga - perevagi to persons, yakі mayut singing status. Buvaye:

    • social;
    • taxable;
    • pension.

    Pilga to the social type is a blessing that has a main character. Nadaetsya razі nabuttya hulks deserved status.

    Tsya pіlga transfers fast їm vitrat, tied from the payment of communal services, to the cost of public transport.

    Who are the veterans

    Veteran pracі - rank, as if people were assigned to merit. Іsnuє kіlka categorіy іz assigned to this rank:

    Federal legislation allows the assignment of titles to the following categories:

    Obov'yazkova umova on the title "Veteran of Pratsi" - medals for honoring diplomas. Plgoviks of the federal category have specific benefits.

    For regional trochs, it’s better to take the title. Criteria:

    1. For women, the allowance for work is 35 years, for people - 40 years.
    2. Representatives of a weak state, they gave birth to over 5 children and may have an experience of about 10 years.
    3. The presence of interest in labor activity.

    All ranks are assigned without cost. Here are the officials of the Ministry of Health and Social Support of the Population.

    If, as a candidate, the necessary documents are required, the lawyers will start on the right. Robiti is necessary for the place of registration.

    If it is right to translate it to the Ministry of the region, de commission praises the decision - assign a title to the rank.

    At the time of the hvalennya people, it is necessary to come especially to sign. Then I can see the memory of a veteran of the prac. Otrimav yoga, a person blames the right to drink.

    To issue a call, you need:

    1. Vivchiti, imagine that you have assigned that category to the category, and that is how people are consumed. Vivchiti us_ vimogi to candidates.
    2. Prepare the documents for inspection and hand them over to the district police officer to protect people.
    3. Check on the decision of the commission group.

    To blame the power of doubt, you can turn to the practitioners of the social support of people. Get a consultation there.

    Respect is necessary to win medals on diplomas, as they can confirm the title. If you will be praised, then not later than 10 days you will appear before the Ministry and pick it up on the right.

    As soon as the commission has approved the application, its decisions are documented and issued by a number of conciliators. One for the applicant and the other for practitioners of social support of the population.

    The decision may be denounced before the court. For obvious reasons for granting the status of “veteran of the praci” of a sovereign equal, you can apply for the title of regional character.


    • candidate's written application;
    • the passport;
    • photo size 3*4;
    • documentary evidence that confirms the presence of the city. Required and original, and photocopy;
    • work book.

    It is possible to have other documents, their translation is necessary to be recognized from the representatives of the socialist. The term for reviewing the application is no more than a month.

    The procedure for nabutya status is clumsy. Under the hour to finish all the entries, you can take the certificate quickly. Golovna - the presence of documents that indicate the status.

    Regulatory base

    Veterans prats may have the right to issue a price for the land. With a drink, you can speed up only for the obviousness of the consecration of the rank of a veteran of the practice.

    If you are a hulk, if you have the status of “veteran worker”, if you have problems with your health, then you have the right to be treated.

    Sanatorium-resort services are expected to be cost-free. Also, all tickets for travel by the train are paid for. Monetization is a benefit that suffices for veterans of the federal type of practice.

    Do you dream about the unseen life? Tsіkaviy variant of descriptions in .

    Ways to take the pills

    In order to apply for a pension, it is necessary for the veteran to write an application for її recognition and add supporting documents. hello call.

    For example, for some reason, having missed the term of tax payment in view of a decrease in the tax base, it is necessary for you to go back to the control tax authority with an application for a change in the tax sum, the prote is no more lower for the remaining three years. The sum of the pererakhunka is often lost on the special rahunka of the payer of taxes. From it you can work in return for payment of other taxes.

    As a veteran of the praci, having appeared in the same way, he paid the land tax, the prote tax sum was already repaid, there will be no return of pennies. In this case, the sum in full will be distributed for other taxes on the basis of the application, which was filed in advance by the gromad before his tax inspection.

    The title of "Veteran of Pratsі" in Russia has already been given for over twenty years for special labor and service merits. For the hulks, who have gained such a status, they breathe songs, so the power will provide them with little material help.

    In 2019, the benefits for veterans of the prac, including taxes, on the federal level will be saved from the same obligation as the previous one. And the axis of the Russian subjects can be changed, shards of nutritional power and not the power of some people are changed on the basis of regional power.

    To whom to give the title and how to take yoga

    Decisions about the assignment of the title are praised in the bodies of the socialist. It is necessary for the gromadyan to turn away from the declaration. Okrim civil passport, it is necessary to bring documents, yakі b pіdtverdzhuali yogo labor merits, experience.

    Who can apply:

    1. Pensioners, who have obtained a work permit at the Great Rock Vytchiznyanoi war, Yakshcho in the period 1941-1945 r.b. the stench has reached the limit. Important in his own and ardent work experience. For people, vins can be no less than 40 years, for women - no less than 35.
    2. Gromadyany, yakі otrimali on official equal honor Russian ranks (as well as ranks of the SRSR), awarded with orders, medals, presidential awards and honorary diplomas, leading badges of the workforce service.

    Mind appropriated by the subjects of the country, so that the documents themselves may need to be more accurately clarified in the bodies of the socialist. In rich regions, foundations and military veteran ranks, for example, in the Lipetsk region and the Altai Territory. Vіdpovіdno mozhut vіdіznyatisі і vymogy to kandіnііі. Part of the tax and tax reliefs were given over by federal legislation, and part - only by regional ones.

    Yakі podatkovі pіlgi can be

    Giveaways can actually improve the quality of life of veterans, as well as graft the labor force and the mobility of the community, as they took away the honor of the rank.

    Give some relief to the veterans of the practice (2019 year):

    • zvilnennya to pay the mine tax;
    • pay for a transport tax;
    • pіlgi іz land tax;
    • penny winegrowers do not pay tribute until the song sumi.

    tribute to the mayo

    Veterans pracі povnіstyu zvіlneno vіd splіbі vіdtіv іn the mayno (here іnіnnosіtsya whether yaki іѕ capital budovi tа chastki і prіvі svіlnoї vlasnostі). Since 2016, the fate of the kіlkіsny factor, so that a citizen can turn one house or one apartment, you won’t have to pay for the yak. In such a rank, the state can fight against these vices, if people re-register their inviolability for relatives, as if they can have a privileged status, in order to get rid of the tax burden.

    Yakshcho vannik Kilkokh Op'kktiv, Treaselly Obv'yazkovo Vikonavchi Organization, Yaku Zi Sports Vvaza Vyazhta for the NEW STILNITIS INITS, INAKSHEA IN THE POSTISH INSTARITY ON THE COMPLITH IN from the lane with the largest sum of taxable ventilation.

    Transport tax

    In 2016, a lot of changes have come up and down the road to transport costs. So becoming a child of a kіlkіsny clerk. Now the rate has been lowered, or a higher fee for paying a tax may be given only for one car. Sounds like you can speed up with a light, and it’s less in that moment, because the tightness of the machine does not outweigh a hundred Canadian forces.

    Vodnochas sled vrakhovuvati, scho pіlgi schodo tsgogo gratuities are looked at on the regional level. The authorities of the regions can independently designate a change of osib, as if they may have the right to concessions, wash away such taxes, help them to cars, independently regulate the lines of payment. For example, in the Sakhalin region, Moscow, and other regions, there are no transport burdens of the category of bulky people, but in Bashkortostan and the Irkutsk region, the burden is found in the Stovidestkovo region.

    Rozrahunok of the size of the transport tax to pay for the support of the pressure of the car.

    As if the veterans of the pracі in your region are given additional help at the sight of a reduced rate, and if your car is subservient to help, for the nadannya pіlg they will turn back to the tax. It is necessary to take a civilian passport with you, documents for a car and a veteran's death.

    What is important, as if on a legal basis, the veteran is entitled to money, and having previously paid taxes not for a reduced rate, the hulker can turn his part of the money overturned, having indicated the hour of folding the account for turning pennies.

    Land tax

    The federal law does not allow for the payment of a land tax for the category of citizens, however, in the lower regions there are also “tax allowances” for labor veterans. The amount of the tribute is due to persons who are special, economic officials. Rozmіr rates fall in vіd cadastral vartosі land plots. federal law transferred to the unpaid sum - 10 thousand rubles. The amount of taxable relief in the regions can be increased, but not changed. Also, the lists of categories of specialties are being confirmed in the regions, as a way to lie down.

    I’ll first need to find out if your subject is entitled to a reduced land tax for labor veterans, and then, if it turns out to be positive, turn to the tax, having written a statement about the tax payment, so that it should be exclusively declarative in nature, so it’s not automatic, but different animal.


    As far as income is concerned, then to which plan the veterans are given preferences on the federal level. The following incomes are not subject to subsidies:

    • pension payments;
    • a penny help;
    • material support for rosemary, which does not exceed 4,000 rubles (or more than 4,000 rubles).

    In addition, donations are not syaguvatimutsya s tієї sumi, like a veteran of the practice to spend at the sanatorium-resort or medical rehabilitation, recommended for medical indications.

    Well, one more thing, the surplus of tributary repayments on the purchase of neruhoma can be transferred by the veterans of the practice to the past tributary periods (not earlier than three previous calendar years). Virahuvannya can become a maximum of 2 million rubles, so that the indestructibility of the bula was pridban without credit cards, and 3 million - even with credit. What is the pill on the butt? Admittedly, the veteran pratsі having added an apartment to 2019 roci. At this time, it is possible to pay for insurance for the period of 2016-2018. However, remember that this benefit will be available only to those veterans of the labor force, who in the course of this period have taken away the allowances. As if the hulk had a pension as the only income for the cіroki, one could not get away with such a preference.

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