What to see on the digging light. Kimberlite pipe "light"

Tse thinned, zvnі tenditne, neimovіrno more beautiful stone zі zdatnіstyu vіdbіvatі vіdbіvatі vіdbіvatі vіdbіvіvatі change, rozkayuchi vіdіvnі іskrіvnі svіtla, vіkinula kolіvnі іѕkіnі іskіlі sіtla, vіkinula kolіvі volcanіchі vents on the surface of the planet Earth. In our time, the volcanoes have long died out, the above-ground part of the erosive processes has appeared without a trace, and the axis of the mountain rocks, stone and other speech, which were caught in the vent, have not disappeared anywhere.

Those, in the cichs of the pole, the great Almaziv, the deprivation of the lichen in the middle of the minute table, if the African Continent Bulo was known to the Great Diamond, the nickname of the Kimberlian pipe (zgoda vijes, in the subpoencies of the deprivation of the deprivation of the deprivation of the deprivation of the deprivation of the gorgeous. ).

People could not have left the same place without respect - and in the world of the world, active whispers of similar relatives began. The real countries, such as Botswana, Russia, Canada, the RAR, Angola, were spared, and the stench, having revealed the shukan breed, practically began to develop promising knowledge, scaling a deep hole and creating a magnificent funnel.

Years later, the cicava was commemorated by the peculiarity of such dirkas: it is not safe to fly helicopters and other flying machines over man-made craters;


As soon as the process of fixing a kimberlite pipe and diamonds is in it, then you look at the wines to finish the cicavo. A decade of billions of years in the depths of the earth became a hole in the magmatic gaps and gases (moreover, tsikavo, who drank wine not in a thin place of the earth's measles, the tovshchina became close to 10 km, and the vibe broke through the hard platform of the zavtovshki 40 km).

As a result of this, a canal of a finite shape appeared, more similar to a champagne kelih: the deeper you go to the ground, then it becomes and on the singing deep to pass by the vein.

The opening of the crater of the channel will sound from five hundred meters to the second kilometer. After the eruptions in the mouth of the crater, breccias (volcanic ulamki) were caught that tuff of a gray-green color, so called kimberlite, is a mountain rock that consists of phlogopite, garnet, olive, carbonates and other minerals.

If the minerals come to the earth's surface in a different way, then their form will always be well-cut crystals. Ale axis at the warehouse of kimberlite does not have such faces, and the grains are round in shape. If it’s diamonds, then the stench appears on the surface already in the finished look with sharp edges, which you can cut without cutting.

Irrespective of those that the kimberlite pipe is filled with gems by 10%, the production of diamonds from the breed can be done by a laborious process, the shards from one ton of kimberlite produce only about 1 carat of gems, which becomes 0.2 g.

The first kimberlite pipe, which took the name "Great Dirka", was found in the middle of the 19th century. near the PAR, near the province of Kimberley (the stars were named like a breed that avenges diamonds, so the vent itself). This birthplace is also the largest career, created by people without zastosuvannya, be it any technology.

To create a dirka on the earth's crust on such a scale, it took over 50 thousand. gіrnikіv, yakі rozroblyali kar'єr for the help of shovels and pickaxes. As a result, over fifty years from above the earth, over 22 million tons of soil were excavated and over 2.7 thousand tons were found. kg of diamonds (about 14.5 million carats).

Regardless of those who at the same time the birthplace of the "Velika dira" has completely exhausted itself, the diamond car'er is still covered with a memorial, the shards of the axis have already more than a hundred years been fading the glory of the greatest man-made dira of our world: the area around the perimeter is getting close, 1, 6 km, and the width is 463 m.

As soon as there is a lot of deep water, then the bottom is not too great, but earlier it went down 240 m. At once dirka may have a depth of 40 m.

Carrier "Svit"

In the middle of the last century, on the territory of Yakutia near Russia, geologists knew a lot of sprat kimberlite pipes- the first bula "Zirnitsa", revealed in 1954. The self-flowers in her were not rich, but the knowledge of her vents spurred the geologists to continue the exploration work.

And as it appeared, not in vain: even before the advancing fate in these parts, one of the largest diamond genera of our planet under the name “Mir” was revealed (on the map you can know it nearby the Mirniy town at the following coordinates: 62 ° 31'42 ″ N. w. 113 ° 59'39 "E). It is noteworthy that the largest gem of Russia was found here under the name "XXVI z'izd KPRS" with a weight of 342.5 carats (all three are more than 68 gr.).

Rozrobtsі tsієї kimberlitovї pipe "Mir" the government of the country attached great respect, turned on a great number of people - and after a day in the middle of a wild and uninhabited land, the settlement was sacked, and then the place of Mirna, roztashovani Yakutashovane more than a thousand dollars for a thousand dollars The settlers were immediately dispersed so that the kimberlite pipe leaned right up to Mirny.

Works from the development of the “Mir” genera in the minds of permafrost (the temperature here often rises to -60 ° C) were superbly important - to work with the earth it was even more important and the soil had to be dynamite. Already for a few years, the car'er gave about 2 kg of diamonds per diamond, їх 20% less jewelry value, otherwise it was for industrial purposes.

At the moment, it’s important that in the “Mir” carousel they find the largest number of diamonds in Russia and a quarter of all diamonds in our planet - kimberlite pipes "Vdaloyu"): the diameter of the yog is 1.2 km, and the depth is 525 m.

Kіlka rokіv vydobotok diamond at the kar'єri after that, like clay dirka reached critical rozmіrіv, bula pinned, all the robots moved to the underground mine "Mir". The work under the earth is important in itself, and in to this particular type It’s getting easier now that the underground waters are constantly flooding the mine, after which you have to be able to steadily uninterruptedly pump and straighten from natural branches, which are found in the earth’s bark.

The robots in the kimberlite pipe "Mir" are not picking up the sounds in the next hour, the shards of the geologists have revealed that a great number of diamonds are deposited on the mud, which exceeds one kilometer, and the "Mir" ancestral home can be expanded even more than thirty years.

Carrier "Vdala"

The largest kimberlite pipe in Russia is also located on the territory of Yakutia, 20 km from the polar polar stake (on the map, її can be known for the following coordinates: 66°25′ Mon. lat. 112°19′ St.). ї parameters to set:

  • Width - 2 yew. m;
  • Dovzhina - 1.6 thousand. m;
  • Glibina - 530 m-code.

This dirka is really made up of two pipes, which adjoin one to one - Zakhidnoy and Skhidnoy. For their characteristics of self-flowering from different vents, one type of one is strongly permeated.

Irrespective of those whose diamond quarry was discovered in the mid-1950s, they began to actively explore it for the cob of the 1950s. At the present time, the self-flowering is found in a critical way, but the shards of the clay of the genus have become critical for this type of growth, recently a pratsyuvati underground digging has begun here.

Fakhіvtsі stverdzhuyut, that most of the diamonds from the pipe Kimberlіtu "Vdala" from above the earth have already been studied, with whom the knowledge is hostile. For example, recently a stone was found here, near 30 thousand yews were found near it. diamonds, which have a million times exceeded the highest concentration.

Lut 10, 2009

Kimberlite pipe ”Mir” – quarry, mined near Mirniy, Yakutia. The car'er has a depth of 525 m and a diameter of 1.2 km, and is one of the largest car'er's in the world. Species of diamond-bearing kimberlite ore was pinned at the black rock in 2001. At this hour, on board the car'er, the life of an underground mine with the same name is carried out, for the production of underground reserves, which are no longer available, the use of which in any other way is unprofitable.

The Kimberlite pipe was discovered on Cherry 13, 1955 by the geologists of the Amakinsky Expedition Yu. I. Khabardinim, Y. N. Elagina and V.P. Avdeenkom. The radiogram is famous, handed over by them to the expedition’s engraving about the manifestation of kimberlite, coded:
They lit a pipe of the world spt tyutyun miracles point Avdєenko spt Elagina spt Khabardin pt

In 1957, a diamond booth appeared in the same way, which worked until the wormwood. The largest diamond found in Russia was found at the Mir mine on December 23, 1980. Wine is 342.5 carats (over 68 g) and is called "XXVI star of the CPRS". At Rest of the Rocks kar'ernі vantazhivki "twisted" spiral-like road 8 km from the bottom to the surface.
In the course of its work, the kar'єr was reconstructed 3 times, a unique grouting curtain was created, as it protected the supply of aggressive rose salts from the Metegero-Ichersky aquifer complex, as well as a water supply system of 32,250 m3 of water for production (about 1 million m3 per month). Geological exploration has shown that the depth of the diamond deposit exceeds a kilometer, so in this hour, the ALROSA company, as if expanding the family, will be underground digging on the family. For the life of the underground digging and the future careless watering of the upper underground horizons, the bottom of the conserved pit was filled with a special earthen ball of rock. Tsya "pillow", or "cilik", does not fall under a loose vice, її tovshchina - 45 meters.
For rozrobki vіdkritim (kar'єrnim) way іz genus іdobіbіv іdоbіvіv, for unofficial tribute, 17 bln. United States, about 350 million cubic meters have been produced. m. breed.
For the voice of the pipe "Mir" Yu.I. Khabardin of honors of the Lenin Prize, Y. N. Ylagina was awarded an honorary diploma and a diploma "Pershovidkrivach of the clan", and also became an honorable citizen of the Mirny metro station.

It was entrusted from the Mirny municipality, near the Yakut region of permafrost, on the left bank of the middle flow of the Irel river, the largest diamond quarry in the world, which can be called the Mir kimberlite pipe, was mined.

Today Yakutia may have the following striking parameters:

  1. Yogo clay is stored 525 meters.
  2. The total amount of ore, drawn from a car'er, is 165 million cubic meters.
  3. Bottom diameter - 160-310 meters.
  4. The diameter of the outer ring is 1.2 kilometers.
  5. Glibina, yak bula explored - up to 1200 meters.

At first glance, one of the largest caravans in the world, where there is a kind of diamond bottle, it strikes with its scope and strikes with its eyes. The illumination of a kimberlite pipe is a legacy of a volcano erupting earth's crust names are vibrated from above the earth. Volcanic vibes bring rock to the surface of the Earth to avenge diamonds - kimberlite.

The pipe has the shape of a kelikha and is similar to a virva on a grand scale. The breed bears the same name with the city of Kimberley, which is located in Pivdenniy Africa, de in 1871, a diamond was discovered, which was 85 carats. Knowledge 16, 7 gram "fireplace" gave rise to Diamond Lihomanka.

History of the kimberlite pipe "Svit"

Already on the cob of the 19th century, there began to emerge a bit about the presence of an expensive stone on the territory of Yakutia and the western lands that lie between it. Teacher Petro Starovatov post hromada war having spoken in Kempendya zі old, what a rozpovіv yoma about his knowledge a couple of fates in one of the city's rivers - tse buv a gleaming little fireplace with a hairpin head. Having sold a merchant for two bottles of vodka, a bag of cereals and five bags of tea. A few hours later, another person discovered that on the banks of the river Kempendyak, that Chona also knew expensive stone. A little less in 1947-1948, the goals of directing diamond searches began in the Siberian platform. In the autumn of 1948, a group of geologists, enchanted by G. Fanshtein, launched surveying robots on the rivers of Vilui and Chona, and on April 7, 1949, a group of geologists discovered the first diamond on the sokolinoy spit, and a diamond rose was discovered here. Poshukov's works of 1950-1953 were also crowned with success - a sprat of diamond roses was discovered, and on the 21st of September 1954, a kimberlite pipe was announced in the Radyansk Union, which took the name "Zirnitsya".

Nezabar, on 13 March 1955, the geological party blew the temple with bare roots, the fox blew a deep hole. The blue color of the earth showed what the kimberlite is. This is how a team of geologists opened a diamond pipe, which appeared to be the largest in the world and with the richest diamond. The following telegram was sent to the authorities: “They lit a pipe to the world, tutyun vdminniy.” Through this classified radiogram, Radiansk geologists added to the capital about the discovery of the Mir kimberlite diamond pipe. The phrase tyutyun miraculous spoke of those who have a great number of diamonds to avenge.

This connoisseur was extremely important for the SRSR; It was important that the stosuvannya diamond tools vdvіchі podvishchuє ekonomіchnіch potentsіal kraїni, і nezabarno viniklo settlement "Mirna", where the roadless people, reaching 2800 km of the road, demolished motor colonies. At the beginning of 1960, the Soviet Socialist Republic already had an active production of diamonds worth 1 billion dollars per river, and the settlement "Mirne" became the center of the Radian diamond mining industry, and today 40,000 people live here.

The best diamond family in the world

The ancestry was broken up in very important climatic minds, and in order to break through into the depths of permafrost, the earth had to be lifted with additional dynamite. Already in 1960, a rozіchny vidobotok of diamonds was stored in 2 kilos, and 1/5 part of the boule of jewelry quality.

Diamonds, after a double-cut faceting, were transformed into marvelous diamonds for their beauty, as victorious ones were made to create jewelry embellishments. The citizens of Radyansk, who plan to make friends, could afford to buy Vishukian hoops with diamonds, in which diamonds were found in the Yakut kimberlite pipe "Mir". More than 80% of the most valuable diamonds have been known to be found in industrial purposes, the stones on the scale of reference minerals of Mohs hardness are the most important mineral in the world, which can find thermal conductivity, dispersion and fracture.

Active development of the kimberlite pipe "Mir" is the most worried about the African company "De Beers", which is afraid to buy up diamonds from the Radyansk brewery with a method of controlling prices on the light market. The first individuals of the company, after negotiations from Radyansk ceramics, came about the arrival of the delegation from their side to the village of Mirne. Bulo was given a positive opinion, but with one mind - a delegation from the Soviet Socialist Republic, at its side, seeing diamond pits in Pivdenniy Africa.

In 1776, the delegation of the PivdennoAfrikaanskoї company arrived to Moscow with a distant flight to the village of Mirne, but її navmisno zatrimali, the power of endless banquets and banquets. If the delegation did come to Yakutia to inspect the Mir kimberlite pipe, they had only 20 minutes left for their inspection. Irrespective of the price, the De Beers facsimiles lost under strong damage to the vineyard, and were encouraged by the fact that during the processing of rudyansk fakhivtsy they did not beat the water. Vrakhovuchi, that in this region for 7 months there is a minus temperature, then it is simply impossible.

Today, the place of Mirna from a small mantled settlement has changed into a modern industrial place, de є asphalt roads, the infrastructure and the ninety-high towers have been laid out. There is an airport, two diamond factories, a Moscow park, bars, restaurants, an art gallery, swimming pools, a stadium, 3 libraries, a school of magic, a modern Palace of Culture and a hotel on 4 surfaces. For a provincial town there is a high intellectual potential. There is already a lot of practice in the scientific and recent institute "Yakutnіproalmaz" and the guidance for applicants for the Polytechnic Institute.

For 44 years of work on the mine "Mir" (in the period from 1957 to 2001), diamonds were found here, the number of which was 17 billion dollars. The scale of the kar'єru increased to such latitudes that the vintage cars had to cover 8 km of the path along a spiral road, so that from the bottom of the kar'єru they would rise to the surface.

Today diamond quarry In 2001, the Russian company "ALROSA" nailed a vidobutton of ore in the mine "Mir" for the technology of the open method. The main reason is the low efficiency and insecurity.

Recent studies have shown that diamonds lie at a depth of over 1000 meters, and in order to create an effective look, you need not a quarry, but an underground dig. The design intensity of such a mine is, according to the plan, close to a million tons of ore. A wild term, plans for the development of a genera, to become 34 years old.

Facts about the kimberlite pipe

  1. Above deep car'er categorically zaboronyaetsya litati helicopters. The reason for the attack is the majestic whirlwind, which calls out the turbulence of the wounded masses, in such a lethal apparatus they cannot safely maneuver.
  2. The walls of the kar'єru are notoriously high, and not only for helicopters have come into contact with them. Here the threat of sound is raised.

For some reason, the inhabitants of the city are afraid that one day the majestic kar'єr may lie down to the new territory, including those that are forgotten for the living of people, but only the legends of the village of Mirne.

Ecological place of the future on the place of the big diamond quarry

Today, a majestic pit, which is empty, is of interest to all minds, and already blames the ideas of how it was created in this city. The builder of the architectural bureau of Moscow, Mykola Lutomsky, shared his plans for a unique solution. “The main part of the project is a large-scale concrete structure, which plays the role of a kind of cork that opens the pit in the middle. A clearing for the light, the dome is a curved pit for the beast, and it is planned to install sleepy batteries on the new one.

Irrespective of the harsh climate of Yakutia, clear days on the rivers are rich, and batteries can vibrate close to 200 MW of electricity. Її stick out "with the head" for the provision of the needs of the future place. Krіm tsgogo, it is possible to win the heat of the Earth, and if the temperature is to become minus 60 degrees Celsius again, then the temperature of the soil at the depth below 150 meters will be positive (lower in the permafrost). This fact adds to the energy efficiency of the future project. The place is planned to be divided into three parts:

  1. Upper it will be vikoristano for the permanent living of people. New people will have roztashovanі zhitlovі budinki, budіvlі that spores of socio-cultural and administrative significance;
  2. Middle tier- zone, where to spread out the forest and the park zone, poklikana povіtrya povіtrya near the city;
  3. Lower tier This is the name of the vertical farm - here there is a strong supply of products for the provision of the needs of the place.

The planned warehouse area for the project is 3 million square meters. The city can accommodate up to 10,000 individual tourists, farm workers and service personnel.

On 21 September 2009, a new significant date in the history of diamond production was launched at Mirny, the Mirny underground mine. This is the apogee of the rich work of thousands of people, the hard work of AK ALROSA, which makes it possible to produce close to 1 million tons of ore to avenge diamonds. The Remaining Rocks of Russia are inspired by the palm tree from the diamond vidobutka of the ALROSA company. Diamonds worth 1.7 billion dollars were exported over the river, and most of them fell on European lands.

Now let's marvel at the creation of human hands.

Bits about the presence of expensive stone on the territory of Yakutia and the western lands that lie between it, began to appear on the cob of the 19th century.

After the Great War, the teacher Petro Starovatov was wise to the old Kempendy, who spoke about those who, two years ago, knew a gleaming stone of the size of a sirnikova head, on one of the rivers of the city, selling it to a merchant, giving a bunch of grains for grains. five tea bags. Some other person told me about those who knew the expensive stone on the banks of the river Chona and Kempendyak.

The purpose of directing the search for diamonds in the battle of the Siberian platform began first in 1947-1948, the years of bridging the river Nizhnya and Pidkam'yan Tunguska. In the autumn of 1948, a group of geologists on the island of G. Fanshtein discovered the search for robots on the rivers of Chona and Vilyuy, and on 7 April 1949, fate knew the first diamond on the sandy spit, named Sokolinoya, and further on, more than 20 crystals were found here. As a result of survey work in 1950-1953, a few diamond-bearing deposits were discovered near Yakutia.

For the first time in 1953, the geological party No. 132 of the Amakinsky expedition found the first diamond on the Mala Botuobiya river. On the 21st of the coming year of 1954, the geologist Larisa Popugaeva and the worker Fyodor Belikov opened the first kimberlite pipe in the USSR and named it Zirnitsa.

On December 3, 1955, a geological party with geologists Katerina Ylagina, Yury Khabardin, Viktor Avdeenko, and a small group of workers opened a diamond-bearing pipe, as it turned out to be the largest of the richest diamonds. They called it “Svit” and sent a telegram to the authorities: “They lit the cradle of the world, tyutyun miracles ...”.

Clickable 1920 px

At the same time, in Yakutia, other diamond-bearing pipes were discovered, among them "Vdala", "Route", "Citikanska". 1955 buv far away rock for geologists. 15 root genera of diamonds were discovered, as well as sprats of industrial diamond roses. The search for diamonds continued, and until 1959, 120 kimberlite pipes were registered in Yakutia.

The pipe "Mir" was laid out closer to the main transport artery of Yakutia - the river Lєnі, the lower pipes "Vdala", "Citikanska", "Zirnitsya", to which the discovery began immediately after the announcement. In 1959, the twisted robots on the “Mir” carport began to rock. Across the river, the first stationary smelting factory was launched and the country took the first diamond trades from the Mir pipe. At the fierce fate of 1959, along the winter road Ust-Kut - Mukhtuya (Lensk), they began to transport possession of that vantage to Mirny. In the same year, the SRSR sold the first batch of Yakut diamonds for a total of 13,000 carats on the world market.

Clickable 4000 px, panorama

Zbagachuvalna factory No. 3 was launched near the factory on July 21, 1966. Tsya factory works until this day and richly rokiv was the greatest.

A kind of diamond booth near Yakutia is an arch on the right through the permafrost and underground water mineralization. Kar'єr "Mir" is a garna іlustration of such minds.

Diamond pipe "Mir" has the following parameters:

  • Glibina - 450 m.
  • Zovnishhnіy diameter - 100-1200 m.
  • Bottom diameter - 310 - 160 m.
  • Zagalny obsyag of vidobutoy ore - 165 million cubic meters. m
  • The tide of underground mineral waters - 150 cubic meters. m/year
  • Dovzhina spiral-like road from the surface to the bottom of the kar'єru - 7.7 km.
  • The design depth using the critical method is 525 m.
  • The depth of the ore body has been revealed - up to 1200 m.

Until 2001, the rock "Svit" became deep and unsafe for robots. The type of diamond buttock in the first place was vitiated. Today it is carried out by the mine method. The kar'єr itself has now been turned into a memento for the missus. Above it, an observant maydanchik and a memorial sign were installed. The mine is on conservation for the preparation of underground drilling of deep horizons - it was found out that the depth of the diamond deposit near the "Mir" exceeds a kilometer.

Mirniy is the place of diamond mining. Imovirno, to that wine and attach today the respect of the rich business people of the world. The diamond-bearing pipe “Mir”, which was recognized by geologists in the spring of 1955, gave the name to the robotic settlement, which grew in the middle of the untrodden taiga and became a place three and a half years later.

For five past ten years, the small manor settlement has become a modern industrial place with nine superficially arranged houses and asphalt roads; and the trust "Yakutalmaz", which robbed the first steps in the development of a new one for Russia, did - diamond buttocks - pretended to be on the world market the joint-stock company "ALROSA", which led the production of diamonds not only in the Republic of Sakha, but far beyond the borders of the partner, transnational company "De Beers".

How far away is the day of the 55th, if the telegram, which has already become historical, with the text “Lighted the pipe to the World. Tyutyun vіdminniy” served as the starting point for the development of our place with the most peaceful name in the world. In 1956, the pipe exploitation began to grow. On May 1, 2001, the rock work on the Mir pipe was completed, and the majestic virva in the cold Yakut lands became, perhaps, a most striking reminder of the diamond mining area.

For 44 years, 170 million cubic meters of curry masa were harvested from the suvorih Yakutian nadras. Day after day, the kar'єr was plucked, left by the rocks of the workaholic - BelAZ, transporting diamond-bearing ore for processing, descended by the "mirny serpentine" to the greater lower pіvkіlometer depth. The route for one day became 7.5 kilometers.

Today's everyday life is already in the underground mine "Mir", the shards of the ore deposit are discovered - 1 kilometer 200 meters.

Mirny has 39.5 thousand inhabitants, and the population of Mirny district should be over 85.5 thousand. The large area of ​​the Mirny district is 165.8 thousand square kilometers. There are settlements near the warehouse, such as the place Udaliy, the villages of Aikhal, Chernishevsky, Svіtliy, Almazniy, the villages of Arilakh, Tas-Yuryakh, Syuldyukar.

The three remaining Meshkants are most importantly engaged in a strong state; Tas-Yuryakh, moreover, will have a refinery. Chernishevsky is a settlement of power engineers, here are the stations of Vilyuisk HPP-1 and HPP-2. At the village of hydrobudivniki in Svіtlom, the third part of the HPP in Vilyu was put into operation. At Far Aikhal, on the diamond mines, two great garnish-baggage plants were milled.

During the navigation period, part of the benefits for residents of the pivnoch are delivered by water to Lensk, which is located 240 kilometers from Mirny, then transported by cars. Ale, the main mode of transport is flying. Without aviation, there is nowhere to go to Pivnochi, there is no way to serve for the transportation of both passengers, and even more vantazhiv. Zlitno-posadkova smuga Mirnіnskogo airport allows you to accept such transport giants, such as Іl-76 and "Ruslan".

What is it like today at Mirny? Two diamond factories, an airport, a top-of-the-line hotel, 10 restaurants, bars and cafes, 2 museums and 2 swimming pools, a Moscow park and a stadium, 3 libraries. A school of art, children learn music and figurative art, and a small picture gallery. Today's Palace of Culture, where the impersonal peaceful collectives are engaged, they are well known beyond the borders of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Intellectual potential of Mirny zavzhdi buv to reach high for a provincial town. Without a doubt, it’s worth mentioning that, in the first years of the development of this region, extraordinary people came here. That main type of activity in singing “slats”, even diamond mining in Russia in the past did not exist like that, but the new one on the right will always require an advanced vision. Residents of Novosibirsk and Riga, Muscovites and Leningraders, Muscovites from central cities, who may be great, came to live and work science centers. Tse was marked as a shvidky master of winemaking, and on the cultural life of the place.

Many years of research at Mirny scientific and recent institute "Yakutnіproalmaz".

At the birch of 1994 rock in Mirny Bulo, the name of Yakutsky was announced state university named after M.K. Ammosov. In Cherry 1999, by decree of the President of the Republic of Mirny, the branch was reorganized into the Polytechnic Institute.

Mayzha Chotiri for half a decade has the history of the district newspaper “Mirninsky Robotnik”. The newspaper is not the only source of mass information: it is also the television and radio company "Diamondland". And the artists, the literary association "Kimberlit" and the club "Exlibris" sing at their own place.

Peaceful live your life. Experiencing those difficulties, that the whole country, for the sake of success and struggling with difficulties. And, of course, the richness of the place is smut - it’s not diamonds, but people. Because the people at Pivnoch are simply miracles - they are comfortable, they can come to the rescue at any hour and offer their shoulder to the twisted quill. І rozpovidat about tse, without perebіlshennya, special people can do it for a long time.

Kar'єr "Mir" is also aware that the most powerful water flows with manifestations of salt, oil and gas, which, without any harm, are not safe for conducting girnicho-dobychnyh robots, are in the gorges. The axis of which the system of vidobuking ore from deboned was brought out, representatives of the Moscow State Girnichiy University advocated for the yak. Maybe, they did not give peace of mind to the history of the "strong zlotu" of the famous car "Premier" (Pivdenna Africa), which was a transition to an underground type of boot from the deboned areas. The absurd setting of diamond mines on the African continent and Pivnіchno-Skhodі Russia recognized a miserable fiasco; Fahіvtsі and vchenі іnstitutіv "Yakutnіproalmaz" and "Gіpronikel" defended their unassailable position, the method of expansion with a new laying of the vibrated space.

Insanely, one of the most important directives is the "Dry Conservation" project for the "Svit" quarry, fragmentation by the "Yakutnіproalmaz" institute, and calls to ensure the safety of underground water supplies from strong water breakthroughs. Spilni zusillya Mirny SPC and UKB AK "ALROSA" shriveled the most obvious virishhenny "illness" - water-bearing problems.

In parallel with these robots, the Mirny mine-budget department (Chief Kostyantyn Plokhan) planned the passage of a water tunnel. The miners showed great masculinity in the minds of the ill-tempered attacks of water, the inconsistency of the breed. At the onset of fate, the Almaz-Antarex enterprise drilled several water-filled boreholes on board the Mir mine. Behind the scheme of work near the Sverdloviny, the exhaust pumps were lowered, as if they were calling for water pumping, that it was not necessary to carry out underground work. A pump of the German company "Ritz" was installed, which pumps water from the bottom of the "MIR" quarry. And in 2004, the rotation of the MGZK already supplemented the commitments, which were lost, for the Dry Conservation project.

Sticking with those new methods, you want to stick with those penetrations in a special way. According to the classical scheme, special methods of sinking trunks (freezing or plugging with small sums) stop at large water inflows, unstable or fractured rocks. Всі спеціальні способи можуть бути розділені на групи: огородження забою ствола від нестійких порід і води спеціальним кріпленням і прохідка під стислим повітрям, тимчасова або постійна ізоляція води (штучне заморожування порід, тампонування шляхом нагнітання через спеціальні свердловини під тиском цементного або глиноцемент грунтів, штучне зниження level of groundwater and drilling of stovburiv). In this valley, near the Stovbur, columns were drilled, which would freeze, with a depth of up to 540 m and s їx, a slit, a krizhan wall, poklikana to protect the Stovbur from hitting water, naphtha, were created to help. In Denmark, a rocky stovbur can be more than 1 km deep, the very same deep can be a skip stovbur.

For all intents and purposes, one can’t get out of the head of the problematic nutrition of the safety of the mine. That is why at the daily mine "Mir" great respect was attached to the robotic freezing station (Owned by the Danish company "York"), which worked for the design mode. Without that possession, that freezing of the soils was impossible to ensure the safety of the underground. In this rank, from the beginning of the life of the underground digging, these fates have passed, caused by a mass of virobnic problems, rush jobs, and loud operational headquarters. A lot of effort was spent on driving cage and skip shafts with fixed tubings, reinforcement, installation of lifting machines for both shafts, introduction into the transport gallery and the head fan installation. Relatively and systematically, objects were built on the surface of the MIR digging complex, in order to deposit life near the mine. Kіlka roki in that planned rozpochalis robots from the life of the first horizons.

star photo

In 2008, the underground digging plant took into operation a complex of a skip shaft, a pumping machine for a skip shaft, two skips of 7 cubes each, as well as a cage for the transportation of people and the descent of the vents. On the stern day of 2008, the start-up and maintenance work on the head fan unit was completed, as a result most important function- Ensure the airing of the underground garnished pans. Naprikintsі chest 2008 to the fate of the village of guild-capital robots No. 8 on choli z O. Velichk and brigade leader O. Ozol diamond tube. The author of these rows under the earth 650 meters, 150 meters from the bottom of the famous quarry "SVIT" on the horizon -310 zmіg dotorknutis zapovitnogo ore body. In 2009, the workers of mine workers achieved a serious task - smashing between -210m and -310m horizons, which made it possible to deliver vantages to all ball gates of the first operational block of the subway. In another way, tse ensure proper ventilation of the mine. Before the speech, it should be said that the first operational block was prepared at the same time to the type of footwear or on the miner's term of the cleaning service. At the end of the year 2009, an important operation was completed - putting on a mine shaft for the placement of an underground installation, the function of which is the descent of robots on the underground horizon, the delivery of materials, equipment, and also a breeder of mountain rock. And in the spring of 2009, start-up work began to rock. Mine "Mir" was put into operation in 2009.

September 21, 2009 will be remembered as a significant date in the new history of diamond mining: Mirniy pompously marked the launch of the first underground mine “SVIT”. This is the crown of bagatorical practice, which signifi- cantly marks the position of AK ALROSA in all aspects. The underground mine "SVIT" has become the hard worker of AK "ALROSA", building to see 1 million tons of ore uphill to avenge the diamond. On the right for the completion of the life of the mortgage to the complex. Vіd prosuvannya prava yogo budіvnitstvі and equippіnі vladnannі richly stale.

—> Signs from satellite (Google Maps) <—


At the radian hour on the territory of our country, there were enough places, rich with some right unique ones for their geographical development and victories, engineering solutions. Such is the place of Mirny (Yakutia). Kar'єr z vidobutku diamondіv, which roztashovuєtsya in yogo boundaries, є one of the wonders of today's world, to that which you oppose with your razmіry fahivtsіv, yakі navit bachili see.

"Pipe of light"

Before the speech, in a scientific way, tsey kar'єr is a "kimberlite pipe", which I can call "Svit". The very place appeared already after її vіdkrittya that cob of growth, and that was named on її honor. Kar'єr maє unreal depth of 525 meters and diameter mayzhe 1.3 km! Itself was formed in time immemorial, if from above our planet with a majestic swirl the lava flows of volcanic gases swirled. On the rose, she guesses a kelih chi cone. Zavdyaki majestic forces vibuhu from above the Earth buv vikinuty kimberlite - this is the name of the breed that avenges natural diamonds.

The name of this speech resembles the name of the Pivden African town of Kimberley. There, in 1871, a diamond of 17 grams was found in the mine, after which the miners and adventurers from the earthly world threw it in that mistevity in an unstoppable stream. How did our place Mirniy (Yakutia) viniklo? Kar'єr - the axis of the basis of yoga appear.

Yak Bulo revealed a birthplace

In the middle of the black earth of 1955, geologists from Radyansk in Yakutia scoured traces of kimberlite and drank it on modrina, which fell, the root of which was swept away from the earth by an intense hurricane. With the help of natural “preparation”, the fox scrambled, digging a hole there. Vaughn served us well: behind the color of the earth, the fakhivtsy realized that under the fox hole there was a miraculous kimberlite.

A coded radiogram was sent to Moscow immediately: “They opened the pipe to the world, miracle tyutyun!” In less than a few days, the majestic colonies of budding technology stretched out from the wild world. Os so viniklo Misto Mirniy (Yakutia). Kar'єr happened to be rozroblyat for extremely important minds. Just take a look at the pits, seething with snow, to understand the grandiose scope of work that was carried out here!

Delegation from PAR

In order to break through a sprat of bagatoric permafrost, tens of thousands of tons of forced vibrating had to be beaten. Already in the 60s of the last century, the family began to consistently produce two kilos of diamonds, and at least 1/5 of them were treated with a miraculous quality that could be remanufactured to jewelry stores after cutting. Other stones were intensively victorious in radian craftsmanship.

The birthplace was developing on the flooring boisterously, because the African company De Beers was urged to buy up radian diamonds in a wave, just to prevent a luminous decline in prices for them. The organization filed a request for a visit to the Mirny (Yakutia) city. Kar'єr їх is striking, only a few stinks tasted there for a short time ...

Promislovi cunning

The order of the SRSR waited a while, but after waiting for the servants of the military - they let the radyansky fakhivtsiv into the families of the AR. The delegation from Africa arrived to Moscow ... and there they hung out more kindly, because banquets were regularly held for the guests. If fakhіvtsі nareshti arrived to the place of Mirny, at the glance of the car'er itself, they had no more than 20 khvilin.

Ale pobachene їх all one struck to the depths of the soul. For example, the guests simply could not show their technology for the production of diamonds without victoria. Vtіm, there is nothing marvelous in the Yakut climatic minds for whom there is no: in quiet places, even this month, there is a minus temperature on the river, and it’s not hot with the permafrost. At the unsafe city, there is a place for Mirna! The depth of the kar'єra is such that for the bazhanya here you can rule over the miniature sea.

A short history of the video booth

From 1957 to 2001, diamonds worth about 17 billion dollars were seen here. The kar'єr under the Mirniy near Siberia in the process of expansion expanded the flooring, from the bottom to the surface the valley of the road for the vantages laid down a large kilometer. The next thing to understand is that in 2001 the birthplace of zovsim did not run out: just a look of diamonds in a certain way, becoming somehow unsafe. Vecheni could recognize that a vein stretched for a mile of mud, and in their minds an underground digging was already needed. Before the speech, we are talking about the design cost of a million tons of ore already in 2012. Today fakhіvtsі vvazhayut, scho rozroblyat tse unique birthplace can be 35 years (approximately).

Deyakі problems mіstsevosti

Helicopters fly over the car'er categorically fenced, shards such a flight - death for the car and the crew. The law of physics is to simply throw a helicopter to the bottom of the car. At the high walls of the pipe, there is also a lack of space: it is far from primary the possibility that once the fall of that erosion will lead to the establishment of a stingy sound, which is like the mist of Mirniy (Yakutia) in the clay. Kar'єr, a photo of which is in the article, may be victorious and for purposes, as deyakі can be used as a right fantasy. To talk about the possibility of creation at the titanium pit of the unique place of the future.

"The place of the future": where is reality?

Mykola Lyutomsky was recognized as the architect of this project. The best place in the future robot is to create a cyclopean concrete structure, so as not only to change the walls of the car'er, but also to expand yoga, without worrying about the additional power. Tse bude neimovіrniy tourist attraction, which can be proud of only the place Mirna!

Kar'єr, a photo of which you can look at, the beast is passed over by a transparent dome, from the sides of which will be installed sleeper batteries. Obviously, the climate in Yakutia is supernaturally suvory, but there are many sleepy days. Power engineers admit that batteries can vibrate no less than 200 MW of energy for less. Zreshtoy, you can speed up with the warmth of the planet itself.

On the right, in the fact that the winter season cools down to -60 degrees below the Celsius scale. So, it’s nice to say hello to those for whom the fatherland is the place of Mirniy (Yakutia). Kar'єr, the photo of such an enemy, promozhuetsya similarly, but only to a depth of 150 meters. Lower - permanently positive temperature. The futuristic place is divided into three main tiers. On the lower one, they want to grow agricultural products, on the middle one, they want to expand the forest park zone.

The upper part is a zone for a permanent residence of people, a shelter for living quarters, there will be offices, rozvazhalni complexes and more. If the plan of everyday life will be revisited, then the area of ​​the place will become three million "squares". At one time, I can live here for up to 10,000 people. Nearly 36 thousand people can find the same place peacefully (Yakutia). Kar'єr, the depth of which to become a pіvkіlometer, to allow them to rest in comfort, not flying for whom at a distant edge.

Other information about the project "Ekogorod"

The first project was given the name "Ekogorod 2020", but today it became clear that it was clearly not possible to create anything before the named term. Until the speech, and now they’re going to start jogging? On the right in baggies: more than five months on the rivers, mind living more or less at a comfortable rate, and one hour of stink to live at temperatures that are more typical for the Arctic and Antarctica. It is worth allowing them to learn, whether it be the fate of fate, to stay under the sleepy promises, that I will forget about the hardness of gigantic farms: all residents and tourists will be provided with too much vitamin fruits and vegetables.

So that the lower rivers would provide enough light, at the center it would be necessary to leave the lighting shaft of a gigantic diameter. The cream of sony batteries, the efficiency of which is still questionable (plus the foldability of installation), the active engineers are proposing a variant with the life of the AES. On this day, everything is at the stage of having already made plans. I really want to know that the place of Mirniy, the diamond quarry of such a sight in the whole world, will become more comfortable for living in a new people.

As they said, in the 60s, up to two kilograms of diamonds were seen here in the 60s, and moreover, the fifth part is small for a high jewelry quality. Up to a gram of pure syrovine fell per ton of rock, moreover, there were a lot of such stones in the middle that were suitable for jewelry processing. Today, about 0.4 g of diamonds fall on a ton of ore.

Biggest Diamond

For example, the birth of 1980 was the most known rock here in the entire history of the genus. Tsei giant, which is important 68 grams, having taken the name of the XXVI z'їzd of the CPRS.

If the vidobutok was attached to a viable type?

If they finished off Mirniy? The diamond quarry became unsafe in the 1990s, when the depth reached 525 meters. At which bottom of the pit was flooded. "Svit" itself became the largest diamond mine in our country. Vidobootok trivav over 44 rocky. Until that hour, the Sakha company was making profits, which had exceeded 600 million dollars in revenue. Today, the mine works for "Alrosa". The corporation was given as one of the largest diamond collectors in the whole world.

When did the idea of ​​a closed mine come up?

Already in the 1970s, the life of the first tunnels was roaring, the shards of all understood the impossibility of a post-mortem sighting in the open air. Ale, this method was transferred to a post-ynu basis only in 1999. On this day, it is evident that she lived at a depth of 1200 meters. Possibly, diamonds can be seen more brightly.

The axis of such a syrovina is rich in the Republic of Yakutia: r. Myrniy, kar'єr at yakomu vrazha vyavya dermal - one of the zherel national goodness. Diamonds, as they appear there, go not only to the needs of jewelry companies, but also to the production of impersonal accessories and mechanisms.

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