Kar'єr svіt podannya z space. The biggest car'eri on the planet. A photo. Diamond pipe "Svit"

1. Kimberlite pipe "Mir" (Mir diamond pipe), Yakutia.

Kimberlite pipe "Mir" - kar'єr, roztashovaniya near the town of Mirniy, Yakutia. The car'er has a depth of 525 m and a diameter of 1.2 km, and is one of the largest car'er's in the world. Species of diamond-bearing kimberlite ore was pinned at the black rock in 2001. At this time, on board the car'er, the life of an underground mine with the same name is being carried out, for the production of underground reserves, which are no longer available, and the use of them in any way is unprofitable.

The world's largest car'er with a vidobotku of diamonds is against you.

2. Kimberlite pipe "Great Dira", PAR.

Velika dira is a majestic non-destructive diamond mine near Kimberley (PAR). Care what largest car'er fragmentation by people without zastosuvannya technology. In this hour, the main memory of the city of Kimberley.

Starting from 1866 to 1914, about 50 thousand. The miners dug the mine for help with picks and shovels, robbing 2.722 tons of diamonds (14.5 million carats). 22.5 million tons of soil were excavated during the process of quarrying. The most famous diamonds were found here, such as "De Beers" (428.5 carats), black-and-white "Porter Rhodes" (150 carats), orange-yellow. Tiffany" (128.5 carats). At this time, the birthplace of diamonds was exhausted. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "Great Dirka" warehouse is 17 hectares. The diameter of the warehouse is 1.6 km. 215 meters, the bottom of the dirk is filled with water, and the depth becomes 40 meters.

Earlier (approximately 70 - 130 million years ago) the crater of the volcano perebuval on the site of the mine. tourists, playing the role of the museum. I… start making problems. Zokrema, vinikla serious concern collapsed not only at the edges, but also laying near the middle of the road. in the Big Hole area. Vlada is trying again to block the unsafe lot of the road. And the largest diamond company in the world "De Beers", as it led the mine in 1888, did not know anything better, as if it were supposed to, having put it up for sale.

"The stone corps, in which you know the stink, dosit the great," Becker confirms, who estimates that the siege can reach six miles from the mud. If you want the versatility of the expansion of the kar'єrіv zbіlshuєє іz glubinoy, zavzhdі є the possibility of expanding the karієri, to guarantee that such operations, like "Rock of the century", continue digging.

What is kimberlite?

Weeding in a victorious way is one of the most common vicory picking methods for weeding brown copalins from the Earth. The process, which is also used as “Vydkrity vidobutok”, “Vydkrity vidobutok” and “Vydobutok smuha”, vikoristovuetsya, if the planting is carried out close to the surface and causes vikopuvannya or vibukhov processing from equal ground for vidobutku rudi.

3. Kennecott Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah.

The largest kar'єr in the world - the expansion of the midi began in 1863 in roci and ide dosi. Close to a kilometer of the ridge and three and a half kilometers of the crown.

The greatest anthropogenic illumination in the world (the digging people). It is a mine, the development of which is carried out in a viable way.

May 2008 rozmіri river: 0.75 miles (1.2 km) of the ridge, 2.5 miles (4 km) of the ridge and the area of ​​1900 acres (7.7 sq. km).

The ore was first discovered in the 1850s, and in 1863 the quarrying began, which continues to this day.

For a given hour, 1,400 osibs are being worked at the car'er, and 450,000 tons (408 thousand tons) are born today. The ore is carried in 64 large self-skids, as buildings carry 231 tons of ore each, the cost of investments is close to 3 million dollars. USA leather.
4. Carrier "D'yavik" (Diavik), Canada. Look for diamonds.

The Canadian quarry "Diavik" is probably one of the youngest (rozrobka) diamond kimberlite pipes. Formerly, it was built more than in 1992, the infrastructure was created before 2001, and the production of diamonds was opened from September 2003. Imovirno mine to serve from 16 to 22 years.
The place to go to the surface of the earth is the most unique. In the first place, not one, but three pipes that have settled on the island of Las de Gras - about 220 km per day from the Polar Col, beating the coast of Canada. Oskіlki dira is majestic, and the island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is small, less than 20 km!

In short, the Diavik diamond mine has become one of the most important warehouse economies in Canada. From this genera, up to 8 million carats (1600 kg) of diamonds are seen on the river. On one of the inland islands of inspiration, there is an airfield, building to take on the majestic Boeing. The Chervni 2007 Consorfiyum of the seven compound girnichodobye, staggered about the Svir Namiruvati Ekologiychnі Doslіzliznnya, the roses on the birch of Canadi of the Great Porta, from the factory. And tse means that dirka is growing in the ocean and sinking.

5. Great Blue Hole, Belize.

All-worldly house Great Blue Hole (“Great Blakitna Dira”) is the main memento of the pictorial, ecologically ideally clean Belize (the most British Honduras) – a power near Central America, on the Yucatan Pivostrov. No, not once a kimberlite pipe. It is not diamonds that are “mined” from it, but tourists - lovers of diving from the earth, who knows why the country is not better for a diamond pipe. Singingly, it would be better to call it not "Blakytnaya dira", but "Blakytnoy dream", shards can also be built up in the dreams. This is a true masterpiece, a marvel of nature - a perfectly round, dark blue flame in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, honed with a lace shirt on the Lighthouse Reef atoll.

View from space!
Width 400 meters, depth 145 - 160 meters.

Nibi weed over the water...

The order of high profitability and efficiency, which method of digging leads to massive openings, yak vrazhat and vrazhayut pryadachiv. We are demonstrating the largest open mines, so that we can propagate the production of footwear. It is built up from two mines - Eskondida Pit and Eskondida Norta - a mine with a length of 9 km, a width of 7 km and a depth of 645 meters.

The mine takes up a third of the space of the largest open-source operation. Those that began as an underground mine turned into one of the largest mines of this type in the world. The flooring shaft is large, which has become a national monument of Minnesota. Everything is better and better in the handicraft industry, and in Australia it is as big as it is won. Open at the sight of the canyon - one that can be seen from space! - about 8 kilometers of the crown, 5 kilometers of the crown and a depth of about 600 meters! The best career in Australia is to rob our list in the third place in the world.

6. Opening the drain at the tank rowing Monticello.

A great man-made dira is located near Pivnіchnіy California, USA. Alece is not just a hole. Opened the drain in the rowing tank Monticello - the largest hydraulic drain in the world! Yogo argued about 55 years ago. This lykopodіbny vihіd is simply indispensable here. Vin allows you to quickly throw off excess water from the tank, if the rive exceeds the allowable rate. Such a sobі zahisny valve.

Visually, the virva looks like a gigantic concrete pipe. Won zdatna pass through itself in a second as much as 1370 cubic meters. m drive! The depth of such a dirka is about 21 m. From the top down, it has the shape of a cone, the diameter of which at the top reaches 22 m, and down it sounds up to 9 m and comes out from the lower side of the rowing, when the water is overflowing, there is excess water. Look out for the trumpet to the exit point, where the trochas are sown for a day, approximately 700 feet (approximately 200 m).

7. Karst sinkhole in Guatemala.

A gigantic virva with a depth of 150 and a diameter of 20 meters. Calling by underground waters and woods. Just before the hour of the destruction of the failure, a handful of people perished, and a dozen of houses were destroyed. Behind the words of the local inhabitants, approximately from the ear of the fierce in the region of the future tragedy, the sounds of the ground were heard, and from the earth, a slightly muffled rumble.

Axis so dirki!

Virte chi ni, the state of Utah has the greatest car'er in the world. Raztashovaniya on pіvdenniy zahіd vіd Salt Lake Сіті, about 2000 miles and 2 km - it's like two miles of Willis in Chicago on top of one of one. The main occurrences of granite in the county of Surrey are located in the pivnіchnіy part of the county not far from the line of Virginia on the outskirts of Mount Eyri, the county town. Granite is exhibited in flat surfaces at the end of a stretched stage of laying out on a pivnich and a pivdniy Gori Eyri, de vidobotok kar'єrіv on a large scale is carried out for a long time.

In Yakutia, near the town of Mirniy, there is the largest diamond quarry in the world, the kimberlite pipe "Mir" (the place of Mirniy appeared just after the pipe was opened and was named on її honor).

The car'er has a depth of 525 meters and a diameter of 1.2 kilometers.

What is kimberlite?

osvita kimberlite pipe vіdbuvaetsya pіd hour of the eruption of the volcano, if the crisis earth's crust gases from above the earth are called. The shape of such a tube suggests virva or kelikh. Volcanic vibes bring kimberlite from the Earth's overhead - a rock that can avenge diamonds. The breed is named so in honor of the Kimberley town in Pivdenniy Africa, de in 1871, when a diamond was found with a weight of 85 carats (16.7 grams), which called the Diamond Likhomanka.

What to play on the car

The sight of dedications to a 40-acre tract of permanently cut granite above the schylus and the upper part of the old pommel, which rises about 125 feet above the valley floor. The quarry stretched along the entire 40-acre road, the maximum depth of which is about 30 feet. Skelya - tse biotite granite duzhe light gray, mayzhe white color that of medium grain. Biotite is not, behind the vignette of one lapel, evenly divided through granite, and even more often in some parts of the world, equally divided between others and showing a marked tendency to segregation in other parts.

On Cherny 13, 1955, geologists, as if they were rummaging a kimberlite pipe in Yakutia, pumped a high modrin, the root of which was exposing the zsuv. The fox dug a deep hole under him. Behind the characteristic bluish color of the scattered fox of the earth, geologists realized what a kimberlite is. A coded radiogram was immediately sent to Moscow near Moscow: "They lit the pipe of light, tyutyun miracle". Nevdovzi for 2800 km. roadless to the point where the kimberlite pipe was opened, motorcades stretched. Near the birthplace of diamonds, the robo-settlement of Mirne grew, at once a place with a population of about 36,000 people.

Quartz polovі spar with extreme whiteness, from a few inches to a few feet in diameter, in some biotite over the course of a day, or less representations of only a few claptiches, wider through granite. Tsej nerіvny rozpodіl characteristic aksesuar rob granіt in mіstsyah less than the same color, lower can be used for other purposes. Granite, which may be the same color, the most suitable for old-fashioned look And I make this miraculous stone for all kinds of victorious, behind the crown of the monumental inventory, for which the contrast of color between vibrating and polished persons is not great enough.

The birth of the genus took place in extremely difficult climatic minds. To break through the permafrost, I had to use dynamite.

In the 1960s, 2 kg vibrated here. diamonds on the river, from which 20% were of jewelry quality, and after cutting, that transformation on diamonds could enter the jewelry salon. Another 80% of diamonds were victorious for industrial purposes.

The company is equipped with all the necessary machines and accessories for vidobutku and stone processing. The stone is transferred from the kar'erіv to the wagons by a system of frail stakes, cured by gravity. The boundary at the rosemary of the rosemary stone is the tightness of the wagons. It appears that blocks, which weighed 20 tons, were often transported from kar'eriv.

The product is sold in the Great Territory, the main states on the first day of New York. Vіn vikoristovuєtsya for the wild life and road work. Vіdkhody kar'єrіv vikorivuyutsya for dahiv on bavovnyanyh factories, rubble on the streets and roads, ballasts vzdovzh zaliznit and granola robots.

With the booming development of “Mir”, the African company “De Beers” was turbulent, as it was embarrassed to buy up Radian diamonds in order to control prices on the world market. The "De Beers" craft was about to arrive at Mirny with its delegation. Kerіvnitstvo of the SRSR was in time with the mind, that the radyansk fakhіvtsі saw diamond kar'єri near Pivdenny Africa.

The method of cutting the granite into a drilled hole with a diameter of about 3 inches at the diameter perpendicular to the surface to the depth, which allows the construction of the required stone, sound from 5 to 7 feet, and then shooting from the sequence of light vibrations. The operation begins with a discharge of about a quarter of a pound of dynamite at the lower part of the opening; this small charge of the troch shakes the stone and fixes the small chamber. Then the tamping is cleared, and the opening is recharged just like that; once, however, with a little powder.

Small charges of powder vibrated in the opening until quiet fir, until a small seam was launched on the day, which would pass parallel to the surface. In order to signify that it was crushed, a small steel shear, bent on the lower end and ridges to the point, passed uphill and down the opening, the docks would not show a crack. Since the crack was already open, charge the dots step by step, the docks won’t stretch for 75 feet, but I’ll open more.

The De Beers delegation arrived in 1976 on its way to Moscow, so that we would later fly to Mirny, the protépian-African guests were overwhelmed by numerous banquets and banquets in Moscow, since the delegation arrived far from Mirny, when they looked at the car, they were left with everything.

However, the pivdenno-African fakhivtsy were all the same hostile, for example, because the Russians did not vicorize water during the processing of ore. I wanted to understand: for even 7 months on the river near Mirny, the temperature will be minus zero, and it’s simply impossible to take the water.

Vykoristannya vibukhovih speechovina pripinyaetsya and watertight z'єdnannya z the opening is carried out by a way to fasten the shmatka of the inlet pipe in the opening with melted sulfur. A great power pump is added to this outlet; The gorge expands without interruption by pumping through the decades, until, when you’re here, it doesn’t bend the area, it’s 2 acres old, and the pressure shows the fall, winding the skeleton to thin edges on the slopes of the hump.

This method wins out at warmer weather, if the surface of the rock naturally expands and grows. It’s even doubtful how you can beat yoga in cold weather; Dosvid show that the weather is bad, the robot is easy. Leaves with stone coverings with an area of ​​1 to 2 acres of curtains of 6 to 8 feet with an opening are easily lifted by this method. Often it is necessary to clean the ledge of the stone in such a manner, first of all, it is necessary to form the first lower one, or raise another arch on the lower surface.

During the period from 1957 to 2001, diamonds worth 17 billion dollars were mined at the Mir car. Over the course of the year, the kar'єr expanded so much that the travelers had to travel 8 km along a spiral road. from the bottom to the surface.

The Russian company ALROSA, which was the founder of the Mir car, in 2001, pripined a vidobutton of ore in a critical way, because this way, becoming unsafe and inefficient. It was concluded that diamonds lie at a depth of over 1 km, and at such a depth for mining it is not a quarry, but an underground digging, as a plan to use one million tons of ore on the river already in 2012. The successful development of the genus is planned for another 34 years.

Therefore, the kar'єra occupies much more space, the lower one, which may have natural seams - horizontally sheeted. Vіdkritiy vidobotok brown copalins, vіdkritіy gіrskiy vidobutok or vіdkritіy gіrskiy vidobutok - tse method vidobotku surfіnі gіrskіh pоrіd аbо minerals оf thе earth wіth thе way їх remote iz kar'єru аbo pozachennya. The result of victorious technique is a majestic visible scar on the earth. The axis is a list of 10 such famous mines.

Mirniy Mina, Russia - Mirniy mine - inactive diamond mine in Mirniy, Northern Siberia. The largest diamond mine in the world is the friend behind the size of the excavated dirka in the world. The open space above the mine was closed for helicopters through incidents, in which the stench was drawn down by the flow!

Before the speech, on the official website of Alrosa there is even more effective video - how to mine diamonds. Wono Axis:

Cicavia fact: Helicopters are categorically fenced off flying over the car, because the majestic virva zasmoktuє in his own lethal apparatus. The high walls of the kar'єru melt at one's own without safety, like for helicopters: there is a threat to the air, and once the kar'єr can lie down, the soil is forgotten, the territory.

The most and most excavated dirka in the world: it becomes 6 miles wide and 5 miles wide! The pit may take a new shape and become approximately 5 kilometers long, 5 kilometers wide and 570 meters wide. For tsikh rozmіrіv vіn dosit great, so that yoga can be bachiti from space. Velyka dirka, Pivdenna Africa - open pit and underground digging in Kimberley, Pivdenna Africa, and stverdzhuvav, what is the greatest dirka, digging by hand. Vіn maє width 463 m і excavations to a depth of 240 meters, but then we often fill in the holes, which will change the depth to approximately 215 meters.

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