The greatest kar'єri in the world. The largest car'er in the world

Destroying the theme of the article, that the canyons are near Pivnichnaya America, and especially the Grand Canyon - these ancient canyons. There will be a post-discussion: what is true? A lot of people schilyavsya at the bіk їhnёї technogenic ї appearance. Marvel at the butt of Gooseneck SP Canyon, Utah, USA.

The river San Juan flows through the canyon. The depth of the canyon is 300 meters. I, obviously, national park.

Why river to rob such a turn? Why didn't you miss the plateau?

And here - three turns sleep!

The territory of the courtyard looks marvelously. For the first time they took the upper part of the grunt, filling the type of table gir. Chi tse zderto waters flood?

Chastkovo river San Juan is a river, and chastkovo is a canyon.

As if it were an ancient quarry, then you can see the vdvali (dark color to the ground). Abo surplus balls of soil.

Such an application can be suggestive (not to everyone in the Grand Canyon in Arizona).

Canyonlands The Maze Aerial.

It is important to explain this region.

It is important to reveal what happened here. Where is all that grunt, which is like a remnant of table gir?

I have looked at such butts for a long time and more than once. I was often forced so much as a potential job for the title of "an old career". But a part of the sumnіvіv I always save in any direction food. Guessing about the winding rivers.

Why do rivers not flow straight? Adzhe directly - tser ruh from the least robot that support.

The image of food in the picture.

The River near the Mountains of Peru

These butts on the right are not in relief.

Official explanation:

Butt: the river flowed right along the river. I raptom at the bed of the river rushes like a heterogeneous place, as if I had brought it to the point that the river of troshka was driven through the rosemation of the soil. A similar twist will not be straightened, but even more strengthened. So, as in the new minds of the masses, the water is rushing along the air, the docent power is on the water - pouring the shore onto the river. Evidently, the water is blowing on the shore with such force itself - we can guess Newton's third law. And if the water blows on the soil of the shore, then the shore rises more often, thereby bending the channel itself.

In addition, in the mass of the water, the circulation of the water near the vertical plane is blamed, which leads to the transfer of particles of the earth from the outer shore to the inner shore. It is not necessary to bring the channel to the riverbed near the beautiful shore, so to a greater curvature. Before the speech, the very inner bank, as a rule, is gentle and the river near the new river, and the white of the outer bank of the river is signifi- cantly glibsha.

Varto designate what kind of water is to be guarded and in the glass of water - to explain why the seagulls climb near the center of the bottom (which can be compared to the inner shore).

In this order, as if you were going straight and stretching out the river, the whole thing was broken up piece by piece.

Messed up, like a looping river. Axis of science explanation on video:

For example, it was said to the vistup: through the swirl of the flow, the deep river will become more and more deepened, and the dribna will mumble. Everything is beautiful in this model. And best of all, I was honored with the butt of ringing the flow of water on this video:

Here, nothing matters to the flow of water, looking at the heterogeneity of the soil. Ale potik all the same flow windingly, like rivers.

The best in rozumіnі tsikh protsessіv pіdіyshov vіdіshov vіktor Schauberger. Axis documentary film about new: “Know nature and inherit it”.

It’s not good for food: why did it flow through the plateau? Especially at the Grand Canyon? Potik peretinaє there pagorb. How is it possible? I have an explanation like this: mimicry zdіysniv potik lead the flood, or the stream of tannennya ice cap, if on the territory of Pivnіchnoy America there was a pіvnіchny pole. Only gigantic streams of water, curtains of hundreds of meters, could do this. However, it is nourished by the fact that the streams of water covered the territory of such canyons with a flood. I do not include the version that the waters of the subterranean ocean were under the pressure here on this high territory. Such water washed through the canyons, starting from the heights itself, flowing down onto the plain. Just like in the Bible: and the firmaments of heaven and earth were shattered.

But the version of the ancient car'er-canyon cannot be thrown away from the rachunkiv to the end. Vaughn can also be submitted for a reason.

The axis is the same in my version of the ancient caravans, adopting the Goose neck canyon. It seems like: “Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer ...”

Dzherelo statti:

In our hour, humanity cannot exist without brown kopalins. It is important to show our life without cars and electronics - henceforth, people have been forced to live on the earth's majestic dirks, seeing different ore in a different way, and the planet, with its own blackness, is avenging the causes and man-made disasters. The biggest car's in the world of buildings are striking, whether it be obvious with their scale, and if there is an inappropriate reason for them, they are unsafe.

Chuquicamata, Chile

Samy great car'er in the world, in which copper ore is produced, why the country is the largest exporter of brown copalin. The rose is located at an altitude of 2840 m near the Central Andes and has been growing for 100 years, since 1915. In an hour, we saw over 29 million tons of midi.

Puppies in the 16th century smelted ore here (in one of the timchasovyh rozrobok a skeleton of a man was found, yak lived about 500 years before ours). Voni called the birthplace “misce metalu”.

Rozmіri kar'єru to make 4.3 km of the zavdovka, 3 km of the ridge and 850 m of the deep water. Vidobutok is carried out in a viable way, so here it’s worth a hell of a saw. Until recently, the mine had one more record - “The largest additional record of the oil mass that can be seen”, but then the Escondida mine passed in the quiet Andes. The largest smelter was also working here.

Bingham Canyon, Utah, USA

Samy deep car'er near the world, rotting on an area of ​​8 km2. Yogo glybina is 1.2 km, and dovzhina is 4 km. The mine was opened and began to be developed by the Mormons in 1863, which is why it is one of the oldest known genera in the world. In the world's largest car'er, up to 450 tons of ore are found today, and 1,400 ore are processed. It is transported by special kar'ernimi self-skids, which can transport up to 230 tons per hour. And from the surface of the Earth below, the stench is given off by toy cars.

Since 1966, rock car has been given the status of a national flag in the USA and millions of tourists from all over the world come to marvel at it. Here, there are special promptings to look around the Maidanchik, the stars look back at the entire garnicho-boot complex.

In the greatest car'er world they see not only copper, but also gold, silver and molybdenum. Moreover, the amount of smelted gold is richly overwhelmed, I get it to the Klondike and California for the hour of the Gold Likhomanka (715 million tons of gold and 5900 tons of silver). Therefore, Bingham Canyon is considered one of the most productive genera on Earth.

At the end of April 2013, a majestic sound (70 million m3 of stone) became here, after which the robot was smashed for a sprat of months. Nothing was said about the victims, but arguably that technique was roughed up.

Vdala, Yakutia

The best quarry in Russia belongs to a diamond family. Vіn is known only for 22 kilometers from the Polar Col and for this service there was a specially arranged place and a sufficiency factory. Since 1982, the digging plant has been expanded, and since 2014, they switched to an underground vidobotok. The bulk vidobotok stores up to 100 thousand tons of ore and 5 million carats of diamonds per river.

The depth of the mine is 640 meters, the depth is 2 kilometers and the width of the second floor. Vіdnosno small area of ​​digging and washing permafrost (up to -60 degrees) was brought to the point that the collection of the car was splintered, the shards froze the engine oil and cracked gum. And the hour to get a self-skid from the bottom of the car'er becomes less than 2 years old.

The largest diamond digging plant in Russia is famous for its abundance of holes - there are two kimberlite pipes, and not one, which is sharpened on the surface. Kimberlite pipe(named after the town of Kimberley in Pivdenny Africa) - this is a straight volcanic vibe that sounds below. For this reason, the birthplace is gracefully christened in a vertical straight line, and the position is not diamond-shaped. Through the bottom of the pit, it is not round, like the main great mines of the world, but it fills the heart. Until then, the largest specimens are found here, which are saved at once in the Diamond Fund.

Korkine, Chelyabinsk region

The largest quarry in Russia and the largest coal mine in Europe. Yogo becomes 3 km wide, and the depth is over 500 meters. The car was operated in 1934, and in 1936 a great vibe was created, which at the same time lifted over a million cubic meters of earth at a height of up to 500 meters - all seismic stations of Pivnichnoi pivkulі were recorded.

The car'er and in the mine practice 6800 osib. The head of the vugill was transported by cars, and then we moved on to more cost-effective rail transport. At the reception of roztasovaniya oglyadovy maidanchik, ale and vin do not give take a look around of all career.

The skin of the steps is better than the 9-surface booth, and on the days of the day there is a special water supply system, without any kind of car'er for a long time before the floods. Reboot in the middle vugіlnogo car'єru not at all acceptable, especially in the wind. The wind, even if it blows coal, drank and spit it out to burn, and if there is no wind, the practitioners of the largest car in Russia are not licorice without harming the zahist.

Tsikavo, since 2007, due to the fate of business, they organized a high-altitude ski resort on the car'er's vaults, where the elevation difference should be up to 100 meters, and the wines would not be closed.

The greatest caravans in the world are not just majestic virvi in ​​our planet, like a hive to marvel at the cosmos and choke on roses and cosmic landscapes. Sometimes the stench melts away (especially if they leave), and even then people can suffer.

Vіdkritiy sposіb vydobutku korysnyh kopaliny - one of the most widely vicarious in the world. It’s worth stopping, if you put the minerals close to the Earth, and then you just pick up for the help of large-sized special equipment, or pull out for the help of a series of kerirovanny vibukhiv.

This is one of the simplest and most found ways to vidobutka, prote, but on the surface there are giant craters, which look even more enchanting. Today, we would like to show you photographs of the ten largest known caravans in the world and three stories about them.

10. Eskondida mid-pit

It was planted in the Chilean desert of Atacama, the middle mine is made up of two open pits - Escondida Pete and Escondida Norta. Rozmiri - 3.9 kilometers of the zavdovka, 2.7 km of the top and 645 meters of the top. According to the depths of the third such kar'єr in the world.

9. Diamond mine Vdala

Tsei kar'єr raztashovaniya near the Russian part of the Khidny Siberia and є one of the largest in Russia. Curing at the same time by the state-owned company ALROSA in 1971 roci, and planning to close it in 2015 roci. Ale priprinitsya less vidobutok in vіdkritiy sposіb, podzemniy vidobutok bude prodovzheno, shards for the company's s-pіd land can win more than 108 million carats of diamonds.

8. Midny kar'єr Chukіkamata

Already more than a century of milling near Santiago, Chile, the copper quarry of Chukіkamata has been vibrating the majesty of the quantity of the copper ore. Vіn reach 4.3 kilometers of a zavdovka, 3 kilometers of a crown, and over 850 meters of a crown, so that others can try it for the depths of the world. In 2018, a large number of vidobutoks have the ability to pin down and carry out operations to transfer land, where 1.7 billion tons of copper ore are left.

7. Rodovische Grasberg

Tsei "Holy Grail" in the midst of the distributions in the Indonesian province of Papua. Vіn sit in another place near the world for a bottle of gold and midi. The depth of yoga is 550 meters.

6. Mahoning Main

Tsej car'єr tsіkaviy tim, scho vydobutok on the new one started from underground operations and only then vyyshov on the surface, wanting to sound in the same way. This pit is called the “Pivnichniy Grand Canyon” and is stoked in the US state of Minnesota. Rozmiri - 8 kilometers of the front, 3.2 kilometers of the crown and 180 meters of the crown.

From the moment of 1985, the year 1985, 800 million tons of saline were dug on this car and dug up 1.4 billion tons of earth on an area of ​​8 million m 2. Vіn nastіlki gigantic, scho becoming a national memory of Minnesota.

5. Diamond kar'єr Diavik

Tsei canadian diamond quarry buv vіdkritiy y 2003 roci and on a new look up to 8 million carats of diamonds per rіk. The crowns of the wines reach a distance of 7 kilometers. Invisible are those that have been sold on the island of Lac de Grasse in the Pivnichno-Western Territories of Canada.

4. Diamond Carrier Kimberly

Tsey kar'єr raztashovaniya at Pivdenniy Afritsі and belong to the company De Beers. The greatest kar'єr in the world, the development of which was carried out without the use of special equipment, in fact, I will dig with my hands. Its diameter is close to 1.6 kilometers, and the depth is over 200 meters. Although the wines were closed in the distant 1914, but still, as before, they continue to promote foreign tourists and at the same time wines are included in the registration process as an object of the All-World Heritage of UNESCO.

3. Super car Kalgoorlie

The largest Australian quarry, the Kalgoorlie gold mine reaches 3.8 kilometers at the bottom, the second half and approximately 600 meters at the cavern, which makes it third in our top of the largest quarries in the world.

2. Diamond Mining World

Raztoshovaniya at the Hidden Siberia, the whole Russian diamond mine pratsyuvav z 1957 to 2001 rіk i viroblyav best rock up to 10 million carats of diamonds. At the same time, wine was closed, ale tse, like before, the greatest car'er in the world, digging without victorious vibukhivka. Its diameter is 1.2 kilometers, and the depth is 525 meters.

1. Bingham Canyon

Our helper, the largest and at the same time the largest entry point in the world, is located in the American state of Utah, at the front entrance of Salt Lake City. This gigantic caravan is 4 kilometers wide and 1200 meters deep. In 1848, the year for the production of copper ore, and from that hour on the new one, copper, gold, silver and molybdenum were mined at the great bows.

Insanely, the skin man bachila wanted to be in the photo of the right car. The stench is hostile destruction, where it is carried out, or the robot was carried out for a vidobotku of different brown copalins. Not all people know what a car'er is. For the wealthy, they are simply great and nothing more. Prote truly kar'єri play a great role in the craftsmanship of rich kraїn svіtu. In this material, we can tell about the ten largest caravans on the planet.

First place - Chuquicamata (Chile)

The majestic Chilean kar'єr is victorious for the production of copper ore. For the fates of yogo exploitation, more than thirty million tons of midi were already produced. Robots have been carried out for the new one for hundreds of years. Regardless of the price, today Chuquicamata has the largest midi neck on the planet. Tse best car'er in his family. Yogo dozhina become close to a couple of kilometers, and the width is close to three kilometers. Zavglybshki vin 850 meters. Dostemenno nevidomo, if the first work was carried out in this region. For example, the nineteenth century, the survivors knew the ancient mine and the human remains of the century, which can be dated to the 6th century of our eri. However, the mass robots started less than on the cob of the XX century and try donin.

Another place - Escondida (Chile)

Another place in this rating is another Chilean clan. Like in the case of Chuquicamata, this kar'єr is famous for its mediocre salaries. Great robots from the vidobutka of rudi began here in 1990, and from that hour the pace of the vidobutka grows rapidly. In just one year of 2014, about 1.5 million tons of midi were produced here, which is estimated at ten billion US dollars.

Tsey kar'єr є one of the leading dzherel nahodzhennya pennies to the budget of Chile. In addition, the relatives have close to three thousand osibs, and the number of working jobs is only growing.

2006 rock through mass non-payment salary great strikes and rallies began near the car'er. Pratsіvniki kar'єru blocked the roads leading to the birthplace. Zreshtoy їhnі vomogi buli felt and all pennies were paid. Today, such problems are not to be feared, regardless of those who have a very negative reputation.

Third place - Away (Russian Federation)

Russia is also famous for its reserves natural resources. The number of caravans here is also great. The largest in Russia is the birthplace of Vdale. At tsomu kar'єrі, a type of diamond ore is being mined using the underground method. To be found "Away" behind the polar stake, which further complicates the process of vidobutka. The adoption of new technologies and the installation allow Russian companies to obtain the necessary copalin. On this day, step by step, the bottle of diamonds is cut in a critical way. It was planned to finish yoga again by the end of 2015, but work is being done. Odnochasya zbіlshuєtsya obsyag robіt іz podzemnogo vidobutku valuable resource. For public plans, for the next ten years, over a hundred million carats will be seen. Another canyon near the world cannot compete with "Vdalim" for this show.

Fourth place - Bingham Canyon (Courtesy of the States of America)

The largest canyon in the Happy States is Bingham Canyon, which, for the sake of confusion, borrows the fourth row from the world. Vіn distribution in the territory of Utah, on pivdnі in Salt Lake City. At the width of the veins, it stretches for chotiri kilometers, and the yoga glybin becomes 1.2 kilometers. Robots grew up here at the distant 1848 roci. The main resource of the canyon is midna ore. However, in Crimea, in Bingham Canyon, silver ore, molybdenum and gold are mined. Irrespective of those who have been working on objects for over a hundred years, they do not rush, but on the contrary, grow from fates. Vidobotok is carried out in the most critical way, and underground.

P'yate mistse - Mir (Russian Federation)

Crimea "Far Away", Russian Federation there is one more great kar'єr іz vidobutku diamondіv. Mine "Mir" is located near Skhidny Sibir. On this day, the robots clung to the new one. Prote vin maє behind the shoulders of a fifty-fifty history. Upward vidobutok began in 1957 rock. It is noteworthy that the kar'єr was vikopano without the use of vibukhov speeches. The world's best car of this type. The diameter of the "Mir" is 1200 meters, and yoga clay - three more than 500 meters.

Highway - Kalgary (Australia)

The Australian continent is also famous for its great number of canyons. The largest of them is Kalugri. Vin is located near the same place. On this object, there is a type of gold ore booth. Dovzhina Kalguri is folded 3800 meters, width - 1500 meters. The depth of the canyon is 600 meters. Works at Kalgura have been carried out for decades. Hundreds of millions of tons of gold were mined for a short time.

Syome place - Kimberley

This object is located on the African continent on the territory of the PAR. The robots in the canyon were run by the DeBeers company. It is noteworthy that Kimberly is himself great car'er, creations without customization Otherwise, apparently, the robots at Kimberly were carried out with their hands. Dovzhina kar'єru warehousing 1600 meters. Yoga glybin - two hundred meters. The object was closed in 1920. Today wines are of interest to tourists, and yoga is of particular interest. Until 1920, diamonds were mined here. Robots were carried out for a hundred years.

Eighth place - Diavik (Canada)

This kar'єr is famous in the world not only for its dimensions, but also for its beauty. Truly one of the most unique caravans on the planet. Vіn raztashovaniya on the island, which is located on the pіvnіchny entrance of the region. See the low-lying island-kar'era enchant the look. The robots on the site became less common in 2003. This is the youngest great car of the world. They mine diamonds from the Diavia, and then sell them to other companies from the USA, Canada and the European Union.

Nine place - Mahoning Mine (Courtesy of the States of America)

Another representative of the United States has a different rating. Carriage of cash advances in the state of Minnesota. Noteworthy Mahoning Mine, the crime of its own expansion, in the first place, we have been working in the new only by the underground method. After a deaky hour, a new vidobutok appeared. In other cavities, as a rule, everything seems to be on the same page, and the appearance of the boot is ahead of the underground.

Mahoning Mine is also called the "Great Pivnіchny Canyon" through yoga and geographic location. At the dovzhin car'єr to become mayzhe vіsіm kіlometrіv. Yogo width - 3200 meters, and depth - 180 meters.

The first robots on this object appeared in 1985. From that hour, hundreds of millions of tons of flooding were seen. For this bulo, close to the second billion tons of land was excavated, which occupied an area of ​​8,000,000 square meters.

Ten places – Grasberg

Carr Grasberg is located in Indonesia. The largest similar object in pivdenno-skhidniy Asia. Here, a large-scale production of diamonds is already underway. Kar'єr zabezpechuє this resource of impersonal businesses in his region and beyond.

Today, the American company McMoRan is engaged in the production of Grasberzy, which owns most of the shares of the joint venture with the Indonesian business. In just one year 2006, about 610 thousand tons of copper ore, sixty thousand kilograms of gold, one hundred and fifty thousand kilograms of silver were produced.

Kar'iri play an important role in the industry of all the lands of the world. The stench itself will provide the most important resources. All objects from this list are the most important donors of copper, silver, gold ore, diamonds and other brown copalins.

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