Vugіlni kar'єri. The largest kar'єri

Published: Serpen 22, 2012 at 11:55

“The creation of pieced islands and the decline of natural mountains: people are constantly changing the look of the planet. And the miners miraculously cope with these tasks, changing more and more expanses of the landscape. Some of the pits are pierced with shotguns from samples to extract ore, a true marvel of technology, and most of them can be seen from space, ”write samsebeskazal .

Part of these marvelous examples of human building to order their own nature is created in the form of open cuts. Tsey way to vicory the vicory, if the resources lie over something close to the surface, and the warehouse does not allow the vicory to be tunnelled. Through the efforts of the miners, the kar'єri grow to the point of depletion of resources. After that, like kar'єri, the stench transforms into smіtєlischa, or piece lakes, but not marveling at the tse stink, they continue to rage with their scale. We suggest to you the best of the best kar'eriv in the world.

diamond tube"World"
Vlasnik: Alrosa
Resource: diamonds
Roztashuvannya: Russia, m. Mirniy
Rozrobku rozpochato 1957

Ninіtse friend for the size of the technogenic virva in the world. Tsya diamond mine is located on the territory of Russia, in the area of ​​​​the place Mirniy. "Light" of the majestic flooring over it fenced in weeds, the shards of the mountain virobka create a strong downpour again. Kar'єr, the development of which was launched in 1957, until its closing in 2011, it produced up to 10 million carats of diamonds on the river. "Svіt" buv summarily driven by their stingy minds. The temperature in the kar'єrі drops down on the lining, which freezes the machine oil and gum and causes the kar'єru to progressively sag. At the time of the mine closure, an hour for a car from the bottom of the quarry to the surface reached 2 years.

2. Diamond pipe "Diyavik"
Vlasnik: Rio Tinto (60%), Harry Winston Diamond Corporation (40%)
Resource: diamonds
Distribution: Canada
Rozrobku rozpochat 2003

The diamond pipe "D'yavik" was planted on the territory of Canada and is no less against the "Light" regardless of those who are less for their Russian counterpart. "D'yavik" plans 8 million carats of diamonds for the river, and the development of the mine was started in 2003. The most noteworthy wine is that of rotting on the island of Lac de Grace, which allows posterity of marvelous metamorphosis: the inlet of the kar'єr otochki with a crystal smooth surface of the water, and the collection of the arbors with the krizhan empty. On "D'yavik" there is a winter road - a seasonal road is available for only two months on the river, it stretches along the surface of a frozen lake 375 km on the road from Yelowknife. Rashto spend an hour in "D'yavik" can only be seen.


4. Bingham Canyon
Vlasnik: Rio Tinto
Resources: mid
Location: Utah, USA
Rozrobku rozpochato 1904

Bachny from space and also the view of Kennecott, the middle pit of Bingham Canyon is the best rose in the world. The pioneers of the Mormoni boulli mine - yakі vyyavlyayut yogo in the middle of the 19th century, at that time the genus reached 1.2 km deep, 2.5 miles wide and occupied an area of ​​more than 7.7 km2. 'єр rozroblyaєєєєєєєє з 1904 to roku vydobotok on genera allowed to conduct until 2030 roku.

5. Kalgori Super Pet
Vlasnik: Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines
Resource: Gold
Distribution: Calgory, Australia
Rozrobku rozpochato 1989 rock.

The “Femiston Open Pit” vein of gold is the largest gold-bearing vein in the world, її call it “Super Pit”. The rise of a dovgastoy form is located at the entrance of Australia, its reach is 3.5 km, its width is 1.5 km and it descends more lower by 320 meters into the deep. "Super Pit" vibrates over 850 thousand. ounces of gold per river.

6. Car'er Khal-Rast-Mahoning
Vlasnik: Hibbing Taconite
Resources: Zalizna ore
Distribution: Minnesota, USA
Rozrobku rozpochato 1893

Kar'єr Mahoning began to be developed like a subterranean mine, but the ore was found close to the surface, and it was necessary to carry out the work in a different way. At the same time, the car'єr Mahoning reaches 8 km of the headland, 3.2 km of the headland and 180 meters of the headland. At the time of the birth of the genus, it was decided to unite the sprat of the other genera into one great kar'єr. For such an "annoyance" it was necessary to move the place of Hibbing, roztashovane in the immediate proximity to the caravan. The transfer of the place took 2 years and 16 million dollars, during that hour 200 living quarters and 20 office houses were moved. At the peak of virobnitstva, between the First and the Other light rozrіz vydobuvav 14 part of all ore of the viroblen USA. Today may be in 100 years, the Hibbing Taconite company, like and earlier vicarious Mahoning for the production of brown copalins.

7. Tokepalu
Vlasnik: Southern Copper Corporation
Resources: Mid
Distribution: Tacna, Peru
Rozrobku rozpochato 1960

Andy є budinkom vіdrazu for a few of the largest mines in the world. The Tokepala stretches 700 meters at the depth, and the diameter of the diameter stretches over 2.5 km. Glancing at the photograph taken by the NASA satellite, you can see the gigantic horses that made the fire of the brewery part of the mine.

8. Diamond pipe "Ekati"
Vlasnik: BHP Billiton
Resources: Diamonds
Roztashuvannya: Pivnіchny Zakhid Canada
Rozrobku rozpochat 1998

Єkatі raztashovana for 300 km from Yeloknife, and was revealed for hours of golden fever. After the project was approved in 1985, roci of the earth, starting from the Great Lakes and up to the polar stake, were resold like geological lottery tickets. Science vіdkrittya what brought the kimberlite pipes - a sign of the diamond genus - smashed Ekat with one more Jack potim at this lottery.

9. Car'er Kimberley
Vlasnik: Da Beers
Resource: diamonds
Distribution: Kimberly, Pivdenna Africa
Rozrobku rozpochato 1871

The name - Gigantskaya Dira - the axis that gives the truth, let the fantasies roam. Rozrіz depth of 240 meters, є the greatest vibration in the world, on which the vidobutok was carried out manually. The ancestry belonged to the Da Bir brothers, which led to the fight for patent licenses from Khal-Rast-Mahoning.
After 16 years of excavations in very hard minds, small pockets, developments in the regions, decisions about the creation of a conglomerate, and the unification of all mines in one company, Da Beers Consolidated Mines Limited. Just at the abandoned camp for over 100 years, the mine was turned into a UNESCO World Heritage site.

10. Car'er Grasberg
Vlasnik: Freeport-McMoRan
Resources: copper, gold
Distribution: Papua, Indonesia
Rozrobku rozpochat 1990 roci

The Grasberg family is the largest gold mine in the world and the third largest gold mine after the size. The stormy past of Grasberg included dozens of expeditions, an attack by rebels and a life worth $55 million, which went beyond the budget.
In the 1930s, the Dutch scientific expedition hit one of the most important peaks in the Dutch East Indies. The expedition was informed about the revealed reserves of gold and copper, which became Kar'er Ertsberg. Due to the importance of accessibility - the birthplace is growing near the mountain massif at an altitude of 4100 meters above the sea level - vitrati for everyday life was estimated at 175 million dollars; a project to transform everyday life - 116 km of roads, land plots, power plants and the port. In 1977, a rotational group of rebels attacked the mine and ruled by sabotage by setting a vibrator on the trough.
After 10 years after the attack, the Freeport company reached a visnovka, which was made to be built, and began to reach the outskirts of the genus in the nadiya of the genus of the smaller size. The company made a fortune on the Grasberg family, which was planted 3 km from Ertsberg with the maximum reserves of midi - 40 billion dollars. On the aerial photographs below, you can dance, as if looking at Grasberg at once. I wanted to Estberg began to expand in the 30s and invested in the new one about 175 million dollars - more than a little too small, so you could see it.

11. Chukicamata
Vlasnik: CODELCO
Resources: copper, gold
Distribution: Chile
Rozrobku rozpochato 1882

If you talk about obsyagi, then you won’t know more of a variant than the Chilean Chukіkamat. Crossing to holding. power after the Chilean nationalization of 1970, the windage reached 4.3 km of the windrow, 3 km of the top and 900 meters of the top.
For a short period, Chukіkamata took the greatest part of the river fertilization. Prior to joining the “Eskondida” quarry in 2002, the largest smelter and the largest electric naphthalene refinery in the world worked on the quarry. It is obvious that the territory in the area of ​​the mine was victorious for hundreds of hundreds of years, after 17 years after the cob worked at the littered timchasovy war it was revealed “middle people” dated 500 years before our time.

12. Eskondida
Vlasnik: Minera Escondida
Resources: Mid
Rooting: Atacama Desert, Chile
Rozrobku rozpochat 1990 roci

"Eskondida" vibrates more midi, lower, be it another car'er in the world. In 2007, Minera Escondida produced over 1.5 million tons of midi for a total of over 20 billion dollars. The life of the kar'єru began after that, as the results showed a high level of stability in the construction of the mid-belt in the region, just over 300 km from the kar'єru Chukіkamato.

13. Berkeley Pete
Atlantic Richfield companies
Resources: copper, silver, gold
Distribution: Montana, USA
Rozrobku rozpochato 1955

The expansion of the digger was pinned 30 years ago. From that hour, without water pumps, which would allow saving the car'er water, the 540-meter pit was filled with wood water. Irrespective of those who give water to the animal crystal clear, it is true that they cook in it a spravzhnіy soup with important metals and unsafe chemical elements - such as mish'yak, sulfuric acid and cadmium. 180 thousand tons of midi per month pumping water at the current rate.
The mine was opened in 1955, the volume was in the region of 1 billion tons, the resource and the flooring grew over the years, so the owner of the Anaconda family bought a court place to continue the expansion.

14. Yuba Goldfields
Vlasnik: Western Aggregate
Resources: Aggregations
Distribution: California, USA.
Rozrobku rozpochato 1848

Yuba Goldfrids lives in the Yuba river in California. The rodovishche was decorated during the hours of the golden fever in 1848-55. Perebuvaya in the riverbed, the digging perebuvaya in zarodkovoy camp, but just a little bit about the prospects of the region, the great utensil-making companies began to actively invest in projects in the region. In order to minimize the company's viability, they started digging with victorious pressure of water jets at the forefronts of the Sierra Nevadi. Unexpectedly, at the river, it was thrown off so richly in the rivers that the bed of the river rose by 100 feet and in some areas it exploded and flooded the settlements near the river area.

At this hour, the district has drawn its gold reserves and, wanting to win, is still vikoristovuetsya for the vidobutku of warehouse concrete, it is planned to turn it into a reserve. Yuba Goldfrids is seen with an indescribable look, when you look at the aerial photo, you can see how it burns, the strings, and the holes of the creation under the influx of the baguarial girsky vidobutka - like the intestines, the riverbed stretched out.

15. Diamond pipe "Vdala"
Vlasnik: ALROSA
Resources: Diamonds
Roztashuvannya: Republic of Sakha, Russia
Rozrobku rozpochato 1988

Glibina "Vdaloy" stretches over 600 meters, although it is not as wide as "Svit". Three years later, “Svit”, “Vdala”, the flooring was removed from civilization, which for the project was prompted by a small place for practitioners of the digging named in honor of the genus. Since 2010, ALROSA has changed the type of vidobutka at the mine to underground, but for the most part, the mining of the mine has become more unprofitable.

16. Olimpik Dam
Vlasnik: BHP Billiton
Resources: copper, gold, silver, uranium
Distribution: Pvdenna Australia
The rosette was redistributed in 1988.

Regardless of the fact that the underground mine of BHP Billiton planned to expand to the largest open pit in the world, it immediately stretched even further ahead of that, if the bula was the station of Roxby Downs Sheeps. Show yourself that this is a birthplace - tons of midi, uranium, gold and silver.

Olympik zhіnok maє quarters in terms of the size of the supply of midi in the world and є the largest birthplace of uranium in the world. Navіt without expanding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcar'er Olimpik women save 35 million liters of water today.

(Chuquicamata) - the largest car'er in the world. Wines are found near the Chilean Andes at an altitude of 2840 meters. The depth of this monster is 850 m, the width is 3 km, and the dove is 4.3 km.

About 600 thousand tons of midi are found on the river at the mine. Approximately in 5 years it is planned to switch from the open method to the underground one.

Promissory vidobutok midi on Chukіkamata rozpochat 18 May 1915 to the date and from that hour of the obligation to assemble the chorіchno grown steel. For example, 4345 tons of midi were produced at the river robot, and 50,400 tons were already produced in 1920. 2007 rocigalny obyag vidobutoy midi becoming 29 million tons.

There is no lack of proof that the birthplace of Chukikamat had already been splintered for a lot of centuries until the 20th century. The proof of this is that the mummy of the so-called “middle people” was revealed in 1899. Vіk mummії dated 550 by rock n. Until then, the Spanish conquistador Pedro de Valdivia, having arrived to these places at the 16th century, took off from the tubers of the midst of the river.

However, to marvel at the mud, the biggest car for this show is the American state of Utah (also called Kennecott Copper Mine). Yogo Glybina is close to 1.2 km., and the width is 4 km. Mіd y tsikh mіstsyakh the bula was revealed in the middle of the 19th century, and the rose career began in 1863.

April 10, 2003 at 9:30 pm canyon becoming a majestic zsuv, through some kind of vidobutok midi zupinivsya for a sprat of months. This is the greatest sound of a non-volcanic hike in the history of Pivnichnoy America. Close to 65-70 million m³ of mud and stone fell on the quarry. Boulli poshkodzhenі budinki, roads that tehnіka.

The total ore reserve in Bingham Canyon is 637 million tons. At the moment there are close to 1400 workerssee here close to 450 yew. tons of breed. The canyon has 64 self-skid carts, leather from which buildings carry up to 231 tons of rock per flight.

A lot of fakhіvtsіv vvazhayut, scho kar'єr Bіngham Canyon є nayproduktivnіsh in the entire history of mankind. Obsyazh resources that are seen here, revisit obsyagi, vytyagnіt pіd hіd holoї lihomanki і kalifornії ta to the Klondike at once. In 2004, the camp at Bingham Canyon produced over 17 million tons of midi, 715 tons of gold, 5900 tons of silver and 386 thousand tons of molybdenum.

The Russian kar'єr is also one of the largest in the world. Diamonds are seen here, and yoga clay becomes 585 m. diamond mines on the planet. Particularly in the Far East and those who spend time on the polar stake, where the temperature can often drop to -50°C.

1. Kimberlite pipe "Mir" (Mir diamond pipe), Yakutia.

Kimberlite pipe "Mir" - kar'єr, roztashovaniya near the town of Mirniy, Yakutia. The car'er has a depth of 525 m and a diameter of 1.2 km, and is one of the largest car'er's in the world. Species of diamond-bearing kimberlite ore was pinned at the black rock in 2001. At this time, on board the car'er, the life of an underground mine with the same name is being carried out, for the production of underground reserves, which are no longer available, and the use of them in any way is unprofitable.

The world's largest car'er with a vidobotku of diamonds is against you.

2. Kimberlite pipe "Great Dira", PAR.

Velika dira is a majestic non-destructive diamond mine near Kimberley (PAR). Care what largest car'er fragmentation by people without zastosuvannya technology. In this hour, the main memory of the city of Kimberley.

Starting from 1866 to 1914, about 50 thousand. The miners dug the mine for help with picks and shovels, robbing 2.722 tons of diamonds (14.5 million carats). 22.5 million tons of soil were excavated during the process of quarrying. The most famous diamonds were found here, such as "De Beers" (428.5 carats), black-and-white "Porter Rhodes" (150 carats), orange-yellow. Tiffany" (128.5 carats). At this time, the birthplace of diamonds was exhausted. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "Great Dirka" warehouse is 17 hectares. The diameter of the warehouse is 1.6 km. 215 meters, the bottom of the dirk is filled with water, and the depth becomes 40 meters.

Earlier (approximately 70 - 130 million years ago) the crater of the volcano perebuval on the site of the mine. tourists, playing the role of the museum. I… start making problems. Zokrema, vinikla serious concern collapsed not only at the edges, but also laying near the middle of the road. in the Big Hole area. Vlada is trying again to block the unsafe lot of the road. And the largest diamond company in the world "De Beers", as it led the mine in 1888, did not know anything better, as if it were supposed to, having put it up for sale.

3. Kennecott Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah.

The largest kar'єr in the world - the expansion of the midi began in 1863 in roci and ide dosi. Close to a kilometer of the ridge and three and a half kilometers of the crown.

The greatest anthropogenic illumination in the world (the digging people). It is a mine, the development of which is carried out in a viable way.

May 2008 rozmіri river: 0.75 miles (1.2 km) of the ridge, 2.5 miles (4 km) of the ridge and the area of ​​1900 acres (7.7 sq. km).

The ore was first discovered in the 1850s, and in 1863 the quarrying began, which continues to this day.

For a given hour, 1,400 osibs are being worked at the car'er, and 450,000 tons (408 thousand tons) are born today. The ore is carried in 64 large self-skids, as buildings carry 231 tons of ore each, the cost of investments is close to 3 million dollars. USA leather.
4. Carrier "D'yavik" (Diavik), Canada. Look for diamonds.

Canadian kar'єr "Diavik" - mabuti, one of the youngest (rozrobka) diamond kimberlite pipes. Formerly, it was built more than in 1992, the infrastructure was created before 2001, and the production of diamonds was opened from September 2003. Imovirno mine to serve from 16 to 22 years.
The place to go to the surface of the earth is the most unique. In the first place, not one, but three pipes that have settled on the island of Las de Gras - about 220 km per day from the Polar Col, beating the coast of Canada. Oskіlki dira is majestic, and the island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is small, less than 20 km!

In short, the Diavik diamond mine has become one of the most important warehouse economies in Canada. From this genera, up to 8 million carats (1600 kg) of diamonds are seen on the river. On one of the inland islands of inspiration, there is an airfield, building to take on the majestic Boeing. The Chervni 2007 Consorfiyum of the seven compound girnichodovnoye has rushed about the firing namiruzoruvati Ekologiychnі doslizlizhnnya of the roseter Budyvnitsy on the pivnic birch of the Great Porto, the Vanzhednistu to 25 000 tons, and the taco is 2111 from the factory. And tse means that dirka is growing in the ocean and sinking.

5. Great Blue Hole, Belize.

All-worldly house Great Blue Hole (“Great Blakitna Dira”) is the main memento of the pictorial, ecologically ideally clean Belize (the most British Honduras) – a power near Central America, on the Yucatan Pivostrov. No, not once a kimberlite pipe. It is not diamonds that are “mined” from it, but tourists - lovers of diving from the earth, who knows why the country is not better for a diamond pipe. Singingly, it would be better to call it not "Blakytnaya dira", but "Blakytnoy dream", shards can also be built up in the dreams. This is a true masterpiece, a marvel of nature - a perfectly round, dark blue flame in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, honed with a lace shirt on the Lighthouse Reef atoll.

View from space!
Width 400 meters, depth 145 - 160 meters.

Nibi weed over the water...

6. Opening the drain at the tank rowing Monticello.

A great man-made dira is located near Pivnіchnіy California, USA. Alece is not just a hole. Opened the drain in the rowing tank Monticello - the largest hydraulic drain in the world! Yogo argued about 55 years ago. This lykopodіbny vihіd is simply indispensable here. Vin allows you to quickly throw off excess water from the tank, if the rive exceeds the allowable rate. Such a sobі zahisny valve.

Visually, the virva looks like a gigantic concrete pipe. Won zdatna pass through itself in a second as much as 1370 cubic meters. m drive! The depth of such a dirka is about 21 m. From the top down, it has the shape of a cone, the diameter of which at the top reaches 22 m, and down it sounds up to 9 m and comes out from the lower side of the rowing, when the water is overflowing, there is excess water. Look out for the trumpet to the exit point, where the trochas are sown for a day, approximately 700 feet (approximately 200 m).

7. Karst sinkhole in Guatemala.

A gigantic virva with a depth of 150 and a diameter of 20 meters. Calling by underground waters and woods. Just before the hour of the destruction of the failure, a handful of people perished, and a dozen of houses were destroyed. Behind the words of the local inhabitants, approximately from the ear of the fierce in the region of the future tragedy, the sounds of the ground were heard, and from the earth, a slightly muffled rumble.

Axis so dirki!

Without a doubt, not everyone knows what a car'er is. In fact, it’s a good idea to use a wild-crystal method to serve for the extraction of brown copalins. Є th closed gіrnichi rozrobki - mines. So the axis of the big kar'єri (great kar'єri) is vicorous for the production of metal ores, budding materials. Ale є diamond genera, de car'eri serve for vidobutku expensive stone. In this article, let me know the biggest car'ers of our planet.

Chuquicamata, Chile

This majestic dirka near the earth already gave people 29 million tons of copper. Kar'єr vikoristovuєtsya for a hundred years, and dosi tse one of the largest dzherel mednoї rudi. Dovzhina car'єru to become 4.3 kilometers, width - 3. Glibina - mayzhe kilometer, 850 meters.

Here, for a long time now, there has been a vidobotok of copper rudi. So, in 1898, in Chuquicamata, an old mine and a mummy in that mine were found. Vіk mummії dated 550 by the rock of our yeri.

Escondida, Chile

I am new to Chile, with tієyu and middle. Minera Escondida Mining Co. began the development of another genus of copper ore in 1990, using the method of open-cut vidobutka. At the same time, the Escondida quarry is considered the largest quarry for the production of copper ore. In 2007, 1.48 million tons of midi were mined (not copper ore, but midi), the variance was 10.12 billion US dollars,

The key technology is considered one of the foundations of the Chilean economy. Let me tell you that Escondida employs 2,951 people, and this is a direct employment. 2006 was the year of the great strike - the workers wanted to win more. After the guardians paid great salaries, the workers simply blocked the road to the quarry. Zreshtoy company had a chance to wait with the helpers of spivrobitnikiv.

Rodovishche "Vdale", Russia

This birthplace of diamonds is one of the largest in the world. The type of diamond ore was found in the best way, and at the same time the depth of the quarry reached already 600 meters. Naytsіkavіshe, that the technology has been developed beyond the Polar Kol, that, as you know, it is richly complicating the work carried out. Tim is no less, the career development has been going on for a long time.

Before the speech, the birthplace "Away" was opened literally a few days after the birth of the birthplace "Svit", which we will describe below. Kar'єr "In the distance" is controlled by the Alrosa company, which is the most popular diamond business in Russia.

Rodovishche "Mirniy", Russia

Kar'єr z vidobotku razdomіv genera Mirne raztashovannyy sibir, and the depth of this kar'єru storáє vzhe pіvkіlometra. Diameter - 1.2 kilometers. Rozmir kar'єru provokuє vyniknennya vyskhіdnykh streamіv poіtrya, through yakі іnоdі traplyayutsya accidents of helicopters. Nini already all lovers of politics know what is not possible here.

As has already been said above, the meteorite was discovered in 1955, and the robot had a chance to start in shriveled minds - remoteness from the nearest settlements, cold climate, daily roads. But everything went well, and until 2001, the productivity of 10 million carats of expensive stone per river was achieved. It's close to two tons of diamonds.

Bingham Canyon, USA

The greatest and greatest kar'єr world, de vydobuvaetsya mid and gold. The growth of this genus originated in the distant 1863 year, and its depth is already 1.2 kilometers, and the width is 4 kilometers. 17 million tons of copper and 715 tons of gold are produced for the river.

At the same time, over 1,400 osibs were occupied on this mountain distribution, and over 50,000 tons (!) of mountain breed are delivered today. Zrostannya kar'єru trivatime right up to 2013 rock.

The radiogram, like the geologists of the Amakinsky expedition, who opened the pipe, made it to Moscow, sounded like this: “They lit the pipe to the world, tyutyun miracles. Avdєenko, Elagina, Khabardin. The Heart of Mirny, one of the largest kimberlite pipes in the world, was opened on 13 March 1955. For 44 years of work, diamonds have been found in them, for unofficial pranks, for 17 billion dollars. Located near the Malo-Botuobinsky diamond-bearing region. The depth of the dirka is pivkilometer, that 1.200 meters at the diameter. Spiral-like road from the top of the car'er to Yogo...

Bingham Canyon is the largest open-pit mine of the open type. Vidkritim way here vydobuvayut mid, molybdenum, gold and silver. Rotting mine near Salt Lake City. The birth of the family began in 1863 and continues until today. For an hour of operation, over 17 million tons of copper, 652 tons of gold and 5386 tons of silver were produced. Tsei kar'єr has a depth of 1.2 kilometers and a width of 4 kilometers. In 1966, the Bingham Canyon roci was voweled to the national historical bannages.

Rodovishche Grasberg (Grasberg) - the largest gold digger and the third after the size of the kar'єr z vidobutku midi, as well as the largest kar'єr in the world. Vіn raztashovaniya near the province of Papua in Indonesia, near Punchak Jaya - the most beautiful mountain of Papua New Guinea. At the retail price 20 yew. spіvrobіtnikov. The package of shares of the parent company belongs to the subsidiary company Freeport-McMoRan. Order Indonesian Volodya 9.36% in PT Freeport Indonesia. FCX works within the scope of the order of Indonesia, as...

The Ekati diamond mine is mined 200 km away from the Pivnichny Arctic Circle, near Lac de Grace in the Pivnichno-Zakhidnyh Territories of Canada, approximately 300 km from the pivnichny exit from Yellowknife. Ikati is a local word that means "fat lake". The name of the place is attributed to large deposits of quartz rock throughout the region, as if they were similar to the consistency of deer fat. Ekati - like the surface, so is the underground diamond mine of Canada. Tse joint venture between BHP Billiton Diamonds (80%), as well as...

Velika dira is a majestic non-destructive diamond mine near Kimberley (PAR). It is important that this is the largest car'er, razrobleniya people without zastosuvannya technology. In this hour, the head memo of the city of Kimberley. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Great Dirk is 17 hectares. Її the perimeter to become 1.6 km, and the width - 463 meters. Dira bula virita to a depth of 240 meters, but then the bula sipan with empty rock to a depth of 215 meters, water fills the bottom of the dirka, and the depth becomes 40 ...

The Canadian quarry “Diavik” is probably one of the youngest (rozrobka) diamond kimberlite pipes. Formerly, it was completed only in 1992, the infrastructure was created before 2001, and the production of diamonds began in September 2003. Imovirno mine to serve from 16 to 22 years.

Eskondida is a great digging pit that is made up of two pits, in which copper ore is mined on the same genera. Planting at the Atacama desert, 170 km at the Antofagasta trail at Chile. Kar'єr rozpochav robot at 1990 roci at an altitude of over 3000 meters above the sea level. In 2011, the most midi is seen there, lower be in the world. In 2007, 1.5 million tons of midi were produced there, which is about a tenth part of the average river species of midi in the world. Kar'eri works...

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