Naiglybshi kar'єri svіtu. Bingham Canyon, USA. Diamond pipe "Vdala"

Without a doubt, not everyone knows what a car'er is. In fact, it’s a good idea to use a wild-crystal method to serve for the extraction of brown copalins. Є th closed gіrnichi rozrobki - mines. So the axis of the big kar'єri (great kar'єri) is vicorous for the production of metal ores, budding materials. Ale є diamond genera, de car'eri serve for vidobutku expensive stone. In this article, let me know the biggest car'ers of our planet.

These are such ugly places, like ours, that create wealth - not only our state, but the whole of Australia, but not a lot of pennies, like turning back. Acceptably and well known on the coast, on a completely new highway. Alece is not just expensive. Mustache Moranba could win a rebuke. At the clinic, there are few, few children's gardens, schools and social life, sports disputes and doswell are outdated. Financing by footwear companies.

The system is called "Mukhati, litati". Girniki come from the US of Australia. The stench arrives, spends twelve years a day stretching three days, and then we fly home for a day. Let's start everything from the very cob. Less than five years ago, thousands of people lived near Moranby, today most of them were miners. And soon there will be more of them. Another 37 coal mines are planned for the Bowen Basin. In five years, a handful of helpers from the region will rise. Radnik Chris Adams is afraid: so is Moranbi.

Chuquicamata, Chile

This majestic dirka near the earth already gave people 29 million tons of copper. Kar'єr vikoristovuєtsya for a hundred years, and dosi tse one of the largest dzherel mednoї rudi. Dovzhina car'єru to become 4.3 kilometers, width - 3. Glibina - mayzhe kilometer, 850 meters.

Forecasts are good and good, but we need people who don’t just work, but I want to live here, how can we reach it? We are developing so fast that we simply don’t have any objects, they seem to be accepted as it is, which is self-evident in great places.

Chris Adams talks a lot about social welfare in Moranby, but he doesn't want to talk about pennies. It’s possible for someone who doesn’t know anything in new yoga. The past year, the coal mines of the region were mined two and a half million euros for the order of the state. The city administration of Moranby took two million from them. It's fair, chi not those - Adams snarzhitsya. And those who are unlikely to be employed in the mines, because the steelmaking companies do not want to work for themselves with the labor unions. Moranba is becoming an ever-growing scrapper of the Australian goods boom.

Here, for a long time now, there has been a vidobotok of copper rudi. So, in 1898, in Chuquicamata, an old mine and a mummy in that mine were found. Vіk mummії dated 550 by the rock of our yeri.

Escondida, Chile

The miners here are not at home, or they don’t feel here, they stink at all odds, they know the stink, but they don’t want to mother anything sleeping with the local residents, the stink doesn’t help the football club with volunteers on favorable visits. 12-year-old change and litati, viletiti - these are deadly falls for such communities, like ours.

On the main street, the third skin room is empty, at the windows of the shops there are “sign” signs. A fly from a friend who has flown, does not buy it in Moronbas. The stinks take everything they need in the airport in the smallest camps. Life at Moranbi is more and more often characterized by garnished footwear companies. Convert a small place into a bezosobovy castle castle.

I am new to Chile, with tієyu and middle. Minera Escondida Mining Co. started the development of another genus of copper ore in 1990, using the method of split vidobutka. At the same time car'er Escondida is most important great career for the production of copper ore. In 2007, 1.48 million tons of midi were mined (not copper ore, but midi), the variance was 10.12 billion US dollars,

Those who used to be a quiet street in a quiet quarter, were a great weekly maidan, stretching out for decades. Okremі budinki were demolished and dozens of new apartments were built. Zhahlivі apartments with one bedroom with mini-kitchen and shower. Mitch and Renee Hughes are called "concrete boxes for boobs." Mitch, on the cob of thirty years, I have been an electrician at the mine and live in Moranby for 12 years. Not through pennies, but through yoga sim'yu. Mitch and Mrs. Rene wanted their children to grow far away from the problems of the great place.

Aletodі vugіlny boom overtook їх. Mitch: The mustache came here from the mustache. We trained at sports, children could play everywhere. But now the place is unknown. Mitch and Rene Hughes may be among the top ten in Moranbi. The stinks linger at their booths. Її booths with three bedrooms with a garden and a shed, which I bought before the boom. During the whole hour, 000 euros were converted. Good luck, - even realtor Craig Atkinson. Today they will have to pay less than three times.

The key technology is considered one of the foundations of the Chilean economy. Let me tell you that Escondida employs 2,951 people, and this is a direct employment. 2006 was the year of the great strike - the workers wanted to win more. After the guardians paid great salaries, the workers simply blocked the road to the quarry. Zreshtoy company had a chance to wait with the helpers of spivrobitnikiv.

Atkinson's office on the main street of Moranbah may look like a neat office building, but the shop is one of the most famous brokerage houses in Australia. Who cares that the rent in Sydney and Melbourne would be high, but not in Moranby. Whoever wants to buy a booth, can already put a million and more on a table. For furnishing companies, pennies do not matter, everyone has to pay the stench to spread their employees. Leather room at a leather hotel or hotel for 50 kilometers per month.

A small land, like a state order letting the district live, transforming hirska corporations into worker camps. Proteo deyakі namagayutsya again and again independently. Lucky faces and adventures. Enticed by a gold lihomanka near the vugіlny district.

Rodovishche "Vdale", Russia

This birthplace of diamonds is one of the largest in the world. The type of diamond ore was found in the best way, and at the same time the depth of the quarry reached already 600 meters. Naytsіkavіshe, that the technology has been developed beyond the Polar Kol, that, as you know, it is richly complicating the work carried out. Tim is no less, the career development has been going on for a long time.

There is no kitchen utensil, nothing like that. Harry Stewart is looking for a place to live. It's stuffy hot, flying everywhere. The containers have less light, a refrigerator and a bright neon lamp. An ominous toilet and a shower are oovni, the kitchen is a rusty gas grill.

Usі for 230 euros for the day. Look at the visit, look at a million dollars. Great smile and wide shoulders. Harry was a fisherman in Tasmania, until he spent his choven and squad. Now we are starting everything together at the beginning of 56 years. And even before that, like Harry, he got over to his container, already there was a turn of clogged sides, they couldn’t get through, if the wines were re-transferred.

Before the speech, the birthplace "Away" was opened literally a few days after the birth of the birthplace "Svit", which we will describe below. Kar'єr "In the distance" is controlled by the Alrosa company, which is the most popular diamond business in Russia.

Rodovishche "Mirniy", Russia

If you take on a job here without a living, then you will need to work more than a thousand on the river, otherwise you will be blessed. I was lucky that my boss gave me a month to know. For a sprig of rocks in front of Harry's wonderful container, on a small hillock, a group of aborigines sit by a tidy overturned car. “We kindly ask you to the hotel Moranba”, - zhartuy Linda Dugebi, the elders of this family.

Timchasovy tabir - nameti, sprat of sleeping bears - used to be home with big tizhnyami. More than one social service Moranby shut down. Through the presence of cats. “We don’t have anyone who could help us, - like Linda, - for those who left the district, the onslaught on the vugillya is damned.”

Kar'єr z vidobotku razdomіv genera Mirne raztashovannyy sibir, and the depth of this kar'єru storáє vzhe pіvkіlometra. Diameter - 1.2 kilometers. Rozmir kar'єru provokuє vyniknennya vyskhіdnykh streamіv poіtrya, through yakі іnоdі traplyayutsya accidents of helicopters. Nini already all lovers of politics know what is not possible here.

The commodity boom is even more spreading out our people, the gіrnichodobuvnі korporatsії drive in our land, and we can not take anything for the price, pennies of guilt to help our children, hardly like a robot for the min aborigines, and our situation is not prospering.

Vugіlnoi exchange is easy to remember. Vlasniki of hotels, agents of non-robustness - that comrade. Only pennies, like stench, take home, pay for them. Phil Simcoe 19 years, from Northern Australia. Twelve months ago I was still walking to school. Now you will earn 1000 euros on the river as an asphalt plow near the Blackwater mine.

As has already been said above, the meteorite was discovered in 1955, and the robot had a chance to start in shriveled minds - remoteness from the nearest settlements, cold climate, daily roads. But everything went well, and until 2001, the productivity of 10 million carats of expensive stone per river was achieved. It's close to two tons of diamonds.

Moranbah is part of the biggest economic diva, like Australia, if anything. Ale, the region pays a high price. Most of the workers arrive, the local residents are often deprived of working jobs in the countryside. Stilki work, ale richer to pay harder. Moranba is a secluded place. Having opened up the middle of the day and the days of the day, the daedal was bigger.

Vin is the head of a small budding company near Moranby, repairing sidewalks and future foundations for terraces. Wear shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt - regardless of whether it is summer or winter. Ray gave his leave the shirt, to take your foot off the door to one of the great garnished footwear companies. Qia robot bring me 800 dollars per cubic meter of concrete.

Bingham Canyon, USA

Best i great car'er light, de sighted and mid, and gold. The growth of this genus originated in the distant 1863 year, and its depth is already 1.2 kilometers, and the width is 4 kilometers. 17 million tons of copper and 715 tons of gold are produced for the river.

Whether someone who hires Rey, rebuy in okіkuvanni. Checking here to hide, checking robots in the mines. 70 people have already trained for the new year. Only two left the place with a penny in the intestines. Others were moved, everyone cheered everyone up. We all come here and are able to earn great pennies, but most of them can’t afford to pay rent, there’s nothing for families, there’s a lot of love, it’s a lot of love, it’s a stranger’s word, you’re rich, you’re rich.

For wealthy miners at the mines, tomorrow is the first day off for three days. Moranba smells like cheap shit. Nudga, rozcharuvannya chi tight for the fatherland stomp at the pabi. If you can't go home with your partner, you go out of a hangover.

At the same time, over 1,400 osibs were occupied on this mountain distribution, and over 50,000 tons (!) of oil breed are delivered today. Zrostannya kar'єru trivatime right up to 2013 rock.

The radiogram, like the geologists of the Amakinsky expedition, who opened the pipe, made it to Moscow, sounded like this: “They lit the pipe to the world, tyutyun miracles. Avdєenko, Elagina, Khabardin. Heart of Peace, one of the largest kimberlite pipes the world was announced on 13 chernya 1955. For 44 years of work, diamonds have been found in them, for unofficial pranks, for 17 billion dollars. Located near the Malo-Botuobinsky diamond-bearing region. The depth of the dirka is pivkilometer, that 1.200 meters at the diameter. Spiral-like road from the top of the car'er to Yogo...

The pub is a mine's life, a gold mine in a coal mine. There are steaks with telephone books, colder colder beer - that hot panties. At Morenbi Navіt fly roses, flutter. Dancers, who only wear their costumes, come from afar. From Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. You know that the bigger the pub and the bigger the miners, the bigger the kіnchik. The sign "do not fire" in the pub is hot, like smoking dim sum, like bavovnyan tsukerki under the carpet.

Seventy hundreds of people in this pub are regularly injected with drugs to make people aggressive, beat them up, hoard them, and then continue to beat them up, no one can take them so far from home, stink no one. Three days of work are often thousands of kilometers away, and then at home for a day. Just sleep well. Vlіtayte, vlіtayte not only schob Australian ugіlnі places, like Moranba, slandered properly, but too richly vіdnosin. Navit yogo squad was tired of living like a lonely mother, and її cholovіk zlamavsya.

Bingham Canyon is the largest open-pit mine of the open type. Vidkritim way here vydobuvayut mid, molybdenum, gold and silver. Rotting mine near Salt Lake City. The birth of the family began in 1863 and continues until today. For an hour of operation, over 17 million tons of copper, 652 tons of gold and 5386 tons of silver were produced. Tsei kar'єr has a depth of 1.2 kilometers and a width of 4 kilometers. In 1966, the Bingham Canyon roci was voweled to the national historical bannages.

Accept Rey not with empty hands. Yogo budinok at Moranbi is on the market for over a million euros. Moranbah is one of the richest places in Australia. Vykoristovuetsya vydobuvny galuzzi, forgets the order and suffers from social and economic problems. A billion surpluses are at stake, increasing that reputation of the best car in the world. But the people of Morenba vvazhayut, scho commodity boom for any price in all of Australia, even earlier, more costly.

Vidobutok and vikoristannya natural stone grow steadily. Behind the words of Italian Dota statistics. Most of the inputs in the garnicho-bouvial industry were made up of 58% marmur, vapnyak and piskovika, 38% granite and 4% slate and other types. Zagalne svіtove spozhivannya became 1.49 billion dollars.

Rodovishche Grasberg (Grasberg) - the largest gold mine and the third largest kar'єr z vidobutku midi, as well as the largest kar'єr in the world. Vіn raztashovaniya near the province of Papua in Indonesia, near Punchak Jaya - the most beautiful mountain of Papua New Guinea. At the retail price 20 yew. spіvrobіtnikov. The package of shares of the parent company belongs to the subsidiary company Freeport-McMoRan. Order Indonesian Volodya 9.36% in PT Freeport Indonesia. FCX works within the scope of the order of Indonesia, as...

Granite quarry near Brazil. The largest selections of natural stone Concentration in the light industry natural stone temple. Tse vіdpovidaє paktsi svitovogo rynka by 31, 1%. Find out more about the natural stone industry in China. Turkey and Brazil follow. P'yat and shost are occupied by Iran and Italy. Taken together, the top 5 accounted for 65.7% of the light market.

Additional information can be found here. China, India and Turkey accounted for over 52% of light exports. Find out more about the stone industry for China. Proteokonomichna situation in China is also pouring into the galuz of natural stone. Processing of natural stone in Chinese Xiamin.

The Ekati diamond mine is mined 200 km away from the Pivnichny Arctic Circle, near Lac de Grace in the Pivnichno-Zakhidnyh Territories of Canada, approximately 300 km from the pivnichny exit from Yellowknife. Ikati is a local word that means "fat lake". The name of the place is attributed to large deposits of quartz rock throughout the region, as if they were similar to the consistency of deer fat. Ekati - like the surface, so is the underground diamond mine of Canada. Tse joint venture between BHP Billiton Diamonds (80%), as well as...

Velika dira is a majestic non-destructive diamond mine near Kimberley (PAR). Care what largest car'er fragmentation by people without zastosuvannya technology. In this hour, the head memo of the city of Kimberley. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Great Dirk is 17 hectares. Її the perimeter to become 1.6 km, and the width - 463 meters. Dira bula virita to a depth of 240 meters, but then the bula sipan with empty rock to a depth of 215 meters, water fills the bottom of the dirka, and the depth becomes 40 ...

The Canadian quarry “Diavik” is probably one of the youngest (rozrobka) diamond kimberlite pipes. Formerly, it was completed only in 1992, the infrastructure was created before 2001, and the production of diamonds began in September 2003. Imovirno mine to serve from 16 to 22 years.

Eskondida is a great digging pit that is made up of two pits, in which copper ore is mined on the same genera. Planting at the Atacama desert, 170 km at the Antofagasta trail at Chile. Kar'єr rozpochav robot at 1990 roci at an altitude of over 3000 meters above the sea level. In 2011, the most midi is seen there, lower be in the world. In 2007, 1.5 million tons of midi were produced there, which is about a tenth part of the average river species of midi in the world. Kar'eri works...

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