The most beautiful laznі z logs. Garni laznі: scho vplivaє on the privablіvіє that kіlka far butts. Original BBQ Lazne

What is so "beautiful" and how stench, garni laznі world? In fact, the term "beauty" is easier to understand for simple dwellers - among designers and architects - for those who are the most difficult to understand. Everything is laid out for the new one: the harmonious harmony of the singing object, the infusion of the same color solution on the psycho-physical features of the person, the literacy of the modern forms and lines, the dotality of the variation of the quieter textures and decor. So, it is important for a simple inhabitant to show how much time a creative group of a business firm can work on creating more than one project! Every once in a while, a beautiful spa will be faster after an hour, lowering itself and hardening into a blueprint.

The most famous pasta shines in the fact that in the most expensive and most sophisticated 3D-visualization, as a whimsically conveys the sleepy lighting and the lightest shades of color, the couple can look in one rank, and in life - in a different way. A bright example of this is the torn stonework on the white walls, which look so effectively on the glossy sides of the magazine and so condescendingly that stupidly on the real life. Aje our zir and sprynyattya zavzhd bulo and be foldable, lower be a 3D program, like our brain is a smarter for a super modern computer.

And for that, choose a nice project that is ready, having burnt out the photos of the most beautiful lanes near the countryside, and trying to implement it in life - it’s still not a guarantee of success. And it’s practically impossible to overdo it. The axis of why, if the sleeves are already rolled up, the pіch is picked up and the chain is ready for independent masonry, be it for a Russian peasant to stitch and reason, and talent to induce his beauty-beautiful place - for a special project, that with the improvement of special likeness. Smut only from the very cob to choose the right one straight ahead - how will it be, what is the future of the lazna-beautiful?

Barsky Mansion or Russian Lazna

The Russian soul is wide - and so very wide її look at the everyday life of the houses and that lazen. Yakshcho є budget and bajannya - then why would the deputy of a small steam room not be able to do the right thing? With expensively commodious decks, with a chic weather vane on the dakha, maisternym carvings on wood and spacious bright accommodations.

Why are there such garni lasni from a thick massive beam, and where are the pillars of the brown square? Like the same: a rest room, a billiard room, a SPA-salon for women at home, a summer bedroom on a different version, a guest room, an indoor pool. the average monthly income of the country. І є for what.

To say that such a lazna looks luxurious is to say nothing. In the late afternoon, there is a tendency to unconventionally vicorate the lazen. Like in the New York gloomy places, there in such mansions they often build a flat area and sunbeds are already placed on it, a barbecue gazebo is organized and right greenhouses are mounted. Even then, it’s definitely hard to get thir! I want the villain not to stretch the road for heating and automatic watering.

And the axis of the pool in such guys does not start up in the middle - often you just come to wake up, in the form of a dewy smitta that smoky sun envelops you with a polycarbonate pad. It is warm, and beautiful, and it is accessible to any Russian to get it for a cat.

If you want to marvel at the projects of baths with a pool, please take a look at this article

The only thing that designers always rely on, what they say for a good look of such lazen - is the absolute stylization of the Russian folk style. So that such a place really looked like a mansion, and not like a mighty complex of a secret organization. And the price is a modern stylization of decor, wooden furniture with a gank, round decks, suvory color solutions from the right to naturalness, and the main carving on wood. Aja in such a lazn, as if they had already been called Russian, may not be more than a body - but a soul!

Miniature lazni-beautiful chi is a masterpiece of architectural thought

But what about work, if the budget for the life of the lazne is beyond the surroundings, but you don’t want to bathe at the barrel? What does it mean that you should look out of your own mind and be satisfied with a stingy bungalow-hole on smoking legs? Call me! Aje is in the fashion of minimalism, and this style is no more than interspersed with internal interiors - having created a whole city directly in architecture.

І miniature laznі look miraculous when you see it: the stench is compact, functional and stylish. Golovnya, competently raspodіliti in them the price of the area: sing vomogi at the steam room, and in my room, in the other, you can boldly show your imagination. So, in such lazy rooms, a room can be turned into a veranda, a billiard room, a dressing room and a summer bedroom at the same time! And everything looks chic: just before the steam room is crushed from the decks, it is beautifully glazed with rose-paneled glass panels. Poruch - rates chi piece pool. In cold weather, there is a windy-distant room for guests, on a sleepy summer day - open the patio with cool blue water, it’s so welcoming to get bored after the heat.

In order to save the area and the cost, there will be small gaps on two tops: even the most important part of the budget goes to the foundation building itself, and the arrival of the other on top, no wonder, cost less money as a result. On the first version there is a small dressing room with a boiler, a steam room and compact rooms, on the other side there are the same billiard rooms and soft furniture. Axis only go as necessary to accommodate everything, and the deacons of wisdom contrive її to work from the outer side of the lazna, respecting that it is an extreme for a steamed body near the Siberian frost, only to health.

And how do you like the lazne on the water, the heights in the sky? And all the same zavdyaki new technologies of life and electric light ovens, you can install them in space!

In fact, the compactness of everyday life is the essence of Europe, the depth of the soul in the architecture of residential complexes does not seem to be hovering, and the axis of the mind to create a SPA-paradise on the earth's clap is taken into account by the maisternist. Zayvi m zemlі єvropejtsі vvazhayut for better vіddati pіd pіd orchard chi rates - є in tsmu rational grain, chi not so?

Laznі of the most ancient forms

It seems that a lot of modern famous architects have spent the gift of movi, if they got drunk, like bathhouses, they are actively gaining popularity with Russia! Tse, autobahns and laznі of the most common forms. And, well, for their functionality and longevity, the stench of antrohi does not compromise with the great stationary guy. And the axis of possibilities is given more: fly with the company to the river for barbecues, and take care of yourself, take your boyfriend to the forest, go to the new place and start breaking from the climb in the back on the road!

Hi-tech and techno in bath style

And the axis in front of the hoarders of modern technologies stands and is not an easy task: how to inspire a good, functional Russian lazne, but without any pressure on the hut? At times, they work directly with the architecture of techno and high-tech (“high technologies”). Even the inner lining of the steam room can be as good as it can be, but the essence of the spa is only in maintaining the correct temperature and water regime. In the first hour, new steam generators, ventilation systems, chrome-plated iron stoves and a swimming pool with hydromassage do not seem to look at the aphids of the hairy frame and rough cracked walls. I like the shell of a matima spravzhnya Russian laznya - more food.

On the first axis, a new style of architecture and the exterior of Russian lanes was born: strict, concise forms, practical appearance of accessories, majestic darkening of the European style from the dressing room in the stele to the base and techno-colour: gray, brown and black. Tse mozhut buti and derev'yanі laznі, and garnі guys zі cinder block with effective siding ozdoblennya with іmіtatsієyu chogos. So, unimaginably, but to do it in style, and whether it be a summer cottage or a garden plot, such a camp will be an architectural object.

Give free rein to your imagination and the right Russian craftsmanship - and the most beautiful light from glossy magazines will be obscured!

- Tse place for water procedures, as it is located in the Kremlin in other days and includes a bathing area and steam baths. About the spa was at home in Ancient Rome, the stench came to Turkey and spread throughout the whole world. On this day, one sees a few of the most popular types, as if they are among themselves for the everyday journey.

Let's take a look at the presentation of their design, features and advantages. Have tsikh vidіv lasen є richly similar. The smut in the skin of them is a steam room. The very design that is possessed by the eye is distinguished.


An important role is played by sunbeds, where windows are placed. The constructions are divided into two equal parts:

  1. at 70 cm from the article;
  2. per 1 m view of the state.

Important! The middle steam room is obov'yazkovo trimmed with boards or clapboard, її cannot be obtained by any barvniks.

Saunas are not used for water treatments. Ale, you can still equip the dressing room with a shower room, so that you can fix it after the steam room. In everyday life, different materials can be victorious, or a tree is better for which.


Tsya lazne can dazzle everyone with its originality and inimitable look. Otherwise, they also call it, filled with hot water (you can match with a hot bath).

Important! Shards of the native land in not a small temperature (40-60 ° C), sweat is observed, and water, in its line, mimics fir pet, ford and fat. This technique is given not only for the prevention of hygiene, but also for the prevention of certain illnesses. uy.

It’s easy to do it independently, for whom it is necessary for the mother to have special skills. Ofuro zі stіn аnd pіdlіg, yаkі it's not guilty to miss the motherland. A special seat is placed in the middle. To enter, you will be installed. The head element is pich, as it is located in one of the parts of the ofuro and it is built in the central area with a special partition.

For preparation, a tree of different species of a tree is selected. The most popular conifers. The pect is crushed from heat-resistant stainless steel.

Respect that the hammam can be installed not like a normal spore. On this day, technology allows you to have a new one, whether it be part of a bungalow or a wind at the apartment.

Russian bathhouse - in our present hour, it’s not only a traditional miyna, a steam room and even a tight dressing room.

More and more often look at the housekeepers to rivet the projects of the incredible lazen: with a veranda, a fireplace, a swimming pool, a pichchu-barbecue, a large terrace ...

The original spa or the loss of satisfaction

In this article, we suggest that you get to know non-standard laziness, which go beyond the tedious framework of everyday life, in which it is not just acceptable that it’s ok, but unforgettable! Aje, here you have a unique opportunity to take three minds at a time: physical, spiritual and aesthetic.

So, let's wonder, what decisions in the last hour became popular among our spіvvіtchiznikіv pіvvіtchiznіv pіd іn the hour of life lazen:

  1. Bath complex with swimming pool. I would like to expand the myth about those that the implementation of such a project is mega expensive - professional alarm clocks and home smart people have long confirmed it. The price of the link is affordable for a practical skin care, especially if the piece of water is not singed and not criticized. And the axis is already projects of two-topped sporuds from a closed pool - it’s more expensive in a row. That th turn around in the architectural plan here є de.

  1. Billiards and spa - one more miracle every day, like sing-song at the same time rich people! Behind the great rahunka, in such projects, the presence is transferred, if only one stone is removed - the billiard room is placed itself in it. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe purpose of the application can be varied from a minimum of 20 to 40 m² and more.

Dosit often billiards to fight on another, tobto on the attic version. In such a large space, the most ergonomic organization is organized: on the first version - miyna, steam room and room for repair, on the other - a billiard room.

  1. Rooms with an attic. Obviously, this is far from being a novelty, the prote with skin rock of the most demanding architects foresees all the designs of the mansard with an additional mansard roof. Until then, the unique possibility of taking in no way occupies square meters without expanding the living space. What can be done from the other on top? Oblashtuvat with your own hands the same billiard room, gym chi navit office!

  1. Nezvichayna spa with veranda chi terrace. Wait a minute, even the very same daytime, or the appearance of a sudden / closed arrivals will make you more aesthetically pleasing to life, її colorful, unique looking.
    For example, either along the entire facade, or to wind it with a bay window - it’s not just additional squares, but also embellishment of the lazni, її characteristic of rice, business card!

For example, because of the reasons you have seen the prevailing of the standard project of an individual hospital, then you can also create an original one for the right choice of roztashuvannya, form and type of accommodation.
Try to own a veranda with a traditional apex cut, and you will see how unimaginative your spa is.

  1. Barrel bath. For a long time ago, a wise man in the name of Diogenes is alive at the barrel. From that hour, a lot of water flowed, the legend is alive and donin, only now at the instilled look. It’s a pity, from history it’s not known who was the first to “produce” the idea that you can steam up in an oak barrel for a good steam ... but maybe two or three years ago, we can be gracious with the eyes of a barrel!

A similar type of place appeared in the middle of the 20th century near the snowy Finland and won the hearts of the European people. It's not surprising, even though the cream of a bright, evocative looking bath-barrel in a pair of typical square spores warms up and warms up more warmly.

Today, such models of lazen-barrel are used, as if they were placed on a mobile chassis near a trailer.
I allow you to take this decision with you, as if you, for example, wanted to get out into nature and take a good steam there.

Top 5 most extraordinary baths near the world

Like only a diva, you don’t sing on the earth’s backyard!

At once, marveling at the latest projects of the lazen, zatyatі hotbeds light up the bazhannyam and try on the damp heat the result of procedures in such steam rooms:

  • Saunaforall or simply Sauna for everyone! This phenomenon is known to the Czech town of Liberets. Tim, who її being, did not have a chance to build a ground foundation, shards of stink saw the original solution. Sauna for everyone to stand right in the middle of the river, on fire, not far from the Moscow beach.

Bajayuchim see a bathhouse, it is not necessary to pay pennies, the shards are absolutely free. Instructions for use: just make a design in the architectural studio MjolkArchitects, like a star from wooden frames, plywood, yalin boards and aluminum.

  • And in Milan, there is a cicava lazna at the tram car. They can easily accommodate a company of 10 osib. Plasma was installed right there, on the screen to show the history of the Milanese trams.

  • Turku archipelago, Lake Larsmo – Kazkova bath-ferry. At this miraculous place, you can not only soar in the time of fate, but also admire the beauty of the majestic natural edge from the sauna, which flows through the lake.
40 hvilin: a double-carrying capsule ascends to a height of 500 meters and descends.

As an additional bonus, you will be obligated to cool down in pure snow at the top of the mountain.

  • Well, who would instantly reveal that on the territory of the ice arena there could be a help center?! Mriya mayzhe dermal man - indochivat with the guy and enjoy the glory of the beloved hockey team!


The Russian Lazna is pleased with itself, we are in front of the body. Well, if there is a harn, it is colorful, not like everyone else, then you reach the physical level and you are immensely spiritually satisfied! So don't be afraid to experiment. And for a “snack”, especially for lovers of the bathing art, there is a thematic video in this article.

Let's look at the most important thing - what is the garne of the lazna from the beam, according to some criteria, who can be assessed, on the basis of which the lazne can be pressed against the “status”. Behind what signs do we recognize the beauty of the lazne?

The beauty of the laznі does not lie in the rosemary, as the deyak vlasniki guess. Possibly beautiful for all parameters is a small lazna. Or maybe a majestic booth, which guesses the magnificent barracks and shows you the reality of the yogo sackmaster. Buvaє i navpak, zvіsno.

Vartist. Zaoshchadzhuvati in this weather is not a varto, from some cheap materials, beautiful houses are not created. Ale, in the mustache, is necessary for the nobility of the world - the “golden toilet bowl” at the lazna is also not a sign of beauty. Leather subject chi element laznі slid robiti z urahuvannyam zagaloviznânih norms.

Beauty concept. Tse more intelligently appointed, one is fit for tall and thin women, others give priority to the low and tovstenky. Who can give an objective assessment of beauty? Objectively nothing is correct. Zvіdsi - the garna of the lazna іz the bar is guilty, the first for everything, to be like a yogo vlasnik, and not soothing. It’s quite acceptable, if your understanding of beauty eschews the thought of those who don’t, but they don’t shy away - listen to your voice. Zreshtoy, you will be the harn of the laznu, so that you will be quiet for yourself, and not give food for empty mirkuvan to different "knowers and critics."

VIP - Lane from glued beams
The project of a single-surface Finnish lazna

Inter'єr one-surface Finnish mansion with a veranda
Inter'єr steam room Finnish laznі

Planuvannya one-surface Finnish lazna

From the above mentioned, we will present to you, in our opinion, a sprat of garnih lazen from a bar. We don’t think that stench is suitable for everyone, skin your mother’s thought. And it’s even better, otherwise the architects would be left without work, and all the hospitals would be “twins-brothers”.

Spa 6x4 with veranda
Zovnishnіy vglyad laznі

Spa, rear view Planuvannya laznі rosemіrom 6x4 plus veranda

Rozmіri budovi 7.65 × 7.65 m. Covering the dahu vikonan with a yakish gnuchka tile. The spa is miraculously inscribed in the essential design of the zamіska village. The presence of autonomous scorching allows the skin to peel tsiliy rik, and not less in a warm period.

The spaciousness of the terrace gives you the opportunity to relax on it not only after taking water procedures. In the middle there is a steam room and a miyna, a toilet and a room for repair, for maintenance and other technical facilities.

Architectural features of the spaDescriptionillustration
Foundation.Drіbnozaglybleniy reinforcement strіchkovy on pіschanіy pillows. Socle and dimar lined with natural stone. Open the closed ventilation gates with decorative gates.
Zrub.The material of preparation is glued timber, the outer side is polished. The finish of the facade walls of the stairwell was covered with triple balls of stable transparent varnish.
Internal lining.Applications are sheathed with natural clapboard, varnished on the surface. Vikoristovuetsya parota waterproofing. For insulation, a 100 mm roll of mineral wool was selected. The stele and walls of the mine and the pair are insulated with aluminum foil.
Steli.There are steles in the parlor and mine, in other rooms I serve as lining of the blood system. Dakh insulation with mineral wool. All visible wooden elements are varnished. Such an attachment to Dahu allows you to significantly increase the scope and give it an original exclusive look. Lighting fittings are mounted on the structural elements of the roof system.
Sublogs.In all applications, Crimea miynoy, underlay from natural boards. In the mine, we have prepared warm plows on a concrete base, to reduce the unproductive heat consumption of vicorous foam concrete. The system of subdivision of sublogs in the mien is connected to the system of scorching of the lazna.
Dah.The material of the cover is yakisna gnuchka tile, the top cover is mineral cricket. The basis of bituminous tiles is non-woven fiber with the greatest physical indicators of mentality;
Vіkna that door.From a natural tree, an original geometric shape can be made. Mіzhkіmnatnі dverі vіlionchastі z vykoristannya vіtrazhny sklad. Entrance doors oak carved with additional decorative elements.
Engineering measures.Sewerage is autonomous, є complete system of purification and accumulation. A single-phase electrical line is connected to the wall, a ground loop, an internal wiring is connected with a three-core cable. Pekti for a steam room is solid-fired on wood, the firebox comes out from the technical room. For heating the internal applications and sub-logs of the mine, an electric boiler was installed automated management. It is allowed to connect all electrical appliances to the "smart house" system.

The spa is vicorated as a whole river, for the bazhannym internal premises it is possible to vicorize like a supplementary priymalny. The appearance of the kitchen at the primordial kitchen significantly expands the functionality of the vikoristannya occupancy.

The upcoming project may be more expanded, which allows you to raise the status of the health resort and create in the new city of mind not only for the adoption of water procedures, but also for a full recovery at the appointed day.

Dimensions are 9x9 meters, which allows you to increase the area of ​​​​internal premises to the optimum level. Steam room (8.41 m2), shower room (6.87 m2), room for repair (2.89 m2), okrema komora (7.91 m2), sanitary vuzol (1.56 m2) and vestibule (3.25 m2 ) ). A large terrace (16.86 m2) can receive a large number of guests at any time of the year. Underlays on the terrace from special boards, made from molded plastics - do not rot, do not be afraid of freezing / freezing, may show high indicators of wear resistance.

Architectural features of the spa

The spa was built from corrugated timber, in the corners from the excess, covering material - yakіsny ondulin.

The verandah looks even more original, as if fencing a beam, it does not only increase the superficiality of the structure, but also significantly improves it. old look budovi, give him solidity and zbіshuє nadіinіst.

Foundation strіchkovy drіbnozaglybleniya reinforcement, є ventilating vents and tekhnіchnі open for water supply.

Prices for onduline

Video - Do-it-yourself drip foundation

Open "disguise" with decorative gates. Plinth made of natural stone paving natural stone.

A cut made of profiled timber 150 × 150 mm, the outer walls are covered with stable farbs at the sprat of balls. Mustaches of architectural elements from wood are soaked with antiseptics.

The doors of that window have a darker color - the lazna is being pieced together. The three remaining vіntsі zrubu step by step increase along the dozhinі in kuts, the lazna looks like an old-fashioned "merchant's booth". All visible wooden constructions are vikonan without victoria flowers and screws, folding notches of wood are widely fixed. Concrete gatherings, decorated with natural stone.

The interior is insulated with pressed mineral wool of the curtain 100 mm. For steam and hydro-protection using modern materials, steam and miina are insulated with aluminum coatings - the penetration of water to wooden structures is completely switched off. The upholstery of the inner walls is natural lining, the inner fittings are richly carved with wooden decor. Stellas and statues plinths are reinforced with a unique profile and enhanced by the cleanliness of the work.

Useful application of richly carved objects from wood manual robot, Vykoristannya furniture and ozdoblyuvalnyh materials of a piece pozhennya zvodzhennya to a minimum. The spa can be more privable, not only the name, but the interiors can be even more important for a comprehensive assessment of the beauty of the life.

Prices for wooden plinth

wooden plinth

Video - Carved decor for a wooden mansion

Now let's move on to a more original and beautiful design of the spa with a swimming pool.

Rozmіri around the perimeter of 14.1 9.9 meters, Lazna maє Crete swimming pool with an area of ​​47.35 m2. The house has a room with a fireplace, a shower, a steam room, a comora, two warm vestibules and a ganok. Windows and doors made of natural wood, walls in the middle are insulated. It should be noted that all the garnets and expensive windows do not allow for additional improvement of the facade walls, they have a less natural look.

The place of the scorch - the spa is vikoristovuetsya tsiliy rіk. Є system of water supply, sewerage and autonomous heating. Electric scorching boiler with electronic heating system provided the possibility of automatic activation of the scorching system for frontal heating of internal applications. As a rule, the spas do not vicorate for a long time - the boiler can only raise the temperature of the black one. The appearance of unacceptable smells and splashes is turned off.

The material of the exterior walls is galvanized timber, the internal partitions are insulated frame, lining with clapboard imitating the deck. For the improvement of the stone, the vikoristano cut decorative elements, the distribution of the other zones into a dekilka. Pіdlogi vsіh pіshchennyah (krіm dushovoї) derev'yanі. At the shower bed with ceramic tiles, heat is taken from the heating boiler. For the shower room, it is equipped with a temperature control room. Water for the shower is taken from another circuit of the scorching boiler.

Dah folded lamania, cut a 30 ° slope, which looks like a laman to the old days. Gorishchni prism_shchennya do not vikoristovuyutsya, ale dah warmings. It was made especially for those who, due to their needs, can easily be made victorious. The main entrance to the mountain is from the komori, the reserve from the stone vіdpochinku. Behind the tower of the vlasnik laznі in the minimum rows you can install a wooden twine, go to the mountain.

Pokrittya daha from yakіsny ondulin іz zbіlshenoy tovshchina. The upper balls of the material can be increased durability to a harsh ultraviolet vibrance. The color of the cover is chosen according to the improved design of the booths, which is already used in the dealership.

The pool is the pride of Vlasniki Lazne. A complex of folding equipment has been installed for cleaning, disinfection and water treatment. The walls in the pools are made of special micaceous concrete, the surface is treated with acidic materials with water-resistance properties - the wicking is switched on. The premises with the pool are heated, the primus stove system of tidal ventilation is installed, the units can perform the function of heat recovery. To create a comfortable temperature regime, additional electric heaters have been installed, the heat will continue to flow through the channels, mounted around the perimeter of the premises.

Swimming pool near the spa - one of the options

Swimming pool near the spa - butt

Video - Technology of swimming pool life

Vіkna that dverі mаyut road mіtsnu fittings in baroque style, all carpentry is made from natural wood of solid and valuable species. Covered with cladding bags with innovative heat saving measures.

Such laznі can be seen not only in the garden plots, but also in the elite myslivsky states. Two-topped spas are vicorous as for taking water procedures, as well as for a short or three-hour stay. Cі laznі one hour and garnі, і functional.

Architectural features of the double-surfaced lazna

The material of preparation is galvanized timber, covered with gnuchka tiles.

The other is on top of the attic type. On the first version, there is a shower room (6.34 m2), a steam room (6.34 m2) and a large room for cleaning (18.87 m2).

Inter'єr kіmnati vіdpochinku - butt

At the entrance there is a terrace (21.85 m2). The terrace is vіdmіnno insulated, which allows її vikoristovuvat tsiliy rіk. An electric fireplace was installed to heat the terrace.

On the other side of the wooden march turntables get off.

Another on top of the planuvannyam shvidshe guessing a small dacha house. I have a kitchen (9.12 m2), a bedroom (9.93 m2) and a sanitary vuzol (2.94 m2). From the kitchen - exit to the spacious balcony (21.85 m2). In a word, the double-topped lazna can have everything that is needed not only for a comfortable temporal retreat, but also for a casual stay.

Prices on timber


Vimoshchennya - butt

Strіchkovy reinforcement, depth of flooding is lower than the maximum level of freezing of soils during the winter period. The basement part is trimmed with natural stone, for the foundation of the foundation talikh waters crushed concrete pavement, upper decorative coating - stone brukivka. At the foundation of the ventilation facility, open and technological exits of engineering measures.


For bud_vnitstva vikoristany ozil_ndrovaniya timber Ø 150 mm, jute insulated between.

Kuti zіbranі in pіvdereva іz surplus.

Bar of chamber drying, may seep against mold and fungal infections. This kind of seepage allows the material to take three hours to save the first good look.

Internal improvements

The inner walls are covered with balls of transparency and carelessness for the varnish that lives. Steam and shower rooms are insulated with mineral wool and sheathed with natural clapboard. For parozakhistu tsikh use vicorist aluminum foil.

Podlogs and steles

From natural boards with a thickness of 35 mm, the lining is insulated with mineral wool, hydroprotection from modern materials. To improve the durability of the underwriting cover, the most modern day-to-day technologies are used. The steles are insulated with a ball of mineral rolled wool, sheathing from lining. On the other (mansard) version, the steles can be lined with sheets of high-density glued plywood with a distant coat of varnish on the front surface.

Vіkna that door

Prepared for individual projects, material - natural wood. They draw an original form, which underpins the grandiose design and features of the design of the lantern. Fittings in vіdomih virobnikіv are selected according to the type of interior. Behind the decorations of the interior, the lazna is inspired by the style of the country, but with the addition of folk features.

Engineering measures

For the transparency of the corystuvannya lazna, there is a water supply system and a sewerage system. The sewerage system may have a new set of special equipment for cleaning and collecting wastewater.

Video - Butt for the installation of a septic tank for lazni

Video - Installation of water supply at the lazna

For heating, a small electric scorching boiler was installed, and the control of the modes of operation is controlled by an electronic unit. Water is supplied by a deep well pump from the Sverdloviny or by a great float pump from a well. There is no storage tank, the pump is equipped with a powerful humic hydroaccumulator.

You can clearly see that the architects were working on the project, they could not see the beauty and functionality of the building far away. Moreover, such an option would take a little time, which allows you to build a life on small plots.

Project #5

Step by step we went to the sight of the most original, the most sophisticated and the most beautiful project. Tsya lazna can do everything that “soul, body and eye” is good for, the presence of such a lazna is a sign of the high social status of the vlasnik.

We can list what the sorcerer of the lazne can boast of. Parna, Turkish lazna, shower room, vbiralnya, room for recovery, sanitary vuzol, swimming pool, cloakroom, critiy maydanchik under the grill, ganok and terrace. What else is needed for total comfort and total comfort?

The spa was built from a profiled beam, covered with a dahu - high-pitched tiles made of modified bitumen and piece rubber, the upper ball of the tiles was covered with a cracked natural stone. Stel'ovі perekrittya, krіm steam room and shower, vіdsutnі. Dah of insulation, sheathing of the krovyanoy system from natural lining. Swimming pool made of wild water. The basement part, which bears the structures of the brazier, and the visible part of the chimneys made of stone.

A photo of the pool is one of the possible options for the spa

The water at the pool is heated, cleaned and disinfected automatically. All applications can be water scorched, an electric double-circuit boiler with an electronic control unit, it is possible to connect to the “smart house” system. The windows and doors are made of natural boards, the filter parts, decorative beads are inserted in the interior doors.

Brazier vikoristovuetsya for preparing original snacks, wood-fired pekti, served with brukivkoy. All outbuildings can be illuminated, sensors have been installed to respond to changes in natural lighting. Attic windows were installed on the dahu, which are visible - it is possible to air the great internal premises. In addition, the attic window is a dodatkovy dzherel of natural lighting.

The resort may have more autonomous engineering communications, the tightness of the opal system allows for pleasant indications of the microclimate during the winter period. Behind the vlasnik's bazhann, additional electrical accessories can be installed.

The interiors are richly decorated, the underlays are made of natural hardwood boards. Walls, underlays and dakh are insulated with mineral wool 150 mm thick, under an hour of sheathing, the installation of steam is transferred to a hydroprotector.

Prices for attic windows

attic windows


We specially chose a kіlka of absolutely different projects of garnih lazen at the statti mi, went from simple to folding. Such a rite was used to give the directives of contemporary designers and architects. The hotel is beautiful - there are a lot of professionals working on the project, not only architects, but also engineers, technologists and, most importantly, designers work on the project. The most advanced materials and advanced technologies are selected, for a skin-friendly look, their own solutions are selected. Most of the projects are exclusive, covered on an individual basis. Obviously, a leather forgetful person can make your own changes, but it’s necessary to be careful with your knowledge. Non-professional changes in folding projects can negatively affect the indicators of the materiality of the bearing elements of the lazna. As soon as the lady appears, make your own corrections, rather change only design solutions, do not chip in engineering and architectural developments.

I stay. About harn laznu mriyut mustache, but if you don’t see marvelous, more “mriynikiv” can work for you. For whom you need napoleglivistvo that vminnya choose the best solution for yourself. At the same time, take the maximum number of different factors to respect.


In this article, we suggest a few design options for the interior of the spa and sauna - a conservative steam room, a handy miynoї room and a hothouse, which will help the reception, with which design style, the best examples for such come.

Lazne, what will be fine to stand on country house Budova is modest, but part of the great zamіskogo booth- It's not just a place, you can "steam the brushes" and take water procedures, but also a water bottle for reparation and spending an hour in the company of friends.

The axis is only the first time to ask the guests to their new spa or saunas, next podbat about those, її іїї іnter'єr looking pleasantly. Decorating the interior design is a busy business. In the first place, here you can completely allow yourself to experiment with design, in a different way, you can not get carried away by the outrageous style of the design of the booth, and thirdly, the spa itself is in its own right the center of the place, which transmits a vinyatkovo reception.

Lazne ... Hot steam, savory hot tea, cold water for the pool or soul. And also - the original inter'єr, scho

1. Russian Lazne - Russian interior

The Russian style is a practically ideal variant of the design of the very wooden mansion, made from cylindrical blocks of abo timber and does not pretend to be especially paradnist and mischievous.

The attribute of such an interior design lies in the fact that wines do not require solid windows and can be decorated with your own hands. Until then, in such a lazne, blasted for the national traditions of our country, it will be quiet at home and with it in its own way.

The Russian style at the Lazne - tse obov'yazkovo derev'yanі stіni, shcho not require additional embellishment and ozdoblennya, plank pіdloga, kam'yanka or russian pіch, simple, rude benches and great living room style from natural village in the zone of vіdpochinku. Pekti zvuchay oblitsovuyut kahlami or just plaster and bіlyat.

Decorate such an interior with a vichy tablecloth, baths of vines, roses on the walls, wicker paths and kilimki on the benches, as well as all the mighty dribnitsy, dear to the heart of the gospodars and, bazhano, they were far away from the grandmother.

The Russian style miraculously led them to the rulers of lazen, as they did not hurry to find old speeches, for example, a massive sideboard from the Karelian birch, not a good one in the modern vital, a right Tula samovar and a virizaniy from solid wood bucket for water. The very same objects "with history" will become the basis of the Russian style of interior design.

Obviously, the Russian pich today is not such a frequent attribute of the lazna, but for its functions it is a modern and compact kamyanka її completely replace

Traditional birch, oak, yalic, wilkhov, coniferous and linden vines, rough wooden benches and a garna of a tablecloth on a massive table will become the best color of the laznі in the Russian style.

Yaskravy example of how to simply create a right Russian interior. For whom is enough a samovar on a table, an icon framed with an embroidered towel, popular prints, round seats on the benches, and a set of dishes suitable for style

2. Variations on a country theme

This style is so very similar and frontal to fit for the design of a wooden mansion, allowing the creation of a “strong” interior, without any special frills and unrefined ceremonial writing.

In general, Russian style and country style are similar. However, the country brought the traditions of the other countries to the interior. So, designers see American and French country, as if they are inspired by traditional textiles and different elements of the interior.

The French country is greater than the French, the lower American, which is one of the simplest. Ale, the main drawings of which directly design are taken care of independently from the edge of the hike. Otzhe, inter'єr laznі in country style - tse:

  1. Wooden furniture, sounding of light tones, perhaps, individually aged and simply varnished. The furniture is embellished with light decorations and polished, for which reason they look like little thinned, lower than in the Russian style.
  2. Yaskravy utensils, which serve as a rodinka in a different kind of simple interior. Dorechnoy є ceramics, white-black or lower-yellow plates, cups from images of rural landscapes, as well as dishes from natural wood.
  3. Natural fabrics - bavovna and linen with a stringed zabarvlennya.
  4. Walls from timber or decks.
  5. Obov'yazkovі beams on the stele.
  6. Ceramic tiles or doshki on pіdlozі.

A reference ethnic tuft, which has grown at the root zone of the lazna. In the country, you can vicorist not only wood, but also shkiryan, wicker, forged furniture.

Everything is simple and with relish - the axis is the main principle of the country. This option, swidshe, similar to the French "silk" style, lower to the American, which is richly taken from the national traditions of the Indian tribes

3. Somehow similar traditions of Turkish hammam and Russian lazna

A similar style in the interior is always used to produce traditional furb, textiles, exotic design elements and special furniture. How could one get together in one place, it would be imagined, absolutely different for the style of the traditional Russian lazna and the Turkish hammam, which is exotic for our country?

In fact, if you don’t go into a particularly lazy procedure, but look at food from a look of design, then the main thing is the appearance of a magnificent steam room in the Russian lazn and the most special room of the Turkish hamam - in a sample. The first one has a vicarious tree, and the other one has a mosaic.

So, the mosaic is much more expensive, lower than the simple police from the village. Ale and looked at the steam room at the same time the original, front and expensive. Well, as your plans do not include a cardinal change in the style of the steam room, elements of a similar style can be completely mixed up in the room with a shower and a pool - the very same here is a bright mosaic and a similar ornament on the tiles will be like no other.

In addition, at the kіmnati vіdpochinku at the laznі it is possible to obshtuvati povnotsіnnu shisha, rozvіshavі skarvаі curtains, having installed a low table on curved legs and throwing out pillows of different colors. The result is clear and bright, inexpensive, and original.

Mosaic seat - the axis of the main stylistic view of the Turkish hammam in the view of the splendid Russian steam room

Navit the smallest dresser can be turned into a calm one in a similar way to a hookah room. Yaskravі chokhli on sofas, pillows of various colors, a low table, light, rich curtains and, obviously, the hookah itself is the axis and everything you need for it. That tea can be drunk not from a splendid cup, but from a drink, in order to sing on the original style of the zone

4. Scandinavian style - a good option for a sauna

Another style of interior design, which is not simple and natural, and therefore it is more suitable for a spa or a sauna. The Scandinavian interior is not for nothing vvazhaetsya in front of the current eco-style. In the new, the simplicity and navmisna roughness of the country are combined with strict forms and proportions of the classics, ethnicity directly knows its own modern development, and the naturalness of the countryside is susides with more technological materials.

In the Scandinavian style, you can decorate not only a wooden bathhouse, but a sauna, but I’ll look at the budov, as well as a room for repair, as if you’ll become an invisible part of the house. In this style of plastering and fettling in neutral tones, the walls are reinforced with simple forms of wooden or forged furniture.

The spa or sauna in the Scandinavian style is reminiscent of conciseness, functionality, light gamut of colors and simple dressing. It is important not to overdo the placement with details, creating at the same time a sprig of bright accents - for example, hanging a lamp over the table near the room with a rich red lampshade, or embellishing the wall with an unusual picture.

The Scandinavian style of natural wood can also be rich, like in the country. However, its style is more “mischievous”, universal and allows you to subdue the wood with piece stone and other modern materials.

The steam room is always filled with the most conservative room or sauna. Here it is easy to propagate the new and the original. And yet, a steam room in the Scandinavian style of obov'zkovo vіznyatimeetsya lightness of the light countryside - most often with the method of victorious linden, wasp and African tree abashі, so do not be afraid of speck, nі vologi. Fahіvtsі to gladden the police with slits of 1 to 2 centimeters.

5. Exotic option - Japanese lazna

As you see the Japanese style in the interior, you can encourage not just climbing, but Japanese climbing. The main feature of such an option is the use of a steam room as such - we replace a barrel with hot water (furaco) and a straight barrel with heat up to 60 degrees by aromatized with thyrso or pebbles (ofuro).

The place, in which furaco and ofuro will be installed, should also be decorated in the style adopted in Japan. Bamboo screens, a great Japanese breeze on the walls, natural reflections in the sample walls and steles - laconic Japanese interior heavy to natural simplicity.

Even if you don’t choose the type of steam room and the purchase of furaco and ofuro is not included in your plans, you can arrange only a room for a steam bath in Japanese style. Tatami, a low table, little sakuri trees on the wall, decorate such an interior not so smoothly as it seems.

Light bamboo screens can serve not only as a partition, but as an embellishment in the curtain of a splendid wall, helping to create a Japanese interior in the room for a change or a mitt.

A podium with throwing pillows and a low table as a whole can replace the traditional style with styles in the room

Furako is a barrel with a height of 1.2 meters and a diameter of 1.2-1.8 meters. You can bring more and more copies. Furako obov'yazkovo can be equipped with a water heater, a small drabinka or an attached style, and the bottom is next to the sewer system

6. Modern classic

It is most common to win at finishing the great rooms in the saunas of the lazne. It conveys the presence of such classic elements, like colonies, which serve as a distributor of space and embellishment of walls, as well as arches, stucco moldings and stucco beds.

The classics are easy to fit in the interior, inspired by the stone or cinder block, the prote in a row of vipadkіv elements of the style, so as not to go out of fashion, you can buti vikoristanі and in the kіmnaty vіdpochinku with the walls from the timber.

At the same time, it is neobov'yazkovo to transform a small dressing room into an analogue of an ancient hall. Sometimes it is sufficient to cover the door openings in the shape of an arch, decorate the cornices with stucco elements made of polyurethane, add matte tiles and add furniture with straight laconic forms.

Garniy butt inter'єru laznі іz elements of classical design. Arched vault, bagatorivneva stele, wall, pofarbovani in pastel colors, and a simple tile on a pіdlozі remade the dressing room on the arc, adding that calmness to the place. Despite the simplicity of the wooden benches, the older ones in country style, harmoniously fit into the strict interior

If finances are allowed, then the sizable room at the lazna can be turned into a hall with the attributes of the classical style.

Navіt yakscho your lazna - derev'yana Budova and do not plan to refinish the walls with plaster, you can create a classic interior for the help of strict furniture of straight shapes, paintings in simple frames, traditional for this style of lamps and light curtains with numerical folds

7. Sauna in modern style

Let's face it, modernity in interior spaces is not so common. If you compare yogo with the previous options, then you will be guilty of the total prolongation of the “silk” country and dorimuetsya folk traditions Russian style.

And it’s not surprising, even though modernity is rebuffing daily interior, Vidmova in the form of straight lines and strict forms on the crust of abstract, yaskra farby, chimerically curved lines to the decor, large images of flowers and an overgrown ornament - all the same does not evoke associations with the traditional way.

However, even if you are ready for experiments and are not surrounded by finances, modernity can be completely mastered as the main style of the interior. Such an extraordinary pіdhіd is allowed to be allowed to be taken away unimaginably and clearly used, at random to garn a room for repairing and to “tear” effectively, experimenting with farbs and forms.

Luckily, it’s practical for modernity not to place a border between the choice of colors and building materials. This particularity allows you not to mix up the designer's hairdresser's saunas, but to master the world of modern technologies and new trends.

Yaskrava Mosaic is an obov'yazkovy attribute of a room for a mitt in the Art Nouveau style. Use the uniqueness of strict straight lines, use a vicarious vicorist to brighten up and want a slight stretch on the growing vizierunki - only in such a way the style of your sauna will be easy to recognize

Slope, shkіra, gleaming chrome all the way to the river near the old stone room in the Art Nouveau style. And the axis of the traditional for the laznі zroblenі z decks of the wall zіpsuyut zagalno vrazhennya vіd suchasnogo i original design

Too bright? Well, well, walls can be filled with less rich colors and get along without great images. And the axis of the round sofa with bright pillows in the room for the sauna once again tell your guests that the modernist style has blown you into the creation of such an unusual interior

І nasamkinets sprat pleased:

  1. Do not mix up a sprig of styles when decorating such a small place, like a banana or a steam room. It is better to try to reach the back of the line straight ahead and not to change the interior on a chaotic collection of elements that you have become worthy of.
  2. The steam room is a modest place beyond the scope, which serves as a utilitarian function; And the axis of the choice of dekіlkoh sortіv of the village of a different vіdtinku or the mosaic of two or three colors in a whole dorechno.
  3. The style of the interior should be chosen, depending on the material of the life of the lazna - timber, deck, cegla - the best option for the decor for your skin.

Navit the most modest lazne, prompted by the principle of “from what happened” at the dacha dilyantsi, you can obshtuvat such a rank, so that you can spend an hour here not only for greed, but for great satisfaction.

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