Yaky camp at Guf. Skіlki koshtuє Guf brand and whom to lay wine. History of dating Guf and Aizi

Rapper Guf (Oleksiy Dolmatov) rarely comments on the special life, the protagonist has recently made vinnyatok. At interview to journalist Yury Dudya, the musician hung out a little bit about his novel with the partner of Keti Topuriy. “Mi and Keti are friendly. And after that, the stupid news is more friendly. I don’t know who is in the photographs,” the rapper said.

Behind Oleksiya's words, if Keti recognized that she was addicted to drugs, she tried to cheat yoga. “Vona began to rob and try me to vilіkuvati. She constantly inspired me, but I, in my wheeze, got angry all the time. Then he himself turned to her for help and asked to get out of it. Vaughn kіlka once put me to the liquor near Moscow, ”Rozpov Dolmatov.

more popular

Likewise, the artist spoke about his stature with a huge team of Aiza Anokhina. Oleksiy knew that he repeatedly bradzhuvav squads, navіt same, if she was out of the blue.

“For this hour I have protected my squad. Chi not in the wake of the people of the child, but to wake up for the hour of pregnancy. It's stingy ... Like a mit, I just stopped picking up, I disappeared at strip clubs, extinguishing there for a few days. It was already in the order of speeches ... In rapture, she won me a check, so that I put myself on my plate. Vaughn got to know each other like a cholo, kissed, and everything appeared on the Internet. With whom, she just kissed, ”the rapper rose.

Dolmatov knew that he "behaved like a pig." Kіlka once Aiza and Oleksiy parted and converged again, until the raptom of their hats did not fall into the rest. At the same time, the business lady is happy with the lady of Dmitry Anokhinim. By the past fate, the son of Elvis was born at the parish.

I'm a modest person, I'm supposed to be a rap, I'm supposed to be busy, I'm supposed to speak for my people. But if it will be mass-scale, I don’t know how I can continue in the same spirit, and write in the same style. “

Reference name:Oleksiy Dolmatov
date of birth: 23.09.1979
Zodiac sign: Diva
Location: Moscow, Russia
Nationality: Russian
Sprist: 182 cm
Vaga: 76 kg

BiographyGufa craving for the latest Hollywood blockbusteradzhe yogo life spovnene twists, yakim zazdriv biDavid Air, in his own way"Threeteenth Day".

He has important thingsdrugs, rehabilitation centers, lots of scandals, and smut - sweating hits. With all the bright spectrum of podіy,Guf buv i zalishaєєєєєєєєє to dosit modest lad, kotriy, how do we get it, not yet saying his last word!

Guf Biography - Childhood

Oleksiy Dolmatov (Guf) born in one of the central historical districts of Moscow.Zamoskvorichchya. When tsimu yogo sіm'yaBula was a prominent middle class.

At 3 rocky s sim'ide rіdny tatoGufa . Through the hour of the motherOleksiya Znovu go out zamіzh for a person,as a resultGuf respect your own father.

Rіd іyalnostі batkіv po'yazaniya z postіynimi vіryadzhennyami, exact information daily . Up to 11 years, as you knowGuf , fathers practicaldid not practice yoga when they went to China.

Granny Gufa - Tamara Kostyantinivna

Nearestcousin toGufa bula and desolate yogo dead grandmother - Tamara Kostyantinivna,with some vin alive until 12 years old.Її turbota that love to pass through all the creativity of Oleksiy.

Grandma's consecrated song rapper"Tiles"і "Original Ba", Crimea Tamara Kostyantinivna took a direct part in a number of tracksGufa .

Guf - School

Visibility Batkivsky control deprived of their win on the share Gufa . Grandmother (Tamara Kostyantinivna) could not get in forlad all over the world, i wіn pіddavsya filth vliv vulitsi.

Already at 7 RocksOleksiy tries to smoke marijuana,proponated to youma by senior comrades. Looking ahead - it was a bad decision.

3rd classGuf start showing your addiction to turnips.First Wiconyoga player become legendaryMC Hammer. Varto designate, which, for example, the highest cassettes with turnip, it was already easy to know.

Keeping up with soft drugs, Guf residual get out of the frame, skipping school for few semesters. When the problem begins to unravel,granny bula was embarrassed to help the fathers.

Guf - Moving to China

The fathers snarledhaving taken 12 riverGufa To China.

Rapper joining upmistseva school, I appreciate my zero knowledge of Chinese movies. Yak tutors performedRussian students,yaki passed training there.

However, it did not saveGufa vіd vіvannya herbs, adzhe zaboroneny plіd buv yak nikoli licorice. Literally at the first lesson with tutorsGuf know how to getfenced substances.

Guf badly finish my schooland join the institute foreign language near Shenyang, de destroy your own, and so even stronger, knowledge of Chinese.

It's time for the father to go to Moscow, depriving him of one blue.

Guf - Rep in China

At the Middle Kingdom Trivay 1995 rec.Gufu 17 years, and this century can be called key to becoming an artist

Grandmother Tamara Kostyantinivnato bring discs and cassettes with hip-hop to Onuk, age communist China simply didn't have it.

In what country Guf start foldingyour first songswhile not recording them in the studio. Even then Gufbag for the fatherland,know what elseto love China, but the houses are still not here.

“I had serious plans: to get rich in China, to start a business… But the drugs gave me a clean boost of ability, paralyzed and pissed off myself”

Guf - Drugs - Heroin

All creativityGufa cob and intermediate stage bulo napvneno drugs, yakі not surrounded by grass.

Come on vacation from China to MoscowVіn first tasting heroin in powder,є the most importantspeech, what is called catastrophic consequences

Why is the fallacytried hard, і Oleksiy Dolmatov began to take yoga internally.Nadalі tsya zgubna zvichka campthe cause of hospitalizations, trapping to rehabilitation centers and great weldings with loved ones.

“We got stuck, and I got stuck. I’m coming to you and I’m running: a friend of a bluer to sit, it’s like: “I saw you the first time, you’re two years old in a coma, marvel at yourself, you’re all blue.” And at the same time, at the sudny kіmnati, not suspecting anything, the grandmother marveled for a moment. I don’t say what happened to her, I just died yakby.

Guf - Vtecha z China

For the hell of a time left without third-party control,Guf consuming drugs. Yakimos chinom rapperknow dealers from Beijing,how to deliver youmacannabis for sale.

At their interviewsGufhaving spoken,scho kіmnata yoga gurtozhitku never empty, even for your “ portion ” herbs zavzhdiclients came in.Good luck kerіvnitstvobegan to respectfully admireGufudozryuyuchi yoga indo it illegally.

You need to respect whatChina is famous for its cruelty to the point of any manifestations of drugs. If Gufthe police got busy, the rapper was instantly brightthe great term is to inflict death penalty.

Guf in direct sensation live with China in 1998The Russian Consulate carried outa successful operation, as Oleksiya extradited to the Fatherland region with a vintage flight.

Guf - Why did it all start?

Turning to RussiaGuf be near another university for economic education.

The rapper posterizes a memory of the growth of the country's hip-hop,in the provinces with 80 fates. Zali rockingBad B. Alliance , and the police of music storesbreak into different hip-hop picks.

“I already have a lot of pov'yazane with this city, I know all the streets, I know the subway to remember. I am a Muscovite to the brain of brushes and I write cym. “

All your life Oleksiy buvmusic lover, along two styles of music.Yakscho rap zavzhdi boovpart of yoga that I cannot see, then your time Guf buv amateur trance, "Nirvani" and inspire chanson.

Rapper rozpovidav, as close to rockwalking out of a purse, wearing shovkovy shirts and reading “smart” literature. All at the best traditions of the 90s.

Middle MS, Guf seeing such groups, likeCypress Hill and House Of Pain.

Guf Biography - Guf at the v'yaznitsa

Marijuanastep by step becomes a constant companion of lifeGufa , that draws Yogo into problems.

Already in Russia, 2000 rock, beating the Kiev railway stationOleksia receives a policeman, who knows a new vial of herbs.How many times to turn around, that one, the punishment did not go away.The Guf is dragged to the summative v'aznitsa "Butirka".

3 monthss 70 aggravated,why do I call so translationsVIP cameras,with a game console, a TV set and all the blessings of civilization.For this yoga father had to pay close to $ 20,000, yakGuf dosi without turning.

After 5 months Guf go free for an amnesty carried outPutinim.

"Father, saying that the yakbi gave me a term, vin bi reported all the strength to get me back to the sleeping cell"

Guf - First Song

At 2000 roci, ice leaning on freedom,Gufta yoga classmate Roman create a rap groupRoleX-X, united two of their own names - Ro manta A lexїй .

The blowing did not reach special success.After that, yak Roman left the project,Guf taking a pseudonymRolex , with yakim writing down the first song"Chinese wall".

New rapper virishiv don't fuck up the hour iplay the track on radio 106.6 FM. It's important to believe, alethe song was worthy of the leaders,And the stench took її to their arsenal of broadcasts.

In such a manner to inspirefirst track Gufa becoming practical hit.

“Neymovir is a little bit on the radio. I've been good enough. That made me feel like collapsing in the distance.

Rolex (Guf) ta Princip - Album "Gift"

U 2004Guf sleeping with another childishnessprinciple (Mikola Nikulin) release an album“Gift”, the circulation of whichtotal 13 copies.

The boys create a groupCenter її being the first warehouse. ForGufa tse buv shvidshe experiment, lower project, to which you are ready to dedicate yourself.

Pіznіshe Principle more than once getting into serious inaccuracy,potraplyayuchi until v'yaznitsi.

Guf - Acquaintance with Zі Slim and Ptah

Old acquaintance and future colleague in the groupSlim proponuє Gufu write down a sleep fit. After one houra song comes out of the light " Wesilla”ta” Leader ”. Obidva tracks boules oncheers received by the public, sowing your place in the pantheonclassics of the Russian turnip.

Such a rank vikonavtsigot used to”, having learned that it’s handy for him to work at once. All engaged in the production of the musical partSlim .

On the clipsCasti “We take it on the streets”Guf ta get to know each otheruppershe, hoch chuli about one of one already in the order of an hour.It appears that the lads are the sucides in the district.

Guf - Novy Sklad "Centr"

In one of the rosesSlimom Guf wondering what do not oppose the creation of a group, on which you take away the zmishana of the opinion of the other.

Theme hung, docks didn’t come to the guysBird , Kotriy taking the right hand from his own hand and not joining the repertory.The right point for another and the head warehousegroupieCenter you can import 2006 rіk.

Guf Biography - Album "Misto Roads" 2007 and "Goydalki" 2007

Booway Center there are no remaining updates from the new warehouse, Slim having sippedtextsGufa , like that writing at the steel perekonavshi Oleksiy make a solo album.

Enlisting supportSlima in zvedennі tracks and written beatsGuf release your firstsolo album “Misto Dorog” 2007. Mayzhe skin textbased on those drugs, taken from a special life.

Trohi pіznіshe, nathnіnnі yaskravaemyh initiations,Center releaseyour debut album"Goydalka" 2007 , which brings media space, filled with music thousands of hearing.

The boys said about yourself in all the territory of the CIS, zіknuvshis s I loathe success, Yakatwisted their heads.

2007 rock bov rock to the Center!

Guf i Aiza - Friendship

2008 rocijoining the Kiev club"Sorry, grandma", Guf to know one's future retinue and mother of one's son.Aiza Vagapova.

Friendly stosunki step by step outgrow the romantic. I already in 2008Guf rob the proposition of the hand and the heart, otrimuyuchi zgodu.

Vidnosini Gufa ta Aizi can you call it boldlyone of the best in the Russian show business at the time.

Ale zgodom Guf zіnavsya that already the sameprotecting the squads and grabbing their heroic bazhanya, yakі vplivli troch pіznіshe.If Aiza found out about the staleness of a person, she did not leave yoga.Vaughn cut off all contacts with yoga friends, Oleksiya closedat the apartment, at the cost of good health, I was instructed by him in the period of withdrawal.

“I know you were very important these days, kohana,

I will only be with you now, come embrace me,

Before speech, you look cool, unrealistically beautiful,

Ale, don’t marvel at me, in agony, on the right, not in style.

Guf singing that the yakby was not with him eitherAizi , it is unlikely that we are alive.

Album Centr “Efir U Normі” 2008

Not changing the barRelease Center new album"Efir at the Norm" 2008 , a kind of direct sale of the front dress. We don't do anythingGoydalkam, reworking the groupCenter with celebrities of national rіvnya.

The boys were crammed with tours, my studio CAO Records, named after the central administrative district of Moscow,I was going through a period of a naming boom, after which there was a recession ...

Guf - Rozpad Centr near Lugansk 2009

Yak often buvaє, the golden hour is not long.The middle groups are blamed for the rubbish, tied up with the mutual scores of the participants.

Bigger worldthere were many differencesі Gufa .

Half hour of tourin Ukraine, near the city of Lugansk, the Center for Rescue Incident,what to put persua point at the vіdnosinah benchmarks.

Guf leaving the group,hitting solo creativity. In warehouse Center lost Slim that Bird.

Guf ta ZM Nation

Losing your frontmanCenter giblets hope to forget, wanting a repertoire that is left out there, release releases.

What time Guf create your own label and studioZM Nation. The name symbolizes yoga unskinnedlove before Moscowi district in yakomu vin virisZamoskvorichchya.

Oleksiy was planning to open the studio at the same time from the beginning, we started it with the Principle, and then again I went out putting on police (so, not police) bracelets.

Useful ZM panuvala calm atmosphereage among participantsBula was less than a small number of its peopleGuf himself, Aiza's team, Tandem Foundation the same sprat of people.

Guf - Important Hours

DogliadGufa h Center , as the rapper himself knows,more important for the emotional plan, and for the financial one.

For great rewardsboolo calm. Guf that yoga team ISA moved to little rented an apartment . The bet didn’t have a penny to put on їzhu, after whatGuf ta Aiza ate chi not lokshina shvidkogo cooking.

Aleksey’s black smuga ended, even though more than once the future man tried to cross his outline at the line of life of the rapper.

Guf - Album "Houses" 2009

At 2009 solo album by Oleksiy Dolmatova (Guf) Budinki. What fate are the participantsCenter also three releases, ale “ Budinki”Verivaetsya with a crazy wind.

Among the last hits on the album was a song"Ice Baby" assigned Aise. The popularity of the track was as great as possible. Yogo played all the radio stations and music channels.

Guf - The people of the sin at Guf and Aizi

2010 is following, like a price for all albums and concerts. Betpeople first come to Sami. Guf ta Aizasouls do not get along with their little one,don't show yoga in public. In 2012, roci Guf named his album im'yamsina.

At the same time, Sami (Sin Gufa and Aizi) learns from foreign schools and masters surfing.

Guf - Friendship with Basta, Album "Basta / Guf"

Maybutnya the legend of the Russian turnipBasta getting to know Guf without any fantastic stories.

Having offended the repertoire, they felt one about one, even though at that moment their names blinked in the media for an hour. In one day Basta (Vasil Vakulenko) phonedGufu to record a single track.Because of this, these friendly stosunki began.

In 2010, there will be a full-length releaseBasta/Guf” , what a bov miraculousaccepted by two camps of fanatics.

A long friendship was saved right up to 2016, ifatGufa becoming a bloody narcotic and nervous vision.

“I am surprised (and showed the album) that the tracks recorded by him with hardness are an order of magnitude higher for those, as they appear in the camp of a changed light. It was a shame for my talent and vzagali.”

Guf - Zatrimannya Guf in Yakutsk

Shaping the image zmushu grati for their own rules. 2011zatrimanyaGufa , which is broadcast on all channels of news.

Arriving at the ledge to Yakutsk,Gufa and yoga of the concert director did not check the most important zustrich.

The group of the Federal Drug Control Service - the Narcopolitsia - was right on the ladder of the gastrolers. After what the lads were sparedat the worker for the task of analyses, having detected light drugs in the blood.

One of the dominant reasonssimilar to "receiver" is called a battle night clubs, yakі namagayutsya zirvati be-yakіenter your competitors

Through marriage, vagomi provesGufa let in in the eveningsame day, і Vіn zmіg to give a concert. The rapper was fined.

Guf member Gazgolder (Gazgolder)?

In 2010 rociGuf coming to the creative meeting of his friendBasti Gazgolder .

Oleksiy Dolmatov (Guf) , yak could get away, boo yogofull member:speaking among the participants,recording releases and giving separate and local interviews.

Prote, already in 2012Guf deprive gas holder , without naming all the essence of the reasons. Like a pіznіshe z'yasuvalisVіn not mav of the samelegal staging to the label,and pratsyuvav іz friendsonly on dobrovіlnyh and financial ambushes.

"With us guilty without laying down the contract, we just took the fate of the robot."


Guf died? Why did Guf die?

To the blessings of the national glory of the rapper, schodrugs, at the merezhi began to appearmarvelous records. Approximately once every couple of months it was mentioned that"Guf is dead." Phrasesyagaє root to the newspaper Metro the terrorist attack near Domodedovo. The editorial office pitted a bit about those whoGuf nibito buv among the victims of vibuhu and the beginning of yogo transluvati.

After that, the phrase goes to the people. І scho was not attributedGufu .

Dzherelom death boules naturallyspeeches, terrorist attack, busi.To that tsehas grown into an okremy internet meme,which is molded allmore sprats of rock.

"Guf tse yak gif., only don't collapse anymore"

Myself Guf priimav tse hurts aje being pious people(layings, sob to drink holy water in front of the ledge)the theme of death calls out emotions.

A handful of wines, being afraid of what,ale potim subdued and becoming accepted with irony.

Guf Album "Sam i" 2012

After one hourmiddle sim'їGufa ta Aizi repair welding, viklikanі zokrema zrada and inexhaustible drugs,yakі everyone psuali life.

Ignorantly, Guf release an albumdedications to your courtier's son - Yourself, which you can voluntarily take advantage of

The rapper did not become a worker for any commerce.

Chergovy narcotic vision of Guf in 2012

Changing family values,heroin take the mountain on Oleksiy Dolmatov. So what friendsGufa take yoga to Tel Aviv for two days of rehabilitation.

Alece did not help.Turning back home, everything starts again. Awakening the whole step of insecurity,Guf I'm going back to Tel Aviv on the second month,where to take a rehab course with lectures, psychological support and other attributes.It cost about 10,000 dollars.

Guf and Aiza rose up. Separation of Gufa and Aizi Dolmatova

2013 has become a period of family drama in the family rapper.Aise , behind її words, tolerating the weakness of one's own person. Vaughn throwing Gufa and take away Sema with you.

“To make a healthy child, you need to be healthy yourself. I went in sight of the one who couldn’t make me happy, and apparently I couldn’t win the happy child.


Guf - The rebirth of the group "Centr" in 2014

Offensive rock, a series of family and drug problems,in lifeGufa saying a promise of hope.

Rapper calling yogo my colleague by groupCenterBird . Vіn zaproponuvav proshishit at the pastall the differences and I will pick up the old group again. Oleksiy already choking on this idea.On the same day, all three(Guf, Slim,) we were already sitting in the kitchen of the deputy boothGufa , discussing plan diy.

happyOleksiya continued just one day. So you tell me about your interviews.

The group voted about the renewalcreative activity that destroyed the tour with the old program.

Guf - Zatrimannya that First Conflict with "Antidealer" 2014

Trochs pіznіshe Guf giving a concert Krasnoyarsk, de bouve jamming for wrecking "Antidealer ”, how to fight against manifestations and propaganda of drugs.

Yak appeared zatrimanny prepared a whole month,but the results were not successful. At the blood of a rapperif only small microdoses were found,similar to light sleep.

Guf - Krasnoyarsk, Druge Zatrimannya, Court 2015

Fate later the situation is repeated.The same Krasnoyarsk, the same Antidealer.Only once did everything happennew rіven.

After the operation, there are traces of marijuana and cocaine in the blood of the references of Guf and Slima. The court to blame the indulgent virok - 6 and 5 deb chambers and primusrehabilitation in Moscow.

“In this situation, the Krasnoyarsk Territory tried to help us. Knowingly, they sang like a link, but they sent all of them, unwrapped them. We sat and simply did not know what else to give us, what to give. “

Guf - Album "Shche" 2015

Getting ready for a release from the Center, Guf is about to record a solo album “Sche ”, which was acceptedaverage ratings of both critics and the public.

Album Centr “System” 2016

If Center zgurtuvav rows againthe joys of fanatics bov mezhі.What can I say here, if oninfull of releases, the most intense PR in the conflict withAnti-dealer (distalosya to all), send the album to the center System” 2016.

The public was already worthy, but once there was no resonance.

Another division of the band “Centr”

At that hour all on the side looked amazing,literally from the first days at the groupafter the union, super-chicks and scandals began.

1st hour of presentation of your new album groupogoloshu about another dissolution of the participants.CenterI'm starting to share in the surrounding areas. Tilki how many timesSlim got rid ofGuf , aBird - on my own.

Guf - Roman Gufa and Keti Tapuria

At the beginning of a new novelAizi , Guf tezh do not see. Yogo's instagram postsing different girls of model uniformity, among which were the participants"Dim 2".

Alyaveiled photo from Keti Tapuria- soloist of the groupA'Studio.

The stench didn’t know anything, let’s go around friendshipI want the public to be inspired by the fact that I am a rapper and a partnerit's more romantic.

How to know Guf, Topuria- Yogo good friend, with such a stench I got to know at the klіpu zyomkakh.

Won pidrimala Oleksiyaper hourzrivu u 2016 rociand navit kіlka razіv helpedgo through an inspection at the liquor. On this day, addiction tothe betting district was silent.

Conflict between Guf and Bird

2017 has a different situation navkolo Center, scho raspavshis, znovu spalahuє polum'yam. In one of periscope broadcasts vtomleny i razlyucheniyaGuf I speak everything that I thinkabout your many friends, colleagues in the shop (zokrema - aboutBird ) and young benchmarks.

Guf vs Bird - Versus

Guf declares that we see the unloved їmVersus Battle against Birds per 2 million rubles.

Through the day Bird release video return, in which showmonologueGufa youmu addressing. Vіn tezh fit for battle, like pay you halfsee if you know what to requestGuf .

After one hourRestaurateur officially inform,that the battle passed in the match and the fees accumulated. I want to win more than once, so I don’t believe in this battle, even insulting the rapperfar away from verbal battles, technical flow and sharp punchlines. Vіn spodіvaetsya, scho lads turn up to the professional level to help them with the show.

Conflict of Gufa and Aizi

Rose your hat,a lot of friends repeatedly put their staging on the public's eye.

That Gufcut your son, zrіzavshi dovge hairy, with what Aiza wrote like that, then write down a dis for the new person Aiza.Dmitry Anokhin.

“At the 3rd rock, the kudi didn’t get dirty with the hair, but not at 6. The kid is guilty of wanting to be a kid for his childishness. Dalі hi virishuє YOURSELF. You don't change. Did you guess about the alimony? Let's not be. Let me not tell HERE about all my claims to your family. Say thank you for everything and be good. I'm sorry, don't do it"

On the whole, Guf robyv mustache, to get some respect- Obvious fact. I in 2017,panov jurors, kriga armchair.

Aise nabridli postiyni attacksOleksiya on її sim'yu, and won't believe the confession of Gufu yogo mine. Letting the girl outdis h incriminating facts about Gufe . It hasn't happened yet, but it's obvious that it will.

“I grew up, but Guf didn’t. There is a 14-year-old boy alive at the home of a 40 river man.”

Guf - Vіdkhіd vіd Narkotikov

Beyond the range of narcotic trips, that is the way,a whole lot of buildings to make life easier,only I see respect from the side of the Federal Drug Control Servicecould slip intoGufa 2017 rock.

At your interviewYuri Dud Vіn saying that already a lot of monthsdo not accept anything and teach not to burn the grass. Gufknow,what is even more important, but still, what is the strength of trimming.

Age for the least offense,Guf long overdue for ґrati.The situation has reached such a climax that not one of the high-ranking comrades can help you.

“Shukati strength is required to continue the creative path. Possibly, the crisis of the middle age is in me. Maybe, through those that I threw grass, I don’t smoke for the second month after Krasnoyarsk. Yaks everything fu-fu-fu.

Album Slim ta Gufa “Gusli” 2017

The most positive slogan for 2017r_k becoming the sub-release of the single albumSlima ta Gufa - GuSli 1 and 2.

Guf- straightspecialization of evil, yakі zdatnі bring drugs.And at the same hour, without being afraid to speak out about your problems.zdobuvshi roztashuvannya millions of audiences.

Win is just a human, like and be-like from yogo hearing. Vinfight, remake, program that lamae, to win over again. Behind yoga history, guard the cicavo,and we believe that there is a calm and happy ending for the mother,which brought more richly yaskravih pochuttіv.Aje the rest of the gong has not yet pierced!

“I used to think that at 30 I wouldn’t jump around the stage with a microphone. I axis is less than 36, and I continue to work on it.

Loved book - Bushido. Borges H.

Love rapper - Nas

Pseudonym Guf - to that in childhood it is similar to Guf from the cartoon.

Almost all the rights of the valley - to the titan. Being under the heroin was seriously hurt

Hate giving interviews

Sorom's irritable, afraid of the great public

The location of the road was recorded for tyzhden

Maw ship's taganin for the right to be called Guf - 150 calls.

Grandma Tamara died in 2013. Guf survived the loss more painfully.

Freely speaking Chinese

Dolmatov Oleksiy Sergiyovich, wide masses have more vіdomy yak Guf , was born on September 23, 1979 near the city of Moscow.

He wrote his first track "Guf" at 19 rock. This track was recorded together with Roma (aka Marlin), with Yakim Guf, having started in one group at the University of Moscow State Pedagogical University named after. Lenin, and having sunk into the air on the radio "2000". Sweat at Guf`a bula creative break, yak trival 2 rocky.

Guf has two illumine: economical and linguistic (Chinese language). In 90 years, the births of the fathers of the fathers are alive in China and have become familiar with the Chinese VNZ. At the hip-hop light Guf uveyshov at 2000 roci at the warehouse of the Rolex-x group, naming it like the names of the participants in the project: Romi and Lyoshi. The very next participation in the warehouse group Guf became known as Rolex-X.
Guf often visited Rostov, he is well known from the group Kasta. One of the participants of Kastya, on behalf of Shim, wrote the music for Guf's track, and Guf himself took part in the recording of Kastya's song "We take it on the streets." Since 2002, Guf has started working on his debut album.

A lot of early songs of Guf are dedicated to the past life, and the songs themselves have become a “visiting card” of the rap-spilnot, having formed a new specific style. Guf, having got used to drugs, as if he himself spoke about it, but at the same time, I became more familiar with them.
At the same time, the band from the song "Svit" starts its own spivpratsya "Slim", which at that time was a member of the group "Dim's curtain".

The creative life of Guf has one more character - yogo grandmother Tamara Kostyantinivna, known to the masters of Guf's creativity as Original Ba two іks. The whole country recognized the track "" about those who read the newspaper "Life". The song "" tells about their mutual relations, about their character. At the same time, the company Ren-TV for the documentary film "DRUG USERS (drug addicts)" from the cycle "Project" Vidobrazhennya "" shot a clip for the equally popular composition - "". In April 2007, the album "Consulting" will be released. Guf is recording a duet with the Rostov rapper Basta - a song under the name "". Krym tsyogo, artist rozpochinaє active concert activity. On July 25, 2007, the group's album Centr was released, and through the river, on July 22, 2008, another album of the group's group Centr, a member of Guf buv. So just in the future of 2008, Guf made friends with a girl on behalf of ISA.

In 2009, roci virishiv have left the edge of Centr. Vin clearly stating about his own. Also, in 2009, they voiced one of the characters in the cartoon "" "".

Like the year 2009, but on the 1st day Guf releases another solo album, which is for the vote of the year 2009 among the readers of Rep.ru.

Who is Guf / Guf

Help- Oleksiy Sergiyovich Dolmatov

Nickname- Guf / Guf

Ridne place- Moscow

Dialnost- Reper

Family camp- Non-friends

Guf biography

Oleksiy Dolmatov more famous yak Guf - Russian rap-vikonovets, more participant the legendary band "CENTR".

Guf before becoming a vіdomy

The Russian rap-vikonovets, whom everyone knows under the stage pseudonym Guf, in real life - Oleksiy Dolmatov, was born on 23 spring 1979 in the capital of the SRSR - Moscow. After the collapse of the great country, the fathers of the future rapper decided to move to China, and the young man ended the school program in a foreign country for himself. In the same place in China, I have obtained and learned enlightenment, and directly - linguistics.

The young man lived at the edge of the Red Dragon for over this time, but continued to think about his Batkivshchyna. Not showing the tightness of the near edges, the wines turn back to Russia. De virishuu get a friend to see the light.

Guf rapper

Irrespective of those that music made Oleksiy Dolmatova mad about, seriously starting to work in 19 years. And after a short period of work on yourself, like a musician, a young person is ready to go to school. But it’s low vidan to say that the future rap-vicon has problems with drugs all the time. Vtim, Guf, and he himself confirms a little bit, as if having declared that he blames practically everything at home, so that he can buy himself a new dose. I killed the sound in the distance to patch up the winds of the new period of rap music.

In 2000, a young rapper with a warehouse team, I'll call Rolexx, makes his stage debut. The very concerts at the warehouse of the group bring musicians the first popularity. Guf victoriously named the group from his stage pseudonym. The upcoming five rock music albums are coming out under the authorship of Guf aka Rolexx.

2002 Oleksiy Dolmatov begins to work on a solo album. At the same time, I’m writing a song with the rap-viconian Slim, under the name “Vesilla”. From this and the old sleeping path of two musicians began.

Guf and Centr group

In 2004, roci Oleksiy Dolmatov and rap-vikonovets Princip form the idea of ​​​​creating a new musical group, which unobtrusively took the name - Centr. The first album of the new musical group is “Gifts” with more than 13 discs, donated to friends of musicians on Novy Rik.

The turning point in the life of Guf became 2006 rіk. It’s the same way to go out on TV under the name “Tiles”, which has gained popularity not only among the middle of the rap scene, but also among the wonderful people. Moreover, the song was played for a long time at Russian discos. Why did the REN-TV channel begin to play Guf's bloody video for the song "Novorichna", and the entire Russian rep party was filled with the bloody hit of the young musician "My Gra". After 2006, Oleksiy Dolmatov was talked about all over the country.

In the autumn of advancing rock, the Centr group is recording a black music collection, “Goydalka”. The warehouse of the team has grown to four participants, and its popularity has skyrocketed. But life is like that, at the peak of glory, a lot of musical groups fell apart. The principle squanders the Russian militia in the field, and Guf Dedali is more engaged in solo career.

In 2009, Dolmatov's rozі vіrіshuє deprive the group of the remainder, but no one knows why he's done it. The shanuvalniks respected that the rapper could not work in a rotten atmosphere.

Guf Slim that group Center

Guf ta solo kar'єra

Two years before leaving the Centr band, Guf recorded his first solo studio album “Misto Road”. Formerly, the musician at the spivpratsi s rap-viconian Basta is recording some tracks. In 2009, roci svіt poached another solo album by Guf under the name "House". Musical collection having taken the most best tips critics and shanuvalnikov and buv nominations for the title of "The Shortest Clip" and "The Shortest Album".

The musical composition “Ice Baby” is coming to the onslaught of rock, as it is becoming very popular in Russia. In 2010, the rotation of Guf virishu renews the spivpratsiu with Bastoy. At once, the stench let out a musical collection. 2011 Rock TV channel MUZ-TV rewards young people with the title of "The Shortest Project of Rock".

On the occasion of the autumn of 2012, the rock chanelers of Guf's creativity are happy to know about the release of a black solo album called "Sam i ...". What fate of the musician is excluded from the project "Gazgolder", and Basta declares that Dolmatov was asked for a short-line speech.

For example, on April 2013, on the unofficial day of the introduction of marijuana, Guf publishes a music collection under the name "420". Album of recordings at once іz rap-vikonavtsem Rigos. As a reminder of the same fate, Oleksiy Dolmatov is recording a music video for the song "Sumny". To whom you create, the love is broken, that you yourself became the reason for the disintegration of the Centr team, ringing to yourself at dawning ailments and love to the pennies.

In 2014, Guf’s roci took part in the sleeping robot from the “Caspian Vantage” group over the musical creation of “Zimov”. This project also has a rap-vikonovets Slim. Trohi zgodom Guf and voiced about a possible sleepy concert. For the whole hour, the famous rapper takes the fate of the film "Gasholder" in the film. Behind the river light blew the earthy solo album of Oleksiy Dolmatov - “Sche”.

Guf special life

Guf ta Aiza

For a long time Oleksiy Dolmatov chatted with Aiza Vagapova. І 2008 the fate of the couple dies, they become friends. Spivak at rich works of rozpovіd about his love to the squad. Two years later, in Dolmatov's family, the first, the son of Sami, was born. For five years, the friendship couple was happy, and in 2013 the rotation in ZMI expanded a bit about the possible separation of Guf from the squad. Dolmatov's heart was a bit off, but somehow they parted all the same. The separation of the bet turned into reality on the right show, in which the number of friends was ringing alone in all mortal sins for additional publications of posts in social networks.

Guf at once

Guf ta Keti Topuria

In 2016, the fate of journalists started talking about the new rapper hoarding. In ZMI, the new maiden's lover was called the lover of Keti Topuria. I was a little bit grounded, and even young people spent their holidays on the island of Koh Samui. On the official level, romantic stosunki did not die, declaring about friendly friends. For example, a studio single “About Leto” was recorded for the breasts of that rock, which became the first work of the conspiracy after the treatment of drug addiction in the Israeli clinic. At the same time, Guf turns to the group of Centr and together with his colleagues record a studio album under the name "System". Trohi this year is the single "Far".

In 2017, the role of Guf, having accepted the request to star in the film "Yegor Shilov", de vin mav play one of the lead roles.

Guf Mowgli 2

Guf i Ptakha battle versus

Becoming the initiator of a verbal duel, declaring that it was a lot of fun for the conflict, but the text, voiced by Guf in one of the clips, became the remaining droplet. Organize rap-fights virishiv, ale Dolmatov povidomiv, scho ready to wait for a duel only if you pay two million rubles. The 1st organizer of the duel waited for the first time. A bunch of rap-battle appointments for the month of 2018, but later, for unreasonable reasons, it was transferred to the last of the same rock.

Bird viklikav on battle Gufa

the field is not guilty to be empty Guf uvіyshov at the hip-hop world at 2000 roci at the warehouse of the Rolex-x group, naming it like the names of the participants in the project: Romi and Lyoshi. The very next participation in the warehouse group Guf became known as Rolex-X. Rozumіyuchi need to collapse far away, Guf jointly with the principle of creating the group "CENTR" in 2004 roci. The first demo-album under the name "Gift" was registered at such a warehouse. They were assisted by the sound engineer Stanislav Volkov and the rapper Mc Dan. The circulation became only 13 copies, which were presented to the closest friends on Novy Rik. Every year Dan creates his own band Not Fallen Guf's two things are revealed: economical and linguistic (Chinese language). In 90 years, the fathers of the fathers of the rokiv are alive in China and have become familiar with the Chinese cherry. Guf often visited Rostov, he is well known from the group Kasta. Vіn navit took part in the spying of the video for the song “We take it on the streets”, and the participant Kasti Shim wrote the music for the yoga “Novorichnaya”. Beginning in 2002, Guf worked on his debut album. At the same time, the band from the song "Vesilla" is rozpochinaєtsya yogo spіvpratsya zі Slim'om, which at that time was a member of the group "Dim's curtain". 2006 rock song "Plitki" brings the offices of the capital and other great places - all the summer clerks tell one ironic "voice" about the women of the Russian show business. On the album "Misto dear" there is a song "Original ba", dedicated to grandmother Gufa, in which she will take fate. At the same company, Ren-TV, for the documentary film "DRUG USERS (drug addicts)" from the cycle "Project Vidobrazhennya", a clip was shot for the equally popular composition "Novorichna". In April 2007, the album "Misto Road" is released. Guf records duet from the Rostov rapper Basta - a song under the name "My Gra". Krym tsyogo, artist rozpochinaє active concert activity. On July 25, 2007, the album "Goydalki" by the group "CENTR", a participant in Yako vin є, will be released. On today's day, the author of the song is the producer of the rap vikonovice Kimi, whose debut album was released in the autumn of 2008. At a friend’s, friends grew older, three “beneficials”, with them we first tasted the grass. On the right, in what I spent postyno on the street. Having skipped school, but I didn’t have a good time, maybe drugs appeared in my life ... Those fathers worked in China, and I live from my grandmother in Moscow. Ale, realizing that I had missed two hours, my mother took me home. I hired tutors from China - Russian students. I'm sure I know some of them spilnu mova : here on the 3rd lesson we were already smoking weed instead of navchannya On holidays I came to Moscow, and on the other side of the road I knew they were already sniffing like powders, which I didn’t know. And once, what to do with it was passed, I was urged to... tse bov heroin. The coming day was more nasty ... Feeling humiliated, broken. It didn't fit. I had serious plans: to get rich in China, to start a business... But the drugs gave me a lot of mobility, paralyzed and pissed off myself. Two years later, I was sent to Russia on a chartered vintage flight, more than a “maza” to put me in China until the pier… THE FIRST PUNCH Turning back to Russia, I didn’t understand a lot of things, and I was dehto koristuvavsya tsim. Drug addicts always know pennies per dose. Navit yakscho for whom they happen to throw someone. Axis so once "friends" threw me. They just took pennies for a check and they disappeared. So I got stuck on the outskirts of the city among drug addicts. At that moment, I had a penny, and I asked them to help me know the drug. We knew, and even then I realized for the first time that such a heroine is internally... NO PROBLEMS I'm creating an illusion that there are a lot of problems in you, I'm scoring more and more, I see that almost reality. Starting to say goodbye, that everyone is hurt, that tomorrow I can “resolve” the situation, no matter how. But it’s less of an illusion! Come tomorrow... but sometimes you don't. I’ve had a lot of time between life and death… but I’ve been spared… I’ve lost my life. The rest of the time, a friend of mine was the least aware, but I didn’t realize that I didn’t say goodbye to life. We got stuck, and I got stuck. I’m coming to you and I’m running: a friend of a bluer to sit, it’s like: “I saw you the first time, you’re two years old in a coma, marvel at yourself, you’re all blue.” And at the same hour, by the sudny kіmnati, not suspecting anything, the grandmother marveled at the TV. I don’t say what happened to her, the yakby just died. OPERATION "PROVOCATION" If I felt bad, I told myself that I would accumulate pennies obov'yazkovo, I would lie down and rejoice. I was scared. I wanted to live, I understood what was on the border. Finding out what group is for those who have problems with drugs, and starting to go to talks for Narcotics Anonymous. Collaborating with people, I helped on the pivroka. In these occupations, the world told one to one, how good it is to live without drugs ... and, what is more heady, it was hard. I marveled at people who could get out of the staleness, and I wanted to live in a different way... In groups for a month of skin, living without drugs, they gave a medal. And I even want to take away the “blue” - the return of a hard life. Just like they gave me її, once calling a friend: "Sanya, I have a blue, you can smoke." I'm angry... Having begun to live again, now more... I was robbed of a "provocation". This operation, if it is impossible to get used to hard drugs. They said that you can drink more and more fire. And I thought: "Well, it's wonderful." I started to smoke a lot of booze and smoke hashish in kilograms. I have planted z'zhzhati dakh on this soil. I was sent to the hospital, the reality was far away, but step by step I began to come to you. I learned about this period of life by writing the text and reading it from the track "My Gra" by Basti. I was left with a maximum of lying for two days, but before the clinic they brought new faces, expanded by the American space agency NASA. Qi tablets were tested in the lands of the third world. They brought me at the humble shirt to the office, they put me at the table, the delegation of doctors turned me off. A folder was placed in front of me, in which I put my signature with the word “good”. On the third day I began to drink majestic pіguly with the world from my fingertips. I became even hotter… I feel like I’m crying… “Zavdyaki” drugs I drank to the liquor 5 times! Don't fry. The doctors said that my upcoming arrival would be the last one. THANK YOU KOHANNYA It seems that the drug addict will be all his life in the form of chogos... At the same time I have staleness in the form of kokhannya. My girl, the kokhan's squad, lied to me. When we got to know each other, she didn’t know that I was a drug addict and didn’t guess. I fell asleep standing up, virubuvavsya, roaring at the prefix. Once, I was called uncommon and hovavsya in front of her ... Vaughn called me, cried and nourished: “Tell me, Lyosha, are you moving? It is important for me to know the truth.” I knew, but she didn’t throw me out. I closed it at home, dialed the telephones, “nightmare” my friends and spent five frantic days with me, the docks didn’t hurt me. At the same time, she herself was tormented by me and lost motor speed ... I don’t know what was worse: unbearable pain, prove your conscience ... It’s rich who you want to know, what kind of lamanna. Ale, I won't tell you about it. It’s even scarier ... Navit in words ... I don’t want to have survived like this. Awakening As long as there were drugs in my life, I kept myself healthy, blew my fathers' nerves, spent a bunch of their pennies ... Radium, which I lost far in the past. My pleasure to everyone - better not get high. I sing about drugs in my songs not to those who are cool, but to those who are part of my life. Moreover, as you could understand, not the best part. It seems that a human being, as if she had taken opiati, cannot speak, that in life we ​​can’t wash anymore. I, maybe, do not blame. Ale, how can I give up, I understand the smut: drugs live in those who can be empty, sire and faceless life. Thank God, now I can't say about mine. Not long ago we played a merry-go-round. Vosen Center has released a new album, three times a year we have made my solo album. We have a lot of tours… I have more of no drugs! Dolmatov, Oleksiy Sergiyovich (Guf) - Russian rapper, member of the CENTR group. In the 3rd class, having begun to hear rap. In the 5th grade, I first tried drugs (grass). Often skipping classes, for which Yogo was brought by fathers to China. For a year he turned to Russia, but then became addicted to heroin. Guf rejoiced, becoming the leader healthy image life, and having washed the pіvroku. Help came in the person of the maiden Aizi, as Gufa closed herself at the apartment for 5 days. The first track, which was recorded by Guf - tse "Chinese wall", todі yomu was 19 years old. This track was recorded together with the Principle and was previously played on the radio "2000". Potim at Guf`a bula creative break through drugs, yak trival 2 rocky. Guf uvіyshov at the hip-hop world at 2000 roci at the warehouse of the Rolex-X group, naming it like the names of the participants in the project: Romi and Lyoshi. The very next participation in the warehouse group Guf became known as Rolex-X. Rozumіyuchi need to collapse far away, Guf at once from the principle of creating the group "Center" in 2004 roci. The first demo-album under the name "Gift" was released near such a warehouse. Circulation of 13 copies in total, which were presented to our closest friends on New river . The creative life of Guf has one more character - yoga grandmother Tamara Kostyantinivna, known to the masters of Guf's creativity as Original Ba two іks. Usya kraina recognized from the track "Plitki" about those who read the newspaper "Life". The song "Original Ba" tells about their mutual relations, about their character. "She will easily dance for you under Sean Paul" - read Guf. Guf has two things in mind: economical and linguistic (Chinese language). From 1991 to 1998, he lived with his fathers in China and got involved in Chinese society, but he had a chance to get drunk through drugs. Guf often visited Rostov, he is well known from the group Kasta. Vіn navit taking part in zyomkakh clip for the song "We take it on the streets", and Kastya's participant on behalf of Shim wrote the music for yoga "Novorichnaya". Many of the early songs of Guf are associated with drugs, and the songs themselves have become a “visiting card” of rap music, forming a new specific style. Guf, having got used to drugs, as if he himself spoke about it, but at the same time I was more familiar with them. Beginning in 2002, Guf worked on his debut album. At the same time, the band from the song "Vesilla" is rozpochinaєtsya yogo spіvpratsya zі Slim'om, which at that time was a member of the group "Dim's curtain". 2006 rock song "Plitki" brings the offices of the capital and other great places - all the summer clerks tell one ironic "voice" about the women of the Russian show business. On the album "Misto dear" there is a song "Original ba", dedicated to grandmother Gufa, in which she will take fate. At the same company, Ren-TV, for the documentary film "DRUG USERS (drug addicts)" from the cycle "Project Vidobrazhennya", a clip was shot for the equally popular composition "Novorichna". Also, the recordings of ft z Smoky Mo "Traffic", a kind of inclusions in the album "Efіr v Normі" (2008). In April 2007, the album "Misto Road" is released. Guf records duet from the Rostov rapper Basta - a song under the name "My Gra". Krym tsyogo, artist rozpochinaє active concert activity. On July 25, 2007, the album "Goydalki" by the group "CENTR", a participant in Yako vin є, will be released. In the fall of 2008, the rock band CENTR won the nomination "The Shortest Rap Band" at the RMA. On July 8, 2008, rock made friends with a girl on the name of Aiza. The early fates of the life of Rice with his grandmother, yoga fathers lived in China. Since 1991, the fate, for 7 years, has been alive in China, later, through problems with drugs, it will deprive the country of turmoil and turn to Russia. The cob of the creative path Guf uvіyshov in the hip-hop world u 2000 r. at the warehouse of the "Rolex-X" group, naming it like the names of the participants in the project: Romi and Lyoshi. The very next participation in the warehouse group Guf became known as Rolex-X. I wrote my first track under the name "Chinese wall" Guf at 19 rock. This track was recorded together with Roma Korobchansky (a.k.a. STR8) [dzherelo not indicated 75 days] and also with Arsen Baghdasaryan (a.k.a Staf) [dzherelo not indicated 75 days] . Lenin, and having sunk into the air on the radio "2000". However, we were motivated to create a break through drugs. Beginning in 2002, Guf has been working on his debut album. At the same time, the band from the song "Vesilla" starts with the yoga spivpratsya "Slim", which at that time was a member of the group "Dimova's curtain". At the warehouse edge "CENTR" The roaring necessity collapsed far away, Guf created the edge "CENTR" together with the principle in 2004. At such a warehouse they released the first demo-album called "Gift". The circulation of the book is 13 copies in total, which were presented to our closest friends on Novy Rik. Guf's creative life has one more character - yoga grandmother Tamara Kostyantinivna, who is known to the masters of Guf's creativity as Original Ba XX. yakіy won't take fate, rozpovida about їх vzaєmini, about її character "Von easily stantsyuє you pіd Sean Paul" - read Guf. Many of Guf's early songs are associated with drugs, and the songs themselves have become a "calling card" in rap music, forming a new specific style. yalynovі drugs, as if he himself spoke about it, but at the same time I was more familiar with them. 2006 rock song "Plitki" brings the offices of the capital and other great places - all the summer clerks tell one ironic "voice" about the women of the Russian show business. At the same company Ren-TV for the documentary film "Drug Users (drug addicts)" from the cycle "Project Vidobrazhennya" a clip was shot for the equally popular composition "Novorichna". Guf is recording a duet from the Rostov rapper Basta - a song under the name "My Gra". Also, a clip was recorded for the participation of Smokey Mo for the song "Traffic", which was included before another album of the CENTR group under the name "Efir is normal" (2008). In April 2007, the album "Misto Road" is released. Krym tsyogo, artist rozpochinaє active concert activity. On July 25, 2007, the album "Goydalki" was released by the group "CENTR", a participant in some kind of wine. In the fall of 2008, the CENTR rock band together with Bast won the Hip-Hop nomination at the RMA award for MTV Russia. On April 16, 2008, rock became friends with Aizi Vagapovij. 2009 dubbed one of the characters in the American cartoon "9" - a one-eyed baby named "P'yatiy". In the original, the hero was voiced by actor John C Reilly. After the exit from the “CENTR” group At the end of 2009 Guf after welding with the other participants of the group, leaving the “CENTR” edge. Vіn stating about it in his interview. Regardless of the price, dotrimuyuchis goitre contract, in the fall of 2009, a music video for the song "It's easy to be young" from the album "Efir is normal" is released. Guf znіmaєtsya for tsgo klіpu okremo depending on the decision of the participants in the group. Guf is creating a new label - "ZM Nation". From spring to breastfeeding, solo albums of all participants in the CENTR band are released. Guf's solo album "Houses" viyshov 1 December 2009 rock. Nakrikinzi 2009 Roku Zylyavlya INformation about the Spilny Album Iz Bastu, Yaki Ma, to Watch at Veresni 2010. Dates the skin of the skin of the Kufa, at the Veresni 2010 Roku Z'yavitziyna Information about those 23 Zhovtnoye. May 5, 2010 Guf's rock was born syn. The young fathers named the child Sami. At the moment, record on Gazgolder Records, judging by the sign on the official website of the studio near the column "Projects". November 10, 2010, a single album from Bastoy under the name Basta / Guf will be released. The presentation took place on the 25th of March. Conflicts Conflict with Slim In 2010, roci Slim released Guf's speech on the participants of the CENTR group - "100 Rows". Slim took the unofficial clip "Spice Baby", in the same way Guf's parody, and є є vіdpovіddu on the clip "One Hundred Rows" or "001". The track Slim called Guf in the fact that he was lying in the minus and there was a booth from a close friend of both opponents (5splash). At his clip Guf told about Slim's PR and Ptakhi and about his "gentry" spontaneously. This super girl hovered at the video-videos on the Internet and that humiliation of one of one. Discography At the warehouse of the group CENTR 2007 - Goydalka 2008 - Efіr in Normі Studio albums 2007 - Misto expensive 2009 - Budinki Spіlnі albums 2003 - Gift (with the participation of the Principle) 2010 - Basta / Guf (with the participation of China20 C000 (ft. Dimova Zavisa -) My gra (ft. Basta) 2008 - Goydalka (Noggano ft. Guf; version of Noggano "Warm") 2009 - Zamalovki (ft. Princip) 2009 - Like a friend showing up in rapt (ft. Negativ) 2009 - Breathe people (Slim ft. Guf ; song Slim "a, in a yakіy buv voice of Guf) 2009 - Visota (Slim ft. Guf; unofficial song of Guf and Slim, a postal version of Guf's song "Everything is visible from above") 2009 - Im'ya Lenina (Slim ft. Guf; unofficial song of Guf and Slima, the first version of Guf's song "Metropolitan Mail") 2009 - We walk by the edge (Basta ft. Guf; a song with Bastoya, which went up to Basta's album "Basta 3") 2009 - Three dots (Good Hash Production ft. Guf) 2010 - Couples with a golden seal-2 (Good Hash Production ft. Guf, Art "f, Nevponya .; a song from Good Hash Production, which has gone up to the Good Hash Production album "Cuplets with a golden seal") group "CENTR" 2006 - "Novorichna" 2007 - "My Gra" with the participation of Basti 2008 - "Misto Road" with the participation of Basti (at the warehouse of the group "CENTR", dir. Rezo Gigienishvili) 2008 - "Traffic" with the participation of Smokey Mo ( in the warehouse of the CENTR group) 2008 - "Nich" (at the warehouse "CENTR") 2009 - "Winter" (at the warehouse "CENTR") 2009 - "In a different way" for the participation of ST After leaving the group "CENTR" 2009 - "Plitki" (amator's video) 2009 - "It's easy to be young" (at the warehouse of the CENTR group, dir. Oksana Shkvornikova) 2009 - "For her" (dir. Volodymyr Yakimenko) 2010 - "Ice Baby" (dir. Oksana a Shkvornikova) 2010 - “Everything is visible from above” for the participation of the “TAHDEM Foundation” (amateur clip) 2010 - “100 rows” (production of the ZMovie studio) 2010 - “Goydalka” for the participation of Noggano 2010 - “Tim, who is with us” for I will participate in "AK-47", Noggano 2010 - "Bulo da vno" 2010 - "Metropolitan mail" (amateur clip) 2010 - "China" with the participation of Basti (amateur clip) Nagorodi Winner of the RAMP 2009 award for the A-ONE channel in the Urbana category. In 2008, at the warehouse of the CENTR group, he played the matrioshka yak "The Best Hip-Hop Project" at the RMA ceremony on MTV. In 2009, the roci became the winner of the vote on the Rap.ru website in the nominations: Best votchinovets of rock; The best rock album ("At Home"); The best clip (“For her”). Having won at the same nominations in 2008, the roles at the warehouse of the CENTR group: Best Artist (CENTR); The best album of rock (“Efir is normal”); The best clip (“Nich”). Winner of "Russian Street Awards" 2010 in the nomination "Artist of Rock". Tsіkavі faktі Sim roіv Guf is alive in China, but he had a chance to see through problems with drugs. The district, de Guf is alive, dedicating more than one song to him, and de delaying his grandmother Tamara Kostyantinivna, calling her ZM, which means Zamoskvorichchya. One day with Guf, the rapper ST (Oleksandr Stepanov) was born, and Oleksiy the elder for Oleksandr for 9 years. They recorded a single track "In a different way", they also made a video for the new one. Obidva MC card. Guf "vbolivaє" for the Liverpool football club. Some in songs call themselves hotly: Kartavy Guf, Gufaka. And also her relatives: Tamara Kostyantinivna (grandmother) - Original Ba XX; Aiza Dolmatova (squad) - Ice Baby; and syn Sami Dolmativ - Gufik. Guf buvav i buvaє in the city of Rostov-on-Don, so I know well with the Casta group. Vіn navit took part in the spying of the video for the song “We take it on the streets”, and the participant Kasti Shim wrote the music for the yoga “Novorichnaya”. So guf taking part in the recording of the track “Casta” group “New Shrew”, a kind of viyshov in 2010 on the album “KhZ”. For example, a weekend near Moscow rewarded all the winners of the first hip-hop award "Russian Street Awards". In one of the nominations, the visit of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation to the final of the "Battle for Respect" was presented. The famous presenter Katerina Kandalina rode the stage to her beloved motorcycle rock Russian Street Awards, distinguished by a special scope. The nominee of RStAwards and Noize MC came to the airport right after the round. There was a lot of rich texts and very reperives. Intermediate: Artist of rock - GUF Album of rock - "Noggano - Warm" Track of rock - "Noize MC - Z vikna"; Videoclip to rock - "Casta - Navkolo noise" Soundtrack to rock - AK-47 Soundtrack to rock - "Basta - Kokhannya Without Memory" 1. Guf 2. Noggano / Basta 3. Smokey Mo 4. Caste 5. AK-47 6. Marselle 7. Timati 8. 25/17 9. Olivets 10. Noize MC - Teply 3. 25/17 - Only for friends 4. Speak Clip - Most Dangerous 5. AK-47 - Berezovsky 6. Timati - Bos 7. Bird - Ni pro shcho 8. Slim - Cold 9. Sandy people - Dry bedroom 10 Triada - Shosta is a little bit The best video of life: 1. Guf - For her 2. Casta - Navkolo Noise 3. DJ Nik-One, Smoki Mo, MS Molody - Gra in real life 4. Marselle, ST - At your house 5. Timati & Snoop Dogg - Groove On 6. Noggano, Coupe - Gorilka 7. Slim - Cold 8. Olivets, Lenin - Must love the fatherland 9. Assa - Elevator 10. Basta - Kokhannya without a memory ї hip-hop awards "Russian Street Awards". In one of the nominations, the visit of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation to the final of the "Battle for Respect" was presented. The famous presenter Katerina Kandalina rode the stage to her beloved motorcycle rock Russian Street Awards, distinguished by a special scope. The nominee of RStAwards and Noize MC came to the airport right after the tour. There was a lot of rich texts and very reperives. Intermediate: Artist of rock - GUF Album of rock - "Noggano - Warm" Track of rock - "Noize MC - Z vikna"; Videoclip to rock - "Casta - Navkolo noise" Soundtrack to rock - AK-47 Soundtrack to rock - "Basta - Kohannya Without Memory" Hip-hop pod_ya rock - group breakdown RU
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