Tell me how you are rozumієsh viraz smіh rejoicing. Smіhoterapіya - sho tse - psychology of effective life - online journal. Veselunov's heart attack is not terrible

“... If you want to look at a person and know his soul, then don’t delve into those like she’s talking, or like she’s talking, or like she’s crying, or like she’s boasting about noble ideas, but marveling at her is better if she laughs. Good laugh people - well, good people.

F. M. Dostoyevsky

Portrait by laugh

Can you create a classification of laughter? Let's try it, spiraling on the sounds and those emotional vibrations.

1. Smіh on "y" - "hoo-hoo-hoo": here, in the sight of laughter, nothing was left behind - so, only the appearance of Cholovik, mutely screaming scarecrow, is smeared with laughter to drown out my anxiety. Sound out loud among people with zabobons, fearful, and sometimes unclean at hand.

2. Smіh on "o" - "ho-ho-ho": thunder-like homeric rhythm, often non-streaked, of unstoppable rhymes. You can be significant or protesting, but always be like a person enthralled in yourself. At times, it sounds laudatory and menacing, with notes of ironic summation, criticism, protest.

3. Smіh on "i" - "хі-хі-хі": sumish irony and evil. Smіh prihovany, cunning, zasnuty - so sobі in'їdlive chuckle niche (yogo is also called sarcastic). Here there is no way out of the name, but there is only an internal subtext, which is the master's mind. Often zustrіchaєtsya in young girls.

4. Smіh on "e" - "he-he-he": not a pretty, quiet laugh. Short, fluffy, gleaming. Often zastrechaetsya at zakorenіlih pіdlesnikіv vіdpovіd on smih chief or vengeance schos zukhvale, zukhvale, zazdrіsne - sucilnі grimaces. The more you feel the voice “e”, the more evil, rudeness, contempt. People, like laughing, are so smart to reach the distance at home according to the date to the spy.

5. Smіh on "a" - "ha-ha-ha": axis of wines, correct smikh! The one who goes out of the heart, the harmony of harmony with the necessary light, uncomplicated joy. Smіh - with a wide-open mouth. That is how good people laugh in a fair way.

Zasіb zhivlyuvalnyy that ... pronennoy

Doctors have long remembered that smih - the miraculous faces of rich ailments.

● Psychologists in France are concerned that they should... rejuvenate the body! Under yoga infusion, the diyalness of the internal secretion is reduced, headaches are noticed and then normalized. arterial vice, the heart starts to work at a pleasant rhythm.

● French doctor Felix Bremont succumbs to miraculous zasib for curing liver disease and gout.

● The results of the Norwegian professor Carl Rudal have shown that smіh supra-lingually improves the thoracic clitina and the abdominal press, develops the m'yazi of the shoulder girdle and inflamed with its own doping for the whole organism.

● Vyavlyaєєєєєєєє, міх - miraculously carried. People who suffer from daily humor are constipated more often, less cheerful. Fahіvtsі vvazhayut that "nesmіyanі" more skhilnі to stress, scho disregard the same and grass system.

● How z'yasovuєtsya, tsіlyuschi vlastivostі smіhu truly bezmezhnі, scho, ymovіrno, і led to the establishment in America of the Association of therapeutic humor. Невропатолог Баррі Бітман, один із засновників психонейроімунології (галузь, що вивчає вплив емоцій на імунну систему), вважає, що сміхова терапія допомагає значно зміцнити імунні функції організму, у тому числі суттєво підвищити рівень антитіл і клітин, що вбивають злоякісні утворення, та створює надійний natural zakhist against serious ailments. Presented to him the results of the investigation of the blood of ailments until, every hour after reviewing the humorous videos, vrazhayut.

Zahist in fear

How do you feel psychologically?

● Svіlnyaє in the form of hibny installations and stereotypes, in the form of pretentiousness to the singing way of life, in the form of feelings about how they lived for themselves, and emotions.

Smіh peredusim promotes the rіven of mental health, and a healthy spirit zmіtsnyuє i somatic, so bodily health.

● Zharti and anecdotes help not only to acquire human values, but also to merrily part ways in the future.

● A touching new, a person, through a laugh, indulges fear of the unknown.

● Especially laughing at myself. If a person is already laughing, it means that she could rise above powerful problems, step aside, transforming them into intelligence, a sign.

Dzherelo hormones of joy

How do you feel about the physiological level?

● We are in front, with laughter, the breath changes: it becomes short, more frequent and more pronounced. Vinikaє hyperventilation legen, later, more sour to come near the brain. There is a natural morphine effect. In addition, people are satisfied with the hormonal level through the promotion of the so-called hormone of joy - endorphin in the blood. In this order, the body zvіlnyaєtsya in the form of overvoltage, otrimu discharge.

● Prote relaxation is due to peace. Adzhe smikh - tse waters and adventurousness. As if you were constantly laughing for a long time, you can not only get tired, but still get upset, live, die. Vcheni have established: a person can regotat a maximum of a year without interruption.

● What is the correct dose of "ridiculous pills"? English psychologists say that if you want to get 10 quills a day, you should live without cost. And then we will be calm, respectful and energetic. And the axis, Dr. Petar Bokan, said that the prolongation of the day of life, to be healthy, you need to laugh 13-16 times, and people - less than 17! Adzhe zhіnki, yak vіdomo, stіykіshі to hardships of life.

secret zbroya

Smіh - true zbroya. I zavdyaki yogo pompous charge, directed against stupidity and holiness, fear and violence, people live and continue to live all in all.

A patient comes to the appointment to the doctor:

- Doctor, my lower abdomen hurts.

- What or what?

- "Bounty".

- To paradise, to paradise!

To the pet store, the buyers fly in and shout:

- Just wonder what you pissed me off! Yesterday I bought from you a sleeping bird, and there, it appears, with a broken leg!

- So what? - wonder the seller. - Well, you bathed a couple, not a ballerina!

- First, proceed to the likuvannya, - having said the doctor-psychiatrist of the patients, - I am guilty of knowing literally everything about your life. Start from the very cob.

The patient thought for a second and said:

“Father, on the cob, I created the Sky and the Earth ...

butt of life

The American writer N. Cousins ​​is suffering from ankylosing spondylitis (ruining of the healthy tissue of the ridge) - this disease is considered practically non-violent. Yogo likar estimating the chances of getting dressed as one to five hundred. Kazin arguing that even negative emotions are the cause of more illness, it means that it is positively to blame for stimulating clothing. I began to... rejoice with laughter: having moved from the likarni to the hotel, life was rampant and nothing thought about illness, marveling at the best comedies, reading humorous magazines and books. Step by step, the rottenness turned to a new one, and other signs of health improved. The sickness came.

Specialist Dumka

Did Frost:

- I'm always in a wonderful mood and in a good mood. And so that it would be sleepy in your soul (to make you feel cold), I recommend you, my dears: learn to understand one by one, quietly, who entrusted you. Believe me, you will be better off in the future and you will become a good fairy! I more. My dears, be kind, value kindness in yourselves, love and understanding, for the very same risi and create those that you call a miracle. I bazhayu you garny New rock! Shiro yours, Russian Did Frost.

The science of smіh - originated in the 70s of the last century in America.

And the founder of gelotology, Norman Cousins, went down in history as "a man who laughed death in the distance."

Vіn suffering from the disease of suglobіv.

When hands fell into doctors, Cousins ​​curled up in the room and marveled at the comedy for years.

The result is a boon for the medical profession.

After a week, pains arose in the sick man, after a month, the veins began to collapse, and for two viishov he was at work.

From that hour, in the USA and Europe, they began to viciously pouring laughter on the people.

Humor in our life is so self-important, as if it were, that water.

Сміх is an indispensable helper in difficult situations.

And as a person, you can laugh at yourself and you can marvel at problems, you won’t give up at all, but dolatim difficulties with optimism.

Oncological ailments rejoice with laughter

Smіh maє maє majestic infusion on the body.

Vіn pokraschuє mood and self-perception.

Moreover, it’s not less than the same, if a person wants to laugh.

With a positive charge in the distant heat, we have a full day!

This is due to the intensive production of neurotransmitters by our body: dopamine, serotonin and the "happiness hormones" - endorphins.

Сміх- Korisne physical right scho zmushuє one hour pratsyuvati 80 groups of m'yazіv! The person's shoulders collapse, the diaphragm vibrates, the mind relaxes, the back of that face.

Deyakі vchenі povnyuyut khvilina smіhu іz 25 khviliny take fitness.

Under an hour, the pulse is quicker.

It is right to give a similar effect.

Сміх - a panacea mayzhe against usіkh ailments.

Not blaming - heart-sudine and oncological ailments.

Vin reduces the production of stress hormones and cholesterol levels, normalizes the pressure and improves immunity.

Sometimes you don’t have to laugh, so that you get a headache.

A newborn child starts laughing not earlier than a month after they appear in the world.

Vin learns from mami.

It’s like she’s cheerful, marveling at speech with optimism, often laughing, tse pose and little ones.

In Vіtsі vіd one to five roіv people laugh most often.

Babies, like nothing, can take away the salt from life.

Children laugh often, richly and richly, they may have a miraculous mood.

The stench is ready for feats and new victories.

In front of them is the whole world.

It is possible for the one who stinks ... to laugh.

5 hvilin smіkhu replace 40 vіdpochinku

Foreign physicians zastosovuyut smіhoterapіyu on the treatment of various ailments.

Aje badyora, optimistically nailed the person to go to the direction.

It is a pity that smіhoterapіya "came" to us not long ago.

In the USA, where there are over 600 facsimiles from smyhotherapy, they practice the Center for Smіhu.

People go there, like at the fitness clubs, shards to improve mood during group sessions, and the result is better.

Tse miraculous hour spent: 5 quills of laughter replace 40 quills of recovery.

Сміх - "rich" is contagious.

A good company will blame you 30 times more often, less on its own.

Cicavo, scho opovidach laugh at the second time more often, lower hearing.

From the other side, smіh good breath is pouring in.

Dzhe korisno laugh at the vagіtnim.

Smіhoterapіyu zastosovuyut and pіd pologіv pologіv, at the first stage, the essence, tse reduce the pain.

Vtim, smіhoterapіya mає pevnі contraindications.

For a long time, laughing not to please people, like to make a hernia, zahvoryuvannya eyes chi legenevі ailments: chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.

It’s not safe, if there is a threat to the vision of vagity and postoperative complications.

In this mood people need calmness, they cannot strain the m'yazi disguise and other parts of the body.

For other smіkh - faces.

Sessions of humor can be controlled independently.

For example, live by the rules: "I can laugh, I want 10 hvilin vrantsі, 10 in obіd i stіlki vvecherі".

Marvel at comedies, humorous programs, read anecdotes, dig archives of cartoons or funny photos.

Speak more with living people, extroverts.

It is necessary to know these comical moments and make yourself laugh.

There are plenty of options - you can stand in front of a mirror and "wrinkle different gum peaks."

Prote є people, yakі stverdzhuyut, scho laughing ... do not mind.

Possibly, the reason is in a serious settlement, how can you catch the stench?

In such vipadkah, the doctors are happy to stretch out 5-10 strands of laughing piece by piece.

How much is enough, so that the m'yazi was reprimanded, and the brain was saturated with sourness.

At the liquor stores... clowns

As if beyond the cordon, a smile became one of the warehouse healthy way life, like, let's say, busy with sports chi vidmova and shkіdlivih zvichok, then our spіvvіtchizniks are still far away.

It is necessary to laugh often and richly.

Tse improve both physically and mentally self-perceiving.

It is better for psychotherapists to make people laugh.

Whoever cares so much is rich ... not serious.

People try to take a miracle pill.

Ale, don’t do that!

Є simple methods from which it is necessary to start working on yourself.

One of them is smіhoterapіya.

How will a person be cheerful, marvel at speech with optimism, learn to value life, that she was born and alive, the light of her life will change.

Obviously, smіhoterapіyu cannot be stagnant as an independent method of likuvannya, only as an additive.

In out-of-town clinics, doctors can often call a clown.

Vіn pratsyuє in the state plantation, rejoicing with laughter and grown-ups, and children.

It would have been better if we were to establish a similar practice in us.

Aje little patients so reject positive emotions!

And take the stars from the liquorice?

Deyakі doslіdzhennya pokazuyut, scho we laugh all right: in 1939, the average statistical European laughed at an average of 19 hvilin per day. Now yogo blue and onuk smile less than 5-6 quills per day. Tse is not enough. Dear my peers, let's do it right! Our bezturbotnіst that zdorov'ya stale vіd tsgogo!


Smіhu has a whole scientific name, but it’s unlikely that she has become a kind of serious! Lіkuvannya smіhom can zastosovuvatsya independently in vіku. Nayvidomisha technique to lie down to Norman Cousins.

This person worked as a journalist, until she was struck by a serious ailment: an important spondyloarthritis, a form of paralysis, as if she was respected by a non-violent one. Ale dressed up and became a professor at the University of California in Los Angeles, de clad at the medical college.

Norman Cousins ​​is constantly inspired by the extraordinary life of love. Navit if the ailment has weakened, bazhannya, the struggle has not changed. Tired of cramming yourself with anti-spasmodic and painful ones, you will take care of your own health. Nasampered Cousins ​​is relatively voluptuous in his attitude. Then, under the control of a doctor, I sang a liquor scheme: vitamin C in large doses, comedy films and funny stories. It’s simple to mimic wines: just as stress and negative emotions force ruinous processes in the body, then positive emotions, navpak, are guilty of violating positive chemical changes.

After a lot of comedies and silent books with good anecdotes, I changed my mind about the correctness of my mirkuvan: “I happily revealed that 10 good laughs in the soul had a small anesthetic effect (calmed down) and gave less than two years. good sleep". Through the years of similar glee, Norman became more and more mobile, started playing golf, tennis and started going in for film sports.

Obviously, this change can be called unique, it can be proved that everything is possible in life.

Smіh - tse positive splkuvannya, nebhіdne harmonic old, tse transfer of "hvil" in the form of a vipromіnyuvach (the subject of a person who calls out smіh) priymachevі (to the one who laughs).

And let’s make a smile, respectfully, blame it for positive conditions and for the one who calls out the laugh, and for the one who laughs. No one can embarrass himself to laugh broadly, to that it dawned on him, how important it is to be vigilant, so that we will be healthy and happy.

Deyakі people zdayutsya gifted, nizh іnshі, at mystetstvі viklikati smіh. The stench is always in a cheerful mood and vіdkritі nazustrіch otochyuchimi, bazhayuchi convey to them joy, garniy mood, sympathy. This behavior is simple and without middle ground, to that “those who joke metaphysically cause laughter, they themselves cannot have fun” - like having once respected Voltaire.

A smile of a summer person, ready to be merry, to tell about її beautiful moods, which you can convey to others.


Smiling is not a scam, but bringing so much good! She wins over the one who she takes away, not hurting the one who she grants.

She's been thrashing all my life, but the memory of her is eternal. No one dares to give himself to riches, so that he can do without her, and to give to the poor, so that he asks for mercy.

A smile is a wake-up call for a languid mandriving man, masculinity for one who has fallen in spirit and is sympathetic for a mournful soul. Tse spravzhnya protiotruta, yak nature has saved yak zasіb vіd usіh suffering. A smile creates happiness in sim and gives encouragement in robots.

Vaughn є special sign of friendly roztashuvannya.

And at once with Tim її it is not possible to buy, not to build, not to steal, shards won't be valuable, only if її bestow.

And if you see a person once, if you don’t want to give you your smile, if you want to merit, laugh at him, the shards of someone else won’t need a smile like that, who can’t bestow.

Believe me, my brothers for a century, that laughter and laughter help us, regardless of the fates, to feel better morally and physically, to change our character to the best and take into account other ones that we can also give them.

A smile is an invisible part of a healthy lifestyle. Oskilki biochemical revolution, viklikana with laughter, merrily that grin, about which I have spoken more, may have the same positive effect on the body as a good gymnastics session, laugh!

I often raja to people of a frail age, so they come to me with a scar, that they live in an unreasonable atmosphere, become a center of joy for their household. In the course of a year, a smile, good-naturedness, turn to themselves no less than relatives and loved ones, but for an hour unknown people, yakі require positive emotions. And how happy children are, how my grandmother will be happy and friendly! They have an image of grown-ups in their minds, as if it is easy to go through life, regardless of the problems and the negativity. For whom, the wisdom of the old is to convey to the young generation the important truth: the life of the neobov'yazkovo can be gloomy and joyless, you can go through it all with a smile on the lips.

Physiology of laughter

Smіh є a series of small alternating parts of the scenes in the aftermath of the fleeting shortness of the diaphragm. With every deyakі m'yazi come at the strain, then yak іnshі relax, causing calmness. At the same hour again, which is seen sharply, chimes of voices are heard, and we see the sounds of “ha-ha-ha!” characteristic of laughter. This reflex can have impersonal reasons: an intellectual stimulus (hot, a funny scene or an image) or a physical one (loss), inhaling speech with a cheerful effect (nitric oxide) or inflicting illness (for example, schizophrenics are obsessed with attacks of laughter, inadequate and non-streaming). Wait a minute, it's hard to know between us and the reasons for this.

The meaning of laughter, pronounced by a dictionary, should be succinctly and less visible signs: "... showing a little merriment with the help of characteristic ruffles of the lips, the company is accompanied by urgent sounds." Try to smile, dorimuyuchis tsgo gloomy appointment!

With this, it was established that smіh localizations here are in the sphere of the human heart, but it’s even more important to place it, but install it. The letter and doctor of Francois Rabelais allegedly said that “smikh is power, powerful people”; "And in an hour, perhaps, and creatures," - adding Alain Foke sings.

In the words of Rabelais, it is reminiscent of the appointment of Jules Renard, who respects that “humor is the spiritual power of the mind”. Dr. Rubinshtein's words can be added to everything that has gone wrong, to which, I guess, a lot of modern doctors come: “Smіh is a necessary guide from illness to health; knowing the crossing, go straight, cross that bypass, and help you know the right path.

Healing power of laughter

The old-time Roman doctor Galen stverdzhuvav, that merry women dress up richly for sums. We can, as a whole, carry this vislav to people, regardless of the epoch, like a stink to live. At the XIII century famous surgeon Henri de Mondeville uttered exultation with joy. "The surgeon," he said, "is guilty of protecting his patients from being angry, hating and confusing, gradually telling you that the body is shining in joy and weak in ace."

Do you know what happens in our body, if we dare? What do you know, what should you yourself at this moment inspire at the body, worn by fates, turbots, that robot, blaming miraculous bullshit, how to bring us majestic melancholy?

Smіh purifies that svilnyaє upper dyhalnі paths, which helps to get in with deaky attacks of asthma and bring about the exaltation of emphysema legeni. Seeing a slip, shell juice, the strength of the peristalsis of the duct and intestines, the striae of the liver, the subduct of the duct and the burrows, as well as the lowering of the diaphragm as a result of laughter, are beneficially indicated in our etching. Tsya gymnastics miraculously breaks the herbal tract, ahead of constipation.

If we laugh, our respect rises, our behavior changes, and the chemical processes that go into the brain, the concentration of endorphins - hormones of happiness, like a miracle, nervousness, anxiety.

Smіh zachіpaє musculature, pochinayuchi vіd M'yazіv disguise and ending with m'yazami kintsіvok, including dychalny that black m'yazi. Tse help "wheal that spreads throughout the body."

Cіkavo, scho the center of laughter of roztashovaniya at the right pіvkuli mozku, and even smih call out zovsіm not rozumovі and logical thoughts, but the elements of wild spriynyattya: emotional, explicit, instinctive. We laugh spontaneously and spontaneously to try to explain, or to lay out a funny situation in the fields: what a waste of money! all his comedy.

Why do we laugh?

Smіh z davnіh-daven є nevycherpnoy theme for doslіdzhen, yakі zdebіlskogo vyyavlyayutsya judicious (guess what led to the test of linguists to date the appointed smihu). From Aristotle to Kant, from Spinoza to Baudelaire, including Darwin, Freud and Bergson, a wealth of scholars, philosophers, and writers tried to draw on Gvintiki, a truly enchanting mechanism for a good wide gaiety.

Perhaps, only Rabelais, having come close to the solution great mystery. Taєmnitsі, yaka, it seems, syagaє to roots in the distant past: a prehistoric person laughed at her stove, having not yet learned to speak. Vіn laughing, they themselves remind their opponents that they should not be afraid of them and do not try evil on them.

Otzhe, everything converges: in the old history of the human race, the first thing is, even though the creature is more human, if you start to laugh; and tsey smіh pov'yazany іz emotsієyu, scho winkla at zv'yazku іz zniknennyam nebezpeka. Tse svіlnyayuchy smіh.

The first center of emotions is located in the most ancient part of the brain, which is overgrown with unchanging prehistoric hours.

“We instinctively feel that laughter is a positive emotion,” Dr. Rubinshtein says. - Vіn є є vіdkom vіsnoї epoch, de sense of life was the life of the family, I svіt dilivsya on the black (nezbekata that death) that white (the vіdsutnіst nezpeka, the joy of that life).

And you remembered, that you have grown up, people step by step spend the spirit of joy and laugh, often rest in a sumptuous chi humiliated camp, true to yourself, that there is nothing to be glad of, living life, like that.

What do you need to joke about in life, to make you laugh? It is possible to look around for a long time and laugh, like a child. Sunny beyond the window, to the black sky, and even better to smile.

Adzhe smіh, like the doctors sing, is vvazhaetsya with a light drug, which causes euphoria in the body. І positive infusion of laughter for health is now a scientifically proven fact.

The science of smіhoterapіya, what is it?

The science of smіhoterapіya chi gelotologiya originated in the last century on the American continent, the founder of the psychiatrist William Fry, who carried out scientific research and poured smіhu on healthy people.

The development of the science of gelotology was supplemented by a non-abyadok, which became the editor of one of the journals, Norman Cousins, who, through his ailment, made him change his mind for health.

Vіn buv deliveries to the likarni at the heavy camp іz Bekhterev's ailment, while surviving one person out of 500. The doctors already waved their hand at him, but Norman did not give up.

Lying on a liquor bed, guessing about the science of William Fry, that depression is not possible, it’s ruining the immune system and the whole organism. Having moved at the hotel and under the watchful eye of a watchful woman, majestically unbearable, for a while, I spent some time marveling at comedy films and laughing at the sight of my soul.

After a deaky hour, Kazins began to respect that he had fallen asleep for two more months. I marveled at the films and laughed for 6 years at the harvest, and the ailment entered, and not just entered. Two months later, Kazins will turn to work. Kazins laughed at death and she forgot about her bindings, and laughing therapy vryatulya yoma life.

Tsey vipadok becoming a new post in the development of the science of gelotology. But about the greed of laughter for health, people knew in ancient times:

The Bible says: "Troubled is the spirit to dry the brushes, but the heart is merrier, more beneficial, like faces." Aristotle brought ill health with a smile, Z. Freud also introduced the heat with “devil faces”. Shakespeare uses the following words: “Merry heart, long live,” and in I. Kant: “Laughter gives health, activating all life important processes.”

Maybe, after all, it was not a gift at the royal courts that they served bliss, like hot and contagious laughter, they raised the mood, saving the health of their masters.

Korist smіhu for zdorov'ya

In this way, a computer model of laughter was created, as it shows that during the hour of laughter special things are created, at the sight of impulses, which are beneficially injected into nervous system the robot's brain. To that fahіvtsі recommend to laugh today, to improve the body, improve your mental and physical state:

Сміх - the best faces of sickness

☻ Smіh znіmaє nervovu prugu, depression, stress resistance rises, shards of hormones of joy override the vibrations of hormones in stress. Only one small amount of laughter for a day creates such an effect of relaxation, which can replace a 30-minute session with a psychotherapist.

☻ Under the hour, the health of the immune system is improving, the oscillations are increasing in the production of immunoglobulin, the gamma-interferon is activated, which protects the organism from the vinification of the fluff.

Krіm tsgogo, when smіhu comes out bіl, even once, close to hundreds of m'yazіv in the whole organism begin to rush and vibrate.

☻ Vecheni have brought, that for an hour the blood will become sour, the blood circulation will improve, which will lead to a decrease in the heart mass, it will normalize the pressure, the level of cholesterol will decrease.

Cheerful regіt porivnyuyut іz occupations with physical rights, scho priyat revitalization of the heart system.

☻ Statistics show that you can see the best faces, even more cheerful people are more likely to be ill with heart disease, less frown and angry, and they have heart attacks more easily.

Everything is related to the fact that the period of smіhu zmіhu zmіtsnyuyut kіtiny endothelіyu, yak vistelіnі vnutrіshnі walls of the heart of that ship. And all other ailments among living people are 70% lower, lower among pessimists.

☻ Sprinkle the rejuvenation of the individual. Deyakі zhіnki pomilkovo vvazhayut that sіh zbіh zlіshuє kіlkіst mimіchnyh zmorshok. Really, for an hour of laughter, 17 m'yaziv disguise enter the work, and for an hour of laughter, 80 m'yaziv of that body work.

Hiba can m'yazi, scho pracyuyut, aging faster, lower impractical? This is a kind of toning and rejuvenating exercise for a face and a physical right for the body!

☻ Improves the exchange of speech in the body, which activates the purification process. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya for rahunok chіnі dіhannya, pіd hіv sіhu zadіyanі vіshіnі m'yazi belly, scho aktiviziruet work kіshkіvnik іt legenі.

☻ Smіh may be a psychotherapeutic effect on health, even at the same time, internal complexes are lifted, emotions are weakened, psychological and physical problems are noticed, psychological problems, if the pressure is the best faces for the soul.

☻ A positive mood and a thought are growing, in the meantime, laugh at yourself, building for the sake of the current activity and life. Smіh znіmaє zatiskі like tіlesnі, і emotsіynі і bring the body to the wild relaxation, spryyaє success.

☻ Smіh is looked at as a social factor that unites people, bachachi in order to make a person laugh out of himself, involuntarily chuckle himself.

Vіn helps people to adapt, improve their posture, raise their spirits, relieve negative emotions. Navit strained chuckle in deyakih vipadkah looked like a crack to reconciliation.

Lіkuvannya smіhoterapієyu

In our days, there is a streak of direct smіhoterapії, de smіkh vikoristovuєtsya for health purposes:

Classic smіhoterapіya

Psychologists and gelotologists sing along the path of theatrical forms, reading funny books, watching comedy videos and films, talking about funny vipadki from life, crying out laughter from a person who is sick. Tsey is directly widely spread in the western lands, in Russia it is not so popular yet.

Yoga smihu

Tse directly smіhoterapії having developed the Indian drug Madan Kataria in 1995, which was based on only one dose, called Goodhart's. The essence of yoga is to learn how to laugh, if you are not funny.

For whom it is necessary to arrange a specially developed scheme for carrying out the work. Classes are held in Clubs of Smіhu, which are widely popular in the USA and Western Europe. In Russia, there are only a handful of different clubs, the fahivtsy of which have been trained in American gelotology.

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Likarnyana clownery

Tse smіhoterapіya for children, yak waddled into the right international movement from clowns-volunteers and fahivtsіv from the rehabilitation of children. The stench is practiced at stationary liquoreries, vicorist methods and clowning, game therapy and art therapy.

Tsey ruh also originated in the American circus, de clown Michael Christensen, having started straight away "Swedish service to help the clowns." Rukh shvidko became widened and in other lands.

Rozvinene out of Russia, the founder of our country is rightfully respected by Sedov Kostyantin. Smіhoterapіya for children is practiced in the traditions of the past, together with psychological centers and clearly promotes the effectiveness of the exuberance and dressing of children.

Influx of smіhoterapії on the health of children

  • Smіhotherapy for children
  • develops in children confidence in their strengths and vibes,
  • promotes vitality, adaptation in the team and communication skills,
  • develops inner harmony of vigor and calmness,
  • spryaє development of motor skills ruhiv,
  • develops interest in learning new things.

Children who laugh, have a stronger immune system, rarely get sick with colds.

Possible Skoda is a contraindication for smіhu

At first glance, you can see that you can only see a positive influx without a boundary. It seems that it is not possible to laugh at people for a long time, as if they could have a hernia or a severe illness.

Infectious smіh contraindications in case of legenevyh ailments, vagit women from the threat of vaccination, we are ill in the postoperative period. And yet, the hour of laughter is strained not only by m'yazi disguise, but by the back, chest, diaphragm, empty stomach, which calls out micro-blood braces on the clitin's equal. To solve all smіkh - the best faces.

It's marvelous, but vcheni sing that it's not fun for you, but you laugh through force, wind everything up in your mind, even if the body doesn't understand the laughter, or it's strained.

Pratsyyuyut your own m'yazi, yakі run the same mechanism. Vіn viklikaє so same reactions in the body and in the soul. It confirms such a fact that students from Malaysia in front of the sleepers have the right to cry out special speeches. Those who work diligently, sleep better for others.

That is why these people, who have not been laughing for a long time, who, having learned to laugh, doctors, laugh at each other, squealing zusilla over themselves, vikonuvat smіh as it is right for a sprig of hvilin to sleep.

Remembering the friendly infusion of laughter at the self-feeling people and that її melancholy, bring to work all 80 m'yaziv. Sob the brain was sour with that healthy energy, the whole body was refilled.

Watch the video, let's get contagious laughter:

Smile more often, give one smile to one, laugh at your health and live long!

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As Zarathustra said, a man is guilty of laughing ten times a day, so that at night he doesn’t wind his boat. The healing power of laughter is still at home from ancient hours. Smіhoterapіya continues to gain popularity in the whole world. So, in France there is a school of smіhotherapy and clubs of lovers of smіhu. Members of these clubs will laugh at their ailments and shy away everything in order to bring laughter to the broad masses.

Cheerful faces against depression

to hell

How do people start laughing?

Mustache people in the white world can smile and smile. And they begin to stink just like that, as if I were talking. The first 4-8 years of life, the little ones learn to laugh, marveling at their mother. Until the end of the first month, the child already laughs, and at the age of 2-3 months, it laughs brightly. A six-fold child laughs about 300 times a day. The number of chuckles in the world has grown up is decreasing. The person is attached to the behavior of the otochyuchy, and in addition, the people are merry and serious, lie down and a lot of grins of a huge man, that he is drunk. The average person laughs about 15 times a day. Many of them are worthy of the lack of laughter of one of the causes of health problems.

The following signifies the axis of what: smіkh buvaє raznim. Tse good smіh chi ruyny, radish chi sumny, bad and sensible, vile chi hysterical, cynical and modest. Obviously, not skin raznovid smіhu may have a positive impact on health. Vivchennya vplivu raznogo smіhu self-feeling - the material of further achievements.

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Smіhoterapіya vіd vplyu stresіv

At the process of smіhu mi soon close to 80 groups of m'yazіv, the temperature of the body is moving, the blood pressure is changing. Brain when taking a healthy portion of beta-endorphins - hormones of happiness. The immune system may have the most severe influx. As if a person is filled with laughter, in his organism there is a greater number of cells, which they drive in viruses, and for such tributes, and cancerous cells. Regot creates a kind of “safety valve” in the body, which cuts off the pathways for cortisone and adrenaline - stress hormones. With good laughter, the internal organs are massaged, especially the intestines. Nothing compares to hardships, which regit is an intense emotional-energetic surge.

It has been brought to light that it will improve the quality of life and spry zbіlshennyu yoga trivality. After reviewing the funny video, the depressive state changes by 98%, and 87% automatically evaporates. Zgіdno zdlіdzhennami, optimіst vіdіznyayutsya pіdvishchenoy stіykіstyu to іnfektsiynykh zahvoryuvan.

The editor-in-chief of Saturday Revue, Norman Cousins, over 30 years ago, was looking for help only against an autoimmune disease that attacks the entire body - collagenosis. Having read in someone who has negative emotions that irritate the activity of the endocrine system, Norman has broken the whiskers in someone who has positive emotions stimulating him, then, laughter and positive can help him to breathe. I did not knock!

Such experiences in the past: positively afflicted people get sick more easily for pessimists, and if they have ailments, then it is much easier to endure the stench of them. Age lymphocytes, which protect us from viruses and infections, are activated during the hour of laughter.

Joy, as it seems, calls out a smile. Ale brought a backlash: a laugh at the reflex equal stimulus of endorphins – hormones of joy.

Don't have time for a complete recovery and auto-training? Dedicate 5 credits per day to reviewing comedy photos or videos. Before the speech, qi 5 quills of smіhu, replace 40 quills for repair. To that varto laugh, as if you didn’t sleep. So you relax 80 groups of m'yazіv, give them a full recovery.

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Smіhoterapiya that beauty

People, who often laugh, may look even worse. At the process of smіhu zadіyano mayzhe all m'yazi disguise. Such m'yazi are soon to be born, yaki, equal to others, rarely vicorous. Look at the children! How often they change viraz guise! The vicorist has matured with mimics in the surrounding kilkost. And for free! Vcheni commemorated the interrelation between the activity of malignancies and bleeding in the brain. In addition, the smile of that kindly lady's appearance is more befitting of people, less serious that gloom.

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Smіhoterapіya as a bogus of medicine

Smіh - whole, like a person heaped up by nature itself. If there are no side effects, then it is expected to be absolutely harmless. How is vikoristovu smіhoterapіyu modern medicine?

to hell

Classical cell therapy

Busy psychologist. The stench can be both group and individual. People just laugh (tell jokes, funny vibes from life, hear the contagious laughs of other people, marvel at comedies).

In some countries, such a method is established for an hour of rejoicing of sexual discord, rehabilitation of victims of bribery. Doctors are convinced that they can have a positive impact on people who become ill, which manifest themselves in post-pain symptoms. Smіh easier likuvannya, improving the burning camp of the body, changing the bіl that pushing up to sickness.

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Method of medical clowning

Brigades of clown-drugs work in the whole world. It is important that the stench itself laid the foundations of modern smіhoterapії in the 70s of the XX century. The idea of ​​​​creating a "Swedish clown's help" was realized by Michael Christensen, the founder of the Boston Circus. If his brother died from cancer, he was among a group of comrades who spoke at the hospital in front of sick children. After the death of brother Christensen, I realized that smіhoterapіya is right for all life. Brigades of "Swedish clown help" were organized in New York and other hospitals in Boston, and then the idea was adopted in France, Germany, Brazil. Today, in rich countries, there is an association of clown-medics, as they treat seriously ill children.

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Yoga smihu for the mind and health

Її expanded the doctors in India, having smirked from the dyhal gymnastics. People learn to laugh easily, often unimpressed. Optimizing the breath in the process of smіhu, the person is like a fuller mood and more self-conscious, and normalizes the arterial pressure and blood supply to the internal organs.

In the air, which is to fight for an hour of laughter, it is more trivaly and deep, and it is seen - on the other hand, more short and intense. Come out, when the legends take an hour to do yoga, the smіkhu svіlnyayutsya in turn, speeding up the gas exchange at 3-4 times.

In the classroom, to acquaint people with simple lips, as if helping to bring up the dramatization of that confusion. Navit guessing for a few seconds, as if you laughed not long ago, so brighten up your mood, bring it on even though it was possible to zipsuvati.

to hell

In the face of a smile, a gloomy day is bright!

Vіdoma English command it’s like: “Smile at the lies of khvilin, and you will smile all day long.” The vcheni have been established, that after reviewing comedy films, the rіven of dramatization in a person decreases in a sprat of times. The mood of the doslidzhuvanihs rises to the mind that the stench will not stop marveling at the comedy. Two or three days before the scheduled revisiting, the stinks were angry in the middle of the night, sound lower.

“Smіh for no reason is a sign of a fool,” say a Russian order. Let's not wait. Smіh for no reason is a sign of a burning mood. Ale, among different people, is a drive for laughter, especially, different speeches. What is funny to one, then to another - summarily. Analyze your sense of humor. What will cheer you up? Comedy films, humorous films, KVK, cartoons, video clips? Or maybe a specific showman makes you happy? Why do the curls of the hairy child frighten you? Fix all your guards and beat yourself up for the good. Today, take out your "library of laughter" more fun. And remember: smіh - tse zdorov'ya.

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