Tarot on future online. Witchcraft on Tarot cards: how to know about the future. Let's solve the layout for stosunki

It’s worth doing a folding layout, for the sake of working yoga for people, like you can sing a song. Otherwise, they can blame the difficulties in yogo interpretation. Vorozhinnya vikoristovuetsya for folding the horoscope on singing period hour. In this way, the following food should be set: "Who checks on me for the next 30 days", "Who checks on me in the current rotation" and so on. The horoscope can also be laid out on a sing-song basis. From the layout of the tarot you know about the development, the evolution of your nutrition. Good food: "Let's make friends with me", "Chee me less than love ...", "How to build my career" and so on. For the layout, it is necessary to draw 12 junior arcana and 7 major arcana.

The horoscope can be spread out either on the podium or on the next hour. Therefore, the first 4 major arcana of the tarot describe 4 great periods (either the evolution of the podії, or the timchas vіdrіzka): the cob, the apogee, the schil, the sunset of the sun. At the time of feeding on the podium, schil you can mean pereskoda. The remaining 3 terrible arcana of the tarot describe 3 sharply seen one kind of one period: past, today, future.

12 young arcane symbolically represent 12 months. How far the lasso is known, the greater distant hour of wines is described.

Victory this layout not more often than once per day, you can repeat it more often.

Select forms. Since you have chosen all the cards, you will need to choose a form - a card that shows you at the layout. As from the tables it is impossible to get the age and rank, choose the form only for your status and rank. If the selected card for the form is already in the layout, you will need to replace the card in the layout with the Major Arcana of the Tarot. Mayzhe everything should be done automatically and not in a warehouse of great practice. The form is placed to the center of the layout.

Shortening method of fortune-telling on the future

This is the shortest version of the horoscope for the future, and it is more simple in the layout and interpretation. You can beat the day, for example, the forecast for the day.

Healthy food: "How will this food end up?", "How will this food develop?", "What will we do together?" that іnshі nutrition, yakі can be put for a great way to vorozhіnnya. It is necessary to draw 4 minor lasso and 3 major lasso. The third youngest lasso signifies a shift. If the card at this position was good, there will be no transfer to your path.

Fallen with those food, there is only one suit of young lasso at the rozklad. As a matter of fact, you should be fed by robots, undertakings, kar'єri chi be-yakoy іnshої do it, you are guilty of choosing wands. As you put it on the kohanny, take the bowls. If you need food, be it to fight, to stand, to the process - take swords. Yakshcho have a pittance about pennies, work the layout with pentacles.

Bezkoshtovne divination on Tarot cards online will help you clarify the misunderstandings of nutrition. It is suggested that there are no particular options for tarot-free layouts: a card of the day, a fortune-telling on the situation on one card, "The Tree of Decay" - a layout on a v_dnosini, "If I go abroad", a fortune-telling on a zrada, "Simikintseva Zirka", one of the most important layouts - "These" Priestesses” and others.

With our fortune-tellers on Tarot, you can find out everything about the economy and finance, health and career. You have the opportunity to take into account the reasons for the request, which should be specific in the case of “so” or “n”, and you know what your reason is for pursuing. In addition, you will know here the forecasts for the future, you take away the chance to speed up to the help of horary numerology, and the tarologists-pochatkіvtsі can work out in the meanings of the Arcane deck.

Witchcraft on tarot cards online

What can be important for a hundred dollars with a kohan people! Love itself shovhaє us on the accomplishment of those feats, and її vіdsutnіst pozdavit sleep that appetite. Sing for centuries to sing about her, now running, now waiting one by one. And the theme is not finished.

Having returned to the Tarot fortune teller for a hundred years, you can clarify the heart of nutrition. Tsei rozlad on the Tarot cards is called "The Tree of Decay".

The layout on the Tarot cards "On Kokhanoy" is a miraculous zasіb for z'yasuvannya of a whole spectrum of food, po'yazanih іz a future suit. This fortune-telling is for a girl (woman), as she plans to become a foreigner for a specific person. In 9 positions, all the significant aspects of the near-term prospects of this union are considered, and forecasts are given for the future behavior of the future person for the quiet of other conditions.

What is the problem, caused by foreigners, and if so, then set it up, what do you need to respect, and how can you fix it? The way to comprehend the price is an old witchcraft on Tarot cards.

The Tarot spread online “Which I’ll see I’m over” is a fortune-teller, to allow the mitteva to look at the real state of justice absolutely without cost, to sort out the reasons for the trouble of a special life and to name the closest steps before correcting them.

“It feels like a crazy person before me” is a cost-free online spread on the latest Tarot well, which allows you to predict the prospects of a marriage with a specific person. Vіn fight for vіdnosin, yakі vzhe began to form (otherwise, the prospects are up to the mark).

What can be scary for tsyu nevodomist - "Bula Zrada chi not Bula"?! Such thoughts make you sleepy and your appetite, daunt you to spend faith in the right drink and certainty ... In such moods, it is necessary to indulge yourself quickly. I would like to, so that mothers can live normally, and they will live their future. I ce without a cost online fortune teller on the Tarot cards will give you an insight into such an ambiguous food.

Tsey layout on Tarot cards - What do you think about me? - an effective helper at the folding moments of life, if you don’t understand, you simply don’t know how to put a kokhan on a person before you. This is a cost-free online service, which will help you to understand something new at a given moment and, obviously, understand, how to behave, to correct the situation.

You know what you think about two people, especially when it comes to language love notes, Chimalo lie in your names? What degree of mutual understanding can be developed on Tarot cards? On our site, you can pass an online test for the sum of names of a friend and love with your partner (or partner), which one tells you, how the Tarot system interprets your names, and how you go one by one.

Witchcraft on the future - Tarot spread online

Our life is basically made up of daily routine and rubbish, day after day, hurry up, think, work hard, make a decision. How to live this day, so that tomorrow for the new one there was no cover, rubbish, cover? Vidpovіd tse pitanya vycherpno give the card of the day - Tarot and її charіvna power of transmission of the future. In this way, the Tarot card appears as an objective guide and a friendly helper.

Know the forecasts for a few days buvay anіtrohi not less relevant, lower on the river chi two ahead. Adzhe praise the decision every day. First of all, the mother is aware of the scorching atmosphere of the nearest season, taking into account the joy of being guarded for a skin day means taking away the ability to think through one’s actions a little ahead of time, transferring one, obviously, from impersonal options to one’s own best. "Simikintseva Zirka" is a cost-free online fortune-telling in the near future, as it gives such a chance.

Rick is a great term. And for the whole hour, maybe a lot of something - great kohannya, that kar'erny zlіt, relocation, and change of work. The fortune-telling "Circular layout" will help you to understand, on the very check of the next twelve months, which stinks will be marked. You will walk through the skincare of them online, and I will allow you to understand in one piece, as you yourself should follow what you need to unique and what you should respect. Later, the axis of wines is a costless way to reveal the veil of mystery, as soon as you stand in front of us at the sight of hopes, fighting that transition from the black life cycle.

The Celtic cross is a universal zasib for the perfection of food. The Celtic cross online is free of cost - it is possible to koristuvatysya with it constantly. Set your thoughts on food and make a layout. Everything is even simpler - one click of the mouse and the axis is already in front of you the picture of the situation, which embraces all aspects.

The tarot forecast for the date of the birth on the river is a test method of transmission, which before then gives the possibility of a universal analysis of the time period. We teach you to correctly unravel the number of your Arcanum, under the infusion of which you happen to live with a stretch of advancing fate. And if you don’t have enough time to read your forecast, which one - and in the absence of any reasonable sums - will give garnu zhu for deep thoughts. In a word, respect, read and get ready to live alone - maybe, not easy, but maybe, on the contrary, more successful - the fate of your life.

Tse - online distribution for a share. Vіn vengeance for about a dozen of the positions, in some of them it is prima facie on all the main nutrition, that they praise the people, if they try to think and comprehend their life as a whole. Hurry up to him, so that you can signify yourself with your abilities, find out what you can claim in your career for a special life, s'yasuvati, like in the past, invest in your life at once, understand that you don’t want to “get excited”, bo marno …

Divination for nutrition and the meaning of Tarot cards

The “Pidkova” layout is the best way to collect inputs on specific practical food. You can fight on the Major Arcana of the Tarot, it consists of 7 positions, in which the prospects of what was conceived, can be folded, connected with its implementation, problems, which are not seen in the past, and still can be thrown into something new, etc. Tse bezkoshtovna online fortune-telling, which you can boldly cherish forever, if you blame the sumnіvi chi worries about how to do it, fix it, fix it.

Diagnosis of Auri on Tarot cards is an emergency of its kind dopomoga shvidka”, if you want to quickly take a fresh picture of your energy state. The layout examines the key aspects that are possible for possible positive influences on your biopoly, become auri at once and give recommendations about those who work, for example, you have problems with your plan. The layout is processed in online mode and it can be done absolutely without cost.

Popular witches

Divination on the tarot cards Zen Osho "Prophecy" - tse Swedish way razіbratisya in a situation, otrimati porada or deciphering a dream or bachennia in mediation. Commentary on the Zen philosophy card will help you understand the motives and the image that the card carries.

Vorozhinnya on the stove of the prophets - a quick and easy way to recognize that you are being checked for in the future korisna porada chi guard against the greater forces. Our online fortune-telling has been selected for the sake of, transferring and guarding various topics. Do you want to find out who checks on you? Just press on the stove, so that you can break yoga and take away the leaf from the prophecy.

Tse fortune-telling on domino brushes allows you to know about the future of the nearest and distant future. You can recognize the skin brush until the day of tomorrow and take into account the forecast for tomorrow, you can recognize how the situation develops, step by step, how to click, starting in the wake of today's events and ending the rose-final in the future. One and the same brush can be included in the spread of a sprig of times - it means that it’s worth it, like transferring a brush to a house in the near future, or else, you should add respect to this value.

One of the oldest mountains of Domino is closely related to the witches, as it vibrated on the brushes from the dotted numerals. The fortune-telling on one stone of the domino helps to transfer the share, to find out about the attachment and important podії, as soon as it turns out, or the axis-axis will be, and the most important answer to the question “Who checks on me?”. In order to take care of your speech - choose one of the 28 domino brushes.

Byzantine vorozhinnya - one of the options for vorozhinnya for the help of gravel brushes and schemes. Cube threechidaetsya on the table and borrows one of її 15 sectors. For the skin skin, the table may have its own interpretation for the skin segment. Otzhe, the first throw of the cube will show that you are checking in the nearest future, the other throw - like a ward to save in the taєmnitsі and the third - like a change to see your life without a hitch.

Vorozhinnya, like she was in love with the Empress Catherine II, like a rebuke, we forgive her. 40 symbols were depicted on 40 cards, which were classically deciphered, prote for a specific situation could mothers direct meaning and designate for yourself those that are depicted on them. From 40 inverted tops, three cards were selected, stalely in the form of food, what to call, interpreted the result. try tse vorozhinnya for transferring the share or clarified food, what to call you.

The fortune-telling on the Tarot cards “For Happiness” shows how lucky you are and self-sufficient people. For the help of this layout, you will know who or what will save your happiness, and what you will respect, what you need for happiness and what kind of forecast for the nearest future for you. Concentrate and put your supply, then choose 9 cards from the deck.

The layout of the Tarot cards “Simka angelіv” is ideal for clarifying the situation, predicting the development of the future and the analysis of the most important valleys of the past. For the help of this virtual fortune teller, you can find out about the reason for this situation, and also find out how it will end. Think about your food and choose cards from the deck.

The "Mokuso Joy" fortune teller is one of the oldest national fairy tales in Japan. This fortune-telling is similar to the fortune-tellers behind the book of changing the I-ching, the protection of coins is taken for granted. bamboo sticks with symbols applied to them - a dot or two dots. Fallow in the sequence of symbols that were falling, there will be a figure, the skin may have its own meaning. Set your nutrition and read the decryption, what was for you.

Tibetan magic on Mo cubes, like viniklo shche in ancient Tibet and swear by its roots in mystic Buddhist culture, like every kind of magic is aimed at pershu black to transfer the future, destined important nuances from the present, and also rose from the last, the worst situation. The old-fashioned wisdom of Tibet shows you the need to set up to the quietest of the surroundings of your life and to please the region of life with respect and respect. Bazhano before the cob of fortune-telling go through meditation with relaxation, in order to decipher the fortune-telling correctly.

Vorozhinnya on two stone brushes "Who will be here?" aimed at those who want to show the attachment, but also to chime in the nuances. All in all, in one phrase, there may be great wisdom, but if you don’t understand it, you can easily understand how deciphering the spell is. Think of your food and press it on the bottle to roll the dice.

Vorozhinnya on two gravestones "Prophecy" allows you to know who is checking on you, what your fortune is going to be, or take the joy to the day. On the vіdmіnu vіd a simple witch on three cubes here, krim sumi, the numerical value of skin brushes is awarded. Think of your food and press it on the bottle to roll the dice.

Vorozhinnya on three grave brushes "On the future" - just a fortune teller, as if transferring not far from the future, gives joy, or the guard, or it shows you the nuances that are unknown at the given hour, like they may mean the meaning. For the cob of magic, get in the middle and put your food and press on the flask to mix the brushes.

The Egyptian goddess Heket, who was depicted by a looking toad, helped the spirits of that spirit in the sweating world. The layout itself guesses the possibility of straightening the frog's haircut and straightening on the transfer of the share of that future. The layout will show you the nuances and nuances for you in the present, the future and the past, and also explain to you what to bring the situation to the situation and what the situation is going to be like. Put your question and choose five cards from the deck.

Arrangement of cards Lenormand "Your light" of appointments for a short. but not less informative than the forecast of the nearest and the distant future. For help online fortunetelling You can find out what they are checking for you, how they will develop, what a surprise they are checking for you, and to what everything will lead. Likewise, cards give joy, as varto is carried out for reaching the mark, or intimidation of inaccuracies. Before the cob of a fortune tell a person, on the yak you will tell a fortune and choose cards from the deck.

The layout of the Tarot cards "Peretin" of orientations to the transfer and analysis of life situations, which may be important for a person. The essence of this fortune-telling is manifested in your life, as if you are in a situation that you praise, as you can win over, and as if you are able to grow for yourself. Before the cob of the witch, put your food and then choose nine cards from the deck.

Divination on the oracles of Endori "The Oracle of the World" is similar to the similar fortune-tellings of "Chotiri Vitri", but it gives more information about the physical and spiritual spheres. For the help of this layout, you can recognize the same characteristics of the special features of three hourly guards: today, past that future. To complete the universal layout allows you to find out the development of the future, to recognize the reason for that chi іnshoy vchinku and situation, and also to transfer to what the situation will bring for you, or how to blame the person in the future.

The fortune-telling on the oracles of Endori "The Oracle of Chotirokh Seasons" wins in quiet moments, if it is necessary to explain the reason for the situation, as it has disappeared into the near past, which served as the foundation for the distant past, as the trend on the right may be learning to complete its development not far away distant future. It is also possible to make guesses without intermediary for 4 seasons of rock, in this case, chotiri cards characterize the bottom, the bottom and the top of the spring season. get in the middle and put your food, then choose cards from the deck.

Dear Nadia, good evening! It’s impossible to make it easy, be kind, take a look at my cards! Cholovik 2 months ago raptovo sign, wanting everything to be good with us. I do not stop relying on those who will clear everything up
How does someone feel about me? 5 cups, Ace of denarii, 5 denarii
Why do you need a new year's bell? 7 cups
What do you want with me? The top of the denarii, 2 wands, King of swords
What do we work? Sun, Justice, 2 cups
What checks me with him? 7 cups, 6 denarii, 7 wands
I will be grateful for advice!


Hello Vika! You are confused in your history. You want to roam...at your own appearances and feelings to you and reality. We are also embarrassed by the fact that yogo diligent contributions of zusilla to tsі vіdnosini appeared to be maritime (from the yogo point of view). Between you there is no spirituality and a connection on equal space, high and unvagomous association. It has been replaced by pure practicality and bantering distant views of the soul. Imovirno, your bachelor life is strongly shaken by the fact that you drink wine. That is why you check your re-evaluation of your appearances and sizing about you like a couple and about a new one and defending your ideals and values ​​after that, like wines turn to you. This is a turn, not for the sake of a thorn and a burden, but for some kind of reformatting of you and yours with him, it’s worth it ...


Dyakuyu, Nadia! We really didn’t have any love, just like that, friends with benefits, only I got attached to the new one, and I’m guilty of it and having shown that my soul dragged me to me, but I suspected that everything was a bummer. I don’t know how the new one had a manifestation ... I thought that I needed everything, but I didn’t need anything. Well, let's see what will be given. One more time dyakuyu!


Good afternoon. Be amazed by the layout. I've known this person for a long time. There were no intimate stosunkiv. Flirt inod. At the same time, we get close, like friends. Ale sincerely. Vіn poobіtsyav me a gift, dear dear. I am a trifle of zbentezheny. Razumіyu, that people do not bestow such a gift for a garni. Roughly kazhuchi budinok. I'm not free, I'm free.
How do you follow me? 7 swords, page of cups, sam_tnik
With what method do you want to earn this gift? 4 pentacles, 3 wands, face of swords
Vіn zrobit tsey gift? Page of wands, light
Do you want to show me as a gift as a present, what is being seriously put before me? Zirka, 9 pentacles, face of wands
What are you planning for me? 4 swords, queen of wands, wheel of fortune
What do you feel in the new before me? Priestess, 8 of wands, face of pentacles


On the supply of chi, rob a gift, having seen the page of the cups and the world


Good day! You have not a simple layout, Olgo. Deyakі nutritious, require a shorter opening, tk. only for tsim cards, it's easy to get pardons. I don’t have time to think about the subtleties of their cunning gossip. I will say only that I am not honest with you, and I will follow it like a flirtatious number. Vin just wants to give you hope, showing his death to you, ale, trust you, not a trace. A lot of negative cards for you.


Like stosunki we will have for the future?
2cube, 6cube, number
Vіdnosini to get rid of the past? 6 cube each


Hope, tell me, be kind!
Nutrition, why am I unacceptable MCH? - Ace of cups.
Do you want to call me? - King of Cups.
Do you want to continue the conversation? - King of Cups.
Am I youmu tsikava? - Three swords.
What is the possibility of continuing the conversation? - Ace of cups.
I would like to help you in interpreting.
I think I'm MCH tsikava, but like a female necikava.


Ni. Why did you take it? You are just in the strongest state of humiliation and discord, but at the same time you feel even stronger positive emotions that are almost up to you. Tobto, with him at once, it happened that he didn’t let you see them.


І 2 more meals. I signed up for a 2-month training about the relationship between a man and a woman, about spitting fathers into the lot of children too thin.
1 What can training give me? rises, emperor, month
2. Can I change my life and my svetoglyad after a new one? 6 cups, 9 cups, priestess


Hello, I ask roztlemachiti rozlad. I'm at the top of my head, but my cholovik is at the position of "inactivity", I'm good, I'm not, I'm good. I already want singing, but don’t give me wine.
1. Do you want to fight me with your squad? jack denariev, month, 3 cups
What do you really want to see me? jack denariev, 10 cups.
2. About the amount of food. I know that in a special May, there is a sadness.
Would you like to redeem stosunki with me? 10 swords, mage, maker of cups.
What do you really want to see me? 4 swords, 10 swords, 6 denarii.
3. Zustrich I tshogo fate of a future person? 7 swords, king of swords, 10 denarii.
I am following your advice.


Good afternoon. I would like to understand how people are put. Yak until a friend chi є pochutya? Tsіkavo, what kind of fears?
How about me? 4 wands, 3 cups, 10 pentacles
What are my fears? 10 swords (2 times), 2 cups
Are you more like me than me? Ace of wands, page of dezlіv, chariot
Why do you check for me? Empress, 7 swords, 4 swords
Why did you do it to yourself yesterday? Samіtnik (2 times) face of cups
Why do I need a new check until the end of the month? Sun, Rise, Ace of Pentacles


You are afraid that you will cheat and plan on blue, (in fact, you think positively about your relationship with you and want a lot of normal ones) good luck at the prospect) will be zruynovanі and all pragnennya that bazhannya, go "to the cat pid khvist". Imovirno, you're cold. Like so. then the reason for yoga behavior is good for ciomu.


Good afternoon! I energized the cards of a good friend. Chi varto get close to him? Court. Five Wands. Ten Cups.


I thought, scho varto trohi to clarify the situation. Tse people work with me at the courthouse. Vіn at the same time rob repair in my house. And as soon as I get closer, then only after I finish the job, I will pay more. So far I have paid less than 50%. I didn’t want to, if a person thought that I went for the sake of saving. The amount for the work in me has already been deposited.


Good day!
I can’t lie, chi varto continue the conversation with a person. At once, I’m on the vіdstanі, I’m checking for a new one, ale chi varto. Maybe I spend more than a gift for an hour that nerves.
What can I bring to me from him? Death, peace, justice, wheel of fortune.
Behind the hell!


Good day! I think that your inaccuracies are on the right Timchasova.


Help ra ... tisya. After me, a girl ruled in the office, I was honored, and I, having become to look after her, it was welcome, I agreed with each other. She didn’t reach closeness on the right, then she said that she didn’t need anything like that, even if we were both in a hat.
There was a pause for an hour, and then I continued to look at all the powers that be, surprisingly, without swearing. Then everything began to spin anew with us, and in a short hour it began to change again, although we didn’t cook and nothing like that.
Axis suggest chi varto me rozrakhovuvat on reciprocity and chi suits me and not just my identity. And why did she blame everything.


Great dyakuyu, straight easier it became.


Volodymyr, besides the fact that you described the situation, you yourself need to draw cards for food, like chirping.
Food - map. І write here.
How to get out before me? - map
Why did you blame it?
What will our brethren have? - map

I, check, our master tarot readers will give you an answer.


I got lost myself. By setting the food in the designated order.
1. 10 swords.
2. Four Denaries.
3. Woman of Wands.


Good day! You don’t want to waste those who can at once and try to save, wanting to know that your reception is good, that’s right. Prote, pripinennya vіdnosin іz you - її svіdomlene i vіlove sіshennya tk. understanding that the maximum that you can reach is not those that you need.


Good day!
Powered chi zdast syn ЄDI z Russian - the top of the wands.
Cancel the certificate of that year - the number of cookies
It's all so bad with us ... Rostlumachte, be kind, I don't know what's going on with the blue. I'll be hot


Natalya, your cards, do not show catastrophes, such pessimism? It is necessary for you to engage in ROBOT in order to improve the result, because the possibility of flying, nevertheless, є.


Hello, shovni tarologists!
I ask your help in interpreting.
I asked, what would you write less?
10 Cups, 5 Wands, Judgment
Behind the hell!


I think you should write a little more than that, how to solve a problem for yourself.


Good day! This day we meet with the old we know, since we walked together, and wine, it appears, we are serious. For yoga words, schos pobachiv me. I'm zdivovana, why are you on your guard. Nadiya, ryatite, be kind. What do you know, what can you be true? And what will I do, what will it be like to go to the sea from him? All the information about the know:
1. How to set up? 8 Wands, death, 6 Wands (Death is true, put nutrition with a rub: chi s / o, chi so ...)
2. What is the perspective of stosunkiv? Litsar Kubkiv, 5 Kubkiv, 3 Kubkiv
3. What is the check on me in life, if I will be with him? Magician, vezha, Ace of Cups
4. What will I do, if I go with him to the sea? 4 swords, Blazen, 3 swords
And besides... If my wife told me that here at once I will get to know my man. Chi wine?


Vibachte, Nadia. I will add. I made a layout of "three cards on a special table" - is that right? Do you need to draw 3 cards for 1 meal? How is it correct?


Nadiya) Spilled some more from him. You know, but at the same time, talk about the sea with me. Maybe it’s wine itself, it’s more that Yogo has been healed to the point of reason, without hurrying. I'm just friends with him. Ale thought for the most part with a human little girl. At the same time, the wines do not stably let me out of respect, support calls, write, call. Yalova don't care about my reaction?
1. Why talk about the sea (spilna trip) - Priest, Ace of Swords, Chariot
2. What do you want in our vіdnosin -9 Denariyiv, 7 Mechiv, Zirka
3. Yaki in a new place (alcohol, greed, voluptuousness) - Devil, Increases, 7 Mechiv


Shanovni tarologists, be kind, help me understand, what can I do for a proposition about a job.

Can I trust my instincts with someone who cares about what decision? 8 cups
What checks me if I'm good enough for this job?
How to develop stosunki with the boss? Utrimannya
Chi can I speed up for my own freedom, how can I get a job? 6 cups
If I can wait for this proposition, I will not be tied until the next month, I can live, I want to. I have the ability to live in three places, powered by what I check in my skin. Which of these options is better for me?
M-Tuz Denariyev
P - 8 wands
I am the world


Hello, please tell me what the cards mean. My friend got to know a man in social media. Win a foreigner, cry її to the new arrival. What do you want in the form of a friend-face of wands, 3 wands, Bashta. How will this adventure end for her - the ace of swords, 10 cups, Death. Dyakuyu.


What can I do on a robot? King of swords, zaїzdu, 7 of pentacles
Why did the woman's half turn on me? 3 pentacles, 7 swords, 9 wands
How does the situation develop over the course of a month? Blazen, 5 wands, 10 cups
How the situation develops in the long run. 2 tyzhniv? 7 Pentacles, 3 Swords, 6 Wands


Hello Nadia!
I ask for your help with the clouded ones, and I am already following your advice! I’m with the girl, I’m happy, showing sympathy, interest, not taking away the bazhanikh diy from the friend, freaking out and znik, є vіdchutya unfinishedness, or maybe winding myself up. I am repeat.
Yogo pochutya - Lady of Swords, Ace of Denariyiv, 10 Cups
Who am I for the new-4 Wands, Empress
Yogo Bazhannya - Zakokhanі, Mage, Ace of Cups
Future will show the initiative-Empress, 7 Cups, 6 Cups
Step over your principles-6 Denariiv, King Denariiv, 9 Cups


Nadiya also tried to put two pits:
Yake decision vіn having accepted us - 10 Cups, Increases, Vershnik Denariyev
Vіn having put a spot for himself shodo me - King Denariyiv, Mіsyats, Zakohani
Thank you for your respect, for your respect!


1. yaki prospects with a robot
samіtnik justice page of swords
2. What are the prospects for a job in B:
page of swords page of swords Blazen
3. What are the prospects for losing in A:
lady denarіїv page of wands judgment 5 wands
4. what checks through a check with a robot
5 swords 10 swords 7 cups
5. I have eaten 1 meal. Veresny's contract ends, like prospects with a robot
7 wands queen of cups 8 wands 8 denarii page denarii
You don't look too far. Can you tell Nadia details?


Good day, please tell me what the cards mean. Dyakuyu


Nothing good, they don't check on you. You do not show value for the new one. Soon you will switch to whom.


Dyakuyu, Nadiya, for such a swede, you are told.
So, it’s possible that wines are doubtful. And the reason can be like a friend of a woman (if you want wine, there won’t be more hundred there, you have an intimate plan), so are those who are on the vіdstani at once. Having voiced what is not inscribed, what can I do yogo check
What is the reason for this sumnivіv schodo development of our vineyards? light, 9 cups, lady of cups
Є perspective sleepy life with him? woman of wands, 8 swords, priest
How do you feel about the new one? 8 swords, 10 denarii, king of denarii


On skilki I will understand the map, the wine of friendship and at the same time I will learn the term. To that, neither with the retinue nor with you, you can not fight. Up to you, at the new one, there is an emotional whimsicalness and, perhaps, like a love, but not strong enough. Vin is really worried that you won't get it. Before the squad, yoga setting, you can call it comfort. Tobto. I do mind, for those who do good. In a fair way, the wine is not yours and not the squad. Possibly, alcohol, yoga is a good thing.


I'm not at the v'yaznitsa, but I can tell the world what the term is).
Up to me, I can’t really come yet, and I don’t understand the axis, like a shift for justrichi with a retinue, I already thought a lot about it.


How can you write in more detail de vin? On the right, in what is right for you and for her, the situation is similar for him. Before you, you can’t spend wine through the exchange of rights, but through the rules, it’s possible, some good understanding of what is possible, and what is not. With her wines do not succumb to the possibility of making a family connection. DO NOT understand how you can grow in the minds that have formed. In fact, this problem is more due to the minds of those who see it, lower from the old minds and surroundings.


Hello Nadia.
Vіz іnshої kraїni, v'їzd to my kraїni yomu timchasovo zakritiy.
Druzhina in the new there, as far as I understood yoga, the stench did not live at once. she did not want to move with him. The stench is singing, they have a sleeping child. І pereshkod zustrіtisya with her at the new vzagalі mute.
Axis I think, chi not virish vin turn to her.


If I correctly understand the picture, for the new one it’s still a folding camp, it’s possible to change it. With her, through family values, (for example, a child), and behind you, to that you are on the vіdstanі, that like a kokhan woman, for life, you do not look at wine. Vee for the new one is a good kohanka, with which it is handy and є to whom to heal the head, like that. I think that at once, like a team of people, you will not. Hiba scho splkuvannya is possible, in the format of friendship.


Nadia, hello! Help me understand the types of cards.

Situation: blue at the cob stage with a human. In the rest of the hour, I felt guilty that the speed of our splintering was getting worse. Virishila put you straight food about tse, vіn vіdpovіv, sho just arrange it, there was no such thing.

How do you put yourself in front of my food? Ace of Cups
For yoga behavior buv namir vіddaliti me vіd yourself? 3 cups
For the new road, our splkuvannya? Vezha
What do you think they gave to work with our stosunki? 4 cups
How will our stature develop until the end of summer? Ace of Wands


Win to fool you. Є іnshi zhіnkі і stosunkіv z you, аbout yaki you write, practically mає, whіch hіvnі can look like this, nіbi everything is good. Tobto, because of this, in the sexual plan, and while it is so, you should try to develop your splintering, harass you, ale, rozrakhovuvat on the new one, you don’t varto.


Good day, I got to know the lad on the Internet, from a different place, we made acquaintances, and we got to know each other.
Powered: what will be the hundred litas?
Strength, 8 denar, 9 wands
Will you have sex with him?
Jack of swords, chariot, ace of wands
How to be placed before me?
Chariot, blaze, emperor
I've become worthy (


Maro, you have awakened a passion for the new and a bazhannya cіkavo for yourself to spend an hour with you. In general, if you want the same, what and you, but, practically everything that I can say about yoga, I feel that you are welcome.


Sides: 1

A way to look into the future for additional Tarot cards that came to us from the Middle Europe. The symbolism of the cards instilled in itself the great wisdom of the past, and for a long time the fortune-telling on such a deck was a share of the believers, it was compared to the taєmnyh knowledge, inaccessible to the zvichaynіy people.

A standard Tarot deck includes 78 cards, which, in their turn, are divided into two types: young and senior arcane. The young arcane is represented by 56 cards of several suits, which can be matched with the suits of the grand deck: Wands (clubs), Swords (spades), Denarii (tambourines), Cups (worms). Leather suit, similar card cards give me your numbering. The cards of the major arcana are not numbered: the skin of them has a unique and may well symbolic image and name.

How to recognize the future for Tarot cards

Before that, how to proceed to the tarot spell, you need to take into account an important moment: the same card cannot be unambiguously clouded. The sense of the card is seen less in the distribution, then in the totality of the number of cards. Therefore, the magician’s meta is to insert the interrelationship of these symbols, to make a whole picture and correctly interpret it. Interactions with Tarot cards, as a rule, inspire intuition and activate your knowledge, like mortgages in our forefront. Itself for the help of the inner one, it seems like a person to tumble the layout.

Interpretation of folded layouts for the sake of fundamental spiritual preparation and a little knowledge. Ale, just lay it out, with which it is easy to navit a person, as if the fortune-teller took up such a thing.

The layout, about which it is possible, helps to look into the nearest future, work hard, how to blame you on the way, and choose the right way for them.

Take a deck of young arcane cards (56 cards) on the back. It is necessary to draw 4 positive cards from it. Lay them out at the shape of a cross, filling up the empty space in the center, in an offensive order: first - left-handed, friend - right-handed, third - beast, fourth - bottom. After that, win two cards from the deck of the major arcana and place them near the center.

It is important to marvel at the layout that you see, and start interpreting yoga, starting from the first card.

  • The first card shows you how much you can do in order to achieve success in thinking right. The symbol indicates a fortune-telling for those who dare to you quickly come to the mark.
  • Another map shows you to cross the path to the mark. The symbolism will show you how far you have to prepare yourself, so that you will be able to successfully overcome difficulties.
  • The third card shows the reason, through which you can act as planned. Having analyzed її, you will know what the warto fear the most.
  • The fourth card shows a way to solve possible problems. Give me special respect: the correct clouding of the fourth card will help to overcome difficulties.
  • Two cards of the major arcana, which are located in the center, are turned into the rest of the card. They p_dbivayut the residual result of the fortune, and v_shchuyat the final result of the possible life situation. You can read the darkness of the senior arkanіv, having gone through the prayers.

    Do not forget about those who are rich in what you need to lie in front of yourself: in the light of your inner state, I will become that mood. Do not sit for a spell in a filthy mood, and in the process do not obmirkovyte problems - otherwise you risk vitlumachiti everything in a negative light and create your own problems one by one. We wish you a lucky sign, and do not forget to hit the buttons and

    19.10.2015 00:20

    Professional tricks prove that a skin deck of Tarot cards has its own terms of applicability. For anyone...

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