Chemistry. Abstract: Chemistry to us

Intro. 2

Paper and olives. eleven

Sklo. 13

Mila and Miyuchi take care of it. 17

Khimіchnі zasobi hygiene and cosmetics. twenty

Chemistry in agriculture. 24

A candle is an electric light bulb. 26

Chemical elements in humans. 29

Wikoristan literature. 33


Everywhere, no matter where you look, we will be taken away by the objects of that variety, prepared from speeches and materials, like taken at chemical plants and factories. Besides, in everyday life, I don’t suspect it myself, skin people are working chemical reactions. For example, washing away with a sweetheart, learning from victories of miyuchyh zabіv that іn. When lowering a piece of lemon into a flask of hot tea, it becomes weakened - tea here plays the role of an acid indicator, similar to litmus. A similar acid-base relationship is manifested when wetting the octotom of the cut black cabbage. Housewives know what cabbage is with whom erysipelas. Burning sirnik, mixing sand and cement with water, or quenching water with water, scorching the fire, we can help it, and sometimes we can add a folded chemical reaction. Explanation of cihs and other broader chemical processes in the life of a person - the share of fahivtsiv.

Cooking їzhi - tse also chemical processes. It’s not for nothing that female chemists are often good cooks. To be honest, cooking food in the kitchen is the best way to achieve organic synthesis in the laboratory. Just replace the flasks and retorts in the kitchen with vicarious saucepans and frying pans, and also some autoclaves near the looking pressure cookers. Not varto gave a chance to overhaul the chemical processes, like to spend people in everyday life. It is more necessary to indicate that different chemical reactions occur in great numbers of living organisms. The processes of mastering life, wild creatures and people are based on chemical reactions. The growth of a small blade of grass and a mighty tree is also based on chemical reactions.

Chemistry is a science, an important part of natural science. Strictly kazhuchi, science can not alienate people. It can be learned from the results of a practical study of science. Tse clarification is more suttive. In this hour, you can often say a little: “chemistry zapsuvala nature”, “chemistry zabrudnil water and made it unsuitable for victoria”, and so on. Actually, the science of chemistry here is not up to what. People, victorious results of science, rottenly formalized their technological process, without exception they set themselves up to the highest safety rules and up to environmentally acceptable norms of industrial discounts, unpretentiously and superficially vicoristized goodness in the country’s rural areas and for the sake of the protection of the roslin in the bur’yanniks. Be it science, especially natural science, it can be good or bad. Science is the accumulation and systematization of knowledge. Insha river, like and with some method, the values ​​of knowledge are victorious. However, it is already necessary to accumulate in the culture, qualifications, morality and morality of people, which do not look like, but victorious knowledge.

Modern people cannot do without products of chemical industry, just as they cannot do without electricity. Such is the situation itself with the products of the chemical industry. It is necessary to protest not against some kind of chemical warfare, but against their low culture.

The culture of a person is a folding and diverse understanding, under which such categories are blamed, as a smart person to behave in a suspіlstі, correctly lead one’s own mother, stezhit for the ohajnistyu of one’s clothes with a sultry look etc. However, we often talk and feel about the culture of everyday life, the culture of warfare, the culture of the military state, etc. True, if we talk about culture Ancient Greece but in the early civilizations, then we’ll think about the crafts, how the people of that epoch made it, how they celebrated the practice, how they were able to be, how they could embellish life and things.

A lot of important chemical processes for people were discovered long ago before chemistry took shape in science. Significant number of chemical vodkrittiv bula was crushed by guards and dope artisans. The numbers passed down to family clan secrets, and not all of them reached us. Part of the bula was spent for the people. It was necessary and brought to showcase the grandiose practice, create laboratories, which other institutes for revealing the secrets of the ancient maestros and yogo scientific clouding.

Those who don’t know how the power of the television is rich, but successfully swear by it. However, if I know how to build a TV set, no one will start the correct operation. So with chemistry. Understanding the essence of chemical processes, with which we are familiar with everyday life, can bring people more mischief.


Water on a planetary scale. Since ancient times, people have given great respect to the water, the shards were kindly aware that there, no water, no life. In dry land, grain can lie in rich rocks and germinate less in the presence of water. See that water is the widest speech, The earth is divided evenly unevenly. On the African continent and Asia, majestic expanses, free water, are empty. Tsila country - Algeria - live on imported water. Water is delivered by ships to the coastal regions and islands of Greece. Sometimes there water costs more than wine. For the tribute of the Organization of the United Nations, 1985 2.5 billion people of the earth's coolest people have seen a misfortune in clean drinking water.

The surface of the earth's kuli is 3/4 covered with water - oceans, seas; lakes, ice rinks. For a great amount of water, water is found in the atmosphere, as well as in the earth's crust. The total reserves of free water on the Earth will be 1.4 billion km 3 . The main amount of water is found in the oceans (about 97.6%), when looking at the ice on the planet, water is 2.14 %. The water of rivers and lakes becomes less 0.29 % and atmospheric water - 0.0005 %.

In such a rank, water is found on the Earth in post-Yoyny Rus. The middle hour of її perebuvannya in the atmosphere is estimated at 10 debami, although it changes with the latitude of the month. For the polar latitudes, it can be 15 decibels, and for the middle latitudes - 7 decibels. Changes of water in the rivers are carried out on average 30 times per river, then the skin is 12 days. Vologa, which is avenged by the soil, is upgraded for 1 river. The waters of flowing lakes are exchanged for dozens of years, and stagnant lakes for 200-300 years. The waters of the ocean of light are renewed in a flash for 3000 years. From these numbers you can take into account the information about those, how many hours are needed for purification with water. Less than memory is needed, that the river seeps out of the zabrudnenny lake, the hour of self-purification is marked by the hour of self-purification of the lake.

Water in the human body. It is not easy to see that a person is approximately 65% ​​made up of water. For the last century, water in the body of a person changes. The embryo is formed from water by 97%, in the case of a newborn it is 75%, and in a mature person it is close to 60 %.

In a healthy organism, mature people are afraid to become water equal to the water balance. Vono believes in the fact that the amount of water, how the person lives, the old amount of water, which is born from the body. Water exchange is an important storage exchange of speeches of living organisms, zocrema and people. Water exchange includes the process of soaking water, as it should be near the boats during pitta food products, Rozpodіl її in organisms, seen through nirks, sichovіdnі ways, legends, skins and intestines. It should be noted that water dissolves in the body after oxidation of fats, carbohydrates and proteins taken by the body. Such water is called metabolic. The word metabolism resembles Greek, which means change, transformation. In medicine and biological science, metabolism is the name given to the processes of transformation of speech and energy, which underlie the life of organisms. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are oxidized in organisms to water H 2 Pro and carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) CO 2. With the oxidation of 100 g of fat, 107 g of water is absorbed, and with the oxidation of 100 g of carbohydrates, 55.5 g of water. Deyakі organisms manage less than metabolic water and help to call. The butt is a kilim mole. Do not demand to drive in natural minds jerboas, which are found in Europe and Asia, that American kangaroo squint. Many people know that in the minds of an exceptionally hot and dry climate, a camel can have a phenomenal building for a long time to do without it. For example, with a mass of 450 kg for an eight-day passage through the desert, a camel can spend 100 kg in mass, a Let's remember them without consequences for the body. It has been established that this organism is vicarious water, that it is possible to roam in the lands of tissue and ligaments, and not blood, as if it were to be with a person. In addition, in the humps of a camel there is fat, which can serve as an hourly reserve of life and metabolic water.

Zagalny obsyag vody, spozhivaniya lyudinoy on dobu while drinking and zheyu, to become 2-2.5 liters. Zavdyaki water balance is still water and excreted from the body. Through the nirka, those sichway paths can be seen close to 50-60 % drive. When consumed by the human body 6-8 % vologists over the norm, the body temperature rises, red skin, frequent heartbeat and breathlessness, m'yazova weakness and confusion appear, start head bіl. The expenditure of 10% of the water can lead to irreversible changes in the body, and the expenditure of 15-20% can lead to death, the shards of blood are thicker, which the heart cannot cope with pumping. For the good of the heart, one has to pump close to 10,000 liters of blood. Without a hedge, a person can live close to a month, and without water - only a little more. The reaction of the body to the lack of water is help. In this case, it is clear to explain the tearing of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx through a great decrease in volume. Іsnuє y іnsha thought on the mechanism of molding tsgogo vіdchuttya. Obviously, a signal about a decrease in the concentration of water in the blood on the cells of the measles of the brain is sent to the nerve center, the laying in the blood vessels.

Peredmova Everywhere, no matter where you look, we will be repelled by objects and materials prepared from speeches and materials, like taken at chemical plants and factories. In addition, in everyday life, without suspecting it, the skin of a person has a chemical reaction. For example, washing away with a sweetheart, learning from victories of miyuchyh zabіv that іn. When lowering a piece of lemon into a flask of hot tea, it becomes weakened - tea here plays the role of an acid indicator, similar to litmus. A similar acid-base relationship is manifested when wetting the octotom of the cut black cabbage. Housewives know what cabbage is with whom erysipelas. Burning sirnik, mixing sand and cement with water, or quenching water with water, scorching the fire, we can help it, and sometimes we can add a folded chemical reaction. Explanation of cihs and other broader chemical processes in human life - the proportion of fahivtsiv.

A cook's strength It can be said with confidence that one chemist's office is used to bring a clean look into a skin booth, in a skin homeland. Tse - kitchen power or how її call chemists - sodium chloride NaCl. It seems that, going out of the taiga porch, for the vipadkovy mandrivniki myslivtsy invariably fill the sirniki with that force. Cooking strength is absolutely necessary for the life of the human body and creatures. A small amount of salt can be brought to functional and organic disorders: they can cause spasms of smooth muscles, sometimes the centers are affected. nervous system. Trivale salt starvation can lead to the death of the body. Additional needs for kitchen salt have grown up people to become r. In times of spicy climate, the need for salt grows up to r. For this reason, sodium chloride is excreted from the body with a year and to restore the intake into the body, it is necessary to introduce more salt.

Sirniki Lyudina has long been aware of the miraculous power of fire, which spontaneously causes fire as a result of the blow of the bliss. For this reason, the ways of making fire were created by the first person. Vigorously rubbing two pieces of wood is one of such ways. Self-employed villages are subject to temperatures above 300°C. Zrozumіlo, yakі m'yazovі zusillya nebhіdno report for the local heating of the village to such a temperature. For the time being, the volodinnya in this way was the greatest reach, the shards of victorious fire allowed the people of the significant world to take possession of the climate, then, expand the expanse of the base. Visіkannya іskor when the stone hits the pieces of pyrite FeS2 and they pickle the pieces of the tree, which are charred, but the longer fibers were in another way to take away the fire of the people.

Papir and olіvtsі Without perebіlshennya it is possible to say that the skin of a person today is that of a great number of vicarious papiers chi virobi from her. The role of paper in the history of culture is not appreciated. The written history of mankind is available for about six thousand years and began before the paper was found. Clay handkerchief and stone served as a back for this. However, without a paper, there is hardly any writing - most important zasib splkuvannya people - would take away such a development. Liszt, being a symbolic system of fixation of a movie, allows you to save money from the hour and transmit it to the viewer. With a wide wide range of radio, television and tape recordings, as well as the memory of electronic counting machines, papers, as a collection of information and cultural values ​​of people, do not cease to play their unappreciated role until this day.

The head of the warehouse at the given hour is the budіvelna іdustrіya. More than half of the entire warehouse, which is vibrating, falls into error for the future and transportation costs: cars, railcars, trams, trolleybuses. In addition, it is sloppy as a wall and backing material for looking hollow cones, blocks with pinoskla, as well as facing tiles. Approximately one third of the warped warehouse is ready for the preparation of ships of a different type of recognition. Tse nasampered glass containers - dances and jars. A great number tend to stain on the preparation of tableware. The slope is still indispensable for the manufacture of chemical dishes. In order to achieve a great quantity, the warehouse produces cotton wool, fiber and fabrics for thermal and electrical insulation.

Ceramics Ceramic wares are widely represented in everyday life. The word “ceramic flooring” has changed into the Russian language, and we are surprised, if we know, that it is a foreign adventure. Indeed, the word ceramics takes its cob from Greece. Greek word keramos means - clay dishes. Ceramic slabs from ancient times were trimmed with vipal clays or sumshes with singing mineral additives. Excavations show that ceramic wares are made by people from the Neolithic era (8...3 thousand years BC). Shards of clay are much wider in nature, pottery craft widely and often developed independently in other parts light, which was easily caught and expanded.

Cement Cement - a choice of names for various powder-like astringent speeches, which, when mixed with water, make a plastic mass that fills with an hour of a stone-like become. More cement and hydraulic, tobto. in astringent speeches, yak, having planted hardness on the floor, continue the hardness under the water. The first cement was discovered within hours of the Roman Empire. Residents of the Pozzoli township, the rotting white of the bottom of the Vesuvius volcano, remembered that when volcanic ashes (pozzolani) are added to the vapne, an effective success is achieved. The very vapno, as if at home, showing the success of power, but at the link it is not strong enough to lead.

Glues great number different adhesives. They can be divided into mineral, roselin, animal and synthetic. Before mineral adhesives, they sometimes carry such suitable materials, like vape and gypsum, but they have one of the main power of adhesives - stickiness. Silіkatny glue or else, scho the very same, rіdke sklіstu povnіstyu povnіstyu povnіstyu vsіlі vіlіvnosti, vіslіvіvіmі glue.

Chemical influences When it comes to pranny fabrics, it is necessary not only to see the confusion, but also to swell the half-hearted. Often they are natural barvniks like yagid chi wines. This function is beaten by chemical agents. The most widely used agent is sodium perborate. Yogo chemical formula is mentally written as NaBO2 H2O2 3H2O. It can be seen from the formula that the cob, which can be used, is water peroxide, which is dissolved as a result of hydrolysis of perborate. This chemical agent is effective at 70°C even more.

Mineralny dobriva In the world of mineral dobriva began to stop recently. The initiator and active champion of their victoriousness in agriculture was the German chemist Justus Liebikh. At 1840 p. vin viyshov u svіt book "Chemistry at the supplement to farming". At 1841 p. For yoga initiative in England, the first superphosphate plant was set up. Potassium dobriva began to vibrate in the 70s of the last century. Mineral nitrogen at that time was supplied from the soil from Chilean nitrate. It should be noted that at the present time it is important to rationally add phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers to the soil, which are good for 1: 1.5: 3. Drink on the mineral dobriva quickly zbіshuєtsya so that їhnє svіtove svіtove from the cob of the current century podvoyuєєtsya for the skin of ten rokіv. For goodness sake, stock up on the main elements of goodness on the Earth, and the great docks are being transferred.

Corrosion of metals The word corrosion resembles the Latin koroderu, which means roses. Although corrosion is most often covered with metals, stones, plastics and other polymeric materials and wood are also used. For example, none of them are evidence of the great restlessness of the wide circles of people in connection with the fact that monuments (life sculptures) made from vapnyak and marmur are catastrophically suffering from acid boards.

The gentry's metals To the gentry's metals, gold is heard, and platinum has been hammered down. However, the list of these metals is far from exhaustive. In science and technology, they also include the companions of platinum - platinum metal: palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, osmium and iridium. Gentry metals are characterized by low chemical activity, corrosion resistance up to atmospheric penetration and mineral acids. Choices of noble metals can be made with a garni ovnіshіy look (nobility).

Conclusion Everyday people are constantly corssed with virobs and speeches, taking away the path of chemical transformations. More than that, do not suspect about those who, in the past, people themselves often create chemical reactions. The book was inspired by the form of a number of speeches about the expansion of speech, materials and chemical processes, which are constantly vicorated by people.

At the front of the division, it was said that linking one with one can be no more than atoms of one chemical element, but also atoms of different elements. Speech made by atoms of one chemical element is called simple speech, and speech made by atoms of different chemical elements is called collapsible. Deyakі zvichaynі speechovina meditate molecular life, tobto. are made up of molecules. For example, the molecular language can be like kisen, nitrogen, water, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine. The skin of these speeches is filled with diatomic molecules, so their formulas can be written as O2, N2, H2, F2, Cl2, Br2 and I2 apparently. As you can remember, simple speeches can mother the same name with the elements that make them up. Therefore, we should clearly distinguish the situation, if we are talking about a chemical element, and if we are talking about a simple speech.

Quite often, simple speeches are not molecular, but atomic. In such speeches, atoms can form one by one links of various types, so that three or three of them will be seen later. Speech similar to all metal, for example, gold, copper, nickel, and also non-metal deacons - diamond, silicon, graphite, etc. For these speeches, it is characteristic not only to name the chemical element with the name of the established speech, but also to record the formula of the speech and the designation of the chemical element. For example, the chemical elements of iron, copper and silicon, which can be used to designate Fe, Cu and Si, make simple speeches, the formulas of Fe, Cu and Si are clear. There is also a small group of simple speeches, which are composed of disparate atoms, which in no way are related to each other. Such speeches are called gases, as if they are called, calling for a very low chemical activity, gentry. Helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), radon (Rn) can be seen before them.

There are about 500 oscills less than simple speeches, then it is logical to cry out about those that are typical for rich chemical elements, as they are called alotropy.

Alotropia is a phenomenon, if a chemical element can make a sprinkling of simple speeches. Different chemical speeches, made with one chemical element, are called allotropic modifications or alotropes.

So, for example, the chemical element kysen can make two simple speeches, one and the same can name the chemical element - kisen. Kisen is like speech and diatomic molecules, tobto. Yogo O2 formula. The very purpose is to enter the warehouse of the life of the necessary help for us. Another allotropic modification of acid is the triatomic gas ozone, the formula of which is O 3 . Irrespective of those that ozone and sour are made by one chemical element, their chemical behavior is even more different: ozone is more active in oxidizing with sour in reactions with these rivers. In addition, these speeches are considered one and the same for physical powers, but at least through those whose molecular weight is greater for ozone, lower than for acid by 1.5 times. Tse to bring to the point that the thickness of the gas-like steel is also 1.5 times greater.

A lot of chemical elements in the school make allotropic modifications, which are one of a kind, one of a kind, the peculiarities of being crystalline. So, for example, on little 5, you can see schematic images of fragments in crystal lattices of diamond and graphite, like alotropic modifications of carbon.

Malyunok 5. Fragments of crystal burrs to diamond (a) and graphite (b)

In addition, coal can be the mother of molecular life: such a structure is found in this type of speech, like fullerene. Speech of the first type is saturated with carbon molecules of a spherical shape. Small 6 presents a 3D model of a fullerene C60 molecule and a soccer ball for alignment. Give respect to their similarity.

Malyunok 6. Molecule of fullerene C60 (a) and soccer ball(b)

The folds of speech are the chains of speech that are made up of atoms in various elements. The stench is just like simple speeches, they can be the mother of molecular and non-molecular Budov. The non-molecular type of folded speeches can be different, lower in simple ones. Be it folded chemical speeches, they can be taken away by direct interaction of simple speeches, or by the sequence of their interactions one by one. It is important to note one fact, which means that the power of folded speeches is physical, so chemistries are strongly challenged by the power of simple speeches, from such stench they are taken away. For example, kitchen power, which can be NaCl forum and є barless translucent crystals, can be cut off by sodium, which is metal with power characteristic of metals (glare and electrical conductivity), with chlorine Cl 2 - yellow-green color gas.

Sulfuric acid H 2 SO 4 can be dissolved by a series of subsequent transformations from simple speech - water H 2 sirka S and acid O 2. Voden is the gas that has lighted up in the air, which makes me repeat the vibrations of the summish, sirka is the hard speech of the yellow color, it’s warm, and the kisen is the gas of the three important ones for the wind, in which a lot of speeches can burn. Sulfuric acid, as it can be taken from these simple speeches, is an important oily homeland, which is brimming with strong watery powers, organizing an organic march through such a rich speech.

Obviously, there are a lot of individual chemical speeches, there are also sums of them. It is more important than the sum of different speeches of comforts of the world around us: alloy metals, foodstuffs, drink, various materials, from which objects are formed that will make us feel sick.

For example, again, as if mi dihaєmo, it is formed mainly from nitrogen N 2 (78%), the life we ​​need sour (21%), 1%, which is left, falls on the houses of other gases (carbon dioxide, noble gases and іn).

Sumish speeches are subdivided into homogeneous and heterogeneous. Homogeneous sums are called such sums, as they do not mix between phases. Homogeneous sums - sums of alcohol and water, metal alloys, salts and zucru in water, sums of gases, etc. Heterogeneous sums are called such sums, as they can be between phases. To this type of sumish you can add sumish piska and water, zucru and salt, sumish olії and water and in.

Speech, in which sums are added, are called components.

The summation of simple speeches on the view of chemical spoluchy, as it is possible to possess a combination of simple speeches, save the power of the skin component.

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Respect! The forward review of the slides is scored solely for the purpose of learning and may not give notice about all the possibilities of the presentation. Like you got hooked by this robot, be kind, zavantazhte povnu version.

Target: to show this link of chemistry to our everyday lives.

Ownership: multimedia projector; three vidi mila - gospodarske, toilet, redke; two vidi cleaning powder- for beautiful and beautiful fabrics; phenolphthalein; soda; rosettes of optic acid; citric acid is crystalline; borosno; water; test tubes; chemical flasks; putty knife.


(Slide 2)

Teacher. The word was at the beginning. The first word is bulo – God. For these days and nights, the author of the creations of the material world, which is made up of speech. And speech is the object of the development of the science of HIMII.

(Slide 3)

– Ozhe, let’s be enchanted with divine science at once, and let’s go over to the fact that all of our polished words are chemical speeches. I am with you, our body and inspire our feelings - the same is chemistry.
Let's start from the very beginning. The axis of the people is small. (Slide 4) With the first yogic cry, the legens straighten up, the little ones rob the first breath. This whole process accompanies us all of life.

Inquiry to the audience:

- And what kind of gas do we need? (kisen)

- What is the name of the speech, what to endure the kissen? (Hemoglobin)

- Let's have mercy on this miraculous molecule at once. (Slide 5) Kisen, having risen, to the ion of the sun, ruffled in the middle of the hemoglobin, like a carriage, passes to all the organs of our body. Our fabrics are reminiscent of the sourness of life, the air that goes through the process of oxidation.

- And now the next moment. Tell me, did you feel the stress? Good! I care, stress is known to be rich.

Catering to the auditorium:

– Do you know what hormone is vibrated in your own? (adrenaline)

- Have you been praised this year?

- Obviously, the school can't do without praise! I renew your adrenaline wiki. (Slide 6) Wise nature has created adrenaline for infusion. Also, when adrenaline is high, people need to actively collapse, bigati, stribati, waving their hands. What are we with you at the same time? We got up. They lifted their hands, actively cowardly with their hands. We stomp our feet at once.

- Well done! All accumulations of adrenaline were virobily.

- It appears, stress resistance to lie in the form of protein, to which adrenaline attaches. Like a protein molecule is large, a person's resistance to stress, like a small one - resistance to stress is small. Let's have mercy on the miraculous structure of the protein molecule. (Slide 7) Crying with wise nature, yak created such beauty.

Catering to the auditorium:

- What determines the structure of the protein? Where is spadkov's information encrypted? (DNA)

– Obviously, the DNA molecule. Zvernemosya to the structure of DNA. (Slide 8) Look at it, what a beauty! Zlіva representations look like a beast, right-handed - a spiral, which is composed of two complementary lances. It’s not for nothing that the stench is so named, one lancer to rob a compliment to others. And the name of DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. Sound like a song!

- Let's do an experiment - let's fast forward to our home. Keep checking on us at home.

Catering to the auditorium:

- Who is the first one to hit you on the threshold? How do you feel about it?

- Wonderful! For all of us, mothers and tatas, grandmothers and children, cats and dogs, hamsters and papas are kept at home. And for the sake of zustrіchі from them. (Slide 9)

- And now you will see - in front of you is a plate of dumplings, seasoned with sour cream. Abo on the table to smoke a pie from a ruddy zest. Boondocks are filled with a wondrous aroma. You bring to the company bagzhany shmatok. What do you see in yours?
You wouldn’t know your bliss, if you didn’t have the hormone of joy – serotonin – absorbed in your body. Have mercy on the guilt of the holy! (Slide 10) Garny! Let's do yoga here and now. But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to cut an important piece of pie in your hands at once. You do not stroke your beloved vihovanets. We are more simple - we guess childishness. The skin of us, being a child, laughed and deliberately laughed close to 360 times a day. Smile, know the hump of joy in the form of a hump of joy in the order of the forks. Rub them actively with your fingertips. Marvel at your own left-handed and right-handed judges, give them your smile! Axis i vibrated serotonin!

- Oh, we're at home. We see a home laboratory under the name - the bathroom of the room. (Slide 11) Miёmo hands, at the same time do not waste time, turn on the car. Yake cute vibrati? What kind of powder? For the experiment, you will need five chemists. Behind them, we crossed the puddles of power of three types of sweet - the state, toilet, rare and two varieties of powder - for outerwear and for beautiful fabrics. (At five test tubes, there are signs of overexposure to mijuchih zabiv. At the skin pour a little bit of water, churn. Let's drip the drop of phenolphthalein drop by drop at the skin, watch for the intensity of raspberry brewing and sprout cherries.)

Visnovki. The most beautiful farbuvannya in the range of the hospodar's sweet, the middle of the strong meadow, and then, it is necessary to grow sweetly for the fermentation of strongly fermented virobivs. Rozchin toilet sweet also changing the indicator’s zabarvlennya - it koristuёmosya for the mitt of brutish hands that body. And the axis can be shriveled with a rare sweetness often, to that without changing the color of the indicator, the middle is neutral.
The largest pool of medium in the range of powder for added fabrics, also known as miyugogo sobu it is necessary to wear a variety of fabrics that will show the aggressive middle. In another appearance, the powder of phenolphthalein is only slightly pink, so it is suitable for the production of fibers from natural seam and woven fabrics.

- Let's move on to the kitchen - the main home laboratory. Here are the main ceremonies of preparation. What is the head laboratory equipped with? (Slide 12)
Know, "Hot Greatness" - a stove.

Inquiry to the audience:

- Do you need a stove? What to burn in it?

- And now, be kind, eagerly write down on the doshtsi the reaction of the mountain methane and equalize it from the recording on the screen.

- Let's cut the vines. Methane interacts with sour, with which carbon dioxide and steam water are seen. Therefore, when the burners are ignited, it is necessary to open a flat. And now we are fixing the reaction of the mountain? Obviously, we need energy, which is seen in the aftermath of the reaction. Therefore, the reaction is recorded in thermochemical terms, for example equal +Q, which means seeing heat - an exothermic reaction.

– On the “Frosty Majesty” card there is a refrigerator.

Catering to the auditorium:

- Do you need a refrigerator?

- You can take a ratio, wine is necessary for the improvement of the processes of psuvanya їzhі - oxidation reactions and expansion. Refrigerator provides the most advanced division of chemistry - chemical kinetics. Let's put ourselves up to the "Frosty Majesty" with respect.

- Let's move on to "Visokosti" - the closet. What is there only a little here - spoons, cooks, pans, pans, cereals, borosno, strength, zukor, spices and richly savory and savory. Readymemo pie z sand test, and chemically competently. In cookbooks, it is recommended to prepare the dough to add the soda to the oct.

Catering to the auditorium:

- What method is used to add soda with ott to the dough?

- That's right, schob pirig bov pishnim. And now look at this reaction. (Demonstration of the relationship between soda and octic acid). It is safe to boil for the fire of seeing carbon dioxide. Later, the main mass of carbon dioxide escaped into the atmosphere, for the purpose of testing the gas was left a little. We don’t extinguish the soda for that, but add it to the dry soda in a borough. citric acid. Zamіshuєmo densely, adding the necessary ingredients.

(Demonstration. At the globilov Sklyansky soda, crystal lemonic acid, Borotny, getting water. Sprogesty. The roller of the pirodnya of the write tist. In the іnshiyny sk, brilliantly snakes. )

- You and I have messed up that pies need to be prepared chemically competently. Carbon dioxide is guilty of being seen in the process of brewing - the result of a food pie, the axis is like ours! (Slide 13)

- I think I outdid you with the one who chemistry - singing speech! (Slide 14)

Organic and inorganic speeches;
> rozp_navati threw that non-thrown;
> designate metal and non-metal elements for their expansion in the periodic system D. I. Mendelev; understand why all metal is similar to authority.

Atoms in great minds cannot be used alone for a long time. The stench of the building rumbles with these very few atoms, which inspires great diversity in the world of speeches.

Speech, made up of one chemical element, is called simple, and speech, made up of many elements, is collapsible, or a chemical half.

Sorry speeches

Forgive me threw she didn’t throw. Such a classification of simple speeches was propagated by the prominent French doctrine of A.L. Lavoisier for example XVIII cent. Chemical elements, which resemble metal, are called metal, and those that do not throw, -
non-metal. In the old version of the system D.I. Mendeliev (bookend II) stench separated by a laman line. metal elements know the levoruch in it; їх is significantly larger, lower non-metal.

Tse tsikavo

Simple speech 13 elements - Au, Ag, Cu, Hg, Pb, Fe, Sn, Pt, S, C, Zn, Sb and As were old.

Some of you can, without hesitation, name a sprat of metals (Fig. 36). The stench of other speeches will be distinguished by a "metal" glimpse. Qi speeches are full of blatant powers.

Rice. 36. Metals

Metals in great minds are hard speeches (mercury only - motherland), it is good to conduct electric stream and heat, it is mostly high temperature melting (over 500 ° C).

Rice. 37. The model of the internal metalwork has been simplified

The stench is plastic; You can cut them, take them out of them.

Zavdyaks to their powers of authority rushed to the heights of people's lives. The names of the historical epochs can be mentioned about their greatness: the Middle Age, the Bronze Age, the Winter Age.

The imitation of metals is rimmed with their internal budovaya.

Budova metal. Metals - crystal speech. Crystals in metals are richly frizzy, lower crystals are zucru or kitchen salt, and it is impossible to touch them with an indefinable eye.

A molecule is an electrically neutral particle that is made up of two greater number of these atoms.

In the skin molecule, the atoms of the s'dnana between themselves do so well, and the molecules one by one in the speech are even weaker. Therefore, the speech of molecular budovi may have low melting temperatures and boiling points.

Kissen and ozone are molecular cavities. Tse simple speeches to Oxygen. The acid molecule takes two oxygen atoms, and the ozone molecule - three (Fig. 39).

Rice. 39. Models of molecules

Not only oxygen, but a lot of other elements make up for two and simple speeches. Therefore, simple speeches in kіlka razіv more, nizh chemical elements.

Name simple speeches.

Most of the simple speeches are called so by themselves, like the most important elements. If you name different things, then the stench is induced in the periodic system, moreover, the name of a simple speech is stashed below the name
element (Fig. 40).

Name the simple words of the elements Hydrogen, Lithium, Magnesium, Nitrogen.

1 The term "molecule" is similar to the Latin word moles (masa), the changing suffix cula i in translation means "little mass".

Name simple speeches and write them down in the middle of the speech in small letters.

Rice. 40. Clitina of the periodic system

Folding speeches (chemical slabs)

The creation of atoms in various chemical elements gives rise to impersonal folding speeches(there are more than ten thousand times more, lower than simple ones).

Іsnuyu folded speech from molecular, atomic and ionic everyday. To that their power is different.

Molecular layers are more importantly flying, often smelling. The temperatures of their melting and boiling are significantly lower, lower from the atomic and ionic level.

Molecular speech is water. The water molecule is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (Fig. 41).

Rice. 41. Water molecule model

Molecular budova mayut chadny and carbonic acid gasi, zukor, starch, alcohol, octoic acid that in. The number of atoms in the molecules of folding speeches can be different - from two atoms to hundreds and thousands.

Deyakі spoluki toil atomic life.

One of them is the mineral quartz, the head of warehouses. The new one has the atom Silicium and Oxygen (Fig. 42).

Rice. 42. Model of the day atomic life(Quartz)

Іnnuyt also ionnі spoluki. Tse - kitchen strength, kreyda, soda, vapno, gypsum and a lot of others. Kitchen salt crystals are formed from positively charged Sodium ions and negatively charged Chlorine ions (Fig. 43). Once such an ion is dissolved from a double atom (§ 6).

Rice. 43. Model of the ionic floor (cooking salt)

Tse tsikavo

Molecules of organic compounds, crim atoms to Carbon, are usually replaced by atoms of Hydrogen, often by atoms of Oxygen, and sometimes by other elements.

At the same time, the weight of the bagatioh is proportionally charged ions in the mind and the basis of the ions.

An ion that has been fused into one atom is called simple, and an ion that has been fused into a few atoms is called collapsible.

Positively charged simple ions are for metal elements, and negatively charged - for non-metal elements.

Name folding speeches.

At the assistant's assistant, the technical names of the folded speeches were suggested. Moreover, speeches can be named chemically. For example, the chemical name of kitchen salt is sodium chloride, and the cradle is calcium carbonate. Such a name is made up of two words. The first word is the name of one of the elements, with which speech is made (it is written with small letters), and the other is like the name of another element.

Organic and inorganic speeches.

Previously, organic speeches were called those speeches that are found in living organisms. Ce proteins, fats, zukor, starch, vitamins, from the floor, what to give color, smell, relish to vegetables and fruits, that in. In the course of the year, they began to take in laboratories similar to the warehouse with the power of speech, which is not found in nature. At the same time, organic speeches are called half-Carbon (because of the wine of fumes and carbon dioxide, cradle, soda, and others).

Most of the organic shells of the building burn, and when heated, they are shriveled up (the fires may be more folded from carbon atoms).

Before inorganic speeches lie other folding speeches, and navit simple. The stench is to form the basis of the mineral world, so that it can be found near the soil, minerals, mountain rocks, powder, natural water. In addition, inorganic speeches are also found in living organisms.

The material of the paragraph is specified in scheme 6.

Laboratory Certificate No. 2

Familiarity with the speeches of various types

You have seen the following speeches (an option for your reader):

option I - tsukor, calcium carbonate (kreida), graphite, copper;
option II - paraffin, aluminium, sulfur, sodium chloride (kitchen force).

Speech is rebuyed from jars with labels.

Respectfully look at the speeches, put respect on their names. Among them are simple (thrown, non-thrown) and folded speech, as well as organic and inorganic.

Enter in the table the name of the skin speech and indicate the type, writing down the “+” sign for the speech lines.


Speech is simple and collapsible, organic and inorganic.

Just divide speech into metal and non-metal, and chemical elements into metal and non-metal.

Throwing a lot of chimal powers and similarities of their inner life.

Non-metals are composed of atoms and molecules and, due to their powers, they are divided into metals.

The folds of speech (chemical slabs) can be atomic, molecular and ionic.

May all the halfs of the Carboniferous lie down to organic speeches, other halfs and the simplest speeches - to inorganic speeches.

56. Yaku is called simple speech, and yaku is folding? What types of simple speeches can be used to name the most important elements?

57. Behind what physical dominance can metal be teased against non-metal?

58. Give the designation of the molecule. What makes a molecule of simple speech look like a molecule of folding speech?
59. Fill in the gaps by inserting the words “Nitrogen” or “nitrogen” at the top of the line, and explain your choice:
a) ... - gas, which is the most common in the world;
b) a molecule... consists of two atoms...;
c) half-heartedly ... grabbing at the growing line from the ground;
d) ... it’s nasty to break up near the water.

60. Fill in the gaps by inserting the words "element", "atom" or "molecule" in the appropriate word and number:
a) ... white phosphorus to revenge chotiri ... Phosphorus;
b) at the top of the air ... in carbon dioxide;
c) gold is just speech... Aurum.

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