What can the courts attach, as if there is no lane. The contraction of the credit borg, for example, there is no way to get a cashier. Yakscho borzhnik sit

How many people can be tormented by vikonavchi provadzhennya (IP) for the presence of penny goiter in front of physical, legal persons, tax authorities and commercial organizations. In the course of the IP, the bailiff-vikonavets and styaguvach, with the method of effective contraction of fences, guilty of work, were established by federal legislation.

What robiti bailiff

In the course of service and professional activities the judge's bailiff goiter'yazaniya keruvatisya vimogi, vikladenimi in such regulations:

  • Constitution of Russia;
  • Federal Law No. 229 dated 2. 10. 2007 "About Vikonavche Provadzhennya" (further - Federal Law No. 229);
  • Federal Law No. 118 dated 21. 07. 1997 "About the Courts of Justice".


As a rule, vikonavche provadzhennya is violated for the application of a syaguvach (part 1 of article 30 of the Federal Law No. 229) for the mind of the presentation of a vikonavchy document assigned to stat. 12 of the Federal Law No. 229. In vipadkah, introduced part 5 of stat. 30 of the Federal Law No. 229, the bailiff launches IP without the noise of a stinger. ІП may be destroyed by a stretch of 3 days from the day of advent to the new vikonavchy sheet (part 8 of article 30 of the Federal Law No. 229). Not later than the coming day of work, the borzhnik may send a copy of the decree (part 17 of Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 229).

After that, the bailiff began to primus vikonannya vimog, like a vikonavchy document. per fire rule, The bailiff is given 2 months to do everything possible to tighten the borg (part 1 of article 36 of the Federal Law No. 229).

By stretching the given term, the bailiff of the goiter to live in the visits, appointed at Art. 68 FZ No. 229, zokrema:

  • back to back - as if the borzhnik has a penny that is on the deposit account of the bank accounts, deposits - if so, they were revealed, the bank of goiter will be negligently transfer the pennies to the deposit account of the ship bailiffs (part 5 and part 7 of article 70 of the Federal Law No. 229) , and in addition, as the pennies are being depleted, the bank of goiter and gave it to the bailiffs in the world, as the stench is declared (part 9 of article 70 of the Federal Law No. 229);
  • I don’t have any pennies on the racks, otherwise I won’t be able to cover the borg, then I’ll also get caught on another mine - like a ruhome, so it’s not a ruchome (crime of the lane, as it doesn’t tie up to Art. 79 of the Federal Law No. 229).


Also, the bailiff can be recruited for the salary of a barber, as the rest of the official worker. Ale can be better for vipadkas, assigned to part 1 of Art. 98 of the Federal Law No. 229 - for example, due to the lack of koshtiv in bank rakhunkakh chi maina.

Ale є vypadki, if the borzhnik vzagalі not maє nі pennies, nі lane, nі salary. In such a twist, I will bail you out like this:

  • submit a request to Rosreestr, FNP, banks, and other bodies with the method of establishing the presence of accounts or registering rights to the roam, nerahome mine and іn. (part 8 of article 69 of the Federal Law No. 229);
  • start the procedure for rozshuku lane borzhnik (for the obviousness of substav, assigned to article 65 of the Federal Law No. 229);
  • far away, at the entrance to the rozshuk, carry out a low supplementary action that is inaccessible to the great vamp (zocrema, the bailiff of the available vykonavcho-rozshuk come in - part 10 of article 65 of the Federal Law No. 229);
  • for the validity of success - turn the vykonavchy document to the contracting officer (clause 4, part 1, article 46 of the Federal Law No. 229) and issue the completion of the vykonavchy provadzhennya, in accordance with clause 3, part 1, stat. 47 FZ No. 229.

What can threaten borzhnikov?

Navіt at times labor activity, the availability of pennies on bank accounts, that lane, which can be wound up on a new contraction, a borzhnik can still check deaks unfavorable remarks:

  • imposition of timchasovy obmezheniya on the way out of the border Russian Federation immediately after the end of the 5-day line, inserted for voluntary redemption of the bank (because of the obligations, designated under paragraph 1 - paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 67 of the Federal Law No. 229), or after the end of 2 months from the date of completion of the designated 5-day line (for others, and for the mind, that the sum of the borg is more than 10,000 rubles);
  • the imposition of the timing of the fencing according to the special law with the protection of transport barriers (for example, the imposition of fencing on the occasion of the water or on the occasion of the tractor driver-driver), the crime of vipadkiv, if such a fringe cannot be imposed until part 4 of Art. 67.1. Federal Law No. 229 (for example, if a borzhnik wakes up for a reason for such an entry);
  • obligatory obligation to pay the Vikonavsky tax at the rozmіrі 7% for sumi borg, scho pіdlyagaє styagnennya, but not less than 1000 rubles (part 3 of article 112 of the Federal Law No. 5 st. . 112 FZ No. 229;
  • attraction to administrative duty for part 1 of Art. 17.14. KpAP with overhead fines of 1,000 to 2,500 rubles in case of non-compliance by a lawyer with legal powers of a bailiff (for example, when given unreliable notices about the right to mine);
  • attraction to criminal liability for Art. 295 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in times, like a fighter, it will be possible to encroach on the life of a bailiff of your loved ones, as a means of transferring service duties and avenging such a duty (maximum punishment - dovіchny liberation of will);
  • received before the punishment for Art. 296 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as a borzhnik, threatening to drive in a bailiff for a yoma of the bodily ears.

Judgment view

The judgment of the judge is to be carried out even before the launch of the IP with the initiatives to enforce the order established by Chapter 15 of the CPC. After the end of the hearing, a decision is made that a graphic document is seen - a court order or a quotation sheet for the form approved by the Resolution No.

Also, a review by a court (arbitration court of a global jurisdiction) that in another world can be launched and during the course of the jurisprudence, for example:

  • in case of evil swindle of a borzhnik, pay the creditor's debt to the great rozmiri (Article 177 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);
  • in the event of a debtor's death, declare yourself a bankrupt in accordance with Federal Law No. 127 dated 26. 10. 2002 "About the impossibility ...";
  • for evidence, submitted for apprehension by the IP court (Article 39 of the Federal Law No. 229) and int.

The order of rozshuku myna borzhnik

In the cases, appointed by federal legislation, the bailiff is authorized to launch a procedure for investigating the mine and material values ​​that the borzhnik should have, with the method of farther atrocity on them, and the implementation of public auctions in accordance with the procedure transferred by Chapter 9 of Federal Law No. 229.

Initiation of the investigation procedure can be done:

  • only s іnіtsiativi styaguvacha;
  • abo s іnіtsiativi, scho to go out chi that vіd bailiff, chi that vіd styaguvacha.

Only for the obviousness of the slanderous slander in the case of a stinger, there can be launches for whatever may be the powers that be, the crime is lower, as if the sum of the borg behind them is 10,000 rubles (part 5 of article 65 of the Federal Law No. 229).

Well, if the borg's goiter is the cause of alimony, the compensation of the heads of the wounded to health can help with the contraction of the ship's fine, then the presence of the fussing about the neobov'yazkov's styaguvach - the bailiff can start the process himself.


Rozshuk becomes lawful after the fact that the bailiff could see the praise of the protyag 3 deb after the filing of the slander, or the appearance of other substations for the initiation of the procedure (part 6 of article 65 of the Federal Law No. 229). At the same time, when a borzhnik is occupied by a fence for a visa outside the cordon, that a fence for a coronation by a special right (as it was not previously broken).

By itself, the procedure for reviewing the assertions of the Methodological Recommendations, which should be included in the List of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation No. 0014/10 dated April 18, 2014, is due. The essence of this regulation is as follows:

  • rozshuk zdіysnyuєtsya throughout the territory of our state - with the help of this method, the bailiff may send rozshukovі zavdannya landlords to persons of other territorial bodies of the FSSP for the transfer of the transfer of money;
  • for an effective search for a lane, the titles of the plan of rozhukovy entrances are formed in such a way, which is confirmed by the senior bailiff;
  • the bailiff was given the right to zdіysnyuvat impersonal diy (usnі opituvannya hulks, directing dovіdok, drink up to any bank data), to that, with a competent organization of the process, to know the warehouse of problems;
  • the bailiff at the rozshuku of the main values ​​​​of the borzhnik is still surrounded by rights - zokrema, it is not allowed to damage the legal rights and freedoms of a person, lack of torment private life, special and family secrets;
  • the bailiff may have the right to expand the biometric data of the rozshukuvanny hulk in the collections of mass information, on the official website of the FSSP in the Internet, as well as in the offices of judicial authorities and in other places of mass crowding of people;
  • Rozshukov come to be held at the very same hour, like and vikonavchi dії - that at working days from the 6th wound until 22 pm, krim vipadkіv, inserted at part 3 of Art. 35 of the Federal Law No. 229, in order to make the appointment of entries for the next hour cause serious consequences.

A lot of Russians, yakі zatknulis with the procedure of contracting koshtіv through the service of ship bailiffs, are taken by the head. It’s a pity, s borzhnikiv vibity borg, attributions by the court, it’s more foldable, especially since there is no lane among the hulks.

Let's say it's like a search for a lane among borzhnikov, like a robot is carried out by bailiffs, and it's significant, like pulling a fence through the FSSP.

Die of the ship's courts, having attached a rozshuk to the lane of a borzhnik, some yogo did not have a nibito at the time of the contraction for the vykonavchim sheet

In order for the fakhіvtsі vіddіlennyа FSSP rozpochali robot zі sjagnennja zaborgovannostі, pozivach maє otrimati vikonavchy sheet have the judge direct Yogo to the service. In short, if you want to write a wine especially, if you happen to write more Application z shodo constriction of the singing giant and the appointment of the exact sumi.

After otrimannya, in the presence of a syaguvach of a vikonavchogo sheet, that the judge’s bailiff-vikonavets turns to the borzhnik. Win nada youma 5 days on zdіysnennya dobrovolnoї to pay borg.

If, by stretching the appointed hour, the borzhnik does not turn the borg, then the bailiff starts to come in primus coagulation of koshtіv.

Nasampered, bailiff-vicon directs ask s metoyu pohuku lane that dzherel income from a borzhnik.

Drink up to:

  1. DIBDR. In order to know the auto-or motor transport license, registration for a barber.
  2. Rosreestr. Meta zapitu - a search for unruliness, registered for a barber.
  3. Banking organizations with the method of asking for rakhunkiv, cards, on which you can get pennies from the borzhnik.
  4. IFTS. Roll up to tax service the bailiff will be in order to recognize - chi maє borzhnik post_yne place of work. The tax service can give you information about the job of a robotic health worker, even if it is the fault of official medical practitioners, even if a robotic supplier is responsible for reimbursing PDFO from the salary of a skin medical specialist.
  5. Pension fund. As a borzhnik - a pensioner, otherwise you may have accumulated pensions, the bailiff knows about it.

It’s necessary to succumb to the authorities from instances, having attached to the viability of the entrances of the guards.

As practice shows, positively in the literal meaning of the word “vibivati” the borg and zmushuvati specialists of the ship's bailiff services. On the right in what is given to bailiffs 1 month for withdrawal. The hulk can be mad, but if you see it, don’t take it away. Get better at the letter form at the FSSP, - so you can bring your beast to hell.

The best way to start the service of pratsyuvati scarga to the heights. If your statements / complaints are ignored, file a scarga. As a rule, fines are imposed on the bailiff-vicon and he is afraid to victorious over his work at the right.

The order of contraction of the borg, yakscho maino chi costi is still revealed

The procedure for contracting borgіv in the development of the lane chi pennies from the borzhnik is as follows:

  1. Aresht, as if it was found mine, for example, a car, a motorcycle, and it’s unruly. It is not possible to arrange a mine borzhnik. How only vin to pay the borg, tight will be taken. Until the speech, they can’t pull together a single life, remember it. And if you have a car, then you can put it on the road and sell it at auction, earning pennies to pay off the borg.
  2. Aresht rakhunkiv, as a borzhnik at the banks knew rahunki. Bude zdіysnenno arrest that write-off of koshtіv on the melancholy of the styaguvach. Written off due to doti, doki borg will not be fully repaid.
  3. Fence through the cordon. Which way will be effective for those borzhnikiv, like to wash their bones and want to see other lands, but they didn’t dare to beat their own goiter. Obmezhiti viїzd іz the Russian Federation bailiff may be on pіvroku.

Respect , deyakі koshti can not be tightenedfrom a barber. Up to such pennies, social payments are due.

Behind the new law, 2019 will not be able to pull the Borg out of pensioners. The fence was put on pension help.

Give respect to what a borzhnik can show bedroom mayno. At the time of the registered slubu, you can put an arrest on the main. However, you can improve your knowledge more than half lane.

For example If there is a car on a person’s records, then they can take only half of it - tobto, sell the car, and take away only a part of the vikonavchogo provadzhennya. More than half of the stink cannot be pulled off.

How robiti, how to pull the borg, how the borzhnik didn’t know the lane

In that case, if the borzhnik does not have the right lane, the judge's bailiff-vikonovets directs application to tax service with the method of otrimannya іnformatsiї pro іtsіyne pratsevlashtuvannya borzhnik.

Mayuchi vіdomosti about the robot, bailiff nadsilaє on the legal address of the robot, giving the official sheet from the letter of the letter. Documentation goes through to accounting. Dalі robotodavets chi accountant is guilty shomіsyatsya to write off from the wages of a huge man a large sum of money in a bank account.

Vіdpovіdno to article 138 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of contraction may be more 50% of wages received.

Maybe it’s the same, that the borzhnik doesn’t have a lane, and won’t work. How about this situation?

At the principle of feasibility of the bailiff of the fence. Vin can:

  1. Ask banks for information about the presence of rachunkivs with the name of the patron. It’s simply impossible to ask all banks for payment, so it’s easier to pay for it at the largest federal and regional banks. If it says that the borzhnik has a problem, then I’ll be sure to secure it, the rest of the money, which is known to the new one, is transferred to the creditor.
  2. Put a fence on the way out of the Russian Federation.
  3. Please confirm the place of residence or the registration of the barber I’ll describe the lane with a method, what is there: a TV set, by-button technology, PC, laptops, too.

Unfortunately, the current legislation is such that there are simply no effective approaches to constriction. Borzhniki rewrite mine on relatives, practice unofficially, arrange their business on third parties - and do not worry about paying borgiv.

The hulks are left with less galmuvati of the ship's officers, and they say about the prosuvannya inquire, about the life, come in that vikonan's robot.

Like you can't pull offborg through the FSSP, call our lawyers.

The stench will consult you without any cost and will help you solve problems.

Run out of food? Just give us a call:

The tightening of the borg is always taken care of by a folding procedure. It’s crazy for them that the hulks, if they don’t pay off loans, or don’t kill other goiters at the lines, it’s unlikely that they will pay pennies to pay for the decisions of the court. In such situations, the force lies on the shoulders of the bailiffs.

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Often the sovereign servants have to stick around because people don’t have anything to give to the borg. Don’t let all the vikonavts know what to work, like a borzhnik can’t have a penny.

The law has a special procedure for the implementation of the court order. Ale, don’t stop to start zastosuvat yoga in life. Aje for the presence of the cost, myna borg don't get carried away. It is important to know how necessary it is to work for such smart minds.

What can bailiff do

Decisions about the further actions of the borzhnik are accepted after the completion of the ship's review. The Gromadyanin is given 30 days to pay off all debts to the creditor.

There is no way to peacefully regulate the conflict, and the borzhnik, not satisfied with the help of the creditor, is transferred to the bailiffs on the right. They are initiating vikonavche provadzhennya.

The moment of the appearance of a civil service, once upon a time, the borzhnik’s house can be devastated in the fall due to the bailiff’s involvement.

After that, like a sovereign viscon, knocking at the door, the bulky man is guilty of vimagati vodpovidni documents. It is important to reconsider that a person is truly victorious in his labors, goiter. Tse allow zabigti penetration of third-party osіb at the apartment.

Dali carried out an inspection of the life of a borzhnik. The bailiff can put down his anger, evaluating the situation. It is important to understand, how richly alive a bulky man is, like luxury items, using the technique of wine. The rest is necessary for the selection of the list of speeches, which can be implemented. Viruchenimi pennies repaid borg to the creditor.

Often brought to the mother on the right of the tim, scho nne mayo povnistyu in the daytime. In this way, the bailiff-vikona may be serious and anxious about the robot.

It is necessary to send a request to the competent authorities for the acknowledgment of the presence of the lane from the barber. Tse neobov'yazkovo sustenance of a dwelling, where a hunker lives. Vіdpovіd vіd raznyh іnstantsіy can try to do it long.

After yoga, not everyone can rest easy. Adzhe naigirshi fights are often confirmed: the borzhnik has a great price of mine. Then the vikonavets may move to the offensive stage of work.

It is necessary to know the place of the official chi of the postiyny pratsevlashtuvannya gromadyan. It is not the fault of the first person to blame the problematic moments. The ensign sheet is handed over by the bailiff to the engraver.

The chief is guilty of preparing an order, on the basis of which there will be a half of the salary payment for the credit institution, as shown in the document. The most important situations, if there is no official practice.

They gave the bailiff the need to know the real bank account, the court of the borzhnik. It is not possible to overstate the credit institutions. To that request go to large banks of federal and regional scale.

With revealed rachunkiv, as well as debit cardsїхнє blocking. Navit empty payment request may be blocking. And here the limit becomes minus the sum of the bills. If everything is repaid, the orders are not saved on the card, but the borg is automatically redeemed.

In another way, I will become a family hulk. Bagato cunningly, after the financial loss, I will be expelled from the apartment. For the presence of the registration of the stench vvazhayutsya homeless people. At this stink, they continue for a long period of time to bring in the cost of rahunok extinguished to the borg.

If a borzhnik is a person / person, then the court bailiff-vicon can give respect to another member of the family. And here half of the vartost is taken, like a direct redemption to the borg.

Also, within the framework of legislation, it is allowed to impose a fence on a visa outside the cordon. However, this variant is important for the least divim. Adzhe barmen often do not need to leave the borders.

Such a method is effective, as if Borg was formed in the wake of Shakhrai's actions. For the need to cross the cordon of the Russian Federation, the borzhnik will get stuck with difficulties.

Features for physical systems

You see a few situations that require a detailed look. From the deyaky categories of the bulk of the Borg, the trochs are pulled together by the folds of the obviousness of the singing features.

Yakshcho borzhnik vіdbuvaє termіn

Attach-vikonavtsі at the jokes of the barber can z'yasuvati, scho wins at the places of freeing the will. In such a time, the vibe of the borg is all the same to get through, but with some hardships.

If it’s mine in the convict, then you don’t blame the convict. Also more in a simple wayє contracted by different official squads at will. Then the bailiff can take away half of the valuable speeches, pennies, the shards of the family have the right to transfer the richly acquired power.

Likewise, deacons afflicted practice at the places of freeing the will. Todі stinks mayut official surplus, which can be straightened out on the redeemed borg.

If you don’t know how to do it, but you don’t work out the coercion, then the stinger is guilty of getting that link. After the official work on the will, that withdrawal of the salary payment can be paid privately to the borg.

Chi can turn to relatives

Relatives of a borzhnik do not sound when the borg of a hulk is redeemed. Vignatkom є vipadki, if people are close є guarantors, co-borrowers. In another case, people don’t smell like goiter for goiter. Vymoga repay borgovanіst vvazhatiyetsya against the law.

Styaguvach may have the right to turn to his relatives, as they fell down after the death of the wrestler.

The order of the procedure is determined by Article 1175 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Vaughn conveys the burden of remembrance for the borg of the hulk at the hour of the reception of the fall. Tom will have to cry from creditors for the goiter of the deceased.

For pensioners

Nine credit organizations see the positions of pensioners.

For them transfer:

  • pіlgovі rates;
  • Gnuchka viplat system;
  • other cicave propositions.

Alas, whoever forgets that, regardless of the visual mind, a loan is covered with a loan. Yogo needs to be repaid vіdpovіdno to standard minds. A lot of pensioners don’t understand all the necessary facts and go to please, having flattened their eyes.

Contracted to the borg from the pension of a hulk, who, having broken the mind of the contract, is possible. Adzhe tsi viplati vvazhayutsya income people. The amount of repayment in the warehouse is more than 50% of the total reordering.

Dodatkovo can describe the valuable lane of a hulk. However, in practice, one has to stick with it, which is out of the question.

In different incompetent individuals

Not a lot of people know that strife can appear even in a hulk who is not at his full age. That is why yoga borgіv is also a step in the right direction.

A sprat of situations is transferred, if the child can be left on the black list of ship's bailiffs-viconauts. Before them, one can see the adoption of recession, covered with credit by other borgo goiters.

And here the duty is given by the fathers. Like such times, the official guardians may come across such evidence. Aje independent child in vіdstoyuvatime vlasnі rights pіslya reached by an incomplete age of 18 years.

Ask often not to know how to carry out the procedure of constriction for the fate of a minor hulk. To that stink they give precedence to the conflict with official representatives.

It is important not to injure the child's psyche in the mood. Otherwise, the bailiff can be pulled to the point of prosecution for committing illegal actions.

When the barman died

Often brought to stick with the death of the recipient. The same food for the contracted borg is left at the raised station. You may know how to turn the koshti.

Borg at once with the reshtoyu, the lane is transmitted at the falls. To that relatives, as they accepted yoga, they will be responsible for repaying it.

Pozbutisya goiter'yazan not to go. The only option is to see more of the river lane.

If the recession has been handed over to a handful of citizens, they will have to collectively vouch for the borg of the recession giver. The sum may be divided equally between them.

Nuances for a legal entity

Situations іz zaborgovanіstyu juridical vyrіshuyutsya richly folded. Often there is a simplest form - TOV, which is deciphered as a partnership with a fringed vіdpovidalnistyu. She could be organized by some kind of person without borders.

It is important to remember that when transferring the position of TOV, the viability of the borg carries the very suspense. Get up to to this particular type people, yak taking pennies, the director, the co-owner is not seen.

Too many people think that the presence of an expensive car, a furnished apartment or a director’s office is talking about the wealth of TOV. Prote itself suspіlstvo can mother nіyakogo lane for the redemption of borgo's goiter.

Hulks can wrongfully influence the fact that they have extinguished the debtor. Prote is a person herself, like a physical person, not guilty of pennies. Whose suspіlstvo may have a zero rahunok mother.

Vikonavche provadzhennya is not possible for the daytime of the lane. Warto remember that TOV is easily closed, vіdkrivshi new without borgіv.

Otherwise, the whole procedure is similar to the standard one.

Vaughn to take revenge in her:

  • zbudzhennya vikonavchogo provadzhennya;
  • rozsilannya zapitіv;
  • vyzd for the month of roztashuvannya TOV.

Vynyatkom є vstanovlennya zaboroni on viїzd for the cordon. Adzhe zaboroniti TOV is impossible to deprive the country, the shards of the world get used to less than physical conditions.

At the time of signing the contract, it is important to recognize who is the other party - TOV chi IP. The best way to approach individual entrepreneurs. The stench will pay off their Borg in full.

As soon as the agreement is laid down with the TOV, it is necessary to review the existence of a license and affiliation to self-regulatory organizations. At the first moment, it is easier to tighten up the fence.

The legacy of not paying the borg

If the pastoral conduct proves to be fruitless, you can turn to law enforcement agencies.

Sound tse peredbachaetsya, yakscho vіdpovіdachem є:

  • representative of the government;
  • sovereign chi municipal serviceman;
  • practitioner of a commercial organization.

Vіdpovіdalnіst vіpadki nastaє for article 315 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, you can focus on Article 157 of the regulatory legal act (for the payment of alimony), 177 (for the obviousness of the payment for loans).

It is important to remember yak about punishment at the borders of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. A non-payer can be timchasovo obmezheniya viїzd for mezhі powers. Also, DIBDR will install a fence on the water supply in the framework of Articles 67 and 67.1.

For the obviousness of the vіdpovіdnyh pіdstav zastosovuyutsya qі come in. The contracting officer can send an application for the installation of a boundary.

I won’t tell for anyone, just to say that I’m signing loan agreement, the clerk sorts out the songs of the goiter, the wine of the goiter is step by step to turn the bank's sum to the borg with the accumulated credits from the schedule of payments. If you didn’t kill your goiters, then the creditor, after a sudden independent procedure of contraction, is violating before the court.

And what will be given? As if there was an outpost when a loan was issued, then everything was clear, the court made a decision about the forfeiture from the borzhnik, the bank implements that cover. Another situation, as it is more expanded, - if you can’t force it, then the court will hand over the decision to the bailiffs, as if to seize the borg. And how do you really know?

What robiti, how can a borzhnik not have a lane?

Vzagali, at the process of constricting the borg, placing an arrest on the lane, that further implementation will be the last stop, put a bunch of courts to turn the borg with other ways and head the vikonavche provadzhennya.

Vikonavche provadzhennya - tse complex of entrances, yakі zastosovuvatimut suzhdovі put for primus constriction fencing from the bulk. This process is initiated by the judge's bailiff at that moment, as if the borzhnik voluntarily did not win the court decision, as if it had gained legal force.

Why smash the bailiff, like a borzhnik can’t have a lane?

First of all, know the fact that the borzhnik does not have a lane, the bailiff corrects

drink it to the authorities, so that you can find out what it is from the hulk of a ruhome or a non-ruhome maino. It was shown that the borzhnik could not do anything, then the bailiff repaired the tightening by other methods.

First, to rob the bailiff in such a situation - to rob the zap to tax, de vin learns about the place of the worker's robot. Zvisno, it’s more than possible in that situation, like a bulky man, on whom court proceedings have been instituted, official practice. Mayuchi tsyu іnformatsiyu, the bailiff nadsilaє on the legal address of the robot giving the official sheet from the letter of the letter, which will take it to the accountant of the robot.

Narazі robodavets zobov'yazuєtsya schomіsyachno virakhovuvati і from the salary of a hulk a lot of money in the account of zakrittya borgovannostі. to say that, due to the tightened credit barrier, it is impossible for a barber to get over 50% of the wages earned.

Yakshcho borzhnik not maє lane, and vin not pratsyuє

If the bailiff, having filed a request, and having lost nothing, z'yasuvshi, that the borzhnik did not work anywhere officially, then, in principle, the ability of the bailiff is only a few points:

  • ask to the banks about the visibility of accounts on behalf of the employer. It’s simply impossible to ask all banks for payment, so it’s easier to pay for it at the largest federal and regional banks. If it says that the borzhnik has a problem, then I’ll be sure to secure it, the rest of the money, which is known to the new one, is transferred to the creditor. The onset of this drive will also be tightened from the posichalnik, the rahunok itself will go to the minus to the rozmіr borg. Chi do not slyagayut deyaki state subsidies and help, for example, pay for a child;
  • superimpose a fence on the way of the fencer for the cordon, the fence will be taken only after the fact that the borg will close at full obsyaz;
  • inspecting the service of ship's bailiffs, the place of residence and registration I will describe with a method the lane that is found there: televisions, on-the-go equipment, computers and others.

Yakshcho borzhnik can only sleep more

With a registered guardian's hat, you can put an arrest on the mine, recorded on the name of a person-druzhina. Ale, the shards are all nabute at the slave - tse spіlna vlasnіst, those who can be educated in full obsyazi, less than a part of a borzhnik, that is 1/2 part. For example, if a car is recorded for a squad / person, then the court officers can take only half of it, so that they can sell it and pick it up right away according to the vikonavchom’s voucher.

How to pull the borg for alimony, how can the borzhnik not have a lane?

Here the situation will be similar, for the presence of the borzhnik the lane є a sprinkling of ways to pull the borg, yak zastosovuyutsya bailiffs:

How can you pull the borg, how can the borzhnik not have a lane?

It's a pity, the current legislation is such that there are simply no effective ways to tighten the fence. Borzhniki rewrite mine on relatives, practice unofficially, formalize their business on third parties, draw up separation, settle with a marriage at the borders of Russia, do not think. Krіm vyschevikladenih zahodіv, suzhdі put zastosuvati can not, so only checks are left and spodіvatisya. And if you lie, if you can show up without a hitch, then for the aggressors you can turn into an impossibility to take it away.

On the hands of the solution to the court, but the borzhnik does not cry to the borg

There are not so many options here. Less than galmuvati of ship's bailiffs. At the same time, the stench is more attractive, it simply cannot physically be put up to the dermal veil. Therefore, the affected parties can be more likely to please more often in the presence of prefixes and squealing through the inquiries and about living in.

The procedure for contracting the borg begins with the filing of a summons statement before the court. If the result is positive for the positive one, you can deal with the problem of ineffectiveness of the vykonavchgo provadzhennya for the daily care of the lane, which is the moment when you need to look after your goiter. On today's day, add close to 2000 spraves to the robot, so that in order for the mother to be able to control the progress of the vykonavchnogo provadzhennya on the right, what to call, it is necessary to know how to put the buti of the ship's bailiffs, as the borzhnik has no money, for the payment of the cost can work sluzhbovtsі in such situations. Similar information will be relevant and for vodpovidach, if there is no possibility to pay off your fence through the situation.

Contraction of a borg from a physical individual

Important! In order to speed up the process of contracting the borg, at the hour of the transfer of the letter to the FSSP, you can immediately indicate in the application all the information about the person, whether it is collected, and that її mine.

In vipadias, if the borzhnik does not have the power to redeem the borgo, it is necessary to take the situation under special control. Practice shows that the active part of the creditor in the procedure of contraction gives chimali results, oskolki, vrakhovuyuchi great zavantazhenіnі by putting a robot, on the right can be vydkladena at "dovgu skrinku".

After the removal of the vikonavchy sheet, the bailiff will destroy us in front of the right to the right, and inform the borzhnik about the possibility of a voluntary repayment of the borgu. Checking the necessary term, the FSSP serviceman to carry out the following visit:

  • The power to apply up to the FNP for the removal of information about the work place of the individual, as there may be fouling;
  • Request the same information from the Pension Fund;
  • Supercharger asks up to DIBDR for retrieving information about the new car;
  • Inquiry about registration for a borzhnik nerukhome mine Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography;
  • Forced to apply to banking organizations for the withdrawal of information about the arrival of the rahunki and cards from the borzhnik. As a rule, such requests are less likely to reach the largest banks, the number of such organizations is large;

After the removal of vidpovidnyh vіdpovіdey, as a way to constrict an individual, the fencing has appeared, having entered into a life of arrest that sale mayna, or utrimaє 50% of the income of the borzhnik, after which the borg must be contracted from the order of the creditor. Found on bank accounts, pennies will be arrested in full. The MC will also be placed under arrest and foreclosed for the sale of the redemption of the debt. Take away the only unruliness of the borzhnik until the bailiff is able to. Prote is being discussed the bill, which allowed bi tse robiti for dotrimannya deyakih minds.

If the judge’s bailiff will take away the negative evidence on the skin of the splintering, then it’s possible to go through the search for the place of residence of the individual, as it may be fouling, with a description of the by-button equipment and electronics, as well as other items, as it is allowed to be used.

With the onset of approaching, I will tighten the fence around the cordon. In some cases, such a zahіd may result and allow you to turn off the possibility of going out from the edge of the barn with the method of surviving the vіdpovіdalnosti.

Also, the bailiff can send a request to the registry office in order to find out what the slave is doing. Like in a person / squad, there is power, and there is a pridban at a ship, you can spend її divided at the court order, see a part of a borzhnik, that vikoristovuvat її to pay the borg.

Oskіlki sluborozluchny process today not є rіdkіstyu, nutrition, like a contraction of alimenti, impersonal people are asked. Borg for alimony are drawn to that order, like other fences. Dії prisavіv, like a wrestler for alimony not maє lane, will be offensive:

  • After otrimannya vіdpovіdі on all requests, the bailiff can collect 70% of the salary of an individual, as there may be a charge. Also, these coins can be seen from help with unemployment;
  • Put an arrest on the rahunki of the borzhnik, as if not pratsevlashtovaniya;
  • Not long ago, a bill was praised that allows bailiffs to zastosovuvat zastosovuvat obezhennya car borzhnikov for alimony and fines.

Also mark the varto, which is transferred for the evil non-payers of alimony criminal liability, but at the vipadkah, if the alimony was drawn up in court.

In vipadkah, if there is not a small amount of chivalry on the return visits, the bailiff completes the judiciary and turns the letter to the court. The bailiff may have the right to resubmit the sheet again if I don’t have a large number of times, so the next work, shards, early on, the bailiff may have the opportunity to tie up the borg. Also, you can pay taxes to the bailiffs of the court at the time of the death of a borzhnik, then the borg can be pulled together from a downtrodden individual, as the fence is small.

Contraction of a borg from a legal entity

If necessary, tighten the borg legal entity bailiff to see you yourself come in, what and when physical individuals. Less than a fence on the way out of the borders of the countryside, it doesn’t zastosovuetsya. Slid vrakhovuvaty that the founder of the TOV is not responsible for his lane for the borg of the organization. Vіdpovіdatima for goitre of the organization, to that, as if there is no pennies on the rozrahunka rahunka of a legal person, and you can’t lay it down, you will be pinned.

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