Sign of the zodiac 1965 to the fate of the people. River of wood snakes. Kohannya ta sіm'ya

River of greens wooden snakes

Element: Wood

Color of greens

Your main character is the wisdom that vminnya take care of secrets. Like bi vie did not get along in public, you never get lost and do not see, not your own, nor other people's secret places. You do not reach your goals by a direct path, you can check the necessary moment for your actions, and you can reach the situation.

You can do it for a long time and hard work, why your career is going far away, you can always know that your talents and comforts are stagnant, but in the kohanna you rarely become happy. Your life can have a little bit of love or three valentines of love.

Draw character

  • strong;
  • Rishuchy;
  • Nepochitny.

Vіdmіtnі features

Tall size, lean body, beautiful eyes, small hands and feet.

Vіdpovіdnі spheres of activity

  • the science;
  • The medicine;
  • Bankivska on the right.

Table of summation of a similar calendar

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Neutral type vіdnosin

Such people can create harmonica and mіtsnі stosunki. But harmony can only be reached with mutual understanding, otherwise it’s easy to sway the stature. Be respectful one to one, and everything will be fine.

Postiyni tertya at the vіdnosyny

Partners are smart, work one with one and keep one nerve to one. The trivality of vіdnosin to lie down is less than a kind of mutual bazhannja buti at once.


Partners will be happy at the same time, but at the same time they will gradually rush forward. As for you, then you have every chance to create miracles and miracles.

Povna harmony

One of the most beautiful days. Family Vіdnosiny these people will be harmonious, happy and calm on the back of the mind.

Open the window

Such people are constantly in conflict, so they don’t want to give a damn. It is important for partners to understand one another and not provoke conflicts.

Conflict on the day

Partners will have to podolat chimalo pereshkod and show a lot of patience in order to save the world. Sob'yazyok we will trivaly and korisn, it is necessary to report chimalo zusil to you, and your partner, constantly following one by one.


Get angry that fall is constantly dark, like welding and that period of reconciliation. If you can survive important periods, then you can become harmonious, and you can inspire a happy future.

Yakshcho you say, 1965 r_k, which creatures behind a similar calendar, it is necessary to revise that the date of birth is not squandered yak bi in front river. So, r_k Derev'yanoї Zmії, yaky curve to the maximum part of 1965, starts on the 2nd of February and ends on the 21st of September. To that, for example, you were born among the Sich, your sign according to the horoscope is the Dragon.

Similar classification of signs of the Zodiac

The Chinese literal number does not match our understanding of the passage of time. Astrological change of one fate other than a similar calendar is practically constant at the time of day. It is connected with the time that it is sacred to coincide with another youngster, which happens after the winter solstice on 21 breasts. In this manner, the new period in China begins with different dates between September 21 and February 21.

How can you remember, 1965 according to the horoscope of the Derev'yanoy Serpent. Tse z tim, that in the adopted system of the Chinese astrological system, it has given an hour for the period of intercession of the five different elements of the First Elements (U-S):

  • Water.
  • Earth.
  • Into the fire.
  • metal
  • Wood.

The change of the important elements is not for the river, but for two, for that there are two fates, for example, 1964 and 1965 will be Trees. Two advances, 1966 and 1967 - fire.

Two rocks also have their own specifics. Їх is changed to Yin and Yang. Guess about them in more detail, so that, given the exact characteristics of the hour of the people, there is an interpretation otrimanih danikh.

  • Yin - calm, calm rocks. Which element is appeasing (for example, Wood, Earth, or Metal), Tim which river will be calm. For example, Vogon or Water, the rocks of Yin will be a little chaotic, but not the floors are strong, like at the front.
  • Yang - the fates of diї, great beasts, breaking through that sharpened conflicts. Tse periods of restlessness, unsettledness for tomorrow, fates, as if they can wreak havoc for a trivaly hour, as if they were not specific, they can’t be chewed in advance.

In this manner, having reported all the information submitted, we can characterize 1965 according to the Hidden calendar - the Church of the Tree Serpent Yin.

Basic drawings of the Serpent

Representatives of this sign cannot be called weak-willed. If he wants to be a powerful deyak, the secrecy and the externality in the eyes of other people. The reason for such behavior is not the lack of love for noisy and crowded places, the concentration is greater, lower in others. inner light. The stench vvazhayut for better dosit deeply yogo analizuvati, but to the process there is no criticality, so that a third-party poster can be secured for a moment. In the period of self-digging, people have more respect for that, like the stench of smart people and young people, for seeing their strong sides.

Tse mozhe play evil heat with them. Aje for the presence of an independent, let me have a superior assessment, at the Zmії s early century you can open up to see the absolute rightness of everything that is worth it. Tse almost podkriplyuєtsya її miraculous intuition, tsya zdatnistst can suggest a correct decision in such a situation, in such a situation it will be unobvious from the standpoint of logic.

Snakes are people who are very streamy, who rarely show their right emotions. The stinks always keep a small distance with any kind of person, it’s uncomfortable for them to open up. Through all and many people, the stench vvazhayut wondrous and fear them more for others. More tolerant. They can even take a spiritual chi physical bіl for a long time. In case of this, people, as if they were instructed, do not mark any changes in the behavior of the Serpent.

Financial status of the robot

Wooden snakes - kar'єristi to the brain of brushes. The stench is more than pratsesdatni, the hoarding of the beloved right for them is holy. That stink can forget about other things to do, as they are busy with it, which is appropriate. Like the Snake does not have internal conflicts, she is honest with herself and clearly shows her interests and pragnennya, she does not mind that she should be robbed. Tse can buti be-yakі areas occupy, all їy pіd force. Vaughn, however, can be a treasurer of a collapsible object or a theoretician of some kind humanitarian. A physicist and an astrologer, a writer and a fakhivtsy in electronics.

Zavdyaki living, dopitlivuyu rosemary, Zmіya zavzhd ruhaetsya. Vaughn vmagaє vіd do it, what is she doing, more and more collapsible viklikіv. Well, the stench will end, and the Snake reaches the top of the maisternost, it spends such a busy time, be it interesting. Tse is a weak beak of the sign. For the visibility of the ability improve your skills, tsі people are interested in in-line work in general.

The financial plan is doing better. Zavdyaki zdatnostі shvidko peremikatisya that take the fate of any spheres of practice, Zmіya without work does not stop. Learn a new one out of the great love, it’s better - її the goal of life. To that change labor activity is already characteristic of her. Especially worthy of doing so, in which you can show your erudition and hospitable intelligence from different sides. To this very thing among the wooden snakes, writers appear with great imovirnistyu.

Love stosunki and summіsnіst

Wooden snakes are already tied to the object of their deification. The stench can be a trifle of rubbish and sting, and the first crack is always given to them by force. Ale, as a partner of the understanding of the ungraspable tensions of the benigned Serpent (or the benigned Snake), he takes away the beautiful companion of life. All the people who love, enchant and enchant, love for them - bring them to throw off the favor and show themselves in front of a person in a fair way. Less than a friend, the half of the Zmії succumb її help day, truthful emotions and a wide sense.

Do not create at first glance the hostility of sensitive and biased cochants, at the lizhka of the Zmії - right companions and do your best. Through a great emotional predilection to the object of addiction, the stench with their caresses alone can call the mind and give a nameless taste to the malt. Moreover, they should be sensitive to the emotions of their outrage. Tse miraculous empathy, building subtly sensitive change your mood and adjust to the situation.

The summation with other representatives of a similar horoscope looks like this:

  • With Pivnem and Bik at the Serpent, a richly sleeping one, like a svіtovidchuttі, and at glances at specific speeches. These are the ideal partners for her, as they bring the impersonality of their own qualities, but do not cry out endless scandals and weldings.
  • Your sign, the Cat and the Dragon stench are looking at garni options, but more like friends that sharpened, lower like constant companions of life.
  • Even tighter and more foldable at the Serpent will be stosunki with Vіvtsy, Kіnmi and Shchurami. Tsі signs are urged to strangle and corroborate your will, which is not the power of the Serpent. In case of impudence, the namirs correct their behavior, the Snake, more for everything, to be guided by the controversy of zovs.
  • Mavpi, Tigers and Boars do not fit the Serpent for their character. With them, there can be less conflict, so the varto uniquely mixes the interests of the representatives of these signs.

Health is the way of life

The snake needs a clear regimen. Do not be yoga, do not be normal, healthy life. Correctly, that stable drawing of sleep and sleeplessness can give people an easier and trouble-free life until old age.

Stress is one more tricky factor, which the Zmії should be as unique as possible. Vaughn can be as calm and peaceful as possible, practice at a pace that is comfortable for her, in order to reach the essence of success. Postiyni rush and unacceptable situations, like they can piss off and suffocate, feel even more negatively about the Snake and don’t carry anything in yourself, a crimson headache.

People should pay attention to problems with their teeth and shlunkovo-intestinal tract.

Women practically do not suffer from ailments, they endure mild colds well and are strengthened by the immune system. The only weak side is the heart-vessel system, it is necessary to take care of it and not overwhelm it.

Infusion of the elements of the Tree

The warmth of that fruitful tree grows under its intercession of people similar to the new one. The stench of the earth is softer, loving warmth and turbota, non-conflict specifics. The symbols of the Tree and the elements of keruvannya are as follows:

  • The side of the light - Схід.
  • The ruling planet is Jupiter.
  • Color of greens.
  • It's time for rock - spring.

"Village" people are kinder and weirder. The stench appreciates the breadth of the otochuyuchih and respects those who are close to them in spirit. These people are accumulators, who charge all of them with their own energy and joy, bestow on them the warmth of their smiles and good words. But do not try to fool them, or show your coldness and callousness. The people of the Tree do not like nonsense, they are more sensitive to the evil and the smarter idealize everyone at once, gradually roscharovuyuchis at the quiet, whom they recognize closer.

Serpents in this sense are important for other signs. If I happened to be born under the intercession of the Tree, then most of my life will be deeply unfortunate. The natural strangeness will be smoothed out, there will be more richness with other people, but through those who are close to the joint suffering in the same vexedness, the love of relatives and associates will not be lost in the air. Tse can be like friends, like stupefying ti risi, like Serpents in them have grown up in the world, so are relatives, like they do not conform to moral principles.

Here cry Head problem- The serpent is already sensitive to evil, and the keruyucha їy element can be on the verge of a wider interpretation of this understanding. Mayuchi namovirno high ethical code of principles of morality, you won’t understand with your heart, as you can not follow it. Adzhe is the only right way, look at you. Through the greater number of quiet people, whom they respect with their comrades-in-arms and true followers of ideals, they appear not the same as they are given at first glance.

Otzhe, 1965, like a river behind a horoscope, - a river of people, like joking about a calm life, appreciating that calm. home fire. When combined with the representatives of the sign of the Derev'yanoy Zmії varto, remember those that stability and singability in the future most often occupy the top positions in the list of її values.

Respect, only TODAY!

1965 according to the Chinese horoscope - the green snake of the Serpent, the element of rock Wood.

The cob of fate of the Serpent according to the Chinese calendar - February 2, 1965, the end of fate - September 20, 1966. Lyudina, who was born before February 2, 1965, lies up to the Dragon sign (the front sign of the horoscope).

Character 1965 roku for chinese calendar

Behind the Chinese horoscope, the element of 1965 rock is Wood, and the element of the Serpent (patron of rock) Fire. The interplay of these two elements, Wood and Fire, is rich in what the character of rock is, as well as the character of the people of 1965 people.

Irrespective of those who in nature Fire carried a clear threat to the Tree, the ancient wise men came to this nourishment from the other side: The tree gives the fire a hedgehog, encourages it to live. Therefore, in the Chinese horoscope, the elements of Wood and Fire are well summed up one by one and positively injected into the character of 1965 rock.

Lyudina, as was born in 1965, the verses of the Wood and Fire are endowed with sleepy, positive energy, spirits, peace-loving, and also with priceless intelligences bring to the end. As if under the spitting verse of Fire, zgіdno with the Chinese horoscope, an impulsive character is being formed, the building’s swidko spalahuvat with interest to the point of chogos and so quickly goes out, then the person, narodzhena in 1965, will keep their interest forever. The tree gives great people, the people of 1965 to rotate, to plan clearly, to set specific goals and smut in front of you - it gives you the strength and patience to achieve these goals in an hour, otrimavshi vіdminniy result.

The character of the people, narodzhenoї on the river Zmії

Lyudina, as she was born in the river of the Serpent for the Chinese horoscope, she knows that this is the way to put the mark. With this number, the Zmії can be different - from the gentry or the scientific to the love and mercantile ones - the proteo would not have been meta, for her it was the most important thing in the world. The snake is ready to work everything and everything in order to create it.

Rocks of the Green Tree Snake:

(People who are people in the world are born with the Chinese horoscope, they are "heavenly twins", so they may be rich in why they are similar in character and look at life).

Celebrities who were born in 1965:

- Mikhailo Schatz, radio and Russian TV presenter, showman, comedian, actor of the KVK, theater and cinema, member of the Academy of Russian TV broadcasting (7 pm, 1965).

spiritual development

1965 Rick: What kind of creature do you imagine behind a similar calendar?

16 May 2014

The date of the birth of a person can be said a lot about a distant share. I want to know, what do you have in mind for the future, and how can you characterize such a person, you can show a horoscope. Tsya stattya will be tsіkava tim, for whom the є 1965 rіk is important. What kind of creatures they show wines, and how it is possible to signify a lot of people with the words of a person who was popular in this period - it’s about it itself.


It is important for us to tell fortunes about those who need to be correctly identified with their sign of the same horoscope. So, rіk there vvazhaetsya deshcho іnakshe, nizh with us. As we have the first date of the new fate, vvazhayut 1 Sichnya, then at the Skhodі tse 4 fierce. And it’s necessary to start changing your sign of the Zodiac if you don’t want to. Those who were born in the period from September 1 to February 4, 1965, will no longer be Serpents, but Dragons. Also, there is a memory of those that the cob of 1966 will be left for the time being by the Serpent, until the 4th of the fierce.

Main characteristic

What can be said about these people, for whom the year 1965 is important? What kind of creatures do you see? The next sign behind the similar calendar is the Serpent. What can you say about such people? So, most of all - these are special features, which always strive for their goals. Vaughn, the goal, can be both positive and negative, for the Zmії it doesn’t mean anything, but she wanted to kill everything, to take it away. It is also important to say that the people of this sign inspire wisdom in decisions and a lively clear mind, which helps them to achieve good results in different spheres of life.

So Zmії mayut miraculous relish. The stench is well dressed up, dorimuyutsya one singing style, always perebuvayut, as it seems, at all-encompassed. Representatives of this sign can without any problems acquiesce to Rozmov, even if they stink even if they are well-read and universally resentful. So stinks can easily resolve conflicts by diplomatic means. However, people like to themselves, and to the point of otochuyuchih can vysuvat pevnі pretensії, the stink does not like inconsistencies and cheapness. It is important to say about those who have their own greater Serpent - happy in life.

Positive vigor to character

Knowing, 1965 what kind of creature you represent - the Snake, varto add respect positive traits people of which sign. So, we should mark before us that people are smarter and not wiser beyond the rocks. So the Serpent is more tolerant, non-conflict, for which it is often shoved at different stakes. Even the representatives of this sign have the same organization and planning, which often help the Serpents in their everyday life.

Negative character traits

Varto also know about negative qualities, about how you can find a similar horoscope (1965 people, zodiac sign - Snake). So, they are even more powerful not only for themselves, but also for otochyuchy people. Such special features are guarded by guards, sometimes crossing the cordon of what is permitted. Deyakі Zmії for their nature arc lazy, prote yakscho nutrition does not succumb to the intended method. Representatives of this sign are jealous of the character, about the other halves of the language it is necessary to know. Well, even to negative qualities, one can also see the strimanity and the closeness of the Serpent.

Articles of authority

Knowing that the fate of 1965 according to the horoscope is Zmії, varto so to say, what will be the women and the people - representatives of this sign. So, women, by their nature, check for a partner who is buried by them. So Zmії-zhіnki cіkavo look at the nourishment of friend's fidelity, interpreting the yoga of that bek, which he sees. However, women like that should try to preserve their freedom and independence more. If people are the Serpent, then they are greedy jealous. The stench is constantly pidozryuvatimut their soul mate in the zrada, sometimes leading to the right to the point of absurdity. Likewise, such a person will be a good master and a good man, he will not let his family go hungry in a cold booth.


Having grown up, in 1965, I imagine a creature like that, just a few words to say about those, what a kind of activity is more like for such people. As it was said before, tse osobennosti, yak to love keruvati, so be able to stink to come out. A good sphere of activity of such people is science. There you will also need the living mind of the Serpent and the bajannya buti independent. So miraculously pіdіyde representatives of this sign doslіdnitska diyalnіst. And the shards of the Serpent love pennies and manage with them, you can take care of your business.


About what can you tell a similar horoscope (Zmiya, 1965 rec)? So, obov'yazkovo is required to guess how stosunki are formed in people, as if they are representatives of this sign. Serpents are calm by their nature, and in the waters they need harmony that silence. The stench does not like raging emotions and scandals, miraculously understand their loved ones from the word. Representatives of this sign easily get along with a lot of people, often marriage is not considered. Great problem, however, you can become jealous, powerful Serpents. However, if you don’t provoke your partner, the Serpent, in such a family, the peace is most likely to be panned, the silence is calm.

Derev'yana Snake

Otzhe, 1965 as a creature (horoscope) represents - zrozumilo. However, let's just say that there is a small nuance: it's the same Tree of the Serpent. What does it mean? So, all those people, like staunches at their perekonannya, stench rarely succumb to the temptation, and it’s important to reconcile them. So the Trees of the Snake are more beautiful for the others to help their goals, vicarious by the hour of the fence. However, they are not turbulent.

Not everyone takes horoscopes as seriously. But sometimes the same stench of the building will help the rosy character of a person, especially in that mood, as if it were a change, overwhelmed by the hour.

General information

For a similar horoscope those who were born in 1965 rock, perebuvayut under the guardianship of the Green Wooden Snake. May all the stench be beautiful intuition and achieve a calm vdacha. Ale, at the same hour, the stench is overthrown and that is sure to reach the desired result.

Krim tsgo, people, narodzhenі tsgo rock, too late take it on yourself and go from one extreme to another. And tse badly signified on їhnmu psikhologicheskogo stanі.

Obov'yazkovo varto means that the snake is a wiser creature evidently, and the people of 1965 to the fate of the people may have a clear mind. Zgіdno with the Chinese calendar, it is necessary to achieve successful and comradely people, so many friends or shanuvalniks will enter into them. However, it is not important for him to lead a quiet life.

Krіm tsgogo, practically nothing can be reached, so that the stench will stink more and more.

The snakes exude with a miraculous relish, they always look elegant and stylish, and they can also cheer for Rozmov. Until then, the stench is slandered in be-yakіy situatsії trimatі leadership, іnоdі cross the cordon of what is permitted.


As for the character of people who have a 1965 birth date in their passports, we can say that even more difficult people are independent of their state affiliation. Ale deyakі vіdmіnnostі mіzh zhіnkami i holovіkami єє.


The stink to finish the charismatic, to that they add a wealthy woman. Golovna їhnya zbroya - tse intellect and vіdmіnne almost like humor.

However, such people can only open up to the girl more often, as if they can be petted.

І naviti irrespective of those who, due to their nature, stink over avariciously, for the sake of your kohanoy Serpent do not harm pennies. Krim tsgogo, put before her stench will be like before the queen. However, such a feeling, like jealousy, will not allow them to love.


As soon as the girls hang out, then the Serpents are taєmnichі persons, like buildings to call rich people from the mind. We urge you not to shy away from anything in order to gain popularity - people themselves gravitate towards them.

Prote girls Zmії need to go overboard. Closely respecting his ideal, people do not criticize him. And the axis of the stench itself is pitiless in criticism. Until then, the connections of such women should be less with these people, as they need a solution to their problems.

The Snakes give their glory to these people, as if they are well-protected, and also make a clear mind.

Z tsієї cause the schools to enter, as a rule, z rozrahunka.

Infusion of the astrological sign of the zodiac

How to look at the signs of the zodiac, then the characters of different snakes are trochic.

  1. Aries dosit sensible, prote їm characteristic of timchasі mood swings, it will be very important to get used to it. Yakscho close people If you can follow them, then Zmії-Avni will become not only excellent companions, but also good friends.
  2. Taurus nadto comrades and rozvazhlivі. Be sure to stand firmly on your feet and be able to reach everything that you want.
  3. Twins need to be active for your nature. On the side you can get away, scho їhnі diї spontaneous. But really, be it right, the stench is really planning. The twin serpents have a dual character. Stink love is not less than zmagatisya, but th remagati.
  4. crayfish to do cunning and spritni, often manipulate the restless for their own benefit. Crayfish may have a lot of phobias, don’t cross the road for them, even if they stink, you’ll get into the image.
  5. Levy, On the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih Serpents, є by the closed ones, want to cope with the vengeance of great comrade characters. Look out for the thought of others, but for the solution, praise it independently.
  6. Divi they are inspired by the serpent's cunning and charm, to rob them with charms. The stench is always punctual and neat.
  7. Terezi- sensitive individuals, yakі mayut unconventional thoughts. Whether there is a spіvrozmovnik, the stink of the building is literally bewitching. If such a person accepts a decision, then she will all resolutely call. And the axis of a special life is such that people are modest and unruly.
  8. scorpions- tse cunning and even more aggressive people, yakі for reaching their goals building a lot of things. In public, stink your own reference behind a cheerful mask.
  9. Striltsі irritate and impulsive. The stench already zukhvali. More often than not, the bad bazhannya of the stink swells up in life.
  10. Capricorn vvazhayutsya by the most closed Serpents, it will be practically impossible to achieve this roztashuvannya. Friends of such people are few and far between; Zavdyaks to their minds often embrace high plantings.
  11. Aquarius free to dominate everything. The stench loves to stay at the center of respect.
  12. Ribi- more penetrating people, like folds and rich inner light. The stench can easily turn up a be-like people to themselves. And if you squint them, then you won’t be deprived of a carless person.

Finance and career

Since the Zmії are smarter people, then the stench can reach success in any sphere of activity. Zavdyaks of their intuition and perspicacity people, people of this fate, zdatni shvidko praise the need for solution. The kar'erne grows in their first place and to reach their goals, the stench of the building zastosuvat all the susilla. Zmії often take part in negotiations, miraculously conduct business.

Okrim tsgogo, among them a lot of lawyers and consultants. And the axis of the routine work of the robot is not for them;

Splikuvannya that friendship

It is important to win the trust of such people, even if they stink secretly behind their nature. Most of all, they deserve to be self-reliant, which is a little bit more complex.

If a person is able to turn the Serpent to himself, then he is given a support for all his life.

Sim'ya and stosunki

The love-filled serpents of the Serpent have romantics, but they are jealous to make them sing with their zhorstky world. A pair of stench is picked up too carefully for oneself, before that the other halves (a person or a squad) are not only guilty, but also dbailivi. If a Kohana is a person to heal the Serpent, then it will be the end of the stosunkiv.

Until then, it is important for mothers of all interests, as if only to bring the couple closer.


People, the people of 1965 roci, have a lot of blatant signs, however, the confusion with other people is rich in why to lie in addition, what a river of stench was born.

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