Secrets of human psychology: how to vikorize them to get hundreds. Human Psychology Psychology of Hundreds of Boys

The people respected their strong status; they ruled the world and will continue to do so until this day. We, men and women, who are at different poles, are so different from each other, but we cannot and do not want to recognize this fact.

To ensure that the battle with men does not turn into a fight, the women follow the mother’s statements (at least in disguise) about the psychology of men. For marriages to be successful, for emotional life to be brightened, it is necessary to develop mutual understanding and understanding, as well as for women to become aware of the peculiarities of the psyche and human psychology.

Rush of hormones

Why do we have such divisions? In truth, we differentiate one view from another not only by the official signs and appearance. The difference between the two stages is already established at the early stages of conception. Everyone is dependent on different hormones. It is the result of severe chemical reactions, a cocktail of chemical elements that are most important for humans - testosterone. The same hormone that represents success, power, struggle, sexual desire and happiness of life on earth. The very level of testosterone indicates the psychological characteristics of people. The brain of a person is similar to a computer, and already after 6 – 8 years after the conception of the basic “operating system” begins to be fascinated by the main programs. Light and medicine, on which great hopes are based, cannot radically change them. You can add additional programs, or based on existing basic programs. It is important to confront nature. Evolution programmed us in different ways, and we did not develop in the same way, exposing our skins to our strengths and weakening them so that we became what we are now.

Peculiarities of the human psyche

Nature has given us biological inclinations that seem to be necessary for us to live and live in extreme minds. What did she reward and what did she deprive those people of?

The man is strong, more energetic for his wife, but his energy sooner appears, and is seen earlier, sooner he gets tired. It’s called at the end of the day, but it’s effective, it doesn’t feel in the best shape after work or at the end of the day.

People move from a larger building to a spacious orientation. The stench is more likely to be oriented towards an unknown locality, and can easily identify the sides of the light. This power explains their achievements in these and other professions. People have a great talent for working with numbers. The basis of sciences related to computer technologies is mathematics. This is again connected with the vastness of my thoughts. In these professions, people are also important.

The brain of a man is a little larger than that of a woman, but it does not compare with his talent.

However, physiologists confirm that the specialization of the human brain is much different than that of women. And it’s not surprising that he perceives too much light differently and reacts to it in his own way. To be honest, you feel that the woman is not giving in, but you know that you don’t want and can’t meet your friend. He has no respect for details that are so important for a woman. This will cause no problems for mutual relations. Knowing the peculiarities of the functioning of the human brain allows us to understand what a person needs to do differently in each specific situation and help overcome many problems of a psychological nature.

Problems of spilkuvaniya

Apparently, men are not as good friends as women. Why? But the stench just doesn’t smell like a special department for the movie center. The entire brain and brain are indicative of flushing in humans. Nature has programmed man to act, not to flock, to conquer the world and protect his home, his territory. For a person, speaking means conveying dry facts and necessary information, and not infusing them with emotions, which is due to the rights of the mother, and is loosely connected with the left. If there is a problem, then you won’t discuss it out loud with anyone, how to deal with a woman. Just because a person sits, staring at one point, does not at all mean that he is tired or suffers from timidity. Rosmov knew this moment of its own accord. Don’t try to explain the reason why you seem to be in a bad mood. Lesson: Your brain processes rejected information.

The person has an analytical mind. When a woman talks about her problems, jumping from one topic to another, she becomes involved in her endless, emotional, balakan. I can’t hear for three hours now. So don’t be surprised if he interrupts you with the word: “In short!” Speak simply, emphasizing one problem for emphasis. Do not interrupt the person, if you like. And it’s just that clearly, vikorist and minimal volume of words. It’s easy to understand from your language what you need right away. Before the balakan woman, he quickly becomes interested: he deafly looks at her balakanin. He seems to be hearing. You can't and won't be able to earn money any more. It’s so important for him to prove that he’s right with his superiors and his squad: he won’t know the words he needs. And then comes verbal (verbal) aggression.

Dear women, listen to the rumors of your men

If you want to teach him about tensions (the love of receiving wives), it’s a waste of time, it’s not possible to understand the tensions. Humans are unable to comprehend the thoughts of other people. Even though intonation and facial expressions are used, certain areas of the brain responsible for establishing interpersonal contacts have not developed during the evolutionary process. ї. Vin begins to feel in this situation (my dear, guess for yourself what I need) not entirely reasonable, and therefore put him in a blind corner and fight.

Vin is a human being: if there is a problem, you need to find a solution. Vin is not a psychologist and all these approaches (squeezing and haircuts, as people seem) are not for him. Because it is important for people to adapt to work at school and because they know how to cope with the growing generations, there are so few people who are teachers.

Human emotions

The sensitivity of a person was muted during the hour of evolution, so emotions rarely found their match with their individual during the hour of spilkuvaniya. An impartial expression allows him to feel like he is the master of the situation. If emotions take over the mountain, then we will be verbal testimonies. There is no need to think that he is a bum and a rude blockhead. He experiences a sea of ​​emotions, but it is not accepted in the current society for him to demonstrate his feelings. So, it is better for a woman to keep her emotions under control. Vony (men) from childhood are accustomed to seizing their images, seizing their misfortunes and God forbid weakness. For anyone, to cry or be embarrassed means losing your image of a successful and strong person. The main thing is to endure the flowing emotions at the cost of your health.

Dear ladies! The man is extremely emotional. The wine is pea-like - covered with a hard scallop, and in the middle it is soft, like a kernel. Be tactful and respectful to the person. And then it is obligatory to share my experiences with you.

Don’t bother with the man’s life and don’t criticize him. Don’t prop up her status as a successful person. We can work together with a variety of speeches. Do not fall into a casual tone of frivolity and do not convey your claims to anyone. Especially when you are embarrassed.

Person's interests

The brain of a person programs objects, their shape and direction, which indicates the area of ​​their interests. They master the objective world. It is important for us to understand the interconnections of objects and the laws of their work. Marvel at the kind of TV programs people love: How it is governed, How it works, and so on. There are a lot of representatives of a strong status in the souls of architects and civil servants. Already at the planning stage, you can figure out what the result of your activities will be.

The basic need for self-realization is reflected in a person’s desire for sports, fishing, watering and computer games, so that he can be a conqueror and conqueror, stealer and competent among others. That’s why it’s up to you to follow sports fashions, to enjoy new products in the world and in politics. There is no sense in protecting this type of activity or its outcome. A man cannot tolerate the limitation of will: the more fences there are, the greater the fear of destroying them.

Dear ladies! Consider trusting your farmers. You can not? Then fall in love with their treasures, and you will be good with them in the future. You yourself will be their greatest companions, companions and guides in their adventures.

Human psychology: basic needs

Men and women perceive the same situation in different ways.

The need for security occupies an important place in human psychology. It always happened that, being strong, he cared not only for himself, but also for his friends, his children, and his life. He has witnessed the lives of those who lie with you. Vin is a health worker and a health worker. He will be deprived of it even in our enlightened age. It is so important for you to implement this function in your family.

Dear women! Do not fail to show the strength of your character, all the rice, the powerful people. Be weak and give people the opportunity to show their strength and be your henchman.

This allows people to feel like they have a head in the family. By thousands of years we have done this: we have solved the most important problems. Therefore, the wise squad will always be careful to make decisions and arguments of the person, reinforcing his knowledge and evidence from these and other food sources, wanting, perhaps, to make it in his own way.

Human psychology lies at the level of the development of basic consumption - self-assertion at any cost. The aim is to conquer power, to overcome competition. Its activity is directly within reach. He values ​​the success of his work and the number of pennies he earns. If someone has a lot of problems at work, then the special problems in the family go into the background.

To be a successful person, the specificity of a person’s psychology is important. Whatever the cost, it will be impossible to achieve success and recognition. And it doesn’t matter here, in any field (weeding, fishing, quarry), the firebrand is the best among colleagues, friends and acquaintances. Listen to what the drinkers are talking about! About my successes and achievements, about those that I value most.

An important role in a person’s psychology is played by his self-esteem, which is important in understanding his success in life. Coming out of this, and the raven of this house. If you waste your time on work, don’t know the stagnation of your knowledge and wealth, waste your business or friendship, become unusable in sex - and the strongest person gets ruined and breaks down. Thus, the strength and weakness of his psychology will be combined with him. That's why I need a woman's support again. You don’t like to have mercy and this makes you recognize your mercy better. For this, this is a significant blow to self-love, to self-esteem. For everyone, it’s all the same to know your defeat.

  • Do not trust yourself to the person in charge, since they tell you nothing about the price. There is no need to go to any lengths with your pleasures, especially if you don’t ask for anything. Wash it down. We are obligated to share our problems with you, if necessary.
  • Tim no longer has to show mercy to him, criticize him, or criticize him. This is the farthest and shortest route to separation. If you are ready to give pleasure, to earn money without fail and without worry. Don’t let the person generously believe that it is in his power to decide.
  • Try to support your partner in difficult situations. Know that you have reached your goal and are faced with all sorts of difficulties.
  • Do not demonstrate your superiority over a person in any way!

Psychology of people in stressful situations

In a stressful situation, a person needs to spend some time alone with his problem, concentrate, comprehend it and find a solution. And in such a situation, a person who is not well-known will be respectful to his household, show turbocharged love to his friends. If the problem doesn’t solve itself, you can get lost in reading the newspaper, mindlessly switching the TV from one channel to another, doing a crossword puzzle, or playing cards in the yard with your friends. The woman perceives this behavior as the man’s alienation, it appears. These claims are not substantiated, in the opinion of the person.

The axle is to blame for the stress and unreasonableness at the bearings.

Psychology of the “imagined child” in humans

In the soul of every human being there is a living child with its own weaknesses, childish dreams, images and unrealized dreams. There is a need for people to find the most successful and the most successful among themselves. You will always need maternal affection, respect, understanding and love, especially if you do not finish it in childhood. The task of a wise friend is to fill this lack of love and tenderness. All is good in the world. Do not fall into the role of a mother for your man and put yourself before a small child. This can have a negative impact on sexual desires.

There are different thoughts about this. This love is like fireworks on New Year's Eve: it shines brightly, but then goes out. It’s good if, in an hour of passion, warm emotional moments, tender friendship and trust are formed. It’s disgusting if a person mistakes sexual desire for sex. If you can’t cope with naked sex for long, then the search for love and new emotional cravings begins. Satisfaction with a person's sexual needs determines his behavior at different periods of life.

Human psychology and secular crises

People live by the hour, continuing one period after another, experiencing difficulties, settling down and reviving to a new life. People change gradually, both externally and internally. This is the development of specialness. Changes are especially obvious in people. A new skin crisis presents him with a new task and makes him anxious to make a choice, which means a further path in life. The woman may recognize the fact that the man is weak. Your life is not at all like a smooth road after a major overhaul: there are many invisible irregularities and potholes, crossings and congestion. But all the drastic changes in human psychology are transferred, and therefore understood.

Well, the man says he wipes and folds. Vin is physically strong, energetic and energetic, less vibrant, feminine. It is more difficult to get sick, and it is more important to wear clothes. The triviality of life is much shorter. There are strong calls, but also emotional and spills. It does not require sexual stimulation, but will require warm emotional feelings. He’s built himself, but he’s not ready to study in the first place. His psychology is changed by the length of life, and there is nothing peaceful in him. This is what Evolution intended.

Having said that, this man and woman are the essences from different planets. The stench is heard at once by the Earth, creating families, and not realizing one remains in the mind. For many generations now, women have tried to find the keys to human psychology, but to no avail.

The human mind is a useful riddle for women

It is most important for ladies, without a doubt, to understand the psychology of men in their lives and hundreds of years. Thousands of broken women's hearts all over the world, broken families, a persistent tendency to increase the number of separations simply require wives to engage in the development of human psychology.

Women are trying to learn how to communicate with men and create a system of harmonious relationships. Ever since then, the keepers of household goods have been trying to tame and domesticate these ignorant creatures.

Psychology of Kohannya

Scientists with behavioral motives have recently discovered the answer to nutrition, which is the psychology of people in the Kohanna. They saw four main functional motives:

  1. leadership in everything and in the daylights, in front of us;
  2. there is a constant need to nurture a child, and in this case a woman;
  3. the need, after a wet shower, to relax the home smell;
  4. Bazhanna will gradually give my wife respect.

Let us now look at how these motives look practical.

It’s no secret that the psychology of a crazy man lies in the deepest women of the heart. And because of the inaccessible beautiful sight, it is the strongest idea to get excited. This instinct in every human being is also primary in human psychology. The male is ready to bury himself in his kohanoi for any feats or recklessness. The head is meta - the heart of a woman.

These girls are not ready to splurge for long on the role of an unapproachable video-butt. Drink and excitement can fade, and the person loses interest. The woman's trick lies in cleverly seizing the moment when you feel like you're burning to the brim, and you can then move on to the category of a well-deserved trophy.

Girls cannot truly appreciate that gifts, deeds, respect and knowledge always last forever. This is the prerogative of the Kvitkovo-Zukerkov period. There is no need to report the person for absence if you already have enough time to pay.

An important psychological aspect of typical human behavior and leadership. The man wants to be the head of the family, as he knows in his centenaries. You must be careful not to tolerate trying to harm yourself.

This behavior is largely due to the peculiarities of traditional medicine. From childhood, a little girl is trained to be a friend and a mother, teaching her how to play dolls and dishes. On the contrary, the boy should be strong and courageous. The psychology of family life is laid down from the beginning.

A man may see himself as a leader

The psychology of people in Kohanna is super sensitive. On one side, I want independence, and on the other, homely peace and respect. People love, if they are praised, they will burst into tears of merit. Women work here most often. Respect for the person will turn into a turbo and about the woman herself.

The most complex aspect of human psychology is his polygamy. We will forever deprive ourselves of respect for other representatives of excellent status. A woman’s promise lies in ensuring that there is equalization on her chest.

If a woman is wise and chooses the hundredths correctly, then we won’t make fun of both of them on the side.

Knowing the psychological instinct of a person is the greatest benefit for promoting harmonious relationships.

Psychology of whore

The psychology of people in a whore is even more complex. The woman on whose path to look for new underwater stones:

  • the fear of making friends, which seems to be outside the boundaries of freedom;
  • The need to be a leader manifests itself even more, and it cannot be ignored by the one who financially drains the family;
  • A person respects that domestic dominion is strictly a woman’s sphere.

It’s disgusting for a man to endure any kind of encroachment on his freedom. He looks like a tractor driver, so the thought of a stamp on his passport can send him into a state of panic.

The friend has a special space to attend. Having intimate friends and spending time in bed is as important for a happy family life as the ability to spend an evening without your other half. There is a lot of fuss between both men and women.

A woman’s wisdom lies in the subtle manipulation of a man’s basic instincts for the benefit of a happy family life. It is his responsibility to consider himself the head of the family, although this is not the case.

Psychology of sexual cravings

Happy couples are impossible without harmony in intimate life. Sex occupies an important part of human psychology:

  • the man may begin to sing that his partner is always satisfied with him;
  • a person wants to lose a leader in sexual life, but also gives the partner the opportunity to panovat to introduce a little variety;
  • If a person is not satisfied with sex with a partner, then, unfortunately, satisfaction is still joked on the side.

A woman must always remember that a man’s sexual psychology is based on his desire to be the best for his partner. She can constantly praise him and be borderline cautious in case of misfortunes.

If you first have a passion for food, harmony in sex will be ensured by love, mutual understanding and knowledge of the subtle nuances of a partner’s likeness.

It is important for the man that the woman is satisfied. This gives you confidence in your powers.

One of the widest benefits of female behavior that builds an alliance is jealousy and suspicion. Knowing about the natural polygamy of human psychology, women cannot overcome their distrust. Consistent control, throw away scandals as soon as a person can accept them as if they were dying to their own free will.

When the time comes to take care of the business, the man may begin to sing that his partner is in heaven in the sun. Women usually cannot express themselves and show emotions. In such outbursts, we will not say that we will adapt.

Every woman can learn to tie a man to herself. For this purpose, it is necessary to carefully study the psychology of a strong position and correctly formulate this knowledge. These harmonious movements are by no means a myth, but the result of painstaking work, in which the brothers are guilty of resentment.

The relationship and mutual understanding will become partners in this bet, where both partners have learned psychological signs of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the flow of money. Human psychology is a mystery, like the teeth of a wise and patient woman.

How often do you ask yourself the question “How to understand a person, his affairs and his life?” And do you know the exact answer?

Can you say that I am completely satisfied with this, to what extent do you understand your man? Unfortunately, some women give up trying to find out more about the psychology of the swindled man, relying on those who nothing is impossible " Especially since there is a place for mutual images and disappointments.
The relationship between a man and a woman has its own strategies and mechanisms of reasoning.
And we need to ask ourselves: what do we really think about them? Is it correct for us to work with these mechanisms?

Once you understand the mystical people, it will be much easier for you to deal with them. And the truths that give the key to understanding the psychology of people in Kohanna. Successful 100-year-olds only get pregnant if wise women do not ignore the axioms laid down by nature.

Once you finish reading this article, you will not run out of food to understand the man. Men are genetically trained to act systematically, why shouldn’t women try it? Of course, not to one's own detriment, one's own nature and femininity.

If my translations are not enough for you to believe in the validity of my joys, please hear from one of my students (I am very grateful to Marina for her kind words):

Before I reveal these important truths, how to understand a person, I’ll start with one butt. Not typical for a man, but reasonable for a woman.

As soon as I wanted to prepare a delicious apple pie, I first found a bi-flavored fudge on the Internet and read its recipe. Having trusted the expert evidence, I would not have wasted a lot of energy. And the pie is the way I want it. All this is because I first learned about this “mechanism” - a recipe, and then it went from the right by itself.

Just show yourself! Everything that comes from us can truly be the way we WANT it to be in our lives. It's simple. It is enough to know the “mechanism”. I want to give you this knowledge. So let's take a closer look at the recipe for how to make a person understand. Do you hope that something unreasonable will come from your hundreds? Let's go!

5 facts about the inner light of a person that will help you understand him better.

Of course, it’s important to figure out how to understand a person – there’s no way to prepare a biscuit. And here you can’t get by with a good cupcake and a couple of broken eggs. Therefore, I present to you 5 facts about human behavior that will help you understand the psychology of men in relationships with women:

1. The woman has a great effect on the man.

Respect that people have power to lie in their boots. This is a myth that emphasizes the human role in it. The man has been living with his family for a year now, and is in production. It is customary to say: “
obviously and in power in this family, on your shoulders. Sophistication is an innate human kindness, ready to accept calls from other people, ready to support mountains (receive callswhat the world). That part is importantPEOPLE».

Ale tse" masculinity“We’ll pour the most in the wines with the woman (with you). A man of no ethnicity knows how to approach his wife. And most of us find it much easier to extract salary increases from our boss, plan and conduct business negotiations, which may place priority value on our work. To come into contact with great risks and to remove zisk from them is inherent in the genes of humans.

If there is a relationship between a woman and a woman on the right, the man’s fears will become impossible to overcome, they may take hold of the mountain above him, and he will not hit. Most people do not need to provide direct assistance to their sleep aids. A person is not good at motivating himself as effectively as he can earn money.competent woman " Do you want your boyfriend to earn more money, making you happy? Would you like him to hug you more often, telling you and showing you how much you care? Then motivate your person and every day, dealing with such a person will be a real joy for you.

I'm not talking about Special sessions of forestry for your man. I'm talking about the created atmosphere in your veins.

Therefore, motivate your boyfriend to do everything and more for you.

2. Men need wives who take initiative.

I have often heard about those who, in particular, have a human responsibility - to create grief.first croc" This has absolutely nothing to do with reality.

For us, marrying a woman first is a great plan. Beginning with acquaintances, and ending with everyday and family meals. I have already pointed out to you that it is much easier for us to enter into an affair with another person, because the fear of losing is not so great.

For us, from the beginning, all women are a fortune, before we need to know our approach. First of all, we need to get the woman into trouble. We are practitioners - we need to create a plan and implement it. In our understanding, “
first croc» - These are the actions that we directly address to those in order to attract a woman’s interest.

For example, if a person puts himself at the expense of work, then first of all he will try to earnget excitedpotential robot seller at his place. Those same things happen at the same time with a woman. If a person wants to gain respect, he directs his actions to attract his interest. Ale, be aware that when you get to know a woman, men are much more likely to succumb to the fear of losing theirs.”masculinity", almost " neither"At the end of the day.

So think about it. How do you let people understand your commitment to someone (for example, you can laugh or just say “
Hello"), then you take the great burden of choice from my shoulders -give up your masculinity, no matter what " Take it from me, people in absentiazakohani"from that woman, which shows that she is stuck in someone else's mind. And if you happen to come across a person here who you think would suit you, he will smile.
Yours is big - Vikorist Yogo!

3. If a woman allows you to do things with her, no matter what, the man will always be at a loss.

Cover it up, let me understand. Ale Vi is here in order to find out the truth and give advice on nutrition - to understand the psychology of human behavior. Let’s face it, but it’s a fact that these women are taking advantage of what they are allowed to do.

How do you know that titties with a man are developing at the key?Together with me, you won’t know anyone better ", then don’t let me draw the line. And tell him about it. Most people react to it adequately. This is how V shows self-esteem.

Men can never separate their centipedes
We feel good together » view « We will continue to share with this created family.” . If you think that the person does not see each other in the long-term perspective, tell him about this and put a check mark. There's no way to win anyone's money.

4. People are naturally jealous. If a woman provokes his jealousy through the method of intimacy, this has a negative effect.

First of all, I want to remind you again about the fact that magic is inherent in human nature. The best thing for a person to do is to think about what he or she might want to say about his other half, or himself.

Therefore, calling out jealousy in a person with the method of turning him around is one of the best methods. I, most importantly, have a reversal effect. A man from such a woman. Instead, in order to understand this catauvania.

5. The way to a person’s heart – through Him. Men make friends with women because they confidently believe in them.

I'll point one of my butts. One man is on fire, it would seem like a crazy idea. The idea was to create a self-propelled vehicle (which, as the name suggests, is an engine of internal combustion). And therefore, you spend a lot of time in the garage, working all your time on this idea, naturally, you don’t have time to take good care of your family. Ale yogo Druzhina, being "up tocompetent", today, she believed in the strength of her man, and instilled joy in him. Even the need to believe that the neighbors, perhaps friends and people close to them, were capping over her person, and herself.

And I was so troubled by a number of long-lasting fates. Years ago, she was married for her patience and wisdom. The day she and her boyfriend left that same garage in a self-propelled vehicle, the whole world still remembers as the day the automobile was born. The married couple were Henry Ford and Clara Bryant.

What is important for intelligent people

Hey, I want to make things clear. Be sure - your man is completely capable of coping with his direct human obligations. In fact, you don’t need practical concerns about things like how to earn money or how to manage your time. Also, there is no need for you to guess about those who, having realized that they are under obligation to you, are guilty of this.

A good man will only be in charge of such a woman as on his side. We don’t need to be taught anything, we don’t care about our mother’s friend. Your man will become successful and possible because of your broad loyalty, passion and faith in him.

Remember: You can buti for nogo. I have already written about this more than once in other articles. And a smart person obtains life evidence and skills on his own. There will be no need
get jealous with a person, or use unaethical, dishonest methods to bring him closer to you. Necessary for newbuttock", grant you faith in yourself.

And also – trust your choice. Why don’t you tell the taxi driver how best to take you to your destination? What kind of pedals and how to press? Where should I turn? That's right - you just give him money, then
Motivate Yogo" and he himself miraculously fits into the new task.

Don't forget about the truth. І You will see that hundred-year-olds can and will not have any problems with understanding.

Thank you for your respect, I really appreciate it! I am passionate about bringing ease and comfort to your life. You deserve to have a happy skin day. Your thoughts and insights are priceless to me. Especially since nutrition is a concern for the psychology of people in the Kohanna.

I look forward to your comments.

Current statistics of Yaroslav Samoilov:

Men and women think very differently. Speeches that seem obvious to girls and boys need to be explained in detail and explained in detail. It will not be long before men carry the same sense that women perceive. This is due to the importance of the psychology of recent articles. And the typical features that power most people, knowing which will help women understand their partner correctly and be happy with him.

Important! Today it is even easier for anyone to take care of themselves and add a sense of freshness to anyone. Yak? Read the story carefully Marina Kozlova Read more →

Typical features of human psychology

The psychology of a man in a relationship with a woman is manifested in a number of characteristics that have power over most people:

Men will get tired and get bored if a woman takes revenge on them through sex. The thought is that in this way he can be punished and punished, and given mercy. Such boycotts are starting for the sake of rich families.

Friendship between men and women

What to do for girls

To understand the peculiarities of human psychology, it is necessary to raise your subjective awareness of the world and marvel at the speech of the person’s father. Coryna, for the sake of the girls, who will help their happy hundred-year-olds:

  1. 1. Knowing that it is important for people to recognize when they are wrong, they need to do it wisely - not to become a bad person. It’s enough to express your dissatisfaction, explain your position and gain understanding in your eyes. Here the law applies - either the lucky one is entrusted with a strong example, or the rights are entrusted with a henpecked henpecked person. Soon, if a boy recognizes the superiority of a girl, his human ear dies and the ability to make a decision.
  2. 2. Don’t judge him by yourself. Since it became obvious from the first sustrichs that this is the kind of people who are needed for life, then we will kindly greet them with such knowledge and look for similar ones from the species. The boys need an hour to understand and realize how good and comfortable I am in these days, and then move on to a new level. Squeeze on the food "How serious is your death?" no prospects.
  3. 3. Praise and give compliments. This is very important for a person’s success. There are a lot of stories about how women reached the top after they were formed and away from pain. With people, everything is done with precision - only those who every day sense kind words that create success. It is important for rich girls to receive praise from themselves through the peculiarities of their grooming: they themselves rarely smelled the stink, and in their family their mother rarely praised their father. As a result of the stench, you simply can’t smell anyone. It is necessary to study and practice daily. Drives to earn a rich compliment:
    1. Externality.
    2. 4. Diligence - regardless of the result, it is necessary to desire all the actions of the boy, created in order to achieve good goals.
    3. 5. Intellectual data - thoroughness, the ability to accurately formulate a thought, support the theme of the study.
    4. 6. Prayerful brothers are responsible - they allow you to make important decisions and support them with someone else.
    5. 7. Masculinity is the ability to steal.
    6. 8. Professional skills.
    7. 9. Sexual attractions and others.
  4. Specifically, clearly formulate your thoughts. Otherwise, the wall of unreasonableness may emerge, in which the girl herself suffers - the situation was invented by itself, created by itself. A person can clearly understand what they want and what they think about him, or what they do.
  5. Talk to him to your heart's content. Greatness of life before your life, worry and peace give rise to your trust before your girlhood. Whenever a man comes to his wife to “cry” and be sad about life, this is the main sign that she has won and conquered him. Reactions to the command “unstitch the threads”, “I told you” and “hey man, get it together” are unacceptable. It is necessary to divide his sum without any arguments, discuss options for exiting this difficult situation, thereby pushing him to a successful decision. Every time you can’t take on most of the problems on yourself.
  6. Let him out to your friends and spend the entire hour doing your own thing - meeting friends, going to a beauty salon, managing your own shopping and doing whatever you want. It is important to be mindful of the time you have spent and not to overwhelm the man’s calls with questions about those when he arrives. Do not be with your friends as much as you need, and always return home - and even if you take the place of other lads from the company, the girl did not bother you. The fact of the obsession of this girl can also be prepared, respected, and made a little jealous before having fun. And this is for the sake of hundreds of hundred-year-olds.
  7. Talk about something new. Iron the shirt, prepare dinner, bring him chocolate, give him some tea if he’s sick. It is important to emphasize your position: it’s all about what the woman feels warmly, and not about what the woman is worth. Just as you can do something that is negatively felt, show tenderness and finally come to an end, because the woman is not guilty of anything, so is the man.

It is clear that a woman is successful in marrying a man, but it is not possible to support and vikorize like a woman. Otherwise, your self-esteem will decline, and you will begin to joke about someone who is “simpler.” And a successful lady will lose herself, as she often gets screwed.

If you want to brighten your chest with your boyfriend, if you realize that it is not enough to value you, becoming a stranger, or even a complete waste, then you need to become familiar with these rules. And you will understand that the psychology of people who are married to a woman is even different from a woman. And when a person moves away from you, don’t try to explain and let him know what a miracle you are.

Tim more, you don’t have to worry about giving him the most warmth and warmth and feeling him with your turbo. You only need to work if the person wants to work for you! The more you try to “serve” in front of him, the lower your value in his eyes drops.

How to paint stains

In order to paint your hundreds and make them work more efficiently and effectively, you need to learn a little about human psychology.

1. It’s the person’s responsibility to run after you, not you after him.

The person must always be in a position that will end all work with you at the early stage, as well as once you have already developed veins. He is obligated to understand that he will run after you, he will attract you, he will actively gain your respect. And then the person becomes more entrenched in this position associated with you. What is needed?

Remember: What a man needs is not something to run after, he needs something to run after.

So just let the youma follow you! And if you are willing to work for you, try for you, invest in you both morally and materially, then just give him all your love, warmth and excitement. If he doesn’t have to do anything for you, but you are steadily dancing in front of him, trying to satisfy him and “recognize” him, then you need to come out of the term “run after the man” position.

2. Play by your rules, not by yours

As soon as you start playing by these rules, you will lose. As soon as you begin to adapt to the new one: to confirm the call, you try to encourage him with those dimensions, you try to find out what’s more comfortable between you and then. - your importance for a person is falling!

So, in a lot of women's magazines you can read about those who need to know about a man's hobbies, read all the information in order to become a useful companion. Or go with him to places where you can love and spit, even if it’s not appropriate for you at all. In reality, this is not entirely true. With this kind of roses about your burial, you can further encourage your participation in the “comrade” level and become “your lad” for the new one. You don’t need to force yourself to work those things that don’t suit you, but rather wear those things that don’t suit you. It is better to work only in a way that suits you effectively. Even men can clearly sense that if a woman wants to be worthy, they can start “exploiting” her again. Better yet, he tries to become worthy of you and jokes around with you for your sake.

I know a woman who spent her entire life as a night owl, but for the sake of her boyfriend she “retrained as a lark.” Just to prepare and serve food to you! Vona went to bed with him at about ten o'clock in the evening, could not fall asleep for a long time, and she had to get up at about 5.30. She was all tormented, the pain was like agony for her. And this day she felt broken and tired. Nowadays, it is important for women to sleep, otherwise they will waste energy and, of course, extra gain.

What do you think this person appreciates and carries in his arms? Absolutely not. Once again, she began to shout at her that she had been taking a long bath at the bathroom and stated that she should first prepare drinks, and then go to the toilet and take a bath, otherwise she would have to go to work. So, just like that, just get up from bed, run to the kitchen and cook. This is a real fall from life! You see, this great squad was so timid in the past, they constantly competed with her, and it is understandable that my friend often played in this affair.

Zhreshtoy, she collected her speeches and went out of the way. And what’s craziest is that they didn’t follow her, because they inevitably forgot about her and welcomed another woman into the house, so she wouldn’t prepare food for her, have dinner that evening, and serve a cup. In a word, from the very beginning I needed, in essence, a house-worker and there is no language about any kind of love here. Why did the world need to be so concerned about oneself?

Many wives turn into a supportive mother for their men, taking care of them, controlling them, allowing them to trust and “pouting their lips.” And then they wonder why the woman has long ceased to smell the stench, and the man has become rude and rude. This topic is well covered by the statistics

Some men specifically test their wives, which means to what extent they can “bend over”. And so, it’s undeniable to worry. This is a re-verification of yours.

Another friend of mine met, and then began to live happily with a man who was a vegetarian. Having begun to pour in, literally to force the food system on her, the stench began to boil often, and at the end of the bag it went away, since vegetarianism was part of this stage of life in her plan. I just want to feel a little bit up to this person. He followed her, he begged her, he asked her, he waited for her to eat what they wanted and turn her. Because she also loves her and wants to be with her. It stinks to live at once, she never became a vegetarian, but began to love vegetables and porridge more. Ale meat and cowbass, it’s all the same 😉

As soon as you try to pass your test, your importance decreases! As you can see...your importance is falling. You will already demand it. And that's it.... you're like a candy wrapper for everyone. Forgive and unnecessary. If you want something useful for a person, place it in your frame! You can follow your rules. Take his position if he can meet your standards. Your tests may be taking place.

You have value - you shouldn’t marry for value. And then we will develop your stable legs. From whom you will take away those that lure you. And that recognition takes away your respect. And for this purpose, position yourself as a “prize-woman,” “gift-woman,” “city-woman.” And in order to position yourself this way, you need to work on yourself and raise your self-esteem.

3. Let him choose you

The more people fight for you, the more you need for the new. And don’t stop making thoughts, just in words, and, of course, with active actions. Your value to someone else becomes greater and greater.

Just remember! As soon as you take the position of fighting for someone else, your value in his eyes will go downhill. Of course, you will not be accepted... But you will not be accepted later, if you realize that you are losing him.

And women who become the initiators of hundreds. They get to know a person, then they begin to irritate him in every way, then they come to the point of lying. And then, in most episodes, the person either gets cold or disappears completely. Because he didn’t fight for this woman, he didn’t invest his strength and emotions in her. And those who didn’t get inspired right away, then who are they supposed to be for free? Besides, it’s not particularly necessary for anyone to get wet and get wet.

So, at first glance, it may seem that there is nothing terrible in the fact that a woman shows initiative and fights for a man. Even though you will want and often convey this kind of interest to yourself. Ale nadali begin in such veins. If the man is not lost, then the women will always need to pull him towards themselves and fight for him. In a word, she fought for someone and therefore positioned herself as a “prize man.” And they continue to stand in the same position. It is unattractive and unacceptable for women to sit and sometimes it is boring.

4. The more a person invests, the more valuable the hundreds will be.

And I’m talking about money, I’m talking about everything. The more a person invests his time, his actions, pennies, gifts with you - this is how important you are to someone else. Your hundreds will be more valuable.

Of course, this is not about the situation if the woman lives with a man for pennies. We are talking about normal healthy eyes. So if you want you to have stable, serious problems, the person can invest with you. Ale once again you are not to blame for being in the position of marriage! The position of the woman is turned. Otherwise the effect will be reverse. It is necessary to do everything correctly.

The drainage is very important, and such a stench is rapidly developing (read). In a word, the more people you invest in, the more your respect, recognition as a good and wonderful person, and your sexual availability are taken away. Because there is more hope that we will remove close contacts with you.

If a person treats you well, don’t skimp on compliments and kind words. But, again, don’t overdo it, otherwise you’ll become self-confident and find yourself a “prize man.” Strive for balance and don’t strive for anything more, nothing more is for you.

Since a person takes away EVERYTHING, nothing for whom there is no problem - he knows the sensation of working with someone who is with you. What's the matter? And he has already gained everything he needs.

And, of course, you can’t even talk to him about it! There is no need to talk about it out loud. It’s your fault to simply understand the hour of sleep with you. People understand everything. Everything stinks. I stink shvidko catch the rules of the gris.

Taka psychology of men in marriage with a woman. If you want to paint your boots with your crazy man, you need to remember these rules. These simple principles for the development of tires have been tested by mankind for centuries, thousands of years. Whether there are any relationships between men and women on planet Earth, if a man passionately loves a woman and is ready to do anything for her, we have 5 rules for life.

Therefore, it is obligatory to vikorize them, but not to vikorist it is unreasonable. If you want to delve even deeper into human psychology, then please read the book “The truth about men that most women don’t know.”

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